Grammar Rules 2

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We use for and since with the present perfect to talk about a period of time up to the present.

We use for when we are talking about the length of time up to the present.

I’ve been in the team for three years.

We use since when we state the starting point of the period of time up to the present.

I’ve been in the team since 2012

I’ve been in the team since I was 13.

Example ;

Superstitions have been part of sport since it began.

Some footballers have worn the same pair of socks for many weeks.


Yesterday Two hours
10th June A few days
1995 A long time
She was student Many years
My birthday Last week

Complete the sentences with for and since.

1. The modern Olympic Games have existed since 1896.

2. England hasn’t won the World Cup for a long time.
3. Table tennis has been an Olympic sport since 1988.
4. Our town has had a sport stadium since last year.
5. Juan has been a Malaga supporter for seven years.

Write questions using How long ..? and the present perfect.
1. How long you have been at this school?
I’ve been at this school since 2022
2. How long have you live in your town.
I’ve live in this town for two years.
3. How long have your parents have known each other ?
My parents have known each other for 23 years.
4. How long have computer exist?
Computers have existed since 30 years ago.
5. How long you have a mobile phone?
I’ve had a mobile phone for nine years.

Lucy: Nina:

You look

I’ve won a game of

chess against Adam

Who’s Adam Green?

He’s been the school

chess champion for
two years.

How long have you

been in the chess
team ?
Only for January.

Well done!

Oh looks he’s sent me a message.

What does it say?

Congratulations! You’ve got

better since we last have

We use the present perfect to talk


~actions that happened in the past, but

We use the past simple to talk about:
we don’t specify when they happened.
~ completed actions in the past.
~actions that began in the past and
continue now. ~states or repeated actions in the past.

~recent actions

Choose the correct words.

1. Look! I’ve found a four-leaf clover!

2. It’s been Jo’s birthday last week !
3. Dan’s cat had four black kittens last night.
4. Oh no! Somebody’s broken the mirror!
5. Jo’s given me this charm yesterday.

Complete the postcard with the past simple or present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

Dear Beth,

We’ve been in Ireland since Saturday and we’re having a great time! Yesterday morning we went to
Blarney Castle and I kissed he Blarney Stone! In the afternoon we had a picnic I the countryside. The
weather isn’t good. It’s rained four time since we arrived.

Love Katie

PS I saw a rainbow yesterday, but I haven’t catch a leprechaun yet!

Complete the essay with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

The History of Superstitions

How long have people had superstitions? Probably since the world began! For thousands of years ,
people have looked for ways to explain why certain things happen.

The evil eye

The superstitions of evil eye has existed In Greece since ancient times. The ancient Greeks
believed that some people could have a bad effect on others just by looking at them. Since then,
Greek people have worn special bracelets with a blue ‘eye’ on them to protect them from evil.

For centuries, people have thought that cats have magical powers. For this reason, the ancient
Egyptians kept cats in their homes and did not allow anyone to treat them badly.

The number 13
Why has this number 13 become an unlucky number? Some people say it is because there were 13
people at Christ’s last meal. Friday the 13th has not always been an unlucky date. People only
started being superstitions about it in 20th century, but no one really knows why.




You should tell You shouldn’t Yes,you

someone about the forward nasty Should you reply? should./No,you
problem messages. shouldn’t

Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t.

1. You shouldn’t spend so long on the computer.

2. Rosie shouldn’t shout at her little sister.
3. I should do Zumba. It sound fun.
4. We should be friendly to the new girl at school.

Write the questions using should to ask for advice.

1. Should I buy a new phone?

2. Should they tell someone about the problem?
3. Should Vicky go to the cinema with Matt?
4. Should you paint your bedroom black?
5. Should we order pizza?


They must stop their behaviour.


You mustn’t deal with the problem alone.


Must I tell my friends?

Short answers

Yes,you must./No,you mustn’t.

Write sentences with must or mustn’t.

1. You mustn’t enter before 11am!

2. You must knock before you open the door!
3. You must take off your shoes!
4. You mustn’t make the bed!
5. You mustn’t move anything!

Write sentences which mean the same as the five rules about social networking
sites.Use should,shouldn’t,must or mustn’t.

1.You mustn’t post photos of people without their permission

2. You shouldn’t give your personal information to people you don’t know.
3.You should write polite comments on another people profiles.
4.You shouldn’t believe everything people write about themselves.
5.You must remember that online friends aren’t same as real friends!
affirmative negative Time expressions

Present simple Crocodiles attack Crocodiles don’t Never,usually,often,sometimes

people. attack people.
Present Continous They’re travelling They aren’t travelling Now ,at the moment
around Australia around Australia.
Past simple Lucy left on Tuesday Lucy didn’t leave on Yesterday, two months ago,
Tuesday last weekend
Past continuous Chris was watching a Chris wasn’t watching while
programme about a programme about
snakes. snakes.
Present perfect I’ve seen photos of I haven’t seen photos Never, just
the Australian of the Australia
Outback. Outback.
Will You’ll need to drink a You won’t need to Later, tomorrow ,soon
lot of water. drink a lot of water.
Be Going To We’re going to fly to We aren’t going to Tomorrow, next week
Sydney. play to Sydney.


I had a scary experience yesterday. While I was watching TV in my room, I saw a tarantula
on the wall! Tarantulas are very big poisonous spiders which live in hot place. You shouldn’t
touch them because they can bite. Luckily the tarantula didn’t bite me!
We ‘re staying in Alice Springs at the moment. Tomorrow we’re going to climb Uluru, a big
rock in the desert. Maybe we’ll see some kangaroos!

Complete the sentences so that they are true for yo.Use verbs in the correct tense or form.

1. I play football every day.

2. I’m doing work at the moment.
3. I went to Kota Kinabalu last week
4. I was wake up at five o’clock this morning.
5. I’ve never go to moon in my life!
6. I’m going to the hotel on my birthday.
7. Maybe I’ll try it later.

In PSHE we are learning bout first aid kit at the moment. When an accident happens you must act
quickly and calmly. What should you do in these situations?

1.Your little brother has burned himself on the cooker.

2. A woman is lying on the ground and isn’t moving.

3. Your nose hasn’t stopped bleeding for five minutes.

4. You’re banged your head and think you’re going to collapse.

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