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Introduction of IOT

The Internet of Things involves the numerous physical devices

worldwide connected to the internet, collecting and sharing data. Due to
the production of super-cheap computer chips and the availability of
wireless networks, it’s possible to turn any object or thing into a part of
the IoT. If we connect up all these different objects and add sensors to
them, it then adds a level of digital intelligence to the devices that would
otherwise be dumb, enabling them to communicate with real-time data
without involving a human being. The Internet of Things makes the
world around us more competent and responsive, merging the digital and
physical universes.

An IoT ecosystem comprises web-enabled smart devices that use

embedded systems, like processors, sensors, and communication
hardware, to collect, send, and act on the data that they acquire from
their environments. These devices share the sensor data they collect by
connecting to an IoT gateway or other edge device. The data is further
transferred to the cloud to be analysed or analysed locally. Often, these
devices communicate with other related devices and act on the
information they get from one another. The devices do most of the work
without human intervention, although people can interact with them,
such as setting them up, giving them instructions, or accessing the data.

The Internet of Things is actually an unbelievably broad concept. By the

year 2025, the number of IoT devices is expected to reach which is 8x
more than the population of the Earth. It can include anything from a 1-
Million-Dollar car to a smart knife. Plus, according to McKinsey’s
research, 127 new IoT devices get connected to the Internet every single

For you as a business owner in the fitness industry, it means that a lot of
your (potential) users probably own a fitness tracker and measure the
basic metrics of their body like heart rate and walking distance on a
regular basis. This is something you should live up to — it’s no longer a
way to stand out.
IOT in the Fitness
Over the past few years, Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have
grown in popularity. Today, there are many different ways to integrate
IoT systems for various purposes, but some of them stand out
significantly from others. This is why IoT in the fitness industry is such
an exceptional case.

COVID-19 has shown us how valuable this technology is to gyms and

wellness centers. Based on a Forbes article, the pandemic has helped
shift customers' focus to digital workout solutions (fitness apps and
others). For this reason, most fitness centers are already focusing their
attention on IoT, VR/AR, and AI/ML and are demonstrating a growing
interest in sports software development services.

It is also worth noting that the intelligent fitness market will reach
nearly $30 billion by 2025.

This growth is driven by the strong demand for innovative training

solutions. People want new tools to achieve their fitness goals.
Technologies such as IoT, AR, and VR are driving the proliferation of
smart health devices.

Internet of Things in fitness and modern sports apps

IoT-based technologies in the fitness industry could completely change
the market and the way you exercise. So let's consider the most
popular use cases of IoT in the fitness industry

How IoT devices are changing the fitness industry

1. They can help to personalize exercise

2. They allow immersive training
3. They simplify equipment maintenance
Let us show you a few ways in which the Internet of Things systems are
changing the fitness industry:

1. They can help to personalize exercise

This is the most well-known characteristic of IoT integration in gyms and

the wellness industry in general. Based on the data received from wearables,
sensors, and smart training equipment, the workout routine can be
customized to suit the individual perfectly. Additionally, it’s very easy to
track your fitness progress with such devices.

2. They allow immersive training

VR technology, headsets, in particular, can be used for so much more than

just entertainment purposes. When it comes to working out, virtual reality
can provide an immersive experience to users, giving them a chance to
exercise in an appropriate environment anywhere they are. Moreover, VR
allows training with others even when everybody can’t be together in one

3. They simplify equipment maintenance

To ensure customer satisfaction, gym owners have to take good care of their
machinery. Due to the frequent uncertainty about which equipment is being
used the most, it’s hard to tell which machines are worn down. With an IoT
system, though, all the usage information is readily available. Thus,
understanding which equipment has to be maintained is much simpler.

IOT fitness devices examples

IOT fitness devices are currently on the rise. For that reason, there is a huge
variety of them. Let’s look at some examples of fitness and wellness IoT

We will surely see IOT systems become more widespread in our everyday
lives soon. That’s why it’s just the right time to take advantage of this
emerging technology if you have a health and fitness company.
It can be rather tricky, but with concrete ideas and a solid team on board,
you can create an amazing solution. A smart fitness Internet of Things
system can help you reach your target audience, boost customer
engagement, and increase your profits. Many consumers want to use an
innovative exercising solution, so seize this opportunity to cater to them.

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