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American Inside Out Evolution Upper intermediate

Unit 3 Test
Name Karina Moreno Gonzalez____ Score ______/50

have, make, take collocations

1 Complete with the correct form of have, make, and take.

a) His grandparents made a fortune in the oil business.

b) Did you take notes on his lecture?
c) Mark wants to take responsibility for organizing the meeting.
d) When you have a minute, could you please open this jar for me?
e) I think they’re planning to make a start on this project today.

(5 points)


2 Underline the correct words.

a) The few last fans were flooding / trickling / streaming through the exit.
b) Don’t spend / waste / take my time. Get to the point.
c) I’ve been digesting / chewing over / baking the problem, and I have an idea.
d) How can they possibly expect us to chew over / digest / flow all this information at once?
It’s too much!

(4 points)

American Inside Out Evolution Upper Intermediate Unit 3 Test
Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2018
Money expressions

3 Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. There are two extra phrases.

a breadwinner blow earn a living loaded pay off save for a rainy day splash out on

a) This job is awful! I wish there was an easier way to earn a living.
b) She’s decided to splash out on a vacation after all.
c) I’m going to blow my winnings on a new camera.
d) Can you pay off the loan by Christmas?
e) Luke will pay for dinner. He's loaded.

(5 points)

Reported speech

4 Write the direct speech in reported speech.

a) “The operation was a great success.”

She told reporters that the operation had been a great succes
b) “We’re going to the movies after we leave the restaurant.”
They said that we going to the movies after leave the restaurant
c) “Why don’t you want to take the exam?”
He asked me Why I don't want to take the exam
d) “I didn’t see the robber steal the car.”
Richard claimed that I did not see the thief steal the car
e) “I can’t believe he’s going to prison.”
She said I can’t believe he’s going to pri

(5 points)

American Inside Out Evolution Upper Intermediate Unit 3 Test
Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2018
Unreal conditionals

5 Match the sentence beginnings (a–c) with the endings (1–3).

a) If I don’t have to work this weekend, 1) I’d have a lot of freedom.

b) If I earned a lot of money, 2) I’d have saved some for a rainy day.
c) If I had earned more money last year, 3) I’ll go shopping.

(3 points)

6 Complete the text with the correct conditional form of the verbs.

If I had a lot of money, it would be great because I don't have to work, and that makes me
extremely happy! I would buy myself an amazing apartment somewhere, and I would go back to
college and study art. But I don’t have a lot of money. I almost did, though. Usually I buy a lottery
ticket, and I always choose the same numbers. But last weekend I forgot, and my numbers came
up! If I would bought a ticket, all my dreams would come true.

(8 points)

American Inside Out Evolution Upper Intermediate Unit 3 Test
Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2018
Language for Life
7 Complete the conversation with the phrases in the box. There are two extra

I can probably splash out. I just thought I’d get something cheap. It isn’t worth very much.
I’m a little hard up right now. Why don’t we push the boat out this year? What’s your budget?
I could probably stretch to $50.

Leah: Oh, before I go, can we talk about Dad’s birthday present?
Paul: (1) I can probably splash out. He’s not really big on gifts.
Leah: But this is a big birthday. (2) Why don’t we push the boat out this year? We could club together to
get a digital camera. A good one.
Paul: (3) I’m a little hard up right now.
Leah: Yes, I know, you’re a poor, hard-working student! (4) I just thought I’d get something cheap.
Paul: Well, let me think ... (5) I could probably stretch to $50.
Leah: OK. That’s great! And I’ll pay the rest so we can get a really good camera.
Paul: Thanks, sis. When I finish college and I’m a rich businessman, I’ll pay you back.
Leah: Right.

(5 points)

American Inside Out Evolution Upper Intermediate Unit 3 Test
Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2018
8 Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

a) Bill Gates is a graduate of Harvard University. f

b) Richard Branson’s teachers were right about him. f
c) Richard Branson’s dyslexia prevented him from achieving academic success. t
d) Oprah Winfrey’s grandmother was an extremely poor housemaid. f
e) Oprah Winfrey’s first job was on the stage. f

You may be surprised to learn that nearly two-thirds of the world’s richest men and women didn’t inherit their wealth,
but made their own fortunes through determination, luck, and taking risks.

Many of these self-made billionaires didn’t even finish school or college, like software giant Bill Gates. Gates told his
parents that he wanted to leave Harvard University before he graduated in order to start a company selling software.
Luckily, they recognized how motivated he was, and agreed. That company became Microsoft.

While Bill Gates did at least go to college, Richard Branson, the British entrepreneur and businessman who founded
the Virgin Empire, left school with no qualifications at the age of 16. He has dyslexia, a condition that can cause
difficulties with reading and learning. Dyslexia was little understood when he was in school, and his teachers thought
he was just stupid or lazy. Branson believes that if he hadn’t had dyslexia, he probably wouldn’t have become a
success, because he wanted to prove to everybody that he was neither stupid nor lazy!

Some of these billionaires, like Oprah Winfrey, the African-American talk-show host, were born into poverty. She was
the daughter of a housemaid and a coal miner, and lived in extreme financial hardship on her grandmother’s farm in
Mississippi for a large part of her childhood. Oprah’s lucky break came when she got a job in radio while she was still
in high school. Oprah’s grandmother has often said that she always knew her granddaughter would end up on the
stage, because she never stopped talking as a child!

Full of struggle and sometimes pain, dreams, and courage, the stories of these rags-to-riches billionaires are an
inspiration for us all.

(5 points)

American Inside Out Evolution Upper Intermediate Unit 3 Test
Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2018
Pronunciation no

[Track 5]

9 Listen and underline the schwa sounds in each sentence.

a) The butter was as hard as a rock.

b) It’s four dollars for a kilo.
c) You can save a penny a day.
d) The best things in life are free.
e) The children were as good as gold.

(5 points)

[Track 6] no

10 Listen to Brian talking about his most treasured possession. Underline the correct

a) Brian has had Panda for as long as he remembers / longer than his other stuffed animals /
since he was born.
b) Brian used to pretend he was a panda / Panda was him / he was an animal in childhood games.
c) Now, Panda looks as good as new / a little old and shabby / completely bald and discolored.
d) Brian used to tell Panda his worries about school / his secrets / stories.
e) Brian would sell Panda if he was worth a fortune / has no intention of selling Panda / is
thinking of selling Panda to a friend.

(5 points)

American Inside Out Evolution Upper Intermediate Unit 3 Test
Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2018

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