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Are there any differences between the managerial functions in a profit

organization and a non-profit organization? Explain.
There are major differences in how things work between the two, such as culture,
priorities, or motives. However, there is no difference when regarding the four
managerial functions. They both still do planning, organizing, leading and controlling but
just with a different way from each other to reach the results that they want.

2. Using any of the popular business periodicals (such as Bloomberg

BusinessWeek, Fortune, Wall Street Journal, Fast Company), find examples of
managers doing each of the four management functions. Write up a description
and explain how these are examples of that function.
Planning: Ruby Goat Dairy, Byron Walker and Ruth Mitchell showed examples of
planning by defining their goals to open a long term dairy farm for a retirement project.
When starting out they identified challenges, and realized the biggest challenge were the
gaps in their knowledge, so they hatched a plan to find a solution for this problem.
Walker and Mitchell are competitive people so they came up with a game plan to get
ahead of everyone else. They gave themselves some time to learn as much as possible.
The plan was simple, Mitchell first took an internship as a goat farmer to learn how to
make cheese. They then borrowed a goat to start making cheese. The next part of their
plan was to learn more from veterinarians, online videos, and other local farmers. They
maintained efficiency by following a schedule and reevaluating their situations when
things go awry.
Organizing: An example of organizing would be to organize where things should go and
how it would run. For example you have a goal to organize a charity event. You would
have to classify the activities that would happen, calculate the resources that would go
into said event, assign someone or groups to accomplish necessary activities.
Leading: When leading you need to provide direction to accomplish the objects you
have. You need to motivate your people for them to be able to work to their fullest.
Communicating effectively would be a very important thing while leading, everyone in
the team should know what they are doing, exchange ideas, and make sure everyone is
on board and on the same page. Motivating the employees by setting clear goals and
rewarding them effectively when they achieve something great. Correct those who
disregard their work but also not punishing those who failed but tried hard. Providing
opportunities for growth of the people would also be very good.
Controlling: In this function supervising and managing the business is the goal. It is to
identify if there were any mistakes or if something went wrong, to figure out what is the
cause of the problem and make appropriate changes to improve and get closer to the
goal. This could involve changing the steps they proceed with things, adjusting the
strategy, changing procedures that were ineffective, or training and improving the
performance of the employees for a particular issue.
3. Discuss why organizational culture plays a major role in business operations and
employee behaviors. Explain its impact on CEOs, managers, and employees.
The culture of the company influences how their people behave, thus, it is very
important. Every organization has their own culture and values, these impact everybody
working there. It creates a unique identity for the organization that may make the people
feel like that’s where they belong and increase the feeling of teamwork with the people
they work with. The culture can also create a culture of engagement which can make
productivity increase and keep people happy or feel excitement about working there.
Top performers and the talents they have can be more likely to be retained as well.
The CEO who sits on the top is responsible for setting the environment and culture of
the organization. But the CEOs can also be impacted and influenced by the existing
culture. For example, if the culture is to prioritize the results rather than speed, the CEO
might feel more laid back than if compared to the culture of an organization trying to
achieve as much as possible in the shortest amount of time.
The managers will also get affected by the culture around them. If the culture of a small
business may force a manager to take on the role of a disciplinarian and correct the
behaviors of the employees. Such as giving written warnings or issuing them verbally.
They may also conduct the performances of their employees and ideate ways to improve
things. This type of culture may hinder the relationships the managers will have with their
employees when comparing with a manager who had been impacted from a
disseminated leadership culture.
For the employees, the culture is just as important since it impacts on their performance.
For example, in a rigid and strict environment where the employees are only allowed to
communicate with their direct managers and nobody else. This may decrease the
motivation of the employees and have negative sentiments towards the workplace,
which could result in feuds and very low employee engagement. As a result, such an
organization may have a high turnover rate.

4. Why is it important for managers to pay attention to demographic trends and

Trends and shifts change all the time so it is important because it can help give insight
about the things going on around them and what the demographic they’re targeting is
currently demanding. This can help increase productivity by knowing what to aim for and
what to prioritize, what to invest in, and lower the risks when making decisions related to
such. It may also increase the relationships with the employees, for example,
unknowingly doing something that is related to an offensive trend might put a strain in
the relationships or cause a bad atmosphere to form in the workplace.

5. How do companies take advantage of local and global opportunities by building

suitable organizations? Provide an example from your country.
Go-jek, is an Indonesian based on-demand-multi-service platform and a digital payment
technology. They first started by hiring only 20 of the extensive number of motorcycle
taxis in Indonesia, and as they got better pay, more ojek drivers started joining in. While
many believe Go-jek is Indonesia’s equivalent of Uber, they would be wrong. Because,
to stand out, they developed more than just a transportation-based app. They developed
their own digital payment technology that helped them get ahead of said competitors in
Indonesia, before that most Indonesians use cash or card. Now, most people use digital
payments such as Go-jek. They implemented the same strategy in countries similar to
Indonesia, in a way where Go-jek would thrive, the countries they partnered with include
Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, and the Philippines. In those countries, they didn’t feel
like they had enough choices in ride-hailing so when Go-jek entered it became popular.
Go-jek quoted in their official website “We believe the best way for us to expand
internationally is by partnering with talented local teams who share our vision and know
exactly what will work best in their home countries. Our role will be to act as advisors ,
giving the new companies the benefit of our operational and development experience so
they can take the spirit with which we created Go-jek and find the best way to achieve
that locally.”

6. How does the concept of a global village affect organizations and managers?
Corporate responsibility will become wider in the wider range of challenges and many
different environments they have to be more aware of. They will need to understand the
cultures of the different countries and areas and will have to implement different
techniques that aim towards their goal in their setting.

7. Describe the six types of diversity found in workplaces

-Cultural diversity

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