Test 29B Aims Sseq March 2023 Numerical Reasoning

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

Question 1
Rebecca has been saving to buy an iPod. Her grandfather will add to her savings if she can
guess how much he has in his wallet. He says that one-sixth of the amount is $5 more than
one-eighth of the amount.
The amount is:

A. $150
B. $120
C. $24
D. $32
E. None of above

Question 2
Farmer James has 38L of milk. 48% is flavoured, and 27% of that is strawberry and
remaining chocolate. How many litres of chocolate milk does he have?

A. 24L
B. 20.6L
C. 9.5L
D. 13.2L
E. 26.5L

Question 3
The latest Thor movie runs for 129 minutes and starts at 10:23am. If there are ads that go
for 17 minutes, what time will the movie end?
A. 11.53am
B. 11.53pm
C. 12.49pm
D. 1.08 pm
E. 7.29am

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

Question 4
John and Jenny go for their weekly marathon training. John runs for fifteen kilometres at 5km/h.
Jenny cycles for fifty kilometres at 15km/h. Who will finish FIRST and by how much?
A. Jenny by 1 hour.
B. John by 20 minutes.
C. Jenny by 25 minutes.
D. John by 30 minutes.
E. None of above

Question 5
On one weekend on the bike rail trail to Sorento , 420 riders rode the trail. The ratio of male to
female cyclists was 5:2. How many male cyclists rode the trail that weekend?
A. 200
B. 225
C. 300
D. 280
E. 540

Question 6
Find the seventh term in this sequence.
625, 125, 25….
A. 120
B. 5

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

Question 7
Jade makes biscuits that are very popular at the local shop. Jade calculates that the biscuits cost
her $13.50 per kilogram to make. She gets sixty biscuits to the kilogram. She packs them in bags
of one dozen and sells them to the shop at $5.50 per bag. The shop will also take the broken ones
and pay her $11.50 per kilogram for those.
Last week, Jade baked twelve kilograms of biscuits. All were sold to the shop, including five
kilograms of broken biscuits. How much profit or loss did Jade make on her week’s baking?
A. $250 loss
B. $85 profit
C. $70 loss
D. $88 profit
E. $120 loss

Question 8
Jessica is famous athlete trains for an event by gradually increasing the distance she runs each
week over a five-week period. If she runs an extra 5 km each successive week and over the five
weeks runs a total of 175 km, the distance she ran in the first week.
A. 25 km
B. 30 km
C. 42 km
D. 31 km
E. 10 km

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

Question 9
Amanda and Athulya start a business last year. They found that the sales gradually increasing by
$600 each week over a six week period. They found the total sales for 6th week was $10500.00.
Dasindu help them to calculate first week sales. First week sales is?

A. $1200.00
B. $200.00
C. $2400.00
D. $500.00
E. $250

Question 10
Tharushi has a rectangular courtyard is three times as long as it is wide. If the perimeter of the
courtyard is 360 m, the dimensions of the courtyard.
A. 120 m  50 m
B. 130 m  60 m
C. 135 m  45 m
D. 36 m  12 m
E. 120 m  60 m

The following information relates to Questions 11 and Question 12

A national park has series of huts along one of its mountain trails. The first hut is 5km from the
start of the trail, the second is 8km from start, the third 11km and so on.
Question 11
How far from the start of the trail is the sixth hut?
A. 12 km
B. 22 km
C. 56 km
D. 17 km
E. 20 km

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

Question 12
How far from the start of the trail is the 10th hut?

A. 92 km
B. 45 km
C. 56 km
D. 32 km
E. 87 km

Question 13
On a map, 4cm represents 2km. How far apart are two suburbs A and B if they are 15cm apart on
the map?
A. 7 km
B. 7.5 km
C. 15.2 km
D. 30 km
E. 9.3 km

Question 14
The price of a shirt has been discounted by 20%, and the discounted price is $64. What was the
original price?
A. $12
B. $140
C. $128
D. $95
E. $80

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

The following information relates to Questions 15 and 16

Water in the dam at Mahaweli River after long drought is flowing out from the dam at a
constant rate of 600L per hour.
Question 15
How much water will flow out from the dam in 3.5 hours?
A. 250 L
B. 2100 ML
C. 2400 L
D. 5400 L
E. 2100 L

Question 16
How long will it take for 18000 L of water to flow out from the dam?
A. 20.6 hours
B. 32 hours
C. 40 hours
D. 30 hours
E. 12.5 hours

Question 17
What is the missing number in this series?
3 9 7 49 ? 361
A. 19
B. 21
C. 28
D. 98
E. 243

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

Question 18
What would be the next number in this series?
7 7
63 21 7 ?
3 9
B. 4

Question 19
Dilara travelled at a constant speed for 75km and it took 2.5 hours to complete the journey. What
was her speed?
A. 30 Km/h
B. 19 Km/h
C. 24 Km/h
D. 37.5 Km/h
E. 80 Km/h

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

Question 20
Binith rides 12 km on his bike in three-quarters of an hour. What is his average speed?

A. 16 Km/h
B. 24 Km/h
C. 14 Km/h
D. 20.6 Km/h
E. 7.8 Km/h

Question 21
Disna and Madira go for a walk of 10km . They walk at an average speed of 8 km/h. How long
does it take them to complete walk?

A. 24.6 minutes
B. 120 minutes
C. 75 minutes
D. 89 minutes
E. 25 minutes

Question 22
Himasha the cyclist completes a circuit of 15 km. She cycles at an average speed of 12km/h.
How long does it take her to complete the circuit?

A. 20 minutes
B. 120 minutes
C. 75 minutes
D. 98 minutes
E. 36 minutes

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

Question 23
A family of two adults and five children are going to the World cup match between Sri
Lanka and Australia at MCG. Adult tickets cost four times as much as a child's ticket.
If the total cost for this family is $416, how much is an adult ticket?

A. $128
B. $96
C. $200
D. $150
E. $56

The following information relates to Questions 24,25 and 26

Hardware store belongs to Senuth sells nails in a range of packet sizes. Packet A contains 50
nails, packet B contains 75 nails, packet C contains 100 nails, and so on.

Question 24
Tharun bought packet with letter J and Binura using his fine math knowledge guess the amount
of nails in packet J.
A. 250 nails
B. 275 nails
C. 30 nails
D. 325 nails
E. 127 nails

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

Question 25
If packet A cost $5, packet B cost $7.50 , packet C cost $10 and so on. Amount Tharun paid to
buy packet J.
A. $12.50
B. $25
C. $26
D. $27.5
E. $32.5

Question 26
Rusinu buys one each of packets A to J. How many nails in total does Rusinu have?

A. 1500 nails
B. 2750 nails
C. 1625 nails
D. 678 nails
E. 1234 nails

Question 27
Senya’s Sweet Shop (SSS ) has a sale and sells mixed sweets for $6 a bag. In the
morning the shop sells $420 worth. After lunch the price is reduced to $4.50 and the
shop sells three times as many in the morning.
What was the total amount of money received for the day?

A. $1500
B. $605
C. $1365
D. $798

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

E. $1305
Question 28

79 ? 39 38 19 18 9

The missing number in the pattern of above numbers?

A. 78
B. 40
C. 84
D. 23
E. 36

The following information relates to Questions 29 and 30

Shakya draws a pattern consisting of a several numbers of equilateral triangles. The first triangle
has sides of length 4cm and the side length of each successive triangle is one and half times the
side length of the previous one.
Question 29
What is the side length of the fifth triangle.
A. cm
B. 20 cm
C. 25 cm
D. cm
E. 56 cm

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

Question 30
Which triangle has a side length of 45 cm ?
A. 2nd
B. 3rd
C. 10th
D. 12th
E. 7th

Question 31
A test consists of 27 questions containing multiple choice and short answer questions.
The total marks equal sixty-seven. Short answer questions are worth three marks each
and multiple-choice questions are worth two marks each. Which one of these could
be a possible answer for the number of multiple choice questions on the test?

A. 20
B. 14
C. 23
D. 19
E. 12

Question 32
Sandesh walks to the park with his dog every morning. On the way to the park they walk at
3 km/h but on the way home they slow to 2 km/h. If they take 20 minutes walk from home from
to the park, find how far from the park Jiayie Chua lives.

A. 1000 meters
B. 800 meters
C. 1200 meters
D. 400 meters

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

E. 138 meters
Question 33

Height (cm)

Time (seconds)


The height versus time graph shown above could represent which one of the above shapes if
water is being poured into the container at a constant rate?

A. A only
B. A and B
C. C only
D. A and D
E. D only

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

Question 34
Jude Simpson entered a pie eating contest at the school fete. Jude was determined to win and
went into training for five days. Each day he ate seven more pies than he had eaten the day
before. If Jude ate 180 pies while in training, how many pies did he eat on the first day?
A. 22
B. 27
C. 30
D. 54
E. 78

Question 35
Enuki runs a sporting warehouse, at a fixed profit margin of 40%. If a pair of "Spikey"
brand cross-training shoes cost him $70, what will be the selling price of
the shoes in Enuki's warehouse?

A. $120
B. $134
C. $78
D. $98
E. $101

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

Question 36
There are eight numbers with an average of 72.
How much should be added to each number to get an average of 75?

A. 11
B. 6
C. 3
D. 14
E. 7

Question 37
Increase $2400 by the ratio of 11:6
A. $4400
B. $5300
C. $7200
D. $2100
E. $6000

Question 38
A spelling test contained 240 words. Tom’s report card showed spelling as 40% incorrect. How
many words did Tom spell correctly?

A. 144
B. 124
C. 180
D. 90
E. 96

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

Question 39
Saptha has some photographs. When she arranges them into 10 albums with 16 photographs in
each album, she has 8 photographs left. She then arranges them into albums with 13 and 15
photographs in each. How many albums of each type will Judith need if she as an equal number
of each type of album?
A. 11
B. 6
C. 10
D. 13
E. 12

Question 40
What number is next?
85 974, 8 594, 854, 84
A. 4
B. 5
C. 9
D. 8
E. 12

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

The following information relates to Questions 41 and 42.

The Pizza Palace is a popular restaurant on Friday nights. Last Friday of the seats were
occupied. Then eighteen members of the local football team arrived. Unfortunately, there were
only enough seats for half of them.
On Tuesday nights, the Pizza Palace has a pizza making competition for its employees. The
record is 40 pizzas in 24 minutes. Jack has already made three pizzas in 90 seconds.
Question 41
How many seats does the Pizza Palace have altogether?
A. 9
B. 36
C. 72
D. 45
E. 57

Question 42
If Jack continues to work at this pace, will he beat the record?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Equal record
D. Can’t tell from the information
E. None of above

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

Question 43
At the Mutt Mutt dog show, there were many dogs and some handlers (all humans). Altogether
there were thirty-two participants. There were a total of 106 legs. How many dogs were there at
the Mutt Mutt show?
A. 16
B. 21
C. 11
D. 18
E. 34

Question 44
What number is missing?
12 14 ?
16 18 20
20 22 24
A. 18
B. 24
C. 16
D. 12
E. 23

Question 45
These five numbers were typed up in order but one of the numbers is wrong. Which number is
6 503, 6 533, 6 566, 6 536, 6 556
A. 6 533
B. 6 556
C. 6 536
D. 6 566
E. 7 266

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

Question 46

10 8 ?

A. 22
B. 18
C. 16
D. 20
E. 25

Question 47
The regular price for a five piece stainless steel cook set, consisting of two saucepans, two
frypans and a stockpot is $499.95. The sale price is advertised at $249.95. If a set cost the store
$430 to import, how much was their loss if they sold nine sets in one day?
A. $1 511.55
B. $1 420.80
C. $2 250.00
D. $1 620.45
E. $2450.25

Question 48
How many quarter hours are between 8:45am and 3:15pm?
A. 26
B. 25
C. 24
D. 23

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STUDENT NAME:………………………… Year-8 Numerical Reasoning

E. 63
Question 49
Stephanie drove at an average rate of 80 km per hour for two hours and then increased her
average rate by 50% for the next three hours. Her average rate of speed for the five hours was t
km per hour. What is the value of t?
A. 100kmph
B. 140kmph
C. 104kmph
D. 94kmph
E. 120kmph

Question 50
Nethaya complained she was bored with Maths so her teacher told her to write the numbers (in
figures) from 0 to 1 000 000. If she wrote one number every second, which of the following is
the best approximation of how long it would take her?
A. 300 hours
B. 200 hours
C. 1 800 minutes
D. 60 000 minutes
E. 3 200 minutes

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8- A

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