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VOLUME (4) Number (2) Page (109-118) E-ISSN: 2714-9811


Tuzhara Ramadhanty Majid1, Erwin Ashari2, Shalehoddin3
Universitas Riau Kepulauan

Translation methods and translation techniques are needed to be able to translate a text well. The
purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the types of translation methods and translation
techniques available on the website. To be able to conduct this research, a
qualitative approach was used with a descriptive research design. The data in this study consisted of
words, phrases, clauses, and sentences taken from the Indonesian and English versions of the text
on the website Based on the analysis conducted, a total of 101 data of translation
methods were found in the form of sentences, and 476 data of translation techniques in the form of
words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. There are 8 types of translation method and 7 of them are
found in this text including free translation, literal translation, communicative translation, semantic
translation, adaptation, idiomatic translation, and word-for-word methods, and as many as 13 of 18
translation techniques are found including transposition techniques, literal, reduction translation
technique, borrowing translation technique, established equivalent translation technique, calque
technique, amplification, linguistic compression, discursive creation, modulation technique,
linguistic amplification, adaptation, generalization. The most widely used translation method in this
text is free translation, while transposition is the most widely used translation technique.

Keywords: Translation method, Translation technique, Website,

Currently, anyone could have a website, types of websites. The types of websites
for the reason that websites could be created for according to Computer Hope, (2023) are Archive
free or paid. In accordance with Hope (2021) website, Blog (weblog), Business website and
recorded in January 2018, there are between 1.3 corporate website, Community website, Content
and 1.8 billion websites existed on the internet. website and information website, E- commerce
The billions of websites on the Internet today website, Gaming website and many other types of
could be broken into the types of website websites.
categories, there are blogs (weblogs), business One of the types of websites is
and corporate websites, e-commerce sites, government website where this website is
educational sites, gaming sites, government sites, managed by each government, both local
and so on. government and central government. Lena
A website, also known as a site, is a Einstein, (2020) mentioned that “a government
central location for web pages that are related and website is a landing place where citizens could
could be accessed by using a browser to navigate learn about the government's history,
to the website's home page (Computer Hope, organizational values, codes of ethics, and
2023), so a website could contain various menu information about elected officials and other
options in it. the website could be accessed public servants.” The government website was
according to needs, for example sports, beauty, created to display any services, administration,
news, and so on, therefore there is a division of and even news from the government area in it.
The example of this kind of sites is in the
Republic of Indonesia, there is a government
website managed by the center of government to
display various kinds of information, the website (Hendrawati A & Budiarta I W, 2017). Peer to
is Portal Informasi Indonesia. the various interpretations offered by experts, the
Indonesia as a large country that is purpose of translation is not much distinction,
greatly developed and to be known more widely where it is to comprehend the thoughts, ideas,
has provided translations in various fields such as culture, and information of other nations with
legislation, administration, and official diverse method e.t.c. (Sugiharti, 2018). Sugiharti,
government websites. One form of implementing (2018) also states that translation is found to
translation within the Indonesian government is communicate from the source language to target
the existence of a government website with two language.
languages or bilingual, Bahasa and English, The conversion of an original written text
namely Portal Informasi (the source text or ST) in the original verbal
Indonesia. The first page of the website consists language (the source language or SL) into a
of some menu such as Home, Profile, National, written text (the target text or TT) in a different
Variety, Services, News, Gallery, Report!, and verbal language (the target language or TL) is the
G20. Disparate with other websites that rely on process of translation between two written
Google Translate for automatic translation, this languages (Munday & Jeremy, 2016). The
one includes a translator in each post who is translation process could be construed as a
listed at the end. The existence of translation on sequence of activities carried out by an
this website could make it easier for foreigners to interpreter when he transferred the mandate from
understand and know more about Indonesia. This the source language to the target language. and
could be one way so that Indonesia could be the process consists of 3 sequences; 1) analysis of
known by more people from various parts of the SL, 2) switching message, and 3) restructuring
world. (Hidayati, 2020). Aspects and phases of the
Translation is found to bridge of translation process must be assessed in order for
communication which has some ways to share the translation to be equal between the source and
information, stories, aspects in human life such as target languages. All of the preceding processes
hobby, lifestyle, education, work, health, e.t.c or translation activities are referred to as
(Reza, 2018). Translation in Indonesia is translating, while translation is the result or
regulated in Government Regulation of the product of the process of transferring meaning
Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 1989 from one language to another. The processes of
concerning Translation and/or Reproduction of translating a text require the method and
Works for the Interests of Education, Science, technique translation to
Research, and Development. It is based the Translation method related to ways and
explanation above that the usage of translation in process of translation. (Zepedda, 2020),
the Portal Informasi Indonesia. mentioned that translate a text in a certain way
Observed through the perspectives of known as translation method. Translation method
numerous linguists' definitions, translation has a in translation as stated by (Molina & Albir, 2002)
wide range of meaning. However, generally is the choice of how to translate during the
procedures of transferring message or meaning translation process and will affect the entire text.
from source language to target language is the Translation procedures are very
meaning of translation (Catford, 1965). important to make the translation better, in
Corresponding to some linguists stated that applied for sentences, clauses, phrases, and
translation defines as the process of substituting a smaller units of language within that text
text in one language for a text in another (Puspita, (Haryanto & Ulfiyatuzzuhriyyah, n.d.; Newmark,
2020) while the other said that translation is the 1998). Therefore, translation procedures are how
transcription in a receptor language of the nearest techniques found to be applied by translators
natural equivalent, in terms of meaning and style, when they formulate an equivalence for the
of the source language piece of information (Nida purpose of transferring elements of meaning from
& Taber, 1982) Source language and target the Source Text (ST) to the Target Text (TT).
language are phrases usually found in translation, Translation technique is courses of action that
where source language or commonly abbreviated utilized by the interpreter to formal inquiry to
as SL is defined as the language in which the discover and examine the facts, also classify the
genuine author of a piece of information work of translation equivalence (Noryatin &
formalized it (Andrianto et al., 2021), as well as Romauli, 2020). It is expected that using of
starting point for translation, and the language translation techniques, translators would be
into which an information is translated from the capable of overcoming translation to operate
SL is referred as the target language or TL
equivalency as a way of communication between with reality. The qualitative approach found
two or more languages. because it focuses on analyzing or interpreting
The translation technique focuses more written material in context as the type of
on analyzing the components of the language and qualitative data, as well as stated by Creswell,
classifying all the components so that an (2013) that pictures, pieces of art, tapes, website
appropriate equivalent is found (Molina & Albir, main pages, e-mails, messages, social media
2002). Molina and Albir, (2002) stated 18 word, or any form of sound are categorized as
translation techniques, the terms are adaptation qualitative data. In this research, the researcher
occurs when something explicit to one culture of conducted the research by means of descriptive
a language is uttered in a completely different research design by using qualitative approach,
way that is familiar or appropriate to another because in this research the researcher is going to
language culture in context and (Volf, 2020), present the data through word analysis and the
stated that adaptation translation techniques in data analysis that will be produced by descriptive
which elements from the source language are data in the form of written words.
substituted with ones from the target language The primary of the data source of this
that is acceptable and recognizable; amplification research is posted articles on the government
is employed to introduce details that are not website Portal Informasi
formulated in SL by adding some words, Indonesia in the variety section, with the theme
paraphrasing, or creating footnote to make the of Covid-19 in September 2021 in Bahasa
translation product is clear and help the reader to Indonesia and English version, which contains in
understand the text; borrowing using lexical words, phrases, clauses, and sentences that need
expressions directly from other language and this to be analyzed about what translation method and
technique has 2 kinds of using lexical expressions translation techniques are found and the most
directly, namely pure borrowing and naturalized found in translation text and the econdary data
borrowing. source is orientation that support the primary data
Nowadays, people from various countries source to make research equipped and obvious.
can access anything on the internet, including The researcher took some secondary data source
news or report text on government websites. from articles and internet. The researcher found
Indonesia is one of a country that provides free access articles that correlated to this research
bilingual, Bahasa and English, news on their from internet and download it. From webistes on
website Portal Informasi the internet, the researcher took information that
Indonesia as a government website has significance to this reserach which is could
translators who are government employees under support the thesis to be more complete.
the Ministry of Communication and Information To analyze the data, the researcher found
Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, to 8 translation method of Newmark‟s theory 18
translate text, news, articles on that website. translation techniques of Molina and Albir‟s
The meaning of the texts in the source theory. Then interpreted the data findings in a
language to the target language may change form of table (tabulating). The last steps is
through or after the translation process. This concluding data findings.
researchers conducted the research to be able to Finding and Discussion
analyze how the process of narrative text on The text analyzing of translation method
government websites is carried out by examining and translation technique on the website of
what translation methods and techniques are Portal Informasi Indonesia in
used, so that the results can be whether the September to November 2021 were found that 7
meaning in the text has changed or not, and also of 8 translation method and 13 of 18 translation
the existence of translation text from Bahasa to technique were used.
English in the website, thus, this research a. Translation method
attempts to find out what translation methods and In order to achieve the goal of translating
techniques are found on Portal from one language to another, Newmark devised
Informasi Indonesia, and which translation the V diagram of translation method (Palupi,
methods and techniques are often found on 2021). It is divided into two parts: source Portal Informasi Indonesia. language emphasis and target language emphasis
Method as follow:
The researcher applied a qualitative
approach and found the design of descriptive
research design, which is a research design that
attempts to describe and construe objects in line
Figure 1 translation, 17 data or 16.83% of communicative
Newmark’s Flattened V diagram of translation, 9 or 8.91% data of semantic
Translation Method translation, 8 or 7.92% data of adaptation, 2 data
of idiomatic translation or 1.98% in percentage,
and 1 datum of word-for-word translation method
or 0,99% in percentage. In the research, there is
no faithful translation method found and 9 data
Word-for-word translation is a translation are not translated. There are explanations of each
method in which text from the source language translation method found in the text:
is translated into the target language word for 1. In this research 1 data or 0.99% of word-for-
word with no grammatical structure changes; word translation method found in the data 32
Literal translation is where SL grammatical Table 2
designs are turned to their closest TL The analysis of Word-for-word method
equivalents, but the lexical words are translated No. SL TL Translation
Data Method
individually, out of contexture; Faithful 32 Tempat The beds for Word-for-
translation attempts to preserve the meaning of tidur untuk each patient are word
the sentence and the translation method is more masing- on decks 3 and
adaptable and contextual; Semantic translation masing 4.
is a method where the translator should consider pasien
berada di
the aesthetic value of the text in the translation; dek 3 dan 4
Adptation in which the target language is The words are translated singly word for word
translated freely according to culture while still and still have the same meaning, where the word
conveying meaning; Free translation allows the “Tempat tidur” in SL translated to “The beds,”
translator complete freedom to express how he “untuk” translated to “for”, “masing-masing”
intends to interpret the translation on the text, means “each”, “pasien” translated to “patient,”
without regard for grammatical structure or “berada” identified as verb means “are,” “di”
language culture; Idiomatic translation is a translated to “on,” “dek” means “deck,” “dan”
translation method that deals with idiomatic translated to “and.” Every single word in the
expressions from languages, both source and datum translated word by word with the same
target; Communicative translation involves structure from the beginning to the full stop.
communicatively translating the text from the 2. The data that are translated using literal
source language to the target language (Saragih translation method are 21 data or 20.79% in
et al., 2022). this research
Translation method found in this research Table 3
of Portal Informasi Indonesia The analysis of literal translation
shows in the Table 1. No. SL TL Translation
Table 1 Data Method
Translation Method on the Website of 1 Petugas Health workers Literal kesehatan wearing hazmat
No. Translation Quantity Percentag berpakaian suits pass the
Method e hazmat Bukit Raya
1. Free Translation 43 42.57% melintasi Motorboat, a
2. Literal Translation 21 20.79% Kapal Motor floating
3 Communicative 17 16.83% (KM) Bukit isolation vessel
translation Raya yang for COVID-19
4 Semantic 9 8.91% digunakan patients at
translation untuk tempat Bandar Deli
5 Adaptation 8 7.92% isolasi apung Belawan Port,
6 Idiomatic 2 1.98% terpusat bagi Medan City,
translation pasien North
7 Word for word 1 0.99% COVID-19 di Sumatra,
translation Pelabuhan Saturday
8 Faithful translation 0 0% Bandar Deli (21/08/2021).
9 Not translated 9 Belawan, ANTARA
Kota Medan, FOTO
Total 101 100%
The translation method found on the Utara, Sabtu
website of showed in the Table 1, (21/08/2021).
where the most found translation method is free ANTARA
translation in 43 data or 42.57% in percentage, FOTO
and followed by 21 data or 20.79% of literal
it sound natural in the target language. The The analysis of free translation
translator translated “Kapal Motor (KM) Bukit No. SL TL Translation
Raya” into “Bukit Raya Motorboat,” “Pelabuhan Data Method
44. Penggunaan The use of Free
Bandar Deli Belawan” into “Bandar Deli kapal Pelni the Pelni
Belawan Port,” “Kota Medan” translated to sebagai isoter ship as
“Medan City,” and “Sumatra Utara” to “North terapung juga floating
Sumatera” in target language. dilakukan di centralized
Kota isolation is
3. There are 9 data or 8.91% found that Jayapura. also carried
considered aesthetic value in the translation out in
or it means that the data used semantic Jayapura
translation method in this research. City using
Table 4 KM Tidar.
The analysis of semantic translation menggunakan
No. SL TL Translation KM Tidar
Data Method sebagai lokasi
74 Ledakan The outbreak Semantic isolasi
pandemi of the pandemic terpusat
bisa can be said to (isoter)
dikatakan be under terapung
sudah control. pasien Xovid-
terkendali. 19
It is showed how a free translation method
The word “Ledakan” translated to “The
works. The texts in Source language consist of 2
outbreak”, “pandemi” to “pandemic”, “bisa
sentences written about the use of KM Tidar as
dikatakan” translated into “can be said”, “sudah
floating centralized isolation in Jayapura City
terkendali” from SL translated as “to be under
translated to target language just in 1 sentence.
control.” The literal translation of ledakan is
The matter of the context is reminding the same,
explosion, the selection of the words “the
but the form is changed from 2 sentences in
outbreak” is a form of aesthetics and emphasis on
Bahasa Indonesia as SL to 1 sentence in English
terms, keywords, or expressions in SL which are
as TL. The changed of the form with the same
translated to TL based on context.
meaning in the context made the datum included
4. Adaptation method found in 8 data or 7.92%.
to free translation method.
Table 5 shows the example of the 89th
6. Idiomatic translation found in 2 data in the
Table 5
articles with Covid-19 theme in September to
The analysis of adaptation November 2021 of
No. SL TL Translation Table 7
Data Method The analysis of idiomatic translation
89 Pandemi di The pandemic Adaptation No. SL TL Translation
tanah air in Indonesia Data Method
justru actually spiked 7. Penanganan Serious Idiomatic
melonjak when the world serius yang handling carried
ketika tren trend was dilakukan out by all
dunia declining. oleh seluruh parties has paid
sedang pihak terkait off.
menurun. selama ini
“Tanah air” in Bahasa Indonesia as the SL jelas sudah
translated to “Indonesia” in English is using hasil.
adaptation in the translation. The explanation is if “membuahkan hasil” in Bahasa Indonesia means
“Tanah air” translated word by word in English, getting something after doing something, and the
it will become “land water” where the meaning is translation in English in the text is “paid off”
different in translation. “Tanah air” is the way means of a course of action and these word
Indonesian called their own country and the term familiarly used by the native. Those two has
is not available in English, so that the translation identical or similar meaning, so the used of “paid
in target language became “Indonesia.” off” in the translation made the translator sounds
5. Free translation method found in 43 data or more natural.
42.57%, where this method is the most found 7. Communicative translation used in 17 data or
translation method in this research. The 16.83% in this research.
example of the datum of free translation
method showed in Table 6.
Table 6
Table 8 Table 9
The analysis of communicative translation Translation Technique on the Website of
No. SL TL Translation
Data Method No. Translation Quantity Percentag
52. Juga There are also communicative Technique e
terdapat fishing 1. Transposition 150 31.51%
fasilitas facilities, a 2. Literal 107 22.48%
memancing, cinema, 3 Reduction 40 8.40%
bioskop, sunbathing, 4 Calque 38 7.98%
berjemur, and snack and 5 Borrowing 36 7.56%
dan snack coffee time by 6 Established 34 7.14%
and coffee local MSMEs. equivalent
bekerja 7 Amplification 28 5.88%
sama 8 Linguistic 16 3.36%
dengan compression
UMKM 9 Discursive creation 8 1.68%
setempat 10 Modulation 8 1.68%
The translation of “Juga terdapat 11 Linguistic 5 1.05%
fasilitas memancing,” is “There are also fishing amplification
12 Adaptation 5 1.05%
facilities,” “bioskop” into “cinema,” “berjemur” 13 Generalization 1 0.21%
translated to “sunbathing,” “bekerja sama” is 14 Compensation 0 0%
translated to “by” because the translator 15 Description 0 0%
prioritized the readership because it is easier to 16 Particularization 0 0%
17 Substitution 0 0%
understand than the literary translation
18 Variation 0 0%
“cooperate with” and the meaning of the text is Total 476 100%
not change at all or it still the same identified as The Table 9 showed that 13 of 18
communicative translation. translation techiques are found on the website of
The time when processing and analyzing Portal Informasi Indonesia, and
the translation method data at the sentence level, the most found translation technique is
the researcher found that in the translation of transposition in 150 data or 31.51%. The second Portal Informasi Indonesia from position of dominant translation technique is
Bahasa Indonesia as the source language to literal as much as 107 data (22.48%), then 40
English as the target, there are 9 sentences that data of reduction translation technique or 8.40%
are not translated by the translator, at least at this in percentage, borrowing translation technique as
sentence level. The untranslated text may affect much as 36 data or 7.56% in percentage, 34 data
the quality of the translation. To be able to find or 7.14% in percentage of established equivalent
out how the quality of this translation is, whether translation technique, 38 data of calque technique
or not there is an influence from this, further or 7.98% in percentage, 28 data or 5.88% of
research could be done on translation quality on amplification, 16 data or 3.36% of linguistic
the website of Portal Informasi compression, discursive creation found in 8 data
Indonesia. or 1.68%, modulation technique in 8 data or
b. Translation technique 1.68%, 5 data or 1.05% of linguistic
There are five characteristics of translation amplification, 5 data or 1.05% of adaptation, 1
techniques as follows. datum or 0.21% of generalization. There are 5 of
a) Translation techniques affect the translation 18 translation techniques by Molina and Albir in
results, the research which not found, they are;
b) Translation techniques compare source text compensation, description, particularization,
(ST) with target text (TT), substitution, and variation. The analysis of each
c) Translation techniques affect the smallest translation techniques found in the text are
units of text, for example words, phrases, and explained in:
clauses, or even sentence, 1. Borrowing technique was found in 36 data or
d) Translation techniques are natural and 7.56% in this research.
contextual discursive (logical). Table 10
e) Translation techniques are functional, The analysis of borrowing translation
In the research of translation technique No. SL TL Translation
on the website of, there are 476 Dat Technique
data found as could be seen in Table 9. a
476. …. testing yang ….. large Borrowin
besar dan number of g
isolasi. testing and
Mobilitas dan isolation as The analysis of transposition translation
aktivitas tetap well as No. SL TL Translation
dikendalikan controlled Dat Technique
mobility and a
activities. 344. … belum …. not transpositio
In the 476th the technique showed the word selesai. Ia finished yet. n
"isolasi" translated to "isolation" that shows mengingat He reminded
lonjakan kedua that the
using naturalized borrowing technique, where the (second wave) second surge
word “isolasi” is naturalized in English Covid-19 di (second
phonological system as “isolation,” Indonesia Juni- wave) in
2. Calque technique in the research consists of Juli … June - July
38 data or 7.98% that can be seen in Table 11 ….
Table 11 The expression in ST “Lonjakan kedua”
The analysis of Calque translation translated to “second surge” in TT. In ST
No. SL TL Translation “lonjakan” as the event and the explanation given
Dat Technique by “kedua” as a level of something, meanwhile in
a TT “second” as the level of something described
6. Petugas Health Calque
kesehatan workers the event “surge.” The changes of grammatical
berpakaian wearing structure in ST to TT, made the phrase classified
hazmat hazmat suits as a transposition translation technique.
melintasi Kapal pass the Bukit 5. Modulation technique was found in 8 data in
Motor (KM) Raya
Bukit Raya yang Motorboat, a
the research as example in table 14.
digunakan floating Table 14
untuk tempat isolation The analysis of modulation translation
isolasi apung vessel for No. SL TL Translation
terpusat bagi COVID-19 Dat Technique
pasien COVID- patients at a
19 di Pelabuhan Bandar Deli 338. Perkembangan According to Modulation
Bandar Deli Belawan Port, itu, menurut Professor
Belawan, Kota Medan City, Profesor Wiku, Wiku, this
Medan, Sumatra North patut disyukuri development
Utara, Sabtu Sumatra, dan …. is something
(21/08/2021). A Saturday to be
NTARA FOTO (21/08/2021). grateful.
ANTARA In the 338th datum, the text in ST
FOTO “perkembangan” translated to “development”
3. Literal technique found in 107 data as and “itu” translated to “this” in TT. In ST, the
example in 437th datum. word “itu” means pointer for objects (time,
Table 12 things) that are far from the speaker, but it
The analysis of literal translation
translated to “this” which is used to identify a
No. SL TL Translation
Dat Technique specific person or thing close at hand or being
a indicated or experienced. There is a difference in
437. ….. Varian Mu …. The Mu Literal point of view in this translation than could can be
asal Columbia variant from categorized as modulation translation technique.
sudah beredar Columbia has
di 49 negara, been circulating 6. Adaptation translation technique were found
termasuk in 49 countries, in 5 datum such as the example in Table 15.
Malaysia, dan including Table 15
Lambda sudah Malaysia, and The analysis of adaptation translation
menyusup ke Lambda has No. SL TL Translation
Filipina infiltrated the Dat Technique
Philippines. a
The translation of “termasuk” is “including,” 244. …. ujarnya …. he said Adaptation
“Malaysia, dan Lambda” to “Malaysia, and Rabu (1/9/2021) Wednesday,
di Jakarta. 1
Lambda,” “sudah menyusup ke” translated to
“has infiltrated,” “Filipina” to “the Philippines.”
In the 244th datum, “ujarnya” translated to “he
The datum translated word by word means that it
said” and the date written in the form of
classified as literal translation technique.
“1/9/2021” translated in the form of words “1
4. Transposition technique found in 150 data or
September” and the translation classified as
31.51% of the research as the most technique
adaptation translation technique, because
used by the translator.
elements from the source language are substituted
Table 13
in acceptable and recognizable way in English as represents all the phrases. It means that the 29th
TL. datum is categorized as generalization translation
7. Discursive creation technique used in 8 data technique, because the translation to use more
in this research. general term.
Table 16 10. Reduction technique found 40 data in this
The analysis of adaptation translation research.
No. SL TL Translation Table 19
Dat Technique The analysis of reduction translation
No. SL TL Translation
294. Belajar dari Indonesia Discursive Dat Technique
Ledakan Records the creation a
Gelombang Lowest
472. Belajar dari Professor Reduction
Kedua Positivity
ledakan Wiku said the
gelombang potential for
kedua yang transmission
the Pandemic
Juni-Juli must be
the translation of the title of second article lalu, kata prevented
“Belajar dari Ledakan Gelombang Kedua” to Profesor with large
“Indonesia Records the Lowest Positivity Rate Wiku, potensi number of
penularan testing and
Throughout the Pandemic” is unpredictable and
harus isolation as
out of context. dicegah well as
8. Established equivalent technique found in 34 dengan controlled
data as shown in 233rd datum. testing yang mobility and
Table 17 besar dan activities.
The analysis of adaptation translation isolasi.
Mobilitas dan
No. SL TL Translation
aktivitas tetap
Dat Technique
233. Langkah PT This step was Established The clasue whish is not translated in English as
Pelni tersebut welcomed by equivalent TL recognized as the use of reduction translation
ternyata the House of technique, because it suppresses the source text
disambut baik Representati “Belajar dari ledakan gelombang kedua yang
DPR RI. Wakil ves (DPR)….
…. Juni-Juli lalu,” information item in target text.
Instead of translating the phrase 11. Amplification technique were used in 28
“disambut baik” to “nicely accepted” The data.
translator translated “disambut baik” in SL to Table 20
“welcomed” is the example of applied established The analysis of amplification translation
No. SL TL Translation
equivalent as translation technique, because Dat Technique
“welcomed” is an expression that recognized or a
expression in the dictionary in language use. 227. … Termasuk … This Amplificatio
9. Generalization translation technique that used melakukan effort n
inovasi berupa includes
in 1 datum as can be seen in Table 18. penyediaan making
Table 18 fasilitas isoter innovations
The analysis of generalization translation di atas kapal in providing
No. SL TL Translation laut yang…. isolation
Dat Technique facilities on
a ships….
29. … kecepatan …. the speed Generalizatio The translation of “Termasuk” became
dalam to obtain n
mendapatkan health
“This effort includes” introduced details
akses ke services. information that in source text not formulated
tenaga with explicative paraphrasing. Instead of translate
medis, obat- TT only in "include" term, the translator
obatan, dan paraphrased it and the technique known as
pendukung amplification.
kesehatan 12. Linguistic amplification technique is finding
lainnya. in 5 data.
The translator chooses to translated the Table 21
phrases “tenaga medis, obat-obatan, dan The analysis of linguistic amplification translation
peralatan pendukung kesehatan lainnya” in SL No. SL TL Translation
into a single phrase “health service” in TL that Dat Technique
413. … Namun, … However, Linguistic Based on the findings on the research of
kurvanya the curve amplification Translation method and translation technique on
menanjak has been
sejak rising since the website of, it shows from 101
pertengah Juli mid-July …. data of translation method, there are 43 data of
…. free translation method or 42.54% in percentage,
The translation from ST “menanjak” 21 data or 20.79% of literal translation, 17 data or
added linguistic element in the TT as “has been 16.83% of communicative translation, 9 or 8.91%
rising,” even though it can be translated in the data of semantic translation, 8 or 7.92% data of
same number of words as SL, for example adaptation, 2 datum of idiomatic translation or
"raised" or “uphill.” The technique of added 1.98% in percentage, and 1 datum of word-for-
linguistic element in the TT identified as word translation method or 0,99% in percentage,
linguistic amplification in translation technique. no faithful translation method found, and 9
13. Linguistic compression technique used in 16 sentences are not translated.
data in this research Then, in translation technique analysis,
Table 22 there are only 13 of 18 techniques of Molina and
The analysis of adaptation translation Albir„s theory found in this translation, they are
No. SL TL Translation 150 data of transposition or 31.51% in
Dat Technique
percentage, 107 data or 22.48% in percentage of
282. … peran … The local Linguistic literal, 40 data of reduction translation technique
pemerintah governments compressio or 8.40% in percentage, borrowing translation
daerah prepare n technique as much as 36 data or 7.56% in
menyiapkan health percentage, 34 data or 7.14% in percentage of
tenaga workers on
kesehatan floating established equivalent translation technique, 38
untuk isolation …. data of calque technique or 7.98% in percentage,
ditempatkan di 28 data or 5.88% of amplification, 16 data or
kapal …. 3.36% of linguistic compression, discursive
The translation of “untuk dikumpulkan creation found in 8 data or 1.68%, modulation
di” to “on,” is using translation technique of technique in 8 data or 1.68%, 5 data or 1.05% of
linguistic compression because in ST “untuk linguistic amplification, 5 data or 1.05% of
dikumpulkan di” synthesizes linguistic elements adaptation, 1 datum or 0.21% of compensation
in TT became “on.” translation technique, 1 datum or 0.21% of
When compared to previous research by generalization, and five other translation
Zulfida, (2016) entitled “Translation Method of techniques are not found whish are
The Translation of Sapardi Djoko Damono‟s compensation, description, particularization,
Poems in English” and Puspita, (2020) with the substitution, and variation.
research entitled "The Use of Newmark Comparison of previous research showed
Translation Methods in English to Indonesian that translation method and translation technique
Rendering of Austen's Emma" which found the will differ depending on the type of text not the
most common translation method found in each text material, if the type of report translation text
research were literal translation and is to use different translation methods and
communicative translation, then there was techniques from the narrative text type, the
research by Ichsan et al., (2019) on "Students' translation of procedural text will be different
Translation Techniques and Grammatical Errors from the descriptive text. so that the translation
in Translating Narrative Text" which found that methods and techniques found to translate a text
the modulation technique was the dominant will be influenced by the type of text itself.
technique, and research by (Fransiska et al., The existence of this research can be a
2020) with the title “Translation Techniques and reference or description of how a translator uses
Quality of The Translational of Legal Text" who various methods and techniques in translation to
found the established equivalent technique as the produce texts on the website of
dominant technique found as many as 64 of 112 Portal Informasi Indonesia, that can be
data. understood in both Bahasa as Source Language
It could be seen that, different types of and English as Target Language, where, in this
text translation use different translation methods case, news texts as one narrative text are mostly
and translation techniques because of the used Free translation as the method and
different requirements for conveying information. transposition as the technique in translation. Even
Conclusion though the structure of SL to TL has changed due
to the translation methods and techniques used,
the meaning of the text is fixed and does not technology-local-government/importance-
change. effective-government-website/
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