English Day 2

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Yangon University or Econotnics

ol' Nl:tnngcntent .Sft1dics

(Sentence ('orrecfion)

16. By the tinw they cotnpleted their journey. the young explorers had overcorne their tears.
sharpened their stil'\ival skills. and had developed a healthv respect fi)r nature's potential
(.A)skills. and had de\elopecl a healthy respect
B) skills. and des eloped a healthy respect
skills and a healthy respect (lexeloped
(D) skills. a healthy respect
(E) skills. all the hile developing a healthy respect

17. I.ike Inost other nnarsupial species and all other kanearoo specie. the diet of the swanup
labv consists of leaves and other sorts of veeetation.
(A) Like :no.st other nutrsupial species and all other kangaroo species. the diet of the sxxarnp
v, allalö\' consists
(B) Like those of noost other Inarsupial species and all other kangaroo species. the diets of the

(C) Just like the diet of other nnar.supialspecies and all other kangaroo species. the diet
of the s•xvtunp laby consists
to the diets of noost other nvarsupialspecies and all other kangaroo species- the
labie.s have a diet u•hich consists
(E) Like :nost other noarsupial species and all other kangaroo species, the s•xvannpwallaby has
a diet consistine

18. Recent survev.s indicate that, contrary to popular belier. total abstinence lh•onnalcohol does
not correlate as strone!v ui th good health as ith inc.
(A) as strongly ith good health as ith noocleratedrink ine
(B) strongly good health. like drinking does
(C) as strongly i th good health as does drinking
(I)) as strongly good health as does nuulerate drink ine
(E) as strongly ith good health as 1110deratedrink ing

19. Unlike its felloxvBaltic nations, I-at\ia and Lithuania. the econolll\' of Estonia erew at an
astonishing rate in the late 1990s.and at the end of the decade it as placed on the fast track
to join the European Union.
(A) its. fielloxv Baltic nations. Lat via and Lithuania. the econo!ny ol' Estonia o rexv at an
astonishing rate in the late and at the end o l' the decade it as placed
(B) its fielloxv Baltic nations, I.at\ia and ,ithuanta. lislonia at an astonishing rate
econonlically in the late and at the end of the decade earned itsel l' a place
(C) its fellow Baltic nations, Latvia and I,ithuania, F..stonia'seconolny erexv at an astonishing
rate in the late 199()s.and at the end of' the decade they ere placed

.atvia and I .ithtlania. its tQlloss llaltic nations. the econotny of Estonia gre" at an
astonishing in the late at the end or the (lecade it vsas
( E) its llaltie nations. and l.ithttania.listonia experienced economic grol%that
an astonishing rate in late and the encl or the it earne(l a place

2(). No less sienifieant than international pressures are the constraints that (lornestic culture
ideology ilnpose on (lecision lililking by national political figures.
(A) v o Iess significant than
(B) he thi11!2s that are as sienilicant as

(l)) Not Iesser than the sienificance of'

(F.) are as significant as

21. Unlike Other prinnates. Ilich are born xvithfilllv formed craniums a newborn human
the brain to
craniunn consists OISeiL'ht hones that take years to fuse together full}'.
Inucll lareer durine tho.seearlv \usar.s.

( B) filllv fòrtned cran iunn.s.nexvborn Illitnan babies have cran ititns that
(C) a fully Ibrnned cranit:nys. a hunnan baby 's cranitltn
(D) fully fornled cranitltns. a hunnan is born a craniunn that
(F.) a fillly liornwd craniunl. the craniunn of a nexxborn hillnan baby

ith total at less than peor!e

02. in the indu.stry is at an all-ti:ne
and coinpanies in the field than there been durino an}' of the past ten years.
(A) at less than 68,()()()people and ièxxer
(B) at than 68.000 people and fexver
(C) Iesser than people and fexver
(D) ll•xxerthan people and less
(E) at less than people and there are less

23. When a oroduct costs nnore. be it

a bottle of' wine or a handbag, the more likely it is to be
esteelùùed by constinners.
(A) product costs Inore. be il
(B) When a product cost.s Inore, hether it
(C) As a product beconnes nnoreand Inore costly,
(D)'lhe more a product cosls. like
(E) 'Ihe Inore a product costs. whether it is

the invent ion o Ca literarv genre ,s !nany _seholars

24. NI',II'}'Shelley is widely cwdited
to be the firsl science fiction story,
consider her fir.stand on Iv novel. Freunken.süein:
consider her first and only novel.
(A) the invention of a new literary genre', noanyseholars
Frankenstein, to be

(B) for inxenting a
nexv literary genre: tnany scholars
Frankenstein. as being consider her first and only novel'
(C) to have invented
a nexv literary genre: many scholars regard her first and only novel•
Frankenstein, to be
(D) xviththe invention of a
new literary genre; many scholars regard her first and only novel.
Frankenstein. to be
(E) with the invention of a nei\'
literary genre; tnany scholars consider her first and only novel

25. -Ihe tnacabre nature of Macbeth, together with the widespread belief that real-life tragedies
have accotnpanied many pmductions, has made the name of the play so dreaded that not even
the least tnetnbers of nu»stcasts dare utter it.
(A) has made the natne of the play so dreaded that not even the least superstitious members of
most casts daR
(B) have made the narne of the play so dreaded, even the least superstitious members of most
casts xvillnot dare to
(C) have Inade the play's name sufficiently dreaded, so that even the less superstitious
Illenlbets of nnost casts ill not dare to
(D)have Inade the name of the play sufliciently dreadede,so that not even the least
superstitious members of most casts dare
(E) has made the name of the play is dreaded, so that even the least superstitious members of
most casts dare not

26. More and more couples wait before trying to start a family—theaverage age of first-time
parents is increasing.
(A) More and more couples wait before trying to start
(B) As more and more couples wait before trying to start
(C) As more and more couples wait before trying and starting
(D) Although more and more couples wait before twing to start
(E) Being that Inore and more couples are waiting before start

27. nne United States' trade deficit with China rose in 2003 to $123 billion, which is 17 percent
more than the previous year and more than 10 times the U.S.-China trade deficit in 1998.
(A) which is 17 percent more than the previous year
(B) which is 17 percent higher than it was the previous year
(C) 17 percent higher than the previous year's figure was
(D)an amount that is 17 percent more than the previous year was
(E) an amount that is 17 percent higher than the previous year's figure

28. The two-party political system is one the electorate yives its votes lar yelv to onl two
major parties and where one or the other party can usually win a majority in the legislature.
(A) where the electorate gives its votes largely to only two major parties and where
(B) in which the electorate largely gives only its votes to two major parties and where

(C) vshere the electorate gives largely its votes to only tvso major parties and in which
(D) in the electorate gives its votes largely to only t\V0major parties and in which
(E) in hich the electorate largely gives only its votes to two major parties and in which

29. Several years ago, a leading packaged Coodtnantlfacturer, sceking to appeal to consume rs
Who increasingly favor fresh foods, has a companv that specializes in freezing
produceinunediatelv after harvest as stiFsidiï11Y.
(A) has acquired a cotnpany that specializes in freezing produce immediately after harvest as a
(B) has acquired as a subsidiary a cotnpan_vthat specializes in freezing produce immediately•
after harxest
(C) acquired vlike a subsidiary company that specializes in C freezim-' produce imrnediately
a fier harvest
(D) acquired a subsidiary a conuoany tlvatspecia!i/.es in freezill!-'produce innmediately after
(E) acquired a company specializing in the freezing of harvested produce immedia%elyafterward
as.a subsidiary

-3(). the contineent oc self-describedexperts Whoare in attendance at the International

S}'tnpovsiunlon Unexpl?ined in Deep Space Studies have. written an open letter
statine the newlv discovered•interstellar (À)jectis an alien most
vsho haxe studied the obieet closely agree that is a cotuet.
(A) xvrit!entan ope:y letter statine that theülew!v discoveryd interstellar ob!ect an alien
spaee probe. tnc,st astrononners
(B) have Titten ar open lette?'stating thal the interstellartobject.' nevvly discoverecl- is an alien
space probe, :nost astrononners
(C) has Titten an open letter stating that the nexvlydiscovered interstellar object is an alien
space probe. but most astrononners
(D) has "vvrittenan open letter stating that the discovery of a nexv interstellar object is an alien
space probe, Inost astrononrrs
'(E) has xvrittenan open letter stating 'that the nexvlydiscovered interstellar ohject is an aiien
space probe, most astrononners

3 1. The green flash, an atmospheric refraetive phenonnenon hereby the top edge of a settine sun
will mo:nentarily turn .green, rarely is seen by the naked eye, prinnarily on account of
rew.liringspeci(ie Favorable conditions to OCCUI•.
(A) on accotillt of requiring
(B) on account of their requiring
(C) because Cheyrequire
(D) because it requires
(E) because of requiring

nexvhtltnnningbird species. ubich as discovered only
recently. had been categorized as
critieal!e endangered due to its h21)itatbeing limited
and the low estimated size of its
(A) had been categorized as critically endangered due
to its habitat being liniited
( B) had been categorized as critically endaneered because
it has a lil)lited habitat
(C) has been categorized as critically endangered because it
has limited its habitat
(l)) has been categorized as critically endangered because of its lirnited
( Ii) i!! he categorized as ctitically endangered due to its of its habitat

Fitness experts say that the barbell squat or the tseighted hip thrust. each part of a
thn)il.v training tnaneuvers called connpound noovements. is.one of the best exercises for
isolating and building the eluteal muscles.
(.Alis one or the best exercises isolating and building the gluteal muscles
u:aone best exercises to isolate and the mvsc'es
) is one ot the best exercises and bililc{tae gliiteai tuuscles
) the hest exercises. buildine uluteal mg-sc\es

34. thev contain nutnv tgpeatec! then)e.sand depict nutltiple chty•acters ith strikinglx
sinlilar tI'llits. the antholoev consists ol' stories a diverse eroup of authors
representing several di Ilerent genres.
(bev contain repeated •thenws and depict characters it!) similat;

(B) the} contain :nany thernes repeatediy and depict tutlitiple characters xvith sinnilar traits

(C) il contains ni&tnyrepeated the:ne.s and depicts tnu!liple characters xvith strikingly sitnilar

it contains lilany repeated the:nes and characters that depict nu:ltiple strikinuly sirnilar
(E) it contains null).vthemes repetted!y that depict nnuitip!e characters ith strikingly

35. IV(Srkinevsith nnusician Stexie as a nn:sica! isef. k' dexeloped uhat is

notv the preferred nnediunn flor creatine nnusic todav's corunnercial a!burns.
films. and television: a cornputer-based instrunwnt cgpab!e of reproducing nutsical
a quali',vonce thought to be possible only on erancl pianos and other acoustic instrutnent.s.
(A) reproducing tnusical sounds of a quality once thought to be
(B) reproducing Inusical sounds xvitha quality as xvereonce thought to be
(C) reproducing in Inusical sounds a quality that was once •thought to be
reproductionsof .nutsical sounds hese qualitv is the as hat xvere-once thought to
(E) reproduction of nutsical sounds at a quality once thou€2htof as

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