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Journal of Business Research 101 (2019) 152–160

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How self-construal guides preference for partitioned versus combined T

Gopal Dasa, Rajat Royb,

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore 560076, India
Bond University, 14 University Drive, Robina, QLD 4226, Australia


Keywords: Marketers often offer equivalent pricing options by charging a base price and surcharges (partitioned pricing), or
Partitioned pricing alternately offering a single price (combined pricing). The current study examines the systematic impact of a
Combined pricing person's activated self-construal on the evaluation of product offers made under these alternate pricing frames.
Self-construal Findings from three experiments show that individuals with independent self-construal lean towards global
processing and exhibit higher attractiveness and purchase intention for a product offered under partitioned
Purchase intention
(versus combined) pricing. Furthermore, moderated mediation results show that the interaction effects of self-
construal and pricing type on attractiveness and purchase intention are mediated by less effortful processing of
pricing information. These results contribute to the pricing and self-construal literature. The results of this study
may also help managers develop appropriate pricing strategies targeting different consumer segments.

1. Introduction Bechwati, 2005). Scholars therefore recommend that more inquiries be

conducted to understand how partitioned pricing and its moderators
Consumers often come across different types of pricing, such as continue to influence buyer decisions (Greenleaf et al., 2016; see a
partitioned and combined. Partitioned pricing breaks the price charged detailed call for research by these authors). The current work therefore
to consumers into two or more components (e.g., a base price and examines how consumers' self-construal (an important segmenting and
mandatory surcharges). For example, an online retailer may charge targeting variable; Kim & Johnson, 2014) systematically affects the
$300 for a mobile and a $6.95 surcharge for shipping. Alternatively, the preference for partitioned versus combined prices. The current work
retailer could charge a single combined price of $306.95. Technological also addresses a specific call for more research by Lee et al. (2014) to
advances allow online retailers to display pricing of the same product in explore the role of buyer characteristics such as self-construal. The role
different ways, depending on demand and consumer characteristics of self-construal in the context of partitioned pricing has never before
(Weisstein, Monroe, & Kukar-Kinney, 2013). With new generation al- been proposed and empirically tested. Similarly, scholars such as
gorithms, techniques such as partitioned pricing are becoming more Kienzler and Kowalkowski (2017) emphasize the need to conduct more
pervasive. The application of partitioned pricing is prevalent across scholarly work on pricing strategy research (PSR), as the topic of PSR is
industries such as cellular phone services, cable television, airlines and currently under represented in marketing journals.
hotels, in addition to online shopping. As competition in the market A consistent finding in the literature shows that for partitioned
increases, companies use more complex pricing strategies such as par- pricing, consumers tend to ignore the surcharges and underestimate
titioned pricing to differentiate themselves from the competition total prices, which in turn influences their purchase decisions
(Greenleaf, Johnson, Morwitz, & Shalev, 2016). (Greenleaf et al., 2016; Hossain & Morgan, 2007; Kim, 2006). In other
Despite frequent usage by retailers, knowledge about partitioned words, consumers anchor onto the base price and fail to adjust upwards
pricing or its moderators has been described as limited at best (Burman sufficiently in response to surcharges. This anchoring bias has been
& Biswas, 2007). Only a few studies have examined variables such as confirmed in the literature (Greenleaf et al., 2016; Morwitz, Greenleaf,
cognition, regulatory focus, fairness perception towards surcharges and & Johnson, 1998). However, the anchoring and adjustment literature
seller trustworthiness as moderators (Burman & Biswas, 2007; Carlson suggests that, in general, failure to adjust from an initial anchor could
& Weathers, 2008; Lee, Choi, & Li, 2014; Schindler, Morrin, & be based on reasons such as the processing effort involved (Epley &

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (G. Das), (R. Roy).
Received 17 October 2017; Received in revised form 15 April 2019; Accepted 16 April 2019
Available online 24 April 2019
0148-2963/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
G. Das and R. Roy Journal of Business Research 101 (2019) 152–160

Gilovich, 2006; Simmons, LeBoeuf, & Nelson, 2010; Wegener, Petty, Morwitz et al., 1998).
Detweiler-Bedell, & Jarvis, 2001). In the current research, we build on The current literature reports that under certain conditions con-
this line of work to empirically show that consumers with independent sumers can prefer either partitioned or combined prices. For example,
self-construal find processing of partitioned prices less effortful, and previous findings report that people with a high need for cognition
therefore fail to adjust from the base price anchor. This is turn leads to seem to pay more attention to surcharges and their reasonableness, and
favourable product evaluation. thus tend to exhibit higher purchase intention for products that are
In sum, across three studies, the current work shows that in- offered under combined (vs. partitioned) pricing (Burman & Biswas,
dependent self-construal may find a product offer attractive and express 2007). On the other hand, consumers lean towards partitioned prices
higher purchase intention when it is presented under a partitioned (vs. when surcharges are separately shown for highly valued product at-
combined) pricing. This effect is further mediated by the less effortful tributes, e.g., for extra storage space on mobile phones (Chakravarti,
processing of price-related information. The current findings therefore Krish, Paul, & Srivastava, 2002). Similarly, consumers are more fa-
contribute to the literature on both self-construal (Förster & vourable towards partitioned prices when surcharges are used to
Dannenberg, 2010; Kim & Johnson, 2014) and pricing (Greenleaf et al., highlight the attractiveness of such attributes, e.g., entertainment and
2016; Morwitz et al., 1998). For example, the extant literature on self- meals on a flight (Bertini & Wathieu, 2008). These results suggest the
construal reports mixed findings about whether independent self-con- importance of investigating boundary conditions, considering when and
strual leads to global or local information processing (Förster & why partitioned pricing is more effective (Greenleaf et al., 2016). In the
Dannenberg, 2010). In the light of these mixed findings, the current current work, we posit that self-construal can moderate consumers'
work tests this proposition in an initial laboratory experiment (study 1), relative preference for partitioned pricing versus combined pricing.
followed by two more studies to examine the key premises of the cur-
rent research, i.e., to understand how self-construal moderates the ef- 2.2. Self-construal – independent vs. interdependent
fects of pricing frames on attractiveness and purchase intention. The
findings of the current work can be engaged by managers to formulate Self-construal involves a belief about “the relationship between the
appropriate pricing strategies for target segments driven by different self and others, and especially, the degree to which they see themselves
self-concepts. as separate from others or as connected with others” (Markus &
The rest of the article is structured as follows. In subsequent sec- Kitayama, 1991). People with independent self-construal hold a view of
tions, we focus on theoretical background, development of hypotheses, self as unique and defined by their internal qualities and distinctive
and then report three experiments to test our key premises. The paper features. On the other hand, individuals with interdependent self-con-
concludes with a general discussion of findings, their implications for strual hold an interpretation of self as defined by their social associa-
theory and practice, and lastly with limitations and future research tions (Kim & Johnson, 2014). People possessing interdependent self-
directions. construal show a higher level of association to, and lower level of dis-
tinction from, others (Markus & Kitayama, 1991).
2. Conceptual background and hypothesis formulation Individuals can hold both independent and interdependent self-
construal (Trafimow, Triandis, & Goto, 1991). However, for most in-
2.1. Partitioned and combined pricing dividuals, one aspect is likely to be better developed and thus more
accessible, and recent research suggests that self-construal can be si-
According to the extant literature, partitioned pricing is con- tuationally induced and made temporarily accessible (Hong & Chang,
ceptualized as “a strategy that divides a product's total price into a base 2015). People with an independent self-construal focus on their desires
price, charged for the product itself, and a mandatory surcharge(s) for and direct their attention towards the self (Markus & Kitayama, 1991;
products, services, fees, or taxes associated with purchasing or using the Singelis, 1994). On the other hand, people with an interdependent self-
product” (Lee et al., 2014, p. 356). The base price is normally the lar- construal prefer links with others and value social embeddedness
gest part, while the smaller component is referred to as surcharge (Markus & Kitayama, 1991). Independent self-construal strives to es-
(Morwitz et al., 1998). On the other hand, combined pricing charges an tablish one's exclusivity and differentiate oneself from others. In con-
equivalent all-inclusive price for the focal product (Burman & Biswas, trast, interdependent self-construal strives to gain social support and
2007). Although at times combined pricing may be confused with price uphold one's social image (Hong & Chang, 2015; Markus & Kitayama,
bundling, these are different concepts. Combined pricing presents all 1991). Therefore, the latter individuals often feel the need to justify
pricing components of a product as a single price, whereas price their decisions to others (Hong & Chang, 2015).
bundling offers multiple products at a set price, instead of separate Previous research shows that self-construal can be associated with a
prices for the constituent products (Johnson, Herrmann, & Bauer, motivational state such as regulatory focus, albeit these are different
1999). constructs. Conceptually, self-construal argues how “one” is separated
Evidence shows that partitioned pricing can be more effective in from or linked with others. On the other hand, regulatory focus
increasing demand compared to combined pricing. When exposed to (Higgins, 1997) is a motivational state whereby people pursue their end
partitioned pricing, consumers tend to underestimate surcharges or goals of ideals and aspirations (a promotion focus) or fulfilment of
even ignore them, and subsequently have a lower perception of total obligations (a prevention focus). Past research shows that priming
price (Hossain & Morgan, 2007; Kim, 2006). Therefore, the way con- consumers' self-construal (independent or interdependent) has made
sumers calculate the total price leads to a lower “psychological price” in promotion and prevention goals salient (Hamilton & Biehal, 2005;
their memory, which in turn influences demand (Dickson & Sawyer, Zhang & Mittal, 2007). While previous research has used self-construal
1990). Morwitz et al. (1998) explain the underlying process for calcu- as an antecedent to consumer decision making and choices (Aaker &
lating partitioned pricing by arguing that consumers make a trade-off Lee, 2001; Lee, Aaker, & Gardner, 2000), no prior work has studied its
between cognitive effort and precision of information processing. In role in the context of partitioned prices reported in this work. In fact,
other words, buyers are more likely to use a heuristic approach to es- Lee et al. (2014) consider the robust link between self-construal and
timate total costs, or even ignore surcharges when processing sur- regulatory focus, and recommend further research to study the former's
charges place a higher cognitive demand (Chetty, Looney, & Kroft, influence on partitioned (versus) combined prices.
2009). An additional explanation has been offered based on the an-
choring and adjustment paradigm. Consumers tend to anchor on the 2.3. Self-construal and information processing styles
base price and do not make sufficient adjustments in response to sur-
charges, thereby underestimating the total price (Clark & Ward, 2008; When assessing perceptual information, people tend to look at

G. Das and R. Roy Journal of Business Research 101 (2019) 152–160

either the gestalt (e.g., see the forest) or pay attention to the details of that the independent (vs interdependent) self can prefer promotion
the information (e.g., see the trees), a process also referred to as global information. Extant research, e.g., Förster and Dannenberg (2010) ar-
versus local information processing styles (Navon, 1977). Global pro- gues that processing promotion information requires a global approach
cessing tends to entail formation of coherent images from a fragmented (seeing the forest), compared to processing prevention information,
visual input (Trope & Liberman, 2010). For example, participants under which involves more local processing (looking at constituents such as
global processing can detect a global letter (e.g., a large L) which is trees). Based on extant literature, we therefore propose that:
made of local letters (e.g., 20 small Hs). On the other hand, local pro-
H1. Independent self-construal leads to more global processing
cessing draws attention to constituent details, such as the local letters
compared to interdependent self-construal.
(e.g., the small Hs), rather than the global letter, i.e., the large L
(Nisbett, Peng, Choi, & Norenzayan, 2001).
The concept of global versus local processing itself has elicited an 2.4. Self-construal and pricing frame
interesting debate in the field (for a detailed discussion, please see
Förster & Dannenberg, 2010; Smith & Ledgerwood, 2010). Early re- In partitioned pricing, the base price information is the largest
search by Navon (1977) argued that global processing (e.g., seeing the component. This main component is most pertinent to purchase deci-
forest over the trees) is the predominant norm (based on their global sions. If people with independent self-construal process information
dominance hypothesis), while subsequent literature posits that seeing globally, they are more likely to pay attention to the base price. Recent
the trees over the forest could be the norm (Förster & Dannenberg, evidence shows that when individuals pay more attention to primary
2010). Generally, what is well accepted in the literature is that invoking information (e.g., base price), they are more susceptible to the an-
a self (i.e., independent versus interdependent) leads to different styles choring and adjustment heuristic (Lee et al., 2014). Subsequently, they
of cognitive processing according to the global/local classification, al- tend to anchor onto this primary information and insufficiently adjust
beit with opposing findings. from it (Lee et al., 2014; Morwitz et al., 1998). In other words, in-
A number of studies report that triggering the independent self can dependent self-construal may ignore subsidiary information such as
lead to more local (vs. global) processing, while the converse is true for surcharges and will therefore underestimate the total price, leading to a
the interdependent self (Krishna, Zhou, & Zhang, 2008; Kühnen & lower psychological price. As a result, when compared to combined
Oyserman, 2002; Lin, Lin, & Han, 2008). The underlying theoretical pricing, partitioned pricing would be more attractive for independent
premise is that the independent self tends to ignore contextual in- self-construal.
formation, and this helps one divert attention to the focal task (e.g., On the other hand, interdependent self-construal processes in-
local letters in the Navon task). On the other hand, their counterparts formation by investigating every detail and peripheral cues (such as
can consider context-dependent information to focus on the global base price and surcharges) under partitioned pricing. Such individuals
nature of the task at hand (e.g., global letter in the Navon task). are also more likely to make a careful comparison of both the price
Similar results have been reported in the marketing context. For options because of their tendency to process information in a detailed
example, Krishna et al. (2008) report that independent (vs inter- fashion. Because of this close comparison, they would probably con-
dependent) self construals are prone to spatial judgement bias that must clude that these are equivalent options, but framed differently. Since
consider (or exclude) the context. Similarly, Lalwani and Shavitt (2013) partitioned pricing is relatively more effective when consumers only
show that interdependent (vs independent) self construals tend to consider partial price information such as the base price (Morwitz et al.,
consider more holistic (field dependent) information (e.g., price in re- 1998), we propose that:
lation to quality) in decision making. However, the notion that in-
H2. Independent self-construal will perceive (a) greater attractiveness
dependent (vs interdependent) self construals lead to local (global)
and express (b) higher purchase intention when the product is offered
processing has been challenged once again by extant studies (Förster &
under a partitioned versus combined price. Interdependent self-
Dannenberg, 2010). Based on the findings of previous studies (Aaker &
construal will perceive no difference in attractiveness and purchase
Lee, 2001; Hamilton & Biehal, 2005; Lee et al., 2000), it is plausible that
intention between product offers made under partitioned versus
independent versus interdependent can lead to more global versus local
combined pricing.
processing, although this must be empirically tested.
First, Förster and Dannenberg (2010) mention Lee et al. (2000),
who manipulate self-construal to study its influence on information 2.5. Processing effort as the underlying mechanism
processing. Lee et al. (2000) argue that the primary objective of an
independent self is to distinguish oneself in a positive manner from Consumers often use an anchoring-and-adjustment heuristic when
others, while the interdependent self is focused on maintaining har- processing information (Epley & Gilovich, 2006). The current literature
mony. From an information-processing perspective, this self-enhance- argues that the attractiveness of the partitioned price goes up as the
ment motive can cause one to focus on certain information that is re- respondents become susceptible to the anchoring bias, and do not
levant to the evoked self, while ignoring others (Hamilton & Biehal, process the surcharge information (Lee et al., 2014). Consumers anchor
2005). For example, past research shows that Americans (an in- onto the base price, as they perceive it to be the most important com-
dependent culture) may uncritically accept positive information (e.g., ponent of the price (Greenleaf et al., 2016; Morwitz et al., 1998). There
praises) while ignoring negative criticism (Frey & Stahlberg, 1986). is evidence to suggest that processing surcharges may place a cognitive
Such biases are attenuated or reversed in interdependent (e.g., Asian) demand, and as such, total price is determined by focusing on the base
cultures, the latter being more careful in processing an entire range of price (Chetty et al., 2009). This initial belief in a low price may endure
information, including negative feedback (Heine & Lehman, 1995; Lee even after consumers see the surcharges, due to belief persistence
et al., 2000). (Greenleaf et al., 2016).
Based on the above argument, Lee et al. (2000) show that an in- Numerous studies from the anchoring and adjustment field explain
dependent (versus interdependent) self can lead to a preference for that when a respondent latches on to an anchor, adjustment or moving
more promotion information. Promotion-framed information typically away from the anchor may prove effortful (Epley & Gilovich, 2006;
focuses on gains (e.g., product benefits such as enjoyment), while Wegener et al., 2001). An anchor has an impact in the first place be-
prevention-framed information focuses on prevention of losses (e.g., cause the person takes the anchor as the best clue to the real quality of a
product benefits that address security needs) (Aaker & Lee, 2001). A target and makes an insufficient adjustment from this initial anchor
few other studies (e.g., Aaker & Lee, 2001; Hamilton & Biehal, 2005) (Wegener et al., 2001). According to the effort-based explanation, this
confirm the premise of Lee et al. (2000). Together, these studies show insufficient adjustment reflects the tendency to minimize cognitive

G. Das and R. Roy Journal of Business Research 101 (2019) 152–160

Product Attractiveness

(Independent vs.
× Effortful to process
Pricing type
(Partitioned vs.

Purchase Intentions

Fig. 1. Conceptual framework of the study.

effort (Epley & Gilovich, 2006). Previous work shows that expending participants. For each trial, subjects were asked to indicate which of
less cognitive effort (or cognitive fluency) results in improved product two comparison figures was more identical to a target figure. All figures
evaluations (Lee & Labroo, 2004). In our case, independent self-con- were seen from either a local or global perspective. The figures were
strual will focus on the base price and ignore subsidiary information either a triangle or a square (global form) comprising smaller triangles
such as surcharges (H2), or in other words make an insufficient ad- or squares (local forms). Subjects mentioned if a target figure was more
justment. Therefore, they are likely to expend less cognitive effort while identical to a group of objects that matched either its local or global
processing partitioned pricing information. Based on this, we posit: share. The amount of times subjects matched the structures based on
their global details (vs. local details) was counted and considered as the
H3. Independent self-construal's influence on (a) attractiveness and (b)
dependent variable, with higher numbers denoting relatively more
purchase intention for products offered under partitioned pricing (as
global processing.
posited under H2) will be mediated by less effortful processing of price
3.2. Analysis and results
The aforesaid predictions pertaining to H2 and H3 are represented
in a conceptual framework below (Fig. 1). 3.2.1. Manipulation check
We tested the aforesaid propositions in three experiments across Subjects primed with interdependent self-construal assigned higher
different samples and product categories. Study 1 provides evidence weight to others rather than self (MIndependent = 2.47, SD = 0.96,
that independent self-construal leads to more global processing (H1). MInterdependent = 5.06, SD = 0.91, t (126) = 15.73, p < .001).
This is important given the mixed findings about self-construal's pre- Therefore, the results show that the self-construal prime was successful.
ference for global and local processing. Study 2 provides evidence for
H2, while study 3 replicates the results of H2 and tests our mediation 3.2.2. Information processing style
hypothesis, H3. Findings showed an effect of self-construal on information proces-
sing, t (126) = 7.14, p < .001). Specifically, subjects primed with in-
3. Study 1 dependent self-construal made more global choices than subjects
primed with interdependent self-construal (MIndependent = 8.61,
3.1. Participants and design SD = 1.24, MInterdependent = 7.03, SD = 1.25). These results support H1.
The results of the first study provided evidence that independent self-
Study 1 was a 2-cell (self-construal: interdependent versus in- construal leads to more global processing.
dependent) between-subject design. A total of 128 students from a
major university participated in this study (females = 50%, 3.3. Discussion
Mage = 21.4). They were given 0.5 USD each as motivation for parti-
cipating. Study 1 found that individuals with independent self-construal
Self-construal was manipulated following a widely used procedure process information more globally compared to those with inter-
developed by Krishna et al. (2008) and Gardner, Gabriel, and Lee dependent self-construal. These results contribute to the debate on the
(1999). The manipulation procedure asked participants to go through a relationship between self-construal and information processing style
reading (of a scenario) pertaining to a city visit. This reading comprised and support that independent self-construal processes information more
similar descriptions across the two self-construal conditions, except for globally. This aligns with previous findings (Aaker & Lee, 2001; Lee
the use of different pronouns to stimulate the comparative approach- et al., 2000). Study 2 is designed to test H2.
ability of the two self-construals. We used the singular form of all
pronouns such as “I”, “you”, and “me” in the independent condition. On 4. Study 2
the other hand, we used the plural form of all pronouns such as “we”,
“they”, and “us” in the interdependent condition. After being exposed 4.1. Participants and design
to this priming task, participants assessed the degree “to which reading
the scenario made them think about themselves and about others such A total of 144 students (females = 45%, Mage = 23) from a major
as friends and family” on a 7-point scale (1 = self, 7 = others) (Gardner university took part in the study in exchange of a pen worth 0.5 USD. A
et al., 1999; Krishna et al., 2008). 2 (self-construal: independent vs interdependent) × 2 (pricing: parti-
Subsequently, participants took part in another unrelated cognitive tioned vs. combined) between-subject design was followed. Participants
psychology study pertaining to information processing. Following were randomly allocated to the experimental conditions. The self-con-
Kimchi and Palmer (1982)'s method, 12 figures were shown to the strual manipulation used the same priming procedure as in Study 1.

G. Das and R. Roy Journal of Business Research 101 (2019) 152–160

Next, participants participated in another seemingly unrelated study 7

of consumer behaviour. Subjects were instructed to imagine that they 5.97
are purchasing a mobile through an online retail store. Following Lee 6

et al. (2014), the mobile was offered under partitioned versus combined 5 4.74 4.79 4.76
price (see Appendix A for the stimuli), with matching features across
price conditions. 4

After being exposed to this price manipulation priming, subjects 3

rated the attractiveness of the price using two items on 7-point scales:
“overall, the offer is” 1 = ‘very unattractive’, 7 = ‘very attractive’; 2

1 = ‘very undesirable’, 7 = ‘very desirable’; α = 0.79 (Lee et al., 2014). 1

Participants also reported the intention of buying the mobile using
three items on 7-point scales (i.e., “the likelihood of my purchasing the 0
Independent Interdependent
mobile is”; “the probability that I would consider buying the mobile is”;
and “my willingness to buy the mobile is”; 1 = ‘very low’, 7 = ‘very Par oned Combined

high’; α = 0.87; Lee et al., 2014).

Fig. 2. Attractiveness as a function of self-construal and pricing.

4.2. Analysis and results

6 5.88
4.2.1. Manipulation check 5.8
Subjects primed with interdependent self-construal assigned more
weight to others rather than self (MIndependent = 2.31, SD = 0.87, 5.6

MInterdependent = 4.96, SD = 1.01, t (142) = 16.89, p < .001). Thus, 5.4

self-construal manipulation was successful. 5.2
4.99 5.03
5 4.91
4.2.2. Attractiveness of offer 4.8
The main effects of price (F (1, 140) = 16.75, p < .001, partial
η2 = 0.11) and self-construal (F (1, 140) = 13.94, p < .001, partial 4.6

η2 = 0.09) on attractiveness were significant. The interaction effect of 4.4

price and self-construal on attractiveness was also significant (F (1, Independent Interdependent

140) = 15.31, p < .001, partial η2 = 0.10). Par oned Combined

Results of planned contrast analyses revealed that partitioned price
(vs combined price) was more attractive when subjects were primed Fig. 3. Purchase intention as a function of self-construal and pricing.
with independent self-construal (MPartitioned = 5.97, SD = 0.60,
MCombined = 4.74, SD = 1.14, t (140) = 5.66, p < .001), but this did
4.3. Discussion
not differ for interdependent participants (MPartitioned = 4.79,
SD = 0.87, MCombined = 4.76, SD = 1.00, t (140) = 0.127, p > .05).
Study 2 provides support for our H2 and signifies that individuals
These results support H2a.
with independent self-construal perceive (a) greater attractiveness and
express (b) higher purchase intention when a product is offered under a
4.2.3. Purchase intention partitioned versus combined price. However, this effect was attenuated
The main effects of price (F (1, 140) = 9.00, p < .05, partial for individuals with interdependent self-construal. To test the possible
η2 = 0.06) and self-construal (F (1, 140) = 6.05, p < .05, partial mechanism behind this effect (H3), a third experiment was conducted
η2 = 0.04) on purchase intention were significant. As hypothesized, the with a different product category (air ticket). Thus, study 3 was de-
interaction effect of price and self-construal on purchase intention was signed to replicate the findings from study 2 (H2) with a different
also significant (F (1, 140) = 10.89, p < .05, partial η2 = 0.07). The product category, as well as to test the mechanism (H3).
results of planned contrast analyses revealed that partitioned price (vs.
combined price) was more fruitful in encouraging purchase intention
while subjects were primed with independent self-construal 5. Study 3
(MPartitioned = 5.88, SD = 0.50, MCombined = 4.91, SD = 1.06, t
(140) = 4.45, p < .05), but did not differ significantly for inter- 5.1. Participants and design
dependent self-construal (MPartitioned = 4.99, SD = 0.75,
MCombined = 5.03, SD = 1.22, t (140) = −0.21, p > .05). Thus, these A total of 114 students (females = 43%, Mage = 22.2) from a major
results also support H2b. Means for both dependent variables are re- university were randomly allocated to a 2 (self-construal: independent
ported in Table 1, while Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show the interaction effect. vs interdependent) × 2 (pricing: partitioned vs combined) between-
subject design. Participants took part in two unrelated studies, of which
Table 1 the first was self-construal manipulation using the same procedure as
Study 2: Attractiveness and purchase intention across self-construal and pricing study 1. The second study pertained to purchasing an air ticket under
type. different pricing frames (see Appendix A). Next, participants once again
Dependent Independent self-construal Interdependent self-construal answered the same key dependent variables along with a mediating
variables variable, which was measured by a single item, “I think processing the
Partitioned Combined Partitioned Combined price information was effortful” (Chetty et al., 2009) measured on a
pricing pricing pricing pricing
seven-point scale with 1 = strongly disagree and 7 = strongly agree.
Attractiveness 5.97 4.74 4.79 4.76 Extant literature supports the use of single-item measures (e.g.,
Purchase 5.88 4.91 4.99 5.03 Bergkvist & Rossiter, 2007). Each participant was given a pen worth 0.5
intention USD for their participation in the study.

G. Das and R. Roy Journal of Business Research 101 (2019) 152–160

5.2. Analysis and results self-construal and price type on attractiveness and purchase intention
respectively, we use PROCESS model 8 (Hayes, 2013). The model
5.2.1. Manipulation check considers pricing frame as the independent variable, self-construal as
Subjects primed with interdependent self-construal assigned more the moderator, effortful to process as the mediator, and attractiveness
weight to others rather than self (MIndependent = 2.44, SD = 0.82, as the dependent variable. The results of Model 8 with 5000 bootstrap
MInterdependent = 5.0, SD = 0.95, F (1,112) = 237.8, p < .001), samples show that the conditional direct effect (0.75) of pricing type on
showing that our manipulation was successful. attractiveness is significant for independent self-construal, as the 95%
confidence interval (CI95%) does not carry any zero (0.27 to 0.01).
5.2.2. Attractiveness of offer However, there is no significant impact of pricing type on attractiveness
The main effects of price (F (1, 110) = 9.13, p < .001, partial for interdependent self-construal, as the direct effect (0.02) at a CI95%
η2 = 0.07) and self-construal (F (1, 110) = 31.8, p < .001, partial carries a zero (−0.10 to 0.03). These PROCESS results once again
η2 = 0.23) on attractiveness were once again significant. More im- confirm our prior ANOVA results pertaining to H2a. More importantly,
portantly, the interaction effect of price and self-construal was also the conditional indirect effect (IE = 0.11) of pricing type on attrac-
significant (F (1, 110) = 6.85, p < .05, partial η2 = 0.06). Planned tiveness shows that ‘effortful to process’ mediates the impact of pricing
contrast analyses showed that partitioned price compared to combined type on attractiveness for independent self-construal (CI95% = 0.27 to
price was more attractive while subjects were primed with independent 0.01), but not for interdependent self-construal (IE = 0.01,
self-construal (MPartitioned = 5.0, SD = 0.67, MCombined = 4.29, CI95% = −0.10 to 0.03). These results support our prediction H3a.
SD = 0.56, t (110) = 3.98, p < .001), while no difference was ob- Similarly, PROCESS Model 8 results with 5000 bootstrap samples
served for interdependent self-construal (MPartitioned = 3.96, SD = 0.65, (Hayes, 2013) for the dependent variable purchase intention show that
MCombined = 3.91, SD = 0.78, t (110) = 0.28, p > .05). the conditional direct effect (0.82) of price type on purchase intention is
significant for independent self-construal (CI95% = 1.19 to 0.46), but
5.2.3. Purchase intention not for interdependent self-construal (indirect effect = −0.07,
The results of a two-way ANOVA showed a main effect for price (F CI95% = −0.41 to 0.28). These results reconfirm the prior ANOVA re-
(1, 110) = 15.0, p < .001, partial η2 = 0.12) and self-construal (F (1, sults pertaining to H2b. Interestingly, as expected, the conditional in-
110) = 14.10, p < .001, partial η2 = 0.11) on purchase intention. direct effect of price type on purchase intention shows a significant
Once again, as in study 2, the interaction between price and self-con- effect for independent self-construal (IE = 0.12, CI95% = 0.01 to 0.29),
strual on purchase intention was also significant (F (1, 110) = 10.84, but not for interdependent self-construal (IE = −0.02, CI95% = −0.03
p < .01, partial η2 = 0.09). Planned contrast analyses showed a sig- to 0.12). These results support H3b.
nificant difference for independence (MPartitioned = 5.25, SD = 0.63,
MCombined = 4.38, SD = 0.64, t (110) = 5.07, p < .001), but no dif- 6. General discussion
ference for interdependence (MPartitioned = 4.39, SD = 0.62,
MCombined = 4.32, SD = 0.70, t (110) = 0.41, p > .05). The results Three experiments were conducted to study (i) the relationship
support H2a and H2b. Means for both DVs are reported in Table 2. between self-construal and information processing style, and (ii) how
Similarly, a two-way ANOVA of self-construal and price type on the self-construal moderates the preference for partitioned versus combined
mediating variable ‘effortful to process’ shows main effects of self- pricing among consumers, and lastly, (iii) the possible mechanism un-
construal (F (1, 110) = 23.85, p < .001, partial η2 = 0.17) and price derlying the moderation effect. Findings from the first study show that
type (F (1, 110) = 9.28, p < .05, partial η2 = 0.08). The interaction when independent (versus interdependent) self-construal is activated,
effect is also significant, F (1, 110) = 5.17, p < .05, partial η2 = 0.05. subjects preferred a global versus local information processing style. It
Planned contrasts show that subjects with independent self-construal was further argued that independent self-construal's preference for
perceived partitioned pricing as less effortful to process than combined global processing would make them more susceptible to the influence of
pricing (MPartitioned = 3.36, SD = 1.13, MCombined = 4.55, SD = 1.33; t partitioned pricing. Furthermore, reliance on the main feature of par-
(110) = −3.76, p < .001). However, the planned contrasts show that titioned pricing (e.g., base price) would make them susceptible to the
subjects with interdependent self-construal perceived both partitioned anchoring bias, ignoring the surcharges. As a result, independent self-
pricing and combined pricing equally effortful to process construal would find it less effortful to process partitioned pricing in-
(MPartitioned = 4.96, SD = 1.10, MCombined = 5.14, SD = 1.21; t formation and would exhibit higher attractiveness and purchase in-
(110) = −0.55, p > .05). These results show that individuals with tention for the target product.
independent self-construal perceive partitioned pricing as less effortful Supporting these arguments, studies 2 and 3 showed that when a
to process, which is in line with our expectation pertaining to H3. subject's independent self-construal was activated, they perceived the
Subsequently, we test the mediating role of effortful processing using product offer to be more attractive and expressed higher purchase in-
Hayes (2013)’s moderated mediation reported below. tention in response to the partitioned versus combined pricing (study
2). Their counterparts made no such distinction. Further, the results of
5.3. Moderated mediation model moderated mediation (study 3) provided evidence for the underlying
mechanism whereby ‘effortful to process’ mediates the impact of self-
To examine if ‘effortful to process’ mediates the interacting effects of construal and pricing type, such that individuals with independent self-
construal perceived processing of partitioned pricing as less effortful,
Table 2
leading to higher product attractiveness and purchase intention.
Study 3: Attractiveness and purchase intention across self-construal and pricing However, these effects were not obtained for individuals with inter-
type. dependent self-construal.

Dependent Independent self-construal Interdependent self-construal

6.1. Conceptual contribution
Partitioned Combined Partitioned Combined
pricing pricing pricing pricing The results of this study have a few theoretical contributions. First,
this study adds to the existing mixed findings on the relationship be-
Attractiveness 5.00 4.29 3.96 3.91
tween self-construal and information processing style. One school of
Purchase 5.25 4.38 4.39 4.32
intention thought indirectly argues that independent self-construal tends to
follow global (vs local) information processing (Aaker & Lee, 2001; Lee

G. Das and R. Roy Journal of Business Research 101 (2019) 152–160

et al., 2000), while the others argue that independent self-construal independently focused, marketers may use partitioned prices. Similarly,
tends to process local (vs. global) information (Kühnen & Oyserman, previous findings show that Western countries tend to rank high on
2002; Lalwani & Shavitt, 2013; Lin et al., 2008). The mixed findings independent self-construal, while Asian countries are more focused on
discovered across different studies warrant a further investigation of interdependent self-construal (Monga & John, 2007). Based on these
this important phenomenon. The results of this study, at least in the findings, we suggest that managers targeting customers of Western
context of price framing, support existing findings (Aaker & Lee, 2001; countries may benefit from a partitioned pricing strategy, as previous
Lee et al., 2000) that independent self-construal tends to follow a global research shows that culture may influence consumers' price perceptions
(vs. local) information processing style. (Choi & Mattila, 2006).
Second, though partitioned pricing has received considerable at- Furthermore, in certain industries such as hotels and airlines, it is
tention in the industry (especially in e-commerce) over the last decade, often the norm to ‘nickel and dime’ customers, as engaging partitioned
scholars recommend further work to understand why and how con- prices leads to favourable product perception, especially when con-
sumers prefer partitioned versus combined prices (Burman & Biswas, sumers engage in price comparison (Hamilton, Abraham, & Srivastava,
2007; Greenleaf et al., 2016). Specifically, Lee et al. (2014) call for 2010). Hotels and airlines may therefore benefit from pitching parti-
more research into the role of buyers' characteristics such as “self- tioned prices to independent self-construal individuals. Past research
construal” as a moderator of partitioned pricing. To address these gaps, shows that hedonic products such as perfume and high-end wine may
the present study proposed and tested a conceptual framework re- trigger independent self-construal (Hong & Chang, 2015). Marketers of
garding the effectiveness of partitioned versus combined prices, albeit such products may once again benefit from partitioned prices (e.g.,
when different types of self-construal are activated. Our findings en- showing separate surcharges). Furthermore, these prices can be speci-
hance consumer researchers' knowledge by showing that the type of fically used in an online environment, as pricing algorithms may allow
pricing can moderate the impact of self-construal on evaluation and one to display prices in a partitioned format. In response to these par-
purchase behaviour. The preference for partitioned (over combined) titioned prices, customers are likely to expend less effort while pro-
pricing was guided by independent self-construal. cessing price information and consequently exhibit favourable product
Lastly, the current study also delves into the underlying psycholo- evaluation and purchase intention.
gical process that explains the relationship between self-construal and
pricing type. While previous literature (Lee et al., 2014) has argued that
the attractiveness of partitioned pricing is due to less effortful proces- 6.3. Limitations and future directions
sing (a result of anchoring bias), the current study provides empirical
evidence to this effect. Findings show that, indeed, independent self- Like any study, ours has a few limitations which open avenues for
construal individuals find it less effortful to process pricing information future research. First, for the current work we activated self-construal
when they are exposed to partitioned prices. Moderated mediation re- situationally using a well-established method from the literature (Hong
sults confirm that independent self-construal individuals seem to an- & Chang, 2015; Krishna et al., 2008) for all the three studies. However,
chor onto the base price and ignore the surcharges, and thus find pro- self-construal is also culturally determined (Monga & John, 2007), and
cessing partitioned pricing less effortful, which in turn results in higher past research has also used other priming to manipulate this construct
perceptions of product attractiveness and purchase intention. These (Trafimow et al., 1991). Future research may therefore replicate our
results contribute to the pricing literature by exploring a new me- findings using different manipulation or by conducting studies across
chanism, ‘effortful to process’ (e.g., Burman & Biswas, 2007; Greenleaf different cultures, as cultural associations can influence consumer be-
et al., 2016). haviour (Romero & Craig, 2017).
Future work may also focus on additional mediators underlying the
6.2. Managerial implications effect explored in the current work, especially for interdependent self-
construal. For example, it is possible that under combined pricing,
Our study also has several managerial implications. Based on the subjects may feel more pressure to justify their decision, and hence end
current research, we find that people with independent self-construal up not favouring any particular type of price. It may also be worthwhile
are favourably pre-disposed towards partitioned pricing in terms of to consider different situational characteristics, such as the role of affect
attractiveness and purchase intention. Self-construal can therefore and mood. Future studies may therefore benefit from studying the effect
serve as the basis for segmentation while considering different pricing of mood on susceptibility to partitioned pricing. Lastly, future studies
strategies (Burman & Biswas, 2007; Greenleaf et al., 2016). For ex- could also examine different product categories or use services to ex-
ample, while promoting products to people who are more likely to be tend the findings of the current work.

Appendix A

Study 2 stimulus: mobile pricing manipulation – partitioned pricing versus combined pricing.

G. Das and R. Roy Journal of Business Research 101 (2019) 152–160

Study 3 Stimulus: air ticket pricing manipulation – partitioned pricing versus combined pricing.

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