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Bachelor of Education
Teaching of English as a Second Language
(TESL) Language Testing and Assessment


STUDENT NAME D.M.Chathurika Dissanayake

STUDENT ID. LUC00000049100421442022



1) A test is a systematic evaluative technique and can be considered a form of assessment.

Students' knowledge, abilities, aptitude, and ability to complete a task are evaluated via a test.
A test must have several fundamental characteristics, including validity, reliability, and
2) Evaluation means making a judgment after gathering information through tests and
assessments. Evaluation is a judgment of the quality or worth of any set of purposes. The
evaluation may consist of a quantitative or qualitative description or both ways of them. Types
of evaluation are placement, Formative, Diagnostic, and Summative Evaluation.

3) The backwash effect is primarily the influence that a student`s performance on a test has on the
way they are taught in school, and it can have an impact on their development and
understanding of the subject. The backwash effect is the influence of a test on the teaching of
the class. Positive backwash occurs when the teaching of the class naturally results in positive
test performance by the students. Negative backwash occurs when the teaching of the class
does not result in positive test performance. The content of the class is narrowed down,
resulting in the students simply studying to take the test.

Answer Sheet _ BAE 2633_ Language Testing and Assessment Page

4) There are several ways to measure the reliability of a test. Test-retest measure the replicability
of the test results. By alternative form, reliability teachers can compare two test scores given in
an allocated time. Internal consistency reliability measures the student's understanding of the
concept and how well it is measuring the test.

Question 2

Validity of the test

Today in the lecture, we will discuss that, Validity is primarily the appropriateness of the test to
accomplish the expected purpose. A test is held to determine an objective. It is designed to analyze the
student`s predicted accomplishment level for writing, reading, speaking, and listening abilities as an

What is the purpose of a test?

 Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the students
 To assign grades
 To communicate to students what material is essential.
 To evaluate students' comprehension of class content.

Content Validity
 Building a test to allow topic material in the syllabus to be assessed in line with educational
goals is referred to as content validity. When constructing a test, it is important to include
essential subject matters and facts.

Face Validity
 Face validity means finding the appropriateness of the objectives of the test at first sight.

Predictive Validity
 Predictive validity is the test's capability to predict the students' future performance and

Question 03
A test is a systematic evaluative technique and can be considered a form of assessment.
Students' knowledge, abilities, aptitude, and ability to complete a task are evaluated via a test.
A test must have several fundamental characteristics, including validity, reliability, and
practicability. Test item 1 tests the syntax knowledge of the students. Of all the items, item
number one tests the student's ability practically. The purpose of the exercise is for the student
to analyze the text and use context clues to choose the correct verb form. By taking this test
teacher can predict to what extent the students understand the subject matter and whether they
can perform a specific task in the future. Accurate decisions can be made depending on the
reliability of test scores of tests one and test 3. Test item 1 is the only item in the test that is not
a multiple-choice question, stimulating the student to consult their knowledge rather than
selecting the answer they believe is correct. Only students who fully comprehend the tested
Answer Sheet _ BAE 2633_ Language Testing and Assessment Page
content can respond to these questions. This test can give learners feedback that enhances their
language development. Test item 2 is a multiple-choice question and provides students who
need help understanding the topic at hand an opportunity to get the proper answer still. The
students can guess the word if they have trouble understanding the subject matter. Hence, the
reliability of this test score is low, and this only focuses on students reading skills which
decreases the validity of the test. Test item 3 tests students' ability to connect classroom terms
with real-life examples. Given that students would need to be taught which words go well
together, this one might have the highest possibility of having a negative backwash effect.

Answer Sheet _ BAE 2633_ Language Testing and Assessment Page

Answer Sheet _ BAE 2633_ Language Testing and Assessment Page

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