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This is the picture of the beautiful Saturn.

Saturn is the beautiful planet in the solar system, it is the sixth planet from the sun.
Saturn have thousands of wings and extremely big that could many earths inside.
Saturn is long 120,536 km and weight 687 kg. Its diameter is 58,158 km and from the
earth density is 5,514 kg/m. So, as you know the the Saturn weight and distance is
more than earth. Saturn is the second big planet in the solar system. It is not the
biggest planet in the solar system, Jupiter is the biggest! The diameter of the ball is
21 earth distance. The ring of Saturn is 4.5 of Earth distance. Saturn also is the
lightest planet in the solar system.
Inside Saturn:
The first layer inside Saturn is the gaseous atmosphere, they are mostly hydrogen
and helium, with clouds of ammonia ice and water on top., then, the molecular and
the metallic Hydrogen are the third. Inside it, there are the ice, the ice is from by
liquid metallic layer, the pressure is so intense that the hydrogen turns into a liquid,
metal. The deepest part of Saturn is the core, the core is made of a mixture iron and
The ring of Saturn:
Saturn is tilted on its axis, so our view os Saturn had been changes. In 2010, they are
almost invisible. It takes almost 15 years to go from seeing again. In 2017, the rings
had almost been seen. The rings of Saturn are made of fragments of water ice
orbiting flat plane. The ice reflects the sun’s light, so making the rings look bright.
The main ring of Saturn had given a name, a person call Mimas creates the biggest
tap, known as the Cassini Division.
Saturn had a lot od moons, at least 82. Its moon such as: Titan the famous one, Rhea,
Iapetus, Dione, Tethys... Titan is one of the biggest moons of Saturn. ND THE SECOND
BIGGEST moon from the solar system! One of the moon call Enceladus, it is an ice
exterior of the most reflective surface of anybody in the solar system. Another moon
call Hyperion is a peculiar moon that have so many craters in it.

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