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Exp. No.

: Date:


(Using Optical lever, scale and telescope)
To determine the Young's modulus of the material of the given beam by non-
uniform bending using optical lever.
Fig. 1 Non uniform bending
Apparatus required:
Table 1. Thickness of the beam, d (Screw gauge) A uniform rectangular beam, two equal knife edges, weight hanger with slotted
LC= __________ mm ZE = ___________ div ZC= _____________ mm weights, an optical lever, scale, telescope, screw gauge, vernier caliper etc.

Sl. PSR HSC HSR = HSC × LC OR = PSR + HSR TR = OR  ZC Formula:

No. mm div mm mm mm Young’s modulus of the material of the beam,

𝒒= 𝐍/𝐦𝟐
𝟐𝒃𝒅𝟑 𝒔𝒑

𝑞 − Young's modulus of the material of the beam (N/m )

𝑚 − Load producing the shift in scale reading (kg)
𝑔 − Acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s )
𝑙 − Length of the beam between the two knife edges (m)
Average =
𝑏 − Breadth of the beam (m)
Table 2. Breadth of the beam, b (Vernier calipers)
𝑑 − Thickness of the beam (m)
L.C = __________ cm Z.E = ___________ div Z.C = _____________ cm 𝐷 − Distance between the mirror and the scale (m)
𝑝 − Perpendicular distance between the single leg and the line joining the other 2 legs (m)
𝑠 − Shift in scale reading for load 𝑚 (m)
No. cm div cm cm cm
The given beam is systematically supported on two knife edges. A weight hanger is
suspended by means of a loop of thread from the point exactly midway between the knife
edges. A suitable dead load 𝑊 is suspended from the weight hanger. The front leg of single
optical lever is made to rest at the center of the beam. The hind legs are supported on a
separate stand, at the same height. A telescope and a vertical scale are arranged in front of
Average = the optic lever. The telescope is focused and adjusted so that the reflected image of the scale
in the mirror is seen through the telescope.

1 2
The reading of the scale coinciding with the horizontal cross wire is noted. Then the
loads are added to the hanger in steps of 50 gm and the corresponding readings are noted.
Table 3. To find the shift (s) The observations are taken during unloading also. From these readings, the mean shift in
the scale reading due to the load m is found out and from the shift, Young's modulus of the
Telescope Reading Shift in material of the beam is calculated.
Shift in reading
Load reading for
Loading Unloading Mean for m
(𝐤𝐠) 2m
(cm) (cm) (cm) 𝟐
(× 𝟏𝟎 𝐦)
(× 𝟏𝟎 𝐦)


𝑊 + 2𝑚

𝑊 + 3𝑚

𝑊 + 4𝑚

𝑊 + 5𝑚

Mean shift (s) =

3 4


Length of the beam between the two knife edges 𝑙 =

Breadth of the beam 𝑏=
Thickness of the beam 𝑑=
Distance between the mirror and the scale 𝐷=
Perpendicular distance b/w the single leg and the line joining the other two legs 𝑝 =
Shift in scale reading for load m 𝑠=


Young's modulus of the material of the given beam = _________________ N/m

5 6
Exp. No.: Date:


To determine the angle of the given prism.

Apparatus required:
Spectrometer, Prism, Mercury vapour lamp

Angle of the prism,

𝜽𝑳 𝜽𝑹
𝑨= 𝟐

𝜃 – Reading of the reflected ray from the left side of the prism
𝜃 – Reading of the reflected ray from the right side of the prism
Fig. 1 Angle of the prism Fig. 2 Angle of minimum deviation

Table 1. Angle of the prism, A Procedure:

1. Initial adjustments:
Least count =
The base, collimator, telescope and the prism table are adjusted to horizontal
Angle of the position using a spirit level. The eyepiece is adjusted such as to see the cross wires
Reflected ray reading Reflected ray reading
prism distinctly. The telescope is focused to get the clear image of the distant object. Then it is
Left Right
A turned to be in line with the collimator. The collimator slit is adjusted narrow. The
collimator side screw is adjusted to see the image of the slit clearly without parallax.
𝜽𝑳 𝜽𝑹 Ver A Ver B
2. Angle of the prism (A):
Vernier A Vernier B Vernier A Vernier B
𝐴 = 𝐴 = The given prism is mounted vertically at the center of the prism table with its edge
𝜃 −𝜃 𝜃 −𝜃 facing the collimator, so that the parallel rays of light from the collimator fall almost equally










2 2
on the two faces AB and AC of the prism ABC. As a result of reflections from faces AB
and AC, image of the slit is seen on both sides of the prism.
First, the telescope is moved towards left side of the prism and the vertical crosswire
of the telescope is made to coincide with the image of the slit and the corresponding vernier
𝑨𝑨 𝑨𝑩 A and vernier B readings are taken. Now without disturbing the position of the prism, the
Mean A =
𝟐 telescope is moved to the right side of the prism to get the image of the slit coinciding with

7 8
Calculation: the crosswire. The corresponding vernier A and vernier B readings are taken. The
difference between the left and right side readings gives twice the angle of the prism (2A)
and half of this gives the angle of the prism (A).

Angle of the prism =

9 10
Exp. No.: Date:


To determine the acceleration due to gravity using simple pendulum.

Apparatus required:
2 m length of string, a spherical bob with a hook, Vernier calipers, stop watch, meter
scale, support rod and clamp.

Acceleration due to gravity,
𝒈 = 𝟒𝝅𝟐 𝐦/𝐬𝟐
Fig 1. Simple pendulum
𝐿 − Length of the pendulum (distance from the point of suspension to the center of the
bob (m)
𝑇 − Period of oscillation (s)

The simple pendulum is made up of a small spherical bob suspended by a long, light
string which is attached to a support stand by a string clamp. The length of the simple
pendulum is the distance from the point of suspension to the center of the bob. To find the
length of the pendulum, the length of the string (l) is first measured from the point of
suspension to the top of the ball using a meter scale. Then the diameter d of the spherical
bob is measured using Vernier calipers and from this, the radius r of the bob is calculated.
The radius of the bob is added to the length of the string that gives the length of the
pendulum (L = l + r).
The bob is displaced to one side from the vertical position and then released gently.
For these measurements, the amplitude of oscillation should be kept small. Care should be
taken to see whether the bob starts oscillating in a vertical plane about its rest position and
does not spin about its own axis or move up and down while oscillating or revolve in an
elliptical path around its mean position. The first few oscillations are omitted. After few
Fig 2. Graph to find 𝑻𝟐 oscillations, the time taken for 10 complete oscillations are noted. Three trials are taken.

11 12
Table 1. To find the radius of the bob, r using vernier calipers Then the period of oscillation 𝑇 (time for one oscillation) is found out. The experiment is
L.C = __________ cm Z.E = ___________ div Z.C = _____________ cm repeated by varying the length of the pendulum. The square of the period of oscillation
corresponding to each L is calculated.
Sl. MSR VSC VSR = VSC × LC OR = MSR +VSR TR = OR  ZC A graph is drawn taking L along x-axis and T2 along y-axis, which gives a straight
No. cm div cm cm cm line. The slope of the straight line gives the value of . This value is used in the equation

𝐿 1
𝑔 = 4𝜋 = 4𝜋
𝑇 slope

to find the acceleration due to gravity.

Mean =

Diameter of the bob, d = ____________ cm

Radius of the bob, r = ____________ cm
Length of the string, l = ____________ cm
Length of the pendulum, L = l + r = ___________cm = ____________ m

Table 2. To find the period of oscillation, T

Length of Time for 10 oscillations (s) Period of

Sl. 𝐿
the oscillation T2
No T 𝑇
pendulum (s2)
. Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mean (m/s2)
L (m) (s)
9 The acceleration due to gravity
10 By calculation, g = __________________ 𝑚/s2
Mean = By graphical method, g = ___________________ 𝑚/s2

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