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Member of group:

 Berliana Anggraini (04)

 Rahillza Affandi Putri (21)
 Sabirna Fahira (24)


1. Please refer to the highlighted sentences on page 100-101 as stated below. Identify the phrases and
clauses as you did in exercise 5.

a. Like California's Silicon Valley, the city had a good university working closely with a leading enterprise.


b. In turn, this provided the basis for stimulating new entrepreneurial, research and academic activities.


c. Although Italy's deep south is not California, incentives provided by the European Union,


the Italian government and local organisations, as well as Mr Pistorio's personal commitment,

Np Np

helped Catania grow into a high- technology centre.

Vp Np

2. Answer the questions on page 101, Task 2.

Comprehension Questions

1. Which industry is the article about?

It is about the centre of high-tech company

2. Who is Pasquale Pistorio?

Pasquale Pistorio, the Sicilian chairman of ST Microelectronics.

3. How big is his company?

This Franco-Italian group has rapidly grown to become Europe's largest and the world's number six, after
the likes of Intel, Toshiba and Motorola, under Mr Pistorio's leadership.

4. Which other high-tech centre is compared to Etna Valley? How are the two places similar?

The high-tech centre being compared is California’s Sillicon Valley because both of them have a
good a good university working closely with a leading enterprise
5. Who provided incentives to invest in Catania?

A former Motorola senior executive, he invested in Catania because he felt from the start that the
Sicilian city had all the ingredients to develop into a competitive high-tech centre

6. Why are high-tech companies keen to set up businesses in Catania?

The Catania plant was losing a lot of money. But the island also had a well-educated population and
offered high-tech companies what Mr Pistorio calls 'ample brain power resources".

3. Main Point Opening Paragraph is The Sicilian port city of Cantania is being transformed into a
Mediterannean silicon valley and Catania has become the most competitive place in Europe for high-
tech investments. Thesis: The Sicilian city had all the ingredients to develop into a competitive high-tech

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