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Hi, I'm Alexis and I am twenty-one years old. I am an English and Creative Writing major. I am
from a small town just outside of the North Carolina mountains where I have lived my whole
life. I started my college career as a Special Education and History major but have sense decided
that life was too short to not pursue my passion for reading and writing.
A moment in my real life when I used critical thinking was when deciding what media to
consume. In the world we live in media is everywhere we look, from the phones in our hands to
billboards on the side of the street. I noticed that when I began consuming all the media that was
thrown at me it affected my everyday life. Sometimes positively, but most of the time negatively.
When I really stopped and thought about it I came to the realization that I didn't have to absorb
everything. I could make the decision to scroll past it or change the channel. I have since started
to be picky about what I watch and read so that I don't have to feel like the media is the one
consuming me instead of me consuming it.
 What is your reaction to the way your classmates made sense of something in
their life?
 Would you have done the same thing, or would you have approached it
differently? Why, or why not?

I found Alexis’s self-awareness and reflection both impressive and intriguing. It is very
easy to be lost without realization in today’s era of consumerism, where everything is abundant
and consumption is the only way to indulge ourselves, be it through media, goods, or services. In
this regard, Alexis has consciously decided to be selective about media consumption that has the
power of influencing his/her thoughts, behavior, and action. As someone who has also made a
conscious effort to manage media consumption in my life, Alexis's reflections fully resonated
with me.
In my own experience, I have noticed that consuming too much media can negatively
affect my mental health and productivity. As a student, limiting my social media usage and
avoiding mindless scrolling has helped me focus on my studies and maintain a healthy work-life
balance. The approach of being selective about media consumption is especially important at a
time when we are often bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information on a daily
basis. The way I would have approached media consumption is by setting specific goals for
what I want to achieve with the media I consume. For example, if I want to stay informed about
current events, I will prioritize reading reputable news sources instead of consuming
sensationalized headlines or clickbait articles. If I want to relax and unwind, I might opt for a
feel-good movie or a light-hearted book instead of engaging with heavy or emotionally draining
content. And if I find myself feeling anxious or overwhelmed after consuming certain media, I
would take a step back and evaluate if it's worth continuing to consume that media or if it's better
to cut it out entirely. Overall, through critical thinking and reflection, we can make the most of
the media we engage with and avoid being consumed by it.

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