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As a student we have to have a core values it is because it is

important. Your core values are the guiding principles that guide how you
live. Your actions, choices, and behaviors are directed by them. They
increase one's sense of worth and purpose. They serve as a reminder of your
values and the things you desire more of in your life.You may live in
accordance with your values if you are aware of what matters to you. More
fulfillment, clarity, and self-awareness result from this. You can find your
mission thanks to this self-awareness. Your core values represent the things
you treasure most in life. They’re the essential foundation for finding your life
purpose because they’re the “how” you’ll find your “why.”
Making decisions that align with your core values helps you feel like
you’re on the right path or in the right place at the right time, or that things
come easily to you. Core values inform your thoughts, decisions, and actions
and help you align your career or life path to what’s important to you.
They’re the essential foundation in finding your life purpose, because they
remind us and others who we truly are. Who we’re meant to be. What gift
we’re meant to share with the world. Create a Positive Image: Fundamental
values create a positive image of people. They also aid in establishing a
positive reputation for us in the eyes of the populace. For instance, if
someone is ethical and honest, everyone in his or her social circle, including
friends, family, coworkers, and peers, will respect them. Goal Achievement:
Whether they are short-term or long-term goals, core values give people a
foundation on which to build. As a result, people complete their tasks on
schedule and without wavering. For instance, if someone's aim is to satisfy
customers in a given month and they are honest, committed to customer-
driven excellence, etc., their core values will enable them to meet their goals
on time. Personal and Professional Development: People can secure their
personal and professional development by adhering to their core principles.
Individuals will be able to enhance their personal abilities, for instance, if
they create and uphold ethical standards. Similar to this, applying
fundamental principles at work will give the individual more opportunity to
be considered for professional chances.

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