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Q. Tell me about yourself?

Ans: Hello, this is Faruqur Rashid. I am a graduate and postgraduate with Economics and had a certification
course on Production planning and supply chain management from BKMEA, iART. With this I am working as
a Bakery Production planner and supply chain officer in North End Coffee Roasters. Here I am helping North
End to forecast the bakery production plan overseeing the sales data besides I am helping inventory team to
handle proper inventory and distribution. Sourcing suppliers and developing alter suppliers. Helping
procurement team by making weekly and monthly procurement planning. Also looking after coffee raw beans
demand forecasting and importing sauces and syrups from Australia by our third-party logistics company.

Q. Why do you want to leave your current job/company?

Ans: This is not about leaving; I am seeking a new opportunity and challenge where I can grow and build
myself more with the current tide.

Q. Where do you see yourself 3-5 years from now?

Ans: Although it is hard to predict the future. I want to see myself as a valued employee of this company. I
want to be an expert in my position and want to grow with the company. Although not everyone gets promoted
to the leading level, I believe I can achieve this goal through my hard work.

Q. Why should we hire you?

Ans: You require someone who can perform a wide range of product management. I have a track record
of carrying out these different tasks efficiently and successfully. I am working with Bakery production
unit and every time I work to develop our bakery product with its taste, quality and ingredients used in
it, packaging materials, MRP price fixing etc.

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