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Unit- 3

Introduction Of SEM :-
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the process of gaining market online by purchasing Ads on
search engines, say Google, Yahoo, or Bing. SEM involves the promotion of websites by
increasing their visibility in Search Engine Result Page (SERP).

The search engines use algorithms to provide the most relevant results to every user. For
producing best suggestions to the users' queries, they consider not only the search keywords
entered by users but also users' location, type of device and operating system they are working
on, users' preferences, and their identities.

The better the search algorithm is, the happier the user is with its results .

Search Marketing Approaches :-

Search marketing works with two approaches –
Earning traffic through unpaid or free search listings (SEO Methods)

Buying traffic through paid search listings (PPC Ads)

In the first type of search marketing where advertisers earn traffic through unpaid listings, there
are two popular methods - organic and non-organicsearch.

Organic SEO

 It takes more time to create as more concentrated towards content creation, building
hyperlinks, meta-tag optimization, keyword enhancement, etc.
 It yields late effect.
 It focuses on long term results.
 It is inexpensive.
 They cannot be affected financially.
 Once the design of the website and its content is good, it requires less management.

Non-Organic SEM :-

 It is speedy.
 It brings immediate effect.
 It focuses on short term results.
 It is very expensive.
 They can get affected financially.
 It required high degree of management.

Steps Involved in Search Engine Marketing

Step 1- Define Effective Strategy

Step 2 Choose Right Keywords

Step 3 - Optimize Your Website Content

Step 4-Submit Your Website for Indexing

Step 5- Add Quality Links to Your Website

Step 6-Manage Paid Search Advertise

Step 7 Measure Success of Advertise

Mobile Marketing:
Mobile marketing is a multi-channel, digital marketing strategy aimed at reaching a target
audience on their smartphones, tablets, and/or other mobile devices, via websites, email, SMS
and MMS, social media, and apps.

Mobile is disrupting the way people engage with brands. Everything that can be done on a
desktop computer is now available on a mobile device. From opening an email to visiting your
website to reading your content, it's all accessible through a small mobile screen. Consider:

• 80% of internet users own a smartphone.

Mobile platforms, such as smartphones and tablets, host up to 60% of digital media time for
users in the U.S.

• Google anticipates search queries on mobile devices to surpass desktop searches by the end of

Effective mobile advertising means understanding your mobile audience, designing content with
mobile platforms in mind, and making strategic use of SMS/MMS marketing and mobile apps.

Types of Mobile Marketing :-

1. Short Message Service (SMS)

2. Multimedia Message Service (MMS)

3. Mobile Applications
4- Bluetooth MM

5- Mobile Internet Advertisement

Video Marketing on YouTube

Getting your video ad up and running on YouTube isn't difficult, especially when you have a
sneak peek into how to do it. Before you start, we'll walk you through how to sign up for
YouTube Advertising and create your first video campaign.

Not only is your audience on YouTube, but as the internet's second largest search engine,
YouTube can help improve your SEO and overall brand presence. YouTube allows marketers to
present unique content that's easy for viewers to consume and share.

YouTube marketing can be an intimidating tool for brands. That's why we've created this
complete guide for YouTube pros and newcomers alike. Below we'll walk through each step of
marketing on YouTube from how to create a You Tube channel and optimize videos for SEO to
how to run a YouTube advertising campaign and interpret video analytics.

Before advertising on YouTube, you'll need to upload your video to your YouTube channel.
Once it's uploaded, simply paste the video's URL into the box provided.


Facebook for marketing :-
It's important to start by building your fanbase on Facebook. Publicize your page and post a link
to it anywhere you can, including adding a social icon onto your website.

Once you've created a strong following it's important to use status updates or photos to share
your products, offers, services. You should also post things that get your audience to engage with
your posts. Things that they will click, "like," comment on, and share. The more people are
engaging, the more frequently you'll appear in others timelines.

It's important to keep in mind that many use Facebook as a personal network to connect with
their friends or loved ones. Your brand needs to fit into this atmosphere naturally in order to keep
people interested in what you're posting. So don't make it solely about selling.

Facebook Advertising is really picking up speed in the business world.

It uses social graph and activities to pinpoint those who fall into your buyer demographics,
making Facebook Ads incredibly effective. Facebook ads are more likely to bring in strong leads
that are actually looking for your services.
They help make sure your advertising budget isn't wasted on those who aren't really interested in
what you're offering and helping to put product or service put into the hands of the exact person
who wants or needs it.

Twitter :- is fast-paced, concise, and easy way to connect with your audience. With over 310
million registered users (and growing), Twitter is a sea of information of 140 character or less
content waiting to be read, clicked, followed, and re- tweeted.

How to Use Twitter for Marketing:-

Twitter generates over 175 million tweets daily and allows you to share quick pieces of
information and photos in an effort to drive people back to your site or landing pages. You only
get a small amount of characters, so make them count!

When marketing on Twitter, you need to have content that is enticing enough for people to stop
and click through. People are normally scrolling through quickly so it takes more than just
simple text to stop them in their tracks.

Tool to Utilize: Hashtags

Hashtags (#) are you key tool on Twitter. These tags allow you to reach a wider audience than
just your followers by getting involved in existing conversations.

People searching for specific information will often check hashtags to see what's out there. Do
some research what your buyer persona is hashtagging to make sure your posts are going to be
found by the right people.

Our free guide "Tune Up Your Social Media Marketing" will teach you everything you need to
know to master Twitter for business. You can get it here.

LinkedIn :-
Linkedin is different from the rest of the social media outlets because it's specifically designed
for business and professionals. Users mainly go to Linkedin to showcase their job experience and
professional thoughts, making it one of the more important platforms to use for those in
B2B.Between features like LinkedIn Pulse, Company Pages, InMail, Groups, and "Get
Introduced" and the ability to see who's viewed your personal profile, Linkedin is a valuable tool
for not only driving traffic, but prospecting, establishing thought leadership, as well as recruiting.

Content Marketing :- Advertising uses the content to describe the business,

brand, and business reputation. The content can be in various forms such as news, webpages, videos,
white papers, infographics, podcasts, blogs, case studies, and photographs.
Content is what is sold or accessed on the Internet. Content developers create the content to provide
the information to the viewers. It can be in the form of text, graphics, and animation.

Content marketing refers to the approach of creating and sharing of informative, relevant, valuable, and
consistent content to convert a group of audience into customers and retain them. Content marketing is
non-interruptive way of marketing.

Good content helps customers become more knowledgeable about the product or service and make better buying

Goals of Content Marketing

Brand Awareness: It marks the presence of your brand.
Sale: It boosts lead generation at quicker pace.

Customer-Vendor Relationship Building: It helps in creating engagement between buyer and the

Customer Retention: Pleasing content attracts customers and helps one in retaining him.

Types Of Content




Case studies

Designing Content for Social Media Marketing

Social media networks support multiple content formats and there has been
rapid growth in the use of interactive formats, for example, carousel ads on Facebook. This flexibility of
format (text, image, multi-image, video, carousel etc.) gives marketers the ability to experiment with
different types of content to gauge how best to attract and engage social users.

If people are the heartbeat of social media, content is the blood. It's your content that people see and
respond to, and that communicates your values and messages.

Why you need an over arching commas & content plan

Start with a clear commas and content plan that is aligned with business goals. This isn't social specific; it
should govern how you communicate with customers across all channels. Social can then inherit this
plan and adapt it to suit social networks.

For example, you may have a campaign launching a new detailed guide and social is used to seed
snippets from the guide over X weeks with a hook to download the full content. So the overarching plan
guides what is being talked about and when, then the social media plan decides how to tell the story to
a social audience based on content format, style and execution.

Before you start posting content, you need to answer the following questions:

1. What are we trying to achieve on social media and how does this align with core business

2. What stories do we want to tell and how can we make them relevant to our social audience?

3. What is our social customer profile and what types of content to they respond best to

4. What's the current state of the market - how do competitors and comparators perform socially and
what content works for them?

5. Who needs to be involved in content production and marketing?

6. How will we measure the success of social content?

7. How will we optimise and improve what we're doing?

Competitor analysis for social content

Imitation is flattery.
By this, I don't mean copy what your competitors are doing, but if you are fighting for mindshare
amongst a similar audience, it pays to know what content that audience currently consumes and
responds to. You can then factor in popular topics and content formats into your social content plan.

By knowing what competitors are doing, you can also quickly identify content gaps:

1. What topics aren't they covering?

2. Which topics are they covering poorly, with low-quality content?

3. Which topics are they covering but not comprehensively, so there's an opportunity to establish a
niche foothold?

Originality is inspiring.
We decided to create inspiring content through other people. We ran a series of inspirational events
featuring speakers who had a success story to tell, to demonstrate that success is unique to each of us
and what makes each person successful varies but people who achieve have some things in common
e.g. drive and ambition.

This helped generate unique content that drove social engagement:

• Announcements of new free events at our London base (with Eventbrite registration)

• Announcements for new speakers and a profile (amplified by them sharing with their personal
networks) shedevents

⚫Live tweeting to share quotes and insights from the speakers, via the hashtag #

Post-event write-ups and photos for visual content

Quotes from the speakers for short social posts

Creating a social media content marketing calendar

Keep this simple. Work on a quarterly basis and build out the content plan month-by-month aligned
with your overall

You should have a set of stories that need to be told, then break down for each month which story
components are the focus and the content formats and social channels that will be used to distribute
the messages.
Optimising content for a social audience
Businesses produce a lot of content, don't restrict your social channels to content the social team
produces. Think laterally.

For example, customer service teams create a lot of helpful content for users, answering FAQs and
enquiries. They often add to the business knowledge base, and this information can be really helpful to
social customers e.g. care instructions for a product. However, the content may not always be in a
format and stylehat's suitable for a social audience, so you can take the raw content and repurpose for
your social channels.

Let's use the example of care instructions. You could turn this into 'Tip of the day for Twitter, using
short-form, take- away advice that can link to more detailed content on your website.

Creating regular hooks

Find a content format that can be used to create regular posts that encourage people to come back for

Increasing content reach

You want the biggest reach possible (amongst relevant audiences) so that you optimise your investment.
This means finding ways to encourage other social users to share your content with their wider network.
Below I look at 3 techniques to enable this:

You've got something but there isn't much left and people have to hurry to get it. Scarcity is often a
marketing veil but if used well can drive social activity. A good example is popular events where tickets
sell out quickly - publicising the ticket launch date well in advance drums up interest.

If you offer something that people can't get anywhere else, and it's relevant to them, you stand a good
chance of getting their attention and increasing engagement with your social content.

Test, measure and learn

How do you know what content works in social media?
Even without web analytics or social media analytics, you can very quickly look at engagement metrics
for individual posts e.g. likes on Facebook, RT on Twitter.However, to know how content contributes to
your digital KPIs and ROI, then you need to ensure you're measuring a much wider set of metrics. A few
• Add campaign tracking to all posted links (using a consistent tracking taxonomy)

• Use social reports in web analytics to monitor social sessions and conversions

• Use referral reports to compare social domains to other domains for referral traffic

• Use landing page reports and then apply social segments to gauge social impact for key content pages

You should also use social network specific analytics to explore the impact of your content. For example,
on Twitter you can compare month-on-month for total engagement and drill down into tweets with the
most impressions and engagement.

Make sure you define the KPIs you will measure success against and then ensure reports are set-up to
provide the data for analysis. Don't go into the analytics tools with no idea what you want to measure -
you'll waste a lot of time!

Useful tools
There are lots of free and paid tools out there. Below is a small list of ones I find really useful:




Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing (also known as influence marketing) is a form of social media marketing involving
endorsements and product placement from influencers, people and organizations who have a purported
expert level of knowledge or social influence in their field. Influencers are somedpe (or something) with
the power to affect the buying habits or quantifiable actions of others by uploading some form of
original often sponsored content to social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat or other
online channels. Influencer marketing is when a brand enrolls influencers who have an established
credibility and audience on social media platforms to discuss or mention the brand in a social media
post. Influencer content may be framed as testimonial advertising.

Influencer marketing is a way to leverage the status of an individual within your organization to boost
the profile and standing of the company as a whole. Many influencers also use their status and reach to
launch their own companies or consulting businesses.

Many of the world's leading influencers' names are synonymous with those of their organizations.
WordStream's own founder and Chief Technology Officer, Larry Kim, is considered an influencer in the
paid search, content marketing, and social media spaces. Larry frequently speaks at conferences around
the world, and his extensive knowledge and thought leadership in search has elevated not only his own
profile, but that of WordStream as a company.
Most discussions of social influence focus on social persuasion and compliance. In the context of
influencer marketing, influence is less about arguing for a point of view or product than about loose
interactions between parties in a community (often with the aim of encouraging purchasing or
behavior). Although influence is often equated with advocacy, it may also be negative. The two-step
flow of communication model was introduced in The People's Choice and developed in Personal

Influencer marketing is also important through social comparison theory. As psychologist Chae reports,
influencers serve as a comparison tool. Consumers may compare influencer lifestyles with their
imperfections. Meanwhile, followers may view influencers as people with perfect lifestyles, interests,
and dressing style. As such, the promoted products may serve as a shortcut towards a complete lifestyle.
Chae's study finds women with low self-esteem compare themselves to the influencers. As such, they
elevate the status of influencers above themselves. When using an influencer, a brand may use
consumer insecurities to its benefits. For this reason, influencer marketing may lead to faulty

Identifying Influencer :-
Market-research techniques can be used to identify influencers, using predefined criteria to determine
the extent and type of influence. Activists get involved with organizations such as their communities,
political movements, and charities. Connected influencers have large social networks. Authoritative
influencers are trusted by others. Active minds have a diverse range of interests. Trendsetters are the
early adopters (or leavers) of markets. According to Malcolm Gladwell, "The success of any kind of social
epidemic is heavily dependent on the involvement of people with a particular and rare set of social
gifts". He has identified three types of influencers who are responsible for the "generation,
communication and adoption" of messages:

• Connectors network with a variety of people, have a wide reach, and are essential to word-of-mouth

• Mavens use information, share it with others, and are insightful about trends.

Fake influencers

Fake influencers have been around for as long as their genuine counterparts, and all criteria used to
determine the veracity of an influencer account can be fabricated. Third-party sites and apps sell
services to individual accounts which include falsely increasing followers, likes, and comments.
Instagram has failed to shut down all such websites. One marketing agency tested whether fake
accounts could be profitable. The company created two fictitious accounts, built their online presence
through paid followers and engagement (likes and comments), and applied for work in

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