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Quiz - ARG

1. Mariana is ineligible to get compensation under the frauds legislation. According to the statute
of frauds, certain contracts and agreements must be executed in writing and signed by both
parties in order to be enforceable. Examples of such agreements include: 1. arrangements made
with marriage in mind, as in the aforementioned instance2. contracts that cannot be finished in
a year3. real estate agreements 4. contracts for products costing $500 or more5. Land contracts
now, a written agreement would be required for a court to enforce such an arrangement;
nevertheless, even with consideration, Mariana has no claim because the deal was made orally.
2. Due to the fact that the transaction was unlawful and hence void and unenforceable, Angelo
may sue Mike for P 20,000. Mariana cannot be compensated for the promise unless she has
experienced a severe loss that is covered by the estoppel law. Angelo had asked for Jon to be
killed, which is against the law because it takes away one's right to life. As a result, the contract is
null and void and Mike Angelo is entitled to get P 20,000 money back. Even if there is no formal
contract, the doctrine of estoppel forbids one from breaking a commitment. .In this instance, the
pledge was made inadvertently, and Mariana hasn't depended on it to sustain substantial losses.
She is unable to move on from David as a result.

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