Statement of Interest Board Positions 2023 2024

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Okinawa International Women’s Club

Board Statement of Interest


I, _______________________________________, would like to formally express my interest

for the position of _______________________________ on the 2023-2024 Okinawa
International Women’s Club Board.

Elected Officer positions include: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Appointed Committee Chairpersons include: Cooking, Culture, Historian, Hospitality,
Membership, Newsletter, Programs, Publicity, Reservations, Social, Tours, Ways and Means,
and Welfare. Non-voting Appointed Position: Parliamentarian.

A description of each position can be obtained by contacting the current OIWC Secretary.

Please provide a brief description as to why you feel you are the best candidate for this position:

I fully understand that by committing to an OIWC Board position, if appointed, I will be
responsible for fulfilling the outlined duties for one OIWC Calendar Year (August-June). I
understand that serving on the Board is a time commitment and in order to best represent the
interest of the group, I will make every effort to attend the majority of the monthly board
meetings and luncheons.

Signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________________

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