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Unita: the Praclteal opamp characteristics 2. Ode chm @AC Chars OOher — Fapuk Bias Cumenl- Ranameters —Tnpul- Of fod Cacect- — Effet of Temp, TF Tipu Office voltage Tine, power Supply Nation = Thermal Datft Ow Offtel- Comet 4 Voltege } 3 — 'CmRR’ — PsRe\, - Freuency Ripone NOn es - Slew Rate, — Scaling = average amp — Enstruimentation amp —'VbeL Converter - —PL&V Corrter. « DC Characteristics 2 — An Tcleal “Op —amp draws no Cunreal- -from the Source and tte wesponse te also @adkeperdent- of bemporrediut, — Bue practically, Cuneat- ts taken from Source into the Ep-amp toputs . Also thee two Inputs ores ponds differently to Guneal wana Voltage due te alismatch in tremsictone — And also depends Ow temportue, state aos \ ere CG compos Tre minlen tide! cl CM Glan to the de output- Voltage © Tope Bias Cuneals = Tapa Offed- Cures — Tape offed- Volkoge — Thermal Daf. SE eis BSoseet eo ) Practically, The fopat terminals do (Conduct- aw Small Value of do Cumenls -l9 bias the inpul- tren 6jstor Preseat- in ASE Stage Cliffeceatial amplifier. — These Crents entering into dover Hog Gg-reemsistor) , nlon — cer Cay-reemsistor) teeminals of op— amp Cuvent- Plowing twto Trav into Non —Iwy terwicl Terminal Dg Tg, = DC Bias | | | Tt or Ty, = PE Bins Comtif ah — Shpat Bia Gamalt-+ Te ts Acfind Cs the Querage Value Of the base Cments entering tnto the Sopa | tenenimals of an, ©p—4™p- This t& to the Orde of Scone for 44. Op—emp Due to Ahls Toput Bias Gum, we qt an Non - Ze Oulpul Voltage Uh) VY =0. Mis Y Voltage Known ai Gielen) as CcAtel- V Inv amp with Bier Cumeitis, VY Nen Day anp Sit) Bios cute Equavalent- cb Ge he yee Re are shea Anput Bios Comet, The Vosq & tothe Order af MY sange: Cx: —This Tenge Of Vat pr Offset Vell-oge Tp =| Soonk is Mot negtected to Some application ere Beret | Whee the Alp & the Order of mv Vorg= 500 x10 Ake % =@cemy) So Ths effed-\Can be Compensated by H my Connestiog & Reogp Yesistor fo the MonLrw tecatinal ound, # gree (Due re tits Rew | Wbeome eV, Se \=0) step Pytes Casrent- (Ta) Compensxttow. Fer Dov -€mp = v a Prgsucce The Two TWengister ae Sone Prose Cument- om So |AiLy V RRe Rak + Bee : [Pe = 2. | er LW, Te OnE) . tbe Gp) Ry T+ Ty Ry Bra Nah oar nV Bio M Re Pe anew Tdenks cal (Ld eal) draws % ip ote Yore Nore: 2 Reomp = Rilke , anal aT eet Thev The Cutpue Offer Voltage One to Tepd es Cament- (Tp) becomes err: as =0) For Nen=Zay amp , the! Keenp tr to \Sexies poli, tapat ibe j ) But Prectteally The “hoo taput traneistor Can not be made Tdentfeal , Ue gt ft Ty tt implies Cvew Though ip igs Conmert- Reomp' wexistoy ald) OR =AmP The Ont pat Volt Not eyal tp Dew. “* \ e,- 2 Top Offi Go * te dleffeceme bebroees the op and Ta, fs known as Typul- offset Cament~ {LM 3 7 __j-_______.— Absdite Vote. (Beoayy we Comit-\Sag- velfich Tremathy Gker Mere Cunnl-. ~The Tre Goput- Offiet- Conett-) ts & the Order of ty fer Th) C8IT) Tes > 000K. Calesteliom/ Perivetion of Vo a. Sq I," + Ja iS Fe Roop =V\+ Pp -v, =o. Wars ee ep -y, r+ a oF \ Ql 4 Te Vy ~ TAR tet Rau O | Fe et Ee mem-y Te Ry r Sustibte © to © = be Sr, he ran \ c an | ee ede. ey =i fae = Hal Rep = TG = int Tet Booy( $1) ap ’ @ if Ry =ana- oon A tes = Vortec = oom Compensation -frr %s The effet of offul- Cunent- Gn be. Mirimticed by Re Buk ty Cbtdin Yeconable gain “R; has tobe vecreased , Tt implies low input impedomie . G0 -Ikis problem ts eae | by meplacing the ff by ape Nebwork . ee R ae THT Gaviow Y hee R« Re and Rp = Re + 2.Ry Rs cae ite 2 Re = Re Re-2Ry lace atzex'en Fixsk choose Re and Caledate Ke NOTE) Tig T- nklwork , allow Lange feclbeck resistance, > rs fra 1ohvle keepteg. abe. vecistence Seen by vee ‘is low. "Nore: af Peony = Fille anol p= Dy them The Outpur Offre Voltage he to Inpit Bias Comeal- (7) became eo: Ae =0) For Non-Tov amp , the Reonp tr tn Series wh taput ia BU iPanctRally|, The Theo tank taemetsioy Ning Fted the Relation Ho Ving ond Ye For Non “Fave ring eeaU, —anpliPiey the agetvqleal= He~ with V=o t& Shown feo p f 7 oe i w a fos 2Vies L Vv, R v. Using Voltage diviow | ° Formule, R ‘Ge Vie Your > a Rea ee Viog =\ Be y Ry AiRe Sa, = VL Br Rp i: ee Ve ( I+ Be) Vio J Gad, Irput- Offiat-Vokage., Oukpul— cel— Oulpu Of fst Volkoge. The tote| Oufput- Of-fec- voltage Could be ether moe r Les than the offsel- Voltage Produced al- the Output Glue to tpul- bas Cunveal= or icpul- affecr voleage f ~ Ths may be petitive or megative ob pee = tothe ny Conpencation the total Olp Offset Voltage te gies te " £ Mee (ey les woth Reap’ tn the che. att a Vioc + Rp, Compensction for Wifi Ybtege + (we) mead te pp Ane tape Offsd- Voltage to mate Wo) Diffecen- ways + () soy Offs lull Pine; aes as é, Tp Off Null ple are geen fer Op-amp, , we Use, aleniny @ = topulr. i ee _ . iv Ct ts Connested al wil ~ Thig Balandiaé hat on if the emp t& Non= Drv amp. ond ia ce 7 te applied ‘al- lon Tov Cemmtnal for app ic Condition gnd Analy Xs + R VA max + a Ringe b fy at Ft tT A Ym Wy. i a a De = Ba_|] Ras 3 Rerox = Ba ‘ Vee Pe A ay A " boiper at top. : 5 } Wiperdt (bottom j Vaya Vee SV Wee | weg Voltage at Re CV) ! y= Vom Be ; Ring. + Pit ees |Voal= % -v, V=0 => Ving = Vy Sol Me, - ee Rnogct SURE Nae WN, of Ae emny co | Veerpumiioed soeieenelt > RG must be Small. Ry rout: be Large Reng Se Ree & So RL + Row + Re = Ry £6 (“i 4 i Es ton >) dl 4 oO change in| tempewalline | © Chamge ‘9 Sup ply voltage +e . ' ee Ai), © Time, deme 4 \§ So even thous , if Op—amp , the oOutpul- Vaesson Vig mo. ee mime effet Of ceapoeecac Cathy *% Exe Yo linge, © \ i We find the henge tn the total Output Voltage Caused by “the ‘oput- offet- Voltage. & Copul> Offset Gr eal- dsift- ‘ Cop letely Compensated Tov. amp. Bit at- Other temp (Let 35%) Vor $0.due t daéfec: = The Average Change fn total output Offsd- Voltage. Per Vail change a) dempanatiore ts Aen 2 date Vio + Rp. Aor AT 8 AP Aa Bahl loft AT on Both Sicles = (lt Rp \/ave> Ar, B (22) a AN Voee Z ) ae) + 4(S2 Maxinur Posebe Chernap im Tote! Ofp Offset Voltage fs is nore, os 1 Ex Loltoge’ Gy. Pee ee 7 + E, G ze a) are 4 Sa Wa ; Py “cou ise! ther | +e or = ae ny. amp Ey =0 hea Fer ss 0D © Effect af. Vantatfeon, tn power Supply Volt ; Offsel- Velkege 1 saa, \e, &, Ty, we alto Suscaptible lo charges ‘ee Supply Voleaqu Vee 9- “Vee, => which’ rretulls @ Output Offset Volkege 1 TR Mc, Mee veling C4 emai Changes! “ak Ta etl e ‘ 7 ing i depends OW poor Regulstion- ano_ Filet ag tohich Hep Lead VariaHoms . Be oy SS Sete 25% x pply vole Pet — By Propecly Choosing "Reemp \c@ cm uly the Oubpu- Offs Voltage due 4 Guppy Vaation effed 05 Dy OH vo! itege > The effort of Supply Vantationt On spe Gc ey Cmell er fine eConsteml- (zero) beceg , fs ts absolute Value of the CléPPerence bfo bee inpal- Kas Cwrals, So effete Of Vic, Vee entations Gm Tp —> cliwfrated by Reoap To, —> {© Content Gero) . - Vo —9 Grae) Abo*® PSRR * The Changes to a ©P- ainp's “tapu Offsite Voltage ‘(Vioe) Caused by Variation ' the Supply Voltages fs ferry Spectf ‘fied (On the data She) br a vesiely Of terms ot -fellouns V tpul- offret- velinge Sensitivity, V Power Supply Rejection Rxtto (PsP) on Votage Rejection Retio (SVRR) ~ PSRR: ne see - ote > Mots. Tee foe way] psa = “150 50 ply In dB: eon fevRR = ao lon foe B > eat b Ep=amp, » area fs) We AVe/av ) Should be Ao Lem av postible. ¥Y Ty d& SVRR Shouwd be as lange a possible, Adeally x SVRR =| 0 Now Bceg of Vig Vesiction 8th Veinaa Vee or Kee , the 2 t P a itt) Vico Total Oupak Offer jibe, prent (Ge zen) eit My = (4), ances it) Joege- a ey), i Gee Ca ace. Sol (ECA, aa = asa a Outpul- Of fact Vollage- Vo = Change to Supple Vo iy: ae AV “pply Votage R ef eckion Drie (#). — By tg Repl Poot Coe alia ae thts effet Ue mhcintzed,, @ chomge to Tne Vi wh Time i BS Cio Under OP eraaet Concikou the Characteristics of all Kemiconductoce deutcer , Such diode: amd tremens, Chemge dp Some €xtenl- wlth time, => Which Vesulle tts Hineontty ood Accuracy (f @-anp) affected — Por long term applications Pens Veet, Cauctal. Change » opt Offcct veer wth Hime. > AVin —, At (PYfoeee) AL change % tppuk Offset Cnenl- wht Hire > ee Ate (74fonn) loo Tetel Outpuk Offset Voltage (Change, itty ete, Voor = (178) vio + Ry Be Pyuege Change to or uty URE “King, | AVoor — [i+ Rp Wio a Rp Ales At JJ AE At ns Dalipty With Ab on Bort cecles a gain) ~ :-ccccaneEy pumempeminmmes AV = [14 RE\/AVio Pk a a At = Hoe elapsed (ects) Ae ie Alts —> ‘opal offre Vo tege dl aeft htt me (7 AV vee ) AVoop —P Chenge in Outpt Ofc Vollage k, Norse <1) = Any Unwanted Signal acsoctated wth the desired Signal is know oe own AS Moise and and 40 predic er amalyae, — Noise is yandom th Natuie 3 JOULES | hecng tt te the Conbined | Erneta of RGN noise can be Come fon mead — Fo ony decode, Sytem , u ‘ induced Cxhened Sources (ertemal Notse) 2 wall 4s be Self br elveatt= itself Extemel Sourcee > YolaHng mackinoty | {gation Sysbers, nlabuial phenom®na, (Lighting) Self taduced — AC vemdom Vollages 4 Cun ests iSith to Seni, Cone Of One chi- wftl esesullss Gwiehing Of Other ct. lose phenomena tlh OP ~amp_ Y Schottky Netse Y therm al Nlotse v L nlefse Reduction af Noise om Tes = Physical shtelciog Of Tes % associated wixiog- @ prevenl- En) crecliati ey) — Geel Buffering R Fittevog che can be “ed bho Clectromfe cle omd Stgnal Heads Proper grounding, (Common grr) a Bypass Gp me os Meaty DG terminale of porcille, Cee % oh toads lerth as Shore at postibte . > estan the Ctral-“votth high lorouniby . = Baer INV, Non—aniv and Differential amplifees | the Diffecentaal amp the best Immunity to tadiueed Morse, Noise in Differenttal Ampléfrer © if R=Ry , B=Ry —+ the Nofse Ob averting 9. nlon— favectiny -termihal, +o prom % Same, —» The Tetullent Outpuk— Notse ts Lex (tes) > The Dtffenaticl amp avapli-ft only eff erantte) GQgrele. Vy - , the nlotse % Common for Roth terminal, (tov, rion Inv terminals) So Notse diffeane =0 Yoo a ~t Commen — Mode Configuation ond CMRR ¢ — when Same fnpat- Voltage & applted tr both topul~ teantnaly Of an Op—amp , the Sp-amp és satd be COG fn a@ Common mode Ci Raa — The Cornmen fnpul- Stgnal 4s. known a8 Common Mede. vet [signal (Vem). — The Internal Differential. amp nok ampli fis “the Sirol — efp ts zew for Commen mode Signal . ae BH Due tp tr pecfection whth in preuttcal Op-anp , Sone Commen node output Voltage appeer aE op. (Veem), Vem — The Coynmen mode gain ap-amp fs A namede_gefe of p-a"p & Ary Aem a Moen cara in) iS a Vem . i + My in Seat eee Vr a as Baal Ao ' ea) — Th ©p-amp amplifies only fferestl Synal ei With a geen op @eoal to amplifier. (Ap) iat Performance af OP -amp Wat nlotce eléménakion, ts defined 05 "Cowman Made Refedtion atta.” (CMRR ) CMRR 4 Mts defined as the Reto of the. differntfaly qr Ar) +e dhe — Common ‘node. gin Aen) . rAOue Achae AD =A a) Of Ep-anp. gure = oe acm Veen Ven Pe cm Ab Vy A, tb Verm Cente = As ArVen Se ene cntt) AS CMRP. Vo b for Beet Op ~S%ap Performamee. MRR Value ES Very Large: Pde ¢ CmRe = 02. CMRR 4, = cit a) rom CORRdg = olog Ge) tod? ces ae amatching- La the hwo opi toot rte Klose: Cmeg BP —> better matchinge CMecis se) em tee darae degree mer telalanc bfo he ‘hyo inpets aaa (Yen #o) aoa ' poor CORR | 4 Nlotse prreseal- abe op. wh meg tia fur chon ot Frage Prestteaby, — —— the cleffertattel rede @p-amp ts, an ¢ffedive Ct to reducing diz, Nlefce at 2h | ed Th toy oi froy- see * Faeyuency Response es ARR PAU Mpls Fdeally an ©p-amp Should have an tofivtte Bandwidth . (From ‘0! freg—to 4F,RE > ge Should be Constant ), Bub Practical the ep —emp gein clecreases (‘aloff) a high feeqen cies. —The mamer im which the geen of the OP- Grp qesponds Hodifferet- freaueactes \ts Called the Pradenay Repose” Alumanical) Freg- Response Keg ae ae, + phase Resporse, Phase (degrees) F ‘ ae Ea aT te goto of epoop lf. ~ these Tous be a Cap active. Gomponeal-" ta the ©p-amp Che and X, deevocses voit tnereating in fee. The Souweu fer this Capasitve Componeit are, © Te phyrtcal Characteristics of Semicenductor derces. = ©p-amp ae bouing mom RIT. o FETs , WK ch Conting he punetion Capesthane es (Paratbc cop). © The iaternal Conctricton of &p-amp. — Op emp hewig, BITE, Residhmees , capaiemen , cll axe. GoStucted en Subchate (Clic atte as tosulster), Al these. aes tntenCoandibed & Ponallel wires, Due to this Some, Capacitive Component preseat ( Panalbl wire —y parallel plete Substecte| —) cheledic Rome of shove “tor veatent , Some Capacitere wry Gesu ty The aylivelect At of Op -amp , Vv = our pale Votaqe. A = openleop gain oF ©p-anip- Vj = tpt differe Vj 4 i in Vy, Vs, : v ) Ovrteail /— Capacitin % aie Hes —fes— moda of ep re Wid Co fret? i Free Capartud Voltage gein a a function of fees y 2 (Cy Y= a Voc (AV) — Ro + = cop y gue ‘ = 8 aTRE Ad) 4 ip geet opty gin LT ND = PE Se Op-amp ca a flunction + A= gin of op-ay of fee ay 4 Baudy. (Magritude [Aor ef) | > Gh 2) = fea” z= Toot! ($f) Phos e angle DY y= —tont (4), Magainde to DE = 2eloy a aeley Tate ) May. to de. = 2ebegca) — slog (i+ fff.) pe Areph ; pur Agee fag, Re Cor Clraso\ the gre — By Cheagiog the separ Sg fe Balweery eae ode \e fray. grb tnd [Ac lie, . Sigle Capacitors Blog Siglo ~2d8 4 ar ee 7-208 /dee (% rn fs > a fe 49 Wo 1000 eR ook Im) ff = Break frey- OBceetion D Aa Ggg 15 \Corctenl- fom Oty fo Breek ep ote @ at fap Affide © dea cow from Maximum Value al Oty © After f) Bree fg. the Ar cfida ecreats at ~ do ela] clec ol -€deJoctoue. CHa ey © Unity gato Fre (UGE) te noting bei, he fer ot CONE ch qe =1 (Aine Sele) | or J (dle) =0de. @ the PY) = 0° + f=Ote Dep) =45e a fi =f, > + Bret frey— Dep) =40° ot f = voy gb (Mh) | Or =. A Ke lip Cop atttenee © % But Pile He (6p -&mp hastog meeny an Gabesttensal (8) 2> Sleo Rate Shoull be Mare. lalhal- Coser Sleo Rete 7 There steely a Capatttor utthin on Outside of trom This Capattemees Cloes ack ‘allows the Suddey Chenges tn Vollege, The ‘Volbese fil) Canedl- eae yors iW Racin coc 2 aly, eee dt C Noo fx lave Stqnal amp lds , the Gowen 16 vegp high te to Chonge Bio Capacitive Compeneds , Tt requ res the: fictive, (sen- 2° ) amount Of fme Charge er dliceharge « fee Te preity the | Otput volge from weap oveliog- fom +h «a fost — Chenging- enpubs Sleo Rae kystion S Lak Voltege follow en Ve te aage Signet, Meh fre Pa Coucefdal Wow . b es f= Vis Sim WER Ye = Vin = Vm Sn ot SR SB amt \, Velly See eae anf arf MoS ce (o° (ets/ pee) ee) ck = lo ae f F tapul- fray Cz’) Vy = pest Velie of the outpar Gavronve, nore» Per Afstorten fee output as loly as the wight hand Ride 9 Pequskien ts lex then the SR of Op samp \ « — the. SR alermines the Maxtrxin fres- of Operabion, Froay a Go = Sean’ (25 aaa Effer of SR ary cen oR oA Lintts — MDaxicum Opevaling Frea- of oP—arp —to ge distortion ree op. Fnay = Sr Dp Faster SR implies more Ovesheet- andl Inge fohich Causet the VY ty take moe tme te reach, heady state (Gettrg Bme 1) > Were SRxI0 6 in) ec aT. a a og a Vollege SI Von tp) geo. of mp = A ce | VOY - — volich Lémete He trypal- 9 * be PY ci = pplicatt ons OF awa oe ASLC * Bastc app amp) (ove tow Configuat INVert ED Tniverting Contigo 1°" ise The Relitien big Bp and Ra, Bs, Re wlll giva she, li ferent Op evetions . © Sur oog- amplifier = _ (ky, ae eee V, eM oa i ce le ef Ra =RL=R, SR aihenalo = TEE (Var Vir Ve) R : tf Re=R > [Me = (Vom v.)) Sv the Ont Vellege t duet ty the negative Sum of all ‘apa Volkoges . © Sooling or welplted anpllfier ¢ The Rettstarces ore net ep RaxR,FR, ae We -(# Vat Berg + Bev, % ame) Re ds if the Coch opal yotlaw amplified by a bf fora fostor ab the ofp , then te ts Called 0 Stalin, or Locighted dom pli Fi ex, DAveroge Ciratt 1 We che Rat to the overage. af all -for Inv Conf = yY = (Re Vee ivr Rew) th which the ofp Vaden ts ‘pat Vo topes, f Raa maka k ee. ne Re) iti | WB x R mph Lote ne moh tpits “Vas Vor Vex) ») = SS a MD. ten Vf, = Bree | topes zi Wet Waa D =) Ses x up A Ler: uperpociken, Heovery , we Cam find Vy t Poa z = Xe when Va Sapetied f V, , ae Yuan J 74 Ra Rh ie R Vv. \, hi eae it ay Ry R q. ae hie a i = Ry Noam ae a Or a a ee Vee Re Ry, fl fr oe Wie ee 1c = Mess @ =z Ne WiAV, eu + Vee Va. Vy, 1b Ac =a a =" ) a “a Sanne ait + Be (een ke a3 © Song Grp efor ot R a+ UWtVe ES if we Choose (hoe = 3 =~ a — ar, thew [wea —> the cult Voltage fe Sam gpa? tape eee @ Aa ap Vy maf iake Yet Via Ve 2) fom shove, the ofp Volrege tc amptified Sigal of- Ayuege of inpat Voltnges. fos & Ee) <4) a) Gee ie Ver ri i NE. By Grapacy Vand No ey auetiay al | Tone REC for nen —Zav. | lav cai, Ca aed | \ aia) Vi = Vat Vt | ei 3 My = (1+ Pe) (et Vor ee QO) No Stan change or phase Revewal a. “e) ae Mon Ty ep © Mi uy) and \y Fir Ae es Tov Gof > “eke fis The. Pverage of torts Sheet ta Inv cof = the V,"& feel Avy of fps . ofdted Lc ys © Eee aie ee taefyated agp —> The 'R’ values for tps me aot Sone, Then the The Outpt Valllege 1a toetgtcted Sam of ALL tapats toclependeilly, te each Signal Cs Amplified wt cli percent gan. (Seteg factor.) POD Ifferistec Ce . —2y His the too tpt 1 Medal Civ 9, nin tov) of Op- amp are. Sapplicet with topue ee Ans Configusstieon, a Subtrctor pesiheg- Conshucted , — Ucine ampttfrer 2s @) Subbater , —~Hese the fnput> -Stgnals Can be Scaled ty clestved Value by Sdec-tng @ppropmate Values of. the Cxtemal Resistanees, then Tk-‘s Called a Scaling amplifier . — Tf at Restston ore eget , VeVi Alnolysis 5 Usieg Super position theorem ‘ “to op—amp Goe@O Now ee. om Va % Connected , hen ge ic oa » Ther, Only one Sowwe (Tp) Coomemed Y= gue. => Non Pav amp. as ba~ (i+ ty : rs Ma ie \esaysy Cuc® - VU, > opplied Va = grd. un ) Re pe, Te We 4f >a & Neo VW = Y oO a Mr oe a Hl ih as er SEoli, amp. J eek Bark, ® Senty Bite | 4 — Ty this the Gp-amp ts th Differential mode / Conf; Ung Super petition theewery , We Com find the ofp Voltege,. ie) FV, lene!) Vi =R Ve =C%) a Care® tf Vd clone —> Va = Cac@_ is Va alone listen oly) Ks Moar (" Ey My x Re Vv. aaa a mn WA My ‘Tf BART eam ro 4 =y ay a 8) ly : Ge: Veo -(4) © So the utp at Vo tte ge Cyt to Sum of opt” Vo theges apptied ty Non—Dw terminal, Plus Megative Sem of top Vott—get applied 4 1G tomer L- ‘ | Y= Yat Yy+ (Y-w) ae 2 eee ee Yo= Vatv, -U+) ~* Common — Mode Configuration ond CMRR ¢ Tr | = shea Same fnput- Voltage & applied ty both input | teaminaly Of an Op—amp , the Ep-amp &s said b | be ear fn a@ Common mode. Configuration, | a | — ‘The Cormmen {npul- $% 4s) Knoion \ a8) Commen | Mede. Vollnse [signal (Vem). y | = The Tatecnal Differential amp nol- ampléfis the Vem Stl —, ofp ts zem for Common mode Signal « But Bs Due to teoperfection whan tn pretiical Op-any , Sore Commen rode output voltage appeo~ at ep. (Veem), — The Corrmnen mod gaia op ap~amp % Aon eg Coreen coc Conf G Mey cries ae ‘i ts abe = @yne CUA. 2 eal a ‘ ai i ba (4) = The ©p-amp, amplifies only ef ferential Signal /Votmge With a jain Of Aral to amplifier. (Ab) — the Perfomance Of OP -ampP wert nlofce elfnfrakion, ts defined of "Common Mock Rejection | Rattgit (C MRR ) CPR 4 De ts defined os the Reto of the differmé al, qo (Av) + he Common mode gin Ao) _ CMR = fe \ hue! Ap nA again cy Of Ep-anp. ako |emea = Vy | Volegertioar |i aaa For DiffeeesBal amp- / O'ffereaticl amp ofp te Vy Topas yt ut Using ead aan ia = Bs a eh | (OF yl co, vyl ts preeimnt | Voy = Ray C1 sn ane Signal ‘s oie | On ont, ogg i Vie (Abise) ot topats) VY ean | (i+ Ry" ; ; | Veo i ®) i & TL =o SS fay | ond V,) 5 eo diame Mee Ga! Vivaah ity | lat Bal Vv thee, — 6 \ Sane ri wl ae se } Gac@Q if omy Signal ts appliee| +0 Afpernte blo the two twpuls is Ae fperent? a om plifien~ Now vey = “Z) coment flows») ES eae . I Find v,' and wt ! i} VYo=v, + ER _ yy Me) Re Sor Pi PPereali al amp = ae p.) Re, RS s a ae Pe ke (“Ser _ HCiye inpu -Lemmnénaly , the, amplified be the, r dig ( ena Wy 40 Ae we get Some Welkaga vole ames Propecional t the ‘input —tem p anabuc ee oo AT Cheng. 9 temp) he F Vollege to Cumet- Convertor ( (ten): (Troms contludense, a espttfiee) - Ik Converke -the Enp ut Volkege to output Current Prepettio Tat “there are too Typer of Clradts () Voltage to Cument Converter tatty floating load ( Volkege to Cunent- Converter With g rounded eae (DY vbr wih floating load : « (Bron Lood resieter not grdel) — The topur Bias cuneits trken by opamp és Akumed at Zero (Tet) be Dd =o ten ae — The load Resretarce Ri Connected Yio Outpar sap “Me of ep—amp (Tv) , this feedback te Called af Cunmen- Sutes Negattve feedback EP - amp, T. or DT, Cunreat Ff lows cirques (Ra ae i aa a. ee op Cuneat Prvpertionsy i‘ % to ‘pp Votnge . ¥ (QD V-L Covertor with goourded load. eb e, WV rome ¥% a Dhpestion ef V—L Convertor er — Lew Voltage DC $ Vin L AC Vottrpeten i > LED » Zenectotede = noe - Ty this the Load B ic Connected gromed. wo (he) 2 0 Veal aby’ 2S eee Ty - Vin - V, E R ne Vin ts =) R Vl ~ Rees M Pe aaa) Gb@ oD 2 Vg" = y 00, ly le = —RDR VER =o 34 na Signek — The Photeeil, photodiode and photo Vollalc cell give an Outpt Cured that is proportions! to am tnctdent git — Vhese Cumats art Converted to Voltage Cia Ibv Converter. , X Csnek- to Voltage Converte ( Troms rensternece. 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(Abdo) Becox af Poor regulation | De Voltage, Vertes from 18V to 22V, Détehmiae @) The Change ‘nn Quabpal= Cftsee Voltage. Caused Ioy Changes ty Supply vollnge . @ the outpu- Voltage tf Vin —Lomv. So] Kp = l0okw. @ Ry = Ikw. eee v = ps = 15-8 vy) = fo. SVRR psre v MYA ay ac io Gi (Fe Av ye, R Av 4 Supply vaste fo 1ev + 2ov 1-2. =[j4 look 15°38 My, he 1k ‘ Wey cx Desired Value ts 20v_ te ae id Ce a mY) Ce) Ss = —lov, © 4 a Ue alge = (— BH. fom) 4. a-s0mv Pom y —W3.s0mv, => —loomy +320 my. => —1000 mv 3.99 , 1000 — — 1202525 /aeoedal @ | Fer Full Compensiled tv amp. Vee | “feom temp ts alep \Gontteml-. 5) Determine the Oupat” lof eae iene ee R =Ikw, Rp = Jookw, RE 5 D mee s sje. , Mes fag = | I ve ae = [14 Rp) Atie A | pes : Mgr ( Be) ae ee = bone — Ate ae Mo= (+ ep Sol F © Pe be Pipher apf R=R= My, BB stom, = simv Sou waue al- £Kiyz, Vag = mv ab 60h, « F (Moise A lopet) Determine -ff ¢ ® Output Voltage at- IKitz, } ©) omp of: troduced Mote ak 60i. al Olp. Neto: the ep-amp yy.) ti Cmer (da) = Jods. Ce]: Cosel els q —meeg Loerrted / ecived Ggnel mye ( ti) ey Neots ynal = Vos oe ey fo wt Y MY w @ V, = 5mvV “i a RS Output Volkye Y= ADV [ = 10% smyv Anep a Sy ag on B ob C0 = som) der rget = ail A> = 10 ® Vig =Nofse = mv =pplied Leip trys fo Van =Voz Rh Vor = 2y 2o lop CmRR = oda. Ac aan = 4 Wars leg crag 10 Vis = New x Ws CmerR 2 10> = Ab Vem Cmee = Si Gage Cer iia ee = 10X a mV Aca © 3i6z9 -F¢ Am = Ap CMRR ol i + Mag V7 Veen =O 68 4 al @ Pind tbe a Rate af qellowing Op vocwe fore of ep-amp. = Vv = 12410 om gw aay Yfsee @ Fes TH] Op-amp inv Gf, wt galn of 5D. the fis Tap & Plat up +o 20KH2, from Ol, Shat-TS Ihe 2.4% Pap tpul- Smal Con be Applied sEthow= alistoreg at ap. fom dite @ pu | j 4 7 : SR = dv yn | | | | | Chee—THhe KA ema: & Vpisec.. givin, paca | Cee ons Vucee. Prose = 2OkKH2. © Ste a. STF Uy Y ps0 hae na los ra ~ Shani > oS as ae 3-98Y, ob arate 2a ee “Pek Vv (Pp) = Qk. ye aes 1-96.) a Sq — Groet Se aA 4

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