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ANTENNA BASics AND Zi } THIN LINEAR WIRE ANTENNAS © ii8%/// y : eZ ANTENNA BASICS: Basic Antenna Parameters = Patterns, Beam Area, Radiation Intensity, Beam Efficiency, Disectivity Gain Resolution, Antenna Apertures, Effective Height Fields from Oscillating Dipole, Fiekl Zones, Front to-back Ratio, Antenna ‘Theorems, Radiation, Retarded Potentials - Helmholtz Theorem ‘THIN LINEAR WIRE ANTENNAS - Radiation from Small Electric Dipole, Quarter Wave Monopole Current Distributions, Field Components, Radiated Power, Radiation Resistance, Beam Width, Directv, Effective Height, Natural Current Distributions, Far Fields and Patterns of Thin Linear Centresed Antennas of Different Length Loop Antennas - Small Loop, Comparison of Far Fields of Small Loop and Short Dipole, Radiation Resistances and Directivities ‘of Small Loops (Qualitative Treatment), LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this unit, you will study the following. nd Half Wave Dipok ~ Effective Atea and Definitions of basic antenna parameters ‘Antenna theorems Retarded potential functions and Helmholtz theorem : Radiation from small electric dipole, quarter wave monopole and halfwave dipole Types of loop antennas, their features cr co o co T, Derivation oftheir fleld components and radiation resistance . o SF Comparison of far fields of small loop and short dipole co Derivation of Radiation resistances and directivity of small loops INTRODUCTION In this un, we study the various parameters which ore useful to characterize the antenna and differentiate one antenna from another. Next, we study, the retarded potential functions. From them, we derive electromagnetic field equations for different elemental antennas. From these equations, we tharacterize the antenna behaviour such radiation pattern, ra resistance, directivity and s0 on. Then, we study the electromagnetic wave equations for different types of thin linear wire ‘antennas such as small electrie dipole, monopole quarter wave monopole and half-wave dipole antennes. In the last part, we study the loop antennas, their geometry features and characterlstics, PECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS: magnetic li s rent carrying conductors and is neither end nor start on any charge. 12 Define an antenna and mention the necessity of antenna. a. ‘May-18, (R15), a1(a) Ans: ‘Antenna is defined as the metallig device used for transmitting or receiving radio waves. Antenna is considered as a transformation between the free space and a system (waveguide or transmission line) used for introducing an electromagnetic wave: a2. How the radiation is accomplished in a two wire antenna? Ans: May-18, (R15), Q1(b) re (1) shows an antenna connected to a two-wire ‘transmission line which in-tum is connected toa voltage source. ‘Asa result an electric field having electric lines of force tangent 10 it, is created between the conductors. As conductors have free ‘electrons, the electric ines of force acts on them and make them to move. This electronic movement inturn produce a magnetic field intensity having tangential magnetic lines of force. Figure (2) ‘Since there are no magnetic charges present in this case, the ines of force forms a series of closed loops around cur- = WARNING: Xerox Photocopying of this bok is @ CRIMINAL et. Anyone found iy ~ ANTENNAS AND WAVE PROPAGATION [JNTU-HYDERABap, ART.A) SHORT QUESTIONS WITH SOLUTIONS ‘The electric field lines have distribution of charge propery, when a sinusoidal signal is applied at the source, the elec: field produced between the conductors can be sinusoidal yap the same period. In result, both magnetic and electric fg, which vary with time produce electromagnetic waves, They waves travel along the transmission lines and enter into anteng with corresponding currents and associated electric charges shown in figure (1): In order to produce free-space waves, ay fenna structure is manipulated and an antenna partis remoxeg by connecting’ open ends of electric lines of force as shown in figure (2). The produced free-space wave is periodic, but tas 4 constant phase point “x,” which moves in outward direction till a distance of 1/2. Initially, constant phase point has higher speed than speed of light, but as the distance increases it slovs down and moves at speed equal to the speed of ligh. Q3._ Define radiation Ans: 19, (Rt). ‘© Radiation intensity is defined as “power radiated ftom an antenna per unit solid angle’. Its units are Wats steradian or Watts/radian® and is denoted by a leiter capital U. . ‘© Radiation intensity = Power/Unit solid angle ..(I) ° Where P,~Radiated power in the (8, 6) direction <@Q.- Solid angle solid angle on the surface of a sphere. Q4. What is beam efficiency? What it indicates? An: ec19; (R46. a1) Seam efficiency is defined is the ratio of power transmitted (or received) within one solid angle 8, to the power transmitted (or received) by the antenna. as. An: Define any three antenna parameters. Noi sDec-18, (18). Radiation Intensity For answer refer Unit-1, Q3. Beam Efficiency For answer refer Unit-1, Q4. Direetivity * Direetivity of an antenna is defined as the ratio of ‘maximum radiation intensity of the subject antent © the radiation inten: : ensity ofan isot enna radiate * Same total power, mae 4nU, , 'y is LIABLE to face LEGAL proceedings. UNIT-1 (Antenna Basics and Thin Linear Wire Antennas) 1.3 Q6. Define the terms antenna efficiency and radia- tion efficiency. Ans: « (dol Papor, (a) | March-17, (R13), Qit)) ‘Antenna Efficiency Itis defined as the ratio of power radiated by the nntenna to the input power supplied to the antenna. I is denoted as 9, _ Power radiated by antent 11= Taput power supplied fo nena Radiation Efficiency Radiation efficieney isthe ratio of power radiated to the total input power. TER R, R+R, ye eR 1 FR +R) R,~ Loss resistance. G7. State reciprocity theorem and maximum power transfer theorem. (or) What is reciprocity of an antenna? Nov iDec.-16, (R13), Q1(h) (Réfer Only Reciprocity Theorem) Ans: Reciprocity Theorem Reciprocity theorem states that, when a current (1) ap- plied to terminal ‘I’ of antenna and an emf (E,,) is induced at terminals ‘2’ of antenna. Similarly when a current (1) in applied to the terminal ‘2° of antenna and an emf (E,,) is induced at the terminals ‘1’ of antenna. Then, Eyy= Ey 221, = his provided. Maximum Power ‘Transfer Theorem: Maximum power transfer theorem states that when the terminal resistance of an antenna is equal to the finite source resistance then antenna radiates maximum power. os 8. What is scalar electric potential and write Its use. Ans: + Scalar electric potential at a point is defined as the elec- tric potential energy of a charged particle divided by its _ charge at the same point, Mathematically, sealar electric potential (7) is expresses aa vo-24 ar Uses of Scalar Elgetric Potential % The scalar electric potential is used to evaluate the bbchaviour of the electric field when the curl (V) of the given electric field is equal to zero. SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS a Qs. Define the following, (i) Beam area (ii) Polarization (or) What is meant by beam area? (Refer Only Beam Area) Nov /Dee.6, (R13), ata) (or) What Is meant by beam polarization? (Refer Only Polarization) —_ Nov 1Dee.-46, (43), 10) m Area rea or beam solid angle, & of an antenna is an at which maximum power radiates or coming out from It can be expressed as, ds _ Ane? ee Q= 4 steradian Polari ‘The time varying characteristics of electric field strength vector ata fixed point on uniform plane wave is known as po- larization, Q10, Define Beam area and how does it related with Directivity of the antenna. Ans: Beam Area ‘The beam area, 2, is defined as the solid angle through which all of the power is radiated when P(, 6) is maximum over 9, and is zero else where. Hence, the power radiated = PCG, 6)42, watts. ‘The relation betweerr beam area (2 ,) and directivity (D) is given as, ion qi May-18, (R18), Qt(a) moss Qa Ba es 11. If the power density due to a point source in a free space at a distance of 25 Km is 100 micro watt/m? then what is the power density is the distance Is, (l) Doubled (ll) Halved. (Model Paper, Qf | March-17, (R13), A400) that, In free space, “The power density to. point source ata distance of 25 km = 100 microwatuim? ‘The power density if the distance is, () Doubled (ii) Halved = 1.4 PAGATION [JNTU-HYDE ng y The ANTENNAS AND WAVE PRO a Power dens ty of the wave due to ant enna is given b Power density ifthe distance is doubled P,, « (tf ney & [57 1 4d* 1 Przacy™ (Pot) . 1s 1 2 ~: The power density becomes 7 of its actual value ice., P, 7% 100 wwii’ = 25 Wim? + [Pratan = 25nWim'] - . (i) Power density if distance is halved , “lz) £ Prrgoen) 4 Pag tor) The new power density becomes 4 times of its actual valu Le, Praga) = 4% 10 hWim? = 400 hWim? «- [Pratone) = 400 pW ‘Q12. What is quarter wave monopole? Ans: Nov.bec.-17, (R19, a18) Quarter wave monopole antenna is a straight metallic rod mounted perpendicular to the earth (conducting) surface is? radio antenna whose length is half of a dipole antenna i.c., the length of monopole antenna is 2/4, Figure below illustrates 94 ‘monopole on infinite conductor. b f n4 : 6 : x ‘ Figure: 2/4 Monopole WARNING: XeroxPhotocopying ofthis book is @ CRIMINAL act. Anyone found il ABLE to face LEGAL proceedings. UNIT-1 (Antenna Basics and Thin Linear Wire Antennas) G13. Write the relation between effective aperture and Diroctivity, Ans: +, The relation between effective aperture area and directivity is given by, 4x Dara, Where, D-Directivity A,~ Effective aperture area 2. Wavelength - Q14, Compare isotropic antenna, short dipole and half wave dipole. 15 NoviDee.-17, (R13), Q1(6) Ans: ‘Comparison of various parameters of isotripic, short dipole and half wave dipole antenna is given below. S.No. [Parameter | Isotropic Antenna | Short Dipole | Half wave Dipole 7 HPBW = 90° 78° 2 | BWEN (2 HPBW) - 180° 156° 3. Gain ° 1.76 dBi 2.15 dBi 4, | directivity 1 1.50 164 Q15. Distinguish between near filed and far fields. Ans: Differences between near field and far field are mentioned below. 4 Nowat5, (R13), Qa) “Near Field Far Field 1. | Itis so called, because this zone is Very near to the antenna. 2. | Itis also called as Fresnel zone. 3, | Field pattern’s shape depends on distance. distance. 4, | Power flow isn’t completely radial. from sphere. 1, | This zone is at a larger distance from antenna. 2. | Itis also called as Fraunhofer zorie. 3. | Field pattern’s shape does not depend on 4, | Field components move radially outwards Q16. Write the advantages of loop antenna. Ans: ‘ * ‘The advantages of loop antennas are given below. 1. small loop is generally used as magnetic dipoles. 2. These antennas are having directional properties. 3. The difference between the emf’s of two vertical sides is equal to the induced emf arownd the entire loop. 4. Incase of horizontal arms of loop antenna, no emf is induced. 5. Radiation pattern does not depends upon the shape of the loop. 6 The currents are at same magnitude and phase throughout the loop. a2 “SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR'ENGINEERING STUDENTS bm ANTENNAS AND WAVE PRI PART-B’ ESSAY QUESTIONS W' 4-4 Antenna Basics » 1.4.4 Introduction, a icien Probl ms Points to Remember 1 5. {At Nitcless communication information transferred fom one point to another point using electromagnetic formation to be transmitted (presentat the nitter) is usually in the form of electrical signals, Le, voltage or current). “We need an antenna to convert the electrical signals into electromagnetic e An antenna converts the information in the form of electrical signals into electromagnetic waves and radiates into free space. Antenna is an important element in wireless ‘communication system, Itis used at both transmitting, and receiving ends, Q17. What is an antenna? Elaborate the term “An- tenna”. List various antennas used in wireless communications. ‘An antenna is a transducer which coriverts electrical signals into electromagnetic waves and electromagnetic ‘waves to electrical signals, fan antenna is excited with 4 voltage/current, it generates eletromagnetic waves, and if placed in front of EM waves, it extracts power from the wave and delivers to load connected tit When designing an antenna, we need to concentrate on ‘two main issues, ° 1 (How to obtain maximum radiation efficiency from ‘an antenna, ) How to design antenna structure s0 as to obtain desired geographical coverage of EM waves. ‘The various important antennas used inthe communication systems are, (a) Wire antennas (b) Travelling wave antennas (©) Slots and aperture antennas and (d)_ Integrated circuit kinds of anter Reflectors and lenses (e) Functions of Antennas [Antenna serves as a transducer used to transform the 1 energy into electromagnetic energy at the ‘vice versa at the receiving end, elect transmitter side and Basic Antenna Paramotors - Pattorns; Ney, Directivity - Gain - Resolution, Antonna Al 4, ate. Ans: ° ° ° ~ oPAGATION LINTU-HYDERABAp) ITH SOLUTIONS rea, Radiation Intensity, Boa, Boams frCjfective Height, llustrayy” pertures, .san impedance matching device, whig, wsmitter and free space at the transmi, les the receiver and free space at, Italo funtion combines the tan fing end and coup! receiving end. sing temperature and detecting the avai. tis used for ability of electromagnet ional property i.e. the energy gets radi. red directions, Itexhibits dire ated and suppressed in desi What is an isotropic radiator? Explain, Anisotropic radi ‘that radiates evenly (equally) in all directions. Because all the realistic antennas have atleast some directivity (i., practical antennas do not radiate equally in all directions) there is no such thing as an isotropic radiator, Now think that an isotropic antenna is positioned atthe center ofa sphere of radius ‘r’. Since, it radiates equally in all directions all the energy (or power) radiated ftom it should pass through the sphere whose area is 47 “Power radiated per unit area in any direction” at any point on the sphere is given by Poynting vector (P). is also known as power density P. An isotropic antenna radiates power only in r-directon ‘There is no radiation in 0 and 6 directions ie., P,P, ). Therefore, for an isotropic antenna, the magnitult ‘of Poynting yeetor P is equal to radial component only =P, isthe power per unit area at any point on the spe Th From the Poynting vector we can obtain the total poves W, radiated by the isotropic antenna by integrating over the surface of a sphere as, feds =f fra Pf fas J Jds~ Aves otsuctvee of sphere = 427 aM, p= PA W,= 1 or Wy, ane WARNING: Xerox!Photocopyng of his book I CRIMINAL oct Anyone fund puity is LABLE to face LEGAL proceedings. —_—_—_—_— UNIT-1 (Antenna Basics and Thin Linear Wire Antennas) * Here, HW, — Total power radiated in Watts P, ~ Average power density or Poynting vector in W/m? 1r=Radivs of sphere in meter, Poynting vector is a vector quantity that describes the ‘magnitude and direction of the flow of energy at any’ poit in an electromagnetic field, The Poynting vector P| is defined as the cross product of electric and magnetic field. PHEXH Where, ° P —Poynting vector E — Electric field H- Magnetic field, ee en @19. What is radiation? Explain antenna radiation Ans pattern. | Radiation * The phenomenon in which energy is emitted from a source and travels through the surrounding medium is known as radiation, - Antenna Radiation Pattern * ‘The radiation pattern of an antenna describes how strongly an antenna radiates in any direction. Radiation pattern is an essential parameter of any antenna. It is, important because the shape of the radiation patter determines the application of the antenna. ‘Antennas transmit or radiate energy in three- beam width, Beam efficiency, Antenna efficiency and Antenna gain. (or) Explain the following terms with proper (a) (b) (©) (a) (Refer Only Topes? (a), (BY) Directivity Field pattern Half power and beam width Beam efficiency. May-18, (R16), 2 Direetivity For answer refer Unit-1, Q23, Topi Field Pattern . It is the three-dimensional radiation patter which is the variation of field ar power as a function of spherical ‘coordinates, r, and >, reetivity (b) SPECTRUM. ALLIN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS! — , 111 (©) Half power and Beam width For answer refer Unit-1, Q21, Topic: Half power beam width, (@) Beam Effictency For answer refer Unit-1, 020 Topic: Efficiency (©) Antenna Efficiency 4 Ihisdefinedas the ratio of power radiated by the antenna to the input power supplied to the antenna. It is denoted asm. 4 IFW; isthe total pawer radiated by antenna, P, is ohmic Jossés in antenna and P, is the input power supplied to ‘Then, P= W,+P, a) Power radiated by afitenna ee Tapa power spied to antenna (0 Power gain or Antenna Gain (G) 4 Power gain of an antenna is defined as the ratio of thé radiation intensity in the desired direction to the radiation intensity that would have been achieved if the «power supplied to the antenna is radiated isotropically. Power gain or antenna gain, a Radiation intensity in desired direction Radiation intensity of the total input power isotropically ‘Antenna gain or power gain is a measure of the effective performance of the antenna along with its directivity. In other ‘words, the antenna gain measures the efficiency and directivity ultaneously by considering the losses occurring in it. G=nD Where, 5° G=Gain of antenna N= Efficiengy of antenna D—Ditectivity of the antenna Q25. Derive the relation between directivity and gain. From this derive the relation between directivity and beam width. Ans: ‘The directivity, D of antenna is the ratio of the maximum power density, P(0, §),,. (WatUim?) to its average value over sphere in far field region. It is expressed as, PO,9), PO, 9) D * nb} y over as 28 en [ P@.4)sindavag —...2) aes J Po, pancwar) 3) fe PO, 4), Substituting equation (3) in equation (1), we get PO)... GE)F Jrooa ~ EP Tren ebu and a = in de. (5) ° FJe@man” 8« wee, : P(8, 6)d2 = POO, 6)/P(G..,,) - Normalized power ‘Thus the directivity can be also be defined as the ratio of the area of a sphere to the beam area of an antenna, ‘The directivity of antenna radiating over only half of sphere is given by, 4 b= 8 ( Beamare, 0, ast) D~ $2 =3.01 abi © Where, dBi~ decibels oversotrpic, | ‘The gain ofthe antenna i always less than the directivity due to antenna losses. The gain and directivity is given by ratio of, Ban + Where, 11 ~Antenna efficiency factor. 11s a dimensionless quantity and les in range [0, 1} The gain of the antenna is measured by the gain measurement method. In this method, the maximum power density of reference antenna of known gain and the antenna under test Gain, (1) Q26. What is meant by the offective area of an Ans: ° antenna? How is it related to the gain? NoviDee.17, (R43), a2(4) (or) Derive the relation between directivity and antenna aperture, Consider a receiving antenna having an apertite placed in te field ofa uniform plane wave as shown in figure (1), ” WARNING: Xerox/Photocopying of this book i ANTENNAS AND. * ON [JNTU-HYDERABAD) wave PROPAGAT! Dicftion rept frre whe aa o) rower density or the magnitude of Poynting vector, ate wer delivered to an aperture areg S gives the average po fora plane wave. _ “The total power, P absorbed from the wave i given by, (I) A, ~ Physical aperture or area (m?) ‘S Power density of plane wave (Watt/m?) ‘The power delivered at the aperture depends on the aperture or area of its mouth. The field response of antenna is not uniform across the aperture, A because the field £ at the side walls must equal to zero. Hence the effective aperture, A, of the receiving antenna is always less than the physical aperture, 4,, The ratio of A, to A, givés the aperture efficiency Zap (dimensionless) 6 Consider a receiving antenna with an effective aperture, A, which radiates all of the its power in a conical pattern of beam area, ©, as shown in figure (2). ‘The power radiated assuming a uniform field, E, over the aperture is given by, . E P= 284W) 0) Where, Z,~ Intrinsic impedance, Zhe power radiated assuming a uniform fied, E, inthe feld region ata distance, ris given by, . zt Zr 10,00) nae) Where, : "EA, Oe UNIT-1 (Antenna Basics and Thin Linear Wire Antennas) % On comparing equations (3), (4) and (5), we gel R=AQ, (6) 4 Equation (6) is known, aperture-beam area relation, 4 Ifeither 4, or Q, is known the other quantity can be computed at a given wavelength. Since directivity, D = y,* From equation (6), the directivity from aperture can be written as, Ae Daanse aC?) 4 Foranisotropic antenna, D = 1, Then, it follows that, De 2 42 GE = & <007902 (8) The relation between G and D is + G=nD Where 11= Efficiency factor = = AL an % G== 5 Aum WO" Gi. Define and expi antenna. Ans: Effective Height The effective height of an antenna, is the ratio of the induced voltage to the incident field of the same polarization. It is expressed as, a= Em ‘Where, V = Induced voltage E ~ Incident field. the effective height of an a) Itisalso denoted as h, & The parameter /, can also be defined by considering a transmitting antenna. The effective height is defined as the product of physical height (, or 1) and the normalized average current. » f L, 1 =p, tf Weds = fh, 1A2) Where, +, ~Effective height (m) +h, Physical height (m) J,,~ Average current (A) Foran antenna of fadiation resistance, R, matched to its load, the power delivered to the load is equal to, 4 HE wy (8) [SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL > ‘The effective height depends on effective aperture (4,) ‘The power delivered to load interms of effective aperture is given by, BA, pm SA, He (W) .) Pe SA,= ZW) 4 On comparing equations (4) and (5), we get, a he [Bem (5) We fel 6) = AS Fh) ) — Q28. Derive tho Friis transmission equation and discuss the terms isotropic, omni-directional and principal patterns. NowsDec.-18, (R15), Q2{a) (or) State and prove Frii’s transmission formula. May-18, (R15), Q3{a) (Réfer Only Frit’s transmission formula) Ans: . Frii’s Transmission Formula It gives the relation between the power received by ,an antenna to the power transmitted by another antenna 20° separated by adistance R> =~, as B evs 2 (Yad, a Where, ‘D’ isthe largest dimension of either antenna, Gand G.,are the gains of transmitting and receiving antennas respectively. P, ~is the power delivered to the receiver load. , -is the input power of the transmitting antenna and 2 - Free space loss factor, wl a (ae takes into account ._ the losses due to the spherical spreading of the energy by the antenna. - Hence from equation (1) it is clear that the ratio of power ‘p,' received by an antenna to the transmitted power *P,’by another antenna is directly proportional to the product. of their gains, =G,G, ? 5 FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS) la Tg 114 Wher ANTENNAS Al is the constant of proportionality and itis: crmesetana (2 4nR PB ny S Sf aes B= (Be) Sa Measurement using Friis Transmission j the free space loss factor. Applying logarithmic decibel form (@) , 10 10g (G,) +10 10g (6, )= 10 tog (#J- 10 log (2) = renm20ie (2 }s1004 2) -0 Where, T= 10 log (G,,) the 4B gain of transmitting antenna R= 10 log (G,,); the dB gain of receiving antenna Ifthe transmitting and receiving antenna are identical then, T=R So i © = 741-1010 (+2018 ($58) 1 |totog{ % }+20I00f 2% a ?, x 2 t Hence knowing the values of variables on R. S the gain of an antenna can be measured. Isotropic Pattern . Isotropic pattern is the radiatién from an isotropic ting uniformly inall directions with some intensity, mana radiat a atten of anisotropic pattem is asphereas sown ‘The radiation, in figure (1). . +9 WARNING: Xerox!Pho copying of he Books» CRIMINAL ™~ ND WAVE PROPAGATION [JNTU-HYDERABap, - Figure (1) Omni Directional Pattern ‘The radiation pattern of a simple omni direction antenna radiates equally in all directions with some deci It has a dugout shape at the center with a spherical radian fen. The orientation is vertical as usually shown in fguy patt @). Figure (2) Principle Patterns The E-plane and H-plane pattems of linearly polarized antenna are known as principle pattern. 905 ‘Angular direction 180° Figure (3) ee 229. Distinguish between ditective gain and power gain. Ans: ‘The differences between directive gain and power gi® are given below. ‘Anyone found guilty is LABLE to face LEGAL proceedings. (Antenna Basics and Thin Linoar Wire Antonna: Directive Gain (G,) of 1 | Directive antenna is defined as, Rad ewsity inthe ested dtection Directive gain rage radintedl power In the catculation of directive gain, only the radiated power is considered. jeter is usefial for an The pa The d of radiated power in space, na theorist, tive gain solely depends on the distribution s measured in dB i.e., G(dB) ~ 10 log,, (G,) 8) 1 1. | Power gain of an antenna is defined as, ane Radiation intensity in the desired direction cereal Total input power 2. | In the calculation of power gain. the power fed to the antenna is considered. 3. | This parameter is useful for radio system designer. 4, | The power gain depends on the power supplied input to the antenna, antenna losses and directivity 5. | is also basically measured in JB i¢., GAB) = 10 103,9(G) Q30. What is the maximum effective aperture ara fora beam antenna having half power widths of, 30° and 25° in perpendicular planes intersecting in the beam axis? Assume that minor lobes are ‘small and can be neglectet Ans: Given that, Fora beam antenna, Half power beam width in vertical direction, 0, = 30° Half power beam width in horizontal direction, 0,,=25° For negligible minor lobes, maximum effective aperture area, A,=? The expression for directivity in terms of half power beam width (HPBW) is given by, 4x © 8,0, From the relation between sperture, i.e, D on) irectivity and effective = Q) 30° = 0,523 radia 28° = 0436 radians (0523 (0.439 = 43852, 38590 SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS! Q31, Tho far field of an antenna along the (9, 4) direction Is given by £6(0, 4) = E, cos’ and E,(0, 4) = 0, Calculate the maximum directivity of the antenna. ro May 19, (R15. C2Eb) Given that, ‘The far field components “E,”, “E,” of a antenna are, E(0, 9) = E, cos (0,9) =0 Maximurn directivity of an antenna, D, =? Maximum directivity, D__, of an antenna is given by the ‘expression, Voss Prag! 4B nV Pad ~() Uy Where, U is radiation intensity and P_, is total power radiated by antenna ‘The radiation ntensity u(0,}) is related to the far-field electric components of an antenna by the expression, P a 5 U0.8)= Fleo(n0.8)|+14(r.0.0)F] 2) From the given data.£,(0,9) = E,cos"® and E, = 0. Substituting these in equation (2), we get, Eycos*0] = @B) U,,, isthe maximum value of equation (3), Which occurs when 0 = 0°, This implies maximum radiation is directed along 0= 0°. r U, a ‘The total power radiated *P_," by an antenna is given by the expression, ! Py f Usin0 ade a 1.16 ANTENNAS Al Substituting “U from eq Owe get, Fy bacos' sind db = Se] fous sin Bd8 ap ep, x = Fal fee exis. jis 2nr? ara val ~O By substituting method ifr ~cos@ then d= sin6d® and limits changes as UL = —1 and LL = 1 using this equation (6) ‘ean be written as, re xy “scl 2a? Pag = Fy Fale ~@ Substituting the values of U,,, and Pin the expression for maximum directivity, we get, ¢: Maximum direct Q32. An antenna has a field pattern given by E(0) c0s"0 for 0° $< 90°. Find the half power beam width, Now/Dec.18, (R18), atta) ity, Da, = 5 Ani Given that, For an antenna, Field patter, E(0) = cos0 c0s28, 0° < 8 < 90° (Halt Power Beam width, HPBW =? ii) Beam Width between First Nulls, BWEN. Half Power Beam Width, HPBW. @ At half power beam width, |E(@)| = v2 1 526 = | > ros cos20| = J c0s0 (2c0s*@ ~ 1) = 0.707 2cos'9 — cos® = 0.707 i > > Ga ND WAVE PROPAGATION [JNTU-HYDERABAp, Solving above quadratic expression for '60s0", we gar cos0 = 0.937, ~ 0.468, ~ 0.468 => 0 = cos! (0.937), cos"! (-0.468), cos" (-0.468) = @=20.45°, 117.9, 117.9" Since, the ‘0 value must lies between O° and 90°, Therefore, 0=2045° ‘Then, half:power beam width, HPBW= 20 - =2%2045° =40.9° = HPBW= 40.95 ‘Beamwidth between First Nulls, BWFN. @ : ‘At beamwidth between first nulls; /E(@)| = 0 > [e086 c0s26|~0 = cos6 (2005%8 = 1) = > 2c0s9-1=0 [ +. cos0 #0) = c0s0= Fe =0.707 ae 2 O= 45° ‘Then, the beam width between the first nulls, BWEN = 26 =2x45°= 90° = BWEN=90° Figure shows the field pattern with calculated values between Half-power Beam Width (HPBW) and First Nulls Beamwidth (BWEN). = 2cos'0-cos0~0.707=0 WARNING: XeroxPhotocopyng of hs ook @ CRIMINAL st Anyone fund guity i UABLE ta face LEGAL proceedings. J ceedings. TRB a NE | ae UNIT-1 (Antenna Basics and Thin Linear A Given that, Input power, P,, = 2 kW Maximum directivity, D = 22 dB Distance, d= 10 km Power density, P= 0.2 mWim? Radiation efficiency, n, =? Since, Directivity in dB, 0 log, (D) , 22= 10 log,(D) ‘Then, gain of antenna is calculated as, D=102= 1584 Since, G=nD,0 p= soe) ia . = sone{#) 72 = rome Since, P= PR vay Here, Radiation resistance, R= w(Z) Palak, The radiation resistance (R__,) vari i ; varies depending on the ing elements used, Three tee ts coed radiation resistance of an radiating element having in infinitesimal length of df with uniform distribution of curent radi SU WARNING: xeroPitoconyig of hs ook is CAIMINAL ot. Ayon found uty ABLE a ac LEGAL proceedings.) 3 nsf as shown in figure (1), UNIT;1 (Antenna Basics and Thin Linear Wire Antennas) | dl Figure (1): Uniform Current Distribution along an Element of Length at R= son y Ey d Rt =a 0 Case-2: A radiating element of length dl and with non-uniform distribution of current is shown in figure (2). when shadedarea is. —» Figure (2k: Tapered (non-uniform) Current along a Short Dipole of Length L{L = dl) | Radiation resistance ofthis type of element is written as, a a R= 20n7{ " ( x } + Root ™ 205} (Ohms (approximately) Case-3: Element with non-uniform distribution of current and having length, h = 2dl = 21 is shown in figure (3). - Monopole . h ‘Short Monopole of Length hth = 21) R.,,f this element is given by, 2fLY “SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS) ee Q39. Explain in detail about antenna field zones. An: ‘The electromagnetic fields surrounding the antenna are divided into two zones. They are, 1, Near field or Fresnel zone, since it is near the antenna, 2, Farfieldorfraunhofer zone, since itis ata larger distance from antenna. ‘These two regions are diagrammatically depicted in the figure (1). ‘The two regions are arbitrarily separated by a radius of 22 x Where, . . R= Radius of the iniaginary circle L— Maximum length of the antenna | A= Wavelength Boundary sphere infinity of antenna region Far field Fraunhofer region Re Near field region 7 Boundary sphere (acts eee) Figure (2) 1.22 1, Inthe farfield région, the EM waves travel or power flow is radially outward and £ and /¥ components are perpendicular to the radial direction. Also, the shape of radiation patter is independent of distance, Inthe near-field region, the power flow is not completely radial and the shape of radiation pattem is dependent on distance. 3. Considef an antenna enclosed by an imaginary boundary sphere as illustrated in figure (2). “@ The region near the poles of the sphere acts as a reflector. This results in oscillating energy flow near the antenna. The oscillating (reciprocating) energy denotes reactive power that is trapped near the antenna as in the case ofa resonator. Gi) | At the same time, in the equatorial region of the * sphere the waves spread perpendicular to dipole and leads to power leakage (an outward flow) as if the sphere is partially denotes the power radiated from antenna, The outflow or power leakage denotes the power radiated from the antenna, Q40. Write short notes on Front-to-back ratio. Ans: . Usually the radiation pattern of antennas consists of front lobe, side lobes and also a back'lobe. Thus, front-to-back ratio is defined as the ratio of energy radiated in the forward direction to the energy radiated in the opposite direction. Energy radiated in forward direction Energy radiated in backward direction ‘The front-to-back ratio depends on the following factors, FBR = 1. Anantenna system's frequency of operation, 2. Spacing done between each element of an antenna 3. Parasitic element's, electrical length or tuning conditions. Higher.values of FBR are desirable. In order to achieve higher value of FBR, the length of the parasitic elements has to be adjusted or tuned so that the gain of the antenna in the ‘opposite direction has to-be diverted to the forward direction. However, this adjustment is implemented in the case of antennas used for receiving purposes. Q41. State reciprocity theorem for antennas. Prove that the self-impedance of an antenna in transmitting and receiving antenna are same. Ans: Nov Dec.-16, (R13), a8, Reciprocity Theorem ; Reciprocity theorem states that, when a current (0) applied to terminal “I” of antenna, an emf (E,,) is induced at terminal "2" of antenna, Similarly when a current (1) is applied to the terminal ‘2" of antenna an emf (E_,) is induced at the terminal ‘1’ of antenna, Then. E,,7 Ey, 1, = his provided. | ANTENNAS AND WAVE PROPAGATION JINTU-HYDERABAD) igure (1) illustrates a general antenna system, 4, L ! system Anten [22 No.1 No.2 Bay a ae Figuro (1): Gonoral Antenna System Consider, the two antenia separated With wide separation ‘as shown in figure below. p WC) 1 2 Figure 2}: Two Antennas no. 1'and no. 2 with a Wide Separation ‘The current distribution is same in case of transmitting and receiving antenna, Let antenna no.1 is the transmitting antenna and antenna no.2 is the receiving antenna. "The self impedance (Z,,) of transmitting antenna is given by, E, hh * Zale Where, Z,, ~ Self impedance of antefina no.1 Z,, ~ Mutual i ipedance between the two antennas ince the separation is more, mutual impedance (Z,.)is neglected, ly t Zl, ul +01.) Ent] The receiving antenna under open cireuitand short cit Conditions are shown below. J WARNING: xerxPotcpring of hi books CHIMINAL Anon fund pty is LUABLE to {ace LEGAL proceod brocendngs. UNIT-1 (Antenna Basics and Thin Linear Wire Antonnas) 1,23 pen Chrealt Condit @ Here, When the receiving antenin is open cireuited, curtent iszer0, E © Z,0)4 (0) Recelving Antenna under Short Cireutt When the re shot circuited, the Voltage (B) becomes zero. Endy ttyl, Zuh OF Zhe From above equations, the term Z,,/, acts as a voltage source and Z,, as the self impedan antenna is sagne whether it G42, Prove the reciprocity theorem as applicable to antennas and hence show equality tho of directional pattern for transmission and reception by same antenna. Marche, (R49), 20) (or) Define Reciprocity theorem and prove itIn case of an system. An: Reciprocity Theorem Statement For answer refer Unit-1, Q41, (Refer till figure (1)). Proof ‘The equivalent circuit of above antenna system is as shown in figure (2). nok a1 % Figure (2: Equivalent Circuit Loop 2 ily ticorem, npace between two pasuive net ove the Reclp replaced by Hine Apply KVL to figure (2). (Ly 4 ZN Fuh 20 21 2h” Zaly wl) Zh -buhy Q) Substitute equation (1) in e AY AR +21, SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS 1 Zt Znd ‘ n+ EyZn+%n) (2+ Zp Za +2) Zn Zr + Zw) “Bian t Zul Zs + Zqa). ‘Substitute equation (3) in equation (1) then, oe ge (22. 4Zy) Ey(Zry +2) Lm [2 :212 + 2 (1+ 232) 2a +Zq) »Q) Dy hryt Ey (2 +222) (4) 1.24 Current J, in the meter can be obtained by symmet Current J, in output port is, En Zn ios on (5) Zi Zyxt 2y(Zi1 + 222) According to Reciprocity theorem, equation (4) is equal to equation (5). : ie, h, ExZny + EnZn Lyre tZy(Zyt 22) Zr222+Zm(Z11 + 222) = Ba= En Hence proved. Q43, State the maximum power transfer theoi antenna and bring outits importance in antenna measurements: Ans: Maximum Power Transfer Theorem ‘Maximum power transfer theorem’ states that when the terminal resistance of an antenna is equal to the finite source resistance then antenna radiates the maximum power. ‘igure (1) shows an antenna system with series and load resistance. : Ry Exciationto F Assénna the Antenna 4 System e R Figure (1) If the terminal resistance of an antenna is large then the source resistance, then it produces high efficiency because ‘most of the power is generated at the terminals, but the overall power is reduced. If the intemal source resistance is higher than the terminal resistance of an antenna, then the most of the power is dissipated at source. This theorem is applicable for ‘maximum power not for maximum efficiency. ‘The main application of maximum power transfer theorem is impedance matching ie., when the receiver impedance and source impedances are equal then the maximum power is delivered ftom source to load, Here source and load are antenna systems only. i Q44, Explain the concept of retarded scalar and vector potentials. (Mode Paper, 020) | Nov-48-05) (or) How the term retarded vector magnitude potential plays a key role in radiation process? Explain by deriving necessary expressions. Mayidunet2, 8012, a4) (or) ane WARNING: XeoxPotrsying ot he ook ia CRIMAL act Anyone ond uty UABLE to isa as gs 0 face LEGAL proceedings. ANTENNAS AND WAVE PROPAGATION [JNTU-HYDERag, +] (9) as shown in figure (1). Let a point ‘P” ata distance *R' from ~ AD tla, No¥$8 90, Raper On Retarded Vector Potential) Explain the concept of retarded vector pots Ans: Retarded Scalar Potential ‘The time delay in the Sealar potentials is knoyn retarded scalar potentials. Retarded scalar potential is given as, ‘The scalar potential can be obtained by two method, They are, @ (ii), Maxwell's equations approach, =, Heuristic approach Derivation for Scalar Retarded Potential Using Heuriste Approach Consider a volume of uniform volume charge densiy the volume, and differential volume is dV”. Figure (1) ‘The charge density of the volume is given by p(r’) Then, the scalar electric potential *V” at a point ‘P" interns of static charge distribution is, Pr (r)av’ ek ; 4neR “0 For time varying field, equation (1) can be modified Pr) ap R -0 : 1 + Wine ee } Where, R=lr-r} The equation (2) represents the scalar potential. Fro ‘equation (2), retarded scalar potential can be obtained bY introducing the time delay of as, R Py rs Voy ane JR auation (3) represents retarded scalar poe Vay 0 Hence, i ices ase fe g uNr Retarded Potential ‘The change in charge of current distribution of time varying electromagnetic field affects the potential after some delay. This delay is introduced duc to the finite electromagnetic propagation velocity. Hence the potential at that particular time {ies the time at which the potential gets affected) is called retarded potential, Retarded Vector Potential Consider a uniform volume'in a homogencous medium whose current density is J(r*) as shown in figure (2). Figure (2: Potential due to the Volume Current Density When the current distribution of uniform volume is constant with respect to time, the vector magnetic potential is given by, BIC) gy } 4nR ‘The above equation for time varying field can be modified as, = Te) gy" Fern = [Pav B Aer) = a Where, Reyer The velocity of the electromagnetic field which ‘propagates in homogeneous medium is given by, 1 = ~@) Ine From the equation (3), it is clear that the potential depends on the charge density of two different points located at different positions and since the electromagnetic wave propagates with finite velocity, the potential shown in equation (2) can be modified as, (A) R In the above equation, the potential is delayed by —". and hence it is known as retarded magnetic vector potential. Uses of Sealar Electric Potential 1. The scalar electric potential is used to evaluate the behaviour of the electric field when the curl (V) of the given electric field is equal to zero. (Antenna Basics and Thin Linear Wire Antennas) 2) | ‘SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS: Use of Vector Magnetic Potential 1. Tis used to obtain radiation characteristics of antennas and apertures. 2. The radiation leakage from transmission lines, wave- guides and microwave ovens can be obtained using vector magnetic potential. 3. Ttalso helps in the estimation of near and far-fields of antennas. Q45, Stato and prove the Helmholtz theorem. Ans: Helmholtz theorem states that, at any point in a non- vanishing field (Z), the simultaneous vanishing of divergence and curl of a vector is not possible i-e., AZ= br) ol) D«Z=er) 2 Where, b and c are divergence and curl given at each point r in a domain V. Proof In-order to prove heimholtz theorem, itis necessary to show that a vector (Z) can be broken into sum of solenoidal vector (A x ¥) and irrotational vector (— V9) ie. -@) Z=(-Vo)+(V*Y) ‘Where, 1 be «FL “4 7 1 fel web [oe 6) 7 And R=Wr-7) From the properties of Direct delta function, airy= {2 d8@er, a) ib : Loft a= fae. er (zk ~@) Ze) Xr) aah (8) By using the formula, Vx Vx Hl =\V.V.H- VH the above equation ean be written as, an)= 0% | 240), y 4nk Zr) ae z [Bove ve Beda, Zr) =-V9+ VA ce _oe 1.26 we gt ‘The equations are of form, « ve }p-es() (Eee But at this point curl of veetor field (Z) vanis depends only r,. Therefore, ield (Z) vanishes as Z 1 1\e 20% HZ, 1 l Jaro ; 4 J [v. [Law deze fz = jZ@oe , V2) her V2) any R As divergence b(7,) is also present in the domain (1), the corresponding Vand E take large values. Thus, Z becomes Z(r,)ds een pr wal ore oe Seed } on asl o- ard R ZO) an, Similarly, 1 1 redler} 7 yok fv(t kz r+pv%20 an gl (& GER hewn +t J if 2) J: ‘As Yisa function of the second integral vanishes, 1 l\)e xf avg) ANTENNAS AND WAVE PI 1 ff 20)) Zz = Ax 2(,,)-V, x= [aZ, an LR NR “ WARNING: XeroxPhotocopying ofthis bookis@ CRIMINAL act. Anyone found uit is ABLE to face LEGAL proceedings. ROPAGATION [JNTU-HYDERABAD, of integrals negeagy Tn the above express! saatons Tor retarded carr the expr ons. Oey Maxwell equations approach. ‘Ast steady state Maxwell's equations are, ven e «y Vaated -Q) Solutions to these equations are, 1 po) py 90" Ge, jj ~Q) Bo LOD gy AO* tn ler (4) ‘The time dependent Maxwell's equations are, (8) (" - L Se-! 0.0" He Tri ~ 1 fa = ono Re jz ® ain = Be FE a) ‘Equations (8) and (9) are called retarded. potentials, Consider, Alp’, t= r= VC) = AC") 1 = O)= ane, ‘ae (10) Ho UC) a, ‘A(r): an Jir-r'| wo (H) Consider a charge distribution, ptr. ffar—r 980-1 ptr’, ara’ (7) Similarly, current distribution, Hte.0= [J8e-ry6¢—1) 5, ara’) fr, = PA) At-e-|r=r'VC] ane, nl) Ir- sand Thin Linear Wire Antennas) Hoi’, 8l=1-|1 [ee er) .-(15) Equations (14) and (15) are known as retarded potentials, Q47. With the help of Maxwell's equation, explain how | the radiation and reception of EM waves takes place. VC] Ayr) Ans: Maxwell’s Equations @ Statement: Maxwell's first law states that, the total electric flux passing through a closed surface is equivalent to the total volume of charge surrotinded by that closed surface. May. (R13), 034) Maxwell’s First Equation > In point form it is expressed as, VD=p, Where, J —Electtric flux density’ p, ~ Volume charge density: . In integral form it is expressed as,,av (i) Maxwell's Second Equation Statement: Maxwell’s second equation states that the total magnetic flux coming out of any closed surface is zero. Itis expressed as, [[Ba -0 - vB =0 Where, B Magnetic flux density, Wo/m*. (ii) Maxwell’s Third Equation Statement: Maxwell’s third equation states that, the closed. integral of the Magneto Motive Force (M.M.F) is equal to the surface integral of current-density taken over the surface enclosed by the closed path." It is expressed as, Vx H =J Where, H - Magnetic field intensity, Am p J ~ Current density, A/m*. (iv) Maxwell's Fourth Equation Statement: Maxwell's fourth equation states that, “the curl of electric field intensity is negative of time rate of change of Slectrc flux density”. Ibis derived from the integral form of Faraday's law, according to which, See fEat P’ SPECTRUM AL 1.27 Radiation Fields from an Elementary Dipole ‘The radiation fields from an elementary dipole using Maxwell's equations and retarded vector magnetic potential can be obtained using Lorentz, Gauge condition. Lorentz Gauge Condon ‘The Lorentz gauge condition is, . VA =-per” av "la fl) Equation (1) is valid if current distribution and source charge depends upon continuity equation. Equation for retarded potentials is, acl rank Ar) aw’ 4 J (2) it R 1,8 1 pre 1 Cc a V(r, =— dV’ (ane R ‘The above retarded potentials can be expressed in terms of phasor notation i.e, ie AD) =: pO yew pie ~@) R Expiession for electric and magnetic fields are, av’ Lepoen Voda gz Joe oe H=~(VxA woe” a) E=-VV - joA From equation (1) 7 av eee és ar : VA=- Bi je joV f= jo _ or VA =~ joneV w= (5) Substitute equation (5) in equation (4) then, -(6) 1.28 E ang P#O™ eAation (6) and equation (4), the expression for and # can be expressed interms of vector potential (4), So Ut Vector potential (4) can be used alone for determining the lectric and magnetic fields, Expressions for Z and H interms of vector potential (4) is, ‘Then, from the first Maxwell's equation, VxH= joe £+J 1) = ee pxn-s] joe By substituting equation (4) in equation (7), we get, gs! [y-[tea}-] joel “|p 1 Fone Since Fis evaluated outside the current distribution, the value of J= 0, [vxvx2-w] (8) 1 Ea joe (VxvxA) 9) WA ot Fone 07%) Hence proved. 4-2'Thin Linear Wire ANTENNAS 4.2.4 Radiation from Small Electric Dipole, Quarter Wave Monopole and Half Wave Dipole - Current Distributions, Field Components, Radiated Power, Radiation Resistance, Beam Width, Directivity, Effective Area and Effective Height, Natural Current Distributions, Far Fields and Patterns of Thin Linear Centre — Fed | Antennas of Different Lengths, Illustrative Problems Derive the expression for power radiated and radiation resistance of alternating current element. NoviDec18, (R15), a3(a) 48. (or) Derive expressions for the components of the radiated field of an alternating current element. (ode! Paper, 23(a)| Nov-t8, (R13), <3(6)) ANTENNAS AND WA\ ‘x VE PROPAGATION. LINTU-HYDERABy, ‘Ans Radiation Lo _ ‘The phenomenon in which energy is emited fi, i (V*A),=BH.=0=3H,=0 (VR A),= nH, Ifa a (VA), = Hee-Za] = nH, det B) >, nH, 42e A, sin®)~ Ztd,cos ] From above equation, xia 140080] r or singe r r 2! cosalr— mmr dlsin8[-osinot , coset pease an vr Pr Se pp WAVE PRI ANTENNAS ANI oss Electric Field Components From Maxwell's equations, vxn= 22 (+ D= Ee) “W aoe 6 1 a . a = nolo esa 6) -2na| o = oxieoth L a - sta |e] => (Wxmre re = ar Solving, all above equations, we get, + Electric field components, 2gdlcos® {cost “ae | Ww inot or cS E70 rbd G49. Derive the fields of a short electric dipi Ans: Consider a dipole of length, L with uniform current, system such that itis aligned with the z-axis and center at origin as shown in figure (1). /ARNING: XerouPhotocopjng ofthis books CRIMINAL At, Anyone found guity is LIABLE to oPAGATION [UNTU-HYDERARA, Z Figure(1)- -The geometry of short dipole is as shown in figure (2 Figure (2) ‘The current in the dipole can be measured after some interval of time during which the current is distributed interval of time during which the current is distributed over the distance r. This is known as retardation effec. The general expression current is I= 1,00 But due to the instantaneous propagation retardation time, the current is given by, {l= hert-w Where, (7) ~ Retarded current rle Retardation time or ven by, 2) “> ~ Phase retardation or. 2h 360: = = A radians = ce S~ Frequency. ee LNIT=1; (Antenna Basics and Thin Linear Wire Antennas) Fquation (2) indicates that the disturbance at a time 7 ? ani at distance r from current element is caused by a garent {/] hat occurred at an earlier time #~ rc. 4g Theretarded vector potential of elect current consists ofonly one component, Itis given by. 2 my Puy asi i de =) an Where, {Tis the retarded current, It is expressed as, i= fem-wn = ~Distance to a point P on the conductor 1, ~Peak value in time of curent iy ~Permeability offre space =n x 10° H/m cose Forr>> Land 4>>L 4 _Ifthedistance from the dipoles large compared to length and wavelength is large than length. Then neglecting the phase difference of the filed, equation (3) can be written as, gk Iyer =a = (5) ‘The retarded potential, V of a charge distribution is, given by, (8) 1 lel v= [Pa ral 5 Where {p] - Retarded charge density le] de — Infinitesimal volume element ete) 4 As the charge’region of the dipole is confined to the points at the ends equation (5) reduces to, meni { {a} fal oC) ane, Sy Since Hana from equation of retarded current, tal= finar=1, f emer ®) Substituting equation (8) in equation (7), (6) Jy fetta 20 are, f0| + Forr'>> L, the connecting lines of the ends of the dipole and the point P are parallel lines as shown in figure (3). © SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS)” To point Dipole we Figure (3) + From the geometry of figure (3), =r-Li2.c0s0 (19) sant Li2.cos0 (1) + Onsubstituting equation in (10) and (11) in equation(9) and on solving, Igkcosdell!-"N( YA } 3 = (12) i 2, ler” jor? a2) jolt , bcos tee te } (13) ’ ‘2ney er er jor ‘The magnetic fields of short dipole are, Iybsindellt "jo 1) n=" le te} (as) Q50. Derive the expression for radiation fields of a centre fed half wavelength dipole antenna. Sketch the radiation pattern. March-17, (R13), Q2(a) ‘A vertical radiator fed in the center with length 2/2 is known as half-wave dipole or Hertz antenna. Itis aradio antenna made of a metal rod or thin wire. Ithas a physical Iength of half wavelength 2/2 in free space. ‘Consider, sinusoidal current distributions of half-wave dipole antenna as shown in figure. th sp! 1, sinB (h—z) Figure 1.32 ANTENNAS AND WAVE PROPAGATION SATU HYDERA, The current ide is placed at a distance = from z= 0 plane. . * Here dipote me at the center where current distribution is maximum. The height of the vertical antenna jg »_ hig free space. * The current, / distribution is given by, |, sin B(h-+2) forz <0 “tt , sin liz) for z> 0 8 Where, Maximum current . * Consider a point P located in far filed region from the current element. * Due to the current element /ds, vector potential at point Pis given by, ade ®® ARR ~@) R— Distance between the current element and distant point P. ° ‘Total vector potential is given as, a on) © From figure, R= (r—z.c0s0) # Rerwhen Pis at far distance —_Rean be replaced with rin denominator but notin numerator due to phase factor. Then equation(4) can be wiitten as, ‘x f H,Sin B(h+ 2) dz.e 78-0080 . f HI, Sin B (ht — 2)cdze Or — 20080) a nr J ann ° + . J sinpin+s) cass f sinpa—2) ci od) Bs é f + + : ncn al sin Boh+2)~sin 8 E42 |= cosBe a) sin B(@i=2) sin 0(§ (ODDIE WARNING: XeroxPhotooryig ots books CRIMINAL ae. Anyone ound uty is UABLE to face LEGAL proceedings. x: NIT-1. (Antenna Basics and Thin Linoar Wiro Antonnas) 1.33 So, ; cxspecnes foe! te oe Ae Me | fencer elle) wer Ae ar uy a ne ME" | facatecateendre 24 wae fests conta cnt -e0 (7) Be [sate +0080) , sinx(1~eos0) | A= ane [pd+e0s0) * B(c0s0) sy Hae [ness sinBh(1—cos0) = “ “5 (1 +088) (1=c0s6) . Since, mI 4 = ene ™ | sin FE (+ 6050) 050) Anh (1 ¥eos6) (1=c0s6) = Mae | cosofsin® +£cos0} +11 +cosO)sin(a2 — n/2c0s0) (- a (= cos0) By solving, w,e7 | 2cos| eos0) . Ante asta eee sin?0 wae else] F 4° “Ontr |— siz (9) © According to Maxwell equations, relation between magnetic field and vector potential of current clement along z-axis is iven =-sino | S* 3 (10) wn, --sn [24] Substituting equation (9) in equation (10) we get, em coli} npr” sin? a * BH, =~sind 5 e080} 4 fe *) MHy= —aBsind ar TWH) = Ha [onlfom} Ampimt (ll) ‘SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE ‘JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS = re ANTENNAS AND WAVE PROPAGATION —™= [JNTU-HYDERABAD, ATE NAS AND wave PROP ~ dpe {2 ni 2a sind | DE case) 2nr sind cos(n/2cos0) ae fam owe { (2) Since, Input impedance, y = 72 ly Ey=nH, (n= 120n) Q51. Draw the radiation pattern of a dipole antenna and explain all its characteristics. . Ans: + Dipole antenna is a radio antenna, which is made up of a simple wire having a center-fed driven element. The effect of radiation pattem of dipole antenna is more at right angles to wire in free space. ‘When the antenna is placed horizontal with respect to the ground, then the resultant pattern is called horizontal pattem. Similarly, when antenna is positioned perpendicular to the ground, then the resultant pattern is called vertical pattern. ‘The electric field of the half wave dipole is given by, enfScao] in (1) (cosn/2.cos0) _ cosn/2cosn/2 sinwl2 Take @= n/2, then > ‘Then the maximum value of the magnitude of electric, filed is given by, om (2) The normalized value is measured by dividing equations (land (2) El = . IEL__| cos(n/2cos0) IE J= =) HE [Emax] ‘sind @) In 0= n/2, the H-plane or pattern is obtained as shown in figure (a). In 6 = 0° plane, E-plane or vertical pattern is obtained as shown in figure (b). 4 Be E \ (o) Horizontal Pattorn (8) Vartical Pattern Figure () cteristies of radiation pattern ofan antenna can be ‘ped as distribution of radiation power indifferent free space. Hence, directional diation characteristics des exions of angular regions characteristies provide complete rad ofa dipole antenna In order to achieve the effective radiation, the dipole antenna functions as a impediince transforming device to provide perfect matching between free space and transmission line during energy radiation. Radiation patter of a dipole is of two types field strength pattern and power pattern. Field strength patter, in which the radi interms of E(V/m). Power per unit solid angle is used as a parameter to express power pattern. As the length of dipole increases, radiation pattern changes. on is hfessed 52. ‘Ans: Derive the radiating resistance and radiated power of half-wave dipole. (Model Paper, Q3(b | Dee:-19, (R16), 02()) (or) Derive the field components and radiation re- sistance of half wave dipole. May-19, (R15),03 (or) Derive an expression for the radiation resistance ofa Half dipole antenna. —_Nowbee.17,(R19),020) (or) What Is the radiation resistance of antenna? Derive the expression for radiation, resistance of half wave length dipole antenna. March-17, (R13). 30) (or) Determine tho radiation, resistance of a hall: wave dipole, Filed Component For answer refer Unit-1, Q49, 7 WARNING: XeroxPotoconying of this Bok CRIMINAL tc. Anyone found pity is ABLE to face LEGAL proceedings. messes UNIT-1 (Antenna Basics and Thin Linear Wire Antennas) Radiation Resistance ° ‘The magnitude of the electric field strength component of a half wave dipole is given by, cos| Fox IE4| PC \ sin oO) ‘The magnitude of the magnetic field component of a strength half wave dipole is given by, : fis} Al sind ca ‘Then, the maximum value of Poynting vector in a half ‘wave dipole is given by, Pans SEM On substituting equations (1) and (2) in the above expression, we get, 601 | t=") | p= 30ln?| Sexe) ow sind 005| “cos 8 2 sin = Then, the average value of power is gi Fs son Ses0)) ze P,,= i is cor{ F050 = 7-15 -() sind ‘The maximum value of current (J,) is related to the ms value of current (/,_,) by the expression, In ; Jms™ ; = = has SPECTRUM ALL IN: ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS) 1.35 © Onsubstituting the vahic of /, in equation (3), we obtain, 2 rk . 15h} |" ser) ea ay a) 4 Then, the total power radiated through the hemi-spherical surface having radius ‘r’ is given as, Radited power = five Prog ds © % Here,ds is the element: of area ofthe spherical sell and nas, £ . ds= 2? sin 0 40 ~O + Onsubstituing equations (4) and (6) in equation (5), we obtain, Seas Radiated power= f 32/éms| Olin] 2nr? sin wwdee 17? sin " cos co*( Fen} (ies) -sindd® sin? @ ze0s"| Fos =601?, ns|— Sr ‘But, by the-Simpson’s rule or the Trapezoidal rule, zens?| Fos = 1218 ae a 4 Thus, the radiated power in a half wave dipole = 60125 *(1-218)= 73.08 F = + But, the general expression for power radiated is given by, Peat Rag ® Tins ~@) Where, Ryy~ Radiation resistance, Hence, on comparing equations (7) and (8) the radiation resistance of a half wave dipole is obtained as, Read = 73.08 2 ES a ~ AGATION [JNTU-HYDERABAD, 1 = ANTENNAS AND WAVE noe As are a Explain far fiolds of thin linoar antenna, Au n val dipoles of length cz, the far field of ype a ‘ orfinfinrenna can be measured 35 integration of pe 5 ; entire antenna = Consider antennas that are symmetrically fed at the fields of individual dipoles. Center using a balanced two-transmission line, The Mol] eos(ec0s0/2)— cos (BL2)] engths of antennas may not be equal but the current 1, ind ~Q) y Am 25 distribution is sinusoidal i * For thin antennas whose diameters say 2/100, the si sooo} exe con 02) —sos(B2)}) _ ‘usoidal current distribution can approximate the natu- fn sind ral distribution on thin antennas. oe eee aes Where, he approximate natural current distribution on some | , = igne-vin thin, linear center-fed: antennas of unequal length as Ul= he shown in figure (1) . A (4) + The fuctor inthe brackets represents the slope of the far filed pattern, | } 2 Mo) ang LOLA) sepresents thei 4 The terms SP and = repr instanta- : neous magnitude of the fields as a functions of antenna current and the distance 4 In equations (2) and-(3), phase is nat considered be. | ceause the centre of antenna is taken as phase center 1 Hence, the phase shift ofthe field will be 180° when the } pattern factor changes sig zo pt ‘G54. What is the effective area of a half wave dipole Figure operating at 500 MHz. % In figure, the currents are in phase for each 2/2 part and | ANS? meinen) in opposite phase for neat 3/2 pa Given that, . For ahalf wave dipole, Operating frequency, f= 500 MHz Effective area, 4;=? The effective area ofa half-wave dipole is expressed, 2 ~@ Since, the directivity (D) of half-wave dipole antennas * 1.64, Then, from equation (1), , Figure (2) : Consider a symmetrical, thin, linear center-fed antenna Operating wavelength is given by, of length as shown in figure (2). ast The retarded equation of the current at any point z on f the antenna referred to a distance s is expressed as, = 3x10 500 x10° 96 (é elt) Lele 2 *7)/¢ ff) -2=06m| On substituting the corresponding value in equation (2). |] Form factor for currenton the antenna, | “° 8% * (0.6)? 5 LL. : (1.64) = 0.047 m? Zs zisusedwhenz -zisusedwhenz>0, |“ 0.047 me _ sag ee yniT-1 (Antenna Basics and Thin Linear Wiro Antonnas) 965. Derive the radiating rosistanco and radiatod power of Quarter-wave monopolo. anst Nov Dec.-20, R10), Q1() quarter Wave Monopole Consider power radiated by the monopole antenna as, pax 3008 « off [exteeos c0s(n/2cos0) soswconoy a n0 oro ‘As monopole is 1/4, the upper hemisphere is selected einen 0 = 010 1/2, From definite integral mathematics, a 2 f {eseeezeremn} ae 609 “(For upper hemisphere) Hence, P,, = 30/9 (0.609) = 48.2775 ~(l) But, the radiated power in terms of r.m.s value of current and radiation resistance is given by, Py = Ry Fe equations (1) and (2), we get, ~@) Eq 18.713 =R, (18.27)(2) 13, Radiation resistance of 2/4 monopole is obtained as, R, = 36.549 ) 56. An antenna whose radiation resistance is 3000 operates at a frequency of 1 GHz and with a current of 3 ampere. Find the radiated power, NovsDec.-20, (R16), Q2(b) Ans: Given that; Foran antenna, Radiation resistance, R,,,= 300 W 1GHz Frequency, Current, /=3 A Radiated power, P,, =? The expression of radiated power is Pg=T Ry =) (2002) =9 « 300 2700 1.37 Q57. Obtain tho directivity of an Isotropic antenna, and short dipole. Ans: “The directivity interms of total power radiated is given a, “4a « Maximum radiation intensity ? “Total power radiated Directivity of an Isotropic Antenna . Dircetivity of an isotropic antenna is defined as, Radiation intensity of required Antenna _ U D = “Radiation intensity of isotropic source J, Since, the required antenna is a isotropic antenna i-e., u=U,. Therefore, Directivity of a Short Dipole Fras Pay ‘The amount of power radiated per unit area is given by, Directivity, D 30n 13 Lsin?@ Sateen & Wim? P,,, is obtained by putting @ = 90° Troe =e (win?) RR, 4nr? ( Radiation resistance (R,) of short dipole is, 80? SG IR, ane _ Soni are ae an > 30m 15 . Br 20nI} L? ass. ind the directivity of half wave dipole. Ans: ‘The directivity interms of total power radiated is given by, a _ 60, [owe -c0s 0) sind © Then, Boy = L( M4 Jesey sin?@ +s ni= 120 sin? are ‘The radiation intensity, Us given by, y= 1la £08242 c0s0) © sin?0 Vis maximum at @ = 1/2 151%, cos?(n/2 cos n/2) loa " sinx/2 1s i Un -) For palf wave dipole, te power radiated is given by, ~ ANTENNAS AND WAVE PROPAGATION [JNTU-HYDERABAn, (3) and (4) n equation (I), P* 5036. sot) * D=1.643 iin dB) = 10 log D = 10 log (1.643) =2.1563dB* *, Directivity of half wave dipole is, D=1.643 oF 2.1563 dB. G59. Find tho effective length of a hal fave dipole, Ans: . “The effective length of an antenna is defined as the ratio of induced voltage atthe terminal ofthe receiving antenna unde, ‘open circuited condition to the incident electric field intensity, ie, ‘ Open circuit Voltage Effective length, /.~ Trcident fields strength v = =(l) However, the included voltage *V” also depends on the effective aperture as, pope ae es [y+ Ry)? ++ XY) “Where, . 7 toad ess Asma ei ce unten ig Sea P ~Poynting vector. Aly * RY +O, XE Z,~ Intrinsic impedance = 120m AR +R)? + (X+.X) 7] BR, AE SATE Ry Effective length, j Pryy= 36.561 (4) Co AIR aay aa +x) rt! Ot EN ate at 8 LEGAL proceangs. _— | UNIT-1 (Antenna Basics and Thin Linear Wire Antennas) 1.39 UNIT =3 (Antenne BasieslandiTnin tinsel Wie Ano0nes) Miia coe For obtaining maximum effective aperture, 7 aaa Radiation resistance ci —p ry +1 R Lee cident But, the effective aperture ofa half wave dipole is given Figure by4,=0.13 4 and the radiation resistance ofa half wave dipole . , igR=BQ, “The maximum effective aperture ofan antenna is given as, Casino 4, wel) “CD aai ate Where, . Calcul a ‘S-Power density in receiving antenna, Wim! Ans: . Effective Aperture Area of a 0.25 2, ; P Dipole - V— Induced voliage. Effective aperture area is defined as, d= = “The radiation resistance for a short dipole is given by, . Where, . pw SOE [ln P P,= VAR, = (I 2 5-2 LP pt 17 = 790 | ik ~Q) ‘Then, the radiation resistance of 0.252 dipole is 36.57 Q . y2 Where, Fi 4R, vn 1, Average current Ez | 4E°R, J,~ Terminal current a 1Length of dipole. * but, the induced voltage is given by, V= . ‘The power density is given by, 2 By cas en , ~@) © | nen % ° “AER, | aR, Where, a2x1020 + B-Field intensity 4n? x 36.57 Z, ~ Intrinsic impedance. A,= 0.261 22m? Similarly, 4 0.261 mE 61, Find the aperture of a short dipole. VHEl ) (or) Substituting equations (2), (3) and (4) in equation (1), “Radiation Is a process of converting A.c | “° current into electric-magnetlc fields” and. “Antenna” Is a transducer that does the above Job. Elaborate the above statement in detall. . Ans: Consider a short dipole as shown in figure. 2S LL sPecTRUM ALLN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS) SENT 7) Given that, ANTENNAS AND Wi Ashort antenna wi Tn roo space ih a uniform current distribution In fleld E, component for 8 = 90°, ® = 0°, A= 10 cm and r= 200 cm. AVE PROPAGATION TJNTU:HYDERABAn, idl = 3*10-4 Arm. Caleulate the > NowsDec-A8 (R13), a4y, For a short antenna with uniform current distribution in free space, © Hdl =3%10+Am 0=90° ono" Ae 100m 7 =200¢m Far ficld component, |Eql=? , ‘The expression for far field component, Ey, for r> 2 is given by, Id | te Fue inseesinv am In, sinde> dl ad= nq, sno — 120%(3 10) sin90° 2(10*107)(200%107) 2 MBgd=2.8 Vim = 2.827 Q63. Compare the properties of half-wave length dipole and elementary dipole. Ans: Halfwave Length Dipote (2} ” Elementary Dipole (Short Dipole) 1. | Ahalf-wave dipole is one whose length is half ofthe wave length 2. | The effective height of half-wave dipole is Zz 3. | The maximum effective aperture of half-wave 30. dipole is — =0.13 73x 4. | Its sphere filling factor is 0.61. of 5: | The directivity of| (3) dipole is 1.64 6. | Its radiation resistance is 73 Q. || The maximum effective aperture of short dipole is A short dipole is one whose length is very small compared to the wavelength ‘A’. The effective height of short dipole is Zone, do 3 Jeo ag 709 Its sphere filling factor is 2, 3 The directivity of short dipole is 2, 3 Q64. What are the special features of > vertical monopole antenna? Evaluate the following at 100 MHz. () Antenna length (ii) The radiation resistance (iit) Power radiated; and (iv) Maximum directivity. T WARNING: Xerox Photocopying of this books CRIMINAL act ‘Anyone found guilty is ABLE to ace LEGAL proceedings. UNIT-1 (Antenna Basics and Thin Linear Wire Antennas) Special features of quarter wave monopole antenna are as follows: a The length of [. monopole antenna is less than half- wave dipole antenna, os a The gain of - monopole antenna is twice the gain ofa similar dipole antenna, 3. Its radiation resistance is around 36.8 which is half of the radiation resistance of half-wave dipole antenna. , By The given operating frequency of [+ monopole antenna is, f= 100 MHz Problem Given that, Frequency, f= 100 MHz (Antenna length, Z = (i) Radiation resistance, & (ii) Power radiated, P, | (i) Maximum directivity, D,, =? @ Antenna Length ‘Thelength ofthe quarterwave monopole antennais given as, wv Bs . ¢_ 3x10" Since 4) 100x108 A=3m 3 im (Radiation Resistance ‘The radiation resistance of 4 ‘monopole antenna is given by the equation, Power Radiated ‘The radiated power is iil) in by the equation, SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL (lv) Maximum Directivity a The maximum directivity of (j ) monopole is given by the equation, Where, A, Effective aperture “The effective aperture is given by the expression, = 7A, #3438 Substituting the value of 4, in D,.,, We get, __ 4n(3.438] a = 9 Dre = 4.8004 Q65. Amelectric field strength of /2, is to be measured at an observation point 6 = x/2, 500 km from a half wave dipole antenna operating at 50 MHz. (a) Find its length ‘7 (b) Calculate the current that is fed to the antenna and_ ’ (c)_ The average power radiated. Ans: Given that, Fora 4 dipole antenna, Field strength at a distance, r= $00 km Operating frequency, (@) Length of 8 dipole antenna, 1=? ‘The length ‘1’ of half-wave dipole antenna is, ted 2 FOR'ENGINEERING sTupents! (b) ANTENNAS AND WAV! el=3m ‘The current fed at the input of antenna, /=? Current fed to antenna is given by the equation, J=1, sin Bi +2) mp in Ze a4) = 1, sin2= 1, sin ( 4 2x ele ‘The field strength of half-wave dipole is given as, a on foi r sin® =I, sin Equation (3) can be rewritten in terms of J, a5, 108A aT ‘Substituting the value = 0.08 sin 7.85 WARNING: Xérox/Photocopying ofthis book sa CRIMINAL et: Anyone found em =X) (2) @) =) PROPAGATION [JNTU-HYDERABAD) Gey The average rated powers Png"? ‘The average radiated power is given by the ‘expression, oe Slo om(3 Pe 2 co RK eos 15(0.08) (53) Texs00xl0")?'|} sin ® 2 Q66, For a 20m vertical dipole antenna, find th ‘ower radiated, radiation resistance and fadiation officiency at 1 MHz, with an input peak ‘current of 500 mA and a loss resistance of 2.5 ohms. : Ans: Given that, For a vertical dipole antenna, Length, L,= 20m Operating frequency, f= 1 MHz Input peak current, /, = 500M * Loss resistance, R, = 2.5 Ohms Power radiated, P, Radiatiof resistance, R, =? Radiation efficiency, n ‘Then, the expression for power radiated by an antenna is givens, ae ol) P= Tens, Tyga is given as, Jn _ 300x107 Fi = 0.354 v2 354.0 Radiation resistance is given by, 2 R, = 80n" [4] x | 20 = 80n"! 3x10 bx10* =3509 R,= 3.5092 is UABLE to face LEGAL proceedings. | — UNIT-1 (Antenna Basics and Thin Linear Wire Antonnas) 1.43 ‘Therefore, power radiated is, Q68. A transmittor Is fod with 100 kW and produces P.=[0354]*% 3,809 [2 Prom equi tho samo fiold strongth ata given point as a 2 = 10.354} 3.509 [7 From equation} dlpoto fod with 200 kW. Calculate the gain of the aorial, ‘And the expression for radiation efficiency of an antenna 2. is given as, (i) Rolative to dipole R,. 3.509 (ll) Rolativo to an isotropic antenna, "RR, 3509425 = 0.584 Given that, Ne = 58.49 Power fed to a transmitter, P, = 100 kW Q67. A magnetic field strength of 5 wAlm Is required a ata point on 0= 7/2, 2 km away from an antenna Power fed toa % dipole, P= 200k in free space. Neglecting ohmic loss, how much power must the antenna transmit if It is . Bow a Hertzian dipole of length b= 257 | Gsinof ie nen wi eect 3 ae i en Ans: c . Fur Given that, SiS a For a Hertzian dipole, 3 Length, dl = 2/25 a = 10 log GUOXIE? . . (100%10") Magnetic field strength, H,=5 wAm=5 10-+A/m 4 vas Gyy = 10 log? 4: Gy 230 2km , a i) Gain of the antenna, relative to isotropic antenna for maximum gain is given by, Power radiated, P, = ? ‘The expression for magnetic field strength is given by, IndLsin® For one period, cos” : _ 5x10 x24(2x1 0°) A/25(sinn/2) The time averaged power density is given by, YE 2] cos( Zcose Pye oof 2] olin) sind 2 gg 0.3535.A, Power radiated is given by, = s0ne{ 2] Py on] Ta a 2 = son [M28 (0.3535)'= 0.1577 =P, =1577 mW {2 SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS) i NTU. =e ANTENNAS AND WAVE PROPAGATION [11 “Then, the directivit 4x, Ato cos? DO.) = Fras G~ 1.84 7 anxl 2 sin? “RG 3 aces 21,5 = 1.76 4B G= 1.64 Gain in dB = 10 log 1.64 F gain of a halfwave dipol a Sinose ohmic losses and directive gain are 7 ive to an isotropic aerial is, ‘ohms and 1.64 respectively. Nov.45, (R12), a3) Ans: Given that, Q69. The radiation intensity of a particular antenna Is ox a half-wave dipole, bila ut (0, ¢)=in*6, Calculate the directivity ae aaa : Ans: Directive gain or directivity, G, Given that, power gxin, G,=? 1e antenna efficiency is defined as, For an antenna, ‘Then, the antenna efficiency Radiation intensity, (8, $) = sin? Directivity, D(®, 9) =? From the given radiation intensity, (0, 6) = sin’®, the maximum radiation intensity is given by, ®=1 ‘Then, the total power radiated is given by, Puy fon as 1s sind < 1] 73.08 164 73.08+7 = ff siPosinedad [-40= sind 40d] = Gag <1 =1.497= 1.75 4B G=1.754B Q71. Find the distance from a radiating element with 60 Hz current such that radiation and induction fields are equal. . Since, po 2 Ff sinroao ‘The expression for electric and magnetic field due to j si small current element is given by, 21,dlcos® | cost ae | ek £, = Aattsin0[-osinor | cosa ae | oF x = Jnilsin0 | coscit wsinor = “tego LEGAL proceeding 1 (Antenna Basics and Thin Linear Wire Antennas) From above, the magnetic ficld component (H/,) consist of two terms one is induction field and radiation ficld uNr Inductign field Ind Radiation field = z+ The distance at which both induction and radiation fils are equal. ’ Indlsin@[ coset] _ Indl sinO| wsine a | an ler The values of sine and cosine are unity, then Frequency, f = 60 Hz oo = yan _e: _ 3x108 29f ~ 2nx60 = 798.775 km Q72. Alossless quarter wave monopole situated above a perfectly conducting ground plane and is driven from 300 MHz source with the amplitude of 100 V. Calculate the average power radiated if the antenna impedance is (36.6 + j 21.25) Q and internal resistance of source is 50 Q. Given that, For a lossless quarter wave monopolé antenna, Amplitude of source ¥,= 100 V Antenna impedance, Z,= (36.5 + j 21.25) 2 Internal resistance of source, R= 50. Operating frequency, f= 300 MHz Average radiated power, P=? Average power radiated (P,,,) = Ray Ling 36.5) Ions = (1) ae (SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS)! 2/00 45 Subst ) imequation (1), we get, baa (% (2) Figure, shows an equivalent circuit diagram of the given ‘arrangement, sa ,, | ] Impedance 4) %LJ Gos + 52125) 100 v, 300 MHz Figure: Equivalont Circuit By applying KirchofT's voltage law to the above circuit, iwe get, IR, +iZ)=V, => 50) + 136.5 + j21.55) = 100 {86.5 + j 21.55] = 100 122 2-13.99° © 99,144.213.99" 122A By substituting /, = 1.122 A in equation (2), we get, 2 Ro oss [2] = 22.97 W 22.97 W :2.2\Loop/ Antennas =\Introductlon)|Small’Loop Comparison of Far Fields of. Small Loop and Short Dipole Radiation Resistances and Directivities of Small Loops (Qualitative Treatment) Discuss about loop antenna. What are the disadvantages of loop antenna? What are. applications loop antennas? 73. NoviDecwt7, (R13), 3 (or) Derlve the expression for radiation field of a ‘small loop antenna of radius ‘a’ at the centré of the co-ordinate system. ~ 1a6 ANTENNAS AND WAVE PROPAGATION [JNTU-HYDERag, AD) ue ine expression for far fiold compones a G7, Derive the oxnrestin > Loop Antenna of asmal = cnt ‘ ra rere pepe radiating coil with one or more tums used to carry. | ARS? eae icant stop ance ‘ fil patter o = cae Saeeo antenna, It may be of any shape as | Te Me eer a = ee fromm asa _ Lat the ciulr lop has a radius of (* <2) ang “ Current i in-phase ofthe loop as shown in igure 1a) ‘ 4 Lotthe dimensions of square loop is d * das shown jp Figure(1) Loop antennas are classified as, Small loop antennas ~ Antennas with overall wire length of much less than one wavelength (12) 2. Large loop antennas Antennas with overall wie length of 0.52 to more than 2A. Features of Loop Antenna . 1. Small toop antennas having circumference < 0.1 at high frequencies can receive signal upto 30 MHz. 2. Annull along the axis ofthe loop characterizes the loop antennas, 3. By providing electrostatic shielding, the directional Property of loop antennas are improved. 4. Avertical loop antenna'is most popular antenna! Gener- ally, it receives bi-directional signals but receives tini- directional signals when shielded. : 5. The loop antennas are supported by LF, MF, HF, VF and UHF ranges. 6. © The shape of the loop antenna does not have any effect ‘on the directional pattems. 7. The ferrite cores ina loop antenna increases the effective diameter of the loop. Disadvantages Disadvantages of loop antennas are mentioned below. 1. Poor transmission efficiency. 2. + Loop antennas are not suitable for high frequencies. 3. In loop antenna, the two nulls of the pattern result in 180° ambiguity. 4, Loop antennas are used as direction finders. Applications of Loop Antenna 1. Loop antennas are fixed over towers anid used as omnidirectional systems, JInmany applications, small loop antennas are employed to serve as a source for paraboloid, 3. Loop antennas, particularly large loop antennas, are very widely used as direction indicators, 4, Loopantennas along with ferrite core is use as broadcast receiver. 5 5. Alargenumber of loop antennas with varying dimersions are used in line of sight communication. The antennas are arranged such that they form an array of loops, figure ib) — — yn y ka (Square top (0) Cireular Loop (F

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