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​FRENCH REV ​Part 2 (Continued)



-Although Louis XVI had signed the constitution, he entered into secret negotiations with the
King of Prussia
-The success of the French Revolution was not liked by the rulers of many countries of
Europe like Austria,Prussia Germany
-They planned to send troops to defeat the revolution in France
-However before this could happen the National Assembly in France declared war against
Prussia and Austria.
-Thousands of people of France joined the army.
-They saw this war as a war of people against the kings and aristocracies all over the world
-They sang patriotic songs like Marseillaise ​composed by Roget de L'Isle.Marseillaise is now
the National Anthem of France

-Large sections of population were convinced that the revolution had to be carried forward
-The constitution of 1791 gave political rights only to the richer sections of society
-Many clubs were formed to discuss government policies and plan further courses of action.
-One of the most famous of these clubs was the Jacobin club.
-It got its name from convent of St Jacob in Paris
-The members of the Jacobin club belonged to less prosperous sections of society.
-They included small shopkeepers, artisans shoemakers, watchmakers, printers,servants
and daily wage workers
-Their leader was Maximilian Robespierre
-The Jacobins wore long striped trousers.This was to set themselves apart
-These men in addition wore the red cap that symbolized Liberty

-In the summer of 1792 the Jacobins planned an insurrection of the people of Paris who
were angered by the short supplies and high prices of food
-On 10th August they stormed the palace of Tuileries and held the King hostage
-Elections were held.From now men of 21 years and above regardless of wealth got the right
to vote
-​The newly elected Assembly in 1792 was called the Convention
-On September 1792 it abolished monarchy and declared France Republic
-Republic is a form of Government where the people elect the Head of the State.

'The period between​ 1793 to 1794​ is known as the reign of terror
-It was a Government of the Jacobins under the leadership of Maximilian Robespierre
-Robespierre's Government followed the policy of severe control and punishment
-All enemies of the republic were arrested, imprisoned and if found guilty they were
-Even the members of his own party who did not agree with him were imprisoned

Guillotine​ is a device consisting of two poles and a blade with which a person was
beheaded. It was named after Dr Guillotin who invented it


-Maximum ceiling on wages and prices
-Rationing of meat and bread
-Use of expensive white flour forbidden
-All to eat Equality bread made if whole wheat
-Equality in speech-to address each other as Citizen (not as Sir or Madam)
-Peasants to sell grains at prices fixed by the Govt

RULE OF THE DIRECTORY /Events after the fall of the Jacobin Govt or /The events
that led to the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte
-The Fall of Jacobin government allowed the middle class to seize power
-A new Constitution was introduced which denied the vote to non propertied sections of
-It provided for two elected legislative councils. This then appointed a Directory that is an
executive body made up of five members (to safeguard against the concentration of power in
one man as under the Jacobins)
-However the directors often clashed with the legislative councils
-The political instability of the directory paved the way for the rise of of military dictator
Napoleon Bonaparte

-In 1804 and crowned himself as the emperor of France
-He went on to conquer the neighbouring European countries
-He introduced many laws like protection of private property and uniform system of weights
and measures
-Initially many saw Napoleon as a liberator who would bring freedom for the people
- But soon the Napoleonic Armies came to be viewed as an invading force
Napoleon was finally defeated at Waterloo in 1815
-Many of his measures that carried the Revolutionary ideas of liberty and modern laws to
other parts of Europe had an impact on people long after Napoleon had left

Explain why Napoleon was regarded as a moderniser of Europe.

-He introduced laws like protection of private property and uniform system of weights and
-Napoleon was seen as a liberator who would bring freedom for the people.
-​-Many of his measures carried the Revolutionary ideas of liberty to other parts of Europe


-Most women of the third estate had to work for a living.
-They worked as seamstresses o laundresses sold flowers fruits and vegetables or worked
as domestic servants
-Most women did not have access to education or job training
-Working women also had to take care of the families and look after the children
-Their wages were lower than those of men
-Only the daughters of nobles or wealthier members of the third estate could study after
which their families arranged a marriage for them


-Women started their own political clubs and newspapers
-About 60 women's clubs came up in different French cities
-The Society of Revolutionary and Republican Women was the most famous of them
-Women should enjoy the same political rights as men
-They demanded the right to vote
-They demanded right to be elected to the Assembly and to hold political office
-Only then they felt with their interest be represented in the new government

Steps or the laws introduced by the Revolutionary government to improve the lives of
-Schooling was made compulsory for girls
-They could not be forced into marriage -Marriage was made into a contract registered under
civil law
-Divorce was made legal and could be applied for by both men and women
-Women could now train for jobs,become artist or run small businesses

Measures taken by Jacobin Government for suppressing women activities

-They issued laws ordering the closure of women's clubs
-They banned their political activities
- Many prominent women were arrested and executed

Women's movement for voting rights and equal wages in France

-The fight for vote was carried out through an international suffrage movement during the
late 19th century
-The example of the political activities of French women during the Revolutionary years was
kept alive as an inspiring memory
-It was finally ​in 1946 that women in France won the right to vote

OLYMPE de GOUGES 1748-1793

-She was one of the most politically active woman in revolutionary France
-She protested against the Constitution and the declaration of rights of Man and Citizens as
it excluded women from basic Rights
-In 1791 she wrote the Declaration of rights of Women and Citizens
-She addressed it to the Queen and the Members of the National Assembly
-In 1793 OLYMPE de GOUGES criticized the Jacobin Government for forcibly closing down
the women's clubs
-She was tried by the National Convention and was executed


-The French colonies in the Caribbeans supplied commodities such as tobacco Indigo sugar
and coffee to the world
-The Europeans were reluctant to go and work in the plantations.
-It meant a shortage of labour on the plantations.This lead to the triangular slave trade
between Europe, Africa and America
-The French merchants in the ​17th century​ sailed from the ports of Bordeaux or Nantes to
the African coast where they bought slaves
-The slaves were then brought to the Caribbean and sold to the plantation owners
-The slaves were exploited and made to
grow tobacco sugar and Indigo for the European markets
-The port cities of ​Bordeaurx and Nantes owed their economic prosperity to the flourishing
slave trade

-The national assembly held debates on slavery but could not abolish it fearing opposition
from businessmen whose income depended on the slave trade
b) In 1794 National Convention freed all slaves in the French overseas possessions
c) Ten years later Napoleon reintroduced slavery
d) Finally in 1848 slavery was abolished in the French colonies

The Revolutionary Govt took different measures to translate the ideas of liberty and
equality into everyday practice
How did the French Revolution affect the everyday life of the people of France
-Censorship was abolished
-Freedom of speech and expression to be a natural right
-Newspaper books and printed pictures flooded the towns
- People came to know about the events and changes taking place in France
-People could discuss and express their views freely on political matters due to freedom of
-Plays and songs attracted a large number of people and helped them to identify with ideas
of liberty and Justice as most of the people were not educated.


-Before the revolution all written material could be published after being approved by the
-With declaration of rights of man and citizen Freedom of speech became a natural right
-People could discuss and express their views freely on political matters
-Newspapers & Books flooded the market
-They described the change taking place in France
-Opposing views could be expressed
-Plays ,songs festive processions spread the ideas of liberty or justice


-Abolition of monarchy
-Establishment of democratic republic
-End of feudal privileges


-Ideas of equality liberty and fraternity spread to the rest of the world
-The colonized people reworked the idea of freedom into a movement to create a Sovereign
-Tipu Sultan and Raja Ram Mohan Roy were also inspired by the ideas of the Revolutionary
-The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen became the basis of rights granted to the
people in Democratic countries of the World

Which groups of French society benefited from the revolution which groups were
forced to relinquish power which sections of society would have been disappointed
with the outcome of the revolution

a)Groups that benefited from the revolution​ -Peasants and middle classes because-
1 Tithes from peasants were abolished
2 The obligations and taxes under the feudal system were abolished
3.The right to vote was granted on limited scale but other rights were included in the
declaration of rights of man and citizen

b) ​The groups forced to relinquish power were-

1. Members of clergy were forced to give up their privileges
2.The land owned by the church was confiscated
3.The Assembly abolished the feudal system of obligation and Taxes
C) On the whole clergy and nobility would have been disappointed with the outcome of the

Assignment 2

1. What was Marseillaise?Who composed it?

2. Who were the members of the Jacobin club? Name the leader of this club
3. What was convention?
4. Which period in France is known as the reign of terror and why? 3
5. Enlist the steps taken by Robespierre to remove discrimination in french society and
form a republic 5m
6. Which class came to power after the fall of the Jacobin government
7. Name an important political club formed by women in France
8. Recall the laws made to improve the status of women in the french society ? 3m
9. When did French women get the political Right to vote
10. Who wrote the Declaration of Rights of Women and Citizen
11. When was the slavery finally abolished in the French Colony?
12. What actions of Napoleon prove that he was a moderniser of Europe ?
13. ​Describe the impact of the french revolution Worldwide ? 5m

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