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Setting instruction

Clutch and brake

from WM no. 5044 onwards

Contents Page

Running-in speeds 2

Changing the machine speed 2

Speed table 2

Assembly and disassembly

of the motor V-belt pulley 10

Installing the V-belts 11

Setting the brake clearance 12

Setting the clutch clearance 13

Setting the braking angle 14

Holding brake 14

Maintenance 15


The weaving machine is driven by an electric motor

via three V-belts and an electromagnetic clutch on
the main gear. Braking also occurs electromagneti-

When carrying out any work on the drive assembly:

Comply with safety instructions!

Turn off the main switch and secure
with a padlock.

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G 6200 e 09.04.02 Page 1

Running-in speeds Changing the machine speed

After the weaving machine is commissioned, the The following options exist for changing the machine
following defined running-in speeds should not be speed:
– Place V-belts on a different diameter.
Plain weaving machine – Mount the motor V-pulley the other way around and
MB [cm] Shedding Running-in put the V-belts onto the corresponding diameter.
motion speed* [rpm] – By mounting a bigger or smaller motor V-belt pul-
140 EP/SP 570 ley and V-belts of corresponding length, it is possi-
140 J 590 ble to change into a different speed range.
170 EP/SP/J 570
After each speed change check
190 EP/SP/J 540 Caution!
the rapier travel to ensure that the
200 EP/SP/J 540
gripper heads do not collide with
220 EP/SP/J 500 each other, and that no transfer er-
240 EP/SP/J ** rors occur.
260 EP/SP/J **
280 EP/SP/J **
Machine speed

Terry weaving machine The speeds given are theoretical values. They may
MB [cm] Shedding Running-in vary due to motor load, local power supply conditions
motion speed* [rpm] and dimensional tolerances.
190 EP/SP/J 440
200 EP/SP/J 430 Take care that the maximum permissible speed is not
220 EP/SP/J 400 exceeded. This depends on:
240 EP/SP/J 380 – Machine width
– Number of harness frames or Jacquard hooks
260 EP/SP/J 360
– Style and weave
280 EP/SP/J 340
The maximum permissible speed can be taken from
the tables on the following pages.
* During the first 20 million revolutions
** No running-in speed needed
Note: The following speed increase is possible for the
label weaving machine:

MW 140 630 rpm S 140 N 8 J

MW 170 600 rpm S 170 N 8 J

In this connection, please note the following restric-

– If you are using a dobby or jacquard machine, first
consult the technical department (Sultex Limited)
– Jacquard maschine with more than 6000 hooks
– Auxiliary equipment such as tucking unit or waste

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Motor pulley dia- Main motor: 7.5 kW, 50 Hz Main motor: 7.5 kW, 60 Hz V-belt length
meter in mm Motor speed 2900 rpm Motor speed 3500 rpm in mm
Combination Combination
Ø gross Ø klein 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 RS-16 RS-28
198 186 650 586 611 624
195 183 640 576 600 615
192 180 630 566 590 605
189 177 620 557 580 595 1362
186 174 610 547 570 586
183 171 600 538 560 576
180 168 590 528 550 567
177 165 580 518 540 557
174 162 570 509 530 547
171 159 560 499 520 538 1337
168 156 550 489 510 528
165 153 540 480 500 518 650 579 603 625
162 150 530 470 490 509 640 567 591 614
159 147 520 460 480 499 625 556 579 602
156 144 510 451 470 489 610 544 567 591
153 141 500 441 460 480 600 532 555 579 1312

150 138 490 431 450 470 590 521 543 567
147 135 480 422 440 460 580 509 530 556
144 132 470 412 429 451 565 497 518 544
141 129 460 402 419 441 550 486 506 532
138 126 450 393 409 431 540 474 494 521 1287
135 123 440 383 399 422 530 462 482 509
132 120 430 373 389 412 520 451 470 497
129 117 420 364 379 403 510 439 458 486
126 114 410 354 369 393 495 427 445 474
123 111 400 344 359 383 480 416 433 462 1262
120 108 390 335 349 375 470 404 421 451
117 105 380 325 339 363 460 392 409 439
114 102 370 316 329 354 450 381 397 427
111 99 360 306 319 344 435 369 385 416
108 96 350 296 309 335 420 357 373 404 1250
105 93 340 286 299 325 410 346 360 392
102 90 330 277 289 316 400 334 348 381
88 82 282 251 262 270 320 312 324 308

1 2 3 4

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Caution! • 12 heald shafts in motion at the same time – reduction: 2% for each additional shaft
• Heavy lift, max. 8 shafts – reduction: 2% for each additional shaft

Max. speed for 24 shaft dobby (Staubli SP 2670) on 28 shaft WM frame with 15" and 13" healds and cam
profile 2

MW [cm] Shed angle [°] Number of shafts

15" healds 13" healds
8 12 16 20 24 8 12 16 20 24
19 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580
140 24 580 580 580 560 550 580 580 580 560 550
28 580 580 550 550 550 580 580 550 550 550
19 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580
170 24 580 580 550 510 500 580 580 550 510 500
28 580 550 510 500 500 580 550 510 500 500
19 580 580 580 570 540 580 580 580 570 540
190 24 580 560 520 480 480 580 560 520 480 480
28 570 520 480 480 480 570 520 480 480 480
19 580 580 580 530 500 580 580 580 530 500
200 24 580 550 510 470 470 580 550 510 470 470
28 560 510 470 470 470 560 510 470 470 470
19 540 540 540 500 480 540 540 540 500 480
220 24 540 530 480 450 440 540 530 480 450 440
28 540 490 450 440 440 540 490 450 440 440
19 480 480 480 440 440 480 480 480 440 440
240 24 480 480 480 440 440 480 480 480 440 440
28 480 480 480 440 440 480 480 480 440 440
19 465 465 465 410 410 465 465 465 410 410
260 24 465 465 465 410 410 465 465 465 410 410
28 465 465 465 410 410 465 465 465 410 410
19 450 450 450 400 400 450 450 450 400 400
280 24 450 450 450 400 400 450 450 450 400 400
28 450 450 450 400 400 450 450 450 400 400

= Shed angle limit

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Max. speed for 20 shaft dobby (Staubli SP 2670) on 28 shaft WM frame with 15" and 13" healds and
cam profile 2

MW [cm] Shed angle [°] Number of shafts

15" healds 13" healds
8 12 16 20 8 12 16 20
19 630 630 620 610 630 630 620 610
140 24 630 630 620 610 630 630 620 610
28 630 630 610 600 630 630 610 600
19 630 630 620 610 630 630 620 610
170 24 630 630 620 590 630 630 620 590
28 630 610 570 560 630 610 570 560
19 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
190 24 600 600 600 570 600 600 600 570
28 600 590 540 530 600 590 540 530
19 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580
200 24 580 580 580 550 580 580 580 550
28 580 570 530 520 580 570 530 520
19 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540
220 24 540 540 540 530 540 540 540 530
28 540 540 510 500 540 540 510 500
19 480 480 480 440 480 480 480 440
240 24 480 480 480 440 480 480 480 440
28 480 480 480 440 480 480 480 440
19 465 465 465 410 465 465 465 410
260 24 465 465 465 410 465 465 465 410
28 465 465 465 410 465 465 465 410
19 450 450 450 400 450 450 450 400
280 24 450 450 450 400 450 450 450 400
28 450 450 450 400 450 450 450 400

= Shed angle limit

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G 6200 e 09.04.02 Page 5

Max. speed for 20 shaft dobby (Fimtextile RD 3030) on 28 shaft WM frame with 15" and 13" healds and
cam profile 2

MW [cm] Shed angle [°] Number of shafts

15" healds 13" healds
8 12 16 20 8 12 16 20
19 650 650 630 600 650 650 630 600
140 24 650 650 630 600 650 650 630 600
28 650 650 630 570 650 650 630 570
19 630 630 630 600 630 630 630 600
170 24 630 630 630 575 630 630 630 575
28 630 630 610 560 630 630 610 560
19 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
190 24 600 600 600 565 600 600 600 565
28 600 600 600 550 600 600 600 550
19 580 580 580 565 580 580 580 565
200 24 580 580 580 555 580 580 580 555
28 580 580 580 540 580 580 580 540
19 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540
220 24 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540
28 540 540 540 530 540 540 540 530
19 480 480 480 440 480 480 480 440
240 24 480 480 480 440 480 480 480 440
28 480 480 480 440 480 480 480 440
19 465 465 465 410 465 465 465 410
260 24 465 465 465 410 465 465 465 410
28 465 465 465 410 465 465 465 410
19 450 450 450 400 450 450 450 400
280 24 450 450 450 400 450 450 450 400
28 450 450 450 400 450 450 450 400

= Shed angle limit

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Max. speed for 16 shaft dobby on 16 shaft WM frame with 13" and 15" healds

MW [cm] Shed angle [°] Number of shafts (SP 2622) No. of shafts (RD 3036)
Cam profile 2 Cam profile 3 Cam profile 2
8 12 16 8 12 16 8 12 16
19 630 630 620 630 630 620 650 650 630
140 24 630 630 620 630 630 620 650 650 630
28 630 630 620 630 630 600 650 650 630
19 630 630 620 630 630 620 630 630 630
170 24 630 630 620 630 630 610 630 630 630
28 630 620 570 610 600 560 630 630 620
19 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
190 24 600 600 600 600 600 580 600 600 600
28 600 590 550 590 570 520 600 600 600
19 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580
200 24 580 580 580 580 580 570 580 580 580
28 580 580 540 570 560 510 580 580 580
19 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540
220 24 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540
28 540 540 510 540 540 490 540 540 540
19 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480
240 24 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480
28 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480
19 465 465 465 465 465 465 465 465 465
260 24 465 65 465 465 465 465 465 465 465
28 465 465 465 465 465 465 465 465 465
19 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450
280 24 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450
28 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450

= Shed angle limit using 13" healds

Max. speed for 12 shaft dobby (Staubli SP 2622) on 16 shaft WM frame with 13" healds

MW [cm] Shed angle [°] Number of shafts

Cam profile 2 Cam profile 3
8 12 8 12
19 630 630 630 630
140 24 630 630 630 630
28 630 630 630 630
19 630 630 630 630
170 24 630 630 630 630
28 630 620 620 610
19 600 600 600 600
190 24 600 600 600 600
28 600 600 590 580
19 580 580 580 580
200 24 580 580 580 580
28 580 580 580 570
19 540 540 540 540
220 24 540 540 540 540
28 540 540 540 540
19 480 480 480 480
240 24 480 480 480 480
28 480 480 480 480
19 465 465 465 465
260 24 465 465 465 465
28 465 465 465 465
19 450 450 450 450
280 24 450 450 450 450
28 450 450 450 450

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Max.speed for terry machines and cam profile 2
MW [cm] Shed angle [°] No. of shafts
8 12 16 20 24
190 28 500 500 470 460 460
200 28 490 490 460 450 450
220 28 450 450 440 430 430
240 28 440 440 420 410 410
260 28 420 420 410 390 390
280 28 390 390 390 380 380

Max.speed for EP 1602 with 13" and 15" healds

MW [cm] Shed angle [°] No. of shafts
Weaves: 2/2; 1/3; 1/4; 1/5; 2 Weaves.: 1/1; 2/1
≤8 10 ≤8 10
≤24 630 630 630 630
140 30 630 630 630 580
≤24 630 630 630 580
170 30 630 580 580 530
≤24 600 600 600 600
190 30 600 560 550 510
≤24 580 580 580 580
200 30 580 540 540 500
≤24 540 540 540 540
220 30 540 520 520 480
≤24 480 480 480 480
240 30 480 480 480 460
≤24 465 465 465 465
260 30 465 465 465 440
≤24 450 450 450 450
30 450 450 450 430

Electronically controlled jacquard machines

• Do not exceed the maximum weaving machine speed quoted in the performance lists.
• The speed limit of the jacquard machine/weaving machine combination is influenced by
style-related data (e.g. lift). An 80% lift necessitates a speed reduction of up to 5%.
• Speed limits for jacquard machines from 5120 hooks onwards should be discussed
with the maker.

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Product Size or no. of Mechanical speed limit for jacquard machines [min-1]
hooks (irrespective of weaving machine speed)

400 500 600 700

Staubli- Verdol
CX 870 1408

CX 880 1408

CX 960 3072

LX 1600 3072

LX 3200 5120

IBJ 1344

CSJ 1344

SSJ 5376

EJP 2 1344

P2 1344
in steps of 672

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Disassembly and assembly of the motor
V-belt pulley
8 Udo the two screws 9.

Screw a special screw (screw with bolt) into borehole

b to stay the tension flange of motor support 1.

The motor can now be easily moved in the direction

of the flywheel, thus relieving V-belts 8.

Remove V-belts 8.


Hold V-belt pulley 3 with tension lever 617 431 000

and loosen screw 4 (do not remove).

With a plastic hammer knock 1…2 times radially

against V-belt pulley 3. This loosens the tension ring
sets on the motor shaft and the V-belt pulley can now
be drawn off the shaft.

Mount V-belt pulley 3, hold it with tension lever 617

431 000 and tighten screw 4 with 86 Nm.


If screw 4 has been removed, and in doing so, the

tension ring sets were also drawn off the shaft, then
the tension rings have to be put back onto the shaft
in the correct sequence. Mount the lightly oiled ten-
sion ring sets, placing first the inner and then the out-
er ring into position. Spacer bush 5 is put between
the two tension ring sets.

Afterwards, insert screw 4 and tighten with 86 Nm.


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Installing the V-belts
8 Lay V-belts 8 on the tracks of the required diameter
(see table on page 3).

Swing out the motor until V-belts 8 are only lightly


Provisionally secure motor support 1 in this position.

Insert tension lever 6 comprising hexagon adjusting

6 nut 2, l.h. belt tensioner and r.h. belt tensioner, as il-
lustrated, between the flywheel and the V-belt pulley.

Turn adjusting nut 2 with a fork wrench until the V-

belts are tensioned.

Note: Different types of belt tensioning gauges are

needed depending on the machine type (see
tables below).
Secure motor support 1. For this, tighten the two
screws 9 with 100 Nm.

16 count frame
Designation Art. no.
60 mm hexagon adjusting nut 631 555 500
90 mm hexagon adjusting nut 631 555 501
Right-hand 30 mm belt tensioner 631 556 500
Left-hand 30 mm belt tensioner 631 556 501

28 count frame
Designation Art. no.
120 mm hexagon adjusting nut 631 555 502
180 mm hexagon adjusting nut 631 555 503
Right-hand 60 mm belt tensioner 631 556 502
Left-hand 60 mm belt tensioner 631 556 503

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10 8 V-belt tension

The V-belt tension is checked with reference gauge

081 962 801. For this purpose, place the reference
gauge onto V-belt 8 in the middle of the center line
distance and press until both limit stops 9 are just
M touching the V-belt.
M Provided the V-belt tension is correct, pressure bolt
10 is between the lower and the upper reference
surface. This applies to all three V-belts.

9 Note: If the pressure bolt is located lower, the V-belt

tension has to be increased. If it is located higher, it
has to be reduced.

The V-belt tension should be checked after approx.

15 operating hours, thereafter every 6 months.
11 Setting the brake clearance

If the message "E202" is displayed, brake clearance

b of max. 1.2 mm must be re-set.

Remove cover 11.

b Turn the weaving machine until one of the three

nothes for measuring the clutch and brake play is vis-

Switch off weaving machine!

Disconnect pressure tube 18 from flange housing.

Slacken V-belts and remove.

Screw hook 19 onto the V-belt flywheel and secure to
the crane with a rope.

Remove screws 14 one after the other, at the same

time removing spacers 15 (pay attention to number
and thickness).

Remove flange housing from housing plate.



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Loosen all screws 21 approx. 3 turns. Remove three
of these screws, and by inserting screws 22 (M8x70)
in their place, loosen the cone clutch.

Remove screws 22 and turn screws 21 a little way in-

to the cone clutch.

Set brake clearance between brake magnet 17 and

armature disc 13 and tighten all screws 21 evenly
with 30 Nm. When finished, the brake clearance b
has to be 0.1…0.3 mm.
Assembly is in reverse sequence and clutch clear-
22 ance must be reset.

Adjust braking angle (braking distance).

17 13
Before starting up weaving machine, in-
stall all protective covers!

Setting of clutch clearance

13 If the message "E017" is displayed, the clutch clear-
12 ance k of max. 1.2 must be reset.

Note: If the brake clearance has to be readjusted at

the same time, do that first and readjust the
clutch clearance afterwards.
Remove cover 11.

Turn the weaving machine until one of the three

nothes for measuring the clutch and brake play is vis-
15 ible.
Switch off weaving machine!

Slacken V-belt.

Loosen screws 14 and replace the installed spacers

15 by thinner ones until the clutch clearance k is ap-
prox. 0.2…0.4 mm.

Spacers are available in thicknesses of 0.5; 1.6; 1.8;

2.0; 2.2 and 2.4 mm.

Tighten screw 14 with 49 Nm and tension V-belt.

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G 6200 e 09.04.02 Page 13

Setting the braking angle

The terminal function “braking angle” displays the

braking angle of the last machine stop.

The braking angle schould be ajustet on the terminal.

The braking angle should be within the range 330° to

500°. Otherwise the brake will have to be readjusted
(see Setting the brake clearance).

With braking angles above 600° the error message

"E202" appears on the terminal.
If the function «automatic reversing motion» is
switched on, the weaving machine will move into the
desired position after the machine stop, irrespective
of the size of the braking angle.

+0,1 24 Holding brake

0,35mm 0

Fasten holding brake 24 to plate 23 with hexagon

socket screws and tighten using torque wrench
25 to 6 Nm.
Setting the air gap

Main switch off.

Set the air gap to 0.35 mm using the three
screws 26.

25 26

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The tension and condition of the V-belts have to be

checked every six months. If the tension is not suffi-
cient, the V-belts must be retightened. If they are
worn out, the whole set must be replaced.

To prevent the risk of fire, the fly has to be cleaned off

the main drive at every warp and style change.

Work using compressed air may only be

carried out under strictest observance
of the safety regulations (chapter i 03)

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G 6200 d 09.04.02 Seite 15

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