Work Sheet No. 3 Tajanlangit BSED ENGLISH 3-A

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Student’s Name: Tajanlangit, Johlian V.

Course and Year: BSED ENGLISH 3-A

ISAT U Miagao Campus
Herminia N. Falsario
Associate Professor

Worksheet No. 3 “Canterbury Tales

Express Yourself! Choose one tale from the “Canterbury Tales”. Write its title, summary,
and theme analysis. (20 pts.)

The Knight’s Tale

Summary (Ten sentences)

The Knight’s Tale is the story of Palamon and Arcite, whom being are captured by Theseus,
the king of Thebes, and imprisoned in a tower with only one window, which the knights spend their
days looking out of. Through that window the two knights have seen a beautiful lady named Emilye
and instantly fall in love with her.

After how many years of being imprisoned Acrite manage to escape and become a servant on
Emilye’s house, but did not confess his love to her. Meanwhile, Palamon spends several more years
in prison before escaping.

The two knights meet and fight over Emilye, but the fight is broken up by Theseus, who insists that
they hold a proper tournament, where he have given Palamon and Arcite one year to build an army
and return to Thebes. The winner will be able to marry Emilye.

Before the tournament Palamon, Acrite, and Emilye decided to visit one of the three shrines
built inside the tournament arena. Acrite decided to visit the shrine of the Roman goddess of war,
Mars, to pray for his success in the tournament. Palamon on the other hand visits the shrine of the
Roman goddess of love, Venus, where he prays to win Emilye’s love. Lastly, Emilye visits the shrine
of the Roman Goddess of chastity, Dianna, where she prays that Diana allows her to stay unmarried,
but whatever might be Dianna’s decision she will gladly accept it.

The tournament finally begin and after much fighting, Arcite was declaired the winner of the
tournament, but he is thrown from his horse and suffers a fatal injury. On his deathbed, he announces
his wish for Palamon to marry Emilye.
Theme Analysis ( Five sentences) Write the theme in one complete sentence and then expound it in
four sentences.

The knight’s tale from Canterbury main theme is about courtly love. Palamon and Arcite are
willing to have a battle just be deserving for Emilye’s Love. They even prayed to the goddess just to
have Emilye’s Love. Arcite shows that he can sacrifice for his lover, because he wanted Emilye not to
be alone. In the end you can really see that Arcite loves Emilye, because he wishes that even if can’t
have Emilye’s love he want Palamon to marry Emilye.

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