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Sherry Turkle, the author of Alone Together, is a certified clinical psychologist,

lecturer, writer, and researcher who spent many years studying the psychological
relationship between humans and technology. Her research and books reveal that
technology has influenced our way of thinking and doing such things daily.
Computers and other gadgets such as cellphones are made to help us
communicate and interact with each individual. These technologies help us to make our
work easily done but in return, we became so addicted to using them that we almost
forgot how to socialize personally, and always did things virtually. People have become
slaves of laziness and loneliness as a result of their over-absorption with today's
technological advancement. Even though we are surrounded by a significant number of
people, we will still feel lonely deep down because we have become misled by the
virtual illusions we have created. Our relationship with one another is slowly fading. We
feel lonely because we seek attention through the internet when the people who love us
are always physically with us.
From the moment we get up to the moment we fall asleep, technology is always
connected to us, and it is always at our side. Technology has greatly affected our
everyday living. Technology should not serve as the foundation for our interpersonal
relationships. Technology, on the other hand, should be utilized to reinforce those
bonds. Everyone must cherish and appreciate the significance on living in reality from
the virtual world.

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