Quantitative Research Chapter 1-5

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The Impact of Procrastination Among Grade 12 HUMSS Students of

Mangaldan National High School During Regular Classes


A Practical Research Paper Presented to the Senior High School

Department Mangaldan National High School













"Procrastination is an emotion regulation problem, not a time management problem,"

said Dr. Tim Pychyl, professor of psychology and member of the Procrastination Research

Group at Carleton University in Ottawa. Procrastination is more of an emotional management

issue than a problem with time management. You will allow yourself the breathing room you

need to get back on track, start meeting deadlines, and stop punishing yourself for procrastinating

when you distinguish procrastination from a perceived incapacity to accomplish a task.

A 2015 study found that students' grades decreased the longer it took them to complete

an assignment, with late submissions costing them an average of five percentage points, or half a

grade. The majority of students have been struggling with time management. This can lead to a

variety of dangers and negative effects, including worse academic performance, worse financial

status, increased interpersonal relationship issues, reduced well-being, and worse mental and

physical health.

According to Oxford Learning (2017), procrastination frequently has nothing to do with

being lazy or careless. Many times, underlying problems cause students to develop a

procrastination issue. Students who frequently put off finishing their homework until the last

minute or who study until the night before a test incur costs.

Procrastination is a common sign of self-control problems in people. Even though

everyone puts things off occasionally, nobody intentionally delays things. While many people

periodically put things off, procrastinators habitually avoid difficult tasks and may purposely

search for diversions. As with overachievers, procrastinators can find it easier psychologically to
put off completing a task entirely rather than take the chance of completing it properly. They

could put their futures in danger in an effort to appease no one because they are so afraid of what

people will think of them. Although procrastination is an easy habit to form, the consequences

can be severe. Students need to understand how to cope with the problem of procrastination since

it may cause a lot of problems as they age.

This research will cover the impact of procrastination among the Grade 12 HUMSS

students of the Mangaldan National High School during their regular classes. This research

wants to comprehend how the targeted respondents handled their procrastination and what its

effects were on their school performances.


This study focuses on the impact of procrastination among Grade 12 students under

Humanities and Social Sciences at Mangaldan National High School during regular classes.

Specifically, it seeks to answer these following questions:

1. What specific practices do they perform while studying?

2. How long does it take them to finish doing an assignment or an activity?

3. How can these habits of studying helps them to focus in their study?

4. What are the achievements they have obtained in the academic curriculum?


Findings of this study would benefit the following areas:

• For the Students. This study will serve as a guide to identify the negative effects of

procrastination and how to be able to solve the issue.

• For the Teachers. The findings of this study will guide the teachers to be able to

understand their learners the reason of their delayed submissions of activities or


• For the Parents. This study will bring knowledge to the parents that their children might

be procrastinating and is not because of their laziness but because they might be

experiencing issues about their self.

• For the Future Researchers. This study will give them more ideas for innovation and

make a new research study about procrastination.


The researchers will only discuss about the perception and opinion of the Grade 12

HUMSS students about the impact of their procrastination experiences to their school

performance during the regular classes. The researchers will only take 30 participants from grade

12 HUMSS students from the Mangaldan National High School consisting of thirteen (15) male

and twelve (15) female.



Grade 12 HUMSS Students’ Analyzation of data Usage of social media as a
basic data, environmental gathering with the use of means to motivate, help and
data, demographic data and survey questionnaire inspire student with their
study environment management of academic load
It may seem easy to push through with academic year 2022-2023, but there are a lot of

challenges and difficulties that some of the people are facing through each day that limits them to

performing well on their academic duties.

The sudden approach of resuming of regular classes seems to be overwhelming to some and

challenging to almost everyone that leads them to somehow difficulty on handling and having a

procrastination habit.

Procrastination in academics is well studied phenomenon and it is indicated that over

70% of students report delay in learning and tasks on regular basis in the higher education and

college setting (Steel &Klingsieck, 2016).

According to ItamarShatz (2019), procrastination is a common phenomenon, which

chronically affects around 20% of adults, including people such as lawyers, business executives,

and college professors. Furthermore, it’s particularly prevalent among certain populations, such

as college students, around 50% of whom procrastinate chronically.

Throughout the study, the researchers aim to deepen the knowledge about the impact of

the procrastination to the graduating batch of MNHS HUMSS Strand, the grade 12 students and

to come up with the possible solution for it.


It’s easier to understand this study if the meaning of the words used in this research is

known. Therefore, the following terminology will be clarified.

• Procrastination– an act of avoiding things and waiting till the last minute or voluntarily

delaying some work that you need to do on time.

• Time Management– is the set of skills people use to be more effective and efficient with

their time or it is used to control time spent on specific activities.

• Academic Performance– relating to the knowledge and skills of the students obtained

on their subject. It is measured how well the students performed in the various


• Personal Matters – it is the things or matters related to ourselves. It means every good

or bad result is making an effect on our life.


students who intend to pursue studies in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences at

the tertiary level. This is for those who are considering taking up journalism,

communication arts, liberal arts, education, and other social science-related courses in


• HUMSS student– students from Mangaldan National High School and the ain

respondents of the study.




“Academic procrastination is a phenomenon where people – particularly students –

unnecessarily postpone academic assignments, such as studying for a test or writing a

paper. This phenomenon is very common, and can lead to serious issues, such as worse

academic outcomes and increased stress.” (Shatz, 2022)

“This kind of irrational behavior can have a huge impact on one’s life. Being

engage in this kind of habit can lead to serious mental health problems. Procrastination

relates to stress, anxiety, or worse, depression.” (Tiboron, G.M., Decano, R., & Buladaco,

M.V. 2021, June)

Furthermore, Gunn (2019) stated that students who procrastinate might be because

they have a lack of motivation, low self-esteem, atychiphobia, trouble understanding, low

energy levels, and poor organization skills. Students often procrastinate because they

don't see how a project is relevant or important to them, don't understand the material, or

just don't know how to get started.

Procrastination is natural — it’s a response from our brain to protect us from

mental burnout. Social psychologists have conducted numerous tests and experts that

show that humans are cognitive misers — meaning that; when it comes to thinking about

or doing something complex, most of us will opt for the path of least resistance. This

makes sense, because the pre-frontal cortex region of our brain, responsible for critical

thinking and rational thought, only has a limited decision-making ability per day, so our
brain protects us from becoming ‘cognitively overdrawn’ by encouraging us to put off the

task, seek distractions and to procrastinate. (Shivani, G. 2018) 

In a 2013 study, Dr. Pychyl and Dr. Sirois found that procrastination can be

understood as “the primacy of short-term mood repair over the longer-term pursuit of

intended actions.” Put simply, procrastination is about being more focused on “the

immediate urgency of managing negative moods” than getting on with the task, Dr. Sirois

said. Depending on the activity or situation, the specifics of our aversion will change. The

task itself may be unpleasant in some way, such as having to clean a filthy bathroom or

create a lengthy, laborious spreadsheet for your company. Insecurity, self-doubt, low self-

esteem, or worry are some underlying feelings that may be related to that activity and

result in this behavior.

As Kent (2016) said, students begin to have interaction in routine avoidance

behaviors, to the disapproval of their teachers. As a result, some students have trouble

budgeting their study time, attending after-school greater help or workplace hours, and

spending a long way less time than at the start supposed to spend on their studying. This

behavior is often sure up in a cram of emotions and confusion, leaving students thinking

about what to tackle first. Although procrastination is regularly seen as a terrible

phenomenon, some students record that it helps their educational performance.

A 2014 panel study from Germany among several thousand university students

found that increasing academic procrastination increases the frequency of seven different

forms of academic misconduct, i.e., using fraudulent excuses, plagiarism, copying from

someone else in exams, using forbidden means in exams, carrying forbidden means into

exams, copying parts of homework from others, fabrication or falsification of data and
the variety of academic misconduct. This study argues that academic misconduct can be

seen as a means to cope with the negative consequences of academic procrastination such

as performance impairment. 

However, Swanson (2016) reported that almost all of the researchers have

considered procrastination largely as a failure of self-regulation, like terrible behaviors

that have to do with a lack of self-control, such as overeating, and gambling problem, or

overspending. Even though it is no longer counted as being lazy or having poor time

management, many clever people who are procrastinating still become successful.

Bailey (2017) suggested that it would be easy if you continue what you have

started. It will be better if you are going to finish the tasks right away. There would be no

room for cramming if we will just do everything on time. The creativity, the beauty of the

work you are making, the eagerness to make your work done, etc., will go away as long

we will still practice procrastination. 

Plaxton (2017) reported that many students treated procrastination as the worst

hindrance when managing their time because they would prioritize the thing, they revel in

over their work. Some students have so many schedules, including school, homework,

household chores, social life, and/or other extracurricular activities. Because of this,

homework and schoolwork are frequently neglected, and they will do something more

enjoyable to allow them to have extra freedom in the rest of their schedule.

Procrastinating is done by people who have difficulty becoming motivated in

accomplishing their tasks, trying to avoid working on projects, and cramming until the

last minute. Those who procrastinate prefer to do enjoyable activities that suit their

current moods, such as playing, using social media, and anything else that makes them

refrain to do something “relevant” or needed. Simply put, they put off important tasks to

do other less important ones. (Bernard, 2015).

A student who procrastinates less, the higher GWA (General Weighted Average)

he or she will gain. This gives a stronger emphasis on the results of a foreign country

regarding the academic performance of students and its relation to procrastination (Rio &


This kind of attitude among the university students stems out of laziness and lack

of prioritization in their academic endeavor. Research says that 95% of American

students purposely delay beginning or completing tasks and 70% engaged in academic

procrastination. It is not impossible that Filipinos are actually expert in procrastination. In

other words, procrastination largely accounts for the relationship of conscientiousness to

performance, and that procrastination is strongly associated with distractibility, poor

organization, low achievement motivation, and an intention-action gap. If one is not

conscientious in his performance he will likely engage in procrastination. (Anuddin, F.

O., 2021)

The Filipino mañana habit or what we call "procrastination" has possible causes that

affect students’ academic performance in school. Academic procrastination is the prevalence of a

self-perceived problem that reduces students' academic performance while increasing stress and
life value. Students have a habit of being dilatory or deferring tasks that are far more important

and putting them off later. Students who procrastinate are notorious for putting off their tasks

later, which may result in failure in their exams due to their lack of attention on studying rather

than their intellectual capacity. However, some students procrastinate because of the averseness

of the task given and, to some extent, spontaneous enjoyment. The common concept of

procrastination is maladaptive due to its relation to the failure of managing and regulating one's

goal, but it can also be adaptive, in which students use it as a coping mechanism against anxiety.



The chapter discusses the methodology of this research: research design, respondents of the study

data collection, instrument, and data analysis.


Research design is the overall plan for connecting the conceptual research problems to the

pertinent and achievable empirical research. It is an inquiry which provides specific direction

for procedures in research (Creswell, 2014). Research design always determines the kinds of analysis that

are to be done so as to get the desire results. It articulates what data is required, what methods are going to

be used to collect and analyze the data and how it is going to answer the research questions. In line with

this, Jongbo (2014) pinpoints that if a researcher collects data before thinking through the research design

matters and what information is required to answer the research questions, the conclusions drawn will

most likely be weak and unconvincing hence in the end fail to obtain the research objective. In this study,

the researcher uses quantitative research design because there are several techniques of conducting

research which guide and enable the researcher to collect and analyze data. Quantitative research is

considered as an analytical approach towards research. Quantitative researchers, as Rovai et al., (2014)

elaborate, regard the world as being outside of themselves and there is an objective reality which is

independent of any observations.

Quantitative research is divided into non-experimental research and experimental

research designs. The researchers in this study used non-experimental as it does not involve experiments

in the process of data collection. Non-experimental is broken down into three groups: Survey design;

Causal-comparative design; Correlation design. In this research survey design will be used because it

was intended to know about the impacts of procrastination of G-12 HUMSS students. Survey research, as

Jongbo, (2014) explains, involves a critical observation of events, objects, subjects and ideas without

attempt to control the condition of such phenomenal. It describes a given state of affairs which exists at a
particular time and requires a direct contact with individual whose characteristic, behaviors and attitudes

are relevant to the investigation.


Respondents are those individuals who complete a survey or interview for the researcher, or who

provide data to be analyzed for the research study. Respondents can be any age, but determined by the

scope of the study, and must agree to informed consent to participate. Respondents can also be referred to

as participants.

The respondent of this study are the Grade -12 students specifically from the strand of HUMSS

or Humanities and Social Sciences of Mangaldan National Highschool, Pangasinan S.Y. 2022 – 2023.

The total number was 282 who were divided into 7 sections. This study only took 30 respondents as the

subjects to examine. They are the individuals who are intended to answer the proposed questionnaires in

this study. All of these participants were selected using purposive or judgmental sampling whereby the

researchers rely on their own judgment in selecting a member from the target population who are

qualified in the objectives of the study.


In this study, the data were in the form of students’ answer or responds of the questionnaire. To

collect the data the following steps were taken;

1. Constructing the questionnaires which consisted of 4 items related to the research statement of

the problem.

2. Selecting 30 respondents from the target population based on the corresponding objectives of the


3. Asking their permission to distribute the questionnaires.

4. Distributing the questionnaire to the selected subject from the G-12 HUMSS

The primary data-gathering instrument in this study was a questionnaire. The research

instrument to be developed will be focused on answering the problem statement. Questionnaires are

frequently used in quantitative marketing research and social science research. A questionnaire is a series

of questions distributed to individuals in order to compile data on a specific topic. When properly created

and used, questionnaires can be a vital tool for drawing conclusions about specific people, groups, or

entire populations. An unbiased way to gather data about people's knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and

behavior is through the use of questionnaires.

This research was structured as a scale ranging from 1-4: strongly agree, agree, disagree, and

strongly disagree. The questions were formed as a close-ended questions and is divided into two parts

(Impact & Effect). The questionnaire was designed to gather information about students’ knowledge,

attitudes and beliefs regarding procrastination. This legend will help the researchers to analyze the result

of conducting the data-gathering.


Data analysis is an important part in this research because by using this method, the researcher

can conclude the result of this research. The researcher analyzed the survey that consists of 4 items each

two (2) parts with 4 indicators for the questionnaire. They were strongly agreed (3.50 – 4), agree (2.50 –

3.49), disagree (1.50 – 2.49), and strongly disagree (1.00 – 1.49).

From the data garnered, the data analysis plan would encompass a number of procedures

leading to the findings or the result of the study about the impact of procrastination among Grade 12


The procedures of data analysis of this study were stated below:

1. Summarizing the numerical data. This would be done through a tally that will be based on the

certain answer of the respondent in the survey questionnaires using frequency and percentage.

2. Mathematical/Statistical Interpretation of the summarized data using the weighted mean and



4 3.50 – 4 Strongly Agree

3 2.50 – 3.49 Agree

2 1.50 – 2.49 Disagree

1.00 – 1.49

1 treating the data gathered Strongly Disagree

3. Verbal Interpretation of the produced outcome will be determining the hypothesis of our topic. Is

there significant impact of procrastination among Grade 12 students under Humanities and Social

Sciences at Mangaldan National High School during regular classes. Like a scale type

questionnaire was used by the researchers it used a 4-point scale, in which point correspondents.

4. Tabulating the data that had been described

5. Analyzing the data was by using the following


WM = f (4) + f (3) + f (2) + f (1)



WM = Weighted Mean

F = number of respondents who answered the questionnaires

N = total number of respondents



As researchers create a checklist as a form of survey for respondents, we have gathered

the data needed for our study from the respondents, which are the grade twelve HUMSS

students. The respondents consist of thirty (30) students, of whom twelve (15) are female and

thirteen (15) are male. The checklist questionnaire is divided into two parts. The first part lets the

respondents check off what affects them most about procrastinating.




Peer Influence 4 7 6 8 1 2 1 1

Lacks of appetite to

lesson/schooling 5 4 6 6 1 5 0 3

No motivation at

an activity 5 3 3 6 2 4 2 5

Social media 10 7 7 5 0 0 0 1

Below is the table consisting of results on it:

Factors Weighted Mean Descriptive Rating

Peer Influence 3.13 Agree

Lacks of appetite to lesson/schooling 2.9 Agree

No motivation at an activity 2.6 Agree

Social media influence 3.5 Strongly Agree

The data above shows that "Social media influence" has the highest weighted mean of

3.5 of the population of the respondents, hence making it strongly applicable. This could imply

that social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and others are the primary cause

of procrastination.

In this section, the data shows that the following factors had a big impact on the procrastination

of grade twelve students: specifically, social media influence. The social media sites that

surround them play an important role and can be viewed as a major root cause contributor to the

aforementioned problem. It is safe to assume that what is influenced by what is seen in social

media has an impact on delaying or postponing the completion of tasks given to respondents.


Moving on to the next part, researchers create a checklist as a form of survey for

respondents and have gathered the data needed for our study from the respondents, which are the

grade twelve HUMSS students. The respondents consist of thirty (30) students, of whom twelve

(15) are female and thirteen (15) are male. The checklist questionnaire is divided into two parts.

The first part lets the respondents check off what affects them most about procrastinating.

Effects Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree



Academic 6 6 5 6 1 3 2 1


Habits become 5 3 6 11 3 0 2 0


Wasted time 7 8 6 3 2 1 1 2

Not productive 5 7 6 4 3 3 1 1

Below is the table consisting of results on it:

Factors Weighted Mean Descriptive Rating

Academic Breakdown 3.06 Agree

Habits become lifestyle 3.03 Agree

Wasted time 3.2 Agree

Not productive 3.06 Agree

The data above shows that “Wasted Time” has the highest weighted mean of 3.2 of the

respondents, hence making it strongly applicable. This could further imply that the grade twelve

HUMSS students’ habits of procrastination become lifestyle is a big factor on the said problem.




The focus of this study is about the impact of procrastination among Grade 12 HUMSS

students of Mangaldan National High School during regular classes with the use of survey-

questionnaires. Permission was obtained before the start of the survey and the researcher uses

Judgmental/Purposive sampling during the selection of the participants. Each participant agreed

to participate voluntarily.

The collected data, as well as the students' profiles, would be kept confidential and used

only for academic purposes. Some of the respondents refused to participate, so the researchers

respect their privacy rights. However, we still maintain to survey at the exact number of 25

students under Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences students of Mangaldan National High


The participants are provided by a printed survey that we developed to answer them. The

study was done from September 2022 – February 2023.


Procrastination has been the most prevalent problem among students even in today's

century. In the bases of the response of our 30 chosen respondents, which are Grade 12 HUMSS

students from different class sections, they admit that they are also victim of procrastination. The

respondents are ranging from 17- to 18-year-old student— other ages beyond, and/or below are

forbidden to participate.

By the basis of our investigation, we have discovered that 3.5 percent among 30

participants answered agree stating that Social Media Influence is the major cause of

While, the underlying consequences of it is Wasted time which means, procrastinating

has brought part of their daily life occurrence where it is automatically happening. About 3.2

among 30 students have had agreed to this.


Based upon on our research findings, it is therefore concluded that the major cause of this

prevalent issue of procrastination is by the utilization of Social Medias' namely Tik Tok,

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, etc. are contributing to this problem. Which is highly

alarming as these social medias are easy to be navigated and use nowadays by just their phone

which they can use anywhere at any time.

Furthermore, the underlying consequences or impact of this procrastination is wasted

time. This means that procrastination will be practice not only in their academic situation, but

their living as a whole. This is what we should be concern as this implies that procrastination will

not only affect the part of our life, but the possibilities that this will prevail to the point that it

bothers our aspects of living.


Based on the study, "The Impact of Procrastination Among Grade 12 HUMSS Students

of Mangaldan National High School During Regular Classes". The following are recommended

and proof.

1. Students should reshape their social media accounts. They should unfollow those

influencers that do that promote productivity and learning, instead, subscribe to those content

creators who teaches various topics which will be useful for their studies.
2. Download apps related in Managing their time. For instance, they can use the Google

Calendar to set a specific time and date when they should do their tasks on time.

3. Read books. Books that are related to self-improvement or personal development

which is a practical solution.

4. Fixed your Environment. Look at your surroundings and determine what influences

you to procrastinate. Then, change or modify it for your own productivity.

5. Choose your friends wisely. In the internet world, it is easy to forget time just by

interacting with them. Choose those friends who knows how to manage their time and you will

be guided, and/or influenced by them to be productive as well.

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