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Animal Life Cycles

Orangutan Life Cycle

A life cycle is the different stages that
a living thing goes through from birth 1 Embryo
until death. Animals need to complete
their life cycles so that they can
reproduce and continue their species.
3 Adult 2 Young

© Pazit Polak / Flickr

1 An embryo grows inside the mother. An

orangutan pregnancy lasts for around
eight and a half months.

2 The young orangutan grows and develops

its independence. Young orangutans stay
It is a sad fact that many species face with their mothers for around seven years.
challenges that can prevent them from
3 The independent adult orangutan usually
completing their life cycles. Many of these
seeks company from the opposite sex and
species are endangered and under threat
mates. Adult females then nurse their young.
of extinction because of human activity.

What Are the Threats?

Visit the WWF website.
learn/wildlife/orangutans • 

Look at ‘Challenges Affecting Orangutans’ • 

and identify the threats that may prevent
orangutans from reaching adulthood. • 

© 1986 panda symbol and ® “WWF” Registered Trademark of WWF. WWF-UK registered
charity (1081246) and in Scotland (SC039593). A company limited by guarantee (4016725)
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Animal Life Cycles
Orangutan Life Cycle
A life cycle is the different stages that
a living thing goes through from birth
until death. Animals need to reach
1 Embryo

adulthood so that they can reproduce

and continue their species.

3 Adult 2 Young

© Pazit Polak / Flickr


It is a sad fact that many species face 22. 

challenges that can prevent them from 
completing their life cycles. Many of these
species are endangered and under threat
of extinction because of human activity.

Firstly, research information on the life cycle of

an orangutan and identify the different stages.
What Are the Threats?
Next, visit the WWF website. • • 
Look at ‘Challenges Affecting Orangutans’
and identify the threats that may prevent • 
orangutans from reaching adulthood.
© 1986 panda symbol and ® “WWF” Registered Trademark of WWF. WWF-UK registered
charity (1081246) and in Scotland (SC039593). A company limited by guarantee (4016725)
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Animal Life Cycles
A life cycle is the different stages that Animal: 
a living thing goes through from birth
Life Cycle
until death. Animals need to reach
adulthood so that they can reproduce What life stages does this animal go
and ensure the survival of their species. through? How are the young raised?

It is a sad fact that many species face

challenges that can prevent them from
completing their life cycles. Many of these
species are endangered and under threat
of extinction because of threats to their
natural environment from human activity.

Visit the WWF website.

What Are the Threats?
learn/wildlife/ • 

Choose one of the threatened species to • 

research. Collect information on this animal’s
life cycle. Then, use the WWF website to • 
identify potential threats that may prevent
this animal from reaching adulthood. • 

© 1986 panda symbol and ® “WWF” Registered Trademark of WWF. WWF-UK registered
charity (1081246) and in Scotland (SC039593). A company limited by guarantee (4016725)
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