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[ On a bench , there sits a girl in gray dress reading a book with a fancy hat on her head .

In some
distance there could be seen a young man watching the lady from afar waiting for his time to make a
move . While turning a page , the book suddenly dropped from the girl’s hands , the young man saw this
as his opportunity and approached the woman picking up the book and giving it to her ]

1:Girl: Oh, thank you

2:Young Man: Nice weather , we’re having

3:Girl: Yes

[ an awkward moment of silence ]

4:Young Man: Well……

5: Girl: You may sit down , if you like

6: Young Man: Are you sure? , I don’t want to interrupt your reading

7: Girl: Really , sit . The lighting here is too bad for reading , I would prefer to talk .

8: Young Man: May I ask , what a pretty lady is doing here all alone? Are you perhaps looking
for company , my honeysuckle

9:Girl : Well… Talk about respect . I asked you to sit down but didn’t give you permission to assume
things and claim me as your honeysuckle.

10:Young Man: Oh , I’m very sorry . I did not mean to offend you , its just you know girl’s seen at these
hour in these places are------ just ------ you know .

11:Girl: Abandon the subject , if you please . Of course I know .

Narrator: After meeting they began talking about various stuffs , mostly about the girl bragging and
telling the young man the customs of rich and wealthy people. Later on , the young man introduced
himself as Mr. Parckenstacker. There had been a topic in them where the girl said that the mere clinking
of ice in champagne drives her mad , the young man corrected her by saying that champagne is cooled
by the bottle , but the girl only gave an amused chuckle later on explaining it is one of the customs of
wealthy people once again. Despite telling the young man all this , the girl emphasizes how much she’s
sick of the life she’s currently living , sick of money , sick of dinner , balls , and other wealthy stuffs.

Out of the blue , the girl asked what kind of job or line of business the young man has , instead of
saying it directly the young man replied that he at least has a very humble job and plans to make it rise
in the future . The girl than said that she admired the boy’s aspirations and enthusiasm as she said she
herself found very little things to be enthusiast about . The young man seems really eager to somehow
court the girl , but she then replied that she only ‘might’ love a man of lowly status just like the young
man because she still has Grand Duke of German principality and the English Marquis as her suitors .
Narrator: Suddenly , the boy said his profession , saying he works in the restaurant nearby as a
cashier. Hearing this , the girl suddenly looked at her watch and attempted to leave saying she is late for
some sort of an engagement or ball. Alarmed by the hurry of the girl , the man asked if they will be able
to see each other again , the girl replied in a frenzy she does not know , maybe yes , maybe maybe , and
maybe no. While still in a hurry the girl said that the boy may see her if he look out for an automobile at
the upper corner of the park on a white body and a red running gear , the boy grew confusion hearing
this . Later on the boy offered to walk the girl to her car as it is getting dark , and it may be dangerous for
a lady like her to walk alone in the park . But the girl politely refused .

But then suddenly , a waitress arrived.

12:Waitress: Mary Jane! Mary Jane Parker! What on earth are you doing here!? Don’t you know what
time it is!?

13:Girl: To whom are you speaking madame?

14:Waitress: To Whom I……. To you! Who do you think , you ninny!

15:Girl:Then I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about!

16:Waitress:Your shift started fifteen minutes ago! Our boss is in a rage! This is the third time this month
you’ve been late! You better get yourself there in uniform before he fires you for good!

17:Girl: I----

18:Waitress: Go on now! I know you can’t afford to miss a paycheck!

19:Girl: You must have me confused------ with someone else

Narrator: The waitress seems to have enough of the girl’s replies as she straight forwardly says that they
have known each other for three years and they swap shifts . Asking too if the girl had been drinking ,
and as to why the girl was wearing such a ridiculous hat! The girl got embarrassed by this and apologized
to the young man.

20:Girl: I’m sorry Mr. Porkenblogger

21:Young Man: Parkenstacker


23:Waitress: Parkenstacker?

24:Young Man: Yes , Parkenstacker.

25:Waitress: As in THE Parkenstackers from the society pages!?

26:Girl: The Society pages?

27:Young Man: If only I were so fortunate

28:Girl: You…. You must excuse me , my chauffeur is waiting.

29:Waitress: What kind of crazy air had you been breathing!? You’ve never had a chauffeur in your life!
You don’t even have an automobile.

30:Girl: I do so!

31:Waitress: Since when!?

32:Girl: Oh get away from you , I don’t know you!

33:Waitress: You don’t know me? Have you been drinking? I’m going to tell your mother!

[The two then rushes off]

34:Young Man: Wait you forgot your----

[But they are already gone , and just then a chauffeur arrives ]

35:Chauffeur: Begging your pardon sir

36:Young Man: Yes Henri?

37:Chauffeur: I don’t mean to intrude , but your dinner reservation ---- shall I cancel---- or?

38: Young Man: No…….. I’m coming

39: Very good sir , the auto is waiting.

[The chauffeur then exits , leaving the Young Man alone]

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