1988 01 Aa Aircrew Bulletin Article Optimised

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The following paper has been submitted by Captain David Jacobson. Captain
Jacobson was invited by the Insititution of Engineers, Australia to
present his paper to the 1987 Australian Aviation Symposium held in
Canberra, 18-20 November 1987. Invitations of this nature are not made
lightly, and for this he is to be complimented.
A limited assessment of the flare technique was carried out in our A300
and 8727 simulators and in our aircraft by a group of supervisory pilots.
These tests confirmed that the point of flare determined by this method
approximated the initial flare height normally flown by these pilots. It
has been reported that tests conducted by instructors more closely
associated with ab-initio instruction have reached the same conclusion.
However, Flight Standards Management opinion is that this technique should
not be used as a stand-alone determinent for the initiation of flare; but
be borne in mind as an aid in the event of a pilot being unable to
determine an acceptable flare height. A requirement of this nature is
more likely during ab-initio flying training and in general terms the
appropriate flare height for a particular type, once recognised by a pilot
is reproducible within acceptable tolerances.
For those pilots who do find this technique of assistance, care should be
taken not to exclude those peripheral visual cues which normally assist
recognition of the correct flare height. In certain visual conditions the
impact point on which the flare is initiated may be obscured due to wet
runway conditions, glare on the runway surface from CAT 2 touchdown zone
lighting, rain on the windshield at night and in some areas of the world,
even a Tight layer of snow on the runway.
Instructor pilots should take care not to impose this concept on pilots
whose flare height determination is already satisfactory.

Ray Baker, Flight Standards Manager.

1. INTRODUCTION Investigation identified improper
landing flare as the third most
Of all manoeuvres perfo~med in significant of 13 factors in
fixed-wing aircraft, the landing instances where pilot factors were
flare is an enigma. It is critical assigned to accidents involving
to the safe and satisfactory con- private pilots.
clusion of flight and yet,
historically, has attracted little In an age of technical prec1s1on,
serious attention. this critical manoeuvre remains
imprecise. Existing flare techni-
Student pilots and experienced ques involve a critical estimation
pilots alike find it, at times, of height above the landing
alternatively satisfying and frus- surface. This is very difficult to
trating, simple and complex, safe achieve with consistency, and is
and hazardous. In Aviation Safety subject to a number of variable
Digest Number 129 (Winter 1986) the factors, summarised as aircraft,
Australian Bureau of Air Safety pilot and environmental.



This paper discusses the develop- A Aim: The distance on the

ment of a practical technique for landing surface from
establishing a consistent flare the touch point to
point, which does not rely on the the aim point.
pilot's perception of height. It
embraces the physical principle of .6 Fl are: The distance on the
motion parallax to provide a simple landing surface from
cue for commencement of the flare. the touch point to
No device or modification is re- the aim point.
quired and therefore, no costs are
incurred. Safety is enhanced and Main-wheel The distance on the
the technique is "pilot-portable". path: landing surface from
the aim point to the
2. NOMENCLATURE flare cut-off point.
2.1 Definiti~ns Impact point: Intercept of majn-
wheel path and land-
Touch point: The pre-determined ing surface, assuming
point of contact with no flare.
the landing surface.
2.2 Appendix Notation
Aim point: Intercept of pilot-
eye path and landing Pilot-eye co-ordinates of
surface; the visual flare point.
centre of expansion
(flow pattern); the Main-wheel co-ordinates
origin of the X and Y at flare point ..
Pilot-eye height above
Flare point: The position where main-wheel on a stable
the approach to the approach in the landing
aim point is discon- configuration and attit-
tinued and the flare ude.
AX: Distance on landing sur-
Cockpit cut- The lower limit of face between the aim and
off angle: pilot vision through impact points.
the windshield .
x1, x2: Component lengths ofA.X.
Flare cut- The intercept on the
off point: landing surface of Y(gamma): Flight path angle, from
the cockpit cut-off horizontal.
angle projected from
the flare point. K(kappa): Cockpit cut-off angle.
Eye path: The locus of the
pil ot' s eye. 3. THE LANDING FLARE
Flight path: The locus of the air- 3.1 Current Practice
craft mass, here con-
sidered synonymous The landing flare is one of the
with eye path. last critical phases of flight to
which the term "seat of the pants"
Landing A plane surface suit- may still be applied. The vast
surface: able for a landing. majority of landings, world-wide,
are practised by pilots utilising needs one most, and there lies a
only their highly developed judge- clue.
ment, co-ordination, experience and
ski 11 . Just as the student pilot consoli-
dates his flare-height judgement,
Existing flare techniques, for a so does the experienced pilot after
given aircraft, involve a critical conversion to another aircraft
estimation of height above the type. After a time, he becomes
landing surface (Ye)' something comfortable with his aircraft (if
very . difficult to achieve with he consolidates and flies regular-
consistency. This estimate is ly), and can land it as well as any
subject to many variable factors flown previously. Probably, this
including , but not limited to: is a subconscious recognition of
something, visible to the pilot
aircraft type through his windshield, that is
aircraft size providing a vital cue for the
aircraft configuration flare. Obviously, to achieve con-
glide path angle sistency, some recognition and
pilot total experience qualification is necessary.
pilot recent experience
pilot experience on aircraft type 3.2 Another Way
pilot seating position
pilot performance When properly taught, pilots have
landing surface specification little difficulty with the concept
landing by day or night of selecting and flying an approach
visibility and other weather to a nominated aim point on the
considerations. landing surface. With or without
glide-slope guidance, pilots learn
Historically, instruction in deter- to fly a reasonably consistent and
mining a suitable and consistent stable approach angle to the aim
flare point has been inadequate, to point.
say the least. We are attempting
to recognise and extract one flare Accepting that the glide angle may
point from a fairly wide range of be reasonably fixed within normal
acceptable flare circumstances. tolerances, it follows that any
The best that instructors have been point located longitudinally on the
able to manage, collectively, is to approach path, short of the aim
demonstrate a suitable flare point point, will correspond with a
for a particular aircraft as being particular vertical height. There-
"about here"! fore, a flare-height fix of greater
consistency than is possible using
The student pilot has no proper mere perception could be provided
model except in his memory, and by a suitably chosen point along
that in itself is inconsistent. the approach path and overflown by
Trial and error is the arbiter in the aircraft. See Figure 1.
determining the soundness of his
developing judgement. Unfortunately 1
even after the basic skills are LONGITUDAL FIX V/S
mastered, the problem still exists, VERTICAL PERCEPTION
because every aircraft type re-
quires a different flare height.
As a pilot converts to successive
aircraft types, he faces the same
probl em over and over. He has no
proper model at the very time he
Much has been written on the sub• Calculation of this distance from
ject of the aim point being the the aim point to the flare cut-off
centre of expansion of a flow patt- point. ~Flare), involves energy/
ern, providing the pilot with a geometry considerations, quickly
visual illusion as points surround- determined in practice with exper-
ing the aim point accelerate ience, but complicated to derive by
radially outwards as the aircraft analysis.
approaches the ground (motion
parallax). Points beyond the aim However, asuitable approximation,
point will appear to move upward based on aircraft/approach geomet-
from the aim point, while points ry, and thorough practical testing,
short of the aim point will appear h~s provided a simple and effective
to move downward. It is a point in alternative technique with near-
this "six o'clock" sector of the universal application.
pilots' view which has proven
useful. See Figure 2. 3~3 The Jacobson Flare
2 On final approach, the aircraft
EXPANSION occupies space vertically, in prac-
PATTERN tical terms, between the pilot's
eye . and the main wheels. Two
parallel paths may be traced down
the approach path: the upper pilot-
eye path . intersects the landing
surface at the aim point; and
assuming, for the moment, no flare,
If such a point were selected and the lower main-wheel path would
could be simply identified, a int~rsect . the landing surface at a
consistent longitudinal fix for the point called the impact point.
flare point for a given aircraft
would be obtained as this For a given aircraft type, the
pre-selected point appeared to move dfstance between the aim and impact
down the windshield (due to points (AX) has provided suitable
increasing depression angle) to the quantification for the flarepoint
point where it reached the lower estimate. This di~tance accommod-
cut-off angle (limit depression ates the critical variables of
angle) of the cockpit. This ~ngle glide angle cv·)' pilot-eye height
is dictated by the geometry of the above main wheels (y ), and horiz-
pilot's seating position in zontal distance of ma~n wheels from
relation to the aircraft structure, pi lat-eye (x 2) . .
where, within limits, some design
consistencies exist between The flare is initiated when, on a
aircraft types. See Figure 3a. stable approach, the pre-determined
impact point, appearing to move
downward from the aim point, reach-
es the cockpit cut-off angle (K~),
AS A FIX and disappears from view under the
aircraft. In practice, it is the
simplest of tasks to notice the
aircraft overtake the impact point
while flying an approach using
standard techniques. It does not
detract from the pilot's attention,
because the point in question is on


the approach centre-line, in the ies have developed runway surface
pilot's normal field of view. See markings as distance guides, often
Figure 3b . at 150, 300 and 450 metres from the
approach threshold.
Simple interpolation of these mark-
ASA FIX ings by the pilot satisfies the
practical requirements for a visual
fix along the approach axis. Where
distance markers do not exist on a
landing surface, the pilot can
estimate the position of the impact
point using variations in surface
colour or texture for identific-
Appendix A (page 21) details the ation. For night operations from
simple geometry involved, together these surfaces, calculations based
with mathematical derivations of on the longitudinal distance be-
relevant formulae. The distance tween runway-edge lights provide
between the aim and impact points the pilot with a similar cue.
(X) is expressed as:
This flare-point concept is ex-
tremely tolerant when compared with
.6 x (1) traditional percestion techniques.
For a standard 3 glide path any
Or, as a practical rule-of-thumb: error of judgement of flare height
60 will, within limits, be magnified
.6 x = (yh vJ+ x2 (2) approximately 20 times, longitud-
inaly. . In marked contrast, any
For aircraft types with the main longitudinal inaccuracy will be
wheels forward of the pilot: reflected as only five per cent of
60 that figure, vertically. The ex-
.6 X = (yh 'f)- x2 (3) panded scale of the approach axis
(approximately 20 times the verti-
Note that for a standard glide path cal dimension), together with a
of 3° visual fix, provides a model that
is visible and which provides
.6 X = (yh X 20) + x2 unparalleled consistency of judge-
ment for student and experienced
Dimensions x and y are noted in pilot alike.
aircraft ope?ationshmanuals or may
be simply ascertained, mathemati- 3.4 Non-standard Approaches
For larger aircraft types, the im-
In addition, adequate runway thres- pact point calculated for a normal
hold clearance is assured. approach also serves for non-
standard landing configurations,
Pilot-eye height at the flare point with their likely variations in
(Ye) may be expressed: aircraft attitude. An aircraft on
approach at a higher attitude (body
= ..6 x (4) angle) than normal would require a
(cot Y - cot K ) higher flare point to accommodate
the reduced main wheel clearance.
The next important step is to loc- The higher attitude self-
ate the calculated impact point on compensates, because the lower cut-
the landing surface, short of the off angle is reached further back
aim point. Many aviation authorit-

up the approach path, providing an aim point, he will be guided to the

earlier cue to flare, as would be rate of rotation required to hold
expected. The converse also off prior to touchdown, while
applies. accommodating the changing aircraft
In the case of a full glide app-
roach (e.g. forced landing), the Selection of thjs aim point has
normal approach impact point dis- three distinct advantages:
pl acement,A X, applied from the
steeper approach path, will once (i) It aids in the prevention of
again schedule an earlier flare, as over-rotation, and consequent
would be expected with the increas- climb.
ed rate of descent.
(ii) It maintains the aircraft on
If preferred, new impact points may a shallow angle of conver-
be calculated. gence with the landing sur-
face, providing protection
3.5 In the Flare from too high a flare.
Existing techniques provide gener- (iii) It promotes touch-down in a
ally (but subject to certain varia- reasonable, proportionate
tions) for simultaneous reductions distance, self-compensating
of rate of descent towards zero and particularly for reduced lan-
of thrust/power to idle, position- ding distances.
ing the aircraft just above the
landing surface and converging
slightly. 4 CONCLUSIONS
The actual rate of flare required This technique is simple, practical
depends on a number of variables and extremely effective. It was
including, but not limited to: developed and tested over a period
of three years in many aircraft
aircraft inertia types, ranging from single-engine
rate of descent light aircraft to large jet trans-
control effectiveness ports, by civil and military pilots
density altitude of varied ages, abilities and
wind-shear effects experience.
pi 1at re fl exes
The concept of universal applica-
Having commenced the flare at · the tion is not an over-simplification
point pre-determined in the . above of obvious differences between air-
discussion, a further visual cue ·.is .. craft; rather, it addresses those
available. In his paper, The differences while consolidating the
Gentle Touch, David Robson,. a traditional argument of a basic
qualified test pilot, has developed system of flying which may be
a technique to guide the pilot adapted as necessary to meet
through the flare and on to the • specific requirements.
touchdown point. As the aircraft
is rotated gradually in the fla~e, Current techniques have not devel-
the pilot should raise his line of oped beyond the idea of an art
sight and select a new aim poi~t~ form. Without taking anything away
namely the centre of the far end of from a pilot's satisfaction, this
the landing surface. By endeavour- flare technique offers the follow-
ing to "fly his eyes towards this ing major advantages:


1. Most of the variables affecting such as private pilots and
perception may be discounted managerial pilots, are afforded
(especially in poor visibility increased confidence in their
or at night). "next landing", due to an
increased probability of
2. Elementary and advanced pilot success.
training is simplified for stu-
dent and instructor, reducing 5. Experienced pilots can better
training time and costs. maintain consistency of
3. This technique is "pilot-
portable" and may be developed 6. Safety is enhanced.
and applied to successive air-
craft conversions, when a pilot While studies continue, support
is usually, although temporar- from all sections of the industry
ily, out of his "comfort zone". is most encouraging, suggesting
far-reaching consequence for fixed-
4. Pilots who fly infrequently, wing aviation.

The six most important words:
The five most important words:
The four most important words:
The three most important words:
The two most important words:
The one most important word:
The least important word:


c y
r- Xe
.6X X1 X1

AIM y . ..
:~ ~ .~-'•~
,~~ ·
l x
: ' !'
Ye e-~
NOTE: Aircraft attitude exaggerated for clarity,


From above AX= Xi+ X2 From above.,
since, cot y"= Ax + (Xe -Ax)
Solving for xi xi =cot y·
:. Ye cot y"-AX =(Xe ·AX) (i)
:. Xi =yh Cot y"
and, cot K
= Xe - AX)
Then, A X = yh cot y· + x 2 (1) Ye

In practical terms, a simple rule of thumb may be developed: :. Ye cot K"".' (Xe -AX) (ii)

Since (for small angles), cot y" • 2J" from (i) and (ii) Ye cot y"- AX = Ye cot K 0

Then AX • (yh x 2jl + x 2 (2) :. Ye cot y· - Ye cot K= 0


When main wheels are forward of pilot-eye, from above inset, :. Ye (cot y·-cot K =AX 0

AX • (yh X ~)- x 2 (3) :. Ye= cot y·-cot K 0



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