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• The circulatory system acts as the main transport
system in animals.
• It is made up of the heart (which pumps blood) and
blood vessels such as arteries, veins and
capillaries, in which blood travels around the body,
carrying nutrients and waste products
Its functions is :
To transport nutrients and oxygen to the cells.
To remove waste and carbon dioxide from the
To provide for efficient gas exchange.
• The right side of the heart
collects deoxygenated blood
form the body and pumps it to
the lungs.
• The left side collects
oxygenated blood from the
lungs and pumps it to the body
• The function of the heart is to
pump blood around the body.
• The right side pumps blood to
the lungs and the left side
pumps blood to the rest of the
• The heart is a four-chambered hollow muscle
located in the thoracic cavity
• It consists of two small receiving chambers, the atria
and two larger pumping chambers, the ventricles
• The left ventricles is the most powerful and has the
thickest walls this is because it is the chamber
which pumps blood throughout the body through the
• Each time it contracts, blood is forced out into the
elastic arteries to the lungs or to the body
• The heartbeat can be monitored using an
electrocardiogram (ECG), which records the
electrical signals in the heart that cause contractions
of the atria and ventricles.
• It can also be monitored by listening to the pulse
rate and valve activity.
• In a normal human being at rest the heartbeats
about 70 times a minute.
• Pulse rate is affected by a variety of factors.
Physical activity is a factor that can influence
short-term heart rate changes.
• When physical activity is carried out, muscles
respire to produce energy for movement.
• Aerobic respiration requires oxygen, thus the
heart rate speeds up so that blood is pumped
around the body more quickly, allowing more
oxygen to be delivered to respiring tissues.
• Long-term influencers of a health heart rate are diet
and fitness.
• Exercising regularly and eating healthily will result in
a lower resting heart rate. Diets high in salt and
caffeine raise heart rate.
Activity: Heart Rate
• Find out what happens to your heart rate when you do
physical activities
• Heart rates are calculated in beats per minute (bpm). Your
regular resting heart rate (when you are not doing any
physical activities) should range between 60 and 80 bpm.
• Use the table to calculate your heart rate.
Beats in 10 Multiply by Beats per
second 6 minute Explain what
Resting caused the
change in the
heart rate during
Jump Jacks the activities.

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