Question Bank 10405

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Si No Question Option A Option B Option C Option D Answer

____ issues rates are not changed in a

year in general once fixed in respect of
1 ASC articles purchased locally? Payment Free Both None B
Costed Schedule of works will be in
strict accordance with _____ so far as Acceptanc Administr Tender
scope of work and scales are e of ative document All the
2 concerned?
Costs which are incurred for more Necessity Approval s three B
than one product, job, territory or any
other speciic costing object are
3 defined as _____? Joint Common Imputed Uniform B
Costs which are not incurred but
4 useful while taking decisions are Joint Common Imputed Uniform C
Credit Notes should not be used by conveyanc
Army Units for which of the following e of stores
activities? in
despatch connectio
of stores n with
issued on training
loan to camps
Civil and
Departme maneuver
5 nts s Both None C
Credit sales of farm employees should
6 not exceed ____ of their emoluments? 1/3rd 1/4th 1/8th 1/12th C

7 Credit sales of fodder can be made to President CAS None Both a, b D

Credit should follow, and not precede, acceptanc concurren finalisatio
8 actual ??????.? e realisation ce n B

Debit Debit Credit Credit

Creditors Creditors Creditors Creditors
Creditors include Rs. 5000/- received and Credit and Debit and Credit and Debit
on account of bad debts recovered. Bad Debts Bad Debts Bad Debts Bad Debts
9 What will
Crucial Date
be of
for Recovered Recovered Recovered Recovered A
determining vacancies by DPC will be
as per the vacancies as on 1st day of
10 ____should
CRV of the be
submitted in ____ January April July December A
while claiming payment against
supplies done to Army unit by a Quintuplic Quadrupli
11 Contractor?
____ LAO should personally select a ate cate Triplicate Duplicate D
minimum of 1% or 60 vouchers of E
copies, whichever is less for pairing
12 with D copies? Consignor Consignee Both None A
CTG is admissble when transfer
involves change of residence within
13 same station @ ___ of normal CTG? one fourth Half One third Two third C
CTG is admissible for transfer between
14 two stations @ __%? 75 80 85 90 B
from one move to
switch cell to the last
from one another line of the
excel cell in excel of
sheet to Excel the excel None of
15 Ctrl+Tab is used to another sheet sheet these abc
Custody of blank Defence Cheques is
the responsibility of _______ section Administr Disbursem All the
16 of Regional CDA? ation ent Records three B
Custody of ranges, when in general Station Security
use by troops in the station, is the Officer in Command Corps of
17 responsibility of ______? charge MES er Army C
Customary gifts received from
relatives and friends must be reported
to Competent Authority by the Group
A Government Servants when the No such
18 amount exceeds Rs. ____? 25000 15000 7500 limit A
Customary gifts received from
relatives and friends must be reported
to Competent Authority by the Group
B Government Servants when the No such
19 amount exceeds Rs. ____? 25000 15000 7500 limit B
Customary gifts received from
relatives and friends must be reported
to Competent Authority by the Group
C Government Servants when the No such
20 amount exceeds Rs. ____? 25000 15000 7500 limit
CWE can accord Technical sanction for No limit.
a major work costing up to Rs. ____ Full
21 lakhs powers 50 lakhs 100 lakhs 150 lakhs D
CWE can place a Supply Order for local
22 purchase
____ meansup atoperson
employed, 1.5 Lakhs 2 lakhs 3 lakhs 4 lakhs D
directly or by or through any agency
with or without the knowledge of the
principal employer, whether for
remuneration or not as defined in All the
23 Factories Act? Worker Employee Labour three A

Document Document
s related s related Contract
CWE or GE may not authorize any to to Document He cannot
24 officer on his behalf to sign accounts estimates s authorize C
DA is not payable during which of the
25 following periods? EOL LPR Both None A
DA is sanctioned ____ in a year for No such
26 central government employees? Thrice Twice Once limit B
DAD cell does not function in which
27 one of the following places? Mumbai
New Delhi Bengaluru Kolkata C
Coast and Defence
Guard Kashmir Estates
DAD classifies expenditure of which of Organizati Light Organizati All the
28 the following departments? on Infantry on three D

DAD conducts Internal Audit on behalf inance) / Addl.

Defence MOD
DAD employees are paid out ____ of Services (Civil)
30 MOD? Estimates Estimates Both None B

Defence Civil Civil

DAD employees are paid their pay and Service Service Estimates
31 allowances out of ____? Estimates Estimatesof MOD None C
Dairy produce as a rule, is _____ by sold for Issued All the
32 Military Farm? not sold cash Free three B
Damages caused to Government Terminal
Buildings willfully or by negligence by Barrack Demurrag Liquidated Compensa
33 the occupants are known as Damages e Charges Damages tion A
____ regulates and develops the All the
34 Pension Market under National PFRDA NSDL Axis Bank three A
Data items are generally classified into Character Alpha All of
35 which type of Codes: s Numeric Numeric these abc

on order
Date of Birth, Home Town and issued by
previous service particulars etc. in Part II appointin
respect of Army Officer are received in order/DO g Sanction
36 PCDA (O) through ___ document? II authority Form A of MOD C

Date of effect of any sanction is Date of Date of Date of None of

37 normally
DCDA canw.e.f.
write off loss when approval issue receipt the Above B
authority for the expenditure is
insufficient is up to Rs. ____ in each
38 case? with Test Audit Objections
Dealing 100 500 1000 3000 D
regarding Pay and Allowances of Administr
officers is one of the functions of ___ Technical Ledger ation
39 of PCDA (O)? Section Wing Legal Cell section B
Dearness Allowance is paid to Poverty Base Minimum All the
40 compensate price increase above the Line points Wages three B
Debit all expenses & losses and credit
all incomes & gains is the rule for
recording the transaction in journal for
41 Debit
type of accounts?
in IRLAs due to payment Real Personal Nominal None C
of an unauthorized advance or
advances not at all covered by a Fictitious Unauthori Normal
soldiers normal entitlement is known Debit Real Debit zed Debit Debit
42 as? Balance Balance Balance Balance B

Paid Receipt Advisory

43 Debit the
are accompanied
and credit the
giver Cheques DMROs Vouchers Notes A
is the rule for recording the
transaction in journal for which type
44 of accounts? Real Personal Nominal None B
____ Represents the estimated value
of work for which details are not Provisiona
available at the time of going to Provisiona l lump
45 Debit
as per
and credit what l sum sum a or b None C
goes out is the rule for recording the
transaction in journal for which type
46 of accounts? Real Personal Nominal None A

Receipted Unreceipt
Certificate copies of ed copies
Debits for the cost of stores issued on Certificate rendered issue of issue
payment to the Civil Departments of rendered by the vouchers vouchers
the GOI will be raised by PCDA/CDA, by the LAO of the or proof and proof
against their Accounts Officers on the Consignor Consignor of of
47 basis of ____? Unit Unit despatch despatch D

Debits on account of charges for the

treatment of service personnel in Civil service
Hospitals are raised by Civil Accounts PCDA/CD Military personnel All the
48 Officers against ____? A Hospitals concerned three A
Deduct Deduct
3000/- 5000/-
Debtors include 5000/- due from Ram Add 3000/- from Add 5000/- from
and Creditors include 3000/- due to to Debtors Debtors to Debtors Debtors
Ram. What will be the adjustment in and and and and
49 Final Accounts? Creditors Creditors Creditors Creditors B
Decision on Acceptance/Re- al Expenditu
tender/Apportionment is covered at Monitorin Technical re Angle
50 _____ stage of IFA Concurrence? g Evaluation Sanction None C
Defence Accounts Department is not Departme Coast
responsible to classify the expenditure nt of Ex Armed Guard
in respect of which of the following Serviceme Forces Organizati
51 Departments? n Welfare Tribunal on None D
Defence Acquisition Council is headed Defence Defence etary All the
52 by ____? Secretary Minister (Def/Fin) three B

Controller nt
of printing Security
& Printing Controller
Defence Cheque books are printed by stationery Press, of Stamps,
53 ___? , Kolkata CGDA Nasik Nasik C
g items
with the
Defence Exchange Accounts for March consent of
Supplementary and March Only other
Supplementary Corrections should Respondin party to
54 include ____? g items account None Both D
Defence Ledger does not deal with receipts Expenditu Debt Remittanc
55 which of the following heads? heads re heads heads e heads B

Medium- Macro- Expenditu
____ shall contain an assessment of term Fiscal economic re
the growth prospects of the economy Fiscal Policy Framewor Framewor
with specification of underlying Policy Strategy k k
56 assumptions Statement Statement Statement Statement C

Medium- Macro- Expenditu
____ shall contain an assessment of term Fiscal economic re
the growth prospects of the economy Fiscal Policy Framewor Framewor
with specification of underlying Policy Strategy k k
57 assumptions Statement Statement Statement Statement C
Defence ledger is not maintained for
58 which of the following heads? Revenue Debt Suspense None D
Defence Procurement Board is headed Defence Defence etary All the
59 by ____? Secretary Minister (Def/Fin) three A
Defence Procurement Manual (DPM)
60 deals with ___ procurements? Revenue Capital Both None A
The which has
account been Budget
which is created Estimates Appropria
ultimately proforma prepared tion
passed by in the in r/o account
Parliamen books of Defence passed for
61 Defence Proforma account is t RBI Services Defence B
Deficiency in stores found during stock
taking will be accounte for through Loss Nominal
62 ____? CIV Statement CRV Voucher B
Delay in submission of accounts by Observati on case to Trivial
63 unit is classified as _______ in audit on Objection case Error A
Delegation of financial power for MES
procurement is exercised as per the Registrati
64 procedure laid down in ___? DPM DPP SOP ons A
Delhi sangh shasit prdesh Rjbhasha ki
drishtikon se kis kshetr ke antargart
65 aate hai ? K Kh G Gh A
Demand for information not received Observati Irregularit Any of the
66 will be classified as _____ by LAOs? Objection on y three B

Demands for original works may be Staff at Any of the

67 initiated by which of the following? Users Engineers any level three D
____ specifications are prscribed, in
the case of purchase of Items for
which neither industrial nor Defence Market Temporar Any of the
68 specifications are available Survey y Adhoc three C
Demands/cases outstanding as on
?????.. and its position as on 30th
June is furnished through this report 31st 31st 28th 31st
69 to HQrs office by 31st July. January December February March D
Demands/cases outstanding as on
31st March and its position as on
????... is furnished through this report None of
70 to HQrs office by 31st July. 30th June 15th June 1st June these A
Demands/cases outstanding as on
31st March and its position as on 30th
June is furnished through this report
71 to HQrs office by ?????????... 1st July 31st July 1st Aug 31st Aug B
Demands/cases outstanding as on
31st March and its position as on ... is
furnished through this report to HQrs None of
72 office by 31st July. 30th June 15th June 1st June these A
Demands/cases outstanding as on ..
and its position as on 30th June is
furnished through this report to HQrs 31st 31st 28th 31st
73 office by 31st July. January December February March D
Demi Official Letters are diarized by Administr with the PA/PS to
74 _____ section of Regional CDA Office? ation Records subject the officer A
Demi Official Letters are diarized in Administr Internal
75 which section of Regional CDA Office? ation Records Audit O&M A
Demurrage charges incurred due to Loss of
negligence on the part of the Public Non of
76 consignor/consignee. Cash Loss Store Loss Money these C
Department of Defence Research and
Development Expenditure is paid out MOD Civil
77 of _____ Estimates? (Civil) DSE Ministries None A
Department officer appointed as I.O.
is relieved from normal duties for a
period of ___ to complete the Inquiry
78 on full time basis and submit report 1 month 20 days 15 days 5 days B
____ will be the Central Scale Audit CDA
Agency for carrying out the scale audit (Army) PCDA New PCDA (SC) PCDA (CC)
79 in respect of civilians of the AMC? Meerut Delhi Pune Lucknow D
Departmental charges are not levied Coast
80 on any work carried out by the MES Guard Navy Air Force Army D
Any of
three at
Reduction Recovery discretion
of of of
Departmental charges levied by MES Expenditu Expenditu Revenue PCDA/CD
81 and recovered are treated as ______? re re Receipts A C
Departmental proceedings after
retirement cannot be initiated for an
event which took place more than
82 _____ before such
Departmental proceedings
after 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years D
retirement cannot be instituted in
respect of any event which took place
more than ___ before such
83 institution? 1 year 3 years 4 years 5 years C
Departmental Promotion Committee six
84 (DPC) is constituted once in ______ ? A year months 2 years 3 years A

Receipt on
account of
Deposit collected from Tenderers to Sale of
ensure that Tender is submitted by Tender
each person purchasing tender is Security Earnest document All the
85 known as Deposit Money s three B
Receipt to Allotment Departme
Deposit received from a third party in Governme Security to the ntal
86 a Deposit work is treated as nt Deposit work Charges C

Deposit works are those which are Non

executed from the funds received Civil Local Governme Defence
87 from ____? Ministries Bodies nt sources Ministry C

Debit side Credit side

Deposited in to bank Rs. 3000/-. What Debit side Credit side Cash and cash and
will be entry in cash book with cash, cash and Cash and Credit side Debit side
88 discount and Bank Columns? bank bank Bank bank D
89 Depreciation is a ____ account? Real Nominal personal None B
_____ Budget is a budgeting practice Increment
aimed at provision of funds relating Performa al/Decrem Zero
90 the expected results? nce Outcome ental Based A
Description of DOII with AVPAY stands Additional d Value Aviation Acting
91 for? Value Pay Pay Pay Value Pay C

Description of items of outcome Performa Appropria Statement

budget should match with the nce Financial tion of Budget
92 Description in the _____? Budget Budget Accounts Estimate D

Despatch of stores Ex-India requires Army Governme

93 the prior sanction of the ____? CGDA H.Qrs. MOD nt of India D
Destroyers, Corvettes and Frigates are All the
94 held by Army Navy Air Force three B
Destruction of deceased and injured Senior
animals declared to be incurable in a CO of the Officer
Remount Depot is carried out on the Remount deputed Veterinary PCDA/CD
95 authority of _________? depot to certify Officer A C
Programm Sub
96 Detailed Head corresponds to ____? Function e Scheme Scheme D
Detailed Head is represented by ___
97 Detailed
digits Number?
rules by which allocation of 2 3 4 5A
expenditure between Capital and
Revenue in commercial departments
and Undertakings should be
determined, shall be such as may be
made by Government after
98 Consultation with the ______? CGDA FADS CGA C&AG D

Details of Bank Account of Army IAFF 1017

officer is available in _____ of IAFF 1017 (Outer II IAFF 1017 IAFF 1017
99 Entitlement IRLA (Outer I A) A) (Outer I) (Outer II) A
Details of Hostel subsidy and Children
Education Allowance in respect of IAFF 1017
Army Officer are available in which IAFF 1017 IAFF 1017 IAFF 1017 (Outer II
100 portion of Entitlement IRLA? (Outer I) (Outer I A) (Outer II) A) D
_____ acts as the nodal agency for Secretary
consolidating Pension documents of AG Branch Branch PCDA (P)
101 Army Officers? IHQ MOD IHQ MOD PCDA (O) Allahabad C
Details of Interest bearing advances
are available in which portion of IAFF 1017
Entitlement IRLA maintained in the IAFF 1017 IAFF 1017 IAFF 1017 (Outer II
102 office of PCDA (O) Pune? (Outer I) (Outer I A) (Outer II) A) B

Details of leave availed by army officer IAFF 1017

is available in the ______ of IAFF 1017 (Outer II IAFF 1017 IAFF 1017
103 Entitlement IRLA? (Outer II) A) (Outer I) (Outer I A) A
Details of promotions, allowances and
awards in respect of Army officer are IAFF 1017
available in which portion of IAFF 1017 IAFF 1017 IAFF 1017 (Outer II
104 Entitlement IRLA? (Outer I) (Outer I A) (Outer II) A) A

All, except
Detention Certificate is mandatory for Group A Group A
105 . During TD All officers officers None C
DGADS conducts Test Audit on behalf of
106 of ?????. CGDA CGA C&AG Defence C

Controller Ministry
DGADS conducts Test audit on behalf Governme C&AG of General of of
107 of ____? nt of India India Accounts Defence B
DGADS conducts Test Audit on behalf of
108 of . CGDA CGA C&AG Defence C
DGADS is under the administrative
109 control of _____ CGDA C&AG CGA MOD B
110 DGADS is working under _____? MOD MOF C&AG CGA C
DGS&D will host an online ..for
111 As
per Factories
use of goods
Act, Adolescent
and services GeM GEM GST GOV A
means a person who has completed
his ___ year of age but has not
112 completed his ___ year? 14th, 18th 15th, 18th 15th, 21st 18th, 21st B
_____ Budget Indicates Dimensions Performa
113 and Performance? nce Outcome Financial None B

DHR is posted based on which Compilati Loan Punching

114 document? Pay Bill on report Schedule Medium C
DID Schedule can be responded All the
115 through which of the following classes 2 8 9 three B
DID schedule cannot be originated by
compiling through which class of
116 voucher of Punching Medium? 1 2 5 8D
DIDS is prepared in _____ by the Quadrupli Quintuplic
117 Originating CDA office? Triplicate Duplicate cate ate D

Defence Defence English

DIDS is used for which of the following Proforma Exchange Transactio All the
118 accounts? Account Account ns three B
Difference between Revenue Deficit Effective Effective Real
and Grants for creation of Capital Fiscal Fiscal Revenue Revenue
119 Assets is known as ______? Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit C
Different minimum wages cannot be classes Different
120 fixed for _____? works Locations Both None D
Direct Entry JCO when granted 3rd
121 MACP, will be placed in the pay level? 9 8 7 6A
er &
Director General of Audit Defence Ministry Auditor
Services is under the administrative Ministry of General of
122 control of : of Finance Defence CGDA India D
Disbursing officers of the Defence Any
Accounts Department in India are Governme
authorised to issue cheques on any nt Any sub-
Government treasury -or sub-treasury treasury treasury
123 in India in India in India Both None C
_____ cannot be availed concurrently
during the notice period, when going
124 on voluntary retirement EOL EL HPL None A
Disciplinary Authority should take final
125 decision on the enquiry report within 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months C
Discrepancies noticed in the Daily
Cash Account submitted by Field Divisional
Cashier will be reported by PCDA (O) Command Army
126 to ____ for investigation? er GOC in C H.Qrs. CGDA A
Disposal of Condemned stores is
noted on ____ voucher by the supply Loss
127 depots? Nominal Issue Expense Statement C

Debit Credit
Purchases Purchases Debit Credit
Distributed samples to customers. and credit and Debit Purchases purchases
What will be the adjustment in final Advertise Advertise and credit and debit
128 accounts? ment ment Discount Discount B
Distribution of Blank Forms of APARs
should be completed by ___________ 31st
129 dates by Admin Section. 1st March March 15th April 30th April B
Unit Centre
where where
DO II for allotment of Army Number to PBOR is Record Depot Training is
130 PBOR is published by ____? serving Office Battalion Imparted B

DO II for grant of Good Service pay in Depot Record Any of the

131 respect of PBOR is published by ____? Battalion Office Unit three B
DO II inputs are given by Ledger wings
for intimating changes in pay and DO II DO II DO II
allowances, promotions etc. through rejections acceptanc Transcripti All the
132 _______? lists e lists on sheets three C
Documentation Procedure for
Publication of Part II Orders (Officers) IHQ MOD PCDA (O) PCDA (P)
133 is issued by ____ ? (Army) CGDA Pune Allahabad A
DOII for promotion of PBOR from one Record Depot
rank to another is published by which Office of Battalion Army Unit of
134 of the following offices? corps of corps H.Qrs PBOR A
_____ cannot be combined with
Joining Time availed by a DAD Earned Half Pay Casual
135 employee when transferred Leave Leave Leave None C

DOII with a description ACTGA, deals Composit
with which item of pay and Additional e Transfer Additional
allowances/service matter of Acting Appointm Grant Terminal
136 respective PBOR? Allowance ent Allowance Gratuity A
Disciplinar Prosecutio
y n for
DPC findings and gradings will be kept Under proceedin criminal
under Sealed cover in respect which of Suspensio gs are charge is All the
137 the following Governments? n pending pending three D

DPDOs are functioning under the CDA CDA (PD) PCDA (P)
138 administrative control of _____? Chennai Meerut Both a, b Allahabad C
DPDOs in Southern part of India are
under the administrative control of CDA CDA (PD) PCDA (P) PCDA
139 _____________ Chennai Meerut Allahabad Bengaluru A

DPDOs in Southern Region of India are CDA (Southern
under the administrative control of PCDA CDA Secundera Command
140 which PCDA/CDA Bengaluru Chennai bad ) B

PCDA/CD Any of the

141 Draft para is raised by ____? A LAO/RAO DGADS three C
Drawing of Medicines (prescribed by All CS
Recognised Hospital for OPD) from All Serving (MA) All CGHS
CGHS dispensary is mandatory for Employee Beneficiari beneficiari All the
142 ____ beneficieries? s es es three C
Assets Liabilities
Drawings account given in trial side side
balance is posted on which side of Assets deduct Liabilities deduct
143 balance sheet? side entry side entry D
144 DRDO H.Qrs. is in _____? d New Delhi Bengaluru Dehradun B
145 DRDO has ___ Minor heads of 6 7 8 9C
_____ charts are maintained in PCDA
(O) to watch for the monthly receipt
146 of Nominal Rolls? Reminder Increment Visual Nominal C
Drugs and dressings are issued
147 through ____ voucher in Military Nominal Issue Expense Receipt C

DSOP Fund account of Army Officer CDA

seconded to Air Force is maintained by AFCAO, (Funds) PCDA (AF)
148 _____? PCDA (O) New Delhi Meerut Dehradun B
Defence Defence Defence Defence
Service Service Service Service
Officers Officers Officers Officers
Pension Provident Private Permanen
149 DSOP fund refers to Fund Fund Fund t Fund B
Daily Detailed Defence
Travel Travel Travel Daily Time
150 DTS stands for System Systme System Schedule abc
Duplicate copies of Baby Indents are
151 destroyed ________ after audit 6 months 9 months 3 months One year D

Duplicate copy of the MRO is adjusted Section/S Accounts
152 by ub Office Section Both None B

The from
The Doctor where
During audit of Medical claims under Patient / treating Medicines
CS(MA) Rules, it is to check that all Govt. the are
153 cash bills have been signed by employee patient AMA purchased C

Pay as if
he has not A or B A or B
During Foreign service Subject to the Pay in gone on which which
terms of appointment, DA admissible foreign foreign ever is ever is
154 on the basis of _____ ? service service high Low A
During suspension, employee is not All the
155 entitled to _____? LTC HRA CEA three A
Both are
During the period of EOL, NPS Employee Governme subscribe
156 Contribution _____ is not subscribed? share nt share Both d C
_____ Controllers (Fys) of DAD are
located alongside major Ordnance and
157 Clothing Factories? 39 44 10 12 C

During the period of Joining Time, HRA new highest of lowest of

158 is payable at the rate of __? old station station the two the two A
During the period of suspension (1)
NPS subscription need not be paid (2)
If employee requests for recovery for
the period of suspension, it can be 1 is 1 is
recovered (3) Recovery will be based correct, 2 wrong, 2 All the All the
on the entitlements during the period and 3 are and 3 are three are three are
159 of suspension? wrong correct wrong correct C
During the period of suspension an
employee gets subsistence allowance
160 of _____ % of pay 30 40 50 100 C
During the period of suspension an
161 employee is not entitled to ___? Leave LTC Both None C

Cannot be Can be
more than more than
the pay the pay Can be Can be
which he which he given given
would would more pay more pay
have have in the in the
drawn had drawn had form of form of
During the period of training the pay he been he been personal Special
162 of Government servant _____? on duty on duty pay pay A

During the period of transit from one Competen
post to another, DA is calculated on Joining t
163 ______ Pay? Higher Lower Time Authority C
During the temporary transfer period,
HRA is admissible at the old duty
station rate for ___ , beyond which No such
164 rate at the new station is payable? provision 180 120 90 D
During transit of goods through
Railways, a transit loss to the tune of
Rs 10000/- occurred. Railway
authorities accepted the claim
partially and Rs 6000/- was recovered.
In this case the loss will be regularised None of
165 by CFA competent to sanction?.. Rs 10000/- Rs 6000/- Rs 4000/- these C
During which of the following period,
CEA is not admissible for a Suspensio
166 Government servant? n Dies Non Both None B
167 Duties of AO GE are ___ fold 2 3 4 None B
_____ decision would mean purchase
from an Indian vendor (including an
Indian company forming joint
venture/establishing production
arrangement with OEM) followed by Buy &
licensed production/indigenous Make Buy &
168 manufacture in the country? Buy Make (Indian) Make C
_____ decision would mean purchase
from an Indian vendor (including an
Indian company forming joint
venture/establishing production
arrangement with OEM) followed by Buy &
licensed production/indigenous Make Buy &
169 manufacture in the country? Buy Make (Indian) Make C
Duty of maintaining public fund Commissi
account cash book can be delegated oned
170 to who among the following? Officer JCO a or b None C
Corps of Engineer
171 E in C is the head of the __________? Engineers Services Both None C
Each branch of _____ functions both
172 as focal
Each house
meet atand
time and SBI RBI Both None B
place as President thinks fit, but ____
shall not intervene between its last
sitting in one session and the date
appointed for first sitting in the next
173 session One year 9 months 6 months 4 months C
Each part of the MFAI Report is dived
174 into ???. Sections. 2 3 4 5A
Earned leave can be accumulated up No such
175 to ____ days? 240 300 315 limit B
Earned Leave can be encashed along
176 with LTC during the entire career 120 days 60 days 300 days 10 days B
Earned leave is credited to Leave January 1st April
account of employee twice in a year and 1st and 1st Any of the
177 on for 15 days each on ____, _____? July October two None A
Earned Leave may be taken at a time
up to ____days as Leave Preparatory
178 to Retirement 30 120 180 300 D
Earnest Money Deposits are paid by Cash
the tenderers into ____ account of the Public Assignme All the
179 accepting officer? Fund nt Imprest three A
_____ has right to withhold or Justice of Prime Vice
180 withdraw pension? India Minister President President D
Recovery Reduction
Earnest Money Deposits forfeited are of of
adjusted through MRO and will be expenditu Expenditu Capital Revenue
181 accounted for as ___ to Government? re re Receipts Receipts D
Earnest Money Deposits, Civil Court
Deposits and Personal Deposits paid Public Governme
into Military Chest will be deposited Fund nt Any of the
182 into _____?
Earnest Money once forfeited by Account Treasury two a or b None C
Executive authority cannot be Next
restored without the sanction of higher Service
183 _____? authority MOD H.Qrs. GOI A
EDP Centre generates a list of officers
retiring ____ prior to the Retirement
and hand over to Final Settlement
Review Group for necessary action in
184 PCDA (O) Pune? 3 months 6 months one year two years B

Electronic Electronic Electronic

Detail Daily Data None of
185 EDP Stands For Procedure Progress Processing These abc

only if
Operative specificall
only if it y decided
Effect of withholding an increment to was not so by the
which the officer had already become drawn for Disciplinar
entitled on the date of the order of some y Not
186 penalty is ______? Operative reason Authority operative D
EL can be availed up to ____ days in
187 one spell normally? 30 120 180 360 C
Electricity (expenses) when given in Profit and
trial balance, it will be posted in ___ of loss Balance Trading Any of the
188 final accounts? account Sheet Account three C
EMD Ranges from ____ to ____ % of
189 the estimated value of goods 2 to 5% 5 to 7% 3 to 4% 6 to 10% A
EME workshops are classified in to ___
190 types? is a bill of exchange drawn on a
_____ 2 3 4 5B
specified banker and not expressed to
be payable otherwise than on Promissor Currency
191 demand? y Note Cheque Bank Note Note B
Emergency Cash Requisition should be
signed by OC of the station or in his
absence by an officer, not below the
192 rank of ____? Colonel Brigadier Captain Major D
Emergency Cash Requisitions can be Non-
drawn from ______ by Defence Banking Banking
193 Officers? Treasury Treasury Both None C
Employee who got promotion on
31.12.2017, will get his Annual 01.01.201 01.07.201 01.01.201 01.07.201
194 Increment on ____? 8 8 9 9 B
Employee working in region A has to
submit representation (if any) related Hindi or
195 to service matters in ____? Hindi English English None C
A or B as A or B as
per their per their
Employees are enrolled as members date of date of
of the CGEGIS scheme only from 1st next joining
196 Employees
______ every
year basic pay up to Rs. 1st July January increent service B
____ p.,m. are eligible to obtain
treatment in General ward in the
197 empanelled hospitals 47601 63101 47600 63100 C

Can with
Employees including fresh recruits n of Can with
entitled to LTC to HT for self alone Competen permissio
every year ___carry forward the t n of
198 concession?doing official work wholly
Employees, Can Cannot Authority Ministry B
or partly originally in Hindi, who write
at least __ words in Hindi in a year in
Region A become eligible for cash
award under Incentive Scheme for
199 working in Hindi? 10000 20000 25000 30000 B
Encashment of leave on LTC of PBORs Transport Central
is dealt by which section of PAO ation Ledger Control Review
200 (ORs)? Section Group Section Section B
Enforced Recoveries from Contractors
from their Security Deposits will be Communi
effected by PCDA/CDA in cation not
201 communication with the _____? GE CWE CE required C
_____ is an agreement between the
Purchaser and the Supplier to supply Standard
stores at specified prices during the Agreemen Rate Term Standard
202 period covered by the contract? t Contrat Contract Contract B
Engineer authorities need not prepare
detailed designs and specifications Acceptanc Administr
until _____ is accorded by Competent e of ative Go ahead Any of the
203 Financial Authority? Necessity Approval sanction three B
Engineer Stores Depots are under the
204 Control of ______? CWE CE E - in - C GE C
Engineering Authorities are not
required to prepare detailed designs Administr Acceptanc
and specifications until ______ is ative e of Technical All the
205 given? Approval Necessity sanction three A
Enhancement in contract rates Next Army
sanctioned by lower CFA will be higher Head
206 communicated to CFA Quarters DGADS GOC in C B
Entitlements admissible in the case of
Battle Casualties are governed by
207 ______ Orders? Separate Special Secret Specific B
Entries in Debt Head Registers are
208 Entries
posted ____?
in Service-Books of the Daily Weekly yearly monthly D
Officer/staff working in Regions No such
A' and `B' should be provision
recorded in ____ as provided in Hindi & in OL
209 Official Language Rules? English Hindi English Rules B

leave is
when no , but he
other applies in
EOL is granted to a Government leave is writing for
210 employee
is declared __________ admissible EOL Both None C
when prototype of its successor
equipment has been formally Obsolesce In
211 accepted Obsolete nt fructuous All B
Equipment is declared as _____ when
its required role has disappeared or no Obsolesce In
212 use for any other Role Obsolete nt fructuous All A

_____ is responsible for ensuring that Formation

the Field Cashier carries out his duties Command All the
213 in accordance with the regulations? er GOC in C PCDA (O) three A
Equipment is generally declared as
BER, when estimated cost of repairs
214 exceeds _____ of replacement cost? 0.5 0.25 0.75 0.6 A
Equivalent officer in Army for Flight
215 Lieutenant in Air Force is Colonel Major Lt. Colonel Captain D
Equivalent officer in Army for Lt.
216 Commander in Navy is Colonel Major Lt. Colonel Brigadier B
Equivalent officer in Army for Rear Major Lt. Field
217 Admiral in Navy is? General General General Marshal B
Equivalent officer in Army for
218 Squadron Leader in Air Force is? Major Lt. Colonel Colonel Brigadier A
Equivalent officer in Army for Wing
219 Commander in Air Force is _____? Colonel Major Brigadier Lt. Colonel D
Erasure/overwriting of an entry in
220 Service book ------- allowed. is is not may be may not B
Deduct Fresh
Erroneous Compilation made under Entry {(-) entry
any of the Deposit head should be Debit/Cre (Debit/Cre Any of the
221 readjusted by _____? dit} dit) two None A
where Main
Error Scrolls in respect of transactio Branch in Focal
discrepancies will be prepared by the Concerne n took the city of Point
222 ____?
Establishment Charges in the case of d CDA place CDA Branch D
Deposit works are not charged more
than ___% of Estimates, while
223 preparing AEs? 1 2 3 5B
As per Factories Act, Child means a
224 personiswho
_____ responsible
has not completed
for establishing 14th 15th 18th 21st B
and maintaining a technically sound
accounting system in the
Departmentalized Accounts Offices
and to prescribe general principles,
systems and form of Government
225 accounts? C&AG CGA CGDA GASAB B
Establishment of MES Inspection
226 House requires the prior approval of CGDA MOD GOI E in C D
Estimates Committee of Parlaiment
227 consists of ____ MPs 22 25 27 30 D
Estimates fall under ______ main
228 categories as far as MES is concerned? 2 3 4 5B
Estimates in respect of Defence Directors
Research and Development PCDA of
Establishments are prepared by (R&D) PcDA/CsD Labs/Estts
229 ______? New Delhi A (R&D) . CGDA C
Estimates of receipts and charges in Controller
respect of Ordnance Factories s of
organization are prepared by the Factory General PC of A
230 ______? Accounts Managers Kolkata CGDA B

To be
decided in
Every agreement of which the object each case
231 or consideration is unlawful is ____? Void Voidable Valid on merits A
Every authority having the power to
impose and/ or realize a fine shall Public Regiment
ensure that the money is realized, duly Fund al fund Any of the
232 Every
and deposited
of the Internal
into ____? Account Treasury account three B
Committee shall hold office for such
period, not exceeding _____ years,
from the date of their nomination as
may be specified by the employer
233 under SH Act? 2 3 4 5B

Every officer taken into the payment Individual IRLA CDA (O) Regiment
of PCDA (O) for the first time will be Account account Account Account
234 allotted Number number Number Number C
Served in communic
person on ated to
Every order, notice or other process the him by
made or issued under the CCS (CCA) Governme Registered
235 Rules, 1965 shall be __________? nt servant post a or b both C

ing Officer
of the
_____ is responsible for maintenance unit/Estab All the
236 of Accounts of unit/establishment? LAO PCDA lishment three C
Every overpayment to a Govt. Servant Infructuou
must be regarded as ___ to the public debt s
and all possible action should be taken owed to expenditu All the
237 to recover? Loss public re three B
Every promise and every set of
promises, forming the consideration Agreemen
238 for each other is ____? Contract t Promise Tender B
Public Cash
Every Regional PCDA/CDA office will Fund Assignme
239 have ________? Account nt Both None A
240 EXAM 1 2 3 4 A
241 EXAM 1 1 2 3 4 B
242 EXAM 2 1 2 3 4 C
243 EXAM 3 1 2 3 4 D
244 EXAM L1 1 2 3 4 A
245 EXAM L2 1 2 3 4 B
246 EXAM L3 1 2 3 4 A
_____ is the level at which indents Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
247 should be placed for replenishing level level level level D
248 EXAM L31 1 2 3 4 A
249 EXAM L32 1 2 3 4 B
250 EXAM L33 1 2 3 4 C
251 EXAM L34 1 2 3 4 D
252 EXAM L35 1 2 3 4 A
253 EXAM L36 1 2 3 4 B
254 EXAM L37 1 2 3 4 C
255 EXAM L38 1 2 3 4 D
256 EXAM L4 1 2 3 4 D
257 _____
EXAM L5Means and includes acts 1 2 3 4 A
committed by a party to a contract, or
with his connivance, or by his agent,
with intent to deceive another party
thereto of his agent, or to induce him Undue All the
258 to enter into the contract? Coercion Fraud Influence three B
Examination of Def. exp. with a view
to exploring ways and means of
achieving economy where practicable
259 is the duty
Except in some
of __specific
cases, where IA O&M Admin All A
Defence Services Officers are allowed
cash assignments on treasuries or the
Bank all payments are made by
cheques, etc. drawn by officers of All the
260 ____? DAD DDOs MES three A
Except in urgent cases, proposals
which require the sanction of GOI 31st 15th 30th 15th
261 must reach
Except provided
FRBM Act, No December December November November D
deviation in meeting the obligations
cast on the Central Government shall
be permissible without approval of Ministry Parliamen Prime
262 ____? of Finance t Cabinet Minister B
Except repair of private arms on
payment, no private work of any
nature should be undertaken by EME PCDA/CD
263 workshop without sanction of __? MGO QMG DGEME A A
Except under the orders of _____, no
order of sanction shall be accepted in
audit unless it is received PCDA/CD
264 from/through
Except under the
orders ofauthority?
_______, no order of sanctions shall
be accepted in audit unless it has been
received from or through the PCDA/CD
265 sanctioning authority C&AG CGA A IFA C
Except with the permission of ____
members of the establishment are Addl.
prohibited from applying for PCDA/CD CDA/Jt.
266 employment elsewhere? A CDA GO (AN) SAO/AO A
Excess expenditure over modified
allotments noticed by CDA should be Army Local
brought to the notice of ____ for Head Authoritie
267 necessary action? Quarters s CGDA GOC in C B

Excess leave availed coming to light at Special EOL

the time of discharge/after retirement leave with without
will be regularized by Oi/c Records as pay and pay and
_____ provided no leave for allowance allowance Additional Any of the
268 adjustment
_____ means is the
to them? to meet s s Leave three B
specified expenditure, of funds Cash Re-
included in a primary unit of Assignme Appropria appropriat
269 appropriation?
Exchange Rate Variation clause is only nt tion ion Budget B
to be included in the Contracts Central State
concluded with which of the following Governme Governme All the
270 PSUs? Defence nt nt three A
Executive action of GOI shall be Union of
271 expressed to be taken in the name of India President Both None B
Accepted tender Accepted
tender and the tender
Ex-gratia payment will be restricted up and next and
to the limit of difference between the highest highest lowest
272 ____, ____? tender tender tender None B
Expand BAwith reference to the Tools Assessme Basic Business Broad
273 available on GeM portal? nt Analysis Analytics Analysis C

Armed Actionable Auditable

Forces Air Force Format Format
274 Expand A.F. Form Form Form Form Form B
d Army
Authorize Army Marriage Married
d Medical Medical Establish Establish
275 Expand A.M.E? Examiner Education ment ment C
Army Army Army
Officers Officers Officers
Benefit Benevolen Balancing
276 Expand A.O.B. fund fund t fund fund None B

Aircraft Army
On Army on Ordnance Air Officer
277 Expand A.O.G. Ground Ground General i/c Ground A

Assistant Additional Army Army

Recruiting Recruiting Record Recruiting
278 Expand A.R.O. Officer Officer Officer Officer A
Army Army Security
Service Security Air Service Command
279 Expand A.S.C Corps Corps Corps ant A
_____ of the Govt. of India is to
ensure that suitable accounts are
280 maintained by the Defence Services MOD (Fin) CGDA CGA C&AG A

Annual Annual Appropria
Audit Accounts tion All the
281 Expand AAC? Certificate Certificate Certificate three A
Army Army Army
Expand AEC with reference to the Engineerin Efficiency Education
282 organization of Army? g Corps Corps Corps None C
Articles in
Expand A-in-U found used in store Arms in Articles in able Articles in
283 accounting? Unit Use condition Unit B
Army Army Army Maintena
Medical Medicine Medical nce
284 Expand AMC? Camp Corps Corps Contract C

Annual Annual Annual Annual

Record of Record of Review of Review of
285 Expand AROB? Books Balances Books Balances D

Additional Accepted Authorize

Audit Tender Tender d Tender
286 Expand AT Note? Note Note Note Note C
Army Army Women
Welfare Welfare officers Army
Health Housing Health Women
Organizati Organizati Organizati Health
287 Expand AWHO? on on on Officer B

Beyond Beyond Broad Brief

Experimen Economic Expenditu Expenditu
288 Expand BER? tal Results al Repair re Return re Return B
Chief Chief
Officer Officer Chief of Chief of
289 Expand C.O.P Project Pilot Personnel Project C

Certified Central Chief

Technical Central Technical Technical
Equipmen Technical Equipmen Examiner
290 Expand C.T.E t Examiner t of works D
_____ of the Govt. of India is to
ensure that suitable accounts are MOD Ministry Defence
291 maintained by the Defence Services? (Finance) MOD of Finance Minister A

Administr Central Central Central
ative Appellate Additional Assistant
Public Public Public Public
Expand CAPIO with reference to the Informatio Informatio Informatio Informatio
292 RTI Act? n Officer n Officer n Officer n Officer D
Chief Central
Command Constructi Constructi Central
Chief on on Chief
293 Expand CCE in CCE (R&D) Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer B
Central Central Centrally
Expand CCI with reference to work Control In Central Control Controlled
294 dealt by PAO? charge Card Index Imprest IRLAs B
Composit Central Certified
Expand CFL with reference to e Food Civil Food Food Food
Laboratories functioning for the food Laborator Laborator Laborator Laborator
295 requirements of Defence Services? y y y y A

Controller General of Controller
General of Defence General of
Defence Productio Defence
296 Expand CGDP? Pensions n Personnel None B

Composit Composit Composit Compensa

e Hill e Hill e Hard tory Hard
Counter Compensa Climate Climate
Insurgenc tory Area Area
297 Expand CHCA? y Area Allowance Allowance Allowance B
Certified Current Cancelled Concurren
Issue Issue Issue t Issue
298 Expand CIV Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher A
Cash Cash
Cash Managem Managem Cash
Expand CMP with reference to SBI Monitorin ent ent Monitorin
299 CMP? g Package Package Product g Product C

Central Corps of
Corps of
Military Military
300 Expand CMP? Police Police Personnel None B
Cost Contracto al
Negotiatio Cost rs Negotiatio
n Network Network n
Committe Committe Committe Committe
301 Expand CNC? e e e e D
Dept. of
_____ prepares and monitors Defence Departme Finance Dept. of Defence
Service Estimates of the Ministry of nt of Division of Defence Productio
302 Defence? Defence MOD R&D n B
Clearance Centre of Central
Centre of on Real Rural Online
Expand CORE with reference to CORE Real time Time banking Real time
303 Banking? Exchange Exchange Exchange Exchange D

Civilians Central s Portal Central
Public Portal for for Public
Grievance Grievance Grievance Grievance
Redressal Redressal Redressal Redressal
and and and and
Monitorin Monitorin Monitorin Monitorin
304 Expand CPGRAMS? g System g System g System g System D

Central Central
Recordkee RegularatCentral Central
ping ory Registrati Recovery
305 Expand CRA with reference to NPS? Agency Authorityon Ageny Agency A
Credit CertifiedCurrent Correct
Receipt Receipt Receipt Receipt
306 Expand CRV Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher B
Comparati ve
ve Comparati Statement
Statement ve of
of Statement Quotation All the
307 Expand CSQ? Quantities of Quality s three C

Deputy Draft Dedicated

Financial Financial Financial
308 Expand D.F.A Advisor Advice Advisor None A

Defence Defence Accounts
Accounts Accounts Deputy Departme
Departme Departme Assistant nt in the
nt nt for Director, field of
Electrical Electronic Electrical Electrical
and s and and and
Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic
al al al al
Engineerin Engineerin Engineerin Engineerin
309 Expand DADEME g g g g C
Defence Defence Defence Defence
Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts
Promotio Placement Pension Payment
310 Expand DAPB? n Board Board Board Board B
Direct Direct Direct
Expand DBT with reference to Benefit Bank Budget All the
311 Government Schemes? Transfer Transfer Transfer three A
Discounte Determin
Expand DCF with reference to the d Cash ed Cash Derived Described
312 provisions of DPM? Flow Flow Cash Flow Cash Flow A
_____ prepares CIV for MT expended Consignor Quarter Consignor Consignee
313 in transit? unit Master LAO unit D

Departme Defence Distribute
ntal Developm d Data
314 Expand DDP? Procedure ent Plan Processing None C
Director Draft
General Draft Draft Governme
Naval Gazette General nt
Establish Notificatio Notificatio Notificatio
315 Expand DGN? ment n n n B

Defence Defence
Managem Date wise Monetary
ent Monthly settlemen Daily Main
316 Expand DMS System Statement t Scrolls B
Defence Procurem Defence
Defence Procurem ent Purchase
Purchase ent Managem Managem
317 Expand DPM? Manual Manual ent ent B
Departme Developm
ntarlly Defence Defence ent
Related Related Research Related
Standing Standing Standing Standing
Expand DRSC with reference to the Committe Committe Committe Committe
318 Committees of Parliament? e e e e A
Emergenc Emergenc
y Cash y Credit Emergenc Expenditu
Requisitio Requisitio y Cash re Cash
319 Expand ECR n n Receipt Receipt A

Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic

Clearing Credit Clearing Credit
320 Expand ECS? Service System Stage Service A
Exchange Exchange Emergenc Effetive
Expand ERV with reference to Rate Rate y Rate Rate
321 provisions of DPM? Value Variation Variation Variation B
Money Engineer Engineer
Security Stores Security
322 Expand ESD Deposit Depot Deposit None B

Family Final
Allotment Allotment Fictitious
Money Money Adjustme
323 Expand
_____ prepares
FAMO SCT of Defence Order Order nt Memo None A
Services & Ministry of Defence (Civil)-
Receipts and Charges annually each
Field Field
Field Instructio Field Imprest
training in ns on Imprest Procedure
practical Payments Payment s and
Institution out of Instructio Instructio
325 Expand FIPI? s Imprest ns ns C

Final Pay First Pay Final

of of Settlemen Full Pay
Commissi Commissi t Pay of Commissi
oned oned Commissi oned
Service Service oned Service
326 Expand FPCSC? Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate D

Financial Fiscal Functional

Responsib Responsib Responsib
ility and ility and ility and
Budget Budget Budget
Managem Managem Managem
327 Expand FRBM in the FRBM Act? ent ent ent None B

Family Family Final Final

Station Settlemen Settlemen Settlemen
Expand FSMO in the context of PAO Money t Money t Money t Main
328 work? Order Order Order Office C

Field Field Field Field

Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury
Cash Consolidat Chest Chest
329 Expand FTCR? Receipt ed Receipt Report Receipt D
Field Field
Field Field Treasure Treasure
Treasure Treasure Cash Chest
Cash Chest Requisitio Requisitio
330 Expand FTCR? Receipt Receipt n n B
General Governme
Power of General nt
Attorney Promissor Promissor All the
331 Expand G.P. Note Note y Note y Note three C

Governme Governme
nt nt
Governme Accountin Accounts
nt Audit g and Audit
Standards Standards Standards
Advisory Advisory Advisory
332 Expand GASAB? Board Board Board None B
nt Governme Governme
Business nt Banking nt Banking
Software Software System
333 Expand GBSS? Solution Solution Software None A
Governme Governme Governme
nt e- General e- nt e- nt e-
Market Market Managem Material
334 Expand GeM Place Place ent Place A
335 Bihar kis kshetra mein aata hai ? North South East West C
_____ represents the minimum
quantity above which stocks should Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
336 not be held at any time? level level level level A

Governme Governme Guarantee

nt nt General d
electronic electronic electronic electronic
payment payment payment payment
337 Expand GePG? Guarantee Gateway Gateway Gateway B
Officer General General General
Command Officer Officer Officer
ing in Control in Command Chief in
338 Expand GOC - in - C Chief Chief in Control Command A
General Services Goods All the
339 Expand GST? Sales Tax Tax Sales Tax three B

Huge High Level Human

Human Records Records Resource
Resource Managem Managem Managem
Expand H.R.M.S. with reference to Managem ent ent ent
340 PAOs and PBORs? ent Study System System System D
Indian Indian Imprest Indian
Military Mission Money Medical
341 Expand I.M.S. service Supplies supplies Service D
Indian Indian
Central Indian Civil Indian
Administr Central Administr Civil
ative Accounts ative Accounts
342 Expand ICAS? Service Service Service Service D

Integrated Internal Important Integrated

Financial Financial Financial Functional
343 Expand IFA Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor A
Immovabl Initial Individual n and
Expand IPR in the context of CCS e Property Property Property Public
344 conduct rules? Return Return Return Relation A
Internatio Indian Integrated Service
nal Supply Supply Services Managem
345 Expand ISM Mission Mission Mission ent B
Expand JRI with reference to Credit Joint Joint Reference Joint
verification of High value Imported Receipts Receipt s and Receipt
346 and Indigenous Stores? & Issues Inspection issues Intimation B
_____ scrolls are received along with
DMROs from Focal point branches in All the
347 Accounts Section of PCDA/CDA office? Error Debit Credit three C
Local Audit Last Audit
Audit Completio Completio Last Audit
348 Expand LAC? Certificate n n Certificate D

Completio Confidenti Correctne Clearance

349 Expand LACR: Local Audit n Report al Report ss Report Report A

Local Local
Audit Audit Last Audit Last Audit
ClearanceCompletio Clearance Completio
350 Expand LACR? Report n Report Report n Report B
Local Local Local Audit
Audit Audit Audit Programm
351 Expand LAP Party Power Person e D
Last Lowest Least Local
Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase
352 Expand LPP? Price Price Price Price A
Legal Lowest Leave Leave
Records Ration Ration Records
353 Expand LRA? Allowance Allowance Allowance Allowance C
Limited Lowest Limited Lowest
Tender Tender Tender Tender
354 Expand LTE? Enquiry Enquiry Entry Entry A

Maximum Maximum Minimum Minimum

Expand M.R.P. with reference to Retail Retention Reserve Required
355 Disposal of asset? Price Price Price price C
Treasury Military
Remittanc Mid Term Transport
356 Expand M.T.R e Report Receipt None A
Monthly Major Minor
Expenditu Expenditu Expenditu
re re re
Return/Re Return/Re Return/Re
357 Expand
_____ scrolls
MER?are received along with port port port None A
the Paid cheques from Focal point
branches in Accounts Section of All the
358 PCDA/CDA office? Error Debit Credit three B
Military Military Military
Nursing Naval National
359 Expand MNS? Service Service Service None A
Nominal National Natural
Electronic Electronic Electronic
Fund Fund Fund
360 Expand NEFT? Transfer Transfer Transfer None B

Notice Notice of Notice Notice

inviting indication including inquiry
361 Expand NIT? Tender of tender Tender Tender A

Not in New item

Vocabular of Not in Next in
362 Expand NIV with reference to Stores? y inventory inventory Inventory A
Options Objectives
Original for of
Equipmen Equipmen Equipmen
t t t
Manufact Manufact Manufact
363 Expand OEM? urer urer uring None A

Private Personnel Public Pay

Expand P.O.R. in the context of IRLAs Occurrenc Occurrenc Occurrenc Occurrenc
364 of Air Force Personnel? e Reports e Reports e Reports e Reports B
Price Price Plant
Printed Record Reserved Record
365 Expand P.R.B. (used generally in MES) Rate Book Book Book Book D

Public Public Parliamen

Audit Accounts tary Audit Proprietar
Expand PAC with reference to C&AG Committe Committe Committe y Article
366 report? e e e Certificate B

Permanen Enhancem Pensioner Pending
Expand PEA with reference to Pension t Effective ent Efficiency Enquiry
367 Regulations? Award Authority Award Award D
Public Public Public Public
Financial Funds Financial Funds
Managem Managem Maintena Maintena
ent ent nce nce
368 Expand PFMS? System System System System A
_____ shall carry out an annual review
of the compliance of the provisions of
the Act and the rules made there All the
369 under by the Central Government CGA C&AG CGDA three B

Personal Pay Particular Pay

Informatio Individual Individual
Expand PIRM with reference to PAO n Record n Record Running Running
370 work? Master Master Master Master D
ent Price Purchase
Private Negotiatio Negotiatio Negotiatio
Net work n n n
Committe Committe Committe committe
371 Expand PNC? e e e e C
Peace Or
Prisoners Pensioner Establish All the
372 Expand POW? of war s of war ment three A
Personal Pension Pension Pay and
Pension Process Payment Pension
373 Expand PPO? Order Order Order Order C

Perspectiv Preferenti
e Perpetual Priority al
Procurem Procurem Procurem Procurem
374 Expand PPP ent Plan ent Plan ent Plan ent Plan C
Perspectiv nce Public
Expand PPP with reference to the Priority e oriented Private
provisions of Performance and Procurem Procurem Procurem Partnershi
375 Outcome Budget? ent Plan ent Plan ent Plan p D
Personal Private Public Principal
Expand PSO with reference to Staff Staff Staff Staff
376 Army/Navy/Air Head Quarters? Officer Officer Officer Officer D
Price Priced Primary Payment
Value Vocabular Value Value
377 Expand PV Rate Rate y Rate Rate Rate B

Rigorous Report on
Recruit Imprison Recruit Irregularit
378 Expand R.I.? Individual ment Index y B
Expand RC Officers with reference to Recently Reserve al Regular
work related to PCDA (O)? i.e. ___ Commissi Commissi Commissi Commissi
379 _____
officersshall carry out an annual review oned oned oned oned C
of the compliance of the provisions of
the FRBM Act and the rules made
there under by the Central All the
380 Government? C&AG CGA CGDA three A
Reference Reference Request Request
for for for for
381 Expand RFP? Purchase proposal Purchase proposal D

Recoverab Reserve Reserve Recoverab

Expand RGP in the context of sale ofle Grading Guiding Grading le Guiding
382 scrap? Price Price Price Price B
Returned Returned
Repairs Returned Store Store
Expand RSSD with reference to Depots Store Sub Store Sub Supply Servicing
383 of Indian Army? Depot Depot Depot Depot B

Real Time
Real Time Real Time Governme
Gross General nt
Settlemen Settlemen Settlemen
384 Expand RTGS t t t None A

Returned Reserve Returned and
Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Veterinary
385 Expand RVC? Condition Cell Catalogue Corps D
Study on Systemati Scales of Standard
Requirem c Rations Requirem
ents Research and ents
386 Expand S.R.S.? systems of Stores Supplies &Scales C
Separate Statement Systemati Single
Expand SBE with reference to Budget of Budget c Budget Budget
387 Performance and Outcome Budget? Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate B
Commerci Statement Statement
Statement al of of Central
of Central Transactio Commerci Transactio
388 Expand SCT? Taxes ns al Taxes ns D
Special Special Special
Expand SL Officers with reference to Sick List Liaison List Level
389 work related to PCDA (O)? Officers Officers Officers Officers C
Standard of
Schedule Standard Standard All the
390 Expand SSR of Rates Star Rates Rates three A
______ % of Basic pay + DA is
recovered as subscription under NPS
391 from the pay of employee? 20 15 10 6C
Station Station Station Senior
Transport Technical Treasury Technical
392 Expand STO? Officer Officer Officer Officer A
Turn Turn n Transactio
Expand TAT in the context of SBI CMP Around Account Accountin n Analysis
393 (Cash Management Product)? Time Time g Time Time A

Tax Deducion Tax
Deduction by Service Deduction All the
394 Expand TDS? at Source Provider Service three A

Technical Tender
Technical Tender Examinati Examinati
Evaluation Evaluation on on
Committe Committe Committe Committe
395 Expand TEC? e e e e A

Expand TOR wth reference to Terms of of Tenure of All the
396 procurements defined under GFR? Reference Reference Reference three A
Tender Procurem Tender Tender
Purchase ent Price Practice
Committe Committe Committe Committe
397 Expand TPC? e e e e A
Technical Technical and Technical
Training Training Informatio Training
and and n and
Instructio Infrastruct Technolog Institution
nal ure y al
Equipmen Equipmen Equipmen Equipmen
398 Expand TTIEG? t Grant t Grant t Grant t Grant A
Urban Urban
Expand UA with reference to the Urban Aglomerat Arrangem
399 provisions of HRA? Area ion ent None B
War Emergenc
War Establish War y
Equipmen ment Emergenc Transactio
400 Expand W.E.T t Tables Tables y Tables ns A

Ways and
Ways and Means Ways and
Expand WMA (A mechanism used by Means Accountin Means All the
401 RBI under
______ % of
its the
Policy) in the Advances g Audit three A
Auditors' grade are filled by promotion
of Clerks according to seniority subject
402 to fitness heads susceptible to
expenditure 80 50 25 10 B
control against budget provisions by
various administrative and excecutive
authorities subordinate to locally centrally
government of india is called _______ controlled controlled expenditu
403 ? RDR heads heads heads re heads B
expenditure heads whichj represents locally centrally
obligatory charges and unavoidable controlled controlled expenditu
404 commitments are called _______ ? RDR heads heads heads re heads C

is partly
met by
the State
nt and
partly out
is met by is met by of
the the State Defence
is met by Ministry Governme Service
405 Expenditure of NCC _____? MOD of HRD nt Estimates D

Expenditure of occasional character is Recurring Honorariu All the
406 known as _______? Charges m Fee three A
Expenditure of Public Money not
authorized by Rules and orders Governme C&AG of
407 requires the sanction of ______ nt of India India CGA MoD A
Expenditure of public money which is
not authorised by regulations requires PCDA/CD Govt. of
408 the sanction of???.. C&AG CGDA A India D

Any of the
Expenditure on account of outsourcing two
of services under Contract (Due to Pay & Office subject to
shortage against authorized strength) Allowance Contingen availability
409 is booked to __ head? s cies of funds None B
Expenditure on Engineer Services
required for the Army is charged as
Military Engineer Services Expenditure
410 under ____ Head?
Expenditure on Engineer Services MES Army Sub Detailed B
required for the Navy is charged as
Military Engineer Services Expenditure
411 under the ___ Head? Army MES Navy None C
Expenditure on planting and
maintenance of trees shall be met Public Regiment 25% : 75%
412 from ______ by the unit? fund al fund 50% each by a, b B
______ an be defined as index
numbers of the movements of the Profit-
various financial items in the financial Trend Volume Liquidity Currnt
413 statements for a number of periods? Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio A
Expenditure on printing of question
papers for Army Educational
414 organization on
Expenditure is met
out of ___?of items ATG TTG ETG TTIEG C
which have a life of ____________
years or more is debitable to Capital
415 Budget 5 7 10 25 B

Expenditure on vehicles irrespective of Decided in

416 cost and life shall be treated as _____? Revenue Capital Both 50% each case B
Expenditure other than falling under Miscellan
specific category of Pay & All.,leave eousLocal Additional Fresh
salary, pensions, contingency, grants Expenditu
Expenditu Expenditu Expenditu
417 in aid, works etc. is known as re re re re A
Expenditure other than pay & allces. , Miscellan
leave salary, pensions, contingencies,
Fresh Additional Local eous
grants in aid, contributions, works, T &
Expenditu Expenditu Expenditu Expenditu
418 P etc. is known as __? re re re re D
Fresh Additional Extra zed
Expenditure which the budget cannot Expenditu Expenditu Expenditu Expenditu
419 be held to cover is known as re re re re A
Ex-servicemen Contributory Health 30.12.200 01.01.200 01.04.200 01.01.200
420 Scheme (ECHS) came into force w.e.f. 2 3 3 6 C
Extension of Delivery period, Post
waiving/imposing of Liquidated Contractu Tender
Damages and risk purchases are al Expenditu Evaluation Acceptanc
covered under ___ stage of IFA Monitorin re Angle Negotiatio e of
421 concept? g Sanction n Necessity A
Extensions of Delivery Period beyond Next
the prescribed period would require higher
422 sanction of the ____? CFA AFHQrsMOD GOI C
Amendme Contract
Extention of time to a contractor is Deviation nt to Agreemen Any of the
423 granted through order contract t three A
______ includes the presentation of
information derived from Costing Financial Cost Cost
records for the purpose of managerial Accountin Accountin Accountan
424 decision making. Costing g g cy D
Facility of Air Travel for LTC is
425 admissible from level ___ only? 9 8 7 6A
Factories Act came into force w.e.f. 23.09.194 01.01.194 01.04.194 23.09.194
426 ______?
Family can travel in one or more 8 9 9 9 C
groups, but each group should
complete its return journey within
____ months from the date of its
427 outward
Family pension
journeyis under
LTC? to the 12 9 6 3C
family of deceased employee @
____% of Last Pay drawn by the
428 government servant? 50 40 30 25 C

only for
the only for
dependen the
ts of the dependen
deceased ts on A or B
CGHS family whichever
Family pensioners can avail CGHS beneficiar pensioner is opted
429 facility for y s Both by them A
Fee to be enclosed(if not exempted)
430 alongwith an RTI Application Rs.5 Rs.10 Rs.12 Rs.15 B
Fees under RTI Act should not be Indian
accepted if received in the form of Postal Demand
431 _______? Cash Order Draft None D
Fees under RTI Act need should not be Indian
accepted if received in the form of Postal Demand
432 _______?adjustments and
Fictitious Cash Order Draft None D
manipulations in accounts unless an
actual loss has occurred are classified Observati
433 as on Objection MFAI None A
Field cashier can draw funds from Regional Either of
434 which of the following sources? CDA PCDA (O) a, b None B
______ is a quantitative record of
receits, issues and closing balances of Stores All the
435 item of stores. Ledger Bin Card EOQ three B
Field Cashier submits his cash account Fortnightl
436 to PCDA (O) on ____ basis? Daily Weekly y Monthly A

Command Chief of
437 Field Cashiers are appointed by ers PCDA(O) Army Staff MoD A
Field Imprest account is closed on
438 _____ basis? Daily weekly monthly yearly C
Field Imprest Holder can draw funds Regional Field
439 from ______? CDA Cashier a or b PCDA (O) C
Field Imprest Holder should be an Commissi
officer of not below the rank of oned
440 ______ in general? Officer Major Captain Lt. Col C
Field Imprest Holder will ordinarily be
a military officer not below the rank of
441 _____? Colonel Lt. Col Major Captain D
Field Park Coys, Workshop and Park
Coys and Docks Operating Coys etc Corps of
442 function under which corps of Army? EME AOC Engineers MES C
Field Security Sections work under Intelligenc
443 _______ Corps in Army EME AOC e Artillery A
Figures on account of loss of animals
(otherthan MF)for inclusion in
Appropriation Accounts are obtained ArmyPCsDA/Cs LAOs/RAO All the
444 by CGDA from HQrsDA s three A
File numbers are controlled through a Register of Register Nonw of
445 register called of records registers of Files the above C
Capital cost of works which are non Should
productive in nature is met from not be
446 ________
______ maintains
as a general
accounts of Capital Revenue A or B incurred B
personnel paid by PAO (ORs) Regional CDA
President's Body Guard, New CDA of PCDA New (Funds)
447 Delhi?
Fill in the blanks with a single word : the PAO PAO itself Delhi Meerut D
Effective writing involves careful
choice of words, their organisation in
correct order in ----------- formation as
well as cohesive composition of ---------
448 . Paragraph Sentences words letters B
Final bills up to what amount can be
449 pre audited by AO GE posted in GE Rs. 2 lakh Rs. 5 lakh Rs. 8 lakh Rs. 10 lakh D
Final issues to outstations will be Issue Nominal Convoy Any of the
450 made on ______? Vouchers Vouchers Notes three A
Finance Accounts of GoI is prepared None of
451 by.. CGDA C&AG CGA these C

Any of the
three, but
to be
Financial accounts are supposed to be Calendar financial Any 12 authoritie
452 maintained on ______ basis? year year months s D
Financial Advice rendered by g, Original, Short
Controllers is of two types. What are Respondin Major, Respondin term,
453 the two? g Minor g Long term C
g& Original & Short
Financial Advice rendered by Respondin Major & Respondin Term &
454 Controllers is of two types???? g Minor g Long Term C
Financial advice rendered by PCDA
455 Main office IA cell is of how many 1 2 3 No limit B
Financial powers of ___ of the
456 following types? Inherent Delegated Both None C
Financial powers of CFAs are All the
457 prescribed in ______? DPM DPP DFPDS three C
______ meaning of words will be All the
458 adopted in interpretation of orders? Indirect Dictionary Relevant three B
Financial review of accounts of
Military Farm is mentioned in which
section of Appropriation Accounts of
459 Defence services? Section 5 Section 2 Section 6 Section 4 C
Financial Up gradation under MACP
scheme can be granted to a PBOR if he
is stagnated for a period of ___ years
460 in a grade? 12 10 8 6C
Financial up-gradations under ACP
scheme have to be given in the Promotio
461 hierarchy of _____? Pay Scales nal Posts Both None B
Financing of premiums up to _____
Life Insurance Policies is allowed from
462 DSOP Fund in respect of each officer? 4 3 2 1A
Floppy Flash
463 Find odd man out Monitor Disk Hard Disk drive abc

Reporting Reviewing Inquiry

464 Find the odd man out? Officer Officer Officer None C

Sanction Major Local

Internal Audit- Audit- Audit -
Audit-Test Expenditu Minor Central
465 Find the odd one out. Audit re Audit Audit Audit C
Single Three
First component of CDA (O) Account Digit Two digits digits
466 Number is represented by _____? Alphabets Number Number number C
Account Number
Number dealing
First component of CDA (O) Account of Army with his Ledger Check
467 Number represents ____? Officer IRLA wing Alpha C

31 Dec year 2014
First occasion for LTC in case of Fresh 2013 (one Calendar up to 30 Calendar
468 Recruits, who join on 31.12.2012 day) year 2013 December year 2012 A
______ means any person appointed
or acting as the representative of
another person for the purpose of manager
carrying on such other person's subordina
trade or business as defined in te to an Managing
469 Workmen's Compensation Act? employer agent Both None B
______ means any person appointed
or acting as the representative of
another person for the purpose of manager
carrying on such other person's subordina
trade or business as defined in te to an Managing
470 Workmen's Compensation Act? employer agent Both None B
Fiscal deficit is supposed to be brought
down to not more than ____ %of GDP
by 31st day of March, 2021 as framed
471 under FRBM Rules? 5 4 3 2C
Fixed Medical Allowance is admissible covered
to who among the following retired Nepal under All the
472 service personnel? Domicile DSC ECHS threeD D
Fixing of Revenue Stamp is mandatory
473 for transactions above?.. Rs 1 Lakh Rs 2 Lakhs Rs 50000/- Rs 5000/- D
Flag Officer Commanding in Chief of Viskhapat Trivendru
474 Eastern Command is in _____? nam Kolkata Chennai m A

Flags in a file are generally indicated and
475 using Numbers Alphabets alphabets None B
Fluctuating charges such as TA/DA
etc., for which no scales are laid are
calculated average expenditure
476 of the previous _years in BEs? 2 3 5 10 B
Flying Allowance is admissible
concurrently with which of the Strategic
following Allowances in respect of Force Siachen
477 Army Officers? Allowance Allowance Both None A

Focal Point Branch will segregate from March suppleme
1st April all transactions pertaining to March suppleme ntary
previous years and report the same as Suppleme ntary Correction March
478 ___ from 1st to 15th April? ntary Correction (Manual) Residual D
Focal Point Branches have been
introduced in the Ministry of Defence 01.01.199 01.04.199 01.07.199 01.10.199
479 with effect
Fodder losses
cannot be written 3 3 3 3 D
off on expense vouchers as
unavoidable, whether chargeable to
the State or to an individual will be General
priced at the ________ of the farm Payment Supply Highest of
480 concerned? Free Issue Issue Rate the three C
______ means bringing together two
documents which are supposed to be
facsimile copies, one of the other, to
481 ensure that they are in fact, identical. Casting Linking Totaling Pairing D
For 100% disability, Constant
482 Attendant Allowance is payable @ ___ 3250 6750 9000 10000 B
For accounting purposes the Capital
assets in a factory are classified under
483 _____ main heads 5 4 3 2 C
Date on
For allotment of Quarters of Type IV, Date of the Date of
____ is considered as the crucial date Applicatio relevant Date of joining the
484 in respect of Government Servants? n pay Birth service D
He should Successful
be within ly
80% of complete
He should strength d
have at of probation
least 6 auditors wherever
years of authorize prescribed
For an individual to be considered to service as d for the in that
485 the posts of Senior Auditor Auditor dept. grade All
For an office opening at 9:30 a.m. The
letter A will be added to L in the
486 Attendance Register at what time? 0.40625 0.416667 0.427083 0.4375 D
For APAR, the Reviewining officer in Jt/Addl.
487 case of MTS is.. AAO AO/SAO GO CDA B

For audit enfacement purpose LAO Only Blue Only Red Only Any
488 will use ink ink Green ink colour B

Capital Major
works, Capital
Other works,
works and Major Low Authorize
For Budgetary Purposes, works maintena works, budgeted d works,
services are divided in to the following nce Minor capital Special
489 two categories by MES? services works works works A

Authorize Other
d works Ordinary Major works and
For budgetary purposes, Works and works and works and Maintena
services by MES are divided in to Special Special Minor nce
490 For
calculation of financial impact works works works services D
while preparing Pension Budget,
whose pay is taken as mean in respect
491 of Army Officers? Major Lt. Colonel Colonel Brigadier B
Nearest Regional PCDA
PCDA/CD PCsDA/CD (Navy) All the
492 For
to ships?
impact A A Mumbai three C
while preparing Pension Budget,
whose pay is taken as mean in respect Senior
493 For
of Civilians?
calculation of financial impact ACDA AAO Auditor UDC D
while preparing Pension Budget,
whose pay is taken as mean in respect Nb.
494 of PBORs? Subedar Subedar Havaldar Naik C
For capital outlay provided otherwise, Departme Departme
interest shall be charged at the nt of nt of
average rate of interest determined Economic Expenditu
495 each year by _____ MOF? Affairs re Both None A
For Defence transactions at Non-bank on the
Treasuries, paid vouchers and M.R.Os Monthly 11th, last
along with Schedules of payments and by 11th of of the
receipts will be sent to PCDA/CDA following following
496 concerned __ Daily Weekly month month D
For defining capital items the life of
497 the item should be more than ____ 5 3 7 2 C
For Divyang children, CEA/HS is
payable at ____rate of normal amount one and No such
498 admissible?
For Employees of pay level 1 and 2 half time Double Triple rate provision B
TPTA is admissible at rate of ___ + DA
in the cities other than higher TPTA
499 cities per month 1350 1800 900 3600 C
For Employees of pay level 1 and 2
TPTA is admissible at rate of ___ + DA
500 in the higher TPTA cities per month 1350 1800 900 3600 A

50% of 50% of
piece- the
work average
profit piece-
earned by work
the profit
workers in earned by
the the piece-
For essential maintenance workers relevant workers in A or B A or B
attached to Production Section of OF, productio the whole whichever whichever
501 Incentive bonus is payable at ___? n section factory is less is more A
For good drafting A. One should
know the facts thoroughly and A is True A is False
B.should always use tough and and B is and B is
502 complicated words. True or False? TRUE FALSE False True C
______ Ration Returns are prepared Temporar
503 for rations
For Government
to troopsinmoving
Pay levels
by y Train Transport Special B
5 and below Expenditure up to
Rs.____ can be reimbursed on account
of taxi charges in respect of local No such
504 journey on duty per day? 338 225 113 limit C
For Government servants in Pay levels
5 and below Rs. ____ can be
reimbursed on account of stay in
505 hotel/guest house per day? 4500 2250 750 450 D
For Government servants in Pay levels
6 to 8 Expenditure up to Rs.____ can
be reimbursed on account of taxi
charges in respect of local journey on No such
506 For
per day? servants in Pay levels 338 225 113 limit B
6 to 8 Rs. ____ can be reimbursed on
account of stay in hotel/guest house
507 per day? 7500 4500 2250 750 D
For imposing minor penalties under
Rule ______ of CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965
508 will be applied. 10 16 14 15 B

For incurring expenditure of public of
money, which of the following is Provision competen Both A & None of
509 required? of fund t authority B these C

For Leave, Discipline, APAR, AAO GE of MES PCDA/CD All the
510 reports to ___? formation RAO/LAO A three B

For Leave, Discipline, APAR, AO GE of MES PCDA/CD All the
511 reports to ___? formation RAO/LAO A three C
For non compliance of the provisions
of act, Penalty @ ___ per day can be No such
512 imposed
For Officers
on appointed
the public authorities?
on Contract, 20 250 25000 limit B
____ days of EOL is admissible for the
whole tenure, if the tenure is one to
513 five years?
______ Ratios are relationships 0 60 90 100 C
expressed in arithmetical terms,
between figures which have a cause
and effect relationship or which are
interconnected with each other in Accountin
514 some other manner? g Trend Both None A
For Officers appointed on Contract,
____ days of EOL is admissible if the
515 tenure is up to one year? 0 30 60 90 A
For officers in Pay levels 12 and 13 Rs.
____ can be reimbursed on account of
516 stayofficers
For in hotel/guest
in Pay levels
13 7500 4500 2250 750 B
Expenditure up to ____ can be
reimbursed on account of taxi charges
in respect of local journey on duty per No such
517 day? 50 KMs 25 KMs Rs. 338 limit A
For officers in Pay levels 12 and 13 Rs.
____ can be reimbursed on account of
518 food bills per day? 1500 1200 1000 900 C
For officers in Pay levels 14 and above
Expenditure up to ____ can be
reimbursed on account of taxi charges
in respect of local journey on duty per No such
519 day? 50 KMs 25 KMs Rs. 338 limit D
For officers in Pay levels 14 and above
Rs. ____ can be reimbursed on
520 account
For officers
of food
in Pay
per 14
and above 1500 1200 1000 900 B
Rs. ____ can be reimbursed on
account of stay in hotel/guest house
521 per officers
For day? in Pay levels 9 to 11 and 7500 4500 2250 750 A
above Rs. ____ can be reimbursed on
account of stay in hotel/guest house
522 per officers
For day? in Pay levels 9 to 11 7500 4500 2250 750 C
Expenditure up to Rs.____ can be
reimbursed on account of taxi charges
in respect of local journey on duty per No such
523 day? 338 225 113 limit A
For officers in Pay levels 9 to 11 Rs.
____ can be reimbursed on account of
524 food bills per day? 1500 1200 1000 900 D
______ Ratios can be defined as index
numbers of the movements of the
various financial items in the financial Profitabilit Accountin
525 statements for a number of periods. y Trend Turn over g B
For officers whose pay in civil post is
fixed without taking into account his pay
entire pension, the DA will be based entire pension + actually
526 on the ______? basic pay pension pay drawn D

where From the
treatment local
CGHS is taken market
Dispensar and and
For OPD treatment, beneficiaries y reimburse reimburse All of
527 should get the medicines from concerned d d these A

Hospital Any
For Out patient treatment in where CGHS Registered
empanelled hospital CGHS beneficiary treatment Dispensar Medical
528 can obtain medicines from _____? taken y A or B shop B
For passing requisition on account of
advance of TA/DA, passing powers of Full
529 AAOPay
For is up
to ____?
1 to 5 Reimbursement of Powers 25000 100000 500000 A
Hotel/Guest House per day is
admissible up to Rs. _____ during
530 official tour? 450 750 2250 4500 A
For Pay level 1 to 5 Food bill per day is
admissible up to Rs. _____ during
531 Official Tour? 500 800 900 1000 A
For Pay level 1 to 5 Taxi (Non AC)
charges within the city per day is
admissible up to Rs. _____ during
532 Official Tour? 113 225 338 500 A
For Pay level 12 and 13 Food bill per
day is admissible up to Rs. _____
533 during
For PayOfficial
level 12Tour?
and 13 1000 1200 1500 1800 A
Reimbursement of Hotel/Guest House
per day is admissible up to Rs. _____ No such
534 during
For Payofficial
level 12
and 13 Taxi (AC) 2250 4500 7500 limit B
charges within the city per day is
admissible up to _____ during Official As per
535 Tour? Rs. 500/- 100 KMs 50 KMs actual C
______ represents the minimum Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
536 quantity
For Pay level
of stock
14 and
should be held level level level level B
Reimbursement of Hotel/Guest House
per day is admissible up to Rs. _____ No such
537 during official tour? 2250 4500 7500 limit C
For Pay level 14 and above Taxi (AC)
charges for travel within the city per
day is admissible up to Rs. _____ As per
538 during Official Tour? 338 500 225 actual D
For Pay level 14 and aboveFood bill
per day is admissible up to Rs. _____
539 during
For PayOfficial
level 6Tour?
to 8 Reimbursement of 1000 1200 1500 1800 B
Hotel/Guest House per day is
admissible up to Rs. _____ during
540 official tour? 500 750 2250 4500 B
For Pay level 6 to 8 Food bill per day is
admissible up to Rs. _____ during
541 Official
For Pay Tour?
level 6 to 8 Taxi (Non AC) 500 800 900 1000 B
charges within the city per day is
admissible up to Rs. _____ during
542 Official Tour? 113 225 338 500 B
For pay level 8 officer, Hotel charges
are payable at Rs. ____ per day in the
543 casePay
For of Class
level 'X'
9 to 11 Reimbursement
City? 2250 1500 1200 1000 D
of Hotel/Guest House per day is
admissible up to Rs. _____ during
544 official tour? 2250 4500 750 3000 A
For Pay level 9 to 11 Food bill per day
is admissible up to Rs. _____ during
545 Official Tour? 1000 1200 900 1500 C
For Pay level 9 to 11 Taxi (AC) charges Not
within the city per day is admissible up Admissibl
546 to _____ during Official Tour? 338 500 225 e D

______ shall have right of audience in Standing Attorney Any All the
547 all courts in the territory of India? Councel General Advocate three B
For Pay level 9 to 11 Taxi (Non AC)
charges within the city per day is Not
admissible up to Rs. _____ during Admissibl
548 Official Tour? 338 500 225 e A
date of date date of date of
For prices quoted in foreign currency submissio ofopening concludin issue of
the rate of conversion into INR should n of the the price g the supply
549 be the one prevalent on ________ tender bid contract order B
For processing of works which
550 book/manual is referred? DPM DPP DFP DWP D
For procurement proposals costing
more than ____ Advertised Tender No such
551 Enquiry is a must? 25 lakhs 2.5 Lakhs 25000 rule A
For procurements valuing more than Open Limited Single
Rs. 25 lakhs the preferred mode of Tender Tender Tender Proprietar
552 bidding is: Enquiry Enquiry Enquiry y enquiry C
For repeat order the order should be
placed within ________ months from
553 the date of last supply order 3 months 4 months 6 months 1 year C
For service personnel treatment in
civil hospitals, where reciprocal Nearest Unit
arrangements are made, Civil MH of the Nearest where the
Accounts Officer will raise debit civil MH to the person is
554 against ___? hospital Unit serving CDA D
For stay in Class X cities, the ceiling of
Reimbursement of Hotel charges for
all employees up to level 8 would be None of
555 Rs per day. Rs 1000 Rs 1200 Rs 1500 these A
For Temporary officials, ____ EOL can
556 be granted on one occasion? 180 120 60 30 D

For Territorial Army offices Increment 6 months

is granted on completion of _____ of continuou
557 embodied service? s service 365 days Both None B
Casting of entries in clothing card
558 comprises of ------- % of entries. 25 50 75 100 D
_______ % of service books are
supposed to be audited by LAO in a
559 year to complete the audit cycle? 5 10 20 25 D

For the days of _____ on tour, DA is Restricted

560 admissible? Holiday Leave Both None D
For the grant of first rate of GS Pay,
the NCO has not incurred more than
one red ink entry in his conduct sheet
during __ years preceding the date
561 from which it is granted? 5 4 3 2D
If asked by
For the officer of pay level 8, when the If asked by
Hotel charges are paid at a higher rate Competen Audit
on account of 'X' class city, t Authoritie
562 is production of vouchers required? Yes No Authority s A
For the purpose of Cash Inspection,
563 units fall under ___ categories? Four Three Two One C
For the purpose of Counting of past CDA of
service in the case of PBORs, the same CDA the
need to be sent to ____ for necessary PCDA (P) (Army) concerned CDA (PD)
564 action? Allahabad Meerut PAO Meerut A
For the purpose of determination of
the fees of the arbitral tribunal and
the manner of its payment to the
arbitral tribunal, the ____ may frame Parties Arbitratio Any of the
565 such rules as may be necessary? concerned n Tribunal High Court three C
For the purpose of food bills, if
absence from H.Qrs. Is 6 to 12
hours____% of amount as per
566 entitlement is admissible for that day? 0 50 70 100 C
For the purpose of food bills, if
absence from H.Qrs. Is less than 6
hours ____% of amount as per
567 entitlement is admissible for that day? 0 30 50 70 B
For the purpose of food bills, if
absence from H.Qrs. Is12 to 24
hours____% of amount as per
568 entitlement is admissible for that day? 0 50 70 100 D
_______ copies of Loss statement is
569 prepared by Army units and 3 4 5 6D
For the purpose of HRA, cities/towns
570 have been classified into how many 3 - A, B, C 3 - X, Y, Z 2 - A, B 2 - X, Y B

For the purpose of recovery of Income accounted

Tax, arrears of salary are deemed to for by IT
be the salary on the date on which authoritie
571 For
_______? of Scale Audit, ____ Received fell due s claimed A
months strength returns of Officers in
each half year are selected by Wing One
572 Officer? month 2 months 3 months None A

For the purpose of Sec 3-C of these

rule sexual harassment includes such Demand
unwelcome sexually determined Physical or request Sexually
behavior whether directly or contact as for sexual colored All of
573 otherwise as:- advances favors remarks these D
For transferring vehicles from one Station Ministry
Army unit to another whose orders Command PCDA/CD Army of
574 are required? er A HQrs Defence C
Station Ministry
For transferring vehicles from one unit Command PCDA/CD Army of
575 to another whose orders are required er A H.Qrs. Defence C
For transportation of luggage on
account of transfer, ____ kgs of
luggage can be admitted for officers of
576 For
pay transportation
level 12 & above
of ?luggage on 1500 3000 6000 No limit C
account of transfer, ____ kgs of
luggage can be admitted for officers of
577 pay level 8 ? 1500 3000 6000 No limit C
Pay and
For which of the following Charged s of Vote On
expenditure, voting by Parliament is Expenditu Employee Account All the
578 not required? re s Budget three A

for grant
in aid
works Engineer
financed services
from Engineer for
For which of the following items of Cantonme services Ordnance
579 _______
work, MES Includes
is not responsible?
all activities towards nt Boards for Army Factories None D
servicing of
renovation/modification including
inter alia planned dry docking to attain
designed/stated performance, as All the
580 prescribed in DPM? Service Repair Refit three C

For which of the following occassions,of family
581 GPF Advance cannot be taken? members Pilgrimage None Both C
For which of the following periods, Suspensio
582 CEA is not admissible for employees? Leave n Dies Non None C
For which of the following purposes Recreatio
Jeeps and Motor cycles can be hired Amenity nal
583 out by Army Units? purposes purposes Both None D
Purchase B) For C) Higher
For which of the folowing reasons a of Motor availaing study of D) None
584 Govt. official can withdraw from NPS? Car LTC children of these C
For works scheduled to be completed
within _____ years, Escalation except
statutory increases not to be
585 incorporated? 1 2 3 5B
Formation Engineers are provided
with S&S Imprest under the sanction Any of the
586 of ____? GOC in C E-in-C CE, Corps three C
Formation Engineers execute OP Through Departme Civil Any of the
587 Works ordered on them ____? Contracts ntally Agencies three B
Formation of New MES District
588 requires the sanction of _______? GOI E - in - C CE CWE A

Formation of New MES division Governme er works Chief Engineer
589 requires the approval of _____? nt of India Engineer Engineer in Chief D
Formats and fly leaf instructions of
registers maintained by Controllers OM II OM II
590 offices are prescribed in _____? OM I Volume II Volume I OM XI B
_______ is responsible for organizing
and imparting both induction and in- NADFM OTI All the
591 service training to the IDAS Officers Pune Gurgaon CENTRAD three A
Forms in which the accounts should be
kept in the offices of the DAD are PCsDA/Cs
592 prescribed by
Forwarding of the
paper to DA CGDA Both None B
Accounts Officer is supposed to be
done not later than____ months of
593 date of retirement? 12 6 4 3C
26.01.200 01.04.200 01.07.200 26.08.200
594 FRBM Act was published on _____? 3 3 3 3 D
Freak rates are those, which in the Abnormall Abnormall Either a or Lowest
595 opinion of Accepting officer are ____? y high y low b rate C

provided admitted
Free Rations should not be drawn in with Train to All the
596 respect
Fresh approval
of individuals
should be obtained in Ration on leave Hospital three D
an approved work is not commenced
within ___ of the date of 12
597 administrative approval? 6 months months 2 years None B
Fresh numbers will be started for Part Any one
I and Part II Office orders from the 1st date of a,
598 ________ of each year 1st April 1st July January b, c C
Fresh recruits to the Central Govts. are Third Sixth Fourth Any
599 allowed to travel any place in India Occasion Occasion Occasion Occasion C
From ____ onwards, the responsibility
for compiling the accounts of Defence 01.01.197 01.04.197 01.10.197
600 Services has been entrusted to CGDA 6 6 6 None C
From ____, UPSC have introduced a
new procedure under the `Single
Window System' for scrutiny on the 01.01.201 01.04.201 01.06.201 01.08.201
601 spot in promotion cases? 0 0 0 0 D
_______ means a contract in which a
lump sum amount is agreed upon for Fixed
development/indigenisation and Price
supply of the equipment based on Contract
data/specifications supplied and which Fixed providing
is not subject to any adjustment price for Re-
during the performance of the contract determina Firm fixed
contract due to any reasons with tion of price
602 whatsoever?
_______ means a contract in which a Escalation Price Firm Rate contract D
lump sum amount is agreed upon for Fixed
development/indigenisation and Price
supply of the equipment based on Contract
data/specifications supplied and which Fixed providing
is not subject to any adjustment price for Re-
during the performance of the contract determina Firm fixed
contract due to any reasons with tion of price
603 whatsoever? Escalation Price Firm Rate contract D
From _____, personnel of the DAD are
governed by Fundamental Rules in all
matters in which they were previously
604 governed by CSR? 01.01.94 01.04.62 01.07.76 01.10.93 C
From ________ ACR has been 14.05.200 01.09.200 15.10.200 01.04.200
605 renamed as APAR? 9 8 9 9 A
From 2002-03 onwards the budgetary Ministry MOD (Civil) to
requirements of Coast Guard of Finance (Civil) to Ministry
Organization have been transferred to MOD Ministry of Home
606 from the Grants of __ to __? (Civil) of Finance Affairs None A

From where the Nodal offices receive I B) Trustee D) None

607 PIN? A) PFRDA bank C) NSDL of these C
B) From
the C) Three
A) From second months
the date month of after
of joining joining joining
From which date the subscription Govt. Govt. Govt. D) None
608 From
NPSofis the
following records, it service service service of these B
is ensured by PCDA (O) that no officer Non
is paid by more than one Ledger Visual Central Effective All the
609 Wing? Chart Index list three B
From whom Field Imprest Holder is Regional Field Either of
610 supposed to draw funds? CDA Cashier a, b None C
FRSR made applicable to Defence 01.01.192 01.07.197 01.01.200
611 Accounts Department employees 2 6 1.10.1993 4 B

File File File

Transfer Transfer Transfer None of
612 FTP Stands For Protection Proof Protocol These abc
Full DA is admissible, If absence from
HQs (Minimum duration) in a Upto 12 More than More than
613 particular day is hrs 12 hrs 18 hrs 24 Hrs B
_______ Ministers is responsible to Prime, Parliamen Home,
614 the House of People? Home t Affairs Defence Council of D
Full Field Cashier Report after the
closing of March is supposed to be
submitted by Accounts/Field Cashier 31st
615 Sub Section to PCDA by ___? March30th April 31st May 30th June D
Air Force
Air Force Air Force
ChiefCivil Central
Accounts Accounts
616 Full form of AFCAO is ___? Officer
officer Office None C
n of the
When Disciplinar
Full pay and allowances are payable to Minor y
the government servant under which penalty is proceedin
617 of the following circumstances? awarded gs Both None C

Full pension is admissible to the

employees retiring with minimum No such
qualifying service of not less than minimum
618 ___years? 10 20 33 prescribed A
Full value of stores will be charged
against the department concerned, if
AOC stores issued on loan are not 12
619 returned by them within ____? 3 months 6 months 9 months months B
Fund required by field cashiers are Letter of Assignme None of
620 arranged by means of Credit Cheque nt these C
Fundamental Rules came into force 01.01.192 15.08.194 26.01.195 01.10.197
621 w.e.f. _____? 2 7 0 6 A

Funds for the repairs/maintenance of Admin E section

DAD buildings including internal section of of
Electric installation and roads will bePCDA/CD GE AO GE PCDA/CD
622 projected by ___? A concerned concerned A B
nearest to
Funds to Field Cashier are supplied by Field
623 which of the following officers? Cashier PCDA (O) Both None B
Administr Duty
ative Disciplinar assignmen
624 Furlough is a kind of Action y action Leave t C
_______ Scheme and MACPS shall run Staff Car
625 concurrently
Furnishing of particular of qualifying ACP Driver Both None B
service etc. to retiring Government
servant is done ____ months in
626 advance? 12 8 6 3B
Furnishing Ticket Number, PNR No.
within ____ days of drawing the
627 advance is mandatory under LTC? 15 10 5 3B
By Sale to
Furniture being declared surplus by CE Govt. By sale by
will be disposed in which of the Departme by Public private All the
628 following methods? nts auction treaty three D
Furniture purchased at a cost of
10000/-. Depreciation @ 10% in
straight line method if charged, value
629 Furniture
of asset will
be ____ at
a cost
twoofyears? Rs. 8000/- 8100/- 9000/- 9800/- A
10000/-. Depreciation @ 10% on
written down value method if
charged, value of asset will be ____
630 after two years? Rs. 8000/- 8100/- 9000/- 9800/- B
Furniture should not be transferred Station
from one army unit to another Command PCDA/CD
631 without the consent of _____ er GOC in C GE A C

Add Rs. Deduct Rs.

200/- to 200 from
Furniture worth Rs. 1000 sold for Rs. furniture Furniture
800 in exchange offer for another item and post and post Post Rs.
worth Rs. 3000 and a net invoice of Rs. Rs. 200/- Rs. 200/- 200/- on
2200 passed through furniture on debit Deduct Rs. on the the debit
account. How the adjustment in final side of 200 from debit side side of P&
632 accounts is done? P&L A/c Furniture of P&L A/c L A/c C
Deduct Rs. Deduct Rs.
2200 from 2200 from
Machinery Machinery
A/c and A/c and
Add Rs. Add Rs.
2200/- to 2200/- to
Furniture Furniture
A/c. A/c.
Deduct Add Rs. Deduct Rs.
Add Rs. 800/- 2200 to 200/-
200/- to from Machinery from
Furniture worth Rs. 1000 sold for Rs. furniture Furniturre A/c and furniture
800 in exchange offer for another item and post A/c and Deduct Rs. A/c and
worth Rs. 3000 and a net invoice of Rs. Rs. 200/- post Rs. 1000/- post Rs.
2200 passed through Machinery on debit 800/- on from 200/- on
account. How the adjustment in final side of credit side Furniture debit side
633 accounts is done? P&L A/c of P&L A/c A/c. of P&L A/c D
Goods to
ured or Goods to
acquired be
by the supplied
seller in future
after the in addition
making of to the
the existing
Future goods means ______ as per contract contract
634 sale
G kshetra
of goods
se Kact?
kshetra mein awasthit of sale of sale Both None A
kendra sarkar ke karyalayon ke bich
Hindi mein patrachar ka prtishat kya
635 hai ?
________ will prepare statement No. 65 55 100 90 B
5 &13 of Union Government Finance
Account and send the same to the Defence
636 CGA?
G kshetra se Kh kshetra mein CGDA FADS Secretary DGADS A
awasthit kendra sarkar ke karyalayon
ke bich Hindi mein patrachar ka
637 prtishat
G kshetrakya
G kshetra
? mein awasthit 65 55 100 90 B
kendra sarkar ke karyalayon ke bich
Hindi mein patrachar ka prtishat kya
638 hai ? 65 55 100 90 D
nt Governme Governme Governme
Accounts nt nt nt
GAD with reference to SBI Mumbai Departme Accounts Accounts Accountin
639 represents ____? nt Division Directives g Design A
the As
GE (I) will exercise the financial powers of decided
640 powers of _____? CWE GE GE by CE B
GE can enter into contracts whose
641 value is up to Rs. ______? 10 lakhs 15 lakhs 50 lakhs 150 lakhs C

forces are On the
GE can execute the works without called out grounds
waiting for the permission of in aid of of urgent Imminent
administrative authority in cases of civil Military Danger to All the
642 ___? power necessity Buildings three C
GE is authorized to place Supply
orders on account of Local Purchase of
643 stores costing up to Rs. _____ (lakhs)? 0.75 1 1.5 2C
GE is responsible to act as Technical All the
644 Advisor at the _____ level of Army? Sub Area Area Command three A
645 GeM portal is hosted by ____> MOD MOF DGS&D None C
General Conditions of MES contracts IAFW IAF CDA IAFW
646 are stipulated in which of the 2249 IAFZ 2209 336 2159 A

Return of
__________ forms the basis for Recoverie Occupatio Allotment
647 recovery of Licence Fee s n Returns Letter None B
General Financial Rules were issued
648 for the first time in ______? 1947 1950 1963 2005 A
Border Coast
Roads Guards Military
General Reserve Engineer Force Organizati Organizati Engineer All the
649 (GREF) is a part of ___? on on Service three A
Generally Leave Account is maintained
650 in ----- part of Service Book. Part IV Part V Part VI Part I C
Gentlemen or Lady Cadets are entitled
to a stipend of Rs. ___ per month,
651 while undergoing training? 47600 56100 61300 69400 B
in Garbage
Garbage in good Good in None of
652 GIGO stands for out Out Good out these abc
653 Goa kis kshetra ke adhin aata hai ? K Kh G Gh C
Go-A head sanction issued by CFAs will
not exceed ____% of rough cost
estimate for the entire project made
654 GOI
by Engineer
letter Noauthorities?
o(3)-E(Coord)/83 dt 5 10 15 20 D
.introduced the Integrated Financial
advice System in Department of
655 Defence. 30513 30484 30544 30545 A
Good draft should contain ------------ of explanatio
656 previous correspondences Copy ns reference details C
from redundan
657 Good
drafts should
means avoid
any person
who references address cy summary C
for consideration became the
possessor of a promissory note, bill of
exchange or cheque if payable to
bearer, or the payee or endorsee
thereof, if payable to order before the
amount mentioned in it became
payable, and without having sufficient
cause to believe that any defect Holder in
existed in the title of the person from Due
658 __________
whom he derived
means hisany
person who Payee Drawee Holder Course D
for consideration became the
possessor of a promissory note, bill of
exchange or cheque if payable to
bearer, or the payee or endorsee
thereof, if payable to order before the
amount mentioned in it became
payable, and without having sufficient
cause to believe that any defect Holder in
existed in the title of the person from Due
659 whom he derived his title? Payee Drawee Holder Course D
Goods are divided into ____
caterogires with reference to the fact
660 that they come in or go out ? 1 2 3 4D

Books and
Goods defined in GFR 2017 excludes periodical
661 which of
Goods identified
the following:
and agreed upon at Livestock Software Aircraft s D
the time a contract of sale is made are
defined as ____ under sale of goods Future Specific Titled Pending
662 act? to be manufactured or
Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods B
produced or acquired by the seller
after the making of the contract of
sale are defined as ____ under Sale of Future Liable Titled Pending
663 Goods Act? Goods Goods Goods Goods A
Goods upto value Rs . On each
664 occasion may be made without 20000 15000 50000 25000 D
Goods worth Rs. 5000/- are destroyed
by a fire accident. Insurance company Rs. 4000/- Rs. 1000/-
admitted a claim for Rs. 4000/-. What Rs. 4000/- on Rs. 1000/- on
will be entry in the balance sheet after on assets liabilities on assets liabilities
665 doing the adjustment? side side side side A
Rs. 5000/-
Credit in
A/c, Rs. Rs. 5000/-
Rs. 1000/- Rs. 1000/- 1000/- Credit in
on P&L on P&L Debit in Trading
A/c Debit A/c Credit P&L A/c Account
side and side and and Rs. and Rs.
Goods worth Rs. 5000/- are destroyed Rs. 4000/- Rs. 4000/- 4000/- on 5000/- on
by a fire accident. Insurance company on assets on assets Assets Assets
admitted a claim for Rs. 4000/-. What side of side of side of side of
will be entry in the Final Accounts Balance Balance Balance Balance
666 Goods
after doing
5000/- are destroyed Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet C
by a fire accident. Insurance company
admitted a claim for Rs. 4000/-. What Rs. 1000/- Rs. 1000/- Rs. 4000/- Rs. 4000/-
will be entry in the P&L A/c after doing on credit on Debit on Debit on Credit
667 the adjustment? side side side side B

nt Governme Profit and Accounts
Account nt Loss Closed to
and Account Account Balance
Government Account are reduced at Accounts and and and
the end of the financial year to two Closed to Balance Balance Balance
668 statements: Which are they? balance Sheet Sheet sheet A
Government Account means account
relating to which of the following? 1.
Consolidated fund of India 2. Public
Account of India 3. Contingentcy Fund All the
669 of India? 1, 2 1, 3 Only 1 three D
For journey on foot, an allowance of
Rs . per Km travelled on foot shall be
670 payable during TD. Rs 8 Rs 10 Rs 12 Rs 15 C
___________ is a documentary
medium through which entitlement of Entitleme Entitleme Authorizat All the
671 Pay is intimated to EDP Centre? nt IRLA nt slip ion Slip three C
Government Accounting Rules came 01.10.197 01.04.199 01.04.198 01.10.199
672 into force w.e.f. _____? 6 0 3 3 B
Government Accounts are kept in
673 ____ parts? 5 4 3 2C
Government accounts are maintained Calendar Financial
674 on ______ basis? year year Half yearly Quarterly B
5% below
price or
Government Promissory Notes, when face value
submitted as Security by vendor, they whichever Surrender market
675 Government
are accepted servant
at whichcan
appeal is less value Face value price A
against punishment order issued
against him within ___ days of receipt
676 of such order? 90 60 45 30 C

Detained sentenced
in Police to term
custody imprison
Government Servant shall be deemed for more ment
to have been placed under suspension than 48 exceeding Neither a
677 if. hours. 48 hours Both a & b or b C
Govt. transport from unit lines to e
Railway station for ORs proceeding on Not irrespectiv
leave is admissible when the distance admissible e of
678 exceeds 8 Kms 1.5 Kms at all distance B

Govt. employees entitled to travel by First class

Air are required to travel by Air India AC train
only in Economy Class . The fares are LTC 80 On actual entitleme
679 limitedofficial
Govt. to drawing Pay in Pay Level - scheme basis nt AC bus A
---------- and above are entitled to
travel by Air during Permanent
680 Posting. 6 7 8 9D
Govt. officials (both entitled and non
entitled) may travel by Air between Any place
Leh and during winter and reimburse Chandigar of his
681 the Air fare. Delhi Amritsar h choice C
Firefox Google
682 ___________ is search engine Mozila Yahoo MS office Chrome abc
GPF amount can be nominated to No such
683 ____ family members? One Two Three limit D
GPF Rules are applicable to Central after
Government employees appointed on continuou re-
or before 31.12.2003. GPF s service employed
subscription is not mandatory for of one pensioner
684 which of the following Officers/staff? year s Both None D
GPF Rules are applicable to employees 31.03.200 31.12.200 01.01.200 31.03.200
685 appointed on or before ____? 3 3 4 4 B
GPF subscription can be enhanced
686 ____ in a year? No limit Once Twicce Thrice C
GPF subscription can be reduced ____
687 in a year?
GPF withdrawal at 90% of the balance No limit Thrice Twicce Once D
can be taken by an employee without
assigning any reason ___ in entire
688 service? No limit Once Twicce Thrice B
Grade pay Rs. 5,400 in PB-2 and Rs. as differently
5,400 in PB-3 (VI CPC) will be separate depends by
considered ____ for the purpose of as same grade on case by different
689 the MACP Scheme? grade pay pays case depts. B
Grading in APAR is required to be a
communicated to the individual reasonabl
concerned, as far as possible within one two e time
690 ___from the date of acceptance? 15 days month months period B

Grant of leave to CGDA requires the Defence

691 sanction of MOD MOD (Fin) Secretary None B
Grants in aid may be sanctioned to
meet the expenditure already incurred Cannot be
not earlier than ______ prior to the sanctione
692 date of issue of the sanction d 6 months 1 year 3 months C
___________ office is responsible to CDA
maintain GPF accounts of Defence Regional Pay audit (Funds) All the
693 Civilians? CDA Office Meerut three C

Grants in Aid of Revenues will be paid Consolidat Contingen Public

by Central Government to State ed Fund of cy Fund of Account None of
694 Governments from India India of India the above A
Gross domestic product, reckoned at
constant prices, as published by the
Central Statistics Office from time to Revised GDP Real
695 time is known as ___? GDP Growth Real GDP Output C
Ground balance of all items in a ASC
retail shop is supposed to be checked
by the In charge of the shop at least
696 once in every ______? Quarter Month Fortnight week C
Ground rent of Rs. 5000/- in respect of
697 items auctioned can be waived off by GE CWE CE E in C D
Group 'D' post has been re-
698 classified as MTS under ___ CPC 4th 5th 6th 7th C
Group 'D' post has been re-classified
699 as MTS under ___ CPC 4th 5th 6th 7th C
Grouping of transactions or entries of
one nature at one place so as to put
information in compact and usable Summarisi
700 form is called as ----- Recording Classifying ng Analysing B
Growth in real gross domestic product Revised GDP Output
701 is known as ____? GDP Growth Real GDP Growth D
702 Gujrat kis kshetra ke adhin aata hai ? K Kh G Gh B
Half day leave can be granted when Leave Not All the
703 the employee applies for ____? CL HPL Due three A
___________ Vouchers are prepared All the
704 to issue stores for experimental Issue Receipt Nominal three C
Half pay leave to be credited every
half year will be reduced at the rate of
___of the period of dies non in the
705 Handing
year?over of stores 1/10th 1/18th 1/20th 1/15th B
should take place in the case of leave
of the store keeper for more than __
706 days 7 10 14 30 A
Hariyanais an
kis allowance
kshetra kegranted
adhin aata
to hai K Kh G Gh A
Army Officers based on ______ of the
location after fulfilling the prescribed Operation
708 conditions? Area Height Depth al risk B
HBA is admissible to who among the All Payment
following Central Government permanen of Wages
709 Head
of accounts under which t Act Both None C
transactions closing to balances are
recorded, carried forward to the next
financial year which includes heads of
Debts, Loans, Advances, Provident
Funds, Reserve Funds, Deposits and
Advances and Suspense, Debt Minor Major
710 Heads
of accountareunder
which are Heads Heads Sub Heads Heads A
recorded all proceeds of taxation and
other receipts classed as revenue and
the expenditure met there from are Receipt Expenditu Debt Revenue
711 known as ___? heads re heads heads heads D
Heating expenses when given in trial Profit and
balance, it will be posted in ___ of Trading loss Balance Any of the
712 final accounts? Account account Sheet three A
Higher Audit of Contract
Management? especially Contracts
relating to acquisition of weapon Store Store
systems is the duty of __ Section of Contract Audit
713 PCDA? IFA Cell section Section IA cell D
Highly Active Field Area Allowance is Military
not admissible to the officers working Military Engineerin Training All the
714 in which of the following units? Farms g units Centres three D
715 ____________ Not an operating Fedora UNIX LINUX Google abc
Himachal Pradesh kis kshetra ke adhin
716 aata hai ? K Kh G Gh A
Hindi cell in a Regional PCDA/CDA
717 office functions under _______ IA Admin Legal cell O&M B
718 Hindi ko samvaidhanik darja kab mila ? 18155 18093 18124 18063 A
Hindi shikshan yojna ki sthapna kab ki
719 gayi ?charges for special T&P given by
Hire 20271 20241 20149 20180 A
MES to Contractors are recoverable
on per day basis. A day means ___
720 Hours?of properties by Defence
Hiring 24 12 8.5 8D
Services, which are required for more
than ____ years, requires the approval
721 of the GOI? 10 5 3 2A
Hiring of properties by MES which are
required for more than ten years PCDA/CD
722 requires sanction of ????????___? GOI MOD CGDA A A
Loss not
due to Loss due
Holding of court of inquiry is not theft, to theft is
mandatory in which of the following fraud or less than
723 cases? neglect 10000 Both None C
Holding of court of inquiry to
investigate losses due to theft, fraud
or neglect may be dispensed with by Cannot be
the CFA at his discretion when dispensed
724 reported loss is less than Rs. ____? 20000 15000 10000 with C

At the
Mandator y Not None of
725 Holding of Preliminary Inquiry is .. y Authority required these B
WINDOW Firefox Google Inernet
726 _____________ not a browser S 2003 Mozila Chrome Explorer abc
Home Home Home Home
Town and Town and Town and Town and
Headquart Headquart Headquart Headquart
ers are ers are in ers are in ers are in
Home Town LTC is not applicable to same same different different
727 those employees whose place state places districts A

Home Town once declared can be Cannot be any

changed only on ____ with the Two One changed number of
728 approval of Head of the Department? occasions occasion at all occasions B
Homogeneous schemes under a
programme especially those involving
small outlays, should be grouped into
729 suitable ___ Heads? Major Minor Detailed None D

For in case of
contributi dispute
on of between Temporar
articles on Departme y increase
subject nt (other in work
matters than he is due to
with working) holding of
Honorarium is paid to Government which he and a special
servant in which of the following is officially private conferenc All the
730 cases? concerned party es three B
t officer
In full and outfit
after 7 allowance
years granted at
from the the time
1/3 of date of of grant of
Hony. Commissioned officer when New Out Hony. Hony.
granted permanent commission, he is fit Commissi Commissi
731 entitled to out fit allowance of In full allowance on on D
Horsed Cavalry Regiments function
732 under which corps of Indian Army? Artillery Armoured Ordnance Infantry B

Day whom
Hostel subsidy is admissible in respect boarding CEA is
733 of ____? children admissible None Both C
Hostel Subsidy is admissible to an
employee who keeps his/her child in a
hostel of a school located beyond a
734 distance
Hostel subsidy
of ___isKMs
from residence?
to 50 75 100 500 A
Government servant for keeping
children in the Hostel of a residential
school away from the station he/she is
posted/or is residing irrespective of
any transfer liability, Located beyond
a distance of ____ KMs from
735 Residence? 250 150 100 50 D
Hotel/Guest House receipts are not
required for submission by employees
of pay levels while submitting TA/DA
736 claim for TD? 1 to 5 6 to 8 Both None C
________________ is the process in
which a user sends computer
information from his computer to Download a and b none of
737 another computer through modem. Uploading ing both these abc
House Building Advance together with
Interest is recoverable in ___ number
738 of instalments (Maximum)? 180 240 300 200 B
No such
House of People when Proclamation Should be
of Emergency in operation can be dissolved
extended by Parliament by law for not after 5
739 exceeding ____ at a time ? 3 months 6 months One year years C

booking By By
an booking booking
amount of an an
Rs. 5000/- amount of amount of
against Rs. 5000/- Rs. 5000/-
Minus against against
How can we balance a Punching Receipt or Minus plus
Medium where Rs. 5000/- has been Plus Receipt charge None of
740 booked against Minus Charge ? Charge only only the above A

How is data organized in a Rows and Layers and Lines and Height
741 spreadsheet
How many basic
? forms of Letter of columns planes spaces and width abc
Credits are applicable for Defence
Departments regarding Foreign
742 Procurement? 7 6 5 4D
How many branch accounts offices are
743 functioning
How many Branch
under PC
of A Kolkata?
Offices 51 12 63 39 D
are there in India under PC of A
catering services to Ordnance
744 Factories? 40 41 44 51 B
How many cases Retired officer can
745 handle as Inquiry Officer at a time? 2 3 4 20 C
How many cases Retired officer can
746 handle as Inquiry Officer in a year? 2 4 10 20 B
How many cases Serving officer can
747 handle as Inquiry Officer at a time? 1 2 4 10 B
____________is a documentary
medium through which entitlement of Transcripti Authorizat
748 Pay is intimated to EDP Centre? on sheet Input ion Slip DO II C
How many cases Serving officer can
749 handle as Inquiry Officer in a year? 1 2 4 10 D
How many classes of Payment Indents
are dealt by AFMSDs in respect of
750 Payment Issues? 5 4 3 2C
How many classes of Punching
751 Medium are there ? 6 7 8 9C
How many Coast Guard Districts are
752 there in India? 11 12 5 4A
753 How many Commands are there in 7 6 4 8A
How many copies of Consolidated
Annual Accounts of Cantonment
754 Board are received by LAO? Four Three Two One C
How many copies of issue vouchers
are prepared when stores are
transferred from a consuming unit to 4 copies, 4 copies, E 4 copies, 4 copies,
755 another? Which copy is left over? A copy copy B copy D copy D
How many copies of Issue vouchers
are sent by Army unit to their
dependent LAO, when it pertains to
756 transaction with in the unit? One Two Five Six A
How many copies of loss statement
757 are prepared by the units to write off 2 3 6 10 C
How many copies of MRO are
758 prepared for remitting money ? 1 2 3 4C
_____functions to coordinate and
assist in introduction of Management
Accounting System in Central
759 Government Departments ? CGA C&AG CGDA GASAB A
How many copies of MROs are
prepared by units when depositing
760 money into Government Treasury? 2 3 4 5B
How many copies of packing accounts
are sent by ISM London to Landing
761 Officer in respect of Imported Stores? 4 3 2 1C
How many DAD cells are functioning in
762 DAD 5 4 3 2B
How many days of accumulated EL can Entire EL
be enchased at the time of retirement at his
763 by a Government Employee? 240 300 360 credit B
How many days of compensatory
leave can be taken by a Government
764 Servant at a time? 1 2 3 5B
How many days of Leave Not Due can
be granted to a Government Servant
765 in the entire service? 365 360 366 300 B
How many Demands for Grants are
766 prepared for Defence Pension 1 2 3 5A
How many Demands for Grants are
767 prepared for MOD (Civil) 1 2 3 5A
How many Demands for Grants are
presented to Parliament under Civil
768 Estimates of Defence? 2 4 6 8A
How many Demands for Grants are
submitted by MOD since the FY 2016-
769 17 as a part of Budget Estimates? 7 6 5 4D
_____is an instrument in writing
containing an unconditional Promissor Bill of Currency
770 undertaking, signed by the maker? y Note Exchange Bank Note Note A
How many Demands for Grants are
submitted in Defence Services Budget
771 Estimates on Capital account? 1 2 3 4A
How many Demands for Grants are
submitted in Defence Services Budget
772 Estimates on Revenue account? 4 3 2 1D
How many Departments are
773 functioning under Ministry of 4 5 6 7A
How many departments are
774 functioning under MOD? 5 4 3 2B
How many different kinds of figures
relating to their expenditures and
receipts are required to be provided
by the ministries during the process of
775 Budget preparation? 1 2 4 3D
776 How many digits are there for CDA 1 2 3 4B
How many digits are there for Class of
777 Voucher ? 1 2 3 4A
How many digits are there for section
778 code ? 1 2 3 4D
How many digits are there in DIDS
779 number? 13 14 15 16 C
How many digits are used to denote
780 CDA code in a Punching Medium ? 1 2 3 4B
781 Gujrat rajya kis kshetr ke antargat aata K Kh G Gh B
_____is responsible for providing
accounting, audit and payment PCDA
services to the HQrs. SFC (Strategic PCDA New (R&D) PCDA (BR) CDA (IDS)
782 Forces Command)? Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi D
How many digits are used to denote
783 Class of Punching Medium? 1 2 3 4A
How many digits are used to denote
784 section Code in a Punching Medium ? 1 2 3 4D
How many digits are used to denote single
785 Sector ? 2 3 4 alphabet D
How many digits are used to denote
786 the month and year in Punching 6 8 4 2C
How many digits are used to denote
787 the Voucher number ? 4 3 2 1A
How many digits are used to denote
788 voucher number in a Punching 1 2 3 4D
How many digits are used to represent
789 Major Head? 1 2 3 4D
How many digits are used to represent
790 sub-Major head? 1 2 3 4B
How many digits are used torepresent
791 Minor Head? 1 2 3 4C
How many digits/alphabets will you
find in the CDA (O) Account Number
containing the Account Number
792 properly allotted to Army Officer? 4 and 3 5 and 2 1 and 6 6 and 1 D
____advises the credit to the
beneficiary in the case of payment Issuing Advising All the
793 through Letter of Credit? Buyer Bank Bank three C
794 How many DPDOs are functioning in 51 12 63 44 C
How many DPDOs are functioning
795 under CDA (PD) Meerut? 12 51 63 None B
How many DPDOs are functioning
796 under DAD? 63 44 39 12 A
How many Flag Officers Commanding
797 in Chief are functioning under Indian 5 4 3 2C
How many groups function under
798 Technical Section of PCDA (O)? 2 3 4 5A
How many levels are there in the
799 e_Suchna heirachy? 5 6 3 1 abc
How many MACP up gradations are
800 admissible for a PBOR in his career? 1 2 3 4C
How many Members of Parliament are
801 there in the Official Language 15 20 25 30 D
How many minimum members should
be nominated in a Purchase No such
802 Committee by the CFA? 2 3 4 rule B
How many National Holidays will be
803 observed by DAD Offices? 5 6 17 3D
____is an instrument in writing
containing an unconditional order, Promissor Currency Bill of
804 signed by the maker? y Note Bank Note Note Exchange D
How many Ordnance Factories are
there in India for which PCof A and
805 their sub offices are catering services? 35 39 44 51 B
How many pay levels are prescribed in
806 7th CPC (excluding partition like 13 A 18 17 16 15 A
How many pay stages are available in
the Pay Matrix under 7th CPC for pay
807 levels 1 to 10? 44 40 39 38 B

As More than
How many payments on account of decided one with
advance of pay can be made from by the prior
Imprest to the same individual in a Imprest permissio
808 day? Only One Two Holder n of CDA A
How many PIFAs are functioning
809 under DAD 10 8 6 5D
How many private sector banks have
been authorized by RBI for conduct of
810 all types of Government Transactions? 2 3 4 5C
811 How many PSO assist Chief of Air 5 4 3 6B
How many quarterly progress reports
are submitted by PCsDA/CsDA on
812 account of follow up reports of AAC? 4 3 2 1B
How many Regional PCsDA are there
813 at present in DAD? 12 13 6 7C
How many Regional Principal
Controllers are functioning in Defence
814 Accounts Department 12 10 6 5C
____No. of days is prescribed in RTI
Act to give reply to an RTI application
815 in normal case? 2 7 15 30 D
How many Regional Training Centres
816 are functioning under DAD? 3 4 5 6C
How many Schedules of powers are
817 theremany
How in DFPDS
sets 2016
of specimen signatures 5 7 3 4A
are to be sent to CDA office for
allotment of Imprest Account
818 Number? 3 4 5 6D
819 How many slab rates are prescribed in 4 5 6 7A
How many States are there in India as
820 on date? 29 28 27 26 B
How many tiers of classification is
821 there for Civil Accounts? 3 4 5 6D
How many tiers of classification is
822 there for Defence Accounts? 3 4 5 6C
How many times a government
employee can be sanctioned HBA in No such
823 the entire service? once twice thirce limit A

No such
and time
How many times a Repeat Order can frame
be placed as per the provisions of have to be
824 DPM? Only once Twice Thrice complied A
No such
and time
How many times a Repeat Order can have to be
825 be placed? as a medium for
____serves Only once Twice Thrice complied A
codification of voucher for
compilation of account from which Punching Defence
826 data is entered in computer? Medium Ledger Both None A
How many times an employee is
permitted to change his GPF
827 Nomination while in service? No limit 2 3 Only once A
How many times an employee is
828 permitted to change his Home Town No limit 2 3 Only once D

Once. Can
revise if
Only revised
Once. But orders are
Only can revise issued,
Once. But if found but only
can revise more one
How many times option to get the pay if revised beneficial option for
fixation can be given by a government orders are at a later each such
829 employee in respect of promotion? Only Once issued date order D
how many types of cut motions are
830 there during discussion on demands? 1 2 3 4C
How many types of Taxes are defined
831 under GST Act ? 3 4 5 6B
How many Union Territories are there
832 in India as on date? 7 8 9 10 B
How many up gradations are
admissible MACP Scheme to the No such
833 Central Government Employees 4 3 2 limit B
How many volumes of cash
assignment cash book is supposed to No such
834 be maintained by GE? 2 3 4 limit A

a, b a,b
How many vouchers of E copies must 60 whichever whichever
835 be paired by consignor LAO 0.01 vouchers is more is less D
How manyminum members should be
nominated in a Purchase Committee No such
836 by the CFA? 2 3 4 rule B
__section/wing/cell of PCDA (O) deals
with Recovery of LF and allied charges SS Permanen
of Army Officers in occupation of Coordinati t Record
837 Govt. Accommodation? on Group Rent Cell EDP section B
How much % of TA/DA advance is
838 payable for Temporary Duty? 75 80 90 100 D
How much accumulation is retained
by Government when an employee
exits from NPS before attaining the
839 age of superannuation? 0.4 0.2 0.8 0.6 C
How much amount is payable on
840 account of Funeral Expenses for Army 8000 9000 10000 15000 B
How much amount is payable on
841 account of Gallantary Award Ashok 10000 6000 5000 4500 B
How much amount is payable on
842 account of Gallantary Award Kirti 10000 6000 5000 4500 D
How much amount is payable on
843 account of Gallantary Award Mahavir 10000 6000 5000 4500 C
How much amount is payable on
844 account of Gallantary Award Param 10000 6000 5000 4500 A
How much amount is payable on
845 account of Gallantary Shaurya Chakra 4500 3500 3000 1000 C
How much amount is payable on
846 account of Gallantary Vir Chakra 4500 3500 3000 1000 B
How much amount is payable on
847 account of Sena Medal 4500 3500 3000 1000 D

__section/wing/cell of PCDA (O) deals Permanen

with Scale audit of strength returns of t Record Nominal Records
848 Armymuch
How Officers
postedis in
varioustounits? section EDP Roll Cell section C
PBORs on account of Composite
Personal Maintenance Allowance per
849 month
How much amount is payable to 100 95 90 75 C
PBORs on account of Rum Allowance
per month in Field area above 9000
850 feet?much amount is payable to
How 360 248 225 158 A
PBORs on account of Rum Allowance
per month in Field area Below 3000
851 feet?much amount is payable to
How 68 158 225 248 B
PBORs on account of Rum Allowance
per month in Field area between 3000
852 - 4999much
How feet?amount is payable to 68 158 225 248 C
PBORs on account of Rum Allowance
per month in Field area between 5000
853 - 8999 feet? 68 158 225 248 C
How much amount is payable to
PBORs on account of Rum Allowance
854 per month in peace area? 68 158 225 248 A
How much Extension of Time can be
granted to IO to submit Inquiry report one
855 in a Disciplinary
How much of % case
daily at
a time? is 20 days month 3 months 6 months D
admissible for a Govt. employee away
from his headquarters on tour for 8
856 hours: Full Nil 0.7 0.8 C
How much of fee is charged to provide
information under RTI Act, through a
diskette or floppy if desired by the
857 applicant? Rs. 2/- Rs. 10/- Rs. 25/- Rs. 50/- D

Applicatio PIO will

n can be Applicatio render all
made by n can be reasonabl
an filed by e support
authorise Advocate to reduce
How the application under RTI Act can d on behalf the oral
be made if the applicant cannot make Cannot be represent of the request in
858 an application in writing: applied ative applicant writing D

This Code
head is a
This code This Code n code
head not head only head and
00/006/00 is code head for Defence to be used to be used is used by
Service Army. Which of the following by by EDP Both A
statement is true regarding this code PCsDA/Cs PCsDA/Cs Centre of and C are
859 head? DA DA HQ office correct D

This Code
head is a
This code This Code n code
head not head only head and
00/006/00 is code head for Defence to be used to be used is used by
Service Army. Which of the following by by EDP Both A
statement is true regarding this code PCsDA/Cs PCsDA/Cs Centre of and C are
860 head? DA DA HQ office correct D
Right click Left click click on
on name on name name of
of sheet -> of sheet -> sheet ->
select select select None of
861 How to delete sheet delete delete delete these abc

click the click the

click the edit Display
position comment comment comment
the mouse command command command
pointer on the s on the on the
over the view Insert window
862 How we can view a cell comment ? cell menu menu menu abc

Give one Give

increment placement Give
Give one in same in the placement
increment pay level promotio in the
in same and place n post pay next pay
pay level in the level. level.
and place promotio Then give Then give
How will you carry out pay fixation in the n post pay one one
863 when an employee gets promotion? next level level increment increment B
Howmany Appropriation Accounts are
864 prepared in total in GoI? 1 2 3 4 D
Howmany charges can be included in a
865 single chargesheet? 1 2 4 No limit D
Howmany sections are there in the
Appropriation Accounts of the
866 Defence Services? 3 Sections 4 Sections 5 Sections 6 Sections D
867 HPL can be availed _____? With MC MC Both None C

HQ SC Pune referred a question He can

relating to the interpretation of the refer with He can
orders of GOI involving financial proper refer in
consideration without making Not in justificatio general
868 HRA
@ 24% toon
is not In order Order n matters B
admissible to government servant
working at which of the following Ahmedab
869 places? Pune ad Bangalore Nagpur D
HRA is admissible at which of the 10, 20,
following rates depending up on the 8, 16, 24 30% of 6, 12, 18% 4, 8, 12%
870 classification of cities/towns % of B.P B.P. of B.P. of B.P. A
This Code
head is a
This code This Code n code
head not head only head and
00/006/00 is code head for Defence to be used to be used is used by
Service Army. Which of the following by by EDP
statement is true regarding this code PCsDA/Cs PCsDA/Cs Centre of
871 head? NULL DA DA HQ office B

This Code
head is a
This code This Code n code
head not head only head and
00/006/00 is code head for Defence to be used to be used is used by
Service Army. Which of the following by by EDP
statement is true regarding this code PCsDA/Cs PCsDA/Cs Centre of
872 head? NULL DA DA HQ office B

For the
first 180
days and
will be
subject to
For the For the required Not
first 90 first 180 certificate admissible
873 HRA is admissible during suspension days days s at all C

Residing Residing Drawing

HRA is admissible to which of the in Govt. in Own Project
874 following employees? Quarters House Allowance None B
HRA is payable @ ___% of Basic pay
for employees working in Class
875 'X' cities? 24 16 8 None A
Deends on
HRA is payable with reference to the case to
876 place of ___? Residence Duty a or b case B

HRA shall not be less than Rs. _____ No such

877 for Y class cities? 5400 3600 1800 provision B
Hypertext High Text Text Hypertext
Makeup Markup Maker Markup
878 HTML stands for Language Language Language Language abc
Highest Hyper Higher Hyper
Text Text Text Text
Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer
879 HTTP Stands For Protocol Process Protocol Protocol abc
Husband and wife both are central
government servants. _ will prefer the Whoever Whoever
claim, in case no declaration is given has higherhas lower
by them as to who will prefer the entitleme entitleme
880 claim for Medical Treatment? Husband Wife nt nt A
IAB-64 is used as ____ with reference TA/DA
881 to PBORs? IRLA Sheet Roll Pay Book claim C
IAF CDA -13 (Large) (Red) is used for Pre
which of the following DSOP fund Final mature
Settlement payments in PCDA (O) Retiremen Retiremen All the
882 1,
2, 3, 4 and 5 copies of issue t t Death three D
vouchers are referred to instead of ASC
A,B,C,D and E copies in the case of Consumin supply Medical Ordnance
883 which of the following units? g units Depots Depots Depots D
IAF CDA -13 (Large) is used for which nt of Credit Terminal
of the following payments in PCDA (O) Annual Balance of Gratuity All the
884 Pune? Leave IRLA Claim three D
IAF CDA -13 form is used to issue a
fresh cheque in case of which of the Cheque Cheque Cheque All the
885 following transactions? retuned cancelled lost three D
IAF CDA ?? 13 is used for issuing Fresh Contingen All the
886 ____? Cheque MRO t Bill three A
Punching Schedule of spoilt
887 IAF CDA 336 is sued for ____? Medium III Cash Book cheques A
IAF CDA-13 forms should be held CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD
888 under the personal custody of ____? SAO (AN) GO (AN) CDA A B

Media Class 8 Register
other than Punching Schedule of
889 IAF CDA-345 is used for _____? Class 8 Medium III cheques C
Cash Public
IAFA - 125 is used for which of the Assignme Fund
890 following cash books? nt Account Both None B
n of General Special
Approxim Tender Conditions conditions
IAFW -2249 (published in the form of ate document of of
891 book) deals with ____ MES Contracts? Estimates s Contracts Contracts C
Vehicle Mileage Vehicle
892 IAFZ - 2212 is used by units for ____? Log Book Car Diary Card Register C

IAFZ 3033 is meant for which of the POL stock Vehicle Unit land Ration
893 following by Army Units? ledger log book Register Accounts D

Lighting in
Heating and Lighting expenses when Profit and Heating in
given in trial balance, it will be posted Trading loss Balance Trading
894 in ___ of final accounts? Account account Sheet Account A
1 is 2 is
1. HRA has no reference to the rent correct correct
paid 2. No Rent receipt is required to and 2 is and 1 is Both are Both are
895 release HRA. wrong wrong wrong correct D

IAFZ 2197 (Revised) is used by Army POL stock Requisitio Vehicle Vehicle
896 units for _____? ledger n for POL Register Log Book D
Vehicle transport Mileage
897 IAFZ 2209 is used for _________? log book indent card Car Diary D

Ration Occupatio
898 IAFZ-2170 is used for ____? Cash Book Return n Returns Car Diary C
899 IAR was introduced from the year??.. 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 D
Idle time cost arising due to normal
and unaboidable causes shoud be Direct Other
900 charged as ____ to production? cost Overhead profits None B
If ____ is received from PCDA (O),
AAO BSO will clear the outstanding Copy of
rent/allied charges bill concerned Pay slip
treating the same as recovered from Recovery reflecting Acknowle
901 respective officers? Statement recovery dgement None C

If a book shop purchases car for office Deferred Any of the

902 use, it is _____ expenditure for him? Revenue Revenue Capital three C
If a candidate wants to apply for
revaluation of his answer sheet in
respect of a SAS paper, ___% marks he
903 should have obtained? 36 35 33 30 D

If a car dealer purchases car for resale, Deferred Any of the

904 it is _____ expenditure for him? Capital Revenue Revenue three C
If a charged official dies after Inquiry Discretion Referred
but before issue of orders of penalty, Case Penalty would to
905 what would happen to the case? closed awarded prevail President A
100% credit verification has to be
906 carried out for vouchers of value Rs 1 Lakh Rs 2 Lakhs Rs 10000/- Rs 20000/- D

Do proper Do proper
alteration alteration
s and s and get
If a concession form has been Attest them
incorrectly prepared, which of the them with Attested Cancel
following action would you suggest Full them by and issue Any of the
907 the Army unit concerned? signature LAO fresh one three C
If a Deserter PBOR does not surrender
himself or if he is not apprehended
within ___ from date of desertion, he
908 is dismissed from service? 7 years 3 years 2 years 1 year B
Through No need
If a Draft Para is based on a case taken separate In the to
up by internal audit, the fact is In the communic Draft Para acknowle
909 acknowledged ______? reply ation itself dge C
If a enmployee is granted Commuted
leave and he quits service voluntarily
without returning to duty, it shall be Unauthori
treated as _____ and the excess leave sed
910 salary recovered EL HPL EOL Absence B
from any asking to Recovery
If a final account of a MES Contractor other bill deposit from
shows that he has been over paid, due to through Security
911 Excess amount can be settled by him MRO Deposit All the 3 D

cash book
Separatly with
for different
Separately acounts in respective
If a firm has more than one account in for each each columns As per
different banks, Cash Book is supped bank different for each convenien
912 to be maintained ____? account bank Account ce D

No. A firm
As cannot
decided have
If a firm is owned by partners, profit & As agreed by more than
loss is shared in ___ ratio by the upon by Governme one
913 owners? All equally them nt owner B
to be
without Amoumnt
any to be
Amoumnt Interest refunded Amoumnt
need not and leave with no to be
be credited interest refunded
If a Government servant avails refunded back after being along with
Encashment of EL for LTC, but not and leave deucting charged Interest
performed the journey, how the is not one day and leave and leave
amount of Encashment and EL will be credited EL as a credited credited
914 regulated?
If a Government servant claims for back penalty back back D
commutation of one kind of leave into
another, he should apply for
commutation, within a period of --------
915 ---------- 15 days 30 days 45 days 90 days B
If a government servant retires while Commutat
disciplinary proceedings are pending, ion of
916 he is not entitled to _____? Gratuity pension Both None C
12 years National Defence Certificates
when submitted as security deposit, 5% less
they will be accepted at their ____ 5% less than
917 value? Face Surrender than Face surrender B

Date of
n by
to whom
First of the
If a government servant Surrender the next accodoma
accommodation HRA is payable from month of 8th day of tion is Date of
918 _____, If otherwise admissible? surrender surrender allotted Surrender D

d between
If a Government servant works for nts as
more than one Government, his Parent Both mutually
Travelling Allowance may be borne by Governme Governme agreed
919 _____? nt nts 50-50 upon any one C
If a Money Bill passed by the House of
People and transmitted to the Council
of States for its recommendations is
not returned to the House of the
People within the period of ____, it
shall be deemed to have been passed
by both Houses at the expiration of
the said period in the form in which it
was passed by the House of the Six
920 People
If a need arised to deviate from the 14 days 30 days 3 months months A
procedure laid down in DPM 2009, the
matter should be referred through Principal Principal
_______ to JS & additional Financial Principal Private Staff
921 Advisor
If a PCDA/CDA desires to relax audit Controller Secretary Officer Jt CGDA C
temporarily, he should invariably refer
the case to ??.for obtaining prior FADS/Secy OC of the
922 concurrence. DGADS CGDA (Def/Fin) Unit B
If a posting is done as By XYZ A/c, it
923 means ____ side of ledger is Debit Credit Both None B
If a posting is done as To ABC A/c, it
924 means ____ side of ledger is Debit Credit Both None A
If a posting is done in Machinery should not
account instead of Furniture account, gets does not Cannot be
925 then
If a Principal
trial balance
_____? tallied get tallied say prepared A
desires to relax audit temporarily in a
matter which Concerns his own office
or his subordinate offices, he should
invariably refer the case to
____________ for obtaining prior All the
926 concurrence. C&AG CGA CGDA three C

miss out
next unit
Revised accounts
LAP will He should of which
Entire half be intimate are in
year submitted fresh good state
If a prolonged stay is required in a unit programm for programm and return
by LAO, how the man days in LAP will e will be approval e to such to it if
927 be adjusted? dislocated of M.O unit possible D

1955 mein gathit prtham Rajbhasha Swarn Rangnath Balgangad Inme se

928 Aayog ke adhykash kaun the ? Singh Mishra har Khair koi nahi C
If a soldier draws payment from
Imprest holder on Acquittance Roll,
the same is debited by in __
929 instalments when details are received Four three two One D
If a voucher required to support a for
charge is lost, ______ is required to be voucher Indemnity
930 submitted to audit? lost bond Both None A
mutually Day
If accredited bank is not open on last agreed decided
working day (Due date of payment of upon by by
salaries), payment is made on ___ day DDO & PCDA/CD
931 of the closed holidays? Following Preceding Bank A B
If advance drawn under LTC claim
within _____ from the date of return one two three
932 journey has to be submitted? 15 days month months months B
If advance not drawn under LTC claim
within _____ from the date of return one two three
933 journey has to be submitted? 15 days month months months D

holding Holding
higher higher
If an appointment is tenable in ranks in a rank in
alternate ranks, _________ can be substantiv acting
934 held appointed to such post? e capacity capacity Both None A
If an approved work is not Suppleme Approval
commenced within 12 months of date Revised ntary Fresh of next
of Administrative Approval, _____ Admin. Admin. Admin. higher
935 If
an employee
be obtained?
dies in service, his Approval Approval Approval authority C
family will be eligible for immediate
monetary relief of Rs. ____
936 (Maximum)? 24000 16000 10000 8000 D
Month December
prior to of the
If an employee dies in the middle of a month in Month in year in
month, subscription for CGEGIS is Date of which which which
937 recovered up to ____? Death died died died C

If an employee fails to exercise option Date of a or b or c

within the prescribed period in respect next whichever
of 7th CPC pay fixation, pay will be 01.01.201 promotio is
938 fixed from the date _____? 6 DNI n beneficial A
1955 mein gathit Rajbhasha aayog ka Khair Singh Librahan Inme se
939 naam kya tha? Aayog Aayog Aayog koi nahi A

If an employee fails to exercise option a or b a or b

within the prescribed period in respect of whichever whichever
of promotion, pay will be fixed from promotio of next is is less
940 the date _____? n increment beneficial beneficial A
If an employee gets promotion on 1st of
January 2016, his pay will be fixed Option Competen
giving increment on account of given by t
941 promotion as per ____? him Authority 6th CPC 7th CPC D
If an employee is promoted to a
higher group in April of a year, higher Date of 1st April 1st
rate of CGEIS subscription will be Promotio of the 1st July of January of
942 recovered w.e.f. ___? n year the year next year D
If an employee is transferred to a non
CGHS station the family members can 12
943 avail benefits under CGHS for _____? 6 months 8 months 9 months months A

If an employee is under suspension on by
01.01.16, his subsistence allowance is Competen As opted
payable under ____ pay structure till t by the
944 finalisation of proceedings? Authority employee VII CPC VI CPC D
If an employee joins duty on 1st July
afternoon, his entitlement to EL
945 during the first half year would be- 12.5 days 13 days 15 days 30 days B

If an employee joins in the middle of first of the first first July first July
the year, CGEGIS subscription is next January of of the of the
946 recovered from ____? month next year year next year B
If an employee joins in the middle of
the year, He will be entitled to ____
benefits under CGEGIS till his regular Savings,
947 subscription is started? Insurance Savings Insurance None C
If an employee joins service on 31st
March, How many days of EL is
948 admissible in the particular half year? 15 7 8 23 C

Suspense P&L Rectificati

If an error in respect of a nominal Account, Adjustme on not
account is noticed after the accounts Suspense P&L nt required.
of the year are closed, rectification is Account, Adjustme Account, Simple
carried out by using the help of _____ Nominal nt Nominal noting is
949 of the following Accounts? Account Account Account enough B
2nd appeal on decision of First
Appellate Authority (under RTI Act)
shall lie within ___ from date on which
950 decision supposed to be made? 30 Days 45 Days 60 days 90 days D
If an error in respect of a Suspense Adjustme
person's account is noticed after Suspense Account, nt on not
the accounts of the year are closed, Account, P&L Account,
rectification is carried out by using the Person&# Adjustme Person&#
help of _____ of the following 39;s nt 39;snoting is
951 Accounts? Account Account Account
enough A
If an individual gets two promotions in Not
a quick session say between 2nd Only for Only for available
January and 30th June of the same first second Both the for both
year, then option to get Refix the pay promotio promotio promotio promotio
952 from DNI will be available for _____? n n ns ns B

He may be
allowed if allowed
If an individual wishes to continue at He cannot administra only for a
hard/tenure station after completion He may be be tively limited
953 of prescribed tenure ______? allowed allowed feasible period C
If an officer uses staff car (Big car) for
purposes other than duty , which are
unavoidable, Rs. ____ per KM is
954 recoverable 4.5 5 5.5 6D
If any change affects the form of the
Finance and Revenue Accounts, it will
not be made without the previous Any one
955 sanction
If any instance
of ______?
of variance between CGA C&AG of a & b Both a & b D
the provisions of DPMand other
Government Manuals comes to
notice, the matter should be Ministry
immediately referred to ____for Ministry of All the
956 clarification CGDA of Finance Defence three C

ce of IFA
If any item of goods is available on from
GeM portal, procurement through Mandator other No such
957 GeM is _____? y Optional sources rule A
If any part of a single consideration for
one or more objects, or any one or To be
any part of any one of several decided in
considerations for a single object, is each case
958 unlawful, the agreement is ____? Void Voidable Valid on merits A
If any transaction is not adjustable Returned
either wholly or in part for any reason to the referred
for want of supporting documents originatin to CDA referred
959 DIDS should be ___? g CDA reversed Meerut to CGDA A
not in
whole- persons
7th CPC Revised Pay rules are not time paid only
applicable to who among the employme on a piece
960 If
as a sequel to disciplinary case it is
nt rate basis Both None C
considered by the disciplinary
authority that some blame attached to
the individual concerned which
necessitates cognizance of such fact,
that authority should award the Recordabl Any one a
961 penalty of ___? Censure e Warning or b Both A

If audit authority considers it essential Audit Such
to see court of inquiry proceedings in Any officer of request
a specific case, ___ shall make a officer of through the should not
962 request to the executive? DAD LAO only command be done C

both Either of Either of both

subject to them, them, subject to
maximum whichever whichever maximum
If both wife & husband are of 60 days is more is less of 60 days
government servants, Encashment of to each of beneficial beneficial combinedl
963 If
for 10
EL is available
become to them to them to them y A
necessary through revision of scales or Suppleme Approxim
for other administrative reasons, ___ Revised ntary ate Fresh
964 is prepared? Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate B

If charge is transferred to an officer in the date of by
the afternoon, he is deemed to The same following issue of Controllin
965 assume charge from day day order g Officer B
If circumstances under which a
concession/allowance granted have
changed, proposal for Sanctionin
modification/withdrawal should be g
966 sent by Controllers to ____? CGDA GOC in C authority DADS A

No need
to refer to Relax the
Refer the Refer the anyone. audit
case to case to He can temporaril
If controller desires to relax audit FADS for CGDA for take y and
temporarily in a matter which prior prior decision intimate
concerns his office or his sub office, he concurren concurren of his HQrs
967 should: ce ce own. later. B
Net Profit Both Net Both Net
Asset Vlue increases/ Profit and Profit and
increases/ Asset Asset Asset
If depreciation is charged more, ____ Net Profit Value Value Value
968 will increase/decrease? decreases decreases decrease increase C
A or B
ever is A or B
more which
If employee falls sick at a place not beneficial ever is
covered under CGHS, ____ Rules are to the low in
969 applicable? CGHS CS (MA) inividual cost B

If exp. in April/May is more than the Payment Payment

other months, obligatory in nature from from
exceeds 1/6th of Budget head (Vote Provisiona Suspense Advances
970 on account) __ can be made? l Payment Accounts Heads None A
971 a b c d e abc
Only one
If Family planning operation fails, CEA On the child
is admissible for employees in respect there first there None. Not
972 of Children born ____? after instance after admissible B
If I am bringing the pay of a senior at Stepping Antedatio
973 par with a junior, I am doing ____? up of pay n Both None A
If I am updating an account, I am Trial All the
974 operating _____? Journal Ledger Balance three B
If it be in the public interest to extend MOD, H.Qrs,
the period of an existing Contract, CDA, Next Next Next GOI, Next
approval of ___ and sanction of ___ higher higher higher higher
975 are necessary? CFA CFA CFA CFA A
If it is felt in audit, rates accepted in
contract are considerably higher than Next
rates prevailing in market, matter higher All the
976 should be taken up with? CFA CFA CGDA three A
If it is found that credits have not been
afforded in the ledgers in respect of
___ vouchers selected for test check, All the
977 LAO will object? Issue Receipt Expense three B

If it is noticed in audit that Concerne

Expenditure incurred is prima facie d
more than the occasion demands, Administr Next
PCDA/CDA would take up the matter ative higher Army
978 with ___? Authority authority CGDA H.Qrs A
Accept L-2
at the rate
If L-1 is found invalid, which of the Accept quoted by
following action you would suggest to the bid of Retenderi L-1 (if L-2 Any of the
979 MES officer? L-2 ng is wiling) three B

Take it as
receipt Dont take
If money due to Government has and write it as a
actually reached a Government off the receipt
servant and is then embezzled, stolen loss under and
or lost, what action would you appropriat regularise Take it as
980 suggest? e head as loss receipt None A
If Mr. X has to carry out special audit
of an Allowance admitted in pay bill of
MES civilians, his direction of
verification should be from ____ (Give Sanctions Pay Bill to a but not b but not
981 the answer which is more accurate)? to Pay Bill Sanctions b a D
A ___ will be allotted in the R section
for each addressee with whom Separate
communications are regularly made Separate Separate Pigeon task
982 for dispatch work? rack box hole holder C

AMA in a medical
Governme practioner
nt hospital appointed
If No AMA is appointed in sub urban in in outside
area, treatment can not be obtained adjoining the place
983 If
objection is taken in audit to any city of duty Both None B
item of expenditure sanctioned by the
CFA and the objection is not Next
withdrawn by the CDA even after higher
reply, it shall be incumbent on the CFA Next CFA
to report the transaction to the _____ higher through Command
984 for orders? CGDA CFA CDA H.Qrs. C
If One controller wants to originate a Respondin Respondin g Head of Originatin
DIDS against another CDA, the g head of g Head of the g Head of
originating CDA should operate the Respondin his own Respondin his own
985 ____ of Defence Exchange Account? g CDA office g CDA office C
If Original work consists of one special for
work which requires approval by original
higher CFA, Admin Approval is Total and
accorded by the CFA under whose amount of Special special
986 power ____ falls? the work work works GOI B
If pay plus pension exceeds the
maximum pay of the posts, DA will be pay + that
987 based on _____? pay pension pension maximum D
If President wants to resign, he will Prime Justice of Vice Speaker of
988 address his resignation to _____? Minister India President Lok Sabha C
If public transport not available in a
stretch of journey expenditure may be
reimbursed as per the entitlement on
transfer for a max. limit of ____ KMs
989 based on self certification under LTC? 25 50 75 100 D

e after
If Resultant Single Tender is received, n of next Report to
which of the following actions would higher PCDA/CD
990 you suggest the CFA? CEA A Both None C
If the % of disability is between 50 and
75, it Reckoned as ___ % for Sanction
991 of Disability pension? 50 60 70 75 D
If the % of disability is between 76 and
100, it Reckoned as ___ % for
992 Sanction of Disability pension? 100 75 50 40 A
A ____ head which is placed under a
particular Minor Head by the CGA
should not be placed under another
993 Minor Head by DAD? Sub Head Detailed Both None C
If the % of disability is less than 50, it
Reckoned as ___ % for Sanction of
994 Disability
If the accredited
pension?bank is required to be 25 40 50 Nil C
changed by a Ministry, the proposal
should be invariably referred to Financial
995 _____? CGA Pr. CCA Advisor Secretary A
If the accredited bank is required to be
changed, the proposal should be
996 invariably
If the amount
of Licence
to theFee
____? C&AG CGA Both None B
recoverable in arrears from Defence
Civilians, owing to errors in
assessment, exceeding one-third of
their emoluments, HODs have
discretion to authorise recovery in ___ No such
997 instalments (max.) 3 6 12 discretion C
If the amount provided in the
sanctioned budget is found to be Modified Suppleme
insufficient during a financial year Appropria Vote on Excess ntary
998 additional
If the approximate
sums areestimate
sought asexceeds tion Account Grant Grant D
by more than ___ % for which
necessity was accepted, revised AON
999 is necessary? 2 10 15 20 B
If the balancing entry in a ledger
account appears as By bal c/d, then
the account is closed with a ____
1000 balance?
If the balancing entry in a ledger Debit Credit Nil None A
account appears as To bal c/d, then
the account is closed with a ____
1001 balance? Debit Credit Nil None B
If the CO of a unit considers that
demand for information made by his His next
LAO is unnecessary he will refer the higher PCDA/CD b through a through
1002 matter
If the contractor
first to ___?
deposits store authority A a b B
retrieved from work to MES storeyard, Credit
which of the following document is Baby Baby
1003 prepared? Credit USR USR Indent Indent A
Insert ->
How we can put a Chart in the Edit -> Picture-> Insert -> View ->
1004 presentation using PowerPoint ? Chart Chart Chart Chart abc
A bid shall remain valid for _____ days
1005 in case of single bid RFP 90 120 180 365 A
If the Credit side of P&L A/c is less Gross
1006 than Debit side, result is ______? profit Gross loss Net profit Net loss D
If the Credit side of P&L A/c is more Gross
1007 If
to is
the profit Gross loss Net profit Net loss C
return in FORM GSTR-7 by the due
date he shall pay a late fee of Rs. ____
per day under CGST Act &
SGST/UTGST Act separately during
which such failure continues subject to
a maximum amount of Rs. ___ each 100, 100,
1008 under CGST Act & SGST/UTGST Act 10000 25000 50, 5000 100, 5000 D

done as
If the Delinquent Government Servant by complete
dies during the pendency of Disciplinar d to
Disciplinary Proceedings, the Continued y ascertain
1009 proceedings should be ___? till finality Dropped Authority facts B
If the endorser signs his name only,
1010 the indorsement is said to be ____? Invalid Partial Full Blank D

If the first digit of a major head is 7, it Revenue Capital cy fund of
1011 represents ____? head head India head Loan head D
Revenue Capital
If the first digit of Major head contains Revenue Expenditu Capital Expenditu
1012 5, it represents _____? Receipt re Receipts re D
If the impossibility of complete or
partial performance of an obligation
lasts for more than____, either party
to the contract reserves the right to
terminate the contract totally or
partially upon giving prior written
1013 notice under Force Majeure clause? 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months D
by half of referred
If the information is not provided the to next Depends
under RTI Act within the prescribed Deemed original higher on case to
1014 period, it will be ____? Rejection period authority case A

the scope
Stop the of audit Request Report
audit and and report for the
report to to conduct of matter to
If the LAO feels that he is seriously PCDA/CD PCDA/CD Statutory Executive
1015 ?put upon enquiry? , he should: A A Audit Authority B

Yes. Can
Yes. Up to be
10 accepted
minutes and kept
A bid was submitted by a firm 5 relaxation for No Cannot
minutes after specified time. Whether can be comparing be discretion
1016 it can be accepted? given with L1 accepted of CFA C

the scope
Stop the of audit Request Report
audit and and report for the
report to to conduct of matter to
If the LAO feels that he is seriously put PCDA/CD PCDA/CD Statutory Executive
1017 upon enquiry , he should: A A Audit Authority B

the scope
Stop the of audit Request Report
audit and and report for the
report to to conduct of matter to
If the LAO feels that he is seriously put PCDA/CD PCDA/CD Statutory Executive
1018 upon enquiry he should A A Audit Authority B
If the letter of credit is silent as to
whether it is revocable or otherwise, Irrevocabl Reversabl
1019 the credit is deemed to be _____? Revocable e e Revolving B
If the material issued to Contractor for
incorporation in work are found to be Double
surplus, but not returned by the Rate as the
Contractor, recovery will be done at decided Replacem Stock Market
1020 ____ rate? by GE ent Cost Book Rate Rate D
If the maximum period of Casual
Leave availed of by an officer in a
calendar year (including extensions
mentioned above) is in excess of the
leave admissible, the entire spell of Absence Special
Casual Leave (including the period of Annual without Casual
1021 extension) will be treated as ____? Leave Furlough pay Leave A

If the net amount under the head Requestin RBI CAS

Ministry of Home Affairs is a credit g the MHA Issuing a Nagpur by
(i.e. credit is more than debit), the to forward cheque to transfer of
1022 same is settled by _____? a cheque MHA funds None B
If the proposed site, in which MES is
supposed to carry out works,
encroaches on civil or Railway Area
department roads, consent of the Command PCDA/CD All the
1023 authority will be obtained by ____? er MES A three A
If the sanction of the Government of
India is required to write off loss, a Loss of
court of enquiry shall be necessary in Loss of Public Both (A) & None of
1024 the following case: stores money (B) these C

If the sanctioning authority is vested Standards

with full powers in r/o particular class of
of expenditure, it can be challenged by Authority Authority Financial All the
1025 audit
If the only
under __?
authority is vested of C&AG of CGDA Propriety three C
with full powers in respect of the
particular class of expenditure, Standards
sanction accorded under these powers of
can be challenged by audit only under Orders of Orders of Orders of Financial
1026 the ?????????. CGDA the FADS MoD Propriety D
A bill becomes a _____ only when it is
1027 receipted and stamped 'PAID Paid Bill Voucher Document Form B
If the second birth results in twins or
multiple births, CEA is admissible to Two at a
1028 ___ children? All the time Two Three A
If the total annual Kilometers limit Divisional
sanctioned in respect of Class B /Area
vehicles is exceeded, whose sanction Command CO of the Army
1029 will be looked for in audit? er unit GOC in C H.Qrs A
If there is a discrepancy between unit As As
price and the total price quoted by a Decided clarified
supplier in the tender, the ____ price by by the
1030 shall prevail? Unit Total CFA/IFA supplier A
If Top Secret papers are to be The Reliable
duplicated, ____ should be present concerned subordina
1031 during
If you are
compiling an amount to Officer i/c te A or B Both C
00/021/00 (Reserve Bank Deposits),
you are working in ___ section of Administr
1032 PCDA/CDA? Accounts ation Audit EDP A
If you are linking a transaction from
voucher into IRLA of a PBOR, you are
1033 verifying
If you are____
entrythein the
IRLA? of debit credit Both None A
the authority incurring expenditure
out of public money, you are doing Expenditu Performa Concurren Sanction
1034 ____? re audit nce audit t Audit Audit D
If you find remark I in Dolphin System
as the status against DO II item
according to acceptability of the item, Initial Imprest
1035 you will understand it as? Invalid Irregular claim Section A
If, an item of DIDS is found to appear Addl.
in the second list, it should be put up Group CDA/Jt.
1036 to _____ for monitoring? SAO/AO Officer CDA CGDA C

Will place
If, in respect of any voucher selected A or B as under
for test check, credits have not been per MFAI in
afforded in the ledgers, etc., the LAO Observati financial the same
1037 will place the voucher under ____? on Objection value Quarter B
A Bill shall be deemed to be a Money Remission
Bill if it contains only provisions /Alteratio All the
1038 dealing with _______ of tax? Imposition Abolition n three D
1039 IFA
is Located
at ___? Mumbai New Delhi tnam Kolkata B
Register of claims, Labour Register and
Register of Pack Accountings are
maintained in which of the following Supply Store Embarkati All Army
1040 units? Depots Depots on H.Qrs. Units C
Assignme Permanen Public
1041 Imprest is also known as____? nt t Advance Fund None B

Schedulin Audit of
Imprest Section is not responsible for g of ACRs Imprest Closing of
1042 which of the following duties in PAO? to EDP Account FAMOs IRLAs D
Imprest Section of PAO will take
action to call for the Imprest account Last
if not received from the imprest 3rd day of 7th of the 10th of working
1043 holder by ___ of the month? the month month the month day C
Imprest Transactions are recorded in Cash Public
which of the following Cash Books by Assignme Fund
1044 GE Office? nt Account Both None A
Improper maintenance of auditable Serious
documents is classified as _____ in Observati Irregularit Trivial
1045 Local Audit? on Objection y Error B
Imputed costs are also known as ____ Out of Replacem
1046 Costs?
In ___ each year, cash book to the pocket ent Notional Marginal C
extent of one month's account,
to be selected by the PCDA/CDA, will
be audited by an IDAS officer specially
1047 detailed by him? January March April July C
In 6 tier classification how many digits
are used to show the complete
1048 classification of a transaction? 13 14 15 16 C
A building which will serve its purpose
for a period of less than ____ years is
1049 classified as Temporary Building? 7 6 5 10 C

Refer the
matter to
Refer the higher
Refer the matter to Report CFA for
In a case,which requires concurrence case to Next the regularizat
of IFA is processed without obtaining IFA for ex- higher IFA matter to ion taking
concurrence of IFA and purchase post facto of the CGDA concurren
completed. What would be your concurren original office for ce of his
1050 suggestion to regularize the case? ce IFA decision IFA D

In a CDA office comparison of The same Similar

expenditure of cash and certain unit units
important kind of stores selected in between during the None of
unit to render financial advice is done different same Both are the two is
1051 by comparing the expenditure of quarters period correct correct C
In a CDA office store contract and
store audit sections have not been Not requires
separately established as quantum of Acceptabl acceptabl permissio No
1052 work does not justify. e e n of CGDA comment A
All the
1053 In a circular, communication must be Firm clear Specific above D
Book the Book the
Book the amount amount
Book the amount under under
amount under Plus Minus Minus
under Plus charge receipt receipt
receipt against against against
against 00/014/1 00/014/2 00/014/1
In a Class 1 punching medium code 00/014/2 3 and 3 and 3 and
head 00/014/23 was used instead of 3 and Plus Minus Minus Minus
00/014/13. The amount was booked Charge charge charge charge
against Plus charge. What should be against against against against
the rectification action through class 2 00/014/1 00/014/2 00/014/1 00/014/2
1054 Punching medium? 3 3 3 3 B
In a class 1 punching medium, in which
column amount booked against CB Plus Minus Plus Minus
1055 (00/020/81) code will appear ? Receipt Receipt Charge Charge A
In a class 1 punching medium, in which
column amount booked against Plus Minus Plus Minus
1056 payment of any amount will appear ? Receipt Receipt Charge Charge C
In a MF, whose sanction is required to
transfer the coupons held by Manager Deputy Assistant
1057 from one category to another? Manager Director Cashier Director B
In a Military Hospital, children below
the age of ____ years will be given half
1058 the scales authorized for adults 12 21 16 10 D
This is a This is a
This is a class 1 class 2 This is a
class 1 Punching Punching class 1
Punching Medium, Medium, Punching
Medium, booking booking Medium,
booking columns columns booking
In a Punching Medium the bookings columns are are columns
appear as follows: Code Head are correct correct are not
00/020/81, Plus Receipt - Rs. 10,000/- correct but the but the correct
Code Head 00/014/23 Plus Charge Rs. and the punching punching but the
9,000/-. Which of the following punching Medium is Medium is punching
statement is true for this Punching Medium is not not Medium is
1059 Medium? balanced balanced balanced balanced B

A candidate who is already in employee
permanent Government service and is subject to
selected for appointment in I.D.A.S. on clearing Quasi
the results of a competitive Permanen the permanen
examination held by the U.P.S.C. will Probation t Probation t
1060 be appointed as a ____? er employee er exam employee A
A candidate who is already in employee
permanent Government service and is subject to
selected for appointment in I.D.A.S. on clearing Quasi
the results of a competitive Permanen the permanen
examination held by the U.P.S.C. will Probation t Probation t
1061 be appointed as a ____? er employee er exam employee A
In all returns, the value of items of
movable property worth less than Rs.
______may be added and shown as a
1062 lump sum? 5000 10000 20000 25000 B
In an half yearly audit period, ------
1063 month
In an MT can
be selected
for is 2 Months 3 months 1 Month 4 Months C
held responsible for the loss/damage,
______ % of Departmental Charge
(DC) is added to arrive at the total
1064 loss. 10 5.5 8.5 No DC C

can be can be
counted counted
is not only with only if
should be seen, only permissio special
counted cash book n of audit is
1065 In audit of Military Farms, cash in hand by LAO is audited executive conducted A
In business how many main types of
1066 financial
In calculating
the average
are there?
emoluments 1 2 3 4D
for pension, which of the following
period falling within the last ten
months will be ignored and a
corresponding period added before Overstay All the
1067 tencase
In months?
a person other than servicing Dies Non of leave EOL three D
office is appointed as C&AG, his leave Supreme Chief
entitlements will be same as that of Court Justice of
1068 _____? Judge IAS officer India None B
In case a person other than servicing
office is appointed as C&AG, his Supreme Chief
Travelling Allowance entitlements will Court Justice of
1069 becase
In samea as
that of
than serving Judge IAS officer India None A
officer is appointed as C&AG, his leave Supreme Chief
entitlements will be same as that of Court Justice of
1070 _____? Judge IAS officer India None B
In case a person other than serving
officer is appointed as C&AG, his Supreme Chief
Travelling Allowance entitlements will Court Justice of
1071 be same as that of _____? Judge IAS officer India None A
A Cash Assignment is a ______ in letter of Fund All the
1072 favour of a Disbursing Officer? Credit credit Transfer three B
In case a project requires certain
preliminary activities like surveys, soil
investigations, preparation of basic
design etc. and or engaging an outside
consultancy agency, then a Go-Ahead
sanction not exceeding __% of rough
cost estimate will be taken for such
activities from GOC in C or equivalent
1073 In
employee gets
of IFA
two 5 10 15 20 A
promotions in quick succession i.e.
gets second promotion before refixing
of first promotion on DNI, then First Second Both the
refixation option from DNI is Promotio Promotio promotio
1074 admissible for _____? n only n only ns None B

In case an employee proceeds on post in

Deputation to a post outside the first post None. He
parent department and further on cannot
proceeds on second deputation to deputatio proceed
another post, which carries less pay n with on second
than the first deputation post, he will the post in difference post of deputatio
be eligible to draw the pay of _______ parent as second n to post
provided he opts to draw the ex-cadre departme personal deputatio carrying
1075 post on each occasion? nt pay n less pay B

Need not
In case application has been received transferre
in the office of CPIO, which pertains to d. It
the jurisdiction of another CPIO, it should be
1076 shall be transferred within ___ days? 5 7 10 returned A
In case if you find a new name in the
pay bill, which document will you look Appointm
1077 forcase
In in audit?
of a project costing 3 lakhs or LPC ent order a or b None C
more, when amount of CA reduces the
cost of project as a whole below
Admin approval amount by more than
___ %, approved amount will be
reduced by the amount exceeding that
1078 % by CEA? 10 15 20 25 B
In case of AAC report: Demands/cases
outstanding as on ??.. and its position
as on 30th June is furnished through 31st 1st 31st
1079 this report to HQrs office by 31st July. 1st April March January January B
In case of AAC report: Demands/cases
outstanding as on 31st March and its
position as on ??.. is furnished through
1080 thiscase
In report
of AAC
to HQrs
by 31st July. 30th June 1st June 1st July 31st July A
outstanding as on 31st March and its
position as on 30th June is furnished
through this report to HQrs office by
1081 ??.. 30th June 1st June 1st July 31st July D
In case of AAC report: Demands/cases
outstanding as on 31st March and its
position as on .. is furnished through
1082 this report to HQrs office by 31st July. 30th June 1st June 1st July 31st July A
A cheque deposited in to bank has
been stated has dishonoured? Which
1083 side of the cash bok will be updated? Credit side Debit side Both None A
In case of AAC report: Demands/cases
outstanding as on .. and its position as
on 30th June is furnished through this 31st 1st 31st
1084 report to HQrs office by 31st July. 1st April March January January B
In case of AOC depots, if stores issued
on loan are not returned by other
departments within six months, __ five time Replacem
1085 value of stores are charged? Twice the full value the ent B
In case of Army, MFAI report is GOC in C Army
1086 addressed to _____ GOC in C by Name DGADS HQrs B

In case of charges for which special provision
sanction is necessary, no separate for countersig exists.
sanction necessary, if the bill is provisiona ned by Sanction is
1087 ______? l payment CFA required None B
In case of combined leave, the Leave
Advance is admitted only for ____ Casual study Annual
1088 portion in respect of Army Officers? leave Sick leave leave Leave D
In case of disagreement between CFA higher Next
1089 and IFA, whose decision is final? IFA CFA CFA hgher IFA B
In case of disagreement with the IFA, Next Regional
the CFA can overrule the IFA with prior higher Next PCDA/CD
1090 permission of ____? CFA higher IFA A None D
In case of erroneous advise by RBI,
where supporting vouchers are not
forthcoming, item can be reversed
1091 after a period of ____? 3 months 6 months 9 months one year B

In case of final settlement of accounts Upto next

of a PBOR, if pay book is lost, the IRLA quarter
1092 will be kept open for ____ 1 month 2 months 3 months ending C
In case of foreign procurement,
normally a period of ________ days
for validity of offers may be
1093 prescribed, as considered appropriate 60-120 60-180 90-180 120-240 C
only if
A cheque drawn 31.03.2019, banlance
presented by the beneficiary in the not
bank on 02.04.2019, paid on same day 2018-19, available
will be accounted for under the Cash if balance for 2018-
1094 Assignment of the year ____? available 2019-20 19 2018-19 D
only if
A cheque drawn 31.03.2019, banlance
presented by the beneficiary in the not
bank on 02.04.2019, paid on same day 2018-19, available
will be accounted for under the Cash if balance for 2018-
1095 Assignment of the year ____? available 2019-20 19 2018-19 D

In case of Govt. servants who avail of departme
leave on termination of their Borrowing Lending nt which
deputation period the liability for departme Departme sanctions either a or
1096 leave salary will be borne by nt nt the leave b C
In case of imported loss where the
supplier refuses to accept the Loss of
responsibility for transit loss, the loss Public None of
1097 will be categorised as?.. Cash Loss Store Loss Money these A
If Tender
been In the
floated discretion
In case of Local purchase of stores, before the of
under what circumstances the time limit Competen
sanction does not lapse even after the of t Financial Both A & None of
1098 validity of the sanction. sanction Authority. B these A

cost of
In case of loss of AOC stores involving 30% of 40% of 50% of repair (not
change in condition from serviceable priced the priced the priced exceeding
to repairable, the value of loss will be vocabular vocabular vocabular 50% of
1099 In
???case of OPD treatment under y y y PV) D
CS(MA) Rules, which of the following
document(s) are necessary along with Certificate Certificate Both (a) None of
1100 the Med 97 form? A B and (b) these A
No. an
intimation No. Not to a link to
In case of Open Tender enquiry, regarding be website
whether NIT can be sent directly to NIT can be contacted can be
1101 In
case of PBORs
invalidated out, it sent directly Yes forwarded C
should be ensured that discharge is
effected within from the date of
medical board proceeding are
countersigned by Administrative Three One
1102 Authorities? months month 14 days 21 days D
In case of rate contracts the
anticipated value of drawal over a
period of ______ should be taken into six
1103 account for determination of CFA One Two monthly None A
one to
In case of selection for 10 or more member Minority
vacancies in all Groups, it is belonging Communit
1104 mandatory to have to SC/ST y Both None C
In case of selection for 10 or more to
vacancies in all Groups, it is Minority
mandatory to have one member belonging communit Woman All the
1105 ________? to SC/ST y member three D
A cheque received in a PCDA/CDA Special diarized at
1106 office is diarized as Valuable Dak Bill all A
In case of transfer to Pension
establishmentafter expiry of the
tenure of services, which of the given Net Both of None of
1107 item can be retained by the official. Shoe Mosquito these these B

nt on the Admitted
In case of travel on a longer route by shortest as per None of
1108 train on LTC, the claim will be route actual Rejected these A
Returned Destroyed
In case of units whose S&S Imprest Transferre to by unit
Accounts are finally closed, the d to the PCDA/CD and Any of the
1109 unused CR forms are ______? local units A certified three B
In case only one auditor is detailed for
Local Audit of Cantonment Board, he As
will be considered as ___ for Senior Junior decided
1110 calculating Audit Fee? LAO Auditor Auditor by LAO B
supplier is
liable to
pay the the
additional supplier
amount will be
spent by given the
the difference
Governme amount if
In case Risk and Expense purchase is nt, if any, purchased
undertaken, which of the following is in at low
1111 true? procuring cost Both None A
In case where Date of birth is not Date
known in respect of an employee, but declared
year of birth is known, which date will 1st by
1112 be considered? January 1st April 1st July him/her C
In case work is completed on March
25.03.15, final bill is passed by PCDA Suppleme
on 31.03.15 and Cheque is issued by ntary March
GE on 01.04.15, Expenditure will be Correction Suppleme
1113 booked
In case, final
in ____
certificate 43174 15 ntary 15 43205 D
cannot be issued by PAO (ORs) in
respect of finally closed Imprest Authority Main
Account due to outstanding who office of
objections, details should be sanctione PCDA/CD Army Record
1114 communicated by PAO to __? d Imprest A HQrs Office B
In cases where a formal written
contract is not made, no order for
supplies should be placed without at payment standard All the
1115 least written agreement on __? Price schedule form three A
In Powerpoint the arrangement of
elements such as Title and subtitle Presentati
1116 text, pictures, tables etc. is known as ?
Layout on Scheme Design abc
Take back
A cheque submitted by a tenderer has Give back dgment
been dishonored by his bank. What the Ask him to given
action would you suggest the Cheque to deposit earlier to All the
1117 Executive? Tenderer cash him three D
In cases where contracts have to be
concluded with the firms, whose rate
contract with DGS&D/other central
procurement agencies has expired and
renewal of RC has not taken place,
_____ clause should be incorporated
in the Supply Order/Contract to the
effect that during the currency of the
Supply Order/Contract, in case rates
are found to be lower on conclusion of
rate contract, the lower rates as in the
rate contract shall be applicable Force Any of the
1118 Especially in Rate Contracts Option Majeure Fall three C
In cases where tenders are issued on
payment, which of the following Indian
modes of payment of tender fees may Treasury Postal
1119 be adopted by the tenderers? Receipt Order Both None C
In cases where the tenders are
required to be submitted by hand, it
may be ensured that the names and
designation of at least _____ are One
1120 mentioned in the bid documents? 4 officers 3 officers 2 officers Officer C

In cases, where scope of work is issuing
changed due to administrative Within 1 Completio Before
reasons, Technical Sanction will be month of Soon after n Report actual
1121 issued ____? execution execution Part A execution D
In checking the credits in the sales
ledger of MF, for payments made by Sales Cash Book
customers checking should be done Ledger to to Sales Can be
1122 from Cash Book Ledger any way Both ways A
In claim of Transfer TA of Govt. Step Minor Step Adopted
1123 servant is not included in the family: children brother father child C
In Contractors ledger, separate folios
(pages with No.) are allotted to each Contracto work
1124 ________? r Contract order Payment B
In determining completion of tenure,
authorized period of leave up to a
maximum of ___ days for hard/tenure
stations, will be reckoned as service at
1125 the station. 60 90 120 180 A
Delegatio Dedicatio
Defence Defence n of n of
Forces Forces Financial Financial
Public Personnel Powers Powers
1126 In DFPR 1978 DFPR stands for : Relation Review Rules Rules C
In e-ticketing system, Tickets booked Army
by units are debited against ____ Head
1127 Account? Unit Revolving Quarters CGDA B
A cheque with more than _______
alteration/alterations should not be
1128 issued by D section of PCDA (O)? 2 1 3 4B
In general ----- % of detailed audit is
1129 carried out in case of Clothing 16.5 33 50 100 A
In general coverage of CGHS shall be
limited to the areas within ___ KM
1130 Radius of the CGHS Wellness centres? 2 3 5 10 C

In general expenditure on
transportation of goods when Equally by No such
purchased is born by ____, if the Buyer understan
1131 otherwise agreed upon differently? and Seller Seller Buyer ding C
Non of
1132 In general, suspension
CFA is decided
on ????.
(i.e. Gross Loss Net Loss Cash Loss these A
investigation and disciplinary
proceedings) should not exceed
1133 _____? 2 years One year 9 months 6 months D

In general, there are four ways in By By

which profit performance of a By increasing decreasin
business can be improved. Which of increasing Selling g variable
1134 In
such a way?
for volume Price costs None D
Nominal accounts which statement
below is correct- 1) Debit all expenses
and loses, credit all income and
gains,2) Credit all expenses and loses, One is Two is Both are Both are
1135 debit all income and gains correct correct correct incorrect A
In good draft paragraphs should not ng one All the
1136 be Long numbered idea above A
In how many instalments (maximum)
principal amount of House Building
Advance is to repaid by Government
1137 Servant? 180 240 200 150 A
In how many instalments HBA Interest
1138 amount is recoverable? 75 60 50 40 B

A clerk in debt will not be employed in Any of the

1139 the offices of _______ AO GE LAO DPDO three D
In how many instalments HBA
1140 principal amount is recoverable? 180 150 120 75 A
In how many instalments PC advance
1141 In
is recoverable
how many maximum
(maximum) monthly 50 75 100 150 D
instalments, GPF Advance is
recoverable from the pay of No such
1142 employee? 60 50 30 limit A
In how many monthly instalments
1143 (max.) HBA Interest is to be rapaid 90 60 45 30 B
In how many monthly instalments
1144 (max.)
In HowHBAmany principal
parts, Condemnation
is to be rapaid 120 150 180 240 C
Board Proceedings are recorded in
Army units in respect of articles
1145 condemned? 5 4 3 2D
In How many spells CCL can be
1146 In
Level Jumping
in a year?concept, two tier 2 3 5 No limit B
processing of bills (Auditor & AO/SAO)
is done up to a maximum of Rs.
1147 In
order to facilitate the conduct of 1 Lakh 2 lakhs 5 lakhs 25 lakhs B
the arbitral proceedings, the parties,
or the arbitral tribunal with the
consent of the parties, may arrange
for _____ assistance by a suitable
institution or person as per Administr Any of the
1148 Arbitration and Conciliation Act? Judicial ative Financial three B
In order to meet all expenditure on
conservancy arrangements in
Cantonments and non Cantonment
military stations debitable to DSE
other than that incurred in connection
with training in camp, lump sums will PCDA/CD
1149 be placed at the disposal of ____? GOC in C A Both None A
A complete record of works Contracto Measure
performed under a contract is Work rs order ment None of
1150 contained in ___ Diaries book Book these C
In order to prevent the possibility of
alterations being made in the ledgers Arithmetic
by units, ___ is done before taking up checking
1151 In
see that
the expenditure Linking pairing Both a, b of totals D
incurred is reasonable and the
production of fodder by Remount
Depots is economical, the figures in
respect of Remount Depots should be
compared with those of the nearest Remount Military
1152 ______? Depot Farm A or B A and B B

This Code
This code head can
This Code head can This Code be used
head can be used Head can either
be used only be used under Plus
only under only on Receipt or
under Plus Minus the Minus
Recept in Receipt in Receipt Charge in
In RDR Pamphlet If a code head is a a side of a a
shown under the heading Receipt Punching Punching Punching Punching
1153 Head, What does it mean? Medium Medium Medium Medium C
In respect of AAOs working in IFA
offices, Issuing the charge sheet and
finalisation of Disciplinary proceedings Respectiv PIFA Proforma CGDA
1154 is done by _____? e IFA concerned Controller office C
In respect of Building identified as
prestigious, a separate detailed Service Service
justification will be submitted by the User to User to H.Qrs. To H.Qrs. To
1155 ____
In respect
to ____?
of Officer posted to High GOI MOD GOI MOD D
Commission for India (other than UK),
the following document is issued by
1156 PCDA (O)? LPC Pay Slip Both None B
In respect of stores issued for depot
use of consumption by depot
personnel, the depots will function as Consignee Consignor Consumin Consumin
1157 _______
In respectfor
of Store
of the following unit unit g Unit g Depot C
cases, Controllers can send Interpreta
communications direct to Service tion of Audit Financial All the
1158 Head Quarters? Rules Reports Advice three B

By By By By
booking booking booking booking
amount amount amount amount
under Plus under Plus under Plus under Plus
Receipt Receipt Charge Receipt
against against against against
93/020/8 00/021/0 93/020/8 00/021/0
1 and 0 and 1 and 0 and
Minus Minus Minus Minus
Receipt Receipt Charge Receipt
In SBI CMP how the suspense account against against against against
is cleared when online debit scrolls are 00/021/0 93/020/9 00/021/0 93/020/8
1159 received in Accounts Section? 0 1 0 1 B
Sales + Sales - Closing
In terms of Quantity, Opening Stock + Closing Closing Stock -
1160 Purchases
A contract is
is equal
said totobe
induced Stock Stock Sales None A
by____where the relations subsisting
between the parties are such that one
of the parties is in a position to
dominate the will of the other and
uses that position to obtain an unfair Undue All the
1161 advantage
A contract is
to other
be induced Coercion Fraud Influence three C
by____where the relations subsisting
between the parties are such that one
of the parties is in a position to
dominate the will of the other and
uses that position to obtain an unfair Undue All the
1162 advantage over the other Coercion Fraud Influence three C
In the Articificial Limbs, the
renewals/repairs are done on ______ At 25% of At 50% of
basis in cases where initial issues were the the At Full
made on free basis by the Artificial payment payment Payment
1163 In
audit of car diaries, it is ensured Free rate rate rate A
that authorization of Government
Transport is limited to journeys not
exceeding one way distance of ___
kms except in the case of general
1164 officers and equivalent Ranks? 8 32 48 96 B
In the Budgetary Control Exercise, Modified
which of the following is the final Appropria Preliminar Revised Vote on
1165 estimate/allotment? tion y Estimate Estimate Account A

In the case of ____ & ______, Minor Farms & Boarder

works are also classed as Capital Navy & Air Ordnance Roads &
1166 works? Force Factories GREF None B

shall have
bulk shall ty of
correspon comparing goods
In the case of a contract for sale by d with the the bulk shall be
sample there is an implied condition sample in with the free from All the
1167 In
case of ?a contract for the sale of quality sample any defect three abc
a specified article under its patent or
other trade name, there is no implied
condition as to its ______ for any
1168 In
the casepurpose?
of a Government Suitability Fitness State Condition B
employee, who refuses promotion, no
fresh offer shall be made for a period
1169 of __________? 6 months One year 2 years 3 years B
In the case of abandoned project, Project
receipts from the disposals of stores Governme replacing
or other assets sold are utilized nt the Any of the
1170 elsewhere should be credited to Project Account project three A
In the case of Advertised Tender
Enquiry, Ordinarily, the minimum time
to be allowed for submission of bids
should be ______ weeks from the
date of publication of the tender
notice or availability of the bidding
1171 document or sale, whichever is later? 6 5 4 3D
nt post + Post as
In the case of an employee going on Deputatio Post opted by
deputation to another department, he Deputatio n Duty Whicheve the
1172 will draw the pay of the _____? n post Allowance r is more employee D
A contract which ceases to be
enforceable by law becomes ____
1173 when it ceases to be enforceable? Void Voidable Valid One side A
A contract which ceases to be
enforceable by law becomes ____
1174 when it ceases to be enforceable? Void Voidable Valid One side A

In the case of APAR system, if a level is Cannot be
missing in three tier, it can be converted
converted into _____ system in the Multiple . Three
1175 cases otherthan Stenographers? Single Tier Two Tier
Tier tier only A
In the case of appeals against written imposing
penalties, the records should also Article(s) statement the All the
1176 include a copy of ____? of charge of defence penalty three D
In the case of Army Officer serving in Last
UK, IRLA is closed on ___ of the month working
1177 by PCDA (O) Pune 15th 20th 25th day A
In the case of Army personnel serving
in A&N islands leave will EHQ EHQ
1178 commence/end on reporting at ____? Kolkata Chennai a or b None C

In the case of Army units, MFAI Report Chief of GOC-In-C Army

1179 will be addressed to Army Staff GOC-In-C by name HQrs C
In the case of ASC contracts, whose Next
sanction is necessary to conclude a higher
1180 contract for less than 12 months? PCDA CFA GOC in C MOD C
In the case of Auditor working in the Cell) of AAO (AN) As
office of LAO, where ALAO is not Main of Main decided
posted, Reporting officer for the Office of Office of by
purpose of APAR of the said Auditor PCDA/CD PCDA/CD PCDA/CD
1181 will be _____? A A LAO A C
In the case of Banking of Regimental
Funds, sanction of ____ is required to
be obtained before depositing for the Army
1182 In
of Cantonment
any bank? board, CDA H.Qrs. OC Station GOC in C A
castings of cash book should be
checked cent percent for ___ selected
1183 months? three two four six B
In the case of Cantonment Board, the
Executive Officer should exercise a
surprise check on the actual cash
balances by personal verification on at
least _____ in each month and record
a signed and dated certificate of
verification below the last entry in the Three
1184 Cash Book? One day Two days days Four days B
Yes. Cost
A Contractor requested that a security will be
furnished by him may be converted Yes . Cost born by No such
into e interest bearing form of to be born Governme provision
1185 security. Can it be done? No by him nt in Rules B
Yes. Cost
A Contractor requested that a security will be
furnished by him may be converted Yes . Cost born by No such
into e interest bearing form of to be born Governme provision
1186 security.
In the caseCanofitconstruction
be done? of house No by him nt in Rules B
under HBA Rules, it should be
completed within ____ of date of 18 12
1187 drawing
In the case
Court Attachment order months months 6 months 3 months A
received in the office of GE in respect
of a Contractor, to whom some
payments are due and at the same Amount
time some amouont is due from him , Court due to A - 75%
which of the following will have first Attachme Goverenm A and B and B -
1188 claim
In the from
case uch
of daily-rated
due? for a nt ent 50% each 25% B
part of a month, calculation of DA will
be on monthly pay divided by _____ No. of
and the result multiplied by No. of days in
1189 days 30 31 26 the month C
the date
In the case of death of a Government the end of of death
while in service CEA is Admissible till such time academic proportio the
______ the same subject to conditions he/she year in nately for previous
provided spouse is not employed in would which that academic
Central/State Government/PSUs etc. have he/she academic year of
1190 or partly funded by Government received died year death A
In the case of Debit balance in respect
of Army Officer, Provident Fund
monthly contribution will be restricted
1191 to ___% of pay? 10 9 8 6D
In the case of Defence Lands ussed for
Regimental purposes ____ of annual
profits based on the audited figures of
Regimental Fund Account is supposed
to be credited to the Government as One
1192 provided
In the caseinof
Part II?units, final Full One half fourth Nil C
Field Imprest Account is submitted at
least ___ before the actual date of One
1193 disbandment? 7 days 10 days 21 days month B
In the case of doubt in interpretation Next higher
of a contract, audit officer should be Accepting Law higher audit
1194 guided by the opinion of officer Officer CFA authority B
In the case of employee who joins in
the middle of the year, ___ days of
Half Pay Leave is admissible for one Two and Five by Five by
1195 completed month of service? Half three four None B
of next Concurren
In the case of enhancement of higher ce of CDA
contract rates, which of the following authority is
1196 statements are true? required necessary Both None C

yes. But
Yes. the
Provided money
proper should be
receipt is remitted
A contractor submitted bid security in to be to
the form of Cash along with the issued to governme Yes. Can No.
technical bid. Whether this can be the nt within be Cannot be
1197 accepted? contractor 24 hours accepted accepted D

yes. But
Yes. the
Provided money
proper should be
receipt is remitted
A contractor submitted bid security in to be to
the form of Cash along with the issued to governme Yes. Can No.
technical bid. Whether this can be the nt within be Cannot be
1198 In
the case of Exit from NPS upon contractor 24 hours accepted accepted D
attaining the age of Normal
superannuation, At least __% of
accumulated wealth of subscriber
needs to be mandatorily utilized for
1199 In
the caseofofanexpansion
annuity of existing 20 40 60 80 B
house, HBA is admissible for Rs. ____
lakhs only in respect of Government
1200 employees? 5 10 15 25 B
balance of
In the case of final closing of Field nt
Cashier Account, which of the provided
following balances will be remitted Cash by PCDA
1201 into Treasury? balance (O) Both None A
In the case of foreign procurements, Global Limited Tender
which of the following methods of Tender Tender Enquiry All the
1202 inviting tenders can be adopted? Enquiry Enquiry (PAC) three D
In the case of Government servants
receiving Non Practicing Allowance,
their basic pay plus Non Practicing No such
1203 Allowance shall not exceed Rs. _____? 225000 250000 237500 limit C

Any of the
three at
the choice
In the case of HBA, interest is Compoun of
1204 calculated at ____ interest rate? d Simple Flexible employee B

In the case of hill roads when it is not Special of funds Proposal
possible to repair the road from within repairs for under for
the maintenance grant, proposal for approval special original
1205 In
is submitted
case of hospitalization
by GE? of Army of CFA repairs Both a & b work C
Officer, ______ pay and allowances
are admissible to him/her for such
1206 period? Full Half 1/3rd 2/3rd A
(Amount + Actual Restricted
GST) amount to
restricted paid entitleme
Actual to within nt +
In the case of Hotel charges, GST is payment entitleme entitleme Actual
1207 admssible at ____ ? done nt nt + GST GST C
In the case of implementing court
orders on attachment of payments Governme
due to Contractor, any difficulty nt Honble
1208 experienced will be referred to? Solicitor Court DGADS CFA A
By prior By prior
concurren concurren
A Controller's office decides to By prior ce of Sub- By prior ce of
relax audit temporarily in a matter concurren Area- concurren GOCin- C
concerning one of his sub-offices. How ce of Command ce of of the
1209 can he do so? C&AG er CGDA command. C

By prior By prior
concurren concurren
A Controller's office decides to By prior ce of Sub- By prior ce of
relax audit temporarily in a matter concurren Area- concurren GOCin- C
concerning one of his sub-offices. How ce of Command ce of of the
1210 can he do so? C&AG er CGDA command. C
In the case of Inter-factory issues,
_____ copies of Issue Voucher are to
1211 be prepared? 4 5 6 8C
1% each
In the case of inter-State supply TDS @ under 1% each
____ is to be deducted if the deductor CGST and under
is registered in State or Union territory SGST/UTG 2% under SGST and 2% under
1212 without legislature - B ST IGST UTGST CGST B
In the case of issuing depot, absence
1213 of ____ copy will be objected by LAO? A copy B copy C copy D copy B
Allowance Mileage No TA/DA
In the case of Local Journey on TD, The Mileage + 50% of Allowance is
1214 entitlement of officer will be ___? Allowance DA + DA admissible B
In the case of Local journey, Daily
1215 allowance is admissible at ___%? 100 80 70 50 D
In the case of loss of a purchased Twice the
animal, which has not been calved book Purchase Market Highest of
1216 since purchase, Pricing is done at value Price Rate the three B
In the case of loss of A.S.C. stores due
to deterioration or degradation, CFA
will be determined with reference to Gross,
1217 ____ loss to wite off ____ loss? Gross Gross, Net
Net, Gross Net, Net B
Sub ndent of
In the case of Loss of arms in a unit, Area/Equi Police of
Report need not be given immediately valent PCDA/CD the
1218 to which of the following authorities? H.Qrs. A District None B
In the case of loss of arms,
ammunition court of inquiry
proceedings should be sent to Army one two three six
1219 Head Quarters with in ___ (Period)? month months months months C
CFA will
write off
In the case of loss of money on No need loss in
account of withdrawal from treasury, to write consultati Further
responsibility fixed entirely on off the on with investigati
1220 treasury authorities ___ is done? loss CDA on is done None B
A cutting up allowance up to a
maximum of ___ is admissible in
1221 respect of meat fresh issued in a unit? 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.1 C
A cutting up allowance up to a
maximum of ___ is admissible in
1222 respect of meat fresh issued in a unit? 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.1 C
In the case of loss of stores in transit CFA as
(By Rail), part of claim on account of determine
loss is admitted by Railways, d by CFA as
Competent authority to write off ____ PCDA/CD determine
1223 loss will write off net loss? Net Gross A d by MOD A
In the case of LTE, how many vendors
must be asked to forward their More than
1224 quotations/proposals? 1 2 33 D
In the case of Medical Depots, items
declared obsolete by DGAFMS are
accounted for in NIV ledger on a ____
1225 voucher? Issue Receipt Transfer Nominal A
In the case of Member of HUF, HBA is
1226 admissible at ___% of normal 50 60 80 100 B
In the case of Mines, which type of
Depreciation method would you Straight Diminishin Either b or
1227 suggest to adopt? line g balance Depletion c C
In the case of monthly returns by
prepared units, which of the following Total of Total Closing All the
1228 will be verified in local audit? Receipts issues balance three D
In the case of movement of complete
unit from one station to another, Train LAO of the Officer LAO of the
_____ is responsible to prepare Train Quarter entraining Command detraining
1229 Ration Returns? Master station ing of unit station C

forward to
the first
Deposited month&#
Sold out to MCO in 39;s
Deposited to the the Ration
to Railway best Railway Return of
In the case of movement of complete Pantry advantage Station of the unit in
units, balances in the Train Ration Authoritie of the new the new
1230 Return are _______? s state station station D
In the case of moving of troops by
Train, ASC makes no arrangement and
no reserved rations are loaded for
1231 parties of ____ or less? 50 20 10 100 B
In the case of Nationals of West
Bhutan Leave will commence/end On
the date of leaving and arriving Either a or
1232 respectively at the ____ stations Banarhat Hashimara b Rangiya C

In the case of counting of past service onal PCDA
in the case of Army Officers/PBORs, PCDA (O) or CDA of
____ will verify the past service Pune/PAO the PAO
records and counts towards Qualifying (ORs) (ORs) PCDA (P) CRO, New
1233 service for Pension/Gratuity etc.? concered concered Allahabad Delhi C

In the case of counting of past service onal PCDA
in the case of Army Officers/PBORs, PCDA (O) or CDA of
____ will verify the past service Pune/PAO the PAO
records and counts towards Qualifying (ORs) (ORs) PCDA (P) CRO, New
1234 service for Pension/Gratuity etc.? concered concered Allahabad Delhi C
A cutting up allowance up to a
maximum of ___ is admissible in
1235 respect of meat fresh issued in a unit? 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.1 C
In the case of Navy Ships visiting Embarkati
foreign ports, the necessary supply of PCDA on
foreign currency is arranged by ____ Navy, PCDA New Naval Command
1236 through
In the case
NIV items, Rates Mumbai Delhi H.Qrs. ant C
published by ___ will be adopted
while converting loan issues into
payment issues by Ordnance Depots
1237 to other Departments? GOC in C A.HQrs. MOD MOD (Fin) D
In the case of officers of MES, Class 9
voucher will be operated and
punching medium will be prepared in Quintuplic Quadrupli
1238 ___the
In bycase
Pay of
of Commercial ate Triplicate Duplicate cate A
Offer After Trial Evaluation/Testing,
The commercial offer should normally
have a validity period of _____
months from the date of submission No such
1239 of the offer 12 18 24 provision A
In the case of payment through Letter Embassy of
of Credit, who among the following PCDA New in foreign External Any of the
1240 does the Accounting adjustment? Delhi country Affairs DAD Cells A
In the case of PBORs in debit balance,
1241 ____ of pay is recovered as monthly 2/3rd 0.5 1/3rd 1/4th C
Fix at the
stage and
In the case of prmotion, when admit Wait till
increment is granted in the existing increment the DNI
pay level and pay is to fixed in the as if and carry
promotion pay level, if it is found that Next promotio out
same pay exists in the promotion higher n is not Same Refixation
1242 level, then pay is fixed at ____? stage granted stage of pay C

A or B A or B
whichever whichever
In the case of promotion, if the is is less
individual does not exercise option Date of beneficial beneficial
within the prescribed period, then pay Promotio to the to the
1243 will be fixed from ____? DNI n individual individual B
In the case of promotion, option has
to be exercised by the individual to get
pay fixed either from date of
1244 In
the case or
of Promotion,
DNI within ____
option 3 months 2 months 1 month 15 days C
is given by the individual to fix the pay
initially and refix the pay on DNI,
placement is done in the promotion Pay in the
level on date of promotion. In such Pay at the next stage No such
case, if the exising pay stage is same in next stage of provision
both the pay levels, _____ is of existing promotio for
1245 admissible? level n pay level Same pay placement B

A day is calculated from ______ to Midnight Morning Afternoon

____ for the purpose of TA/DA to to to Evening to
1246 entitlements for the official tour? Midnight Morning Afternoon Evening A

A day is calculated from ______ to Midnight Morning Afternoon

____ for the purpose of TA/DA to to to Evening to
1247 entitlements for the official tour? Midnight Morning Afternoon Evening A
In the case of Purchase of house under
HBA Rules, Acquisition and mortgage
to Government should be completed 18 12
1248 In
the Case
____? of Purchase of land for months months 6 months 3 months D
which HBA has been sanctioned and
released, purchase should be
completed and the sale deed
produced within ____ months, failing
which advance to be refunded in lump
1249 sum? 18 12 6 2D
indent has
In the case of purchase of stores, a placed on
sanction shall be deemed to have Tenders Central
been acted up on if _______ within have been Purchase
1250 the period of one year? accepted Org. a or b None C
In the case of Purchase/Construction
of new flat HBA Should be utilized
within ____, unless extension of time 18 12
1251 limit is granted? months months 6 months 1 month D

In the case of Recall from leave in depending
respect of Army Officer, travel time upon the
from leave station to duty station will merits of Furlough
1252 be treated as ___? Duty Leave the case leave A
In the case of recovery of LF & Allied Depends
charges bills recovered from Pay Bill, Pay Bill to LF Bill to upon the
1253 audit is conducted from ___ to ____? LF Bill Pay Bill Both case B
In the case of reemployed officers in
civil, if the last pay drawn is more than
the stage of pay level of civil
employment, the difference is Special Special Personal Personal
1254 admissible in the form of ____? Pay Allowance Pay Allowance C
In the case of Re-employed officers, No such
1255 Pay + Gross pension should not 25000 237500 225000 limit C

In the case of re-employed No HRA is

pensioners, non ignorable portion of No such payable to
pension _____ to actual pay for the to be to be provision Reemploy
1256 purpose of calculating HRA deducted added exists ed B

In the case of refusal of government allotment to apply
accommodation by an employee, HRA to any for the
is not admissible for the period of other stay in the accommo
1257 ____? employee station dation 3 months C

At any
Annual time
A decision on identification of a Works before
Defence Building as a Prestigious is Rough Programm Execution completio
1258 taken at the stage of ______? Cost e of Work n of work B
At any
Annual time
A decision on identification of a Works before
Defence Building as a Prestigious is Rough Programm Execution completio
1259 taken at the stage of ______? Cost e of Work n of work B
In the case of reimbursement of food
charges, if the absence from H.Qrs. Is
between 6 and 12 hours, ___% of
lumpsum can be paid to government
1260 servant on duty? 30 50 70 100 C
In the case of Remount Depots,
1261 checking
In the case
stock is
out Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly C
equipment of non service
organizations in EME Workshops,
___% of cost of labour will be added
1262 as overhead charges? 1 0.5 0.25 0.1 B
In the case of rural areas HBA is
Restricted to _____ % of true cost of No such
the land and construction or cost of restriction
1263 expansion of living accommodation? 50 60 80 limit C

In the case of services other than the Approxim Schedule

original works and special repairs, ate Rough Indication of
1264 ____ is the only estimate of cost? Estimate cost of cost Demands D

bring on
charge the bring on Officers of
full charge both the
quantity only the factories
delivered. portion assemble
Issue the pertaining together
stores to to their at a pre
other own determine
In the case of stores delivered in bulk factory factory d location
to one factory under order of Central and adjust and to accept
Purchase authority with instruction to the same balance their Any of the
transmit a portion to another factory, as Inter transmitte respective three as
the factory originally receiving the Factory d to other portion of agreed
1265 stores will ____? Transfer factory stores upon A
In the case of Stores disposed of under
orders of Director General of Decided
Disposals, whether loss statement is Decided by
necessary for diffeence in book value by PCDA/CD
1266 In
of stores
very technical Yes No Executive A B
nature and which cannot be
accounted for in any stock group, ____
cards are opened by Ordnance Temporar
1267 depots? Technical Special Doubtful y C
ted by Maximum
In the case of stores which are drawn under quantities
according to fixes scales, which of the drawal drawn as
following actions of unit will be placed subseque a matter
1268 In
the case
of technical
by LAO?resignation of ntly of course Both None B
NPS subscriber __ % of wealth is
payable to the subscriber under NPS
1269 system? 80 40 20 Nil D

can be
can be to at the
A disbursing officer requested CDA to acceded discretion
return the vouchers pertaining to an can be cannot be to at the of
item of expenditure after passing the acceded acceded discretion Disbursing
1270 same. His request to to of CDA Officer B

can be
can be to at the
A disbursing officer requested CDA to acceded discretion
return the vouchers pertaining to an can be cannot be to at the of
item of expenditure after passing the acceded acceded discretion Disbursing
1271 same.
In the case
His request
of Temporary to to of CDA Officer B
Duty/attachment to a unit in non
qualifying area, HAUCA is admissible if one
1272 the duration exceeds ___? 6 weeks month 21 days 14 days D
In the case of transfer of Army Officer
from one unit to another,
handing/taking over period of __ days
1273 is allowed
In the casefor
of Transfer
a lowerunits?
post, 2 3 4 5C
pay protection is given to fix the pay
at a lower stage if the same stage is
not available. The difference will be Special Advance Personal Any of the
1274 adjusted as ____? Pay Increment Pay three C
In the case of Two Bid system, which Commerci
1275 of the following bid is opened first? al Technical Both None B

Transferre to
In the case of units disbanded, balance d to local dependen Auctioned
1276 of Medical Stores should be units destroyed t Hospital to public C

In the case of upward revision of Pay Technical

after issue of LPC to PCDA (P), Pension Ledger Section EDP
amendments of intimation memo are cell of Wing of Group II of Centre of
1277 scrutinized and vetted by __? PCDA (O) PCDA (O) PCDA (O) PCDA (O) C
In the case of works estimated to cost
less than Rs. _____, preparation of
schedule of works may be dispensed
1278 with by MES? 100000 50000 20000 10000 D
In the case two bid system, a bid shall
be valid for ___ days unless otherwise
1279 specified? 60 90 120 180 C
In the Combined strength of posts in
the grades of AOs and SAOs, a
maximum of _____ % may be
1280 operated
In the consuming
in the grade
SAO. 50 60 80 90 C
periodical stock taking is done, the
total value of loss discovered on each
particular occasion of stock check,
irrespective of the time taken in Grouped
checking the stores and irrespective of Separate Single to the As
categories of stores dealt with, will be transactio transactio possible decided
1281 treated as _____? ns n extent by the CO B

At the
A female Govt. employee applied for Eligible for of leave
Maternity leave on account of 45 days Eligible for sanctionin
threatened abortion. To what extent is without Not 180 days g
1282 leave admissible? MC eligible with MC authority. B

At the
A female Govt. employee applied for Eligible for of leave
Maternity leave on account of 45 days Eligible for sanctionin
threatened abortion. To what extent is without Not 180 days g
1283 leave admissible? MC eligible with MC authority. B
In the Defence Services, the pay and
allowances of Service Officers, PBORs,
Civilians are accounted for under Major Minor sub major
1284 separate ______? heads heads heads Sub heads D
In the event of death of a female Govt. Unmarrie
servant, encashment of leave salary is Major d Adopted
1285 not payable to Husband brother daughter Son B
In the event of deficiency of cash in a
chest in which public funds, non public
funds and regimental funds are kept Non All the
combined, ___ will have first claim public Regiment Public three
1286 over the balance available? fund al fund fund equally C
In the Government Accounting Rules,
special provisions have been made to All the
1287 which of the following Ministry? Railways Defence Postal three D
In the hierarchy of MES, Chief (Comman
1288 Engineer (Zone) reports to ______? d) E in C MOD GOI B
In the manual system how many
1289 copies of DIDS are prepared? 2 3 4 5D
price -
In the Marginal Costing, Contribution Fixed Cost Variable
1290 is calculated as equal to _____? + Profit Cost Both None C
In the medium term fiscal policy, Capital Revenue All the
1291 rolling targets are specified as a % of Receipts Receipts GDP three C
day when
In the system of SBI CMP amount is receives
credited to the beneficiary accounts file from Day when
within T+1 day. What do you mean by Turnaroun Accounts file is Transactio
1292 T? d Time Office uploaded n day B

25000 to
Add closing
25000 to Add stock in
the 20000 to the
closing the balance
stock in Capital in sheet and
In the trial balance Closing stock is the the post Rs.
given at Rs. 100000/-. In the balance balance 5000 on
adjustment it is given that the sheet and sheet and credit side
proprietor evaluates the stock at 20% post Rs. post Rs. of Trading
below cost. Now he wants to show the 25000 on 25000 on Account.
stock at the correct rate? What will be credit side Debit side Add
the adjustment in the final accounts? of Trading of Trading 20000/- to Both a
1293 Opening stock is 80000/- Account. Account. Capital and b C
A fidelity bond can be accepted as Governme
Security Deposit in the case of nt Private
1294 _______? servants parties Both None A
A fidelity bond can be accepted as Governme
Security Deposit in the case of nt Private
1295 In
the Trial Balance Furniture is given servants parties Both None A
in Debit for Rs. 5000/-. It is given in
the adjustment that Wages include Rs.
500/- on account of erection charges
of Plant & Machinery erroneously Rs. 5500/-
debited to wages. After doing the Rs. 5500/- on Rs. 4500/- Rs. 5000/-
adjustment, Furniture A/c in the on Assets liabilities on Assets on Assets
1296 balance sheet should appear as ___? Side side Side Side D
In the trial balance it is given Rs.
10000 as investment with Krishna. In
the adjustment, it is given that Rs.
3000/- has been earned by Krishna out
of which we are supposed to get one
third share. After adjustment, which of 10000 on 11000 on 11000 on 13000 on
the following amount is reflected in assets liabilities assets Assets
1297 In
trial balance
sheet? it is given Rs. side side side side C
10000 as investment with Krishna. In
the adjustment, it is given that Rs.
3000/- has been earned by Krishna out
of which we are supposed to get one Rs. Rs.
third share. After adjustment, which of 11000/- Rs. 1000/- 13000/- Rs. 1000/-
the following amount is reflected in on debit on debit on credit on credit
1298 the P&L A/c? side side side side D

In the trial balance Rent for office 20000 in 20000 in 5000 in 25000 in
building is shown on debit side for Rs. P&L A/c P&L A/c P&L A/c P&L A/c
25000/-. In the adjustment, it is given debit side Debit side credit side credit side
that one fifth of the building is used by and 5000 and 5000 and 25000 and 5000
Proprietor for residence. What will be debit credit in P&L A/c in P&L A/c
1299 thethe
In adjustment
Trial Balance
in final
received is drawings drawings debit side debit side A
given as Rs. 26000/-. In the
adjustments it is given that Rent for
January of next year (Year ending on
31st December) is received in
advance. After doing the adjustment,
Amounts of ____, ____ will appear in
the P&L Account and Balance Sheet 28000, 24000,
1300 respectively?
In the Trial Balance Salaries is given as 2000 26000, 0 24000, 0 2000 D
Rs. 11000/-. In the adjustments it is
given that Salaries for the month of
December (Year ending on 31st
December) are outstanding. After
doing the adjustment, Amounts of
____, ____ will appear in the P&L 12000, 11000,
1301 Account and Balance Sheet 1000 1000 12000, 0 11000, 0 A
In transit between two posts TA/DA Avaerage
1302 Entitlement will be as per ___? Lower Higher of both
None A
Both on
In two bid system, which bid is opened Technical Financial simultane
the same
1303 first? Bid Bid dayously A
In vehicle depots, whose orders will be Army
looked for in audit to issue chassis to EME PCDA/CD Head
1304 body builders? GOC in C workshop A Quarters D
In war or at any other period, when
for special reasons supply units are
administered direct by Army
Headquarters, _____exercises the Military Chief of
1305 powers of a G.O.C.-in-Chief Command MGO QMG Secretary Army Staff B
A File which contains readymade
styles that can be used for a Pre
1306 presentation is called __ ? Autostyle Template Wizard Formating abc
A File which contains readymade
styles that can be used for a Pre
1307 presentation is called __ ? Autostyle Template Wizard Formating abc
In which column of Punching medium Plus Minus Plus Minus
1308 amount remitted through MRO is Receipt Receipt Charge Charge C
In which column of the Punching
Medium, a bonafide expenditure to Plus Minus Plus Minus
1309 Government is booked? Receipt Receipt Charge Charge C
In which column of the Punching
Medium, a bonafide receipt to Plus Minus Plus Minus
1310 Government is booked? Receipt Receipt Charge Charge A
In which column of the Punching
Medium, a less expenditure to Plus Minus Plus Minus
1311 Government is booked? Receipt Receipt Charge Charge D
In which column of the Punching Plus Minus Plus Minus
1312 Medium, a less receipt to Government Receipt Receipt Charge Charge B

by As No
Internatio prescribed specific
In which format cash flow statement is nal by Indian format is
1313 supposed to be prepared? Standards Standards A or B prescribed D
In which of the following cases GPF
1314 balance need not be paid to Dismissal Removal Both None D
Loss of
Loss of arms and
In which of the following cases holding Loss of Public Loss of ammuniti
1315 of Court of Inquiry is mandatory? stores money cash ons D

Loss of
e property Loss of
due to arms and
In which of the following cases holding natural ammuniti Both A None of
1316 of Court of Inquiry is not mandatory? calamity ons and B these D

When an
When a When a officer is
PBOR is JCO is attached
transferre promoted to the
d to one as a High
establish Commissi Commissi
In which of the following cases LPC ment to oned on for All the
1317 need not be issued another officer India, U.K. three A
from Any
Goods Contracto Good(s) it
All goods referred rs against may
A food inspection unit / Composite received to them Ministry consider
food lab is responsible for inspection from the by Station of Food necessary
1318 of : contractor HQrs contracts to inspect. C

from Any
Goods Contracto Good(s) it
All goods referred rs against may
A food inspection unit / Composite received to them Ministry consider
food lab is responsible for inspection from the by Station of Food necessary
1319 of : contractor HQrs contracts to inspect. C

In which of the following cases of Reduction to a lower
penalty, period of penalty can be to a lower stage in a
1320 indefinite? time scale time scale Both None A
Loss due
to fair
In which of the following cases raising MT Transit wear and None of
1321 of Loss statement is not required. accident loss tear these C

Barrack Fees from
damages Retired
In which of the following cases, cash other than Cash sale employee All the
1322 payments may be received by GE? from units of stores s three D

In which of the following cases, GE can from third Cash sale
1323 accept cash payments? parties of stores Both None C
Immediat Acquiring
e lien on
absorptio Deputatio another
In which of the following cases, lien on n in n beyond post
a post cannot be retained by an another normal outside All the
1324 employee? post limit cadre three D

In which of the following cases, lien on While on officiating While on
a post will be retained by an foreign in another suspensio All the
1325 employee? service post n three D
n of
Transfer another
In which of the following cases, LPC is Seconded to Pension audit
1326 issued in respect of Army Officer? to Navy Estt. officer All D

Promotio Transferre
n to Transfer d from
In which of the following cases, LPC is Commissi to Pension one Estt.
1327 not issued in respect of a PBOR? oned Rank Estt. to another None C
transferre PBOR
d from promoted
One PAO to Army
jurisdictio Commissi Officer
n to oned when
In which of the following cases, LPC is another Officer seconded All the
1328 supposed to be issued? PAO rank to Navy three D

calling for
including making a
In which of the following cases, MES single long term
1329 should consult PCDA/CDA? tender contract Both None C
None of
1330 A fresh sanction lapses after ???.. 6 Months 1 Year 2 Years these B
None of
1331 A fresh sanction lapses after ???.. 6 Months 1 Year 2 Years these B
Promotio n to a post
n to a post not
involving involving
assumptio assumptio
n of n of
In which of the following cases, higher higher
1332 Minimum Entry Pay is not assured? duties duties Both None D
of pay
Promotio retrospect
n after ive date
MACP in on
In which of the following cases, pay the same notional
1333 fixation is not required? pay level basis Both None A
In which of the following cases, Pay Reemploy Resignatio
1334 protection is not given? ment n Both None D

Leave spent
In which of the following cases, Ration pending away from
Allowance (Cash in lieu of free rations) Annual Retiremen Duty Temporar
1335 is not admissible to Service Officers Leave t Station y Duty D
due to
In which of the following cases, provision To meet
Sanction of Government of India is not An error for exp. on
required for re appropriation (Reasons in specific new
1336 given below)? estimates measure activity None D

Being Conduct
In which of the following cases, involved involving
Suspension of a Government servant in a public moral derelictio
1337 is not desirable? scandal turpitude n of duties None D

during the leave is
notice admissible
period, , but the
when Governme
going on nt servant
In which of the following voluntary applies in
circumstances, EOL cannot be retiremen writing for
1338 sanctioned? t EOL Both None A

In which of the following documents, Unit

the specific nature or purpose of duty Vehicle Transport Mileage
1339 is supposed to be mentioned clearly? Log Book Car Diary Register Card B
In which of the following e-payment
modules, drawing of cheque is not
1340 necessary? CMP RTGS NEFT ECS A
from one
In which of the following occurrences, Punishme Promotio CDA office
1341 pay fixation is not required? nt n to another None C
Illustratio previous
ns Coherenc correspon
whereeve e of flow dence, if All the
1342 A good draft should have r required of ideas any above D
Illustratio previous
ns Coherenc correspon
whereeve e of flow dence, if All the
1343 A good draft should have r required of ideas any above D
In which of the following offices you CDA
will not find a section with specific PCDA (P) CDA (PD) (Funds) All the
1344 name Disbursement section Allahabad Meerut Meerut three B

In which of the following offices, you CDA (PD) PCDA New (R&D) All the
1345 will find a section by name Vigilance? Meerut Delhi New Delhi three A
In which of the following offices, you
will find a section with name ''Post PCDA New PCDA (O) PCDA (SC) PCDA (P)
1346 Audit''? Delhi Pune Pune Allahabad D

In which of the following PCDA/CDA PCDA PCDA New

1347 will you find Army List Cell? (Navy) PCDA (SC) PCDA (O) Delhi C

In which of the following PCDA/CDA PCDA PCDA New

1348 will you find Wages section? (Navy) PCDA (SC) PCDA (O) Delhi A
In which of the following stations DAD
1349 Cell is not functioning Delhi Mumbai Patna Chennai C
In which of the following stations, LAO
1350 (CSD) is not located? Jammu Chennai Mumbai Bengaluru D
In which of the following stations, Visakhapa
1351 Regional H.Qrs of Indian Coast Guard Mumbai Chennai Portblair tnam D
In which of the following stations,
Regional Head Quarters of Coast Trivendru
1352 Guards is not located? m Mumbai Chennai Portblair A

In which of the following, Expenses Productio

1353 are not classified? Cost Sheet n Account Both None B
Integrated Integrated Integrated Integrated
Services Service Services System of
Digital For Digital Defence Defence
1354 ISDN Network Network Network Network abc

Integrated Integrated Integrated Integrated

Services Service Services System of
Digital For Digital Defence Defence
1355 ISDN Network Network Network Network abc

Refer the
Refer the with facts
Complete matter to
the with facts superior
A Government officer has to enter process to and take None. He
into a Contract Agreement in the and superior action as can
official capacity with a firm in which intimate and go per exercise
his wife is employed? Which of the to the ahead decision the
following course you would suggest higher with own of powers
1356 him as per CCS Conduct Rules? authority decision superior freely C

Refer the
Refer the with facts
Complete matter to
the with facts superior
A Government officer has to enter process to and take None. He
into a Contract Agreement in the and superior action as can
official capacity with a firm in which intimate and go per exercise
his wife is employed? Which of the to the ahead decision the
following course you would suggest higher with own of powers
1357 him as per CCS Conduct Rules? authority decision superior freely C
In which para of Defence Account
Code, the power of signing a Punching
1358 Medium is mentioned? Para 62 Para 75 Para 82 Para 72 D

with other
In which side of a file Office Notes are separate correspon
1359 filed? Left side Right side files dence A
In which year Departmentalisation of
1360 Accounts started? 1969 1976 1977 1996 B
In which year, Departmentalization of
1361 Accounts
Incase of premature/unauthorised
has been done? 1947 1956 1975 1976 D
issue of clothing items due to loss or
unfair wear and tear, Re-issue attracts -
---- % of P V rate if used beyond half of
1362 it's life. 25 50 75 100 B
Income limit for the purpose of
dependency of family members under
CGHS is Rs._____ p.m + Dearness
1363 Relief? 1275 3500 9000 18000 C

Income Tax if given in trial balance, Debited to Credited Debited in Credited

1364 what will be done in final accounts? capital to capital P&L A/c in P&L A/c A
Income tax is required to be deducted
at source at the rate of ___% in all
cases of payment to contractors and
sub-contractors exceeding the
1365 Increment
prescribed falling
amount due,
IT Act
not? 0.5 1 2 5C
drawn during EL not exceeding
_____days will be taken as
emoluments for the purpose of
1366 Pension calculation? 180 120 90 60 B

Payee and
Payee, Payee, witnessed
Indemnity bond for issue of fresh Payee and Executive Executive by
1367 cheque is signed by the Executive & DAD & Bank Executive D
A Government servant is deemed to
have been placed under suspension, if No such
he is detained in custody for a period period laid
1368 exceeding ______? 24 hours 48 hours 1 week down B
A Government servant is deemed to
have been placed under suspension, if No such
he is detained in custody for a period period laid
1369 exceeding ______? 24 hours 48 hours 1 week down B
Indemnity bond in respect of a cheque nt
lost is not required in respect of which departme Scheduled
1370 Indent
of the following?
for forms of CDA series are nts banks Both a & b None C
supposed to be submitted to
Manager, GOI Store, Kolkata
1371 _________? Monthly Quarterly Half yearly Annually D
Indent for payment issues of Medical
Stores for Sainik Schools should be
routed through ____ to AFMSD for PCDA/CD
1372 issuing the stores? GOC in C QMG DGAFMS A C
Indents for cheque books are 1st
1373 submitted by PCDA/CDA office by 1st April 1st May 1st June January C
Indents for payment issues are
classified in to ____ classes in Armed
1374 Forces Medical Store Depot? 6 5 4 3D
Indias first unified tri service Udhampu
1375 command is located at: r Pune Portblair Goa C
Indian Contract Act, 1872 came into 01.01.187 01.04.187 01.07.187 01.09.187
1376 force w.e.f. _____? 2 2 2 2 D
Indirect material, indirect labour and Fixed Additional Overhead All the
1377 indirect expenses are called as ___? Costs costs s three C
Individual Clothing Card is prepared in Quadrupli
1378 Individual
. Running Ledger Account of Original Duplicate Triplicate ctae B
Officers are closed to a ____ balance
at the end of every month by PCDA All the
1379 (O) Pune? Debit Nil Credit three B

A Government servant is deemed to Expiry of Date on Date of

have been placed under suspension, if 48 hours which committin
he is detained in custody for a period of intimation Date of g the
1380 exceeding 48 hours w.e.f.: detention is received Detention offence C

A Government servant is deemed to Expiry of Date on Date of

have been placed under suspension, if 48 hours which committin
he is detained in custody for a period of intimation Date of g the
1381 Individuals
exceeding 48over
years of age who detention is received Detention offence C
wish to continue at their present
stations, will normally be exempted
1382 from transfer? 50 55 56 58 C
Industrial personnel of Ordnance Check Acquitanc
1383 Depots are paid by Administrative Pay Bills Audit Rolls Rolls e Rolls C
Information required by PcsDA/CsDA Official
from Service Headquarters for Correspon
purposes of higher Audit should be dence Any of the
1384 obtained through only CGDA DGADS three B
Information under RTI act is supposed
to be given within _____ when it
1385 pertains to life and liberty of a person? 72 Hours 48 Hours24 Hours 7 days B
Initial claim for reimbursement of Regional
house rent in respect of an army PCDA/CD All the
1386 officer is pre scrutinized by ______? AAOBSO LAO/RAO A three A
Initial pay in the reappointed post will
be fixed at minimum of the scale of
that post,If the break in service is due resignatio Any of the
1387 to ______? n removal two None C

Minor Major
1388 Inquiry is not mandatory in ___ cases? Penalties Penalties Both None A
Inquiry shall be completed with in
1389 ____ under SH Act? 30 days 60 days 90 Days 180 days C
Administr Administr
Inspection of various sections of the ation ation Technical Technical
office of PCDA (O) is conducted by Section, section, Section, Section,
1390 ____ once in ___? half year year half year year D
Inspection Report prepared by O&M Only one
1391 cell consists of ____ parts? 4 3 2 part C
A government servant on acquiring a allowed give
lien on a post will ______ to hold the for a applicatio
lien previously acquired on any other limited n with a
1392 post, Unless otherwise provided Continue Cease period request B
A government servant on acquiring a allowed give
lien on a post will ______ to hold the for a applicatio
lien previously acquired on any other limited n with a
1393 post, Unless otherwise provided Continue Cease period request B

Satisfactio No such
1394 Instrument is negotiable till ____? Payment n a or b restriction C
Insurance company once admits claim
for damaged goods, it becomes ____
1395 Insurance
for the business?
premium in respect of Lender Creditor Debtor None C
buildings in unit premises, where
feature films are also exhibited should Public Regiment 50% each Not to be
1396 be paid out of ___ fund al Fund by a, b paid at all B
Integrated Defence Staff (IDS) is Defence & Ex-
working under Department of ______ Productio Developm Serviceme
1397 of MOD? Defence n ent n Welfare A
Interest on Advance payment of
Income tax, if given in trial balance, Credited Credited Debited to Debited in
1398 what will be done in final accounts? in P&L A/c to capital capital P&L A/c B
1399 Interest on capital is ____ type of Real Personal Nominal None C
Interest on Capital when given in trial Trading Balance
1400 balance appears in _____ of final A/c P&L A/c Sheet Both b & c B
Interest on Capital when given in trial
balance appears on which side of tiral
1401 balance? Debit Credit Both None A
Internal Audit of store accounts of
1402 units and formations is conducted by DAD DGADS Both None A
Internal Audit Report by CGDA is Defence etary
1403 submitted to ____? Secretary MOD DGADS (Def/Fin) D
A Government servant retired on
superannuation on 31-8-2017. His
leave at credit as on 30-06-2017 was
280 days. What will be total EL at
1404 credit for encashment on 31-8-2017. 280 days 286 days 285 days 295 days C
A Government servant retired on
superannuation on 31-8-2017. His
leave at credit as on 30-06-2017 was
280 days. What will be total EL at
1405 credit for encashment on 31-8-2017. 280 days 286 days 285 days 295 days C
Internal Audit Report by PCDA/CDA is All the
1406 submitted to _____? GOC in C CGDA DGADS three B
Internal Audit report is rendered by
1407 PCDA/CDA on _____ basis? Yearly Half yearly Quarterly Monthly B
March &
Internal Audit report is rendered twice 30th June 30th 28th Feb
in a year covering the items pertaining & 30th Septembe & 31st
1408 to the period up to _____ & _____? December r August None B
Internal Committee or Local
1409 Committee under SH Act has the Civil Criminal Both None A
Internal Committees are supposed to decided
be constituted on ___ basis by by
PCsDA/CsDA as per Sexual Harassment Organizati PCDA/CD
1410 of women at work place Act? Station Office on A B

Should be Depends Should be
Intimation regarding Local purchae sent on the intimated
should not be sent to the Central immediat item in annual
1411 Purchase agency. Is it true? Yes ely procured basis B

should be Depends Should be
Intimation regarding Local purchases sent on the intimated
should not be sent to the central immediat item in annual
1412 purchase agency. Is it true? Yes ely procured basis B
Investment of how much of the
wealth of the subscriber is mandatory
under NPS, on atttaining 60 years of
1413 age i.e. superannuation? 60 50 40 20 C
Investment of how much of the
wealth of the subscriber is mandatory
under NPS,in case leaving the scheme
1414 before 60 years of age? 80 60 40 20 A
Invoice in respect of imported stores is PCDA/CD
received in ____ for pairing with copy LAO of the A Main All the
1415 of the packing accounts? unit Office Unit three B

the date As
A Government servant who is on leave of option decided
on the 1st day of January, 2016 and is for the by the A or B as
entitled to leave salary hall be entitled revised Competen opted by
to pay in the revised pay structure 01.01.201 pay t the
1416 from ______ under 7th CPC? 6 structure Authority employee D
the date As
A Government servant who is on leave of option decided
on the 1st day of January, 2016 and is for the by the A or B as
entitled to leave salary hall be entitled revised Competen opted by
to pay in the revised pay structure 01.01.201 pay t the
1417 from ______ under 7th CPC? 6 structure Authority employee D
Invoice in respect of Imported Stores Landing
1418 is sent by ISM, London to _______? CDA LAO Consignee Officer A
IO has to submit Inquiry Report within one
1419 _____ from the date of his 20 days month 3 months 6 months D
1420 IRLA of a PBOR has ____ parts? 2 3 4 5C

IRLA of Army Officer is not maintained Course of

by PCDA (O) in which of the following instructio
cases of Officers proceeding on ns to Study Temporar
1421 _______? abroad Leave y Duty None D

Individual Individual Integrated

Running Running Record ofRecord of
Leave Ledger Leave Ledger
1422 IRLA stands for Account Account Account Account B
Terminal Outstandi Loss of
Irrecoverable barrack damages are Compensa ng Suspense public
1423 treated as ______? tion demands amounts money D
Irrecoverable losses due to thefts and
fraudulent use of railway warrants, Loss of
credit notes or railway concession Public Non of
1424 vouchers is treated as: Cash Loss Store Loss Money these C
Irrecoverable personal advances made Loss of
to individuals no longer in Govt. Public Non of
1425 Service is categorised as: Cash Loss Store Loss Money these C

n of
Is it incumbent on Audit officer to Depends Higher
scrutinize the disciplinary action taken on the Audit
1426 in the case of a Financial Irregularity? No Yes case Authority B

Island Special (Duty) Allowance is compensa
admissible concurrently with which of Hard Area tory
1427 the following allowances? HAFA Allowance Allowance CFAA B
the date As
A Government servant who is on study of option decided
leave on the 1st day of January, 2016 for the by the A or B as
and is entitled to leave salary hall be revised Competen opted by
entitled to pay in the revised pay 01.01.201 pay t the
1428 structure from ______ under 7th CPC? 6 structure Authority employee D

the date As
A Government servant who is on study of option decided
leave on the 1st day of January, 2016 for the by the A or B as
and is entitled to leave salary hall be revised Competen opted by
entitled to pay in the revised pay 01.01.201 pay t the
1429 structure from ______ under 7th CPC? 6 structure Authority employee D
nal Internal Internet Internet
Service service service service
1430 ISP stands for Provider Provider Provider Presenter abc

Voucher Voucher Ledger to Ledger to

to ledger to ledger voucher voucher
Issue audit is conducted from ___ to or vice and not or vice and not
1431 _____? versa vice versa versa vice versa D

Officer i/c,
Issue of ASC articles from Retail Retail Local
Shops/Ration stands are priced at shop/Rati Audit Station Army
1432 applicable rates by on stand Officer H.Qrs H.Qrs. A
Issue of chassis to local body builders Issue Convoy Any of the
1433 will be made on ____? Voucher Notes two None B
Issue of samples stores of AOC to
Contractors/Private firms to help
guide manufacture of articles are Unauthori
1434 treated as ___ issues? Loan Payment Free zed A
Issue of samples to Disposal
Authorities are treated as _____ Any of the
1435 Issues? Payment Free Loan three B
Issue regarding counting of pre-
Commissioned Service is decided by
the Administrative Authority, in PCDA (O) CDA (PD) PCDA (P) All the
1436 consultation with _____? Pune Meerut Allahabad three C
Issuing Depots forard the vouchers to
LAO with a list (Covering letter) known Forwardin Skeleton None of
1437 as??. Top List g Memo List these C
into the
for the
n at the
issue rate
By By current in
underdra underdra the month
It has to be ensured during local audit wal within wal in the of
that overdrawal of rations during a the month subseque overdraw All of
1438 month has been adjusted: itself nt month al. these D
It is _____ function of audit to
prescribe what such rules and orders
shall be or to interfere with their the the
1439 administrative
A Government application.
servant who retires primary the main not the spiritual C
while under suspension pending major
penalty proceedings is entitled to get Provisiona Provisiona
1440 _____?
A Government servant who retires l pension l Gratuity Both None A
while under suspension pending major
penalty proceedings is entitled to get Provisiona Provisiona
1441 _____?
It is the definite commitment of the l pension l Gratuity Both None A
_____ to reimburse to the negotiating
advising bank whether applicant
provides the value of negotiation or
not in the case of payment through Advising Issuing
1442 Letter of Credit? Buyer Seller Bank Bank D

authoritie Authority
s to whom who
It is the primary responsibility of the allotment allotted
______ to watch the progress of PCDA/CD s are the All the
1443 expenditure? A made budget three B
It is the responsibility of ___ Section to
ensure that all DIDS floated by them
have complete details and are duly
1444 It
is to ensure
by vouchers
in Internal Audit that all Audit Accounts Both None A
the expenditure and disbursements
are ?????, vouched and correctly Performe Transferre Authorise None of
1445 classified. d d d these C
It shall be the duty of ______ to
communicate to the President all
decisions of the Council of Ministers
relating to administration of the Union Speaker of
and proposals for legislation, to Prime the House Vice All the
1446 furnish related information? Minister of People President three A

taken is in
Action Action order. But
taken is taken is in he should
not in order. But have
It was noticed by GE that there is an order. He he should intimated
imminent danger to some buildings should have to Local
under his jurisdiction. He took have intimated Military
immediate action to protect the taken to Local Command
property. He reported the matter to prior Action Military er and
CWE. Comment on the action taken by permissio taken is in Command PCDA/CD
1447 the
It will
GE?be seen that in order to reduce n of CWE order er also A also D
losses of medical stores due to time
expiry, deterioration to the barest Items with
minimum, the perishable items are a safe life
classified into 3 groups for better Items Items with ranging Items with
control in the Medical Depots. Which requiring a life of from two a life of
of the following is not the one among cold two years to five more than
1448 them? storage or less years five years D
Items and maximum quantities to be
held by GE in his Divisional Stock and
1449 laid down by GE CWE CE E in C B
Items for which neither industrial nor
defence specifications are available,
_________ specifications are decided Temporar
1450 by the buyer of Defence? y Adhoc Variable Fixed B
Items in doubtful cards have to be
conditioned within ___ in Ordnance One Two Three Six
1451 depots? month months months months C
B) Upto
25% of
A) Upto the C) Upto
50% of contributi 25% of
self on of self
A Govt. official can withdraw contributi Govt. and contributi
percentage as a partial/temporary on self on D) None
1452 withdrawl under NPS 2004? amount together amount of these C
B) Upto
25% of
A) Upto the C) Upto
50% of contributi 25% of
self on of self
A Govt. official can withdraw contributi Govt. and contributi
percentage as a partial/temporary on self on D) None
1453 withdrawl under NPS 2004? amount together amount of these C
Items in the MFAI/IAR reports which
are subsequently included in the
CGDA's certificate appended to a or b as
the printed Appropriation Accounts, a or b as decided
will --------------- taken out of the MFAI be decided by
1454 report, but pursued till finality? not be formally by CDA Executive B
Items of ____ will not be included by Irregulariti Higher Financial
1455 LAO in the Objection Statements? es Audit Advice None C
Items of financial advice ??.. be
1456 Items
includedof receipts
in objections
and payments
owing may not may will not will C
to lack of information as to their
nature are compiled under _____
1457 heads Deposits Services Advances Suspense D
Items of stores purchased/supplied
per man/station/unit etc. are called as Non
1458 Items
____ items?
of Stores retrieved from work, NIV Special scaled Scaled D
which become the property of
Contractor are mentioned in ____ of Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule
1459 Contract Agreement? B A C of credit D
1460 Jharkhand kis kshetra ke adhin aata K Kh G Gh A

High value Low value

Journal entries are supposed to be to low to high Chronoligi
1461 Journeys
entered inperformed
____ order?
on amenity value value cal None C
(payment or free) and other payment
duties are recorded in the Car diary
_____ by the Army Units and
Formations for easy identification and with With Blue With Black With Red
1462 linking? Pencil Ink Ink Ink D
Jt. CDA (BR) Chandigarh is under the Chandigar PCDA (CC) PCDA New
1463 administrative control of _____? h Lucknow Delhi None D
A Govt. official drawing pay in Pay
Level and above are authorized to
1464 travel by Air during TD. Pay level 6 Pay level 7 Pay level 8 Pay level 9 A
A Govt. official drawing pay in Pay
Level and above are authorized to
1465 travel by Air during TD. Pay level 6 Pay level 7 Pay level 8 Pay level 9 A
Jurisdiction of CWE is generally known
as ____ with reference to the
Regulations for the Military Engineer
1466 Services? Area District Division Zone B
k kshetra mein awasthit kendra sarkar
ke karyalayon ke bich Hindi mein
1467 patrachar
K kshetra se
? 100 95 90 65 A
kendra sarkar ke karyalayon ke bich
Hindi mein patrachar ka prtishat kya
1468 khai
? se kh kshetra mein awasthit 65 75 100 95 A
kendra sarkar ke karyalayon ke bich
Hindi mein patrachar ka prtishat kya
1469 hai ? 65 75 100 95 C

Kendriy Hindi smiti ke adhykash kaun Grih Raksha Prdhan Loksabha

1470 Kh
hai ? se G kshetra mein Mantri Mantri Mantri Adhykash C
awasthit kendra sarkar ke karyalayon
ke bich Hindi mein patrachar ka
1471 prtishat kya hai ? 65 55 100 90 B
KM reading of vehicles should be
checked by the authority responsible
1472 on _______ basis Daily
Weekly Monthly Random A
KPL of a vehicle fixed by the workshop Vehicle Vehicle Mileage
1473 has to be mentioned in ? Car Diary Register Log Book Card C

Total Cost Cost As As

L-1 is determined with reference to including excluding decided decided
1474 ____ quoted by tenderers? Taxes Taxes by IFA by CFA B

Lady Welfare workers will be allowed Other

to use government transport at Family Ranks
amenity rates for welfare works to welfare clubs and
1475 visit centre canteens Both a, b None C
1476 Karnatak kis kshetra ke adhin aata hai K Kh G Gh C
1477 Karnatak kis kshetra ke adhin aata hai K Kh G Gh C
A Govt. official is eligible for availing
LTC on completion of one year of Re-
continuous service. This is not Fresh employed Group A None of
1478 applicable for. Recruits officers officers these. D
A Govt. official is eligible for availing
LTC on completion of one year of Re-
continuous service. This is not Fresh employed Group A None of
1479 applicable for. Recruits officers officers these. D

third second first none of

1480 Language used in circular is person person person the above A
LAO (CSD) Chennai falls under whose CDA Factories CDA (CSD) PCDA
1481 jurisdiction? Chennai Avadi Mumbai Bengaluru C
LAO auditing the stores accounts of Consignor Consignee
1482 the Depot receiving the stores is LAO LAO NLAO None B
LAO desires to carry out stock
1483 verification. Whose permission is CDA Executive Both a, b GOI A

test check
of the Making
verificatio addition
n of or
credits in deletion in Selection
store the list of of
accounts auditable vouchers
LAO does not have discretionary verified by document for special
1484 powers in which of the following? LAO staff s linking None B
LAO is responsible for cash inspection Public Regiment
1485 in respect of ____? fund al fund Both None A
If he is put
If he is put upon
upon enquiry
enquiry without He cannot
with prior prior carry out
If he concurren concurren actual
considers ce of ce of stock
LAO may carry out an actual stock the PCDA/CD PCDA/CD verificatio
1486 verification necessity A A n B
LAO responsible to conduct audit of
store Accounts of unit issuing the Consignor Consignee
1487 LAO
is known
see that
as _____?
limits for LAO LAO LAO (D) LAO (E) A
conservancy stores required by units Station
during a year as fixed by ____ are not Command Army PCDA/CD
1488 exceeded? er GOC in C H.Qrs A A

LAO will bring to the notice of Local Reported

Administrative authorities in cases of through Decided
failure on their part to carry out Completel Completel PCDA/CD on case to
1489 periodical stock verification? y true y false A case C

A) 6 years B) 5 years C) 4 years

after after after D) 3 years
commenc commenc commenc after
A Govt. official is eligible for partial ement of ement of ement of commenc
withrawl from NPS account after contributi contributi contributi ement of
1490 rendering ... Years of service. on on on cotribition D
A) 6 years B) 5 years C) 4 years
after after after D) 3 years
commenc commenc commenc after
A Govt. official is eligible for partial ement of ement of ement of commenc
withrawl from NPS account after contributi contributi contributi ement of
1491 rendering ... Years of service. on on on cotribition D
not in
LAO will bring to the notice of PCDA in conformit
immediately by a special report in Non- unsatisfac y with All the
1492 which accounts in a unit are existent tory state rules three D
Statement forwarded
LAO will verify credits in Public Fund s by Pay
Account cash book with reference to Cheque forwarded Accounts All the
1493 ____? Slips by CDA Offices three D

Required Required
to send to obtain Competen
competen their approval t to settle
t to settle recomme of main observatio
the ndations office for ns in
objections to raising consultati
at their PCDA/CD observatio on with
1494 LAOs/RAOs are level A ns Executive A

Late Attendance (up to one hour) can Any of the

1495 be condoned by ____? AAO SAO/AO GO three C
Late Attendance (up to one hour) can
be condoned on ______________
1496 occasions
Late Entrant
in aismonth?
defined as an officer 2 3 4 Nil A
retired on reaching the prescribed age
limit for compulsory retirement with
at least ____ years Commissioned
service qualifying for pension but
whose total service is less than _____
years as defined in Pension
1497 Regulations
LD may be recovered
for the Army
from the 10, 15 15, 20 20, 25 25, 30 B
contractor a sum equivalent to ____ %
of the prices of any stores which the
contractor has failed to deliver within
the period agreed for delivery in the
contract, for each week or part
thereof during which the delivery of
such stores may be in arrears, where As As
delivery thereof is accepted after decided Decided
1498 expiry of the aforesaid period. 0.5 0.05 by CFA by IFA A
Leave Acount is maintained in Part -----
1499 --- of Service Book. II IV VI VIII C
Leave Not Due may be granted to a No such
permanent Government servant with Leave of Restrictio
1500 no ____ at credit HPL EL any kind n A
Leave Not Due may be granted to an
1501 employee who has no ___ at credit? CL HPL Both None B

J&K, A&N
Punjab, Islands
A Govt. servant can visit any one place J&K, A&N A&N and
under special dispensation scheme of Islands Islands Himachal J&K and
1502 LTC with one Home Town conversion: and NER and NER Pradesh NER only A

J&K, A&N
Punjab, Islands
A Govt. servant can visit any one place J&K, A&N A&N and
under special dispensation scheme of Islands Islands Himachal J&K and
1503 LTC with one Home Town conversion: and NER and NER Pradesh NER only A
Leave of AO GE will be sanctioned by PCDA/CD
1504 the concerned _____? GE CWE RAO/LAO A D

a or b as
Crossing decided No such
border of by provision.
Leave of Gorkha Officers whose Crossing station sanctionin Normal
homes are in Nepal will begin and end Nepal where g rule is
1505 on the date of ____? Border working authority applicable A

a or b as
decided No such
Leave of Officers having homes in border of by provision.
Sikkim and domiciled in Bhutan will station Sikkim/Bh sanctionin Normal
begin and end on the date of crossing where utan g rule is
1506 _______?
Leave on invalidment on account of working Border authority applicable B
disability is admissible for
Commissioned Officers for _____
months and may be extended up to
1507 _____ months
Ledger Group checks the pay book of 6, 12 6, 18 8, 16 8, 24 D
soldier to ensure the correctness of Transfers
_____ with reference to entries in in his ACR Personal All the
1508 IRLA? Wing to eliminate the
Ledger career Payments Details three B
possibility of opening a duplicate IRLA
requests R section through a
forwarding memo marked as for Personal Duplicate Account Special
1509 ____? tracing tracing tracing tracing D
CAO, E in C
Ledgers for furniture in the office of E Ministry branch
in C are maintained by which of the of themselve PCDA,
1510 following? CE Defence s New Delhi B
Less expenditure to Government is Plus Minus Plus Minus
1511 booked in which column of Punching Receipt Receipt Charge Charge D
Less Receipt to Government is booked Plus Minus Plus Minus
1512 in which column of Punching medium Receipt Receipt Charge Charge B
letter of credit is one in respect of
which another Bank in the beneficiarys
country adds its confirmation at the
request of the issuing Bank is known Irrevocabl
1513 A
____ servant
letter ofdrawing
credit? pay in Pay Revocable e Confirmed Revolving C
level 5 is entitled for transportation of
Baggage upto ------------ Kg on
1514 A
Govt. servant
drawing pay in Pay 6000 5000 4000 3000 D
level 5 is entitled for transportation of
Baggage upto ------------ Kg on
1515 Letter
of credit
which may be 6000 5000 4000 3000 D
amended or cancelled by the issuing
bank at any moment without prior
notice to the beneficiary is known as Reversabl
1516 Letters
___? from contractors forwarding Revocable Revolving e None A
deeds of assignment should indicate
whether bank in whose favor such a
document is executed will function as Collecting Financial Either a or Both a
1517 a ___? Agency bank b and b C
Draft Date on
Letters should bear the date of Approval Preparatio which
1518 ______? of Draft n Despatch copied C
either a or
1519 Liabilities are closed with ___ Balance? Debit Credit b None B

Licence fee bills in respect of Army Officers Regional

1520 Officers are sent to ____? concerned PCDA (O) CDA AO GE B
Licence Fee bills in respect of Civilians
are received from _____ in PCDA/CDA AO/AAO
1521 office pay sections? BSO GE GE/BSO LAO/RAO C
Life Insurance Premium if given in trial
balance, what will be done in final Credited Credited Debited to Debited in
1522 accounts? in P&L A/c to capital capital P&L A/c C

Lighting in
Lighting and Heating expenses when Profit and Heating in
given in trial balance, it will be posted Trading loss Balance Trading
1523 in ___ of final accounts? Account account Sheet Account B
Limited Tender Enquiry is done for
purchase of stores of the value up to
1524 Rs. ___ 2.5 lakhs 3 lakhs 15 lakhs 25 lakhs D
an entry
in a ledger
etc and
g voucher,
to ensure
that the
entry in
the ledger
etc is
Verificatio strictly in
n of accordanc
vertical e with the
with voucher Both (A)
horizontal or vice and (B) None of
1525 Linking in local audit means: totallings versa. above these B
A Group B employee can take a flight
from the following places to visit NER Kolkata, Kolkata, Guwahati, Bagdogra,
1526 under special dispensation scheme: Guwahati New Delhi Bagdogra New Delhi A
A Group B employee can take a flight
from the following places to visit NER Kolkata, Kolkata, Guwahati, Bagdogra,
1527 under special dispensation scheme: Guwahati New Delhi Bagdogra New Delhi A
Issue side side of receipt Issue side
of transfers- side of of
transfers- inward transfers- transfers-
inward and inward inward
and issue receipt and issue and reeipt
side of side of side of side of
Linking is done in which of the transfers- transfers- transfers- transfers-
1528 following manner? outward. outward. outward. outward. C
39; and
Linking of Issue vouchers is carried out Ledger to Voucher 'B&# None of
1529 from??? voucher to ledger 39; these A

Linking of purchases is done on ___ by LAO
side of Ledger in Local Audit of Store from case
1530 Accounts in Army Units? Issues Receipts to case Both sides B
39; and
Linking of Receipt vouchers is carried Ledger to Voucher 'B&# None of
1531 out from??? voucher to ledger 39; these B
Liquidated damages is levied at ____%
1532 per week 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.1 C
Liquidated damages should not
1533 exceed ___% of valueof 5 7 6 10 D
List of DMROs for which OMROs are
not found adjusted will be extracted
by Accounts to Audit Sections at the
1534 end of each ____? Month Quarter Half year Year B
List of Supporting Documents is Annexure Annexure Annexure Annexure
1535 mentioned in which Annexure of I II III IV C
List of Witness is mentioned in which Annexure Annexure Annexure Annexure
1536 Annexure of Charge Sheet? I II III IV D

Section code head Amount None of

1537 Loan
A JCOSchedule
appointed is prepared
to a post abroad,
????.. he wise wise wise the above B
does not wear uniform due to
diplomatic customs, becomes eligible
for Half of outfit allowance, when his
tenure of posting is for a minimum Three
1538 A
JCO appointed
of to a post abroad, he 6 months One year Two years years C
does not wear uniform due to
diplomatic customs, becomes eligible
for Half of outfit allowance, when his
tenure of posting is for a minimum Three
1539 period of 6 months One year Two years years C
Loans and Advances are represented
1540 by Sector ____? A B K F D
Loans to State Governments budgeted
under the Civil Estimates of Ministry
of Defence (Major Head 7610-Loan
and Advances to State Government)
are advised by _____ for credit to the PCDA New CGDA AO (DAD)
1541 State Government by CAS, RBI, Nagpur Delhi Office MOD None C
Loans to State Governments budgeted
under the Civil Estimates of MOD are
also advised through CAS, RBI, Nagpur AO (DAD) PCDA R&D
1542 by _____ ? CGDA MOD New Delhi CGA B
Local Audit of units and formations by
DAD is organized under ____ Only One
1543 categories? 4 3 2 category C
Local Audit Programme is approved PCDA/CD
1544 by? GOC in C A Both None B
Local Audit Programme is submitted
by LAO for approval by PCDA/CDA
1545 Main Office for _____ (period)? Half year Year Quarter 9 months A
39; &
Local Audit Programme/Plan is OC of the PCDA/CD 'C&#
1546 approved by?? Unit LAO A 39; C

Local Committee is constituted by and District
____ as per Sexual Harassment of District Disbursing Magistrat Head of
1547 women at work place Act? Officer Officer e Office A

Local Purchase Articles of ASC stores Latest

issued on payment will be priced by O Stock Payment Highest of Lowest of
1548 i/c of Purchase
Local ASC retailof
at _____
are Book Rate issue rates the two the two B
covered under Central purchase
cannot be done for which of the Payment For
1549 following transactions? Issues Stocking None Both D
A minimum ____% indigenous content
on cost basis shall be required in Make
1550 cases in the successful prototype 20 30 40 50 B
A minimum ____% indigenous content
on cost basis shall be required in Make
1551 cases in the successful prototype 20 30 40 50 B
Long Term Integrated Perspective Plan
(LTIPP) covers a period of ___
1552 requirements? 5 1015 20 C
through CGDA
Loss of Account Card in Ordnance PCDA/CD PCDA/CD through
1553 Depot should be reported to ___? A.HQrs. A A A.HQrs. C
Loss of audited documents in a unit Major
should be classified as ____________ Observati trivial irregularit
1554 in audit? on error y Objection D
Loss of blank forms of Railway Army PC of A
1555 Warrants require regularization of GOI MOD H.Qrs Kolkata A
Loss of blank forms of railway PC of A
warrants shall be regularized under (Fys.), Army H. Regional
1556 the orders of Kolkata Qrs GOI CDA C
Loss of concession forms should be Authoritie PC of A,
1557 reported to s Kolkata Both None C
Loss of original Measurement Book PCDA/CD
1558 will be regularised under the orders of A LAO GOC-in-C GOC C

Final Audit
Preliminar Report is
Loss y audit rendered
Loss of stores will be struck off from statement report is by Sanction
ledgers at which stage of processing of is rendered PCDA/CD of CFA is
1559 loss statements? prepared by LAO A received D
Loss statement for loss of Ordnance General of
items in a Military Hospital will be Military Ordnance Ordnance
1560 priced by Hospital Depot LAO/PCDA Branch C

Loss statement for losses in respect of Executive

which penal recoveries from Authoritie Supply LAO/CDA/ None of
1561 individuals are involved are priced by : s Depots PCDA these C
A Minor head is represented by ___
1562 digit Number? 2 4 15 3D
A Minor head is represented by ___
1563 digit Number? 2 4 15 3D

the book Transit
value and losses
sale recoverabl
proceeds e from the
of stores carrying
disposed company
of by or which
under have been
orders of made
DG of good by
Disposals the
Loss statement is not necessary in or other company
1564 which of the following cases? orders concerned Both None C

Loss due
the book
value and
Loss due sale
to fair proceeds
Loss statement is not required in wear and of
1565 respect of which of the following? tear disposal Both None C
Loss statement is prepared in Quadrupli Qunituplic Sextuplica
1566 _______? Triplicate cate ate te D
1567 Loss statement is prepared in Form? IAFA-496 IAFA-497 IAFA-498 IAFA-499 C
Loss statements are prepared in _____
by the units proposing regularization Sextuplica Quintuplic Quadrupli
1568 of losses? te ate cate Triplicate A
Loss statements are sent in ____ for Quadrupli Qunituplic
1569 pricing by Stores Section of CDA? Duplicate Triplicate cate ate B
Loss Statements for losses in respect Executive
of which penal recoveries from Authoritie Supply LAO/CDA/ None of
1570 individuals are involved are priced by s Depots PCDA these C
Losses arising in connection with
purchases through purchasing
organizations, where fault is entirely Completel Completel Decided Decided
1571 with them are not shown in App.A/cs y true y false by PCDA by CFA B
Losses due to expenditure on freight Loss of
in respect of stores dispatched in error Public Non of
1572 is treated as: Cash Loss Store Loss Money these C

Current Highest
cost of Cost of Highest
Losses of dairy produce are valued at productio Productio Sale rate Market
1573 ________ n n in force in force Rate C

A Money Bill shall not be introduced in Rajya No such

1574 the_____? Lok Sabha Sabha Both provision B

A Money Bill shall not be introduced in Rajya No such

1575 the_____? Lok Sabha Sabha Both provision B
Losses on account of stores short
landed /damaged which remain Loss of
irrecoverable from the carrier/port Public None of
1576 authorities will be treated as Cash Loss Store Loss Money these A

Losses on account of stores short- As

landed/damaged which are decided As
irrecoverable from the carriers, will be by decided
1577 dealt with at consignees' end as? Store loss Cash loss Executive by CDA B
Either Both
Losses pertaining to issue of stores in 'A&# 'A&#
which cash recoveries are required to 39; or 39; &
be made are classified as ??.loss in 'B&# 'B&#
1578 Appropriation Accounts. Cash Loss Store Loss 39; 39; A
Losses pertaining to issue of stores in
which cash recoveries are required to
be made are classified as .loss in Either 'A' Both 'A' &
1579 Appropriation Accounts. Cash Loss Store Loss or 'B' 'B' A
Losses pertaining to which of the Stores
following are not exhibited in Military Departme Cantonme All the
1580 Appropriation Accounts? Farms nt nt Boards three C
Losses resulting from the dispatch of Loss of
stores by other than the authorized Public Non of
1581 procedure is treated as: Cash Loss Store Loss Money these C
Losses to which no precise monetary by Decided
value can be assigned should be PCDA/CD by GOC in
1582 shown written
Losses in Appropriation
off in respect
of stores Correct Incorrect A C C
short landed at ports should be
classified as ____ and exhibited in the
statement under the appropriate Either a or None.
heading in the Appropriation b at the Need not
1583 Accounts?
LPC cum Data Sheet in respect of Cash Loss Store Loss discretion be shown A
Army Officers at the time of their
retirement is prepared in ____ by Quadrupli Quintuplic
1584 PCDA (O)? Duplicate Triplicate cate ate C
LPP of more than _____years vintage
1585 is not taken as a real scale for 1 2 3 4 abc
A non recurring payment to a
Government servant from a source
other than Consolidated Fund of India Honorariu Special All the
1586 is known as _______? Fee m pay three A
A non recurring payment to a
Government servant from a source
other than Consolidated Fund of India Honorariu Special All the
1587 is known as _______? Fee m pay three A

Last Last Last Last

Ration Ration Ration Ration
1588 LRC stands for?????. Card Credit Consumed Certificate D
Study Maternity Casual All of
1589 LTC can be availed during: Leave Leave Leave these D
LTC can not be availed during which of Casual Half pay Clossed All the
1590 the following periods? Leave leave Holidays three C
LTC cannot be availed by Govt. servant Temp Suspensio Promotio
1591 during: Transfer Duty n n C
Local Limited LegimateT
Tender Tender ender All the
1592 LTE Stands for _____? Enquiry Enquiry Enquiry three B

M Section
of Regional
Lump sum advances drawn by Field Regional PAO of CDA of
Imprest Holders from Field Cashiers CDA of the PAO of
will be intimated by PCDA (O) to Imp. Imprest Imprest All the
1593 ____? Holder Holder Holder three B
Lump sum advances paid to Field
Imprest Holders by Field Cashiers are 00/018/6 00/018/6 00/018/6 00/018/6
1594 compiled
M.T. Gasoline/Diesel
to _____ suspense
issued to
the 4 5 0 1 B
vehicles on day to day basis as per POL
Retail Issue Voucher is accounted for Vehicle Mileage Vehicle
1595 in the ??.. Car Diary Register Card Log Book C
Machine Hour rate method comes Absorptio Apportion All the
1596 under ______? n ment Allocation three A
Debit Credit Debit Credit
Machinery purchased for Rs. 10000/- purchases purchases Purchases Purchases
included in purchases. What will be and credit and Debit and Debit and Credit
1597 the adjustment
Kendr sarkar ke in
final accounts?
mein ek Mahinery Machinery Machinery Machinery B
varsh mein Rajbhasha karyawyan smiti
ki kitni baithakon ka aayojan hota hai
1598 ?
Kendr sarkar ke karyalayon mein ek 1 2 3 4D
varsh mein Rajbhasha karyawyan smiti
ki kitni baithakon ka aayojan hota hai
1599 ? pensioner receiving _______
A 1 2 3 4D
pension and re-employed
subsequently is not eligible for a
separate pension and gratuity for the
period of re-employment under CCS superannu
1600 Pension
A pensioner
receiving _______ retiring ation A or B none C
pension and re-employed
subsequently is not eligible for a
separate pension and gratuity for the
period of re-employment under CCS superannu
1601 Pension Rules? retiring ation A or B none C

10, 20, 30 12, 24, 36

MACP scheme envisages grant of of of
three financial up gradations to Group continuou continuou
A, B & C employees at intervals of _, _, s regular s regular 10,20,30 12, 24, 36
1602 _ years? service service of service of service A
MACP scheme is applicable to PBORs 07.08.200 01.09.200 01.01.200
1603 of Indian Army w.e.f. _____? 3 01.01.96 8 6 C
MACP scheme is effective from 01.01.200 31.08.200 01.09.200 01.10.200
1604 _______ 6 8 8 8 C
MACP Scheme is not applicable to Group A Group B
1605 ________? service services Both None A
MACP Scheme is not applicable to All the
1606 which of the following categories of Casual Adhoc Contract three D
MACP upgradation is allowed if the
PBOR is stagnated in a particular pay
1607 level for a period of ___ years? 12 10 9 8D
balance of
the fiscal economy
balance of as
the Union reflected
Governme in the
nt as current
the reflected account
growth in in the balance of
Macro-economic Framework the gross gross the
Statement shall contain an assessment domestic fiscal balance of All the
1608 relating to ______? product balance payments three D
It is time is not
Main disadvantage of written consumin spontaneo requires All the
1609 communication is g us great skills above D
Admin Accounts
Maintenance of Debt Head Registers section of Admin Accounts Section of
in respect of DAD employees is the CGDA Section of Section of CGDA
1610 responsibility of ____ ? office CDA office CDA office office C
Head of
Group the
Maintenance of the APARs is the duty Officer PCDA/CD SAO/AO Departme
1611 of the ______ (AN) A (AN) nt D
A person appointed as a
'Trainee' on compassionate
grounds has to acquire minimum
Educational qualification in ________
1612 years? 2 3 5 10 C
A person appointed as a
'Trainee' on compassionate
grounds has to acquire minimum
Educational qualification in ________
1613 years? 2 3 5 10 C
Major capital works are original works
1614 costing ____ and above? 5 lakhs 10 lakhs 15 lakhs 50 lakhs C
Major Head is represented by ___
1615 digit number? 4 3 2 7 A
Major penalties are awarded under
1616 Rule ____ of CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965? 10 14 16 None B
Major penalty proceedings are held
1617 under which rule of CCS CCA Rules 10 11 14 16 C
Majority of Government Accounts are e and
1618 kept under ____ basis? Accrual Cash Cash None B
Majority of the Government Accounts
1619 are kept on ____ basis? Cash Accrual Both None A
1620 Manipur kis kshetra ke adhin aata hai K Kh G Gh C
Manufacturing or production
overheads come under which of the Functions Behaviour Element
1621 following classification of overheads? wise Cost wise wise wise A

Units and
Map accounts maintained by ______ Map Formation
1622 are not subject to audit by LAO? Depots s Both None B
Can be
approval No such
Are Are not of account is
Map accounts maintained by units and subject to subject to PCDA/CD maintaine
1623 formations audit audit A d B
A person shall not be qualified for
appointment as an Administrative
Member in administrative tirbunal,
unless he has held for at least _____
years the post of Secretary to the
1624 Government of India ? 5 4 3 2D
A person shall not be qualified for
appointment as an Administrative
Member in administrative tirbunal,
unless he has held for at least _____
years the post of Secretary to the
1625 Government of India ? 5 4 3 2D
March Supplementary Correction PCDA/CD
1626 Manually requires the sanction of CGDA CGA A None B
Marginal costing is a costing method
in which ____ are accumulated and
cost per unit is ascertained only on the Overhead
1627 basis of such costs? Fixed Variable Direct s B
All the
1628 Material leave is granted on _____ pay Full Half No three A

Contracto Measure Any one

Materials received at site will be Work r Orders ment of the
1629 counted and recorded in _________? Diary book book three C
Maternity leave is admissible to
female government employees for
1630 ___ days on one occasion? 90 180 240 730 B
Maternity leave is granted on _____ All the
1631 pay Full Half No three A

Maternity leave is not admissible for Threatene

1632 ____? Abortion d Abortion Both None B
Matribhasha ke aadhar par kendriye
karmchariyon ko kitni kotiyon mein
1633 vargikrit kiya
Maximum amount
gaya hai?
of HBA shall be 1 2 3 4D
____ months basic pay subject to
maximum amount prescribed or the
cost of the house/flat or amount
according to repaying capacity which
1634 ever is the amount
Maximum least? of HBA shall be 34 134 139 150 A
prescribed months basic pay subject
to a maximum of ___ (lakhs) only or
the cost of the house/flat or amount
according to repaying capacity which
1635 ever is the least? 25 50 75 100 A
A person shall not be qualified for
appointment as the Chairman of Judge of a Judge of
Administrative Tribunal unless he is or District Judge of a Supreme Any of the
1636 has been a Court High Court Court three B
A person shall not be qualified for
appointment as the Chairman of Judge of a Judge of
Administrative Tribunal unless he is or District Judge of a Supreme Any of the
1637 has been a Court High Court Court three B
Maximum number of injections at No such
1638 AMA consulting room within 10 days 5 10 15 limit C
Maximum period of absence
permitted as sick list concession in
1639 respect of Army
Maximum study Officers
leave that
is ____?
can be 20 days 30 days 60 days 90days B
granted to Government servants other
than Central Health Services officers is 60 48 36 24
1640 ____? months months months months D
Maximum tolerance limit allowed to
1641 exceed in ASC contracts is ____% 1 2 10 C5
MB is not required for (1) works All the
executed by IEs (2) Periodical Services 1 & 2 are 1 & 3 are 2 &3 are three are
1642 (3) Supplies through Supply Orders correct correct correct correct D
Medical advance is not admissible to
the employees of Pay levels up to and No such
1643 their dependends 2 4 5 provision D
Head of
Medical treatment abroad under Local Standing the
CSMA rules requires a certificate from Committe Committe Departme
1644 ____ constituted for this purpose e e nt None B
ent of
major the
policy explicit
changes contingen
involving t
new liabilities,
service, which are
new in the
instrumen form of
ts of stipulated
service, annuity
new payments
schemes over a
Medium-term Expenditure Framework and multi-year
Statement shall, inter alia, contain programm time-
1645 _______? es frame Both None C
Members included in DPCs for Groups
'A' and 'B' three
promotion by selection, should be Sufficientl One level Two levels levels
1646 officers who are at least _____? y Senior above above above B
MES civilians are paid out of ____ Defence in each
1647 Estimates? Services MOD civil both case A
A person to whom busiuness owes
1648 money is known as ___? Debtor Creditor Both None B
A person to whom busiuness owes
1649 money is known as ___? Debtor Creditor Both None B
1650 MES district is under the control of AGE (I) CWE GE CE B

Military civilian Industrial All the

1651 MES establishment comprises of personnel personnel personnel three D
MES work in the Principal
Controllers/Controllers Office is
mainly dealt with in ____ sections
1652 (Other than Pay & Allowances)? 2 3 4 1A
Method of providing indicators for a
1653 body of data or collection of record is Indexing linking Pairing referring A
GOC in C
1654 MFAI report is addressed to _____? GOC in C by Name CGDA DGADS B
1655 MFAI report is addressed to: CGDA GOC GOC-in-c by name D
MFAI report is prepared and
1656 submitted by LAO to PCDA/CDA on Yearly Half yearly Quarterly Monthly C
MFAI Report is rendered by ____ of
1657 the month following the quarter? 10th 15th 20th 25th C
June, Feb,
Sept,Dece May,Augu January, Decided
MFAI Report is rendered for the mber, st,Novem April,July, by CGDA
1658 Quarters Ending ______ March ber October every year A
1659 MFAI report is rendered in ???.. Parts 2 3 4 5A
A person who accepts the bill of
1660 exchange is known as ___? Drawer Drawee Seller Buyer B
A person who accepts the bill of
1661 exchange is known as ___? Drawer Drawee Seller Buyer B

MFAI Report is rendered on ____ Half yearly

1662 basis? Yearly basis Quarterly Monthly C

and Fresh
remaining Irregulariti
1663 MFAI
@ ofPart
I consistsper
of ____?
Km is pending es a or b Both B
admissible for carrying bicycle on
transfer between the places not
1664 connected by Rail. Rs 0.60 Rs 1.00 Rs 1.20 Rs 1.50 C
Mileage Card is signed ??... by the unit
Commander or an officer nominated Fortnightl
1665 by him Daily Weekly y Monthly D
Mileage card should be signed by the
unit commander or an officer
1666 nominated by him on ______ basis Daily Weekly Monthly Random C
Military Accounts Department has
been renamed as Defence Accounts 15.08.194 26.01.195 01.10.195
1667 Department w.e.f. ___? 7 0 1.10. 1983 1 D
Deposit works/ser
Agency Agency works/ser vices
Services, Services, vices with without
with levy without levy of levy of
Military Engineer Services are to Plan of levy of departme departme
and execute the works of Defence departme departme ntal ntal
1668 Accounts Department, as _______? nt charges nt charges charges charges B
Military Farms accounts are Commerci Commerci All the
1669 maintained on ____lines? Cash al al three C
Commerci commerci
1670 Military Farms work on ____ basis? al al Both None B
Military Identification Number (MIN)
1671 for MRO contains ____ digits? 15 8 17 7C
A person who accepts the bill of
1672 exchange is known as ___? Drawer Buyer Payee Payer D
A person who accepts the bill of
1673 exchange is known as ___? Drawer Buyer Payee Payer D
Military Service Pay MSP is admissible
to the Army Officers at the rate of ___
1674 per month? 10800 15500 5200 None B
Military Service Pay MSP is admissible
to the Hony. Commisioned Officers at
1675 the rate of ___ per month? 10800 15500 5200 None B
Military Service Pay MSP is admissible
to the MNS Officers at the rate of ___
1676 per month? 10800 15500 5200 None A
Military Service Pay MSP is admissible
1677 to the PBORs at the rate of ___ per 10800 15500 5200 None C

Milk is accounted for in ______ in Litres, Litres, Kilograms, Kilograms,

1678 cattle yard and in ______ in Dairy? Litres Kilograms Litres Kilograms C
Minimum balance of EL that should be
at credit to avail 10 days EL
Encashment on LTC , after deducting No such
1679 the same from Leave A/c is __ days? 300 30 60 limit B
Minimum cooling off period of _ years
is ensured between 2 assignments
involving substantial third party
1680 payments for a DAD employee? 2 3 5 10 B
Minimum educational qualification for
direct recruits Clerks will be ____ Graduatio
1681 Pass/equivalent? 10th 11th 12th n C
Minimum rates of pay should not fixed than
1682 for which of the following? Hour Day month None D
Minimum subscription under CPF is
1683 ____% of emoluments? 6 10 15 20 B

Yes, Yes, if Yes,

subject to availed subject to
not only unmarried
A person who has joined Govt. service availed Hometow Never, central
in 1988 can avail two LTC in a year any LTC in n in 2014- two LTC in Govt.
1684 2016. 2014-15. 15 a year employee C
Yes, Yes, if Yes,
subject to availed subject to
not only unmarried
A person who has joined Govt. service availed Hometow Never, central
in 1988 can avail two LTC in a year any LTC in n in 2014- two LTC in Govt.
1685 2016. 2014-15. 15 a year employee C
Minimum wages are fixed for which of
1686 the following works? Time Piece Both None C
Minimum Wages to be reviewd at
1687 such intervals not exceeding ____? 10 years 5 years 3 years 2 years B
Minister, within _____ is not a
member of either of House ceases to Two and
1688 be Minister half years Two years One year six mnths D
1689 Minor Head corresponds to ____? Function e Scheme Activity B
Minor Head is represented by ___
1690 digits Number? 2 3 4 None B
Minor penalty proceedings are held
1691 under which rule of CCS CCA Rules 10 11 14 16 D
Missing Part II Orders will be called for Statement
by EDP Centre, giving suitable of PCDA (O)
1692 messages on ________________? Account Website Both None C

Only Only Non-

Vegetaria Vegetaria
1693 MM
Food is authorised
Advance under
to ? special n n Both None A
circumstances can be paid up a
Maximum of ____% of the value of
1694 the contract ? 5 10 15 20 B

Modifications in the existing CFA in CFA under

conditions of contract not involving consultati intimation
rates enhancement and no extra on with to
1695 A
person who
can be
joined Service
July 2010, after completing the first 8
years of service can avail his first LTC
1696 A
in person
the block:
who has joined Service in 2020-21 2018-19 2022-23 2017-18 A
July 2010, after completing the first 8
years of service can avail his first LTC
1697 in the block: 2020-21 2018-19 2022-23 2017-18 A

Moneys received by the govt in Contingen Public Consolidat

repayment of loans will become a part cy fund of account of ed fund of None of
1698 of ------ India India India the above C
Monthly Expenditure Return of Army PCDA/CD themselve All the
1699 Units is prepared by ____? LAO/RAO A s three B
Monthly Expenditure Return of GE is
1700 not signed by which of the following GE AO GE RAO/LAO Both b & c C

E section Accounts
Sub of Section of
Monthly Expenditure Return of GE is division of PCDA/CD PCDA/CD
1701 prepared by ________? GE AO GE A A A
Directorat PLI
Monthly PLI Schedules are forwarded e, New Directorat
1702 by PCDA (O) to ________? Delhi e, Kolkata Both None B
Monthly report of Central Index,
maintained by EDP centre of PCDA (O) Permanen
is handed over to ____ Ledger Accounts t Records Records
1703 section/wing/cell? wings section section Section D
Monthly statement of account in
respect of Navy personnel is issued by Naval pay PCDA Navy
1704 _____? office (Navy) NLAO HQrs. A
Monthly Test check of IRLAs is done by
1705 AO/SAO to the extent of ______? 0.02 0.03 0.08 0.1 D
Month-wise LPC-Cum-Data Sheets,
maintained by Pension Cell will be
retained for __ from the month of
1706 Retirement of Army officer? 75 years 50 years 40 years 35 years D
Moribund accounts of the defunct CDA
funds to which subscriptions have now CDA (PD) (Funds) CDA All the
1707 ceased, are maintained by ______? Meerut Meerut Meerut three B
May make
A person who is usually of sound presence
mind, but occasionally of unsound of a Not
mind, ___ a contract when he is of Gazetted May not defined in
1708 unsound mind Officer May Make Make the Act C
Movable property includes ___ as per Refrigerat
1709 Conduct Rules Radio or Both None C
All the
1710 Movable Property includes ______? Jewellery Horse Motor Car three D
Move of an officer to outstation for
attachment on __ will not be classified Course of Bonafide
as Permanent even if the duration of instructio Disciplinar Governme All the
1711 stay exceeds180 days? n y Grounds nt Duty three B

Multiple Multiple Multiple Most

Protocol Protocol Private Preferred
Label Labeled Labeled Label
1712 MPLS Stands For Switching Switching Switching Switching abc
Mr. 'K' was having 240 days
HPL at credit on 1-1-2018. He was on
an unauthorised absence for a period
from 2-3-2018 to 6-4-2018 which was
treated as dies non. What will be the
1713 HPL at his credit as on 1-7-2018. 250 days 255 days 248 days 260 days C

security is
Deposit in the
works payments
amount due to
MRO is not necessary to deposit which received Contracto
1714 of the following transactions? from user r Both None B
Quadrupli Quintuplic
1715 MRO is prepared in cate Triplicate Duplicate ate B
Sextuplica Quadrupli
1716 MRO is prepared in _____? te cate Triplicate Duplicate C
1717 MRO
MS branch
is validoffor
a period of 20 days 21 days 14 days 30 days B
Directorate is supposed to issue
retirement order ____ before in 24 18 12 10
1718 respect of Army Officres? months months months months D
kendr sarkar ke karyalayon mein kh
kshetra se kh kshetra ke bich hindi
1719 mein patrachar ka prtishat kay hai ? 65 75 100 90 D
kendr sarkar ke karyalayon mein kh
kshetra se kh kshetra ke bich hindi
1720 mein patrachar ka prtishat kay hai ? 65 75 100 90 D
May make
A person who is usually of unsound presence
mind, but occasionally of sound mind, of a Not
___ a contract when he is of sound May not Gazetted defined in
1721 mind? Make Officer May make the Act C
1722 Nagaland kis kshetra ke adhin aata hai K Kh G Gh C
Nagar Rajbhasha karyawyan smiti ki Inme se
1723 baithkon ki avadhi kya hai? Timahi chaumahi Chahmahi koi nahi C
Name the agency responsible to Army
conclude Rate Contracts for the Purchase
General requirements of all the Organizati
1724 central Governmemt Departments? on DGS&D Both None B
Ministry of
Name the agency responsible to issue of Defence/F Ministry C&AG of
1725 modifications
Name the authority
to theresponsible
provisions of
toGFR Defence in of Finance India C
carry out Acquisition of land and
buildings required for Defence
1726 purposes. MES DGDE E in C GOI B
Name the authority, who issues
specific directions in the case of PCDA/CD
1727 isolated cases of provisional payments MOD GOC in C CGDA A A
Wing Air
Name the equivalent officer in Air Group Air Vice Command Commodo
1728 Force for Brigadier in Army? Captain Marshal er re D
Name the equivalent rank in Indian Air Lieutenan Flying Pilot Squadron
1729 Force for Lieutenant in Indian Army? t Officer Officer Leader B
Name the first state in India which
1730 passed a law on right to information Rajasthan Delhi Tamilnadu Goa C
Name the item of expenditure which
does not appear in punching medium
prepared by AAO GE, but will be
accounted for in Construction account Baby ISA CP
1731 and reflected in MER? USR Indent voucher voucher D
A person who owes money to
1732 businnes is known as ____? Debtor Creditor Both None A
Name the kind of leave that is not Earned Adoption Commute
1733 debited to any leave account. Leave Leave d Leave HPL B

Name the officer (In a CWE office) Chief

responsible to advice CWE on contract Technical Surveyor
1734 matters and fixing of star rates? Examiner BSO of works DCWE D

Name the system followed for Efficient

collection or delivery of supplies and Carter and Barter
All the
1735 stores in economic manner by units Patterson Economic system
three A
National Pension System came into 01.01.200 01.01.200 01.04.200
1736 force w.e.f. 3 4 64 B
1737 National Pension System has ____ 4 3 only one 2 C
National Pension System has been 01.01.200 01.04.200 01.07.200
1738 introduced w.e.f ____? 4 4 64 A
1739 Navy has ___ Minor heads of 8 9 10
12 B
Non Junior Service
Commissi Commissi Commissi Commissi
Nb Sub, Sub and Subedar Major in oned oned oned oned
1740 Indian Army are _____? Officers Officers Officers Officers C
Negotiable Instruments Act came into 01.01.188 01.03.188 01.04.188 01.07.188
1741 force w.e.f. _____? 2 2 2 2 B
1742 Negotiation is held only with ______ L1 L2 All firms L3 A
of the
area in
A person, who desires to obtain any which the
information under RTI Act, shall make applicatio
a request in writing or through n is being Any of the
1743 Net
amount means
in ____?
under head English Hindi made three D
Cheques & Bills / Pay and Accounts
Office Electronic Advices will be
reviewed and reconciled once in every
_____ by Accounts Section of
1744 PCDA/CDA? Day week fortnight Month D
Shown Shown
separately separately
in the in the
Balance Balance
sheet on sheet on Deduccte
Net Loss is ____________ in the Liabilities Assets Added to d from
1745 balance sheet? side side Capital Capital D
Shown Shown
separately separately
in the in the
Balance Balance
sheet on sheet on Deduccte
Net Profit is ____________ in the Liabilities Assets d from Added to
1746 balance sheet? side side Capital Capital D
New Account will not be opened by
PCDA (O) in the absence of which of
the following details of newly Home All the
1747 commissioned officers? PAN Town e-mail id three A
Compilati Compilati
on Of compilatio on of
Punching n of bill Monthly
Medium processing Progress None
1748 New Compilation System Data data Report ofthese abc
Commissi any
New Pension Scheme is applicable to oned former
which of the following officers joining officers of NCC Govt.
1749 service on or after 01.01.2004? Army officers service None C
Newly commissioned officer shall not
be entitled to pay on first
appointment for a period in excess of
___ days before the date on which he
1750 reports for duty? 30 days 15 days 45 days 60 days A
One for
Next Below Rule is applied on ______ One time One
1751 NIV
basisarticles should not be issued on Vacancy measure principle None C
payment by Supply and Store Depots
prior to obtaining the rates from Army
1752 ____? H.Qrs. MOD CGDA MOD (Fin) D
Niyamit Hindi Bhasha pathykramon ki March Evam February
parikshyen kis kis mehinon mein li jati May evam Evam Septembe Evam
1753 hain ? November October r December A

A post carrying a definite rate of pay Permanen Temporar Deputatio Time Scale
1754 sanctioned for a limited time t post y post n post post B
No action to relinquish any hiring will
be taken by MES without the sanction PCDA/CD
1755 of _____? CFA GOI E in C A A
No advance of DA for Temporary Duty
in respect of Army Officers beyond
1756 ______is paid by PCDA (O)? 30 days 60 days 120 days 180 days D

Any order any order

made by of an
the interlocut
1757 No appeal lies against ___? President ory nature Both None C
Pay &
Expenditu Allowance All the
1758 No appropriation is necessary for ____ Receipts re s three A

No appropriation is needed in respect Both

of recoveries of expenditure which are Initially
1759 treated as receipts_________? Initially Finally and finally None C
No Audit Report is required for the
1760 regularisation of Loss upto?.. Rs 1 Lakh Rs 2 Lakhs Rs 3 Lakhs Rs 4 Lakhs B
No cheque should be handed over by
D section to the representative of Addl.
supplier except under the order of Group CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD
1761 ______
No claiminfor
shall be Officer SAO/AO CDA A D
entertained by a Commissioner unless
notice of the accident has been given
in the manner hereinafter provided as
soon as practicable after the
happening thereof and unless the
claim is preferred before him within
______of the occurrence of the
1762 accident? 1 month 6 months one year two years D
Distance is
less than
20 Km
Distance is Distance is with no Bachelor
No CTG on transfer is admissible in less than more than change of Govt.
1763 which of the following cases 20 Km 20 Km residence Servant C
No draft para should be concurred Addl.
without the personal knowledge of CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD
1764 ____ in PCDA/CDA office? GO (IA) GO (AN) CDA A D

A post carrying a definite rate of pay Ministerial

sanctioned without limit of time is Permanen Temporar appointm Time Scale
1765 known as ____? t post y post ent post A
No existing road in a Cantonment may
be closed and no new roads opened CEO, Station
without the approval of the Cantonme PCDA/CD Command
1766 ________? nt Board A er GOC in C D
No formal re-appropriation is
necessary for transferring funds under Command All the
1767 the same control head between ____? s Areas Sub Areas three D
No Government servant shall accept
or permit any member of his family on
his behalf to accept any gift except on
occasions laid down in Rule ____ of
1768 C.C.S.
No item
of financial
rendered 2 3 5 13 D
by CDA office will be pressed upon
without the knowledge of the
_______ with whom the proposition Army Command
1769 should be fully discussed H.Qrs or Area CGDA DGADS B
No leave of any kind can be granted
for a continuous period of _____
1770 except
No leave
of any
the kind
can be
of President
granted to 180 days 360 days 2 years 5 years D
a Government employee for a
continuous period exceeding _____
1771 years 2 3 4 5D
No lump sum allotment will be made
below commands/Areas/Divisions Chief PCDA/CD
1772 except
No materials
with the
be supplied
of ______?
or issued GOC in C Engineer A E in C A
on loan from a Factory to other
Military or Non-Military Government
Depart??ments except on the General Controller PC of A
1773 authority of the ____? Manager DGOF of Fys. Kolkata B
No member of the establishment
below the rank of __ is to receive any
strangers in the rooms in which the Head of Gazetted
1774 business of the office is carried on? IDAS Office Officer None D
No move of an officer shall be
classified as Permanent if it is
undertaken in pursuance of Tour of discharge
1775 ________?
A Pr.Controller/Controller may not Inspection of duties Both None A
over-rule a decision given by a The
predecessor in office without predecess
1776 reference to ??? or CGDA Both MoD B
No objection should ever be issued by
____ Section nor should they enter
into any correspondence with Officers
1777 Commanding and others Stores Misc. IA None C
No official documents/papers or
publications may be taken out of Addl.
PCDA/CDA office without the written PCDA/CD CDA/Jt.
1778 permission of the ____? A CDA GO (AN) SAO/AO D
No OP work should extend beyond___
1779 working
No operational
work should be 5 4 3 2D
ordered on Civil Agencies in areas
where MES exist, without prior Command Formation PCDA/CD
1780 concurrence from ______? H.Qrs. H.Qrs. Div. H.Qrs. A A
Army Corps
No Operational work will be ordered Army Command Command PCDA/CD
1781 unless it has been approved by____? H.Qrs. er er A A
Approval Concurren
No order involving abandonment of of next ce of
revenue shall be issued by CFA higher Financial
1782 without
No pension
the is_________?
admissible to a authority Adviser Both None B
permanent employee who retires
before completion of ___ years
1783 qualifying service? 5 10 20 33 B
No sale of any stores will be made to
private bodies by MES without the PCDA/CD
1784 prior sanction of ____? E in C A DGADS GOI D
No sanction is necessary for lodging
cash deposit in a bank or deposits in a
saving bank account from out of salary Depends
or accumulated savings of a on case to No
1785 Government servant. Correct Incorrect case Comment A
No sum shall ordinarily be credited to
Government by debit to a _____;
Credit must follow and not precede Service Suspense
1786 actual realization? Head Head Both None B
A Principal Controller/Controller
__________ over-rule a decision given Depends
by a predecessor in office without on case to
1787 reference
No withdrawal
to theofC.G.D.A.
money may be may may not can't say case B
made from the Government Account
except by presentation of _____ in
support of relevant claim for the
1788 purpose? Bill Voucher Document Form A
No. of children for whom CEA/HS is No such
1789 drawn at a time should not exceed __? One Two Three limit B
Nodal officer designated under Sexual
Harassment of women at work place
act is supposed to forward the
complaint received to the Local
1790 Committee within ___ days? 2 5 7 10 C

Which are
to be Issued for
Received struck off, test
Nominal Vouchers are prepared in erroneous brought purposes
1791 respect
Non entitled
of stores?
Govt. employees can ly on charge to HQrs All D
travel by Air and claim the fare for
travel from to Srinagar while availing
Home Town LTC (visiting Srinagar in Duty
1792 lieu of Home Town)? Station Delhi Mumbai Any place B
The fare
Non entitled officers can perform air of the
journey by both national and private entitled
airlines between places connected by LTC 80 class by First class
1793 train but reimbursement restricted to scheme train Ac train AC Bus B
Non receipt of DMRO for which OMRO
has been adjusted by Audit Section Audit RBI, CAS
1794 should be taken up by Accounts with? Section Unit Bank Nagpur C
Non-Effective Account Files received
in the Section initially will be treated Frequentl
as ___by permanent records section Temporar y asked Moving New
1795 of PCDA (O) for one year? y record record Record Record C
Normal isues of stock are usually
stopped at ____ level and made only Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
1796 under specific instructions? level level level level C
Normally after how many pages, a file
should be closed and a new volume
1797 should
A procuring
be opened?
entity may debar a bidder 500 250 100 150 D
or any of its successors, from
participating in any procurement
rocess undertaken by it on GeM
portal, if it determines that the bidder not not not No such
has breached the code of integrity, for exceeding exceeding exceeding limit. For
1798 a period of _____? one year two years 3 years life time B
Normally leave will commence On the
_____an individual is struck off duty if On the On the A/N of the Any of the
1799 relieved in the forenoon? date next date date three A
the day On the
Normally Leave will terminate on preceding on the A/N of the
____if an individual rejoins in the that of date of date of Any of the
1800 afternoon? rejoining rejoining rejoining three B

Disciplinar Appointin Immediat

Normally who will keep the original Presenting y g e Superior
1801 documents of a disciplinary case? Officer Authority Authority Officer A
Normally, the number of supplier
firms in Limited Tender Enquiry should
1802 be more than _____? Two Three Five One B
Not less than ____ Members from
amongst employees preferably
committed to the cause of women or
who have had experience in social
work or have legal knowledge should
be nominated as members of Internal
1803 committee
Not less thanconstituted
_____ members
under SH
be 2 3 4 Half A
women in the Internal Committee
consituted under the provisions of SH One
1804 Act? fourth One third Half Two third C
Not more than ______ compensatory
leave is allowed to be availed of at a
1805 time by a Government Employee? 4 days 3 days 2 days One day C
NPS is applicable to central 01.01.200 01.04.200 02.01.200 02.04.200
1806 government employees appointed on 4 4 4 4 A

the month January of the date
following the next individual
NPS subscription recovery will the month the month year of applies for
1807 commence from ____? of joining of joining joining PRAN B

He is on
y Duty
He is on Daily
1808 NRA is not admissible to a PBOR when leave allowance None Both a, b D
A production or service location,
function, activity or item of equipment Cost
whose costs may be attributed to cost Cost Allocation
1809 is defined as _____? Cost Unit Centre unit None B
B) Axis D) None
1810 NSDL is answerable to . A) LIC bank C) PFRDA of these C
Number of injections is limited to
normally ____ within 10 days in the No such
1811 consulting room of AMA? 5 10 15 limit B
No. of No. of No. of No. of
Number of mandays required for vouchers/ vouchers/ vouchers/ vouchers/
1812 scheduling of vouchers is ??????.. 300 350 400 450 B
Numerical Account of all stores drawn Stock Stores in
in bulk for use on maintenance Stock Materials Purchase Hand
1813 services is maintained in Register Register Register Ledger D
O&M Inspection is conducted on Percentag
1814 ______ basis? e sampling Both None B
O&M inspection of sections of Main
1815 office of PCDA/CDA is done once in a quarter a Half year a year two years C
O&M Inspection Report is supposed to
be forwarded to the concerned
section/sub office within ___ One three two
1816 completion of Inspection? month weeks weeks One week B
unit of
Programm appropriat
1817 Object Head corresponds to ____? Function e Scheme ion D
Object Head is represented by ___
1818 digits Number? 2 3 4 5 A
Object Heads are primarily meant for
1819 ______ control over expenditure? Itemized Over all audit None A
A promise made without any intention
of performing it is defined as ____ in Free Malafide
1820 Indian Contract Act? Coercion Consent Fraud Intention C
Occupation and vacation returns are authoritie All the
1821 prepared by _____? BSO AAO BSO s three A
Occupation/Vacation returns for all Station MES
officers quarters on the station pool Command authoritie
1822 are prepared by ____? er s AO GE None B
Office Automation module
implemented in PAOs (ORs) across the
1823 country is known as project _____? Tulip Sugam Suvigya Dolphin D
Office Automation module used in
1824 PCDA (O) is named as Project ______? Suvigya Sulekha Sugam Skylark B
Vertical Horizontal verbal
communic communic communic None of
1825 Office not is an example of ation ation ation the above A

communic Communi ation to
ation to cation to another
larger another organisati Decision
1826 Office note is a tool for group office on making D
on left on right separate With the
1827 Office note is filed side side file PUC A
An Position
introducti Facts of on the All the
1828 Office note must have on Para the Case subject above D

Precedent an opinion
s in cases and the
where grounds
there are on which
The facts no the
of the authoritati opinion is
1829 Office Note should not contain _____? case ve rulings based None D
Office of the DEOs and their
outstation representatives fall under
which Category of the unit for the
1830 purpose of Cash Inspection by LAO? I II A B D
Kin rajyon mein urdu Rajbhasha ke rup Andhra Rajyon Inme se
1831 mein ghoshti kiya gaya hai ? Bihar Pradesh mein koi nahi C
Kin rajyon mein urdu Rajbhasha ke rup Andhra Rajyon Inme se
1832 mein ghoshti kiya gaya hai ? Bihar Pradesh mein koi nahi C
A promissory note, bill of exchange or
cheque drawn or made in India, and
made payable in, or drawn upon any
person resident, in India shall be Indeginou
1833 deemedoftopay
Officer be level
is entitled to Inland Indian Foreign s A
travel by ____ Class while on tour
journey by sea between A&N islands First/A
1834 and main land? Delue cabin Second/B Bunk B
Officer of which pay level and above
1835 can travel by AC Bus while on tour? 5 6 8 9B
Officer of which pay level and above
1836 can travel by AC-I class in Train while 9 12 14 15 B
Officer of which pay level and above
1837 can travel by AC-II class in Train while 5 6 8 9B
Officer of which pay level and above
can travel by Air in Business class
1838 while on tour? 9 11 14 15 C
Officer of which pay level and above
can travel by Deluxe class for travel by
River between A&N islands and main
1839 land while on tour? 6 8 9 10 C
Officer of which pay level and above
can travel by Highest class for travel
1840 by River while on tour? 9 10 11 12 A
Officer responsible to arrange AGE of the
procurement of stores required for Sub
the recoupment of divisional stock in a Division Store
1841 GE office is BSO concerned Keeper all A
Officer under whose internal audit
control, a public servant is serving is Accounts ControllinAudit Audit
1842 known as _____? officer g officer Controller Officer D
Officers assisting the Chief of Army at Private Principal Public Personal
the Army Head Quarters are known as Staff Staff Staff Staff
1843 ____?
A property when taken off from ____ Officers Officers Officers Officers B
is deemed to be abandoned and will Care and Works
not be entitled to maintenance funds maintena PCDA/CD programm All the
1844 by MES? nce A Records e three A
Officers in the pay level ___ have an
1845 option toofoffice
Officers a unitcar
facility on
or draw 10 11 12 14 D
disciplinary grounds to another unit or
suspended from duty and attached are
continued to be shown in the Strength Decided Decided
Return (Nominal Roll) against the by CO of by PCDA
1846 appropriate appointment. Correct Wrong the unit (O) A
Officers of the rank of ____ and above
have the option of drawing TPTL or to Major Lt.
1847 use Government transport? Brigadier General General Colonel B
Officers on Course of Instructions of on
10 weeks or more duration are shown Supernum on on Extra
separately as officers _______ in on erary Skeleton Establish
1848 Strength Returns by units? training Strength Strength ment B
Officers on TD/Permanent Posting/LTC
can draw advance for self or family
members, before ____ of proposed
1849 date of onward
Officers posted to
stations where 30 days 60 days 65 days 95 days D
married accommodation cannot be
provided to them can ante date their
seniority by ____ period spent in
previous station subject to fulfilment
1850 of conditions? Full Half the 3 months 6 months B
Officers sick in hospital or on sick
leave are continued to be shown in Depends Decided
the Strength Return in the proper on case to by CO of
1851 place with
Officers who
a suitable
marry before
remark.the age of Correct Wrong case the unit A
___ years will not be entitled to
married accommodation until they
attain that age and will be required to No such
1852 live in a mess? 28 25 21 restriction B
Official Language Rules 1976 extend to Tamil
1853 whole of India except ______ J&K Nadu Both None B
Officiating Promotion may be granted
in case when an officer officiates in an
appointment in the higher rank for a
1854 minimum period of ___? 180 days 90days 60 days 30 days D
A recruit will become entitled to the
pay of sepoy from the date he Posted to
1855 completes training and gets _____? Attested Mustered any unit recruited A
Offset clause is applicable where the
estimated cost of the acquisition
1856 proposal is Rs. ____ crore or more? 300 500 1000 2000 D
A dark
On an excel sheet the active cell in A dotted wide A blinking By italic
1857 On
by ? into Army, Form border border border text abc
'A' is prepared, based on
which Account is opened for the Officer,
respective officer. Who will sign the Appointin Officer, CO of the
form and who will coutersign the g CO of the Unit, Officer,
1858 same? Authority Unit PCDA (O) PCDA (O) B
On completion of the work, Work
Diary and Contractors order book are Contracto PCDA/CD
1859 On
under safe
custody byto______?
a Central r A AO GE GE D
Government servant under MACP
Scheme, which of the following Classificati
1860 On
of financial up gradation Pay level Pay on of post None C
under MACP scheme, which of the
following does not change in respect Designatio Classificati All the
1861 of the employee? n on Status three D
On grant of MACP upgradation, AAO AO
1862 becomes _____? AO SAO (MACP) None D
On his selection to IDAS, Mr.
'X' is asked to report to TA/DA as
NADFM, Pune initially i.e. for the first Only admissbile
time. What will be his TA/DA TA/DA as TicketFare on
entitlement for journey for the first No TA/DA admissible is Permanen
1863 time from his native place to Pune? admissible on Tour admissible t Transfer A
On opening of a bid, it is noticed that
there is a variation in the rate quoted
by the Vendor in figures as that of
amount expressed in words. As per
rule, Committee intimated him that Submit
the rates as the amount shown in the case
words will prevail. But the vendor did Reject for Committe
not accept for the change. What Retenderi his/her decision e will
1864 course of action will you suggest? ng bid of CFA/IFA decide B
On submission of Inquiry Report
_____ of Honorarium is paid to retired
1865 Government servant appointed as IO? 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 C
He should He should
obtain consult
permissio the
A Regional CDA has reduced the Action Action n of disbursing
amount of Cash Assignment since it taken by taken by higher officer
may prove much in excess of CDA is not CDA is in authoritie before
1866 requirements of the Disbursing Officer in order order s doing so B
On the domestic occasstions Group A
Government servant can accept gifts No such
1867 upto value of ____? 7500 15000 25000 limit C
On the domestic occasstions Group B
Government servant can accept gifts No such
1868 upto value of ____? 7500 15000 25000 limit B
On the domestic occasstions Group C
Government servant can accept gifts No such
1869 upto value of ____? 7500 15000 25000 limit A
On the expenditure side there are
1870 ____ Major Heads? 4 5 6 7C
On the GeM portal, Direct Purchase
can be done up to the value of goods
1871 Rs. ______
On the GeMwithout
Portal, comparison?
L1 purchase 25000 30000 40000 50000 A
enables purchase for order values 50,000/-
between Rs. ____ and Rs. ____ by 25,000 and 25,000
way of comparison between at least 25000 and and Rs. 30,00,000 and Rs.
1872 three different OEMs 2.5 lakhs 5,00,000 /- 30,00,000 B
On the grounds of urgency, one PCDA Requires
authorised a payment without pre Action is Requires permissio
audit which normally requires pre not in Action is permissio n of
1873 audit? order in order n of CGDA DGADS B
On the grounds of urgent military Engineerin
necessity or urgent medical reasons, Any CFA in Any CEA Appropria g
who can issue a written order to Table A of in Table B te CFA Authority
1874 commence Engineer service? RMES of RMES only only A
On the grounds of urgent military
necessity,_____ can issue an order in Any CFA in Any CEA
order in writing for commencement of Table A of in Table B PCDA/CD All the
1875 Engineering service? RMES of RMES A three A
On which day financial year of the 1st
1876 Government Commences? January 1st March 1st April 1st July C
A register of MBs is maintained by Sub will Accounts Engineerin
1877 _______
One AAOsection
GE of
Rs. 20950 + division maintain section g sections C
5400 (Grade Pay) as on 01.01.2016
opts to get his pay revised from
1878 01.01.2016. Fix his pay 67200 68000 69000 69200 D
One AAO drawing pay of Rs. 62200/-
in pay level 8 got MACP to pay level 9
w.e.f. 05.07.2019. He opted fixation
1879 One
that drawing
date only.
of Rs.
is 62200/-
his pay? 64100 65000 65200 66000 C
in pay level 8 got promotion to pay
level 10 w.e.f. 05.07.2019. He opted
fixation from that date only. What is
1880 his pay? 64100 65000 65200 66000 B

decided No pay is
One AAO promoted as AO and by the admissible
transferred to another station. During Competen during
the Joining Time pay is admissible for t Joining
1881 ____ grade? AAO AO Authority Time A
One ACDA drawing pay of Rs. 61300/-
got promotion to the rank of DCDA
w.e.f. 01.01.2020. Fix his pay if he opts
1882 pay fixation w.e.f. date of promotion? 63100 65000 67700 69700 C
One ACDA drawing pay of Rs. 61300/-
got promotion to the rank of DCDA
w.e.f. 03.01.2020. Fix his pay if he opts
pay fixation w.e.f. date of next
1883 increment i.e. 01.07.2020? 63100 65000 67700 69700 C

There is
no option
for him
One ACDA drawing pay of Rs. 61300/- except
got promotion to the rank of DCDA from Date
w.e.f. 03.01.2020. His DNI is Date of Date of Both A of
01.07.2020. What will be better Promotio Next and B are Promotio
1884 option for him to get his pay fixed? n Increment same n A

Only One,
but can be
One agent can represent _____ 2, if No such
suppliers or quote on their behalf in a Maximum CFA/IFA provision
1885 particular tender enquiry as per DPM? 2 Only One Agree in DPM B
One AO drawing pay of Rs. 20950 +
5400 (Grade Pay) as on 01.01.2016
under VI CPC .His date of promotion to
SAO is 01.04.2016. What will be his
pay as on 01.07.2016, if he exercises
option to fix his pay under 7th CPC Option
1886 from DNI i.e. 01.07.2016? Not valid 75400 73400 73200 A
One AO drawing pay of Rs. 20950 +
5400 (Grade Pay) as on 01.01.2016
under VI CPC opts to get his pay
revised from 01.01.2016..His date of
promotion to SAO is 01.04.2016. What
will be his pay as on 01.04.2016 if he Option
1887 opts from Date of promotion? Not valid 71100 71300 73200 D

No. & subject

date to matter
which under
A Reminder should contain which of attention correspon
1888 the
AO drawing pay of Rs. 20950 + is drawn dence Both None C
5400 (Grade Pay) as on 01.01.2016
under VI CPC opts to get his pay
revised from 01.01.2016..His date of
promotion to SAO is 01.04.2016. What
will be his pay as on 01.07.2016, if he
exercises option to refix his pay from Option
1889 One
DNI i.e.
AO 01.07.2016?
drawing pay of Rs. 20950 + 75400 73400 73200 Not valid A
5400 (Grade Pay) as on 01.01.2016
under VI CPC opts to get his pay
revised from 01.04.2016, i.e. his date
of promotion to SAO. What will be his Option
1890 pay as on 01.04.2016? Not valid 71100 71300 73200 B
One Auditor drawing a pay of Rs.
33900/- got promotion to Senior
Auditor grade w.e.f. 01.04.2019 and
opted for fixation of pay from date
ofnext increment i.e. 01.07.2019.
1891 What will be his pay on 01.04.2019? 36500 35400 34900 33900 B
One Auditor drawing a pay of Rs.
33900/- got promotion to Senior
Auditor grade w.e.f. 01.04.2019. Fix
his pay from date ofnext increment
1892 One
i.e. 01.07.2019
Auditor drawing
if he opts
a pay
of Rs. 36500 35400 34900 None A
33900/- got promotion to Senior
Auditor grade. Fix his pay from date of
1893 promotion? 33900 34900 35400 36500 C

Deduct Add the

the amount to
Deduct amount Creditors
the from and
amount Creditors Add the deduct
from and Add amount to the
One Bill Receivable endorsed to a Debtors the Debtors amount
creditor has been dishonoured. What and amount to and from
1894 will tbe adjustment in final accounts? Creditors Debtors Creditors Debtors C
Yes. Price
e upto
No. 15% over No. the
quotation the No. difference
can be quotation Lowest with
One CFA accepted a quotation of accepted of large quoted lowest
MSME registered under NSIC which only if the scale units firm is to quote
has quoted the price 10% above other difference can be be should not
1895 firms. Is it in order? is 5% accepted accepted exceed 2% B
One clerk in DAD drawing a pay of Rs.
31100/- in pay level 2 is promoted as
Auditor in Pay level 5 from
01.04.2019. What will be his pay as on
01.04.2019 if opts pay fixation from
1896 date of next increment? 31100 31900 32000 32900 B
One clerk in DAD drawing a pay of Rs.
31100/- in pay level 2 is promoted as
Auditor in Pay level 5 from
01.04.2019. What will be his pay as on
DNI if opts pay fixation from date of
1897 next clerk
One increment
in DADi.edrawing
a pay of Rs. 31100 31900 32900 33900 D
31100/- in pay level 2 is promoted as
Auditor in Pay level 5 from
01.04.2019. What will be his pay if
opts pay fixation from date of
1898 promotion? 31100 31900 32000 32900 D

Within 6
With prior from the
concurren date of After
ce of IFA original ensuring
subject to order that there
fulfillment without For full is no
of IFA quantity down
A Repeat order can be placed by stipulated concurren upto 1.5 trend in
1899 executive conditions ce lakhs prices A
One Clerk in pay level 2 drawing a pay
of Rs. 26000/- as on 05.07.2019 gets
MACP upgradation. He got promotion
to Auditor Grade on 31.12.2019. On
fixing his pay on date of Promotion,
1900 his pay would become Rs. _____? 26000 26800 27600 29200 D
One Clerk in pay level 2 drawing a pay
of Rs. 26000/- as on 05.07.2019 gets
MACP upgradation. On fixing his pay
on date of MACP, his pay would
1901 One
in Central 26000 26800 27600 29200 B
Government on 01.04.2008 in pay
level 2 has been granted MACP on As
01.04.2018 to Pay level 3. Further he decided As per
has been granted promotion to Pay by the option
lvel 4 on 01.01.2019. What will be his Competen given by
due date of next MACP if he is not 01.04.202 01.01.202 t the
1902 granted further promotion? 8 9 Authority individual A

n of
One day joining time admissible for Competen Depends
transfer within same station can be t on case to
1903 credited to EL Account. Yes No Authority case B
One DCDA drawing pay of Rs. 78500/-
got promotion to the grade of Jt. CDA
w.e.f. 05.01.2020. Fix his pay as on
date of promotion if he opts to get
1904 fixation w.e.f. DNI 01.07.2020.? 78800 78500 80900 81200 A
One DCDA drawing pay of Rs. 83300/-
got promotion to the grade of Jt. CDA
w.e.f. 06.07.2019. Fix his pay as on
1905 date Defence
One of promotion?
building is damaged by 85800 86100 88400 88700 B
fire. The building was insured.
Insurance company admitted a claim
partly. What is the quntum of loss to
be written off and Who will be the CFA
i.e. under whose powers the Gross,
1906 Gross/Net loss falls? Gross Gross, Net Net, Net Net, Gross A
One Defence personnel drawn the
entire amount of leave pay while Option to Amount
proceeding on leave pending be given shall be
retirement and died before expiry of to the treated as
leave. What action would you To be NOK to written
1907 suggest?
One employee drawing a pay of Rs. recovered pay back off None C
32900/- in pay level 5 as on
05.07.2016 got promotion to pay level
6 erroneously. The promotion was
cancelled on 30.12.2017. What will be
his pay as on 30.12.2017 on
1908 cancellation? 36500 35400 33900 32900 C
One employee drawing pay of Rs.
28400/- in pay level 3 got promotion
w.e.f. 01.02.2019 to pay level 5 and
got another promotion on 01.06.2019
to pay level 6. He opted for pay
fixation w.e.f. date of next increment
i.e. 01.07.2019. What will be his pay as
1909 A
Group A Government 28400 29200 29300 30100 D
servant should not accept any
Commercial Employment within Should
_____ from the date of retirement not accept
without the previous sanction of the in rest of
1910 One
employee drawing pay of Rs. One year Two years Four years the life A
28400/- in pay level 3 got promotion
w.e.f. 01.02.2019 to pay level 5 and
got another promotion on 01.06.2019
to pay level 6. He opted for pay
fixation w.e.f. date of next increment
i.e. 01.07.2019. What will be his pay as
1911 on 01.06.2019? 30100 31000 35400 36500 C
01.02.201 01.02.201
9 for first 9 for first
One employee drawing pay of Rs. 01.02.201 promotio promotio
28400/- in pay level 3 got promotion 9 and n, n,
w.e.f. 01.02.2019 to pay level 5 and Refix on 01.06.201 01.07.201
got another promotion on 01.06.2019 01.07.201 9 for 9 for
to pay level 6. His DNI is 01.07.2019. 9 for both second second
Which option if he can exercise and it promotio promotio promotio All the
1912 One
would employee
be moredrawing
pay of Rs. ns n n three B
47600/- in pay level 6 got MACP
upgradation to Pay level 7 w.e.f. 5th
July 2018. Further he got promotion in
February 2019 to pay level 8. What 01.01.201 01.01.202 01.07.201 01.07.202
1913 One
will be
his DNI?drawing pay of Rs. 9 0 9 0 C
47600/- in pay level 6 got MACP
upgradation to Pay level 7 w.e.f. 5th
July 2018. Further he got promotion
on 1st February 2019 to pay level 8.
What will be his pay from date of
1914 One
employee drawing pay of Rs. 47600 49000 50500 None B
47600/- in pay level 6 got Promotion
to Pay level 8 w.e.f. 5th July 2018.
What will be his pay if opts from date
1915 of promotion? 47600 49000 50500 None B
One Farm Bred animal, calved once Twice the
has been lost. Recovery rate from the book Market book Purchase
1916 responsible person will be ____ value value value price A
One journal entry will have ____
1917 entries to be posted in to ledger? 1 2 2 or more None C
One kind of leave may be converted
into another kind if applied by the Any time
employee within ____ completion of during the
1918 spell? service 30 days 3 months 6 months B
One MTS drawing pay of Rs. 23500 got
Promotion as Auditor on passing
Departmental Examination. Fix his pay
1919 from his date of promotion? 24200 24500 24900 29200 D
One Senior Auditor drawing a pay of
49000/- in pay level 7 is awarded
penalty of reduction of pay by two
stages in the grade of Senior Auditor.
What is the pay entitlment on date of
1920 implementation of Penalty? 35400 44900 46200 47600 C
cease to
draw his
continue during Exercise
to draw period of Draw both choice to
A retired officer in receipt of pension, his reemploy salary and draw
1921 when reemployed will pension ment pension either B
One UDC drawing a pay of Rs. 33300/-
(Pay level 4) working in Ministry of
Home Affairs transferred to DAD to
post of LDC (Pay level 2) at his own
request. What would be his pay in LDC
1922 grade as on date of joining DAD? 33300 33000 34000 None A

One Unit called for tenders for Yes. As No. Brand

purchase of 10 Dell Desktop the value name No. the
computers estimated value of which is is less should not value is
6 lakhs through limited tender than 25 be used in more than discretion
1923 enquiry.
One whoIshasit inceased
order?to pay his debts lakhs tender 5 lakhs of CFA B
in the ordinary course of business, or
cannot pay his debts as they become
due is defined as ___ under sale of Person in Bad
1924 goods
One work
act?has been completed by MES Insolvent Debt Debtor Solvent A
and there is delay anticipated in
closing the accounts of the work,
further charges will not be incurred on
the said work without the permission PCDA/CD
1925 of _____? GE A Both None A
Online bidding/Reverse Auction is
necessary in GeM portal for No such
1926 transactions exceeding Rs. _____? 2.5 lakhs 25 lakhs 30 lakhs rule C
Only -------- colour ink will be used by
the local audit staff for endorsing
audit enfacement in the Any
1927 registers/documents/ vouchers. Blue Red Green colour B
Open tender enquiry should be used
for procurement of estimated value of
1928 Rs ________ and above 2500000 2000000 1500000 1000000 A
Open tender mode is to be preferred
when the value of the service/goods is
1929 more than ----------------------. 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 D
Opening of new DAD sub office under
a Gazetted Officer requires the prior
1930 approval of MOD FADS CGDA GOI C

To bring
to account
To the
distribute amounts
expenditu credited
Operation of Transfer Entry is To correct re among to
necessary by AO GE in which of the an error in different Remittanc All the
1931 following cases? allocation parties e Heads three D
A sanction issued on 29.03.15 from
1932 Budget Allotment of 2014-15 will be 31.03.15 29.03.16 01.04.16 28.03.16 A

Operational works should not be

ordered on which of the following Formation Civil
1933 Executing Agencies? Engineers MES Agencies None D
Option clause is normally ___% of
1934 original supply order 20 30 40 50 D
Option quantity during extended DP is
to be limited to_____% of balance
1935 quantity after original Delivery Period 100 75 50 25 C
Order passed by CAT should be
implemented by Government No such
Departments within ____ if the period period
1936 is not mentioned in the order? 3 months 6 months One year prescribe B

Orders of Government of India take First April First

effect from the _____ unless of the January of Day of
1937 otherwise
Orders of the
______ in Main office They bear year the year Receipt A
will be taken before an item is Addl.
classified to the Suspense Head by Group CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD
1938 sections of Main Office? SAO/AO Officer CDA A C
Ordinarily all amounts due to
Government which are found to be
irrecoverable shall be written off from
the Debt Head of Accounts concerned Expenditu Any of the
1939 to an expenditure head as ___? Loss Bad debts re three A
Ordinarily the minimum time to be
allowed for submission of bids should No such
be _____ from the date of publication One Three Two limit is
1940 of the tender notice? month weeks weeks prescribed B
Ordinary/packing material issued with
articles supplied on payment, if Unauthori
subsequently returned by the zed and
purchasers, to its source is treated as not be
______ and taken on charge free of taken on Any of the
1941 cost by ASC Supply Depots? Surplus Scrap charge three A
Ordnance Depots and Store Depots
are supposed to send the Skeleton
1942 lists to their Dependent LAOs every Week Month Day 10 days B
Madhyaprdesh kis kshetra ke adhin
1943 aata hai ? K Kh G Gh A
Madhyaprdesh kis kshetra ke adhin
1944 aata hai ? K Kh G Gh A
A second meeting of the DPC may be creation
held in the same year for drawing up a Unforesee of new
1945 panel for ______ vacancies? n posts Both None C
Ordnance Factories have ____ Minor
1946 heads of accounting? 8 10 12 14 D
Ordnance Factory Board has a
1947 chairman and ____ Members? 7 12 39 44 A
Original CAs accepted by CE/CWE are PCDA/CD
1948 receibed by ____ directly? AO GE A RAO/LAO None B
Original Contract Agreement
concluded by GE is held with ____ PCDA/CD
1949 office for future reference? AO GE A GE RAO/LAO B
Original Copies of MROs are received Internal
1950 in ____ section? Audit Accounts Audit O&M A

Original Copy of the MRO is adjusted Section/S Accounts
1951 by ub Office Section Both None A
Original LPC cum Data Sheet is sent to
PCDA (P) by PCDA (O) ___ in advance
1952 of retirement of Army Officers? 8 months 6 months 4 months 3 months C
Regular d works General Ordinary
works and and works and works and
Original Works are further sub-divided Special Special Special Special
1953 in to ______? works works works works B
Original works costing more than 2 Major Budgeted
lakhs but less than 15 lakhs are capital Minor Capital Revenue
1954 classified as ______ by MES? works works Works works C
Original works costing more than one Budgeted
lakh and not exceeding 2 lakhs are Capital Revenue Minor
1955 classified as ____ by MES? Works works Works Repairs B
A second or subsequent advance for
the purchase of Personal Computer
cannot be granted before the expiry of
____ years from the date of drawal of
1956 earlier advance? 2 3 4 None B
Original works costing not more than Major Budgeted
Rs. 1 lakh are classified as ___ by Capital Capital Revenue Minor
1957 MES? works of petty nature costing
Original works works works works D
up to Rs. _____ may be treated as
Repairs at the discretion of CWE/GE
1958 (I)?
Original works of petty nature costing 5000 10000 20000 50000 B
up to Rs. _____/- may at the
discretion of CWE be treated as
1959 Repairs? 1 lakh 50000 20000 10000 D
Originating (-) Charge should be (+)
1960 responded with ____ in a DIDS Receipt (-) Receipt (+) Charge (-) Charge B
Originating (-) Receipt should be (+)
1961 responded with ____ in a DIDS Receipt (-) Receipt (+) Charge (-) Charge D
Originating (+) Charge should be (+)
1962 responded with ____ in a DIDS Receipt (-) Receipt (+) Charge (-) Charge A
Originating (+) Receipt should be (+)
1963 responded with ____ in a DIDS Receipt (-) Receipt (+) Charge (-) Charge C
OSL up to ___days from the date of
falling sick will regularized by
1964 adjustment against future AL ? 60 45 30 15 A
Otherthan the domestic occasstions
Group A Government servant can No such
1965 accept gifts upto value of ____? 500 1000 1500 limit C
Otherthan the domestic occasstions
Group B Government servant can No such
1966 accept
A separate
upto value of
each 500 1000 1500 limit C
section of a controller's ofiice
which exhibits the amount compiled Book All India Sectional RDR
under each code head during the compilatio compilatio compilatio compilatio
1967 month is called ------------- n n n n C
Otherthan the domestic occasstions
Group C Government servant can No such
1968 accept gifts upto value of ____? 500 1000 1500 limit A
Out of Rice, Dal, Atta and Meat, ?Is a
1969 fresh ration. Rice Dal Atta Meat D
Outcome Budget Office Memorandum 26.01.201 27.01.201 28.01.201 29.01.201
1970 was issued on ______? 6 6 6 6 C
Outfit Allowance is admissible to
PBORs posted abroad where service is No such
1971 for a minimum period of ____? 6 months 1 year 2 years condition C
from Deduct Add to
salaries from Salaries Add to
and post salaries and post salaries
the and post the and post
Outstanding salaries when given in amount the amount the
adjustment, what action would you on amount on amount
suggest while preparing final liabilities on assets liabilities on assets
1972 accounts? side side side side C
Outstandng expenses will appear on
1973 ___ side of Trial Balnce? Debit Credit Both None B
Over payments can be recovered at
the discretion of the authorities, not None. No
exceeding ___ of the subsistence recovery
1974 allowance? 1/3rd 0.5 2/3rd made A
Over Time Allowance in a month
should not exceed _____ of monthly
1975 working hours? 1 0.5 1/3rd 1/4th C
Overall qualities of officer including
his/her strength and weakness are Self Pen
1976 reflected in _____ of APAR Appraisal Picture Last Page First Page B
Overall responsibility for Army& of Director Director
Training is vested in the ____ at Army Technical of Army of Military All the
1977 Head Quarters? Training Training Training three C
A service receipt for which full
particulars are not given must be Suspense Other Any of the
1978 taken to the head _____? head Receipts Deposits three B
Overpayments of pay and allowances Loss of
made to individuals no longer in Govt. Public Non of
1979 Service Cash Loss Store Loss Money these C

Overstay of Casual Leave if exceeds Set off Converted

the entire CL entitlement, it is ___ against CLin to Leave
while regularisation by the Competent of next Annual without Any of the
1980 Authority for PBORs? year Leave Pay three B
PAC date is valid only upto _____ three six
1981 years after the date of issue two years one year years months A
Packing Accounts for imported stores
are forwarded by Officer responsible Consignee Consignee Consignor PCDA/CD
1982 for landing stores are forwarded to unit LAO LAO A A
Compilati Debit Schedule Punching
1983 Paid cheque is linked with on scroll III Medium C
Paid Rs. 2000/- to Prabhakar. Which
1984 side of the cash book will be posted? Debit Credit Both None B
Different Identical by two
Pairing means bringing together two to each to each different
1985 documents which are supposed to be other other units None B
Pamphlet of Documentation
Procedure for Publication of Part II Military
Orders (Officers) is issued by _____ E in C Secretarys AGs QMGs
1986 Integrated H.Qrs. of MOD (Army)? Branch Branch Branch Branch C

PAO (GREF) Pune is under the PCDA (R &

administrative control of PCDA (SC) D) New PCDA (BR)
1987 ____________ Pune Delhi New Delhi None C
PAO (ORs) AAD, Gopalpur is
functioning under the administrative CDA,
control of which of the following PCDA (SC) Secundera CDA, CDA,
1988 Principal Controllers/Controllers? Pune bad Chennai Patna D
A single window system for passing all Single
advance payments of TA/DA, LTC etc. T Advance Advance T Single Single
has been established in PCDA (O). Payment Payment window Window
1989 Name the section? Cell Cell cell Cell A
PAO (ORs) Bareily is functioning under PCDA
the administrative control of which of (WC) CDA
the following Principal PCDA (CC) CDA Chandigar (Army)
1990 Controllers/Controllers? Lucknow Jabalpur h Meerut D

PAO (ORs) is not responsible to personnel
maintain the pay accounts of which of Reservist seconded
1991 the following personnel? JCOs/ORs PBORs to NCC None D
PAO (ORs) Para is functioning under
the administrative control of which of
the following Principal CDA PCDA (CC) CDA PCDA
1992 Controllers/Controllers? Jabalpur Lucknow Chennai Bengaluru D
PAO (ORs) President Body Guards is PCDA
functioning under the administrative CDA (WC)
control of which of the following (Army) PCDA (NC) PCDA New Chandigar
1993 PCsDA/CsDA Meerut Jammu Delhi h D
PAO (ORs) Wellington is under the CDA CDA
administrative control of which of the CDA Secundera (Army) CDA
1994 following controllers? Chennai bad Meerut Jabalpur A
PAO (ORs)14 GTC Subathu is (WC) CDA
functioning under the administrative PCDA (CC) Chandigar (Army)
1995 control of ___? Lucknow h Meerut CDA Patna B
PAO (ORs)AEC, Pachmarhi is CDA
functioning under the administrative CDA (Army) PCDA (SC)
1996 control of _____? Jabalpur CDA Patna Meerut Pune A
Nearest Regional
PAOs (ORs) are under the jurisdiction PCDA/CD PCDA/CD Army All the
1997 of ______? A A H.Qrs. three B
PAOs have been brought under the
administrative control of Regional
1998 CsDA in __ year 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 C
As soon as As soon as
the work the
is On due accounts As soon as
physically date of of the the work
Part B of the completion report of a complete completio work are is
1999 work will be prepared d n of work closed measured C
A spoiled cheque will be submitted to
O i/c, Disbursement section with the
words ___ written against the item in Form Form Form form
2000 schedule III? Spoiled Cancelled linked Destroyed D

Consolidat Contingen Public Charged

Part I of Central Government Accounts ed Fund of cy Fund of Account Expenditu
2001 represents _____? India India of India re A

Part I of Major Financial and Fresh Irregulariti

Accounting irregularities report Irregulariti es already Both (a) None of
2002 indicate: es reported and (b) these A
Part I of Service Book contains / deals Attestatio History of Leave
2003 with .. n Biodata Services Account B
Part I of the DIDS consists of 1. Replica
of Originating Punching Medium 2. Statement
Extract of Punching Medium and Statement 2 and 3
details of transaction 3. DIDS Number 2 and 3 are false
and details of Originating Punching are True 1 and 1 is
2004 Medium. Whether true or false? TRUE FALSE is false true C
Part I of the syllabus of the work order
is maintained by ______ in the Accounts PC of A
2005 Ordnance Factory set up? GM Office office Kolkata DGOF B

Consolidat Contingen Public Charged

Part II of Central Government ed Fund of cy Fund of Account Expenditu
2006 Accounts represents _____? India India of India re B
Fund Public Consolidat
Part II of Government Accounts Account Account ed Fund of
2007 represents _______? of India of India India None D
Part II of Service Book contains / deals Attestatio History of Leave
2008 with .. n Biodata Services Account A
Part II orders of Army Officers are
2009 received in ___ section/wing /cell of EDP DO II Ledger Records D
s& Previous
Part III of Service Book contains / deals Attestatio qualifying History of Leave
2010 with .. n service Services Account B
Rows and None of
2011 A spread sheet contains ? Rows Columns Column these abc
Part IV of Service Book contains / Attestatio History of Leave
2012 deals with .. n Biodata Services Account C

Record of
Part V of Service Book contains / deals n of History of Leave
2013 with .. service Biodata Services Account A
Part VI of Service Book contains / Attestatio History of Leave
2014 deals with .. n Biodata Services Account D
s& Details of
Part VII of Service Book contains / Attestatio LTC/HBA History of Leave
2015 deals with .. n etc Services Account B
Certificate Comment
s& s of
Part VIII of Service Book contains / Attestatio History of Internal
2016 deals with .. n Biodata Services Audit D
Part X orders, Part XI orders and Part
XII orders are published in respect of
2017 which of
Partial withdrawal
the following
not exceeding
by Army units? Personnel Animals Vehicles Trees C
____% accumulated wealth of
Employees contribution is admissible
subject to the terms and conditions
under NPS for the prescribed
2018 purposes? 90 75 50 25 D
Paschim Bengal kis kshetra ke adhin
2019 aata hai ? K Kh G Gh C
Paternity leave has to be availed One
2020 within ____ from the date of delivery? 6 months 3 months 2 months month A
Paternity leave if not availed, will Six
2021 lapse after ____ of delivery? 15 days 3 months months Two years C
A stipulation in a contract of sale with
reference to goods which are the
2022 subject thereof may be _____? Condition Warranty None a or b D
Paternity leave is admissible for valid
adoption of a child below the age of
2023 _______ year (s)? 3 1 2 4B

Patients under observation in Military Subsisted Hospital Special

2024 Hospital are given ____? on extras Diet No diet diet A
Pay accounts of Army Officers PAO, Min.
proceeding abroad on courses of Embassy of
instructions are maintained by the of India External PCDA (O) PCDA New
2025 _____? concerned Affairs Pune Delhi C
e Director
dependen Nearest of Audit PAO (ORs)
Pay Accounts of Army postal service t PAOs of PAO to (P&T) Guards,
2026 personnel are maintained by ______? units them Nagpur Kamptee C

Pay accounts of Officers serving in IRLAs are

Indian Embassies abroad other than as usual transferre
UK are maintained by PCDA (O) for all d to
2027 ______? Nominally officers Embassies None A

PCDA Naval Pay AAO

Pay accounts of Sailors of Navy are NLAO (Navy) Office (Navy)
2028 maintained by _____? Vizag Mumbai Mumbai Vizag C
Regional Nearest IT & SDC,
Pay Accounts Offices (ORs) in DAD are PCsDA/Cs PCDA/CD Secundera All the
2029 functioning under ____? DA A bad three A

First As
Last working decided
Pay and allowances are payable working day of the by
ordinarily on the ____ unless 30th of day of the following Controllin
2030 prescribed differently under orders? the month month month g Officer B
Pay and allowances bills of contract
employees employed in Defence units Miscellan
are audited and paid by which section Stores eous Pay All the
2031 of PCDA/CDA office? section section section three B
Pay and Allowances in respect of Last First Decided
Central Government Employees for working working Decided by
the month of March are payable on day of day of by GOI PCDA/CD
2032 ______? March April every year A B
A supervising officer can accept ___ %
below MRP while carrying out auction
2033 of MES stores 10 20 30 60 C
Pay and Allowances of C&AG are Voted out Charged not paid
2034 _______ consolidated fund of India of on to the out of None B
Pay and allowances of Government Object of
servants shall be classified in accounts Programm classificati Scheme/A
2035 as part of the ____? Function e on ctivity D
Pay and Allowances of IEs are paid out
of GE Cash Assignment after pre audit PCDA/CD AO and
2036 by ___? AO A Both RAO/LAO A
Pay and Allowances of Junior
Commissioned Officers of Indian Army PAOs PCDA (O) Army PCDA New
2037 paid by ____? (ORs) Pune H.Qrs Delhi A
Assignme Public
Pay and allowances of MES civilians Imprest nt Fund All the
2038 are paid through ___? Account Account Account three C
Pay and allowances of Navy personnel Naval Pay PCDA Offices
2039 are paid by ____? Office (Navy) (Navy) NLAOs A
Pay fixation of Industrial Employees is Main Any of the
2040 carried
Pay of aout
by ____? servant Office AO GE RAO/LAO three B
appointed as Probationer/apprentice
in another service or cadre is
2041 governed by ____ Rule of FR? 22 I (a) 22 I (b) 22 (B) 23 C

to create
a post in
the same
cadre on a
to initiate rate of
Pay of a Government servant shall not disciplinar to appoint pay equal
be so increased as to exceed the pay y the to his pay
sanctioned for his post without the proceedin person in when
2042 sanction of an authority competent gs the post increased None C
Pay stages in the pay levels have been
2043 prescribed up to ___stages in 7th 25 30 40 50 C

Add 2000 Add 2000

to to Add 2000 Add 2000
Debtors, Purchases, to to
Creditors Creditors Debtors, Purchases,
and and Sales and Sales and
A transaction of Purchase Rs. 2000/- is Deduct Deduct Deduct Deduct
recorded as Sales? What will be the 2000 from 2000 from 2000 from 2000 from
adjustment if noticed at the time Purchases, Debtors, Purchases, Debtors,
2044 preparation of final Accounts? Sales Sales creditors Creditors B
Pay structure under 7th CPC is defined Pay Pay
2045 as ___?
Pay, which subject to any condition Pay Bands Pay Scales Matrix Grades C
prescribed, rises by periodical
increment from a minimum to a Presumpti Personal Special Time Scale
2046 maximum
Paying Authorities are : (i) CDA/PCDA ve Pay Pay Pay of pay D
(ii) suboffice of CDA/PCDA (iii)
authority holding Cash all the None of
2047 assignment/Imprest (i) and (ii) (i) and (iii) three the above C
Payment by MES to a Contractor of a Next
bonus outside the terms of his higher Next
Contract requires the sanction of Engineer higher PCDA/CD
2048 _____? Authority CFA A GOI D

Court Legal Charged fructuous
Payment made in satisfaction of court Expenditu Expenditu Expenditu expenditu
2049 decree is known as? re re re re C
Payment made in satisfaction of the
award of CAT should be treated as
2050 ______ Expenditure? Voted Charged Revenue Capital B

Permanen Temporar Depot

Payment made on account of Hired t Labour y Labour Contingen Civil Hire
2051 Labour is reflected in Bill Bill t Return Transport C
Payment made to a Government
servant from the revenue of the
Government for special work is known Honorariu Extra Duty Special
2052 as Fee m Allowance Pay B

Payment of all bills relating to salaries, AO (DAD)

TA/DA and Miscellaneous claims of MOD PCDA
personnel of Ministry of Defence is (Civil) PCDA (BR) CGDA (R&D)
2053 done by _______ New Delhi New Delhi office New Delhi A
Payment of bills for freight charges in PCDA on
respect of Imported Stores is made by PCDA New Navy PCDA (AF) Command
2054 the _____? Delhi Mumbai Dehrudun ant D
Prtyek varsh Hindi Diwas kab manaya
2055 jata hai ? 44453 44391 44361 44422 A
Prtyek varsh Hindi Diwas kab manaya
2056 jata hai ? 44453 44391 44361 44422 A

A Tribunal shall have, and exercise, the None. No

same jurisdiction, powers and powers
authority in respect of contempt of District Supreme for
2057 itself as a ____ ? Court High Court Court contempt B
Payment of cash rewards in excess of
Rs. 5000/- have to be submitted to
2058 ____ for orders? MOD MOD (Fin) GOI DGADS C
Payments made in exceptional
circumstances in anticipation of Emergeny Urgent Provisiona None of
2059 sanctions or allotment are known as: Payment Payment l Payment these C
Payments made in exceptional
circumstances in the absence of Emergenc Provisiona
Sanction of Competent Financial Advance y Special l
2060 Authority are known as Payments Payments payments payments D

Officer by
Payments of refunds of cash receipts whom it is Next
and recoveries cannot be made received/r higher PCDA/CD
2061 Payments
without the
of ____? by ecovered officer GOC in C A D
Government subject to recovery, with
or without interest, are treated as Misc.
2062 ____? Loans Advances Deposits Payments A
Payments to S&S Imprest holders is Stores Stores
2063 done by ____ section of Regional Contract Audit M ORs A

CP ISA LP All the

2064 PBD vouchers
PBG payable toare
known as
is ___? vouchers Vouchers Vouchers three B
furnished by the Supplier in the
prescribed format within ___ days
2065 from the date of contract? 30 60 90 180 A
PBG should remain valid for a period
of _____ days beyond the date of
completion of contractual obligations,
2066 including
PBOR, declared
as Deserter will be 60 90 120 180 A
dismissed from service if he does not
surrender or is not apprehended
within ___ years from the date of his
2067 absence? 2 years 3 years 5 years 7 years B
A value used in a formula that does Cell
2068 not change is called a ? Constant address Variable Static abc
PCDA (N) Mumbai provides _____ to Cash
the commanding officers of ships Assignme Warrants All the
2069 requiring
PCDA (NC)money?
Jammu raised a DIDS nt for money Imprest three B
against PCDA (CC) Lucknow. CDA Code
of PCDA(NC) Jammu is 12. Exchange
Code Heads are: Originating -
00/082/21 and Responding -
00/082/22. CDA Code of PCDA(CC)
Lucknow is 22. Exchange Code Heads
are : Originating 00/092/21 and
Responding 00/092/22. In Part I of the Plus Minus Plus Minus
DIDS an amount of Rs. 35,000/- is Receipt Receipt Charge Charge
appearing in Plus Receipt. Where against against against against
does the amouont appear in 00/092/2 00/092/2 00/082/2 00/082/2
2070 responding side and what will be the 2 2 2 2 C
PCDA (SC) Pune raised a DIDS against
PCDA (WC) Chandigarh. CDA Code of
PCDA (SC), Pune is 04 Exchange Code
Heads are: Originating -00/074/21 and
Responding - 00/074/22. CDA Code of
PCDA (WC) Chandigarh is 06. Exchange
Code Heads are : Originating
00/076/21 and Responding
00/076/22. In Part I of the DIDS an Plus Minus Plus Minus
amount of Rs. 45,000/- is appearing in Receipt Receipt Charge Charge
Plus Charge. Where does the amouont against against against against
appear in responding side and what 00/074/2 00/074/2 00/076/2 00/076/2
2071 will be the responding code head? 2 2 2 2 A
PCDA/CDA cannot take up the audit of 'B&#
any accounts which does not fall 39; &
within the sphere of his duties without FADS/Secy 'C&#
2072 the sanction of??.. C&AG CGDA (Def/Fin) 39; B
PCDA/CDA need to exercise audit in
2073 respect of which
PCDA/CDA will render
of thetofollowing
the Defence Capital Revenue Both None C
Officers allotted funds, Monthly
statements showing the serial number
of claims admitted in audit through a
monthly report except in the case of Ordnance Medical All the
2074 __? units Depots MES three C
PCDA/CDA will take up the audit of
any accounts which do not fall within
the sphere of his duties with the None of
2075 concurrence of????. MOD DGADS CGDA these C
PCsDA/CDA should submit to CGDA by
__each year, a leave programme of
himself/herself for the next calendar 15th 30th 15th 31st
2076 year for approval? November November December December B
PCsDA/CsDA bring to the notice of the
allottees cases in which the trend of Abnormall unusually
2077 expenditure is ______? y high low a or b None C
PCsDA/CsDA have to return the draft
para within ___ of receipt as far as One Three
2078 possible to DGADS/C&AG? 6 weeks 8 weeks month months A

create and
format edit
cells formulas entered
containing containing assumptio copy all
2079 Formula palette is used to ? numbers functions ns data cells abc
2080 Pension budget is prepared in ____ 5 4 3 2D
Pension cell is a sub section of ______ ation Technical Ledger Accounts
2081 in PCDA (O) Pune Section Section wing Section C
50% of
the a or b a or b
average 50% of whichever whichever
Pension is payable @ _____ to retiring emolume the last is less is more
2082 government employee? nts pay drawn beneficial beneficial D
Pension/Leave salary sub section of DAD staff
PCDA (O) is responsible for recovery of on
pension/leave salary contribution in Army Deputatio
2083 case of ______? Officers n Both None C

any of the
Dispensari es
es located Dispensari Dispensari whether
in their es located es located they were
Pensioners can get their names last in their in their residing in
registered with ____ CGHS station of Home Place of that city
2084 dispensaries? service Town Residence or not D
Pensions due to pensioners of Authorize
Defence Services Civilians paid from d Public
DSE and the staff of DAD is disbursed Treasury Sector All the
2085 by? officer DPDOs Banks three D
Pensions to pensioners of Defence Authorise
Services Civilians paid from DSE and d Public
the staff of Defence Accounts Treasury Sector All the
2086 Department are disbursed by ___? Officer DPDOs Banks three D
10% to
20% of 2 % to %5 5% to 10%
the of the of the
Contract Contract Contract None of
2087 Performance security is usually: value value value the above C

Period in excess of the maximum Special
admissible limit of special casual leave Casual Regular Casual Any of the
2088 will be treated as ____? Leave Leave Leave three B
Period of ______ allowed as of
qualifying for pension in the AMC and commissio Secondme
2089 ADC shall not qualify for Gratuity? n nt Both None C
How to select one hyperlink after
2090 another during a slide presentation ? ctrl + H Tab Ctrl + D Ctrl + K abc
Period of short term agreement six
2091 should not exceed _____? 3 months months 9 months one year B
Periodical Services Measurement e user PCDA/CD
2092 Books are maintained by _______? units A AO GE GE D
Periodicity of Condemnation boards in Half
2093 consuming
Permanent units
done card is Monthly Quarterly Yearly Yearly A
issued if the government servant pays
the lumpsum equal to ____ years
subscription at the time of
2094 Permission
retirement?to appear in the 2 5 10 15 C
Subordinate Accounts Service
Examination will be granted by the Defence PCDA/CD
2095 ____? CGDA FADS Secretary A A

Civil tal Rules
Personal of DAD in matters of Pay and Service in all Both A &
2096 Allowances are governed by Rules matters B None B
Personal Pay equal to one increment a period
for ______ granted for passing the till next
Hindi/Hindi Typewriting/Hindi 24 18 12 promotio
2097 Stenography
Persons aboveexamination
___ age, if not
of HTS?
serving months months months n C
at their choice stations, will be
repatriated to those stations (if so
desired by them) to the extent
2098 administratively feasible. 58 56 54 55 A
Persons and representative persons
like Aman, Ram and sons , ABC stores Nominal Personal Real None of
2099 etc are examples of ----- account accounts accounts the above B
Petition can not be filed by the Pay &
employees in CAT in respect of which Allowance
2100 of the following? s Leave Posting None D
If you press ___, the cell accepts your shift + None of
2101 typing as its contents ? Enter Alt + Enter enter These abc
Phase I of the e-ticketing system has 30.12.200 01.04.200 01.10.200 01.12.200
2102 been launched on _____? 9 9 9 9 A
Physical stock verification of securities
is done once in every _____ by officer
2103 of stores section? Quarter Half year Year Two years C
Physical stock verification of securities
of contractors is done by Store section
2104 in the month of ____ every year? April March December January A
Physical verification of actual area of
land held by a unit is done by Board of Six three
2105 Officers once in _________ a year a month months months A
Physical verification of trees is carried
2106 out once indisabled
Physically ____ byservice
Army units?
personnel year Half year Two years five years A
are entitled to double the rate of TPTA
subject to a minimum of Rs. _____ +
2107 DA per month 1800 2250 2500 3600 B
of pay can
Advance be drawn
of Pay is at the
not new
admissible station
in Mutual when
Pick out the correct statement out of Transfer transferre
2108 Pick
the following
out the correct statements from cases d Both None C
the following: - 1. Calling for tenders is
not necessary while purchasing the
articles produced by Jail or Forest
departments at same rate as Market
price.2. Contract can be entered into
with a Minor.3. Sanction of next
higher CFA is required to enhance All the
contract rates. 4. Comparative four 1, 2 are 3, 4 are 1,3 are
2109 Statement of Tenders is prepared by correct correct correct correct D
Pick out the odd item from the Schedule Divisional Special T Schedule
2110 following of Rates Stock &P B stores A
good by
Pick out the wrong answer. Over issue written underdra All the
2111 of diets in MH should be paid for off by CFA wal three C
To open an existing workbook, click
2112 the Open button on the ___ toolbar ? Standard Insert View data abc

of a
month is
to be
d by the Even if,
Imprest there is no
holder on transactio
the first n, Imprest
working Holder
day of the has to
Pick out the wrong statement from next send his
2113 the following month account Both None D
Pick the odd item out from the Class I Class II Class V Class IX
2114 following with reference to PAOs voucher voucher voucher voucher D
Pick the odd man out from the CDA (PD) (Army) (Funds)
2115 following? Meerut Meerut Meerut None B

Pick the odd officer among the AO

following with reference to duties & Embarkati
2116 functions AO GE on H.Qrs AO DGNP LAO D
Pick the odd one out among the
following as far as Pension Budget of
2117 Defence is concerned? DAD BRO MES None C
Pick the Odd one out among the HDFC
2118 following? Axis bank Yes Bank Bank ICICI Bank B

Pick the odd one out from the Presenting Defence Inquiry
2119 following Censure Officer Assistant Officer A

Pick the odd one out from the PCDA (AF) CDA (AF) (AF) AFCAO
2120 following? Dehrudun Delhi Nagpur New Delhi D
Pick the odd one out i.e. Pay level with
reference to different posts carrying
2121 same pay level in DAD? 5 9 10 13 C
Pick the odd one out i.e. pay level with
2122 reference to Recrutiment in DAD? 2 5 8 9D
what term describes a background None of
2123 that appears as a grainy, non smooth Texture Gradient Pattern these abc
Pick the odd one out in respect of Secundera GREF AMC
2124 PAOs in DAD? bad Pune BEG Pune Lucknow B
Pick the odd one out of the following PCDA/CD Area
with reference to Audit carried out by A Main Accounts
2125 DAD? Office Office LAO/RAO None C
Earned Half Pay Maternity Casual
2126 Pick the odd one out of the following? Leave Leave leave Leave D
Punching Schedule on
2127 Pick the odd one out of the following? Medium III Accounts Cash Book C
Pick the odd one out with reference to
elementwise classification of Indirect Indirect Indirect
2128 overheads? Material Expenses Labour None D
Pick the odd one out with reference to
2129 GST Rates? 0.02 0.12 0.18 0.28 A
Premium Group Differenti
Pick the odd one out with reference to Bonus Bonus al piece Payment
2130 incentive schemes for labour? cheme Plans rate by Result D
Adhoc MACP
Pick the odd one out with reference to Promotio Promotio Upgradati
2131 the option to get pay fixed? n n on None B
IAF CDA Payment Indemnity Schedule
2132 Pick the odd one out? 13 Certificate bond III D
2133 Pick the odd one out? 336 338 A 13 None C
Which among following is associated Spreadshe Presentati
2134 with excel ? Graphics Slide et on abc

Major Local Sanction

Audit audit- audit
Minor Central Expenditu Pre audit -
2135 Pick the odd one out? Audit Audit re Audit Post audit A

Pen Numerical self-

2136 Pick the odd one out? Picture Grading appraisal None C

IAF CDA Payment Indemnity Schedule
2137 Pick the odd one out? 13 Certificate bond III D
2138 Pick the odd one out? 336 338 A 13 None C

Major Local Sanction

Audit audit- audit
Minor Central Expenditu Pre audit -
2139 Pick the odd one out? Audit Audit re Audit Post audit A

Pen Numerical self-

2140 Pick the odd one out? Picture Grading appraisal None C

Major Local Sanction

Audit audit- audit
Minor Central Expenditu Pre audit -
2141 Pick the odd one out? Audit Audit re Audit Post audit A

IAF CDA Payment Indemnity Schedule
2142 Pick the odd one out? 13 Certificate bond III D
2143 Pick the odd one out? 336 338 A 13 None C
Receivabl Bills
2144 Pick the odd one out? e Payable Debtors Assets B
Which file format can be added to a All of
2145 PowerPoint show ? .gif .jpg .wav these abc
2146 Pick the odd one out? Rent Fees Wages Cash D

2147 Pick the odd one out? Machinery Furniture Buildings Goodwill D
2148 Pick the odd one out? Ram A/c Salim A/c A/c None C
Personal Nominal
2149 Pick the odd one out? A/c Real A/c A/c None A

Closing Bills Sundry Bills

2150 Pick the odd one out? stock receivable Debtors Payable D
2151 Pick the odd one out? Material Labour Expenses s D
Pick up the odd item out of the Baby Schedule
2152 following USR Indent of credit None C
Placed an indent with XYZ co. ltd for
2153 goods. Which account will be debited? XYZ Purchases Sales None D

2154 POL stock ledger is maintained in ??.. IAFZ 2108 IAFZ 2109 IAFZ 2019 IAFZ 2910 B

POSIN DOII is published by which of Unit Unit from

the following agencies in respect of where which
PBOR when transferred from one unit Record Depot individual posted
2155 to another? Office Battalion reported out C
A. Construction of Building, Purchase
of vehicle are examples of Revenue
Expenditure B. Purchase of Medicine,
Salary of staff are exaples of Capital A is True B is True Both A Both A
Expenditure. Which of the above and B is and A is and B are and B are
2156 statements are True? False False True false D
ECHS cell
Post audit of ECHS polyclinics of Main
2157 Accounts is done by _____? LAO Office Both None A
Post Audit section is found in which of
the following Controllers/Principal PCDA (P) PCDA (SC) CDA All the
2158 Controllers office? Allahabad Pune Chennai three A
Post-audit of muster rolls and pre-
audit of miscellaneous claims of AAO PCDA Naval Pay
Industrial personnel of naval (Navy) (Navy) Office, NLAO
2159 establishment at Vizag is done by? Vizag Mumbai Mumbai vizag D
Power (expenses) when given in trial Profit and
balance, it will be posted in ___ of loss Trading Balance Any of the
2160 final accounts?
Power have been delegated to the account Account Sheet three B
Ministries / Departments to relax the
time limit for submission of final claim
with concurrence of Financial Advisor.
The relaxed time limit is ----- for
submission of final claim when 12
2161 advance
Power toisgrant
leave to the IDAS 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months Months A
Officers of the rank of Addl CDA/Jt.
CDA including Probationary officers, is PCDA/CD Jt. CGDA Addl.
2162 vested in ____? A (AN) CGDA CGDA A
Power to grant leave to the IDAS
Officers of the rank of Addl CDA/Jt.
CDA including Probationary officers, is PCDA/CD Jt. CGDA Addl.
2163 vested in ____? A (AN) CGDA CGDA A

Power to relax any rule under VII CPC ce of
Pay, that causes undue hardship in a Concerne Financial Ministry
2164 particular case is vested with ____? d Ministry Advisor of Finance President D

drawn clipart,
title, text, objects, drawn art, any of the
2165 PowerPoint slides can have graphs shapes visual above abc
Powers of AGE (I) to place supply
2166 order for local purchase of stores is up 1.5 lakhs 75000/- 50000/- 80000/- D
Sangh ki Rajbhasha ka sambandh
2167 samvidhan ke kis bhag se hai ? 17 21 12 8A
Sangh ki Rajbhasha ka sambandh
2168 samvidhan ke kis bhag se hai ? 17 21 12 8A
A. Construction of Building, Purchase
of vehicle are examples of Revenue
Expenditure B. Purchase of Medicine,
Salary of staff are exaples of Capital A is True B is True Both A
Expenditure. Which of the above and B is and A is and B are
2169 statements are True? NULL False False True B
Powers of Area Commander (with &
without IFA concurrence) to accord
admin approval in respect of special
2170 Powers
works areof up
to __&
to sign
Transfer Entry 75 & 20 30 & 7 15 & 3.75 8 & 0.75 D
Punching Medium on account of
rectification of errors is up to Rs.
2171 Powers
________?of making provisional 25 lakhs 50 lakhs 1 crore 5 crore C
payments cannot be delegated by Addl. Group
PCDA/CDA to which of the following CDA/Jt. officers All the
2172 officers? CDA (IDAS) SAO/AO three C
Controllin Independ
g Command ent Area
Powers of re-appropriation are Authoritie
Headquart Headquart All the
2173 exercised by which of the following? s ers ers three D
Powers of re-appropriation between Armed Ministry
different minor heads under a major Command Forces of Governme
2174 head are exercised by the ____? H.Qrs H.Qrs. Defence nt of India D
Pr. Controllers /Controllers should not
address ??? direct except on routine None of
2175 matters. C&AG CGA Both these B
Pr. Controllers /Controllers should not None of
2176 address direct except on routine C&AG CGA Both these B
Pr. Controllers/Controllers should not
address ____ direct except on routine
2177 matters? CGA C&AG None Both D
Preferably, performance security is
payable by the supplier at the rate of
2178 ____ % of the contract value 2 5 10 20 C
Prefix 77 is used for _____ Previous Expenditu Pre
2179 transactions? years re DIDS partition A
A. Construction of Building, Purchase
of vehicle are examples of Revenue
Expenditure B. Purchase of Medicine,
Salary of staff are exaples of Capital A is True B is True Both A Both A
Expenditure. Which of the above and B is and A is and B are and B are
2180 statements are True? False False True false D
years Contingen Charged
Prefix 99 is used for which of the transactio cy fund of expenditu
2181 following payments? DIDS ns India re D

JCOs, ORs whose
for whom leave
additional starts/end
leave is s on
Prefixing and suffixing of holidays to granted crossing
leave for Army personnel is allowed for this specified
2182 except in case of ______? purpose borders None Both D
Prepaid expenses will appear on ___
2183 side of Trial Balnce? Debit Credit Both None A
Prepaid expenses, outstanding Personal Nominal Personal
2184 expenses etc. are known as ____? A/cs A/cs Real A/cs A/cs D
from Deduct Add to Add to
Insurance from Insurance Insurance
and post Insurance and post and post
the and post the the
Prepaid insurance when given in amount the amount amount
adjustment, what action would you on amount on on
suggest while preparing final liabilities on assets liabilities asssetss
2185 accounts? side side side side B
Preparation of Approximate Estimate
2186 Preparation
is not required
of costed
for works
costingofup to 10000 20000 25000 50000 D
works may be dispensed with in the
case of works estimated to cost less
2187 than Rs. ____? 10000 20000 50000 100000 A
Loss not
due to
theft, Losses
Preparation of Loss statements and fraud or caused by
sanction by CFA are not necessary in gross Enemy
2188 which of the following cases? neglect action Both None B
Preparation of pension papers is
2189 initiated _____ in advance by the 3 months 6 months 1 year 2 years C
Preparation of schedule of works may
be dispensed with in the case of works
2190 estimated
A. Expenditure
to cost
on less
Rs. ______ 10000 20000 25000 50000 A
reparation of damage caused by
calamities such as flood, fire,
earthquake, enemy action should be
charged to Capital account B.
Expenditure on account of reparation
of damage caused by calamities such
as flood, fire, earthquake, enemy
action should be charged to Revenue
account. C. Expenditure on account of
reparation of damage caused by
calamities such as flood, fire,
earthquake, enemy action should be All
charged to Capital account or statement
2191 Revenue Account according to A is true B is True C is True s are false C
Prescription issued by AMA/Specialist
for tests is valid for ___ unless other One three
2192 wise specified? 2 weeks 4 weeks month months A

Shall not a
of either
be eligible House of Shall not
for re- Parliamen hold any
election t, other
to that Legislatur office of All the
2193 Presdent of India shall _____? office e profit three D
Present two year and four blocks for 2019-20, 2020-21, 2019-20, 2020-21,
2194 LTC are 2017-20 2020-23 2019-22 2018-21 D

Pay Regional
Presently Project Samarth is being Accounts Controller None of
2195 used
in whichofoffice
? records of Offices s Office PCDAO these abc
originating DIDS till the finality of the
case is the primary responsibility of Audit Accounts CDA
2196 the _____? Section Section Both a, b Meerut A
members of the
of both State
President of India is elected by Houses of Legislative
members of electoral college Parliamen Assemblie
2197 consisting of ____? t s Both None C
President of India takes oath in the Justie of Vice Prime Lok Sabha
2198 presence of ______? India President Minister Speaker A
Previous and future correspondences
2199 in a file are linked through a system P linking F linking T linking S linking C
Previous qualifying service is
2200 mentioned in Part --------- of Service I II III IV C
Price Variation Clause can be provided
only in long-term contracts, where the 18 12
2201 delivery
A. Expenditure
period on
of ____? 2 years months months 6 months B
reparation of damage caused by
calamities such as flood, fire,
earthquake, enemy action should be
charged to Capital account B.
Expenditure on account of reparation
of damage caused by calamities such
as flood, fire, earthquake, enemy
action should be charged to Revenue
account. C. Expenditure on account of
reparation of damage caused by
calamities such as flood, fire,
earthquake, enemy action should be
charged to Capital account or
2202 Revenue Account according to NULL A is true B is True C is True A
Price Variation Clause can not be Medium- Short- Both B
2203 provided in _______ contracts? long-term term term and C D
Pricing of loss statements in respect of PCDA/CD Records
2204 ASC stores lost in a unit is done by LAO A Executive Office C
Pricing of loss statements in respect of Veterinary
Medical and veterinary stores lost in a stores
2205 unit is done by Executive LAO/CDA Both a, b depot B
Primary distribution of overheads
involves _____ of different items of Apportion
2206 overheads to the the Departments? Allocation ment Both None C
Prime Cost + Factory Overheads + Cost of
Administrative Overheads is known as Prime Productio Works Cost of
2207 ____ in Cost Sheet? Cost n Cost Sales B
Cost of
Prime Cost + Factory Ovrheads is Prime Productio Works Cost of
2208 known as ____ in Cost Sheet? Cost n Cost Sales C
Prime Minister shall be appointed by Vice Lok Sabha All the
2209 ____? President President Speaker three A

a case
where full
Principal Controllers/Controllers will particulars
not give any audit decision on a Hypotheti are not
2210 _____? cal case given Both None C
Prior approval of ____ is necessary for
disposing off unserviceable containers Army
of POL locally where large surplus Governme Head PCDA/CD
2211 stock exists in POL Depot? GOC in C nt of India Quarters A C
before an authoritie
authority s sub
Prior sanction of the Government is appointed ordinate
not required to given evidence by a by the to the
Government employee in which of the Governme Judicial Governme All the
2212 following Enquiry cases? nt Enquiry nt three D
A. Revenue Heads comprises of 2
sections B. Capital Heads comprises of A is True B is True Both A Both A
3 sections. Whether the above and B is and A is and B are and B are
2213 statements are true or false? False False True false C

In case Works
Prior scrutiny of CA by CDA office is standard involving
compulsory in which of the following forms are Special
2214 cases? not used works Both none A
Priority Procurement Plan was
2215 introduced in . DFP 2002 DFP 2006 DFP1996 DFP 2016 B
Pro rata rates or proportional rates Stock
are treated as ______ by MES and will Book Market Schedule
2216 be rounded off to the nearest paisa? Star Rates Rates Rates Rates D
Proceedings of Court of Inquiry has to
2217 be completed
Process where,within
care is 30 days 45 days 60 days 90 days D
taken, raw materials used therein or
the intermediate or finished products,
bye products, wastes or effluents
thereof would Cause material
impairment to the health of the
persons engaged in or connected
therewith is defined as ______ Dangerou Abandone
2218 Process as per Factories Act? Hazardous s d Risky A
Processing for closing of accounts for
the month will be started by DDP
centre of PAO _ days before the date
2219 of uploading the entitlement? three two four five A
Procurement can be made without
quotation if the cost of the item is
2220 below Rs_______ 10000 15000 20000 25000 D
Procurement of medical equipment Only
2221 under ____ heads is governed by Revenue Capital Both a & b specified C
Produce from soldiers gardens when Current audited
obtained by ASC, which of the local actual
following rates will be paid for such contract productio Highest of Lowest of
2222 produce? rate n rate two two D
Production Account of ASC Bakery is
prepared and submitted to PCDA/CDA Half
2223 on ___ basis?
A________________ is a group of Yearly Yearly Quarterly Monthly A
independent computers attached to
one another through communication All of the
2224 media.
Production of Medical Certificate can Internet E mail Network above abc
be waived for absence on sickness
while granting EL for not exceeding
2225 ___ days 1 day 2 days 3 days 10 days C

Profit divided by P/V Ratio is called Break Ordering Margin of BEP
2226 ____? Even Quantity Safety (Sales) C
Profit is calculated as a % of ______
2227 Price if otherwise not mentioned? Cost Price Sales Price a or b None B

Proforma dropping is done by the Defence

CGDA office EDP for certain Dummy Journal Proforma
2228 transactions by operating ___? DIDS Entry Account None A

Pay Regional virtual

Accounts Controller Preferred
2229 Project Tulip is used in which office ? Offices s Office PCDAO Network abc

Project Vishwak is used in AOGE passing of passing of a and b None of

2230 office for RAR Final Bill both these abc
Disbursem Pension Pension Pension
ent Informatio Calculatio uploading
2231 Project Ashraya is Module n Module n Module Module abc
For For
Generatio Generatio For
n of Rent n of Rent Generatio
Bills of Bills n of Rent
Defence Defence Bills All of
2232 Project Bhawan can be used Personal Civilians Civilians these abc
2233 Project Bhawan is used in which office AOGE AAO BSO PAO PCDAO abc
Project Dolphin has been prepare on WINDOW
2234 which Operating System LINUX UNIX FEDORA S abc

is required to be taken in respect of CP Permissio y
2235 items before resorting to LP n certificate Approval Sanction B

Pay Regional
Project Dolphin is used in which office Accounts Controller
2236 ? Offices s Office PCDAO IFA abc
Project Expenditure Card is one of the Quarters
auditable documents prescribed for formation DRDO Cantonme
2237 ___? NCC units s units nt Boards C

GPF NPS generatio None of
2238 Project Nidhi is used in which office ? module module n Module these abc

Pre Audit
of Pay and
Calculatio Pre Audit Allowance
n of Pay of Medical s, Medical
and Bills and Bills and
allowance TA DA TA DA
s of Air Claims of Claims of
Project Pawan is used in CDA (Air Force Air Force Air Force None Of
2239 Force) for Personnel Personnel Personnel these abc
Pay Regional
Accounts Controller
2240 Project Tulip has been developed for Offices PCDA (O) s PCFA abc
n of
Pre Audit Pre Audit Punching All of
2241 Project Vishwak can be used for of bills of RAR Medium these abc
Project Vishwak deals with work done All the
2242 by ____? AAO BSO AO GE RAO/LAO three B
Promises which form the
consideration or part of the
consideration for each other are called
_____ promises as per Indian Cntract
2243 Act? Mutual Reciprocal Agreed Exclusive B
Promises which form the
consideration or part of the Reciprocal Reciprocal
consideration for each other are called Arrangem Reciprocal Adjustme Reciprocal
2244 _____? ents Promises nts Offers B
Promotion In-situ shall be resorted to
for a maximum period of __, within
which the officer promoted will be 24 12
2245 posted to a suitable appointment? months months 6 months 3 months C
Daily Daily
. is the record of the progress of the Descriptio Order Speaking Final
2246 case handled by the IO during a day. n sheet Sheet order order B
Promotions/up-gradations granted to differently
those grades, which carry the same by
grade pay in VI CPC will be _____ dealt case different
2247 under MACPS? Counted Ignored by case depts B

Approxim Costed
Proposals for minor works in MES will Rough Indication ate Schedule
2248 be supported
Proprietary Article
by _____?
Certificate once cost cost Estimates of works A
issued will be valid for ____ from the Valid for
date of issue unless cancelled earlier only one
2249 by the CFA? 2 years One Year 6 months time A
Protection and the Protect Sheet
2250 options can
Provident Fund
be selected
from ? Tools Data Formulas Insert abc
remaining unclaimed for ____ will be
transferred to unclaimed provident six 12
2251 funds head? months months 2 years 3 years A
noticed in
Provisional CML of the Field Imprest the audit
sanctioned for first time, is reviewed surprise report of
2252 based on the _____? checks PAO Both None B
Provisional payments should not be of
released by PCDA/CDA when there is appropriat document
2253 lack of Funds e CFA ation authority D
previuos firms
Provisioning involves forecasting of procurem delivery
2254 future requirements on the basis of past usage ent schedule none A

Provisions of Defence Audit Code Contracts Contracts

related to Contracts are not applicable concluded concluded
2255 to which of the following Contracts? by Army by MES Both None B
Provisions of RMES are not applicable Authorize Special Operation Deposit
2256 to which of the following works? d works Works al Works works C
. From service which shall not be a ry
disqualification for future Suspensio Retiremen
2257 employment. Dismissal n Removal t C
Prurchase Committee has to be
constituted for Market survey when 25001 to 25000 to 25001 to 25000 to
2258 the value of stores is 2.5 lakhs 2.5 lakhs 3 lakhs 3 lakhs A
Public Account of India covers the
following sectors of Government Sectors A, Sectors A, Sectors A Sectors I
2259 Accounts? B B and C to F to M D
Public Accounts Committee of
2260 Parliament consists of ___ MPs 22 25 27 15 A
Public Fund Account can be opened by Any
Army officer i/c in which of the Nationaliz SBI or its
2261 following banks? ed subsidary a or b None C

No. of
dependen No. of
Public Fund Accounts of Air Force are t on units in
2262 generally maintained on ____ basis? Unit Station Account station B
PCDA Quarterly
Public fund cash book maintained by Main audit All the
2263 army unit is inspected by ________? Office LAO/RAO boards three B
Punching Media data is sent to H.Qrs. Fortnightl
2264 Office by the EDP centres on ___ basis Monthly y Weekly Daily D
Till 3rd of
Punching media or amendment to PM Up to Till last the
is accepted for inclusion in that 25th of day of the following
2265 Punching
months account
Medium ____?
is used for the month month month None B
compilation in DAD. In the Civil
Accounts Manual one will find such Compilati Compilati
document with a different Journal on on Compilati
2266 nommenlature i.e. ____? Entry Medium voucher on sheet D
Punching Medium prepared by AO GE Constructi
falls under which of the following on Financial
2267 Accounts? Accounts Accounts Both None B

A record
of adverse
entry in
A formal the
punishme Imposition confidenti All of the
2268 Censure means nt of penalty al record above D
Punjab rajya, Rajbhasha ki dristhi se
2269 kis kshetr mein aata hai ? K Kh G Gh B
Purchase and installation of static
plant, machinery & equipment is Ordinary Special Maintena
2270 treated as ______ work by MES? Original Repairs Repairs nce A
Purchase Committee is constituted for
procurement when the financial value 25001-2.5 1-2.5
2271 of goods purchased
Purchase of Books isisnot
done in Lakhs Lakhs Both None A
general from Annual Training Grant
when the unit has ____ grant also at
2272 their disposal? I&M ACG Library SAG C
Purchase of goods and services up to
the value of Rs. ___ only on each
occasion may be made without
inviting quotations or bids on the basis
2273 of a certificate to be recorded by CFA? 10000 15000 25000 50000 C
Purchase of goods up to ___ value on
each occasion may be made without
inviting quotations or bids on the basis
of a certificate to be recorded by the
2274 CFA in terms of GFR? Rs. 15000 Rs. 20000 Rs. 25000 Rs. 30000 C
Purchase of Motor car should be
made within ___ of the date on which One Two
2275 the advance is drawn by Army Officer? month months 45 days One year A
Purchase up to Rs. _____ can be
2276 resorted to with out quotation? 5000 25000 15000 10000 B

To convey
To issue the To issue
instructio decision clarificatio
ns to of senior n on a
sections authoritie specific
of Main s like matter to
Office and CGDA/PC establish
sub DA/CDA uniformity All the
2277 Purpose of Circular is offices. etc. . above D

Qualification Grant is not admissible and above
2278 to ______officers? AMC/ADC level Both None A
Which command is used to set
2279 terminal IO characteristic? tty ctty ptty stty D
Which command is used to set
2280 terminal IO characteristic? tty ctty ptty stty D
Sansdiye Rajbhasha smiti mein
2281 Rajsabha ke kitne sadshya hote hain? 12 15 20 10 D
Sansdiye Rajbhasha smiti mein
2282 Rajsabha ke kitne sadshya hote hain? 12 15 20 10 D
Different Identical by two
Pairing means bringing together two to each to each different None of
2283 documents which are supposed to be: other other units the Above B
Qualification pay claims and Technical Non Unit Miscellan
Allowances claims fall the under the Recurring recurring allowance eous
2284 category of ______ claims? nature nature s claims claims A
5 years
Qualifying service of a DAD employee before
is verified and certified on which of 25 years retiremen whichever
2285 the following occasions? of service t Both is less D

Quality of Goods means _____ as per State of Condition

2286 sale of goods act? Goods of Goods None Both D
Quarterly E-TDS returns are filed by
_______ section of PCDA (O) for Administr
compilation of Tax Deducted at Source LW Co-ord Records Accounts ation
2287 in respect of Army Officers? (AT) Section Section Section A
Quarters will be reserved for who Command All the
2288 among the following officers? GOC in C GOC Area er three D
2289 Question Option A Option B Option C Option D A

Questions on interpretation of GOI Their next Nearest

orders involving financial matter in the higher Test Audit
first instance shall be referred by local authoritie PCDA/CD authoritie
2290 authorities to ____? s A s MOD B
Questions raised by unit commanders
with regard to the correctness of the
debit balances should be finally settled
2291 within __ by PAOs? 6 weeks 4 weeks 2 weeks one week A
Railway Warrants and Concessions
vouchers are also directly booked by Book
the PCDA (Travel) on e-ticketing portal adjustmen
2292 on _____ basis? t Cash Both None B
2293 Rajbhasha aayog kab gathan kab hua 20247 20277 20582 20250 A
Skeleton List means the list with which Inspecting office of Formation
vouchers are forwarded by the issuing Authoritie PCDA/CD Command
2294 depots to: s A ers LAOs D
Rajbhasha adhiniyam 1963 ka
2295 sanshodhan kab hua ? 1967 1968 1965 1964 A
Rajbhasha Adhiniyam 1963 ki dhara 6 Jammu &
2296 evam 7 kis rajya mein lagu nahi hota Delhi Nagaland Manipur Kashmir D
Rajbhasha Adhiniyam ka sanshodahn
2297 kab hua? 1967 1968 1965 1964 A
2298 Rajbhasha Adhiniyam kab parit hua ? 22776 23141 23111 23202 B

Rajbhasha ka varshik karykram kaun Grih Raksha n vikash Inme se
2299 taiyar karta hai ? Mantralay Mantralay Mantralay koi nahi A
Rajbhasha pryojan ke liye desh ko
2300 kitne kshetron mein bata gaya hai ? 1 2 3 4C
RAO gets inputs in the form of PCDA/CD
2301 documents/vouchers from ____ for A AO GE Both None C
Audit of
RAO is personally responsible for Store Cash
2302 _____? Accounts Inspection Both None B
RAO need not verify which of the on
2303 following documents in general? IE Pay Bills Accounts MER None D

Cash Public
RAO/LAO is responsible to carry out Assignme Fund
audit of which of the following Cash nt Cash Imprest Account Both (b) &
2304 Statement
Books during
of his
visit Transactions
to GE office? at book Cash Book Cash Book (c) C
the end of every financial year is
prepared only for ______ head-wise
2305 details Major Sub Major Minor Sub C

Is DA is not is
different Is same as paid to determine
Rate of Dearness Allowance for Army from for Army d by MOD
2306 Officers civilians civilians officers separately B
Rates in respect of Articles purchased
locally and those supplied by bakeries MOD PCDA/CD
2307 are published
Rates in Tender
____?in the opinion (Fin.) CGDA A LAO C
of accepting officer are either
abnormally high or abnormally low are Fabricated False Freak
2308 known as ___? Rates Rates Foul Rates Rates D
Rates of Free issues of ASC supply Station
purchased locally are published by PCDA/CD Command
2309 _____?which are not available in SSR
Rates A er GOC in C CGDA A
and cannot be determinate
proportionately from the contract Freak Special Schedule
2310 rates are known as ____? Rates Rates Rates Star Rates D
Rates which cannot be assessed from
SSR, but deduced from other rates in Pro-Rata Market All the
2311 SSR are known as Rates Star Rates Rates three A
Rates which cannot be assessed from
SSR, deduced from Contract rates on Pro-Rata Market All the
2312 pro rata basis are known as Rates Star Rates Rates three B

2313 Ration Accounts is maintained in ?? IAFZ 3033 IAFZ 3303 IAFZ 3330 IAFZ 3333 A

2314 Ration Accounts is maintained in IAFZ 3033 IAFZ 3303 IAFZ 3330 IAFZ 3333 A
Ration Allowance (cash in lieu of free Casual
rations) is not payable to Army officers Special leave in
under which of the following Furlough casual same Sick leave
2315 circumstances? leave leave station on full pay C
User Charges is a component of _____ Tax Non Tax
2316 as defined in GFR? Revenue Revenue Both None B
Ration Allowance in cash is admissible Study Special
during which of the following periods Leave in Casual All the
2317 in respect of Army Officers? India Leave Furlough three D

Regional LAO Executive

Ration Money claims of Army Officers Controller Supply Authoritie
2318 are passed by PCDA (O) s Depot s B
Ration Returns are prepared and
2319 closed on ___ basis ? Half yearly Monthly Weekly Daily B

2320 Ration Returns are prepared by units Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly C

2321 Ration Returns is maintained in ??.. IAFZ 1591 IAFZ 1519 IAFZ 1951 IAFZ 1159 B

RCPO cell will be found in which PCDA (BR) CDA (IDS) PCDA (AF) PCDA New
2322 office? New Delhi New Delhi Dehradun Delhi D

Debtors from Debtors
from whom from
whom part whom full
payment payment payment
not is is Net
2323 RDD is created for _____ Debtors? expected expected expected Debtors D

iii. To
From One re On new
Grant or service or
appropriat new
From ion for instrumen
Funds charged t of
provided expenditu service
from re to not
Voted another contempla
expenditu Grant or ted in the
re to appropriat budget as
charged ion for approved
expenditu charged by the
re and expenditu parliamen None of
2324 Re appropriation can be done : vice versa re t the above D
unit of
Central Any State appropriat
Govt. to Govt. to ion to
Re appropriation means the transfer any State Central another
2325 of funds from? Govt. Govt such unit All C
Re appropriation of building involving
increase in scale or introducing a new Command PCDA/CD Governme
2326 practice require the sanction of ___ GE CE A nt of India D

Receipted Office
A copy of the issue voucher prepared Copy of copy of copy of Consignor
2327 by issuing depot is______? consignee consignee consignor LAO copy C
Re appropriation of buildings involving
increase in scales requires sanction of Chief Governme
2328 _____? E in C Engineer GOC in C nt of India D
Re appropriation of funds is Expenditu All the
2329 permissible between ____ heads? re Receipts RDR three A
Re-appropriation between different PCDA/CD All the
2330 Minor heads can be made by ___? MOD GOI A three B
Re-appropriation of funds in cases in
which more than one Principal -Staff Chief of
Officer is concerned will be made by service
2331 _______? MOD MOD (Fin) GOI concerned C
Transfer of funds
of funds from one
from one budget Cut in
office to head to allotment
2332 Reappropriation of funds means ___? another another of funds None B
Rearrange the following in
chronological order. 1. Supply order 2.
2333 Quotation 3. Receipt Voucher 4. Bill 2314 1234 2134 2143 C
Rearranging of data in a sequence is
2334 called Editing Processing Sorting Updating abc
CDA in
Receipts and expenditure pertaining area the
to Air Force executed by Public Works work is Jt. CDA
Department, will be passed on by the PCDA (AF) carried CDA (AF) (AF)
2335 concerned Civil AG to __? Dehradun out New Delhi Nagpur B
Receipts and Expenditure pertaining
to DAD have been transferred from
Defence Service Estimates to Civil 01.04.197 01.04.197 01.10.197 01.10.199
2336 Estimates w.e.f. _______? 1 6 6 3 A
Receipts and Payments which cannot,
in the absence of full particulars, be
allocated to any head of account will Any of the
2337 be compiled to the Head _____? Deposits Suspense Advances three B
Irregulariti Losses Railway
es in r/o awaiting claims
AAC contains all important ites such Store Regularisa outstandi All of
2338 as???. Accounts tion ng these D
Receipts and payments which cannot,
in the absence of further information
or orders, be allocated to any head of
account, and where the heads to
which the transactions are likely to be
adjusted are not known, will be taken Any of the
2339 to the Head _______? Advances Deposits Suspense three C

Receipts are audited from ________ Ledger to Voucher

2340 to ____________ Voucher to Ledger Both ways None B

Received Rs. 2000 in cash and Rs. Cash debit Cash Cash Cash debit
3000 by cheque from Shyam. What side and credit side credit side side and
will be entry in cash book with cash, bank and Bank and bank bank debit
2341 Discount and Bank column? credit side debit side credit side side D
Reconciliation of balances under the
suspense head 00/018/65 is the duty Central Disbursem All the
2342 of ___ section of PAO? Control Imprest ent three B
Record of Verification of service is
2343 found in Part ------ of Service Book. III IV V VIII C
Recoveries effected after the close of deduction
the accounts of the year in which the of
expenditure was incurred, should be expenditu Any one
2344 compiled as ____? Revenue re of a/b Capital A

Reduction decided decided

Recoveries made from Cantonment of by by Station
Boards in respect of bulk supplies by expenditu PCDA/CD Command
2345 MES shall be classified as _______? Receipts re A er A
Recoveries of expenditure for services Reduction
rendered to non-Government parties of Refund of
shall in all cases be classified as ____ Expenditu bonafide
2346 of the Government? Receipts re receipt None A
Recoveries of over-payments shall be Reduction
credited as ______ irrespective of the in
year in which such recoveries are Revenue Expenditu Capital
2347 effected? Receipts re Receipts None B

Recovery of advances paid by audit Register

sections is watched through the of Demand Debt Head All the
2348 medium of _____? Advances Register Register three B
AAC is centrally minitored by ?section
in PCDA/CDA office in respect of MES Accounts Admin
2349 transactions/expenditure. Section Section IA Section E Section D
of best
Recovery of barrack damages in r/o e
imported article where procurement indigenou Fixed by
cost cannot be ascertained is done at s Fixed by
Fixed by PCDA/RA
2350 a rate substitute GE AO GE O A
Recovery of contribution towards PCDA
ECHS will be done by ____ from PCDA (P) Bank/DPD (O)/PAO Any of the
2351 Gratuity? of GPF will be stopped ____
Recovery Allahabad O etc. Ors three A
before of retirement on
superannuation of a Government 12 Two
2352 Employee? months 6 months 3 months months C
Recovery of Rent & allied charges in
respect of MES civilians and Ind.
Employees is reflected in AAC report AOGE/
2353 under whose responsibility? AAO BSO MES DAD LAO/RAO C

Partly DR,
Direct Partly
Recruitment to IDAS is carried through Recruitme Promotio Departme Promotio
2354 ________?payments for Railway
Recurring nt (DR) n ntal Exam n D
sidings will be adjusted by _____ after
the vouchers have been reviewed by All the
2355 CWE?
Recurring payments for railway sidings GE DAD DGADS three B
will be adjusted by DAD after the Railway
vouchers have been reviewed by ___ Accounts All the
2356 concerned? CWE Officer AO GE three A
reduction any one of n
Refunds of Revenue shall as a General Expenditu of the two Expenditu
2357 rule, be taken as _____? re Receipts a,b re B

invested with
Regimental funds of units and in Nationalis
2358 formation HQ may be _____? securities ed Banks None Both D
Regional Training Centre (Southern
Region) is located in which of the Secundera
2359 following stations? Bengaluru Chennai Pune bad A
AAC is centrally minitored by ?section
in PCDA/CDA office in respect of non- Accounts Admin
2360 MES transactions. Section Section IA Section E Section C
Register of Measurement book is Sub
maintained in which of the following Division of
2361 offices? AAO BSO GE GE AO GE D
the Rates of Rates
Reimbursement of Children Education Normal normal actual approved
Allowance for disabled children of rates rates expenditu by GOC in
2362 Army officers shall be payable at prescribed prescribed re C B
Rejections under electronic payments
are compiled to which of the following 00/020/8 00/020/9 93/020/9 00/020/9
2363 suspense heads? 1 6 1 1 B
Remember the following points while
drafting: A. Identify Sender B. Adopt A is B is C is All are
2364 right form C. Visualise
Remuneration paid to response
an employee correct correct correct correct D
for performing a special work of
occasional in character is known as Honorariu Special Special
2365 _____? m Fee Pay Increment A
Renewals, replacements, alterations
and improvements beyond the Maintena Beyond
prescribed monetary limits of ordinary Special Special nce Economic
2366 repairs are treated as __ by MES Repairs works services Repairs A

Credit Liabilities Assets of

Rent Received in advance if given trial Debit side Side of of Balance Balance
2367 balance, will be posted on ___? of P&L A/c P&L A/c Sheet Sheet C

Rental ceilings for hiring of by
accommodation for separated families two PCDA/CD
of service officers will be of ____ their one class classes A and not
2368 class of entitlement?
Repairs, renewals and replacements of As per below below as per B
E/M installations and other external
utilities costing up to Rs. ____ in each
case are treated as ordinary repairs by
2369 MES? Order and/or Option Clause
Repeat 5 lakhs 2 lakhs 1.5 lakhs 1 lakh B
may be exercised more than once,
provided altogether these orders do
not exceed ____ % of the original
2370 order quantity 25 50 75 100 B
AAC is centrally minitored by .section
in PCDA/CDA office in respect of MES Accounts Admin
2371 transactions/expenditure. Section Section IA Section E Section D
Repeat Order Clause may be
exercised, provided it does not exceed
2372 ____ of the original order quantity? 0.25 0.5 0.75 1B
Repeat order quantity should not
2373 exceed ____%ofofthe
Replacement lastwhole
a major 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.3 B
part or definite portion of a building or
other structure is defined as ___ in Special Petty Ordinary
2374 MES works? Repairs Repairs Repairs Renewal D
Replacements and renewals costing
up to Rs. _____ for each item are
2375 Replacements
treated as ordinary
of furniture
repairs of
MES?up 150000 100000 200000 50000 A
to 50% of annual allotment for
maintenance of furniture on station
basis subject to ceiling of Rs. __ per
annum to be allowed only in respect
of furniture declared as
condemned/BER by the appropriate
authority are treated as ordinary
2376 repairs by MES 5 lakhs 4 lakhs 2 lakhs 1 lakh B

Replies to the objections raised by LW

Inspection Team of CGDAs Office, will Coordinati
be monitored by which of the Admin on Group Accounts Technical
2377 following sections of PCDA (O)? Section (Admin) Section Section D
2378 Report of C&AG serves ____ Double Triple One None A
Report of Complaints committee is harassme
treated as Inquiry report in which of Fraud or nt of
the following cases of Disciplinary embezzle In sub working All the
2379 proceedings? ment ordination woman three C
Report of the Complaints Committee
shall be deemed to be __ under CCS
Rules regarding sexual harassment of final Inquiry Interim Preliminar
2380 working women report Report Report y Report B
Report on items of financial advice
tendered and accepted by the
administrative authorities should be
submitted to the C.G.D.A. by
2381 PCDA/CDA on ____ basis? Monthly Quarterly Half yearly Yearly B
AAC is centrally minitored by .section
in PCDA/CDA office in respect of non- Accounts Admin
2382 MES transactions.
Report on items of financial advice Section Section IA Section E Section C
tendered and accepted by the
executive authorities should be
submitted to the CGDA by PCDA/CDA Half
2383 on ??.. Basis. Monthly Quarterly Yearly Annually B
Report on the court cases, where DAD
(CGDA/PCDA/CDA) is respondent is
submitted by AN section of PCDA/CDA
2384 to CGDA on __ basis? Yearly Half yearly Quarterly Monthly D
Reportining can be done by a retired
officer within .. From the date of
2385 retirement. 15 days 1 month 2 months 6 months B
Request for alteration in Date of Birth
will be considered by Head of the
Department when a specific request is
made within/before___ from entry becoming
into Government service by a permanen
2386 Government servant? 6 months 1 year 5 years t C
Request for alteration in DOB of non-
gazetted staff as originally recorded in
the Service Books can be made within
2387 __of entry in service? 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years D
Request for Request
Request for Proposal (RFP) can also be for Procurem Tender for
2388 called as ----------------. Interest ent Enquiry Purchase C
Requisition placed by the provisioning
authority on the procurement agency Requisitio
2389 is called ----------------. Indent Intend n Request A

Requisition placed by the provisioning Store Monthly

authority on the procurement agency Requisitio Maintena
2390 to procure an item is known as ____? Demand Indent n nce Figure B
Requsition placed by th provisioning
authority on the procurement agency Requisitio
2391 is called _____ Indent Intend n Request A
Reserve Bank may _____ the Central
Government securities in the Buy and A but Not
2392 secondary market? Buy Sell Sell B C
Goods Goods
and and
Services Services
under under
Revenue Capital
The Defence Procurement Manual procurem procurem Only
2393 covers the acquisition of : Goods ent ent services B
Goods Goods
and and
Services Services
under under
Revenue Capital
The Defence Procurement Manual procurem procurem Only
2394 covers the acquisition of : Goods ent ent services B
AAC is centrally monitored by ???... of
Main Office in respect of non-MES Engineerin Accounts
2395 transactions IA Section An Section g section Section A
Reserve Bank of Act is called as RBI Act, RBI Act, RBI Act, RBI Act,
2396 _____? 1932 1933 1934 1935 C
Debtors from Debtors
from whom from
whom part whom full
payment payment payment
Reserve for Bad Debts is created for not is is All the
2397 ____ Debtors? expected expected expected three B

Resignation given by President of India Speaker of Chairman Chief
will be Communicated to _____ by the Prime the House of Council Justice of
2398 Vice President of India? Minister of People of States India B

Accounts RAO/LAO
Responding action in respect of DIDS E Section Sectin of of the
originated by another CDA, pertaining of Main Main Concerne MES unit
2399 to MES unit is taken by _____? Office Office d AO GE concerned C
Responding action on a DIDS is done Part A or Both A &
2400 _____ of the Punching Medium Class 8 Part A Part B B B B

Responsibility for audit of pensions PCDA (P) (PD)/CDA
2401 devolves on ____? Allahabad Chennai DPDOs LAO A
Audit Test Audit Executive
Responsibility for carrying out stock authoritie Authoritie Authoritie
2402 verification rests primarily with the s s s DGQA C
Responsibility for carrying out stock PCDA/CD
2403 verification rests solely with _______? LAO Executive A DGADS B

Responsibility for clearance of

outstanding Rent & Allied charges Dues from Dues from Dues from
rests with DAD in the case of which of Army DAD MES All the
2404 the following occupants?
Responsibility for handling claims for Officers personnel civilians three D
damages , short landed items of
Imported Stores including Embarkati
losses/damages sustained to stores on
shipped commercially insured, will be Command PCDA,
2405 that of _ concerned? Consignor Consignee ant New Delhi C
AAO (A/cs) will test check the Cheque
linking done by task holders to the
extent of __ % in respect of cheques
2406 of Rs. 1 lakh and above? 10 25 50 100 A
Responsibility for monitoring of the
expenditure against budget allocation
for the Defence Pension is also DPDOs CDA (PD) PCDA (P)
2407 entrusted to ______? AFHQ and Banks meerut Allahabad D
Responsibility for National Defence Prime Defence Parliamen
2408 Rests with ________? Minister Minister Cabinet t C
Responsibility for placing and
fulfillment of Contracts for supplies to
be made or services to be rendered Audit All the
2409 rests entirely with ___? IFA Authority Executive three C

Responsibility for sanitary Authority Executive

conservation and drainage of land in managem
inside cantonments rests with occupatio ent of the Either a or
2410 _______? n land b MES C
Responsibility of overcharge primarily gning Audit All the
2411 rests with officer Officer Claimant three C
Responsibility to watch recovery of
cost of stores supplied to foreign
governments against their demands
sponsored by the Ministry of External PCDA/CD
2412 Affairs devolves on ____? MOD CGDA A LAO B
Restoration of commuted pension is
2413 done after ___ years? 15 18 20 25 A
Retaining fee is admissible to a All the
2414 Reservist_______ Sepoy NCO JCO above A
Retention period of Analysis of all
India compilation of Defence Services
Receipts & Exp. in EDP Centre of
2415 Regional PCDA/CDA office is __? 10 years 5 years 2 years 3 years D
Retired Group A officer should not
accept any commercial employment
before ___ from date of retirement
2416 without prior sanction? 5 years 3 years 2 years one year D
AAO can pass the requisition for LTC
2417 advance up to Rs. _______ 100000 75000 50000 25000 D
A/N of the F/N of the A/N of the F/N of the
Retirement is effective from the ____ last last first first
of the month in which age of working working working working
2418 superannuation is attained day day day day A

Will be
decided at
Forenoon Afternoon of the
Retirement is effective from the of the last of the last Competen
____________ in which age of day of the day of the t
2419 Returnable
the packing
in general. month month Authority None B
account in the case of stores
dispatched by sea or civil air will be
dispatched to the ultimate consignee
by the Landing Officer within __ days
from the date of dispatch of the
2420 consignment? 7 10 15 21 C
Returned Store Sub Depot (RSSD) is
not responsible to receive, sort out Ammuniti
and condition which of the following General Technical on and
2421 types of stores? Clothing Stores Stores Explosives D

Revenue accruing from the disposal of decided
fruits of trees on lands under Governme by Station
occupation of units and maintained by nt Regiment Command
2422 Revenues
them is credited
to by bodies DEO Account al Fund er C
which by law or rule having the force
of law come under control of Govt are Charged Public Public
2423 known as Local Fund revenues money fund A

Review conduct by Review Section of Simultane Concurren Percentag

2424 PAO is known as ____ review? Pot audit ous audit t Review e Review C
Review conducted by Review Group is Percentag nsive Sample Concurren
2425 known as ___? e Review Review Review t Review D

Review Group in PAO is responsible Opening Closing of g of ACR Audit of
2426 for which of the following duties? of IRLAs IRLAs payments IRLAs D
Review of Local Audit work done by Concurren
2427 IDAS officers is called ______ Review? t Surprise Super Higher C
AAO can sign Punching Medium Class I No such
2428 voucher up to Rs. _____? 25 Lakhs 10 Lakhs 5 Lakhs limit C
Review of Works expenditure is
mentioned in which section of
Appropriation Accounts of Defence
2429 services? Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 D
Risk & Expense Purchase clause is
generally not applicable in case of ___ Maintena All the
2430 Risks
accepted by the accepting officer nce Works Foreign three C
viz. riots (other than employees of
contractor), war, invasion, act of
foreign enemies, hostilities, civil war,
rebellion, revolution, insurrection,
military or usurped power, damage
from air crafts and natural calamities
etc. are known as ____ in the case of Accepted Standard Anticipate Agreed
2431 Contracts conclused by MES? Risks Risks d Risks Risks A
Regular Ration Ration Repeated
2432 RR stands for ????. Run Reunion Return Ration C
15.06.200 21.06.200 12.10.200 01.01.200
2433 RTI Act came into force w.e.f. ______? 5 5 5 6 C
Rules enumerated in FR I do not apply
to contracts concluded by which of All the
2434 the following authorities? MES DAD MOD three A
Rules for the use of MES Inspection
Houses are laid down by ________ PCDA/CD All the
2435 from time to time? CE E in C A three B
Work Amount
Work Work done claimed
order order statement by
Running Account Receipt (RAR) is paid issued by issued by signed by Contracto
2436 by AO GE based on ________? GE GE GE r C
S&S Imprest Account is compiled
2437 through Class ____ voucher Punching 2 4 5 9C
S&S Imprest Account should reach the
office of PCDA/CDA by ___ of the
2438 following month to which it pertains? 1st 2nd 10th 15th C
AAO in DAD is authorized to audit and
make payment Cash Requisitions up to
2439 Rs. _______?
S&S Imprest holder is supposed to 50000/- 1 lakh 5 lakhs No limit C
submit his monthly account to
PCDA/CDA by _____ of the following
2440 month? 7th 10th 15th 20th B
Safe custody of documents like title AG
deed, Mortgage deed and surety bond Branch, Ledger Accounts Military
etc. of Army officers who are granted IHQ of Wing of Section of Secretary
2441 HBA is the duty of __? MOD PCDA (O) PCDA (O) Branch A
Salary of C&AG will equal to that of High court Court Cabinet Finance
2442 _____? Judge Judge Secretary Secretary B

Salary, wages, purchases, sales etc are Nominal Personal Real None of
2443 examples of ---- account accounts accounts the above A
Sale of Engineering stores to
individuals in Government
2444 Employment requires prior sanction of E in C CE PCDA GOI D
Sale of Goods Act came into force 01.01.193 15.03.193 01.04.193 01.07.193
2445 w.e.f. _____? 0 0 0 0 D
Samples issued from Supply Depots to
the Composite Food Lab are charged
2446 off on ________ voucher Expense Issue Receipt Nominal A
Samvidhan ke bhag 17 mein sangh ki
Rajbhasha ke pryojan ke liye kitne
2447 anuched hain? 9 8 7 6A
samvidhan ki aathwi anusuchi mein
2448 inme se kaun si bhasha sammillit nahi Maithili Nepali Bhojpuri Konkani C
Samvidhan ki kis anusuchi mein 7Wi 8Wi 9Wi 10 Wi
2449 Bhartiye Bhashayon ka smavesh kiya Anusuchi Anusuchi Anusuchi Anusuchi B
AAO is authorized to price loss
2450 statements and expense vouchers up 20000 25000 40000 50000 D
Sanction accorded by the Ministry of
Defence in their capacity as local
Government will not be subjected to
2451 audit by ______? Test Audit DAD Both None D
Sanction for any fresh expenditure
which has not been acted on for ____
lapses unless it is specifically six
2452 renewed? a month months a year two years C
Sanction for hiring of private
accommodation by Army Officer is
initially accorded by the Station 12
2453 Commander only for a period of ___? months 9 months 6 months 3 months D
Sanction is valid for ________ from
2454 the date of issue? One year 2 years 3 years 5 years A
Sanction of Government of India is
required to conclude a contract for a
2455 period beyond 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 5 Years C
Sanction of the _____ will be
necessary to conclude a contract for a Governme
2456 period beyond 3 years. MOD C&AG CGDA nt of India D
Sanctions accorded by competent
authority to grants of land and
alienation of land revenue, other than Book
those in which assignments of land Adjustme No. Free
2457 revenue are treated as ____ payment? nt Nominal Cash of cost C
Sanctions having financial bearing and Force
not covered by existing rules are Governme Instructio
2458 issued in the form of nt Letters ns Both None C
Sanctions to re-appropriation of
buildings will be communicated by PCDA/CD
2459 CFAs to which of the following? GE A Both None C
2460 Sangh ki Rajbhasha ki lipi kya hai ? i urdu Devnagri Maithili C
AAO should check arithmetical
calculations in __ % of the documents
disposed by him, irrespective of
2461 amount involved in the documents? 1 0.25 0.1 0.05 D
sansadiye Rajbhasha smiti mein kitni
2462 upsamitiyan hain? 1 2 3 4C
Sansdiye Rajbhasha Smiti ka gathan
2463 kab hua tha ? 1975 1976 1977 1978 B
Sansdiye Rajbhasha smiti mein kitne
2464 sadyshya hote hain? 30 25 20 10 A
Sansdiye Rajbhasha smiti mein Inme se
2465 Loksabha ke kitne sadshya hote hain? 20 15 10 koi nahi A

SCCIA is concurrently admissible along Strategic

with which of the following Forces
2466 allowances? HAFA CMFAA CFAA Allowance D
Schedule B stores are issued to the ment Unstampe Supply all the
2467 Contractors on the authority of Book d Receipt Order three B
Schedule III will be recorded ____ wise All the
2468 in a PCDA/CDA office Office Section Date three D
Schedule of demands is the only
estimate cost in cases other than Original special
2469 ________ (prepared by MES)? works repairs Both None C

Paid Unlinked Cheques Cheques

2470 Schedule VII is prepared for ____? Cheques Cheques issued cancelled D
Scrolls from Banks are received in Monthly Fortnightl
2471 Accounts Section of PCDA/CDA office Weekly Basis y Daily D
AAO should check arithmetical
calculations in __ % of the documents
disposed by him, irrespective of
2472 amount involved in the documents? 1 0.25 0.1 0.05 D
E section
of Main
Scrutiny of CAs concluded by CE/CWE office of Any of the
2473 is conducted by _______? AO GE PCDA RAO/LAO three B
on or
Supreme Commissi
2474 Second appeal lie with: President High Court Court on D
Second component of CDA (O) Single Three
Account Number is represented by Digit Two digits digits
2475 _____? Number Number number Alphabets C
Secondary distribution of overheads
involves _____ of different items of Apportion
2476 overheads to the the Departments? Allocation ment Both None B

Secret/ Confidential letters should be to the No.
acknowledged citing which of the & date of
2477 following particulars? Subject letter Both None B
Secretary (Defence Finance) functions
in the dual capacity of representative Ministry
of ----------- in the field of Defence Ministry of
Expenditure and as Chief Accounting of Ministry Defence(F Govt. of
2478 Officer of Defence Services Defence of Finance inance) India B
Section 3 of Official Language act
2479 came in to force w.e.f. ____? 26.01.64 15.08.64 26.01.65 15.08.65 C
Review of
Works/M Detailed
ES Appropria
Section 4 of Appropriation Accounts Expenditu tion Appendice Military
2480 Defence Services deals with.. re Accounts s Farm A

Summary Detailed
certified Summary Appropria
Section-1 of the Appropriation by Secy certiifed tion None of
2481 Accounts of Defence services is.. (Def/Fin) by CGDA Accounts these A

Summary Detailed
certified Appropria
Section-2 of the Appropriation by Secy Appendice tion None of
2482 Accounts of Defence services is.. (Def/Fin) s Accounts these C
AAO working in a CDA office can grant
___ days of CL to Senior Auditor
2483 working under him at a time? 2 3 4 5C

Summary countersig
certified ned by
Section-3 of the Appropriation by Secy Appendice Secy None of
2484 Accounts of Defence services is.. (Def/Fin) s (Def/Fin) these C

Review of Detailed Summary

Works Appropria certified
Section-4 of the Appropriation Appendice expenditu tion by Secy
2485 Accounts of Defence services is.. s re Accounts (Def/Fin) B
Review of Review of
MES Civil
Section-5 of the Appropriation Expenditu Appendice expenditu None of
2486 Accounts of Defence services is.. re s re these B

Review of Review of review of
Civil MES accounts
Section-6 of the Appropriation Appendice expenditu Expenditu of Military
2487 Accounts of Defence services is.. s re re Farm D
Sector F represents which of the & Deposits
following in Defence Service Miscellan and Loans and
2488 Accounts? eous Advances Advances None C

Sector in Defence Accounting System One Two Four Seven

2489 is represented by _____? Alphabet Numerical Numerical Numerical A
Security Deposit appropriated towards
liquidated damages, if required to be
refunded based on award in favour of Fresh Charged Decided in
Contractor will be classified as __ Expenditu Expenditu Refund of each case
2490 Expenditure? re re Receipts by PCDA B

Security Deposit submitted in the form 5% below the face

of Promissory Note should be Market value of Lowest of Highest of
2491 accepted at _____ Price the Note a, b a, b C
Security Deposits Register is
maintained in ____ parts by the Store
2492 Contract Section
Selection of vouchers
of Regional
for personal
CDA? 5 4 3 2D
linking by consignee LAO should be Their Easy
with reference to ___ of the Cost of attractive marketabi All the
2493 following? the stores ness lity three D
Aathwi anusuchi mein shamil videshi Inme se
2494 bhasha kya hai? Nepali Malyali Konkani koi nahi A
Self Accounting Units of Air Force are
2495 approved and notified by ____? AFHQ PCDA (AF) CGDA GOI D
Selling and Distribution overheads
come under which of the following Functions Behaviour Element
2496 classification of overheads? wise Cost wise wise wise A
Loss not
due to
Separate loss statement is not fraud or
required to be prepared in respect of Transit gross Barrack All the
2497 which of the following? Losses neglect damages three C
Separation allowance is not payable
though the Army officer is married but
2498 not attained the age of ___? 18 21 23 25 D
Service Books of IDAS Officers of the
grade of ___ and above are
2499 maintained by CGDA office? JTS STS JAG SAG D

Sick Leave
on full pay
Service officers are entitled to get cash and
allowance in lieu of Rations under Annual allowance
2500 which of the following contingencies? Leave s Both None C
Service records of all group Record
'A' and 'B' Command Office
civilian officers of MES shall be Garrison er Works Chief (Officers)
2501 maintained by the ____? Engineer Engineer Engineer Delhi D
to take up
Service rendered by an Army Officer ent with
prior to his resignation is not counted proper withdraw
as Qualifyiing service for Pension. permissio n in public
2502 Which of the following is exception? n interest Both None C
Services Capital Acquisition Plan
2503 (SCAP) covers a period of ___ 5 10 15 20 A

a or b as
decided in a or b as
Services' rendered by Army to the Air each case decided in
Force and the Navy and vice versa are by each case
2504 treated as ______? Free Paid Executive by PCDA A
Office Office
copyOM copyOM
RO to DMRO to RO to DMRO to
Accounts Audit Audit Accounts
2505 TMRO to Accounts Section Section Section Section section abc
Office Office
copyOM copyOM
RO to DMRO to RO to DMRO to
Accounts Audit Audit Accounts
2506 TMRO to Accounts Section Section Section Section section abc
Absence of more than ____ days in a
year will normally be considered as
2507 irregular while
Settlement of transactions
writing APAR?
between 30 60 90 180 A
the State Government of Jammu and cash or
Kashmir and Centre is done through ID Demand Proforma All the
2508 ______? schedules Drafts Account three B

In cash
Settlement of transactions between (cheque) through
the State Government of Jammu and or by Settlemen
Kashmir and other States/ Centre is demand t Accounts
2509 effected ___? drafts under RBI Both None A
Seven digits in the CHB and Pamphlet Major & Minor & Sub & Detailed &
2510 of RDR heads represent _____ heads? Minor Sub Detailed Object D

FOC in C FOC in C
Southern Western FOC in C
Naval Naval Eastern
Ships and Naval Establishments in Goa Area, Command Naval
2511 are under the control of ____? Kochi , Mumbai Command None A
Ships which are not self accounting Base Nearest
draw their funds requirements from Supply PCDA Regional
2512 the term vacancies in SAS (A) may
Short Officers (Navy) CDA FOC in C A
be filled by the Senior Auditors only
when their duration exceeds
2513 _______?of Stores found in ground
Shortage 6 months 3 months 60 days 30 days D
balance during stock verification are Certified
struck off from ledgers through Loss Expense Nominal Issue
2514 ______? Statement Voucher Voucher Voucher A
Shortcut to insert new slide in the
2515 current Presentation is ? Ctrl+O Ctrl+N Ctrf+F Ctrl+P abc
Shri Mehta, Pay Level X, is entitled for
Rs 500/- per day towards expenditure 3 and 5 and 6 and 8 and
2516 on food
Shri PQR,bills.
X stands
the for
order of below below below below B
posting/transfer proceeded on LTC to
Home Town and reported to the new
place of posting directly from
hometown. Suppose the distance
between old headquarters and
hometown is X, distance between
hometown and new place of posting is
Y and distance between old
headquarters and new place of
2517 posting is Z, then not
Accommodation fareexpected
to be X+Y+Z X+Y X Y+Z X+Y-Z D
required for a period of over ___ years
from the anticipated date of
completion of work will be in
2518 temporary construction? 3 5 7 10 B
Shri X is senior in AAO grade. Shri Y is
junior in AAO grade. Shri Y got MACP
on 01.07.2018 to Pay level 9 with DNI
01.01.2019. Shri X was promoted to
AO Grade on 02.07.2018 (Did not get
MACP) and Y promoted to AO grade
on 30.12.2018. Shri X applies for Yes from Yes from Yes from
Stepping up of pay at par with Shri Y? 01.07.201 30.12.201 01.01.201
2519 Will you admit the request of X? No 8 8 9 A
Shri X serving in a CGHS station got
transferred to a non CGHS station and
kept his family at the old duty station.
The facility under CGHS is admissible The whole Not Six None of
2520 for family for . tenure admissible months the above C
Shri XYZ is under deputation. He wants Lending /
to avail LTC immediately on reversion Parent Borrowing Advance is
but before joining the parent office. In departme departme Either (a) not
2521 that case who will pay the advance? nt nt or (b) admissible B
Siachen Allowance is admissible to
officer serving in Siachen Glacier
2522 under operation ____? Vijay Meghdoot Blue Star None B
Siachen allowance is not admissible to
Army Officer concurrently with which Flying
2523 of the following allowances? HAUCA Allowance Both None C
2524 Sick Attendants in MH are given _____ O diet No diet Extras Diet A
Significant expenditure incurred with Deferred
the object of acquiring tangible assets Revenue Asset Capital Revenue
of a permanent nature or enhancing Expenditu expenditu expenditu Expenditu
2525 utility of existing assets is re re re re C
2526 Sikkim kis kshetra ke adhin aata hai ? K Kh G Gh C
Single Tender Enquiry should generally Registered
2527 be sent to ______? OEM Firm A or B None C

Twice the
5 times 3 times Number Twice the
Size of the Zone of consideration for the the of Number
promotion by DPC will be ____ for number of number of vacancies of
2528 vacancies 5 to 10? vacancies vacancies + 4 Vacancies C
According to MOD, Capital items are
classified as those having unit price of
Rs. ___ lakhs and above and a life span
2529 of ___ years or more? 2, 7 20, 10 10, 7 10, 5 C
Skeleton List means the list with Inspecting office of Formation
which vouchers are forwarded by the Authoritie PCDA/CD Command
2530 issuing depots to: s A ers LAOs D
Consignor Consignor
Skeleton list is the list with which Issuing unit to Consignee LAO to
vouchers are forwarded by _____ to depot to Consignee unit to Consignee
2531 _______? their LAO unit their LAO LAO A
Skeleton lists with D copies of
vouchers, office copies of outward top
lists and reconciliation statements will
all be recorded in the file maintained
for the purpose for each of the _____ Issuing Receiving Receiving All the
2532 by the Consignor LAO? Depots Units Depots three A
Skelton list means the list with which Inspecting office of Formation
vouchers are forwarded by the issuing Authoritie PCDA/CD Command
2533 depots to s LAOs A ers B
Smvidhan ki aathwi anusuchi mein
kitni bhartiyon bhashayon ka smavesh
2534 kiya gaya hai ? 12 22 21 17 B
Book to
of the
year in
decision is
Book to taken
the though at
Book to accounts the same
the of the all
Book to accounts year to possible
the of the which it efforts
accounts year in relates should be
of the which and made to
Some item of expenditure is under year to final expedite expedite
dispute. State the most appropriate which it decision is the the
2535 action to book this expenditure. relates taken decision decision D
Spare Parts of Motor vehicles are Stores in Stock
accounted for in ________ by MES Hand Salvage POL Stock purchase
2536 authorities? Ledger ledger accounts Register A

SPARROW is designed for on line Bills under Income Aadhar

2537 processing of _____? GeM APARs Tax filing Card B
To cast
vote in
Union/Ass To attend Home
Special casual can be granted on ociation Public Town All the
2538 which of the following occasions? Activities Meetings Elections three D
Special Casual leave for the absence of
individuals on account of disturbed
conditions and suspensions of public
transport system due to natural Ministry
calamities etc., should be reported to Ministry of Home Ministry
2539 _____ for decision. MOD of HRD Affairs of Finance C
Accounts are divided in to how many
2540 types? 2 3 4 5B
Special Casual leave is admissible for
2541 sports persons up to ___ days in a 4 8 20 30 D
Special Compensatory (Hill Areas)
Allowance is admissible to employees
posted in Hill stations situated at a
height of ____ metres or more above
2542 the sea level? 1000 2000 4000 8000 A
link to
Special Compensatory allowance to a leave in
PBOR is not admissible during Casual case of
Leave, if the period of absence One Casual
2543 exceeds ___? 21 days 28 days month leave A
Special effects used to introduce slides Transition Animation All of
2544 in a presentation are known as ? s s Effects these abc

Special forms of a permanent nature, of Military Controller
not included in the Classified List will Regulatio of Printing
be printed with the prior sanction of ns and and
2545 _____? Forms stationery CGDA None A
Special leave is admissible to
aggrieved female employee during
inquiry proceedings on account of
2546 sexual harassment for ___ days? 30 60 90 180 C
the last
day of
Part II of
Special pay will be granted to SAS the SAS Date of Date
candidates declared successful. From examinati declaring decided
2547 which date it is granted? on result by CGDA None A
Special pool of accommodation is not
available for which of the following Secretarie Legal
2548 categories of employees? Ladies s Officers None D
Special repairs are budgeted under Maintena Capital on cost of Decided
2549 ______ heads by MES? nce works works by GE A
Decided in Decided in
each case each case
by by
Special Repairs are budgeted under Original Maintena GE/CWE/C PCDA/CD
2550 Accounts
_________ audited
head concerned?
annually but not works nce E A B
audited within ???.. following the
period of annual audit will be regarded None of
2551 as in arrears 1 Year 6 Months 3 months these A
Special Repairs will be treated as
original works for the purpose of
___(1. Admin Approval; 2. Technical only 2,3 only 1,3 only 1,2
2552 Sanction; 3. Budget)? All 1, 2, 3 but not 1 but not 2 but not 3 D
Special Train Warrants are audited Special DO movemen
2553 with reference to ____ orders? II t Special Milrail D
Special train warrants are audited with
reference to ____' orders authorizing Emergenc
2554 the move of the special train Special y Express Milrail D

Special Trains for Movement of Troops Master Quarter

to borders are be arranged by which General of Adjutant Master Engineer
2555 Branch of Army HQrs.? Ordnance General General in Chief C
exception To
Special works should not be approved al local Introducin introduce
in which of the following conditions g new change of
2556 circumstances? justify practice scales Both b, c D
Speedometer is an example of None of
2557 ____________ computers Hybrid Digital Analog These abc
Splitting of HT LTC is allowed in case of NE, A&N Lakshadw All the
2558 Staff
in _____?senior island Ladakh eep three D
officers may sign car diary when the
officer using car is not below the rank Lt. Major
2559 Staff
of ____?
officers accompanying the senior General General Brigadier Colonel C
officers of the rank of ??.. and above
may sign the car diary on behalf of the
2560 officer. Col Brig Maj Gen Lt. Gen B
Staff with a continuous tenure of
more than __ years under one
Command can request for change
2561 Accounts
through theaudited
half yearly
but not 5 4 3 2A
audited within ????... following the
period of annual audit will be regarded 12
2562 Standard
as in arrears.
forms prescribed by ___ for 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months Months C
processing disciplinary proceedings Ministry Ministry
have been laid down in CCS (CCA) of of Home Ministry
2563 Rules, 1965? Defence Affairs of Finance None B
Standard Schedule of Rates (SSR) is
maintained by MES under the orders CE
2564 State
of ____?
the correct Procurement Policy E in C CE Zone Command CWE A
by rearranging the following
preferential order when quality is
same.1. Articles Manufactured abroad
which need to be imported 2. Articles
wholly (or) partially manufactured in
India from Imported material 3.
Articles of Foreign Manufacture held
in stock in India 4. Articles produced in
India in the form of Raw Material Or
Manufactured in India from Raw
2565 Material produced in India 1,2,3, 4 4,2;3;1 4,2,1, 3 4,2,3,1 B
State the year in which CCS(Conduct)
2566 Rules came into force? 1962 1964 1968 1972 B
Statement 1 : Ministry of defence (
finance) budget section, is a user of
conslidated compilation of All India
defence services receipt and charges ,
Statement 2 : E-in-C is a user of
consolidated compilation of All India Statement Statement Statement Statement
defence service receipt and charges. 1 is true , 2 is true , 1 and 2 1 and 2
2567 Statement
Which statement
1: Classis5true?
Punching 2 is false 1 is false are false are true D
medium is used for compilation of
Field Imprest Account. Statement 2: Statement Statement
Class 2 Punching Medium is used for 1 is True 1 and 2
rectification of transactions. and are true
Statement 3: Class 9 Punching Statement Statement Statement and
Medium is used for responding DIDS. 1, 2 and 3 1,2 and 3 2 and 3 statement
2568 Which of the above statements are are True are false are False 3 is false. D
Statement of account is prepared and
issued to Army Officers by PCDA (O)
2569 once in a _______? Year Half year Quarter Month D
Statement of Budget Estimate is
designed to establish a ________
correspondence between Financial Many to One to One to Many to
2570 Statement
Budget andofOutcome
In fructuous
Expenditure One Many One Many C
for MES are submitted by Controllers
to _____ for inclusion in Appropriation DFA Chief
2571 Statement
accounts? of infructuous expenditure E in C (works) Engineer GOC in C B
for MES included in the appropriation
accounts are submitted by Controllers DFA(Work
2572 Accounts
to ??. . audited annually but not E-in-C s) CE GOC-in-C B
audited within .. following the period
of annual audit will be regarded as in None of
2573 arrears 1 Year 6 Months 3 months these A
Statements of facts relating to money
or things having money value is called - Transactio Accountin None of
2574 ---- Accounts ns g the above A
Station Auditor is a member of which
2575 of the following offices? LAO Unit Depot None A
er &
Controller Auditor
Team General of General of
deputed Accounts India
2576 Statutory Audit is conducted by: LAO by CGDA (CGA) (C&AG) D
Statutory Audit of Accounts and
Financial Transactions of Defence All the
2577 Services is conducted by? CGDA CGA DGADS three C
Statutory audit of Defence Services
Receipts and Expenditure is conducted All the
2578 by ___? DGADS CGDA CGA three A
ative of
Statutory audit of the Represent PCDA/CD Represent
accounts/records of units and ative of A Main ative of None of
2579 formations is conducted by CGDA Office DGADS these C

Junior in
Stepping up of pay is admissible with the Need not
reference to the first junior on only immediat Junior particular be any of
2580 one occasion. The first junior means? e junior most DPC Panel the three D

any rule any order

regulating regulating
Stepping up of pay is allowed for pay pay
senior officer at par with junior if the fixation on fixation on
anomaly is directly as a result of the such such
application of the provisions of ____ promotio promotio Any of the
2581 in the revised pay structure FR 22 n n three D
Stock of all the articles held in DAD
offices including furniture are verified
2582 once in a _____? Month Quarter Half Year Year D
Stock of Service Books should be
verified once in a ____ by the Head of
Office/Nominated officers by Head of
2583 Office? audited annually but not
Accounts Month quarter Half Year Year D
audited within ... following the period
of annual audit will be regarded as in 12
2584 arrears. 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months Months C
Stock verification of Security Deposits
in respect of MES works issupposed to
2585 be done once in ___? Quarter Half year Year Two years C
Annual Half yearly Quarterly basis -
basis - basis - basis - One
Stock verification of Stores, T&P etc. is 100% 50% of 25% of Twelth of
2586 carried out by MES on ___ basis? stock stock stock stock C
Stocks under the control of CE are Stores Engineer Divisional District
2587 held in Depots Parks Stocks Stocks B
Stocks under the control of CWE are Stores Engineer Divisional District
2588 held in Depots Parks Stocks Stocks D
Stocks under the control of GE are Stores Engineer Divisional District
2589 held in Depots Parks Stocks Stocks C
Stocks under the direct control of E in Stores Engineer Divisional District
2590 C are held in Depots Parks Stocks Stocks A
Store for which Its required role has
disappeared and it is of no use for any Obsolesce
2591 other holders
Store role is known
will not
____? any Obsolete nt Surplus Scrap A
materials for use in the factory
without a _______ signed by the Material Material
person authorized to requisition such Inward Material Material Demand
2592 stores? Slip Indent Slip Warrant Note D
Store which has been completely
superseded by an improved Obsolesce
2593 equipment or store is known as ____? nt Obsolete Surplus Scrap B
Stores and Plant of Engineer Supply Engineer
earmarked as Operational Reserves Engineer stores Divisional All the
2594 are held inaudited
Accounts ____? half yearly but not Parks Depot Stock three B
audited within ???.. following the
close of half year will be regarded as in None of
2595 arrears 1 Year 6 Months 3 Months these B
Stores and plant of Engineer supply
earmarked as operational reserves or Engineer
required for units and works are held Engineer Divisional Stores All the
2596 in _____?
Stores for which Approval given for Parks Stocks Depots three C
withdrawal due to technical
inefficiency to carry out its required
and intended role and non justification
for its retention in the service are Obsolesce
2597 classified as ____? Surplus Obsolete nt Scrap B
Stores found deficient during annual
stock taking have to be
regularised/strike off/write off by the Expense Issue Receipt Loss
2598 competent
Stores foundauthority
surplus during
by raising
?? voucher Voucher voucher statement D
stock taking have to be taken on
charge by the competent authority by Expense Loss
2599 raising found
Stores ?? surplus during annual voucher CRV RV statement B
stock taking have to be taken on
charge by the competent authority by Expense Loss
2600 raising voucher CRV RV statement B
Stores held in excess of maximum Ordnance
authorized limit will not be objected Ordnance ASC items items in ASC items
by LAO in the case of which of the items in in Army Store in Supply
2601 following
Stores Issued
for instructional purpose Army unit unit Depot Depot D
and classed as Fit for Training should
be priced at ___ % of the Vocabulary
2602 Rates by Army? 100 75 50 25 C
Stores issued from Army to Navy/Air Payment Pricing Permanen
Force or vice versa are known as Book Book t Book All the
2603 ___________ issues Debit Debit Debit three A
Stores issued from Army to Navy/Air Payment
Force/MES are adjusted through Book Central Certified
2604 _____ vouchers? Nominal Debit Purchase Issue B
Stores issued in excess of the Serious
prescribed scales are classified as ___ Observati Trivial Irregularit
2605 by LAO? Objection on Error y A
Accounts audited half yearly but not
audited within ___ following the close
of a half year will be regarded as audit
2606 in arrears? One year 9 months 6 months 3 months C

A or B as
Stores issued to an emloyee, in case A or B as advised by
cannot be recovered, loss would be decided PCDA/CD
2607 treated as ____ loss? Cash Store by CFA A A
Stores kept in stock in Engineer Parks
2608 are under the control of ___? CWE CE E in CGE B
Stores of Engineer supply earmarked Engineer
as operational reserves are held in Engineer Divisional Operation Stores
2609 _____? Parks Stocks al Stocks Depots D
Stores returned by Contractors to MES
stores yard are accounted for through Baby Receipt
2610 ____? USR Credit USR Indent Voucher B
Stores to be issued to Contractors to
enable them to complete the work
incorporating the items would be
found in which schedule of Contract
2611 Agreement concluded by MES? A B C D B
Stores which cannot be economically
made suitable for use for which they Surplus All the
2612 are originally designed are known as Stores Salvage Scrap three B
Stores which have been utilized and
served their purpose are classified as Surplus Serviceabl
2613 _____? stores Salvage Scrap e C
Strength of a service or part of a
service sanctioned as a separate unit is Authorise Departme Organizati
2614 called as ____? d strength nt Cadre on C

Strengthening of Run ways is treated Special Ordinary Periodical

2615 as ______ work by MES? Repairs Repairs Original Service C
Study Allowance is payable for a 12 24 36 60
2616 period not exceeding _____? months months months months A
What term describes explanatory text
2617 attached to a cell ? Context Callout Comment Dialog abc
What term describes explanatory text
2618 attached to a cell ? Context Callout Comment Dialog abc
Accounts audited half yearly but not
audited within .. following the close of None of
2619 half year will be regarded as in arrears 1 Year 6 Months 3 Months these B
Study leave is not to be granted to an
official due to retire within ____ years
2620 of return from the study leave? 5 4 3 2C
Comforta Be as Appropria
ble to concrete te to the
read but as style of All the
2621 Style of drafting should be nor boring possible writing above D
Sub Area Commander is authorized to
issue Admin. Approval for special work
(without IFA concurrence) costing up
2622 to Rs. ____ (lakhs)? 0.5 0.75 2 3.75 A
Programm Sub
2623 Sub Head corresponds to ____? Function e Scheme Function C
Sub Head is represented by ___ digits
2624 Number? 2 3 4 None A
Sub head, detailed head and object
2625 head are represented using -------- 1 2 3 4B
Sub Programm Sub Sub
2626 Sub Major Head corresponds to ____? Function e Scheme Activity A
Sub Major Head is represented by ___
2627 digits Number? 2 3 4 None A
Sub ordinate officers are required to
exercise control over expenditure All the
2628 under __? heads CCH LCH None C
Subject files maintained in DAD offices Interim
2629 are knownaudited
Accounts as __ series
filesbut not secret A Report O D
audited within ???.. following the
quarter of audit will be regarded as in None of
2630 arrears to the provisions of any law
Subject 1 Year 6 Months 3 Months these C
for the time being in force, A contract
of sale may be made _____ as per By word
2631 sale of goods act? In writing of Mouth Both None C
Submission of APAR to reviewing
officer should be completed by
2632 ___________ of the year? 15th April 30th April 31st May 30th June D
Subscription recovered on account of
CGEGIS is credited to which of the
2633 following funds? Insurance Savings Both None C
Subscription to ____ is compulsory for
2634 all Central Government Employees? CGEGIS CGHS Both None A

Consolidat Contingen Public

Subscription towards Provident fund ed fund of cy fund of account of None of
2635 of individuals are credited to --------- India India India the above C

Salary decided
before the by
Subsistence Allowance is payable to date of Salary on Competen
the employee under suspension leave suspensio half pay t
2636 equivalent to @ ___ p.m.? salary n leave Authority C
Subsistence Allowance is reviewed
2637 after _______? 3 months 6 months 9 months One year A
Sum of Diret Materials, Direct Labour Cost of
and Direct Expenses is known as Prime Productio Works Cost of
2638 _____ in Cost Sheet? Cost n Cost Sales A
Sums which are clearly not due to
Government but are held in trust are All the
2639 kept under ___ head? Suspense Deposit Advances three B
Necessaril officer
Super Review of the accounts of Units y by the from the
and Formations is necessarily carried An IDAS PCDA/CD By the Main
2640 out by: officer A himself LAO Office A
Accounts kept open after 31st March Suppleme
2641 are known as March ____ Accounts? ntary Residual II None A
Supplies to MES by Air Force are All the
2642 adjusted through ____ vouchers? ISA CP TBOs three A
Supply and store depots where
continuous stock taking is carried out,
losses of individual items of dissimilar Grouped
type discovered at a stock taking, shall Separate to the As
be treated as ____ for the purpose of transactio possible decided
2643 determining the CFA to write off loss? ns Single unit extent by the CO A
Supply Depots are supposed to send
the Skeleton lists to their Dependent
2644 LAOs every Week Month Day 10 days D
Supply of funds to Field Imprest 00/018/6 00/018/6 00/018/6 00/020/4
2645 Holders is compiled to ____ suspense 5 4 0 5 A
Supply of funds to which of the Field S&S
following officers is not a duty of Imprest Imprest Field
2646 Regional CDA? Holders Holders Cashiers None C
Supply of which of the following items NIV stores Vegetable
of stores is not a responsibility of Clothing M.T. of AOC s and
2647 Ordnance Depots to military units? items Stores supply fruits D
Credited issued for through
Surplus items found during stock back in immediat Regularize expense
2648 taking should be ledger e use d as loss voucher A
Surplus stores found during stock
taking will be accounted for through Loss Nominal
2649 ___? CIV Statement CRV Voucher C
Surplus stores found in stock taking Nominal Receipt Receipt Expense
2650 are taken on charge by means of Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher B
Surprise check of cash balances in three six
2651 Field Imprest is done once in _____? a month months months year B
Accounts of CSD (India) and a review All the
thereon are furnished by _____ to CDA (CSD) Controller QMG
2652 MOD (Fin) Mumbai CGDA s branch D

Formation Station
Surprise check of cash balances of Command Command
2653 Field Cashier is arranged by ____? PCDA (O) GOC in C er er C
Surprise check of Postage account is
2654 done on ____ basis? Monthly fortnight Weekly Daily A
Suspense account if appears on credit
side of trial balance, it will be posted
on which side of balance sheet, if not
2655 detailed in adjustments? Assets Liabilities Both 50% None B
Suspense account if appears on debit
side of trial balance, it will be posted
on which side of balance sheet, if not
2656 detailed in adjustments? Assets Liabilities Both 50% None A

CHB of
Pamphlet services
Suspense Accounts are listed out in of RDR Receipts
2657 _____? heads & Charges Both None A
Suspension cannot be extended No such
2658 beyond a period of ____ days at a 180 120 90 limit A
Punishme Executive All the
2659 Suspension is a ____? Penalty nt action three C
Either a or
2660 Suspension is a _______ Penalty Major Minor b None D
Suspension made under rule 10, CCS
(CC&A) Rules, 1965 shall not be valid
after ____ days unless it is extended
2661 after review? One year 180 days 120 days 90 days D

involved criminal
Suspension may be desirable in which in a public miscondu
2662 of the following circumstances scandal ct Both None C

Accounts of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd Quarterly Audit a firm of

are subject to audit, like those of audit Committe profession
2663 other limited concerns, by _____? boards es al auditors None C
Suspension of a Government servant Minor Major Either a or
2664 is ___? penalty penalty b None D
Temporar Attending
y office
A kind of withdrawl without None of
2665 Suspension of Govt. Servant means penalty of duties salary these B

d beyond
Overtime Overtime 14 Overtime
performe performe consecutiv performe
d as a d when e calendar d without
2666 Systematic
TA for family
is admissible
to it routine required day authority C
follows the Govt servant within --------
from the date of his/her transfer or
precedes him by not earlier than -------- 6 Months, 3 Months, 4 Months, 6 Months,
2667 -: 1 Month 1 Month 1 Month 2 Months A

Yes. If
TA is admissible for any member of No such t
family added after the date of provision Authority
2668 transfer. Correct Incorrect exists Aproves B
TA/DA claim has to be submitted
2669 within ___ days of completion of tour? 15 30 45 60 D
TA/DA entitlement of a government
servant is determined with reference Group of All the
2670 to the ______? Post the post Pay level three C
Taxes both on Residential/Non-
Residential, buildings owned/occupied Defence Civil
by the Defence Department shall be Services Services
2671 debited to __? Estimates Estimates Both None A
% as
charged in
TDS is supposed to be recovered at the
2672 ___%
TDS ison
recovered on invoice 10 5 2D
account of GST when the value of
Taxable supply/service exceeds Rs.
2673 ____ ? 10000 150000 250000 500000 C

Accounts of NCC formations are State Defence

audited by LAO, the cost of which is Governme Service At his
2674 met out of _____? nt Estimates Both discretion B
In the In the
case of case of
Goods, it Goods, it
is is
excluding including
TDS is supposed to be recovered on and in the and in the
account of GST when the value of case of case of
Taxable supply/service exceeds the services services
2675 prescribed amount _____ GST? Excluding Including including excluding A
Technical check of works bills finalized His own PCDA/CD
2676 by GE is done by ___? office AO GE A CWE D
Approval After issue
and of Tender
After AON before document
and issue of s but
before Tender before At any
Technical Sanction issued at which Admin Document concludin stage of
2677 stage of works done by MES? Approval s g CA work B
Technical Section of PCDA (O) No fixed
conducts Percentage audit of ____ percentag
2678 IRLAs in a Quarter? 0.1 0.125 0.25 e A
Telephones required for MES offices
2679 will be sanctioned
Temporary increase
clerical ? GOC in C E in C MOD GOI A
establishment by CFA for his own Next Regional
office requires the sanction of higher PCDA/CD
2680 ______? CFA A DGADS GOI A
Temporary specifications will be laid PCDA/CD
2681 down by _____ on individual basis? GE CWE CE A C
Tender once accepted becomes All the
2682 _________ L-1 Tender Contract Offer three B

Can be Can be Can be

accepted accepted accepted
Tenders received after specified date under the with the if received
and time of receipt of tenders discretion Cannot be concurren within 1
2683 _______ of CFA accepted ce of IFA hour B
Term Contract may be entered into
with _____ prior concurrence for a PCDA/CD
2684 Accounts
period upof
two years
account of Discharge, Retirement and
Superannuation etc. are held in Ledger
wing for ___ period and then
transferred to Permanent Record one Six
2685 section? month 3 months months One year C
Term Contract may with the prior
concurrence of ______, cover a period PCDA/CD
2686 of up to Two years? CE A Both None A
2687 TEST T E S T A
2688 Test 1? T1 E1 S1 T2 D
2689 Test 2? T2 e2 s2 t3 D
2690 Test? T E S T A

The responsibility for carrying out authoritie
physical verification of stores rests s AO GE None of
2691 primarily with the: concerned LAO/RAO MES these A
The % of authorized married
establishment for the purpose of grant
2692 of CILQ in respect of Hav. is 1 0.95 0.9 0.5 B

Establish Establish Constructi Store

ment ment on Accounts
The Accounts maintained by R&D Accounts, Accounts, Accounts, and
Establishments are of which of the Store Financial Financial Financial
2693 following two types? Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts D
The accounts of beneficiaries under B) Axis D) None
2694 NPS is maintained by A) SBI bank C) NSDL of these C
The Accounts of Government are kept Article Article Article
in 3 parts. Which article of 366 and 266 and 165 and Article
2695 constitution
Accounts of Officers
of India finalized
refers this?
on 367 267 166 150 B
account of Discharge, Retirement and
Superannuation etc. transferred to Frequentl
Permanent Record section are held as y
_____ Records by Permanent Record Temporar Required
2696 Section? y Moving Dynamic Record B

The Accounts of Government kept in Decided

India are maintained in ______ Internatio from time
2697 Currency? nal Indian to time Foreign B

The accounts of Govt are kept in how None of

2698 many parts? 3 parts 5 parts 7 parts the above A
The Accounts Officer is the ______ of
the Factory and also renders financial Cost
advice to the Factory Superintendent Accountan
2699 on all general questions IFA t Both None B
The admissibility of Daily Allowance
for continuous halt at a place outside
the headquarters during tour/training
2700 is full for first ------ days. 80 150 180 200 C
The advantages of eFPB are 1. Daily
updating of paid or unpaid data 2. 1 and 2
Accurate reporting mechanism 3. 1 is are
dispensing with reconciliation of correct 2 correct 1,2 and 3 1,2 and 3
payments made. Whether above and 3 are but 3 is are are
2701 statements are correct? incorrect incorrect correct incorrect B

At the
At the discretion
The AMA of a Govt. servant is discretion of the
determined with reference to the of Head of Govt.
2702 place at which he Resides Falls ill the office employee B
The amount of advance for the
purpose of LTC will be limited to
2703 _____ % of the estimated amount? 100 90 80 75 B
The amount of e-ticketing will be
advanced to the IRCTCs account and 00/016/0 00/016/0 00/018/6 00/018/6
2704 initially booked to _______ ? 2 3 0 5 C

The amount retained by CE/CWE/GE attributabl
in the case of reduction in scope of Administr e to audit
work will be used to cover variations ative Technical authoritie Any of the
2705 in cost due to ____? Reasons Reasons s 3 B
The amounts reflecting in loan Duplicate
schedule against each code head Sectional copy of
should be tallied with ------------- Debit Credit Compilati Punching
2706 before forwarding to Main Office scrolls Scrolls on Medium C

Accounts of the following concerns Canteen

are not published in the commercial Military Stores
appendix to Appropriation Accounts of Engineerin Military Departme
2707 Defence Services? g services Farms nt (India) None A
The Annual Finance Accounts of the
Central Govt. (including Defence Defence
2708 Services) are prepared by ,,,,,, Secretary CGA DGADS CGDA A
The Annual Finance Accounts of the
Central Govt. (including Defence
2709 Services)
The auditare
prepared toby
effective strength of officer in a unit
as shown in the nominal roll is within
the number of authorized in the Man
relative peace/war Establishement is Strength Scale Power None of
2710 called:
The audit of ------- consists of seeing Audit Audit Audit these B
that all sums due to the Govt. are
promptly credited and brought to the Expenditu All of
2711 account. Receipts re Sanctions these A

The audit of Air Force list is conducted PCDA (AF) AO DAD CDA (AF)
2712 in the office of the ____ Dehradun MOD (Fin) HQrs. New Delhi D
The authorities in the Services/
spitals etc. who have been duly
authorized to place purchase orders
directly on the rate contract holding
firms/suppliers with whom Rate
Contracts have been concluded by the Competen Drawing
central purchase organizations for the Direct t Financial
particular items/goods are known as Demandin AuthoritieDisbursing All the
2713 ____? g Officers s Officers three A
The authority within whose financial Competen Controllin Expenditu
powers the amount at issue falls is Competen t Financial g re
2714 known as _________? t authority Authority authority authority B
The BA number of a vehicle is 15 B Light Ambulanc
2715 289576 J. What type of vehicle is it? M/Cycle Vehicle Bus e B
The baggage entitlement /
2716 Transportation of Personal Effects for 5000 Kg 6000 Kg 7000 Kg 8000 Kg B
The balance of defence services has
2717 been created proforma in the books of 22647 22737 23468 23377 B
Accounts of which of the following Canteen
concerns are published in the Stores
commercial Appendix to the Military Departme
2718 Appropriation
The balances ofAccounts?
the Defence Services Farms nt None Both D
have been created Proforma in the
books of the Reserve Bank of India 01.10.197 01.04.193 26.01.195 01.04.196
2719 w.e.f. ____? 6 4 6 2 D
The balances under CHB heads are Governme
2720 closed to ______? nt Balances Both None A
The balances under RDR heads are Governme
2721 closed to ______? nt Balances Both None B

The Bank branch which centrally deals Governme

with the credit and debit scrolls Central Focal nt Focal
pertaining to a Defence Accounting Accountin Point Accountin Point
2722 Circle is known as ----------- g Section Branch g Division Bank B
To bring
the cost
closer to To
To Bench establish
The basic objective of the CNC is decrease Mark reasonabl All the
2723 The
Basic Pay of a Sr. Auditor is Rs cost price e of price three C
59050/-. He is entitled for . during Semi
treatment in private hospitals Private General Private None of
2724 empanelled under CGHS. Ward Ward Ward these C
The basic role of IFA has been notified
by MoF as rationalised vide OM F No
2725 5(6)/L&C/2006 dated .. 38718 38722 38723 38725 C
The basis for all entries in service book Part I Part II Part III Part IV
2726 is relevant .. Order Order Order Order B
The benchmark is _____ for financial No such
up gradation to the grade pay of Rs. benchmar
7,600 and above under MACP Outstandi k is
2727 Scheme? Good Very Good ng prescribed B
The benefit lost by rejecting the best
competing alternative to the one Differenti Opportuni
2728 chosen is defined as ____? al cost Sunk cost ty cost None C

De nova budgeting is otherwise nce Zero Base
2729 famously known as ____? Budgeting Budgeting Both None B

De nova budgeting is otherwise nce Zero Base
2730 famously known as ____? Budgeting Budgeting Both None B
Accounts of which of the following
organisations are published in the
commercial appendix to the Military Ordnance None of
2731 Appropriation Accounts. Farm Depot MES these A

Date of
first Date of
Date of treatment recovery
The benefits under CGHS scheme Date of applying in CGHS of
accrue to Government employee appointm for CGHS wellness subscripti
2732 w.e.f.
The bid
security is normally to remain ent card centre on B
valid for a period of _____ days
beyond the final bid validity period as
2733 prescribed in GFR? 15 30 45 60 C
2734 The bid validity in case of single bid is 30 45 60 90 D
2735 The bid validity in case of two bid is 45 60 75 120 D

The bills for pre-payment check should Acknowle All the

2736 only be in the form of____ dgement Voucher Claim three C
The books of RBI are closed on 15th Suppleme
April for the financial year to March ntary
accommodate which of the following Suppleme Correction March All the
2737 The
books of the Reserve Bank for the ntary s Residual three C
month of March will be closed by the
____ or on a date as notified by 31st
2738 them? March 15th April 30th April 30th June B
The boundary of MES District normally
2739 corresponds to _____ of Army? Sub Area Area Brigade Command B
The boundary of MES Division
2740 normally corresponds to _____ of Sub Area Area Brigade Command A
The budget process in India comprises
four distinct phases. A. Budget
Enactment B. Budget Execution
C.Legislative Review of Budgert
Implementation D. Budget
Formulation. Arrange the process in
2741 chronological order. ABCD ADCB ACBD DABC D

Accounts Office, Department of PCDA

Defence Supplies, New Delhi is under (R&D) PCDA New PCDA (BR)
2742 the administrative
The business transactions
control of
of a_____? New Delhi Delhi New Delhi None B
financial character are recorded in the
books of account. These recordings Book Accountin
2743 are called
The Cadre -----
of Senior Auditors is fixed at keeping g Journal Register C
maximum of _____ % of the strength
of the Auditors authorized for the
2744 department? 50 60 75 80 D
The casualty of forfeiture of service is
recorded in the IRLA in ____ink in the Any of the
2745 office of PCDA (O) Pune? Red Green Black three A

The Central Government shall lay in Medium-

each financial year before both term
Houses of Parliament the following Medium- Macro- Expenditu
statements of fiscal policy along with term Fiscal economic re
the annual financial statement and Fiscal Policy Framewor Framewor
demands for grants except the ______ Policy Strategy k k
2746 namely initially? Statement Statement Statement Statement D

n wing of
Dept. of
Defence Defence Productio Defence
The chain of Ordnance Factories in the Procurem Productio n and R&D
2747 country are controlled by ent Board n Board Supplies Board C
The Chair person of Internal Presiding Inquiry Grievance
2748 committee constituted under SH Act is Chairman Officer Officer Officer B
The Chair person of Local committee Welfare Presiding Chair Grievance
2749 constituted under SH Act is called as Officer Officer Person Officer C
The charged officer is allowed ____ working 7 working
2750 dayscharges
The to submit
his written
for special
statement. days 10 days days 20 days B
nursing during in patient treatment
shall be reimbursed to the extent in
excess of ___% of the pay of the
employee for the period for which Not
2751 special nursing was necessary? admissible 10 25 50 C
The charges incurred for special
nursing shall be reimbursed to the
extent in excess of ___% of the pay of
the employee for the period during Not
2752 Accounts
which treatment
Officer can
at residence?
write off the admissible 10 25 50 A
amounts becoming irrecoverable from
any cause, if the amount is not in
2753 excess of Rs. ____ ? 1000 3000 5000 500 D
The claims for under or over charges
between Railways and DAD are Six Three
2754 required to be preferred within ___? months months One year Two years A
by PCDA None. Do
whether not
The claims of condiment allowance in to require
respect of patients in hospital will be Pre Post pre/post audit by
2755 ___ by DAD? audited audited audit DAD A
The classification code in the punching
2756 medium consists of ___ digits? 4 5 7 8C
No files,
All records registers
are duly or
indexed document
The clerk in charge of record room will and s lie in the Both A None of
2757 be responsible for labelled floor and B the above C
DG of
The command and control of the Naval PCDA Coast
2758 Coast
The Commanding
Guard lies with
of Ships H.Qrs. (Navy) Guard MOD C
render to the PCDA (Navy) Mumbai,
Cash account ______ in which the
amounts drawn and disbursed are Fortnightl
2759 The
to account?
offer should have a Daily Weekly y Monthly D
validity of up to ______ from the date
of submission of the offer, depending
on the period required for completing
the technical evaluation, so as to
ensure that the offer remains valid till
the time the order is placed/contract 12 18
2760 The
communication is deemed to have 3 months 6 months months months D
been received on the day it is so
_____ under the Arbitration and Despatche Acknowle Any of the
2761 Conciliation Act? Delivered d dged three A
The communication is deemed to have
been received on the day it is so Despatche Acknowle Any of the
2762 The
compilations done through Delivered d dged three A
Punching Media are finally converted
into ____ digit information by
2763 CGDA/CGA 15 17 18 7A
Accounts section adjusts MRO by
compiling ____ in the punching (+)
2764 medium under the MRO head? Receipt (+) Charge (-) Receipt (-) Charge D
The concept of Association of Finance n of Integrated
with Management in decision making Financial Financial Financial Associate
2765 The
is known
as ___?of service of Chairman powers Advice Advice d Finance C
and Members of CAT shall be the
same as applicable to Judges of the Supreme District
2766 _____? Court High Court Court None B
The consolidated fund of India was
constituted under article----of Article Article Article Article
2767 Constitution of India 266 (1) 266(2) 267 268 A

Secretary, Secretary,
Ministry Ministry
of Finance Secretary, of Finance
The Contingency Fund of India is held (Dept. of Ministry (Dept. of
on behalf of the President of India by Defence Economic of Home Expenditu
2768 _________? Secretary Affairs) Affairs re) B
The contingency fund of India was
constituted under article----of Article Article Article Article
2769 Constitution of India 266(1) 267(1) 265(1) 265(2) B

The contract is governed by the laws Constituti Republic Independ

2770 of ______ on of India of India ent India None B
date of
The contract will come into effect with opening date of date of date of
effect from ______,except when of the acceptanc concurren signing
specifically provided otherwise in the financial e by the ce given the
2771 contract bid CFA by IFA contract D

The Controller who raise Debit/Credit Respondin Originatin

against another controller is called as -- g g Functional Regional
2772 --- Controller Controller Controller Controller B
The Controllers should address Service
Head Quarters or Ministry of defence
direct on questions of interpretation
of rules, procedure, higher audit and None of
2773 financial advice through : C&AG CGDA MoD these B
The corps of Engineers is headed by Chief
2774 _____? DGBR E in C Engineer GE B
Accounts supposed to be audited
annually but not audited within __
following the period of annual audit 12
2775 will be regarded as audit in arrears? 3 months 6 months 9 months months C
The cost incurred for producing an
additional unit of output is defined as
2776 ____ cost? Additional Marginal Total Uniform B
The cost of stationery and forms
supplied to Military Farms is cost
accounted for as ________ accountin
2777 transactions? cost plus primary g secondary C

The cost per unit fixed at a valuation Minimum Reserve

in r/o an article borne on the stocks of Reserve Guiding Stock
2778 MES is known as Price Price Book Rate Star Rate C
The cost per unit fixed at a valuation Standard
in respect of an article born on the Schedule Stock Pro Rata
2779 stocks
The cost
of which
the MES
is incurred
is knownfor
as a____?
period, Rate Star Rate Book Rate Rate C
and which, within certain output and
turnover limits, tends to be unaffected Semi
by fluctuations in the levels of activity fixed/Sem
(output or turnover) is defined as Variable i variable All the
2780 ____? Fixed Cost Cost cost three A
The costs incurred up to the point of
separation of products are called as
2781 ____council
The costs? of states shall consist Joint Common Imputed Uniform A
of_____ members nominated by the
President from the persons having
special knowledge or practical
experience in respect of matters
namely Literature, science and social
2782 service? 2 10 11 12 D
The credential of suppliers on GeM
2783 portal shall be certified by: DGS&D GeM SPV CGDA C&AG B
Office of
posting is Residence
within a is within a
The criteria for deciding whether a covered covered Both (a) Neither
2784 Govt. servant is covered under CGHS is area. area. and (b) (a) nor (b) B
The CTG admissible for local transfer
within 20 Km involving change of None of
2785 residence is .. of Basic
Acknowledgements of Pay.
all balances o/s Full Half One third these D
on ___ will be obtained annually by
Account Section from all individuals 30th
against whom advances are 31st 31st Septembe
2786 outstanding December March 30th June r B
The CTG admissible on transfer from 80% of 100% of 50% of None of
2787 A&Ndate
The Islands
of birth
to Mumbai
shown isin the Basic Pay Basic Pay Basic Pay these B
superannuation list should be
compared with the date of birth
shown in the __ pay bill by
2788 PCDA/CDA? March April July January A
The day of retirement is treated as Working working
2789 ______ Day day Leave None A
The day to day progress of work is Measure Contracto
recorded in which of the following Work ment rs Order
2790 records? Diary book Book None A
The decision as to which buildings are ative
surplus to Defence Services Authoritie PCDA/CD All the
2791 requirements is taken by _____? MES s A three B
The decision as to which buildings are Administr Engineerin Defence
surplus to Defence Services ative g Audit Estate
requirements rests with which of the Authoritie Authoritie Authoritie Authoritie
2792 following authorities? s s s s A
The declared Home town can be
changed --------- times during the
2793 entire service career. Never Once Twice Any Times B
The default style for new data keyed Percentag
2794 in a new workbook is ? e Normal Currency Comma abc

The Defence Accounts Department is Min of Min of

under the administrative control of Min of Defence Finance Min of
2795 ____________ Finance (Fin.) (Defence) Defence B
The Defence Ministers Committee has
2796 _____ Sub Committees? 2 3 4 No A
Acme steel seals are accounted for by
2797 ___________ by the Store Depots Volume Number Weight None C
The Defence of India and every part of Home All the
2798 thereof is the responsibility of ____? MOD MOD (Fin) Affairs three A
The Defence Services Budget
2799 Estimates are presented in _____ 7 6 5 4D
The Demand for Grants shall be
presented to Parliament at _____
2800 levels as prescribed in GFR? 5 4 3 2D
The dependency condition does not
2801 apply to .. in case of LTC. Brother Sister Spouse Mother C
The details of History of Services is
2802 found in Part ----- of Service Book. I II III IV D
The ed The
unexpend balance of unexpend
ed cash ed
balance of assignmen The balance of
cash t is unexpend imprest
assignmen deposited ed account is
t lapses into balance of transferre
and governme cash d to next
unexpend nt assignmen year and
ed money treasury t is carried unexpend
in imprest and forward to ed money
is unexpend next year in cash
deposited ed money and assignmen
to in imprest unexpend t is
governme account ed money deposited
nt account lapses to in imprest to
The difference between a Cash through governme account governme
2803 Assignment and Imprest is M.R.O. nt lapses nt account A
The difference between Assets and
2804 Liabilities is _____? Capital Profit Loss None A
The difference between Credit side
and Debit side of the P&L account
works out to Rs. 22000/-. Manager is
entitled to commission at 10% on net
profit after charging such commission.
2805 Calculate
The difference
Net Profit?
between Credit side 19600 19800 19980 20000 D
and Debit side of the P&L account
works out to Rs. 23000/-. Works
Manager is entitled to commission at
10% on net profit after charging his
commission and General Manager.
General Manager is entitled to a
commission of 5% on net profit after
charging the commission of Works
Manager and his own commission.
The commission of Works Manager 1500, 1200, 1800, 2000,
2806 and General Manager would be ___, 1500 1800 1200 1000 D
The difference between debit side and
credit side of Income and Expenditure Surplus or Profit or Closing All the
2807 Account represents ____? deficit loss Balance three A
ACP Scheme has been introduced in 07.08.200
2808 Army w.e.f. _______? 09.08.99 01.01.96 01.10.97 3 D
The difference between debit side and
credit side of Receipts and Payments Surplus or Profit or Closing All the
2809 Account represents ____? deficit loss Balance three C
The difference between revenue Effective
expenditure and revenue receipts is Primary Revenue Real Fiscal Fiscal
2810 known
The difference
as _____?
between the actual Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit B
fixed charges and the amount charged
off to production by Ordnance Factory Unabsorb Variable Sesmi Semi
at the stabilized rate represents ed Fixed Fixed Fixed Variable
2811 ______? Charges Charges ChargesCharges A
The difference between the assessed No
value of unserviceable stores of MES Reduction Regulariza
and the amount realized by disposal is of Depreciati tion is
2812 regularized as ____? Loss Receipts on required D
The difference between the debit and Actual Estimated
credit sides of the production Account Cost of Estimated Cost of
of Ordnance Factory represents Profit or Productio Profit or Productio
2813 __________? loss n Loss n B
The difference between the purchase
price of an asset and its salvage value Differenti Opportuni Depreciati
2814 is known as ____? al cost Sunk cost ty cost on B
The difference in total cost between
alternatives, calculated to assist Differenti Opportuni Depreciati
2815 Decision Making is known as ____? al cost Sunk cost ty cost on A
The digits 12 and 13 of DIDS Voucher
2816 represent? Year CDA Month Number C
The digits 14 and 15 of DIDS Voucher
2817 represent? Year CDA Month Number A
The digits 3 to 6 of DIDS Number Voucher Month
2818 represent? CDA Section Number and year B
ACP scheme was introduced for
2819 civilian employees in the year 1996 1999 2003 2006 B
The digits 8 to 11 of DIDS Number Section Month Voucher
2820 represent? Code CDA and year Number D
Car Diary , Car Diary , Car Diary ,
The distance run as shown in the ?.. Vehicle Mileage Vehicle None of
2821 agrees with that shown in ???.. Log book Card Register these B
The draft Annual Acquisition Plans
2822 would be prepared in ____ parts? 2 3 4 5A
The due date for submission of
Appropriation Accounts for Defence 10th 15th 20th 31st
2823 Services is . January January January January B
The duty of preparing all statistical receiving
returns of Defence expenditure rests allotment
2824 with DAD MOD s DGADS A
The enforced halt due to Curfew Casual casual Earned Any of the
2825 during TD is regularized by grant of .. Leave Leave Leave above B
The entries in the Defence Ledger will
2826 be posted _____? Daily weekly monthly Annually D
The establishment pay bill will be
prepared in __________ by AN Pay Quadrupli Qunituplic Sextuplica
2827 section of CDA office? Triplicate cate ate te B
The estimates for which vote of Lok Appropria
Sabha is required is presented in the tion Demands Expenditu Plan
2828 formexcess
The of of total disbursements, Accounts for Grants re Budget outlay B
from the Consolidated fund of India,
excluding repayment of debt, over
total receipts into the Fund (excluding
the debt receipts), during a financial Gross
year is defined as ___ under FRBM Fiscal Domestic Revenue Outstandi
2829 Act? Deficit Product Deficit ng Liability A
Acquisitions covered under the _____
decision would mean purchase from a
foreign vendor followed by licensed Buy &
production/ indigenous manufacture Make Buy &
2830 in the country Buy Make (Indian) Make D
The executive power of Government Prime Home Defence
2831 of India is vested in ______ of India? Minister Minister President Minister C
The executive powers of President of Army Ministry
India are exercised through _____ in Head of
2832 the case of Defence Services? CGDA Quarters Defence DGADS C
The facts that are incorporated in
accounting records are described as ---- Transactio Accountin None of
2833 -- Accounts ns g the above B
The facts that are incorporated in Transactio Occurrenc
2834 accounting records are described as Accounts ns Events es B
The file numbering system is essential Identificat and All the
2835 for ion storage Retrieval above D
The final claim is to be submitted
within ----------- days of completion of
2836 TD, in case of advance is drawn. 10 days 15 days 20 days 30 days B

The final cost of any service may exceed
exceed by not more than ___ % of the approved
2837 amount approved by the CFA? 5 10 15 amount B
The final decision of Disciplinary Show
Authority is issued in the form of Charge Speaking Cause All the
2838 ____? Sheet Order Notice three B

Schedule Modified
The final estimate for the year, based Preliminar Revised of Appropria
2839 on latest known actuals is known as y Report Estimates Demands tion D
The final Medical claim for
reimbursement should be submitted 12
2840 within -------- months. 6 months 3 months 9 months months A
an entry
in a ledger
etc and
g voucher,
to ensure
that the
entry in
the ledger
etc is
Verificatio strictly in
n of accordanc
vertical e with the
with voucher Both (A)
horizontal or vice and (B) None of
2841 Linking in local audit means: totallings versa. above these B

an entry
in a ledger
etc and
g voucher,
to ensure
that the
entry in
the ledger
etc is
Verificatio strictly in
n of accordanc
vertical e with the
with voucher Both (A)
horizontal or vice and (B) None of
2842 Linking
in local
means:to PBORs
totallings versa. above these B
of other PAOs are scheduled to the
concerned PAO by the dependent PAO Printed
of the Field Imprest Holder by using Demand Compilati
2843 _____? Intimation on Form IX Form X C
The financial powers of the
Government which have not been
delegated to a subordinate authority Finance Head of Controllin
2844 shall vest in ___? Ministry HOD Office g Officer A
The first block of four calendar years
2845 for All India LTC was . 1974-77 1956-59 1972-75 1958-61 A
26th 15th 26th 31st
The first budget of Independent India January August November January
2846 was presented on -------- 1948 1947 1947 1948 C
The first edition of Defence Account
2847 Code was released in ____? 1947 1952 1956 1967 B
The fiscal deficit minus the interest Primary Revenue Real Fiscal Fiscal
2848 payments is known as _____? Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit A
The fist two digist of DIDS Number
2849 represent? CDA Section Month Year A

ation or
alone or in
on with Habitual
others, to absence
any lawful without
and Occasiona permissio Conviction
The following omissions of a reasonabl l late n and by a
Government servant does not amount e order of attendanc overstayin criminal
2850 to misconduct :- a superior e g leave court B
The following will tantamount to in Abandon Change of terminatio
fructuous expenditure requiring ment of plan or n of
2851 formal
as for
a loss
a particular
by the CFA? project design contract All D
month has to be filed online within
___ of the month succeeding to the
month in which deductions have been
2852 made? 5th 7th 10th 15th C
The form No. for maintaining Car Diary
2853 is ?.
Acquittance Rolls are supposed to be IAFZ 2029 IAFZ 2290 IAFZ 2209 IAFZ 2902 C
sent to PAO by the Imprest Holder on
first working day following the ___ of
2854 payment? Month Week day Quarter C
The Form No. for submitting Medical
2855 Claim is Med 97 Med 98 Med 99 Med 100 A
The format for Statement of Case is Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix
2856 provided at .of DPM 2009 A B C D B

The formula i.e. (Cost of Opening Cost of Cost of Inventory

Stock + Cost of Closing Stock)/2 is used average Productio turnover
2857 to determine _____ ? stock n Ratio EOQ A
The formula i.e. (Maximum rate of
consumption - Average rate of
consumption) Lead time is used to Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
2858 calculate _____? level level level level C
The formula i.e. Cost of material
consumed/Cost of average stock held Inventory
during the period is used to determine Reorder turnover Reorder
2859 _____ ? EOQ quantity Ratio level C
The formula i.e. Maximum
consumption X Maximum reorder Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
2860 period is used to calculate _____? level level level level D
The formula i.e. Minimum level +
consumption during the time lag Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
2861 period
The formula
is used
- level level level level D
(Average rate of consumption X
Reorder period) is used to calculate Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
2862 _____?
The formula i.e. Reorder level - level level level level C
(Normal consumprion X Normal
Reorder period) is used to calculate Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
2863 ______? level level level level B
The formula i.e. Reorder levl +
Reordering quantity - (Minimum
onsumption X Minimum Reorder Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
2864 period) is used to calculate _____? level level level level A
Actioned Part II Orders after due post Case file
audit will be filed in ________, which IRLA of of the
may be referred to for future linking Batches/B respective respective retained
2865 etc undles officer officer by EDP C
Composit Complete tion Civil
e Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer
2866 The full form of CTG is . Grant Grant Grant Grant A
for Request Request Ready for
procurem for for procurem
2867 The full form of RFP is: ent purchase proposal ent C
2868 The functions of AOsGE are ___ fold? 5 4 3 2C
The funds for C.S.D. are provided in
the ______ Estimates of the Ministry Defence
2869 of Defence Civil Service Both None A
The guarantee that is taken to ensure Performa
the performance of the supplier and Earnest nce
compensate the buyer in case of Liquidated Money security
2870 failure is called: damages deposit Warranty deposit D
The Head of an Office may authorize
any______ serving under him to sign a
bill or order for him, communicating Sufficientl
the name and specimen signature of Responsib y higher
the officer to the disbursing officer le level Gazetted
2871 concerned Person employee officer Officer D

Vice Chief Deputy

The head of the organization in Army Chief of of Army Chief of Adjutant
2872 The
is ____?
of Central Government Army Staff Staff Army Staff General A
offices will close their offices on
account of death of the ________ in Prime either/bot
2873 harness President Minister h None C

on Hand
Book of Pamphlet
Defence of
Services- Revenue,
The heads of classification operated Receipts Debt and
upon in the Defence Services accounts and Remittanc
2874 are shown in which of the following? Charges e Heads Both None C
The heads represented by three digits
such as 101, 104, 110, 111 and 800 Major Minor Detailed
2875 etc. are generally known as ____? heads heads Sub heads Heads B
Additional amount will be equal to the
average balance in the account during
the period of 36 months preceding the
month of death, subject to a
2876 maximum of Rs. _____ under DLI? 60000 75000 100000 120000 A
The holder of a post, the pay of which
is changed, shall be treated as if he
were transferred to a ______ post on
2877 the _____pay as per FR 23? New, New New, Old Old, New Old, Old A
The immovable Property Return (IPR) 1st 15th 31st 30th
2878 is to be submitted on or before ???. January January January March C

Rs 3500/- Rs 18000/- Rs 9000/- amount of
p.m. p.m. p.m. family
2879 The income limit for dependency is (fixed) (fixed) (fixed) pension D
The Indian Coast Guard came into 01.01.197 01.02.197 01.03.197 01.04.197
2880 The
on ______?regarding fresh 7 7 7 7 B
induction of pensioners is taken with
reference to the pension cases
notified during _____ in the current
year whle preparing Defence Pension 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
2881 Budget? months months months months B
The internal audit of IRLAs maintained Super
in the Pay Accounts Offices is Review Review by
conducted in the form of review by Groups in IDAS All the
2882 the _____? PAOs LAOs officers three A
The key objective of the _____ is to Priority Capital Annual Defence
leverage capital acquisitions to Procurem Acquisitio Acquisitio Offset
2883 develop Indian Defence industry? ent Plan n Plan n Plan Policy D
The Labour i.e., workmen employed in
2884 a factory may be divided into _____ 2 3 4 5C
The language used in Speaking Order First/Seco
2885 is generally in _____ person language? Third nd Both None A
The language used in U.O. Note is First/Seco
2886 Additional
generally inquantum
_____ person
of pension
when Third nd Both None A
pensioner attains the age of 100 or
more is payable @ ____% of Basic
2887 Pension? 30 40 50 100 D
The LAP for the half yearly audit
period October to March should be
2888 approved by MO by??. 15th July 15th Aug 20th July 20th Aug D
The last Inter Government advise for
the financial year by PCDA/CDA should 31st
2889 be sent to RBI on or before _____ ? March 15th April 25th April 30th April C
The Leave Travel Concession facility
2890 was first introduced by Govt. of India 1956 1958 1960 1965 A
The likely normal wastage due to
death, etc. at the estimated rate
of____% (approx.) is reduced from the
2891 pension / family pension estimate 2.5 5 8 10 A
The list of units and formations under
the jurisdiction of a Regional CDA is Skeleton Special
2892 known as ____? List Secret List Top List List B

List of
The list with which vouchers are auditable
forwarded by Consignor LAO to document Skeleton
2893 Consignee LAO is known as Top List Sub List s list A
The list with which vouchers are
forwarded by Consignor LAO to Skeleton Special
2894 Consignee LAO is known as ______? List Secret List Top List List C

List of
The list with which vouchers are auditable
forwarded by issuing depot to their document Skeleton
2895 LAO is known as Top List Sub List s list D
The list with which vouchers are
forwarded by the issuing depots to
their L.A.Os the case of ordnance and Forwardin Skeleton Covering
2896 store depots is known as????. Top List g Memo List Memo C
The loss arising due to Delayed
Payment (DP) of charges to State
Electricity Board by MES authorities is Revenue None of
2897 treated as Store Loss Cash Loss Loss these B
Additional quantum of pension when
pensioner attains the age of 80-85 is
2898 payable @ ____% of Basic Pension? 20 30 40 50 A
The loss of time for which the Labour
employer pays the labour but obtains Turn
no direct benefit in production is Around All the
2899 known as ______? Time Idle Time Overtime three B
ed after Appointm
their ent on Central
The LTC Rule 1988 is not applicable to Railway retiremen contract Govt.
2900 : Servants t basis employee A
The main unit of classification in Object/de
2901 accounts is ______ Head? tailed sub Minor Major D
The maker of a bill of exchange or
2902 cheque is called the _____? Drawer Drawee Payer Payee A
The mandays required for Misc. work
2903 is ??..of the authorised mandays for 1/3 rd 1/5 th 1/6 th 1/10 th C
The mandays required for Misc. work
2904 is ..of the authorised mandays for 1/3 rd 1/5 th 1/6 th 1/10 th C
The maximum amount up to which it
is permissible to retain cash (including Cash Credit Ceiling Ceiling
at bank) by Field Imprest Holder is monetary monetary money Monetary
2905 known
The maximum
as ____?and minimum limits of limit limit limit limit D
stock of A.S.C. Supply which units are
authorised to hold on charge at any
one time to meet their requirements,
are not supposed to be exceeded by G.O.C.-in-
Army Units except under the orders QMG Chief, the PCDA/CD
2906 of the Branch Command A LAO/RAO B
The maximum entitlement of casual
2907 leave for army officers in a calendar 8 days 12 days 15 days 20 days D
The maximum number of hours for Not paid
2908 which the OTA can be paid to a driver 50 100 unlimited at all B
Additional quantum of pension when
pensioner attains the age of 85-90 is
2909 payable @ ____% of Basic Pension? 20 30 40 50 B
The maximum period of extension of Next
delivery that can be granted by the higher
CFA under delegated powers is such CFA with
that the total period - the original DP concurren
plus the extension does not exceed ce of
twice the original DP. Extensions Next Paying Ministry
beyond this period would require higher PCDA/CD of Governme
2910 sanction of the ______? CFA A Defence nt of India C
No such
The maximum period of extension of Restrictio
delivery that can be granted by the n. It can
CFA under delegated powers should be
be such that the total period i.e. the extended
original delivery period plus the as per
extension does not exceed____ the One and requireme
2911 original delivery period? half of Twice Thrice nt B
The maximum quantum of leave
admissible as Leave not due is ____ in
2912 the entire
The measures
of as
employee? 5 years 2 years 360 days 180 days C
ceilings and proportions to gross
domestic product, as may be
prescribed, for evaluation of the fiscal
position of the Central Government
are defined as ____ indicators in the Performa All the
2913 FRBM
The Medium-term
Act/Rules? Fiscal Policy Risk nce Fiscal three C
Statement shall set forth a ____ year
rolling target for prescribed fiscal
indicators with specification of
2914 assumptions? 2 3 5 6B
The minimum penalty to be imposed if
formal disciplinary proceedings has
been initiated even if the official is not Major Minor None of
2915 found guilty is Penalty Penalty Censure these C
The minimum time to be allowed for
submission of bidsin case of OTE is
______weeks from the date of tender three
2916 notice one week two week week four week C
The minimum up-gradations assured
2917 under
The Minister-in-charge
MACP Scheme are_____?
of the Ministry 2 3 4 5B
of Finance shall review, on______
basis, the trends in receipts and
expenditure in relation to the budget
and place before both Houses of
Parliament the outcome of such
2918 reviews Yearly Half yearly Quarterly Monthly B

Date of Date
Date of performa decided
The monetary allowance in respect of grant of nce of the by Date
Gallantry decoration is admissible to a decoratio qualifying Military decided
2919 PBOR from? n act Secretary by A.HQrs B
Additional quantum of pension when
pensioner attains the age of 90-95 is
2920 payable @ ____% of Basic Pension? 20 30 40 50 C
The money consideration for a sale of Agreed Proper
goods is defined as _____ as per Sale considerat considerat
2921 of goods act? ion Price Cost ion B
The money invested by proprietor is
2922 _____ for the firm? Asset Liability Income Profit B
The month-wise LPC-Cum-Data
Sheets, centrally maintained by the
Pension Cell of PCDA (O) will be
retained for __, commencing from the
2923 month of Retirement of the officer? 35 years 75 years 10 years 5 years A
The mutually accepted document for
Focal Point Branches of Banks and Defence
Government for reconciliation of A/cs Debit/Cre Proforma MROs/Ch
2924 is dit Scrolls Account VDMS eques C
The no. of officers with User ID to
authorize CMP payment files will not
2925 exceed ___ in a PCDA/CDA Office? 2 3 4 5D
The no. of times the dak is to be
distributed daily in sections will be Addl.
dependent on the frequency of postal Group CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD
2926 The
number andofwill
be fixed by?
cases SAO/AO Officer CDA A D
handled by a working officer should
not exceed ___ cases in a year, not No such
2927 more than ___ at a time 5, 3 10, 2 20, 4 limit B
The number of supplier firms in
Limited Tender Enquiry should be More than More than No such
2928 _______ as prescribed in GFR? 3 2 or More 2 provision A
The officer using the vehicle signs in
2929 Column ?.. Of Car Diary. Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 Colun 9 B
The only Head for Contingency Fund in
Part II i.e. Contingency Fund is given
2930 the code number _________? 4000 2000 8000 1900 C
Additional quantum of pension when
pensioner attains the age of 95-100 is
2931 payable @ ____% of Basic Pension? 20 30 40 50 D
The organization of DAD corresponds All the
2932 broadly to the organization of the Army Air Force Navy three D
The originating and responding action Demi Acknowle on of
of the controllers are done through ---- Advice Offcial dgement Punching
2933 ----- Memo letters Cards Medium D
The Originating Code Head of CDA,
Secunderabad is 00/093/41. What will 00/094/4 00/094/4 00/093/4 00/094/0
2934 be the responding Code Head? 1 2 2 0 C
The originating code head of PCDA
(SC) is 00/074/21. What will be the 00/075/2 00/075/2 00/074/2 00/074/0
2935 responding Code Head? 1 2 2 0 C
Violet All the
2936 The page number is indicated using Ink Pencil pencil above A
and Fresh
The Part I of MFAI Report consists of remaining Irregulariti
2937 ____________ pending es a or b a&b B
The parties are free to determine the
number of arbitrators, provided that
2938 The
for which
shall not
it becomes
be ____? Even Odd One Three A
impossible to meet obligations under
this contract due to Force Majeure
conditions, is to notify in written form
the other party of the beginning and
cessation of the circumstances
immediately, but in any case not later
than ____ days from the moment of
2939 their beginning 7 10 15 30 B
The pay accounts of non-gazetted t Respectiv
personnel serving in field service areas PCDA/CD e PAO Any of the
2940 are maintained by the ____? PCDA (O) A of unit (ORs) three C
The pay accounts of officers attached Commissi
to or serving in High Commissioner for CGDA oner for PCDA New
2941 India in UK are maintained by office PCDA(O) UK Delhi C
Additions or alterations to the list of
auditable documents will be carried PCDA/CD
2942 out under the orders of _______? A CGDA DGADS MOD (Fin) A
The pay accounts of officers attached Commissi
to or serving in High Commissions CGDA oner for PCDA New
2943 other than UK office PCDA(O) UK Delhi B
The pay accounts of officers
proceeding abroad on course of High
instruction, study leave and temporary CGDA Commissi PCDA New
2944 duty are maintained by : office oner Delhi PCDA(O) D

absence From the
On the from duty next day
The Pay and allowances of the officers day of without of transfer All the
2945 will be ceased death leave to Reserve above B
on which
the orders
n reach
The pay of higher rank to which an the H.Qrs. of grant of of receipt
officer present on duty is erroneously of erroneous of order
promoted, will be discontinued from unit/form of issue of promotio by PCDA
2946 the date ation order n (O) A
The payment and accounting functions
in respect of the Ministry of Defence Defence All the
2947 are entrusted to ______? Secretary FADS CGDA three C
The PBG should be valid for a period
of ____ days beyond completion of
2948 contractual obligation 45 55 60 75 C
The pension and Defence Civil
estimates part of Appropriation PCDA/CD Defence
2949 Accounts is prepared by CGDA FADS/SDF A Secretary A
The period of limitation for recovery
by contractors of security deposit
from Government is ____ from the
2950 date of deposit? 3 years 5 years 10 years 30 years D
The period of limitation for recovery
by contractors of security deposit
from Government is____ years from
2951 the date of deposit? 30 10 5 3A
The period of Short Term Agreement 12
2952 .should
___% of
exceed ____?supplies can be 3 months 6 months 9 months months B
accepted by CFA, which is not
considered as modification to a
2953 .Contract?
___% of short/excess supplies can be 25 20 10 5D
accepted by CFA, which is not
considered as modification to a
2954 Contract? or alterations to works of
Additions 25 20 10 5D
Defences costing not more than Rs.
____ may be approved by CFA as
2955 Special works? 10000 15000 20000 50000 C

Date of Date of
Date of signature receipt of
Deposit of of officer original
The period of validity of MRO (21 money Date of authorize MRO in
days) is calculated from which of the through clearance d to issue audit
2956 following dates? MRO by bank MRO office C
The periods of retention for various
2957 records are laid down in OM I OMII OMIII OMIV B
The person named in the instrument,
to whom or to whose order the
money is by the instrument directed
2958 to be paid, is called _____? Drawee Drawer Payee Payer C
The person who has ultimate control
over the affairs of the factory subject
to provisions of Factories Act, is Principal
2959 defined as ____? Employer Employer Occupier Owner C

The personal seal of the relieved over to
Principal Controller/Controller will be the Kept Sent to
____ by the relieving Principal transferre under lock CGDA
2960 Controller/Controller? d officer and key Destroyed office C
The personnel of the Defence
Accounts Department are governed by
2961 Fundamental Rules from ______? 01.01.86 01.07.76 01.07.86 01.01.96 B

The point at which total revenue Economic

equals the total costs i.e. no profit no Ordering Break Contributi All the
2962 The
loss positive
is called assertion,
at ____? in a manner Quantity Even on three B
not warranted by the information of
the person making it, of that which is
not true, though he believes it to be
true is defined as _____ in Indian Misrepres
2963 Contract Act? Innocence Mistake entation Fraud C

Secretary Defence Secretary
The post of FADS has been re- Defence Defence Expenditu Finance
2964 designated
The post-audit
as: of muster rolls and pre- (Finance) Secretary re (Defence) A
audit of miscellaneous claims of
Industrial Personnel of naval PCDA AAO AAO
establishment at Vizag is done by (Navy) (Navy) NLAO (Army)
2965 __________ Mumbai Vizag Vizag Vizag C
Addl. CGDA drawing a pay of Rs.
224400/- got promotion as CGDA and 231140
wants to get his pay fixed from Date of (225000 +
Promotion. What would be his revised Personal
2966 pay on
The power
of Addl. CDA to sign Class II 250000 237500 225000 Pay 6140) C
Punching medium for rectification of
incorrect adjustment is up to Rs.
2967 _____?
The power of re appropriation 25 lakhs 1 crore 5 crores 10 crores C
between sub heads within the minor
head under each demand can be PCDA/CD
2968 ordered by? CGDA CGA MOD A C

The power of Review of penalty is Appellate All the

2969 vested with ____? President HOD Authority three A
The power of Revision of penalty is Appellate All the
2970 vested with ____? President HOD Authority three D

Head of Any leave

the sanctionin
The power to grant special casual Departme Ministry g
2971 leave is vested in the _______? GOI nt concerned authority B
The power to re appropriate between
different sub heads within the Minor
2972 Heads under each demand is vested in PCDA MOD GOI GOC in C B
The powers exercised by CFAs after
obtaining concurrence of IFA are
2973 called as ____ Finncial Powers? Delegated Inherent Integrated None A
The powers exercised by the CFA
without concurrence of IFA are known Residuary Inherent Emergenc None of
2974 as : powers of AAO to write off
The Powers powers y powers the above B
irrecoverable amounts due to any No
cause are up to Rs. ______ in each powers to
2975 case?
The practice of charging all costs both 500 100 1000 AAO abc
variable and fixed to operation,
process or products is termed as ____ Activity Absorptio
2976 costing? Uniform Direct Based n D
Adjustment made among owners of
vessel and cargo in the event of loss or Compensa General Net worth Loss
2977 damage to vessel/cargo is known as tion Average ratio statement B
The present income limit is --------------- Rs 3500/- Rs 3500/- Rs 9000/- Rs 9000/-
drawn as on the date of consideration plus including plus including
to decide the eligibility of family Dearness Dearness Dearness Dearness
2978 members of a Govt. employee. Relief Relief Relief Relief C
The presentation of accounting
information in such a way as to assist
management in the creation of policy
and in day to day operation of an
understanding is defined as ____ Managem All the
2979 Accounting? Financial Cost ent three C

Till he
the age of
75 years
or fixed
The President shall hold office for a tenure
term of ____ years from the date on whichever
2980 which he enters upon his office 4 5 6 is earlier B
The primary check over contingent PCDA/CD All the
2981 expenditure is exercised by the ____? Executive LAO A three A
The primary function of the audit as
mentioned in Defence Audit Code is to
verify the accuracy and ------------- of Correctne complete
2982 The
the accounts
Procedure laid down in this ss Perfection Simplicity ness D
Manual shall also be applicable to (i)
the Coast Guard Organisation under (i) is
(i) is
the revenue heads and (ii) the (i) and (ii) correct
wrong and
National security Guard under Home are and (ii) is
(ii) is (i) and (ii)
2983 Ministry. correct wrongcorrect are wrong B
The procedure of sending scrolls Defence
through the focal point branches is not Defence Defence Pay &
applicable to payments of _____ made Defence Supplies works Allowance
2984 by Public Sector Banks. Pension payments payments s A
by Units
The procedure prescribed in DPM is Central Local formation
2985 applicable to ____? Purchase Purchase Both a & b s only C
The process of ascertaining the All the
2986 ______ is known as Costing? Price Cost Value three B
The process of identifying, measuring,
recording and communicating Transactio Accountin None of
2987 economic transactions is called as ---- Accounts ns g the above C

Admin Approval, Technical Sanction called out
and allotment funds etc. are not in aid of Urgent Imminent
insisted/required in which of the civil military danger to All the
2988 following cases dealt by MES? power necessity buildings three C

and destructio
The process of Record management Classifying securing n of All the
2989 includes records of records records above D
The procurement planning process Defence H.Qrs. Defence
would be under the overall guidance Procurem Concerne Acquisitio
2990 of the _____? ent Board HQ IDS d n Council D

All Central bodies
All Central Governme otherwise
Governme nt governed
The provisions of GFR are applicable nt Departme by other All the
2991 to which of the following Offices? Ministries nts Rules three D
Short Emergenc
Service y
The provisions of PR Part I & II are not Commissi Commissi
2992 applicable to ____ Officers? oned oned Both None D
The Public account of India was Article Article Article Article
2993 constituted under article----of 266(2) 266(1) 267 (2) 267(1) A
The rate of conveyance of personal
effects will further increase by -----------
2994 --- each time DA rises by .. 25%, 25% 25%, 50% 50%, 25% 50%, 50% B
Same as Half the Double
that of rate of the rate of
The rate of monthly contribution for CGHS CGHS CGHS No
availing medical treatment facility contributi contributi contributi contributi
2995 under CS(MA) Rules is on on on on D
The rate of subscription for a Group A
officer under CGEGIS is Rs. ___p.m.
2996 before enrolment? 20 40 60 120 B
The rate of subscription for a Group A
2997 officer under CGEGIS is Rs. ___p.m.? 20 40 60 120 D
The rate of subscription for a Group B
official under CGEGIS is Rs. ___p.m.
2998 before enrolment? 20 40 60 120 A
Administration of Inter Service
Organizations is the direct Army Naval
2999 responsibility of ____? H.Qrs. MOD Air H.Qrs. H.Qrs B
The rate of subscription for a Group B
3000 official under CGEGIS is Rs. ___p.m.? 10 20 30 60 D
The rate of subscription for a Group C
official under CGEGIS is Rs. ___p.m.
3001 before enrolment? 10 20 30 60 A
The rate of subscription for a Group C
3002 official
The rateunder
per Km
of transportation
is Rs. ___p.m.?
of 10 20 30 60 C
Personal Effects by Road on
Permanent Posting for Pay level 4 is ----
3003 --------------- Rs 25 Rs 20 Rs 15 Rs 30 C
The ratio of appropriation of CGEGIS
subscription towards Savings and
3004 Insurance funds is ___? 75, 25 50, 50 25, 75 60, 40 A

The receipts and expenditure relating of Road Ministry
to Border Roads Organization are Ministry Transport of
finally accounted to the heads of of Home and MOD External
3005 _____ by PCDA (Border Roads)? Affairs Highways (civil) Affairs B
The record of Tyre Rotation is Vehicle Vehicle Mileage
3006 mentioned in ?????.. Car Diary Register Log Book Card C
The recovery of an advance will
commence from ____ month pay Next year
3007 drawn after its receipt? First Second Third January A
The Register in which permanent list
of IRLAs transferred out by a Ledger A List B List T out List
3008 wing is maintained is known as ____? Register Register Register None B
The registration of agencies under NPS B) Axis D) None
3009 is carried out by.. A) LIC bank C) NSDL of these C
Chiefs of
Administration of the Armed forces of Concerne Staff
the union is the main function of d Service Committe Integrated
3010 _____? MOD H.Qrs. e H.Qrs A
The repeat order is to be placed within
_____from the date of completion of six
3011 the supply against the previous order 3 months 4 months months one year C
The reponding Code head of CDA,
Guwahati is 00/091/22. What will be 00/091/2 00/092/2 00/091/2 00/091/2
3012 originating code head? 1 1 3 4 B

The report which shows current and Book ed
progressive figures under each RDR Sectional compilatio compilatio All India
head for each PCDA/CDA office is compilatio n of RDR n of RDR compilatio
3013 called_______________ n heads heads n B
The responding code head of CDA,
Jabalpur is 00/093/52. what will be 00/093/5 00/093/5 00/094/5 00/094/5
3014 the originating code head? 1 3 1 2 A
The responsibility for the audit of
pensions also devolves on PCDA DPDOs
3015 (Pensions) Allahabad and Banks PCDA (P) Both None B
The responsibility for verifying the
competence of Station Commander Regional
for according sanction to hire private PCDA/CD All the
3016 accommodation rests with? PCDA (O) A AAO BSO three C
The responsibility of floating license
fee bills in respect of government
accommodation occupied by Army Station Concerne
3017 officers is with LAO AAOBSO H.Qrs. d officer B

The responsibility of handling all Embarkati Naval

claims on account of Naval Armament on Armamen
stores, short landed or damaged rests Command t Supply PCDA
3018 with ____? NLAO ant Officer (Navy) C

The responsibility of issuing Form 16 Record Respectiv

in respect of JCOs/ORs rests with office of e Depot CO of the PAO (ORs)
3019 which of the following offices? the corps Battalion unit concerned D
Both are
The responsibility of watching equally
recovery of advances (under DHRs) is Accounts Audit responsibl
3020 the responsibility of _____? Section Section e None C
Administritive Tribunals Act is 27.02.198 28.02.198 01.03.198 01.04.198
3021 effective from _____? 5 5 5 5 A
The restriction admissibility of TA only
to two children on Permanent 1st Jan 1st Jan 1st April 1st April
3022 The
resultis of
audit: of all 1998 1999 1998 1999 B
Defence Establishments is reflected in
the ----------- being rendered by the Annual
CGDA for inclusion in the Audit None of
3023 Appropriation Account MFAI IAR Certificate these C

1 year 3 years 5 years 7 years

from the from the from the from the
date of date of date of date of
receipt receipt receipt receipt
and and and and
The retention period for Loss linking of linking of linking of linking of
3024 Statement is sanction sanction sanction sanction B
The retention peroiod for Register of
3025 Loss is 1 Year 3 Years 5 years 7 Years C
The role of DAD in the case of
Arbitatration Awards in respect of Declarator
3026 MESrole
The Contracts
of this iscorps
remove any Executory y Advisory None C
obstruction in the way of defence of
the army and to facilitate it by
constructing or improving roads,
railway bridges and other means of Armoured Corps of Corps of
3027 communication corps Engineers EME MES B

All Central
All Central subordina
Govt te bodies
ministries Autonom
The rules of GFR 2017 are applicable /Departm ous
3028 The
to which
of the following:
establishment of ents MoD only MoF only bodies D
Principal Controllers'/
Controllers' Offices includes a
leave substitute of ___ of the
3029 establishment 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 D
The schedule of monthly drawings is Assignme Schedule Payment Debit
3030 known as? nt III Schedule Scroll B
The scheme for payment of pension to
Defence pensioners including Defence
civilian pensioners by Public Sector
Banks was introduced with effect from 15.08.194 26.01.195 01.01.197 01.10.199
3031 _____ in all the states? 7 0 8 3 C

on a new
service to meet
not expenditu
provided re in
When a in Budget excess of
need and there the
arises to is no provisions
incur sufficient for the
unforesee time for service
n necessary included
expenditu approval in an
re in before Appropria
excess of close of tion (Vote
Advance from Contingency Fund of the the on
India can be allowed under which of sanctione financial Account) All the
3032 the following circumstances? d grant year Act three D
n of
and Audit of
opening Linking of final
book receipts receipts All of
3033 The scope of local audit covers: balances and issues and issues these D

The second stage of Appropriation Receipt Expenditu Sanction Regulator

3034 Audit is called------------- Audit re Audit Audit y Audit B
The selection process for percentage
audit will be so devised as to subject
each IRLA to percentage audit once in 4 years 4 3 years 3 2 years 6 2 years 2
3035 a cycle of __ by PCDA(O)? months months months months C
3036 The service book has basically ----- 2 4 6 8D
The Service Book must be kept in the
custody of -------- in which Govt. AN AN Pay Head of
3037 servant is serving. Section Section the office Setion I/C C
The service books of all individuals
who are due to retire within _______
following the date of audit will be
included in the selection for test check
3038 by LAO during Local Audit of units? 4 years 3 years Two years One year B
The signature of the officer using the None of
3039 vehicle is contained in ?of the Car Column 3 Column 5 Column 7 these C


The source code for Dolphin is Secundera centre of centre of PCDA
3040 centrally maintained by ________? bad CGDA each PAO Bangalore A
The starting time of Journey from -------
-------- is taken into consideration for Station/ Both (a) & Neither
3041 calculation of DA during TD. Residence Air Port (b) (a) nor (b) A
The state of Punjab falls into which
3042 region as per Official Languages Rules, C B A None B
Advance Increments can be granted
for which of the follwing kinds of Meritorio
3043 achievements? Sports us work Both None A
The States and their territories are
specified in the ____ schedule of the
3044 Constitution of India? Fourth Third Second First D
Sub Jr. Sub Sr. Sub
The status of AO in a GE office is like a Divisional Divisional Divisional
3045 _____? Officer Officer Officer GE C
The statutory audit of Defence Percentag Sample All of
3046 services
The sumexpenditure
of the gross is
a ? audit.
by e Audit Test Audit Audit these B
all resident production units plus that
part of taxes, less subsidies, on
products, which is not included in the
valuation of output, during a financial
year, reckoned at current market
prices, as published by the Central Gross
Statistics Office from time to time is Fiscal Domestic Revenue Outstandi
3047 known
The sumastotal
of the debt of the Deficit Product Deficit ng Liability B
Central Government and the State
Governments, excluding inter- General Total Real Combined
Governmental liabilities is known as Governme Governme Governme Governme
3048 ____? nt Debt nt Debt nt Debt nt Debt A
minimum Minimum
limit. is one
The supplier(s) will be registered for a Maximum year. No
fixed period of ____ in GeM Portal in 1 to 3 1 to 5 limit is 3 Maximum
3049 general? years years years Limit A
System Double
using Entry
Double System
Entry using
Single Double Principles Single
The system of Government Entry Entry wherever Entry
3050 Accounting is System System required principles C
The TEC report should be prepared in
3051 the format as given at Form -----------. DPM-21 DPM-22 DPM-23 DPM-24 D
3052 The Technical advisor to GOC in C is? CWE CE GE A B
The tenure of C&AG of India is ____ No such
3053 years 4 5 6 limit C

50% of 80% of 90% of 100% of

the the the the
estimated estimated estimated estimated
entitled entitled entitled entitled
Advance may be granted to a Govt. cost of cost of cost of cost of
3054 servant in each case of LTC journey journey journey journey C

Bringing entry in
Making together Stock
entry in an entry Register
the Ledger in a ledger and Reconcilin
before and endorsing g receipts
The term 'Linking' in the scheduling supportin on receipt and issue
3055 local audit means: voucher. g voucher voucher. vouchers. B
supply of
Supply of stores by
The term 'Packing Account' stores by Unit/form Imported None of
3056 is related to... depot ation stores these C

vertically Horizontal
totaling totaling both (a) & None of
3057 The term ?Castings? mean: only only (b) these C
The term associated with checking
whether the items shown in vouchers Credit
have been taken on charge by the unit Verificatio
3058 authorities or not is known as?. Linking Pairing Casting n D

Vertical Horizontal Vertical or

totaling totaling Horizontal None of
3059 The term Casting means only only totaling these C
Bringing entry in
Making together Stock
entry in an entry Register
the Ledger in a ledger and Reconcilin
before and endorsing g receipts
The term 'Linking' in the local audit scheduling supportin on receipt and issue
3060 means: voucher. g voucher voucher. vouchers. B
The term of MP of Rajya Sabha is ____
3061 unless retires early? 2 years 4 years 5 years 6 years D
supply of
Supply of stores by
The term 'Packing Account' is related stores by Unit/form Imported None of
3062 to... depot ation stores these C

People Personnel Person pension

below below below Bearing
officer officer officer order and
3063 The term PBOR stands for rank rank rank Report B
The terms of the contract must be ------
& ---------and there must not be no Tough and precise Complex
room for ambiguity or misconduct demandin clear and and and
3064 .therein.
If an item of DIDS appears in ___ g simple definite confusing C
consecutive outstanding lists, it should
be put up to PCDA/Addl. CDA for
3065 .monitoring?
If an item of DIDS appears in ___ 2 3 4 5A
consecutive outstanding lists, it should
be put up to PCDA/Addl. CDA for
3066 monitoring? 2 3 4 5A

g on
Course of
On exceeding While
Advance of Pay is admissible to Army transfer 3 months proceedin
Officers in which of the following within within g ex-India All the
3067 circumstances? India India on duty three D

Within Within Within

three one two Within six
months of month of months of months of
completio completio completio completio
The time limit for submission of LTC n of n of n of n of
claims in normal cases, when no return return return return
3068 advance is drawn journey journey journey journey A
The title of a Government servant to
hold on regular basis, either
immediately or on the termination of
a period or periods of absence, a post, Permanen
including a tenure post, to which he t Confirmati
has been appointed on regular basis employme on in a All the
3069 and on which he is not on probation nt Lien post three B

39;s Name
Sender&# and
The top left hand corner of the DO 39;s designatio Sender&# To
3070 letter will show address n 39;s Office address B
The total amount of penalty under RTI
3071 act shall not exceed Rs. _____? 25000 50000 75000 100000 A
The total LD shall not exceed value of
____ % of undelivered goods and
3072 amount stipulated in the contract 1 2 5 10 D
The total number of holidays to be
observed in all Defence Accounts
Offices, wherever they are situated
3073 will be
The total
in aunder
year the repeat 16 17 15 + 2 RH 16 + 2 RH B
order and option clause should not
exceed ___ of the originally ordered
3074 quantity 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 C
The total value upto ________ can be Upto 2 Upto 3 Upto 2.5 Upto 1.5
3075 purchased
The TrainingbyDivision
Local Purchase
of the CGDA i.e. lakhs lakhs lakhs lakhs C
CENTRAD (Centre for Training and
Development) is functioning from
3076 ______?
The transit pay and allowances of an 35339 34243 37530 37895 A
officer whose services are lent by Parent
Defence to Civil and vice versa are departme
3077 borne by?of pay to Army Officers paid
Advance Defence Civil Borrower nt C
by Field Cashier is compiled to ____
suspense head (till recovered in IRLA)00/018/6 00/018/6 00/018/6 00/018/6
3078 ? 0 1 4 5 B
Dept. to
The transit Pay and Allowances of which he
Officers of the Defence Services lent is Lending Borrowing Defence
to Civil Department or, vice versa, are proceedin Departme Departme Service
3079 debitable to ____? g nt nt Estimates C

At the
Out of (a) discretion
Date of and (b) of
The travel entitlement of FAMILY is Date of Transfer which is Competen
determined on the basis of the status Journey of of Govt. more t
3080 of Govt. official as on family official beneficial. Authority. B
nt to
The Travelling Allowance of a which he
Government servant transferred from Parent is
one department to another is debited Departme decided in transferre
3081 to the nt each case d None C
The treatment at AMA consulting
3082 roomtreatment
The is limitedat tothe
days? room 30 15 10 5 C
of AMA is limited to ------------- days if
the treatment is taken in Indian
System of Medicines and in
3083 Homeopathy. 10 days 20 days 30 days 40 days D
The treatment at the consulting room
of AMA is limited to . days with a
3084 maximum
The treatmentof .. consultations.
at the consulting room 10 and 10 4 and 4 10 and 5 10 and 4 D
of AMA is limited to normally --------
injections and the number may go up
to --------------- depending on patients
3085 ailment. 5 and 10 10 and 15 5 and 15 10 and 20 B
The treatment at the consulting room
of Authorized Medical Attendant is
3086 limited to ___ days in general? 3 5 10 15 C
The ultimate responsibility for Staff
ensuring that expenditure does not Officers PCDA/CD
exceed the corresponding budget (Service A
3087 allotment rests on H.Qrs) FADS concerned CGDA A
The unique field with which digit of
information is retrieved easily in PAO the army Name of Army
3088 (ORs) for PBORs is ____? number the PBOR Unit code Number D
Advance payment if payable should
3089 not exceed ___ of contract value 10 5 7.5 15 D
The validity of coupons issued by First day, Last day, First day, Last day,
3090 Military Farm is ___________ of the next current sixth sixth D
form in
The word 'Form' used in which Appropria
Defence Code does not include the Accounts te head of
3091 prescription of __? are kept account Both None D

Ordnance Engineer PCDA
The work of Defence Laboratories is Factory DRDO, (R&D) (R&D)
3092 administered by _____? Board New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi B
The work related to vetting of Draft
Gazette Notification (DGN) in respect
of Army Officers was transferred to 01.01.197 01.01.198
3093 PCDA (O) w.e.f.
The_____ function
of audit is to verify 6 4 01.01.96 01.10.97 B
the accuracy and completeness of
accounts to secure that all receipts are
brought to account under the proper
head, that all expenditure and
disbursements are authorized,
vouched and correctly classified and
that the final account represents a
complete and true statement of the
financial transactions it purports to One and
3094 exhibit. Primary Main only Spiritual A
The_____ shall appoint a person who
is qualified to be appointed a judge of Chief
the Supreme Court to be Attorney Justice of Prime All the
3095 General for India President India Minister three A
There are _____ Major heads under
3096 Revenue Receipts ? 4 5 6 7B
There are two models of incurring Central
expenditure out of fund placed at the Capital Purchase
disposal of authorities to whom and and Local Capital CAPEX/OP
3097 budget is allocated. What are they? Revenue Purchase and State EX D
There are___ Sub-Major heads under
3098 Capital Outlay? 8 9 10 12 A
Six digits
Third component of CDA (O) Account Two digits Six digits with
3099 Number is represented by _____? number number alphabet Unit code C
Advance up to 90% of total estimated
expenditure for outdoor treatment is
admissible if total estimate of
3100 expenditure is more than Rs 5000/- Rs 10000/- Rs 15000/- Rs 20000/- B
Third component of CDA (O) Account Ledger of Army Task Check
3101 Number represents ____? wing Officer Number Alpha B

Third party payments in respect of Regional e ECHS
Military Station
3102 This
of communication
are done by is___? CDA Poly Clinic H.Qrs.
Hospital C
influenced by pitch, volume, speed Non-
and clarity. For which type of Oral Written Verbal verbal
communication, this statement is Communi Communi communic communic
3103 This
true?type of communication is cation cation ation ation A
preceise because words are chosen Non-
with great care. For which type of Oral Written Verbal verbal
communication this statement is true Communi Communi communic communic
3104 ? cation cation ation ation B
Through which document, AO GE
satisfies himself in audit that Schedule Measure Completio
B stores are issued to Contractor by USR/Baby ment n Any of the
3105 MES? indent Book Certificate three A
Till ____, Defence Finance was part of
MOF and became MOD (Fin) as
3106 Independent Division under MOD? 1975 1976 1983 1984 C
Time limit for drawing Advance of LTC
is ___ days before journey in case of No such
3107 travel by Air/Sea/Road? 65 95 125 limit A
Time limit for drawing Advance of LTC
is ___ days before journey in case of No such
3108 travel by Train? 65 95 125 limit C
Time limit for drawl of advance by 125 days
Govt. servant for Air and Train journey65 days & 65 days & 60 days & & 125
3109 respectively 125 days 65 days 125 days days A
To accept necessity by a CFA _______ Rough Indication ate Technical
3110 is prepared and submitted Cost of cost Estimate Sanction B
Advance upto . of the probable None of
3111 amount of reimbursement can be 0.8 0.9 1 these B
To accept special tenders such as cost
plus type, prior sanction of
3112 __________ is necessary GOI PCDA E in C DGADS C

Left hand
Left hand Right side after
side top hand side the Below the
3113 To address in a DO letter will be corner top corner signature signature C
To arrive at the figures to be included
in the Forecast Estimates for Defence
Pension heads, actuals of the ____ will last 3 last 2 Preceedin Last 6
3114 be taken as basis? years years g year months C
To avoid delay in sanction of pension
of DAD employee, period of Qualifying
Service is verified _______ before date 18
3115 of his/her retirement? 6 months 1 years months 2 years D

To avoid double payments recurring charges in Previous
charges will be linked with ___ and the last Previous years All the
3116 audited? quarter charges charges three B

Previous No linking
To avoid double payments, recurring years Previous is None of
3117 charges are linked with ??? charges charges required. these B
Previous No linking
To avoid double payments, recurring years Previous is None of
3118 charges are linked with charges charges required. these B
To become eligible for double rate of
Transport Allowance the disability
percentage of employee should be
3119 minimum
To become__eligible
? for HRA, A 0.1 0.25 0.4 0.5 C
government servant should not
possess own house in the town/UA in Minor Any of the
3120 the name of ____? Self child Spouse three D
To become eligible for pension,
3121 normally a PBOR is supposed to serve 5 10 15 20 C
Advance upto max ---------- % can be No
3122 drawn during TD. 0.8 0.9 1 advance C
To calculate Hospital stoppage rolls,
____ (time) is taken as basis (i.e.
admission/discharge before and after)
3123 in Military Hospital? 12 Noon 0.541667 0.5625 0.583333 D
shown on Date of Date of
To claim for an overcharge by the dispatch receipt of
Railways, six months period is original by original All the
3124 computed for DAD from the date bill Railways bill three C
To classify a road as Military Road, PCDA/CD
3125 whose prior approval is necessary? GOI GOC in C CWE A A

To close an existing road in a CEO,

Cantonment whose prior approval is Cantonme PCDA/CD
3126 necessary? GOC in C nt Board A GOI A

Book Total
value of Book
each value of Constructi
building to all on cost Constructi
To determine the Competent be buildings incurred on cost
Authority to sanction a demolition demolishe to be for each incurred
statement, which of the following d, demolishe building for total
3127 To
be considered?
in excess of the separately d separately buildings A
approved establishment in EME EME Army
workshops, whose sanction if EME Depot Head
3128 necessary? Records Battalion GOC in C Quarters D
To enable the audit authorities to
focus on the retiring employees
dues/demands, their pay bills are
prepared and sent separately in the
3129 last ___ months of service? 6 4 3 2C
To enable the Government to carry on
its normal activities from 1st April till
such time as the Appropriation Bill is Suppleme
enacted, ____ is obtained from ntary Grant in Additional Vote on
3130 Parliament? Grant Aid Grant Account D
To ensure that all the items purchased
through Supply Order have been
accounted for, you will carry out Ledger to a and vice voucher c and vice
3131 To
ensure that
item of DOII is voucher versa to ledger versa C
published in respect of a specific
PBOR, Every Army No. is cross verified Check
3132 with his ______? Sheet Roll Digit Both None B

Advances drawn on Field Cheques by In three In two Installmen

Army officers from Field cashier are equal equal ts decided
recovered in ________ in IRLAs of the Full at one installmen installmen by PCDA
3133 officers?
To fix the pay of Government servant go ts ts (O) A
as on 01.01.2016, Basic Pay + Grade
Pay of the government servant is
multiplied with a factor of ___ as per
3134 7thguard
To CPC? against double payments in 1.86 2.57 2.75 3.2 B
respect of Contractors bills,
verification by the auditor should be
test checked by ____ to the extent of Group Another
3135 cent
To guard
against double payments, full Officer SAO/AO AAO Auditor D
particulars of all payments made to Income
contractors should be noted in Tax Demand NRC
3136 the_____? Register Register Register None A

Format From
Cells Click on From Format
dialog box Merge Format Cells
choose and Cells dialog box
Merge Center dialog box click on
To join some cells and place the and tool on select the Merge
content at the middle of joined cell, Center formattin Centered Cells
3137 which tool you will use check box g toolbar alignment check box abc
To make payments outside the terms Next
of contract, whose consent is PCDA/CD higher All the
3138 necessary? A CFA CFA three B
To notify the individual casualties, Either a or
3139 ____ Order is issued? Part I Part II b Both B
To obtain the decision of PCDA/CDA,
which kind of Office Communication is Office
3140 used in a PCDA/CDA Office Circular Letter U.O. Note Note D
To obtain treatment at Private ward in
a Recognised hospital, minimum basic
3141 pay should be Rs.___p.m. 47601 63101 80901 None B
To obtain treatment at Semi Private
ward in a Recognised hospital,
minimum basic pay should be
3142 Rs.___p.m. 47601 63101 80901 None A
To prevent possibility of alterations in
ledgers, LAO staff will first check
___leading up to balances before Arithmetic All the
3143 taking up any
Advances paidother
to Imprest
audit process?
Holders by Receipts Issues totals three C
M section of Regional CDA are Demand
intimated to PAOs on monthly basis Compilati Intimation Cheque All the
3144 through
To purchase
through GeM portal, on Report s Slips three B
Comparision of 3 different Above Above Above Above
manufactureres of particular 25000 up 25000 up 250000 up 50000 up
article/goods is compulsory when the to 2.5 to 30 to 30 to 2.5
3145 value is? lakhs lakhs lakhs lakhs D
To rectify the errors which of the Trail Journal
3146 following is used? Balance Proper Both None B
To remove C&AG of India procedure of Supreme
similar to the removal of which of the Parliamen Vice Court All the
3147 following should be followed? t President Judge three C
To transfer superseded items, which
are stocked by other stores depots,
___ are prepared by the depots Nominal Expense Issue Any of the
3148 transferring those items? Vouchers Vouchers vouchers three A
To what extent, Cash accounts of
3149 Military Farm are supposed to be 0.333333 0.166667 0.5 1B
To what extent, linking of issues
(Transfer outward) is supposed to be
3150 verified in local audit. 0.333333 0.166667 0.5 1B
IA cell of
To whom the AAO GE reports for all Main
3151 matters in DAD? Office RAO/LAO Both None B
Consignor Consignor
LAO to unit to Consignee Issuing
Top List is the list with which vouchers Consignee Consignee unit to depot to
3152 are forwarded
Total of all DP sheets
by _____as per
to _______?
Control LAO unit their LAO their LAO A
Register would be agreed with total of
the relevant ______ by D section of Schedule CMP
3153 PCDA (O)? Cheques III figure Vouchers B
Trading A/c, Profit & LossA/c form
3154 parts of records under ______ Cost Financial Both None B
saving leads to
storage cleanlines Both A None of
3155 Advantages of weeding out are space s and B the above C
Training Allowance is payable to an
eligible employee for a maximum
period of _____ only during the entire No such
3156 career as per VII CPC? 5 years 10 years 3 years limit D
Transactions arising in the books of
CsDA which are adjustable in the
books of AG State Govt./PAO
Ministries and Departments of Central Settlemen Revolving Civil ID
3157 Government, are settled through___ ? t Accounts Accounts cash Schedules C
All India
Transactions arising in the books of Consolidat
one controller which are adjustable in ed Defence
the books of another CDA are adjusted Compilati Exchange
3158 through? cash basis on CAS of RBI Account D

Defence Defence
Transactions between Defence, Postal Proforma Exchange Civil ID
3159 & Railways are settled through __? Account Account Schedules Cash A
Transactions in respect of Foreign CDA
Service in the Australian Government (Army) PCDA New PCDA (CC)
3160 are settled centrally by the ___? Meerut Delhi CDA Patna Lucknow C
Transactions of Defence Services
arising in UK, adjustable in India PCDA
passed through the Inward London PCDA New (R&D) PCDA (BR) All the
3161 Account and dealt with by ____? Delhi New Delhi New Delhi three A
Transactions of the Defence Services
taking place in the branches and Defence Inward Outward
offices of RBI, SBI and its Associates Proforma settlemen settlemen Revolving
3162 will be taken directly against? Account t Account t Account Account A
Transactions relating to Debt, Small
Saving Provident Funds, Reserve Consolidat Contingen Public
Funds, Deposits, Miscellaneous and ed fund of cy Fund of Account All the
3163 Remittances fall under ___? India India of India three C
Transactions relating to issues of ____
categories will be supported by issue Issues on Issues on
3164 vouchers? Payment loan Both None C
Transactions relating to Pension
Payments made by Embassy of India,
Kathmandu are settled through RBI CGDA PCDA New PCDA (BR) PCDA (P)
3165 CAS, Nagpur against ____? office Delhi New Delhi Allahabad D
Open Limited Local
Advertised Tender Enquiry is also Tender Tender Tender
3166 known as ___? Enquiry Enquiry Enquiry None A

Temporar Completel
Transactions uploaded by PCDA (O) y rejected y rejected
under SBI CMP system, but rejected transactio transactio Either a or
3167 Transactions
are classified which
as ______?
are of the nature ns ns b None C
of debts due to Government but
which do not come under any of the Miscellan Unclassifie
Heads of Advances specified will be Other eous d Suspense
3168 compiled to the head? Advances Advances Advances Heads B
Transactions with Railways, Posts are
settled through ______ by Settlemen ID
3169 PCsDA/CsDA? Cheques t Account Schedules None B
Transfer benefits are admissible if the In Public Personal In all cases None of
3170 transfer is .. Interest Interest of transfer these A
To revise
To correct provisiona
error of l
Transfer entries are operated for classificati classificati
3171 which of the following adjustments? on on Both None C
Transfer Entry (Class II P.M. voucher) Rectificati Clearance ntal
is not operated in which of the on of of debt Payment Adjustme
3172 following cases? error heads of bill nt C
Transfer of buildings under one Army Army
Command between Departments Headquart
3173 under MOD requires approval of MOD GOC in C GOI ers C
Transfer of funds from one primary Cash
unit of appropriation to another such Assignme Assignme Fund Reappropr
3174 unit is defined as _____? nt nt Transfer iation D
Transfer of funds from one primary Re Modified
unit of appropriation to another such appropriat appropriat misapprop appropriat
3175 unit within a grant is called ____? ion ion riation ion A
Transfer of Installations between
Services of the Ministry of Defence
3176 requires the sanction of ____? CGDA MOD DGADS GOI D

. Irregularities noticed during post Concerne Dept. of
audit of ECHS bills/vouchers will be d ECHS Ex
brought to the notice of ____ by M Station poly serviceme
3177 section of PCDA/CDA office? H.Qrs. clinics GOC in C n Welfare A

. Irregularities noticed during post Concerne Dept. of
audit of ECHS bills/vouchers will be d ECHS Ex
brought to the notice of ____ by M Station poly serviceme
3178 section of PCDA/CDA office? H.Qrs. clinics GOC in C n Welfare A
Advertised tender enquiry is generally
used for procurement of goods of
3179 value Rs _______ and above 20 lakhs 15 lakhs 25 lakhs 10 lakhs C
Transfer to a post carrying less pay Written
3180 cannot be made except due to ___? Infficiency request Both None C

Transit loss of goods is to be born by Equally by No such

______, unless agreed upon the Buyer understan
3181 differently? and Seller Buyer Seller ding B
Transit pay & allowances both forward
and return journey of Govt. servants
transferred to or from Missions and Differs
Offices abroad will be borne by the Parent That plans from case
3182 Ministry ________? Ministry transfer Both to case B
Transportation of Men and Material is
the responsibility of which of the Corps of
3183 following corps of Indian Army? ASC AOC EME Engineers A
Transportation of stores from abroad Stores Freight special
to India by air under special sanction collect collect collect
3184 of India are received on _____ basis basis basis basis None B
Transportation wing of PCDA (O) does Short Reserve
not deal with Travelling Allowance Service Officers
claims of which of the following Commissi Reemploy when
3185 officers? oned ed recalled None D
Travel by AC Taxi during Temp. duty is
admissible for officers drawing Pay in 12 and 13 and 14 and None of
3186 Pay level above above above these C
Travel entitlements for journeys
between Mainland & A&N Islands and
Lakshdweep Islands by Ships operated
by Shipping Corporation of India Ltd A Cabin B Cabin Deluxe
3187 during TD for Pay level 10 is Class Class Class Bunk Class C
Travel in AC I during Temp. duty is
admissible for officers drawing Pay in 9 and 10 and 11 and 12 and
3188 Pay level above above above above D

Travelling Allowance of Military Defence Civil Both a, b Both a, b

students under training with survey Services Departme 50-50 75-25
3189 parties is debitable to the ______? Estimates nt ratio ratio B

AFCAO is a service organization under PCDA (AF) Headquart All the
3190 the administrative control of ____? Dehradun HQ IDS ers three C
Chief Finance
Treasuries in the State Government District Minister Minister
set up are generally under the State Treasury of the of the
3191 supervisionatofAMA
Treatment ____?consulting room Assembly Officers state State B
can be extended to ____ days if the
system of treatment is
3192 Indian/Homeopathy? 20 25 30 40 D
Treatment at AMA consulting room is
limited to maximum of ___ No such
3193 consultations
Trial balance, Profit
10 days
loss account, 2 3 4 limit C
balance sheet and cash flow
statement are outcomes of which Summarisi
3194 accounting process? Recording Classifying ng Analysing C
TTEIG is made available to Master
_____________ in Defence Service Adjutant Engineer General of
3195 Estimates? QMG General in Chief Ordnance D

Two HRAs are payable for the & Nicobar North East
3196 employees posted in ____? Islands Region Both None C
Two or more persons are said to ____
when they agree upon the same thing
3197 in the same sense as oer Contract Act? Consent Accept Contract Consider A
Two or more persons are said to in the
consent when they agree upon as per the same same
3198 Contract Act? thing sense A or B A And B D
Two separate skeleton lists one for
No. 3 & one for No. 5 copies are
required to be prepared and Engineer
3199 forwarded to LAO by ___ Depots? Remount Medical Store Ordnance D
to use
kinds of
Two spells of EOL, intervened by during
another kind of leave should be one Depends Intervene
treated as ______ for the purpose of continuou Different on case to ning
3200 applying
After _ nothe
maximum of limit
funds will be s spell spells case periods A
made for any new major work not
included in years programme unless
work can be entirely financed during 15th 30th 15th 31st
3201 the year?
Two tier processing (Auditor + November November December December A
AO/SAO) - for all bills valuing above
the financial powers of AAOs and up
3202 to Rs. _____ 1 lakh 2 lakhs 5 lakhs 10 lakhs B
Ultimately, the ____ recovers the
amount from the applicant in the case Issuing Advising All the
3203 of payment through Letter of Credit? Seller Bank Bank three B

15 days in Any
Unavaialed portion of Joining Time can Only One entire Number
be credited to EL account of an occasion service Two of
employee (Subject to maximum of 15 in the irrespectiv occassions occassions
days) can be done on ____ entire e of No. of in entire . No such
3204 Occassions? service occassions service restirction D
Unavailed Joining Time if credited to
EL account, the total should not No such Cannot be
3205 exceed? 300 315 limit credited A
Unaviled portion of which of the Joining Paternity Maternity All the
3206 periods can be credited to EL account? Time leave Leave three A
Under Buy (Global), procurement will
3207 be done from ____ vendors? Indian Foreign Both None C

Under CGHS employee drawing basic General Ward and Private Delux
3208 pay of 47601 to 63100 is eligible for Ward below Ward Ward B

Semi Private
Under CGHS employee drawing basic General Private Ward and Delux
3209 pay of 63101-80900 Ward Ward below Ward C
Semi Delux
Under CGHS employee drawing basic General Private Private ward and
3210 pay of 80900 and above Ward Ward ward below D
Under CGHS employee drawing basic No such
3211 pay up to is eligible for only General 47600 63100 80900 limit A
After 7th CPC Air Travel is admissible
for LTC for the employees in pay level
3212 Under
___ andCPF
scheme, contribution by 6 7 8 9D
Government is credited to the
subscriber's account once in a
3213 ____? year half year Quarter month A
Under FR 56 J Review is done for
3214 Under
Group FR
C post
56 Jafter
is donethe
forage of 50 52 55 58 C
Group C post in case not governed by
any pension rules Completion of ____
3215 years of service 25 30 33 35 B

Before the
Under normal circumstances, the Before commenc
declared place of visit can be changed submissio ement of
, with the approval of the Competent At any n of final onward None of
3216 Under
special financial powers of time claim journey these. C
Army Commanders, power to
purchase of stores of ordnance origin GOCs in C
up to Rs. 10 crores per transaction in of all GOC in C
consultation with Finance is vested command of NC & Chief of GOC in C
3217 with ___? s EC Army ARTRAC B
Under the Administrative Tribunals
3218 Act, a bench consists of ___ members 2 3 4 5A
Achieving Pre
targets in determine
Minimum a d plans
Under the concept of 3 Es of Audit, Operating systematic and Low All the
3219 Economy is defined as ___? cost manner cost three A
Under the DFPDS 2016, all CFAs are Procurem
required to form .. for processing Purchase ent Profession
various stages of procurement Committe Board of Committe al Officers
3220 proposal
Under the scheme of e Officers e Board C
Departmentalization of Accounts,
_____ of the Ministry concerned has
been made responsible for the
submission of the audited Annual
Appropriation Accounts duly signed by Controller Financial
3221 the Chief
Under theAccounting
scheme of Authority Geneal Pr. CCA Secretary Advisor D
Departmentalization of Accounts, Pay Local
each Ministry/Department has a Accounts Audit
3222 _____ under them? Office Office Both None A
After approval maximum of ___% of
the AE amount will be added for
special Architectural features and
superior specifications in respect of
3223 buildings identified as prestigeous? 10 25 33.33 50 A
Defence Focal
Under the scheme of Focal Point Accountin Point
3224 Branch, each CDA is a _______? g Circle Branch Both None A
At the first At the first technical CFA
instance instance and decides
only only financial which bid
technical financial bids are is to be
bid is bid is opened opened
3225 Under the two bid system: opened opened together first A
For an
approved For study
course of of PG at
Under what circumstances can study in For one'
commuted leave be taken without public personal To visit s own
3226 Medical Certificate? interest reasons abroad effort A
Under what grounds commuted leave Private Grounds Illness of ChildrensE
3227 can be granted to Govt. employee? Grounds with MC wife ducation B
Under which article of constitution
Consolidated Fund of India has been
3228 prescribed or referred? 112 343 266 148 C
Under which article of constitution
Contingency fund of India has been
3229 prescribed or referred? 112 148 266 267 D
Under which article of constitution
Public Account of India has been
3230 prescribed or referred? 112 148 266 267 C

When the
presenting When
Under which circumstances, a Charged officer is Disciplinar
Official can defend his case with the legal y
assistance of Legal Practitioner in practition Authority
3231 Disciplinary proceedings? er so permits None Both D
eligible where the
persons seniority
were of a
omitted person is over-
to be revised reporting
Under which condition Review DPC considere retrospect of All the
3232 should be convened? d ively vacancies three D

Departme Departme
Departme nt of nt of Not under
Under which department of Ministry nt of Expenditu Financial Ministry
3233 of Finance does CGA come? Revenue re Service of Finance B
After CFA has approved the case, a formal
communication of concurrence may a formal U.O
3234 given through _______ letter number DO letter OM B
Under which of the following During During
circumstances, Government servants suspensio Study
3235 are eligible for LTC (self)? n Leave Both None B
Under which of the following
circumstances, pay fixation is not Transfer
involved in respect of Government to a lower Permanen Deputatio
3236 servant under 7th CPC? post t Transfer n None B
Under which of the following Delay in
conditions, stepping up of pay is not assumptio Refusing
allowed for a senior drawing less pay n of promotio
3237 when compared to Junior? charge n Both None C
Under which of the following methods
of valuation of material, closing stock All the
3238 is valuated at latest market price? FIFO LIFO HIFO three A
Under which of the following methods
of valuation of material, current cost All the
3239 of materials is charged to production? FIFO LIFO HIFO three B
Revision Original TS
Under which of the following reasons, of is found
Technical Sanction (TS) accorded to Administr based on
costed schedule of work cannot be Technical ative inaccurate
3240 Under
revised?which of the following scheme reasons Approval Estimates None D
the account of a Govt. official covered
under NPS2004 is mandatorily to be C) Tier I D) None
3241 opened? A) Tier I B) Tier II and II of these A
Under which of the methods of on fund
depreciation, asset value will not be Original investmen
3242 reduced ? cost t Both None B
Under which of the methods of
depreciation, asset will become Nil Straight Diminishin
3243 after some time period? line g balance Both None A
Under which rule of CCS CCA Rules an
3244 employee can be suspended 9 10 14 16 B
After closing of annual accounts, if a
rectification/readjustment is
necessary, same will be carried out
3245 with prior approval of ___? CGA C&AG Both a & b MOD A
Pay &
Undisbursed pay& allowances are Allowance Deposits Suspense Any of the
3246 credited to ______? s head Head Head three A
to Lapses to is carried Depends
Unexpended balances of Cash Governme Governme forward to on case to
3247 Assignment ____? nt nt next year case B
Carried Deposited ally lapsed
forwarded to CDA to
Unexpended balances under cash to next through governme
3248 assignments
Unit concerned
____?forward year MRO nt None C
Discharge Roll of the PBOR together
with Medical Examination Report or
Release Board proceedings to Record
Office at least ____ in advance of the 12 24
3249 date of discharge 6 months 9 months months months A
Unit Entitlements are written in ____
3250 in the Registers for each type of Red Ink Black Ink Blue Ink Pencil D
Unit of product or service in rlation to Cost
which costs are ascertained is defined Allocation Cost All the
3251 as ____? unit Centre Cost Unit three C
Unit Transport Register is maintained
3252 in ?? IAFZ 3023 IAFS 3023 IAFZ 3203 IAFS 3203 A
Unit Transport Register is maintained
3253 in ?? IAFZ 3023 IAFS 3023 IAFZ 3203 IAFS 3203 A
Unit Transport Register is maintained
3254 in IAFZ 3023 IAFS 3023 IAFZ 3203 IAFS 3203 A
Units in which inspection may be
limited to one occasion per anum,
normally ____ month cash account is
3255 After
in full by of
the estimates for four three two one D
budgetary allocations, the Department
of Expenditure in consultation with
NITI Aayog and the concerned
Ministries shall prepare _____ Budget
statement linking outlays against each
scheme/project with the Performa Modified
outputs/deliverables and medium Performa nce and Appropria
3256 term outcomes nce Outcome Outcome tion B
Units of Air Force responsible to Station Self Special Store
maintain public fund accounts on Accountin Accountin Accountin Accountin
3257 Unless
station otherwise
basis are known
the g Units g Units g Units g units B
parties, an order or ruling of the
arbitral tribunal made prior to the
replacement of an arbitrator shall not
be ____solely because there has been
a change in the composition of the Postpone Implemen
3258 Unless
President, in view of the Valid Invalid d ted B
exceptional circumstances of the case
otherwise determines, no
Government servant shall be granted
leave of any kind for a continuous
3259 period exceeding _____? 180 days 360 days 2 years 5 years D
Stores in
Unserviceable MT spare parts are Divisional Hand Salvage All the
3260 accounted for in ____ by MES? Stock Ledger Ledger three C

Unserviceable surplus stores should Field by
be returned by Formation Engineers Engineer Ordnance Formation
3261 to _____for disposal Park Depot a or b Engineers C

Surrender through
Unspent balance under Annual ed to MRO to
Training Grant as on 31st March of a Governme PCDA/CD
3262 year should be ________? nt A Both None C
be utilized
to the
Unspent balance under Training Grant Lapse to be carried best
at the close of financial year will Governme forward to interest of Any of the
3263 ___________ ? nt next year state three A
Unspent balances under Receipt Governme
3264 Heads and Expenditure heads are Balances nt Both None B
3265 UO Number is allotted by ??.. A IFA/PIFA CGDA FADS B
3266 UO Number is allotted by .. A IFA/PIFA CGDA FADS B
After retirement what amount can be A) 40% of B) 60% of C) 100%
withdrawn by the Govt. official feom total the total of total D) None
3267 his NPS account? deposit deposit deposit of these B
UO Number is centrally controlled PCDA/CD
3268 by??.. A FADS CGDA MoD C
3269 UO Number is centrally controlled by.. A FADS CGDA MoD C
Up to Rs. ____ purchase can be done
3270 on GeM portal without any 25000 50000 2.5 Lakhs 30 Lakhs B
Up-gradation under MACP scheme is
admissible on completion of ___ years
3271 of service in a post? 4 6 8 10 D
Up-gradation under MACP scheme is The next next
granted to the Government Employee higher higher pay
3272 to ___? grade level Both None B
Upto Rs. _____, goods can be
3273 purchased without quotation 50000 25000 20000 15000 B
uniform unity uniform unity
resource resource resource resource
3274 URL stands for located locator locator located abc
Used Measurement Books are kept
3275 under the personal custody of ___ in a GE AGE JE AO D
Using Paste Special command which of All of
3276 the following you can paste selectively Formulas Validation Formats above abc
3277 Uttrakhand kis kshetra ke adhin aata K Kh G Gh A
Higher ve pay as
After reversion from Deputation, if the post pay if he has Deputatio As per the
employee was eligible for promotion from date not gone n post pay option
in the parent department from a date of on till next exercised
falling during the period of deputation, reporting deputatio promotio by the
3278 Vacancies
he will be eligible
in Hindifor
____ pay?
grade are back n n individual B
filled by promotion from Senior Hindi
Translators with __years regular
3279 service in the grade? 8 6 5 3D
Vacuum tubes was used in
3280 ___________________generation. First third Fourth Fifth abc
Validation reports generated by EDP in
respect of Part II orders will be
checked __% by the respective AAOs
3281 with the Part II Orders? 100 66.66 50 33.33 A
Value of anticipated drawal over a
period of _______ should be taken
into account while determining the
level of CFA for conclusion of Rate
3282 Contract/Price Agreement? 3 months 6 months 9 months 1 year D
Value of stores issued to Contractor
free for fixing will form the part of Contract Completio Completio Constructi
____ for the purpose of total Agreemen n Report n on
3283 expenditure incurred for the work? t Part A Certificate Account D
Varsh 1976 mein sansdiye Rajbhasha Narayan Om Morarji Inme se
3284 smiti ke adhykash kaun the ? Mishra Mehta Desai koi nahi B
Vehicle Log Book is maintained in form
3285 No?? IAFZ 2179 IAFZ 2197 IAFZ 2971 IAFZ 2719 B
Vehicle Log Book is maintained in form
3286 No IAFZ 2179 IAFZ 2197 IAFZ 2971 IAFZ 2719 B
Vehicles condemned as BER under All the
3287 proper authority will be treated as Salvage Scrap Obsolete three A
Vehicles condemned as BER under the All the
3288 .proper
authority will be&treated as Surplus Salvage Scrap three B
amendments, if any, there to in
respect of Army Officers are signed
only by the ___ nominated for this Wing Any of the
3289 .purpose?
LPC-Cum-Data-Sheets & Officer SAO/AO AAO three B
amendments, if any, there to in
respect of Army Officers are signed
only by the ___ nominated for this Wing Any of the
3290 purpose? Officer SAO/AO AAO three B
After the drawee of a bill has signed
his assent upon the bill, or, if there are
more parts thereof than one, upon
one of such parts, and delivered the
same, or given notice of such signing
to the holder or to some person on his
3291 behalf, he is called _____? Drawer Drawee Payee Acceptor D
Vehicles found to be beyond
3292 economical repair by workshops are Class III Class IV Class V Class VI D
Verification of the competency of the
authority incurring expenditure out of Expenditu Performa Concurren Sanction
3293 Verification
public money ofisspecimen
a part of signature
____ audit.
of re audit nce audit t Audit Audit D
the Officers preferring third party
claims in respect of
stores/services/works etc should be
done 100% by AAO when the value of
3294 the transaction exceeds Rs. ____? 1000 5000 10000 25000 D
Vertical and horizontal totals in
3295 ledgers are known as___________ in Costing Balances Totals Castings D

Members Members Decided
Vice President of India will be elected of Lok of Rajya by
3296 by ____? Sabha Sabha Both President C

Some None.
Person Deputy
appointed Chairpers
Vice President of India will take oath by on Rajya
3297 in the presence of _____? President President a or b Sabha C
Voluntary transfer of possession from
one person to another is defined as
3298 ____ under sale of goods act? Sale Purchase Delivery Transfer C

Previous Previous included
years years in
Vote on Account Budget covers 1/6 th allotment expenditu Demands
3299 of __________? s re for Grants None C
made by
service Passed by
headquart Authorize Parliamen Authorize
3300 Vote on Account
Vouchers for stores
is transferred by ers d by CGDA t d by FADS C
bakeries to units or formations will be
sent by the ______ with a top list to
the consignee's LAO for LAO of the
verification of credits in the concerned Concerne PCDA/CD All the
3301 consignee's ledgers Bakery d Bakery A three C
After the pensioners are paid, the
pension paid voucher is required to be
submitted to the PCDA (Pensions) by Post
3302 all the PDAs except ____? DPDOs Banks Offices None A
Vouchers of stores which are not Simple
required to be struck off or brought on Receipt/Is
charge by issuing/receiving formations sue Expense Nominal Skeleton
3303 are known as ___? vouchers Vouchers Vouchers vouchers C

Vouchers on which expendable stores Certified

are issued to various branches of Army Nominal Expense Issue Issue
3304 Head Quarters are known as _____? Vouchers vouchers Vouchers Vouchers A
Virtual Virtual Vide Virtual
Private Protocol Private Preferred
3305 VPN Stands For Network Network Network Network abc

Credit Debit
Wages include expenditure on Credit Debit wages and wages and
erection of building. What will be the wages and wages and Debit Credit
3306 adjustment in Final Accounts? Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings C

tion Bonus as
payable per terms
under any of
award a Employme
3307 Wages include which of the following? Court nt Both None C
GOC in C
in E in C in
Waiving of authorized charges on a/c consultati consultati
of electric energy and water from the on with on with
Occupants of Govt. Buildings can be PCDA/CD PCDA/CD
3308 done by A A Both None D
Waiving of authorized charges on
account of electric energy and water
3309 requires the sanction of ________ PCDA E in C CE GOI D
With All
Wide Area With All Networkin None of
3310 WAN Network network g These abc
Want of receipted copies of issue Depends
vouchers from consignee unit is Observati on case to Trivial
3311 classified as _______ in audit on Objection case Error B
Major Minor
3312 Warning is ______? penalty penalty Both None D

To be
decided in
Agreement in restraint of marriage is each case
3313 ______? Valid Voidable Void on merits C

Fixed rate
All India based on
Water issued to Contractors for works Flat Rate value of
will be charged at a rate stated in the for work for
contract, which will be in general metered unmetere Any of
3314 Ways
_____? and Means Advances are supplies d supplies two None C
repayable in each case not later than
_______ from the date of making that
3315 advance? 6 months 4 months 3 months 2 months C
We import Do2 in project dolphin Post None of
3316 through Dakghar Office Post box these abc
Their area equal to
of all
Welfare Grant in Aid is released to Budget Jurisdictio controller
3317 PCsDA/CsDA on _______ basis? handled Per capita n s B

Initiate Sanctionin
disciplinar g the
y action leave Treating
Treating for admissible the period
the days unauthori for the of
What action can be taken against as Casual sed period of absence
3318 What
to be invested
in strike?
byleave absence absence as EOL B
the Govt. official in pension scheme A) 40% of B) 60% of C) 100%
after retirement out of the NPS total the total of total D) None
3319 account? deposit deposit deposit of these A
What amount is to be paid out of NPS
account to the family of a Govt. A) 40% of B) 60% of C) 80% of D) Total
servant on his/her death during total the total total amount
3320 service? deposit deposit deposit deposited D

Easy Cross All the

3321 What are the essentials of filing? location reference Retention above D
It should
It should allow for It should All the
3322 What are the essentials of indexing? be simple speed be flexible above D
To Procure
purchase systems
To in bulk to where
What are the points to be kept in mind purchase seek upgradati
while procuring the Computer the latest volume on is All the
3323 Systems system discount possible three D

To be
decided in
Agreement without consideration is each case
3324 What
_____?are the powers of AO/SAO to Void Voidable Valid on merits A
pass third party claims i.e. up to Rs.
___ except in the office of PCDA New Full
3325 Delhi? 5 lakhs 50 lakhs 1 crore powers C
, Expenditu
Budget Expenditu Budget re
estimates, re estimates, statement
What are the three different kinds of Revised statement Revenue , Revised
figures provided by the ministries estimates and statement estimates
during the process of budget and Budget and and
3326 preparation? Actuals estimates Actuals Actuals A

What are the tools available in GeM Online Reverse Both A & None of
3327 for procurement of goods and services bidding auction B the above C
Technical Quality Primary
and and and
What are the two bids in a two bid Financial Quantity Secondary Initial and
3328 system of tendering? Bid Bid Bid final Bid A
which is
Maintain unbecomi
Maintain absolute ng of a
What behaviour is expected of a Govt. absolute devotion Govt. All of
3329 servant at all times? integrity to duty servant these D
What code head is required to be
operated in case of an unbalanced 00/020/8 00/020/8 00/020/6 00/020/8
3330 punching medium to balance it? 0 3 1 2 C

What do you mean by MR with Major Minor Major Manual

3331 reference to DO II in a PAO (ORs)? Record Rejection Rejection Rejection D
What do you mean by P with Processed Partially for want
reference to DO II in a PAO (ORs) successfull Purified acted of earlier
3332 Accepted/Rejected by system? y Record record DOII D

What does 'BOC' stand for Brought Better on Bring or None of

3333 receipt of stores? on charge charge cancel these A
Year of
What does 15 in Vehicle No. 15 A Sl. No. of Manufact Life of the None of
3334 234576M stands for ? Vehicle ure Vehicle these B

To be
decided in
Agreements by way of wager are each case
3335 _____? Valid Voidable Void on merits C
What does Mark in Attendance Not
3336 Register denote? Leave Late Present None C
What does L Mark in Attendance Not
3337 Register denote? Leave Late Present None D
What does 'BOC' stand for receipt of Brought Better on Bring or None of
3338 stores? on charge charge cancel these A

placed but
yet to
What does dues indicate while vetting materialis payment Quantity
3339 the Provision Review e Liability due supplied A
Free Free
against alongside Firm on
3340 What does FAS stand for? ship Fit on ship ship ship C
Revenue Capital
Expenditu Expenditu MES R&D
What does Major Head 4076 pertain re of re of Expenditu Expenditu
3341 to? Defence Defence re re B

This code
The Code head will Option A,
Head is be This is not B and C
What does prefix 01 to the code head Service available RDR code are
3342 denotes? Code head in CHB head correct D

Supply of
What does Schedule D refer to in a services Supply of Hiring of Hiring of
3343 Contract Agreement by MES? by MES Stores T&P Transport D

Cash Store
irregulariti irregulariti
es already es already
reported reported
Fresh but Fresh but
Cash remaining store remaining
What does Section & of Part I of the irregulariti outstandi irregulariti outstandi
3344 MFAI Report consists of? es ng es ng A

Cash Store
irregulariti irregulariti
es already es already
reported reported
Fresh but Fresh but
Cash remaining store remaining
What does Section & of Part II of the irregulariti outstandi irregulariti outstandi
3345 MFAI Report consists of? es ng es ng B
Air Force has ___ Minor heads of
3346 accounting? 8 9 10 12 A
Cash Store
irregulariti irregulariti
es already es already
reported reported
Fresh but Fresh but
Cash remaining store remaining
What does Section & of Part I of the irregulariti outstandi irregulariti outstandi
3347 MFAI Report consists of? es ng es ng C

Cash Store
irregulariti irregulariti
es already es already
reported reported
Fresh but Fresh but
Cash remaining store remaining
What does Section & of Part II of the irregulariti outstandi irregulariti outstandi
3348 MFAI Report consists of? es ng es ng D
Cash Cash Stores Stores
irregulariti irregulariti irregulariti irregulariti
es es es es
What does section (A) of part II of reported reported reported reported
3349 MFAI Report represent? fresh already fresh already B
Stores Cash Stores Cash
irregulariti irregulariti irregulariti irregulariti
es es es es
What does section (B) of part I of reported reported reported reported
3350 MFAI Report represent? fresh already already fresh A

Cash Store
irregulariti irregulariti
es already es already
reported reported
Fresh but Fresh but
Cash remaining store remaining
What does Section 'A' of Part I of the irregulariti outstandi irregulariti outstandi
3351 MFAI Report consists of? es ng es ng A

Cash Store
irregulariti irregulariti
es already es already
reported reported
Fresh but Fresh but
Cash remaining store remaining
What does Section 'B' of Part I of the irregulariti outstandi irregulariti outstandi
3352 MFAI Report consists of? es ng es ng C
nt e- Governme
What does the abbreviation GeM Market General e Goods e nt e
3353 stand for ? place Marker Material material A

Monthly Mid Material Material

What does the abbreviation MMF Maintena month Managem Managem
3354 indicate? nce Figure Figure ent Figure ent Fund A
What does the first 2 digits of DIDS
3355 number denote? Month Section CDA Year C
What ir the rate per month admissible
on account of Aeronautical Allowance
3356 payable to PBORs? 338 450 675 144 B
All acquisitions of lands and buildings Ministry
and relinquishment thereof within the of Urban
enclaves of New Delhi is the DGDE, Developm
3357 responsibility of ______? New Delhi ent MOD CGDA B
What ir the rate per month admissible
on account of Airworthiness
Certificate Allowance payable to
3358 What
the rate
admissible 338 450 675 144 A
on account of Airworthiness
Certificate Allowance payable to
PBORs with more than 10 years
3359 service? 338 450 675 144 C

All- Beginner's
purpose All System Beginner's
Symbolic Instructio All Simple
Instructio n for Instructio None of
3360 What is BASIC Language n Code Computer n Code These abc

A simple A lever Tabulating None of

3361 What is Hollerith machine machine machine Machine these abc

First Page
Page at othe None of
3362 What is Homepage home website Web page These abc

email to
Minus A letter to office of
What is issued by SBI CMP in case of Debit Advice Accounts the CDA
3363 rejection of a payment? Scroll Memo Section concerned A
What is maximum Zoom percentage in
3364 Microsoft PowerPoint ? 100 200 300 400 abc
What is rate of Dip Money payable per
3365 Minute for Dip-Fathom 20 to 30 2.7 4.05 5.4 8.1 B
What is rate of Dip Money payable per
3366 Minute for Dip-Fathom 30 to 40 2.7 4.05 5.4 8.1 C
What is rate of Dip Money payable per
3367 Minute for Dip-Fathom 40 to 50 2.7 4.05 5.4 8.1 D

All advances of traveling allowance Debt Register Loans and Demand

will be entered in a ______ Heads of Advances cum Audit
3368 maintained for the purpose? Register Advances Register Register D
What is rate of Dip Money payable per
3369 Minute for Dip-Fathom 50 to 60 8.1 10.8 15.3 17.1 B
What is rate of Dip Money payable per
3370 Minute for Dip-Fathom 60 to 75 8.1 10.8 15.3 17.1 C
What is rate of Dip Money payable per
3371 Minute for Dip-Fathom 75 to 100 8.1 10.8 15.3 17.1 D
What is rate of Dip Money payable per
3372 Minute for Dip-Fathom up to 20 2.7 4.05 5.4 8.1 A
What is the % of advance admissible
for indoor treatment where CGHS
package rate is available for specific
3373 treatment of illness? 25 50 75 90 D
What is the % of Basic Pay admissible
3374 as Extra
What is the
work % allowance
of Basic Paytoadmissible
PBORs? 1 2 5 10 B
as Hard Area Allowance to
Officers/PBORs posted to
3375 Lakshadweep
What is the % Islands
of Basic Pay admissible 10 12 15 20 B
as Hard Area Allowance to
Officers/PBORs posted to Nicobar
3376 Islands 10 12 15 20 D
What is the % of Basic Pay admissible
as Island Allowance to Officers/PBORs
3377 posted to Areas around capital towns? 10 16 20 25 A
What is the % of Basic Pay admissible
as Island Allowance to Officers/PBORs
3378 posted
All air passages
to Difficult
Areas?unless 10 16 20 25 B
otherwise specifically provided for in
authorised regulations or other orders
of Government, require the prior Governme
3379 sanction of ____? MOD AFHQrs. IFA nt of India D
What is the % of Basic Pay admissible
as Island Allowance to Officers/PBORs
3380 posted to More Difficult Areas? 10 16 20 25 C
What is the % of Basic pay admissible
on account of Non Practicing
3381 Allowance
What is theto%Officers
of reservation
per month? 5 10 15 20 D
earmarked for all posts in DAD in
respect of Ex-Service Men in Group C
3382 posts of
What is the
DR?% of reservation 27 15 7.5 10 D
earmarked for all posts in DAD in
respect of Other Backward Casts out
3383 of DR? 27 15 7.5 10 A
What is the % of reservation
earmarked for all posts in DAD in
3384 respect of Scheduled Casts out of DR? 27 15 7.5 10 B
What is the % of reservation
earmarked for all posts in DAD in
3385 respect of Scheduled Tribes out of DR? 27 15 7.5 10 C

Internatio Internatio
nal Indian nal Indian
What is the abbreviation INCOTERMS Commerci currency currency consultan
3386 stand for? al Terms terms terms cy terms A

Negotiate Cancel the

with L2 to registratio
What is the action to be taken in case Retenderi L2 to be bring the n of L1
3387 of withdrawal of offer by L1? ng accepted offer to L1 firm A
What is the age of retirement for C &
3388 AG of India? 58 60 62 65 D
What is the age prescribed for
retirement superannuation for Central
3389 Government Employees? 58 60 62 65 B

All alterations to the capital cost Periodical

arising out of renewals of whatever Services
value will be entered in ___ Measure Register Plant Constructi
maintained for each installation by ment of Record on
3390 MES? Book Buildings Book Accounts C
What is the amount admissible on
3391 account PC Advance to employees? 75000 50000 40000 30000 B
What is the amount admissible per
anum on account of Dress Allowance
3392 to Army Officers? 20000 15000 10000 5000 A
What is the amount admissible per
anum on account of Dress Allowance
3393 to MNS Officers? 20000 15000 10000 5000 B
What is the amount admissible per
3394 anum is
What onthe
amountof of
Allowance 20000 15000 10000 5000 C
per month for CGHS subscriber
receiving pay in the pay level of 1 to
3395 5? is the amount of contribution
What 250 450 650 1000 A
per month for CGHS subscriber
receiving pay in the pay level of 12
3396 and above? 250 450 650 1000 D
What is the amount of contribution
per month for CGHS subscriber
3397 receiving
What is the
in the pay
of contribution
level of 6? 250 450 650 1000 B
per month for CGHS subscriber
receiving pay in the pay level of 7 to
3398 11? 250 450 650 1000 C
50% of
What is the amount of Earnest Money 5% of EMD paid same as
Deposit to be taken from Ordnance Tender by private other
3399 Factories? No EMD amount firms firms A
What is the amount of Grant in Aid
released for welfare of the employees
in Central Government Department on
3400 per man basis 50 100 25 75 A
none of
Which command is used to record a mentione
3401 user login session in a file macro read script d C
none of
Which command is used to record a mentione
3402 user login session in a file macro read script d C
. Part II orders published in respect of
Army Officers are broadly divided into
3403 ____ categories in PCDA (O)? 2 3 4 5B
. Part II orders published in respect of
Army Officers are broadly divided into
3404 ____
All bills
of their
(O)?nature will 2 3 4 5B
be received only in the Record section
of the PCDA/ CDA?s office and will be
sent to the respective section after
being duly diarized. Under no
circumstances should any bill be
eceived by any section direct. Medical Works
3405 Exception is Bills Bills None Both C

a or b or c
What is the amount of HBA payable to Cost of Repaying whichever
3406 Government servants? 25 lakhs the house Capacity is least D

No such
What is the amount of ignorable part Entire
of pension that need not be deducted pension to
from the Re-employment pay in be
3407 respect of Army Officers? deducted 6000 9000 15000 D
What is the amount payable to officer
3408 on account of PG Allowance (Degree) 2250 1500 3400 2700 A
What is the amount payable to officer
3409 on account of PG Allowance (Diploma) 1350 1500 2250 2700 A
What is the amount payable to PBORs
on account of Classification Allowance
when upgraded from one class to
3410 higher class for X category 225 270 300 500 B
What is the amount payable to PBORs
on account of Good Service Allowance
3411 First Badge? 144 288 432 576 A
What is the amount payable to PBORs
on account of Good Service Allowance
3412 Second Badge? 144 288 432 576 B
What is the amount payable to PBORs
on account of Good Service Allowance
3413 Third Badge? 144 288 432 576 C

n of
Competen Part II
What is the authority for move on TD t Office Section Both (a) &
3414 ? Authority Order Order (c) B
What is the average No. of working
hours in a week that government
3415 office observes? 44 42 40 45 C
All bonafide expenditure to
Government will appear in which Plus Plus Minus Minus
3416 column of the Punching medium ? Receipt Charge Receipt Charge B
What is the basic document laying
Project Parameters and acts as the Market
reference document for the vendor as Analysis All the
3417 well as the user Tender Estimates report three A
What is the basic document that Printed
serves the purpose of Journal in the Punching Compilati All the
3418 Accounting System used in DAD Ledger Medium on three B
What is the basic unit of Infantry in
3419 Indian Army? Regiment Battalion Company None B

Return of Licence Occupatio All the

3420 What is the basis for recovery of LF recoveries fee bills n Returns three C

Costed Approxim
What is the basis on which a CFA Rough Schedule ate All the
3421 accords administrative approval? Cost of works Estimates three C
What is the bid validity in case of
3422 single bid RFP? 120 days 90 days 60 days 30 days B
What is the CGHS contribution
prescribed per month for employees
3423 of pay levels 1 to 5 250 450 650 1000 A
What is the CGHS contribution
prescribed per month for employees
3424 of pay levels 12 and above 250 450 650 1000 D
What is the CGHS contribution
3425 prescribed per month for employees 250 450 650 1000 B
What is the CGHS contribution
prescribed per month for employees
3426 of pay levels 7 to 11 250 450 650 1000 C

All cases of losses in the offices at Respectiv Principal

Armed Forces Head Quarters are e Head of Staff PCDA New
3427 investigated by Offices CBI Officers Delhi A
What is the code head used to book 00/021/0 00/020/8 00/020/8 00/020/9
3428 amount paid through Cheques? 0 2 1 1 C
What is the code head used to book
the amount if the payment is through 00/021/0 00/020/8 00/020/8 00/020/9
3429 electronic media? 0 2 1 1 D
What is the colour of APAR form used
3430 for writing APAR of CDA? Cream Blue Pink None B
30 MPs 30 MPs 30 MPs
(15-Lok (20-Lok 30 MPs (0- (30-Lok
Sabha, 15- Sabha, 10- Lok Sabha, Sabha, 0-
What is the composition of Estimates Rajya Rajya 30- Rajya Rajya
3431 Committee? Sabha) Sabha) Sabha) Sabha) D
22 MPs 30 MPs 30 MPs
(15-Lok 22 MPs (7- (15-Lok (20-Lok
Sabha, 7- Lok Sabha, Sabha, 15- Sabha, 10-
What is the composition of Public Rajya 15- Rajya Rajya Rajya
3432 Accounts Committee? Sabha) Sabha) Sabha) Sabha) A
What is the contribution from Govt. B) 10% of
officials towards NPS 2004 during A) 10% of Pay and C) 14% of D) None
3433 EOL? Pay DA Pay of these D
What is the contribution from Govt. A) Based
officials towards NPS 2004 during on Leave B) 10% of C) 14% of D) None
3434 HPL? Pay leave pay leave pay of these A
What is the contribution from Govt. A) 25% of B) 10% of
officials towards NPS 2004 during pay and Pay and C) 14% of D) None
3435 suspension? DA DA Pay of these A
What is the correct sequence of flow
of work? 1. Demand for and Planning
of New Works 2. Appropriation of
Funds 3. Administrative Approval 4.
3436 Preparation
What is the date
of Approximate
prescribed for
Estimates 1234 1423 1432 1342 C
sending APAR for Review and sending 30th
to APAR section or accepting 31st Septembe
3437 authority? 30th June 31st July August r B
All cases of payments due to incorrect
interpretation by DAD for which direct
responsibility attaches to DAD should
3438 be submitted to ___ for orders? GOI MOD (Fin) CGDA DGADS A
what is the demand number of capital demand demand demand demand
3439 outlay on defence services? 19 20 21 22 C
what is the demand number of demand demand demand demand
3440 defence pensions? 19 20 21 22 D
what is the demand number of demand demand demand demand
3441 defence services - revenue? 19 20 21 22 B
what is the demand number of
expenditure related to ministry of demand demand demand demand
3442 defence (misc.) 19 20 21 22 A
What is the Departmental Charges(DC)
leviable in respect of loss of MT stores
caused due to gross neglect on the
3443 part of officer and staff? 0.025 0.035 0.04 0.045 D
What is the Departmental Charges(DC)
leviable in respect of loss of Ordnance
stores caused due to gross neglect on
3444 the part of officer and staff? 0.035 0.045 0.05 0.06 C

Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts

Section of Section of Section ofSection of
Originatin Originatin OriginatinOriginatin
g g g g
Controller Controller ControllerController
3, 1, 2, 1,
Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts
Section of Section of Section ofSection of
Respondin Respondin Respondin Respondin
g g g g
Controller Controller ControllerController
1 and 3 and 2 and 1 and
What is the distribution of 5 copies of Office Office Office Office
3445 the DIDS? copy 1 copy 1 copy 1 copy 3 B
Audit Accounts Audit office
Section, Section, Section, copy,
Accounts Audit Accounts Audit
Section, Section, section, Section,
What is the distribution of copies of Office Office office Accounts
3446 MRO? copy copy copy section C
What is the due date of submission of 1st of 3rd of 5th of 7th of
MPR to PCDA/CDA office by the every every every every
3447 LAO/ALAO? Month month month month C
B) D)
A) 01-01- 31.12.200 C) 31.12.200
3448 What is the effective date of NPS? 2004 3 1.04.2004 4 A
All charges paid at ports or elsewhere
in India in connection with stores
obtained from ____ should be treated All the
3449 as expenditure in India? England Pakistan Nepal three A
Left to
No discretion
What is the entitlement for LTC of an restriction Admissibl Admissibl of
employee and his/her family during to avail e to only e to only PCDA/CD
3450 the period of his/her suspension? LTC self family A C
What is the entitlement of an proportio Proportio
employee who joins in the middle of nately or nate to
3451 calendar year to avail Casual Leave? 4 days 8 days full period C
What is the entry pay of AAO in DAD
3452 after VII CPC? 53100 47600 44900 56100 B
3453 What is the entry pay of DCDA in 56100 67700 78800 118500 B
What is the entry pay of level 10 in
3454 Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC? 53100 56100 67700 47600 B
What is the equivalent rank of Major Air Air Vice Commodo Group
3455 General in Air Force? Marshal Marshal re Captain B

Annual Accrual Annual Appropria
Accounts Audit Audit tion
3456 What is the expanded form of AAC? Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate C
What is the extent of audit prescribed
3457 for post audit of pay bills of DAD 0.083333 0.166667 0.25 0.333333 A
What is the financial limit up to which
CFA can resort to purchase with out
3458 any Quotation? 25000 30000 2.5 lakhs None A
what is the form in which estimates of
expenditure from the consolidated
funds included in the annual financial Budget demands revised
3459 All
claims shall ordinarily be preferred estimates for grants estimates actuals B
between Departments, both
commercial and non-commercial of
the Central Government, within the
same financial year and not beyond
____ years from the date of
3460 transaction? 2 3 5 30 B
What is the form number of a normal IAF(CDA)3 IAF(CDA)3 IAF(CDA)3
3461 Punching Medium ? 34 35 36 IAFA336 C
What is the form number of IAFA 338 IAF(CDA) IAF(CDA)3 IAF(CDA)3
3462 DIDS/Class 8 Punching Medium? A 338 38A 36A C
3463 What is the form number of MRO ? IAFA 501 IAFA 503 IAFA 505 IAFA 507 D
What is the form number of normal IAF(CDA)3
3464 Punching Medium? IAFA 336 36 IAFW336 IAFF336 B
What is the form number of Punching IAF(CDA)3 IAF(CDA)3 IAF(CDA)3 IAF(CDA)3
3465 medium used to respond DIDS ? 38A 36A 35A 38B A
(Capital (Gross (Capital
Employed Sales / (Net Sales Employed
What is the formula used to calculate / Gross Capital / Capital /Net
Capital Turnover Ratio in the Ratio Sales) X Employed Employed Sales) X
3466 Analysis? 100 ) X 100 ) X 100 100 C

Assets/Cu Current
What is the formula used to calculate rrent Assets/Lia Assets/Ca Assets/Ca
3467 Current Ratio in the Ratio Analysis? Liabilities bilities pital pital A
(Net Sales/Aver
What is the formula used to calculate Sales/Net age (Sales/Net (Sales/De
Debtors Turnover Ratio in the Ratio Debtors ) Debtors ) Debtors ) btors ) X
3468 Analysis? X 100 X 100 X 100 100 B
What is the formula used to calculate Squre root root of
3469 Economic Ordering Quantity (EOQ)? of 2UP/S) 2UP/S UP/S UP/S A
(Gross (Gross (Operatin (Operatin
Profit Profit g Profit g Profit
What is the formula used to calculate /Total /Net /Total /Net
Gross Profit Ratio in the Ratio Sales) X Sales) X Sales) X Sales) X
3470 Analysis? 100 100 100 100 B
All communications and instructions
issued to contractor arising out of the Measure Contracto
day to day execution work will be ment Work rs Order All the
3471 recorded in ____? Book Diary Book three C
Cost / (Labour
Cost of (Labour Cost / (Labour
Goods Cost / Gross Cost / Net
What is the formula used to calculate Sold) X Sales) X Profit) X Profit) X
3472 Labur Cost Ratio in the Ratio Analysis? 100 100 100 100 B
Consumed (Material (Material
(Material /Cost of Consumed Consumed
What is the formula used to calculate Consumed Goods / Gross /Net
Material Cost Ratio in the Ratio / Sales) X Sold) X Profit) X Profit) X
3473 Analysis? 100 100 100 100 A
(Gross (Gross (Operatin
Profit Profit g Profit (Operatin
/Total /Net /Total g Profit /
What is the formula used to calculate Sales) X Sales) X Sales) X Sales) X
3474 Net Profit Ratio in the Ratio Analysis? 100 100 100 100 C
1- Change in
(Variable Contributi
What is the formula used to calculate Contributi Cost/Sales on/Chang All the
3475 P/V Ratio on/Sales value) e in Sales three D

(Operatin (Total (Cash value of
g Profit sales Available/ Assets
/Operatin /Operatin Operating /Operatin
g Capital g Capital Capital g Capital
What is the formula used to calculate Employed Employed Employed Employed
3476 Profitability Ratio? ) X 100 ) X 100 ) X 100 ) X 100 A
(Net Profit (Gross Profit
(Net Profit after Tax Profit after
/Total /Total /Total Tax/Total
What is the formula used to calculate Assets) X Assets) X Assets) X Assets) X
3477 Return on Assets in the Ratio Analysis? 100 100 100 100 B

(Total (Total (Sales / (Net Sales

What is the formula used to calculate Assets/ Assets/ Total / Total
Total Assets Turnover Ratio in the Net Sales) Sales) X Assets) X Assets) X
3478 Ratio Analysis? X 100 100 100 100 D
Sales/Wor (Sales/Wo (Working (Working
What is the formula used to calculate king rking Capital / Capital /
Working Capital Turnover Ratio in the Capital ) X Capital ) X Net Sales) Sales) X
3479 Ratio Analysis? 100 100 X 100 100 A

What is the formula used to Liquid Liquid Assets/Cu
calculateLiquidity Ratio in the Ratio Assets/ Assets/ rrent Cash/Capi
3480 Analysis? Liabilities Capital Liabilities tal C

What is the frequency of audit of Once in

3481 cantonment Boards Quarterly Half yearly Yearly two years B

All conservancy stores are issued on Payment,

_____ basis to units and cost thereof Free. Not Free, Not Payment,
3482 What
is the
to frequency
any allotment?
of submission debitable Debitable Debitable Debitable A
of Superannuation Lists of civilians by
units to Pay Sections of PCDA/CDA Half once in Once in a
3483 office? Yearly Yearly Two years quarter A

Propriety Propriety Proper Profession

Article Audit Audit al Audit
3484 What is the full form of PAC? Certificate Certificate Certificate Certifcate A
Subscriber Subscriber Subscriber
s s State s
What is the full form of SCF in the contributi contributo Contributi Contributi
3485 context of NPS? on fund ry fund on fund on File D

Apropriati Annual Annual Approxim
on Accounts Audit ate Audit
3486 What is the full form of AAC? Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate C

Holding Army Authority Authority
Special Hospitals Holding Holding
Permissio special Special Sealed
3487 What is the full form of AHSP ? ns Power Powers Particulars D
Annual Average Average dum of
Maintena monthly monthly Understan
3488 What is the full form of AMU? nce Usage usage Units ding B

Approval Assessme Acceptanc

of nt of e of Acceptanc
3489 What is the full form of AON? Necessity necessity Necessity e of Need C

Annual Annual
Annual Performa Performa
Performa nce nce
nce Actual
Appraisal Assessme None of
3490 What is the full form of APAR ? Report Report nt Report these C
Audit g
Performa Performa Audit Accountin
What is the full form of APR in the nce nce Progress g Progress
3491 context of Local Audit? Register Register Register Register C
Approval Acceptanc Acceptanc
of e of e of Annual
Revenue revenue Revenue Revenue
Procurem Procurem Purchase Procurem
3492 What is the full form of ARPP? ent ent Plan ent Plan D
All deposits remaining unclaimed for Time
3493 three years are called as ____ Expired Old Lapsed Standing C

Central Capital
Capital Board of Central Booking of
Booking Revenue Booking of Revenue
Revenue Procurem Revenue Procurem
3494 What is the full form of CBRP? Procedure ent Procedure ent A
Classifiacti Classificati Classificati
on, on, Control, on,
Control Control Classifiacti Conduct
What is the full form of CCA in and and on and and
3495 CCS(CCA) Rules Apprisal Appeal Appeal Appeal B

Complete Competan Competan Complete

Financial t Financial t Fiscal Financial
3496 What is the full form of CFA? Authority Authority Authority availability B
Classificati Classified on and
on Hand Hand Hand None of
3497 What is the full form of CHB? Book Book Book the above A
Certified Credit Controlled Centralise
Issue Issue Issue d Issue
3498 What is the full form of CIV? Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher A
Negotiatio Central Civil
n Negotiatio nodal
Committe nCommitt Committe
3499 What is the full form of CNC? e ee e None A

Ordnance Commerci Commerci Commerci
Transfer ally off the ally off the ally off the
3500 What is the full form of COTS? of Stores shops ships shelf D

Certified Credit Controlled Centralise

Receipt Receipt Receipt d Receipt
3501 What is the full form of CRV? Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher A

Defence Defence Defence Defence

Audit Accountin Auditing Accountin
3502 What is the full form of DAC ? circle g Centre Centre g Circle D
Discounte Daily
d Cash Daily Cash Ceiling of None of
3503 What
All DOsis IIthe
full formbyofunits
DCF?and Flow Flow funds the above A
formations are directly sent by the
concerned units to their respective Record Depot All the
3504 _____? Office Battalion PAO (ORs) three A
deputy for detailed
what is the full form of DDG in the director different demands none of
3505 context of budget? general grants for grants the above C

Daily Disbursem
Data Disbursem Direct ent and
Distributin ent Demandin Deducting
3506 What is the full form of DDO? g Officer Officer g Officer Officer C
Defence Defence Defence Defence
External Emergenc Exchange Executive
3507 What is the full form of DEA ? Account y Account Account Account C

Director Director Director

General ofGeneral of General of
Stores & Supply & Stationery None of
3508 What is the full form of DGS&D? Disposal Disposal & Disposal the above B
Debit Dead Defence
Debt Head Head Head Head
3509 What is the full form of DHR ? Register Register Register Register A
Defence Defence Defence
Inter Internal Defence Interim
Departme Departme Internal Departme
ntal ntal Debit ntal
3510 What is the full form of DIDS? Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule A

Date wise Date wise Daily and

Monthly Daily MRO Monetory Monthly
3511 What is the full form of DMS ? Statement Statement Statement Statement A
Defencce nt of
Procurem Defence Procurem
ent Purchase ent None of
3512 What is the full form of DPM ? Manual Manual Manual the above A

Deviation Departme
Defence from nt of Defence
Public Procurem Public Procurem
Procurem ent Procurem ent
3513 What is the full form of DPP? ent Procedure ent Procedure D
departme departme
ntally nt of departme
related railway nt related
standing standing standing
committe committe commissio none of
3514 what is the full form of DRSC? es e n the above A
. Punching medium of GE office is PCDA/CD
3515 prepared by ___? AO GE A GE RAO/LAO A
. Punching medium of GE office is PCDA/CD
3516 prepared by ___? AO GE A GE RAO/LAO A

All Embassy accounts including EOI, PCDA

Washington are centrally received in CGDA PCDA New PCDA (BR) (R&D)
3517 _______ from Pr CCA, MEA? office Delhi New Delhi New Delhi B
Expenditu Economy Expenditu Economy
re Angle Angle re and and
3518 What is the full form of EAS? Sanction Sanction sanction sanction A
Expressio Equipmen
n of t of Enquiry of None of
3519 What is the full form of EOI? Interest Interest Interest the above A
Free on Fit on Free on Film on
3520 What is the full form of FOB Board Board Boat Board A
Focal Procurem
Focal Financially
Point ent Point Powerful
3521 What is the full form of FPB ? Branch Branch
Bank Bank A
Governme Governme nt e- Governme
nt e- nt e- Market nt e-
Market Market Procurem Market
3522 What is the full form of GeM? Place Platform ent Procedure A

Internatio Internal Intermedi Internal

nal Audit Audit ate Audit Appraisal
3523 What is the full form of IAR ? Report Report Report Report B
Indian Indian
Trade Ticketing Inter taxInter team
3524 What is the full form of ITJ? Journal Journey journal journey A
Joint Joint Secretarie
Services Segments s
Joint Staff Qualitativ Qualitativ Qualitativ
qualitative e e e
Requirem Requirem Requirem Requirem
3525 What is the full form of JSQRs? ent ent ent ent B

Khadi Khadi Khadi

village Khadi Village Village
Industries Village Industries Industries
Commissi Industries Committe Corporati
3526 What is the full form of KVIC? on Company e on A
Audit Local
Local Programm Audit None of
3527 What is the full form of LAP? Audit Plan e Progress these B

Hand Typed and Either 'A' Both 'A'

3528 All entries in service book must be written pasted or 'B' and 'B' A
List of
List of List of
Major and Maineouos
Minor Minor
Heads of Heads of
Heads of None of
3529 What is the full form of LMMHA ? Accounts Accounts
Accounts the above A
Last Last of Local
purchase preferenc procurem procured
3530 What is the full form of LPP? price e price ent price A
Laterst Last Leave Ration
Ration Ration Ration Consumpt
3531 What is the full form of LRC? Certificate Certificate Claim ion B
Latest Limited Last Lost
Tender Tender Tender Tender
3532 What is the full form of LTE? enquiry Enquiry Enquiry Enquiry B
Minor Major
Financial Financial
& & Minor Major
Accountin Accountin Financial Financial
g g & Audit & Audit
Irregulariti Irregulariti Irregulariti
3533 What is the full form of MFAI? es es es es B
Miscellan Miscellan
Military eous Military eous
Receipt Receipt Receivabl Receivabl
3534 What is the Full form of MRO ? Order Order e Order e Order C

New New National Numerical

controllin compilatio compilatio compilatio
3535 What is the full form of NCS? g system n system n system n system B
Notice Not Notice
inviting Not in included including
3536 What is the full form of NIT? tender tender in Total tender A
New New
Managem New Managem New
ent Monitory ent Monitory
3537 What is the full form of NMS? System System Strategy Strategy C

Net New New Net

Present Purchase Procurem Purchase
3538 All
is theinfull
of NPV?
of an Army Value Value ent Value Value A
Officer affecting his pay and
allowances, promotions etc. are Govt. Part II Audit Executive
3539 notified through orders orders report orders B
Original Organised Ordnance Original
Equipmen Equipmen Equipmen Equipmen
t t t t
Manufact Manufact Manufact Maintena
3540 What is the full form of OEM? urer urer urer nce A

Ordnance Ordnance Ordnance Original

Factory, Factory Factory Factory
3541 What is the full form of OFB? Balasore Buyings Board Bills C
Out Out
Patient Patient Out Opinion
Dispensar Departme Patient Provided
3542 What is the full form of OPD? y nt Doctor by Doctor B

Public Procurem
Accounts ent of Propriety Public
What is the full form of PAC with Committe Arms Article Arms
3543 reference to DPM? e Certificate Certificate Committe C

Proprietor Private Authentifi Profession
y Article Article cation al Agency
3544 What is the full form of PAC? Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate A
What is the full form of POL with Petrol, Oil, liquified Both A None of
3545 regard to MT Account? Lubricant gas and B these A
Procedure Priority
Priority for Planning
Procurem Priority Priority for
ent Procurem Procurem Procurem
3546 What is the full form of PPP? Procedure ent ent Plan ent C

What is the full form of PS in relation Personal Preliminar Preliminar Primary

3547 to audit? Secretary y Subject y Slip Slip C

Price Piece Price Price

valuation variation variation verificatio
3548 What is the full form of PV clause? clause clause clause n clause C
Price Pament Payment Prace
What is the full form of PV Rate w.r.t. Vocabular Value Vocabular Value
3549 All
of loss statement
of Public money, y Rate Rate y Rate Rtae A
which is not authorized by the
Regulations or other orders, requires Govt. of
3550 the sanction of ????.. MoD GOC-in-C India CGDA C

Regional Regional Regiment Resident

Accountin Audit Army Army
3551 What is the full form of RAO? g Officer Officer Officer Officer B
Remittanc Dearness Revenue,
e, Debt and Debt and
and Remittanc Remittanc None of
3552 What is the full form of RDR ? Revenue e e the above C

State Bank State Bank State Bank State Bank

of India of India of India of India
Cash Central Cash Cost
Managem Managem Managem Managem
ent ent ent ent
3553 What is the full form of SBI CMP? Process Product Product Product C
Standard contract
Condiions Standard Store of
of conditions Contract Contingen
3554 What is the full form of SCOC? Contract of Costing of Corps cy A

Smart Smart Smart Sweet

Performa Performa Performa Performa
nce nce nce nce
Appraisal Appraisal Assessme Appraisal
Report Report nt Report Report
Reporting Recording Recording Recording
Onlinne Onlinne Onlinne Onlinne
3555 What is the full form of SPARROW? Window Window Window Window B

Tender Technical Tender Technical

evaluationevaluation entry entry
committe committe committe committe
3556 What is the full form of TEC? e e e e B
What is the Govt. contribution B) 10% of
towards NPS 2004 when a Govt. A) 10% of Pay and C) 14% of D) None
3557 official os on EOL? Pay DA Pay of these D

What is the grace period allowed to No such

3558 honour the bill? 1 week 5 days 3 days provision C
What is the highest pay stage
3559 prescribed for Addl. CGDA as per 7th 205400 217900 224400 225000 C
applicable applicable
What is the HRA entitlement for a at at
JCO/OR when posted in Field and has selected selected Full HRA Reduced
family/dependents for whom place of place of applicable HRA at
Government accomodation is not residence residence at Class Z the place
3560 provided (SPR) (SPR) city of posting A
All extra expenditure connected with
Survey of India Unit, which would not Defence
have been incurred but for field Survey of Services MOD Any of the
3561 operations,
What is the shall
last date
be borne
by? for India Estimates (Civil) three B
Communication of decision of 15th
competent authority on the 15th Septembe 15th 15th
3562 representation on APAR? August r October November D
What is the last date prescribed for
3563 submission
What is the of
APAR to %Reviewing
of GPF 30th April 30th June 31st May 31st July B
balance that can be sanctioned as
withdrawal for purchase/construction
3564 of House? 100 90 75 50 B
What is the maximum % of pension
that can be commuted by a
3565 Government Servant? 25 30 35 40 D
What is the maximum age limit
prescribed for Retired Government No such
3566 servant to get nominated as IO? 62 65 70 limit C
What is the maximum amount
admissible as CEA for employee in
3567 respect
What is of
child peramount
anum? 27000 30000 45000 81000 A
admissible as Hostel subsidy for
employee in respect of one child per
3568 anum? 27000 30000 45000 81000 D
What is the maximum amount
invested under NPS exempted from IT
3569 under 80CCD (1B)? A) 50000 B) 100000 C) 150000 D) 25000 A
What is the maximum amount
3570 invested under Tier I exempted from A) 200000 B) 150000 C) 160000 D) 250000 B
What is the maximum amount of
Retirement Gratuity admissible to a
3571 Government Servant? 10 lakhs 20 lakhs 25 lakhs 30 lakhs B
All forms of security, including
standing securities together with
standing security bonds are forwarded PCDA/CD
3572 for safe custody to the office of CWE CE A AO GE C
What is the maximum amount of
Retirement Gratuity payable to
3573 government servants? 10 lakhs 20 lakhs 30 lakhs 50 lakhs B
What is the maximum amount of work
3574 that can be executed under a TC? 50000 150000 200000 100000 B
What is the maximum cost ceiling
(multiples of Basic pay per month)
under HBA rules to a Government
employee subject to maximum of cost
3575 of the ishouse
What the maximum
or Mximum Cost
of 34 134 139 150 C
House for a Government employee
subject to maximum of cost of the
house or No. of times of Basic Pay
3576 under HBA Rules? 40 lakhs 50 lakhs 75 lakhs 1 crore D
What is the maximum entitlement of
Casual Leave to a Govt. servant who is
not entitled to 17 days of Public
3577 Holidays during the calendar year? 8 days 9 days 10 days 12 days C
What is the maximum escalation cost
3578 that can be incurred in a maintenance 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 B
What is the maximum limit of value of
goods and services which can be
procured through purchase
3579 committee?
What is the maximum
(As per GFR
of value of 150000 200000 250000 300000 C
goods and services which can be
purchased without quotation? (As per
3580 GFR 2017) 15000 20000 25000 30000 C
What is the maximum no. of times a
Govt. official can withdraw from NPS D) None
3581 during entire service career? A) Once B) Twice C) Thrice of these C
What is the maximum number of
cases in which a Retired Government
Servant can act as a Defence Assistant
3582 at a particular time? 2 3 7 10 C
All Grants and payments of pensions
should be recorded in _____ by PCDA P.P.O. Audit Register
3583 (P) Allahabad?
What is the maximum period of leave Register cards of Pension None B
which a Govt. employee is permitted
to take as leave preparatory to
3584 retirement?
What is the maximum quantum of 60 days 150 days 240 days 300 days D
Joining Time unavailed that can be
credited to EL account on one No such
3585 occasion? 10 12 15 Limit C
3586 What is the meaning of Reprimand? Warning Scolding Both None C
What is the mimumum entry pay of
3587 Brigadier in Army? 69400 121200 130600 139600 D
What is the mimumum entry pay of
3588 Colonel in Army? 69400 121200 130600 139600 C
What is the mimumum entry pay of Lt.
3589 Col. in Army? 69400 121200 130600 139600 B
What is the mimumum entry pay of
3590 Major General in Army? 144200 139600 130600 121200 A
What is the mimumum pay of Chief of
3591 Army Staff? 200000 215000 225000 250000 D

What is the minimum entry pay No such

3592 assured for government employees? 15000 18000 21000 provision B
What is the minimum entry pay Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
assured in Central Government 18000/- 20000/- 21000/- 25000/-
3593 Employment p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. A
All grants of leave other than _____ All the
3594 leave will be notified in Part II Office Casual Child Care EOL three A
What is the minimum entry pay for
3595 Havildar in Army? 21700 25500 29200 35400 C
What is the minimum entry pay for
3596 Naik in Army? 21700 25500 29200 35400 B
What is the minimum entry pay for Nb
3597 Subedar in Army? 21700 25500 29200 35400 D
What is the minimum entry pay for
3598 Sepoy in Army? 18000 21000 21700 25500 C
What is the minimum entry pay for
3599 Subedar in Army? 35400 44900 47600 53100 B
What is the minimum entry pay for
3600 Subedar Major in Army? 35400 44900 47600 53100 C
What is the Minimum entry pay of
3601 AAO in DAD? 44900 47600 53100 56100 B
What is the Minimum entry pay of
3602 ACDA in DAD? 44900 47600 53100 56100 D
What is the Minimum entry pay of
3603 Auditor in DAD i.e. Rs. _____ p.m.? 19900 28400 29200 29300 C
What is the minimum entry pay of
3604 Captain in Army? 56100 61300 69400 47600 B

All Hospitalization cases will be Admission Hospital
monitored through ________Register / stoppage All the
3605 in PCDA (O) office? Discharge Rolls Sick list three A
What is the Minimum entry pay of
3606 Clerk in DAD i.e. Rs. _____ p.m.? 18500 19100 19700 19900 D
What is the minimum entry pay of
3607 Lieutenant in Army? 56100 61300 69400 47600 A
What is the minimum entry pay of Lt.
3608 General HAG + in Army? 144200 182200 205400 225000 C
What is the minimum entry pay of
3609 Major in Army? 56100 61300 69400 47600 C
What is the minimum pay of officer in
3610 pay level 18 under 7th CPC? 250000 237500 225000 None A
What is the minimum percentage of
disability prescribed for a disabled
child for grant of Child care leave to a
3611 female Govt. servant? 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 C
What is the minimum subscription No such
under GPF that is cumpulsory i.e. minimum
3612 ___% of pay in the pay level? 6 10 20 % A
What is the minimum time to be
allowed for submission of bids from
3613 date of publication of tender? 1 month 15 days 1 week 3 weeks D

What is the mode of settlement of t through Cash
transactions between DGS&D and RBI, CAS Settlemen Issue of None of
3614 Defence? Nagpur t cheque these A
What is the multiplication factor for
pay fixation under 7th CPC to switch
3615 over from 6th CPC 3.28 2.75 2.57 1.86 C
Accounts EDP
Section of centre of
3616 All India Compilation is produced by MOD (Fin) CGDA CGDA None C
what is the name of cut motion by
moving that the amount of the a policy economy none of
3617 demand be reduced to Re.1? cut cut token cut the above A
what is the name of cut motion by
moving 'that the amount of the a policy economy none of
3618 what
demandis the
be name
of cut
by 100?
motion by cut cut token cut the above C
moving 'that the amount of the
demand be reduced by a specific a policy economy none of
3619 amount'? cut cut token cut the above B
What is the name of scroll through
which DMRO is forwarded to Accounts Debit Credit Bank
3620 Section by Focal Point Branch? NULL Scroll Scroll Scroll A
What is the name of scroll through
which DMRO is forwarded to Accounts Debit Credit Bank Amount
3621 What
Sectionis by
of scroll
through Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll B
which paid cheque is forwarded to
Accounts Section by Focal Point Debit Credit Bank Amount
3622 Branch? Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll A
What is the name of the OA project
currently implemented in Regional
3623 What
CDA office?
is the order of preference for Sugam Tulip Bhawan Suvigya B
procurement of stores (1) Produced in
India (2) Manufactured in India from
imported stores (3) Manufactured
abroad which need to be imported (4)
Foreign Manufacture held in stock in
3624 India 1234 1243 1342 1324 B

What is the other name for quoting Ring Ring Cartel Cartel
3625 ring prices? formation Pricing formation pricing C
3626 What is the pay lebel of Subedar in 5 6 7 8C
Compulso Withholdi
. Which of the following is not a Major ry Removal ng of
penalty that can be imposed on a Retiremen from promotio
3627 Government Servant? t service ns None C
Compulso Withholdi
. Which of the following is not a Major ry Removal ng of
penalty that can be imposed on a Retiremen from promotio
3628 Government Servant? t service ns None C
All irregular or over issue of stores
should be treated as ___ losses in
3629 Appropriation Accounts? Stores Cash a or b Both A
What is the pay lebel of Subedar
3630 Major in Army? 5 6 7 8D
3631 What is the pay lebel of Havildar in 3 4 5 6C
3632 What is the pay lebel of Naik in Army? 1 2 3 4D
What is the pay lebel of Nb Subedar in
3633 Army? 3 4 5 6D
What is the Pay level in Pay matrix,
admissible to Junior Administrative
3634 Grade officer of DAD per VII CPC? 11 12 13 13A B
3635 What is the Pay Level of AAO in DAD? 7 8 6 9B
What is the pay level of Accounts
3636 Officer in DAD 10 9 8 6 B
3637 What is the pay level of ACDA in DAD? 8 9 10 11 C
3638 What is the Pay level of Addl. CDA? 13 14 15 16 A
3639 What is the Pay level of Addl. CGDA? 15 16 17 18 B
All irregular or over issue of stores
should be treated as losses in Either 'A' Both 'A' &
3640 Appropriation Accounts. Cash Loss Store Loss or 'B' 'B' B
3641 What is the pay level of Apex scale 15 16 17 18 C
3642 What is the pay level of Auditor in 2 3 4 5D
What is the pay level of Brigadier in
3643 Indian Army? 13A 14 15 16 A
What is the pay level of Captain in
3644 Indian Army? 9 10 10B 11 C
3645 What is the pay level of CDA in DAD? 13 13A 14 15 C
3646 What is the Pay level of CDA? 13 14 15 16 B
3647 What is the Pay level of CGDA? 15 16 17 18 C
What is the pay level of Chief of Army
3648 Staff in Indian Army? 15 16 17 18 D
3649 What is the pay level of Clerk in DAD? 1 2 3 4B
What is the pay level of Colonel in
3650 Indian Army? 14 13A 13 12A C
All Officers Quarters other than Single
Officers quarters attached to Messes, All the
3651 will be held on ____ Pool? Station General All India three A
3652 What is the pay level of Hony. 8 9 10 10B D
3653 What is the pay level of Hony. Lt.? 8 9 10 10B C
3654 What is the Pay level of JAG officer in 12 13 13 A 14 A
What is the pay level of Lieutenant in
3655 Indian Army? 9 10 10B 11 B
What is the pay level of Lt. Col. in
3656 Indian Army? 10 10B 11 12A D
What is the pay level of Lt. General
3657 (HAG +) in Indian Army? 13A 14 15 16 D
What is the pay level of Lt. General
3658 (HAG) in Indian Army? 13A 14 15 16 C
What is the pay level of Major General
3659 in Indian Army? 13A 14 15 16 B
What is the pay level of Major in
3660 Indian Army? 10 10B 11 12A C
3661 What is the pay level of MTS in DAD? 1 2 3 4A
All orders (work/stores/services)
having financial effect will be noted in
3662 the Construction Account as ____? Asset Allotment Sanction Liability D
3663 What is the Pay level of PCDA? 15 16 17 18 A
3664 What is the pay level of Sepoy in 1 2 3 4C
3665 What is the Pay level of STS officer? 11 12 13 14 A
What is the pay level of Vice Chief of
Army Staff and Army Commanders
3666 (Apex) in Indian Army? 15 16 17 18 C
What is the pay level prescribed for
3667 SAG level officer in DAD? 10 11 13 14 D
What is the pay level prescribed in 7th
CPC Corresponding to Grade Pay of Rs.
3668 8900/- under 6th CPC? 12 13 13 A 14 C
What is the payment mode for Credit Net All the
3669 remitting money throough eMRO? Debit Card Card Banking above D
What is the penalty for mutilation of
3670 Identity card by a DAD employee? Rs. 50/- Rs. 100/- Rs. 25/- 10/- A
B) 10% of
What is the percentage of A) 10% of Pay and C) 14% of D) None
3671 contribution to NPS by the individual? Pay DA Pay of these B
B) 10% of C) 14% of
What is the percentage of Govt. A) 14% of Pay and Pay and D) None
3672 contribution to NPS? Pay DA DA of these C
All orders to contractors will be in
writing and signed by GE in the form Daily Amendme Executive Work
3673 of ____
What is ?the period allowed for a orders nts to CAs orders orders D
Contractor to appeal to Area
Commander against retrenchments Six Three One
3674 from his bills? months months month 3 years C
21 30
working working
3675 What is the period of validity of MRO 21 days days 30 days days A
What is the periodicity of Annual Audit Half
3676 Certifictae? Monthly Quarterly Yearly
Annual D
Half None of
3677 What is the periodicity of APAR Annual Yearly Quarterly these A
What is the periodicity of Audit of NCC Half
3678 Units? Monthly Quarterly Yearly Annual D
What is the periodicity of Internal and Once in Once in
External Lime washing (white or three Once in Once in a six
3679 tinted) for cook houses of Army units? years Two yearsyear months D
What is the periodicity of Internal Half
3680 Audit Report(IAR)? Monthly Quarterly Yearly Annual C
3681 What is the periodicity of Local Audit? Monthly Quarterly Yearly Annual C
What is the periodicity of MFAI Half
3682 Report? Monthly Quarterly Yearly Annual B
What is the periodicity of O&M As
Inspection of sub offices under a Once in a Once in decided Once in
3683 PCDA? year half year by PCDA two years C
All orders which convey sanctions y/Air
either directly or indirectly to Force
expenditure should issue in the form Governme Instructio
3684 of ___ nt Letters n None a or b D
What is the periodicity of RAR Onec in 14 Once in 30 Once in 45 Once in 60
3685 payments in the case of MES contracts days days days days B
What is the periodicity of stock taking
3686 for Controlled
What is the periodicity
items of of
stock taking Monthly Quartely Half yearly yearly B
for items of stores other than
Controlled, Short Life, Valuable and
3687 Attractive? Monthly Quartely Half yearly yearly D
What is the periodicity of stock taking Monthly/ Quarterly/ yerly/year
3688 for short life items of stores? Quarterly Half yearly ly yearly B
What is the periodicity of stock taking
3689 for Valuable and Attractive items of Monthly Quartely Half yearly yearly C
What is the periodicity of Stock taking Half
3690 in Units/Formations? Monthly Quarterly Yearly Annual D
What is the permissible % of variation
in weight in respect of bagged supplies
3691 in audit? 0.01 0.0125 0.015 0.02 B
What is the permissible % of variation
in weight in respect of bagged supplies
3692 in audit? 0.01 0.0125 0.015 0.02 B
What is the power of AAO for signing a
class 1 Punching Medium where Up to Rs. Up to Rs. Up to Rs.
3693 rectification of error is involved? 5 Lakhs 10 Lakhs 25 Lakhs No Power C
What is the power of AAO to sign a Up to
Class 2 Punching Medium in Up to Up to 25,00,000
3694 rectification? No power 25,000/- 2,50,000/- /- A
All orders which convey sanctions Army/Nav 'A&#
either directly or indirectly to such y/AF Army/Nav 39; &
expenditure should issue in the form Govt. Instructio y/AF 'B&#
3695 of ??.. letter ns orders 39; D
What is the power of AO for signing a
class 1 Punching Medium where Up to Rs. Up to Rs. Up to Rs.
3696 rectification of error is involved? 25 Lakhs 1 Crore 50 Lakhs No Limit B

What is the power of PCDA/CDA for Up to Rs. Up to Rs. Up to Rs.

3697 signing any type of Punching Medium? 10 Crore 25 Core 100 Crore No Limit D
What is the prefix used for operation
3698 of RDR heads oo o1 o9 o5 A
What is the prescribed % for detailed
audit check in respect of Railway
3699 Warrants in Local Audit? 1 2 5 10 C
What is the prescribed % of
3700 entitlements Audit in respect of Army 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.1 D
What is the prescribed % of
3701 entitlements Audit in respect of Army 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.1 D

What is the prescribed percentage for One one two

conducting scale audit of Strength month in month in months in
3702 returns of Army Officers in PCDA (O)? a quarter a half year a half year None B
What is the prescribed time limit for Within
submission of the medical claims after Within Within six three There is
3703 completion of treatment? one year months months no limit B
What is the prescribed time period for
sections of CDA Office to settle a
3704 complaint given? 30 days 21 days 14 days 7 days D
What is the prescribed time period for
3705 sections to settle a complaint given? 30 days 21 days 14 days 7 days D
All orders which convey sanctions Army/Nav
either directly or indirectly to such y/AF Army/Nav
expenditure should issue in the form Govt. Instructio y/AF Both 'A' &
3706 of .. letter ns orders 'B' D
What is the price of Tender Set if the
estimated value of the tender is 2.35
3707 Crore? Rs. 1000 Rs. 750 Rs. 500 Rs.235 C

Ready All the

3708 What is the purpose of filing? Protection reference Planning above D
What is the quantum of Higher
Qualification Incentive admissible to
3709 Army Personnel for Grade 1 courses? 30000 25000 20000 15000 A
What is the quantum of leave
admissible to a female Government
3710 employee during abortion? No limit 90 days 45 days 30 days C

to him if
he was
What is the quantum of pay to higher 10% of
admissible as Additional Post post on the a or b a or b
Allowance for holding appointments regular present whichever whichever
3711 of higher posts? basis basic pay is higher is loweer C
What is the rate of CEA per month
3712 admissible to Army Personnel? 1500 1800 2250 2500 C
One third fourth of One Fifth
What is the rate of Diving Attendant Half of Dip of Dip Dip of Dip
3713 Allowance? Money Money Money Money D
What is the rate of Family pension
3714 admissible i.e. ___ % of Pay? 50 40 30 25 C
What is the rate of honorarium
payable to retired officers per case 80% of 60% of 50% of 40% of
appointed as IO when the No. of monthly monthly monthly monthly
witnesses cited in the Charge Sheet is basic basic basic basic
3715 6-10? pension pension pension pension B
What is the rate of Hostel Subsidy per
3716 month admissible to Army Personnel? 4500 5000 6000 6750 D
gy as
Bilingual decided
All queries and observations raised by (i.e. Hindi, Impersona by audit
3717 audit
What officers
is the rateshould
of Language
be in ______? Personal English) l officer C
Allowance admissible to Officers and
PBORs of Army per month for
3718 What
is the
I rate of Language 1350 1689 2025 None C
Allowance admissible to Officers and
PBORs of Army per month for
3719 What
is the
II rate of Language 1350 1689 2025 None B
Allowance admissible to Officers and
PBORs of Army per month for
3720 What
is the
III rate of Qualification 1350 1689 2025 None A
Allowance admissible to Army
personnel per month for Aviators
3721 What
holdingis Green
the rate Card
of Qualification
? 3600 2700 900 630 D
Allowance admissible to Army
personnel per month for Aviators
3722 What
holdingis Master
the rateGreen
of Qualification
Card ? 3600 2700 900 630 C
Allowance admissible to Army
personnel per month for Cat
3723 'A'? 3600 2700 900 630 A
What is the rate of Qualification
Allowance admissible to Army
3724 What
is theperrate
of Qualification
for Cat 'A'? 3600 2700 900 630 A
Allowance admissible to Army
personnel per month for Master
3725 What
is the
rate of Qualification 3600 2700 900 1125 D
Allowance admissible to Army
personnel per month for Senior
3726 What
is the
rate of Class
1? 3600 2700 900 1125 C
Assistance payable to retired officers
per case appointed as IO when the No.
of witnesses cited in the Charge Sheet
3727 is 6-10? Rs. 10000 Rs. 20000 Rs. 30000 Rs. 40000 C
FOC in C
All shore establishments in Andaman PCDA FOC in C Visakhapa
3728 are under the jurisdiction of ____? HQ. IDS (Navy) Mumbai tnam D
What is the rate of Siachen Allowance
3729 admissible to Army Officers per 30000 36000 40000 42500 D
What is the rate of Siachen Allowance
3730 admissible to PBORs per month? 15000 20000 250000 30000 D
What is the rate of TPTA admissible to
Armed Forces personnel in the pay
level 9 and above per month in the
3731 case of other than higher TPTA cities? 7200 + DA 3600 + DA 1800 + DA None B
What is the rate of Transportation
allowance payable to retired officers
3732 per case appointed as IO ? Rs. 10000 Rs. 20000 Rs. 30000 Rs. 40000 D
What is the rate per month admissible
3733 on account of Flight Test Engineer to 5300 4100 3600 2700 B
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Para Allowance payable
3734 to Army Officer? 10500 6000 3400 2700 A
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Para Allowance payable
3735 to PBOR? 10500 6000 3400 2700 B
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Para Reserve Allowance
3736 payable to Army Officer? 2625 1500 675 338 A
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Project Allowance
3737 payable to Army Officer? 2625 1500 3400 2700 C
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Project Allowance
3738 .payable
Who is to
PBOR? to give penalty 2625 1500 3400 2700 D
under Disciplinary proceedings in Addl.
respect of Hindi Officer working in a CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD Jt. CGDA
3739 .PCDA/CDA
Who is competent
office? to give penalty CDA A (AN) CGDA D
under Disciplinary proceedings in Addl.
respect of Hindi Officer working in a CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD Jt. CGDA
3740 PCDA/CDA office? CDA A (AN) CGDA D
MES, Command
All the accommodation at a station Station Station er,
although physically in the charge of Command Command PCDA/CD PCDA/CD
3741 ____ is at the disposal of ______? er, MES er A A, MES B
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Specialist Allowance for
3742 Classified Specialist? 3600 4500 5000 5400 B
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Specialist Allowance for
3743 Consultant/Advisor/Professor 3600 4500 5000 5400 D
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Specialist Allowance for
3744 Graded Specialist? 3600 4500 5000 5400 A
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Technical Allowance
3745 Tier 1 payable to Army Officer? 1000 2000 3000 4000 C
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Test Pilot Allowance to
3746 Officers? 5300 4100 3600 2700 A
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Tough Location
Allowance to Army Officers under TLA-
3747 1 5300 3400 1200 1000 A
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Tough Location
3748 Allowance to PBORs under TLA-1 4100 2700 1200 1000 A
What is the rate per month of CI Ops
3749 allowance (Field) payable to Army 16900 13013 10500 9700 A
What is the rate per month of CI Ops
3750 allowance (Field) payable to PBOR? 16900 13013 10500 9700 D
What is the rate per month of CI Ops
allowance (Mod. Field) payable to
3751 Army Officer? 16900 13013 10500 9700 B
All the accommodation at a station is Command
3752 at the disposal of er MES DEO PCDA A
What is the rate per month of CI Ops
3753 allowance (Mod. Field) payable to 16900 13013 9700 7469 D
What is the rate per month of CI Ops
allowance (Peace) payable to Army
3754 Officer? 16900 13013 10500 9700 C
What is the rate per month of CI Ops
3755 allowance (Peace) payable to PBOR? 9700 6000 7469 13013 B
What is the rate per month of Diving
Allowance payable to Cearance/Deep
3756 Diving Officer? 900 1170 1350 1800 D
What is the rate per month of Diving
Allowance payable to Clearance Diver
3757 Class 1? 900 1170 1350 1800 C
What is the rate per month of Diving
Allowance payable to Clearance Diver
3758 Class II? 900 1170 1350 1800 B
What is the rate per month of Diving
Allowance payable to Clearance Diver
3759 Class III? 990 1170 1350 1800 A
What is the rate per month of Diving
3760 Allowance payable to Ships Diver? 900 1170 990 1350 A
What is the rate per month of Diving
3761 Allowance payable to Ships Diving 900 1170 1350 1800 A
What is the rate per month of Field
3762 Area Allowance (Field) payable to 16900 10500 9700 6000 B
All the bonafide receipts to
Government will appear in which Plus Plus Minus Minus
3763 column of Punching medium ? Receipt Charge Receipt Charge A
What is the rate per month of Field
3764 Area Allowance (Field) payable to 16900 10500 9700 6000 D
What is the rate per month of Field
Area Allowance (Mod. Field) payable
3765 to Army Officer? 6300 6000 9700 3600 A
What is the rate per month of Field
3766 Area Allowance (Mod. Field) payable 6300 6000 9700 3600 D
What is the rate per month of Field
3767 Area Allowance HAFA payable to Army 16900 10500 9700 6000 A
What is the rate per month of Field
3768 Area Allowance HAFA payable to 16900 10500 9700 6000 C
What is the rate per month of Flying
3769 Allowance payable to Army Officer? 25000 17300 13013 9700 A
What is the rate per month of Flying
3770 Allowance payable to PBOR? 25000 17300 13013 9700 B
What is the rate per month of High
Altitude Allowance under Category I
3771 payable to Army Officer? 5300 4100 3400 2700 C
What is the rate per month of High
Altitude Allowance under Category I
3772 payable to PBOR? 5300 4100 3400 2700 D
What is the rate per month of High
Altitude Allowance under Category II
3773 payable to Army Officer? 25000 17300 5300 4100 C
All the cash transactions in Military
3774 Farms Cash Books will be recorded in Blue Red Black Green C
What is the rate per month of High
Altitude Allowance under Category II
3775 payable to PBOR? 25000 17300 5300 4100 D
What is the rate per month of High
Altitude Allowance under Category III
3776 payable to Army Officer? 25000 17300 5300 4100 A
What is the rate per month of High
Altitude Allowance under Category III
3777 payable to PBOR? 25000 17300 5300 4100 B
What is the rate per month of SF
3778 Allowance payable to Army Officer? 25000 17300 13013 9700 A
What is the rate per month of SF
3779 Allowance payable to PBOR? 25000 17300 13013 9700 B
n of All Analysis of
India Consolidat All India
defence ed defence
service compilatio services
What is the report showing receipts n of All receipts All India
consolidated compilation of All India and India RDR and compilatio
3780 defence service receipts and charges? charges heads charges n A
What is the retention period
3781 Debit/Credit scrolls in a PCDA/CDA 3 years 5 years 10 years 30 years B
What is the retention period of
Authorization slips in PCDA (O) office
3782 from the month of issue ______? 10 years 5 years 3 years 1 year B
What is the retention period of Cash
3783 Book in a Regional PCDA/CDA office? 3 years 5 years 6 years 10 years D
What is the retention period of
Classification of Hand book of receipts
and charges (at least one copy) in a
3784 PCDA/CDA office 10 years 50 years 100 years 110 years D
All the casualties effecting Service
matters of a PBOR are recorded in All the
3785 ________ invariably? Pay Book IRLA Sheet Roll three C
What is the retention period of
3786 Contract Agreements (MES) in a 3 years 5 years 10 years 30 years C
What is the retention period of DP
3787 What
a Controllers
retention period
office?of 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years C
Financial Concurrences/U.O. Notes
Register of IFA cases in PCDA/CDA
3788 office? 35 years 30 years 10 years 5 years D
What is the retention period of GP
3789 Fund Demand Register in a PCDA/CDA 3 years 5 years 10 years 30 years B
What is the retention period of IRLAs
3790 of Discharged PBORs 6 Years 3 Years 5 years 10 years C
What is the retention period of Master
3791 Note Book in a Regional CDA office? 3 years 5 years 10 years 75 years C
What is the retention period of
ordinary correspondence files in a
3792 PCDA/CDA office? 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years C
What is the Retention Period of P.P.O
3793 What
in a CDA
is the
retention period of Pay 5 years 25 years 45 years 75 years D
bills of DAD personnel, except June
and December a Regional PCDA/CDA
3794 office? 3 years 5 years 6 years 35 years C
What is the retention period of
3795 Pension Payment Orders in a 3 years 10 years 30 years 75 years D
All the casualties like admission to Part II Ration
hospital, leave, attachments to other orders to Account
units etc. are linked in audit of Ration Ration to Part II
3796 Accounts from ____? Account order Both None A
What is the retention period of
Punching Media in EDP centre of a
3797 Regional PCDA/CDA office? 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years A
What is the retention period of
3798 Register of Disciplinary cases in a 10 years 25 years 35 years 45 years D
What is the retention period of
Schedule III (Accounts section copy) in
3799 a PCDA/CDA office? 3 years 5 years 10 years 35 years C
What is the retention period of
3800 Schedule III (D section copy) in a 3 years 5 years 10 years 35 years B
What is the retention period of
3801 Shadow files register in a IFA office? 3 years 5 years 10 years 75 years C
What is the retention period of
3802 subject files in PCDA/CDA office? 75 years 65 years 45 years 35 years D
What is the retention period of TA Bills
(including LTC bills) in a Regional
3803 What
is theoffice?
retention period 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years C
prescribed for Bills, Contingent Bills
and Medical Reimursement Claims in a
3804 CDA office? 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years C
What is the revised rate of Fixed
3805 Medical Allowance per month after VII 500 750 1000 1500 C

What is the sequence of deduction to RDD, RBD, RBD, RDD, Debts, Any of the
3806 be followed to arrive at net Debtors? Bad Debts Bad Debts RBD, RDD three C

All the contracts concluded by the Prime Vice

departments of the Central Govt are Minister Cabinet of President President
3807 in the name of ________ of India Ministers of India of India C
What is the short cut key for last
3808 action performed F1 F2 F3 F4 abc

Entry with
What is the system of accounting Single as Double
3809 followed in DAD? Entry required Entry None B
Cash and
What is the term used to denote Carry
purchases made directly by paying Imprest Cash Local Procurem
3810 cash from Imprest? Purchase Purchase Purchase ent D

What is the term used to denote Ring Ring Cartel Cartel

3811 quoting
What is the
of Ring
frame? prescribed for formation Pricing formation pricing C
submission of self appraisal to
reporting officer by officer to be 31st
3812 reported upon? March 1st April 15th April 30th June B
What is the time limit for disposing an
application under RTI Act, 2005 which within 24 within 48 within 72
3813 relatesislife
What theortime
a person Same Day hours hours hours C
regularisation of loss statements
involving 'Cases of minor losses,
particularly those due to natural
calamities or losses not due to theft,
3814 fraud or gross neglect. 15 days 1 month 3 months 6 months B
What is the time limit for submission
3815 of final claim if advance is drawn? 15 days 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months B
What is the time limit for submission
3816 of final claim if advance is not drawn? 15 days 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months C
What is the time limit prescribed in
DPM 2009 for refund of bid security of
unsuccessful bidders after the award No time
3817 of contract? 10th Day 30th Day 40th Day limit B

All the Defence Parcels received on Embarkati AO

account of imported stores are Port Trust on (Embarkat
cleared and distributed to the Authority Command ion H.Qrs) All the
3818 consignees by ______? of India ant Mumbai three B
3819 What is the validity of a fresh 1 Month 6 Months 1 Year 2 Years C
1 year 2 years 3 Years 4 years
from the from the from the from the
What is the validity period for a date of date of date of date of
Private Hospital recognized under issue of issue of issue of issue of
3820 CS(MA) Rules? OM OM OM OM D
What leave salary is payable to a Govt. As in the
servant who had been sanctioned EOL Last pay case of As in the No leave
3821 with medical certificate? drawn HPL case of EL salary D
What will be date of next increment 01.04.201 01.07.201 01.01.201 01.07.201
3822 for an employee joints on 01.04.2017? 8 7 8 8 C
What will be the score of a
government if he is given a grading of
3823 4 in the
What would
year? in 4 5 6 0B
Attendance Register for those granted
half a day's casual leave for the
3824 forenoon session? HPL LA HL CL C
Whch of the following is not a Receivabl Purchases Journal
3825 subsidary book of Journal? e book Day Book Proper None D

Reference Reference Reference

Whch of the following references by to to to Addl.
CAT would be construed as a Attorney Solicitor Solicitor All the
3826 When
a billtoofAdvocate
has been General General General three D
noted or protested for non-
acceptance acceptance or for better
security and any person accepts it
supra protest for honour of the
drawer or of any one of the endorsers, Acceptor
3827 such person is called ____? for Honor Acceptor Endorsee Payee A

Debit the Debit the Credit the Credit the

Creditors Creditors Creditors Creditors
and Debit and Credit and Debit and credit
When a bill payable is accepted what the Bills the Bills Bills the bills
3828 All
be final
bills, where
value work payable Payable payable payable B
done is more than Rs. _______ are irrespectiv
paid by GE after pre audit by e of
3829 PCDA/CDA? 15 lakhs 50 lakhs 10 lakhs amount C
When a bill payable is accepted, it will
3830 become a ____ for the payer? Liability Asset Income Loss A

Debit the Credit the

Credit the Debit the Creditors Creditors
Creditors creditors and Credit and Debit
When a bill payable is dishonored, and Bills and Bills the Bills the Bills
3831 what will the accounting adjustment? payable payable payable payable D
Debit the
Credit Bills Bills
Receivabl Receivabl Debit the Credit the
When a bill receivable discounted with e and e and Debtors Debtors
bank gets dishonored, what will be the Credit the Debit the and Credit and Credit
3832 accounting adjustment? Bank Bank the Bank Bank C

Debit Bills Debit Bills Credit Bills Credit Bills

Receivabl Receivabl Receivabl Receivabl
When a bill receivable is accepted by a e and e and e and e and
debtor, what will be accounting Credit the Debit the Debit the Credit the
3833 adjustment? Debtors Debtors Debtors Debtors A

Debit Credit Credit Debit

Bank, Bank, Bank, Bank,
Discount Discount Discount Discount
and Credit and Credit and Debit and Debit
When a bill Receivable is discounted Bills Bills Bills Bills
from the bank, what will be Receivabl Receivabl Receivabl Receivabl
3834 adjustment? e e e e A

Debit the Debit the Credt the Credt the

Bills Bills Bills Bills
receivable receivable receivable receivable
When a bill receivable is dishonored, and Debit and Credit and Debit and Credit
what adjustment is required in final the the the the
3835 accounts? Debtors Debtors Debtors Debtors C

Debit the Credit the

Debit the Creditors Creditors Debit the
Creditors and Credit and Credit Creditors
When a bill Receivable is endorsed to and Credit the Bills the Bills and Debit
a creditor, what will be the accounting the Receivabl Receivabl the
3836 adjustment? Debtors e e Debtors B
Debit Credit Debit Credit
Cash and Cash and Cash and Cash and
When a bill receivable is honored by Debit Bills Credit Bills Credit Bills Debit Bills
the payer, what will be the accounting Receivabl Receivabl Receivabl Receivabl
3837 adjustment? e e e e C
Pay 5
When a Book of Regulation is lost by times of
the individual who took it on loan, Replace cost of the
3838 When
___? hired by Defence the book book a or b None C
Services is vacated, damages claimed Terminal
by the owner of the building are Barrack Demurrag Compensa All the
3839 known as ____? damages e Charges tion three C
All the vouchers for which payment is
authorised will be prominently
3840 enfaced as??.. Audited Passed Cancelled Linked C

will be will be
adjusted adjusted
by debit by debit
to security to DEA of
deposit concerned
head & CDA &
credit to credit to
When a cash security deposit is DEA of Security need not
transferred from one audit officer to concerned Deposit be
3841 another, the transaction CDA head compiled None A
When a CGHS benificiary falls sick in
outstation Medical Certificate issued
by RMP can be accepted if AMA is not
available within a distance of ___ KMs
3842 from place of stay? 5 8 10 12 B

Debit the Debit the Credit the theBank
When a cheque deposited into bank is Bank and Bank and Bank and and Credit
dishonored, what adjustment is Debit the Credit the Debit the the
3843 required in final accounts? Debtors Debtors Debtors Debtors C

Debit the
When a cheque given by a debtor is Debit the credit the Debit the debtor
endorsed to a creditor gets debtor debtor creditor and credit
dishonored then entry will be done as and and and credit the
3844 ____? creditor creditor the debtor creditor D
When a cheque is cancelled and a
fresh cheque is issued, which class of All the
3845 P.M. is operated in PCDA/CDA office? 1 2 5 three A
When a cheque is lost by a third party
and fresh cheque is issued, which of
3846 the following
When a contract
is likely
is taken?
to exceed for Fidelity Surety Security Indemnity D
a period of more than -------- years, a
provision for an unconditional power
of revocation or cancellation by
Government at any time after the
expiry of 6 months notice to be
3847 included.
When a contract is likely to exceed for 2 3 4 5D
a period of more than 5 years, a
provision for an unconditional power
of revocation or cancellation by
Government at any time after the
expiry of ------- months notice to be
3848 included. 3 5 6 8C
When a Contract is proposed to be
concluded for longer than 1 year but Next
not exceeding three years, sanction of PCDA/CD higher
3849 __ must be obtained? A CFA MOD GOI B

Accept Not Execute a

When a Contractor desires to transfer such accept the fresh
3850 a contract to another party, we will transfer proposal contract None C
Different Identical by two
?Pairing? means bringing together two to each to each different None of
3851 documents which are supposed to be: other other units the Above B
Different Identical by two
?Pairing? means bringing together two to each to each different None of
3852 documents which are supposed to be: other other units the Above B
All the vouchers for which payment is
authorized will be prominently
3853 enfaced as ____? Passed Cancelled Both None B

When a contractor desires to transfer Next with party
a contract, whose approval is higher PCDA/CD willing to
3854 required? CFA CFA A take up D
When a court attachment order is
received in respect of a Contractor, Court As
which of the following will have first Governme attachme Both decided
3855 claim over his payments? nt dues nt order equally by CDA A
When a defective rule comes to the See point as
notice of a PCDA/CDA, he will whether it per rule as refer to All the
3856 _______? stands it stands CGDA three D
When a Defence Building is leased for rs in
a period of three months or more to The proportio
more than One Contractor, for a Contracto n as per
purpose otherthan Cinema rs in equal lease Insurace
Exhibitions, it will be insured by proportio agreemen Not
3857 _____?a demand for aid of civil power MES
When n t Required A
is received by the Defence Authorities,
HQrs of Commands will allot a ___ to Nick Project
3858 the aid?
When a Go - A - Head sanction is given Code head Name Name Civil code B
for a work_ required on urgent
Military reasons, ____ is responsible
for delay/lapses in completion of the
prescribed procedure for necessary
3859 approvals? CEA CFA Both None B

No fresh No fresh
offer of offer of
appointm appointm
ent on ent on
promotio promotio
n shall be n shall be
No fresh made in made in
offer of such cases such cases
appointm for a for a
ent on period of period of
promotio 1 year 3 years
n shall be from the from the
made in No fresh date of date of
such cases offer of refusal of refusal of
for a appointm first first
period of ent on promotio promotio
1 year promotio n or till n or till
from the n shall be the next the next
date of made till vacancy vacancy
When a Government Servant does not first next arises arises
want to accept the promotion which is promotio vacancy whichever whichever
3860 offered to him? n arises is later is earlier C
In lieu
avail LTC
for self
once a
year from
HQ to HT
or place
and for
Avail LTC spouse
to HT in and
two year dependen
block t children
and/or to travel
When a Government servant serving LTC to once a
in above region leaves his family anywhere year to
behind at old H.Qrs. or another place in India in HQrs. Of
and has not availed transfer TA for four year Governme
3861 When
can ____? servant settles block nt Servant Both None C
down within the same station of
retirement involving change of
residence or at a place nox exceeding One third One third Half of
20 KMs distance, ____ % of Composite of Basic of 80% of 50% of 80% of
3862 Transfer Grant is admissible? pay Basic Pay Basic pay Basic pay B

0/1500 Kg One
When a Govt. official on transferred to as per the Half of One third fourth of
A&N Islands keeps his family at the grade of normal of normal normal
last station, his/her entitlement of the entitleme entitleme entitleme
3863 conveyance of personal effects is. official. nt nt nt C
All works catering for a period of more
than____ years will be built to
3864 permanent specifications? 10 7 5 3C
When a NPS subscriber dies, ____
3865 amount of wealth is released to the 0.2 0.4 0.8 1D
When a NPS subscriber dies, ____
3866 amount of wealth is released to the 0.2 0.4 0.8 1D

When a patient consults the same Single a or b at a or b at

AMA in regard to super imposition of combined Fresh the the
another discease during the course of consultati consultati discretion discretion
3867 treatment, it is regarded as ___? on on of HOD of AMA B
When a PBOR has not rendered
minimum qualifying service for
earning service pension, he will be
paid Service Gratuity if he serves for a
3868 minimum
When a PBOR
is absent
of ___ from
years? duty 2 5 7 10 B
without due authority for a period of
___ he is declared as a deserter after
investigation of the case by a Court of Six Three
3869 Inquiry? months months 30 days 15 days C
When a PBOR is transferred from one IRLA is
corps to another, ________ is LPC is transferre
3870 issued/transferred? issued d Both None B
When a police guard renders services
as a Government treasure in the His pay Departme
absence of a military guard, which of His and ntal
the following will be charged to Travelling allowance charges by All the
3871 Defence
When a promissory
Service Estimates?
note, bill of Expenses s his Dept. three A
exchange or cheque is transferred to
any person, so as to constitute that
person the holder thereof, the Transferre Negotiate Exchange All the
3872 instrument is said to be ____? d d d three B

transferre Returned
When a unit is disbanded, unspent d to other to Supply
3873 balances of rations are local units auctioned Depot None A
When a vendor is not able to supply
the stores or render service which of Risk &
the following clause can be invoked by Option Expenses
3874 the purchaser? clause Fall clause clause None C

All works catering to short term Date of

requirements i.e. accommodation not According Anticipate
expected to be required for a period Approval Date of d Date of As
of over five years from the ________ to the Starting completio decided
3875 will be in temporary construction? work the work n of work by CFA C

Any of the
When a work contains both three with
Authorized and Special items, CFA will proper
be determined with reference to the Special Authorise justificatio
3876 powers of _____? work d work Total work n A
When a wrong interpretation of a
financial rule has been followed in an Date of
audit office, the new interpretation Date of Date on incidence
should, in the absence of special issue of which of
instructions to the contrary be given clarificatio observatio expenditu
3877 effect to from the ______? n by CGDA n is raised re None A
When a wrong interpretation of a
financial rule has been implemented, Date of
the new interpretation should, in the Date on Date of incidence
absence of special instructions to the which issue of of
contrary be given effect to from the observatio clarificatio expenditu None of
3878 ?????? n is raised n by CGDA re these B
When AAO is heading the sub office
(Say ALAO, AAO BSO etc.) he/she can
sanction ___ days of Casual leave to
3879 subordinate at a time? 2 4 6 5C
When ACDA gets recruited in DAD his
pay will be fixed with reference to the
3880 pay level of ____? 9 10 11 12 B
SSR rates
When additional stores are issued to Stock by
contractor by GE, which of the Book Market Contracto Highest of
3881 following rates will be charged? Rates Rates rs % the three D
When advance is drawn for TA/DA
much before journey date, officer
should produce the Railway Ticket(s)
within __ of the drawal of advance to
3882 Controlling Officer? 5 days 10 days 30 days 90 days B

ed to the
When an allottee of ATG moves out Deposited authority carried
from under One HQ. Command to to who forward to
another, Unspent balance under ATG PCDA/CD initially new
3883 should be _____? A allotted Command None B
When an employee dies within 5 years
after retirement and the total amount
actually received by him on account of
pension (or service gratuity), Dearness
Relief, retirement gratuity,
commutation amount is less than 12
times the emoluments drawn at the
time of retirement, the deficiency is
granted to the nominees/family. This Residuary Death Retiremen Service
3884 amount is known as ___? Gratuity Gratuity t Gratuity Gratuity A

When an employee gets transferred drawn for
from the payment jurisdiction of one medical
CDA to another, which of the treatment
following need not be adjusted Advance of family
3885 through DIDS? of TA member Both None C
Allotment of Field Imprest Account
Number to the Field Imprest Holders is Accounts/
the duty of which of the following ORs Pay
3886 sections of PCDA/CDA? Section M Section IA Section Section A

When an employee is given rent free the
accommodation, an amount equal to House amount of
___ will be added to Income for the Rent Licence Licence
3887 purpose of Income Tax Calculation? Allowance Fee Fee None B

Balance is
When an individual against whom Balance is d through
Debt Head Advance is outstanding is intimated Defence
transferred to audit control of another through Exchange
3888 Controller _ action is taken? LPC Account Both None C
Ask the
Ask CDA authority
When an objection raised by a CDA to to obtain
could not be settled by him, CGDA withdraw requisite
3889 may the same sanction both none C
When an officer fall sick while on duty
and is retained on the sick list for a Non Absence Sick List
period of 30 days or less, such absence Qualifying without Concessio
3890 from duty is treated as? Service leave Sick Leave n D
When an officer opts to draw TPTA
and not availing officer car, he/she is 10000 + 12500 + 15750 +
3891 allowed TPTA of Rs. ____ per month 7200 + DA DA DA DA D

When an order sanctioning higher
expenditure contains no indication of authority
the amount or limit of sanction, CDA Issuing of Issuing All the
3892 will take up the matter with __? Authority Authority CGDA three A
stage in a or b
When Annual increment is granted the Next stage next whichever a or b
pay of a government gets fixed in in same higher is whichever
3893 ____? pay level level beneficial is less A
PCDA (O) against
against the CDA Field
PAO of of the PA Imprest
When Army Officer is paid by the the of the Holder PAO
Imprest Holder, DIDS is originated by Imprest Imprest against against
3894 ____? Holder Holder PCDA (O) PCDA (O) D
When audit is not able to investigate a
time barred claim due to non
availability of records, Sanctioning All the
3895 powers are vested in full with GOI MOD CGDA three B

Debit Debit Credit Credit

Cash and Cash and Cash and Cash and
When bills payable is honored, what Debit Bills Credit Bills Credit Bills Debit Bills
3896 will be the accounting adjustment? Payable Payable Payable Payable D
Allowance granted to meet personal
expenditure necessitated by special Compassi Composit Compensa Sumptuar
circumstances in which duty is onate e tory y
3897 performed is known as ____? Allowance Allowance Allowance allowance C
When both Defence land and buildings
are surplus, Disposal is carried out by PCDA/CD
3898 _________? DGDE MSTC MOD A A

At the
When both husband and wife are Only one At the of
Central Govt. servants covered under of them Both the discretion Competen
CGHS, the contribution will be whose pay employee of Govt. t
3899 recovered from is higher s employee Authority A
When cash sales are made to X, then X on case to
3900 A/c is _____? Credited Debited None case C

When commuted, ____ days of HPL Commutat

will be debited for one day of ion not
3901 absence? 2 3 4 admissible A
When Date of Birth is not known in Date as
respect of an employee, but month Last day declared
and year known, which date will be 1st day of of the 16th of by
3902 considered as DOB? the month month the month him/her C
When Defence buildings are declared
surplus, but not land , disposal action PCDA/CD
3903 is carried out by ______? DGDE A MES None C
When Depreciation of Machinery to be
3904 entry is posted, Machine A/c is ___? Debited Credited updated None B
When Depreciation on office building Profit and
is given in Trial Balance, it will appear Trading loss Balance Both b
3905 in ____ of final accounts? Account account sheet and c B
3906 When did the DPM 2009 come in to 39814 39873 39904 39934 C
3907 When did the DPM come into force? 39814 39816 39817 39818 C

Create a create a
formula to formula
sum all of Create a for
Creates the above formula of multiplicat
3908 Alt+= nothing cells diffrence ion abc

Authority Highest
will authority
Separate initiate with
proceedin common consent of
gs will be proceedin others
When Disciplinary authorities are initiated gs and may order
different for different individuals in a by each send the for
Disciplinary case, which of the Disciplinar result to common
following course of action would be y higher proceedin Any of the
3909 appropriate? Authority authority? g three C

When Engineer services are carried Contingen Depends Defence

out by CPWD on behalf of Defence Civil cy Fund of on the Service
3910 Services, Funds are provided from Estimates India case Estimates D

When entitled class ticket is not Below the

available, journey by ___ class is Next Any entitled Any of the
3911 admissible in case of Temporary Duty? Higher Higher class three C
When erroneous payments have been
left unchallenged in PCDA office, re
audit of bills paid more than 12 Next
months previously, can be undertaken higher
3912 with the permission of _____? CGDA MOD CFA CFA C
When Funds on ECR are drawn, the Move
units ordered to move at less than 48 Sanctionin
hours notice will submit certificate of g PCDA/CD
3913 expending to ___? authority A Both None A

When Furlough leave is combined Competen
with Annual Leave, which is taken first Furlough Annual As applied t
3914 _____? leave Leave by Officer Authority B
Both Both
Debit furniture furniture
When furniture destroyed due to fire furniture Debit loss and loss and loss
accident, What will be adjustment in and credit and Credit will be will be
3915 Final Accounts?
When furniture which is temporarily loss Furniture debited Credited B
surplus to authorized station
requirements and cannot
advantageously be moved elsewhere,
is issued to officers on hire in excess of
authorized scales, Rent at the rate of Cannot be
____ % per anum of the Capital cost of issued at
3916 furniture
When Go-A
be recovered
Sanction isbyissued,
MES? 15 12.5 10 all B
AEs-AA processes must be completed
at the earliest opportunity not
exceeding _____ after
3917 Commencement of works? 6 months 4 months 3 months 2 months A
When goods are destroyed by Fire,
3918 Goods account will be ____? Debited Credited Both None B
Alterations and improvements
necessitated by technical reasons or
engineering reasons are classified as Minor Special Capital
3919 ___ by MES? Repairs works works works A
When goods are destroyed by Fire,
3920 Loss account will be ____? Debited Credited Both None A
When goods are in such state that the
buyer would under the contract be in
bound to take delivery of them, they Deliverabl Transferre
3921 are said to be ____? Sold e state Delivered d B
When in the Bill or in any indorsement
thereon the name of any person is
given in addition to the drawee to be Drawee in Drawee in
resorted to in case of need, such Second due case of Alternate
3922 person is called _______? Drawee course Need Drawee C

When the
target When the When the When the
group is communic target target
small and ation to a group is group is
When is Oral communication not staying single homogen spread
3923 When
it comes
? to calculation of together individual ous out D
Qualifying service, ___ months is
allowed maximum for Antedating of
3924 When
it comes to calculation of 12 15 18 24 C
Qualifying service, ___ months is
allowed maximum for Period of
secondment and Antedating of
3925 commission put together? 12 15 18 24 D
When it comes to calculation of
Qualifying service, ___ months is
allowed maximum for Period of
3926 When
it has been decided that no 12 15 18 24 A
further provision of item of store will
be made because the prototype of a
successor equipment has been
formally accepted and is required to
be retained to meet tactical/technical
training or other special requirements
within the service, it is classified as Obsolesce
3927 ____? nt Obsolete Surplus Scrap A

When it is anticipated that due to Suppleme

technical reasons, expenditure is likely Suppleme ntary
to exceed authorized limits, __ is ntary Technical Revised All the
3928 prepared Estimate Sanction Estimate three C
When it is anticipated that due to
technical reasons, the expenditure is Suppleme
likely to exceed authorized limits, Revised ntary Technical Additional
3929 ____ will be prepared by MES? Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate A
Alterations necessitated by Maintena Depends
Administrative reasons are classified Original nce on case to Special
3930 as _____
When it is decided to replace an works services case works A
existing old item(s) witha new item(s),
_____ clause should be incorporated Risk & Buy Back
3931 in the RFP? Option Fall Expenses offer D
When it is difficult to estimate the Contract
quantities correctly until the work has Percentag for
been commenced, which type of Term e Rate specific
3932 contract is concluded? Contract Contract job None B
Deduct Deduct Deduct Deduct
Cost Price Sales Price Sales Price Cost Price
from from from from
Sales, Sales, Sales, Sales,
Debtors Debtors Debtors Debtors
and post and post and post and post
cost price cost price sales price cost price
of the of the of the of the
goods in goods in goods in goods in
trading trading trading trading
account account account account
on credit on credit on credit on credit
side and side and side and side and
assets assets assets assets
side of the side of the side of the side of the
When it is given in the adjustment balance balance balance balance
that goods sent on sale or approval sheet sheet sheet sheet
basis have been included in sales, under under under under
what will be adjustment in final closing closing closing closing
3933 accounts? stock stock stock stock B
When it is necessary to collect
materials for a work, for which Admin
Approval is not yet accorded, prior CFA of the PCDA/CD
3934 approval of ___ is required? GE CWE work A C
When land cultivated in excess of
prescribed scales, ___ of net profit is
credited to Government from One Three
3935 Regimental fund of a unit? Half One third fourth fourth C

will be Discretion
offered to There of the
the next shall be CDA will accepting
When Lowest Tender is found invalid lowest retenderin be officer
3936 or withdrawn for any reason Tenderer g consulted prevails B

When the When the

When estimated estimated
When procuring value of value of
tender similar goods/ser goods/ser
document items of vices is vices is
s are lost last less that less that
3937 When LTE is adopted ? in transit tendering 25 lakhs 10 lakhs C
When the When the
When estimated estimated
When procuring value of value of
tender similar goods/ser goods/ser
document items of vices is vices is
s are lost last less than less than
3938 When LTE is adopted? in transit tendering 25 lakhs 10 lakhs C
When machinery is purchased from
3939 vendor, which account will be CashVendor A or B None C
When MES carries out work for a State Reduction
Government, Departmental Charges Revenue of
are adjusted as ____ in the books of Expenditu Expenditu Capital Revenue
3940 Defence? re re Receipt Receipt D
Arithemat Arithemat
Arithemat ic logic ic Logic
ic logic understan undertaki None of
3941 ALU stands for unit ding ng These abc
MES will
only issue
When MES entrusts works services to TS
the agency of a Municipality, Technical irrespectiv
Sanction will be accorded by MES if e of
3942 When
the cost
Rs. __?
is utilized (when amount one lakh 10 lakhs 5 lakhs D
duties of the unit permit) for a work,
____ of the engineer unit employed
on construction work may be
authorized by CE to exercise the Nearest Any
3943 powers of GE? GE OC specified None B

Officer Officer
When officer possessing financial actually No nominate
powers is posted out and no officer performin financial d by the
has been appointed in his place, g the powers officer As advised
3944 financial responsibility will rest on? duties exercised relieved by CDA A
When one case has relevance in
relation to another case , both the
cases are submitted together and this
3945 processone
When is called
signifies to another Linking Pairing Casting referring A
his willingness to do or to abstain from
doing anything, with a view to
obtaining the assent of that other to
such act or abstinence, he is said to
3946 make a _____? Proposal Request Contract Tender A
When only a single quote/single valid Resultant
quote is received against a tender it is PAC Single single None of
3947 called _________ tender tender tender the above C
Give oral
If direction
unavoidab and then Give the
No the le give the
take oral
officer is direction approval direction
not and of the and
When oral direction is given to a supposed confirm next Record
subordinate as it is felt necessary for to give immediat superior such oral
immediate action, what course of oral ely officer to directions
3948 action would you suggest the officer? direction thereafter ratify separately B
When payment is made on account of
3949 Rent, Rent A/c will be _____? Credited Debited A or B None B

Stop his subscripti
monthly on to
pay and compulsor
When PBOR goes into Debit Balance, allowance y
3950 PAO will ___? s minimum Both None B
When PBOR is granted Commission, Depot
action should be taken to call for the Record Battalion
LPC from the _____ concerned by Office of CO of the of the
3951 PCDA (O)? the corps unit corps PAO (ORs) D
Always use ---------- language in Complicat
3952 drafting. Simple ed foreign tough A

When PCDA/CDA considers that any d
rule or order has infringed any one of Administr
the canons of financial propriety; he Army ative All the
3953 should convey his opinion to? CGDA H.Qrs. Authority three C
When proprietor takes business Either A or Both A
3954 money for personal use __ account is Capital Drawings B and B B

When proprietor withdraws goods

from business, which of the following Capital, Capital, Drawings, Drawings,
3955 accounts will be effected? Drawings Purchases Purchases Sales C
When Ram gives money to Shyam,
Ram will ____ Shyam A/c and Shyam Credit, Debit, Debit, Credit,
3956 will _____ Ram A/c? Debit Credit Debit Credit B

When RBI clears the advice given by

Defence to debit/credit Advice
Railways/Postal Department, it sends Settlemen Memo of clearance
3957 ____ as intimation? t Memo clearance certificate None B
When repairs are carred out to
3958 Machinery, which account is debited Repairs Machinery Cash None A
When Reserve for Depreciation on
office building is given in Trial Balance, Profit and
it will appear in ____ of final Trading loss Balance Both b
3959 When
return air passages are Account account sheet and c C
sanctioned by Government, exchange
orders are issued by ___ branch of
Army H.Qrs.on the authority of which
payment is made to the air line
3960 concerned? AG GS E in C QMG D
When sanction has been accorded by
the competent authority, the grant of
pensions is notified in the form of Part II All the
3961 ______ by the PCDA (Pensions) PPO O.O. LPC three A

amount amount A or B as
realized realized decided
When sending to civil court money under the under the by
deducted from the salary of the attachme attachme Competen
Government servant under an nt orders nt orders t A or B as
attachment order, the disbursing less the plus the Administr decided
officer should remit to the court only remittanc remittanc ative by Audit
3962 the ___? e charge e charge Authority Authority A
?Skeleton List? means the list with Inspecting office of Formation
which vouchers are forwarded by the Authoritie PCDA/CD Command
3963 issuing depots to: s A ers LAOs D
?Skeleton List? means the list with Inspecting office of Formation
which vouchers are forwarded by the Authoritie PCDA/CD Command
3964 issuing depots to: s A ers LAOs D

Controller Comptroll
Ammendmends to CHB relationg to Controller General of er and
Major/SubMajor, Minor Heads of General of defence auditor Defence
3965 accounts
When senior
are issued
below the Accounts Accounts General Secretary B
rank of ?, are the users of the staff
cars, the staff officers accompanying
the senior officers may sign the car
3966 diary Colonel Brgadier Maj Gen Lt. Gen B
When Shyam pays money to business,
3967 Shyam account will be ____? Closed Credited Debited None B
When some person gives money to
business, cash account is operated on
3968 ___ side?
When special train is used for Debit Credit A or B None A
movement of military stores, one
loaded brake-van is allowed free when
the number of vehicles of the special 12 Four 14 Four 15 Four 16 Four
3969 train exceeds? Wheelers Wheelers Wheelers wheelers D
When Stores are issued by a Depot to Both Both
consuming unit, the distribution of D D copy to E copy to copies to copies to
and E copies of issue voucher is done Consignor Consignee consignee consignor
3970 as under LAO LAO LAO LAO D

When Stores are issued by Army to

MES, the priced copy of the voucher is PCDA/CD AO/AAO Consignee
3971 sent by consignors LAO to GE A GE LAO/RAO C
When stores are transferred from
consuming unit to Depot, which copy
of the issue voucher is left out while
3972 preparing
When stores
transferred from one E D C B B
consuming unit to another,
____________ copies of issue voucher
3973 are prepared 5 4 3 6B
When stores are transferred from one
depot or to a unit, the issue voucher
(IAFZ-2096 or its equivalent) is
3974 generally
When stores
are transferred
in from one 2 Copies 3 Copies 4 Copies 5 Copies D
depot to another depot, the issue
voucher is generally prepared in ___
3975 copies Two Three Four Five D

Controller Comptroll
Ammendmends to CHB relationg to Controller General of er and
Major/SubMajor, Minor Heads of General of defence auditor
3976 accounts are issued by ---------- NULL Accounts Accounts General D
When stores transferred from one
MES unit to another _____ voucher of
3977 P.M is operated? Class 2 Class 9 Class 8 Class I A
When temporary accommodation is to Initial
be build on hired land ____________ compensa
will be included in the approximate tion first years
3978 estimates? payable rent Both None C
When the charged official is for
retirement during the period of Subsistenc Compassi
Disciplinary Proceedings, ______ Provisiona e onate
3979 Pension is sanctioned? Full l Allowance allowance B
When the day on which a promissory
note or bill of exchange is at maturity Not valid
is a public holiday, the instrument and hence
shall be deemed to be due on the Next not
3980 ____ business day Preceding Next Same payable A
When the maker or holder of a
negotiable instrument signs the same,
otherwise than as such maker, for the
purpose of negotiation, on the back or
face thereof or on a slip of paper
annexed thereto, or so signs for the
same purpose a stamped paper
intended to be completed as a
negotiable instrument, he is said to
3981 ____ the
When thesame?
person to whom the Transfer Exchange Endorse Mortgage C
proposal is made signifies his assent
thereto, the proposal accepted, Agreemen
3982 becomes
When the ______?
subject of a case concerns Contract Tender Promise t C
more than one Department, no order
shall be issued until all such
Departments have concurred, or,
failing such concurrence, a decision
has been taken by or under the Ministry Any of the
3983 authority of the ____? Cabinet of Finance DOP&T three A
When there is a difference of opinion CGDA
between admin authorities and CDA Services through
over the propriety of a recovery, H.Qrs. Admin
matter shall be reported to ___ for through authoritie
3984 orders? CDA s Both None A
When there is a difference of opinion Next
between administrative authorities higher
and CDA over the propriety/rate of a Service administra
recovery, it will be referred to ____ Head tive
3985 for orders?
When there is a difference of opinion Quarters authority DGADS CGDA A
between, the administrative
authorities and the Controller of
Defence Accounts over the propriety
of a recovery or the rate of recovery, Service
the matter shall, without delay, be Head
3986 reportedactually
Amount to ______?
paid by the MOD CGDA C&AG Quarters D
Contractor for any article, commodity
or special work including all proper
charges is known as ____ as defined in Prime Marginal
3987 IAFW 2249? Total Cost Cost Basic Cost Cost B

Ask All L1
to quote
on the
When there is a tie between two or spot a
more Contractors in respect of a work, rate lower Sharing of
What action would you suggest as a Lottery than the work
person working in PCDA/CDA to the Retenderi between earlier between
3988 MES authorities? ng All L1 amount all L1 C
Public nt
When transactions are carried out by Account Account
RBI, daily scrolls are sent to PCDA/CDA CAS, Departme Departme
3989 by _____ of RBI Branch? Nagpur nt nt None B
When troops ordered to move at less
than 48 Hours notice, funds can be
drawn on the authority of ECR by units Civil
3990 from which of the following? Treasury Bank Both None C
When vehicles are procured through
DGS&D, spares to the extent of ___
requirements are stocked by MES with
3991 approval of CE? 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years B
When was Indian Civil Accounts
3992 service constituted? 28126 28216 27760 27851 B
When was the IFA system introduced
3993 in Border Roads Organisation? 1995 1996 1997 1998 A
When was the IFA system introduced
3994 in Works?
When we are preparing Bank 1995 1996 1997 1998 D
Reconciliation Statement, we find
some difference in the information
recorded in the Cash Book and Pass
Book. If Bank charges shown in the
Bank statement are not found in the
Cash Book, we will _____ the amount
of difference to/from/in the cash
book balance, when we start with
Balance as per Cash Book (favourable
balance) and reach the balance as per update
3995 pass book?
When we are preparing Bank Deduct Add cash book Ignore A
Reconciliation Statement, we find
some difference in the information
recorded in the Cash Book and Pass
Book. If Bank charges shown in the
Bank statement are not found in the
Cash Book, we will _____ the amount
of difference to/from/in the pass
book balance, when we start with
Balance as per Pass Book (favourable
balance) and reach the balance as per update
3996 cash book?
When works executed on behalf of Deduct Add cash book Ignore B
other Ministries of Central
Government, ___ % of Departmental
3997 charges are charged by MES? 13.5 14.5 15.5 16.5 D
Amount for which DIDS is originated recovered No. of Amount
will be verified by Responding CDA by instalment of Outstandi
with reference to the ___ reflected in originatin s already advance ng
3998 the concerned LPC received? g CDA recovered paid Balance D
requires Acceptabl
When writing APAR, officer in permissio e only if it
immediate charge of the Section Not n of is a
wants to refer to the APAR of the Acceptabl acceptabl PCDA/CD serious
3999 previous years? e e A case B
When you find a flag D against details
of one Army Officer in Central Index,
what do you understand about the Deputatio Deserter Death Dismissal
4000 status of his account? n case case case case A
When you find a flag S against details
of one Army Officer in Central Index,
what do you understand about the Serving Special Separate Secondme
4001 status of his account? case case case nt case D
When you find that certain stores
have been issued by a depot to
another, such ____ in ledgers will be
4002 verifiedatinto
When, thethe
the promisor, Credits Debits Both None B
the promisee or any other person has
done or abstained from doing, or does
or abstains from doing, or promises to
do or to abstain from doing,
something, such act or abstinence is Considera
4003 called a ______? Contract Tender Promise tion D

may be
may be booked to
booked to the head
may be may be only one of account
Whenever the cost of an divided in divided in head of under
establishment is divided between two equal the same account as which
heads, how the charge for service proportio proportio decided more fund
4004 postage stamps is dealt with? n n of cost by CFA is allotted B
can be
Where a case against Govt. Servant in Can be can be kept
respect of any criminal offences is removed dismissed under can be
under investigation, inquiry or trial, from from suspensio directed
4005 Where
Govt. servant
a contract of sale is not service service n to resign C
severable and the buyer has accepted treating
the goods or part thereof, the breach the
of any condition to be fulfilled by the a ground contract
seller can be treated as a ______ for as
unless there is a term of the to that breach of rejecting repudiate All the
4006 effectcontract? warranty the goods d three A
Where a Department feels that the
goods of the required quality,
specifications etc., may not be
available in the country and it is
necessary to also look for competitive
offers from abroad, the Department Indian foreign
may send copies of the tender notice Embassies Embassies Both A
4007 to which of the following? abroad in India A or B and B D
Where a employee has given notice of
an accident, he shall, if the employer,
before the expiry of____ days from
the time at which service of the notice
has been effected offers to have him
examined free of charge by a qualified
medical practitioner, submit himself
4008 for such examination? 1 day 2 days 3 days 7 days C
Amount of Insurance cover for Group
4009 B official
Where a Government
is Rs. ____ under
holding 30000 60000 120000 240000 A
a permanent post is officiating in a
higher post on a regular basis and the
pay structure applicable to these two
posts are merged into one Level, the
pay fixed shall be treated as _____ Temporar Substantiv Presumpti
4010 pay y e ve Officiating B
Where a Government servant holding
a permanent post is officiating in a As
higher post on a regular basis and the decided
pay structure applicable to these two by the
posts are merged into one Level, the As opted Competen
pay shall be fixed under with Permanen by the t
4011 reference to the ____ post Officiating t individual Authority A

PCDA Controller
Where a matter pertains to more than (Central s having
one controller, views/comments of Controller Command DAD cells
other controllers will be obtained by who raises ) Lucknow under
4012 ______? CGDA the issue centrally them B
Where a payment made to the Court
is in the nature of a security for final
staying the execution of the decree, Expenditu
4013 Where
the same anywould
be treated
is in default
as in Advance Deposit re None B
paying the compensation due under
this Act within ____ from the date it
fell due, the Commissioner shall
4014 charge interest? 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months A

Where both the parties to an To be

agreement are under a mistake as to a decided in
matter of fact essential to the each case
4015 agreement, the agreement is ____? Voidable Void Valid on merits B
Where by a contract of sale the seller an
purports to effect a present sale of Price agreemen
future goods, the contract operates as Agreemen t to sell
4016 ? Contract Sale t the goods D
Where is the Eastern Air Command Trivandru
4017 situated? Shillong Allahabad m Kolkata A
Where it is anticipated that site
cannot be made available to Engineers
within ___, the project should not be 24 12
4018 released for execution? months months 9 months 6 months D
Where journey is performed by rail
without using Form D due to non
availability of Form D in Unit /
Establishment, reimbursement should Imprest Either a or
4019 be claimed from __ by Army Officer? Holder PCDA (O) b None A
Amount of resource given up in
exchange for some goods or services Prime
4020 is defined as ______? Cost Cost Price Attribute A
Where pay book of a PBOR due for
discharge is lost or missed at the time
of Finalization of his Discharge case, one two three six
4021 IRLA will be kept open for _? month months months months C
Where permanent disability is not less
than 60%, disability pension (Service +
Disability element) shall not be less
than ____% of emoluments subject to
4022 minimum
Where permanent
amount presccribed.
disability is not less 50 60 75 100 B
than 60%, disability pension (Service +
Disability element) shall not be less
than Rs. ____ i.e.minimum amount
4023 presccribed. 12000 15000 18000 21000 C
Where Pet animals are conveyed as
part of baggage by Army officers, the
charges are restricted by PCDA (O) to Entitled Not
within the maximum entitlement for Goods class of Road admissible
4024 conveyance of baggage by __? train officer Transport at all A
Nearest Departme
Where RBI branch acts a focal point SBI Focal nt of the
branch, Scrolls are sent to RBI New RBI, CAS, Point RBI
4025 PCDAs/CDAs concerned by ____? Delhi Nagpur Branch Branch D
Where recovery is on basis of calendar Reduction
year instead of FY, the entire amount of
of recovery may be treated as __ Revenue Capital Expenditu
4026 between 2 Govts. In India? Receipt Receipt re None C
Where the decree/award is directly
against the Union of India, payment to Contingen Consolidat Public
be made in satisfaction thereof is cy fund of ed fund of Account All the
4027 treated as Charged on ? India India of India three B
Where the disablement is of a
temporary nature, such disablement
as reduces the earning capacity of a
employee in any employment in which
he was engaged at the time of the
accident resulting in the disablement
is defined as _____ disablement under Permanen Temporar
4028 Workmen's Compensation Act? Partial t y Total A
Where the location of the supplier and 1% each
the place of supply are in the same 1% each under
State/UT,TDS @ ___ is deducted if the under 2% under CGST and
deductor is registered in that State or SGST and 2% under SGST/UTG SGST/UTG
4029 Union territory without legislature UTGST CGST ST ST D
Where the location of the supplier and 1% each
the place of supply are in the same 1% each under
State/UT,TDS @ ___ is deducted if the under 2% under CGST and
deductor is registered in that State or SGST and 2% under SGST/UTG SGST/UTG
4030 Union territory
Amount realizedwithout
as a result
of disposal UTGST CGST ST ST D
of dried up trees, grass either by 50% to
auction or by Contract is credited to Regiment Governme each of a, 75% to a
4031 ____? the location of the supplier is
Where al fund nt b 25% to b B
in State A and the place of supply is in 1% each
State or Union territory without under 1% each
legislature B, TDS @ 2___ is to be CGST and under
deducted if the deductor is registered SGST/UTG 2% under 2% under SGST and
4032 in State A? ST CGST IGST UTGST C
Where the payment is to be made
through Letter of Credit, it should be
opened within ____ days of receipt of
notification of readiness of goods for
4033 deliverythere
Where fromistheanforeign
to sell 45 60 90 180 A
goods on the terms that the price is to
be fixed by the valuation of a third
party and such third party cannot or Depend
does not make such valuation, the on case to
4034 agreement is thereby ____? Valid Void Avoided case C
Where there is an agreement to sell
specific goods, and subsequently the
goods without any fault on the part of
the seller or buyer perish or become
so damaged as no longer to answer to
their description in the agreement Depend
before the risk passes to the buyer, on case to
4035 the agreement is thereby ____? Valid Void Avoided case C
Where there is inconsistency in a new Authority
rule with some of the existing rules, a Other who
reference will be made to _____ by Controller issued the All the
4036 PCsDA/CsDA
Where there is injunction by Court s rule CGDA three C
against filling up the vacancy on Out of
regular basis and the post cannot be turn Adhoc Regular Proforma
kept vacant till the final judgement promotio promotio promotio Promotio
4037 ___ can be made? n n n n B
Where two or more scales have been
merged, the existing DPC for the Review
_____ grade will be the DPC for the Fresh DPC DPC
4038 mergedvehicles
Where grade? of indigenous Higher Lower conducted conducted A
manufacture are procured by MES,
spares to the extent of ___ Six Immediat
4039 requirement
Where work ofarethe
in stock?
kind is One year Two years months e A
carried out by two or more sets of
workers working during different
periods of the day, each of such
periods is called a ___ as per Factories
4040 Act?
Whereon ____ or more workers are Shift Turn Tenure Slot A
working, or were working on any day
of the preceding twelve months, and
in any part of which a manufacturing
process is being carried on without the
aid of power, or is ordinarily so carried
on is defined as Factory as per
4041 Factories Act? 10 20 50 100 B
4042 An agreement enforceable by law is Void Voidable Contract Tender C
Wherever a Departmental Officer is
appointed as Inquiry Officer (Full
time), he should complete Inquiry and
4043 submit his report within _? 6 months 3 months 30 Days 20 days D
Whether late tenders can be Within 1
4044 accepted? Yes No hour None B

When no.
two due
to second
child birth
Whether under the scheme of CEA, Under During resulting In all the
reimbursement can be availed by suspensio Extraordin in multiple three
4045 Government Employee? n ary leave births cases D
Yes, with
Whether unsolicited bids from conditions
unregistered firms can be accepted in laid down Discretion
4046 case of LTE ? No Yes in DPM of CFA C
B) Axis D) None
4047 Which agency allots PRAN? A) SBI bank C) NSDL of these C
Which agency is acting as Central D) None
4048 record keeping agency for NPS? A) LIC B) NSDL C) SBI of these B

Which allowance is not taken into Headquar

account for the purpose of calculating ers Annual None of
4049 encashment of leave? HRA Allowance Allowance the above D
Which among following is not
4050 associated with spelling dialogue box ? Edit Ignore Ignore all Change abc
Which among the following is an All the
4051 example for third person voice He She They above D
Which among the following is an All the
4052 example of first person voice I Me Ours above D
An agreement not enforceable by law
4053 is said to be _____? Void Voidable Contract Tender A
Which among the following is not an All the
4054 example for second person voice Our Your You above A
Which among the following is not an All the
4055 example of first person voice I Me Your above C
Which among the following omissions
can be treated as trivial errors in Initial any Signing
Tenders that may be allowed to be Rates in alteration tender & All the
4056 corrected? words in rates schedule three D

reply from
office this Without
office is your replyIt is
not in a we are requested
position not in a to forward Please
to take position the refer this
Which among the following sentence necessary to take document office
4057 is in first person voice? action action s letter B
Which among the following type of Memoran
4058 communications have a personal Letter DO Letter dum Circular B
Which Appendix of Defence Service
Estimate Vol I issued by MoD explains
Organisation and function of Mod(Fin) Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix
4059 and DAD? A B C D B
Which appendix of DPM 2009 gives Appx A Appx A Appx C Appx B
4060 details of standard conditions of and B and C and E and E C
Which Appendix of DPM 2009 lays Appendix Appendix Appendix
4061 down standard conditions of contract F AppendixE D C D
Which Article of Constitution of India
defines the powers and duties of
4062 C&AG of India 149 150 151 152 A
Which article of Constitution of India
prescribes that Speaker/Chairman
4063 An
not vote inwhich
the first
is enforceable
instance ? by 97 98 99 100 D
law at the option of one or more of
the parties thereto, but not at the
option of the other or others, is ____
4064 Contract? Void Voidable Valid One side B
Which Article of Constitution of India
prescribes that there shall be a
4065 Parliament for Union? 79 80 81 82 A
Which article of Constitution of India
prescribes the procedure related to
4066 Which
Bill ? of Constitution of India 106 107 108 109 D
stipulates that for violation of the
Constitution, President of India be
removed form office by
4067 Which
Article of Constitution of India 56 57 59 61 D
stipulates that Reports of C&AG
relating to accounts of the union shall
be submitted to President who shall
cause them to be laid before each All the
4068 house of Parliament 149 150 151 three C
Which Article of the Constitution of All the
4069 India
Which defines
Article India
of the
a union of of 1 2 3 three A
India enables the Parliament to
possess the power to admit new All the
4070 Which
states?Article of the Constitution of 1 2 3 three B
India enables the Parliament to
possess the power to form new All the
4071 states? 1 2 3 three C
Which article of the constitution of
4072 Which
India prescribes
article of tenure
the constitution
of President
of of 53 54 55 56 D
India prescribes that When a Bill has
been passed by the Houses of
Parliament, it shall be presented to
the President and the President shall
declare either that he assents to the
Bill, or that he withholds the assent
4073 therefrom? 108 109 110 111 D
Which Article of the Constitution of
India prescribes the tenure of Vice
4074 President of India? 65 66 67 69 C
_ section of PCDA (O) is responsible to
deal with Court, AFT & RTI cases on Permanen
pay & allowances entitlements of Ledger t Record Technical
4075 serving and released officers? Legal Cell wing Section Section B
_ section of PCDA (O) is responsible to
deal with Court, AFT & RTI cases on Permanen
pay & allowances entitlements of Ledger t Record Technical
4076 serving and released officers? Legal Cell wing Section Section B

An annual indent for articles of of Printing Governme
stationery required for use during the and nt Printing
following year will be sent so to ___ Stationery PC of A Press,
4077 by PCsDA/CsDA? , Kolkata CGDA Kolkata Nasik A
Which article of the constitution of
India provides for Parliamentary Article Article Article Article
4078 control over public finance? 266 276 366 376 A
Which article of the constitution of
India stipuates that the Executive
powers of the Union shall be vested All the
4079 with the
Which article
of theofconstitution
India? of 53 (1) 53 (2) 54 three A
India stipuates that the Supreme
Command of the Defence Forces and
exercise thereof shall be regulated by All the
4080 Law? 53 (1) 53 (2) 54 three B
Which Article of the Constitution of
India stipulates that there shall be a
4081 Vice President of India? 60 62 63 64 C
Which authority is empowered to Director
audit the sanctions issued by the of Audit,
Govt.of India in so far as they relate to CGDA, PCDA, CDA(Army Defence
4082 Defence Services Estimates? New Delhi New Delhi ) Meerut Services. D

Which authority is primarily

responsible for carrying out physical Audit Executive None of
4083 verification of stores? Officer Test Audit Authority these C

Which authority is primarily Local

responsible to carry out physical Audit Executive
4084 verification of stores? Officer Test Audit Authority None C

Which book is to be referred for RDR

4085 suspense and deposit code heads? NULL Pamphlet CHB LMMHA D

Which book is to be referred to verify Classificati

the correctness of Minor Heads and RDR Account on Hand
4086 detailed heads mentioned in the AoN? Pamplet Code DFPR Book D
Air officer Air officer
Which branch of Air Force H.Qrs. deals Deputy in charge in charge
with Offensive operations and Vice Chief Chief of Administr Maintena
4087 planning of joint operations? of Air Staff Air Staff ation nce B
An appeal against final disallowance of
an audit officer should be submitted
within ___ from date of issue of 12 24
4088 disallowance intimation? 2 months 3 months months months A

Air Officer Air Officer

i/c i/c
Which branch of Air H.Qrs. Deals with Administr Maintena Deputy
4089 Flight Safety? ation nce Chief Vice Chief C

Which branch of Army H.Qrs deals

with construction and maintenance of Quarter Master
accommodation and works for Master General of Military
4090 Defence Servives? E in C General Ordnance Secretary A

Which Branch of Army H.Qrs. deals Quarter Master

with Bomb Disposal and mine Master General of General
4091 clearing? General Ordnance Staff E in C D
Which branch of Army H.Qrs. deals QMG Secretary
4092 with Discipline and ceremonials? Branch AG Branch GS Branch Branch B
Which Branch of Army H.Qrs. deals Quarter
with leave and pension of Military Master Adjutant General Military
4093 Personnel? General General Staff Secretary B

Quarter Master
Which Branch of Army H.Qrs. deals Master General of General Military
4094 with Military training and education? General Ordnance Staff Secretary C

Which Branch of Army H.Qrs. deals Quarter Master

with Procurement policy of general Master General of General Military
4095 stores? General Ordnance Staff Secretary B

Which Branch of Army H.Qrs. deals Quarter Master

with Remount and veterinary Master General of General Military
4096 Services? General Ordnance Staff Secretary A

Master Quarter Military

Which Branch of Army H.Qrs. deals Engineer General of Master Secretary
4097 with Works Policy? in Chief Ordnance General Branch C
Which branch of Army Head Qrs. deals Adjutant General of E in C Military
4098 with Military Law? General Ordnance branch Secretary A

nces exist
that give he does
rise to not
justifiable possess
doubts as the
to his qualificati
independe ons
nce or agreed to
An arbitrator may be challenged only impartialit by the
4099 if ____? y parties None a or b D
Which branch of Army Head Quarters QMG MGO Secretary
4100 deals with MT vehicles in Army? Branch AG Branch Branch Branch C
Which branch of Army Head Quarters Secretary QMG MGO
4101 deals with MT Vehicles in Army? AG Branch Branch Branch branch D
Which branch of Army HQrs. Deals
4102 with Combat Development? GS AG QMG MGO A
Which branch of Indian Army MS QMG
4103 recommend for grant of honors and GS branch AG Branch branch branch C

Which branch of Naval H.Qrs. deals Asst. Chief

with the Discipline of the Civilian Chief of of Naval Chief of
4104 Personnel in the Navy? Vice Chief Logistics Staff personnel B

Which branch of Navy H.Qrs. Deals Chief of Chief of Chief of

4105 with Hydrography? Logistics Material personnel Vice Chief D
Which branch of SBI acts as e-focal
4106 point branch for CMP transactions? Delhi Mumbai Bengaluru Pune B
Which branch of the Army H.Qrs. deals Engineer
with Bomb disposal and Mine in Chief QMG MGO
4107 clearing? GS Branch Branch Branch Branch B
Which branch of the Army H.Qrs. deals Military
with Issue of Commissions in the Secretary QMG MGO
4108 Army? Branch AG Branch Branch Branch A
Which branch of the Army H.Qrs. deals
with Organization and development of QMG MGO
4109 the Army? GS Branch AG Branch Branch Branch A
An army officer cannot be granted Study
4110 Annual leave in combination with Furlough leave Sick Leave None B
Which branch of the Army H.Qrs. deals
with Pay & Allowances and Pension of QMG MGO
4111 Army personnel? GS Branch AG Branch Branch Branch B
Which branch of the Army H.Qrs. deals QMG MGO
4112 with Signal Equipment? GS Branch AG Branch Branch Branch D

Those annual
Which category of citizens are below income is
exempted from paying fee under RTI poverty less than None of
4113 Rules All line Rs.10 lakh the above B
Which class of P.M. voucher will be
4114 operated for Railway Bills? 2 4 5 6D
Which class of PM voucher is operated
4115 to adjust MRO? 1 2 8 9B
Which class of Punching Medium is
not operated by Admin Pay section of
4116 Regional PCDA/CDA office? 1 2 4 None C
Which class of punching medium is
4117 obsolete now? 5 6 7 8C
Which class of Punching Medium is
otherwise called as abstract of receipt
4118 and charges ? 4 5 6 8A
Which class of punching medium is
4119 otherwise called as Cash Voucher ? 1 2 3 4A
Which class of punching medium is
4120 prepared by AO GE? 9 5 6 4D
ned in
ion of
which a Any
concessio qualificati
n in the on which
form of was
antedate minimum
An army officer is not eligible for seniority required
4121 qualification pay in respect of ___? is given for entry None Both a, b D
Which class of Punching medium is
4122 prepared in a different format ? Class 1 Class 6 Class 9 Class 8 D
Which class of Punching Medium is
used for adjustment of credit scrolls
4123 received in the Accounts Section? 1 2 3 4B
Which class of Punching Medium is
4124 used for rectification action ? 1 2 3 4B
Which class of Punching Medium is
4125 used for responding DIDS ? 5 6 7 8D
Which class of Punching Medium is
4126 used in the office of AOGE ? 4 5 6 7A
Which class of punching medium is
4127 used to adjust Railway Bills ? 4 5 6 8C
Which class of Punching Medium
4128 voucher has two parts i.e. part A & 1 2 5 8D
Which class of Punching Medium
4129 Voucher is used for adjustment of 1 2 5 8B
Which class of voucher is operated for
4130 Cash Vouchers 1 2 3 4A
Which class of voucher is operated for
4131 An
ID schedules
Officer retiring in January of 3 8 6 9A
a year can accumulate ____ days of un
availed Annual Leave of the year of
retirement for Leave Encashment
4132 purpose? 10 15 30 60 B
Which class of voucher is operated for
4133 MES Bills 1 4 6 9D
Which class of voucher is operated to
4134 carry out rectification of erroneous 1 2 4 5B
Which class of voucher is operated to
4135 compile Abstract of Receipts & 1 2 4 5C
Which class of voucher is operated to
4136 compile Railway Vouchers 3 4 5 6D
Which class of voucher is operated to
compile the cash accounts of Imprest
4137 Holders 1 2 4 5D
Which class of voucher is operated to
4138 respond the DIDS 2 8 4 5B
Which clss of Punching Medium is
4139 used to compile Field Imprest Account 5 4 3 2 A
Which Code head is used to book SBI 00/020/8
00/020/9 93/020/9 93/020/8
4140 CMP? 1 1 1 1 C
Which code head is used to book 00/020/8
00/020/8 00/020/9 00/020/9
4141 uncredited amount under SBI CMP? 0 1 1 6 D
Which Code head is used to clear 00/021/0
00/020/8 00/020/8 00/020/9
4142 suspense head 00/020/80 ? 0 2 1 1 A
supernum When he
erary to is
the declared
While on establish as
An Army Officer will be entitled to full duty Ex- ment to Prisoner All the
4143 pay and allowances? India his corps of War three D
Which code head is used to release 00/021/0 00/020/8 00/020/8 00/020/9
4144 the suspense head 00/020/81 ? 0 2 1 1 A
Which colour of APAR form is used to
write the APAR of SAG level officer in
4145 Defence Accounts Department? Blue Cream Pink Yellow A
Which colour of the form is used for
4146 APAR of HAG officer? Yellow Blue Pink Cream D
Which Commission suggests the Planning
Government on matters related to Commissi Election Finance
distribution of Taxes between Central on/Neeti Commissi Commissi All the
4147 Which
and State
examines the Ayog on on three C
accounts showing the appropriations Public Committe
of sums granted by the House for Accounts e on Finance Estimates
expenditure and final expenditure and Committe undertaki Commissi committe
4148 results e ngs on e A
Oral Vertical written Group
Communi communic communic comunicat
4149 Which communication is legally valid? cation ation ation ion C
Type of UO
Which component in the sanction Item in Number in Amount
symbolises that the procurement the the of None of
4150 sanction has been concurred by IFA? sanction sanction sanction these B
Which copy of the issue voucher is
4151 known as Consignee Copy? B copy C copy A copy E copy B

the scope
of audit
and report
Which copy of the issue voucher is to
sent to Consignor LAO by the Supply PCDA/CD
4152 Depot? D A Both None C
Which copy of the issue voucher is the
office copy of the consignee when
4153 stores
An election
are issued
to fill from
a vacancy
unit? A B C D C
office of President occurring by reason
of his death, resignation or removal,
or otherwise shall be held as soon as
possible after, and in no case late than
___ from the date of occurrence of
4154 vacancy 3 months 6 months 9 months One year B
Which copy of the issue vouchers is
called as Receipted copy of the
Consignee when stores are transferred
4155 from one
Which Corps
of Indian
to another?
Army provides a C D E B D
pool of unskilled Military labour for Defence
supply and maintenance of Forces in Pioneer Security Armoured
4156 the Field? MES Corps Corps Corps B
Dept. of
Which Department of Ministry of Dept. of Research Dept. of
Defence deals with advising Defence & Ex
Government on scientific aspects of Dept. of Productio Developm Serviceme
4157 Military Equipment? Defence n ent n welfare C
Dept. of
Dept. of Research Dept. of
Which Department of Ministry of Defence & Ex
Defence deals with appeals on Dept. of Productio Developm Serviceme
4158 account of Family Pension? Defence n ent n welfare D
Dept. of
Dept. of Research Dept. of
Which Department of Ministry of Defence & Ex
Defence deals with indigenization of Dept. of Productio Developm Serviceme
4159 imported stores? Defence n ent n welfare B
Dept. of Departme
Which Department of MOD is Defene Dept. of nt of Ex-
responsible to deal with matters Dept. of Productio Defence Serviceme
4160 relating to Parliament? Defence n R&D n A
Which department under Ministry of Dept of Dept of Dept of
Finance starts the process of Budget Dept of expenditu Financial Economic
4161 formulation? Revenue re Services affairs D
Which digit in DIDS number indictes
4162 the class
which document
of voucher
gives a detailed 5th 6th 7th 8th C
analysis of the economic situation of
the country and is presented to appropriat
parliament a few days before ion report of economic
4163 presentation of the annual budget? account PAC DDG survey D
Which document is issued during
August or the first fortnight of Annual Annual Appropria
September every year which starts the financial budget tion None of
4164 process of Budget formulation? statement circular account the above B
An employee who gets 3rd MACP is upgradati Promotio
4165 not eligible for further ____? on n Both None A
Which E, the function of audit looks
into the aspect of achieving the Effectiven All the
4166 targets systematically? Economy Efficiency ess three B
Which E, the function of audit looks Effectiven All the
4167 into the aspect of minimum operating Economy Efficiency ess three A
Which E, the function of audit looks Effectiven All the
4168 into the aspect of pre determined Economy Efficiency ess three C
Which f the following items of
expenditure is not compiled in the CP ISA
4169 Punching Medium in GE office? voucher
voucher Both None A
Cost ent Personal Financial
Which field of accounting deals with accountin accountin accountin accountin
4170 Which
cost assertainment
field of accounting
and cost
with g g g g A
the preparation and interpretation of Managem
financial statements and Cost ent Personal Financial
communication to the user of the accountin accountin accountin accountin
4171 accounts ? g g g g D
Which field of accounting is concerned Cost ent Personal Financial
with internal reporting to the accountin accountin accountin accountin
4172 managers of a business unit? g g g g B
Which fields available in a letter is not number
4173 there in office memorandum ? Salutation Subject and date Signature A
Which files are treated as important al and
files in DAD offices while handing & other
taking over process is done between important All the
4174 officers? Top Secret Secret files three D
Which form is used for Class 8 voucher IAF CDA IAF CDA IAF CDA IAF CDA
4175 (for responding DIDS) in DAD? 336 338 - A 336 -A 338 B

An employee who gets promotion on On

01.01.2020 will get his Annual clearance
Increment on ______ in normal 01.07.202 01.01.202 01.07.202 of
4176 course? 0 1 1 probation A
Which form prescribed in DPM 2009 is
4177 used for cost analysis? DPM 20 DPM 22 DPM 23 DPM 25 D
Major Minor Detailed Object
4178 Which head denotes the Function ? Head Head Head Head A
Major Minor Detailed Object
4179 Which head denotes the Programme ? Head Head Head Head B
Which head is the primary unit of Major Minor Detailed Object
4180 appropriation? Head Head Head Head D

A Govt
canvass or
interfere Govt
with or servant
use his endeavou
A Govt. influence r to
servant in prevent
qualified connectio any
to vote at n with or member
such take part of his
election in an family
may election in form
exercise legislature taking
Which is against the CCS (Conduct) his right election part in All of
4181 Rules? to vote. only elections. these B
Which is not a public sector Mishra Goa and Vehicle
undertaking under administrative Dhatu shipyard Engineers Factory
4182 control of MOD? Limited limited limited Jabalpur D

Western Eastern Southern

Air Central Air Air Air
4183 Which is not an Air Force Command? Command Command Command Command D

n of travel
by Air
India only
is not
for travel LTC can be
Travel LTC 80 by air and availed
should be tickets of claiming during
only as Air India fare of Saturday/
per only entitled Sunday/Ot
Which is not one of the conditions for entitleme should be class by her closed
4184 Which
is not oneofofLTC?
the demands for nt purchased rail Holidays D
grants submitted by Ministry of
Defence under Defence Service Defence
4185 Estimates? Army Navy PensionsNone C
Which is the most common form of Oral Written Verbal verbal
communication used in Government Communi Communi communic communic
4186 set up? cation cation ation ation B
_% of B vehicles allotted for overhaul
programme can be earmarked for
retrieval of spares to complete
4187 remaining vehicles in a Base wksp 1 2 3 5D
_% of B vehicles allotted for overhaul
programme can be earmarked for
retrieval of spares to complete
4188 remaining vehicles in a Base wksp 1 2 3 5D
An employee who wants to switch
over to VII CPC pay structure from VI A or B A or B
CPC after 01.01.2016, he can retain VI Promotio Next whichever whichever
4189 CPC pay structure up to date of ____? n Increment is later is earlier D
Which is the most commonly used Audit Memoran
4190 tyupe of correspondence? DO letter Circular Report dum D
Which is the RDR conversion head for 00/006/0 00/006/0 00/007/0 00/007/0
4191 Air force? 1 2 0 1 C
Which is the RDR conversion head for 00/006/0 00/006/0 00/007/0 00/007/0
4192 Army? 1 2 0 1 A
Which is the RDR conversion head for 00/006/0 00/006/0 00/007/0 00/007/0
4193 Navy? 1 2 0 1 B
Which is the RDR conversion head for 00/006/0 00/006/0 00/007/0 00/007/0
4194 Ordnance factories? 1 2 0 1 D
Which is the RDR conversion head for 00/006/0 00/006/0 00/011/0 00/007/0
4195 R &D? 1 2 0 1 C
Which is the suspense code head used 00/021/0 00/020/8 00/020/8 00/020/9
4196 to book amount remitted through 0 0 1 1 B
Which language is directly understood
by the computer without translation BASIC Assembly High level Machine
4197 program? language language language language abc

of Surface
Ministry Ministry Transport Ministry
Which Ministry is responsible for the of of Home & of
4198 administration of Coast Guard? Shipping Affairs Highway Defence D
Finance Ministry
Which Ministry should be consulted Ministrys Ministry Ministry of
for accepting invitation for free acceptanc of Home of Civil External
4199 inaugural flights as a gift? e Affairs Aviation Affairs C

Forenoon Afternoon
of the last Afternoon of the last Afternoon
An employee whose birth date is the day of of the last day of the of the last
first of the month shall retire on the preceding day of the preceding day of the
4200 ______ month month month month C
Which mode of tendering can be used
if it is felt that the goods/services of
the required quality/specification may Open Global Foreign World
4201 not be available in the country. tender tender Tender Tender B

has been
concluded Power of
Contract by CFA Attorney
has not with is verified
been Registered Security with
Which of following is incorrect with made by a Contracto Deposit is duplicate
4202 reference to Audit of Contracts? minor r enforced of GPA D
Cantonme Audit fee
nt Boards is paid by
being part Cantonme
of MOD nt Board
do not Cantonme is
have to nt Boards PCDA/CD None of
pay audit are to pay A asks for these is
4203 Which of one these is correct fee audit fee the same correct B
Which of the folloing techniques of
inventory control is done to ascertain Order Fixation of
usage and investment on various Two Bin cycling ABC stock
4204 items of store in Costing? system system Analysis levels C
Which of the following absence is not Sick List
a type of leave but treated as duty in Annual Concessio
4205 the case of Commissioned Officer? Leave Furlough n Sick Leave C
Receipts and
and Expenditu
Which of the following Account adopts Payments re
4206 cash basis of Accounting? Account Account Both None A
Receipts and
Which of the following Account and Expenditu
includes both capital and revenue Payments re
4207 items? Account Account Both None A
Which of the following Account Receipts and
includes items pertaining to the and Expenditu
preceding, current and succeding Payments re
4208 year? Account Account Both None A
Which of the following Account takes Receipts and
into account of the outstanding and Expenditu
expenses and Income Due for the Payments re
4209 accounting period? Account Account Both None B
Grants of
Which of the following Accounts are Defence
4210 classified under six tier arrangement? MOD Civil Services Both None A
An error no matter how old and small
it may be, must be corrected if it Remittanc All the
4211 affects ______Head Debt Deposit e three D

Which of the following accounts are Bank All the

4212 closed with Credit balance? Overdraft Creditors Capital three D
Which of the following accounts are All the
4213 closed with Debit balance? Cash Furniture Machinery three D
Which of the following accounts are Ration Store Subsidiary Map
4214 not audited by LAO? Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts D

Taking a document
casual s out of
meal with office with
Which of the following actions by a a permissio Speculatin
Senior Auditor working in DAD violates Contracto n of his g in stock All the
4215 the Discipline Rules? r AO market three C

officers/so Postal
ldiers in Collection
settlemen s from
Which of the following actions by Field t of public Field Post
4216 Cashier is objectionable? claims Offices Both None D

To pay
of pay to
officers on Supply of
presentati funds to
on of Field Cashing of
Which of the following actions by Field personal Imprest private
4217 Cashier you would object in audit? cheques Holders cheques a & c C

Payment re to a
of RARs in code head
Which of the following actions by GE excess of Mistakes other than
cannot be objected to directly in audit work in Cash specific
4218 by DAD against him? done Book head None D
Making s to obtain
independe evidence
nt inquiry in support
in a unit of
Which of the following actions by LAO with observatio
4219 is not in order? PBORs n Both None A

Such Demand
Which of the following actions by amount is Intimated
PCDA (O) is not correct in the case of noted in a to Acknowle
Funds paid by Field Cashier to Field demand respective dgement DIDS is
4220 Imprest Holders? register PAO watched raised D

Correspon Audit Over

dence decision ruling the
with GOI on decision
Which of the following actions by on routine Hypotheti of earlier
4221 PCDA is in order? matters cal Case CDA All A

The loan transferre
An individual& name is appearing in might d
the DHR but not in the Loan schedule. have out/retire May be an
4222 What may be the reason? NULL liquidated d/expired error A
Transfer leave to
Which of the following actions is not the the
prescribed under SH Act, while inquiry aggrieved aggrieved
4223 is in progress? woman woman Both None D

t credit Not
verificatio signing in
n in Constructi Not
Which of the following actions of AO respect of on signing on
4224 GE will you not object in audit? LP Stores Accounts MER None A
of Tender
Extension Date After
Which of the following actions should Amendme of Tender Due Date
not be done at all by the Buyers of nt to the Opening of
4225 Defence? RFP Date Opening None D

Which of the following actions will be (O)
taken simultaneously at the time of New Case Account
opening of new IRLA in respect of file is Number is
4226 Army Officer? opened allotted Both None C

Which of the following activities Banking of Expenditu
Accounts section of a PCDA/CDA does Regiment re Returns DID
4227 not deal with? al funds to units schedules None D
of Rent &
charges of
Def. Maintena
Care Buildings nce
Which of the following activities do taking of leased to Services
not fall under the ambit of Engineer Defence third to Def.
4228 Which
the following
by MES?
activities is not Buildings parties Buildings None D
covered under the definition of
Manufacturing as per the Factories
4229 Act? Washing Repairing Storing None D

Trying to
solve the Interpret
Which of the following acts are not problem the
supposed to be done by Public of the RTI informatio
4230 Information Officer under RTI Act? Applicant n None Both D
Establishin authoritie
ga s to the
personal fullest
contact extent
with all possible in
the Army matters
officers relating to
with Settlemen
whom he t of
is outstandi
Which of the following acts by LAO, concerned ng audit
4231 you would say violation of Discipline? in duty? objections Both None D

Which of the following acts can be Reporting,

done by the same officer in the case of Reviewing Reviewing
APAR in three tier system otherthan in Reporting, Reporting, , and
4232 the case of Stenographers? Reviewing Accepting Accepting Accepting C

The loan transferre
An individual& name is appearing in might d
the DHR but not in the Loan schedule. have out/retire May be an All the
4233 What may be the reason? liquidated d/expired error above D

Undertaki ng
ng occasional
honorary work of a
Which of the following acts done by work of a literary,
Government servant without prior social or artistic or
sanction is violation of CCS Conduct charitable scientific
4234 Rules? nature character Both None D
ation Seeking
individuall Direct
y by a access to
Which of the following Acts would be Group of PCDA/CD
treated as violation of Discipline by a Employee A to meet
4235 DAD employee? s personally Both None D

Transfer Giving a
of Sub
Which of the following acts, a Contract Contract
Contractor can do without the to another to another
knowledge of Accepting Officer of Contracto specialist
4236 MES? r firm Both None D

Which of the following acts, you temporary
would say violation of conduct rules Speculatio loan from
4237 by a government employee? n a friend Both None A

d for Local
Which of the following advances are Advance of petty
4238 not compiled to Advances Head? of Pay stores Both None A
of TA/DA Advance
Which of the following advances for for
cannot be paid from cash assignment Advance Temporar Medical
4239 by GE, though urgent in nature? of Pay y Duty Treatment None C
Which of the following advances does House
not require to be posted in DHRs Building PC Advance
4240 maintained in Accounts Section Advance Advance of Pay None C

Which of the Following Allowance in

respect of Prisoners of war will be Para Specialist All the
4241 discontinued by PCDA (O) Pune? Allowance Allowance HAUCA three C
Which of the following allowance is
admissible along with Siachen Flying
4242 Allowance? HAFA HAUCA Allowance None A
All the All the
peace allowance
Which of the following allowances are All Field station s that are
admissible to PBORs irrespective of Allowance allowance rationalize
4243 period of their availing leave? s s d None C

An Individual& name is appearing in May be a

the loan schedule but not in the DHR. May be a transferre May be an
4244 What may be the reason? NULL New Loan d in Case error A
Which of the following allowances is
admissible concurrently with SCCIA in
4245 respect of Army Officers? HAFA CFAA CMFAA HAUCA D

Bad Island Sumptuar

Which of the following allowances is Climate Duty Travelling y
4246 not a compensatory allowance? Allowance Allowance Allowance allowance D

Which of the following allowances is Para Command
not admissible concurrently with Para Reserve o
4247 Allowance? Allowance Allowance Both None C
Entire Pay
Which of the following allowances is and
not admissible in respect of officer Allowance Para Specialist
4248 declared Prisoner of War? s Allowance Allowance HAUCA D

GPF Final
Which of the following amounts need al amount
not be deposited through MRO at the Balance of in respect
end of March remaining Training of
4249 unexpended/paid? Grant employee Both None B
Which of the following appointments
are known as Tenure appointments in Chief of Lt. Gen of All the
4250 respect of Army Officers? Army Staff DGAFMS AFMS three D
Which of the following are claimed
through proper format (Not adjusted Outfit language camp kit All the
4251 through Part II O.O.) by Army Officers? allowance awards allowance three D
Appropria Matters of
Which of the following are excluded Abnormal tion of Pure All the
4252 from Cost
Which of the
following are not Costs Profit Finance three D
concerned with verification of PCDA
Construction Accounts of GE office in Main
4253 general? Office AO GE RAO/LAO None A
Which of the following are not D.O.
4254 diarized in Records section of Bills Valuables letters None C
An Individual& name is appearing in May be a
the loan schedule but not in the DHR. May be a transferre May be an All the
4255 Which
What may
of the
the reason?
are not parts of New Loan d in Case error above D
Two Bid System? (1) Technical Bid (2)
Commercial Bid (3) Initial bid (4) Final
4256 Bid 1,2 2,3 1,3 3,4 D
Which of the following are not Date up to
supposed to be intimated through LPC Retrench which Details of
4257 by noting therein? ments paid pay None A
Six tier
Which of the following are classificati DID
4258 represented by 15 digit number? on schedules Both None C
Govt. Damages
Which of the following are required to building caused to
be paid from DSE used by Use civil Railways
(Rent/compensation) when services of Defence Aerodrom in
4259 other departments are utilized? office e accident None D

Receipt Issue
voucher voucher
of the of the Receipt Issue
consignor consignor voucher voucher
& issue & receipt of the of the
voucher voucher consignor consignor
of the of the & &
4260 Which of the following are same? consignee consignee consignee consignee B
charges of
plant Sub
Royalties when Contract
charged used for expenses
Which of the following are treated as as a rate specific for special All the
4261 Direct Expenses? per unit job processing three D
Vetting of
Which of the following aspects is not Draft Allotment
covered at the Expenditure Angle Vetting of Supply of U.O.
4262 Stage of IFA proposal? CST Order Number None A

Workmen' awards
s involving
Which of the following awards do not Compensa refund of
fall under the category of Charged tion Act of Security
4263 Expenditure payments? 1923 Deposits Both None C
Which of the following banks are C) Axis D) None
4264 declared as Trustee bank under NPS? A) SBI B) PNB bank of these C
Which of the following banks is Canara HDFC All the
4265 authorized by RBI to deal with Foreign SBI Bank Bank three D
An item appearing on the crredit side
of the Trial balance is posted at ___ Debit side Debit side
unless deducted from items posted on of Trading of the P& Any of the
4266 other side? Account L Account two None D
Which of the following banks is HDFC
4267 nominated by MOD to function as Axis Bank ICICI Bank Bank None D

An advice An advice
to reduce to reduce
expenditu expenditu
re with re without
the compromi
introducti sing the
on of a quality
Which of the following by PCDA/CDA new and Both 'A' None of
4268 is not an example of Financial Advice? practice. purpose. and 'B' these A

An advice An advice
to reduce to reduce
expenditu expenditu
re with re without
the compromi Both
introducti sing the 'A&#
on of a quality 39; and
Which of the following by PCDA/CDA new and 'B&# None of
4269 is not an example of Financial Advice? practice. purpose. 39; these A

n of Leave
of one
Which of the following can be claimed kind of
as a right under FRSR Part III Leave leave into
4270 Rules? Leave another Both None D
Which of the following can be Extension Special d by
classified as original works for budget of Repairs to Technical All the
4271 purposes? Runways Buildings reasons three A
Which of the following can be found in
the details supplied by EDP Centre to Details of
Pension Cell to complete the LPC-cum- Dependen Gallantry Home
4272 Data Sheet in FS cases? ts Awards Town None B
Which of the following can be
protected/carried forward to new
service/post once joined by giving
4273 technical resignation in the old post? Pay LTC Both None C
Which of the following can be GPF Refund of
recovered from Subsistence Allowance Income subscripti GPF All the
4274 at the option of suspended employee? Tax on Advance three C

ent of the
Disagreem Accepting
Disagreem ent of officer
ent of Reviewing with
Reporting Officer Remaks of
Officer with Reporting
Which of the following can be treated with Self Reporting /Reviewin
4275 as Adverse Remarks in APAR? Appraisal Officer g officers None D
Which of the following can be used for Service Franking
4276 despatch of dak by post? Labels Machine Both None C

An item appearing on the crredit side Liabilities

of the Trial balance is posted at ___ Credit side Credit side side of the
unless deducted from items posted on of Trading of the P& balance Any of the
4277 other side? Account L Account sheet three D

Pay and Pay and Office

Which of the following can not be Allowance Allowance Contingen
reflected/accounted for in Depot s of s of cies
Contingent Return by ASC supply Pernabent Temporar Expenditu
4278 Depots? laboour y laboour re None C

conduct of
servant is
so grossly
that all
reasonabl He/she
e men will does not
Which of the following can Occasiona say that possess
tantamount to misconduct that makes l Late he/she good
a Government servant liable for Attendanc cannot be communic
4279 disciplinary action? e trusted ation skills None B
If the An officer
move is attached
undertaketo unit at
n in another
Which of the following cannot be pursuancestation on
classified as a permanent move for an of tour of
4280 army officer inspection
y grounds Both a, b None C
Which of the following cannot be Earned Half Pay Casual Both B &
4281 combined with Joining Time? Leave Leave Leave C C
Which of the following cannot be GPF Refund of
recovered from Subsistence Income subscripti GPF All the
4282 Allowance? Tax on Advance three B
Which of the following cannot be misapprop
recovered from the GPF final Governme riated by
4283 accumulation of employee? nt Dues him Both None C

Officers Officers
Which of the following cases is posted to on
included in IRLA not generated Report Embassies Deputatio
4284 in PCDA (O)? abroad n Both None C

Excess IT
in a
month Advance
No cash can be of salary is
refund of adjusted deemed
IT can be by under to be
made recovery salary due
without in next on the
the month if it date when
Which of the following cases is true authority is in same the
with reference to recovery of Income of IT financial advance is All the
4285 Tax from Pay and allowances? Officer year received three D
Which of the following casualties in Grant of
respect of Army officers is not Admission Discharge Military
published through Part II Office to from Service All the
4286 Which
Orders?of the following casualty in Hospital Hospital Pay three C
respect of DAD Employee is not
required to be published through Part Retiremen
4287 II Office Order? Leave t Both None D
Para pay
Para Pay will not be
Para pay will be issued
An officer (permanent incumbent) in will be admissible until the
receipt of parachute pay is placed admissible to the result of Para pay
under suspension. The duties have to the permanen the is payable
been attended to temporarily by temporary t enquiry is to both
another officer. In these incumben incumben promulgat the
4288 circumstances t t ed officers. C
Which of the following Category is not
prescribed in respect of Training
4289 Establishments in Army? C B A None A
Which of the following category of Generatio
work does not get covered under Regulator Loss of n of
4290 Internal Audit Report? y audit Revenue Revenue None D
Which of the following cells does not Nominal Pension
4291 function under Ledger Wing of PCDA Rent Cell Roll Cell cell PLI Cell D
Which of the following cells/sub Salary
sections work under Accounts Section Field Contributi All the
4292 of PCDA (O)? PLI Cashier on three D

Cert. that
placed on
Which of the following certificates you normal
would look into while carrying out NAC from Cert. that source has
audit of Bills on account of Local Normal items not been All the
4293 Purchase of AOC supplies? Source for stock cancelled three D
Which of the following charges are not Premium Dynamic
4294 reimursable for train journey on tour? Tatkal Tatkal fare None D

Which of the following claims are of ement of
non recurring nature and are not Officiating Medical
passed through Audit cage of IRLAs of Command charges Terminal All the
4295 Army Officers? Allowance (OPD) Gratuity three D
Which of the following class of
voucher PM is operated by Accounts
Section of PCDDA (O) for Monthly Pay
4296 and Allowances of Army Officers? 1 2 4 5C
Which of the following clauses is a
price safety mechanism in a Rate Liquidated Repeat Security
4297 Contract? Damages Fall clause Order clause B
Prefix/Suff Prefix/Suff Prefix/Suff
Which of the following combinations ix to ix to ix to
is not admissible in respect of Regular Casual Regular
4298 Compensatory Leave? Leave Leave Holidays None D
__ % of expenditure (max. limit) is
supposed to be expended in the
month of March, as per guidelines on
4299 Control of Defence Expenditure? 10 12 15 20 C
__ % of expenditure (max. limit) is
supposed to be expended in the
month of March, as per guidelines on
4300 Control of Defence Expenditure? 10 12 15 20 C
An officer appointed to the IDAS by
direct recruitment shall be on initial
4301 probation for a period of __________? 4 years 3 years 2 years One year C
Which of the following components of
4302 CDA (O) Account Number remains First Second Third None C

It is It does
debited to not count
Which of the following conditions is Leave is Earned as service
true with reference to Maternity leave granted leave for All the
4303 of a female government employee? on full pay account pension three A
Which of the following contracts is Term Item Rate Lump Sum decided
4304 concluded for artificers work by MES? Contract Contract contract by GE A
Which of the following controllers are
involved in the process of preparation PCDA (P) CDA (PD) CDA, All the
4305 of Estimates for Defence Pension? Allahabad Meerut Chennai three A
Which of the following Controls is not Administr
prescribed in Parliamentary set up Legislative ative Accountin Audit
4306 India? Control Control g Control Control C
Which of the following corps is Army Army
responsible for purchase of food stuffs Medical Service Military All the
4307 for Indian Army? Corps Corps Farms three B

Cheques in the
received cash book,
recorded but not
in the presented
cash book to bank by
Which of the following create a but not the
difference in the bank balance as per deposited beneficiari
4308 cash book and Pass Book? into bank es Both None C
Which of the following DAD offices
deals with payment of bills relating to Jt. CDA
third party payments of Air Force PCDA (AF) CDA (AF) (AF) All the
4309 PSUs? Dehrudun New Delhi Nagpur three B

Which of the following DAD offices MOD
does not come under the ambit of PCDA (O) PCDA (SC) (Civil), IFA HQ
4310 Defence Accounting Circles? Pune Pune New Delhi (SC) Pune D
Covers addressed
received to
Which of the following Dak is diarized from PCDA/CD
in Administration section (specifically) Confidenti CGDA A/Addl. All the
4311 in a Regional PCDA/CDA office? al covers office CDA three D
An officer drawing pay in pay level 8 is
authorized to travel by ----------- in AC 1st AC 2nd AC 3rd Executive
4312 Duronto/Rajdhani Train during TD. Class Class Class Class B

day on
Which of the following days is treated which
as a working day in respect of a retiring on
Government employee for the Day of superannu
4313 purpose of pay and allowances? death ation Both None C

(Productio Defence
n and Ministers Defence
Which of the following deals with Supply) Appellate Ministers
matters relating to indigenous Committe Committe Committe All the
4314 production of Defence Stores? e e e three A
Which of the following demands
against an employee transferred from House
audit jurisdiction of one CDA to Advance Advance Building All the
4315 another is transferred through DEA? of Pay of TA/DA Advance three C
nt of
Which of the following Departments is Defence Military Armed
not covered under MOD (Civil Productio Engineer Forces
4316 Estimates)? DAD n Service Tribunal C

Which of the following details is not Demands

recorded in Last Pay Certificate issued Date of outstandi Home
4317 in respect of transferred official? Birth ng Town None C
Which of the following details need seeking
not be required to be mentioned by Contact informatio
4318 Which
the applicant
of the following
under RTIDisciplinary
act? details n Both None B
proceedings are supposed to be
completed before retirement of the
4319 charged official? Major Minor Both None B
claims of Pay & All.
Which of the following do not pass Office Contracto Ind. Of Civilian
through Cash Assignment Cash book Contingen rs Employee Employee
4320 of GE cies payments s s D
Which of the following document is
not diarized in the Records Section of
4321 CDA office? Bill Valuable Letter None D
Which of the following document is
not required to be verified while
4322 auditing
An officerlocal
outfit Sanction CRV Invoice None D
allowance leaves his qualifying
appointment within one year. He has Half of the full 1/3 of the 1/4 of the
4323 to refund amount amount amount amount A
Which of the following documents are Construtio
not fowarded to CDA through AO GE n
4324 every month? MER Cash Book Accounts None C
Which of the following documents are Measure Contracto
sent to AO GE for audit along with ment Works rs order All the
4325 final bills of MES contracts? Book Diary book three A
Which of the following documents is
diarized as Valuable in a Regional CDA All the
4326 Office? LTC claim G.P. Note CEA Claim three B
Which of the following documents is y Cash
not received along with Debit Scrolls Paid Requisitio
4327 Which
from Focal
of the
of Banks?is Cheque n Both None D
not relevant for opening of IRLA of Governme
newly commissioned Army Officer by Part II nt
4328 PCDA (O)? order sanction Form A LPC D

Which of the following documents is Deed in ment in
not required to be submitted by the prominent Gazette
Government servant, who requests prescribed local news Notificatio
4329 for change of his Name? form paper n None D
Part II
Which of the following documents is order
not required to open a IRLA in PCDA regarding
(O) in respect of Officer granted Commissi reporting
4330 commission in Army? on order to duty LPC None C
Which of the following documents
need not be submitted to DPC for
their recommendations regarding Seniority Recruitme
4331 promotion of employees? list APARs nt Rules None D
Which of the following documents
need not be submitted to Paying Ink signed
Authority for payment along with the Supply copy of
4332 Bill? CRV Order invoice None D
Which of the following documents Part II Service
4333 need not be verified in audit of Ration order LPC Book None C
t issued
An officer has lost some articles while free of
performing duty. He seeks cost by Other
reimbursement. Which of the governme expensive
4334 following can be admitted Jewelry nt articles None B

Change of
Which of the following does not apply Seniority Reservatio Designatio All the
4335 to the upgradation under MACPS? Roster n n three D

ent by the
third party
Which of the following does not that they
become a factor for consideration by Legal will refund Fulfillmen
PCDA/CDA to release provisional complicati in case t of
4336 payments? Urgency ons required liability C

Which of the following does not come Fixed Variable Semi

under Behaviour wise classification of Overhead Overhead Variable
4337 overheads? s s overheads None D
Which of the following does not come Term e Rate Item Rate
4338 under Measurement Contracts? Contract Contract Contract None D
Which of the following does not come Functions Behaviour Element
4339 Which
under Overhead
of the following
does not come wise Cost wise wise wise B
under the ambit of valuable
documents while diarising in a CDA Indemnity
4340 office? Complaint Cheque Bond None A
Which of the following does not come order for Price
under the purview of the definition of items of Agreemen
4341 Contract as per DPM? stores t None Both C
Which of the following does not fall Security Field Money
4342 under Deposits Deposits Deposits Deposits None C
Which of the following does not fall Transactio Sanction Expenditu All the
4343 under the ambit of appropriation n audit audit re audit three A
Which of the following does not fall
under the ambit of appropriation Sanction Expenditu Transactio All of
4344 audit? Audit re Audit n Audit these C
An officer is placed at Pay level 12 in
Pay Matrix. His Accommodation
4345 entitlement (Max) per day during TD is Rs 5000 Rs 4000 Rs 6000 Rs 4500 D
Payment Recovery
of rent, of LF &
Which of the following does not fall Quarterin rates & Allied
4346 under the ambit of Barrack services? g taxes charges None D

Unissued Estates of
pay and Office deceased
Which of the following does not fall allowance allowance men and
4347 under the ambit of public fund? s fund deserters None D
Which of the following does not fall Rate Agreemen Service
4348 under the ambit of types of contracts? Contract t Contract None D
Which of the following does not fall ent/Econo
under the broad categories of Internal Generatio my
Audit Report submitted by PCDA/CDA Regulator n/Loss of Suggestio
4349 to CGDA? y audit Revenue n None D
Grants Sanctions
Which of the following does not fall Rules and and to
under the categories of sanctions and general appropriat Expenditu
4350 orders affecting financial transactions? orders ions re None D

Which of the following does not fall History Service
under the category of valuables for sheet of a Record of
the purpose of diarizing in a Regional Sheet Roll DAD a DAD
4351 PCDA/CDA office? of a PBOR employee employee None D
Sector L - Sector K -
Which of the following does not fall Suspense Deposits Sector F-
under the category of Advances in & and Loans and
4352 Defence Service Accounts? Advance Advances Advances None D
by Air to a
Which of the following does not fall place Bad
under the category of Compensatory Travelling outside Climate Hard Area
4353 Which
of the following does not fall Allowance India Allowance Allowance B
under the category of Movable
Property as far as CCS Conduct Rules Motor
4354 are concerned? Radio Cycle Shares None D

To secure To verify
all whether
To verify receipts Expenditu
Which of the following does not fall complete are re is To
under the purview of primary function ness of brought to authorize prescribe
4355 of audit? accounts account d rules D

He should
An Officer responsible to collect n of Prior
certain Government dues has rejected higher permissio
a cheque received on the due date of Not In authoritie n of CDA
4356 receipt of the said dues. Comment In order Order s required A
Which of the following does not form Generatio
a broad category covered in the Regulator Loss of n of
4357 Internal Audit Report y Audit Revenue Revenue None D

of the
Central total
Governme outstandi
nt on the ng external
security of liabilities debt
the in the valued at
Consolidat public current
Which of the following does not form ed Fund of account of exchange
4358 part of Central Government Debt? India India rates None D
Which of the following does not form Pre-
part of Classification of cost on the Historical determine Standard
4359 basis of time? Costs d costs Costs None D

Which of the following does not form Semi

part of Classification of cost on the Direct Indirect Direct/Ind
4360 basis of traceability? costs costs irect costs None C
Which of the following does not form
part of Pre-determined costs while Pre-
doing Classification of cost on the Historical determine Standard
4361 basis of time? Costs d costs Costs None A
Coste r's
Which of the following does not form Schedule Percentag
4362 part of Technical Sanction? of works e None Both C
Which of the following does not have Home
4363 a Proforma Account in RBI, CAS Defence Ministry Railways None B
Which of the following does not have PCDA (O) (Funds)
4364 a sub office under them Pune Meerut Both None C
Which of the following does not Unservice Economic Serviceabl
4365 indicate the condition of stores? Surplus able Repairs e A

Foundatio Jawaharlal
Which of the following does not National n for Nehru
permit a Government servant to Defence Flag Day communal Memorial
4366 collect contributions for? Fund Fund harmony Fund D
An officer retired on reaching the
prescribed age limit for compulsory Short
retirement with at least 15 years Service
Commissioned service qualifying for Commissi
pension but whose total service is less oned Late
4367 than 20 years is known as ___? Officer Entrant Both None B
Which of the following dues is not
posted in the Demand Register by Pay Licence Advance Advance
4368 sections of PCDA/CDA office? Fee bills of GPF of Pay None A
Which of the following entries in a Name of
cheque should be free from any the Name of All the
4369 alteration? Treasury the payee Amount three B
due to
inability of
an officer for
to join or pursuing
rejoin higher
Which of the following EOL granted duty on Technical
automatically count as qualifying a/c of Civil and
service for pension and increments commotio Scientific
4370 without any further sanctions? n Studies Both None C
Errors of
Ommissio Errors of
Which of the following errors cannot n in commissio Compensa All the
4371 Which
be traced
of the
if trial
is tallied? is Journal n ting Errors three D
not conducted by UPSC for University
recruitment of Commissioned Officers Entry
4372 of Indian Army? NDA CDSE Scheme None C

Expenditu Expenditu
re out of re out of
Consolidat Contingen Charged
Which of the following expenditure ed Fund of cy Fund of Expenditu
4373 does not require vote by Parliament India India re None C

Consolidat Contingen Charged

Which of the following expenditure ed Fund of cy Fund of Vote On Expenditu
4374 does not require vote by Parliament? India India Account re D
Which of the following facilities Foreign
4375 cannot be availed during CCL? LTC Travel None Both C
Stores issued
Stores issued by from
transferre Supply Army to
Which of the following fall under d between Depots to Navy/Air All the
4376 Payment Book debit issues ? units units force three C
Which of the following fall under the Authorize Special
4377 ambit of Original works? d works Works Both None C
when assumes
An officer shall begin to draw the pay when his/her the duties
and allowances attached to his tenure he/she office of that
of a post with effect from the date receives of issue of receives post
4378 _____? the order the order the order ______? D
Un issued
Pay and Office
Which of the following fall under the allowance Allowance Estates of All the
4379 ambit of public funds? s fund Deserters three D
Grants Sanctions
Which of the following fall under the Rules and and to
categories of sanctions and orders General appropriat expenditu All of
4380 affecting the financial transactions? orders ions re these D
Which of the following form part of
final accounts prepared by business at Balane All the
4381 the end of the year? Trading P&L Sheet three D

Which of the following form part of Committe Discretion All the

4382 fixed costs? d costs ary costs Step costs three D
Which of the following forms of
Deposits do not pass through the Other
4383 Government accounts? Cash than Cash Both None B

Which of the following forms of payments
security deposits are accounted for due to the
through cash book by Defence contractor All the
4384 Departments? Cash s FDRs three A

Railway Station
Which of the following function under Mountain Armoured Operating Transport
4385 ASC corps of Army? Regiments Regiments Coys Offices D
Which of the following grade in DAD is Senior
4386 not filled through Direct Recruitment? MTS Clerk Auditor Auditor D
Which of the following grants is Signal
specifically made to improve and works
maintain the efficiency of Army Static services All the
4387 Signal Installations? TTEIG Grant ACG three B
Which of the following Grievance
Redressal System is established for the All the
4388 benefit of General Public in India? RTI CPGRAMS CVC three B

within one within 2 within one

month months year from
Soon after from the from the the date
the date of date of of
An officer shall exercise the option of promotio promotio promotio promotio
4389 this pay fixed on promotion n n n n B

Pay and
Which of the following heads is a allowance Civil Hired
4390 suspense head? s MROs Transport HBA B
Which of the following houses is not House of Council of
4391 subject to dissolution? People states Both None B
Which of the following includes an
anticipated contractors percentage Approxim Costed
based on the appreciation of market Rough Indication ate Schedule
4392 trends? Cost of Cost Estimates of works D
Which of the following Indian
Accounting Standards prescribes
4393 Which
about Accounting
of the following
for fixed
assets? AS-6 AS-8 AS-9 AS-10 D
Accounting Standards prescribes
about Accounting for taxes on
4394 income? AS-6 AS-10 AS-22 AS-25 C
Which of the following Indian
Accounting Standards prescribes
4395 about Cash Flow Statement? AS-1 AS-2 AS-3 AS-4 C
Which of the following Indian
Accounting Standards prescribes
about Contingencies and Events
4396 occuring after Balance Sheet Date? AS-1 AS-2 AS-3 AS-4 D
Which of the following Indian
4397 Accounting Standards prescribes AS-3 AS-4 AS-5 AS-6 D
Which of the following Indian
Accounting Standards prescribes
4398 about Valuatin of Inventories? AS-1 AS-2 AS-3 AS-4 B

for the
Which of the following information is Family of PF,
4399 not reflected in the LPC? particulars DCRG etc. Both None C
An officer who is entrusted with the
responsibility of controlling the Controllin Disbursing Audit Executive
4400 progress of expenditure is known as g Officer Officer Officer Officer A
Name of
Which of the following information the task Opening Retention All the
4401 should be there on the File cover? holder Date period above B
Which of the following information File Opening Retention Closing
4402 will not be available on the File cover? Number Date period date C
Cases of
of heavy
plant and
for the
for which Deteriorat
purchased Cases of ion in the
and non- Cases condition
installed, maintena involving of high
noticed nce of financial value
through Regiment irregularit stores due
audit al y of Rs. 5 to unduly
Which of the following irregularities process in Accounts lac or long/inad
are not included in MFAI report of a main of a above in equate
4403 Controller's office? office. Regiment each case storage. B

ion of
Irregular stores due Non
Which of the following irregularities maintena to maintena
cannot be placed in MFAI Report by nce of inadequat nce of
4404 PCDA/CDA office? accounts e storage accounts None D

n of rent
rolls for
person Attendanc
occupying e of
Which of the following is a duty of the factory Auction
4405 Accounts Office in Factory? quarters Sales Both None C

4406 Which of the following is a hardware: Windows ROM RAM Hard Disk D
Which of the following is a method
used to convert net profit into net
4407 cash flows from Operating Activities? Dirct Indirect Both None C
Which of the following is a variable 's
4408 cost? Rent Material salary Insurance B
Which of the following is a compulsory Repaymen
deduction from Subsistence Income t of LF & Allied All the
4409 Allowance? Tax Advance Charges three D
Which of the following is a content of Normal Surrender
4410 outcome budget? Savings s None Both D
__ % of vacanies is reserved for
allotment on medical grounds and
Divyang employees out of the General
4411 Pool Residential Accomodation? 20 15 10 5D
__ % of vacanies is reserved for
allotment on medical grounds and
Divyang employees out of the General
4412 Pool Residential Accomodation? 20 15 10 5D
An officer who is entrusted with the
responsibility of controlling the Pay
progress of expenditure under any Controllin Accounts All the
4413 appropriation is defined as _____? g Officer CDA Officer three A
To applicatio To apply
prescribe n of the rules
Which of the following is a function of rules & orders and All the
4414 audit? orders and rules orders three C

Scrutiny Prescribin
of g Rules
Which of the following is a function of Disciplinar and
4415 audit? y action orders Both None A
sumptuar Passage
Which of the following is a kind of y by Sea or Travelling All the
4416 compensatory allowance? allowance air Allowance three C

Bills Bills
4417 Which of the following is a liability receivable payable Both None B

Bank All the

4418 Which of the following is a liability Capital Overdraft Creditors three D

Acrued ng
4419 Which of the following is a liability Income expenses Both None B
received Deposit
Which of the following is a liability in from with
4420 the books of Ram? Shyam Shyam Both None A
outstandi received
ng in
4421 Which of the following is a liability? expensses advance Both None C
Pre paid Salaries
Acrued Advertise not yet All the
4422 Which of the following is a liability? Rent ment paid three C

4423 Which of the following is a liability? Overdraft Bank Loan Both None C
An order of suspension shall be
reviewed by the competent authority
4424 before expiry of ___ days? 30 60 90 180 C
Withholdi Withholdi
ng of ng of
Which of the following is a major promotio Increment
4425 penalty? n s Both None D
Charge Inquiry Attendanc
4426 Which of the following is a misfit? Sheet Witness Officer e D
Which of the following is a nominal Insurance All the
4427 account? Rent Interest c three D
Which of the following is a not section Local
4428 of PCDA (Navy) Imprest Audit Wages None D
Which of the following is a PowerPoi
4429 presentation program? MS Word MS Excel nt MS Access abc
Which of the following is a quarterly All of
4430 report? AAC MFAIR IAR these B
Which of the following is a real All the
4431 account? Furniture Goodwill Patents three D
Which of the following is a semi- Rent of Depreciati All the
4432 variable overhead? building Material on three C
Which of the following is odd when Rough Indication ate Stock
4433 compared to the other three? cost of cost Estimate Book Rate D
Which of the following is admissible Annual
4434 for Army Officers but not for PBORs? Leave Sick Leave Furlough None C
Analysis of All India Defence Services Heads
Receipts and Charges generated in that
compilation system deals with which appear in
4435 of the code heads? RDR heads CHB Both None B
Which of the following is admissible Annual Casual
4436 for PBORs but not for Recruits? Leave Sick Leave Leave None D

cation to
Which of the following is advantage of Accountab Transpera priorities All the
4437 Performance Budget? ility ncy and goals three D

Bills Bills
4438 Which of the following is an asset? receivable payable Both None A
Which of the following is an Inter Organizati
4439 Service Organization? MES on Both None C

College of
Which of the following is an Inter Managem
4440 Services organization? ent DG MAP Both None C

Which of the following is an optional Cooperati

deduction from Subsistence PLI ve Society
4441 Allowance? Premium Dues Both None C
received Deposit
Which of the following is asset in the from with
4442 books of Ram? Shyam Shyam Both None B
Pre paid due from
Acrued Advertise Insurance All the
4443 Which of the following is asset? Rent ment Co. three D

Conveyan Children
Which of the following is chargeable Advance ce Education
4444 to contingencies budget allotment? DA arrears of Pay Charges Allowance C
Governme Irregular
Overdraw nt issue of
al of transport Losses of ordnance
Which of the following is classified as ration in to non- cash due store by
stores loss in the appropriation an Army entitled to enemy an Army
4445 accounts? unit persons action unit. D

Analysis of star rates fixed in a since it is
Contract by MES officers should be not
4446 produced for audit by _______? DAD Test Audit Both auditable C
Which of the following is classified al Piece
4447 under incentive scheme for labour? Rate Piece Rate Time Rate None A

Which of the following is considered Non

as a part of Basic pay for the purpose Practicing Special Personal
4448 of calculation of Dearness Allowance? Allowance Pay Pay None A
Which of the following is considered
as a part of Basic pay for the purpose Non Military
of calculation of House Rent Practicing Special Service
4449 Allowance? Allowance Pay Pay None D
Which of the following is considered
as Deferred Monetory benefit, while Basic Dearness Profit Subsidised
4450 calculating Labour cost? Wages Allowance Bonus food C
Which of the following is considered Second Fourth
as half day for the purpose of Saturday Saturday
calculation of Audit Fee in respect of of the of the
4451 Cantonment Boards? Saturday month month None D
It does
require It is
submissio charged
It is voted n for vote on the
by the by Contingen
Which of the following is correct with parliamen parliamen cy fund of
4452 reference to Charged Expenditure? t t India Both b & c B

report is
in two
parts with
MFAI each
MFAI Report MFAI having
report is contains 4 report is two
Which of the following is correct with rendered sections addressed sections
4453 reference to MFAI Report? half yearly A,B,C & D to CGDA A,B D
It is a It is a
Which of the following is correct with minor major It is not a
4454 reference to Recorded warning? penalty penalty penalty None C
Major Major Major
Head for Head for Head for All of the
Army - Navy- Air Force above are
4455 Which of the following is correct: 2076 2077 2078 correct D

Which of the following is covered ation
under the definition of work place as provided
per Sexual Harassment of women at by the Cooperati
4456 work place Act? employer ve Society Both None C
Andaman & Nicobar Islands fall under
4457 ___ region as per Official Language A B C None A
Which of the following is diarized as communic
special dak in a Regional PCDA/CDA ation from Indemnity Confidenti
4458 office? A.H.Qrs. bond Complaint al Dak A
Which of the following is diarized as Armed Important
valuable by Record Section of Indemnity Forces GOI
4459 PCDA/CDA Main Office? Bond Signal letters None A
Which of the following is diarized as Indemnity All the
4460 valuable in a CDA Office? Bond Reminder Complaint three A
Which of the following is different
4461 from the others? NPS GPF DSOPF AFPPF A
Which of the following is different T PIN/ I
4462 from the others? S-1 form PIN SCF CCO- 9 D
different Absence
across of Greater
various degree of
Which of the following is disadvantage departme Accountab
4463 of Performance Budget? nts ility Both None A

Income of
Drawings received
Which of the following is finally Net Profit by by All the
4464 adjusted to Capital in Balance Sheet? or Loss Proprietor business Three D
Which of the following is Interest Free of TA on Medical Advance All the
4465 Advance? Transfer Advance of LTC three D
Which of the following is irrelevant as
far as Defence Proforma Account is Bank Paid
4466 concerned? OMROs DMROs Scrolls Cheques A
Which of the following is known as
4467 Consignor
Animals reported
LAOs copy?
as lost should not be A B copy C D D
struck off from the charge within
______ months from the date
4468 reported lost Three Nine Six Twelve C
Which of the following is known as
initial book of records in the double Trial All the
4469 entry system? Journal Ledger Balance three A
Which of the following is not 3 Es of Effectiven
4470 Audit? Economy Efficiency Estimate ess C
CDM Artillery
Which of the following is not a Cat Secundera Centre,
4471 'A' Training Establishment? bad CME Pune Nashik None C
Compassi Complem
Which of the following is not a class of onate entary Retiring Invalid
4472 pension? Allowance Pension Pension Pension B
due to
Which of the following is not a content Normal implemen
4473 of outcome budget? savings tation None Both C
Which of the following is not a cost
4474 centre? Workshop Personnel Process None D
Which of the following is not a costing Standard Process Job Terminal
4475 method? costing costing costing Costing A
Which of the following is not a costing Historical Standard Marginal Job
4476 technique? costing costing costing costing D
Which of the following is not a DAD IT
4477 project? Bhawan Agni Pawan Ashray abc
Local Regional Garrison
Which of the following is not a DAD Audit Audit Engineer
4478 Office Office Office Office None C
ns of
ct or
Annexure I of Chrge Sheet Contains ---- misbehavi Articles of both of None of
4479 ---- our. charges these these B

Hindustan Bharat
Aeronauti Bharat Electronic Engineer
Which of the following is not a cs Ltd. Dynamicss Ltd. India Ltd.
4480 Defence PSU? (HAL) Ltd. (BDL)
nt of
Departme Defence
Departme nt of Research
Which of the following is not a Departme nt of Defence and
Department under Ministry of nt of Defence Productio Developm
4481 Defence? Defence Finance n ent B
Which of the following is not a
4482 Designation of MES officers? GE CWE CE EE D

Long term
Which of the following is not a Budget
4483 disadvantage of Performance Budget? Rigidness period Both None D
Lack of
Which of the following is not a Focus only Transpera
4484 disadvantage of Performance Budget? on targets ncy Both None B
Which of the following is not a division
functioning under the Department of Resettlem
Ex-Servicemen Welfare of Ministry of ent Finance Pension
4485 Defence? Division Division Division None B

Payment Prescribe
& Financial
Which of the following is not a duty of Accountin Internal Rules and
4486 DAD? g Audit orders None C

Participati scrutiny of
Which of the following is not a duty of Vetting of on in Supply
4487 IFA? RFP TPC/PNC Orders None D
Which of the following is not a duty of
MES with reference to buildings and Maintena
installations for the purpose of Original nce Security of
4488 Defence Services? works services buildings None C
nt of Rent Maintena
of nce and
buildings operation
lent to of Constructi
Which of the following is not a duty of third pumping on of air
4489 MES? parties stations fields None D

Annual Abstract of progress register in CDA PCDA

respect of Defence Exchange Accounts H.Qrs. (Army) (R&D) PCDA New
4490 is prepared by ___? office Meerut New Delhi Delhi B
Holding of nce of
Operation stores for trees
of mobilizati within
Which of the following is not a duty of pumping on unit
4491 MES? stations reserves premises All C

of TA/DA
drawn by Issue of
Army No
Officers Demand
from Adjustme Certificate
Which of the following is not a duty of Imprest nt of s in NE
4492 T wing of PCDA (O) Pune? holders MROs cases None D
Record of Valuation
Which of the following is not a duty of Time and of
4493 the Accounts Office in Factory? wages Materials Both None D

to point
out any
short To
claim recover
made by the
an officer Governme
and help ntdues
him to get from the
Which of the following is not a duty of his dues employee
4494 the Department? correctly promptly Both None D

Which of the following is not a Original Originatin Respondin

financial advice rendered by Financial g Financial g Financial
4495 PCDA/CDA as a part of Internal Audit? Advice Advice Advice None B
Which of the following is not a of
Financial Statement prepared by Balance Retained Cash Flow
4496 Companies? Sheet Earnings Statement None D
To see
To that rules
To verify prescribe are
Which of the following is not a the rules and applied
4498 function of audit? accounts orders properly None B
To see
To that rules
prescribe To verify are
Which of the following is not a rules and the applied
4499 function of audit? orders accounts properly All A

To see
that To see
accounts that rules To
To verify are are prescribe
Which of the following is not a the maintaine applied rules and
4500 function of audit? accounts d properly properly orders D

Secretary Secretary
(Expendit (Economic
ure), Affairs),
Annual Accounts of India shall be Ministry Ministry
4501 countersigned by _____? CGA C&AG of Finance of Finance C
Which of the following is not a PCDA (O) PCDA (N) (Army)
4502 functional CDA Pune Mumbai Meerut None C
Pay level
in which
new pay is Duties and Availabilit
Which of the following is not a fixed may Responsib y of
fundamental difference between be same ilities after option to
promotion and MACP upgradation as or pay get pay
4503 far pay fixation is concerned? different fixation fixed None C

College of Army
Defence National Purchase
Which of the following is not a Inter Managem Defence Organizati
4504 Service Organization? ent College on None D
Which of the following is not a kind of Irrevocabl Authorize
4505 Letter of Credit? Revocable e d None C
Which of the following is not a kind of Defence Banking Banking
4506 treasury? Treasury treasury Treasury None A
Compulso Withholdi
Which of the following is not a Major ry Removal ng of
penalty that can be imposed on a Retiremen from promotio
4507 Government Servant? t service ns None C
ry Removal Dismissal
Which of the following is not a major Retiremen from from
4508 penalty? t service service None D
Which of the following is not a Young Military
manufacturing Establishment as far as Stock Dairy Station
4509 audit by LAO is concerned? Farm Farm Bakery H.Qrs D
Which of the following is not a
Manufacturing Establishment as far as Supply Military ASC All the
4510 audit by LAO is concerned? Depot Farm Bakery three A
Which of the following is not a Instalmen Diminishin
4511 method of Depreciation? t g balance Depletion None D
Annual Acquisition Plan(AAP) of each
service would be a ____ year roll on
4512 plan for capital acquisitions? 1 2 3 4B
Reserve Depreciati
for on fund
Which of the following is not a Sinking Depreciati investmen
4513 method of Depreciation? fund on t None D
Which of the following is not a Sum of
4514 method of Depreciation? Annuity digits Both None D
to a lower
time scale
withholdi of pay
Which of the following is not a minor ng of with
penalty that can be imposed on a promotio cumulativ
4515 Government servant? Censure ns e effect Both b, c C
ng of
Which of the following is not a minor Recordabl promotio
4516 penalty? Censure e warning n None B
Which of the following is not a mobile
4517 formation in Indian Army? Corps Brigade Division Sub Area D
Which of the following is not a mobile Brigade Station Corps
4518 formation? HQrs HQrs HQrs DIV H.Qrs. B
Which of the following is not a
movable property in the context of
4519 CCS Conduct Rules? Radio Horse Boh None D
Which of the following is not a part of
6 tier classification of Government Sub Major Sub Minor
4520 Accounts? head Sub head head None C
Which of the following is not a part of
accounts/reports/returns submitted
by Military Farm submitted to Store Revenue Cash Capital
4521 Section of CDA for scrutiny? Account Account Account None A

Cash flow Cash flow Cash flow

from from from
Which of the following is not a part of Operating Investing Financing
4522 classification of cash flows? Activities Activities Activities None D
Which command is used to display the
4523 operating system name os unix kernel uname D
Which command is used to display the
4524 operating system name os unix kernel uname D
__ % Reservation of vacancies for
persons with Disability to Group
'C' posts on total vacancies
4525 in the cadre strength is admissible? 2 3 5 10 B
__ % Reservation of vacancies for
persons with Disability to Group
'C' posts on total vacancies
4526 in the cadre strength is admissible? 2 3 5 10 B
Annual assignment, as sanctioned by
GOI is placed by ____at the disposal of CDA
the Indian Embassy in Nepal for PCDA CC PCDA New (Army)
4527 payment of dues to Gorkha officers? Lucknow Delhi Meerut CGDA A
HBA paid recovered payments
to from DA paid to to
Which of the following is not a part of employee employee employee employee
4528 Consolidated Fund of India? s s s s D
Which of the following is not a part of
Defence Budget Demand for Grant Ordnance
4529 under Revenue? Army Factories R&D None D
Which of the following is not a part of Major Minor
4530 six tier of
Which classification
the following
of accounts?
is not a phase Sector head head Sub head A
of planning right from the initiation of Administr
demand to acceptance of contract by ative Technical Financial
4531 MES? Planning Planning Planning None C
Which of the following is not a
prescribed method to maintain Petty Analyitical Imprest
4532 Cash Book? System System Both None D
Which of the following is not a
prescribed schedule in the Contract ScheduleSchedule Schedule
4533 Agreements concluded by MES? B D of Credit None D
To ensure ascertain
that an ledger To
officer is wing ascertain
paid only dealing the
Which of the following is not a one with Effective
purpose for which Central Index is section at particular status of
4534 maintained in PCDA (O)? a time IRLA Account None D
Which of the following is not a ratio
classified as per Functional Profitabilit Market
4535 Classification of Ratios? y Turn over Test None D
Contributi Cost of
Which of the following is not a ratio on of Goods
classified as per importance i.e. Profit to Sales to sold to
4536 Primary or Secondary Ratios? Capital Profit sales None D
Which of the following is not a (CSD), Secundera (Army) CDA,
4537 Annual
CDA?Certificate (yearly) Mumbai bad Meerut Chennai A
Report is generally submitted to CGDA
by PCDA/CDA by ___, if otherwise
4538 changed by CGDA? 1st April 1st May 1st June 1st August D
Which of the following is not a (Army) CDA (SWC)
4539 Regional CDA? Meerut Chennai Jaipur None D
To pay
conduct accounts
post audit of civilian
of Railway gazetted
To supply Warrants officers
funds to in respect posted to
Which of the following is not a Field of army operation
4540 responsibility of PCDA (O)? Cashier officers al areas None D

Pay Audit of To supply
Accounts Field funds to
Which of the following is not a of Imprest Record
4541 responsibility of Regional PCDA/CDA? JCOs/ORs Accounts Offices None D
Which of the following is not a section Records Imprest Control ORs
4542 of PAO (ORs)? section section Section section D
Which of the following is not a section Internal Productio
4543 of PC of A Kolkata? Audit Railway n Costing D
Which of the following is not a section All the
4544 of Regional CDA? Imprest Wages Costing three D

Which of the following is not a Permanen Old

section/wing/cell/sub section of PCDA Record t Record Records
4545 (O) Pune? Section Section section None C
Which of the following is not a Defence Civil n of
4546 separate part in the Pension Budget? Pension Pension Pension None C
Purchase depots,
Which of the following is not a source from units &
to obtain Stores stocks in Depots and foreign formation
4547 Manufacturing Establishments? countries s Both None D

Which of the following is not a stage Sanction Expenditu Receipts

4548 of Appropriation Audit? Audit re Audit Audit None C
Annual Audit Certificate is submitted 1st
by CGDA to FADS/Secretary (Def/Fin) Septembe 1st 1st 1st
4549 not later than ____ each year r October November December A
Initial Expenditu
distributio re against Re
Which of the following is not a stage n of Allotment appropriat
4550 out of 3 stages of Budgetary Control? Grants s ion None D

Advertise Limited single

Which of the following is not a d Tender Tender Tender
4551 standard method of obtaining bids? Enquiry Enquiry Enquiry None D
Withholdi Withholdi
Which of the following is not a ng of ng of
statutory punishment under CCS (CCA) increment promotio
4552 Rules? Warning Censure s n A

Which of the following is not a sub AO GE AO GE AO GE

4553 office of Regional CDA (R&D) (AF) (Factories) None D
Which of the following is not a sub Accounts
4554 office under Regional CDA? LAO AO GE Office None D

Which of the following is not a sub Promoting

target for coverage prescribed under Weaker Sports
4555 outcome Budget? Women sections Activities None C
Which of the following is not a OTI Hyderaba DPTI All the
4556 Training Institute of DAD? Gurgaon d Allahabad three B
Which of the following is not a Banking Banking Defence
4557 Treasury? Treasury Treasury Treasury None C
Which of the following is not a type of Declarator
4558 Arbitration Award? y Executory Interim None D

as a
Which of the following is not a type of Lightening substitute
4559 Operational Work? protection to tentage Both None D

Chiefs of Secretary
Annual Audit Certificate submitted by Defence Army/AF/ (Def/Fin)/ All the
4560 CGDA is countersigned by _____? Secretary Navy FADS three C
Which of the following is not a valid
4561 Zoom percentage
Which of the following
in Excel
is not
? 100 200 300 500 abc
admissible for a patient under CSMA DA for
rules to obtain treatment at journey All the
4562 outstation?
Which of the following is not TA period Halt DA three C
admissible to a Defence Civilian when
transferred from one station to Transfer Advance Advance
4563 another permanently? Grant of TA/DA of Pay None C
Which of the following is not an Unit
auditable document prescribed for vehicle Part II
4564 POL Accounts of a unit? Register order Car diary None B
Which of the following is not an Unit
auditable document prescribed for Vehicle Part II Vehicle
4565 POL Accounts? Register Order Log Book Car Diary B
Which of the following is not an
4566 intangible asset? Goodwill Copy right tradmark None D
Which of the following is not an
4567 outcome
Which of of
is not classified MFAI IAR Draft Para AAC C
under the category Buy as per DPP
2013, based on source of Buy Buy Buy
4568 procurement? (Local) (Global) (Indian) None A

Which of the following is not compiled Pay and GPF Final Constructi
through Class 9 P.M. though Allowance Travelling withdrawa on of
4569 pertaining to MES? s expenses ls Building D
Cash Deposits
security for works
Deposits to be
by done for Earnest
Which of the following is not compiled Contracto local Momney
4570 under the Deposits Heads? rs bodies Deposits None C
Annual Audit Certificate will have -------
4571 follow up reports. 1 2 3 4C

or benefit
which is
capable of
Which of the following is not estimated Travelling
4572 considered as part of wages? in money Allowance Both None B
It can be
paid by
nt to
It is paid employee
for work s of
of another
Which of the following is not correct occasional It is governme
4573 w.r.t Honorarium? character taxable nt None D
Test Audit
Audit fee is not
Which of the following is not correct Audit is is done for
with reference to audit of Cantonment done by recovered Cantonme
4574 Boards Accounts? DAD by DAD nt Board None D

Tenure of
CIC is 5
years or CIC can be
65 years reappoint
of age ed for
CIC tenure whichever another
4575 Which of the following is not correct? is 5 years is earlier tenure None C

Some part
of fee is to
Fee does be It can be fee is paid
not credited recurring out of
include to or non Consolidat
unearned Governme recurring ed Fund of
4576 Which of the following is not correct?
counted income nt payment India D
as regular service for the purpose of
grant of up-gradation under MACP Deputatio Foreign Study
4577 Scheme? n period service Leave None D

Which of the following is not counted the age of Period of
4578 as service for the purpose of pension? 18 years dies-non Both None C

in form
and Miscellan Review of
classificati eous Works
Which of the following is not covered on in the observatio Expenditu
4579 Which
under Appropriation
of the following
is not covered
Report? accounts ns re None D
under the ambit of Goods which are
procured by Government Technolog
4580 Departments? Articles Material y None D

Which of the following is not covered Advancem Antedatio

under the ambit of stepping of pay of ent of n of
4581 senior with reference to the junior? Increment Seniority Both None B
er and Controller
Annual Audit Certificate(AAC) is Auditor General of Controller
rendered by the General of Defence General of Defence
4582 Pr.Controllers/Controllers to the: India Accounts Accounts Secretary C
Which of the following is not covered
under the category of awards given by Declarator Explanato
4583 Arbitrator? Executory y ry None C
Which of the following is not covered
under the definition of information as
4584 per RTI Act? Samples Models Opinions None D
Which of the following is not covered
under the definition of Record as per
4585 RTI Act? Document Image Opinions None C
Which of the following is not covered
under the definition of Right to Taking Taking Inspection
4586 Information as per RTI Act? Notes samples of Records None D
Which of the following is not covered Private
under the definition of work place Sector
under the Sexual Harassment of Organisati Sports
4587 women at work place Act? Hospital on Stadium None D
Which of the following is not defined Allowance Estate of
4588 under Public Funds? s Deserters Both None D
Which of the following is not diarized
4589 as Valuable in the PCDA/CDA Office? G.P. Notes complaint Cheque Draft B
nt of leave Leave
Which of the following is not exempt Commute on Travel
from Income Tax for Central d value of retiremen Concessio
4590 Government Employees? Pension t n None D

Which of the following is not in order Should be Should be

as far as objection statements issued Language in brief,
by Audit and their construction are should be personal legible & All the
4591 concerned? courteous terms intelligible three B

Signed by
Which of the following is not in order Bills are in Duly subordint
so far as audit of bills and vouchers propoer Bills are in signed in e 'for' an
4592 are concerned? format original Ink officer. D
Annual Audit Certificate(AAC)
submitted by CGDA is countersigned Defence FADS/Secy None of
4593 by ?????.. Secretary C&AG (Def/Fin) these C
separate they can Prepared
Loss be at
Which of the following is not in order statement included Replacem
4594 with reference to Barrack Damages? is required in LF bills ent cost None B

Pay and Expenditu

Which of the following is not met out Allowance re on New Obligatory
4595 of Vote on Account? s Services Expenses None B

Which of the following is not received Acquittan Record

along with Field Imprest Account as a ce Rolls Office
4596 supporting document? summary Advances MRO FTCR B

es noticed Irregulariti
Which of the following is not reflected in internal es noticed
in Report of C&AG of India submitted Sanctions audit by in Test
4597 to Parliament of India? of GOI DAD audit None D
Which of the following is not regular Defence
part of Regular Army, but controlled Pioneers Regiment Security
4598 by Army H.Qrs.? Corps of Artillery Corps None C
Which of the following is not relevant Baby Schedule
4599 to Schedule B stores? USR Indent of Credit Credit USR C

Which of the following is not required Consignm Receipt
4600 in audit of CHT Bills? AT Note ent Note Certificate CRV D

Degree of
Which of the following is not taken as Traceabilit
4601 base for cost classficiation? Time Volume y None D
Which of the following is not taken
into account while calculating
4602 Emoluments of an employee? Basic Pay DA HRA None C

To ensure re is To
that incurred establish
expenditu for the mechanis
re does purpose m to
not for which detect
Which of the following is not the duty exceed fund is Irregulariti
4603 of Controlling Officer? allocation allocated es None D
Annual Financial statement is also Appropria Demands Review of
4604 known as ____? tion Bill for Grants Balances Budget D

Maintena of pension
nce of to widows Payment
DSOP of Supply of of TA/DA,
accounts deceased
funds to LTC claims
Which of the following is not the of Army armyField of army
4605 function of PCDA (Officers) Pune? Officers officers
Cashiers officers B
Which of the following is not three Es Effectiven
4606 of Audit? Economy Efficiency ess Estimates D
Which of the following is not treated
as Gift for disciplinary purpose when Free Free Casual All the
4607 dealing with Private persons? Lodging Boarding Meal three C

Which of the following is not treated

as gift under CCS Conduct Rules 1964 Free Lift while Free
4608 when accepted from third parties? Lodging travelling Boarding None B

CDA will
allow 30 Draft para
CDA days of can be
should time to concurred
return the Command by any
draft para H.Qrs. to IDAS
Which of the following is not true with within six furnish officer in
4609 reference to Draft Para? weeks reply CDA office None C
in issue Family
Which of the following is not true with will be Pension
reference to officer reported as Pay will be discontinu will be
4610 Prisoner of war? continued ed released None C

It does
cases of
irregulariti It is
es submitted It is
It serves detected to submitted
Which of the following is not true with double in Internal Parliamen once in a
4611 reference to Report of C&AG of India? purpose Audit t year B
It is It is Data is
prepared prepared taken
Which of the following is not true with sectionwis in from DP
4612 reference to Schedule III? e duplicate Sheets None D

If it results
in total ELAdmissibl
at credit e for
Which of the following is not true with exceeding transfer
reference to the un-availed Joining 300 days within
Time of Government Servants credited Maximum it is same
4613 to EL? is 15 days ignored station None C
There After 200 section
should be pages, will be
one fresh given a
subject volume of separate
Which of the following is not true with only for the file is series of
4614 referene to system of filing? one file opened? numbers None B
Annual Immovable Property Return is
supposed to be submitted by every 30th
Group A, B officer by _______ (last 31st Septembe 30th 31st
4615 date of submission)? March r November January D
Which of the following is not used as
4616 basis of accounting? Cash Accrual Hybrid None D

Which of the following is NOT within Regiment

the purview of local audit conducted Military al Fund of
4617 by DAD? AFMC Hospital NCC the Unit D
Departme Accounts
Which of the following is paid from nt of Departme
4618 Civil Estimates of MOD? Defence nt Both None C
Which of the following is part of ent Sub
4619 mobile formation of Indian Army? Sub Area Corps Area Area B
Which of the following is purely Financial Cost ent
optional for companies to maintain Accountin Accountin Accountin
4620 Which
of the following is reflected in g g g None C
construction accounts and MER but
not reflected in Punching Medium by CP ISA
4621 AO GE? voucher voucher Both None A

Which of the following is reimbursable Daily re on local
4622 furing LTC for employees? Allowance journeys Both None D
Taxi fare
Which of the following is to Railway
reimbursable/admissible during TD Rail/Air Station / Both (a) None of
4623 but not during LTC? Fare Air Port and (b) these B

Ministers Defence
(Productio Research
Which of the following is responsible n & and Chiefs of
for coordinating and indicating general Supply) Developm staff
direction of policy for scientific Committe ent committe
4624 research relating to Defence? e Council e All B
Which of the following is saved the Frequent Favourate Explorer None of
4625 frequently visited website? List List List these abc
Annual Immovable Property Return is
supposed to be submitted by every 01st April
Group A, B officer reflecting the status of the 31st 31st
4626 as on _______? year 1st July October December D

Which of the following is supposed to APARs of GOI

be retained forever in a PCDA/CDA DAD Master sanctions/ DAD Pay
4627 office? personnel Note Book orders Bills C
Which of the following is the Central
Government Portal used for
4628 Grievances Redressal? GeM CPGRAMS Both None B

He can
He has to consult
conduct others
an inquiry behind
as a quasi- He has to the back
His duty is judicial suggest of the
to functionar deterrent Charged
somehow y and punishme officer
Which of the following is the function prove the send a nt/penalti and send
4629 of an Inquiry Officer? charges report es the report B
To certify accounts
To certify that of
that expenditu To certify expenditu
expenditu re is expenditu re from
Which of the following is the object of re is covered re is appropriat
Appropriation Accounts of Defence authorize by within ions of the
4630 Services? d Sanction allotment year D
To certify accounts
To certify that of
that expenditu To certify expenditu
expenditu re is expenditu re from
Which of the following is the object of re is covered re is appropriat
Appropriation Accounts of Defence authorize by within ions of the
4631 Services? d Sanction allotment year D
Which of the following is treated as
class of indirect expenditure by Fixed Variable
4632 Ordnance Factories? Charges Charges None Both D

Site Building exceeding
Which of the following is treated as purchased purchased two
movable property under CCS (CCA) Readily at Home on spouse months
4633 Rules? Built Flat Town name basic pay) D
Project Project Project
Nidhi can Nidhi can Nidhi can
work on work work on All are
4634 Which of the following is True WAN offline LAN true abc

They must Interest

Which of the following is true with be made should not
reference to Bank Fixed Deposit out in the pass
Receipts submitted by a third party as name of through
4635 a Security? CDA Govt. A/c Both None C
Which of the following is true with Postage on a
reference to bearing covers received They will must be contingen
4636 __
in Defence
is the documentary
units? medium be refused paid t bill Both b & c D
through which each Ledger Section
intimates EDP Centre, the
entitlements of Pay and Allowances of DO II
officers fixed/revised periodically by Authorizat Transcripti All the
4637 __
is the documentary medium ion Slip Input on Sheet three B
through which each Ledger Section
intimates EDP Centre, the
entitlements of Pay and Allowances of DO II
officers fixed/revised periodically by Authorizat Transcripti All the
4638 them? ion Slip Input on Sheet three B
Annual indent for articles of stationery
required for use during following year
will be sent by R Section of PCDA/CDA
office so as to reach Controller of
Printing and Stationery, Kolkata on or 31st 31st 2nd
4639 before ___ of each year? January December January 1st March C

It is
It should HPL that
It can be be governme
granted granted nt servant
even only with earns
Which of the following is true with when HPL Medical subseque All the
4640 reference to Leave Not Due? is at credit Certificate ntly three C

Pay is
fixed in Duties of
the next the higher
post pay post pay
level in level in
the which
promotio upgradati
Which of the following is true with n hiearchy on can be
4641 reference to the MACP scheme? of posts assigned Both None D
Can be s need not
concluded be
with submitted
unregister to
Which of the following is true with ed PCDA/CD
reference to the Short Term contractor A for pre
4642 Agreements? s scrutiny Both None C
spent on
journey to
the place
of study
and return
to the
place of
posting on Study
completio allowance
n study will be
leave, will admissible
Which of the following is true, when reckon as during the
an army officer avails study leave and study period of Both a, b
4643 draws study allowance? leave journey correct None A
Which of the following is used to get
an idea about correctness of postings Trial All the
4644 in the ledgers? Journal Ledger Balance three C
Which of the following IT project is
4645 used for AAO BSO work Vishwak Bhawan Nidhi Aashraya B
Which of the following IT project is
4646 used for GPF work Vishwak Bhawan Nidhi Aashraya C
Which of the following IT project is
4647 used for PAOs work Vishwak Tulip Dolphin Sulekha C
Which of the following IT project is
4648 used for Regional CDA work Vishwak Tulip Dolphin Sulekha B

Which of the following items are not Purchase Postal and
admissible out of the Contingent and of Railway Telegraph
4649 Misc. charges? Guide Guide Both None D

Annual Indent for forms used in CDA of Printing
office is placed on ___ by ????R?? Admin and
4650 Section of CDA? CGDA section MOD Stationery D

Review of
Balances Review of
Which of the following items is not under MES Changes Misc.
covered in Appropriation Accounts of heads of Expenditu in forms Observati
4651 Defence Services? a/cs re (Works) of a/cs ons A
Which of the following items is not
4652 exempt from GST? Meat Dry Fruits Vegetable None D
Which of the following items of cost is Cash for bad Income All the
4653 excluded from Cost Sheet? Discount debts Tax paid three D
Which of the following items of Little or
expenditure can be excluded from the no
levy of Departmental Charges by MES supervisio Little use
4654 in Deposit works? n of T&P None Both C

for grant
in aid
works Engineer
financed services
from Engineer for
Which of the following items of work, Cantonme services Ordnance
4655 MES is not responsible? nt Boards for Army Factories None D
Which of the following keyboard
shortcut can be used for creating a
4656 chart from the selected cells ? F10 F11 F8 F9 abc
Which of the following kind of leave is
not admissible for Leave Preparatory
4657 to Retirement?
Which of the following kind of EL HPL Both None B
payments acceptable as receipts in
respect of payment issues done in ASC
4658 Retail shops? Cheques Cash both None B

Payments Payments
to Miscellan to civilians
Which of the following kind of JCOs/Ors eous serving in
payments can be made out of Field on Acq. expenditu operation All the
4659 Imprest? Rolls re al area three D

Which of the following kinds of s for field TA/DA for
expenditure is not covered under firing Artillery local
4660 Annual Training Grant? stores targets courses None D
Annual Interest on AFPP fund balances
of PBORs is compiled through Class
4661 ____ voucher by Fund Cell of PAO? 1 4 2 8C
Which of the following kinds of Physical Extra
expenditure is not supposed to be met Camp Training Establish
4662 out of ATG? Requisites Stores ment None D

Which of the following kinds of leave Maternity Child Care

4663 are not debited against EL? leave leave None Both D
Which of the following kinds of leave
can be combined with leave of any Child Care Maternity Study
4664 other kind? Leave Leave Leave Al of these D

Rendering ent
Financial enquiry
Which of the following LAO is not Advice to from unit
4665 supposed to peform? units personnel Both None B
Which of the following letter of credit Irrevocabl
4666 can be cumulative or non cumulative? Revocable e Confirmed Revolving D
Which of the following level of
employees are not eligible for air
4667 travel during TD after VII CPC 5 6 7 9A

Which of the following losses need not disclosing
be reported to PCDA/CDA by the Loss of Loss of defects in
4668 units? Aircraft Helicopter procedure None D
Which of the following Major Heads is
a common head which caters to all
Defence Services including Army,
Navy, Air Force, Ordnance Factories, R
4669 & D and Inspection Organisation? 2076 4076 Both None B
Which of the following marking in Classificati
4670 Attendance Register is not correct? EL on LA P D

Which of the following may be Different Over Rates

considered as fraudulent alteration hand writings expressed
while scrutiny of Contract Agreements writings in not only in All the
4671 by Stores section of CDA? same CA attested figures three D

Course of
Annual leave for army officer is not Temporar Instructio Study All the
4672 granted in continuation of _____? y duty n Leave three C
Which of the following methods employed
cannot be used by MES for execution Military civilian
4673 of works? labour labour Contract None D
Which of the following methods is a
Cost Price Method used for pricing of Inflated Simple
4674 materials used for production? Price Average Base Stock None C
Which of the following methods is not
a Cost Price Method used for pricing
4675 of materials used for production? FIFO LIFO HIFO None D
Which of the following methods is not
one and the same form of Fixed Original Equal Straight
4676 instalment method of depreciation? cost instalment line None D
Which of the following methods is one Written
and the same form of Reducing Diminishin down
4677 balance method of depreciation? g balance value Both None C
Which of the following methods of
valuation of material avoids price
fluctuations and gives an acceptable Simple Weighted
4678 figure for stock? Average Base Stok Average HIFO C
Which of the following methods of
valuation of material is also known as All the
4679 replacement cost method? FIFO LIFO HIFO three B
Which of the following Minor heads of All the
4680 accounting is common to all services? 101 105 111 three D
Which of the following months pay bill
is supposed to be retained for 35
4681 years in a CDA office? June December Both None C
Irregular due to
Which of the following need not be or over accidents
exhibited in the Appropriation issues MT Unavoida
4682 Accounts of Defence Services? stores vehicles ble losses None C

March suppleme
Annual Review of Balances is prepared March Suppleme ntary
based on the compilation of ___ Suppleme ntary Manual
4683 months accounts? March ntary Correction Correction C
from Reasons
which Whether for
head work is approval
Which of the following need not be funds will authorize of special
mentioned in Admin Approval be d or work (if All the
4684 accorded, when GOI is the CFA? provided special any) three C
Which of the following need not be Cash Trade for Both B &
4685 shown in the books? discount Disount Discount C B

Which of the following need not be t Account
shown in the LPC of a DAD employee Outstandi Month up Number
when transferred to the jurisdiction of ng to which of
4686 other PCDA/CDA? demands paid employee None D
g the
Which of the following needs to be prescribed accounts is not in
brought to the notice of PCDA/CDA by accounts in conformit
the LAO in respect of Army Units and are non- unsatisfac y with All the
4687 formations? existent tory state rules three D
Which of the following needs to be GPF Refund of
recovered from Subsistence Income subscripti GPF All the
4688 Allowance? Tax on Advance three A

Which of the following office is a PCDA (P) CDA (PD) PCDA (O) All the
4689 Functional CDA? Allahabad Meerut Pune three D
Which of the following office is Regional
responsible for audit of expenditure of PCDA/CD All of
4690 MES units/formations? A AO GE RAO these D
Which of the following officers do All the
4691 concurrent audit? AOGE LAO RAO three A
Sub Area Area
Which of the following officers is Command Command All the
4692 granted Entertainment Grant? er er GOC in C three C
Which of the following offices does
not conduct audit of Expenditure of PCDA/CD AO/AAO
4693 MES units/formations? A GE RAO/LAO None D

Annual Review of Works expenditure (Def/Fin)/ Defence
4694 is prepared by _____? E-in-C FADS Secretary None B
Which of the following offices does (Navy) PCDA New PC of A
4695 not have the work of DAD Cells? Mumbai Delhi CDA Patna Kolkata D

Which of the following offices has CDA (CSD) Guards) CDA (IDS) CDA
4696 been established latest by upgrading? Mumbai New Delhi New Delhi Meerut B
Which of the following offices is not
given section code for the purpose of
compilation of Defence services LAOs/RAO
4697 receipts and expenditure? PAOs AOs GE s None C
Which of the following Offices is CDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to PCDA (SC) (Army) Chandigar PCDA New
4698 Army Local Audit Manual Pune Meerut h Delhi A
Which of the following Offices is CDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to PCDA (SC) (Army) Chandigar PCDA New
4699 Defence Account Code Pune Meerut h Delhi A
Which of the following Offices is CDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to PCDA (SC) (Army) Chandigar PCDA New
4700 Defence Audit Code Pune Meerut h Delhi A
Which of the following Offices is CDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to PCDA (SC) (Army) Chandigar PCDA New
4701 MES Local Audit Manual Pune Meerut h Delhi B
Which of the following Offices is CDA
responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (SC) (Army) PCDA New
4702 I Pune CGDA Meerut Delhi B
Which of the following Offices is CDA
responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (SC) (Army) PCDA New
4703 II Pune CGDA Meerut Delhi C

Which of the following Offices is CDA CDA

responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (AF) (Army) (Funds) CDA (PD)
4704 III Dehradun Meerut Meerut Meerut A
Annual Training Grant is made to
______ for distribution to units and Vice Chief Deputy
formations/Training Establishments of Army Chief of Military
4705 and control the same? GOC in C Staff Army Staff Secretary C
Which of the following Offices is CDA CDA
responsible to issue corrections to OM (Funds) (Army) CDA (PD) PCDA (P)
4706 IV Meerut Meerut Meerut Allahabad D
Which of the following Offices is CDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (SC) (Army) Chandigar PCDA (O)
4707 IX Pune Meerut h Pune D
Which of the following Offices is CDA CDA
responsible to issue corrections to OM (Funds) (Army) CDA (PD) PCDA (P)
4708 V Meerut Meerut Meerut Allahabad A

Which of the following Offices is PCDA

responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (AF) PC of A (Navy) PCDA New
4709 VI Dehradun Kolkata Mumbai Delhi B
Which of the following Offices is CDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (SC) (Army) Chandigar PCDA (BR)
4710 VIII Pune Meerut h New Delhi B
Which of the following Offices is CDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (SC) (Army) Chandigar PCDA
4711 X Pune Meerut h Bengaluru D
Which of the following Offices is PCDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (SC) (R&D) Chandigar PCDA
4712 XI Pune New Delhi h Bengaluru B
Which of the following Offices is PCDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (SC) (R&D) Chandigar PCDA New
4713 XII
Which of the following offices of DAD Pune New Delhi h Delhi D
is not responsible to carry out local Area
audit of store accounts of Army/MES LAOs/RAO Accounts
4714 Units? of the following offices post
Which s AOs GE Offices Both b, c C
audits the pay, TA/DA bills etc of DAD CDA
employees working in the office of (Army) PCDA (P) PCDA (CC) CDA,
4715 CDA (PD) Meerut? Meerut Allahabad Lucknow Patna B
Anti tank Regiments, Medium
Regiments and Heavy Regiments etc. Corps of
4716 are units of _____? EME corps AOC Artillery Signals C
Which of the following ommission of
4717 posting effects the trial balance? Journal Ledger Both None B

Which of the following options is not Conservati Moderate Prefering High Life
available to the NPS subscribers while ve Life Life Cycle fixed Cycle
4718 Which
giving choice
of the of
organisation is Cycle fund fund return Fund D
not subject to audit by Statutory Audit
by DGADS but subject to audit by Cantonme All of
4719 DAD? MES DG MAP nt Board these C
Which of the following organizations Centres of Cantonme All the
4720 are not audited by DGADS? DAD DPDOs nt Funds three C

Directorat Defence
Which of the following organizations Mazagon e of Exhibition
function directly under the Dock Standardiz Organizati All the
4721 Department of Defence Production? Limited ation on three D
Which of the following organizations is
not subject to Audit by DGADS but Cantonme All the
4722 subject to audit by DAD? MES nt Boards DG MAP three B

nature of for
the correction
Which of the following particulars adjustmen if it is a
4723 should be recorded in Transfer Entry? t correction Both None C
Which of the following payments are Central Local
4724 done through DAD Cells? Purchase Purchase Both None A
Which of the following payments are Pay and
not supposed to be paid out of S&S Suppliers Allowance All the
4725 Imprest by the Imprest Holder? CHT Bills Bills s three C
Purchase ASC
of Excise contractor
Which of the following payments is stores/sup duty on s bills
4726 not authorized out of S&S Imprest? plies rum (90%) None D
Any additions or alterations to the list
of Auditable Documents will be
carried out under the orders of the PCDA/CD Service
4727 ??.. LAO A CGDA HQrs B
Which of the following PCDA/CDA is PCDA
entrusted with responsibility of (WC) CDA
reorientation and stream lining of Chandigar (Army) PCDA (SC)
4728 Local Audit work in DAD? h Meerut CDA Patna Pune D
Which of the following PCsDA is
responsible for payment of PCDA
loan/equity shares to the Defence PCDA New PC of A PCDA (BR) (R&D)
4729 Public Sector Undertakings? Delhi Kolkata New Delhi New Delhi A
Which of the following periods do not in the
count as regular service for the State
purpose of grant of MACP for Central Governme
4730 Government Employees? Dies Non nt Both None C

EOL for
Which of the following periods does g higher
not count for Annual Increment to be Joining technical Child Care
4731 granted to Government Servants? Time studies Leave None D
Period of
Attending training
Attending Course of before
Which of the following periods is Departme Instructio appointm All the
4732 treated as duty? ntal Exam n ent three D

nt of
Which of the following points is not EMD is quantity is RC is
correct with reference to Rate not mentione guided by
4733 Contract? applicable d Fall Clause None B

r is
It is It is allowed to
Which of the following points is not in maintaine examined examine
order with reference to Contractors d by AO periodicall his ledger
4734 Ledger? GE y by GE account None D
the CAs Blank
are spces are
prepared either
Which of the following points is not in same filled in or
required to be specially seen by hand a line is Rates
PCDA/CDA office while carrying out wiring and drawn expressed
scrutiny of MES Contracts as a ink through both in
safeguard against fradulent throughou such words and
4735 alterations? t spaces figures None D

Emergenc When ring

y- Regular formed by Require
Which of the following points is not contract Contracto pre
true with reference to Short Term not rs quoting scrutiny
4736 Agreements and their conclusion? feasible high rates by CDA None C

Which of the following points noticed Accounts Accounts
during local audit should be brought are not found in
to the notice of PCDA by LAO in produced unsatisfac
4737 respect of Army Units? to audit tory state None Both D
Any additions or alterations to the list P
of Auditable documents will be carried C.D.A./C.D FADS/Secy
4738 out under the orders of the ???? .A. CGDA (Def/Fin) LAO/RAO A

Sales have
made Items
against once
cash purchased
payment are not
only and returned Local
Which of the following points will be cheques or purchases
objected in audit of AOC Officers not exchange done for All the
4739 shops? accepted d selling three C
Which of the following private banks is
not authorized to do Government HDFC
4740 Transactions? Bank Axis Bank None Both C
made a
l payment
based on
CDA, the CDA,
Bangalore undertaki Secundera
made a ng by an bad made
provisiona individual a
l payment transferre provisiona
when PCDA, SC d to his l payment
necessity admitted office when
for a stating document
expenditu provisiona that he s in
re is there l payment will refund support of
but in the expenditu
Which of the following Provisional sanction is anticipatio amount if re are not
4741 payments is not in order awaited n of funds required available C
Which of the following provisions
should not be made in Budget
Estimates, except under definite Lumpsum Provision
4742 orders/special sanction? provisions for losses Both None C

Standard Stock Minimum

Which of the following rates/prices Schedule Book Reserve All the
4743 are fixed by GE? of Rates Rates Price three B
due to
re of to meet
provision expenditu
Which of the following reapproriations for a An error re one any
does not require sanction of specific in new
4744 Government of India? measure estimates activity None D
Which of the following receipts are
treated as Non Tax Revenue by the User All the
4745 Government Departments? Charges Dividents Profits three D
Which of the following records are
maintained by GE staff under the Stock All the
4746 supervision of AO? Cash Book Budget purchase three D
Which of the following records are not Measure Constructi
sent to PCDA/CDA along with final bills ment on
4747 for pre audit? Book Accounts Both None C
Which of the following records is
maintained by PCDA (O) reflecting task
wise, corps wise and unit wise list of
Army Officers to ensure only IRLA is Central Visual Nominal
4748 maintained
__ is the documentary
for each officer?
medium Index Chart Roll None A
through which Ledger Section
intimates EDP Centre, the
entitlements of Pay and Allowances of
officers fixed/revised periodically by Authorizat Transcripti
4749 them?
__ is the documentary medium Input ion slip on sheet None A
through which Ledger Section
intimates EDP Centre, the
entitlements of Pay and Allowances of
officers fixed/revised periodically by Authorizat Transcripti
4750 them? Input ion slip on sheet None A
Any additions or alterations to the list
of Auditable Documents will be PCDA/CD Service
4751 carried out under the orders of the ..LAO A CGDA HQrs B
Rent &
Which of the following recoveries charges
cannot be made from Subsistence Dues to CGHS for
Allowance of an employee without his Employee subscripti accommo All the
4752 consent? s societies on dation three A
Which of the following Registers is not Register
maintained by Accounts Section in a of Suspense Demand Debt Head
4753 Regional CDA office? Deposits Register Register Register C

Meter Rent
Which of the following Registers is not Readers Revenue Assessme
4754 maintained by AO GE? Book Ledger nt Ledger None A

Which of the following registers is not Furniture Revenue Assessme
4755 maintained by AOGE/AAO BSO? Rate list Ledger nt Ledger None A

Which of the following registers is not Contracto Suspense of
4756 maintained by AOGE? rs ledger Register Sanctions None D
Which of the following Registers, AAO Revenue Rentable
4757 Which
BSO is required
of the following
to maintain?
Rejections Ledger Buildings None Both D
should be cancelled and republished
by the Army Units in respect of Master All the
4758 PBORs? Manual System Missing three A

Which of the following remittance in Cantonme

the form of MRO is not adjusted by Cost of Payment nt Audit
4759 Stores Section? Stores lost of Rations Fees None C
Which of the following reports are
received from Military Farms in a Cash Capital Coupon All the
4760 Regional CDA office? Account Account Account three D
Which of the following reports is not IAF CDA -
4761 dealt by IA Cell MFAI AAC MPR 13 D
Any additions or alterations to the list P
of Auditable documents will be carried C.D.A./C.D FADS/Secy
4762 out under the orders of the .A. CGDA (Def/Fin) LAO/RAO A
Which of the following Reports is not Audit Appropria
prescribed for LAO for submission to Financial Completio tion
4763 PCDA/CDA Main Office? Advice n Accounts None D

Annual Review of Appropria

Which of the following reports is not Audit Compilati tion
4764 rendered by LAO? Certificate on Accounts None B
Which of the following reports is not Audit Monthly
supposed to be rendered by LAO in MFAI Certificate progress
4765 general? Report Report Report None D
Which of the following represents a
4766 specific account? Journal Ledger Both None B
Which of the following represents Major Minor Detailed
4767 function of Government? Sector head head head B
Normal Normal
cost + cost - Normal
Which of the following represents Extra Extra cost +
4768 Overtime cost? payment Payment
Premium Premium C
Which of the following section will not O&M All the
4769 be found in PCDA (O)? M section IA section Section three D
Which of the following sections in and
PCDA (O) is not functioning under Informatio
4770 Which
of the following
Section?sections in Legal Cell RTI Cell n Cell None D
PCDA/CDA office is not an audit
section with reference to bills and Internal
4771 vouchers? Admin Pay Stores Audit None C
Which of the following sections is Administr Ledger Pay
found in PAO (ORs) but not found in ation wing/grou System
4772 PCDA (O)? section D section p cell D
Any bank which is appointed to
transact business of the Government Focal
pertaining to that Ministry or Point Associate Accredite Scheduled
4773 Department is known as ___? Bank d Bank d Bank Bank C
Which of the following sections is not
4774 a section/wing of PCDA (O)? Technical Records Accounts None D
Which of the following sections is not Internal
4775 found (by name) CGDA office? Accounts Audit O&M None C
Which of the following Sections is Store Store
responsible for pricing of Payment Contract Audit
4776 Issue Vouchers ? Section IA Section Section FA Section C
Which of the following sections of Administr
Main Office of CDA maintains Debt Accounts ation All Audit
4777 Head Register? Section D section section Sections A
Which of the following sections of
PCDA (O) is entrusted with the duty of Ledger
scrutiny and vetting of Draft Gazette Technical wing Accounts All the
4778 Notifications? Section concerned Section three B
Which of the following sections of
PCDA/CDA does not operate Punching Administr Engineerin
4779 Medium
Which ofat
following sections of ation Accounts g section O&M Cell D
PCDA/CDA is not at all involved in
matter related to Cantonment Boards All the
4780 Accounts? M section IA cell O&M cell three C
Which of the following sections you
will find ________ (Name of the Stores Internal Technical
4781 section) in CGDA office? O&M Cell Section Audit Section C

n is an
whereby a
nt servant
is kept out
Suspensio of duty
Suspensio n amounts temporaril
n of a to y, pend,
Governme reduction pending
nt servant as he is final
n is
is a paid action
prelude to
routine reduced being
matter in rates taken
ismissal of
Which of the following sentence is disciplinar during the against
a Govt.
4782 correct? y cases period him
servant C
Which of the following sequence is As per the
correct for selection of vouchers by 1,5,9,13,1 1,7,13,19, 1,11,21,31 wish of
4783 LAO for credit verification? 7 25, ,41, LAO B
Any claim for pension/gratuity/Family n of Of
pension benefits are payable on the Retiremen Retiremen Any one
basis of rules in force as on the date Of t/Death t/Death of the
4784 ____? Payment etc. etc. three C
Which of the following serves the Journal
4785 purpose of Journal as well as ledger Cash Book Proper Both None A
Which of the following services counts
towards duty when followed by Probation Apprentic
4786 confirmation and joining time? er e None Both D
Which of the following services Public
rendered by an employee in the past State Sector
is not counted for the purpose of Governme organizati Autonom All the
4787 MACP scheme? nt on ous body three D

Service of Joining
rendered Time not
before regularize
Which of the following services attaining d as leave
rendered is counted as Qualifying the age of with
4788 service under CCS Pension Rules? 18 years salary Both None D
Which of the following sets carry the Order RFP/Tend
4789 same meaning? Clause er EMD/PBG None B
Which of the following should not be GPF Court
recovered from Subsistence subscripti Attachme
4790 Allowance? on nt Both None C

product of
only one
The Ring manufact
number of prices urer has
acceptabl have been been
e offers is quoted by offered by
Which of the following situations less than all all the All the
4791 would imply lack of competition? two tenderers tenderers three D
Which of the following software is Internet Web page All of the
4792 used to browse web page? browser browser browser above abc
Which of the following spells of
service do not count for increment in Deputatio Foreign
4793 respect of Officers of DAD? Leave n Service None D
Which of the following state is not
coming under the definition of NER for Arunachal West
4794 LTC? Assam Pradesh Bengal Tripura C
Any deviation from fiscal deficit target
shall not exceed _____ of the gross
domestic product in a year as per
4795 FRBM Act? One-Half One-Four One-Five One-Six A
Leave can LTC can be
Which of the following statement is be availed combined Both (a) & None of
4796 true? during TD with TD (b) the above C

He can
record his
dissent if
He will he is
not sit as unable to
Which of the following statements are a member agree with
true when a DAD Officer is asked to of such conclusion
4797 assist in a Military Court of Inquiry? Court of court Both None C

cannot be
by any
other than
(or Compulso
Recorded subordina Withholdi ry
warning is te to) the ng of Retiremen
not a appointin increment t is a
Which of the following statements is major g is a major major
4798 false? penalty authority penalty penalty C

by a
can be
based on
Paid duplicate Duplicate
vouchers in the copy of
are absence receipt of
retained of original money by
Which of the following statements is by Audit supply officer can
4799 in order? Offices order be issued None A
Debit will Credit will
Debit will have have
have equal equal
Which of the following statements is equal multiple multiple
4800 incorrect? credit credits debits None D
Orders of
Orders of GOI take
GOI effect
Orders of always from the
GOI take take date they
effect effect bear
from the from the unless
Which of the following statements is date they specified otherwise
4801 more correct bear date specified None C

on Cash Book
Account is MER is is
maintaine prepared prepared
d by GE by AAO by GE
office and GE and office and
Which of the following statements is signed by signed by signed by All the
4802 not correct AAOGE GE AAO GE three B

Will be Replacem
recovered ent value
No loss It can be in cash includes
statement included from removal/r
Which of the following statements is is in the LF outside efixing
4803 not correct Barrack Damages necessary bills persons charges B

granted in
It is two total
months in should not
Which of the following statements is every 3 exceed 60 It can be
not correct Furlough leave of calendar days in a accumulat
4804 Army Officers? years cycle ed None C
can be
issued to Max. Limit
any for It can be
contractor individual concluded Artificers
Which of the following statements is in service is for a work is
not correct with reference to Term approved Rs. period of covered in
4805 Contract? list 150000/- 3 years TC C
Any employee with _____of
continuous service on the date of
journey performed by him/his family No such
4806 is eligible for LTC? Two years One year 6 months limit B
Underdra al of
wal of ration in a
ration in a month
unit can cannot be
be made made
good by good by
overdraw underdra
al in the wal in the
Which of the following statements is next next Both a Both are
4807 not in order? month month and b correct C

t he would
not be
He is a eligible to
high hold any
Which of the following statements is independe appointm
not true with reference to powers, nt ent in
duties and responsibilities of C&AG of Statutory Governme
4808 India? Authority nt Both None D
t to
gs for
can No bar for
impose on authority
the who
Punishing conclusion conducted
authority of the Preliminar
can obtain proceedin y enquiry
guidance gs, minor to act as
Which of the following statements is from penalty at Disciplinar
not true with reference to the superior its own y
4809 provisions of CCS CCA Rules? authority discretion Authority None A

A Govt.
can claim
fare to
bring back
Unmarrie family,
d subject to
dependan CTG is fulfillment
t sister is admissible of other
Which of the following statements is included in all conditions None of
4810 not true. in Family Transfers. . these B
If the first If the first Where a
up up person is
gradation gradation appointed
gets gets to an ex-
postpone postpone cadre post
d on a/c d on a/c in higher
of of scale
employee employee initially on
not found not found deputatio
fit or due fit or due n followed
to to Stepping by
departme departme up of pay absorptio
ntal ntal in the pay n, the
proceedin proceedin band or services
gs etc., gs etc., grade pay rendered
this would this would would be in the
have no have admissible earlier
conseque conseque with post (in
ntial ntial regard to lower
effect on effect on junior scale)
the second getting shall be
second and third more pay counted
and third up than the but the
up gradations senior on period
gradations which a/c of pay spent
which would fixation initially on
Which of the following statements is would also get under this deputatio
4811 true about MACPS? also get deferred scheme n in the ex B

n counts
Which of the following statements is from
true in the case of a government leave leave
servant resigns while availing Leave LND is commenc salary is All the
4812 Note due? cancelled ed recovered three D

Which of the following statements is ment held Posting
true with reference to excess strength by unit is out of the
of officers posted in units is noticed objected excess is
4813 during scale audit? in audit watched Both None C

station Station
where with good
there is facilities
lack of but staff is
normal reluctant
Which of the following stations can be amenities to serve
4814 treated as hard/tenure station? of life there Both None A
Field Pension/L
Which of the following sub PLI Cell Cashier eave
sections/cells does not function under sub Sub Salary Sub LIC
4815 Accounts
Which of the
(O)? section Section Section section D
account will accompany the annual
administration report of each military Trading capital cash All the
4816 farm? account account account three D
Any Financial powers not specifically
4817 delegated vest with: MoF MoD MHA MEA A
Which of the following suspense head
is operated for the purpose of supply 00/018/6 00/018/6 00/020/7 All the
4818 of funds to Field Imprest Holders? 4 5 2 three B
Cash basis
Which of the following system of Single of Double
accounting is also known as Entry Accountin Entry All the
4819 mercantile basis of accounting? system g system three C
Which of the following system of
accounting is known as incomplete Single Mercantil
4820 Which
records?of the following tendering can Entry e Both None A
be followed when goods are Global Limited Single
purchased from Vendors of foreign Tender Tender Tender All the
4821 countries? Enquiry Enquiry PAC three D

Which of the following time expired

records are destroyed by burning in Secret and
the presence of nominated gazetted confidenti Paid
4822 officer? al Record cheques Both None C
Transacrti Payment Payments
on Transactio to Air made by
pertaining ns Force Regional
to Small pertaining Personnel Controller
Which of the following transaction is Savings to loans from s towards
NOT settled through Defence Provident and Army Army
4823 Exchange Account? Fund advances sources Imprest D

Which of the following transactions re of Receipt to
does not require appropriation under occasional Governme
4824 the head of account? character nt Both None B
Which of the following transactions is cheques/E Military Adjustme
adjusted through Defence Proforma lectronic Receivabl nts with All the
4825 Account? mode e Orders Railways three D
TA/DA of
Pay and Medical MES
Which of the following transactions is Allowance claims of Industrial
not compiled through Class 9 Punching s of MES MES Employee
4826 Medium voucher? officers civilians s None C
Which of the following transactions is
not covered under the Focal Point Pension
4827 Branch
Any item
(of amount) appearing in Cheques MROs payments None C
Trial balance gets posted at ____
places in the final accounts normally
unless broken into piece meal
4828 postings? 1 2 2 or more None A
Outstandi Imprest
ng payment
Advances to Navy Service
Which of the following transactions is of personnel rendered
not passed on through Defence employee from by Army
4829 Exchange Account? s Army to AF None C
Outstandi Imprest
ng payment
Advances to Navy Service
Which of the following transactions is of personnel rendered
not passed on through Defence employee from by Army
4830 Exchange Account? s Army to AF None C
Which of the following types of Promotio Examinati
training is not covered under the n on
Training and Development policy of Induction orientatio Training
4831 DAD? Training n courses courses None D
Which of the following types of Cash
transactions are entered in the Journal Transfer Purchase Cash sale All the
4832 Proper? Entries of goods of Goods three A
Which of the following unit of a Arithmetic
computer is responsible for addition, and
subtracting, multiplication and Logical Work Control
4833 division? Unit storage Unit RAM abc
Which of the following was not a part
of erstwhile five tier classification of Major Minor
4834 accounts? Sector head head Sub Major D
Which of the following welfare
activities is not intended primarily to Provision
be met out of Grant in Aid received by of Recreatio Welfare Death
4835 PCDA/CDA Office? Amenities n facilities facilities Benefits D
used by
Which of the following will be priced Goods personal All the
4836 at cost price? Purchases destroyed use three D
Which of the following will be priced Sales
4837 at Sales price? Sales Returns Both None C
Court taken
Which of the following will have first Attachme from Whicheve Whicheve
4838 claim
Any person
on individuals
entitled in
payhis own name nt Govt. r is earlier r is later A
to the possession thereof and to
receive or recover the amount due
thereon from the parties thereto in
respect of a Bill of Exchange is known
4839 as ____? Drawer Holder Payer Drawee B

Municipal National Shares

Which of the following will not be Cash/Che Debentur Savings certificate
4840 accepted as Security in audit? que e Certificate s D
Which of the following al for
withdrawals/advances is not Final financing
permitted from DSOP fund in respect Temporar Withdraw LIC
4841 of Army Officers? y Advance al policies None D
Which of the following word is used in
DPM in place of 'Purchaser' All the
4842 wherever required? Payer Consignee Buyer three C
Which of the following word is used in
DPM in place of 'Supplier'
4843 wherever required? Seller Vendor Both None C

Which of the following works done in Work Works

Army Base Workshops, requires All done for done for
previous approval of the estimate for manufact other private All the
4844 work orders? ure works depots individuals three D

The The
extent of stretches
The cultivation of land
register is land is unutilized
Which of the following, LAO will object not signed shown is shown All the
4845 while Audit of Unit Land Register by the OC separately separately three A
Project Vishwak Project
Vishwak can work Vishwak
can work on can work All are
4846 Which of the follwing is True on WAN internet offline true abc
Pay and
allowance Both Both
of Deputy Salary andoption A Option A
Which of the follwing is an example of Speaker of Alloance and B are and B are
4847 Charged Expenditure? Lok Sabha of C&AG correct incorrect C
Rent bills Project Rent Can
can Bhawan be
generated cannot Charged
through work on through
Project Offline Progect All are
4848 Which of the given
itemis not
of the
True Bhawan Computer Bhawan false abc
clothing may only be issued after
return of old items after the expiry of Net All of
4849 life. Shocks Shoe Musquito these C
Any person within ____ days from the
receipt of a decision from CPIO can
make an appeal to First appellate
4850 authority under RTI Act? 30 45 60 90 A

Which of the given PCsDA/CsDA office y) PCDA(SC), CDA(CSD), PCDA(O),
4851 have no LAO as sub office? Mumbai Pune Mumnbai Pune D

Director Director Director

General of General of General of
Audit Audit Audit
Defence Defence Defence
Services Services Services
who who who
conducts conducts conducts
Statutary Statutary Statutary
Audit is Audit is Audit is
under the under the under the
administar administar administar
ative ative ative
Which of the given statements is control of control of control of None of
4852 correct? CGDA. C&AG. CGA. the these B
Which of the statement is true as far
as written communication is
concerned? A. Writing is more unique A is true A is false Both A Both A
and formal than speech B. Writing is and B is and B is and B are and B are
4853 more valid and reliable than speech false true true false C
Which of these offices issues
corrections to Army Local Audit PCDA New PCDA(O), PCDA(SC) CDA(Army
4854 manual (ALAM)? Delhi Pune Pune ) Meerut C
times with
the right
Using the Pressing button in
Edit Ctrl + A on the
Which of these will not select all the Select All the spreadshe None of
4855 cells in a document ? menu keyboard et These abc
of ASC
contractor Payment
s, bills of hire
Which one of the following Local subjected chargers
expenditure is met out of S & S purchase to post for All the
4856 Imprest of stores audit porters three D

Maintena Internal
nce of PF Settlemen Audit of
Accounts t of Maintena various
in respect transactio nce of PF initial
of Group ns with accounts accounts
Which one of the following is not a A, B & C other of GREF maintaine
4857 Which
of PCDA,
of Defence
New Delhi?
Account Code officers Ministries personnel d by MOD C
2014 mentions about power of
officers for signing a Punching
4858 Medium? Para 71 Para 70 Para 72 Para 73 C

Which Parliamentary Committee is Official Public Committe

responsible to suggest alternative Language Estimates Accounts e Public
policies to bring about efficiency and Committe Committe Committe Undertaki
4859 economy in administration? e e e ngs B
Which part of Pamphlet of RDR
4860 mentions about Canteen stores Part I Part II Part III Part IV D
__ of the amount of Flying Allowance
will be credited to DSOP Fund in
addition to the contribution the officer
4861 is already making to the fund? 1/3rd 1/4th 2/3rd 2/5th D
__ of the amount of Flying Allowance
will be credited to DSOP Fund in
addition to the contribution the officer
4862 is already making to the fund? 1/3rd 1/4th 2/3rd 2/5th D
Any points doubt regarding provisions Ministry of
of GFR are required to be referred to of Defence/F Ministry C&AG of
4863 _________? Defence in of Finance India C
Which part of Pamphlet of RDR
4864 mentions about Defence & Others ? Part I Part II Part III Part IV A
Which part of Pamphlet of RDR
mentions about Defence Accounts
Department and Defence Estate
4865 Organisation? Part I Part II Part III Part IV B
Which part of Pamphlet of RDR
4866 mentions about Ministry of Defence Part I Part II Part III Part IV C

Which PCDA/CDA deals with work bills PCDA New PCDA (BR) CDA (IDS) CGDA
4867 of MAP organization of Delhi area? Delhi New Delhi New Delhi H.Qrs. C
Which PCDA/CDA is assigned with a
responsibility of studying the existing PCDA
procedure and submit proposals for (WC) CDA
reorientation of work of MES and PCDA (SC) Chandigar (Army)
4868 Accounts? Pune h Meerut CDA Patna C
Which PCDA/CDA is responsible for PCDA
preparation of Job Description Sheets (WC) CDA
of Admin, R, D and Stores sections of PCDA (SC) Chandigar CDA, (Army)
4869 PCsDA/CsDA Main Office? Pune h Patna Meerut A

Which PCDA/CDA is responsible for Regional PCDA (O) PCDA New All the
4870 supply of funds to Field Cashier? CDA Pune Delhi three B

Which PCDA/CDA is responsible for CDA PCDA

verification of adjustment of cost of Regional PCDA, (Army) (R&D)
4871 vehicles issued by Army to MES? CDA New Delhi Meerut New Delhi C
Which PCDA/CDA is responsible for
verification of adjustment of cost of
vehicles issued to and returned by CDA
MES and rendering half yearly PCDA (CC) (Army) PCDA (SC)
4872 statement to Army H.Qrs.? Lucknow Meerut CDA Patna Pune B
Which PCDA/CDA is responsible to CDA CDA
prepare Job Description Sheets for M (Army) Secundera PCDA SC
4873 and TA/DA sections work? Meerut bad CDA Patna Pune C

Any qualifications required for the Parties Arbitratio Any of the

4874 arbitrator may be decided by _____? concerned n Tribunal High Court three A
Which PCDA/CDA is responsible to (WC) CDA
prepare Job Description Sheets for Pay Chandigar (Army) PCDA SC
4875 and IA sections work? h Meerut CDA Patna Pune B
Which PCDA/CDA is responsible to PCDA
prepare the Job Description Sheets of (WC) CDA
E and Accounts Sections of Regional Chandigar CDA, (Army) PCDA (SC),
4876 CDA office? h Patna Meerut Pune A

RBI Bank&#39
4877 Which portal is used to remit eMRO? Online SBI Website SBI CMP ;s website C
Which PowerPoint feature allows the Auto
user to create a simple presentation Content Transition Chart
4878 quickly ? Wizard Wizard Wizard Animation abc

Section Section cost
Which provision in RTI Act 2005 4(1)(b) Section 4(3) effective
enables public authority to publich regarding 4(2) regarding and
more and more information relates mandator regarding form & effective
them and thus achieve reduced y suomotu manner of method of
4879 number of applications under the act. disclosure disclosure disclosure disclosure B
Which punctuation mark is used to Semi
4880 connect two complete sentences that Colon Colon hiphen Comma B
Command code
Which report shows details of wise advice Percentag GOC -in-C
4881 command wise expenditure? report report e report report D
n of All Analysis of
India Consolidat All India
defence ed defence
Which report shows the current and service compilatio services
progressive figures separately for each receipts n of All receipts All India
controller and under each and India RDR and compilatio
4882 classification coded of CHB ? charges heads charges n C
Which rule of CCS CCA Rules 1965
prescribes the rule regarding
4883 suspension of a Government Servant 10 11 14 16 A
Which rule of CCS CCA Rules 1965
prescribes various types of penalties,
which can be imposed on Government
4884 Servants 10 11 14 16 B
Any recommendation by an authority
administrative authority for through
exceptional treatment, outside the PCDA/CD PCDA/CD
4885 Which
rule, should
rule ofbeCCS
prescribe about employment of family
members with parties having official
4886 dealings? 4 3 2 1A
Which rule of CCS conduct rules
4887 prescribe about Government 2 3 4 5D
Which rule of CCS conduct rules
prescribe about Government
4888 employees - Acceptance of gifts? 10 11 12 13 D
Which rule of CCS conduct rules
prescribe about Government
employees - communication of official
4889 information? 10 11 12 13 B
Which rule of CCS conduct rules
prescribe about Government
4890 employees
Which rule of
- critisim
CCS conduct
of Government?
rules 6 7 8 9D
prescribe about Government
employees - evidence before
4891 committees?
Which rule of CCS conduct rules 10 9 8 7A
prescribe about Government
employees - raising of funds and
4892 contributions? 10 11 12 13 C
Which rule of CCS conduct rules
prescribe about Government
4893 employees connection with press ? 6 7 8 9C
Which rule of CCS conduct rules
prescribe about Government
4894 employees joining of associations ? 6 5 4 3A
Which rule of CCS conduct rules
prescribe about Government
4895 employees participation in strike ? 4 5 6 7D
Any replacement issue of public
clothing lost by the individual not due Loss Issue Nominal
4896 to neglect should be supported by ___ Statement MRO Voucher Voucher A
Which Rule of GFR 2017 mention
4897 about Financial year? Rule 42 Rule 52 Rule 45 Rule 40 A
Which schedule of the Contract
Agreement reflects the stores
supposed to be made available by Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule
4898 MES to contractor free for fixing? A B C of credit B
Which section is responsible to
prepare and submit the monthly Central
compilation of the abstract of receipts Imprest Ledger Control
4899 and charges in PAO (ORs)? D section Section Wing D Section
Which section of Main Office will Audit Accounts
4900 verify the Credit Scroll ? Section T Section M Section Section D
Which section of PAO (ORs) allots unit
code in respect of Army units and
formations whose pay accounts are Administr Disbursem Central
4901 maintained by them? ation ent Imprest Control D
Which section of PAO (ORs) is Ledger Imprest
4902 responsible to upload e-TDS ? Group EDP CC section Section C
Which section of PAO conducts Review Admin
4903 concurrent review of IRLAs T Section Section FS Section Section B
Which section of PAO coordinates the Administr Control Review All the
4904 activities of Ledger Groups? ation Section Group three B
Which section of PAO deals with
adjustment of dues in respect of Imprest Ledger
4905 PBORs after discharge from Service? CC section Section Group NE section D
Which section of PAO is responsible Central
for compilation of yearly Interest on Control Imprest Ledger
4906 AFPP fund through class II voucher? Fund Cell Section Section Group A
No such Both a
4907 Any Reserve is _______? Liability Asset rule and b A
Which section of PAO is responsible to Pay Central
add new employee bank details on System Control Ledger Imprest
4908 receiptsection
Which of freshofMandate
PAO is responsible
forms? to cell Section wing Section A
ensure drop of IRLAs in all type of FS Central
cases including Regular and other Imprest Admin Control
4909 Misc. Cases.?
Which section of PAO is responsible to section section Review Section D
furnish any information/statistics Monthly
pertaining to IRLAs which may be Pay Central
required, especially at times by higher Imprest Ledger System Control
4910 authorities?
Which section of PAO is responsible to section Group Cell Section D
prepare Budget Estimates of Non
Effective heads of accounts to Main Ledger
4911 Office of CDA? NE section CC section Imprest Groups B
Which section of PAO is responsible to
prepare the abstract of receipts and Imprest Admn. Review
4912 charges? Section CC section Section Group B
Which section of PAO is responsible to
receive all MROs/Treasury Receipts Central Administr
(Except Field Imprest) and ensure their Control ation Review Records
4913 adjustment? Section section Section section A
Which section of PAO is responsible to Central
render quarterly report on Major Imprest Admin Control
4914 financial and accounting irregularities? section section Review Section D
Which section of PAO is responsible to Central
take prompt action on communication Ledger Review Control Imprest
4915 of stop/release pay cases of PBORs? wing Section Section Section C
Which section of PCDA (O) has to give
confirmation of a vacancy of Officer to
PAO for admitting Acting Allowance to Ledger Technical Records Accounts
4916 JCO in his place? wing Section Section Section A
Which section of PCDA (O) is
responsible to furnish its comments Administr SS
on Notes for Orders on doubtful cases, Transport
ation coordinati Technical
4917 put up by Wings for ruling? ation wing
section on (Audit) Section D
delivered to the
to the addressee
Any written communication cannot be delivered addressee at last
deemed to have been received if it is to the at his known
_____ under the Arbitration and addressee place of place of
4918 Conciliation Act? personally business business None D
Which section of PCDA (O) is Administr
responsible to render quarterly report ation Ledger Accounts Technical
4919 on financial irregularities? section wing Section Section D

Cashier Disbursem
Which section of PCDA (O) issues Group Sub ent Ledger Technical
4920 cheque books to Field Cashiers? Section Section wing Section A
Which section of PCDA/CDA deals with
Inspection of various sections and sub
4921 offices? IA OA Accounts O&M D
Which section of PCDA/CDA deals with
Payment and adjustment of the cost Store Store
of manufacture of medals and Audit Pay Contract
4922 decorations of Army units? M section section section Section A
Which section of PCDA/CDA deals with
recovery of leave salary and pension Administr
contributions in respect of persons Accounts ation Pay
4923 lent to and from DAD? Section Section IA cell Section B
Which section of PCDA/CDA is Accounts Audit EDP
4924 responsible for clearance of Suspense Section Section D section Centre C
Which section of PCDA/CDA is
responsible for Post audit of bills in Store Store
respect of 100% payments made on Audit Contract
4925 account of ASC articles and CHT? Section Section M section IA cell B
Which section of PCDA/CDA is
responsible to adjust MRO received on
account of Hire of Government Stores Miscellan Transport Stores
4926 Which
for amenities
is Contract eous ation Audit D
responsible to adjust the cheques Administr
received from /issuing cheques to All Audit Internal Accounts ation
4927 Other Ministries? Sections Audit Cell Section section C
Which section of PCDA/CDA is
responsible to conduct scrutiny of Stores Miscellan
conservancy service agreements Contract Engineerin eous
4928 entered into by Defence Executives? Section g Section section IA cell C
AO attached to GE office discharges Technical Legal Financial All the
4929 which of the following duties? Advice Advice Advice three C
Which section of PCDA/CDA is
responsible to deal with training camp Miscellan Transport Stores
allowance claims of Territorial Army eous ation Accounts Audit
4930 and NCC Officers? section Section Section Section B
Which section of PCDA/CDA is
responsible to rendition of monthly Office Audit
statements of expenditure to the local Automatio Accounts Sections All the
4931 controlling authorities? n Cell Section concerned three B
Which section of PCDA/CDA office Administr
deals with Action on tour notes of ation ORs
4932 Officers? section O&M cell section IA section D
Which section of PCDA/CDA office
deals with action on Tour notes, super Accounts AN
4933 review reports? Section IA section O&M Cell Section B
Which section of PCDA/CDA office Administr
deals with procedure concerning ation
4934 direct and indirect taxes? IA cell E section section O&M Cell C
Which section of PCDA/CDA office is
responsible for custody and Disbursem Administr
4935 disbursement of cash? Records ent Accounts ation D
Which section of PCDA/CDA office is Administr
4936 responsible for diary/despatch of Dak? Records ation O&M None A

Which section of RBI deals with the CAS RBI CAS RBI CAS RBI CAS RBI
4937 govt account? Mumbai Chennai New Delhi Nagpur D

Governme nt
Central nt Accountin
Accounts Accountin g Division,
Which section of RBI maintains Section, g Division, Hyderaba RBI, New
4938 Proforma Account ? Nagpur Mumbai d Delhi A
Which section of Regional CDA adjusts
the MRO on account of Audit fee in Internal Stores
4939 respect of Cantonment Board? Admin Pay Audit M Audit C

AO DAD (HAL), Nashik division is under PCDA (SC) PCDA PCDA (AF) (R&D)
4940 the administrative control of ____? Pune Bengaluru Dehrudun New Delhi B
Which section of Regional CDA deals
with annual production accounts of Stores Stores Internal
4941 ASC Bakeries? Accounts Contract Audit Audit C
Which section of Regional CDA deals Stores Stores Miscellan Internal
4942 with Mess Maintenance Allowance Audit Contract eous Audit C
Which section of Regional CDA deals
with Payment of Sea freight and Transport Stores Stores Miscellan
4943 landingsection
Which stages of
Regional CDA is ation Contract Audit eous C
responsible to carry out financial
review of manufacturing Stores Stores Internal
4944 establishments of Defence? Audit Contract Audit O&M A
Which section of Regional CDA office Internal Administr
4945 deals with
Which section
of RegionalMFAI
office O&M Audit ation Accounts B
deals with Diary and distribution of
confidential letters received in the Administr
4946 office? Records ation RTI Cell O&M Cell B
Which section of Regional CDA office Stores Stores
deals with payment to Survey of India Audit Contract
4947 for supply of Maps to army units? section Section M section R section C
Which section of Regional CDA office
deals with Post audit of bills in respect Stores Transport Stores
of payments made on account of Civil Audit ation Contract
4948 Hired Transport? section section Section M section C
Which Section of Regional Internal Pay Accounts
4949 Controllers&office maintains DHR? Admin Audit Section Section D
Which Section of Regional Internal Pay
4950 Controllers&office maintains DHR? NULL Admin Audit Section A
AO DAD Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (R&D) CDA
Hyderabad is under the jurisdiction of Hyderaba Secundera PCDA (AF) PCDA
4951 ______? d bad Dehrudan Bengaluru D
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA
is responsible for adjustment of
payments in India on behalf of U.K. Administr Store
4952 Govt. by the DAD Officers? Accounts ation IA cell Audit A
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA IA cell
is responsible for watching verification Stores Stores through Miscellan
of Credits of high value imported and contract Audit LAOs/RAO eous
4953 indigenous stores? section section s section B
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA
is responsible to distribute correction
4954 slips of Manuals and codes? Records Admin IA O&M A
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA
office deals with Recovery of extra
expenditure incurred by the Defence Store Store
Services in connection with aid to civil contract Audit Accounts
4955 powers? section Section Section E section B
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA
office is responsible to arrange for Administr Disbursem
4956 printing of forms? ation ent Records Accounts C
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA
office is responsible to do pre scrutiny
4957 of Supply orders/Contracts? IFA cell IA cell O&M cell ORs cell A
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA
office is responsible to prepare Administr Disbursem All Audit
4958 schedule III? ation ent sections Accounts B
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA
office is responsible to render Administr
4959 consolidated AAC report to CGDA? ation IA O&M Accounts B
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA
office is responsible to Standardize Administr
4960 office Notes of repetitive type? ation IA O&M Records C
Which section of the Regional CDA
deals with Re-organization of office Administr All the
4961 layout for quicker flow of work? ation O&M IA three B

AO DAD MOD (Civil) is under the PCDA New (R&D) PCDA (BR)
4962 jurisdiction of ______? Delhi New Delhi New Delhi None A
Which section of the Regional CDA
deals with work related to Super Administr Internal
4963 Which
by IDASofOfficers?
the Regional CDA ation Audit O&M ORs B
office deals with scalar process to
assess the requirement of staff on AN O&M IA/FA All the
4964 scientific basis? Section Section Section three B

Which section recieves the paid Accounts issued the Audit
4965 cheque ? D Section Section Cheque Section B
Which section will adjust the rejected Audit Accounts
4966 amount in SBI CMP? Section Section D Section IA Section A
Which section/wing/sub section/cell is LW SS Co- ordination
responsible to take action on IRLA Not ordination Technical Records (Org &
4967 Generated Report? (Admin) Section Section Audit) A
Which section/wing/sub section/cell
of PCDA (O) deals with allotment of SS
new CDA Account Number to Army Record EDP Ledger coordinati
4968 Officer? Section centre wing on group D
Which sesction of Regional CDA office
deals with approval of Local Audit AN O&M IA/FA All the
4969 Programme of LAOs? Section Section Section three C
Public e on
Which standing committee of the Accounts Public Estimates
parliament will examine the Audited Committe Undertaki Committe All of
4970 Accounts of the Govt. of India? e ngs e these A

Which statement is true as far as Should Should

maintenance of Record rooms are not be have air Both A None of
4971 concerned?
Which statement is true as far as damp circulation and B the above C
written communication is concerned?
A. It assists in proper delegation of A is true A is false Both A Both A
responsibilities. B. It is more precise and B is and B is and B are and B are
4972 and explicit false true true false C
__ section of CDA deals with
adjustment of debits on account of
postage and air mail fee on the bags Miscellan Transport Stores
4973 dispatched by Defence HQrs? Records eous ation Contract B
__ section of CDA deals with
adjustment of debits on account of
postage and air mail fee on the bags Miscellan Transport Stores
4974 dispatched by Defence HQrs? Records eous ation Contract B

AO GE (Factory) Avadi falls under the Controller

jurisdiction of which of the following CDA, of Factory, PC of A,
4975 Controllers? Chennai Avadi Kolkata Both b, c A
Prefix can
be any
two digits Prefix can
Which statement is true for RDR code other than be any Prefix can Prefix can
4976 head? 01 two digits be only 00 be only 01 A
which statement of annual financial
statement (budget) consists of
consolidated picture of reciepts
(revenue) and disbursements statement statement statemnet statement
4977 (expenses) of government of india? I IA II III A
which statement of annual financial
statement (budget) consists of statement statement statemnet statement
4978 expense
which statement
on publicofaccount?
annual financial I IA II III D
statement (budget) consists of
expenses on contingency fund of india statement statement statemnet statement
4979 ? I IA II III C
which statement of annual financial
statement (budget) consists of things
that would be charged to consolidated statement statement statemnet statement
4980 fund of india? I IA II III B

Which system is designed with a view Economic

to achieve economy in Transport Carter
collection/delivery of stores from/to ation Patterson Barter Vehicle
4981 units between each other? system system system pooling B

Subject From and Letter

Which two fields in a letter is and To number None of
4982 important for future reference? reference address and datethe above C
Which type of communication is used Oral Written Verbal verbal
where record maintenance is Communi Communi communic communic
4983 required? cation cation ation ation B
Which type of Contract is concluded Lump sum Item Rate Term for Piece
4984 for construction of Swimming Pool? Contract Contract Contract Work A
Which type of contract is concluded
for large scale renewal of flooring
work to be carried out, but exact Lump sum Term % Rate Item Rate
4985 quantities are not known? Contract Contract Contract Contract D
AO GE (R&D) Hyderabad is under the Hyderaba (R&D) B through Secundera
4986 administrative jurisdiction of d New Delhi A bad D
for supply
Which type of Contract is concluded Materials
for Manufacture of furniture for a % Rate Item Rate Term or
4987 Civiliantype
Which Office?
of Contract is concluded Contract Contract Contract Furniture D
for Repairs to Roads in unit lines when Percentag Contract
exact volume of work cannot be e Rate Item Rate Term for Piece
4988 assessed? Contract Contract Contract Work A
Which type of Leave(s) can be None of
4989 encashed during LTC? EL HPL CL these A
Which type of Office communication is
used for correspondence between Office D.O.
4990 senior IDAS officers? Note Circular
U.O. Note Letter D
Which type of vouchers are linked Issue Receipt purchase Both A
4991 from 'Ledger to vouchers'? vouchers vouchers vouchers and B A
Which type of vouchers are linked Issue Receipt purchase Both A
4992 from 'Ledger to vouchers'? vouchers vouchers vouchers and B A
Which type of written communication Memoran
4993 can be used to reach a large group? dum DO letter Circular Letter C

Line Bar charts,

graphs line Bar charts
and pie graphs and line
Which types of charts can excel charts and pie graphs Only line
4994 produce ? only charts only graphs abc

First Second Third None of

4995 Which voice is used in DO letter? person person person the above A

Which voice is used in formal None of

4996 academic writing? First Second
Third the above C
AO GE (R&D) Pashan Pune is under the PCDA (SC) D) New Hyderaba (R&D)
4997 administrative control of ___________ Pune Delhi d Pune A
Which wing was set up in 2002 to look
after the whole gamut of processing Capital
new capital acqusition proposals for Procurem Procurem Acquisitio Acquiring
4998 defence services? ent Wing ent wing n Wing wing C

I am
On writing
verificatio this DO in This office
Whichamong the following sentence n it is seen connectio is not in None of
4999 can be the beginning of a DO letter ? that n with receipt of the above B
Whih of the following is a personal
5000 account? Capital Drawings Both None C
While accounting POL stocks,
temperature of ___ ? F is treated as
5001 Standard Temperature? 100 85 98 27 B
While Adjusting MRO, PAO functions
5002 as ___ section? Audit Accounts Both None A

Part II Returns to
While audit of ration returns, details orders to Part II
of personnel on leave, admission to returns orders but As
Hospitals, transfer/attachment to but not not vice decided
5003 other units etc. will be verified from? vice versa versa by LAO None A

s for
changes in
While auditing pay bill, audit office entitleme
verifies which of the following Last Pay nts/recov
5004 documents? bill eries Both None C

IRLA to Voucher
While auditing recovery of Hospital Voucher to IRLA
Stoppage Rolls of an Army Officer, IRLA to but not Voucher but not
5005 audit is done from ____ to ___ Voucher vice versa to IRLA vice versa D
While auditing the cash book in a ils of
Cantonment Board, LAO should verify cheques counterfoi
_____ with the payments made by the and ls of
5006 Cantonment Board? vouchers Receipts Both None A
While auditing/passing pay bills of
civilian employees, AAO should check
classification under Service Head for
5007 every item exceeding Rs. ___? 50000 10000 5000 500 D

An A Accountan
advisor, paymaster t, primary
Administr , record auditor Friend,
AO/AAO MES attached to MES ator and keeper and Philosoph
Engineer office perform functions as Accountan and Financial er and
5008 While
__? calculating audit fee in respect t auditor Assistant Guide C
of Cantonment Board, ALAO will be
treated as ___ for the purpose of Senior Junior
5009 calculation? LAO AAO Auditor Auditor C
While calculating repaying capacity for
the purpose of HBA, In cases of
employee retiring after 20 years, ____
5010 of Basic Pay is considered? 0.3 One-third 0.4 0.5 C
Out of (a)
While calculating the amount The and (b),
admissible for conveyance of Personal Actual Bill Entitled whichever None of
5011 Effects, the tax/GST is calculated on amount amount is less. these C
While carrying out audit of cash book
in Cantonment Board, LAO verifies the
payment side of cash book with
5012 counterfoils of ____? Receipts Cheques Both None B
While carrying out audit of cash book, Cash
RAO will verrify entries related to ___ Public Assignme All the
5013 transactions? Fund nt Imprest three D
il of Part II
While carrying out audit of railway warrant to order to
warrants, audit is done from ____ to Part II a but not Counterfo c but not
5014 _______? order vice versa il vice versa B

While carrying out Audt of Air Frieght

claim, it will be ensured that the air Air
passage warrant has been properly QMG&#3 Transport
5015 prepared by the _____? Consignor Consignee 9;s Branch Company C
While carrying out scrutiny of the
credentials of the firms at the time of
Registration, which of the following Financial market business
5016 aspects need noit be considered? Status standing ethics None D

From From IRLA

Document to
While carrying out Test Check of s to IRLAs Document
IRLAs, credit entries should be verified not vice s not vice
5017 ______? versa versa Both None B
While computation of broken periods decided
for payment with reference to number by
of days in the year, _____ is taken as Calendar Financial Academic PCDA/CD
5018 the basis? year year year A A
AON for capital procurement would
lapse for all cases where the RFP for
approved quantity is not issued within 18
5019 ___ from accord of AON 6 months One year months 2 years B
While crediting EL at the beginning of
half year, EL will be reduced by ___ of
EOL availed during previous half year
5020 by the doing
While employee?
classification of costs 1/15th 1/12th 1/10th 1/18th C
based on assicuation with the product,
costs are divided into how many
5021 types? 2 3 4 5A
While doing classification of costs
based on Changes in Activity or
volume, costs are divided into how
5022 many types? 2 3 4 5B
While doing classification of costs
based on traceability, costs are divided
5023 into how many types? 2 3 4 5A
While doing elementwise classification
of costs, how many broad elements
5024 are taken into account? 2 3 4 5B

from the Mandate Budget
While fixing No. Man days required for office of and Man handled
Local Audit of a particular unit, which LAO to the power of by the
of the following points need not be unit the unit unit
5025 considered by PCDA/CDA? concerned conerned concerned None A
While fixing the pay on promotion,
once increment is given in the same Next
pay level into the next stage and fixing Same pay higher
the pay in the promotion post pay stage in stage in
level, if it happens that the same stage the the Depends
is avaiable in the promotion pay level promotio promotio on case to
5026 then pay
While fixing
be pay
in ____?
7th CPC n pay level n pay level case None A
structure, if the amount rounded off
to next rupee after multiplying with
the multiplification factor for pay stage Level in
fixation, happens to be appearing the below + which the
stage available in the pay level, the difference same
pay will be fixed at the ____ in the pay Same next as special stage
5027 level? stage higher cell pay available A
While framing a charge sheet it should
5028 be ensured that the charges are not Petty Flimsy Both None C
While on tour, if two or more officers Admissibl
use same taxi, reimbursement is given Equal e to only
5029 at ___
AOs areRates?
recruited in accordance with As shared share A or B one C
DAD RRs by selection from AAOs
with__ years regular Service in the
5030 grade? 5 4 3 2D
While on Tour, in case employee
travels by foot for the purpose of duty Not
5031 Rs. _____ is admissible per KM? admissible 5 8 12 D
While preparing AEs, ___% will be
5032 provided in Estimates for 10 5 4 3D
While preparing Budget Estimates in
respect of progressive salaries, the
rate of pay which will be due on the 1st
______ of the year to which the 1st Septembe
5033 budget relates should be adopted January 1st April 1st July r D
Category Category
wise and Category wise and Deprartm
While preparing Pay Bill by AN Pay then wise and then as ental
section of CDA office, names in the alphabetic then as per Account
5034 pay bills are arranged ____? ally per DOB Seniority No. wise A

While preparing Pension Budget, DR is Gross Net d portion
5035 calculated on _____? Pension Pension of pension None A
While recording in Cash Book, if a
transaction affects both cash and
5036 bank, it it called as ______ entry? Mutual Contra Mixed Proper B
While responding to a DIDS, a Minus
Charge should always be responded Plus Minus Plus Minus
5037 using --- Receipt Receipt Charge Charge B
While responding to a DIDS, a Plus Plus Minus Plus Minus
5038 Charge should always be responded Receipt Receipt Charge Charge A
While Reviewing the subsistence
allowance, which of the following Non
certificate from the employee under Employme Dependen All the
5039 suspension is taken? nt Life ts three A
Audit Audit Accunts
Officer Officer Officer Purely
While Scrutinising the Loss Statements and and and Audit
PCDA/CDA will examine the cases in Financial Accounts Financial Officer
5040 the capacity of ______? Advisor Officer Advisor only A
APAR graded with a score of 7.9 is
5041 given a score of _____? 8 7 7.5 6B
While taking a decision on whether to Fixed Cost
Make a product or Buy, decision to and
Make can be taken when _____ is Variable variable Overhead
5042 found to be recovered? Fixed Cost Cost Cost s A

Who accepts fund from Nodal office B) Trustee D) None

5043 under NPS? A) PFRDA bank C) NSDL of these B
Who acts as Financial Advisor to of IFA PC of A
5044 DGOF? Factories FADS concerned Kolkata D
Who allots Defence Accounting Circle
5045 Numbers to PCsDA/CsDA offices? CGA RBI, CAS CGDA C&AG B

CDA of
the PAO
Nearest Holder is CDA of
Who allots Imprest Account Number Regional most nearest All the
5046 to Field Imprest Holder? CDA concerned PAO three B
Who among the following (Receiving Liberalize
the specific Pension) are not War Injury d family Invalid
5047 Who
among from
are Pension Pension Pension None C
exempted under the purview of
definition of Public Servant as per Chairman Members
5048 Indian Penal Code? of CAT of CAT Both None D
Who among the following are not Civilians working in
authorized to be paid out of Field working in Peace Army
5049 Imprest? Field Stations PBORs Officers B
Who among the following are not
covered under the definition of Daughter
FAMILY (Assume that all are of age 28 Son of age Step Step
5050 dependent on the Govt. employee)? yrs 24 yrs Mother Father D
Who among the following are the
users of Analysis of All India Defence DFA Service All the
5051 Services Receipts & Charges Budget CGDA H.Qrs. three D
Outstandi None of
5052 APAR grading 8-10 is treated as Very Good ng Good these B

Who among the following arranges PCDA New PCDA (NC) CDA IDS PCDA (O)
5053 money to Field Cashiers? Delhi Jammu New Delhi Pune D
Who among the following can approve
disposal of asset (under powers of GE)
when offer in auction is less than 20% PCDA/CD
5054 of Minimum Reserve Price? CWE CE A None B
Who among the following can All the
5055 negotiate an instrument? Maker Drawer Payee three D

Who among the following can place a Appointin Disciplinar

Government servant under g y
5056 suspension? Authority Authority a or b None C
Who among the following can reside
in the Government Accommodation
allotted to an employee in addition to
his family members? 1. Friends 2. Only 2
5057 Relatives 3. Immediate Relations All 1,2,3 and 3 Only 3 None C

Who among the following cannot be a Offices of Cash
paying authority for third party bills in PCDA/CD Imprest Assignme
5058 respect of procurement of stores? A Holders nt Holders None D

Central State Medical
Who among the following cannot be Governme Governme Practioner
5059 appointed as AMA? nt Doctors nt Doctors s None D
Who among the following cannot be initiated
appointed as Inquiry Officer in IDAS Retired Charge
5060 disciplinary proceedings? Officer SAO/AO Officer Sheet D
Who among the following cannot Contracto
5061 examine Contractor Ledger GE r None Both C
Who among the following cannot Controllin Independ
exercise the powers of g Command ent Area IFAs
reappropriation in respect of Army Authoritie Headquart Headquart (Comman
5062 Budget? s ers ers d) D
APAR has to be finally taken on record 31st Septembe 31st 30th
5063 by ____? August r October November D

person transferre
appointed d from
to a post another
for the post on or
Who among the following cannot have first time after the
option to exercise for pay fixation in 1st day of
under 7th CPC and his/her pay will be Governme January,
5064 fixed under 7th CPC only? nt service 2016 Both None C
Who among the following conducts
audit of sanctions and orders issued PCDA/CD
5065 by Government of India CGDA A LAO/RAO None D
Who among the following conducts
post payment technical check of final PCDA/CD All the
5066 bills of works done by MES? CWE STE A three B
Who among the following Controllers
do not have LAO as a sub office or All the
5067 section working under him? PCDA (O) CDA (IDS) CDA (CSD) three A

n wing of
nt of
Who among the following controls the Productio Ordnance
chain of Ordnance Factories in the n and Factory PC of A All the
5068 country? Supplies Board Kolkata three A
Who among the following deals with
payments relating to procurements CGDA PCDA New PCDA (BR) All the
5069 done by Army Purchase Organization? Office Delhi Delhi three B
Who among the following does not
have powers to sign Transfer Entries
Punching Medium for rectificatiion of
5070 incorrect adjustments? ACDA AO AAO None C
Who among the following employees Those Children
cannot be considered for exemption Having are
from transfer as per the DAD Transfer medical studying Subject
5071 policy? reasons in Class X Experts None D

Serving Pensioner
employee s who
s who are Serving opted for
not in a Employee CGHS at
position s - CS the time
Who among the following get to make (MA) All of
treatment on cash less basis and their payment Beneficiari Pensioner retiremen
5072 bills are
Who among
paid the
Authorities? to hospital es s t D
Government servants of pay level is
eligible to travel by Air in Economy All the
5073 class on Temporary Duty? 4 5 6 three C
APAR in respect of Group C staff is not 30th
required if retiring on or before Septembe
5074 ______ of the year. r 30th June 31st July None B
Who among the following has a
separate Proforma account in the CDA (Trg.) IFA (SC)
PCDA (O) All the
5075 books of RBI, CAS Nagpur? Pune Pune Pune three C
Who among the following has no Scheduled Scheduled Backward
5076 reservation in promotions? Castes Tribes Castes None C
Who among the following has the
power to dispense with detailed audit Central
of accounts and limit the checks when Governme
5077 circumstances so warrant? nt C&AG Both None B

Who among the following have the

powers to exercise the powers of Civil Appellate All the
5078 Court under RTI Act? CPIO Authority CIC three C
Who among the following is a JAG All the
5079 officer? ACDA DCDA Jt. CDA three C
Remount ative of
and DEO in
Who among the following is purchasin Cantonme
5080 authorized to sign MRO? g agent nt Both None C
Who among the following is called as
5081 Secondary User in GeM portal? Consignee PAO Both None C
Who among the following is called JCO Lance All the
5082 in Indian Army? Havaldar Subdedar Naik three B
A person Member Member
below of of
Who among the following is exempted poverty Parliamen Legislative All the
5083 from payment of fee under RTI Act? line t Assembly three A
Who among the following is ex-officio Vice Prime Justice of
5084 chairman of council of states? President President Minister India B
__ section of CDA deals with audit of
charges relating to acquisition &
disposal of land & buildings by Military Miscellan Administr Engineerin Store
5085 Land and Cantonments Dept? eous ation g Contract A
__ section of CDA deals with audit of
charges relating to acquisition &
disposal of land & buildings by Military Miscellan Administr Engineerin Store
5086 Land and Cantonments Dept? eous ation g Contract A
APAR of a resigned Government original
servant may be destroyed after ____ date of
from the date of resignation (i.e. the superannu
5087 date of casualty)? 1 year 2 years 5 years ation C
Ministry of
Who among the following is hosting Ministry of Commerc Ministry
5088 GeM Portal? of Finance Defence e of HRD C

of Chiefs
Ministry of Staff
Who among the following is in Chief of of Committe
5089 complete command of the Army? Army Staff Defence e None A

Who among the following is known as PCDA New (R&D) PCDA (BR) All the
5090 PCDA Travel? Delhi New Delhi New Delhi three B

Who among the following is not a Ordnance

5091 AHSP? DGQA Factories Both None D
Who among the following is not a Hindi Personal
5092 Gazetted Officer? AAO Officer Asst. None D
Who among the following is not a ative Judicial Civilian
5093 member in Administrive Tribunal? Member Member Member None C
of President
Institute of
of Institute
Chartered of Cost
Who among the following is not a Accountan Accountan
5094 member of GASAB? CGDA ts of India ts of India None D
Who among the following is not a part Local Regional
of Internal Audit mechanism/set up Station Audit Audit
5095 under DAD? Auditor Officer Officer None D
Who among the following is not a user in
of All India Defence Services Receipts Departme Armed Budget
and Charges generated in compilation nts of Forces Section of Regional
5096 Who
among the following is not a user MOD H.Qrs. CGDA PCsDA D
of compilation report Analysis of All
India Defence Services Receipts and DFA Services
5097 Charges? (Budget) CGDA H.Qrs None D
APAR of a Retired employee may be
destroyed after a period of ________
5098 from date of retirement One year Two years 5 years 10 years C
Who among the following is not
5099 authorized to sign punching medium G.O SAO/AO AAO None D

ator as
defined in
Who among the following is not 239 of the
defined as Competent Authority under Constituti
5100 RTI Act
Who among
the following is not President Governor on None D
eligible for addition of 5 years
weightage for calculation of Death Army
5101 Gratuity? Officer PBOR None Both A
Head of
Who among the following is not Departme Departme CGHS
5102 empowered to appoint AMA? nt nt Doctor None C
Who among the following is not Serving having Unit not
supposed to deposit Government dues personnel Public having
in cash while depositing through of Fund Public
5103 MRO? Defence Account Account None B
Who among the following is
responsible for all matters connected
with the implementation and PCDA New CDA (PD) CDA (CSD) All the
5104 monitoring of New Banking Scheme Delhi Meerut Mumbai three B
Who among the following is CDA
responsible for maintaining Indian (Funds) PCDA (P) CDA (PD) Both (b)
5105 Military Services Family Pension Fund? Meerut Allahabad Meerut and (c) A
Who among the following is
responsible for maintenance of Designate Command
5106 Accounts in a unit? Cashier d Officer ing Officer LAO C
Who among the following is
responsible for monitoring the
expenditure against budget allocation PCDA (P) CDA (PD)
5107 for the Defence Pension? Allahabad Meerut Both None A
Who among the following is
responsible for payment of bills in PCDA
respect of procurement of stores from PCDA New (Navy) CDA (AF) All the
5108 UK and West Europe? Delhi Mumbai New Delhi three A
APARs graded below 4 will be given a
5109 score of ____? 1 2 3 0D
Who among the following is
responsible for safe custody of original PCDA/CD
5110 CAs concluded
Who among thebyfollowing
responsible for securing that
expenditure shall not proceed at a
rate unwarranted by sanctioned
5111 Estimates?
Who among the following is MOD MOD (Fin) Both None C
responsible for the custody of MES
Inspection House and accounting of its Surveyor
5112 receipts? AGE BSO AO GE Assistant B
Who among the following is None. It is
responsible for the monthly the
reconciliation of the figures given in responsibi
the accounts maintained by the Head Head of ilty of
of the Department with those the Audit
appearing in the Accounts Officers Departme Accounts authoritie
5113 books?
Who among the following is nt Officer Both s C
responsible for the sufficiency and
moderation of the Defence Service
5114 Estimates? MOD MOD (Fin) Both None C

Who among the following is

responsible for Work relating to PCDA New PCDA (AF) PCDA (BR)
5115 London Accounts Current? CGDA Delhi Dehrudun New Delhi B
Who among the following is & Defence Chiefs of
responsible to coordinate general Developm Ministers Staff
direction of policy for Scientific ent Committe Committe All the
5116 Research relating to Defence? Council e e three A
Who among the following is CDA CDA
responsible to maintain Indian Military CDA (PD) (Army) (Funds) DPDO
5117 Widows and Orphans Fund? Meerut Meerut Meerut concerned C
Who among the following is supposed
to endorse on the Draft Paras file
prepared by DGADS, concurred by Defence PCDA/CD
5118 DAD and referred to him? Secretary FADS CGDA A C
Leader of
Who among the following is the chair Oppositio
person of committee constituted for Prime Minister n in Lok
5119 the purpose of selecting CIC? President Minister of I&B Sabha B
APARs graded between 4 and short of
5120 6 will be rated as ___________? Poor Average Good Bad C

Quarter Command
Who among the following is the head Master Chief er Works
5121 of Military Engineer Services? General Engineer Engineer E in C D
Who among the following is the Head Defence Defence etary All the
5122 of Ministry of Defence? Secretary Minister (Def/Fin) three B
Who among the following is the General C of A
5123 incharge of Ordnance Factory? Manager (Fy.) Both None A
Who among the following is the
5124 Officer i/c for MES division CE CWE GE AGE C
Who among the following is to ensure
that suitable accounts are maintained
5125 by Defence Services? CGA MOD (Fin) C&AG None B

Authority administe
Who among the following is ultimately who ring the
responsible for keeping expenditure allotted appropriat All the
5126 within the appropriation? DAD the funds ion three C
Who among the following makes Regional
Payment and adjustment of the cost Regional CDA Regional
of manufacture of medals and PCDA (O) CDA M Stores CDA Pay
5127 decorations to Army Officers Pune section section Section B
Who among the following NCC A) Lady B) Gents C) Both of D) None
5128 officials are not coming under NPS Insructor Instrucor these of these C
Who among the following officers is a
Junior Administrative Grade Officer in
Who among the following officers is
authorized by regulations to waive
Departmental charges in the case of
5130 Deposit works by MES? GE CWE CE None D
APARs graded between 4 and short of
6 will be rated as `good' and given a Any of
5131 score of ___ 4 6 5 the three C
Who among the following officers may
draw cheques on civil treasury or
banks to meet the requirements of Defence Station
Defence Services without cash DAD GEs of Estate H.Qrs.
5132 assignment? officers MES Officers ECHS A
Who among the following shall be Chairman
ineligible for further employment Chairman of State Chairman All the
5133 under the Government of India ? of CAT AT of Joint AT three A

Units person
having paying
Who among the following should not public money to
pay cash along with MRO into Fund Governme
5134 Who
among the
following will be Account nt Both None A
exofficio member in the Local
Committee constituted under Sexual Social
Harassment of women at work place District Welfare Judge of a All the
5135 act? Officer Officer Civil Court three B
Senior been the
Eldest most longest in
Who among the following will be the Officer officer the As
chairman of Chiefs of Staff among among committe decided
5136 Committee? the chiefs the chiefs e by MOD C

who is
to do the
Who among the following woman household
does not get covered under the work on
definition of Domestic worker as per part time Family
5137 Sexual Harassment at work place Act? basis member Both None B
A) oned and
Gazetted non-
officers/n commisio
on ned
gazetted Service
officers officers
appointed appointed
on or on or
Who among the followings are after after C) None of D) None
5138 covered under NPS 2004? 1.01.2004 1.01.2004 these of these A
Govt. spouses
servant are
Who among the followings are not under employed
entitled to avail LTC as per CCs (LTC) suspensio in Both (A) & None of
5139 Rules 1988? n Railways. (B) these C
Prime Justice of Cabinet
5140 Who appoints C&AG of India Minister President India Secretary B

Head of e superior
Disciplinar the Authority
y Departme of charged All of
5141 Who appoints IO & PO? Authority nt official. these A
Appeal against the decision in the case
of sexual harassment complaint
5142 should be preferred within ____ days? 30 45 60 90 D

Area and
Sub area CGDA and
command PCDA and command
5143 Who are the users of GOC-in-C report? er CDA controller AHQ C
Who audits the sanctions issued by
authorities lower than Government of PCDA/CD
5144 India?can authorise payment without FADS
pre audit of a claim which actually
required to be preaudited before
payment to avoid delay in urgent PCDA/CD
5145 cases?can authorize payment without GOC-in-C CGDA
pre audit of a claim which requires pre
audit, to avoid delay in an urgent PCDA/CD
5146 case? A GOC in C CGDA GOI A
Legal Retired
Who can be appointed as a Defence A Govt. Practition Govt. All of
5147 Assistant? servant. er Servant these D
senior to
Who can be appointed as Inquiry the
Officer when the Charged Official is IDAS Charged Either a or
5148 AAO? Officer SAO/AO official b D

Who can conclude a contract beyond PCDA/CD Any of the

5149 3 years duration? A GOI MOD three B
E in C with
concurren CE with
ce of concurren
Who can reduce or remit Financial ce of
departmental charges on a deposit Authoritie PCDA/CD
5150 work costing Rs. 2000/- E in C s CE A B
Who carries out the audit of PCDA/CD
5151 Construction Accounts among the A RAO/LAO Both None B
Who certifies the vegetables produced
from unit gardens conform to ASC ASC
specification before issuing for OC of the Supply
5152 consumption? unit GOC in C Depot PCDA A
Appeal is not allowed in which of the Suspensio ng of
5153 following cases? n Penalty Pension None D
Who conductes the post audit of Station Military None of
5154 accounts of ECHS Poly clinic? HQrs Hospital LAO these C
Who conducts audit of Field Imprest Regional
Accounts rendered by Field Imprest CsDA/PCs
5155 Holders? PCDA (O) DA Both None B
Who conducts audit of sanctions All the
5156 issued by Government of India? CGDA DGADS CGA three B
Who conducts of Audit of Cantonment
5157 Boards Accounts? DGADS DAD Both None B

Chiefs of Secretary
Who countersignes the Audit Defence Army/AF/ (Def/Fin)/ All the
5158 Certificate submitted by CGDA ? Secretary Navy FADS three C

Who deals with all matters relating to

audit, payment, accounting and Jt. CDA DCDA
Financial Advice to Southern Air PCDA (AF) CDA (AF) (AF) (DAD) HAL
5159 Command Trivendrum? Dehrudun New Delhi Nagpur Bengaluru C
Who deals with payment of bills for CDA
procurement of stores of United (Army) PCDA (CC) PCDA New CGDA
5160 Kingdom? Meerut Lucknow Delhi office C
Who deals with the payment and
audit of pay bills of officers and
establishment of Assistant Directorate PCDA
of Technical Development (Inspection (R&D) PC of A
5161 and quality
Who functions
as principal
at Kolkata? CDA Patna New Delhi Kolkata None C
representative of the Ministry of
Defence in the field of Defence Defence
5162 expenditure? FADS CGDA Secretary None A

Who functions as the Principal CDA (CSD) PCDA (SC) PCDA,

5163 Accounting Officer for CSD? CGDA Mumbai Pune New Delhi A
Appointment held by an individual, Magisteria Super
whose duties are not of an executive l Ministerial Extra numerary
character, but employed as a member Appointm Appointm Appointm Establish
5164 of Estt. is ent ent ent ment B
Station Charted
LAO Audit Accountan Cantonme
5165 Who inspects Cash Book of the Unit? concerned Board t nt Board A

Adjutant Chief of Chief of All the

5166 Who is a PSO in Army H.Qrs.? General Logistics Materials three A
and Rep. of
AAO in purchasin DEO in All the
5167 Who is competent
authorized to sign
MRO? DAD g agent Cantt three D
alteration in DOB of Non gazetted
employees of DAD when it is in order PCDA/CD Jt. CGDA Addl.
5168 otherwise? A CGDA (AN) CGDA B

who have
Dependen been
t divorced
Who is covered under definition of unmarried from their All of
5169 family for LTC? Spouse children husband. these. D
Who is highest authority in the Chief Standing All the
5170 Administrative Tribunal? Justice Chairman Counsel three B
Who is maintaining the IRLAs in
respect of non gazetted civilians in Regional PCDA New PCDA(NC)
5171 operational areas: CDA Delhi Jammu PAOs D

Chief of
Integrated Master Quarter
Defence General of Master Adjutant
5172 Who is not a PSO in Army? Staff Ordnance General General A

Chief of Flag
Vice Chief Materials Asst. Chief Officer
of Naval Naval of Naval commandi
5173 Who is not a PSO in Indian Navy? Staff Dockyard Staff ng in chief D
Who is responsible for all matters
connected with investigation,
settlement and follow up action on CDA (PD) PCDA (P) Both (a)
5174 complaints from pensioners? Meerut Allahabad and (b) CGDA A
Appointment of a Field Cashier is done Quarter Master Military
by _______ branch of Army Head Adjutant Master General of Secretary
5175 Who
is responsible for checking of General General Ordnance Branch D
cost data of final bills of orders on cost
plus basis placed on M/s Garden PCDA
Reach Ship-builders and Engineers PC of A (Navy)
5176 Ltd.,Kolkata? Kolkata CDA Patna Mumbai None A
Who is responsible for custody of all Office,
original cash vouchers, receipts and Delhi All the
5177 contract documents of MES? GEs DAD Cantt three B

General of
Who is responsible for Inspection of cal Quality PCDA (AF) All the
5178 the Defence Aircrafts? Assurance Dehradun Air H.Qrs three A

Who is responsible for maintaining Comptroll

technically sound accounting system er and Controller
in the departmentalised accounts Auditor General of Finance
5179 office? General Accounts secretary FADS/ SDF B
Who is responsible for maintenance
and upkeep of furniture supplied as Red Cross
free gifts by Red Cross to Military authoritie All the
5180 Hospital?
Who is responsible for preparation of MH itself MES s three B
Appropriation Accounts of Defence
Services and its submission to Secretary
Comptroller and Auditor General of Defence Defence(F
5181 India ? Secretary inance) CGDA CGA B
Who is responsible for preparation of
the portion of the Combined Finance
and Revenue Accounts pertaining to All the
5182 Defence Services? DGADS CGDA C&AG three B
Who is responsible for safe custody of officer Wing Wing
LPC seal and Payment Authority Seal Wing (Ledger officer officer
5183 in PCDA (O) office? officer (D) wings) (EDP) (AN) D

Who is responsible for signing the

Appropriation Accounts of Defence Secretary
Services and its submission to C&AG Defence Defence
5184 of India? Secretary (Finance) CGDA CGA A
er and Controller
Who is responsible for statutory audit Auditor General of Finance
5185 of accounts? General Accounts secretary FADS/SDF A
Partly by
DR and
Direct Partly by
Appointment of Hindi Officer in DAD is Recruitme Promotio Promotio Deputatio
5186 done by ____? nt (DR) n n n B
Who is responsible for the preparation
of the Appropriation Accounts of
5187 Defence Services? FADS C&AG CGA None A
Who is responsible for the ASC AOC ARC
procurement and supply of Ration to Supply Supply Supply None of
5188 the Units? Depot Depot Depot these A

Who is responsible for watching that Executive

the exp does not exceeds the Authoritie PCDA/CD
5189 allotment s MoD GOC-In-C A D
Who is responsible to carry out repairs EME
to refrigeration equipment issued to Workshop
5190 Who
is responsible
units against
checkP.E.T? MES s Both None B
correctness of expenditure entries in
Construction Accounts against original BSO of GE All the
5191 vouchers? LAO/RAO office AO GE three C
LAO of the
Field Nearest
Who is responsible to conduct local Nearest Supply DAD
5192 audit of units in Field Area LAO Depot LAO (AF) Officer B
Who is responsible to for the custody MES Accounts E in C
of all original cash vouchers, receipts officers Departme branch All the
5193 and Contract Documents of MES? concerned nt IHQ MOD three B

Who is responsible to initiate claim on Embarkati Iron &

account of shortlandings in r/o Steel on Steel
Imports control indents through port Consignee Command Controller PC of A
5194 of Kolkata? unit ant , Kolkata Kolkata C
Who is responsible to maintain Indian Controller
Ordnance Factories Workmen's s of CDA
Provident Fund Accounts other than Accounts (Funds)
5195 those maintained by PC of A (Fys.) Meerut Both None B
Who is responsible to prepare Sub All the
5196 Construction Accounts in a GE office? AO Division Cashier three B
__ section of PAO deals with Issue
cheque in favour of the Post Master
for the total amount of family
allotment money order, final
settlement (pay), money orders, final Central Administr
settlement (fund) money orders to the Imprest Control ation
5197 __
of PAO deals with Issue section Section section Fund Cell A
cheque in favour of the Post Master
for the total amount of family
allotment money order, final
settlement (pay), money orders, final Central Administr
settlement (fund) money orders to the Imprest Control ation
5198 Record Office? section Section section Fund Cell A

Dept. of
Appointment to the post of Hindi of Home
5199 Officer for DAD is done by UPSC Affairs DAD None A
Who is responsible to record the
classification code head of account on Drawing Paying
5200 the bill supposed to be paid? Officer Authority Both None A
Who is the accepting officer for APAR Jt. CGDA
of AAO (with grade pay of Rs. 5400/- Addl. (AN)
on MACP) working in a PCDA/CDA Group CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD H.Qrs.
5201 office? Officer CDA A office B
Who is the appointing authority for PCDA/CD
5202 Senior Auditors in DAD? GOI CGDA A FADS C
Who is the authority playing a
5203 fiduciary role in a Federal Financial CGDA CGA FADS C&AG D

All All
Nationaliz scheduled
5204 Who is the banker to Government? ed banks RBI SBI banks B
Bank of State Bank Govt
5205 Who is the banker to the govt? India of India treasuries Post office A

Union Appointed
Who is the chair person of GST Prime Finance Cabinet by
5206 Council? Minister Minister Secretary President B
Who is the chairman of GASAB i.e. Deputy
Government Accounting Standards C& AG of CGA of C&AG of
5207 Advisory Board? India India India CGDA C

Who is the Chairman of Ordnace PC of A Defence Defence

5208 Factory Board? Kolkata Secretary DGOF Minister C
Who is the chairman of the committee
to consider the promotion to the Non Chairman/ Secretary Additional
Functional Selection Grade of the Member (Def/Fin) Secretary,
5209 Junior Administrative Grade? of UPSC /FADS CGDA MOD B
Appointments of COAS/Lt Generals of
5210 _____Appointments? Merit Fixed Tenure Special C
Who is the Chairman of the
Government Accounting Standards Deputy
5211 Advisory Board (GASAB) CGA CGDA C&AG C&AG D
Who is the chairperson for
Government Accounting Standards C&AG of Dy. C&AG Finance
5212 Advisory Board (GASAB)? India of India CGA Secretary B

Who is the Chief Accounting Authority Secretary

for all transactions of Canteen Stores Defence Defence(F
5213 Department (CSD)? Secretary inance) CGDA CDA(CSD) A

Who is the Chief Accounting Authority Defence Defence etary
5214 in Ministry of Defence Minister Secretary (Def/Fin.) CGDA B

Who is the Chief Accounting Authority Defence

5215 in MOD? PCDA CGDA FADS Secretary D

Controller Comptroll
General of er and
Who is the chief accounting authority Defence Defence Auditor
5216 of Ministry of Defence ? accounts FADS/SDF secretary General C

Who is the Chief Accounting Officer Defence Defence None of
5217 for Defence Services ? CGDA Secretary (Finance) these C

Who is the Chief Accounting Officer Defence

5218 for the Defence Services? PCDA CGDA FADS Secretary C
Who is the Chief Accounting Officer in Defence Defence etary
5219 MOD Minister Secretary (Def/Fin) CGDA C
Who is the Competent Authority of
defined under RTI Act in the case of Parliamen Dy. Prime
5220 Lok Sabha? t Affairs Speaker Speaker Minister B

Appointments to Central Civil Service Prime Cabinet

5221 Group 'A' are done by ___? President Minister Cabinet Secretary A
Who is the Competent Authority Dy. of
defined under RTI Act in the case of Vice Chairpers Parliamen All the
5222 Rajya Sabha? President on t Affairs three A
Who is the Competent Authority Chief
defined under RTI Act in the case of Attorney Law Judge Justice of
5223 Supreme Court? General Minister concerned India D
Who is the competent authority to NCC
accord time bar sanction for service Group QMG
5224 personnel working under NCC? H.Qrs DGNCC AG Branch branch B
Who is the competent authority to Secretary
approve officiating promotion to the Branch, AG Branch
5225 rank of Colonel and above? IHQ MOD IHQ MOD GOC in C GOI A
Who is the competent authority to Military
approve officiating promotion to the Secretary
rank of Lt. Col. (More than six Branch, AG Branch All the
5226 months)? IHQ MOD IHQ MOD GOC in C three A
Who is the competent authority to Sub Area Area
approve officiating promotion up to Command Command All the
5227 the rank of Major? er er GOC in C three C
Who is the competent authority to Secretary
approve officiating promotions in Branch, AG Branch
5228 Supersession cases? IHQ MOD IHQ MOD GOC in C GOI A

Authority to make
to make appointm
Who is the Competent Authority to appointm ent in
make an excess appointment in a ent in lower
lower rank, against a vacancy unfilled lower &higher
5229 in a higher rank? GOC in C rank rank GOI C
Who is the Competent Authority to
regularize the loss of blank forms of Co of the PC of A,
5230 Credit Notes in a unit? unit GOC in C Kolkata GOI D
Who is the disciplinary authority to Group Addl.
give major penalty to AAO working in Officer CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD
5231 a PCDA/CDA office? (AN) CDA A None C

Chief Financial
Appropriation Accounts Defence Head of Accountin Principal Advisor
Services is certified by Secy Min. Of Departme g Accountin Defence
5232 Defence in the capacity of nt Authority g Officer Services B
Who is the equivalent officer in Air Squadron Flying Lieutenan Group
5233 Force for Major in Army? Leader Officer t Captain A
Who is the equivalent officer in Air Squadron Flying Lieutenan Group
5234 Force for Sub Lieutenant in Navy? Leader Officer t Captain B
Who is the equivalent officer in Army Lieutenan Lieutenan
5235 for Warrant Officer in Navy? t t Captain None D
Who is the equivalent officer in Navy Command Command Commodo
5236 for Brigadier in Army? er er re None C
Who is the equivalent officer in Navy Command Command Lieutenan
5237 for Captain in Army? er er t None C

Who is the equivalent officer in Navy Admiral of Vice Rear

5238 for General in Army? Admiral the fleet Admiral Admiral A
Who is the equivalent officer in Navy Command Command Commodo Vice
5239 for Lt. General in Army? er er re Admiral D
Who is the equivalent officer in Navy Vice Rear Lieutenan
5240 for Major General in Army? Admiral Admiral t Captain B

Who is the Head of the Department Defence All the

5241 for DAD? Secretary FADS CGDA three C
Who is the Head of the Department Defence Defence etary
5242 for Defence Accounts Department Minister Secretary (Def/Fin) CGDA D

Appropriation Accounts is submitted Defence

5243 to . For audit and cerification. Secretary CGA C&AG President C

Who is the head of the department of Defence

5244 DAD? CGDA FADS Secretary MOD A
Who is the leave sanctioning authority Manager
for CDA rank officer working in the PC of A of the Any of the
5245 office of C of A (Fys.)? CGDA Kolkata Factory three C

Who is the Principal Accounting Defence

5246 Officer for the Defence Services? PCDA CGDA FADS Secretary B
Who is the Principal Accounting Defence Defence etary
5247 Officer in MOD Minister Secretary (Def/Fin) CGDA D
Who is the Reporting officer to write Group Group Group d by
APAR of Local Audit Officer (as LAO Officer Officer Officer PCDA/CD
5248 deals with various types of duties)? (AN) (Pay) (IA) A C
Who is the responsible to handle
imported/exported stores of Defence Embarkati Consignor Consignee
5249 Services on H.Qrs unit unit A. HQrs. A
Who is the Supreme Commander of
the three services - Army, Navy and Prime Defence Defence
5250 Air Force? President Minister Minister Secretary A
Who issues fund reconciliation B) Axis D) None
5251 statement? A) SBI bank C) NSDL of these C

er and Controller
Who maintains Journal and ledger for Auditor General of Finance
5252 Central bank sanctions? General Accounts secretary FADS/SDF B
CDA CDA Regional
Who maintains Provident Fund (Funds) (Army) PCsDA/Cs
5253 Accounts of PBORs? Meerut Meerut DA All C
Appropriation Accounts of Civil None of
5254 Ministries are prepared by.. CGDA C&AG CGA these C

Who maintains the pay accounts of e Regional
Civilian Gazetted Officer serving in Controller Army
5255 Army s PCDA(O) HQrs CGDA B
Who operates Contingency fund of Ministry Ministry of
5256 India on behalf of President of India ? PMO of Home of Finance Defence C
Who prepares an Annual Consolidated
Balanced Accounts of Defence Defence
5257 Services Receipts and Charges? Secretary FADS CGDA CGA C

Who prepares appropriation account General of Controller
of Defence (civil) and Defence Defence General of Defence
5258 Pension? accounts Accounts secretary FADS/SDF A

er and Controller
Who prepares appropriation account Auditor General of Finance
5259 of Defence services? General Accounts secretary FADS/SDF D
Who prepares Appropriation Accounts
5260 for the Civil Ministries? C&AG CGA CGDA FADS B
Who prepares Appropriation Accounts Dept. of
5261 for the Dept. of Posts? C&AG Posts CGA CGDA B

Who prepares Appropriation Accounts Railway Railway
5262 for the Ministry of Railways? CGA C&AG Board Minister C
Who prepares Daily Order sheet Defence Charged Inquiry Presenting
5263 during Inquiry proceedings? Assistant Official Officer Officer C
E section
Who prepares schedule III in respect Regional
5264 Appropriation
of payments made
by GE?
Services are submitted to C&AG by
???.. Of the year following that to 15th 30th
5265 which it relates. March 15th Jan March 30th Jan B

er and Controller
Who prepares the annual finance Auditor General of Finance
5266 accounts of the central govt? General Accounts secretary FADS/ SDF B
Who prepares the portion of the
Combined Finance & Revenue
Accounts pertaining to the Defence Defence
5267 Services and submits it to the CGA? Secretary FADS DGADS CGDA D
Who prepares the statement No. 13 of
Union Govt. Finance Account and send Defence
5268 to the CGA? Secretary FADS DGADS CGDA D

Sh. Sh. R K Sh. Sh. V K

Who presented the first budget of Jawaharlal Shanmugh Chidamba Krishna
5269 Independent India? Nehru am Chetty ra Nathan Menon B

5270 Who publishes LMMHA ? CGDA C&AG CGA Secretary C
Who publishes the pamphlet of RDR
heads and CHB of Defence Services
5271 Receipts and Charges? CGDA DGADS CGA C&AG A
Who renders advice to Defence Chiefs of
Minister on all Scientific and Staff Dept. of Ordnance
technological aspects of Military Committe Defence R Factory
5272 Operations?
Who renders half yearly statement to e &D Board FADS B
Army Head Quarters on adjustment of CDA
cost of vehicles issued to MES by (Army) PC of A PCDA New
5273 Army? Meerut Kolkata CGDA Delhi A
Who sanctions S&S Imprest to Army Regional Area
units/formations and supply depots Head PCDA/CD Command
5274 under peace conditions? GOC in C Quarters A er A

er and Controller
Who signs the appropriation account Auditor General of Defence
5275 of defence services? General Accounts secretary FADS/SDF C
Appropriation Accounts of the
Defence (Civil) and Defence Pensions FADS, CGDA,
are prepared by ____ office and CGDA, Defence Defence CGDA,
5276 signed by ________? FADS Secretary Secretary CGDA D

Who will accord Time Bar Sanction of Adjutant Military

5277 TA/DA claims of Army personnel? General QMG Secretary MGO B
Who will be chairman of DPC for Member Addl.
5278 promotion from SAO to ACDA? UPSC CGDA FADS CGDA A
Who will be the accepting officer in
respect of APARs of AOs working in a Addl./Jt. Jt. CGDA
5279 Regional PCDA office? PCDA CDA (AN) CGDA A
Who will chair the DPC proceedings Addl. Either a or
5280 for promotion of IDAS officers from CGDA CGDA b None C
Audit Engineer
Who will conduct of technical check of Authoritie Authoritie
5281 bills of MES works? s s Both None B
Who will decide the head of booking PCDA/CD All the
5282 in the case of Bills in GE set up? GE AO A three A

Part I is
filled by Part I by
Originatin respondin
g g
Controller Controller
and Part II Both the Both the and Part II
by Parts by Parts by by
Respondin Originatin Respondin Originatin
g g g g
5283 Who will fill the DIDS? Controller controller controller Controller A
Who will give permission to a DAD
employee seeking part time services No
elsewhere like broadcasting of the permissio
nature other than those of literary, n is
5284 artistic or scientific character? CDA CGDA MOD required B

Who will maintain Construction GE under

Accounts of Operational works Formation PCDA/CD concerned Any of the
5285 undertaken Formation Engineers? Engineers A CE Corps three B
Who will render audit report for all
loss statements prepared by MES
authorities and and falling under the PCDA/CD
5286 financial powers of CE? A GOC-in-C LAO/RAO CGDA C
Appropriation audit conducted by Locally Centrally
PCDA/CDA covers expenditure under Controlled Controlled
5287 which of the following heads? heads heads Both None A
Who will render audit report for all
loss statements prepared by MES
authorities and and falling under the PCDA/CD
5288 financial powers of GE? LAO/RAO A GOC-in-C CGDA A
Who will select the Month for detailed PCDA/CD al Audit Any of the
5289 checking in audit of Store Accounts? A LAO Staff three B

Who will take a decision whether the Disciplinar

charges have been established before y Inquiry Presenting None of
5290 passing final orders? Authority Officer Officer these A

Who will write the APAR of AO GE G.O. (E) of

attached to a GE office in the capacity PCDA/CD
5291 of Reporting Officer? GE CWE RAO/LAO A D
Whose concurrence is required to
exempt (those not exempted already)
a set of employees from application
5292 FRSR in respect of them? DOP&T MOD MOF C&AG C

Station Officer
Whose counter signature will you look Transport CO of the using the OC,
5293 for in audit, in the case of CHT bills? Officer user unit Transport Station A
Whose orders are required for Station Ministry
transfer of a vehicle from one Army Command PCDA/CD Army of
5294 unit to another? er A H.Qrs. Defence C

Whose permission is required for Vice

presenting the budget in the Prime Speaker of President President
5295 Parliament? Minister LokSabha of India of India C
Whose permission is required to PCDA/CD
5296 increase the quantum of audit by DAD CGDA DGADS MOD A D
Whose permission is required to CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD
5297 publish a book by employee of DAD? GO (AN) CDA A CGDA D
Appropriation audit is conducted in ----
5298 -------- stages? 1 2 3 4B
Whose prior approval is necessary to Authority of
issue modifications in the conditions sanctionin sanctionin
of contract which do not involve g the g
5299 enhancement of rates? contract authority MOD GOI A
Whose prior approval is required in PCDA/CD
5300 case of Single Tender Enquiry? CFA IFA AHQ A A
Director Master
Whose prior concurrence is necessary of General of
to transfer Ordnance Stores between Ordnance Ordnance
5301 ordnance establishments? GOC in C PCDA Services Branch C

Director Master
Whose prior concurrence is necessary of General of
to transfer Ordnance Stores between Ordnance Ordnance
5302 ordnance establishments? GOC in C PCDA Services Branch C
Whose prior sanction is necessary for
despatch of stores to Ordnance Director
Factories for repairs when the of
estimated cost of repairs is 5000/- in OC of the Ordnance
5303 respect of AOC depots depot services DGOF GOI B
Whose prior sanction is necessary to Regional
admit private individuals into Military OC of the PCDA/CD
5304 Hospital? CO of MH Station GOC in C A B
Whose sanction is necessary to carry Next
out re appropriation due to error in PCDA/CD higher
5305 budget estimate? GOI FADS A CFA A
Whose sanction is necessary to
5306 conclude a contract of unsual GOI MOD C&AG AHQ A
Head of
Whose sanction is necessary to the
institute disciplinary proceedings Departme
5307 against a retired employee? nt Ministry C&AG President D
Whose sanction is necessary to issue
stores held in AFMSD to private PCDA/CD Governme
5308 parties? DGAFMS A nt of India MOD C

__ section of PCDA (O) is responsible Coordinati LW SS
for Rendition of Expenditure Reports on Group Coordinati
in r/o Army Officers deputed to Assam Accounts (Org & Technical on Group
5309 Rifles, NSG, AWHO etc? Section Audit) Section (Admin) D

__ section of PCDA (O) is responsible Coordinati LW SS
for Rendition of Expenditure Reports on Group Coordinati
in r/o Army Officers deputed to Assam Accounts (Org & Technical on Group
5310 Rifles, NSG, AWHO etc? Section Audit) Section (Admin) D

Propriety Central Major Sanction

Audit , Audit, Audit- Audit,
Appropriation Audit is conducted in Regularity Local Minor Expenditu
5311 two stages. They are ???.. & ??.. Audit Audit Audit re Audit D
Whose sanction is necessary to re-
appropriate savings due to non
expenditure of provision for a specific
5312 measure? GOI MOD CGDA DGADS A
Whose sanction is necessary to refund
a security deposit already lapsed and PCDA/CD Group
5313 credited to Government? A SAO/AO Officer AAO A
Whose sanction is necessary to
transfer coupons from one category to Asst.
another in a Military Farm noted in MF PCDA/CD Director QMG Governme
5314 Manager stock book? A (MF) Branch nt of India B

Whose sanction is required to initiate Disciplinar Secretary

Disciplinary proceedings in respect of y of the
5315 a retired government servant? HOD President Authority Ministry B
Whose sanction is required to release
credit balance of a deserter PBOR Brigade
when the amount exceeds Rs. 1000/- CO of the Command Officer i/c PCDA/CD
5316 but below
Whose sanction
Rs. 2 lakhs?
will be looked for in unit er PAO A B
audit where service transport is Station
provided in connection with visits of command
5317 VIPS. sanction will you look for in
Whose GOI CDA A HQrs er C
audit where service transport is Station
provided in connection with visits of Command PCDA/CD Army
5318 VIPs? GOC in C er A H.Qrs. D
Widening of existing road will treated Original Ordinary Special Special
5319 as in _____ information under RTI
With work Repairs Repairs work A
Act is supposed to be furnished when
it pertains to Life and Liberty of a
5320 person?
With in how many days information 24 Hours 48 Hours 72 Hours 5 days B
under RTI Act is supposed to be
furnished when third party
5321 information is sought? 10 15 30 45 D

Propriety Central Major Sanction

Audit , Audit, Audit- Audit,
Appropriation Audit is conducted in Regularity Local Minor Expenditu
5322 two stages. They are .. & .. Audit Audit Audit re Audit D
With in how many days information
5323 under RTI Act is supposed to be 10 15 30 45 C
With out approval of ____ to AWP, no
new Major Capital works should be Service Command
5324 commenced in the FY? GOI MOD H.Qrs. H.Qrs. A
With reference to AAC, Annual Review
of MES expenditure in respect of MES
transactions are rendered by ???... of Engineerin Accounts
5325 Main Office IA Section An Section g section Section C
With which of the following all
5326 formulas in excel starts ? / = + * abc
Withdrawn Rs. 5000/- from bank for
personal use. What will be posted in Cash Cash Bank Bank
5327 the cash book? credit side Debit side Credit side Debit side C

Debit side Credit side

Withdrawn Rs. 5000/- from bank. Debit side Credit side Cash and cash and
What will be entry in cash book with cash and Cash and Credit side Debit side
5328 cash, Discount and Bank column? bank bank Bank bank C
Within _ hours of drawal of money,
Officer signing ECR has to render
certificate to Move sanctioning
5329 authority that money been expended 24 48 72 96 B
Within ____ days Charged Official is
supposed to submit appeal against the
5330 order passed against him? 10 30 45 90 C
Within ____ days Charged Official is
supposed to submit statement of
5331 Defence against the charge sheet? 5 7 15 30 C
Within _____ returnable copy of the
packing accounts has to be returned
by consignee to landing officer in two
5332 respect of imported stores? 15 days a month months 3 months D

Appropriation Bill once given assesnt Appropria Union Vote on Demands

5333 by President becomes ___? tion Act Budget Account for Grants A
Without the sanction of ____ ,
PCDA/CDA will not take up the audit
of any accounts which do not fall All the
5334 within the sphere of his duties? MOD CGDA C&AG three B
Work Book is supposed to be Fortnightl
5335 submitted to AAO by the staff on ____ Weekly Daily y Monthly B
Work Book should be inspected by
5336 Group Officer at least once in a Day Week Fortnight Month B
Work diaries should be maintained at
site for all major works costing more Ten fifty
5337 than diary need not be maintained in
Work One lakh thousand thousand two lakhs D
respect of special repairs if the cost of
special repairs does not exceed
5338 Rs.______ 1 lakh 2 lakhs 5 lakhs 10 lakhs D
Work related to which of the following Administr Engineerin
5339 sections
Work to be
is not
by Contractor
in OM II? is Records ation g None C
mentioned in which schedule of
contract agreement concluded by
5340 MES? A B C D A
Workmen's Compensation Act 05.03.192 01.01.192 01.04.192 01.07.192
5341 came into force w.e.f _____? 3 4 4 4 D
Works carried out by MES on behalf of Maintena
Cantonment Boards fall under which Authorize Deposit Special nce
5342 of the following categories of works? d works works works services B
Works carried out by MES on behalf of Original Agency Deposit Capital
5343 Civil Departments are categorized as works Services works works B
Appropriation Bill when signed by Vote on Appropria tion Budget
5344 President becomes ____? Account tion Act Account Grant B

Works Cell is a section of which of the PC of A PCDA (BR) (Navy) All the
5345 Works
more than Rs. 1 lakh Kolkata New Delhi Mumbai three B
and not exceeding Rs. 2 lakhs are
classified as ___ works by MES Revenue Minor Any of the
5346 normally? works works Repairs three A
Works costing more than Rs. 2 lakhs Major Budgeted
but less than Rs. 15 lakhs are treated Capital Capital Revenue Minor
5347 as _____ by MES? Works works works works B

Vice Chief
Works projects in Navy are dealt by of Naval Chief of Chief of Chief of
5348 which branch of Naval Head Quarters? Staff Personnel Logistics Material C
Works required to make good
damages caused to existing buildings
due to extra ordinary causes, but still Original Special Decided
5349 usable required
Works are classified
to make
as __?
good Repairs works works by GE A
damages caused to existing buildings
due to extraordinary causes, which are Minor
still usable are classified as ___ by capital Minor Revenue
5350 MES? Repairs works works works A
Works sanctioned as an important
experimental measure are classified as Deposit Minor Special Special
5351 _____ works by MES? works works Repairs works D
Works Services carried out by MES for Inter
other Ministries of the Central Departme
Government or the State Agency Deposit ntal All the
5352 Governments are known as _____? Services Works Works three A
Written communication is influenced
by a. Vocabulary and grammer used b.
Clarity of the language used c. Pitch
Volume and speed. Which of the a, b and c a,b and c a and b b and c
5353 above statement is true? are true are false are true are true C

World Worlds World

Wide Widest Wide World
5354 www Stands For Website Website Webpage Wide Web abc
Approval of _ is taken before actual
conclusion of a contract for less than
11 months duration resulting from PCDA/CD Army
5355 floating of additional tenders? A GOC in c H.Qrs. GOI B
Xetra Extensible Xeta
Markup Markup Markup None of
5356 XML
for of funds for Language Language Language These abc
maintenance of Operational works will
be made to ____, who will sub allot
funds to the formation engineers on
the basis of Board proceedings Command Formation Chief
5357 received from the Divisions H.Qrs. H.Qrs. Div. H.Qrs. Engineer D
You can convert existing Excel Internet
worksheet data and charts to HTML Assistant
5358 document by using the ? Wizard Export Import Format abc

the chart
Double then
clicking clicking
the edit MS-
organizati Clicking Organizait
You can edit an embedded on chart edit on Chart A and C
5359 organization chart object by ? object object object both abc
Approval of CFA for specific item of ntract
expenditure is issued in the form of Concurren Agreemen All the
5360 _______________? Sanction ce t three A

Approval of Competent Authority is e of All the
5361 issued in the form of Sanction Necessity U.O. Note three A
Approval of Competent Financial Administr Special
Authority for special work is conveyed Technical Special ative Admin
5362 in the form of ____? Sanction Sanction Approval Approval C
Approval of the Competent Engineerin
Engineering Authority for Costed Administr Acceptanc g
Schedule of works is known as ative e of Appreciati Technical
5363 ______? Approval Necessity on Sanction D
Stock Standard
Approximate Estimates are prepared Market Book Schedule All the
5364 by MES based on ________? Rates Rates of Rates three C
__% weightage shall be given to
assessment of work output, while
5365 writing APAR? 40 30 25 50 A
__% weightage shall be given to
assessment of work output, while
5366 writing APAR? 40 30 25 50 A
Panel of
Sole Arbitrator
5367 Arbitral Tribunal means ______? Arbitrator s Both None C
No such
Arbitration Agreement may be in the Arbitratio Agreemen requireme
5368 form of ____? n Clause t a or b nt C

5369 Arbitration Agreement shall be ____? Oral in writing a or b Registered B

Arbitration awards are claimed Hand
5370 through __________ in general Special Bill Receipt RAR Final Bill B
Arbitration awards can be divided into
5371 ___ broad categories. 2 3 4 5A

Area Accounts Office Agra is under the

administrative jurisdiction of PCDA (AF) CDA (PD) PCDA (CC) CDA
5372 ____________ Dehradun Meerut Lucknow Meerut D
Area Accounts Office Ahmedabad is PCDA
under the administrative jurisdiction (SWC) PCDA (SC) PCDA (CC) CDA
5373 of ____________ Jaipur Pune Lucknow Meerut B

Area Accounts Office Allahabad is

under the administrative jurisdiction PCDA (P) CDA PCDA (CC) PCDA (AF)
5374 of ____________ Allahabad Meerut Lucknow Dehradun C

Area Accounts Office Dehradun is

under the administrative jurisdiction PCDA (AF) CDA (PD) PCDA (CC) CDA
5375 of ____________ Dehradun Meerut Lucknow Meerut D
Area Accounts Office Dehu Road is PCDA
under the administrative jurisdiction (SWC) PCDA (SC) PCDA (CC) CDA
5376 of ____________
___ % of basic pension is paid as Jaipur Pune Lucknow Meerut B
Additional quantum of pension when
the pensioner is aged between 80-85
5377 years?
___ % of basic pension is paid as 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 A
Additional quantum of pension when
the pensioner is aged between 80-85
5378 years?
Area Accounts Office Kanpur 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 A
Cantonment is under the
administrative jurisdiction of CDA PCDA (CC) PC of A
5379 ____________ CDA Patna Guwahati Lucknow Kolkata C
Area Accounts Office Kolkata is under
the administrative jurisdiction of CDA PCDA (CC) PC of A
5380 ____________ CDA Patna Guwahati Lucknow Kolkata A
Area Accounts Office Pathankhot is (WC)
under the administrative jurisdiction PCDA (NC) Chandigar PCDA (CC) CDA
5381 of ____________ Jammu h Lucknow Meerut B

Area Accounts Office Portblair is under

the administrative jurisdiction of CDA CDA CDA (IDS) PC of A
5382 ____________ Chennai Guwahati New Delhi Kolkata C
Area Accounts Office Shillong is under
the administrative jurisdiction of CDA PCDA (CC) PC of A
5383 ____________ CDA Patna Guwahati Lucknow Kolkata B
Area Accounts Office Siliguri is under
the administrative jurisdiction of CDA PCDA (CC) PC of A
5384 ____________ CDA Patna Guwahati Lucknow Kolkata A
Area Accounts Office Srinagar is under (WC)
the administrative jurisdiction of PCDA (NC) Chandigar PCDA (CC) PC of A
5385 ____________ Jammu h Lucknow Kolkata A
Arithmetical check of calculations in
works bills is exercised by E section of
PCDA/CDA in respect of only as many
items as work up to a total of _____ %
5386 of the gross amount shown in a bill? 10 25 50 100 A

Armed Forces List Cell functions in PCDA (O) (Navy) PCDA (AF) All the
5387 which of the following offices? Pune Mumbai Dehrudun three A

Armed Forces Personnel Provident CDA Regional

Fund (AFPPF) Accounts of PBORs are (Funds) PAOs CDA office All the
5388 maintained by Meerut (ORs) Fund Cell three B
Which command is used to display the
5389 unix version uname -r uname -n uname -t kernel A
Which command is used to display the
5390 unix version uname -r uname -n uname -t kernel A
___ % of pension can be allowed for
5391 commutation of pension by the 33.33 40 50 60 C
___ % of pension can be allowed for
5392 commutation of pension by the 33.33 40 50 60 C
Army Base work Shops are part of Corps of Ordnance Corps of Corps of
5393 which Corps of Army? Engineers Corps EME Signals C

Vice Chief Deputy

Chief of of Army Chief of
5394 Army Command is headed by _____? GOC in C Army Staff Staff Army Staff A
Army Comprises of the following Army Territorial
5395 except _____? Reserve Army Both None D
5396 Army has ___ Minor heads of 8 9 10 12 D
Army Number of PBOR has how many
5397 digits? 6 8 10 12 B
Army officer should not use more than
___ one way journey Form D in a
5398 calendar year? Two Four Five Six D
Army officers are entitled to Specialist
Pay. Who among the following cannot Graded Classified Consultan
5399 be treated as a specialist? Specialist Specialist t None D

cannot can prefix can suffix

can prefix prefix or with with
or suffix suffix approval approval
Sunday Sunday of of
and and Controllin Controllin
5400 Army Officers availing annual leave holiday holiday g officer g officer B
Army Officers Benevolent fund is not
recoverable from which of the NCC TA MNS All the
5401 following categories of Officers? Officers Officers Officers three D
Army officers can accumulate up to a
maximum of ___ days of Annual Leave
in a calendar year for the purpose of
5402 encashment? 10 20 30 60 C
___ AAOs/SOs (A) should be
authorized to upload the SBI-CMP files No such
5403 on the Banks portal minimum? 2 3 4 provision A
___ AAOs/SOs (A) should be
authorized to upload the SBI-CMP files No such
5404 on the Banks portal minimum? 2 3 4 provision A

Are Are not

entitled to entitled to Are Are
advance advance entitled to entitled to
for for advance double
purchase purchase only if the
Army officers serving in operation of Motor of Motor PCDA (O) amount
5405 areas Cars Cars approves prescribed B
Arrange (1) Preliminary Slip (2) Draft
5406 Para (3) Audit
Arrange the following
Para (4) in
in serial 1234 4321 1423 1324 C
order. (1) Command Chief Engineer (2)
Commander Works Engineer (3)
Garrison Engineer (4) Chief Engineer
5407 Zone 3241 1342 1243 1423 D
Arrangements to ensure that all the Cash
treasuries have at all times sufficient Managem Resource
funds to meet the demands placed on ent Operation Financial
5408 them is known as ___? system s Control None B
Arrears of license fee and allied
charges bills due to delay in receipt in Instalmen
the office of PCDA (O) are recoverable Instalmen @ 1/3rd ts decided
5409 in ___? Full ts of pay by PCDA A
Arrears of pay of Defence Civilians are Regular ntary pay
5410 paid through ____? pay bill bill Both None B
Article ___ of Constitution prescribes
the powers of President to
5411 promolgate ordinance? 112 113 117 123 D
Articles of different makes and
patterns but serving the same purpose Different Similar Combined
5412 will be treated as articles articles articles None B
Articles of different makes and
patterns but serving the same purpose Different Similar Combined None of
5413 will be treated as: articles articles articles these B
Articles of indigenous produce are
5414 known as ____ stores? Local Central State Indian A
___ Branch of Integrated Head
Quarters of MOD (Army) is the Head
of the Department for the purpose of Military Adjutant Deputy
5415 Grant of HBA to Army Officers? Secretary General QMG Chief B
___ Branch of Integrated Head
Quarters of MOD (Army) is the Head
of the Department for the purpose of Military Adjutant Deputy
5416 Grant of HBA to Army Officers? Secretary General QMG Chief B
5417 Arunachal Prdesh ki Rajbhasha kya hai G Kh K Gh A
Arunachal Prdesh kis kshetra mein Inme se
5418 aata hai ? K Kh G koi nahi C
As a General Rule, normally whose
sanction is required to conclude a Army Govt. of Defence
5419 contract for a period beyond 3 years? HQrs. CGDA India Secretary C
As a general rule, _____ section(s) will
be under the direct control of the
Principal Controller/Controller in Admin,
5420 his/her
As a partMain
of Financial
office? Control, no Any 2 O&M Any one No D
objection will be raised on account of
excess over allotment, if the
expenditure on a work in progress No such
5421 does not exceed Rs. ____? 5000 1000 500 provision. C
As a safe guard against fraudulent use
of Railway warrants, two copies of
issue voucher will be forwarded by the One copy
Stationery Depot (issuing books of PC of (A) LAO of the each to a,
5422 blank forms) to ___? Kolkata unit b None A
As adjustment voucher is like a __ supported
utmost care should be taken while by
calculating and filling up the amount in document Blank unaccount Favour to
5423 adjustment voucher in PAO? ation Cheque ed Money the PBOR B
person post office
As defined in Negotiable Instruments acting as a savings
5424 Act, the term Banker means ___ ? banker bank Both None C
As defined in Workmen's ative of a
Compensation Act, Employer includes managing anybody deceased All the
5425 _____?
As on date how many cities are agent of persons employer three D
classified as 'X' in India for
the purpose of HRA paid to
5426 Government employees? 4 7 8 9C
___ embraces the broad and general
principles on which audit by DAD is Defence
conducted over Defence Services Audit
5427 Receipts and Expenditure? FR I GFR DPM Code D
___ embraces the broad and general
principles on which audit by DAD is Defence
conducted over Defence Services Audit
5428 Receipts
As per 7 CPC
and recommendations,
Expenditure? Govt. FR I GFR DPM Code D
employees of Pay Level ---------- and
above are entitled to travel by Air
5429 during LTC. Six Seven Eight Nine D

As per 7th a Government Employee is Depends As per the

eligible to get Annual Increment _____ on case to Option
5430 As
in aper
in normal
of Constitution Once Twice case exercised A
of India, the Official Language of the
Union shall be Hindi in Devnagari
5431 As
per Article _______ of Constitution 343 112 (f) 148 310 A
of India, it shall be the duty of the
Union to promote the spread of the
5432 Hindi Language 343 345 346 351 D

As per C&AG Act the term Union UT with without
5433 includes which of the following? Assembly Assembly Both None C
As per Civil Accounts Manual, Non Not
Category 'A' Cheque means Transfera Negotiabl Negotiabl
5434 ___? ble e e None B
As per Factories Act, a person is Adolescen
5435 defined as young person if he is ____? Child t None Both D
As per Factories Act, Adult means a
5436 person who has completed his ___ 14th 15th 18th 21st C
As per Factories Act, Day means a
5437 period of_____ hours? 8 8.5 12 24 D
As per Factories Act, Week means a
period of seven days beginning at
midnight on ____ night or such other Day on
night as may be approved in writing the first
for a particular area by the Chief date of
5438 Inspector of Factories? Saturday Sunday Monday month A
___ embraces the broad and general
principles on which audit by DAD is Defence
conducted over Defence Services Audit
5439 Receipts and Expenditure? FR I GFR DPM Code D

an out-
worker to
whom any employee
articles or declared
materials to be an
are given employee
any out by by the
person another appropriat
who is person to e
As per Minimum Wages Act, Employee employed be made Governme All the
5440 includes who among the following? for hire up nt three D
As per para 13.3.5 of DPM 2009
determination of L1 is finally done by
5441 _______ CNC CFA IFA SPC A
As per payment of wages act, Inland All the
5442 Industrial Establishment means ____? Dock Mine Vessel three D
As per Payment of Wages Act, Wage One Two Three No such
5443 period shall not be beyond ___? month months months limit A

A) 20% of B) 40% of C) 60% of

As per provisions of NPS 2004, what the the the
amount will be given to a Govt. amount amount amount D) None
5444 servant if he resigns from service? deposited deposited deposited of these A
n from
without Refusal to Go-slow
As per Rule 7 (ii) of the CCS (Conduct) permissio work or pen- All of
5445 Rules, constitutes a strike. n overtime down these D
As per Sexual Harassment of women
at work place Act, who among the
following does not get covered under Probation Apprentic
5446 the definition of Employee? er e Both None D
As per the Fiscal Management
Principles, Central Government has to
ensure that general government does
5447 not exceed by ____ % of GDP? 30 40 50 60 D
As per the Procedure Manual of the
CGDA, an Accounts officer is required
to put in following years of services on
the crucial date to be considered for
appointment to the Senior Accounts
5448 Officer grade 2 3 4 5A
As per the standards of financial
propriety, Expenditure should not be Requirem Occasion None of
5449 primafacie more than the ??????.. ent Necessity demands these C
___ embraces the broad and general
principles on which audit by DAD is
conducted over Defence Services Audit Account All of
5450 Receipts and Expenditure? DPM Code Code these B
___ embraces the broad and general
principles on which audit by DAD is
conducted over Defence Services Audit Account All of
5451 Receipts and Expenditure? DPM Code Code these B
Loss due
to theft,
fraud or
Loss not
Loss of due to
Store, theft,
As regards the procedure of Loss of fraud or Gross
investigation to be followed, losses Public gross Loss, Net All the
5452 are classified as _____? Money neglect Loss three A
5453 Assam kis kshetra ke adhin aata hai ? K Kh G Gh C
either a or
5454 Assets are closed with ___ Balance? Debit Credit b None A
Assets are divided into how many
5455 categories? 2 3 4 5A
Assignment of fund placed at the Cash
disposal of the authority is called as Assignme Appropria Public
5456 ____? nt Imprest tion Fund C
Assignment to meet specified Cash
expenditure of funds at the disposal of Assignme Appropria Budget budgetary
5457 the assigning authority is known as nt tion Estimate grant B
Assistant Local Audit officer is of the
5458 Attendance
rank of ? at meetings organised by AO SAO AAO ACDA C
a political party would always be
contrary to Rule _____ of C.C.S.
5459 (Conduct) Rules, 1964? 3 5 14 18 B
Audit and Demand Register is
5460 reviewed once in ___ by the T section a year a half year a quarter a month D

Aid to the Vigilance

Audit can be seen as ______ in Investigati Governme Mechanis All the
5461 Government set up? ng Agency nt m three B
___ embraces the broad and general
principles on which audit by DAD is Defence
conducted over Defence Services Audit
5462 Receipts and Expenditure? FR I GFR Code OM I C
___ embraces the broad and general
principles on which audit by DAD is Defence
conducted over Defence Services Audit
5463 Receipts and Expenditure? FR I GFR Code OM I C
Pay and
Audit Card is related to which of the Allowance
5464 following subject? s Pension Stores Works B
Audit conducted by Defence Accounts Statutory Sample Internal None of
5465 Department is called?? Audit Audit Audit these C
Audit conducted by Defence Accounts Local Internal Integrated All the
5466 Department is known as? Audit Audit Audit three B
Audit conducted by DGADS is also Statutory
5467 known as ____? Audit Test Audit Both None C
Audit conducted by DGADS is known Statutory Sample Internal None of
5468 as ?? Audit Audit Audit these A
Audit conducted by which of the
following offices is not a part of
5469 Internal Audit by DAD? AO GE LAO/RAO PAO (ORs) None D
Audit conducted to verify whether Man
posted strength is within the limits of Performa Strength Power Scale
5470 Authorized strength is known as nce Audit Audit Audit Audit D
Audit conducted with reference to the Sanction
place of verification of the documents Test Audit/Exp Central
is described in two ways. What are Audit/Inte enditure Audit/Loc All the
5471 they? rnal Audit Audit al Audit three C

Internal Statutory Departme
5472 Audit done by DAD is called as _____? Audit Test Audit Audit ntal Audit A
Audit done by DAD is known as _____ All the
5473 Audit? Internal Statutory Test three A
___ grant is intended to meet
expenditure incurred in connection
5474 with weapon training and manoeuvre? TTIEG ACG ATG SAG C
___ grant is intended to meet
expenditure incurred in connection
5475 with weapon training and manoeuvre? TTIEG ACG ATG SAG C
the period
Audit fees recoverable by DAD from Auditing accounts
Cantt. Board is calculated based on the that are Highest of Lowest of
5476 the rates existing at the time of Accounts audited the two the two A
Audit objections lying outstanding Formation
against unit moving out of field area PCDA/CD LAO of command
5477 are intimated to ____? A other side GOC in C er A
Audit of all sanctions & orders
affecting Defence services issued by PCDA/CD
5478 authority lower than Govt. of India CGDA FADS A DGADS C
Audit of Armed Forces List is PCsDA/Cs All the
5479 conducted in the office of the _____? DA PAOs PCDA (O) three C

Audit of Cantonment Boards accounts once in

5480 is carried out _________ Yearly Quarterly Half yearly two years C
Audit of Concession vouchers issued PCDA/CD PC of A, All the
5481 to cadets of Army is conducted by A Kolkata PCDA (O) three A
Audit of Contonment Funds is Cantonme Authoroti PCDA/CD None of
5482 conducted by nt Board es A these C

Voucher Pay Bill to Voucher Pay Bill to

to Pay Bill voucher to Pay Bill Voucher
Audit of dues to Government is done and vice and vice not vice not vice
5483 from ______? versa versa versa versa C
Audit of Government of India
5484 sanctions is conducted by : CGDA FADS C&AG CGA C

3033 to DOs II to
3033 to DOs II to Dos II and 3033 and
Audit of IAFZ-3033 will be carried out Dos II and 3033 and not vice not vice
5485 from --------------- vice versa vice versa. versa versa. D
___ has full powers to grant
permission to undertake work from
other departments and accept
5486 honorarium irrespective of amount? GOI MOD CGDA DGADS B
___ has full powers to grant
permission to undertake work from
other departments and accept
5487 honorarium irrespective of amount? GOI MOD CGDA DGADS B
1/3 of
Audit of issue transactions is each One full
conducted for _____ by Local audit 1/3 of the month of month in Any of the
5488 staff? quarter quarter a quarter three C
Audit of Military Engineering Service
expenditure is conducted by DAD in
5489 how many stages? 1 2 3 4C
5490 Audit of NCC units is conducted once Quarter Half year Year 9 months C
Audit of orders of allotment of funds
re-appropriations fall under which Expenditu Sanction
5491 stages of appropriation audit? re Audit Audit Both None B
Voucher IRLA to IRLA to
to IRLA voucher Voucher voucher
Audit of recoveries in IRLA is done and not and not to IRLA or or vice
5492 from ___? vice versa vice versa vice versa versa A
Board of
Audit of Regimental Funds is carried Audit Army
5493 out by _____? LAO Board Officers DGADS B
Audit of store accounts of GE
formation is conducted by which of
5494 the following officers? LAO/RAO AO GE Both None C

PCDA Naval Pay Naval Accounts
Audit of the Navy list is conducted by (Navy) Office, H.Qrs. Offices
5495 ______? Mumbai Mumbai Delhi concerned A
Audit progress register maintained in
his own office is reviewed by LAO
5496 once in every ______? Month Quarter Half year Year A
Audit section adjusts MRO by
compiling ____ in the punching (+)
5497 medium under the MRO head? Receipt (+) Charge (-) Receipt (-) Charge B
___ is an agreement between the
purchaser and the supplier for supply
of specified goods at specified price Price
and terms & conditions during the Agreemen Rate
5498 period covered? t Contract Tender None B
___ is an agreement between the
purchaser and the supplier for supply
of specified goods at specified price Price
and terms & conditions during the Agreemen Rate
5499 period covered? t Contract Tender None B
Audit sections are supposed to verify Detailed
the _____ compilation to ensure that All India Book Voucher Sectional
data compiled by them is infact Compilati Compilati Compilati Compilati
5500 reflected in the compilations on on on on D
Audit Sections compiling the punching
medium are supposed to forward a
certificate to the EDP before closing of
the month. What is the name of such Last Final Lost Completio
5501 Audited
temporary labour bills will be Voucher Voucher Voucher n A
submitted by the LAO to the PCDA
/CDA together with the fund recovery
schedules and other supporting
documents so as to reach him by the
____ th of the month following that to
5502 which the bills relate? 7 10 15 25 D
M/s Ashok Balmer
Authorised Travel Agents / Agency for Travels & Lawrie & All of
5503 Air Ticket booking for LTC are Tours Company IRCTC these D
Authorization Slips are generated by Category Category
5504 the system for ____ Part II orders? A B Both None A
Authorization slips are issued by which Accounts Administr Technical Ledger
5505 of the following sections of PCDA (O)? Section ation Section wing D

Authorized officer who signs the MES Contract Authorize Contract

contract on behalf of President is Signing d Accepting Signing
5506 called as ____ Officer Signatory Officer Authority C
AWP for Major Capital Works should Septembe 31st 30th 31st
5507 be prepared and submitted by ___? r October November December B
Baby Indent is used by MES to charge Stores in
off stores from which of the following Divisional Hand
5508 ledgers? Stock Ledger Both None B

Debtors from Debtors
from whom from
whom part whom full
payment payment payment
Bad debts are written off for _____ not is is All the
5509 Debtors? expected expected expected three A
Which option of ls command used to
5510 view file inode number l o a i D
Which option of ls command used to
5511 ___
inode number
to see that the l o a i D
effective strength of Army Officer in a
unit as shown in the nominal roll is Man
within the number authorised in the Strength power Scale Nominal
5512 ___
is conducted
to see that the Audit Audit Audit Audit C
effective strength of Army Officer in a
unit as shown in the nominal roll is Man
within the number authorised in the Strength power Scale Nominal
5513 Balance
relative establishment?
at credit should be not less Audit Audit Audit Audit C
than ____ days after deducting the
total of leave, if any availed plus leave
for which encashment was availed
5514 during LTC? 300 150 60 30 D
Lapse to Governme be carried be
Balance remaining unspent under the Governme nt forward to expended
5515 Imprest Account of GE will ____? nt Treasury next year some how B
Bank account falls under which type of
5516 account? Nominal Real Personal None C
Name of Designatio
the n of Name of
Bank account for Imprest is opened in Imprest Imprest PCDA/CD Governme
5517 the ___________? holder Holder A nt of India B
Bank Charges charged by bank will find
5518 entry on which side of the cash book? Debit Credit Both None B
Bank Fixed Deposit Receipts when
submitted as Security should be made PCDA/CD Any of the
5519 in the name of _____? A CFA GOI three A

Bank Reconciliation statement is No such

supposed to be prepared on ____ prescribed
5520 basis by Business firms? Daily Weekly Monthly interval D

Barrack damages vouchers are Market Stock Replacem Highest of

5521 prepared at rate Book Rate ent cost the three C

Military Non
Basic pay in the Pay level of the Matrix Special Service Practicing All the
5522 and does not include _____? Pay Pay Allowance three D

pay drawn pay drawn

in the in the 6th
prescribed CPC
Level in structure
Basic pay in the revised pay structure the Pay multiplied
5523 as per 7th CPC means ______? Matrix by 2.57 Both None A
___ is prepared by a PCDA/CDA office
for each original item compiled to Schedule Cheque All the
5524 Defence Exchange Account? DIDS III Slip three A
___ is prepared by a PCDA/CDA office
for each original item compiled to Schedule Cheque All the
5525 Defence Exchange Account? DIDS III Slip three A

Yes. If, it is
Yes. if, the agreed to
Because of extension of delivery contract with the
period, there is a change in element of specificall concurren
Tax, which increased the expenditure y provides ce of the Not
5526 to Government. Is it admissible? for it IFA A or B admissibe C
Before 1995-96, PAOs in Southern CDA (ORs) South CDA (ORs)
part of India were under the control of South Secundera CDA (SC) South
5527 ____? Chennai bad Pune Bangalore D
Before issuing LPC, Pay section of
PCDA/CDA refers to which of the
following sections to note outstanding Accounts
5528 demands if any at their end? IA cell Section T section M section C
Before the price negotiation ______ reasonabl
5529 rate to be worked out freak low e high C

the paper
will be
Before weeding out a document one scrutinize required Both A None of
5530 should the paper in future and B the above C
Beneficiaries will be issued medicines
5531 for maximum
Benefit of ignorable
at a time.
of 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months C
pension is not admissible for
Reemployed Army officers who retire
after attaining the age of ___ years of No such
5532 age?securities of the unsuccessful
Bid 55 56 58 limit A
bidders should be returned to them at
the earliest after expiry of the final bid
validity and latest on or before the
____ day after the award of the
5533 contract as prescribed in GFR? 30th 20th 15th 10th A

Performa Earnest
nce Bank Money Security All the
5534 Bid Security is also known as ? Guarantee Deposit Deposit three B
Bid security is not required if the value
5535 ___
of tender
is regarded
is less as
a friend,
____ lakhs 3 lakhs 2 lakhs 1 lakh 5 lakhs B
philosopher and guide of the
Committees on Public Accounts and
5536 ___
is regarded
as a friend, CGDA DGADS CGA C&AG D
philosopher and guide of the
Committees on Public Accounts and
5537 Public undertakings? CGDA DGADS CGA C&AG D
Bid security is otherwise termed as ----- Bid Bid Money Tender
5538 -------. Money Deposit Deposit Deposit C
Bid showing indeterminable
parameters such as shade, tone, make- Qualitativ Technical Condition
5539 up, feel etc. is termed as ----------------. e Bid Bid QA Bid al Bid B
Bill for all debt-head items should be
drawn in separate forms printed in
5540 ___ink on white paper? Blue Black Red Green C
Bill for payment can be
received/diarized in _____ section of Records
Administr Any of the
5541 Regional CDA Section
ation EDP three A
Bill of exchange accepted to enable Accommo Condition
5542 the other party to raise funds is ___ Invalid dation Valid al B
Bill pending in council of states which by
has not been passed by House of President Decided
People shall _____ on dissolution of in each by Vice
5543 House of people? not lapse lapse case President A
Bill pending in House of people or by
passed by House of people is pending President Decided
in the Council of states shall ____on in each by Vice
5544 dissolution of the House of people lapse not lapse case President A

Bills for advance payments on running Surveyor

account to contractor may be paid by Asst./Asst.
GE after check by ____ which of the Surveyor Any one
5545 following officers? of works AO GE the two Both D
Bills for non recurring payments Regional Army
sanctioned by Chief of Army Staff will PCDA New PCDA (O) PCDA/CD Head
5546 be paid by _____? Delhi Pune A Quarters A
Bills for treatment of Army personnel Regional
admitted in civil hospitals not covered CDA of
by reciprocal arrangements are sent Armed PCDA
through Armed forces Hospital to Forces (O)/PAOs Either a or
5547 ____ for payment Hospital concerned b None A
___ may within the annual grant
placed at his disposal for the purpose,
sanction reward to employees for
effecting economies in manufacture in Chief of
5548 ordnance factories? DGOF MGO DOS Army Staff A
___ may within the annual grant
placed at his disposal for the purpose,
sanction reward to employees for
effecting economies in manufacture in Chief of
5549 ordnance factories? DGOF MGO DOS Army Staff A
Bills of quantities are as a rule not
necessary for original works costing
5550 less than 1 lakh 50000 40000 10000 C
5551 Bills payable are related to ____? Debtors Creditors Both None B
5552 Bills receivable are related to ____? Debtors Creditors Both None A
Biodata is foiund in Part --------- of
5553 Service Book. I II III IV A
Binary binary Binary None of
5554 Bit stands for digit data deci these abc
Board of Control for Canteen Services Rajya Defence
5555 (BOCCS) is headed by ____? Mantri CDA (CSD) Secretary CGDA A
Cost of
Cost of plus cost
Purchase of
plus cost installatio
of n minus Present
Book value of any asset is determined Cost of installatio Depreciati Market
5556 by _______?
Booking of ___% of the budget purchase n on value C
allocation by the end of December
shows exercise of desired control over
5557 expenditure by CFAs? 75 76 67 50 C
at the
time of After the
5558 Brief of PNC
Bringing together
should anbe
_______ PNC Advance meeting None B
and voucher to ensure they are strictly
in accordance with each other is called
5559 as Pairing Linking Casting Checking B
___ of fee payable to a Government
Servant will be credited to general
revenues of Government as per the
5560 limits laid down? 1/3rd 0.25 0.5 2/3rd A
___ of fee payable to a Government
Servant will be credited to general
revenues of Government as per the
5561 limits laid down? 1/3rd 0.25 0.5 2/3rd A
BSO in a GE office has to ensure that
inspection of furniture is regularly
5562 carried out on _____ basis Monthly Quarterly Half yearly Yearly C
Budget Allotment, Payments made
and liabilities in respect of a specific Cash
work are noted and available in ____ Public Assignme Constructi
5563 Accounts of MES? Fund nt on Financial C

Budget Estimates prepared by MES MES MES of Demands
5564 are called as ____? Estimates Demands Demands for works C

Budget Estimates prepared by MES for Schedule

maintenance services are known as of Works Capital Civil
5565 Budget
_____? passed to meet the Demands Estimates Estimates Estimates A
expenditure of Government in April Modified Contingen
and May of a financial year is known AppropriaPreliminar t fund of vote on
5566 as tion y Budget India account D
Budgeting practice aimed at provision Performa
of funds relating the expected results Performa nce and
5567 is known as ____ Budget? nce Outcome Outcome None A
Buy & Make (Indian) must have
5568 minimum ____% indigenous content 50 60 90 100 A
By convention, when the Union
Budget is presented in the Loksabha 28th 1st 31st
5569 By
by Finance
virtue ofMinister
the provisions
? of Article February 1st March February January C
____ of the Constitution, the
Accounts of the Union Government
shall be kept in such form as the
President may, on the advice of the
Comptroller and Auditor General of All the
5570 India, prescribe 148 150 14 three B
Supreme of
C & AG Shall only be removed in like High court Court Parliamen
5571 manner and grounds as a ___? Judge Judge t None B
___ requests the issuing bank to open Advising All the
5572 an Letter of Credit? Buyer Seller Bank three A
___ requests the issuing bank to open Advising All the
5573 an Letter of Credit? Buyer Seller Bank three A

g as
C DA may delegate his power to make Groups Any IDAS Cannot be Non of
5574 provision payments to: Officer officer delegated these A
Central State
C&AG of India and their sub ordinate Governme Governme Public
authorities are responsible to carry nt nt Sector
out audit of account of which of the Departme Departme Undertaki All the
5575 following? nts nts ngs three D
C&AG of India shall be appointed by Prime Ministry Justice of
5576 ____? President Minister of Finance India A
Calculate Net Debtors? RBD to be
provided at 10% when the following
adjustment is given? Sundry debtors
of Rs. 50000/- include (a) Amount due
from Ram definitely bad Rs. 2000/- (b)
Amount due from Shyam Rs. 3000/-
definitely good (c) Amount due from
5577 Calculate
Krishna Rs.R.D.D
at 5%
when thedoubtful? 39000 40000 45000 48000 A
following adjustment is given. RBD is
to be provided at 10% ? Sundry
debtors of Rs. 50000/- include (a)
Amount due from Ram definitely bad
Rs. 2000/- (b) Amount due from
Shyam Rs. 3000/- definitely good (c)
Amount due from Krishna Rs. 5000/-
5578 definitely doubtful? 2400 2000 2250 1950 D
Calculate RBD at 10% when the
following adjustment is given? Sundry
debtors of Rs. 50000/- include (a)
Amount due from Ram definitely bad
Rs. 2000/- (b) Amount due from
Shyam Rs. 3000/- definitely good (c)
Amount due from Krishna Rs. 5000/-
5579 Calculate
definitely the
net loss. Furniture 4000 9000 10000 12000 B
whose value at the beginning of the
year at Rs. 2000/- was sold off at the
half year for Rs. 1500/-. Depreciation
5580 is at 10% per anum? 500 400 250 100 B
calculator is an example of None of
5581 ____________ computers Hybrid Digital Analog These abc

He may be
asked to
assist but Depends He shall
will not as He may upon the obtain the
a member participat circumsta permissio
Can a civilian officer attend to a of such e as a nces of n of Head
5582 Military court of inquiry court member each case Office A
permissio Yes.
n of Requires
Can a DIDS be responded in 13 & 14 PCDA/CD permissio
5583 accounts?
___ section of PCDA/CDA deals with Yes No A n of CGDA A
audit of claims for transportation
charges debitable to the annual Transport
5584 ___
of PCDA/CDA deals with M section Admin Pay ation D
audit of claims for transportation
charges debitable to the annual Transport
5585 training grant? M section Admin Pay ation D

Can be
Can be permitted
permitted only if
to get he/she
enrolled undetakes
but should that legal
not profession
engage in will not be
legal done
Can a Government servant be allowed profession during
to get enrolled in Bar Association and as long as office
5586 engage in legal profession? Yes No in service timings C
Yes, with
permissio With prior
Can a motor cycle in a unit be detailed n of OC of concurren
5587 for recreational purpose? No Yes the unit ce of IFA A

Yes. With
Yes. With prior
Can a provisional payment of pay &all. prior approval
be made at by PCDA/CDA in case of Yes. At approval of next
individual kept on in service beyond his/her of Test higher
5588 date of expiry of sanction? discretion No audit CFA A

With a
n of the
Can an accused official nominate a Not Disciplinar
legal practitioner as a Defence permissibl y None of
5589 Assistant? Yes e Authority the above A

At the
request of
officer of
At the in which
discretion case sent
Can audit authorities see the actual of GOC in to him
5590 court of inquiry proceedings? Yes No C personally D

with prior Depends

Can audit make independent enquiries permissio on case to
5591 from Defence Service Personnel? No Yes n of PCDA case A
Can Leave not due be granted in the of Depends
case of Leave Preparatory to PCDA/CD on case to
5592 Retirement? Yes No A case B

Can Principal Controllers/Controllers Yes. With Depends

give any audit decision on a permissio on case to
5593 hypothetical case? n of C&AG Yes No case C
5594 Can the CFA powers be delegated? Yes No Optional 0.5 B
Capital Account of Military Farm is
5595 compiled on ____ basis? Monthly Quarterly Half yearly Yearly C
___ section of PCDA/CDA deals with
Audit of sale accounts and audit and Store Store
payment of bills on account of Contract Audit
5596 auctioneers? commission? M section E section Section section D
___ section of PCDA/CDA deals with
Audit of sale accounts and audit and Store Store
payment of bills on account of Contract Audit
5597 auctioneers? commission? M section E section Section section D
Capital cost of works which are non decided
productive in nature is met from Ordinary Capital by GOI a Special
5598 ____? Revenues budget or b Grants A

Driver of Officer Any No need

the using the officer of of any
5599 Car Diary has to be signed by?? vehicle vehicle the unit signature B
5600 Car Diary is maintained in ?????. Basis. Monthly Quarterly Yearly Annual B
Carriage inwards when given in trial Profit and
balance, it will be posted in ___ of loss Trading Balance Any of the
5601 final accounts? account Account Sheet three B
Carriage outwards when given in trial Profit and
balance, it will be posted in ___ of loss Trading Balance Any of the
5602 Cases
final accounts?
involving provision of Govt. or account Account Sheet three A
Hired Transport to non entitled
personnel regularized by CFAs should
be treated as __ loss in Appropriation
5603 Accounts? Cash Stores a or b None A

Cases of abnormally delay in receipt of of the
Skeleton lists and other documents, concerned Army
LAO should report the matter to unit/Depo PCDA/CD Head
5604 Cases
_____?of overpayments due to failure t GOC in C A Quarters C
of audit other than incorrect
interpretation will be taken up by CDA
5605 Cases
with of payments due to incorrect CFA CGDA AFHQ DADS A
interpretation of the Financial
Regulations by DAD should be
5606 submitted to MOD DGADS C&AG GOI D
b at
Cash Assignment in respect of GE can One, two b when discretion
5607 be placed with ____ treasury? One or more necessary of GE B
___ section of PCDA/CDA deals with
Higher Audit of Contract
Management? especially the
Contracts relating to acquisition of
weapon systems and purchase of Store Store
5608 ___
rations deals with Contract IFA cell Audit IA cell D
Higher Audit of Contract
Management? especially the
Contracts relating to acquisition of
weapon systems and purchase of Store Store
5609 Cash
including rations
in the nature of a Contract IFA cell Audit IA cell D
permanent advance placed at the
disposal of Officers incurring Appropria Grants in
5610 expenditure is Imprest tion aid None A
Previous allotment Punching
Cash assignment is released by E year s of Recomme Media of
section of PCDA/CDA office to GE expenditu current ndations Pay
5611 based on ________? re year of AO GE Sections B
Cash Assignment Register maintained
by Field Cashier Sub Section of PCDA
5612 Cash
(O) is Assignment
closed on ____basis?
to meet the Daily weekly Monthly Yearly C
expenditure pertaining to ECHS poly Station
clinics is placed at the disposal of Each Poly Head Military All the
5613 ____? clinic Quarters Hospital three B

Cash balances held in the treasuries of Consolidat Contingen Public

the Central Government form part of ed Fund of cy Fund of Account All the
5614 the _________? India India of India three D
5615 Cash Book format is like a _____? Journal Ledger Both None B
Cash Book is closed on ____ of each Last 1st by
month by GE except in the month of working working PCDA/CD
5616 March? day 25th day A B
Cash book is maintained by ____ Cashier, Cashier, All the
5617 under the supervision of _____? GE GE, AO GE AO GE three C
Cash book is maintained by the cashier AGE i/c of Office
under the supervision of _____ in the sub Superinte
5618 office of GE? division BSO AO GE ndent C
Cash handling and Treasury Allowance
at the rate of ___ p.m. is admissible to
employee when average monthly cash
5619 disbursed is more than 500000/- 350 500 700 1000 D
___ will be responsible to see that
stores consigned to PCsDA/CDAs by
rail are taken delivery of promptly to AN Records
5620 avoid demurrage charges? section section Both None B
___ will be responsible to see that
stores consigned to PCsDA/CDAs by
rail are taken delivery of promptly to AN Records
5621 avoid demurrage charges? section section Both None B
Cash handling and Treasury Allowance
at the rate of ___ p.m. is admissible to
employee when average monthly cash
5622 disbursed is up to 500000/- 350 500 700 1000 C
Cash Requisition Book (Other than A of
initial) is obtained by Field Imprest dependen Dependen Regional
5623 Holder from ______? t PAO t PAO CDA PCDA (O) C
Cash Securities credited as lapsed Next
deposits cannot be refunded without higher Army PCDA/CD
5624 the sanction of _____? GOI CFA HQrs A D
Three Three
years years
Cash security deposit remaining including excluding
unclaimed for _____ period is Three year of year of
5625 transferred to Lapsed Deposit? years deposit deposit 30 years C
Cash, land and building, plant and
machine, furniture and fixtures, Nominal Personal Real None of
5626 trademarks etc are examples of ------ account accounts accounts the above C
Casual employee on daily rates of pay
is entitled to __ notice of discharge
(Termination of his appointment) by One
5627 concerned MES authority? month 15 days 1 week 24 hours D
Casual leave on account of sickness up
to _____ day(s) can be granted
5628 withoutpersonnel
Casual a medicalmay
be recruited 3 4 2 1C
when it is anticipated that they are
not likely to be required for more than Six
5629 ___? Two years Months One year 3 months B

Casualties occurring in operational Battle Physical

5630 areas are known as _____? casualties casualties Both None A
Category ''A'' They
Training Establishments function Station Function
under the Control of ____ for the Command independe
5631 purpose of Training matters? AFHQ GOC in C er ntly A

List all
files and
directorie List all
s files and
recursivel List a file List all directorie
y starting named * files in / s in /
5632 Find / -name * will from / in / directory directory A
List all
files and
directorie List all
s files and
recursivel List a file List all directorie
y starting named * files in / s in /
5633 Find / -name * will from / in / directory directory A
___ wing of Department of Defence
Production controls the chain of Productio Developm
5634 Ordnance Factories. Ordnance n Research ent B
___ wing of Department of Defence
Production controls the chain of Productio Developm
5635 Ordnance Factories. Ordnance n Research ent B

CO of
Category 'B' Training Army e Training Area
Establishments are under the Head Establish Command
5636 Category
used to identify Quarters GOC in C ment er B
the transactions received from
Ministry of External Affairs in
5637 PCDA/CDA office? 74 77 93 99 A
Category A Training Establishments in Corps
Indian Army are functionally under the Army Command Station
5638 Control of ______? GOC in C H.Qrs. er H.Qrs B
Army Record Depot EDP
CC section of PAO obtains unit code in Head Office Battalion Centre
5639 respect of army units from _____? Quarters concerned concerned (CGDA) D
CCL not admissible if the child is ____
5640 years age or older 2 14 16 18 D

Book All India March

Compilati Compilati Suppleme Sectional
on of RDR on of RDR ntary Compilati
5641 CCO-3 represents ____? heads heads Accounts ons D
CCS CCA Rules 1965 came into force
5642 w.e.f. ______? 1.1.1965 1.4.1965 1.10.1965 1.12.1965 D
CCS Leave Rules 1972 came into force 01.01.197 01.04.197 01.06.197 01.07.197
5643 w.e.f. _____? 2 2 2 2 C
CDA (O) Account Number allotted to
an officer consists of ____ digits and
5644 ____ Alphabets? 5, 2 4,3 6,1 7,0 C
CDA (O) Account Number allotted to
each Army Officer is made up of ____
5645 components? 1 2 3 4C
Repairs, Original,
___ works have higher priority than Major, Ordinary Maintena Carry
5646 ____ Works in regard to budget? Minor Repairs nce over, New D
Repairs, Original,
___ works have higher priority than Major, Ordinary Maintena Carry
5647 ____ Works in regard to budget? Minor Repairs nce over, New D
CDA (O) Account Number contains
____ how many digits in addition of
5648 one alphabet? 11 12 13 14 A
CDA (O) Account Number is
5649 represented by ____ (digits + 10 11 12 15 C
CDA can take up audit of any accounts
which do not fall within the sphere of Command
5650 CDA
his duties
the consent
a DIDS against
PCDA, Bangalore. CDA Code of CDA
Chennai is 18 Exchange Code Heads
are: Originating -00/088/21 and
Responding - 00/088/22. CDA Code of
PCDA Bangalore is 05. Exchange Code
Heads are : Originating 00/075/21 and
Responding 00/075/22. In Part I of the
DIDS an amount of Rs. 25,000/- is Plus Minus Plus Minus
appearing in Minus Receipt. Where Receipt Receipt Charge Charge
does the amouont appear in against against against against
responding side and what will be the 00/075/2 00/075/2 00/088/2 00/088/2
5651 responding code head? 2 2 2 2 D
CDA code of CDA (IDS) New Delhi is 30
and exchange code head for CDA (IDS)
is 00/093/91. Which code head will
appear in the punching medium where 00/093/9 00/093/9 Both A Noe of the
5652 CDA code is 30? 1 2 and B Above D
CDA code of CDA (IDS) New Delhi is 30
and exchange code head for CDA (IDS)
is 00/093/91. Which code head will
appear in the punching medium where 00/093/9 00/093/9 Both A
5653 CDA code is 30? NULL 1 2 and B abc
CDA code of CDA Chennai is 18 and
exchange code head for CDA Chennai
is 00/088/21. Which code head will
NOT appear in the punching medium 00/020/8 00/020/8 00/018/6 00/088/2
5654 where CDA code is 18? 0 1 5 2 D
CDA code of CDA Chennai is 18 and
exchange code head for CDA Chennai
is 00/088/21. Which code head will
NOT appear in the punching medium 00/020/8 00/020/8 00/018/6
5655 where CDA code is 18? NULL 0 1 5 abc
CDA is responsible to bring to the Abnormall Unusually Unusually Abnormall
notice of the executive in the cases y heavy or heavy or heavy or y heavy or
where progress of expenditure under abnormall unusually abnormall unusually
5656 a head is ___? y low low y low low D
CDA office pay section compiles the
pay and allowances of MES civilians
5657 through class ___ voucher? 1 2 4 9D
___% of pay+DA is subscribed by a or b
5658 employee under NPS? 10 14 optional None A
___% of pay+DA is subscribed by a or b
5659 employee
CDA Secunderabad
under NPS?raised a DIDS 10 14 optional None A
against CDA, Guwahati. CDA Code of
CDA Secunderabad is 25. Exchange
Code Heads are: Originating -
00/093/41 and Responding -
00/093/42. CDA Code of CDA
Guwahati is 21. Exchange Code Heads
are : Originating 00/091/21 and
Responding 00/091/22. In Part I of the Plus Minus Plus Minus
DIDS an amount of Rs. 20,000/- is Receipt Receipt Charge Charge
appearing in Minus Charge. Where against against against against
does the amouont appear in 00/093/4 00/093/4 00/091/2 00/091/2
5660 responding side and what will be the 2 2 2 2 B
Census of IRLAs is conducted by six three
5661 Ledger Wing of PCDA (O) once in a year months months a month D
Central Government Receipts &
5662 Payments
Central Government
were framedshall
in reduce
the yearthe 1976 1983 1993 1996 B
fiscal deficit by an amount equivalent
to ____ per cent or more of the GDP
at the end of each financial year
beginning with the financial year 2018-
5663 19 as per FRBM Rules? 0.5 0.3 0.25 0.1 D
5664 Central Index is not maintained ___ Task Station corps None B

Central Index of Army Officers is Superinte Reception
maintained by which of the following ndent &
sections/groups/wings/sub sections of Technical Coordinati Informatio Record
5665 PCDA (O) Pune? Section on group n cell Section D
Is Is all input
operated Is controlled output
from controlled by input and
controll by input output processing
5666 Central Processing Unit Panel data data data abc
Central Purchase Articles of ASC stores Book Rate Latest
issued on payment will be priced by O as on date purchase Highest of Lowest of
5667 i/c of ASC retail shop at _____ rate? of issue price the two the two A
Central purchase vouchers relate to
5668 stores purchased through the agency MES DGS&D CPWD CGDA B
It is up to
Certain T & P issued to a contractor Replacem the
have been lost by him. What will be Market Replacem ent cost + discretion
5669 amount to be recovered? Rate ent cost 10% of GE C

___% of pay+DA is subscribed by price
5670 Government under NPS? 10 14 15 index B

___% of pay+DA is subscribed by price
5671 Government under NPS? 10 14 15 index B
Certificate audit is conducted by Task EDP
5672 ______ in PCDA (O) office? holder system Both None A

Para 43 of Para 43 of
Certificate for lost voucher is rendered FR Part I FR Part I Para 43 of Para 43 of
5673 as per provisions contained in ___? Vol. I Vol. II FR Part II MESR C

No 3
No. The quotation
certificate Yes,If CFA Yes s is
Certificate given by a local purchase should has not Committe required
committee was not showing details of contain given e need to be
market survey conducted and details of direction not give enclosed
quotations obtained from different market to obtain any with the
5674 firms. Is it correct? survey quotation details certificate A
Certificate of review of orders and
sanctions is supposed to be submitted
by LAO to IA cell of PCDA/CDA Main
5675 Office every _____? Month Quarter Half Year Year A
Certificates & Attestation is found in
5676 Part --------- of Service Book. II IV VI VIII A
Beyond 3
3 years years with
with the the
permissio sanction
n of next of
CFA can conclude a contract for a higher Governme All the
5677 period of 1 year CFA nt of India three D
Will be
CFA to write off loss is determined decided Will be
with reference to ____ loss in case by decided
where part claim is admitted by PCDA/CD by
5678 carrying
CGA maintains
a Journal and Ledger Net Gross A Executive A
for central transactions which is
posted from the financial accounts of
__ received from all Accounts Offices each
5679 in India each day each week month each year D
CGDA functions on behalf of ____ as
the Chief Authority in all matters
affecting internal audit and accounting
in respect of expenditure pertaining to Defence All the
5680 the Defence Sservices? Secretary FADS MOD three B
CGDA has been delegated powers to detailed
5681 open ______
___% of short/excess
below thesupplies
Minor can
be Sub heads heads Both None C
accepted by CFA, which is not
considered as modification to a
5682 Contract?
___% of short/excess supplies can be 25 20 10 5D
accepted by CFA, which is not
considered as modification to a
5683 Contract? 25 20 10 5D
Chairman of CAT is appointed by Justice of Attorney
5684 ____? India President C&AG General B
Ministry Chief
Chairman of CAT shall be appointed by of Law & Justice of Attorney
5685 ____ ? Justice India President General C
Chairman of CAT shall hold the office
5686 for a tenure
Chairman of of
not hold the 3 4 5 6C
office on attaining the age of ___
years or completion of tenure
whichever is earlier unless a High
5687 court judge? 60 62 65 68 D
Oral Vertical written Group
Chances of distortion is more in --------- Communi communic communic comunicat
5688 ------- cation ation ation ion A
CDA of
Change of Field Imprest Holder need Dependen Regional Dependen
5689 not be notified to ________? t PAO CDA t PAO None A
Change of Field Imprest Holder need Dependen Regional
5690 not be notified to ________? t PAO CDA Both None D
Charged Expenditure is described in
5691 Charges
which Article
of Constitution
two or more of
India? 148 267 266 112 (3) (f) D
heads should not be included in one
bill as per the provisions of Receipt & Misc. Pay and
Payment Rules. Which of the following Expenditu Debt Allowance
5692 is an Exception? re Imprest Heads s D
Charges which are incidental to Office Charged
Management in running the office are Contingen Incidental expenditu All the
5693 known as _____? cies charges re three A
___(Account cards) are opened for
stores of very technical nature and
which cannot be accounted for in any Audit Doubtful Central Nominal
5694 stock group by Ordnance Depots? Cards Cards Cards Cards B
___(Account cards) are opened for
stores of very technical nature and
which cannot be accounted for in any Audit Doubtful Central Nominal
5695 stock group by Ordnance Depots? Cards Cards Cards Cards B
Charging of overheads to individual
products or jobs with referene to Absorptio Apportion All the
5696 determined rate is known as ____? n ment Allocation three A
PCDA/CD Accounts
Cheque Book for Public Fund Account A LAO Office of
5697 is supplied by ___ to the Officer i/c? concerned concerned DAD Bank D

d Bank in
Cheque Book used to make payments PCDA/CD which
from Public Fund Account of the Army PCDA/CD LAO of the A thgough Account is
5698 unit is supplied by _____? A unit LAO opened D
Naresh Naresh Naresh Naresh
Account Account Account Account
Debit and Credit and Credit and Debit and
Cheque given by Naresh dishonoured. Bank Bank Bank Bank
What will be journal entry to be Account Account Account Account
5699 passed? Credit Debit Credit Debit A

Take up
the Pass it on
Cheque issued by a different CDA Take up matter to correct
erroneously shown in Debit Scroll, but the with Focal CDA
noticed after DMS was certified. What matter Point through All the
5700 action you would suggest? with RBI Branch DEA three C
cheque shall be payable at any time two three
5701 within a period of ______ from the 30 days 45 days months months D
Cheques unlinked for more than ____
days will be taken up with Focal Point
Branch by Accounts Section of CDA for
5702 payment confirmation 90 120 180 365 A
Chief Authority in all matters affecting
internal audit and accounting in Min. of
respect of expenditure pertaining to PCDA (BR) Home Defence
5703 Border Roads is? CGDA New Delhi Affairs Secretary A
Chief of Army Staff can accord
Administrative Approval of work with
IFA concurrence when it consists of
5704 Special work costing up to Rs. ___ 20 lakhs 40 lakhs 50 lakhs 75 lakhs D
Chief of Logistics is a part of ______
5705 H.Qrs? Integrated Army Air Force Navy D
____ festivals are observed
5706 compulsorily as fixed holidays 8 11 12 14 B
____ festivals are observed
5707 compulsorily as fixed holidays 8 11 12 14 B
Chief of Naval Staff is assisted by ___
5708 Principal Staff Officers? 5 4 3 2A
Chiefs of Staff are assisted by ____ at Staff All the
5709 AFHQ? Officers FADS CGDA three A
Women having
Child Care Allowance is admissible to with disabled
5710 which of the following employees? disability child Both None A
Child Care leave is admissible for ____
5711 days? 180 360 720 730 D
Child Care Leave is admissible if the
5712 child is below 18 years 17 years
21 years 25 years A
Choose from the following, which is Double Click the
not the correct method of editing the Press the Press the click the formula
5713 cell content Alt key F2 key cell bar C
CIC has powers of ____ in dealing with Criminal
5714 complaints? Civil Court Court Both None A
Claim for reimbursement can be
5715 received within ___ period 2 months 3 months 4 months 6 months D
Claim of Contractors preferred after
__________ years are time barred by
5716 the Statute of Limitations 30 years 3 years 2 years 5 years B
Claims of contractors preferred after
___ period are treated as time barred
5717 ____
by theaccount
of limitations?
bear all charges 2 years 3 years 5 years None B
for intermediate maintenance of the
work while not yet opened for
5718 ____
account should bear all charges Capital Revenue Each 50% None A
for intermediate maintenance of the
work while not yet opened for
5719 service? Capital Revenue Each 50% None A
Claims on account of Condiment Public Regiment None of
5720 allowances are paid out of Fund Fund Imprest these C
Claims preferred after ------- months
5721 Claims
are generally
to air passage
as time barred.
of Army 12 24 36 48 B
personnel Defence Civilian ex-India Armed CDA
are dealt with centrally by the Forces (Army) PCDA New
5722 ______? H.Qrs MOD Meerut Delhi D
Clarifications required by PIFAs/IFAs IFA wing
on all functional matters will be given Defence of CGDA
5723 by _____? MOD Secretary FADS office D

Class 1 Punching Medium voucher is Cash Transfer Receipts Cash
5724 used to compile ____ ? Vouchers Entries & Charges Accounts A
Class 3 Punching Medium is other wise Transfer
5725 called as --------. Entry Civil ID DIDS Abstract B

Class 3 Punching Medium voucher is DID Cash Civil ID Cash

5726 used to compile ____ ? Schedules Accounts Schedules Vouchers C

Class 5 Punching Medium voucher is Cash Transfer Receipts Cash
5727 used to compile ____ ? Vouchers Entries & Charges Accounts D

Class 6 Punching Medium voucher is Rawilway DID Cash

5728 used to compile ____ ? Bills MES Bills Schedules Accounts A

Class 8 Punching Medium voucher is Rawilway DID Cash

5729 used to compile ____ ? Bills MES Billa Schedules Accounts C
____ days of Joining Time is admissible
on Transfer to out station when the
distance between old and new H.Qrs.
5730 Is 1000 km or less 10 12 15 20 A
____ days of Joining Time is admissible
on Transfer to out station when the
distance between old and new H.Qrs.
5731 Is 1000 km or less 10 12 15 20 A
Class 9 Punching Medium is operated A Main
5732 by which of the following offices? Office AO GE Both None A

Class 9 Punching Medium voucher is Rawilway DID Cash

5733 used to compile ____ ? Bills MES Billa Schedules Accounts B
Class B vehicles dispatched by rail will
be issued a maximum of ____ liters of
5734 fuel by the vehicle depots? 2 3 5 9D
Class of voucher is represented by
5735 ___th digit of DIDS Number 4 5 7 11 C
Class V punching medium is used for Cash Railway Cash
5736 compiling _________ transactions? Vouchers Bills Accounts MES Bills C
Classification, Accumulation, Cost Cost
Assignment and Control of costs Accountan Accountin
5737 comes under ____? Costing cy g None C
Classified list of officers of the Indian
Defence Accounts Service is known as
5738 _____ List Secret Classified Both None D
Classified list of officers of the Indian
Defence Accounts Service is known as All the
5739 _____ List
Clerks/Typists who pass SAS Secret Pink Classified three B
examination will be considered for
promotion to the grade of Auditor on Out of
5740 _____ basis? Regular Adhoc turn Proforma C
Credit Assets
Debit Side Side of Side of
Closing stock if given in Adjustment, it of Trading Trading Balance
5741 will bedays
____ posted
of Joining
on ___Time
? is admissible Account Account Sheet Both b&c D
on Transfer to out station when the
distance between old and new H.Qrs.
Is more than 1000 KMs and up to 2000
5742 KMs days of Joining Time is admissible
____ 10 12 15 20 B
on Transfer to out station when the
distance between old and new H.Qrs.
Is more than 1000 KMs and up to 2000
5743 KMs 10 12 15 20 B
Credit Assets
Debit Side Side of Side of
Closing stock if given in Trial Balance, of Trading Trading Balance
5744 it will be posted on ___ ? Account Account Sheet Both b&c C
CMFAA is not admissible to army
5745 officer
CML ofifImprest
he is onAccount
CL for more
is fixed
than 14 15 18 20 B
keeping in view of the actual cash
requirement of the Imprest Holder for One
5746 a period of ______? 7 days 10 days 15 days month B
Managem cash Cash
ent Managing Made for None Of
5747 CMP stands for Product Product Personnel These abc
CMP transactions are identified with
reference to which of the following
5748 category prefixes by DAD? 99 93 77 o1 B
CNC is conducted when price is reasonabl same as
5749 ______ high low e LPP A
CO of a unit deposited public fund into n of Prior
his personal account stating that the higher permissio
same is kept under safe and personal Not in authoritie n of CDA
5750 custody. Comment In order order s required required B
Code heads operated by sections,
which are not supposed to be
operated or which do not pertain to Erroneous Doubtful Fictitious Suspense
5751 their sections are known as __? heads heads heads heads C
Code heads operated in DAD and the
sides they are supposed to be Pamphlet Classificati
operated by the users are prescribed of RDR on Hand
5752 in ___ Books? heads Book Both None C
None of
5753 Collection of 1024 Bytes 1 Kb 1000 kb 1024 kb these abc
Using which command you find
5754 resource limits to the session? rlimit ulimit setrlimit getrlimit B
Using which command you find
5755 resource limits to the session? rlimit ulimit setrlimit getrlimit B
____ days of Joining Time is admissible
on Transfer to out station when the
distance between old and new H.Qrs.
5756 Is more than 2000 KMs 10 12 15 20 C
____ days of Joining Time is admissible
on Transfer to out station when the
distance between old and new H.Qrs.
5757 Is more than 2000 KMs 10 12 15 20 C
Collections made by bank will find
5758 entry on which side of the cash book? Debit Credit Both None A
Command H.Qrs. of Army conforms to
a ______ tactical H.Qrs. for exercising
5759 operational control? Mobile Static Both None A
Commander of a sub area can accord
Admin Approval for a work not
involving special work if amount of
5760 work does not exceed Rs. ___? 5 lakhs 10 lakhs 15 lakhs 20 lakhs C
Commanding Officers of Ships render
to the PCDA (Navy) Mumbai, Cash Fortnightl
5761 Comment
account ____?
on the following actions.1. Daily Weekly y Monthly D
One CFA has sanctioned pension to a
retiring person in excess of amount
admissible under rules, keeping in
view of the good services rendered by
the individual.2. One CFA has Both 1 Both 1 1 is 2 is
sanctioned New Kind of furniture to a and 2 are and 2 are correct, 2 correct, 1
5762 unit. correct wrong is wrong is wrong B
nt Governme Profit and Accounts
Account nt Loss Closed to
and Account Account Balance
Commercial Account are reduced at Accounts and and and
the end of the financial year to two Closed to Balance Balance Balance
5763 statements: Which are they? balance Sheet Sheet sheet C

Commercial negotiations are single Single

invariably conducted in case of tender Tender
5764 ______? constituted under the
Committee situations PAC Both None C
provisions of Sexual Harassment of
women at work place Act in a Internal
Government office is called as ____ Complaint Grievance Women High
5765 Committee? s Redressal Welfare Power A
Committee constituted under the
provisions of Sexual Harassment of
women at work place Act on civilian Internal
side by the District Officer is called as Complaint Grievance Women
5766 ____ Committee? s Redressal Welfare Local D
Committee on Public Sector
undertakings consists of ____
Parliament Members with ___ from 25 (15, 30 (15,
5767 Lok Sabha and ___ from Rajya Sabha? 22 (15, 7) 10) 15) 30 ( 30, 0) A
____ Finance, ____ Finance roles have
been merged and the concept of Internal,
Integrated Financail Advice has been Internal, Internal, Associate, External,
5768 established? External Asssociate External Associate B
____ Finance, ____ Finance roles have
been merged and the concept of Internal,
Integrated Financail Advice has been Internal, Internal, Associate, External,
5769 established? or threatening to
Committing, External Asssociate External Associate B
commit, any act forbidden by the
Indian Penal Code or the unlawful
detaining, or threatening to detain,
any property, to the prejudice of any
person whatever, with the intention of
causing any person to enter into an
agreement is defined as ___ in Indian Undue All the
5770 Contract Act? Coercion Fraud Influence three A
Communication involving audit Addl.
decision should invariably be issued CDA/Jt. Group PCDA/CD
5771 after approval by _____? CDA Officer i/c A SAO/AO C
Commutation of pension is admissible
for amount not exceeding ___ % of
5772 monthly pension? 25 30 40 50 C
Commuted leave can be taken without
MC up to a maximum of ___ days in
5773 entire service? 360 180 120 90 D
Commuted leave can be taken without
MC up to a maximum of ___ in the
entire service if utilized for an
approved course of study certified to
5774 be in public interest 30 days 60 days 90 days 180 days C
Commuted leave up to a max. of _
days by a female employee with less
than two living children if she adopts a
5775 child less than one
Compassionate appointments
year old can be 180 120 90 60 D
made out of vacancies falling under Direct
___________ quota in any Group Recruitme Promotio Total
5776 'C' post? nt n vacancies Sports A
Compassionate appointments can be
made out of vacancies falling under
Direct Recruitment quota in Group
5777 'C' post up to ___%? 25 15 10 5D
Compensation claims (MES Contracts)
which are ex-gratia in character
5778 require the sanction of GOI PCDA E in C CE A

in respect
of any
injury, not
in death
t total
nt caused
in respect by an
of any accident
injury which is
which directly
does not attributabl
result in e to the
the total employee
or partial having
disableme been at
nt of the the time
employee thereof
Compensation is not payale to for a under the
workers injured under which of the period influence
following circumstances under exceeding of drink or
5779 Workmen's Compensation Act? three days drugs Both None C
____ forms the basis for
recovery/stoppage of recovery of Return of Occupatio
Licence Fee from the occupants of the Recoverie n/Vacatio
5780 Government Buildings? s n Returns Both None B
____ forms the basis for
recovery/stoppage of recovery of Return of Occupatio
Licence Fee from the occupants of the Recoverie n/Vacatio
5781 Government Buildings? s n Returns Both None B
Compensation on account of late Terminal
delivery where loss is pre determined CompensaEscalation Liquidated Demurrag
5782 and mutually agreed to is known as tion charges Damages e Charges C
Compensation to Land Owners on Station
account of Acquisition of Land is paid PCDA/CD Command
5783 by ______? A er GE DEO D
Compensatory leave may be prefixed Regular Casual
5784 or suffixed to _____? Leave Leave Both None C
Compensatory Leave should as a rule,
be allowed within _______ of its one two three six
5785 becoming due. month months months months A

Compensatory Leave will, however, Date of

not be given so as to cause evasion of reckoning Charge of Return of All the
5786 rules regarding allowance office duty three D
Competent Authority to write off a
loss is determined ____ loss to Gross,
5787 write off ____ loss Net, Net Gross Net, Gross Gross, Net D
by Loss
Competent Authority to write off a PCDA/CD determine
loss is determined with reference to A in each d by Audit
5788 _____ loss? Net Gross case Officer B

Compilation for each section of a Consolidat Book detailed

Controller's Office generated to ed compilatio voucher Sectional
exhibit amount compiled under each Compilati n of RDR compilatio Compilati
5789 code head during month is ____? on heads n on D
Compilation process in EDP is done in
5790 ___ stages? 6 5 4 2B
Complaints Committee regarding
Prohibition of sexual harassment of No such
working women should have not less requireme
5791 than ___ women members? 1/3rd Half 2/3rd nt at all B
____ is empirical in nature and it given
on a not exceeding basis, the object Costed Approxim
being merely to determine CFA for a Indication Rough Schedule ate
5792 work/service by MES? of Cost Cost of works Estimate B
____ is empirical in nature and it given
on a not exceeding basis, the object Costed Approxim
being merely to determine CFA for a Indication Rough Schedule ate
5793 work/service by MES? of Cost Cost of works Estimate B
Complete the statement: The The The The The
expenditure should not be prima facie occasion occasion optional optional
5794 more than ? desires demands demands desires B
Composite Transfer Grant is
admissible to Government servants on
permanent transfer normally up to
5795 ___% of Basic pay? 100 90 80 75 C
Concurrent Audit is done in which of PCDA/CD All the
5796 the following offices? LAO RAO A three C
Expendabl Equipmen Articles,
Condemnation Boards are recorded in e Stores, t, Equipmen unit
two parts. Part I deals with _____ and equipmen Expendabl t, personal Equipmen
5797 Part II deals with _____ t e stores articles t D
Conducting Inquiry is mandatory in Either a or
5798 _______ penalty proceddings Major Minor b None A

Consent is said to be free when it is misrepres All the

5799 not caused by ____? coercion mistake entation three D
Yes. Yes.
Consequential damage is a damage Imposed Imposed
that can be imposed on Contractor or over and as a part
5800 not? above LD of LD Yes. A or B No A
Consequential damage is imposed in Prestigiou Maintena All the
5801 case of time critical ______ Projects s Turn-key nce three B

Some Not
items on issued.
payment Units
and some make
Conservancy stores are issued ____ to on on free Local
5802 units by Depots? Free payment basis Purchase A

debited to
Conservancy stores issued by Supply of decided
and Stores depots to units will be respective treated as by GOC in treated as
5803 _________? units free C extras B
e of
____ is entrusted with the task of Planning Chiefs of
assisting in implementation of and Staff Ordnance
perspective planning of Defence Coordinati Committe Factory All the
5804 Production for three services? on e Board three A
e of
____ is entrusted with the task of Planning Chiefs of
assisting in implementation of and Staff Ordnance
perspective planning of Defence Coordinati Committe Factory All the
5805 Production for three services? on e Board three A
C copy of B copy of
issue issue
voucher Receipt voucher
received voucher received
Consignee LAO will link E copy of the from of the from
voucher received from Consignor LAO Issuing consignee Issuing
5806 with ____? depot unit depot None B

Consignees LAO audits the stores Manufact

accounts of the Depot, unit or Issuing Receiving uring the None of
5807 Formation,LAO should select a
Consignor the Stores the Stores Stores these B
minimum of _____ % or _____
(number) E copies of vouchers for
5808 personal linking 2 or 60 3 or 100 1 or 60 4 or 100 C
Consignor LAO should send E copies to
Consignee LAO within __days of the
receipt of skeleton list of last
5809 decade/month 7 30 14 10 D
Consolidated Abstract is prepared in
___ parts with reference to the
5810 provisions of Civil Accounts Manual? 5 4 3 2D
Constitution of India came into force 26.01.195 26.01.194 26.01.194 15.08.194
5811 w.e.f. _____? 0 9 8 7 A
5812 Constitution of India has ____ 396 395 394 448 D
5813 Constitution of India has ____ parts? 20 21 22 25 D
5814 Constitution of India has ____ 9 10 11 12 D

Construction Accounts are maintained Division
5815 by _____ in a GE office? concerned AO GE BSO RAO/LAO A
____ is responsible for adjustment of
departmental charges in respect of
works executed by MES on behalf of PCDA, CDA Army CDA (IDS) PCDA (BR)
5816 Navy & Air force centrally? New Delhi Meerut New Delhi New Delhi B
____ is responsible for adjustment of
departmental charges in respect of
works executed by MES on behalf of PCDA, CDA Army CDA (IDS) PCDA (BR)
5817 Navy & Air force centrally? New Delhi Meerut New Delhi New Delhi B
Construction Accounts are submitted Six
5818 to AO GE by MES once in ______? Year months Quarter Month D
Construction Accounts maintained by Managem
GE falls under which of the following Cash Works Financial ent
5819 categories? Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts B
Construction Accounts of MES are PCDA/CD All the
5820 signed by which of the following DAD AO GE A RAO/LAO three A
Constructions of advance landing
grounds, helipads, roads etc. require
sanction by a formation commander
not lower than a ____ or equivalent in No such
cases when the work in question is Division Corps Army provision.
expected to last more than three Command Command Command FC of any
5821 years from the date of completion? er er er rank A
Consultancy charges, not exceeding
___% may be included in the
5822 Estimates, while preparing AEs? 1 2 3 5C
Contingency fund of India is kept Finance Finance Prime
5823 under the disposal of -------- secretary minister minister President D
Contract costing is also known as Terminal Standard Marginal Operating
5824 _____? Costing Costing Costing Costing A
Contractors bills paid by Stores
5825 Contract section are divided into how 5 4 3 2D
Contractors ledger is balanced
5826 _______? Quarterly Half yearly Yearly Monthly D

t by CE in
Contractors claims which are exgratia permissio permissio on with
5827 in character, require n of CDA n of E in C CDA GOI D

____ is responsible for checking of AO

cost data of final bills r/o orders on Embarkati Naval Pay PCDA
Cost plus basis placed on M/s CDA (CSD) on H.Qrs. Office (Navy)
5828 Mazagaon Dock Limited, Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai D

____ is responsible for checking of AO

cost data of final bills r/o orders on Embarkati Naval Pay PCDA
Cost plus basis placed on M/s CDA (CSD) on H.Qrs. Office (Navy)
5829 Mazagaon Dock Limited, Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai D
Contracts involving uncertain liability
can only be entered into by GE with CE
5830 the approval of E in C (Project)
CDA None D
Contracts will be normally concluded 12
5831 for a period of ____? 3 months 6 months months 3 years C
Contribution to DSOP fund will be
commenced in the IRLA of Army
Officer on completion of ____ from one
5832 the date of Commission?
Contribution to the DSOP fund is 6 months one year month 3 months B
recovered by computerized system in
respect of Army Officer @ ___ as
5833 minimum contribution?
Contribution to the DSOP fund is 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.1 B
recovered by computerized system in
respect of Army Officer @ ___ as
5834 minimum contribution? 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.1 B
Controller General of Accounts is
5835 under the Ministry of ____? Finance Defence Def/Fin Fin/Def A
Controller of Printing and Stationery is
5836 located in _____? Kolkata Nasik New Delhi Mumbai A
Controllers may allow a time of ___ to
command head quarters to furnish
5837 replies to Draft Para? 15 days 30 days 45 days 60 days B

Controllers' Offices that are patterned Pattern Service Regional Functional

to serve a particular Service or Controller Controller Controller Controller
5838 function are called as ____? s s s s D
Controllers will forward the LPCs of Ministry
the DAD personnel who are of
proceeding on deputation to foreign Embassy External PCDA New
5839 Embassies/Missions
____ is responsible for
to __? concerned Affairs Delhi CGDA C
accounting, audit and payment
services to the tri-services PCDA
organization functioning under the CDA (IDS) PCDA New (R&D) All the
5840 H.Qrs?
____ is responsible for providing New Delhi Delhi New Delhi three A
accounting, audit and payment
services to the tri-services PCDA
organization functioning under the CDA (IDS) PCDA New (R&D) All the
5841 H.Qrs? New Delhi Delhi New Delhi three A

Controllers' Offices that are Pattern Service Regional Functional

patterned to serve a particular Service Controller Controller Controller Controller
5842 or function are called as ____? s s s s D
Convening of Court of Inquiry has to
be done within ------- days of detection
5843 of loss. 10 days 15 days 20 days 30 days B
I have It is I had I may be
Convert the following sentence to informed informed informed informed
5844 third person: I am informing you. you that you you B

On audit Your On audit

of your document of the
Convert the following sentence to document is audited document
third person: I audited your document I found by me and , it is None of
5845 and found that that found that found that the above C

I am A detailed find
enclosing programm enclosed a
Convert the folowing sentence to first a detailed e has detailed
person: A detailed programme is programm been programm None of
5846 enclosed e enclosed e the above A
Conveyance allowance is admissible to
Army Officers at the rate of _____ per
month when the average distance of
travel on official duties is above 800
5847 KMs for journey
Conveyance allowance
by ownismotor
car? to 2520 2980 3646 4500 D
Army Officers at the rate of _____ per
month when the average distance of
travel on official duties is from 201 to
300 KMs for journey by own motor
5848 car?
Conveyance allowance is admissible to 1680 2520 2980 3646 A
Army Officers at the rate of _____ per
month when the average distance of
travel on official duties is from 301 to
450 KMs for journey by own motor
5849 car?
Conveyance allowance is admissible to 1680 2520 2980 3646 B
Army Officers at the rate of _____ per
month when the average distance of
travel on official duties is from 451 to
600 KMs for journey by own motor
5850 car?
Conveyance allowance is admissible to 1680 2520 2980 3646 C
Army Officers at the rate of _____ per
month when the average distance of
travel on official duties is from 601 to
800 KMs for journey by own motor
5851 car? 1680 2520 2980 3646 D
____ is responsible to hold and issue
POL at stations where petroleum Supply Either a or
5852 platoons do not function? Depot MES b None A
____ is responsible to hold and issue
POL at stations where petroleum Supply Either a or
5853 platoons
Copies ofdo
all not
Orders or other Depot MES b None A
documents conveying praise or
censure to any individual will
invariably be recorded in his/her Personal Service
5854 _____?of Contract/supply order
Copies file Book Both None A
should be sent to all concerned
including (i) IFA (ii) audit authority (iii) Only (ii) Only (i) Not to be
5855 Paying Authority. and (iii) and (iii) All the 3 sent. C
Copy of LPC cum data sheet need not
be sent by Pension Cell of PCDA (O) to Officer
which of the following in the PCDA (P) Concerne Ledger CDA (PD)
5856 retirement case of Army Officer? Allahabad d wing Meerut D
Copy of the P.M Class 9 voucher
operated by Pay section on a/c of Pay Accounts Engineerin AO GE All the
5857 & allces. Is forwarded to _______? Section g Section concerned three D
Copy sent to consignee, receipted by
him and returned to consignor is ____
in case of stores transferred from one
5858 store depot to another? B copy C copy A copy E copy A
Corrections of Ration Returns (RR) RR Balances
Opening balance in Local Audit is prepared Ration Stock certified
5859 verified from by unit Account Ledger collected D

with facts
Actual and partly
facts and with
5860 Cost Accounts deal with ______? figures Estimates Estimates None C
Cost ceiling of HBA may be relaxed up
to ____% in individual cases by
5861 Ministry based on merit 0.1 0.25 0.5 1B
Cost of advertisement of a work in Office
Newspapers etc. is debited to Work Contingen
5862 ________? concerned cy Both None A
Cost of advertisement of a work in Office
Newspapers etc. is debited to Work Contingen
5863 ________? concerned cy Both None A
____ is the basis of all accounts of
measured work and of material Constructi Contracto Measure
received which have to measured or on Work rs order ment
5864 counted by MES authorities? Accounts Diary book Book D
____ is the basis of all accounts of
measured work and of material Constructi Contracto Measure
received which have to measured or on Work rs order ment
5865 counted by MES authorities? Accounts Diary book Book D

credited Depends
to the utilized upon Regularize
Cost of consumable stores returned to project for circumsta d under
main stores at the time of completion expenditu maintena nces of the orders
5866 of project will be re card nce each case of CFA A
Cost of finished product or work in Productio Conversio
5867 progress is known as ____ cost? n n Normal Traceable B
Cost of goods sold + Selling and Cost of
Distribution overheads is known as productio Cost of Cost of Works
5868 ____of
Cost in Production
Cost Sheet?+ Opening stock of n goods sold Sales cost C
finished goods - Closing stock of
finished goods is known as ____in Works Works on Cost of Cost of
5869 Cost Sheet? Cost cost Sales goods sold D

Cost at
Cost of replacing an asset at current Out of asset was Replacem
5870 market value is known as ___ cost? pocket purchased ent Notional C
Cost of stamp paper when required to
be paid by the Government in terms Charged Voted Revenue Capital
of decree/arbitration award, will be expenditu expenditu Expenditu Expenditu
5871 treated as ____? re re re re A

Old Old
station to District to Old
new new Residence
Cost of transportation of personal station of district of to New All of
5872 effects is entitled from posting posting Residence these C
Cost that has already been incurred
and cannot be avoided by decisions Differenti Opportuni
5873 taken in the future is known as ____? al cost Sunk cost ty cost None B
Cost which can be influenced by its Influence Controllab Variable Revenue
5874 Budget Holder is defined as ____? cost le cost cost cost B
Cost which is normally incurred at a
given level of output in the conditions
in which that level of output is Conversio
5875 achieved is known as ____ cost? Normal n Traceable Fixed A

None of
5876 What is the Level of pay for ACDA? 10 11 12 the above B

What is the qualifying service for None of

5877 MACP in case of Civ. Govt employees? 8 years 10 years 12 years the above B
Which of the following kinds of leave
can be combined with leave of any Child Care Maternity Study
5879 other kind? Leave Leave Leave Al of these D

At the
A female Govt. employee applied for Eligible for of leave
Maternity leave on account of 45 days Eligible for sanctionin
threatened abortion. To what extent is without Not 180 days g
5880 leave admissible? MC eligible with MC authority. B
Name the kind of leave that is not Earned Adoption Commute
5881 debited to any leave account. Leave Leave d Leave HPL B
What is the minimum percentage of
disability prescribed for a disabled
child for grant of Child care leave to a
5882 female Govt. servant? 20% 30% 40% 50% C
What is the maximum entitlement of
Casual Leave to a Govt. servant who is
not entitled to 17 days of Public
5883 Holidays during the calendar year? 8 days 9 days 10 days 12 days C
Which allowance is not taken into Headquar
account for the purpose of calculating ers Annual None of
5884 encashment of leave? HRA Allowance Allowance the above D
Child Care Leave is admissible if the
5885 child is below ? 18 years 17 years 21 years 25 years A
CCS Leave Rules 1972 came into force 01.01.197 01.04.197 01.06.197 01.07.197
5886 w.e.f. _____? 2 2 2 2 C
One kind of leave may be converted
into another kind if applied by the Any time
employee within ____ completion of during the
5887 spell? service 30 days 3 months 6 months B
No leave of any kind can be granted
for a continuous period of _____
5888 except with the sanction of President 180 days 360 days 2 years 5 years D
Earned leave is credited to Leave January 1st April
account of employee twice in a year and 1st and 1st Any of the
5889 onafor
If Government
15 days each
on ____,
for July October two None A
commutation of one kind of leave into
another, he should apply for
commutation, within a period of --------
5890 ---------- 15 days 30 days 45 days 90 days B
Earned leave can be accumulated up No such
5891 to ____ days? 240 300 315 limit B
If an employee joins service on 31st
March, How many days of EL is
5892 admissible
What is theinmaximum
the particular
half year?
of 15 7 8 23 C
Joining Time unavailed that can be
credited to EL account on one No such
5893 occasion? 10 12 15 Limit C
Unavailed Joining Time if credited to
EL account, the total should not No such Cannot be
5894 exceed? 300 315 limit credited A

n of
One day joining time admissible for Competen Depends
transfer within same station can be t on case to
5895 credited to EL Account. Yes No Authority case B
EL can be availed up to ____ days in
5896 one spell normally? 30 120 180 360 C
Earned Leave may be taken at a time
up to ____days as Leave Preparatory
5897 to Retirement 30 120 180 300 D
In the case of employee who joins in
the middle of the year, ___ days of
Half Pay Leave is admissible for one Two and Five by Five by
5898 completed month of service? Half three four None B
5899 HPL can be availed _____? With MC MC Both None C

When commuted, ____ days of HPL Commutat

will be debited for one day of ion not
5900 absence? 2 3 4 admissible A
If an employee joins duty on 1st July
afternoon, his entitlement to EL
5901 during the first half year would be- 12.5 days 13 days 15 days 30 days B
Commuted leave can be taken without
MC up to a maximum of ___ days in
5902 entire service? 360 180 120 90 D
Which of the following kind of leave is
not admissible for Leave Preparatory
5903 to Retirement? EL HPL Both None B
Leave Not Due may be granted to an
5904 employee who has no ___ at credit? CL HPL Both None B
The maximum quantum of leave
admissible as Leave not due is ____ in
5905 the entire career of an employee? 5 years 2 years 360 days 180 days C
For Temporary officials, ____ EOL can
5906 be granted on one occasion? 180 120 60 30 D
to use
kinds of
Two spells of EOL, intervened by during
another kind of leave should be one Depends Intervene
treated as ______ for the purpose of continuou Different on case to ning
5907 applying the maximum limit s spell spells case periods A
Maternity leave is admissible to
female government employees for
5908 ___ days on one occasion? 90 180 240 730 B

Maternity leave is not admissible for Threatene

5909 ____? Abortion d Abortion Both None B

Maternity leave is not admissible for Threatene Induced

5910 ____? d Abortion Abortion Both None A
Paternity leave if not availed, will Six
5911 lapse after ____ of delivery? 15 days 3 months months Two years C
Under what grounds commuted leave Private Grounds Illness of ChildrensE
5912 can be granted to Govt. employee? Grounds with MC wife ducation B
Unaviled portion of which of the Joining Paternity Maternity All the
5913 periods can be credited to EL account? Time leave Leave three A
Child Care leave is admissible for ____
5914 days? 180 360 720 730 D
CCL not admissible if the child is ____
5915 years age or older 2 14 16 18 D
Which of the following facilities Foreign
5916 cannot be availed during CCL? LTC Travel None Both C
Special leave is admissible to
aggrieved female employee during
inquiry proceedings on account of
5917 sexual harassment for ___ days? 30 60 90 180 C
Study leave is not to be granted to an
official due to retire within ____ years
5918 of return from the study leave? 5 4 3 2C
For Officers appointed on Contract,
____ days of EOL is admissible if the
5919 For
is up appointed
to one year?
on Contract, 0 30 60 90 A
____ days of EOL is admissible for the
whole tenure, if the tenure is one to
5920 five years? 0 60 90 100 C
Which of the following cannot be Earned Half Pay Casual Both B &
5921 combined with Joining Time? Leave Leave Leave C C
Special Casual leave is admissible for
5922 sports persons up to ___ days in a 4 8 20 30 D
What leave salary is payable to a Govt. As in the
servant who had been sanctioned EOL Last pay case of As in the No leave
5923 with medical certificate? drawn HPL case of EL salary D

Period in excess of the maximum Special
admissible limit of special casual leave Casual Regular Casual Any of the
5924 will beistreated
What the maximum
as ____?period of leave Leave Leave Leave three B
which a Govt. employee is permitted
to take as leave preparatory to
5925 retirement? 60 days 150 days 240 days 300 days D
A Government servant retired on
superannuation on 31-8-2017. His
leave at credit as on 30-06-2017 was
280 days. What will be total EL at
5926 credit
Mr. 'K'for
having 240 on
HPL at 280 days 286 days 285 days 295 days C
credit on 1-1-2018. He was on an
unauthorised absence for a period
from 2-3-2018 to 6-4-2018 which was
treated as dies non. What will be the
5927 HPL at his credit as on 1-7-2018. 250 days 255 days 248 days 260 days C
In the event of death of a female Govt. Unmarrie
servant, encashment of leave salary is Major d Adopted
5928 not
As per
to ? Act, Adolescent Husband brother daughter Son B
means a person who has completed
his ___ year of age but has not
5929 completed his ___ year? 14th, 18th 15th, 18th 15th, 21st 18th, 21st B
As per Factories Act, Child means a
5930 person who has not completed 14th 15th 18th 21st B
Capital cost of works which are non Should
productive in nature is met not be
5931 from ________ as a general rule? Capital Revenue A or B incurred B

Lighting in
Heating and Lighting expenses when Profit and Heating in
given in trial balance, it will be posted Trading loss Balance Trading
5932 in ___ of final accounts? Account account Sheet Account A

In the case of counting of past service onal PCDA
in the case of Army Officers/PBORs, PCDA (O) or CDA of
____ will verify the past service Pune/PAO the PAO
records and counts towards Qualifying (ORs) (ORs) PCDA (P) CRO, New
5933 service for Pension/Gratuity etc.? concered concered Allahabad Delhi C
Office Office
copy&#34 copy&#34
;"O ;"O
MRO to DMRO to MRO to DMRO to
Accounts Audit Audit Accounts
5934 TMRO to Accounts Section Section Section Section section

"De nova" budgeting is nce Zero Base
5935 .otherwise
___% of short/excess
famously known
as ____?
can be Budgeting Budgeting Both None B
accepted by CFA, which is not
considered as modification to a
5936 .Contract?
If an item of DIDS appears in ___ 25 20 10 5 D
consecutive outstanding lists, it should
be put up to PCDA/Addl. CDA for
5937 monitoring? 2 3 4 5 A

. Irregularities noticed during post Concerne Dept. of
audit of ECHS bills/vouchers will be d ECHS Ex
brought to the notice of ____ by M Station poly serviceme
5938 .section
of PCDA/CDA office?
& H.Qrs. clinics GOC in C n Welfare A
amendments, if any, there to in
respect of Army Officers are signed
only by the ___ nominated for this Wing Any of the
5939 purpose? Officer SAO/AO AAO three B
. Part II orders published in respect of
Army Officers are broadly divided into
5940 ____ categories in PCDA (O)? 2 3 4 5 B
. Punching medium of GE office is PCDA/CD
5941 prepared by ___? AO GE A GE RAO/LAO A
Compulso Withholdi
. Which of the following is not a Major ry Removal ng of
penalty that can be imposed on a Retiremen from promotio
5942 .Government
Who is competent
to give penalty t service ns None C
under Disciplinary proceedings in Addl.
respect of Hindi Officer working in a CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD Jt. CGDA
5943 PCDA/CDA office? CDA A (AN) CGDA D
_ section of PCDA (O) is responsible to
deal with Court, AFT & RTI cases on Permanen
pay & allowances entitlements of Ledger t Record Technical
5944 serving
_% of ‘B’
and released
allotted for Legal Cell wing Section Section B
overhaul programme can be
earmarked for retrieval of spares to
complete remaining vehicles in a Base
5945 wksp 1 2 3 5 D
__ % of expenditure (max. limit) is
supposed to be expended in the
month of March, as per guidelines on
5946 Control of Defence Expenditure? 10 12 15 20 C
__ % of vacanies is reserved for
allotment on medical grounds and
Divyang employees out of the General
5947 Pool Residential Accomodation? 20 15 10 5 D
__ % Reservation of vacancies for
persons with Disability to Group
'C' posts on total vacancies
5948 in the
__ is the
strength ismedium
admissible? 2 3 5 10 B
through which each Ledger Section
intimates EDP Centre, the
entitlements of Pay and Allowances of DO II
officers fixed/revised periodically by Authorizat Transcripti All the
5949 them?
__ is the documentary medium ion Slip Input on Sheet three B
through which Ledger Section
intimates EDP Centre, the
entitlements of Pay and Allowances of
officers fixed/revised periodically by Authorizat Transcripti
5950 them? Input ion slip on sheet None A
__ of the amount of Flying Allowance
will be credited to DSOP Fund in
addition to the contribution the officer
5951 is already making to the fund? 1/3rd 1/4th 2/3rd 2/5th D
__ section of CDA deals with
adjustment of debits on account of
postage and air mail fee on the bags Miscellan Transport Stores
5952 dispatched by Defence HQrs? Records eous ation Contract B
__ section of CDA deals with audit of
charges relating to acquisition &
disposal of land & buildings by Military Miscellan Administr Engineerin Store
5953 __
and Cantonments
of PAO deals Dept?
with Issue eous ation g Contract A
cheque in favour of the Post Master
for the total amount of family
allotment money order, final
settlement (pay), money orders, final Central Administr
settlement (fund) money orders to the Imprest Control ation
5954 Record Office? section Section section Fund Cell A

__ section of PCDA (O) is responsible Coordinati LW SS
for Rendition of Expenditure Reports on Group Coordinati
in r/o Army Officers deputed to Assam Accounts (Org & Technical on Group
5955 Rifles, NSG, AWHO etc? Section Audit) Section (Admin) D
__% weightage shall be given to
assessment of work output, while
5956 writing
___ % ofAPAR?
basic pension is paid as 40 30 25 50 A
Additional quantum of pension when
the pensioner is aged between 80-85
5957 years? 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 A
___ % of pension can be allowed for
5958 commutation of pension by the 33.33 40 50 60 C
___ AAOs/SOs (A) should be
authorized to upload the SBI-CMP files No such
5959 on the Bank’s portal minimum? 2 3 4 provision A
___ Branch of Integrated Head
Quarters of MOD (Army) is the Head
of the Department for the purpose of Military Adjutant Deputy
5960 Grant of HBA to Army Officers? Secretary General QMG Chief B
___ grant is intended to meet
expenditure incurred in connection
5961 with weapon training and manoeuvre? TTIEG ACG ATG SAG C
___ has full powers to grant
permission to undertake work from
other departments and accept
5962 honorarium irrespective of amount? GOI MOD CGDA DGADS B
___ is an agreement between the
purchaser and the supplier for supply
of specified goods at specified price Price
and terms & conditions during the Agreemen Rate
5963 period
___ is conducted
covered? to see that the t Contract Tender None B
effective strength of Army Officer in a
unit as shown in the nominal roll is Man
within the number authorised in the Strength power Scale Nominal
5964 relative establishment? Audit Audit Audit Audit C
___ is prepared by a PCDA/CDA office
for each original item compiled to Schedule Cheque All the
5965 Defence Exchange Account? DIDS III Slip three A
___ is regarded as a friend,
philosopher and guide of the
Committees on Public Accounts and
5966 Public undertakings? CGDA DGADS CGA C&AG D
___ may within the annual grant
placed at his disposal for the purpose,
sanction reward to employees for
effecting economies in manufacture in Chief of
5967 ordnance factories? DGOF MGO DOS Army Staff A
___ of fee payable to a Government
Servant will be credited to general
revenues of Government as per the
5968 limits laid down? 1/3rd 0.25 0.5 2/3rd A
___ requests the issuing bank to open Advising All the
5969 an Letter
___ section
of of
PCDA/CDA deals with Buyer Seller Bank three A
audit of claims for transportation
charges debitable to the annual Transport
5970 training grant? M section Admin Pay ation D
___ section of PCDA/CDA deals with
Audit of sale accounts and audit and Store Store
payment of bills on account of Contract Audit
5971 auctioneers?
___ section ofcommission?
PCDA/CDA deals with M section E section Section section D
Higher Audit of „Contract
Management? especially the
Contracts relating to acquisition of
weapon systems and purchase of Store Store
5972 stores including rations Contract IFA cell Audit IA cell D
___ will be responsible to see that
stores consigned to PCsDA/CDAs by
rail are taken delivery of promptly to AN Records
5973 avoid demurrage charges? section section Both None B
___ wing of Department of Defence
Production controls the chain of Productio Developm
5974 Ordnance Factories. Ordnance n Research ent B
Repairs, Original,
___ works have higher priority than Major, Ordinary Maintena Carry
5975 ____ Works in regard to budget? Minor Repairs nce over, New D
___% of pay+DA is subscribed by a or b
5976 employee under NPS? 10 14 optional None A

___% of pay+DA is subscribed by price
5977 ___%
of short/excess
under NPS?
supplies can be 10 14 15 index B
accepted by CFA, which is not
considered as modification to a
5978 Contract? 25 20 10 5 D
___(Account cards) are opened for
stores of very technical nature and
which cannot be accounted for in any Audit Doubtful Central Nominal
5979 stock group by Ordnance Depots? Cards Cards Cards Cards B
____ festivals are observed
5980 compulsorily
____ accountasshould
fixed bear
all charges 8 11 12 14 B
for intermediate maintenance of the
work while not yet opened for
5981 service? Capital Revenue Each 50% None A
____ days of Joining Time is admissible
on Transfer to out station when the
distance between old and new H.Qrs.
5982 Is 1000
____ days
less Time is admissible 10 12 15 20 A
on Transfer to out station when the
distance between old and new H.Qrs.
Is more than 1000 KMs and up to 2000
5983 KMs 10 12 15 20 B
____ days of Joining Time is admissible
on Transfer to out station when the
distance between old and new H.Qrs.
5984 Is more than 2000 KMs 10 12 15 20 C
____ Finance, ____ Finance roles have
been merged and the concept of Internal,
Integrated Financail Advice has been Internal, Internal, Associate, External,
5985 established? External Asssociate External Associate B
____ forms the basis for
recovery/stoppage of recovery of Return of Occupatio
Licence Fee from the occupants of the Recoverie n/Vacatio
5986 Government Buildings? s n Returns Both None B
____ is empirical in nature and it given
on a ‘not exceeding’ basis, the Costed Approxim
object being merely to determine CFA Indication Rough Schedule ate
5987 for a work/service by MES? of Cost Cost of works Estimate B
e of
____ is entrusted with the task of Planning Chiefs of
assisting in implementation of and Staff Ordnance
perspective planning of Defence Coordinati Committe Factory All the
5988 Production for three services? on e Board three A
____ is responsible for adjustment of
departmental charges in respect of
works executed by MES on behalf of PCDA, CDA Army CDA (IDS) PCDA (BR)
5989 Navy & Air force centrally? New Delhi Meerut New Delhi New Delhi B

____ is responsible for checking of AO

cost data of final bills r/o orders on Embarkati Naval Pay PCDA
Cost plus basis placed on M/s CDA (CSD) on H.Qrs. Office (Navy)
5990 Mazagaon Dock Limited, Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai D
____ is responsible for providing
accounting, audit and payment
services to the tri-services PCDA
organization functioning under the CDA (IDS) PCDA New (R&D) All the
5991 H.Qrs? New Delhi Delhi New Delhi three A
____ is responsible to hold and issue
POL at stations where petroleum Supply Either a or
5992 platoons do not function? Depot MES b None A
____ is the basis of all accounts of Contracto
measured work and of material Constructi r’s Measure
received which have to measured or on Work order ment
5993 counted by MES authorities? Accounts Diary book Book D
____ issues rates are not changed in a
year in general once fixed in respect of
5994 ASC articles
____ LAO should
select a Payment Free Both None B
minimum of 1% or 60 vouchers of E
copies, whichever is less for pairing
5995 with Dmeans
____ copies?
a person employed, Consignor Consignee Both None A
directly or by or through any agency
with or without the knowledge of the
principal employer, whether for
remuneration or not as defined in All the
5996 Factories Act? Worker Employee Labour three A
____ regulates and develops the All the
5997 Pension Market under National PFRDA NSDL Axis Bank three A
____ Represents the estimated value
of work for which details are not Provisiona
available at the time of going to Provisiona l lump
5998 tender as per IAFW 2249? l sum sum a or b None C

Medium- Macro- Expenditu
____ shall contain an assessment of term Fiscal economic re
the growth prospects of the economy Fiscal Policy Framewor Framewor
with specification of underlying Policy Strategy k k
5999 assumptions Statement Statement Statement Statement C
____ specifications are prscribed, in
the case of purchase of Items for
which neither industrial nor Defence Market Temporar Any of the
6000 specifications are available Survey y Adhoc three C
____ will be the Central Scale Audit CDA
Agency for carrying out the scale audit (Army) PCDA New PCDA (SC) PCDA (CC)
6001 in respect of civilians of the AMC? Meerut Delhi Pune Lucknow D
_____ Budget is a budgeting practice Increment
aimed at provision of funds relating Performa al/Decrem Zero
6002 the expected results? nce Outcome ental Based A
_____ acts as the nodal agency for Secretary
consolidating Pension documents of AG Branch Branch PCDA (P)
6003 Army Officers? IHQ MOD IHQ MOD PCDA (O) Allahabad C
_____ Budget Indicates Dimensions Performa
6004 and Performance? nce Outcome Financial None B
_____ cannot be availed concurrently
during the notice period, when going
6005 on voluntary retirement EOL EL HPL None A
_____ cannot be combined with
Joining Time availed by a DAD Earned Half Pay Casual
6006 employee when transferred Leave Leave Leave None C
_____ charts are maintained in PCDA
(O) to watch for the monthly receipt
6007 of Nominal Rolls? Reminder Increment Visual Nominal C
_____ Controllers (Fys) of DAD are
located alongside major Ordnance and
6008 Clothing Factories? 39 44 10 12 C
_____ decision would mean purchase
from an Indian vendor (including an
Indian company forming joint
venture/establishing production
arrangement with OEM) followed by Buy &
licensed production/indigenous Make Buy &
6009 manufacture in the country? Buy Make (Indian) Make C
_____ has right to withhold or Justice of Prime Vice
6010 _____
is a pension?
bill of exchange drawn on a India Minister President President D
specified banker and not expressed to
be payable otherwise than on Promissor Currency
6011 demand? y Note Cheque Bank Note Note B
_____ is an agreement between the
Purchaser and the Supplier to supply Standard
stores at specified prices during the Agreemen Rate Term Standard
6012 period covered by the contract? t Contrat Contract Contract B

_____ is responsible for ensuring that Formation

the Field Cashier carries out his duties Command All the
6013 _____
in accordance
is responsible
with the
establishing er GOC in C PCDA (O) three A
and maintaining a technically sound
accounting system in the
Departmentalized Accounts Offices
and to prescribe general principles,
systems and form of Government
6014 accounts? C&AG CGA CGDA GASAB B

ing Officer
of the
_____ is responsible for maintenance unit/Estab All the
6015 of Accounts of unit/establishment? LAO PCDA lishment three C
_____ is the level at which indents Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
6016 should be placed for replenishing level level level level D
_____ Means and includes acts
committed by a party to a contract, or
with his connivance, or by his agent,
with intent to deceive another party
thereto of his agent, or to induce him Undue All the
6017 to enter
_____ means
into the
assignment, to meet Coercion Fraud Influence three B
specified expenditure, of funds Cash Re-
included in a primary unit of Assignme Appropria appropriat
6018 appropriation? nt tion ion Budget B
_____ of the Govt. of India is to
ensure that suitable accounts are
6019 maintained by the Defence Services MOD (Fin) CGDA CGA C&AG A
_____ of the Govt. of India is to
ensure that suitable accounts are MOD Ministry Defence
6020 maintained by the Defence Services? (Finance) MOD of Finance Minister A
Dept. of
_____ prepares and monitors Defence Departme Finance Dept. of Defence
Service Estimates of the Ministry of nt of Division of Defence Productio
6021 Defence? Defence MOD R&D n B
_____ prepares CIV for MT expended Consignor Quarter Consignor Consignee
6022 in transit?
_____ prepares SCT of Defence unit Master LAO unit D
Services & Ministry of Defence (Civil)-
Receipts and Charges annually each
_____ represents the minimum
quantity above which stocks should Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
6024 not be held at any time? level level level level A
_____ scrolls are received along with
DMROs from Focal point branches in All the
6025 Accounts
_____ scrolls
are received
with Error Debit Credit three C
the Paid cheques from Focal point
branches in Accounts Section of All the
6026 PCDA/CDA office? Error Debit Credit three B
_____ shall carry out an annual review
of the compliance of the provisions of
the Act and the rules made there All the
6027 under by
_____ shall
out Government
an annual review CGA C&AG CGDA three B
of the compliance of the provisions of
the FRBM Act and the rules made
there under by the Central All the
6028 Government? C&AG CGA CGDA three A
______ % of Basic pay + DA is
recovered as subscription under NPS
6029 from the%pay
______ of the
of employee?
vacancies in the 20 15 10 6 C
Auditors' grade are filled by promotion
of Clerks according to seniority subject
6030 to fitness 80 50 25 10 B
______ an be defined as index
numbers of the movements of the Profit-
various financial items in the financial Trend Volume Liquidity Currnt
6031 statements for a number of periods? Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio A
______ includes the presentation of
information derived from Costing Financial Cost Cost
records for the purpose of managerial Accountin Accountin Accountan
6032 decision making. Costing g g cy D
______ is a quantitative record of
receits, issues and closing balances of Stores All the
6033 item of stores.
______ maintains fund accounts of Ledger Bin Card EOQ three B
personnel paid by PAO (ORs) Regional CDA
President's Body Guard, New CDA of PCDA New (Funds)
6034 Delhi? the PAO PAO itself Delhi Meerut D
______ meaning of words will be All the
6035 adopted in interpretation of orders? Indirect Dictionary Relevant three B
______ means any person appointed
or acting as the representative of
another person for the purpose of manager
carrying on such other person's subordina
trade or business as defined in te to an Managing
6036 Workmen's Compensation Act? employer agent Both None B
Nearest Regional PCDA
PCDA/CD PCsDA/CD (Navy) All the
6037 ______ provides funds to ships? A A Mumbai three C
______ Ration Returns are prepared Temporar
6038 for rations
______ Ratios
troops moving by y Train Transport Special B
expressed in arithmetical terms,
between figures which have a cause
and effect relationship or which are
interconnected with each other in Accountin
6039 some other manner? g Trend Both None A
______ Ratios can be defined as index
numbers of the movements of the
various financial items in the financial Profitabilit Accountin
6040 statements for a number of periods. y Trend Turn over g B
______ represents the minimum Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
6041 quantity of stock that should be held level level level level B

______ shall have right of audience in Standing Attorney Any All the
6042 all courts in the territory of India? Councel General Advocate three B
_______ % of service books are
supposed to be audited by LAO in a
6043 year to complete the audit cycle? 5 10 20 25 D
_______ copies of Loss statement is
6044 prepared by Army units and 3 4 5 6 D
_______ Includes all activities towards
servicing of
renovation/modification including
inter alia planned dry docking to attain
designed/stated performance, as All the
6045 prescribed in DPM? Service Repair Refit three C
_______ is responsible for organizing
and imparting both induction and in- NADFM
OTI All the
6046 _______
service training
meanstoa contract
the IDASinOfficers
which a PuneGurgaon CENTRAD three A
lump sum amount is agreed upon for Fixed
development/indigenisation and Price
supply of the equipment based on Contract
data/specifications supplied and which
Fixed providing
is not subject to any adjustment price for Re-
during the performance of the contract determina Firm fixed
contract due to any reasons with tion of price
6047 whatsoever? Escalation Price Firm Rate contract D
_______ Ministers is responsible to Prime, Parliamen Home,
6048 the House of People? Home t Affairs Defence Council of D
_______ Scheme and MACPS shall run Staff Car
6049 ________
will prepare statement No. ACP Driver Both None B
5 &13 of Union Government Finance
Account and send the same to the Defence
6050 CGA? CGDA FADS Secretary DGADS A

Return of
__________ forms the basis for Recoverie Occupatio Allotment
6051 recovery of Licence
__________ means Fee
any person who s n Returns Letter None B
for consideration became the
possessor of a promissory note, bill of
exchange or cheque if payable to
bearer, or the payee or endorsee
thereof, if payable to order before the
amount mentioned in it became
payable, and without having sufficient
cause to believe that any defect Holder in
existed in the title of the person from Due
6052 whom he derived his title? Payee Drawee Holder Course D
___________ is a documentary
medium through which entitlement of Entitleme Entitleme Authorizat All the
6053 Pay is intimated to EDP Centre? nt IRLA nt slip ion Slip three C
___________ office is responsible to CDA
maintain GPF accounts of Defence Regional Pay audit (Funds) All the
6054 Civilians? CDA Office Meerut three C
___________ Vouchers are prepared All the
6055 to issue stores for experimental Issue Receipt Nominal three C
____________is a documentary
medium through which entitlement of Transcripti Authorizat
6056 Pay is intimated to EDP Centre? on sheet Input ion Slip DO II C
_____functions to coordinate and
assist in introduction of Management
Accounting System in Central
6057 Government Departments ? CGA C&AG CGDA GASAB A
_____is an instrument in writing
containing an unconditional Promissor Bill of Currency
6058 undertaking, signed by the maker? y Note Exchange Bank Note Note A
_____is responsible for providing
accounting, audit and payment PCDA
services to the HQrs. SFC (Strategic PCDA New (R&D) PCDA (BR) CDA (IDS)
6059 Forces Command)? Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi D
____advises the credit to the
beneficiary in the case of payment Issuing Advising All the
6060 through Letter of Credit? Buyer Bank Bank three C
____is an instrument in writing
containing an unconditional order, Promissor Currency Bill of
6061 signed by the maker? y Note Bank Note Note Exchange D
____No. of days is prescribed in RTI
Act to give reply to an RTI application
6062 in normal case?
____serves as a medium for 2 7 15 30 D
codification of voucher for
compilation of account from which Punching Defence
6063 data is entered in computer? Medium Ledger Both None A
__section/wing/cell of PCDA (O) deals
with Recovery of LF and allied charges SS Permanen
of Army Officers in occupation of Coordinati t Record
6064 Govt. Accommodation? on Group Rent Cell EDP section B

__section/wing/cell of PCDA (O) deals Permanen

with Scale audit of strength returns of t Record Nominal Records
6065 1,
2, 3,Officers
4 and 5posted
copies in
issue units? section EDP Roll Cell section C
vouchers are referred to instead of ASC
A,B,C,D and E copies in the case of Consumin supply Medical Ordnance
6066 which of the following units? g units Depots Depots Depots D
1 is 2 is
1. HRA has no reference to the rent correct correct
paid 2. No Rent receipt is required to and 2 is and 1 is Both are Both are
6067 release HRA. wrong wrong wrong correct D
12 years National Defence Certificates
when submitted as security deposit, 5% less
they will be accepted at their ____ 5% less than
6068 value? Face Surrender than Face surrender B
2nd appeal on decision of First
Appellate Authority (under RTI Act)
shall lie within ___ from date on which
6069 decision supposed to be made? 30 Days 45 Days 60 days 90 days D
6070 a b c d e f
A ___ will be allotted in the ‘R’
section for each addressee with whom Separate
communications are regularly made Separate Separate Pigeon task
6071 for dispatch work? rack box hole holder C
A ____ head which is placed under a
particular Minor Head by the CGA
should not be placed under another
6072 Minor Head by DAD? Sub Head Detailed Both None C
A bid shall remain valid for _____ days
6073 in case of single bid RFP 90 120 180 365 A
A bill becomes a _____ only when it is
6074 receipted and stamped 'PAID Paid Bill Voucher
Document Form B
A Bill shall be deemed to be a Money Remission
Bill if it contains only provisions /Alteratio All the
6075 dealing with _______ of tax? Imposition Abolition n three D
A building which will serve its purpose
for a period of less than ____ years is
6076 classified as Temporary Building? 7 6 5 10 C

A candidate who is already in employee
permanent Government service and is subject to
selected for appointment in I.D.A.S. on clearing Quasi
the results of a competitive Permanen the permanen
examination held by the U.P.S.C. will Probation t Probation t
6077 be appointed as a ____? er employee er exam employee A
A Cash Assignment is a ______ in letter of Fund All the
6078 favour of a Disbursing Officer? Credit credit Transfer three B
A cheque deposited in to bank has
been stated has dishonoured? Which
6079 side of the cash bok will be updated? Credit side Debit side Both None A
only if
A cheque drawn 31.03.2019, banlance
presented by the beneficiary in the not
bank on 02.04.2019, paid on same day 2018-19, available
will be accounted for under the Cash if balance for 2018-
6080 Assignment of the year ____? available 2019-20 19 2018-19 D
A cheque received in a PCDA/CDA Special diarized at
6081 office is diarized as Valuable Dak
Bill all A
Take back
A cheque submitted by a tenderer has Give back dgment
been dishonored by his bank. What the Ask him to given
action would you suggest the Cheque to deposit earlier to All the
6082 Executive? Tenderer cash him three D
A cheque with more than _______
alteration/alterations should not be
6083 issued by D section of PCDA (O)? 2 1 3 4 B

A clerk in debt will not be employed in Any of the

6084 the offices of _______ AO GE LAO DPDO three D
A complete record of works Contracto Measure
performed under a contract is Work rs order ment None of
6085 contained
A contract in
is ___
said to be induced Diaries book Book these C
by____where the relations subsisting
between the parties are such that one
of the parties is in a position to
dominate the will of the other and
uses that position to obtain an unfair Undue All the
6086 advantage over the other Coercion Fraud Influence three C
A contract which ceases to be
enforceable by law becomes ____
6087 when it ceases to be enforceable? Void Voidable Valid One side A
Yes. Cost
A Contractor requested that a security will be
furnished by him may be converted Yes . Cost born by No such
into e interest bearing form of to be born Governme provision
6088 security. Can it be done? No by him nt in Rules B

A day is calculated from ______ to Midnight Morning Afternoon

____ for the purpose of TA/DA to to to Evening to
6089 entitlements for the official tour? Midnight Morning Afternoon Evening A

At any
Annual time
A decision on identification of a Works before
Defence Building as a Prestigious is Rough Programm Execution completio
6090 taken at the stage of ______? Cost e of Work n of work B

can be
can be to at the
A disbursing officer requested CDA to acceded discretion
return the vouchers pertaining to an can be cannot be to at the of
item of expenditure after passing the acceded acceded discretion Disbursing
6091 same. His request to to of CDA Officer B
A fidelity bond can be accepted as Governme
Security Deposit in the case of nt Private
6092 _______? servants parties Both None A
Refer the
Refer the with facts
Complete matter to
the with facts superior
A Government officer has to enter process to and take None. He
into a Contract Agreement in the and superior action as can
official capacity with a firm in which intimate and go per exercise
his wife is employed? Which of the to the ahead decision the
following course you would suggest higher with own of powers
6093 him as per CCS Conduct Rules? authority decision superior freely C
A Government servant is deemed to
have been placed under suspension, if No such
he is detained in custody for a period period laid
6094 exceeding ______? 24 hours 48 hours 1 week down B

A Government servant is deemed to Expiry ofDate on Date of

have been placed under suspension, if 48 hours which committin
he is detained in custody for a period of intimation Date of g the
6095 exceeding 48 hours w.e.f.: detentionis received Detention offence C
A government servant on acquiring a allowed give
lien on a post will ______ to hold the for a applicatio
lien previously acquired on any other limited n with a
6096 post,
A Government
Unless otherwise
servant who
retires Continue Cease period request B
while under suspension pending major
penalty proceedings is entitled to get Provisiona Provisiona
6097 _____?
A JCO appointed to a post abroad, he l pension l Gratuity Both None A
does not wear uniform due to
diplomatic customs, becomes eligible
for Half of outfit allowance, when his
tenure of posting is for a minimum Three
6098 period of 6 months One year Two years years C
A minimum ____% indigenous content
on cost basis shall be required in
"Make" cases in the
6099 successful prototype 20 30 40 50 B
A Minor head is represented by ___
6100 digit Number? 2 4 15 3 D

A Money Bill shall not be introduced in Rajya No such

6101 the_____? Lok Sabha Sabha Both provision B
A non recurring payment to a
Government servant from a source
other than Consolidated Fund of India Honorariu Special All the
6102 is known as _______? Fee m pay three A
A pensioner receiving _______
pension and re-employed
subsequently is not eligible for a
separate pension and gratuity for the
period of re-employment under CCS superannu
6103 Pension Rules? retiring ation A or B none C
A person appointed as a
'Trainee' on compassionate
grounds has to acquire minimum
Educational qualification in ________
6104 years? 2 3 5 10 C
A person shall not be qualified for
appointment as an Administrative
Member in administrative tirbunal,
unless he has held for at least _____
years the post of Secretary to the
6105 Government of India ? 5 4 3 2 D
A person shall not be qualified for
appointment as the Chairman of Judge of a Judge of
Administrative Tribunal unless he is or District Judge of a Supreme Any of the
6106 has been a Court High Court Court three B
A person to whom busiuness owes
6107 money is known as ___? Debtor Creditor Both None B
A person who accepts the bill of
6108 exchange is known as ___? Drawer Drawee Seller Buyer B
A person who accepts the bill of
6109 exchange is known as ___? Drawer Buyer Payee Payer D
May make
A person who is usually of sound presence
mind, but occasionally of unsound of a Not
mind, ___ a contract when he is of Gazetted May not defined in
6110 unsound mind Officer May Make Make the Act C
May make
A person who is usually of unsound presence
mind, but occasionally of sound mind, of a Not
___ a contract when he is of sound May not Gazetted defined in
6111 mind? Make Officer May make the Act C
A person who owes money to
6112 businnes is known as ____? Debtor Creditor Both None A

of the
area in
A person, who desires to obtain any which the
information under RTI Act, shall make applicatio
a request in writing or through n is being Any of the
6113 electronic means in ____? English Hindi made three D
A post carrying a definite rate of pay Permanen Temporar Deputatio Time Scale
6114 sanctioned for a limited time t post y post n post post B

A post carrying a definite rate of pay Ministerial

sanctioned without limit of time is Permanen Temporar appointm Time Scale
6115 known as ____? t post y post ent post A
A Principal Controller/Controller
__________ over-rule a decision given Depends
by a predecessor in office without on case to
6116 reference
A procuringtoentity
the C.G.D.A.
may debar a bidder may may not can't say case B
or any of its successors, from
participating in any procurement
rocess undertaken by it on GeM
portal, if it determines that the bidder not not not No such
has breached the code of integrity, for exceeding exceeding exceeding limit. For
6117 a period of _____? one year two years 3 years life time B
A production or service location,
function, activity or item of equipment Cost
whose costs may be attributed to cost Cost Allocation
6118 is defined as _____? Cost Unit Centre unit None B
A promise made without any intention
of performing it is defined as ____ in Free Malafide
6119 Indian Contract Act? Coercion Consent Fraud Intention C
A promissory note, bill of exchange or
cheque drawn or made in India, and
made payable in, or drawn upon any
person resident, in India shall be Indeginou
6120 deemed
A property
to when
be ____
off from ____ Inland Indian Foreign s A
is deemed to be abandoned and will Care and Works
not be entitled to maintenance funds maintena PCDA/CD programm All the
6121 by MES? nce A Records e three A
A recruit will become entitled to the
pay of sepoy from the date he Posted to
6122 completes training and gets _____? Attested Mustered any unit recruited A

He should He should
obtain consult
permissio the
A Regional CDA has reduced the Action Action n of disbursing
amount of Cash Assignment since it taken by taken by higher officer
may prove much in excess of CDA is not CDA is in authoritie before
6123 requirements of the Disbursing Officer in order order s doing so B
A register of MBs is maintained by Sub will Accounts Engineerin
6124 _______ section of GE office division maintain section g sections C
No. & subject
date to matter
which under
A Reminder should contain which of attention correspon
6125 the following? is drawn dence Both None C

Within 6
With prior from the
concurren date of After
ce of IFA original ensuring
subject to order that there
fulfillment without For full is no
of IFA quantity down
A Repeat order can be placed by stipulated concurren upto 1.5 trend in
6126 A
retired Group ‘A’ Government conditions ce lakhs prices A
servant should not accept any
Commercial Employment within Should
_____ from the date of retirement not accept
without the previous sanction of the in rest of
6127 Government? One year Two years Four years the life A
cease to
draw his
continue during Exercise
to draw period of Draw both choice to
A retired officer in receipt of pension, his reemploy salary and draw
6128 when reemployed will pension ment pension either B
A sanction issued on 29.03.15 from
6129 Budget Allotment of 2014-15 will be 31.03.15 29.03.16 01.04.16 28.03.16 A
A second meeting of the DPC may be creation
held in the same year for drawing up a Unforesee of new
6130 A
for ______
or subsequent
advance for n posts Both None C
the purchase of Personal Computer
cannot be granted before the expiry of
____ years from the date of drawal of
6131 earlier advance? 2 3 4 None B
A service receipt for which full
particulars are not given must be Suspense Other Any of the
6132 taken to the head _____? head Receipts Deposits three B
A single window system for passing all Single
advance payments of TA/DA, LTC etc. T Advance Advance T Single Single
has been established in PCDA (O). Payment Payment window Window
6133 Name the section? Cell Cell cell Cell A
A stipulation in a contract of sale with
reference to goods which are the
6134 subject thereof may be _____? Condition Warranty None a or b D
A supervising officer can accept ___ %
below MRP while carrying out auction
6135 of MES stores 10 20 30 60 C

Add 2000 Add 2000

to to Add 2000 Add 2000
Debtors, Purchases, to to
Creditors Creditors Debtors, Purchases,
and and Sales and Sales and
A transaction of Purchase Rs. 2000/- is Deduct Deduct Deduct Deduct
recorded as Sales? What will be the 2000 from 2000 from 2000 from 2000 from
adjustment if noticed at the time Purchases, Debtors, Purchases, Debtors,
6136 preparation of final Accounts? Sales Sales creditors Creditors B

A Tribunal shall have, and exercise, the None. No

same jurisdiction, powers and powers
authority in respect of contempt of District Supreme for
6137 ‘Statement
itself as a ____of?Central Court High Court Court contempt B
Transactions’ at the end of every
financial year is prepared only for
6138 ______ head-wise details Major Sub Major Minor Sub C
‘User Charges’ is a component Tax Non Tax
6139 of _____ as defined in GFR? Revenue Revenue Both None B

Receipted Office
’ A’ copy of the issue voucher Copy of copy of copy of Consignor
6140 prepared by issuing depot is______? consignee consignee consignor LAO copy C
AAO (A/cs) will test check the Cheque
linking done by task holders to the
extent of __ % in respect of cheques
6141 of Rs. 1 lakh and above? 10 25 50 100 A
AAO can pass the requisition for LTC
6142 advance up to Rs. _______ 100000 75000 50000 25000 D
AAO can sign Punching Medium Class I No such
6143 voucher up to Rs. _____? 25 Lakhs 10 Lakhs 5 Lakhs limit C
AAO in DAD is authorized to audit and
make payment Cash Requisitions up to
6144 Rs. _______? 50000/- 1 lakh 5 lakhs No limit C
AAO is authorized to price loss
6145 statements and expense vouchers up 20000 25000 40000 50000 D
AAO should check arithmetical
calculations in __ % of the documents
disposed by him, irrespective of
6146 amount involved in the documents? 1 0.25 0.1 0.05 D
AAO working in a CDA office can grant
___ days of CL to Senior Auditor
6147 working under him at a time? 2 3 4 5 C
Absence of more than ____ days in a
year will normally be considered as
6148 irregular while writing
Accommodation not expected
APAR? to be 30 60 90 180 A
required for a period of over ___ years
from the anticipated date of
completion of work will be in
6149 temporary construction? 3 5 7 10 B
According to MOD, Capital items are
classified as those having unit price of
Rs. ___ lakhs and above and a life span
6150 of ___ years or more? 2, 7 20, 10 10, 7 10, 5 C
Accounts are divided in to how many
6151 types? 2 3 4 5 B
Accounts audited half yearly but not
audited within ___ following the close
of a half year will be regarded as audit
6152 in arrears? One year 9 months 6 months 3 months C
Accounts kept open after 31st March Suppleme
6153 are known as March ____ Accounts? ntary Residual II None A
Accounts of CSD (India) and a review All the
thereon are furnished by _____ to CDA (CSD) Controller QMG
6154 MOD (Fin) Mumbai CGDA s branch D

Accounts of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd Quarterly Audit a firm of

are subject to audit, like those of audit Committe profession
6155 other limited concerns, by _____? boards es al auditors None C

Accounts of NCC formations are State Defence

audited by LAO, the cost of which is Governme Service At his
6156 Accounts
met out ofof_____?
Officers finalized on nt Estimates Both discretion B
account of Discharge, Retirement and
Superannuation etc. are held in Ledger
wing for ___ period and then
transferred to Permanent Record one Six
6157 Accounts
section? of Officers finalized on month 3 months months One year C
account of Discharge, Retirement and
Superannuation etc. transferred to Frequentl
Permanent Record section are held as y
_____ Records by Permanent Record Temporar Required
6158 Section? y Moving Dynamic Record B

Accounts of the following concerns Canteen

are not published in the commercial Military Stores
appendix to Appropriation Accounts of Engineerin Military Departme
6159 Defence Services? g services Farms nt (India) None A
Accounts of which of the following Canteen
concerns are published in the Stores
commercial Appendix to the Military Departme
6160 Appropriation Accounts? Farms nt None Both D
Accounts Office, Department of PCDA
Defence Supplies, New Delhi is under (R&D) PCDA New PCDA (BR)
6161 the administrative
Accounts Officer can
write ofoff_____?
the New Delhi Delhi New Delhi None B
amounts becoming irrecoverable from
any cause, if the amount is not in
6162 excess of Rs. ____ ? 1000 3000 5000 500 D
Accounts section adjusts MRO by
compiling ____ in the punching (+)
6163 medium under the MRO head? Receipt (+) Charge (-) Receipt (-) Charge D
Accounts supposed to be audited
annually but not audited within __
following the period of annual audit 12
6164 will be regarded as audit
Acknowledgements of allin
arrears?o/s 3 months 6 months 9 months months C
on ___ will be obtained annually by
Account Section from all individuals 30th
against whom advances are 31st 31st Septembe
6165 outstanding December March 30th June r B
Acme steel seals are accounted for by
6166 ___________ by the Store Depots Volume Number Weight None C
ACP Scheme has been introduced in 07.08.200
6167 Army w.e.f. _______? 09.08.99 01.01.96 01.10.97 3 D
ACP scheme was introduced for
6168 civilian employees in the year 1996 1999 2003 2006 B
Acquisitions covered under the _____
decision would mean purchase from a
foreign vendor followed by licensed Buy &
production/ indigenous manufacture Make Buy &
6169 in the country
Acquitance Rolls pertaining to PBORs Buy Make (Indian) Make D
of other PAOs are scheduled to the
concerned PAO by the dependent PAO Printed
of the Field Imprest Holder by using Demand Compilati
6170 _____?
Acquittance Rolls are supposed to be Intimation on Form IX Form X C
sent to PAO by the Imprest Holder on
first working day following the ___ of
6171 payment? Month Week day Quarter C
Actioned Part II Orders after due post Case file
audit will be filed in ________, which IRLA of of the
may be referred to for future linking Batches/B respective respective retained
6172 etc undles officer officer by EDP C
Additional amount will be equal to the
average balance in the account during
the period of 36 months preceding the
month of death, subject to a
6173 maximum of
Additional quantum
Rs. _____
of pension
under DLI? when 60000 75000 100000 120000 A
pensioner attains the age of 100 or
more is payable @ ____% of Basic
6174 Pension? 30 40 50 100 D
Additional quantum of pension when
pensioner attains the age of 80-85 is
6175 payable @ ____% of Basic Pension? 20 30 40 50 A
Additional quantum of pension when
pensioner attains the age of 85-90 is
6176 payable @ ____% of Basic Pension? 20 30 40 50 B
Additional quantum of pension when
pensioner attains the age of 90-95 is
6177 payable @ ____% of Basic Pension? 20 30 40 50 C
Additional quantum of pension when
pensioner attains the age of 95-100 is
6178 payable @ ____% of Basic Pension? 20 30 40 50 D
Additions or alterations to the list of
auditable documents will be carried PCDA/CD
6179 out under the orders of _______? A CGDA DGADS MOD (Fin) A
Additions or alterations to works of
“Defences―costing not more than
Rs. ____ may be approved by CFA as
6180 Special works? 10000 15000 20000 50000 C
Adjustment made among owners of
vessel and cargo in the event of loss or Compensa General Net worth Loss
6181 damage to vessel/cargo is known as tion Average ratio statement B

Admin Approval, Technical Sanction called out
and allotment funds etc. are not in aid of Urgent Imminent
insisted/required in which of the civil military danger to All the
6182 following cases dealt by MES? power necessity buildings three C
Administration of Inter Service
Organizations is the direct Army Naval
6183 responsibility of ____? H.Qrs.
MOD Air H.Qrs. H.Qrs B
Chiefs of
Administration of the Armed forces of Concerne Staff
the union is the main function of d Service Committe Integrated
6184 _____? MOD H.Qrs. e H.Qrs A
Administritive Tribunals Act is 27.02.198 28.02.198 01.03.198 01.04.198
6185 effective from _____? 5 5 5 5 A
on a new
service to meet
not expenditu
provided re in
When a in Budget excess of
need and there the
arises to is no provisions
incur sufficient for the
unforesee time for service
n necessary included
expenditu approval in an
re in before Appropria
excess of close of tion (Vote
Advance from Contingency Fund of the the on
India can be allowed under which of sanctione financial Account) All the
6186 the following circumstances? d grant year Act three D

g on
Course of
On exceeding While
Advance of Pay is admissible to Army transfer 3 months proceedin
Officers in which of the following within within g ex-India All the
6187 circumstances? India India on duty three D
Advance of pay to Army Officers paid
by Field Cashier is compiled to ____ 00/018/6 00/018/6 00/018/6 00/018/6
6188 suspense head (till recovered in IRLA)? 0 1 4 5 B
Advance of TA for family of deceased
employee is admissible up to ____ % Advance
of the probable amount of travelling Not
expenses admissible Admissibl
6189 100 90 75 e C

Advances drawn on Field Cheques by In three In two Installmen

Army officers from Field cashier are equal equal ts decided
recovered in ________ in IRLAs of the Full at one installmen installmen by PCDA
6190 Advances
officers? paid to Imprest Holders by go ts ts (O) A
M section of Regional CDA are Demand
intimated to PAOs on monthly basis Compilati Intimation Cheque All the
6191 through _____? on Report s Slips three B
Open Limited Local
Advertised Tender Enquiry is also Tender Tender Tender
6192 known as ___? Enquiry Enquiry Enquiry None A

AFCAO is a service organization under PCDA (AF) Headquart All the
6193 the administrative
After _ no allotmentcontrol
of funds
of ____?
will be Dehradun HQ IDS ers three C
made for any new major work not
included in year’s programme
unless work can be entirely financed 15th 30th 15th 31st
6194 during the year? November November December December A
After 7th CPC Air Travel is admissible
for LTC for the employees in pay level
6195 ___ and above 6 7 8 9 D
After approval maximum of ___% of
the AE amount will be added for
special Architectural features and
superior specifications in respect of
6196 buildings identified as prestigeous? 10 25 33.33 50 A
After closing of annual accounts, if a
rectification/readjustment is
necessary, same will be carried out
6197 with prior
After finalization
of of
estimates for CGA C&AG Both a & b MOD A
budgetary allocations, the Department
of Expenditure in consultation with
NITI Aayog and the concerned
Ministries shall prepare _____ Budget
statement linking outlays against each
scheme/project with the Performa Modified
outputs/deliverables and medium Performa nce and Appropria
6198 term outcomes nce Outcome Outcome tion B
After the drawee of a bill has signed
his assent upon the bill, or, if there are
more parts thereof than one, upon
one of such parts, and delivered the
same, or given notice of such signing
to the holder or to some person on his
6199 behalf, he is called _____? Drawer Drawee Payee Acceptor D
After the pensioners are paid, the
pension paid voucher is required to be
submitted to the PCDA (Pensions) by Post
6200 all the PDAs except ____? DPDOs Banks Offices None A

To be
decided in
Agreement in restraint of marriage is each case
6201 ______? Valid Voidable Void on merits C
To be
decided in
Agreement without consideration is each case
6202 _____? Void Voidable Valid on merits A

To be
decided in
Agreements by way of wager are each case
6203 _____? Valid Voidable Void on merits C
Air Force has ___ Minor heads of
6204 accounting? 8 9 10 12 A
All acquisitions of lands and buildings Ministry
and relinquishment thereof within the of Urban
enclaves of New Delhi is the DGDE, Developm
6205 responsibility of ______? New Delhi ent MOD CGDA B

All advances of traveling allowance Debt Register Loans and Demand

will be entered in a ______ Heads of Advances cum Audit
6206 All
air passages
for the
unless Register Advances Register Register D
otherwise specifically provided for in
authorised regulations or other orders
of Government, require the prior Governme
6207 sanction of ____? MOD AFHQrs. IFA nt of India D

All alterations to the capital cost Periodical

arising out of renewals of whatever Services
value will be entered in ___ Measure Register Plant Constructi
maintained for each installation by ment of Record on
6208 All
MES?bills irrespective of their nature will Book Buildings Book Accounts C
be received only in the Record section
of the PCDA/ CDA?s office and will be
sent to the respective section after
being duly diarized. Under no
circumstances should any bill be
eceived by any section direct. Medical Works
6209 Exception is Bills Bills None Both C

All cases of losses in the offices at Respectiv Principal

Armed Forces Head Quarters are e Head of Staff PCDA New
6210 investigated by Offices CBI Officers Delhi A
All cases of payments due to incorrect
interpretation by DAD for which direct
responsibility attaches to DAD should
6211 be submitted to ___ for orders? GOI MOD (Fin) CGDA DGADS A
All charges paid at ports or elsewhere
in India in connection with stores
obtained from ____ should be treated All the
6212 as expenditure in India? England Pakistan Nepal three A
All claims shall ordinarily be preferred
between Departments, both
commercial and non-commercial of
the Central Government, within the
same financial year and not beyond
____ years from the date of
6213 transaction? 2 3 5 30 B
All communications and instructions Contracto
issued to contractor arising out of the Measure r’s
day to day execution work will be ment Work Order All the
6214 recorded in ____? Book Diary Book three C

All conservancy stores are issued on Payment,

_____ basis to units and cost thereof Free. Not Free, Not Payment,
6215 is______ to any allotment? debitable Debitable Debitable Debitable A
All deposits remaining unclaimed for Time
6216 All
II published
are called
____and Expired Old Lapsed Standing C
formations are directly sent by the
concerned units to their respective Record Depot All the
6217 _____? Office Battalion PAO (ORs) three A

All Embassy accounts including EOI, PCDA

Washington are centrally received in CGDA PCDA New PCDA (BR) (R&D)
6218 _______
All eventsfrom
in service
MEA?of an Army office Delhi New Delhi New Delhi B
Officer affecting his pay and
allowances, promotions etc. are Govt. Part II Audit Executive
6219 notified through orders orders report orders B
All extra expenditure connected with
Survey of India Unit, which would not Defence
have been incurred but for field Survey of Services MOD Any of the
6220 operations, shall be borne by? India Estimates (Civil) three B
All forms of security, including
standing securities together with
standing security bonds are forwarded PCDA/CD
6221 for safe custody to the office of CWE CE A AO GE C
All Grants and payments of pensions
should be recorded in _____ by PCDA P.P.O. Audit Register
6222 (P) Allahabad? Register cards of Pension None B
All grants of leave other than _____ All the
6223 leave will be notified in Part II Office Casual Child Care EOL three A

All Hospitalization cases will be Admission Hospital
monitored through ________Register / stoppage All the
6224 in PCDA (O) office? Discharge Rolls Sick list three A
Accounts EDP
Section of centre of
6225 All India Compilation is produced by MOD (Fin) CGDA CGDA None C
All irregular or over issue of stores
should be treated as ___ losses in
6226 Appropriation Accounts? Stores Cash a or b Both A
All Officers Quarters other than Single
Officers quarters attached to Messes, All the
6227 will be held on ____ Pool? Station General All India three A
All orders (work/stores/services)
having financial effect will be noted in
6228 the Construction Account as ____? Asset Allotment Sanction Liability D
All orders to contractors will be in
writing and signed by GE in the form Daily Amendme Executive Work
6229 of ____ ? ordersnts to CAs orders orders D
gy as
Bilingual decided
All queries and observations raised by (i.e. Hindi, Impersona by audit
6230 audit officers should be in ______? Personal English) l officer C
FOC in C
All shore establishments in Andaman PCDA FOC in C Visakhapa
6231 are under the jurisdiction of ____? HQ. IDS (Navy) Mumbai tnam D
MES, Command
All the accommodation at a station Station Station er,
although physically in the charge of Command Command PCDA/CD PCDA/CD
6232 ____ is at the disposal of ______? er, MES er A A, MES B
All the accommodation at a station is Command
6233 at the disposal of er MES DEO PCDA A
All the cash transactions in Military
6234 Farms Cash Books will be recorded in Blue Red Black Green C
All the casualties effecting Service
matters of a PBOR are recorded in All the
6235 ________ invariably? Pay Book IRLA Sheet Roll three C
All the casualties like admission to Part II Ration
hospital, leave, attachments to other orders to Account
units etc. are linked in audit of Ration Ration to Part II
6236 Accounts from ____? Account order Both None A

All the Defence Parcels received on Embarkati AO

account of imported stores are Port Trust on (Embarkat
cleared and distributed to the Authority Command ion H.Qrs) All the
6237 consignees
All the final by
where value work of India ant Mumbai three B
done is more than Rs. _______ are irrespectiv
paid by GE after pre audit by e of
6238 PCDA/CDA? 15 lakhs 50 lakhs 10 lakhs amount C
All the vouchers for which payment is
authorized will be prominently
6239 enfaced as ‘____’? Passed Cancelled Both None B
All works catering for a period of more
than____ years will be built to
6240 permanent specifications? 10 7 5 3 C
All works catering to short term Date of
requirements i.e. accommodation not According Anticipate
expected to be required for a period Approval Date of d Date of As
of over five years from the ________ to the Starting completio decided
6241 will be in temporary construction? work the work n of work by CFA C
Allotment of Field Imprest Account
Number to the Field Imprest Holders is Accounts/
the duty of which of the following ORs Pay
6242 sections of PCDA/CDA? Section M Section IA Section Section A
Allowance granted to meet personal
expenditure necessitated by special Compassi Composit Compensa Sumptuar
circumstances in which duty is onate e tory y
6243 performed is known as ____? Allowance Allowance Allowance allowance C
Alterations and improvements
necessitated by technical reasons or
engineering reasons are classified as Minor Special Capital
6244 ___ by MES? Repairs works works works A
Alterations necessitated by Maintena Depends
Administrative reasons are classified Original nce on case to Special
6245 as _____actually paid by the
Amount works services case works A
Contractor for any article, commodity
or special work including all proper
charges is known as ____ as defined in Prime Marginal
6246 IAFW 2249? Total Cost Cost Basic Cost Cost B
Amount for which DIDS is originated recovered No. of Amount
will be verified by Responding CDA by instalment of Outstandi
with reference to the ___ reflected in originatin s already advance ng
6247 the concerned LPC received? g CDA recovered paid Balance D
Amount of Insurance cover for Group
6248 B official is Rs. ____ under CGEGIS? 30000 60000 120000 240000 A
Amount of resource given up in
exchange for some goods or services Prime
6249 is definedrealized
Amount as ______?
as a result of disposal Cost Cost Price Attribute A
of dried up trees, grass either by 50% to
auction or by Contract is credited to Regiment Governme each of a, 75% to a
6250 ____? al fund nt b 25% to b B
6251 An agreement enforceable by law is Void Voidable Contract Tender C
An agreement not enforceable by law
6252 is said
An agreement
to be _____?
which is enforceable by Void Voidable Contract Tender A
law at the option of one or more of
the parties thereto, but not at the
option of the other or others, is ____
6253 Contract? Void Voidable Valid One side B
An annual indent for articles of of Printing Governme
stationery required for use during the and nt Printing
following year will be sent so to ___ Stationery PC of A Press,
6254 by PCsDA/CsDA? , Kolkata CGDA Kolkata Nasik A
An appeal against final disallowance of
an audit officer should be submitted
within ___ from date of issue of 12 24
6255 disallowance intimation? 2 months 3 months months months A

nces exist
that give he does
rise to not
justifiable possess
doubts as the
to his qualificati
independe ons
nce or agreed to
An arbitrator may be challenged only impartialit by the
6256 if ____? y parties None a or b D
An army officer cannot be granted Study
6257 Annual leave in combination with Furlough leave Sick Leave None B
ned in
ion of
which a Any
concessio qualificati
n in the on which
form of was
antedate minimum
An army officer is not eligible for seniority required
6258 An
Army Officer
in respect
in January
of ___? of is given for entry None Both a, b D
a year can accumulate ____ days of un
availed Annual Leave of the year of
retirement for Leave Encashment
6259 purpose? 10 15 30 60 B
supernum When he
erary to is
the declared
While on establish as
An Army Officer will be entitled to full duty Ex- ment to Prisoner All the
6260 An
and allowances?
to fill a vacancy in the India his corps of War three D
office of President occurring by reason
of his death, resignation or removal,
or otherwise shall be held as soon as
possible after, and in no case late than
___ from the date of occurrence of
6261 vacancy 3 months 6 months 9 months One year B

Forenoon Afternoon
of the last Afternoon of the last Afternoon
An employee whose birth date is the day of of the last day of the of the last
first of the month shall retire on the preceding day of the preceding day of the
6262 ______ month month month month C
An error no matter how old and small
it may be, must be corrected if it Remittanc All the
6263 affects ______Head Debt Deposit e three D
An item appearing on the crredit side
of the Trial balance is posted at ___ Debit side Debit side
unless deducted from items posted on of Trading of the P& Any of the
6264 other side? Account L Account two None D

An item appearing on the crredit side Liabilities

of the Trial balance is posted at ___ Credit side Credit side side of the
unless deducted from items posted on of Trading of the P& balance Any of the
6265 other side? Account L Account sheet three D

Para pay
Para Pay will not be
Para pay will be issued
An officer (permanent incumbent) in will be admissible until the
receipt of parachute pay is placed admissible to the result of Para pay
under suspension. The duties have to the permanen the is payable
been attended to temporarily by temporary t enquiry is to both
another officer. In these incumben incumben promulgat the
6266 circumstances t t ed officers. C
An officer appointed to the IDAS by
direct recruitment shall be on initial
6267 An
officer granted
for a period
of __________?
outfit 4 years 3 years 2 years One year C
allowance leaves his qualifying
appointment within one year. He has Half of the full 1/3 of the 1/4 of the
6268 to refund amount amount amount amount A
t issued
An officer has lost some articles while free of
performing duty. He seeks cost by Other
reimbursement. Which of the governme expensive
6269 following can be admitted Jewelry nt articles None B

He should
An Officer responsible to collect n of Prior
certain Government dues has rejected higher permissio
a cheque received on the due date of Not In authoritie n of CDA
6270 receipt of the said dues. Comment In order Order s required A
An officer retired on reaching the
prescribed age limit for compulsory Short
retirement with at least 15 years Service
Commissioned service qualifying for Commissi
pension but whose total service is less oned Late
6271 than 20 years is known as ___? Officer Entrant Both
None B
when assumes
An officer shall begin to draw the pay when his/her the duties
and allowances attached to his tenure he/she office of that
of a post with effect from the date receives of issue of receives post
6272 _____? the order the order the order ______? D

within one within 2 within one

month months year from
Soon after from the from the the date
the date of date of of
An officer shall exercise the option of promotio promotio promotio promotio
6273 this pay fixed on promotion n n n n B
An officer who is entrusted with the
responsibility of controlling the Controllin Disbursing Audit Executive
6274 progress of expenditure is known as g Officer Officer Officer Officer A
An officer who is entrusted with the
responsibility of controlling the Pay
progress of expenditure under any Controllin Accounts All the
6275 appropriation is defined as _____? g Officer CDA Officer three A
An order of suspension shall be
reviewed by the competent authority
6276 before expiry of ___ days? 30 60 90 180 C
Analysis of All India Defence Services Heads
Receipts and Charges generated in that
compilation system deals with which appear in
6277 of the code heads? RDR heads CHB Both None B
Analysis of star rates fixed in a since it is
Contract by MES officers should be not
6278 produced for audit by _______? DAD Test Audit Both auditable C
Andaman & Nicobar Islands fall under
6279 Animals
___ region
as per Official
as lost should
not be A B C None A
struck off from the charge within
______ months from the date
6280 reported lost Three Nine Six Twelve C

Annual Abstract of progress register in CDA PCDA

respect of Defence Exchange Accounts H.Qrs. (Army) (R&D) PCDA New
6281 is prepared by ___? office Meerut New Delhi Delhi B

Secretary Secretary
(Expendit (Economic
ure), Affairs),
Annual Accounts of India shall be Ministry Ministry
6282 countersigned by _____? CGA C&AG of Finance of Finance C
Annual Acquisition Plan(AAP) of each
service would be a ____ year roll on
6283 plan for capital acquisitions? 1 2 3 4 B
Annual assignment, as sanctioned by
GOI is placed by ____at the disposal of CDA
the Indian Embassy in Nepal for PCDA CC PCDA New (Army)
6284 payment
Annual Audit
of dues
to Gorkha
officers? Lucknow Delhi Meerut CGDA A
Report is generally submitted to CGDA
by PCDA/CDA by ___, if otherwise
6285 changed by CGDA? 1st April 1st May 1st June 1st August D
Annual Audit Certificate is submitted 1st
by CGDA to FADS/Secretary (Def/Fin) Septembe 1st 1st 1st
6286 not later than ____ each year r October November December A

Chiefs of Secretary
Annual Audit Certificate submitted by Defence Army/AF/ (Def/Fin)/ All the
6287 CGDA is countersigned by _____? Secretary Navy FADS three C

Annual Financial statement is also Appropria Demands Review of
6288 known as ____? tion Bill for Grants Balances Budget D
Annual Immovable Property Return is
supposed to be submitted by every 30th
Group ‘A’, ‘B’ officer by 31st Septembe 30th 31st
6289 _______ (last date of submission)? March r November January D
Annual Immovable Property Return is
supposed to be submitted by every 01st April
Group ‘A’, ‘B’ officer of the 31st 31st
6290 reflecting the status as on _______? year 1st July October December D
Annual indent for articles of stationery
required for use during following year
will be sent by R Section of PCDA/CDA
office so as to reach Controller of
Printing and Stationery, Kolkata on or 31st 31st 2nd
6291 before ___ of each year? January December January 1st March C

Annual Indent for forms used in CDA of Printing
office is placed on ___ by Admin and
6292 ‘R’ Section of CDA? CGDA section MOD Stationery D
Annual Interest on AFPP fund balances
of PBORs is compiled through Class
6293 ____ voucher by Fund Cell of PAO? 1 4 2 8 C

Course of
Annual leave for army officer is not Temporar Instructio Study All the
6294 granted in continuation of _____? y duty n Leave three C

March suppleme
Annual Review of Balances is prepared March Suppleme ntary
based on the compilation of ___ Suppleme ntary Manual
6295 month’s accounts? March ntary Correction Correction C

Annual Review of Works expenditure (Def/Fin)/ Defence
6296 is prepared by _____? E-in-C FADS Secretary None B
Annual Training Grant is made to
______ for distribution to units and Vice Chief Deputy
formations/Training Establishments of Army Chief of Military
6297 and control the same? GOC in C Staff Army Staff Secretary C
Anti tank Regiments, Medium
Regiments and Heavy Regiments etc. Corps of
6298 are units of _____? EME corps AOC Artillery Signals C
Any bank which is appointed to
transact business of the Government Focal
pertaining to that Ministry or Point Associate Accredite Scheduled
6299 Department is known as ___? Bank d Bank d Bank Bank C
Any claim for pension/gratuity/Family n of Of
pension benefits are payable on the Retiremen Retiremen Any one
basis of rules in force as on the date Of t/Death t/Death of the
6300 ____? Payment etc. etc. three C
Any deviation from fiscal deficit target
shall not exceed _____ of the gross
domestic product in a year as per
6301 FRBM
Any employee
Act? with _____of One-Half One-Four One-Five One-Six A
continuous service on the date of
journey performed by him/his family No such
6302 is eligible
Any item (of
for amount)
LTC? appearing in Two years One year 6 months limit B
Trial balance gets posted at ____
places in the final accounts normally
unless broken into piece meal
6303 postings?
Any person entitled in his own name 1 2 2 or more None A
to the possession thereof and to
receive or recover the amount due
thereon from the parties thereto in
respect of a Bill of Exchange is known
6304 as ____? Drawer Holder Payer Drawee B
Any person within ____ days from the
receipt of a decision from CPIO can
make an appeal to First appellate
6305 authority under RTI Act? 30 45 60 90 A
Any points doubt regarding provisions Ministry of
of GFR are required to be referred to of Defence/F Ministry C&AG of
6306 _________? Defence in of Finance India C

Any qualifications required for the Parties Arbitratio Any of the

6307 arbitrator may be decided by _____? concerned n Tribunal High Court three A
Any recommendation by an authority
administrative authority for through
exceptional treatment, outside the PCDA/CD PCDA/CD
6308 rule, should be addressed to ____? A A CGDA DGADS B
Any replacement issue of public
clothing lost by the individual not due Loss Issue Nominal
6309 to neglect should be supported by ___ Statement MRO Voucher Voucher A
No such Both a
6310 Any Reserve is _______? Liability Asset rule and b A
delivered to the
to the addressee
Any written communication cannot be delivered addressee at last
deemed to have been received if it is to the at his known
_____ under the Arbitration and addressee place of place of
6311 Conciliation Act? personally business business None D
AO attached to GE office discharges Technical Legal Financial All the
6312 which of the following duties? Advice Advice Advice three C

AO DAD (HAL), Nashik division is under PCDA (SC) PCDA PCDA (AF) (R&D)
6313 the administrative control of ____? Pune Bengaluru Dehrudun New Delhi B
AO DAD Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (R&D) CDA
Hyderabad is under the jurisdiction of Hyderaba Secundera PCDA (AF) PCDA
6314 ______? d bad Dehrudan Bengaluru D

AO DAD MOD (Civil) is under the PCDA New (R&D) PCDA (BR)
6315 jurisdiction of ______? Delhi New Delhi New Delhi None A

AO GE (Factory) Avadi falls under the Controller

jurisdiction of which of the following CDA, of Factory, PC of A,
6316 Controllers? Chennai Avadi Kolkata Both b, c A
AO GE (R&D) Hyderabad is under the Hyderaba
(R&D) B through Secundera
6317 administrative jurisdiction of d New Delhi A bad D
AO GE (R&D) Pashan Pune is under the PCDA (SC) D) New Hyderaba (R&D)
6318 administrative control of ___________ Pune Delhi d Pune A

An A Accountan
advisor, paymaster t, primary
Administr , record auditor Friend,
AO/AAO MES attached to MES ator and keeper and Philosoph
Engineer office perform functions as Accountan and Financial er and
6319 __? t auditor Assistant Guide C
AON for capital procurement would
lapse for all cases where the RFP for
approved quantity is not issued within 18
6320 ___ from
AOs are recruited
accord ofinAON
accordance with 6 months One year months 2 years B
DAD RRs by selection from AAOs
with__ years regular Service in the
6321 grade? 5 4 3 2 D
APAR graded with a score of 7.9 is
6322 given a score of _____? 8 7 7.5 6 B
APAR has to be finally taken on record 31st Septembe 31st 30th
6323 by ____? August r October November D
APAR in respect of Group ‘C’ 30th
staff is not required if retiring on or Septembe
6324 before ______ of the year. r 30th June 31st July None B
APAR of a resigned Government original
servant may be destroyed after ____ date of
from the date of resignation (i.e. the superannu
6325 date of casualty)? 1 year 2 years 5 years ation C
APAR of a Retired employee may be
destroyed after a period of ________
6326 from date of retirement One year Two years 5 years 10 years C
APARs graded below 4 will be given a
6327 score of ____? 1 2 3 0 D
APARs graded between 4 and short of
6328 6 will be rated as ___________? Poor Average Good Bad C
APARs graded between 4 and short of
6 will be rated as `good' and given a Any of
6329 score of ___ 4 6 5 the three C
Appeal against the decision in the case
of sexual harassment complaint
6330 should be preferred within ____ days? 30 45 60 90 D
Appeal is not allowed in which of the Suspensio ng of
6331 following cases? n Penalty Pension None D

Appointment held by an individual, Magisteria Super

whose duties are not of an executive l Ministerial Extra numerary
character, but employed as a member Appointm Appointm Appointm Establish
6332 of Estt. is ent ent ent ment B

Appointment of a Field Cashier is done Quarter Master Military

by _______ branch of Army Head Adjutant Master General of Secretary
6333 Quarters? General General Ordnance Branch D
Partly by
DR and
Direct Partly by
Appointment of Hindi Officer in DAD is Recruitme Promotio Promotio Deputatio
6334 done by ____? nt (DR) n n n B

Dept. of
Appointment to the post of Hindi of Home
6335 Officer for DAD is done by UPSC Affairs DAD None A
Appointments of COAS/Lt Generals of
6336 _____Appointments? Merit Fixed Tenure Special C

Appointments to Central Civil Service Prime Cabinet

6337 Group 'A' are done by ___? President Minister Cabinet Secretary A
Appropriation Accounts of the
Defence (Civil) and Defence Pensions FADS, CGDA,
are prepared by ____ office and CGDA, Defence Defence CGDA,
6338 signed by ________? FADS Secretary Secretary CGDA D
Appropriation audit conducted by Locally Centrally
PCDA/CDA covers expenditure under Controlled Controlled
6339 which of the following heads? heads heads Both None A
Appropriation Bill once given assesnt Appropria Union Vote on Demands
6340 by President becomes ___? tion Act Budget Account for Grants A
Appropriation Bill when signed by Vote on Appropria tion Budget
6341 President becomes ____? Account tion Act Account Grant B
Approval of _ is taken before actual
conclusion of a contract for less than
11 months duration resulting from PCDA/CD Army
6342 floating of additional tenders? A GOC in c H.Qrs. GOI B
Approval of CFA for specific item of ntract
expenditure is issued in the form of Concurren Agreemen All the
6343 _______________? Sanction ce t three A

Approval of Competent Authority is e of All the
6344 issued in the form of Sanction Necessity U.O. Note three A
Approval of Competent Financial Administr Special
Authority for special work is conveyed Technical Special ative Admin
6345 in the form of ____? Sanction Sanction Approval Approval C
Approval of the Competent Engineerin
Engineering Authority for Costed Administr Acceptanc g
Schedule of works is known as ative e of Appreciati Technical
6346 ______? Approval Necessity on Sanction D
Stock Standard
Approximate Estimates are prepared Market Book Schedule All the
6347 by MES based on ________? Rates Rates of Rates three C
Panel of
Sole Arbitrator
6348 Arbitral Tribunal means ______? Arbitrator s Both None C
No such
Arbitration Agreement may be in the Arbitratio Agreemen requireme
6349 form of ____? n Clause t a or b nt C

6350 Arbitration Agreement shall be ____? Oral in writing a or b Registered B

Arbitration awards are claimed Hand
6351 through __________ in general Special Bill Receipt RAR Final Bill B
Arbitration awards can be divided into
6352 ___ broad categories. 2 3 4 5 A

Area Accounts Office Agra is under the

administrative jurisdiction of PCDA (AF) CDA (PD) PCDA (CC) CDA
6353 ____________ Dehradun Meerut Lucknow Meerut D
Area Accounts Office Ahmedabad is PCDA
under the administrative jurisdiction (SWC) PCDA (SC) PCDA (CC) CDA
6354 of ____________ Jaipur Pune Lucknow Meerut B
Area Accounts Office Allahabad is
under the administrative jurisdiction PCDA (P) CDA PCDA (CC) PCDA (AF)
6355 of ____________ Allahabad Meerut Lucknow Dehradun C

Area Accounts Office Dehradun is

under the administrative jurisdiction PCDA (AF) CDA (PD) PCDA (CC) CDA
6356 of ____________ Dehradun Meerut Lucknow Meerut D
Area Accounts Office Dehu Road is PCDA
under the administrative jurisdiction (SWC) PCDA (SC) PCDA (CC) CDA
6357 of ____________
Area Accounts Office Kanpur Jaipur Pune Lucknow Meerut B
Cantonment is under the
administrative jurisdiction of CDA PCDA (CC) PC of A
6358 ____________ CDA Patna Guwahati Lucknow Kolkata C
Area Accounts Office Kolkata is under
the administrative jurisdiction of CDA PCDA (CC) PC of A
6359 ____________ CDA Patna Guwahati Lucknow Kolkata A
Area Accounts Office Pathankhot is (WC)
under the administrative jurisdiction PCDA (NC) Chandigar PCDA (CC) CDA
6360 of ____________ Jammu h Lucknow Meerut B

Area Accounts Office Portblair is under

the administrative jurisdiction of CDA CDA CDA (IDS) PC of A
6361 ____________ Chennai Guwahati New Delhi Kolkata C
Area Accounts Office Shillong is under
the administrative jurisdiction of CDA PCDA (CC) PC of A
6362 ____________ CDA Patna Guwahati Lucknow Kolkata B
Area Accounts Office Siliguri is under
the administrative jurisdiction of CDA PCDA (CC) PC of A
6363 ____________ CDA Patna Guwahati Lucknow Kolkata A
Area Accounts Office Srinagar is under (WC)
the administrative jurisdiction of PCDA (NC) Chandigar PCDA (CC) PC of A
6364 ____________ Jammu h Lucknow Kolkata A
Arithmetical check of calculations in
works bills is exercised by E section of
PCDA/CDA in respect of only as many
items as work up to a total of _____ %
6365 of the gross amount shown in a bill? 10 25 50 100 A

Armed Forces List Cell functions in PCDA (O) (Navy) PCDA (AF) All the
6366 which of the following offices? Pune Mumbai Dehrudun three A

Armed Forces Personnel Provident CDA Regional

Fund (AFPPF) Accounts of PBORs are (Funds) PAOs CDA office All the
6367 maintained by Meerut (ORs) Fund Cell three B
Army Base work Shops are part of Corps of Ordnance Corps of Corps of
6368 which Corps of Army? Engineers Corps EME Signals C

Vice Chief Deputy

Chief of of Army Chief of
6369 Army Command is headed by _____? GOC in C Army Staff Staff Army Staff A
Army Comprises of the following Army Territorial
6370 except _____? Reserve Army Both None D
6371 Army has ___ Minor heads of 8 9 10 12 D
Army Number of PBOR has how many
6372 digits? 6 8 10 12 B
Army officer should not use more than
___ one way journey Form D in a
6373 calendar year? Two Four Five Six D

Army officers are entitled to Specialist

Pay. Who among the following cannot Graded Classified Consultan
6374 be treated as a specialist? Specialist Specialist t None D

cannot can prefix can suffix

can prefix prefix or with with
or suffix suffix approval approval
Sunday Sunday of of
and and Controllin Controllin
6375 Army Officers availing annual leave holiday holiday g officer g officer B
Army Officers Benevolent fund is not
recoverable from which of the NCC TA MNS All the
6376 following categories of Officers? Officers Officers Officers three D
Army officers can accumulate up to a
maximum of ___ days of Annual Leave
in a calendar year for the purpose of
6377 encashment? 10 20 30 60 C

Are Are not

entitled to entitled to Are Are
advance advance entitled to entitled to
for for advance double
purchase purchase only if the
Army officers serving in operation of Motor of Motor PCDA (O) amount
6378 areas Cars Cars approves prescribed B
Arrange (1) Preliminary Slip (2) Draft
6379 Arrange
Para (3) Audit
the following
Para (4) in
in serial 1234 4321 1423 1324 C
order. (1) Command Chief Engineer (2)
Commander Works Engineer (3)
Garrison Engineer (4) Chief Engineer
6380 Zone 3241 1342 1243 1423 D
Arrangements to ensure that all the Cash
treasuries have at all times sufficient Managem Resource
funds to meet the demands placed on ent Operation Financial
6381 them is known as ___? system s Control None B
Arrears of license fee and allied
charges bills due to delay in receipt in Instalmen
the office of PCDA (O) are recoverable Instalmen @ 1/3rd ts decided
6382 in ___? Full ts of pay by PCDA A
Arrears of pay of Defence Civilians are Regular ntary pay
6383 paid through ____? pay bill bill Both None B
Article ___ of Constitution prescribes
the powers of President to
6384 promolgate ordinance? 112 113 117 123 D
Articles of different makes and
patterns but serving the same purpose Different Similar Combined
6385 will be treated as articles articles articles None B
Articles of indigenous produce are
6386 known as ____ stores? Local Central State Indian A
As a general rule, _____ section(s) will
be under the direct control of the
Principal Controller/Controller in Admin,
6387 As
a partMain
of Financial
office? Control, no Any 2 O&M Any one No D
objection will be raised on account of
excess over allotment, if the
expenditure on a work in progress No such
6388 does not exceed Rs. ____? 5000 1000 500 provision. C
As a safe guard against fraudulent use
of Railway warrants, two copies of
issue voucher will be forwarded by the One copy
Stationery Depot (issuing books of PC of (A) LAO of the each to a,
6389 blank forms) to ___? Kolkata unit b None A
As adjustment voucher is like a __ supported
utmost care should be taken while by
calculating and filling up the amount in document Blank unaccount Favour to
6390 adjustment voucher in PAO? ation Cheque ed Money the PBOR B
As defined in Negotiable Instruments person post office
Act, the term "Banker" acting as a savings
6391 means ___ ? banker bank Both None C

As defined in Workmen's ative of a
Compensation Act, Employer includes managing anybody deceased All the
6392 _____? agent of persons employer three D
As on date how many cities are
classified as 'X' in India for
the purpose of HRA paid to
6393 Government employees? 4 7 8 9 C

As per 7th a Government Employee is Depends As per the

eligible to get Annual Increment _____ on case to Option
6394 As
in aper
in normal
of Constitution Once Twice case exercised A
of India, the Official Language of the
Union shall be Hindi in Devnagari
6395 As
per Article _______ of Constitution 343 112 (f) 148 310 A
of India, it shall be the duty of the
Union to promote the spread of the
6396 Hindi Language 343 345 346 351 D

As per C&AG Act the term Union UT with without
6397 includes which of the following? Assembly Assembly Both None C
As per Civil Accounts Manual, Non Not
Category 'A' Cheque means Transfera Negotiabl Negotiabl
6398 ___? ble e e None B
As per Factories Act, a person is Adolescen
6399 defined as young person if he is ____? Child t None Both D
As per Factories Act, Adult means a
6400 person who has completed his ___ 14th 15th 18th 21st C
As per Factories Act, Day means a
6401 period
As per Factories
of_____ hours?
Act, Week means a 8 8.5 12 24 D
period of seven days beginning at
midnight on ____ night or such other Day on
night as may be approved in writing the first
for a particular area by the Chief date of
6402 Inspector of Factories? Saturday Sunday Monday month A

an out-
worker to
whom any employee
articles or declared
materials to be an
are given employee
any out by by the
person another appropriat
who is person to e
As per Minimum Wages Act, Employee employed be made Governme All the
6403 includes who among the following? for hire up nt three D
As per payment of wages act, Inland All the
6404 Industrial Establishment means ____? Dock Mine Vessel three D
As per Payment of Wages Act, Wage One Two Three No such
6405 period shall not be beyond ___? month months months limit A
As per Sexual Harassment of women
at work place Act, who among the
following does not get covered under Probation Apprentic
6406 the definition of Employee? er e Both None D
As per the Fiscal Management
Principles, Central Government has to
ensure that general government does
6407 As
the Procedure
by ____ %Manual
of GDP?of the 30 40 50 60 D
CGDA, an Accounts officer is required
to put in following years of services on
the crucial date to be considered for
appointment to the Senior Accounts
6408 Officer grade 2 3 4 5 A
Loss due
to theft,
fraud or
Loss not
Loss of due to
Store, theft,
As regards the procedure of Loss of fraud or Gross
investigation to be followed, losses Public gross Loss, Net All the
6409 are classified as _____? Money neglect Loss three A
either a or
6410 Assets are closed with ___ Balance? Debit Credit b None A
Assets are divided into how many
6411 categories? 2 3 4 5 A
Assignment of fund placed at the Cash
disposal of the authority is called as Assignme Appropria Public
6412 ____? nt Imprest tion Fund C
Assignment to meet specified Cash
expenditure of funds at the disposal of Assignme Appropria Budget budgetary
6413 the assigning authority is known as nt tion Estimate grant B
No. of
At any point of time the difference IRLAs
between the last serial numbers of No. of No. of being
'A' list Register and IRLAs IRLAs maintaine
'B' list Register of LW will Transferre Transferre d in the All the
6414 give __ (information)? d out d in group three C
At the end of the Accounting year,
which of the following accounts will be Loss on
closed to balance and carried forward sale of Depreciati
6415 to the next year? Machinery on Both None D
At the end of the Accounting year,
which of the following accounts will be
closed to business and not carried Nominal Real Personal All the
6416 forward to the next year? Accounts Accounts Accounts three A
At the end of the Accounting year,
which of the following accounts will be
closed to business and not carried Sundry Depreciati
6417 forward to the next year? Debtors on Both None B
At the time of opening a new IRLA, SS – No
Coordination group obtains a such Account
certificate from R section duly marked Not account does not Any of the
6418 as “_________―
At what rate honorarium? is payable to Traceable found exist three A
a Government for his/her contribution
in publishing article, if the article is
contributed to a publication brought
out by his/her Ministry or its attached No
and Honorariu
subordinate offices m is At Two- At Half
6419 Attendance at meetings organised by payable At full rate third rate Rate A
a political party would always be
contrary to Rule _____ of C.C.S.
6420 (Conduct) Rules, 1964? 3 5 14 18 B
Audit and Demand Register is
6421 reviewed once in ___ by the T section a year a half year a quarter a month D

Aid to the Vigilance

Audit can be seen as ______ in Investigati Governme Mechanis All the
6422 Government set up? ng Agency nt m three B
Pay and
Audit Card is related to which of the Allowance
6423 following subject? s Pension Stores Works B
Audit conducted by C&AG is also
6424 known as _____ audit? Test Statutory Both None C
Audit conducted by Defence Accounts Local Internal Integrated All the
6425 Department is known as? Audit Audit Audit three B
Audit conducted by DGADS is also Statutory
6426 known as ____? Audit Test Audit Both None C
Audit conducted by which of the
following offices is not a part of
6427 Internal Audit by DAD? AO GE LAO/RAO PAO (ORs) None D
Audit conducted to verify whether Man
posted strength is within the limits of Performa Strength Power Scale
6428 Authorized strength is known as nce Audit Audit Audit Audit D
Audit conducted with reference to the Sanction
place of verification of the documents Test Audit/Exp Central
is described in two ways. What are Audit/Inte enditure Audit/Loc All the
6429 they? rnal Audit Audit al Audit three C

Internal Statutory Departme
6430 Audit done by DAD is called as _____? Audit Test Audit Audit ntal Audit A
Audit done by DAD is known as _____ All the
6431 Audit? Internal Statutory Test three A
the period
Audit fees recoverable by DAD from Auditing accounts
Cantt. Board is calculated based on the that are Highest of Lowest of
6432 the rates existing at the time of Accounts audited the two the two A

Audit objections lying outstanding Formation

against unit moving out of field area PCDA/CD LAO of command
6433 are intimated to ____? A other side GOC in C er A
Audit of Armed Forces List is PCsDA/Cs All the
6434 conducted in the office of the _____? DA PAOs PCDA (O) three C

Audit of Cantonment Boards accounts once in

6435 is carried out _________ Yearly Quarterly Half yearly two years C
Audit of Concession vouchers issued PCDA/CD PC of A, All the
6436 to cadets of Army is conducted by A Kolkata PCDA (O) three A

Voucher Pay Bill to Voucher Pay Bill to

to Pay Billvoucher to Pay Bill Voucher
Audit of dues to Government is done and vice and vice not vice not vice
6437 from ______? versa versa versa versa C
1/3 of
Audit of issue transactions is each One full
conducted for _____ by Local audit 1/3 of the month of month in Any of the
6438 staff? quarter quarter a quarter three C
Audit of Military Engineering Service
expenditure is conducted by DAD in
6439 how many stages? 1 2 3 4 C
6440 Audit of NCC units is conducted once Quarter Half year Year 9 months C
Audit of orders of allotment of funds
re-appropriations fall under which Expenditu Sanction
6441 stages of appropriation audit? re Audit Audit Both None B

Voucher IRLA to IRLA to

to IRLA voucher Voucher voucher
Audit of recoveries in IRLA is done and not and not to IRLA or or vice
6442 from ___? vice versa vice versa vice versa versa A
Board of
Audit of Regimental Funds is carried Audit Army
6443 out by _____? LAO Board Officers DGADS B
Audit of store accounts of GE
formation is conducted by which of
6444 the following officers? LAO/RAO AO GE Both None C
PCDA Naval Pay Naval Accounts
Audit of the Navy list is conducted by (Navy) Office, H.Qrs. Offices
6445 ______? Mumbai Mumbai Delhi concerned A
Audit progress register maintained in
his own office is reviewed by LAO
6446 once in every ______? Month Quarter Half year Year A
Audit section adjusts MRO by
compiling ____ in the punching (+)
6447 medium under the MRO head? Receipt (+) Charge (-) Receipt (-) Charge B
Audit sections are supposed to verify Detailed
the _____ compilation to ensure that All India Book Voucher Sectional
data compiled by them is infact Compilati Compilati Compilati Compilati
6448 reflected in the compilations on on on on D
Audit Sections compiling the punching
medium are supposed to forward a
certificate to the EDP before closing of
the month. What is the name of such Last Final Lost Completio
6449 Audited
temporary labour bills will be Voucher Voucher Voucher n A
submitted by the LAO to the PCDA
/CDA together with the fund recovery
schedules and other supporting
documents so as to reach him by the
____ th of the month following that to
6450 which the bills relate? 7 10 15 25 D
Authorization Slips are generated by Category Category
6451 the system for ____ Part II orders? A B Both None A
Authorization slips are issued by which Accounts Administr Technical Ledger
6452 of the following sections of PCDA (O)? Section ation Section wing D

Authorized officer who signs the MES Contract Authorize Contract

contract on behalf of President is Signing d Accepting Signing
6453 called as ____ Officer Signatory Officer Authority C
AWP for Major Capital Works should Septembe 31st 30th 31st
6454 be prepared and submitted by ___? r October November December B
Baby Indent is used by MES to charge Stores in
off stores from which of the following Divisional Hand
6455 ledgers? Stock Ledger Both None B

Debtors from Debtors
from whom from
whom part whom full
payment payment payment
Bad debts are written off for _____ not is is All the
6456 Debtors? expected expected expected three A
Balance at credit should be not less
than ____ days after deducting the
total of leave, if any availed plus leave
for which encashment was availed
6457 during LTC? 300 150 60 30 D
Lapse to Governme be carried be
Balance remaining unspent under the Governme nt forward to expended
6458 Imprest Account of GE will ____? nt Treasury next year some how B
Bank account falls under which type of
6459 account? Nominal Real Personal None C
Name of Designatio
the n of Name of
Bank account for Imprest is opened in Imprest Imprest PCDA/CD Governme
6460 the ___________? holder Holder A nt of India B
Bank Charges charged by bank will find
6461 entry on which side of the cash book? Debit Credit Both None B
Bank Fixed Deposit Receipts when
submitted as Security should be made PCDA/CD Any of the
6462 in the name of _____? A CFA GOI three A

Bank Reconciliation statement is No such

supposed to be prepared on ____ prescribed
6463 basis by Business firms? Daily Weekly Monthly interval D

Barrack damages vouchers are Market Stock Replacem Highest of

6464 prepared at rate Book Rate ent cost the three C

Military Non
Basic pay in the Pay level of the Matrix Special Service Practicing All the
6465 and does not include _____? Pay Pay Allowance three D

Yes. If, it is
Yes. if, the agreed to
Because of extension of delivery contract with the
period, there is a change in element of specificall concurren
Tax, which increased the expenditure y provides ce of the Not
6466 to Government. Is it admissible? for it IFA A or B admissibe C

Before 1995-96, PAOs in Southern CDA (ORs) South CDA (ORs)
part of India were under the control of South Secundera CDA (SC) South
6467 ____? Chennai bad Pune Bangalore D
Before issuing LPC, Pay section of
PCDA/CDA refers to which of the
following sections to note outstanding Accounts
6468 Bid
if any
end? IA cell Section T section M section C
bidders should be returned to them at
the earliest after expiry of the final bid
validity and latest on or before the
____ day after the award of the
6469 contract as prescribed in GFR? 30th 20th 15th 10th A

Performa Earnest
nce Bank Money Security All the
6470 Bid Security is also known as ? Guarantee Deposit Deposit three B
Bill for all debt-head items should be
drawn in separate forms printed in
6471 ___ink on white paper? Blue Black Red Green C
Bill for payment can be
received/diarized in _____ section of Records
Administr Any of the
6472 Regional CDA Section
ation EDP three A
Bill of exchange accepted to enable Accommo Condition
6473 the other party to raise funds is ___ Invalid dation Valid al B
Bill pending in council of states which by
has not been passed by House of President Decided
People shall _____ on dissolution of in each by Vice
6474 House of people? not lapse lapse case President A
Bill pending in House of people or by
passed by House of people is pending President Decided
in the Council of states shall ____on in each by Vice
6475 dissolution of the House of people lapse not lapse case President A

Bills for advance payments on running Surveyor

account to contractor may be paid by Asst./Asst.
GE after check by ____ which of the Surveyor Any one
6476 following officers? of works AO GE the two Both D
Bills for non recurring payments Regional Army
sanctioned by Chief of Army Staff will PCDA New PCDA (O) PCDA/CD Head
6477 be paid by _____? Delhi Pune A Quarters A
Bills for treatment of Army personnel Regional
admitted in civil hospitals not covered CDA of
by reciprocal arrangements are sent Armed PCDA
through Armed forces Hospital to Forces (O)/PAOs Either a or
6478 ____ for payment Hospital concerned b None A
Bills of quantities are as a rule not
necessary for original works costing
6479 less than 1 lakh 50000 40000 10000 C
6480 Bills payable are related to ____? Debtors Creditors Both None B
6481 Bills receivable are related to ____? Debtors Creditors Both None A
Board of Control for Canteen Services Rajya Defence
6482 (BOCCS) is headed by ____? Mantri CDA (CSD) Secretary CGDA A
Cost of
Cost of plus cost
Purchase of
plus cost installatio
of n minus Present
Book value of any asset is determined Cost of installatio Depreciati Market
6483 by _______?
Booking of ___% of the budget purchase n on value C
allocation by the end of December
shows exercise of desired control over
6484 expenditure
Bringing together
by CFAs?
an entry in Ledger 75 76 67 50 C
and voucher to ensure they are strictly
in accordance with each other is called
6485 as Pairing Linking Casting Checking B
BSO in a GE office has to ensure that
inspection of furniture is regularly
6486 carried out on _____ basis Monthly Quarterly Half yearly Yearly C
Budget Allotment, Payments made
and liabilities in respect of a specific Cash
work are noted and available in ____ Public Assignme Constructi
6487 Accounts of MES? Fund nt on Financial C

Budget Estimates prepared by MES MES MES of Demands
6488 are called
Budget passed
as ____?
to meet the EstimatesDemands Demands for works C
expenditure of Government in April Modified Contingen
and May of a financial year is known AppropriaPreliminar t fund of vote on
6489 as tion y Budget India account D
Budgeting practice aimed at provision Performa
of funds relating the expected results Performa nce and
6490 is known as ____ Budget? nce Outcome Outcome None A
Buy & Make (Indian) must have
6491 minimum
By virtue of
the provisions
Article 50 60 90 100 A
____ of the Constitution, the
Accounts of the Union Government
shall be kept in such form as the
President may, on the advice of the
Comptroller and Auditor General of All the
6492 India, prescribe 148 150 14 three B
Supreme of
C & AG Shall only be removed in like High court Court Parliamen
6493 manner and grounds as a ___? Judge Judge t None B
Central State
C&AG of India and their sub ordinate Governme Governme Public
authorities are responsible to carry nt nt Sector
out audit of account of which of the Departme Departme Undertaki All the
6494 following? nts nts ngs three D
C&AG of India shall be appointed by Prime Ministry Justice of
6495 ____? President Minister of Finance India A
Calculate Net Debtors? RBD to be
provided at 10% when the following
adjustment is given? Sundry debtors
of Rs. 50000/- include (a) Amount due
from Ram definitely bad Rs. 2000/- (b)
Amount due from Shyam Rs. 3000/-
definitely good (c) Amount due from
6496 Calculate
Krishna Rs.R.D.D
at 5%
when the
doubtful? 39000 40000 45000 48000 A
following adjustment is given. RBD is
to be provided at 10% ? Sundry
debtors of Rs. 50000/- include (a)
Amount due from Ram definitely bad
Rs. 2000/- (b) Amount due from
Shyam Rs. 3000/- definitely good (c)
Amount due from Krishna Rs. 5000/-
6497 Calculate
definitely RBD
at 10% when the 2400 2000 2250 1950 D
following adjustment is given? Sundry
debtors of Rs. 50000/- include (a)
Amount due from Ram definitely bad
Rs. 2000/- (b) Amount due from
Shyam Rs. 3000/- definitely good (c)
Amount due from Krishna Rs. 5000/-
6498 Calculate
definitely the
net loss. Furniture 4000 9000 10000 12000 B
whose value at the beginning of the
year at Rs. 2000/- was sold off at the
half year for Rs. 1500/-. Depreciation
6499 is at 10% per anum? 500 400 250 100 B

He may be
asked to
assist but Depends He shall
will not as He may upon the obtain the
a member participat circumsta permissio
Can a civilian officer attend to a of such e as a nces of n of Head
6500 Military court of inquiry court member each case Office A
permissio Yes.
n of Requires
Can a DIDS be responded in 13 & 14 PCDA/CD permissio
6501 accounts? Yes No A n of CGDA A
Can be
Can be permitted
permitted only if
to get he/she
enrolled undetakes
but should that legal
not profession
engage in will not be
legal done
Can a Government servant be allowed profession during
to get enrolled in Bar Association and as long as office
6502 engage in legal profession? Yes No in service timings C

Yes, with
permissio With prior
Can a motor cycle in a unit be detailed n of OC of concurren
6503 for recreational purpose? No Yes the unit ce of IFA A

Yes. With
Yes. With prior
Can a provisional payment of pay &all. prior approval
be made at by PCDA/CDA in case of Yes. At approval of next
individual kept on in service beyond his/her of Test higher
6504 date of expiry of sanction? discretion No audit CFA A

At the
request of
officer of
At the in which
discretion case sent
Can audit authorities see the actual of GOC in to him
6505 court of inquiry proceedings? Yes No C personally D

with prior Depends

Can audit make independent enquiries permissio on case to
6506 from Defence Service Personnel? No Yes n of PCDA case A
Can Leave not due be granted in the of Depends
case of Leave Preparatory to PCDA/CD on case to
6507 Retirement? Yes No A case B
Can Principal Controllers/Controllers Yes. With Depends
give any audit decision on a permissio on case to
6508 hypothetical case? n of C&AG Yes No case C
Capital Account of Military Farm is
6509 compiled on ____ basis? Monthly Quarterly Half yearly Yearly C
Capital cost of works which are non decided
productive in nature is met from Ordinary Capital by GOI a Special
6510 ____? Revenues budget or b Grants A
Carriage inwards when given in trial Profit and
balance, it will be posted in ___ of loss Trading Balance Any of the
6511 final accounts? account Account Sheet three B
Carriage outwards when given in trial Profit and
balance, it will be posted in ___ of loss Trading Balance Any of the
6512 final accounts?
Cases involving provision of Govt. or account Account Sheet three A
Hired Transport to non entitled
personnel regularized by CFAs should
be treated as __ loss in Appropriation
6513 Accounts? Cash Stores a or b None A

Cases of abnormally delay in receipt of of the
Skeleton lists and other documents, concerned Army
LAO should report the matter to unit/Depo PCDA/CD Head
6514 _____?
Cases of overpayments due to failure t GOC in C A Quarters C
of audit other than incorrect
interpretation will be taken up by CDA
6515 Cases
with of payments due to incorrect CFA CGDA AFHQ DADS A
interpretation of the Financial
Regulations by DAD should be
6516 submitted to MOD DGADS C&AG GOI D
b at
Cash Assignment in respect of GE can One, two b when discretion
6517 be
with ____
in the
nature of a One or more necessary of GE B
permanent advance placed at the
disposal of Officers incurring Appropria Grants in
6518 expenditure is Imprest tion aid None A
Previous allotment Punching
Cash assignment is released by E year s of Recomme Media of
section of PCDA/CDA office to GE expenditu current ndations Pay
6519 based on ________? re year of AO GE Sections B
Cash Assignment Register maintained
by Field Cashier Sub Section of PCDA
6520 (O) is closed on ____basis? Daily weekly Monthly Yearly C
Cash Assignment to meet the
expenditure pertaining to ECHS poly Station
clinics is placed at the disposal of Each Poly Head Military All the
6521 ____? clinic Quarters Hospital three B

Cash balances held in the treasuries of Consolidat Contingen Public

the Central Government form part of ed Fund of cy Fund of Account All the
6522 the _________? India India of India three D
6523 Cash Book format is like a _____? Journal Ledger Both None B
Cash Book is closed on ____ of each Last 1st by
month by GE except in the month of working working PCDA/CD
6524 March? day 25th day A B
Cash book is maintained by ____ Cashier, Cashier, All the
6525 under the supervision of _____? GE GE, AO GE AO GE three C
Cash book is maintained by the cashier AGE i/c of Office
under the supervision of _____ in the sub Superinte
6526 office of GE? division BSO AO GE ndent C
Cash handling and Treasury Allowance
at the rate of ___ p.m. is admissible to
employee when average monthly cash
6527 disbursed is more than 500000/- 350 500 700 1000 D
Cash handling and Treasury Allowance
at the rate of ___ p.m. is admissible to
employee when average monthly cash
6528 disbursed is up to 500000/- 350 500 700 1000 C
Cash Requisition Book (Other than A of
initial) is obtained by Field Imprest dependen Dependen Regional
6529 Holder from ______? t PAO t PAO CDA PCDA (O) C
Cash Securities credited as lapsed Next
deposits cannot be refunded without higher Army PCDA/CD
6530 the sanction of _____? GOI CFA HQrs A D
Three Three
years years
Cash security deposit remaining including excluding
unclaimed for _____ period is Three year of year of
6531 transferred to Lapsed Deposit? years deposit deposit
30 years C
Casual employee on daily rates of pay
is entitled to __ notice of discharge
(Termination of his appointment) by One
6532 concerned MES authority? month 15 days 1 week 24 hours D
Casual leave on account of sickness up
to _____ day(s) can be granted
6533 withoutpersonnel
Casual a medicalmay
be recruited 3 4 2 1 C
when it is anticipated that they are
not likely to be required for more than Six
6534 ___? Two years Months One year 3 months B
Casualties occurring in operational Battle Physical
6535 areas are known as _____? casualties casualties Both None A
Category ''A'' They
Training Establishments function Station Function
under the Control of ____ for the Command independe
6536 purpose of Training matters? AFHQ GOC in C er ntly A

CO of
Category 'B' Training Army e Training Area
Establishments are under the Head Establish Command
6537 Category
used to identify Quarters GOC in C ment er B
the transactions received from
Ministry of External Affairs in
6538 Category
office? Training 74 77 93 99 A
Establishments in Indian Army are Corps
functionally under the Control of Army Command Station
6539 ______? GOC in C H.Qrs. er H.Qrs B
Army Record Depot EDP
CC section of PAO obtains unit code in Head Office Battalion Centre
6540 respect of army units from _____? Quarters concerned concerned (CGDA) D
CCL not admissible if the child is ____
6541 years age or older 2 14 16 18 D

Book All India March

Compilati Compilati Suppleme Sectional
on of RDR on of RDR ntary Compilati
6542 CCO-3 represents ____? heads heads Accounts ons D
CCS CCA Rules 1965 came into force
6543 w.e.f. ______? 1.1.1965 1.4.1965 1.10.1965 1.12.1965 D
CCS Leave Rules 1972 came into force 01.01.197 01.04.197 01.06.197 01.07.197
6544 w.e.f. _____? 2 2 2 2 C
CDA (O) Account Number allotted to
an officer consists of ____ digits and
6545 ____ Alphabets? 5, 2 4,3 6,1 7,0 C
CDA (O) Account Number allotted to
each Army Officer is made up of ____
6546 components? 1 2 3 4 C
CDA (O) Account Number contains
____ how many digits in addition of
6547 one alphabet? 11 12 13 14 A
CDA (O) Account Number is
6548 represented by ____ (digits + 10 11 12 15 C
CDA is responsible to bring to the Abnormall Unusually Unusually Abnormall
notice of the executive in the cases y heavy or heavy or heavy or y heavy or
where progress of expenditure under abnormall unusually abnormall unusually
6549 a head is ___? y low low y low low D
Census of IRLAs is conducted by six three
6550 Ledger Wing of PCDA (O) once in a year months months a month D
Central Government Receipts &
6551 Payments
Central Government
were framedshall
in reduce
the yearthe 1976 1983 1993 1996 B
fiscal deficit by an amount equivalent
to ____ per cent or more of the GDP
at the end of each financial year
beginning with the financial year 2018-
6552 19 as per FRBM Rules? 0.5 0.3 0.25 0.1 D
6553 Central Index is not maintained ___ Task Station corps None B

Central Index of Army Officers is Superinte Reception
maintained by which of the following ndent &
sections/groups/wings/sub sections of Technical Coordinati Informatio Record
6554 PCDA (O) Pune? Section on group n cell Section D

Central Purchase Articles of ASC stores Book Rate Latest
issued on payment will be priced by O as on date purchase Highest of Lowest of
6555 i/c of ASC retail shop at _____ rate? of issue price the two the two A
Central purchase vouchers relate to
6556 stores purchased through the agency MES DGS&D CPWDCGDA B
It is up to
Certain T & P issued to a contractor Replacem the
have been lost by him. What will be Market Replacem ent cost + discretion
6557 amount to be recovered? Rate ent cost 10% of GE C
Certificate audit is conducted by Task EDP
6558 ______ in PCDA (O) office? holder system Both None A

Para 43 of Para 43 of
Certificate for lost voucher is rendered FR Part I FR Part I Para 43 of Para 43 of
6559 as per provisions contained in ___? Vol. I Vol. II FR Part II MESR C
Certificate of review of orders and
sanctions is supposed to be submitted
by LAO to IA cell of PCDA/CDA Main
6560 Office every _____? Month Quarter Half Year Year A

Beyond 3
3 years years with
with the the
permissio sanction
n of next of
CFA can conclude a contract for a higher Governme All the
6561 period of 1 year CFA nt of India three D
Will be
CFA to write off loss is determined decided Will be
with reference to ____ loss in case by decided
where part claim is admitted by PCDA/CD by
6562 carrying
CGA maintains
agency?a Journal and Ledger Net Gross A Executive A
for central transactions which is
posted from the financial accounts of
__ received from all Accounts Offices each
6563 in India each day each week month each year D
CGDA functions on behalf of ____ as
the Chief Authority in all matters
affecting internal audit and accounting
in respect of expenditure pertaining to Defence All the
6564 the Defence Sservices? Secretary FADS MOD three B
CGDA has been delegated powers to detailed
6565 open ______ below the Minor Heads Sub heads heads Both None C
Chairman of CAT is appointed by Justice of Attorney
6566 ____? India President C&AG General B
Ministry Chief
Chairman of CAT shall be appointed by of Law & Justice of Attorney
6567 ____ ? Justice India President General C
Chairman of CAT shall hold the office
6568 for a tenure
Chairman of of
not hold the 3 4 5 6 C
office on attaining the age of ___
years or completion of tenure
whichever is earlier unless a High
6569 court judge? 60 62 65 68 D
CDA of
Change of Field Imprest Holder need Dependen Regional Dependen
6570 not be notified to ________? t PAO CDA t PAO None A
Change of Field Imprest Holder need Dependen Regional
6571 not be notified to ________? t PAO CDA Both None D
Charged Expenditure is described in
6572 which Article
Charges against
of Constitution
two or more ofmajor
India? 148 267 266 112 (3) (f) D
heads should not be included in one
bill as per the provisions of Receipt & Misc. Pay and
Payment Rules. Which of the following Expenditu Debt Allowance
6573 is an Exception? re Imprest Heads s D
Charges which are incidental to Office Charged
Management in running the office are Contingen Incidental expenditu All the
6574 known as _____? cies charges re three A
Charging of overheads to individual
products or jobs with referene to Absorptio Apportion All the
6575 determined rate is known as ____? n ment
Allocation three A
PCDA/CD Accounts
Cheque Book for Public Fund Account A LAO Office of
6576 is supplied by ___ to the Officer i/c? concerned concerned DAD Bank D
d Bank in
Cheque Book used to make payments PCDA/CD which
from Public Fund Account of the Army PCDA/CD LAO of the A thgough Account is
6577 unit is supplied by _____? A unit LAO opened D
Naresh Naresh Naresh Naresh
Account Account Account Account
Debit and Credit and Credit and Debit and
Cheque given by Naresh dishonoured. Bank Bank Bank Bank
What will be journal entry to be Account Account Account Account
6578 passed? Credit Debit Credit Debit A

Take up
the Pass it on
Cheque issued by a different CDA Take up matter to correct
erroneously shown in Debit Scroll, but the with Focal CDA
noticed after DMS was certified. What matter Point through All the
6579 action you would suggest? with RBI Branch DEA three C
cheque shall be payable at any time two three
6580 within a period of ______ from the 30 days 45 days months months D
Cheques unlinked for more than ____
days will be taken up with Focal Point
Branch by Accounts Section of CDA for
6581 payment confirmation 90 120 180 365 A
Chief Authority in all matters affecting
internal audit and accounting in Min. of
respect of expenditure pertaining to PCDA (BR) Home Defence
6582 Border Roads is? CGDA New Delhi Affairs Secretary A
Chief of Army Staff can accord
Administrative Approval of work with
IFA concurrence when it consists of
6583 Special work costing up to Rs. ___ 20 lakhs 40 lakhs 50 lakhs 75 lakhs D
Chief of Logistics is a part of ______
6584 H.Qrs? Integrated Army Air Force Navy D
Chief of Naval Staff is assisted by ___
6585 Principal Staff Officers? 5 4 3 2 A
Chiefs of Staff are assisted by ____ at Staff All the
6586 AFHQ? Officers FADS CGDA three A
Women having
Child Care Allowance is admissible to with disabled
6587 which of the following employees? disability child Both None A
Child Care leave is admissible for ____
6588 days? 180 360 720 730 D
CIC has powers of ____ in dealing with Criminal
6589 complaints? Civil Court Court Both None A
Claim for reimbursement can be
6590 received within ___ period 2 months 3 months 4 months 6 months D
Claim of Contractors preferred after
__________ years are time barred by
6591 the Statute of Limitations 30 years 3 years 2 years 5 years B
Claims of contractors preferred after
___ period are treated as time barred
6592 by the statute
Claims relatingof
air passage of Army 2 years 3 years 5 years None B
personnel Defence Civilian ex-India Armed CDA
are dealt with centrally by the Forces (Army) PCDA New
6593 ______? H.Qrs MOD Meerut Delhi D
Clarifications required by PIFAs/IFAs IFA wing
on all functional matters will be given Defence of CGDA
6594 by _____? MOD Secretary FADS office D

Class 1 Punching Medium voucher is Cash Transfer Receipts Cash
6595 used to compile ____ ? Vouchers Entries & Charges Accounts A

Class 3 Punching Medium voucher is DID Cash Civil ID Cash

6596 used to compile ____ ? Schedules Accounts Schedules Vouchers C

Class 5 Punching Medium voucher is Cash Transfer Receipts Cash
6597 used to compile ____ ? Vouchers Entries & Charges Accounts D

Class 6 Punching Medium voucher is Rawilway DID Cash

6598 used to compile ____ ? Bills MES Bills Schedules Accounts A

Class 8 Punching Medium voucher is Rawilway DID Cash

6599 used to compile ____ ? Bills MES Billa Schedules Accounts C
Class 9 Punching Medium is operated A Main
6600 by which of the following offices? Office AO GE Both None A

Class 9 Punching Medium voucher is Rawilway DID Cash

6601 used to compile ____ ? Bills MES Billa Schedules Accounts B
Class ‘B’ vehicles dispatched by
rail will be issued a maximum of ____
6602 liters of fuel by the vehicle depots? 2 3 5 9 D
Class of voucher is represented by
6603 ___th digit of DIDS Number 4 5 7 11 C

Class V punching medium is used for Cash Railway Cash

6604 compiling _________ transactions? Vouchers Bills Accounts MES Bills C
Classification, Accumulation, Cost Cost
Assignment and Control of costs Accountan Accountin
6605 comes under ____? Costing cy g None C
Classified list of officers of the Indian
Defence Accounts Service is known as
6606 _____ List Secret Classified Both None D
Classified list of officers of the Indian
Defence Accounts Service is known as All the
6607 Clerks/Typists
_____ List who pass SAS Secret Pink Classified three B
examination will be considered for
promotion to the grade of Auditor on Out of
6608 _____ basis? Regular Adhoc turn Proforma C
Credit Assets
Debit Side Side of Side of
Closing stock if given in Adjustment, it of Trading Trading Balance
6609 will be posted on ___ ? Account Account Sheet Both b&c D
Credit Assets
Debit Side Side of Side of
Closing stock if given in Trial Balance, of Trading Trading Balance
6610 it will be posted on ___ ? Account Account Sheet Both b&c C
CMFAA is not admissible to army
6611 officer
CML ofifImprest
he is onAccount
CL for more
is fixed
than 14 15 18 20 B
keeping in view of the actual cash
requirement of the Imprest Holder for One
6612 a period of ______? 7 days 10 days 15 days month B
CMP transactions are identified with
reference to which of the following
6613 category prefixes by DAD? 99 93 77 o1 B

CO of a unit deposited public fund into n of Prior
his personal account stating that the higher permissio
same is kept under safe and personal Not in authoritie n of CDA
6614 custody. Comment In order order s required required B
Code heads operated by sections,
which are not supposed to be
operated or which do not pertain to Erroneous Doubtful Fictitious Suspense
6615 their sections are known as __? heads heads heads heads C
Code heads operated in DAD and the
sides they are supposed to be Pamphlet Classificati
operated by the users are prescribed of RDR on Hand
6616 in ___ Books? heads Book Both None C
Collections made by bank will find
6617 entry on which side of the cash book? Debit Credit Both None A
Command H.Qrs. of Army conforms to
a ______ tactical H.Qrs. for exercising
6618 operational control? Mobile Static Both None A
Commander of a sub area can accord
Admin Approval for a work not
involving special work if amount of
6619 work does not exceed Rs. ___? 5 lakhs 10 lakhs 15 lakhs 20 lakhs C
Commanding Officers of Ships render
to the PCDA (Navy) Mumbai, Cash Fortnightl
6620 Comment
account ____?
on the following actions.1. Daily Weekly y Monthly D
One CFA has sanctioned pension to a
retiring person in excess of amount
admissible under rules, keeping in
view of the good services rendered by
the individual.2. One CFA has Both 1 Both 1 1 is 2 is
sanctioned New Kind of furniture to a and 2 are and 2 are correct, 2 correct, 1
6621 unit. correct wrong is wrong is wrong B

Commercial negotiations are single Single

invariably conducted in case of tender Tender
6622 ______? constituted under the
Committee situations PAC Both None C
provisions of Sexual Harassment of
women at work place Act in a Internal
Government office is called as ____ Complaint Grievance Women High
6623 Committee? s Redressal Welfare Power A
Committee constituted under the
provisions of Sexual Harassment of
women at work place Act on civilian Internal
side by the District Officer is called as Complaint Grievance Women
6624 ____ Committee? s Redressal Welfare Local D
Committee on Public Sector
undertakings consists of ____
Parliament Members with ___ from 25 (15, 30 (15,
6625 Lok Sabha and
Committing, or___
from Rajyato Sabha? 22 (15, 7) 10) 15) 30 ( 30, 0) A
commit, any act forbidden by the
Indian Penal Code or the unlawful
detaining, or threatening to detain,
any property, to the prejudice of any
person whatever, with the intention of
causing any person to enter into an
agreement is defined as ___ in Indian Undue All the
6626 Contract Act? Coercion Fraud Influence three A
Communication involving audit Addl.
decision should invariably be issued CDA/Jt. Group PCDA/CD
6627 after approval by _____? CDA Officer i/c A SAO/AO C
Commutation of pension is admissible
for amount not exceeding ___ % of
6628 monthly pension? 25 30 40 50 C
Commuted leave can be taken without
MC up to a maximum of ___ days in
6629 entire service?
Commuted leave can be taken without 360 180 120 90 D
MC up to a maximum of ___ in the
entire service if utilized for an
approved course of study certified to
6630 be in public interest 30 days 60 days 90 days 180 days C
Commuted leave up to a max. of _
days by a female employee with less
than two living children if she adopts a
6631 child less than one
Compassionate appointments
year old can be 180 120 90 60 D
made out of vacancies falling under Direct
___________ quota in any Group Recruitme Promotio Total
6632 'C' post? nt n vacancies Sports A
Compassionate appointments can be
made out of vacancies falling under
Direct Recruitment quota in Group
6633 'C' post up to ___%? 25 15 10 5 D
Compensation claims (MES Contracts)
which are ex-gratia in character
6634 require the sanction of GOI PCDA E in C CE A

in respect
of any
injury, not
in death
t total
nt caused
in respect by an
of any accident
injury which is
which directly
does not attributabl
result in e to the
the total employee
or partial having
disableme been at
nt of the the time
employee thereof
Compensation is not payale to for a under the
workers injured under which of the period influence
following circumstances under exceeding of drink or
6635 Workmen's Compensation Act? three days drugs Both None C
Compensation on account of late Terminal
delivery where loss is pre determined Compensa Escalation Liquidated Demurrag
6636 and mutually agreed to is known as tion charges Damages e Charges C
Compensation to Land Owners on Station
account of Acquisition of Land is paid PCDA/CD Command
6637 by ______? A er GE DEO D
Compensatory leave may be prefixed Regular Casual
6638 or suffixed to _____? Leave Leave Both None C
Compensatory Leave should as a rule,
be allowed within _______ of its one two three six
6639 becoming due. month months months months A

Compensatory Leave will, however, Date of

not be given so as to cause evasion of reckoning Charge of Return of All the
6640 rules regarding allowance office duty three D
Competent Authority to write off a
loss is determined ____ loss to Gross,
6641 write off ____ loss Net, Net Gross Net, Gross Gross, Net D
by Loss
Competent Authority to write off a PCDA/CD determine
loss is determined with reference to A in each d by Audit
6642 _____ loss? Net Gross case Officer B

Compilation for each section of a Consolidat Book detailed

Controller's Office generated to ed compilatio voucher Sectional
exhibit amount compiled under each Compilati n of RDR compilatio Compilati
6643 code head during month is ____? on heads n on D
Compilation process in EDP is done in
6644 ___ stages? 6 5 4 2 B
Complaints Committee regarding
Prohibition of sexual harassment of No such
working women should have not less requireme
6645 than ___ women
Composite Transfer
Grant is 1/3rd Half 2/3rd nt at all B
admissible to Government servants on
permanent transfer normally up to
6646 ___% of Basic pay? 100 90
80 75 C
Concurrent Audit is done in which of PCDA/CD All the
6647 the following offices? LAO RAO A three C
Expendabl Equipmen Articles,
Condemnation Boards are recorded in e Stores, t, Equipmen unit
two parts. Part I deals with _____ and equipmen Expendabl t, personal Equipmen
6648 Part II deals with _____ t e stores articles t D
Conducting Inquiry is mandatory in Either a or
6649 _______ penalty proceddings Major Minor b None A

Consent is said to be free when it is misrepres All the

6650 not caused by ____? coercion mistake entation three D
Yes. Yes.
Consequential damage is a damage Imposed Imposed
that can be imposed on Contractor or over and as a part
6651 not? above LD of LD Yes. A or B No A
Consequential damage is imposed in Prestigiou Maintena All the
6652 case of time critical ______ Projects s Turn-key nce three B
Some Not
items on issued.
payment Units
and some make
Conservancy stores are issued ____ to on on free Local
6653 units by Depots? Free payment basis Purchase A

debited to
Conservancy stores issued by Supply of decided
and Stores depots to units will be respective treated as by GOC in treated as
6654 _________? units free C extras B
C copy of B copy of
issue issue
voucher Receipt voucher
received voucher received
Consignee LAO will link E copy of the from of the from
voucher received from Consignor LAO Issuing consignee Issuing
6655 with ____? depot unit depot None B

Consignee’s LAO audits the stores Manufact

accounts of the Depot, unit or Issuing Receiving uring the None of
6656 Formation,LAO should select a
Consignor the Stores the Stores Stores these B
minimum of _____ % or _____
(number) E copies of vouchers for
6657 personal linking 2 or 60 3 or 100 1 or 60 4 or 100 C
Consignor LAO should send E copies to
Consignee LAO within __days of the
receipt of skeleton list of last
6658 decade/month 7 30 14 10 D
Consolidated Abstract is prepared in
___ parts with reference to the
6659 provisions of Civil Accounts Manual? 5 4 3 2 D
Constitution of India came into force 26.01.195 26.01.194 26.01.194 15.08.194
6660 w.e.f. _____? 0 9 8 7 A
6661 Constitution of India has ____ 396 395 394 448 D
6662 Constitution of India has ____ parts? 20 21 22 25 D
6663 Constitution of India has ____ 9 10 11 12 D

Construction Accounts are maintained Division
6664 by _____ in a GE office? concerned AO GE BSO RAO/LAO A
Construction Accounts are submitted Six
6665 to AO GE by MES once in ______? Year months Quarter Month D
Construction Accounts maintained by Managem
GE falls under which of the following Cash Works Financial ent
6666 categories? Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts B
Construction Accounts of MES are PCDA/CD All the
6667 signed by which of the following DAD AO GE A RAO/LAO three A
Constructions of advance landing
grounds, helipads, roads etc. require
sanction by a formation commander
not lower than a ____ or equivalent in No such
cases when the work in question is Division Corps Army provision.
expected to last more than three Command Command Command FC of any
6668 years from the date of completion? er er er rank A
Consultancy charges, not exceeding
___% may be included in the
6669 Estimates, while preparing AEs? 1 2 3 5 C
Contract costing is also known as Terminal Standard Marginal Operating
6670 _____? Costing Costing Costing Costing A
Contractors bills paid by Stores
6671 Contract section are divided into how 5 4 3 2 D
Contractors ledger is balanced
6672 _______? Quarterly Half yearly Yearly Monthly D

t by CE in
Contractors’ claims which are permissio permissio on with
6673 exgratia in character, require n of CDA n of E in C CDA GOI D
Contracts involving uncertain liability
can only be entered into by GE with CE
6674 the approval of E in C (Project)
CDA None D
Contracts will be normally concluded 12
6675 for a period of ____? 3 months 6 months months 3 years C
Contribution to DSOP fund will be
commenced in the IRLA of Army
Officer on completion of ____ from one
6676 Contribution
the date of Commission?
to the DSOP fund is 6 months one year month 3 months B
recovered by computerized system in
respect of Army Officer @ ___ as
6677 minimum contribution? 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.1 B
Controller General of Accounts is
6678 under the Ministry of ____? Finance Defence Def/Fin Fin/Def A
Controller of Printing and Stationery is
6679 located in _____? Kolkata Nasik New Delhi Mumbai A
Controllers may allow a time of ___ to
command head quarters to furnish
6680 replies to Draft Para? 15 days 30 days 45 days 60 days B

Controllers' Offices that are patterned Pattern Service Regional Functional

to serve a particular Service or Controller Controller Controller Controller
6681 function are called as ____? s s s s D
Controllers will forward the LPCs of Ministry
the DAD personnel who are of
proceeding on deputation to foreign Embassy External PCDA New
6682 Embassies/Missions abroad to __? concerned Affairs Delhi CGDA C
Controllers' Offices that are Pattern Service Regional Functional
patterned to serve a particular Service Controller Controller Controller Controller
6683 or function are called as ____? s s s s D
Conveyance allowance is admissible to
Army Officers at the rate of _____ per
month when the average distance of
travel on official duties is above 800
6684 KMs for journey
Conveyance allowance
by ownismotor
car? to 2520 2980 3646 4500 D
Army Officers at the rate of _____ per
month when the average distance of
travel on official duties is from 201 to
300 KMs for journey by own motor
6685 car?
Conveyance allowance is admissible to 1680 2520 2980 3646 A
Army Officers at the rate of _____ per
month when the average distance of
travel on official duties is from 301 to
450 KMs for journey by own motor
6686 car?
Conveyance allowance is admissible to 1680 2520 2980 3646 B
Army Officers at the rate of _____ per
month when the average distance of
travel on official duties is from 451 to
600 KMs for journey by own motor
6687 car?
Conveyance allowance is admissible to 1680 2520 2980 3646 C
Army Officers at the rate of _____ per
month when the average distance of
travel on official duties is from 601 to
800 KMs for journey by own motor
6688 car? of all Office Orders or other
Copies 1680 2520 2980 3646 D
documents conveying praise or
censure to any individual will
invariably be recorded in his/her Personal Service
6689 _____? file Book Both None A
Copy of LPC cum data sheet need not
be sent by Pension Cell of PCDA (O) to Officer
which of the following in the PCDA (P) Concerne Ledger CDA (PD)
6690 retirement case of Army Officer? Allahabad d wing Meerut D
Copy of the P.M Class 9 voucher
operated by Pay section on a/c of Pay Accounts Engineerin AO GE All the
6691 & allces. Is forwarded to _______? Section g Section concerned three D
Copy sent to consignee, receipted by
him and returned to consignor is ____
in case of stores transferred from one
6692 store depot to another? B copy C copy A copy E copy A
Corrections of Ration Returns (RR) RR Balances
Opening balance in Local Audit is prepared Ration Stock certified
6693 verified from by unit Account Ledger collected D
with facts
Actual and partly
facts and with
6694 Cost Accounts deal with ______? figures Estimates Estimates None C
Cost ceiling of HBA may be relaxed up
to ____% in individual cases by
6695 Ministry based on merit 10% 25% 50% 100% B
Cost of advertisement of a work in Office
Newspapers etc. is debited to Work Contingen
6696 ________? concerned cy Both None A

credited Depends
to the utilized upon Regularize
Cost of consumable stores returned to project for circumsta d under
main stores at the time of completion expenditu maintena nces of the orders
6697 of project will be re card nce each case of CFA A
Cost of finished product or work in Productio Conversio
6698 progress is known as ____ cost? n n Normal Traceable B
Cost of goods sold + Selling and Cost of
Distribution overheads is known as productio Cost of Cost of Works
6699 ____of
Cost in Production
Cost Sheet?+ Opening stock of n goods sold Sales cost C
finished goods - Closing stock of
finished goods is known as ____in Works Works on Cost of Cost of
6700 Cost Sheet? Cost cost Sales goods sold D

Cost at
Cost of replacing an asset at current Out of asset was Replacem
6701 market value is known as ___ cost? pocket purchased ent Notional C
Cost of stamp paper when required to
be paid by the Government in terms Charged Voted Revenue Capital
of decree/arbitration award, will be expenditu expenditu Expenditu Expenditu
6702 treated as ____? re re re re A
Cost that has already been incurred
and cannot be avoided by decisions Differenti Opportuni
6703 taken in the future is known as ____? al cost Sunk cost ty cost None B
Cost which can be influenced by its Influence Controllab Variable Revenue
6704 Budget Holder is defined as ____? cost le cost cost cost B
Cost which is normally incurred at a
given level of output in the conditions
in which that level of output is Conversio
6705 achieved is known as ____ cost? Normal n Traceable Fixed A
Costed Schedule of works will be in
strict accordance with _____ so far as Acceptanc Administr Tender
scope of work and scales are e of ative document All the
6706 Costs
which are incurred for more Necessity Approval s three B
than one product, job, territory or any
other speciic costing object are
6707 defined as _____? Joint Common Imputed Uniform B
Costs which are not incurred but
6708 useful while taking decisions are JointCommon Imputed Uniform C
e of stores
despatch connectio
of stores n with
issued on training
loan to camps
Credit Notes should not be used by Civil and
Army Units for which of the following Departme maneuver
6709 activities? nts s Both None C
Credit sales of farm employees should
6710 not exceed ____ of their emoluments? 1/3rd 1/4th 1/8th 1/12th C

6711 Credit sales of fodder can be made to President CAS None Both a, b D

Debit Debit Credit Credit

Creditors Creditors Creditors Creditors
Creditors include Rs. 5000/- received and Credit and Debit and Credit and Debit
on account of bad debts recovered. Bad Debts Bad Debts Bad Debts Bad Debts
6712 What will
Crucial Date
be of
for Recovered Recovered Recovered Recovered A
determining vacancies by DPC will be
as per the vacancies as on 1st day of
6713 ____should
CRV of the be
submitted in ____ January April July December A
while claiming payment against
supplies done to Army unit by a Quintuplic Quadrupli
6714 Contractor? ate cate Triplicate Duplicate D
CTG is admissble when transfer
involves change of residence within
6715 same station @ ___ of normal CTG? one fourth Half One third Two third C
CTG is admissible for transfer between
6716 two stations @ __%? 75 80 85 90 B
Custody of blank Defence Cheques is
the responsibility of _______ section Administr Disbursem All the
6717 of Regional CDA? ation ent Records three B
Custody of ranges, when in general Station Security
use by troops in the station, is the Officer in Command Corps of
6718 responsibility of ______? charge MES er Army C
Customary gifts received from
relatives and friends must be reported
to Competent Authority by the Group
A Government Servants when the No such
6719 amount exceeds Rs. ____? 25000 15000 7500 limit A
Customary gifts received from
relatives and friends must be reported
to Competent Authority by the Group
B Government Servants when the No such
6720 amount exceeds Rs. ____? 25000 15000 7500 limit B
Customary gifts received from
relatives and friends must be reported
to Competent Authority by the Group
C Government Servants when the No such
6721 amount exceeds Rs. ____? 25000 15000 7500 limit C
CWE can accord Technical sanction for No limit.
a major work costing up to Rs. ____ Full
6722 lakhs powers 50 lakhs 100 lakhs 150 lakhs D
CWE can place a Supply Order for local
6723 purchase up to Rs.___? 1.5 Lakhs 2 lakhs 3 lakhs 4 lakhs D

Document Document
s related s related Contract
CWE or GE may not authorize any to to Document He cannot
6724 officer on his behalf to sign accounts estimates s authorize C
DA is not payable during which of the
6725 following periods? EOL LPR Both None A
DA is sanctioned ____ in a year for No such
6726 central government employees? Thrice Twice Once limit B
DAD cell does not function in which
6727 one of the following places? Mumbai New Delhi Bengaluru Kolkata C
Coast and Defence
Guard Kashmir Estates
DAD classifies expenditure of which of Organizati Light Organizati All the
6728 the following departments? on Infantry on three D

Defence MOD
DAD employees are paid out ____ of Services (Civil)
6729 MOD? Estimates Estimates Both None B

Defence Civil Civil

DAD employees are paid their pay and Service Service Estimates
6730 allowances out of ____? Estimates Estimates of MOD None C
Dairy produce as a rule, is _____ by sold for Issued All the
6731 Military Farm? not sold cash Free three B
Damages caused to Government Terminal
Buildings willfully or by negligence by Barrack Demurrag Liquidated Compensa
6732 the occupants are known as Damages e Charges Damages tion A
on order
Date of Birth, Home Town and issued by
previous service particulars etc. in Part II appointin
respect of Army Officer are received in order/DO g Form Sanction
6733 PCDA (O)
DCDA canthrough
write off___
when II authority ‘A’ of MOD C
authority for the expenditure is
insufficient is up to Rs. ____ in each
6734 case? with Test Audit Objections
Dealing 100 500 1000 3000 D
regarding Pay and Allowances of Administr
officers is one of the functions of ___ Technical Ledger ation
6735 of PCDA (O)? Section Wing Legal Cell section B
Dearness Allowance is paid to Poverty Base Minimum All the
6736 compensate price increase above the Line points Wages three B
Debit all expenses & losses and credit
all incomes & gains is the rule for
recording the transaction in journal for
6737 whichbalance
Debit type of accounts?
in IRLAs due to payment Real Personal Nominal None C
of an unauthorized advance or
advances not at all covered by a Fictitious Unauthori Normal
soldier’s normal entitlement is Debit Real Debit zed Debit Debit
6738 known as? Balance Balance Balance Balance B

Paid Receipt Advisory

6739 Debit the
are accompanied
and credit the
giver Cheques DMROs Vouchers Notes A
is the rule for recording the
transaction in journal for which type
6740 Debit
of accounts?
what comes in and credit what Real Personal Nominal None B
goes out is the rule for recording the
transaction in journal for which type
6741 of accounts? Real Personal Nominal None A

Receipted Unreceipt
Certificate copies of ed copies
Debits for the cost of stores issued on Certificate rendered issue of issue
payment to the Civil Departments of rendered by the vouchers vouchers
the GOI will be raised by PCDA/CDA, by the LAO of the or proof and proof
against their Accounts Officers on the Consignor Consignor of of
6742 basis of ____? Unit Unit despatch despatch D

Debits on account of charges for the

treatment of service personnel in Civil service
Hospitals are raised by Civil Accounts PCDA/CD Military personnel All the
6743 Officers against ____? A Hospitals concerned three A
Deduct Deduct
3000/- 5000/-
Debtors include 5000/- due from Ram Add 3000/- from Add 5000/- from
and Creditors include 3000/- due to to Debtors Debtors to Debtors Debtors
Ram. What will be the adjustment in and and and and
6744 Final Accounts? Creditors Creditors Creditors Creditors B
Decision on Acceptance/Re- al Expenditu
tender/Apportionment is covered at Monitorin Technical re Angle
6745 _____ stage of IFA Concurrence? g Evaluation Sanction None C
Civil Civil Central
Defence Account Code has its origin in Account Accounts Treasury All the
______? Code Manual Rules three
6746 A

Defence Accounts Department is not Departme Coast

responsible to classify the expenditure nt of Ex Armed Guard
in respect of which of the following Serviceme Forces Organizati
6747 Departments? n Welfare Tribunal on None D
Defence Acquisition Council is headed Defence Defence etary All the
6748 by ____? Secretary Minister (Def/Fin) three B

Controller nt
of printing Security
& Printing Controller
Defence Cheque books are printed by stationery Press, of Stamps,
6749 ___? , Kolkata CGDA Nasik Nasik C
g items
with the
Defence Exchange Accounts for March consent of
Supplementary and March Only other
Supplementary Corrections should Respondin party to
6750 include ____? g items account None Both D
Defence Ledger does not deal with receipts Expenditu Debt Remittanc
6751 which of the following heads? heads re heads heads e heads B
Defence ledger is not maintained for
6752 which of the following heads? Revenue Debt Suspense None D
Defence Procurement Board is headed Defence Defence etary All the
6753 by ____? Secretary Minister (Def/Fin) three A
Defence Procurement Manual (DPM)
6754 deals with ___ procurements? Revenue Capital Both None A
The which has
account been Budget
which is created Estimates Appropria
ultimately proforma prepared tion
passed by in the in r/o account
Parliamen books of Defence passed for
6755 Defence Proforma account is t RBI Services Defence B
Deficiency in stores found during stock
taking will be accounte for through Loss Nominal
6756 ____? CIV Statement CRV Voucher B
Delay in submission of accounts by Observati on case to Trivial
6757 unit is classified as _______ in audit on Objection case Error A
Delegation of financial power for MES
procurement is exercised as per the Registrati
6758 procedure laid down in ___? DPM DPP SOP ons A
Demand for information not received Observati Irregularit Any of the
6759 will be classified as _____ by LAOs? Objection on y three B

Demands for original works may be Staff at Any of the

6760 initiated by which of the following? Users Engineers any level three D
Demi Official Letters are diarized by Administr with the PA/PS to
6761 _____ section of Regional CDA Office? ation Records subject the officer A
Demi Official Letters are diarized in Administr Internal
6762 which section of Regional CDA Office? ation Records Audit O&M A
Department of Defence Research and
Development Expenditure is paid out MOD Civil
6763 of _____ Estimates? (Civil) DSE Ministries None A
Department officer appointed as I.O.
is relieved from normal duties for a
period of ___ to complete the Inquiry
6764 on full time basis and submit report 1 month 20 days 15 days 5 days B
Departmental charges are not levied Coast
6765 on any work carried out by the MES Guard Navy Air Force Army D
Any of
three at
Reduction Recovery discretion
of of of
Departmental charges levied by MES Expenditu Expenditu Revenue PCDA/CD
6766 and recovered are treated as ______? re re Receipts A C
Departmental proceedings after
retirement cannot be initiated for an
event which took place more than
6767 _____ before such institution 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years D
Departmental proceedings after
retirement cannot be instituted in
respect of any event which took place
more than ___ before such
6768 institution? 1 year 3 years 4 years 5 years C
Departmental Promotion Committee six
6769 (DPC) is constituted once in ______ ? A year months 2 years 3 years A

Receipt on
account of
Deposit collected from Tenderers to Sale of
ensure that Tender is submitted by Tender
each person purchasing tender is Security Earnest document All the
6770 known as Deposit Money s three B

Receipt to Allotment Departme

Deposit received from a third party in Governme Security to the ntal
6771 a Deposit work is treated as nt Deposit work Charges C

Deposit works are those which are Non

executed from the funds received Civil Local Governme Defence
6772 from ____? Ministries Bodies nt sources Ministry C

Debit side Credit side

Deposited in to bank Rs. 3000/-. What Debit side Credit side Cash and cash and
will be entry in cash book with cash, cash and Cash and Credit side Debit side
6773 discount and Bank Columns? bank bank Bank bank D
6774 Depreciation is a ____ account? Real Nominal personal None B
Description of DOII with “AVPAY― Additional d Value Aviation Acting
6775 stands for? Value Pay Pay Pay Value Pay C

Description of items of outcome Performa Appropria Statement

budget should match with the nce Financial tion of Budget
6776 Description in the _____? Budget Budget Accounts Estimate D

Despatch of stores Ex-India requires Army Governme

6777 the prior sanction of the ____? CGDA H.Qrs. MOD nt of India D
Destroyers, Corvettes and Frigates are All the
6778 held by Army Navy Air Force three B
Destruction of deceased and injured Senior
animals declared to be incurable in a CO of the Officer
Remount Depot is carried out on the Remount deputed Veterinary PCDA/CD
6779 authority of _________? depot to certify Officer A C
Programm Sub
6780 Detailed Head corresponds to ____? Function e Scheme Scheme D
Detailed Head is represented by ___
6781 digits Number? 2 3 4 5 A
Detailed rules by which allocation of
expenditure between Capital and
Revenue in commercial departments
and Undertakings should be
determined, shall be such as may be
made by Government after
6782 Consultation with the ______? CGDA FADS CGA C&AG D

Details of Bank Account of Army IAFF 1017

officer is available in _____ of IAFF 1017 (Outer II IAFF 1017 IAFF 1017
6783 Entitlement IRLA (Outer I A) A) (Outer I) (Outer II) A
Details of Hostel subsidy and Children IAFF –
Education Allowance in respect of IAFF – IAFF – IAFF – 1017
Army Officer are available in which 1017 1017 1017 (Outer II
6784 portion of Entitlement IRLA? (Outer I) (Outer I A) (Outer II) A) D
Details of Interest bearing advances IAFF –
are available in which portion of IAFF – IAFF – IAFF – 1017
Entitlement IRLA maintained in the 1017 1017 1017 (Outer II
6785 office of PCDA (O) Pune? (Outer I) (Outer I A) (Outer II) A) B

Details of leave availed by army officer IAFF 1017

is available in the ______ of IAFF 1017 (Outer II IAFF 1017 IAFF 1017
6786 Entitlement IRLA? (Outer II) A) (Outer I) (Outer I A) A
Details of promotions, allowances and IAFF –
awards in respect of Army officer are IAFF – IAFF – IAFF – 1017
available in which portion of 1017 1017 1017 (Outer II
6787 Entitlement IRLA? (Outer I) (Outer I A) (Outer II) A) A

Controller Ministry
DGADS conducts Test audit on behalf Governme C&AG of General of of
6788 of ____? nt of India India Accounts Defence B
6789 DGADS is working under _____? MOD MOF C&AG CGA C
DID Schedule can be responded All the
6790 through which of the following classes 2 8 9 three B
DID schedule cannot be originated by
compiling through which class of
6791 voucher of Punching Medium? 1 2 5 8 D
DIDS is prepared in _____ by the Quadrupli Quintuplic
6792 Originating CDA office? Triplicate Duplicate cate ate D

Defence Defence English

DIDS is used for which of the following Proforma Exchange Transactio All the
6793 accounts? Account Account ns three B
Difference between Revenue Deficit Effective Effective Real
and Grants for creation of Capital Fiscal Fiscal Revenue Revenue
6794 Assets is known as ______? Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit C
Different minimum wages cannot be classes Different
6795 fixed for _____? works Locations Both None D
Direct Entry JCO when granted 3rd
6796 MACP, will be placed in the pay level? 9 8 7 6 A
Disbursing officers of the Defence Any
Accounts Department in India are Governme
authorised to issue cheques on any nt Any sub-
Government treasury -or sub-treasury treasury treasury
6797 in India in India in India Both None C
Disciplinary Authority should take final
6798 decision on the enquiry report within 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months C
Discrepancies noticed in the Daily
Cash Account submitted by Field Divisional
Cashier will be reported by PCDA (O) Command Army
6799 to ____ for investigation? er GOC in C H.Qrs. CGDA A
Disposal of Condemned stores is
noted on ____ voucher by the supply Loss
6800 depots? Nominal Issue Expense Statement C

Debit Credit
Purchases Purchases Debit Credit
Distributed samples to customers. and credit and Debit Purchases purchases
What will be the adjustment in final Advertise Advertise and credit and debit
6801 accounts? ment ment Discount Discount B
Distribution of Blank Forms of APARs
should be completed by ___________ 31st
6802 dates by Admin Section. 1st March March 15th April 30th April B

Unit Centre
where where
DO II for allotment of Army Number to PBOR is Record Depot Training is
6803 PBOR is published by ____? serving Office Battalion Imparted B

DO II for grant of Good Service pay in Depot Record Any of the

6804 respect of PBOR is published by ____? Battalion Office Unit three B
DO II inputs are given by Ledger wings
for intimating changes in pay and DO II DO II DO II
allowances, promotions etc. through rejections acceptanc Transcripti All the
6805 _______? lists e lists on sheets three C
Documentation Procedure for
Publication of Part II Orders (Officers) IHQ MOD PCDA (O) PCDA (P)
6806 is issued by ____ ? (Army) CGDA Pune Allahabad A
DOII for promotion of PBOR from one Record Depot
rank to another is published by which Office of Battalion Army Unit of
6807 of the following offices? corps of corps H.Qrs PBOR A
DOII with a description “ACTGA― , Composit
deals with which item of pay and Additional e Transfer Additional
allowances/service matter of Acting Appointm Grant Terminal
6808 respective PBOR? Allowance ent Allowance Gratuity A
Disciplinar Prosecutio
y n for
DPC findings and gradings will be kept Under proceedin criminal
under Sealed cover in respect which of Suspensio gs are charge is All the
6809 the following Governments? n pending pending three D

DPDOs are functioning under the CDA CDA (PD) PCDA (P)
6810 administrative control of _____? Chennai Meerut Both a, b Allahabad C
DPDOs in Southern part of India are
under the administrative control of CDA CDA (PD) PCDA (P) PCDA
6811 _____________ Chennai Meerut Allahabad Bengaluru A

DPDOs in Southern Region of India are CDA (Southern
under the administrative control of PCDA CDA Secundera Command
6812 which PCDA/CDA Bengaluru Chennai bad ) B

PCDA/CD Any of the

6813 Draft para is raised by ____? A LAO/RAO DGADS three C
Drawing of Medicines (prescribed by All CS
Recognised Hospital for OPD) from All Serving (MA) All CGHS
CGHS dispensary is mandatory for Employee Beneficiari beneficiari All the
6814 ____ beneficieries? s es es three C
Assets Liabilities
Drawings account given in trial side side
balance is posted on which side of Assets deduct Liabilities deduct
6815 balance sheet? side entry side entry D
6816 DRDO H.Qrs. is in _____? d New Delhi Bengaluru Dehradun B
6817 DRDO has ___ Minor heads of 6 7 8 9 C
Drugs and dressings are issued
6818 through ____ voucher in Military Nominal Issue Expense Receipt C

DSOP Fund account of Army Officer CDA

seconded to Air Force is maintained by AFCAO, (Funds) PCDA (AF)
6819 _____? PCDA (O) New Delhi Meerut Dehradun B
Defence Defence Defence Defence
Service Service Service Service
Officers Officers Officers Officers
Pension Provident Private Permanen
6820 DSOP fund refers to Fund Fund Fund t Fund B
Duplicate copies of Baby Indents are
6821 destroyed ________ after audit 6 months 9 months 3 months One year D

Duplicate copy of the MRO is adjusted Section/S Accounts
6822 by ub Office Section Both None B

Pay as if
he has not A or B A or B
During Foreign service – Subject to Pay in gone on which which
the terms of appointment, DA foreign foreign ever is ever is
6823 admissible on the basis of _____ ? service service high Low A
During suspension, employee is not All the
6824 entitled to _____? LTC HRA CEA three A
Both are
During the period of EOL, NPS Employee Governme subscribe
6825 Contribution _____ is not subscribed? share nt share Both d C

During the period of Joining Time, HRA new highest of lowest of

6826 is payable at the rate of __? old station station the two the two A
During the period of suspension (1)
NPS subscription need not be paid (2)
If employee requests for recovery for
the period of suspension, it can be 1 is 1 is
recovered (3) Recovery will be based correct, 2 wrong, 2 All the All the
on the entitlements during the period and 3 are and 3 are three are three are
6827 of suspension? wrong correct wrong correct C
During the period of suspension an
employee gets subsistence allowance
6828 of _____ % of pay 30 40 50 100 C
During the period of suspension an
6829 employee is not entitled to ___? Leave LTC Both None C

Cannot be Can be
more than more than
the pay the pay Can be Can be
which he which he given given
would would more pay more pay
have have in the in the
drawn had drawn had form of form of
During the period of training the pay he been he been personal Special
6830 of Government servant _____? on duty on duty pay pay A

During the period of transit from one Competen
post to another, DA is calculated on Joining t
6831 ______ Pay? Higher Lower Time Authority C
During the temporary transfer period,
HRA is admissible at the old duty
station rate for ___ , beyond which No such
6832 rate at the new station is payable? provision 180 120 90 D
During which of the following period,
CEA is not admissible for a Suspensio
6833 Government servant? n Dies Non Both None B
6834 Duties of AO GE are ___ fold 2 3 4 None B
Duty of maintaining public fund Commissi
account cash book can be delegated oned
6835 to who among the following? Officer JCO a or b None C
Corps of Engineer
6836 E in C is the head of the __________? Engineers Services Both None C
Each branch of _____ functions both
6837 as focal
Each house
meet atand
time and SBI RBI Both None B
place as President thinks fit, but ____
shall not intervene between its last
sitting in one session and the date
appointed for first sitting in the next
6838 session One year 9 months 6 months 4 months C
Earned leave can be accumulated up No such
6839 to ____ days? 240 300 315 limit B
Earned leave is credited to Leave January 1st April
account of employee twice in a year and 1st and 1st Any of the
6840 on for 15 days each on ____, _____? July October two None A
Earned Leave may be taken at a time
up to ____days as Leave Preparatory
6841 to Retirement 30 120 180 300 D
Earnest Money Deposits are paid by Cash
the tenderers into ____ account of the Public Assignme All the
6842 accepting officer? Fund nt Imprest three A
Recovery Reduction
Earnest Money Deposits forfeited are of of
adjusted through MRO and will be expenditu Expenditu Capital Revenue
6843 accounted for as ___ to Government? re re Receipts Receipts D
Earnest Money Deposits, Civil Court
Deposits and Personal Deposits paid Public Governme
into Military Chest will be deposited Fund nt Any of the
6844 into _____?
Earnest Money once forfeited by Account Treasury two a or b None C
Executive authority cannot be Next
restored without the sanction of higher Service
6845 _____? authority MOD H.Qrs. GOI A
EDP Centre generates a list of officers
retiring ____ prior to the Retirement
and hand over to Final Settlement
Review Group for necessary action in
6846 PCDA (O) Pune? 3 months 6 months one year two years B
only if
Operative specificall
only if it y decided
Effect of withholding an increment to was not so by the
which the officer had already become drawn for Disciplinar
entitled on the date of the order of some y Not
6847 penalty is ______? Operative reason Authority operative D
EL can be availed up to ____ days in
6848 one spell normally? 30 120 180 360 C
Electricity (expenses) when given in Profit and
trial balance, it will be posted in ___ of loss Balance Trading Any of the
6849 final accounts? account Sheet Account three C
EME workshops are classified in to ___
6850 types? 2 3 4 5 B
Emergency Cash Requisition should be
signed by OC of the station or in his
absence by an officer, not below the
6851 rank of ____? Colonel Brigadier Captain Major D
Emergency Cash Requisitions can be Non-
drawn from ______ by Defence Banking Banking
6852 Officers? Treasury Treasury Both None C
Employee who got promotion on
31.12.2017, will get his Annual 01.01.201 01.07.201 01.01.201 01.07.201
6853 Increment on ____? 8 8 9 9 B
Employee working in region ‘A’
has to submit representation (if any) Hindi or
6854 related to service matters in ____? Hindi English English None C
A or B as A or B as
per their per their
Employees are enrolled as members date of date of
of the CGEGIS scheme only from 1st next joining
6855 ______ every
Employees drawing
year basic pay up to Rs. 1st July January increent service B
____ p.,m. are eligible to obtain
treatment in General ward in the
6856 empanelled hospitals 47601 63101 47600 63100 C

Can with
Employees including fresh recruits n of Can with
entitled to LTC to HT for self alone Competen permissio
every year ___carry forward the t n of
6857 Employees,
concession?doing official work wholly Can Cannot Authority Ministry B
or partly originally in Hindi, who write
at least __ words in Hindi in a year in
Region A become eligible for cash
award under Incentive Scheme for
6858 working in Hindi? 10000 20000 25000 30000 B
Encashment of leave on LTC of PBORs Transport Central
is dealt by which section of PAO ation Ledger Control Review
6859 (ORs)? Section Group Section Section B
Enforced Recoveries from Contractors
from their Security Deposits will be Communi
effected by PCDA/CDA in cation not
6860 communication with the _____? GE CWE CE required C
Engineer authorities need not prepare
detailed designs and specifications Acceptanc Administr
until _____ is accorded by Competent e of ative Go ahead Any of the
6861 Financial Authority? Necessity Approval sanction three B
Engineer Stores Depots are under the
6862 Control of ______? CWE CE E - in - C GE C
Engineering Authorities are not
required to prepare detailed designs Administr Acceptanc
and specifications until ______ is ative e of Technical All the
6863 given? Approval Necessity sanction three A
Enhancement in contract rates Next Army
sanctioned by lower CFA will be higher Head
6864 communicated to CFA Quarters DGADS GOC in C B
Entitlements admissible in the case of
Battle Casualties are governed by
6865 ______ Orders? Separate Special Secret Specific B
Entries in Debt Head Registers are
6866 posted ____?
Entries in Service-Books of the Daily Weekly yearly monthly D
Officer/staff working in Regions No such
A' and `B' should be provision
recorded in ____ as provided in Hindi & in OL
6867 Official Language Rules? English Hindi English Rules B

leave is
when no , but he
other applies in
EOL is granted to a Government leave is writing for
6868 employee ________?
Equipment is declared __________ admissible EOL Both None C
when prototype of its successor
equipment has been formally Obsolesce In
6869 accepted Obsolete nt fructuous All B
Equipment is declared as _____ when
its required role has disappeared or no Obsolesce In
6870 use for any other Role Obsolete nt fructuous All A
Equipment is generally declared as
BER, when estimated cost of repairs
6871 exceeds _____ of replacement cost? 0.5 0.25 0.75 0.6 A
Equivalent officer in Army for Flight Lt.
6872 Lieutenant in Air Force is Colonel Major Colonel Captain D
Equivalent officer in Army for Lt.
6873 Commander in Navy is Colonel Major Lt. Colonel Brigadier B
Equivalent officer in Army for Rear Major Lt. Field
6874 Admiral in Navy is? General General General Marshal B
Equivalent officer in Army for
6875 Squadron Leader in Air Force is? Major Lt. Colonel Colonel Brigadier A
Equivalent officer in Army for Wing
6876 Commander in Air Force is _____? Colonel Major Brigadier Lt. Colonel D
Deduct Fresh
Erroneous Compilation made under Entry {(-)
any of the Deposit head should be Debit/Cre(Debit/Cre Any of the
6877 readjusted by _____? dit} dit) two None A
where Main
Error Scrolls in respect of transactio Branch in Focal
discrepancies will be prepared by the Concerne n took the city of Point
6878 ____?
Establishment Charges in the case of d CDA place CDA Branch D
Deposit works are not charged more
than ___% of Estimates, while
6879 preparing AEs? 1 2 3 5 B
Establishment of MES Inspection
6880 House requires the prior approval of CGDA MOD GOI E in C D
Estimates Committee of Parlaiment
6881 consists of ____ MPs 22 25 27 30 D
Estimates fall under ______ main
6882 categories as far as MES is concerned? 2 3 4 5 B
Estimates in respect of Defence Directors
Research and Development PCDA of
Establishments are prepared by (R&D) PcDA/CsD Labs/Estts
6883 ______? New Delhi A (R&D) . CGDA C
Estimates of receipts and charges in Controller
respect of Ordnance Factories s of
organization are prepared by the Factory General PC of A
6884 ______? Accounts Managers Kolkata CGDA B

To be
decided in
Every agreement of which the object each case
6885 or consideration is unlawful is ____? Void Voidable Valid on merits A
Every authority having the power to
impose and/ or realize a fine shall Public Regiment
ensure that the money is realized, duly Fund al fund Any of the
6886 Every
and deposited
of the Internal
into ____? Account Treasury account three B
Committee shall hold office for such
period, not exceeding _____ years,
from the date of their nomination as
may be specified by the employer
6887 under SH Act? 2 3 4 5 B
Every officer taken into the payment Individual IRLA CDA (O) Regiment
of PCDA (O) for the first time will be Account account Account Account
6888 allotted Number number Number Number C

Served in communic
person on ated to
Every order, notice or other process the him by
made or issued under the CCS (CCA) Governme Registered
6889 Rules, 1965 shall be __________? nt servant post a or b both C
Every overpayment to a Govt. Servant Infructuou
must be regarded as ___ to the public debt s
and all possible action should be taken owed to expenditu All the
6890 to recover? Loss public re three B
Every promise and every set of
promises, forming the consideration Agreemen
6891 for each other is ____? Contract t Promise Tender B
Public Cash
Every Regional PCDA/CDA office will Fund Assignme
6892 have ________? Account nt Both None A
Examination of Def. exp. with a view
to exploring ways and means of
achieving economy where practicable
6893 Except
is the duty
in some
of __specific
cases, where IA O&M Admin All A
Defence Services Officers are allowed
cash assignments on treasuries or the
Bank all payments are made by
cheques, etc. drawn by officers of All the
6894 ____? DAD DDOs MES three A
Except in urgent cases, proposals
which require the sanction of GOI 31st 15th 30th 15th
6895 Except
must reach
FRBM Act, No December December November November D
deviation in meeting the obligations
cast on the Central Government shall
be permissible without approval of Ministry Parliamen Prime
6896 ____? of Finance t Cabinet Minister B
Except repair of private arms on
payment, no private work of any
nature should be undertaken by EME PCDA/CD
6897 workshop without sanction of __? MGO QMG DGEME A A
Except under the orders of _____, no
order of sanction shall be accepted in
audit unless it is received PCDA/CD
6898 Except
under the
orders ofauthority?
_______, no order of sanctions shall
be accepted in audit unless it has been
received from or through the PCDA/CD
6899 sanctioning authority C&AG CGA A IFA C
Except with the permission of ____
members of the establishment are Addl.
prohibited from applying for PCDA/CD CDA/Jt.
6900 employment elsewhere? A CDA GO (AN) SAO/AO A
Excess expenditure over modified
allotments noticed by CDA should be Army Local
brought to the notice of ____ for Head Authoritie
6901 necessary action? Quarters s CGDA GOC in C B

Excess leave availed coming to light at Special EOL

the time of discharge/after retirement leave with without
will be regularized by Oi/c Records as pay and pay and
_____ provided no leave for allowance allowance Additional Any of the
6902 Exchange
adjustment Rate
is due
to them?
clause is only s s Leave three B
to be included in the Contracts Central State
concluded with which of the following Governme Governme All the
6903 PSUs? Defence nt nt three A
Executive action of GOI shall be Union of
6904 expressed to be taken in the name of IndiaPresident Both None B
Accepted tender Accepted
tender and the tender
Ex-gratia payment will be restricted up and next and
to the limit of difference between the highest highest lowest
6905 ____, ____? tender tender tender None B
Expand "BA"with reference Assessme Basic Business Broad
6906 to the Tools available on GeM portal? nt Analysis Analytics Analysis C

Armed Actionable Auditable

Forces Air Force Format Format
6907 Expand A.F. Form Form Form Form Form B
d Army
Authorize Army Marriage Married
d Medical Medical Establish Establish
6908 Expand A.M.E? Examiner Education ment ment C
Army Officers†Army
Officers†™ Officers
™ Benefit Benevolen Balancing
6909 Expand A.O.B. fund fund t fund fund None B

Aircraft Army
On Army on Ordnance Air Officer
6910 Expand A.O.G. Ground Ground General i/c Ground A

Assistant Additional Army Army

Recruiting Recruiting Record Recruiting
6911 Expand A.R.O. Officer Officer Officer Officer A
Army Army Security
Service Security Air Service Command
6912 Expand A.S.C Corps Corps Corps ant A

Annual Annual Appropria
Audit Accounts tion All the
6913 Expand AAC? Certificate Certificate Certificate three A
Army Army Army
Expand AEC with reference to the Engineerin Efficiency Education
6914 organization of Army? g Corps Corps Corps None C

Articles in
Expand A-in-U found used in store Arms in Articles in able Articles in
6915 accounting? Unit Use condition Unit B
Army Army Army Maintena
Medical Medicine Medical nce
6916 Expand AMC? Camp Corps Corps Contract C

Annual Annual Annual Annual

Record of Record of Review of Review of
6917 Expand AROB? Books Balances Books Balances D

Additional Accepted Authorize

Audit Tender Tender d Tender
6918 Expand AT Note? Note Note Note Note C
Army Army Women
Welfare Welfare officers Army
Health Housing Health Women
Organizati Organizati Organizati Health
6919 Expand AWHO? on on on Officer B

Beyond Beyond Broad Brief

Experimen Economic Expenditu Expenditu
6920 Expand BER? tal Results al Repair re Return re Return B
Chief Chief
Officer Officer Chief of Chief of
6921 Expand C.O.P Project Pilot Personnel Project C

Certified Central Chief

Technical Central Technical Technical
Equipmen Technical Equipmen Examiner
6922 Expand C.T.E t Examiner t of works D
Administr Central Central Central
ative Appellate Additional Assistant
Public Public Public Public
Expand CAPIO with reference to the Informatio Informatio Informatio Informatio
6923 RTI Act? n Officer n Officer n Officer n Officer D
Chief Central
Command Constructi Constructi Central
Chief on on Chief
6924 Expand CCE in CCE (R&D) Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer B
Central Central Centrally
Expand CCI with reference to work Control In Central Control Controlled
6925 dealt by PAO? charge Card Index Imprest IRLAs B
Composit Central Certified
Expand CFL with reference to e Food Civil Food Food Food
Laboratories functioning for the food Laborator Laborator Laborator Laborator
6926 requirements of Defence Services? y y y y A

Controller General of Controller
General of Defence General of
Defence Productio Defence
6927 Expand CGDP? Pensions n Personnel None B

Composit Composit Composit Compensa

e Hill e Hill e Hard tory Hard
Counter Compensa Climate Climate
Insurgenc tory Area Area
6928 Expand CHCA? y Area Allowance Allowance Allowance B
Cash Cash
Cash Managem Managem Cash
Expand CMP with reference to SBI Monitorin ent ent Monitorin
6929 CMP? g Package Package Product g Product C

Central Corps of
Corps of
Military Military
6930 Expand CMP? Police PolicePersonnel None B
Cost Contracto al
Negotiatio Cost rs Negotiatio
n Network Network n
Committe Committe Committe Committe
6931 Expand CNC? e e e e D
Clearance Centre of Central
Centre of on Real Rural Online
Expand CORE with reference to CORE Real time Time banking Real time
6932 Banking? Exchange Exchange Exchange Exchange D

Civilians Central s Portal Central
Public Portal for for Public
Grievance Grievance Grievance Grievance
Redressal Redressal Redressal Redressal
and and and and
Monitorin Monitorin Monitorin Monitorin
6933 Expand CPGRAMS? g System g System g System g System D

Central Central
Recordkee Regularat Central Central
ping ory Registrati Recovery
6934 Expand CRA with reference to NPS? Agency Authority on Ageny Agency A
Comparati ve
ve Comparati Statement
Statement ve of
of Statement Quotation All the
6935 Expand CSQ? Quantities of Quality s three C

Deputy Draft Dedicated

Financial Financial Financial
6936 Expand D.F.A Advisor Advice Advisor None A

Defence Defence Accounts
Accounts Accounts Deputy Departme
Departme Departme Assistant nt in the
nt nt for Director, field of
Electrical Electronic Electrical Electrical
and s and and and
Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic
al al al al
Engineerin Engineerin Engineerin Engineerin
6937 Expand DADEME g g g g C
Defence Defence Defence Defence
Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts
Promotio Placement Pension Payment
6938 Expand DAPB? n Board Board Board Board B
Direct Direct Direct
Expand DBT with reference to Benefit Bank Budget All the
6939 Government Schemes? Transfer Transfer Transfer three A
Discounte Determin
Expand DCF with reference to the d Cash ed Cash Derived Described
6940 provisions of DPM? Flow Flow Cash Flow Cash Flow A

Departme Defence Distribute
ntal Developm d Data
6941 Expand DDP? Procedure ent Plan Processing None C
Director Draft
General Draft Draft Governme
Naval Gazette General nt
Establish Notificatio Notificatio Notificatio
6942 Expand DGN? ment n n n B

Defence Defence
Managem Date wise Monetary
ent Monthly settlemen Daily Main
6943 Expand DMS System Statement t Scrolls B
Defence Procurem Defence
Defence Procurem ent Purchase
Purchase ent Managem Managem
6944 Expand DPM? Manual Manual ent ent B
Departme Developm
ntarlly Defence Defence ent
Related Related Research Related
Standing Standing Standing Standing
Expand DRSC with reference to the Committe Committe Committe Committe
6945 Committees of Parliament? e e e e A
Emergenc Emergenc
y Cash y Credit Emergenc Expenditu
Requisitio Requisitio y Cash re Cash
6946 Expand ECR n n Receipt Receipt A

Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic

Clearing Credit Clearing Credit
6947 Expand ECS? Service System Stage Service A
Exchange Exchange Emergenc Effetive
Expand ERV with reference to Rate Rate y Rate Rate
6948 provisions of DPM? Value Variation Variation Variation B
Money Engineer Engineer
Security Stores Security
6949 Expand ESD Deposit Depot Deposit None B
Family Final
Allotment Allotment Fictitious
Money Money Adjustme
6950 Expand FAMO Order Order nt Memo None A
Field Field
Field Instructio Field Imprest
training in ns on Imprest Procedure
practical Payments Payment s and
Institution out of Instructio Instructio
6951 Expand FIPI? s Imprest ns ns C

Final Pay First Pay Final

of of Settlemen Full Pay
Commissi Commissi t Pay of Commissi
oned oned Commissi oned
Service Service oned Service
6952 Expand FPCSC? Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate D

Financial Fiscal Functional

Responsib Responsib Responsib
ility and ility and ility and
Budget Budget Budget
Managem Managem Managem
6953 Expand FRBM in the FRBM Act? ent ent ent None B

Family Family Final Final

Station Settlemen Settlemen Settlemen
Expand FSMO in the context of PAO Money t Money t Money t Main
6954 work? Order Order Order Office C

Field FieldField Field

Treasury Treasury
Treasury Treasury
Cash Consolidat
Chest Chest
6955 Expand FTCR? Receipt ed Receipt
Report Receipt D
Field Field
Field Field Treasure Treasure
Treasure Treasure Cash Chest
Cash Chest Requisitio Requisitio
6956 Expand FTCR? Receipt Receipt n n B
General Governme
Power of General nt
Attorney Promissor Promissor All the
6957 Expand G.P. Note Note y Note y Note three C
Governme Governme
nt nt
Governme Accountin Accounts
nt Audit g and Audit
Standards Standards Standards
Advisory Advisory Advisory
6958 Expand GASAB? Board Board Board None B
nt Governme Governme
Business nt Banking nt Banking
Software Software System
6959 Expand GBSS? Solution Solution Software None A
Governme Governme Governme
nt e- General e- nt e- nt e-
Market Market Managem Material
6960 Expand GeM Place Place ent Place A

Governme Governme Guarantee

nt nt General d
electronic electronic electronic electronic
payment payment payment payment
6961 Expand GePG? Guarantee Gateway Gateway Gateway B
Officer General General General
Command Officer Officer Officer
ing in Control in Command Chief in
6962 Expand GOC - in - C Chief Chief in Control Command A
General Services Goods All the
6963 Expand GST? Sales Tax Tax Sales Tax three B

Huge High Level Human

Human Records Records Resource
Resource Managem Managem Managem
Expand H.R.M.S. with reference to Managem ent ent ent
6964 PAOs and PBORs? ent Study System System System D
Indian Indian Imprest Indian
Military Mission Money Medical
6965 Expand I.M.S. service Supplies supplies Service D
Indian Indian
Central Indian Civil Indian
Administr Central Administr Civil
ative Accounts ative Accounts
6966 Expand ICAS? Service Service Service Service D
Integrated Internal Important Integrated
Financial Financial Financial Functional
6967 Expand IFA Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor A
Immovabl Initial Individual n and
Expand IPR in the context of CCS e Property Property Property Public
6968 conduct rules? Return Return Return Relation A
Internatio Indian Integrated Service
nal Supply Supply Services Managem
6969 Expand ISM Mission Mission Mission ent B
Expand JRI with reference to Credit Joint Joint Reference Joint
verification of High value Imported Receipts Receipt s and Receipt
6970 and Indigenous Stores? & Issues Inspection issues Intimation B
Local Audit Last Audit
Audit Completio Completio Last Audit
6971 Expand LAC? Certificate n n Certificate D

Completio Confidenti Correctne Clearance

6972 Expand LACR: Local Audit n Report al Report ss Report Report A

Local Local
Audit Audit Last Audit Last Audit
ClearanceCompletio Clearance Completio
6973 Expand LACR? Report n Report Report n Report B
Local Local Local Audit
Audit Audit Audit Programm
6974 Expand LAP Party Power Person e D
Last Lowest Least Local
Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase
6975 Expand LPP? Price Price Price Price A

Legal Lowest Leave Leave

Records Ration Ration Records
6976 Expand LRA? Allowance Allowance Allowance Allowance C
Limited Lowest Limited Lowest
Tender Tender Tender Tender
6977 Expand LTE? Enquiry Enquiry Entry Entry A

Maximum Maximum Minimum Minimum

Expand M.R.P. with reference to Retail Retention Reserve Required
6978 Disposal of asset? Price Price Price price C
Treasury Military
Remittanc Mid Term Transport
6979 Expand M.T.R e Report Receipt None A
Monthly Major Minor
Expenditu Expenditu Expenditu
re re re
Return/Re Return/Re Return/Re
6980 Expand MER? port port port None A
Military Military Military
Nursing Naval National
6981 Expand MNS? Service Service Service None A
Nominal National Natural
Electronic Electronic Electronic
Fund Fund Fund
6982 Expand NEFT? Transfer Transfer Transfer None B

Notice Notice of Notice Notice

inviting indication including inquiry
6983 Expand NIT? Tender of tender Tender Tender A

Not in New item

Vocabular of Not in Next in
6984 Expand NIV with reference to Stores? y inventory inventory Inventory A
Options Objectives
Original for of
Equipmen Equipmen Equipmen
t t t
Manufact Manufact Manufact
6985 Expand OEM? urer urer uring None A

Private Personnel Public Pay

Expand P.O.R. in the context of IRLAs Occurrenc Occurrenc Occurrenc Occurrenc
6986 of Air Force Personnel? e Reports e Reports e Reports e Reports B
Price Price Plant
Printed Record Reserved Record
6987 Expand P.R.B. (used generally in MES) Rate Book Book Book Book D

Public Public Parliamen

Audit Accounts tary Audit Proprietar
Expand PAC with reference to C&AG Committe Committe Committe y Article
6988 report? e e e Certificate B

Permanen Enhancem Pensioner Pending
Expand PEA with reference to Pension t Effective ent Efficiency Enquiry
6989 Regulations? Award Authority Award Award D
Public Public Public Public
Financial Funds Financial Funds
Managem Managem Maintena Maintena
ent ent nce nce
6990 Expand PFMS? System System System System A

Personal Pay Particular Pay

Informatio Individual Individual
Expand PIRM with reference to PAO n Record n Record Running Running
6991 work? Master Master Master Master D
ent Price Purchase
Private Negotiatio Negotiatio Negotiatio
Net work n n n
Committe Committe Committe committe
6992 Expand PNC? e e e e C
Peace Or
Prisoners Pensioner Establish All the
6993 Expand POW? of war s of war ment three A
Personal Pension Pension Pay and
Pension Process Payment Pension
6994 Expand PPO? Order Order Order Order C

Perspectiv Preferenti
e Perpetual Priority al
Procurem Procurem Procurem Procurem
6995 Expand PPP ent Plan ent Plan ent Plan ent Plan C

Perspectiv nce Public
Expand PPP with reference to the Priority e oriented Private
provisions of Performance and Procurem Procurem Procurem Partnershi
6996 Outcome Budget? ent Plan ent Plan ent Plan p D
Personal Private Public Principal
Expand PSO with reference to Staff Staff Staff Staff
6997 Army/Navy/Air Head Quarters? Officer Officer Officer Officer D
Price Priced Primary Payment
Value Vocabular Value Value
6998 Expand PV Rate Rate y Rate Rate Rate B

Rigorous Report on
Recruit Imprison
Recruit Irregularit
6999 Expand R.I.? Individual ment Index y B
Expand RC Officers with reference to Recently Reserve al Regular
work related to PCDA (O)? i.e. ___ Commissi Commissi Commissi Commissi
7000 officers oned oned oned oned C
Reference Reference Request Request
for for for for
7001 Expand RFP? Purchase proposal Purchase proposal D

Recoverab Reserve Reserve Recoverab

Expand RGP in the context of sale of le Grading Guiding Grading le Guiding
7002 scrap? Price Price Price Price B
Returned Returned
Repairs Returned Store Store
Expand RSSD with reference to Depots Store Sub Store Sub Supply Servicing
7003 of Indian Army? Depot Depot Depot Depot B

Real Time
Real Time Real Time Governme
Gross General nt
Settlemen Settlemen Settlemen
7004 Expand RTGS t t t None A

Returned Reserve Returned and
Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Veterinary
7005 Expand RVC? Condition Cell Catalogue Corps D
Study on Systemati Scales of Standard
Requirem c Rations Requirem
ents Research and ents
7006 Expand S.R.S.? systems of Stores Supplies &Scales C

Separate Statement Systemati Single

Expand SBE with reference to Budget of Budget c Budget Budget
7007 Performance and Outcome Budget? Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate B
Commerci Statement Statement
Statement al of of Central
of Central TransactioCommerci Transactio
7008 Expand SCT? Taxes ns al Taxes ns D
Special Special Special
Expand SL Officers with reference toSick List Liaison List Level
7009 work related to PCDA (O)? Officers Officers Officers Officers C
Standard of
Schedule Standard Standard All the
7010 Expand SSR of Rates Star Rates Rates three A
Station Station Station Senior
Transport Technical Treasury Technical
7011 Expand STO? Officer Officer Officer Officer A
Turn Turn n Transactio
Expand TAT in the context of SBI CMP Around Account Accountin n Analysis
7012 (Cash Management Product)? Time Time g Time Time A
Tax Deducion Tax
Deduction by Service Deduction All the
7013 Expand TDS? at Source Provider Service three A

Technical Tender
Technical Tender Examinati Examinati
Evaluation Evaluation on on
Committe Committe Committe Committe
7014 Expand TEC? e e e e A

Expand TOR wth reference to Terms of of Tenure of All the
7015 procurements defined under GFR? Reference Reference Reference three A
Tender Procurem Tender Tender
Purchase ent Price Practice
Committe Committe Committe Committe
7016 Expand TPC? e e e e A
Technical Technical and Technical
Training Training Informatio Training
and and n and
Instructio Infrastruct Technolog Institution
nal ure y al
Equipmen Equipmen Equipmen Equipmen
7017 Expand TTIEG? t Grant t Grant t Grant t Grant A
Urban Urban
Expand UA with reference to the Urban Aglomerat Arrangem
7018 provisions of HRA? Area ion ent None B
War Emergenc
War Establish War y
Equipmen ment Emergenc Transactio
7019 Expand W.E.T t Tables Tables y Tables ns A

Ways and
Ways and Means Ways and
Expand WMA (A mechanism used by Means Accountin Means All the
7020 RBI under its Credit Policy) Advances g Audit three A
is partly
met by
the State
nt and
partly out
is met by is met by of
the the State Defence
is met by Ministry Governme Service
7021 Expenditure of NCC _____? MOD of HRD nt Estimates D

Expenditure of occasional character is Recurring Honorariu All the
7022 known as _______? Charges m Fee three A

Any of the
Expenditure on account of outsourcing two
of services under Contract (Due to Pay & Office subject to
shortage against authorized strength) Allowance Contingen availability
7023 is booked to __ head? s cies of funds None B
Expenditure on Engineer Services
required for the Army is charged as
Military Engineer Services Expenditure
7024 under ____ Head?
Expenditure on Engineer Services MES Army Sub Detailed B
required for the Navy is charged as
Military Engineer Services Expenditure
7025 under the ___ Head? Army MES Navy None C
Expenditure on planting and
maintenance of trees shall be met Public Regiment 25% : 75%
7026 from ______ by the unit? fund al fund 50% each by a, b B
Expenditure on printing of question
papers for Army Educational
7027 organization on
Expenditure is met
out of ___?of items ATG TTG ETG TTIEG C
which have a life of ____________
years or more is debitable to Capital
7028 Budget 5 7 10 25 B

Expenditure on vehicles irrespective of Decided in

7029 cost and life shall be treated as _____? Revenue Capital Both 50% each case B
Expenditure other than falling under Miscellan
specific category of Pay & All.,leave eous Local Additional Fresh
salary, pensions, contingency, grants Expenditu Expenditu Expenditu Expenditu
7030 in aid, works etc. is known as re re re re A
Expenditure other than pay & allces. , Miscellan
leave salary, pensions, contingencies, Fresh Additional Local eous
grants in aid, contributions, works, T & Expenditu Expenditu Expenditu Expenditu
7031 P etc. is known as __? re re re re D
Fresh Additional Extra zed
Expenditure which the budget cannot Expenditu Expenditu Expenditu Expenditu
7032 be held to cover is known as re re re re A
Ex-servicemen Contributory Health 30.12.200 01.01.200 01.04.200 01.01.200
7033 Scheme (ECHS) came into force w.e.f. 2 3 3 6 C
Extension of Delivery period, Post
waiving/imposing of Liquidated Contractu Tender
Damages and risk purchases are al Expenditu Evaluation Acceptanc
covered under ___ stage of IFA Monitorin re Angle Negotiatio e of
7034 concept? g Sanction n Necessity A
Extensions of Delivery Period beyond Next
the prescribed period would require higher
7035 sanction of the ____? CFA AFHQrsMOD GOI C
Amendme Contract
Extention of time to a contractor is Deviation nt to Agreemen Any of the
7036 granted through order contract t three A
Facility of Air Travel for LTC is
7037 admissible from level ___ only? 9 8 7 6 A
Factories Act came into force w.e.f. 23.09.194 01.01.194 01.04.194 23.09.194
7038 ______?
Family can travel in one or more 8 9 9 9 C
groups, but each group should
complete its return journey within
____ months from the date of its
7039 outward
Family pension
journeyis under
LTC? to the 12 9 6 3 C
family of deceased employee @
____% of Last Pay drawn by the
7040 government servant? 50 40 30 25 C

only for
the only for
dependen the
ts of the dependen
deceased ts on A or B
CGHS family whichever
Family pensioners can avail CGHS beneficiar pensioner is opted
7041 facility for y s Both by them A
Fees under RTI Act should not be Indian
accepted if received in the form of Postal Demand
7042 _______? Cash Order Draft None D
Fees under RTI Act need should not be Indian
accepted if received in the form of Postal Demand
7043 Fictitious
_______?adjustments and Cash Order Draft None D
manipulations in accounts unless an
actual loss has occurred are classified Observati
7044 as on Objection MFAI None A
Field cashier can draw funds from Regional Either of
7045 which of the following sources? CDA PCDA (O) a, b None B
Field Cashier submits his cash account Fortnightl
7046 to PCDA (O) on ____ basis? Daily Weekly y Monthly A
Field Imprest account is closed on
7047 _____ basis? Daily weekly monthly yearly C
Field Imprest Holder can draw funds Regional Field
7048 from ______? CDA Cashier a or b PCDA (O) C
Field Imprest Holder should be an Commissi
officer of not below the rank of oned
7049 ______ in general? Officer Major Captain Lt. Col C
Field Imprest Holder will ordinarily be
a military officer not below the rank of
7050 _____? Colonel Lt. Col Major Captain D
Field Park Coys, Workshop and Park
Coys and Docks Operating Coys etc Corps of
7051 function under which corps of Army? EME AOC Engineers MES C
Field Security Sections work under Intelligenc
7052 _______ Corps in Army EME AOC e Artillery A
Figures on account of loss of animals
(otherthan MF)for inclusion in
Appropriation Accounts are obtained Army PCsDA/Cs LAOs/RAO All the
7053 by CGDA from HQrs DA s three A
Final bills up to what amount can be
7054 pre audited by AO GE posted in GE Rs. 2 lakh Rs. 5 lakh Rs. 8 lakh Rs. 10 lakh D

Final issues to outstations will be Issue Nominal Convoy Any of the
7055 made on ______? Vouchers Vouchers Notes three A

Any of the
three, but
to be
Financial accounts are supposed to be Calendar financial Any 12 authoritie
7056 maintained on ______ basis? year year months s D
Financial Advice rendered by g, Original, Short
Controllers is of two types. What are Respondin Major, Respondin term,
7057 the two? g Minor g Long term C
Financial advice rendered by PCDA
7058 Main office IA cell is of how many 1 2 3 No limit B
Financial powers of ___ of the
7059 following types? Inherent Delegated Both None C
Financial powers of CFAs are All the
7060 prescribed in ______? DPM DPP DFPDS three C
Financial Up gradation under MACP
scheme can be granted to a PBOR if he
is stagnated for a period of ___ years
7061 in a grade? 12 10 8 6 C
Financial up-gradations under ACP
scheme have to be given in the Promotio
7062 hierarchy of _____? Pay Scales nal Posts Both None B
Financing of premiums up to _____
Life Insurance Policies is allowed from
7063 DSOP Fund in respect of each officer? 4 3 2 1 A

Reporting Reviewing Inquiry

7064 Find the odd man out? Officer Officer Officer None C
Single Three
First component of CDA (O) Account Digit Two digits digits
7065 Number is represented by _____? Alphabets Number Number number C
Account Number
Number dealing
First component of CDA (O) Account of Army with his Ledger Check
7066 Number represents ____? Officer IRLA wing Alpha C
Fiscal deficit is supposed to be brought
down to not more than ____ %of GDP
by 31st day of March, 2021 as framed
7067 under FRBM Rules? 5 4 3 2 C
Fixed Medical Allowance is admissible covered
to who among the following retired Nepal under All the
7068 service personnel? Domicile DSC ECHS threeD D
Flag Officer Commanding in Chief of Viskhapat Trivendru
7069 Eastern Command is in _____? nam Kolkata Chennai m A
Fluctuating charges such as TA/DA
etc., for which no scales are laid are
calculated average expenditure
7070 of the previous _years in BEs? 2 3 5 10 B
Flying Allowance is admissible
concurrently with which of the Strategic
following Allowances in respect of Force Siachen
7071 Army Officers? Allowance Allowance Both None A
Focal Point Branch will segregate from March suppleme
1st April all transactions pertaining to March suppleme ntary
previous years and report the same as Suppleme ntary Correction March
7072 ___ from 1st to 15th April? ntary Correction (Manual) Residual D
Focal Point Branches have been
introduced in the Ministry of Defence 01.01.199 01.04.199 01.07.199 01.10.199
7073 with effect
Fodder losses
cannot be written 3 3 3 3 D
off on expense vouchers as
unavoidable, whether chargeable to
the State or to an individual will be General
priced at the ________ of the farm Payment Supply Highest of
7074 concerned? Free Issue Issue Rate the three C
For 100% disability, Constant
7075 Attendant Allowance is payable @ ___ 3250 6750 9000 10000 B
For accounting purposes the Capital
assets in a factory are classified under
7076 _____ main heads 5 4 3 2 C
Date on
For allotment of Quarters of Type IV, Date of the Date of
____ is considered as the crucial date Applicatio relevant Date of joining the
7077 in respect of Government Servants? n pay Birth service D

He should Successful
be within ly
80% of complete
He should strength d
have at of probation
least 6 auditors wherever
years of authorize prescribed
For an individual to be considered to service as d for the in that
7078 For
the an
of Senior
at 9:30 a.m. The Auditor dept. grade All D
letter ‘A’ will be added to
‘L’ in the Attendance Register at
7079 what time? 0.40625 0.416667 0.427083 0.4375 D

For audit enfacement purpose LAO Only Blue Only Red Only Any
7080 will use ink ink Green ink colour B
Capital Major
works, Capital
Other works,
works and Major Low Authorize
For Budgetary Purposes, works maintena works, budgeted d works,
services are divided in to the following nce Minor capital Special
7081 two categories by MES? services works works works A

Authorize Other
d works Ordinary Major works and
For budgetary purposes, Works and works and works and Maintena
services by MES are divided in to Special Special Minor nce
7082 _______?
For calculation of financial impact works works works services D
while preparing Pension Budget,
whose pay is taken as mean in respect
7083 of Army
For calculation
of financial impact Major Lt. Colonel Colonel Brigadier B
while preparing Pension Budget,
whose pay is taken as mean in respect Senior
7084 of Civilians?
For calculation of financial impact ACDA AAO Auditor UDC D
while preparing Pension Budget,
whose pay is taken as mean in respect Nb.
7085 of PBORs? Subedar Subedar Havaldar Naik C
For capital outlay provided otherwise, Departme Departme
interest shall be charged at the nt of nt of
average rate of interest determined Economic Expenditu
7086 each year by _____ MOF? Affairs re Both None A
For Defence transactions at Non-bank on the
Treasuries, paid vouchers and M.R.Os Monthly 11th, last
along with Schedules of payments and by 11th of of the
receipts will be sent to PCDA/CDA following following
7087 concerned __ Daily Weekly month month D
For Divyang children, CEA/HS is
payable at ____rate of normal amount one and No such
7088 admissible?
For Employees of pay level 1 and 2 half time Double Triple rate provision B
TPTA is admissible at rate of ___ + DA
in the cities other than higher TPTA
7089 cities per month 1350 1800 900 3600 C
For Employees of pay level 1 and 2
TPTA is admissible at rate of ___ + DA
7090 in the higher TPTA cities per month 1350 1800 900 3600 A
50% of 50% of
piece- the
work average
profit piece-
earned by work
the profit
workers in earned by
the the piece-
For essential maintenance workers relevant workers in A or B A or B
attached to Production Section of OF, productio the whole whichever whichever
7091 Incentive
For Government
bonus isservants
levels n section factory is less is more A
5 and below Expenditure up to
Rs.____ can be reimbursed on account
of taxi charges in respect of local No such
7092 journey on duty per day? 338 225 113 limit C
For Government servants in Pay levels
5 and below Rs. ____ can be
reimbursed on account of stay in
7093 hotel/guest
For Government
per day?
in Pay levels 4500 2250 750 450 D
6 to 8 Expenditure up to Rs.____ can
be reimbursed on account of taxi
charges in respect of local journey on No such
7094 dutyGovernment
For per day? servants in Pay levels 338 225 113 limit B
6 to 8 Rs. ____ can be reimbursed on
account of stay in hotel/guest house
7095 per day? 7500 4500 2250 750 D
For HPL, Credit will be reduced at the
rate of 1/18th of the period of ______
during the preceding half year subject
to maximum of ten days
7096 Dies Non EOL Bth None A
For imposing minor penalties under
Rule ______ of CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965
7097 will be applied. 10 16 14 15 B

For Leave, Discipline, APAR, AAO GE of MES PCDA/CD All the
7098 reports to ___? formation RAO/LAO A three B

For Leave, Discipline, APAR, AO GE of MES PCDA/CD All the
7099 reports to ___? formation RAO/LAO A three C
For non compliance of the provisions
of act, Penalty @ ___ per day can be No such
7100 For
on appointed
the public authorities?
on Contract, 20 250 25000 limit B
____ days of EOL is admissible for the
whole tenure, if the tenure is one to
7101 five years? 0 60 90 100 C
For Officers appointed on Contract,
____ days of EOL is admissible if the
7102 tenure is up to one year? 0 30 60 90 A
For officers in Pay levels 12 and 13 Rs.
____ can be reimbursed on account of
7103 stayofficers
For in hotel/guest
in Pay levels
13 7500 4500 2250 750 B
Expenditure up to ____ can be
reimbursed on account of taxi charges
in respect of local journey on duty per No such
7104 day? 50 KMs 25 KMs Rs. 338 limit A
For officers in Pay levels 12 and 13 Rs.
____ can be reimbursed on account of
7105 foodofficers
For bills perinday?
Pay levels 14 and above 1500 1200 1000 900 C
Expenditure up to ____ can be
reimbursed on account of taxi charges
in respect of local journey on duty per No such
7106 day? 50 KMs 25 KMs Rs. 338 limit D
For officers in Pay levels 14 and above
Rs. ____ can be reimbursed on
7107 account
For officers
of food
in Pay
per 14
and above 1500 1200 1000 900 B
Rs. ____ can be reimbursed on
account of stay in hotel/guest house
7108 per officers
For day? in Pay levels 9 to 11 and 7500 4500 2250 750 A
above Rs. ____ can be reimbursed on
account of stay in hotel/guest house
7109 per officers
For day? in Pay levels 9 to 11 7500 4500 2250 750 C
Expenditure up to Rs.____ can be
reimbursed on account of taxi charges
in respect of local journey on duty per No such
7110 day? 338 225 113 limit A
For officers in Pay levels 9 to 11 Rs.
____ can be reimbursed on account of
7111 food bills per day? 1500 1200 1000 900 D
For officers whose pay in civil post is
fixed without taking into account his pay
entire pension, the DA will be based entire pension + actually
7112 on the ______? basic pay pension pay drawn D

Hospital Any
For Out patient treatment in where CGHS Registered
empanelled hospital CGHS beneficiary treatment Dispensar Medical
7113 can obtain medicines from _____? taken y A or B shop B
For passing requisition on account of
advance of TA/DA, passing powers of Full
7114 For
AAOPayis up
to ____?
1 to 5 Reimbursement of Powers 25000 100000 500000 A
Hotel/Guest House per day is
admissible up to Rs. _____ during
7115 official tour? 450 750 2250 4500 A
For Pay level 1 to 5 Food bill per day is
admissible up to Rs. _____ during
7116 Official
For Pay Tour?
level 1 to 5 Taxi (Non AC) 500 800 900 1000 A
charges within the city per day is
admissible up to Rs. _____ during
7117 Official Tour? 113 225 338 500 A
For Pay level 12 and 13 Food bill per
day is admissible up to Rs. _____
7118 during
For PayOfficial
level 12Tour?
and 13 1000 1200 1500 1800 A
Reimbursement of Hotel/Guest House
per day is admissible up to Rs. _____ No such
7119 during
For Payofficial
level 12
and 13 Taxi (AC) 2250 4500 7500 limit B
charges within the city per day is
admissible up to _____ during Official As per
7120 Tour?
For Pay level 14 and above Rs. 500/- 100 KMs 50 KMs actual C
Reimbursement of Hotel/Guest House
per day is admissible up to Rs. _____ No such
7121 during official tour? 2250 4500 7500 limit C
For Pay level 14 and above Taxi (AC)
charges for travel within the city per
day is admissible up to Rs. _____ As per
7122 during Official Tour? 338 500 225 actual D
For Pay level 14 and aboveFood bill
per day is admissible up to Rs. _____
7123 during
For PayOfficial
level 6Tour?
to 8 Reimbursement of 1000 1200 1500 1800 B
Hotel/Guest House per day is
admissible up to Rs. _____ during
7124 official tour? 500 750 2250 4500 B
For Pay level 6 to 8 Food bill per day is
admissible up to Rs. _____ during
7125 Official
For Pay Tour?
level 6 to 8 Taxi (Non AC) 500 800 900 1000 B
charges within the city per day is
admissible up to Rs. _____ during
7126 Official Tour? 113 225 338 500 B
For pay level 8 officer, Hotel charges
are payable at Rs. ____ per day in the
7127 casePay
For of Class
level 'X'
9 to 11 Reimbursement
City? 2250 1500 1200 1000 D
of Hotel/Guest House per day is
admissible up to Rs. _____ during
7128 official tour? 2250 4500 750 3000 A
For Pay level 9 to 11 Food bill per day
is admissible up to Rs. _____ during
7129 Official Tour? 1000 1200 900 1500 C
For Pay level 9 to 11 Taxi (AC) charges Not
within the city per day is admissible up Admissibl
7130 to _____
For Pay level
9 toOfficial
11 TaxiTour?
(Non AC) 338 500 225 e D
charges within the city per day is Not
admissible up to Rs. _____ during Admissibl
7131 Official Tour? 338 500 225 e A
For procurement proposals costing
more than ____ Advertised Tender No such
7132 Enquiry is a must? 25 lakhs 2.5 Lakhs 25000 rule A
For service personnel treatment in
civil hospitals, where reciprocal Nearest Unit
arrangements are made, Civil MH of the Nearest where the
Accounts Officer will raise debit civil MH to the person is
7133 against ___? hospital Unit serving CDA D
For Temporary officials, ____ EOL can
7134 be granted on one occasion? 180 120 60 30 D

For Territorial Army offices Increment 6 months

is granted on completion of _____ of continuou
7135 embodied service? s service 365 days Both None B

For the days of _____ on tour, DA is Restricted

7136 admissible? Holiday Leave Both None D
For the grant of first rate of GS Pay,
the NCO has not incurred more than
one red ink entry in his conduct sheet
during __ years’ preceding the
7137 date from which it is granted? 5 4 3 2 D

If asked by
For the officer of pay level 8, when the If asked by
Hotel charges are paid at a higher rate Competen Audit
on account of 'X' class city, t Authoritie
7138 is production of vouchers required? Yes No Authority s A
For the purpose of Cash Inspection,
7139 units fall under ___ categories? Four Three Two One C
For the purpose of Counting of past CDA of
service in the case of PBORs, the same CDA the
need to be sent to ____ for necessary PCDA (P) (Army) concerned CDA (PD)
7140 action? Allahabad Meerut PAO Meerut A
For the purpose of determination of
the fees of the arbitral tribunal and
the manner of its payment to the
arbitral tribunal, the ____ may frame Parties Arbitratio Any of the
7141 such rules as may be necessary? concerned n Tribunal High Court three C
For the purpose of food bills, if
absence from H.Qrs. Is 6 to 12
hours____% of amount as per
7142 entitlement is admissible for that day? 0 50 70 100 C
For the purpose of food bills, if
absence from H.Qrs. Is less than 6
hours ____% of amount as per
7143 entitlement is admissible for that day? 0 30 50 70 B
For the purpose of food bills, if
absence from H.Qrs. Is12 to 24
hours____% of amount as per
7144 entitlement is admissible for that day? 0 50 70 100 D
For the purpose of HRA, cities/towns
7145 have been classified into how many 3 - A, B, C 3 - X, Y, Z 2 - A, B 2 - X, Y B

For the purpose of recovery of Income accounted

Tax, arrears of salary are deemed to for by IT
be the salary on the date on which authoritie
7146 they are _______? Received fell due s claimed A
For the purpose of Scale Audit, ____
month’s strength returns of
Officers in each half year are selected One
7147 by Wing Officer? month 2 months 3 months None A
Station Ministry
For transferring vehicles from one unit Command PCDA/CD Army of
7148 to another whose orders are required er A H.Qrs. Defence C
For transportation of luggage on
account of transfer, ____ kgs of
luggage can be admitted for officers of
7149 For
pay transportation
level 12 & aboveof ?luggage on 1500 3000 6000 No limit C
account of transfer, ____ kgs of
luggage can be admitted for officers of
7150 pay level 8 ? 1500 3000 6000 No limit C
Pay and
For which of the following Charged s of Vote On
expenditure, voting by Parliament is Expenditu Employee Account All the
7151 not required? re s Budget three A

For which of the following occassions, of family
7152 GPF Advance cannot be taken? members Pilgrimage None Both C
For which of the following periods, Suspensio
7153 CEA is not admissible for employees? Leave n Dies Non None C
For which of the following purposes Recreatio
Jeeps and Motor cycles can be hired Amenity nal
7154 out works
For by Armyscheduled
Units? to be completed purposes purposes Both None D
within _____ years, Escalation except
statutory increases not to be
7155 incorporated? 1 2 3 5 B
Formation Engineers are provided
with S&S Imprest under the sanction Any of the
7156 of ____? GOC in C E-in-C CE, Corps three C
Formation Engineers execute OP Through Departme Civil Any of the
7157 Works ordered on them ____? Contracts ntally Agencies three B
Formation of New MES District
7158 requires the sanction of _______? GOI E - in - C CE CWE A

Formation of New MES division Governme er works Chief Engineer
7159 requires and
Formats the approval
fly leaf instructions
of _____? of nt of India Engineer Engineer in Chief D
registers maintained by
Controllers’ offices are prescribed OM II OM II
7160 in _____? OM I Volume II Volume I OM XI B
Forms in which the accounts should be
kept in the offices of the DAD are PCsDA/Cs
7161 prescribed by
Forwarding of the
_____?paper to DA CGDA Both None B
Accounts Officer is supposed to be
done not later than____ months of
7162 date of retirement? 12 6 4 3 C
26.01.200 01.04.200 01.07.200 26.08.200
7163 FRBM Act was published on _____? 3 3 3 3 D
Freak rates are those, which in the Abnormall Abnormall Either a or Lowest
7164 opinion of Accepting officer are ____? y high y low b rate C

provided admitted
Free Rations should not be drawn in with Train to All the
7165 respect
Fresh approval
of individuals
should be obtained in Ration on leave Hospital three D
an approved work is not commenced
within ___ of the date of 12
7166 administrative approval? 6 months months 2 years None B
Fresh numbers will be started for Part Any one
I and Part II Office orders from the 1st date of a,
7167 ________ of each year 1st April 1st July January b, c C
From ____ onwards, the responsibility
for compiling the accounts of Defence 01.01.197 01.04.197 01.10.197
7168 Services has been entrusted to CGDA 6 6 6 None C
From ____, UPSC have introduced a
new procedure under the `Single
Window System' for scrutiny on the 01.01.201 01.04.201 01.06.201 01.08.201
7169 spot in promotion cases? 0 0 0 0 D
From _____, personnel of the DAD are
governed by Fundamental Rules in all
matters in which they were previously
7170 governed by CSR? 01.01.94 01.04.62 01.07.76 01.10.93 C
From ________ ACR has been 14.05.200 01.09.200 15.10.200 01.04.200
7171 renamed as APAR? 9 8 9 9 A
From 2002-03 onwards the budgetary Ministry MOD (Civil) to
requirements of Coast Guard of Finance (Civil) to Ministry
Organization have been transferred to MOD Ministry of Home
7172 From
from the
of the
of following
__ to __? records, it (Civil) of Finance Affairs None A
is ensured by PCDA (O) that no officer Non
is paid by more than one Ledger Visual Central Effective All the
7173 Wing? Chart Index list three B
From whom Field Imprest Holder is Regional Field Either of
7174 supposed to draw funds? CDA Cashier a, b None C
FRSR made applicable to Defence 01.01.192 01.07.197 01.01.200
7175 Accounts Department employees 2 6 1.10.1993 4 B
Full Field Cashier Report after the
closing of March is supposed to be
submitted by Accounts/Field Cashier 31st
7176 Sub Section to PCDA by ___? March30th April 31st May 30th June D
Air Force
Air Force Air Force
ChiefCivil Central
Accounts Accounts
7177 Full form of AFCAO is ___? Officer
officer Office None C
n of the
When Disciplinar
Full pay and allowances are payable to Minor y
the government servant under which penalty is proceedin
7178 of the following circumstances? awarded gs Both None C

Full pension is admissible to the

employees retiring with minimum No such
qualifying service of not less than minimum
7179 ___years? 10 20 33 prescribed A
Full value of stores will be charged
against the department concerned, if
AOC stores issued on loan are not 12
7180 returned by them within ____? 3 months 6 months 9 months months B
Fundamental Rules came into force 01.01.192 15.08.194 26.01.195 01.10.197
7181 w.e.f. _____? 2 7 0 6 A

Funds for the repairs/maintenance of Admin E section

DAD buildings including internal section of of
Electric installation and roads will be PCDA/CD GE AO GE PCDA/CD
7182 projected by ___? A concerned concerned A B
nearest to
Funds to Field Cashier are supplied by Field
7183 which of the following officers? Cashier PCDA (O) Both None B
Administr Duty
ative Disciplinar assignmen
7184 Furlough isof
Furnishing a kind
of of qualifying Action y action Leave t C
service etc. to retiring Government
servant is done ____ months in
7185 advance? 12 8 6 3 B
Furnishing Ticket Number, PNR No.
within ____ days of drawing the
7186 advance is mandatory under LTC? 15 10 5 3 B
By Sale to
Furniture being declared surplus by CE Govt. By sale by
will be disposed in which of the Departme by Public private All the
7187 following methods? nts auction treaty three D
Furniture purchased at a cost of
10000/-. Depreciation @ 10% in
straight line method if charged, value
7188 of asset will
Furniture purchased
be ____ at
a cost
twoofyears? Rs. 8000/- 8100/- 9000/- 9800/- A
10000/-. Depreciation @ 10% on
written down value method if
charged, value of asset will be ____
7189 after two years? Rs. 8000/- 8100/- 9000/- 9800/- B
Furniture should not be transferred Station
from one army unit to another Command PCDA/CD
7190 without the consent of _____ er GOC in C GE A C

Add Rs. Deduct Rs.

200/- to 200 from
Furniture worth Rs. 1000 sold for Rs. furniture Furniture
800 in exchange offer for another item and post and post Post Rs.
worth Rs. 3000 and a net invoice of Rs. Rs. 200/- Rs. 200/- 200/- on
2200 passed through furniture on debit Deduct Rs. on the the debit
account. How the adjustment in final side of 200 from debit side side of P&
7191 accounts is done? P&L A/c Furniture of P&L A/c L A/c C

Deduct Rs. Deduct Rs.

2200 from 2200 from
Machinery Machinery
A/c and A/c and
Add Rs. Add Rs.
2200/- to 2200/- to
Furniture Furniture
A/c. A/c.
Deduct Add Rs. Deduct Rs.
Add Rs. 800/- 2200 to 200/-
200/- to from Machinery from
Furniture worth Rs. 1000 sold for Rs. furniture Furniturre A/c and furniture
800 in exchange offer for another item and post A/c and Deduct Rs. A/c and
worth Rs. 3000 and a net invoice of Rs. Rs. 200/- post Rs. 1000/- post Rs.
2200 passed through Machinery on debit 800/- on from 200/- on
account. How the adjustment in final side of credit side Furniture debit side
7192 accounts is done? P&L A/c of P&L A/c A/c. of P&L A/c D
Goods to
ured or Goods to
acquired be
by the supplied
seller in future
after the in addition
making of to the
the existing
Future goods means ______ as per contract contract
7193 sale of goods act? of sale of sale Both None A
nt Governme Governme Governme
Accounts nt nt nt
GAD with reference to SBI Mumbai Departme Accounts Accounts Accountin
7194 represents ____? nt Division Directives g Design A
the As
GE (I) will exercise the financial powers of decided
7195 powers of _____? CWE GE GE by CE B
GE can enter into contracts whose
7196 value is up to Rs. ______? 10 lakhs 15 lakhs 50 lakhs 150 lakhs C

forces are On the
GE can execute the works without called out grounds
waiting for the permission of in aid of of urgent Imminent
administrative authority in cases of civil Military Danger to All the
7197 ___? power necessity Buildings three C
GE is authorized to place Supply
orders on account of Local Purchase of
7198 stores costing up to Rs. _____ (lakhs)? 0.75 1 1.5 2 C
GE is responsible to act as Technical All the
7199 Advisor at the _____ level of Army? Sub Area Area Command three A
7200 GeM portal is hosted by ____> MOD MOF DGS&D None C
General Conditions of MES contracts IAFW IAF CDA IAFW
7201 are stipulated in which of the 2249 IAFZ 2209 336 2159 A
General Financial Rules were issued
7202 for the first time in ______? 1947 1950 1963 2005 A
Border Coast
Roads Guards Military
General Reserve Engineer Force Organizati Organizati Engineer All the
7203 (GREF) is a part of ___? on on Service three A
Gentlemen or Lady Cadets are entitled
to a stipend of Rs. ___ per month,
7204 while undergoing training? 47600 56100 61300 69400 B
Go-A head sanction issued by CFAs will
not exceed ____% of rough cost
estimate for the entire project made
7205 by Engineer authorities? 5 10 15 20 D
Goods are divided into ____
caterogires with reference to the fact
7206 that they
Goods identified
come inand
or go
out ?upon at 1 2 3 4 D
the time a contract of sale is made are
defined as ____ under sale of goods Future Specific Titled Pending
7207 act? to be manufactured or
Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods B
produced or acquired by the seller
after the making of the contract of
sale are defined as ____ under Sale of Future Liable Titled Pending
7208 Goods Act? Goods Goods Goods Goods A
Goods worth Rs. 5000/- are destroyed
by a fire accident. Insurance company Rs. 4000/- Rs. 1000/-
admitted a claim for Rs. 4000/-. What Rs. 4000/- on Rs. 1000/- on
will be entry in the balance sheet after on assets liabilities on assets liabilities
7209 doing the adjustment? side side side side A

Rs. 5000/-
Credit in
A/c, Rs. Rs. 5000/-
Rs. 1000/- Rs. 1000/- 1000/- Credit in
on P&L on P&L Debit in Trading
A/c Debit A/c Credit P&L A/c Account
side and side and and Rs. and Rs.
Goods worth Rs. 5000/- are destroyed Rs. 4000/- Rs. 4000/- 4000/- on 5000/- on
by a fire accident. Insurance company on assets on assets Assets Assets
admitted a claim for Rs. 4000/-. What side of side of side of side of
will be entry in the Final Accounts Balance Balance Balance Balance
7210 after doing
Goods worththe
5000/- are destroyed Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet C
by a fire accident. Insurance company
admitted a claim for Rs. 4000/-. What Rs. 1000/- Rs. 1000/- Rs. 4000/- Rs. 4000/-
will be entry in the P&L A/c after doing on credit on Debit on Debit on Credit
7211 the adjustment? side side side side B
Government Account means account
relating to which of the following? 1.
Consolidated fund of India 2. Public
Account of India 3. Contingentcy Fund All the
7212 of India? 1, 2 1, 3 Only 1 three D
Government Accounting Rules came 01.10.197 01.04.199 01.04.198 01.10.199
7213 into force w.e.f. _____? 6 0 3 3 B
Government Accounts are kept in
7214 ____ parts? 5 4 3 2 C
Government accounts are maintained Calendar Financial
7215 on ______ basis? year year Half yearly Quarterly B
5% below
price or
Government Promissory Notes, when face value
submitted as Security by vendor, they whichever Surrender market
7216 Government
are accepted servant
at whichcan
appeal is less value Face value price A
against punishment order issued
against him within ___ days of receipt
7217 of such order? 90 60 45 30 C
Govt. transport from unit lines to e
Railway station for ORs proceeding on Not irrespectiv
leave is admissible when the distance admissible e of
7218 exceeds 8 Kms 1.5 Kms at all distance B
GPF amount can be nominated to No such
7219 ____ family members? One Two Three limit D

GPF Rules are applicable to Central after
Government employees appointed on continuou re-
or before 31.12.2003. GPF s service employed
subscription is not mandatory for of one pensioner
7220 which of the following Officers/staff? year s Both None D
GPF Rules are applicable to employees 31.03.200 31.12.200 01.01.200 31.03.200
7221 appointed on or before ____? 3 3 4 4 B
GPF subscription can be enhanced
7222 ____ in a year? No limit Once Twicce Thrice C
GPF subscription can be reduced ____
7223 in a year?
GPF withdrawal at 90% of the balance No limit Thrice Twicce Once D
can be taken by an employee without
assigning any reason ___ in entire
7224 service? No limit Once Twicce Thrice B
Grade pay Rs. 5,400 in PB-2 and Rs. as differently
5,400 in PB-3 (VI CPC) will be separate depends by
considered ____ for the purpose of as same grade on case by different
7225 the MACP Scheme? grade pay pays case depts. B
Grading in APAR is required to be a
communicated to the individual reasonabl
concerned, as far as possible within one two e time
7226 ___from the date of acceptance? 15 days month months period B

Grant of leave to CGDA requires the Defence

7227 sanction of MOD MOD (Fin) Secretary None B
Grants in aid may be sanctioned to
meet the expenditure already incurred Cannot be
not earlier than ______ prior to the sanctione
7228 date of issue of the sanction d 6 months 1 year 3 months C

Grants in Aid of Revenues will be paid Consolidat Contingen Public

by Central Government to State ed Fund of cy Fund of Account None of
7229 Governments from India India of India the above A
Gross domestic product, reckoned at
constant prices, as published by the
Central Statistics Office from time to Revised GDP Real
7230 time is known as ___? GDP Growth Real GDP Output C
Ground balance of all items in a ASC
retail shop is supposed to be checked
by the In charge of the shop at least
7231 once in every ______? Quarter Month Fortnight week C
Ground rent of Rs. 5000/- in respect of
7232 items auctioned can be waived off by GE CWE CE E in C D
Group 'D' post has been re-
7233 classified as MTS under ___ CPC 4th 5th 6th 7th C
Group 'D' post has been re-classified
7234 as MTS under ___ CPC 4th 5th 6th 7th C
Growth in real gross domestic product Revised GDP Output
7235 is known as ____? GDP Growth Real GDP Growth D
Half day leave can be granted when Leave Not All the
7236 the employee applies for ____? CL HPL Due three A
Half pay leave to be credited every
half year will be reduced at the rate of
___of the period of dies non in the
7237 precedingand
Handing halftaking
year?over of stores 1/10th 1/18th 1/20th 1/15th B
should take place in the case of leave
of the store keeper for more than __
7238 days is an allowance granted to
HAUCA 7 10 14 30 A
Army Officers based on ______ of the
location after fulfilling the prescribed Operation
7239 conditions? Area Height Depth al risk B
HBA is admissible to who among the All Payment
following Central Government permanen of Wages
7240 Head
of accounts under which t Act Both None C
transactions closing to balances are
recorded, carried forward to the next
financial year which includes heads of
Debts, Loans, Advances, Provident
Funds, Reserve Funds, Deposits and
Advances and Suspense, Debt Minor Major
7241 Miscellaneous are called? Heads Heads Sub Heads Heads A
Heads of account under which are
recorded all proceeds of taxation and
other receipts classed as revenue and
the expenditure met there from are Receipt Expenditu Debt Revenue
7242 known as ___? heads re heads heads heads D
Heating expenses when given in trial Profit and
balance, it will be posted in ___ of Trading loss Balance Any of the
7243 final accounts?
Higher Audit of “Contract Account account Sheet three A
Management? especially Contracts
relating to acquisition of weapon Store Store
systems is the duty of __ Section of Contract Audit
7244 PCDA? IFA Cell section Section IA cell D
Highly Active Field Area Allowance is Military
not admissible to the officers working Military Engineerin Training All the
7245 in which of the following units? Farms g units Centres three D
Hindi cell in a Regional PCDA/CDA
7246 officecharges
Hire functions
for under
T&P given by IA Admin Legal cell O&M B
MES to Contractors are recoverable
on per day basis. A day means ___
7247 Hours?of properties by Defence
Hiring 24 12 8.5 8 D
Services, which are required for more
than ____ years, requires the approval
7248 of the GOI? 10 5 3 2 A
Hiring of properties by MES which are
required for more than ten years PCDA/CD
7249 requires sanction of Â-Â-Â-Â-___? GOI MOD CGDA A A
Loss not
due to Loss due
Holding of court of inquiry is not theft, to theft is
mandatory in which of the following fraud or less than
7250 cases? neglect 10000 Both None C
Holding of court of inquiry to
investigate losses due to theft, fraud
or neglect may be dispensed with by Cannot be
the CFA at his discretion when dispensed
7251 reported loss is less than Rs. ____? 20000 15000 10000 with C

Home Town once declared can be Cannot be any

changed only on ____ with the Two One changed number of
7252 approval of Head of the Department? occasions occasion at all occasions B
Homogeneous schemes under a
programme especially those involving
small outlays, should be grouped into
7253 suitable ___ Heads? Major Minor Detailed None D
For in case of
contributi dispute
on of between Temporar
articles on Departme y increase
subject nt (other in work
matters than he is due to
with working) holding of
Honorarium is paid to Government which he and a special
servant in which of the following is officially private conferenc All the
7254 cases? concerned party es three B

t officer
In full and outfit
after 7 allowance
years granted at
from the the time
1/3 of date of of grant of
Hony. Commissioned officer when New Out Hony. Hony.
granted permanent commission, he is fit Commissi Commissi
7255 entitled to out fit allowance of In full allowance on on D
Horsed Cavalry Regiments function
7256 under which corps of Indian Army? Artillery Armoured Ordnance Infantry B

Day whom
Hostel subsidy is admissible in respect boarding CEA is
7257 of ____? children admissible None Both C
Hostel Subsidy is admissible to an
employee who keeps his/her child in a
hostel of a school located beyond a
7258 distance of ___ KMs from residence? 50 75 100 500 A
Hostel subsidy is admissible to
Government servant for keeping
children in the Hostel of a residential
school away from the station he/she is
posted/or is residing irrespective of
any transfer liability, Located beyond
a distance of ____ KMs from
7259 Residence? 250 150 100 50 D
Hotel/Guest House receipts are not
required for submission by employees
of pay levels while submitting TA/DA
7260 claim for TD? 1 to 5 6 to 8 Both None C
House Building Advance together with
Interest is recoverable in ___ number
7261 of instalments (Maximum)? 180 240 300 200 B

No such
House of People when Proclamation Should be
of Emergency in operation can be dissolved
extended by Parliament by law for not after 5
7262 exceeding
How many____
a timeof ?Letter of 3 months 6 months One year years C
Credits are applicable for Defence
Departments regarding Foreign
7263 Procurement? 7 6 5 4 D
How many branch accounts offices are
7264 functioning
How many Branch
under PC
of A Kolkata?
Offices 51 12 63 39 D
are there in India under PC of A
catering services to Ordnance
7265 Factories? 40 41 44 51 B
How many cases Retired officer can
7266 handle as Inquiry Officer at a time? 2 3 4 20 C
How many cases Retired officer can
7267 handle as Inquiry Officer in a year? 2 4 10 20 B
How many cases Serving officer can
7268 handle as Inquiry Officer at a time? 1 2 4 10 B
How many cases Serving officer can
7269 handle as Inquiry Officer in a year? 1 2 4 10 D
How many classes of Payment Indents
are dealt by AFMSDs in respect of
7270 Payment Issues? 5 4 3 2 C
How many Coast Guard Districts are
7271 there in India? 11 12 5 4 A
7272 How many Commands are there in 7 6 4 8 A
How many copies of Consolidated
Annual Accounts of Cantonment
7273 Board are received by LAO? Four Three Two One C
How many copies of issue vouchers
are prepared when stores are
transferred from a consuming unit to 4 copies, 4 copies, E 4 copies, 4 copies,
7274 another? Which copy is left over? A copy copy B copy D copy D
How many copies of Issue vouchers
are sent by Army unit to their
dependent LAO, when it pertains to
7275 transaction with in the unit? One Two Five Six A
How many copies of loss statement
7276 are prepared by the units to write off 2 3 6 10 C
How many copies of MROs are
prepared by units when depositing
7277 money into Government Treasury? 2 3 4 5 B
How many copies of packing accounts
are sent by ISM London to Landing
7278 Officer in respect of Imported Stores? 4 3 2 1 C
How many DAD cells are functioning in
7279 DAD 5 4 3 2 B
How many days of accumulated EL can Entire EL
be enchased at the time of retirement at his
7280 by a Government Employee? 240 300 360 credit B
How many days of compensatory
leave can be taken by a Government
7281 Servant at a time? 1 2 3 5 B
How many days of Leave Not Due can
be granted to a Government Servant
7282 in the entire service? 365 360 366 300 B
How many Demands for Grants are
7283 prepared for Defence Pension 1 2 3 5 A
How many Demands for Grants are
7284 prepared for MOD (Civil) 1 2 3 5 A
How many Demands for Grants are
presented to Parliament under Civil
7285 Estimates of Defence? 2 4 6 8 A
How many Demands for Grants are
submitted by MOD since the FY 2016-
7286 17 as a part of Budget Estimates? 7 6 5 4 D
How many Demands for Grants are
submitted in Defence Services Budget
7287 Estimates on Capital account? 1 2 3 4 A
How many Demands for Grants are
submitted in Defence Services Budget
7288 Estimates on Revenue account? 4 3 2 1 D
How many Departments are
7289 functioning under Ministry of 4 5 6 7 A
How many departments are
7290 functioning under MOD? 5 4 3 2 B
How many digits/alphabets will you
find in the CDA (O) Account Number
containing the Account Number
7291 properly allotted to Army Officer? 4 and 3 5 and 2 1 and 6 6 and 1 D
7292 How many DPDOs are functioning in 51 12 63 44 C
How many DPDOs are functioning
7293 under CDA (PD) Meerut? 12 51 63 None B
How many DPDOs are functioning
7294 under DAD? 63 44 39 12 A
How many Flag Officers Commanding
7295 in Chief are functioning under Indian 5 4 3 2 C
How many groups function under
7296 Technical Section of PCDA (O)? 2 3 4 5 A
How many MACP up gradations are
7297 admissible for a PBOR in his career? 1 2 3 4 C
How many Members of Parliament are
7298 there in the Official Language 15 20 25 30 D
How many minimum members should
be nominated in a Purchase No such
7299 Committee by the CFA? 2 3 4 rule B
How many National Holidays will be
7300 observed by DAD Offices? 5 6 17 3 D
How many Ordnance Factories are
there in India for which PCof A and
7301 their sub offices are catering services? 35 39 44 51 B
How many pay levels are prescribed in
7302 7th CPC (excluding partition like 13 A 18 17 16 15 A

As More than
How many payments on account of decided one with
advance of pay can be made from by the prior
Imprest to the same individual in a Imprest permissio
7303 day? Only One Two Holder n of CDA A
How many PIFAs are functioning
7304 under DAD 10 8 6 5 D
How many private sector banks have
been authorized by RBI for conduct of
7305 all types of Government Transactions? 2 3 4 5 C
7306 How many PSO assist Chief of Air 5 4 3 6 B
How many quarterly progress reports
are submitted by PCsDA/CsDA on
7307 account of follow up reports of AAC? 4 3 2 1 B
How many Regional PCsDA are there
7308 at present in DAD? 12 13 6 7 C
How many Regional Principal
Controllers are functioning in Defence
7309 Accounts Department 12 10 6 5 C
How many Regional Training Centres
7310 are functioning under DAD? 3 4 5 6 C
How many sets of specimen signatures
are to be sent to CDA office for
allotment of Imprest Account
7311 Number? 3 4 5 6 D
7312 How many slab rates are prescribed in 4 5 6 7 A
How many States are there in India as
7313 on date? 29 28 27 26 B
How many times a government
employee can be sanctioned HBA in No such
7314 the entire service? once twice thirce limit A

No such
and time
How many times a Repeat Order can have to be
7315 be placed? Only once Twice Thrice complied A
How many times an employee is
permitted to change his GPF
7316 Nomination while in service? No limit 2 3 Only once A
How many times an employee is
7317 permitted to change his Home Town No limit 2 3 Only once D
How many types of Taxes are defined
7318 under GST Act ? 3 4 5 6 B
How many Union Territories are there
7319 in India as on date? 7 8 9 10 B
How many up gradations are
admissible MACP Scheme to the No such
7320 Central Government Employees 4 3 2 limit B
How many volumes of cash
assignment cash book is supposed to No such
7321 be maintained by GE? 2 3 4 limit A

a, b a,b
How many vouchers of E copies must 60 whichever whichever
7322 be paired by consignor LAO 0.01 vouchers is more is less D
How manyminum members should be
nominated in a Purchase Committee No such
7323 by the CFA? 2 3 4 rule B
How much % of TA/DA advance is
7324 payable for Temporary Duty? 75 80 90 100 D
How much accumulation is retained
by Government when an employee
exits from NPS before attaining the
7325 age of superannuation? 0.4 0.2 0.8 0.6 C
How much amount is payable on
7326 account of Funeral Expenses for Army 8000 9000 10000 15000 B
How much amount is payable on
7327 account of Gallantary Award Ashok 10000 6000 5000 4500 B
How much amount is payable on
7328 account of Gallantary Award Kirti 10000 6000 5000 4500 D
How much amount is payable on
7329 account of Gallantary Award Mahavir 10000 6000 5000 4500 C
How much amount is payable on
7330 account of Gallantary Award Param 10000 6000 5000 4500 A
How much amount is payable on
7331 account of Gallantary Shaurya Chakra 4500 3500 3000 1000 C
How much amount is payable on
7332 account of Gallantary Vir Chakra 4500 3500 3000 1000 B
How much amount is payable on
7333 How
muchof Sena
is payable to 4500 3500 3000 1000 D
PBORs on account of Composite
Personal Maintenance Allowance per
7334 How
month much amount is payable to 100 95 90 75 C
PBORs on account of Rum Allowance
per month in Field area above 9000
7335 How
feet?much amount is payable to 360 248 225 158 A
PBORs on account of Rum Allowance
per month in Field area Below 3000
7336 How
feet?much amount is payable to 68 158 225 248 B
PBORs on account of Rum Allowance
per month in Field area between 3000
7337 How
- 4999much
feet?amount is payable to 68 158 225 248 C
PBORs on account of Rum Allowance
per month in Field area between 5000
7338 - 8999 feet? 68 158 225 248 C
How much amount is payable to
PBORs on account of Rum Allowance
7339 per month in peace area? 68 158 225 248 A
How much Extension of Time can be
granted to IO to submit Inquiry report one
7340 in a Disciplinary case at a time? 20 days month 3 months 6 months D
How much of fee is charged to provide
information under RTI Act, through a
diskette or floppy if desired by the
7341 applicant? Rs. 2/- Rs. 10/- Rs. 25/- Rs. 50/- D
7342 HPL can be availed _____? With MC MC Both None C

HQ SC Pune referred a question He can

relating to the interpretation of the refer with He can
orders of GOI involving financial proper refer in
consideration without making Not in justificatio general
7343 reference to PCDA SC. Comment In order Order n matters B
HRA @ 24% on Basic pay is not
admissible to government servant
working at which of the following Ahmedab
7344 places? Pune ad Bangalore Nagpur D
HRA is admissible at which of the 10, 20,
following rates depending up on the 8, 16, 24 30% of 6, 12, 18% 4, 8, 12%
7345 classification of cities/towns % of B.P B.P. of B.P. of B.P. A

For the
first 180
days and
will be
subject to
For the For the required Not
first 90 first 180 certificate admissible
7346 HRA is admissible during suspension days days s at all C

Residing Residing Drawing

HRA is admissible to which of the in Govt. in Own Project
7347 following employees? Quarters House Allowance None B
HRA is payable @ ___% of Basic pay
for employees working in Class
7348 'X' cities? 24 16 8 None A
Deends on
HRA is payable with reference to the case to
7349 place of ___? Residence Duty a or b case B

HRA shall not be less than Rs. _____ No such

7350 for Y class cities? 5400 3600 1800 provision B
Husband and wife both are central
government servants. _ will prefer the Whoever
claim, in case no declaration is given has higher
has lower
by them as to who will prefer the entitleme
7351 claim for Medical Treatment? Husband Wife ntnt A
IAB-64 is used as ____ with reference TA/DA
7352 to PBORs? IRLA Sheet Roll Pay Book claim C
IAF CDA -13 (Large) (Red) is used for Pre
which of the following DSOP fund Final mature
Settlement payments in PCDA (O) Retiremen Retiremen All the
7353 Pune? t t Death three D
IAF CDA -13 (Large) is used for which nt of Credit Terminal
of the following payments in PCDA (O) Annual Balance of Gratuity All the
7354 Pune? Leave IRLA Claim three D
IAF CDA -13 form is used to issue a
fresh cheque in case of which of the Cheque Cheque Cheque All the
7355 following transactions? retuned cancelled lost three D
IAF CDA – 13 is used for Contingen All the
7356 issuing Fresh ____? Cheque MRO t Bill three A
Punching Schedule of spoilt
7357 IAF CDA – 336 is sued for ____? Medium III Cash Book cheques A
IAF CDA-13 forms should be held CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD
7358 under the personal custody of ____? SAO (AN) GO (AN) CDA A B

Media Class 8 Register
other than Punching Schedule of
7359 IAF CDA-345 is used for _____? Class 8 Medium III cheques C
Cash Public
IAFA - 125 is used for which of the Assignme Fund
7360 following cash books? nt Account Both None B
n of General Special
Approxim Tender Conditions conditions
IAFW -2249 (published in the form of ate document of of
7361 book) deals with ____ MES Contracts? Estimates s Contracts Contracts C
Vehicle Mileage Vehicle
7362 IAFZ - 2212 is used by units for ____? Log Book Car Diary Card Register C

IAFZ 3033 is meant for which of the POL stock Vehicle Unit land Ration
7363 following by Army Units? ledger log book Register Accounts D

IAFZ – 2197 (Revised) is used by POL stock Requisitio Vehicle Vehicle
7364 Army units for _____? ledger n for POL Register Log Book D
Vehicle transport Mileage
7365 IAFZ – 2209 is used for _________? log book indent card Car Diary D

Ration Occupatio
7366 IAFZ-2170 is used for ____? Cash Book Return n Returns Car Diary C
Idle time cost arising due to normal
and unaboidable causes shoud be Direct Other
7367 charged as ____ to production? cost Overhead profits None B
If ____ is received from PCDA (O),
AAO BSO will clear the outstanding Copy of
rent/allied charges bill concerned Pay slip
treating the same as recovered from Recovery reflecting Acknowle
7368 respective officers? Statement recovery dgement None C

If a book shop purchases car for office Deferred Any of the

7369 use, it is _____ expenditure for him? Revenue Revenue Capital three C
If a candidate wants to apply for
revaluation of his answer sheet in
respect of a SAS paper, ___% marks he
7370 should have obtained? 36 35 33 30 D

If a car dealer purchases car for resale, Deferred Any of the

7371 it is _____ expenditure for him? Capital Revenue Revenue three C

If a charged official dies after Inquiry Discretion Referred

but before issue of orders of penalty, Case Penalty would to
7372 what would happen to the case? closed awarded prevail President A

Do proper Do proper
alteration alteration
s and s and get
If a concession form has been Attest them
incorrectly prepared, which of the them with Attested Cancel
following action would you suggest Full them by and issue Any of the
7373 the Army unit concerned? signature LAO fresh one three C
If a Deserter PBOR does not surrender
himself or if he is not apprehended
within ___ from date of desertion, he
7374 is dismissed from service? 7 years 3 years 2 years 1 year B
Through No need
If a Draft Para is based on a case taken separate In the to
up by internal audit, the fact is In the communic Draft Para acknowle
7375 acknowledged ______? reply ation itself dge C
If a enmployee is granted Commuted
leave and he quits service voluntarily
without returning to duty, it shall be Unauthori
treated as _____ and the excess leave sed
7376 salary recovered EL HPL EOL Absence B
from any asking to Recovery
If a final account of a MES Contractor other bill deposit from
shows that he has been over paid, due to through Security
7377 Excess amount can be settled by him MRO Deposit All the 3 D

cash book
Separatly with
for different
Separately acounts in respective
If a firm has more than one account in for each each columns As per
different banks, Cash Book is supped bank different for each convenien
7378 to be maintained ____? account bank Account ce D
No. A firm
As cannot
decided have
If a firm is owned by partners, profit & As agreed by more than
loss is shared in ___ ratio by the upon by Governme one
7379 owners? All equally them nt owner B

to be
without Amoumnt
any to be
Amoumnt Interest refunded Amoumnt
need not and leave with no to be
be credited interest refunded
If a Government servant avails refunded back after being along with
Encashment of EL for LTC, but not and leave deucting charged Interest
performed the journey, how the is not one day and leave and leave
amount of Encashment and EL will be credited EL as a credited credited
7380 regulated? back penalty back back D
If a government servant retires while Commutat
disciplinary proceedings are pending, ion of
7381 he is not entitled to _____? Gratuity pension Both None C

Date of
n by
to whom
First of the
If a government servant Surrender the next accodoma
accommodation – HRA is payable month of 8th day of tion is Date of
7382 from _____, If otherwise admissible? surrender surrender allotted Surrender D

d between
If a Government servant works for nts as
more than one Government, his Parent Both mutually
Travelling Allowance may be borne by Governme Governme agreed
7383 _____? nt nts 50-50 upon any one C
If a Money Bill passed by the House of
People and transmitted to the Council
of States for its recommendations is
not returned to the House of the
People within the period of ____, it
shall be deemed to have been passed
by both Houses at the expiration of
the said period in the form in which it
was passed by the House of the Six
7384 People 14 days 30 days 3 months months A
If a posting is done as "By XYZ
A/c", it means ____ side of ledger
7385 is operated? Debit Credit Both None B
If a posting is done as "To ABC
A/c", it means ____ side of
7386 ledger is operated? Debit Credit Both None A
If a posting is done in Machinery should not
account instead of Furniture account, gets does not Cannot be
7387 then
If a Principal
trial balance
_____? tallied get tallied say prepared A
desires to relax audit temporarily in a
matter which Concerns his own office
or his subordinate offices, he should
invariably refer the case to
____________ for obtaining prior All the
7388 concurrence. C&AG CGA CGDA three C

miss out
next unit
Revised accounts
LAP will He should of which
Entire half be intimate are in
year submitted fresh good state
If a prolonged stay is required in a unit programm for programm and return
by LAO, how the man days in LAP will e will be approval e to such to it if
7389 be adjusted? dislocated of M.O unit possible D
If a soldier draws payment from
Imprest holder on Acquittance Roll,
the same is debited by in __
7390 instalments when details are received Four three two One D
If a voucher required to support a for
charge is lost, ______ is required to be voucher Indemnity
7391 submitted to audit? lost bond Both None A
mutually Day
If accredited bank is not open on last agreed decided
working day (Due date of payment of upon by by
salaries), payment is made on ___ day DDO & PCDA/CD
7392 of the closed holidays? Following Preceding Bank A B
If advance drawn under LTC claim
within _____ from the date of return one two three
7393 journey has to be submitted? 15 days month months months B
If advance not drawn under LTC claim
within _____ from the date of return one two three
7394 journey has to be submitted? 15 days month months months D

holding Holding
higher higher
If an appointment is tenable in ranks in a rank in
alternate ranks, _________ can be substantiv acting
7395 held appointed to such post? e capacity capacity Both None A
If an approved work is not Suppleme Approval
commenced within 12 months of date Revised ntary Fresh of next
of Administrative Approval, _____ Admin. Admin. Admin. higher
7396 If
an employee
be obtained?
dies in service, his Approval Approval Approval authority C
family will be eligible for immediate
monetary relief of Rs. ____
7397 (Maximum)? 24000 16000 10000 8000 D
Month December
prior to of the
If an employee dies in the middle of a month in Month in year in
month, subscription for CGEGIS is Date of which which which
7398 recovered up to ____? Death died died died C

Withheld claim will
claim will be
be disallowed
disallowed .
. Next two Competen
sets Withheld t
� claim will Authority
HT/ Any be may
place in disallowed disallow
India will . Next two more than
be sets two sets
forfeited � and in
as per the One to HT addition
disallowed and one to any
claim to Any penalty
pertains place in under
If an employee is found guilty for to HT/Any India will Disciplinar
misuse of LTC, which of the following Place in be y rules Any of the
7399 course of action is taken? India forfeited three C
If an employee is promoted to a
higher group in April of a year, higher Date of 1st April 1st
rate of CGEIS subscription will be Promotio of the 1st July of January of
7400 recovered w.e.f. ___? n year the year next year D
If an employee is transferred to a non
CGHS station the family members can 12
7401 avail benefits under CGHS for _____? 6 months 8 months 9 months months A

If an employee joins in the middle of first of the first first July first July
the year, CGEGIS subscription is next January of of the of the
7402 recovered from ____? month next year year next year B
If an employee joins in the middle of
the year, He will be entitled to ____
benefits under CGEGIS till his regular Savings,
7403 subscription is started? Insurance Savings Insurance None C
If an employee joins service on 31st
March, How many days of EL is
7404 admissible in the particular half year? 15 7 8 23 C

P&L Rectificati
If an error in respect of a nominal Account,
Adjustme on not
account is noticed after the accounts Suspense P&L nt required.
of the year are closed, rectification is Account, Adjustme
Account, Simple
carried out by using the help of _____ Nominal nt Nominal noting is
7405 of the following Accounts? Account AccountAccount enough B
If an error in respect of a Suspense Adjustme Rectificati
person's account is noticed after Suspense Account, nt on not
the accounts of the year are closed, Account, P&L Account, required.
rectification is carried out by using the Person&# Adjustme Person&# Simple
help of _____ of the following 39;s nt 39;s noting is
7406 Accounts? Account Account Account enough A
If an individual gets two promotions in Not
a quick session say between 2nd Only for Only for available
January and 30th June of the same first second Both the for both
year, then option to get Refix the pay promotio promotio promotio promotio
7407 from DNI will be available for _____? n n ns ns B

He may be
allowed if allowed
If an individual wishes to continue at He cannot administra only for a
hard/tenure station after completion He may be be tively limited
7408 of prescribed tenure ______? allowed allowed feasible period C
If an officer uses staff car (Big car) for
purposes other than duty , which are
unavoidable, Rs. ____ per KM is
7409 recoverable 4.5 5 5.5 6 D
If any change affects the form of the
Finance and Revenue Accounts, it will
not be made without the previous Any one
7410 If
any instance
of ______?
of variance between CGA C&AG of a & b Both a & b D
the provisions of DPMand other
Government Manuals comes to
notice, the matter should be Ministry
immediately referred to ____for Ministry of All the
7411 clarification CGDA of Finance Defence three C

ce of IFA
If any item of goods is available on from
GeM portal, procurement through Mandator other No such
7412 GeM is _____? y Optional sources rule A
If any part of a single consideration for
one or more objects, or any one or To be
any part of any one of several decided in
considerations for a single object, is each case
7413 unlawful, the agreement is ____? Void Voidable Valid on merits A
If any transaction is not adjustable Returned
either wholly or in part for any reason to the referred
for want of supporting documents originatin to CDA referred
7414 DIDS
If as ashould
disciplinary case it is g CDA reversed Meerut to CGDA A
considered by the disciplinary
authority that some blame attached to
the individual concerned which
necessitates cognizance of such fact,
that authority should award the Recordabl Any one a
7415 penalty of ___? Censure e Warning or b Both A

If audit authority considers it essential Audit Such
to see court of inquiry proceedings in Any officer of request
a specific case, ___ shall make a officer of through the should not
7416 request to the executive? DAD LAO only command be done C

both Either of Either of both

subject to them, them, subject to
maximum whichever whichever maximum
If both wife & husband are of 60 days is more is less of 60 days
government servants, Encashment of to each of beneficial beneficial combinedl
7417 If
for 10
EL is available
become to them to them to them y A
necessary through revision of scales or Suppleme Approxim
for other administrative reasons, ___ Revised ntary ate Fresh
7418 is prepared? Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate B
If charge is transferred to an officer in the date of by
the afternoon, he is deemed to The same following issue of Controllin
7419 assume charge from day day order g Officer B
If circumstances under which a
concession/allowance granted have
changed, proposal for Sanctionin
modification/withdrawal should be g
7420 sent by Controllers to ____? CGDA GOC in C authority DADS A

Net Profit Both Net Both Net

Asset Vlue increases/ Profit and Profit and
increases/ Asset Asset Asset
If depreciation is charged more, ____ Net Profit Value Value Value
7421 will increase/decrease? decreases decreases decrease increase C
A or B
ever is A or B
more which
If employee falls sick at a place not beneficial ever is
covered under CGHS, ____ Rules are to the low in
7422 applicable? CGHS CS (MA) inividual cost B

If exp. in April/May is more than the Payment Payment

other months, obligatory in nature from from
exceeds 1/6th of Budget head (Vote Provisiona Suspense Advances
7423 on account) __ can be made? l Payment Accounts Heads None A
Only one
If Family planning operation fails, CEA On the child
is admissible for employees in respect there first there None. Not
7424 of Children born ____? after instance after admissible B
If I am updating an account, I am Trial All the
7425 operating _____? Journal Ledger Balance three B
If it be in the public interest to extend MOD, H.Qrs,
the period of an existing Contract, CDA, Next Next Next GOI, Next
approval of ___ and sanction of ___ higher higher higher higher
7426 are necessary? CFA CFA CFA CFA A
If it is felt in audit, rates accepted in
contract are considerably higher than Next
rates prevailing in market, matter higher All the
7427 should be taken up with? CFA CFA CGDA three A
If it is found that credits have not been
afforded in the ledgers in respect of
___ vouchers selected for test check, All the
7428 LAO will object? Issue Receipt Expense three B
ty to all
If it is necessiated submission of whether to give
revised commercial bids consequent their equal A. If the B. If the
upon discussion during TEC/CNC, what tehnical opportuni original original
is the basic point to be ensured for bid is ty to all price bids price bids
acceptance of L1 based on revised accepted technically have not have not
commercial bids with the Permission or acceptabl been been
7429 of CFA/IFA? rejected e vendors opened opened, D

If it is noticed in audit that Concerne

�Expenditure incurred is prima d
facie more than the occasion Administr Next
demands�, PCDA/CDA would ative higher Army
7430 take up the matter with ___? Authority authority CGDA H.Qrs A

Accept L-2
at the rate
If L-1 is found invalid, which of the Accept quoted by
following action you would suggest to the bid of Retenderi L-1 (if L-2 Any of the
7431 MES officer? L-2 ng is wiling) three B

Take it as
receipt Don’t
If money due to Government has and write take it as
actually reached a Government off the a receipt
servant and is then embezzled, stolen loss under and
or lost, what action would you appropriat regularise Take it as
7432 suggest? e head as loss receipt None A
If Mr. X has to carry out special audit
of an Allowance admitted in pay bill of
MES civilians, his direction of
verification should be from ____ (Give Sanctions Pay Bill to a but not b but not
7433 the answer which is more accurate)? to Pay Bill Sanctions b a D

AMA in a medical
Governme practioner
nt hospital appointed
If No AMA is appointed in sub urban in in outside
area, treatment can not be obtained adjoining the place
7434 from city of duty Both None B
If objection is taken in audit to any
item of expenditure sanctioned by the
CFA and the objection is not Next
withdrawn by the CDA even after higher
reply, it shall be incumbent on the CFA Next CFA
to report the transaction to the _____ higher through Command
7435 for orders? CGDA CFA CDA H.Qrs. C
If One controller wants to originate a Respondin Respondin g Head of Originatin
DIDS against another CDA, the g head of g Head of the g Head of
originating CDA should operate the Respondin his own Respondin his own
7436 ____ of Defence Exchange Account? g CDA office g CDA office C
If Original work consists of one special for
work which requires approval by original
higher CFA, Admin Approval is Total and
accorded by the CFA under whose amount of Special special
7437 power ____ falls? the work work works GOI B
If pay plus pension exceeds the
maximum pay of the posts, DA will be pay + that
7438 based on _____? pay pension pension maximum D
If President wants to resign, he will Prime Justice of Vice Speaker of
7439 address his resignation to _____? Minister India President Lok Sabha C
If public transport not available in a
stretch of journey expenditure may be
reimbursed as per the entitlement on
transfer for a max. limit of ____ KMs
7440 based on self certification under LTC? 25 50 75 100 D

e after
If Resultant Single Tender is received, n of next Report to
which of the following actions would higher PCDA/CD
7441 you suggest the CFA? CEA A Both None C
If the % of disability is between 50 and
75, it Reckoned as ___ % for Sanction
7442 of Disability pension? 50 60 70 75 D
If the % of disability is between 76 and
100, it Reckoned as ___ % for
7443 Sanction of Disability pension? 100 75 50 40 A
If the % of disability is less than 50, it
Reckoned as ___ % for Sanction of
7444 Disability
If the accredited
pension?bank is required to be 25 40 50 Nil C
changed by a Ministry, the proposal
should be invariably referred to Financial
7445 _____? CGA Pr. CCA Advisor Secretary A
If the accredited bank is required to be
changed, the proposal should be
7446 invariably referred to the ____? C&AG CGA Both None B
If the amount of Licence Fee
recoverable in arrears from Defence
Civilians, owing to errors in
assessment, exceeding one-third of
their emoluments, HODs have
discretion to authorise recovery in ___ No such
7447 instalments (max.) 3 6 12 discretion C
If the amount provided in the
sanctioned budget is found to be Modified Suppleme
insufficient during a financial year Appropria Vote on Excess ntary
7448 additional
If the approximate
sums areestimate
sought asexceeds tion Account Grant Grant D
by more than ___ % for which
necessity was accepted, revised AON
7449 is the
If necessary?
balancing entry in a ledger 2 10 15 20 B
account appears as "By bal
c/d", then the account is closed
7450 with
If theabalancing
____ balance?
entry in a ledger Debit Credit Nil None A
account appears as "To bal
c/d", then the account is closed
7451 with a ____ balance? Debit Credit Nil None B
If the CO of a unit considers that
demand for information made by his His next
LAO is unnecessary he will refer the higher PCDA/CD b through a through
7452 matter
If the contractor
first to ___?
deposits store authority A a b B
retrieved from work to MES storeyard, Credit
which of the following document is Baby Baby
7453 prepared? Credit USR USR Indent Indent A
If the Credit side of P&L A/c is less Gross
7454 than Debit side, result is ______? profit Gross loss Net profit Net loss D
If the Credit side of P&L A/c is more Gross
7455 than
If theDebit
to is
the profit Gross loss Net profit Net loss C
return in FORM GSTR-7 by the due
date he shall pay a late fee of Rs. ____
per day under CGST Act &
SGST/UTGST Act separately during
which such failure continues subject to
a maximum amount of Rs. ___ each 100, 100,
7456 under CGST Act & SGST/UTGST Act 10000 25000 50, 5000 100, 5000 D

done as
If the Delinquent Government Servant by complete
dies during the pendency of Disciplinar d to
Disciplinary Proceedings, the Continued y ascertain
7457 proceedings should be ___? till finality Dropped Authority facts B
If the endorser signs his name only,
7458 the indorsement is said to be ____? Invalid Partial Full Blank D

If the first digit of a major head is 7, it Revenue Capital cy fund of
7459 represents ____? head head India head Loan head D
If the impossibility of complete or
partial performance of an obligation
lasts for more than____, either party
to the contract reserves the right to
terminate the contract totally or
partially upon giving prior written
7460 notice under Force Majeure clause? 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months D
by half of referred
If the information is not provided the to next Depends
under RTI Act within the prescribed Deemed original higher on case to
7461 period, it will be ____? Rejection period authority case A

the scope
Stop the of audit Request Report
audit and and report for the
report to to conduct of matter to
If the LAO feels that he is seriously put PCDA/CD PCDA/CD Statutory Executive
7462 upon enquiry he should A A Audit Authority B
If the letter of credit is silent as to
whether it is revocable or otherwise, Irrevocabl Reversabl
7463 the credit is deemed to be _____? Revocable e e Revolving B
If the material issued to Contractor for
incorporation in work are found to be Double
surplus, but not returned by the Rate as the
Contractor, recovery will be done at decided Replacem Stock Market
7464 ____ rate? by GE ent Cost Book Rate Rate D
If the maximum period of Casual
Leave availed of by an officer in a
calendar year (including extensions
mentioned above) is in excess of the
leave admissible, the entire spell of Absence Special
Casual Leave (including the period of Annual without Casual
7465 extension) will be treated as ____? Leave Furlough pay Leave A

If the net amount under the head Requestin RBI CAS

“Ministry of Home Affairs―is a g the MHA Issuing a Nagpur by
credit (i.e. credit is more than debit), to forward cheque to transfer of
7466 the same is settled by _____? a cheque MHA funds None B
If the proposed site, in which MES is
supposed to carry out works,
encroaches on civil or Railway Area
department roads, consent of the Command PCDA/CD All the
7467 authority will be obtained by ____? er MES A three A

If the sanctioning authority is vested Standards

with full powers in r/o particular class of
of expenditure, it can be challenged by Authority Authority Financial All the
7468 audit only under __? of C&AG of CGDA Propriety three C
If the second birth results in twins or
multiple births, CEA is admissible to Two at a
7469 ___ children? All the time Two Three A
If the total annual Kilometers limit Divisional
sanctioned in respect of Class B /Area
vehicles is exceeded, whose sanction Command CO of the Army
7470 will be looked for in audit? er unit GOC in C H.Qrs A
If there is a discrepancy between unit As As
price and the total price quoted by a Decided clarified
supplier in the tender, the ____ price by by the
7471 shall prevail? Unit Total CFA/IFA supplier A

If Top Secret papers are to be The Reliable

duplicated, ____ should be present concerned subordina
7472 during
If you are
compiling an amount to Officer i/c te A or B Both C
00/021/00 (Reserve Bank Deposits),
you are working in ___ section of Administr
7473 PCDA/CDA? Accounts ation Audit EDP A
If you are linking a transaction from
voucher into IRLA of a PBOR, you are
7474 verifying
If you are____
entrythein the
IRLA? of debit credit Both None A
the authority incurring expenditure
out of public money, you are doing Expenditu Performa Concurren Sanction
7475 ____? re audit nce audit t Audit Audit D
If you find remark “I―in Dolphin
System as the status against DO II item
according to acceptability of the item, Initial Imprest
7476 you will understand it as? Invalid Irregular claim Section A
If, an item of DIDS is found to appear Addl.
in the second list, it should be put up Group CDA/Jt.
7477 to _____ for monitoring? SAO/AO Officer CDA CGDA C

Will place
If, in respect of any voucher selected A or B as under
for test check, credits have not been per MFAI in
afforded in the ledgers, etc., the LAO Observati financial the same
7478 will place the voucher under ____? on Objection value Quarter B
7479 IFA
is Located
at ___? Mumbai New Delhi tnam Kolkata B
Register of claims, Labour Register and
Register of Pack Accountings are
maintained in which of the following Supply Store Embarkati All Army
7480 units? Depots Depots on H.Qrs. Units C
Assignme Permanen Public
7481 Imprest is also known as____? nt t Advance Fund None B

Schedulin Audit of
Imprest Section is not responsible for g of ACRs Imprest Closing of
7482 which of the following duties in PAO? to EDP Account FAMOs IRLAs D
Imprest Section of PAO will take
action to call for the Imprest account Last
if not received from the imprest 3rd day of 7th of the 10th of working
7483 holder by ___ of the month? the month month the month day C
Imprest Transactions are recorded in Cash Public
which of the following Cash Books by Assignme Fund
7484 GE Office? nt Account Both None A
Improper maintenance of auditable Serious
documents is classified as _____ in Observati Irregularit Trivial
7485 Local Audit? on Objection y Error B
Imputed costs are also known as ____ Out of Replacem
7486 Costs?
In ___ each year, cash book to the pocket ent Notional Marginal C
extent of one month's account,
to be selected by the PCDA/CDA, will
be audited by an IDAS officer specially
7487 detailed by him? January March April July C

Refer the
matter to
Refer the higher
Refer the matter to Report CFA for
In a case,which requires concurrence case to Next the regularizat
of IFA is processed without obtaining IFA for ex- higher IFA matter to ion taking
concurrence of IFA and purchase post facto of the CGDA concurren
completed. What would be your concurren original office for ce of his
7488 suggestion to regularize the case? ce IFA decision IFA D

In a CDA office comparison of The same Similar

expenditure of cash and certain unit units
important kind of stores selected in between during the None of
unit to render financial advice is done different same Both are the two is
7489 by comparing the expenditure of quarters period correct correct C
In a CDA office store contract and
store audit sections have not been Not requires
separately established as quantum of Acceptabl acceptabl permissio No
7490 work does not justify. e e n of CGDA comment A
In a MF, whose sanction is required to
transfer the coupons held by Manager Deputy Assistant
7491 from one category to another? Manager Director Cashier Director B
In a Military Hospital, children below
the age of ____ years will be given half
7492 the scales authorized for adults 12 21 16 10 D
In all returns, the value of items of
movable property worth less than Rs.
______may be added and shown as a
7493 lump sum? 5000 10000 20000 25000 B
can be can be
counted counted
is not only with only if
should be seen, only permissio special
counted cash book n of audit is
7494 In calculating
audit of Military
the average
Farms, emoluments
cash in hand by LAO is audited executive conducted A
for pension, which of the following
period falling within the last ten
months will be ignored and a
corresponding period added before Overstay All the
7495 tencase
In months?
a person other than servicing Dies Non of leave EOL three D
office is appointed as C&AG, his leave Supreme Chief
entitlements will be same as that of Court Justice of
7496 _____? Judge IAS officer India None B
In case a person other than servicing
office is appointed as C&AG, his Supreme Chief
Travelling Allowance entitlements will Court Justice of
7497 becase
In samea as
that of
than serving Judge IAS officer India None A
officer is appointed as C&AG, his leave Supreme Chief
entitlements will be same as that of Court Justice of
7498 _____? Judge IAS officer India None B
In case a person other than serving
officer is appointed as C&AG, his Supreme Chief
Travelling Allowance entitlements will Court Justice of
7499 be same as that of _____? Judge IAS officer India None A
In case a project requires certain
preliminary activities like surveys, soil
investigations, preparation of basic
design etc. and or engaging an outside
consultancy agency, then a Go-Ahead
sanction not exceeding __% of rough
cost estimate will be taken for such
activities from GOC in C or equivalent
7500 with the concurrence of IFA 5 10 15 20 A

Need not
In case application has been received transferre
in the office of CPIO, which pertains to d. It
the jurisdiction of another CPIO, it should be
7501 shall be transferred within ___ days? 5 7 10 returned A
In case if you find a new name in the
pay bill, which document will you look Appointm
7502 for in audit? LPC ent order a or b None C
In case of a project costing 3 lakhs or
more, when amount of CA reduces the
cost of project as a whole below
Admin approval amount by more than
___ %, approved amount will be
reduced by the amount exceeding that
7503 % by CEA? 10 15 20 25 B
In case of AOC depots, if stores issued
on loan are not returned by other
departments within six months, __ five time Replacem
7504 value of stores are charged? Twice the full value the ent B

In case of charges for which special provision
sanction is necessary, no separate for countersig exists.
sanction necessary, if the bill is provisiona ned by Sanction is
7505 ______? l payment CFA required None B
In case of combined leave, the Leave
Advance is admitted only for ____ Casual study Annual
7506 portion in respect of Army Officers? leave Sick leave leave Leave D
In case of disagreement between CFA higher Next
7507 and IFA, whose decision is final? IFA CFA CFA hgher IFA B
In case of disagreement with the IFA, Next Regional
the CFA can overrule the IFA with prior higher Next PCDA/CD
7508 permission of ____? CFA higher IFA A None D
In case of erroneous advise by RBI,
where supporting vouchers are not
forthcoming, item can be reversed
7509 after a period of ____? 3 months 6 months 9 months one year B

In case of final settlement of accounts Upto next

of a PBOR, if pay book is lost, the IRLA quarter
7510 will be kept open for ____ 1 month 2 months 3 months ending C
In case of foreign procurement,
normally a period of ________ days
for validity of offers may be
7511 prescribed, as considered appropriate 60-120 60-180 90-180 120-240 C

In case of Govt. servants who avail of departme
leave on termination of their Borrowing Lending nt which
deputation period the liability for departme Departme sanctions either a or
7512 In
of PBORs
will be
borne by out, it nt nt the leave b C
should be ensured that discharge is
effected within from the date of
medical board proceeding are
countersigned by Administrative Three One
7513 Authorities? months month 14 days 21 days D
one to
In case of selection for 10 or more member Minority
vacancies in all Groups, it is belonging Communit
7514 mandatory to have to SC/ST y Both None C
In case of selection for 10 or more to
vacancies in all Groups, it is Minority
mandatory to have one member belonging communit Woman All the
7515 ________? to SC/ST y member three D
Returned Destroyed
In case of units whose S&S Imprest Transferre to by unit
Accounts are finally closed, the d to the PCDA/CD and Any of the
7516 unused CR forms are ______? local units A certified three B
In case only one auditor is detailed for
Local Audit of Cantonment Board, he As
will be considered as ___ for Senior Junior decided
7517 calculating Audit Fee? LAO Auditor Auditor by LAO B

supplier is
liable to
pay the the
additional supplier
amount will be
spent by given the
the difference
Governme amount if
In case Risk and Expense purchase is nt, if any, purchased
undertaken, which of the following is in at low
7518 true? procuring cost Both None A
In case where Date of birth is not Date
known in respect of an employee, but declared
year of birth is known, which date will 1st by
7519 be considered? January 1st April 1st July him/her C
In case work is completed on March
25.03.15, final bill is passed by PCDA Suppleme
on 31.03.15 and Cheque is issued by ntary March
GE on 01.04.15, Expenditure will be Correction Suppleme
7520 booked
In case, final
in ____
certificate 43174 15 ntary 15 43205 D
cannot be issued by PAO (ORs) in
respect of finally closed Imprest Authority Main
Account due to outstanding who office of
objections, details should be sanctione PCDA/CD Army Record
7521 communicated by PAO to __? d Imprest A HQrs Office B
In cases where a formal written
contract is not made, no order for
supplies should be placed without at payment standard All the
7522 least written agreement on __? Price schedule form three A
In cases where contracts have to be
concluded with the firms, whose rate
contract with DGS&D/other central
procurement agencies has expired and
renewal of RC has not taken place,
_____ clause should be incorporated
in the Supply Order/Contract to the
effect that during the currency of the
Supply Order/Contract, in case rates
are found to be lower on conclusion of
rate contract, the lower rates as in the
rate contract shall be applicable – Force Any of the
7523 Especially in Rate Contracts Option Majeure Fall three C
In cases where tenders are issued on
payment, which of the following Indian
modes of payment of tender fees may Treasury Postal
7524 be adopted by the tenderers? Receipt Order Both None C
In cases where the tenders are
required to be submitted by hand, it
may be ensured that the names and
designation of at least _____ are One
7525 mentioned in the bid documents? 4 officers 3 officers 2 officers Officer C

In cases, where scope of work is issuing
changed due to administrative Within 1 Completio Before
reasons, Technical Sanction will be month of Soon after n Report actual
7526 issued ____? execution execution Part A execution D
In checking the credits in the sales
ledger of MF, for payments made by Sales Cash Book
customers checking should be done Ledger to to Sales Can be
7527 from Cash Book Ledger any way Both ways A
In Contractors ledger, separate folios
(pages with No.) are allotted to each Contracto work
7528 ________? r Contract order Payment B
In determining completion of tenure,
authorized period of leave up to a
maximum of ___ days for hard/tenure
stations, will be reckoned as service at
7529 the station. 60 90 120 180 A
In e-ticketing system, Tickets booked Army
by units are debited against ____ Head
7530 Account? Unit Revolving Quarters CGDA B
In general coverage of CGHS shall be
limited to the areas within ___ KM
7531 Radius of the CGHS Wellness centres? 2 3 5 10 C
In general expenditure on
transportation of goods when Equally by No such
purchased is born by ____, if the Buyer understan
7532 In
(i.e. and Seller Seller Buyer ding C
investigation and disciplinary
proceedings) should not exceed
7533 _____? 2 years One year 9 months 6 months D

In general, there are four ways in By By

which profit performance of a By increasing decreasin
business can be improved. Which of increasing Selling g variable
7534 the following is not such a way? volume Price costs None D
In how many instalments (maximum)
principal amount of House Building
Advance is to repaid by Government
7535 Servant? 180 240 200 150 A
In how many instalments HBA Interest
7536 amount is recoverable? 75 60 50 40 B
In how many instalments HBA
7537 principal amount is recoverable? 180 150 120 75 A
In how many instalments PC advance
7538 is recoverable
In how many maximum
(maximum) monthly 50 75 100 150 D
instalments, GPF Advance is
recoverable from the pay of No such
7539 employee? 60 50 30 limit A
In how many monthly instalments
7540 (max.) HBA Interest is to be rapaid 90 60 45 30 B
In how many monthly instalments
7541 (max.)
In HowHBAmany principal
parts, Condemnation
is to be rapaid 120 150 180 240 C
Board Proceedings are recorded in
Army units in respect of articles
7542 condemned? 5 4 3 2 D
In How many spells CCL can be
7543 granted
In Level Jumping
in a year?concept, two tier 2 3 5 No limit B
processing of bills (Auditor & AO/SAO)
is done up to a maximum of Rs.
7544 ________?
In order to facilitate the conduct of 1 Lakh 2 lakhs 5 lakhs 25 lakhs B
the arbitral proceedings, the parties,
or the arbitral tribunal with the
consent of the parties, may arrange
for _____ assistance by a suitable
institution or person as per Administr Any of the
7545 Arbitration and Conciliation Act? Judicial ative Financial three B
In order to meet all expenditure on
conservancy arrangements in
Cantonments and non Cantonment
military stations debitable to DSE
other than that incurred in connection
with training in camp, lump sums will PCDA/CD
7546 be placed at the disposal of ____? GOC in C A Both None A
In order to prevent the possibility of
alterations being made in the ledgers Arithmetic
by units, ___ is done before taking up checking
7547 anyorder
In othertoaudit
see that
the expenditure Linking pairing Both a, b of totals D
incurred is reasonable and the
production of fodder by Remount
Depots is economical, the figures in
respect of Remount Depots should be
compared with those of the nearest Remount Military
7548 ______? Depot Farm A or B A and B B
In respect of AAOs working in IFA
offices, Issuing the charge sheet and
finalisation of Disciplinary proceedings Respectiv PIFA Proforma CGDA
7549 is done by _____? e IFA concerned Controller office C
In respect of Building identified as
prestigious, a separate detailed Service Service
justification will be submitted by the User to User to H.Qrs. To H.Qrs. To
7550 ____
In respect
to ____?
of Officer posted to High GOI MOD GOI MOD D
Commission for India (other than UK),
the following document is issued by
7551 PCDA (O)? LPC Pay Slip Both None B
In respect of stores issued for depot
use of consumption by depot
personnel, the depots will function as Consignee Consignor Consumin Consumin
7552 _______
In respectfor
of Store
of the following unit unit g Unit g Depot C
cases, Controllers can send Interpreta
communications direct to Service tion of Audit Financial All the
7553 Head Quarters? Rules Reports Advice three B
Sales + Sales - Closing
In terms of Quantity, Opening Stock + Closing Closing Stock -
7554 Purchases
In the Articificial
is equalLimbs,
to _____?
the Stock Stock Sales None A
renewals/repairs are done on ______ At 25% of At 50% of
basis in cases where initial issues were the the At Full
made on free basis by the Artificial payment payment Payment
7555 Limb
In theCentre?
audit of car diaries, it is ensured Free rate rate rate A
that authorization of Government
Transport is limited to journeys not
exceeding one way distance of ___
kms except in the case of general
7556 officers and equivalent Ranks? 8 32 48 96 B
In the Budgetary Control Exercise, Modified
which of the following is the final Appropria Preliminar Revised Vote on
7557 estimate/allotment? tion y Estimate Estimate Account A
In the case of ____ & ______, Minor Farms & Boarder
works are also classed as Capital Navy & Air Ordnance Roads &
7558 works? Force Factories GREF None B

shall have
bulk shallty of
correspon comparing goods
In the case of a contract for sale by d with thethe bulk shall be
sample there is an implied condition sample in with the free from All the
7559 In
case of ?a contract for the sale of quality sample any defect three
a specified article under its patent or
other trade name, there is no implied
condition as to its ______ for any
7560 In
the casepurpose?
of a Government Suitability Fitness State Condition B
employee, who refuses promotion, no
fresh offer shall be made for a period
7561 of __________? 6 months One year 2 years 3 years B
In the case of abandoned project, Project
receipts from the disposals of stores Governme replacing
or other assets sold are utilized nt the Any of the
7562 elsewhere should be credited to Project Account project three A
In the case of Advertised Tender
Enquiry, Ordinarily, the minimum time
to be allowed for submission of bids
should be ______ weeks from the
date of publication of the tender
notice or availability of the bidding
7563 document or sale, whichever is later? 6 5 4 3 D

In the case of APAR system, if a level is Cannot be
missing in three tier, it can be converted
converted into _____ system in the Multiple . Three
7564 cases otherthan Stenographers? Single Tier Two Tier
Tier tier only A
In the case of appeals against written imposing
penalties, the records should also Article(s) statement the All the
7565 include a copy of ____? of charge of defence penalty three D
In the case of Army Officer serving in Last
UK, IRLA is closed on ___ of the month working
7566 by PCDA (O) Pune 15th 20th 25th day A
In the case of Army personnel serving
in A&N islands leave will EHQ EHQ
7567 commence/end on reporting at ____? Kolkata Chennai a or b None C
In the case of ASC contracts, whose Next
sanction is necessary to conclude a higher
7568 contract for less than 12 months? PCDA CFA GOC in C MOD C
In the case of Auditor working in the Cell) of AAO (AN) As
office of LAO, where ALAO is not Main of Main decided
posted, Reporting officer for the Office of Office of by
purpose of APAR of the said Auditor PCDA/CD PCDA/CD PCDA/CD
7569 will be _____? A A LAO A C
In the case of Banking of Regimental
Funds, sanction of ____ is required to
be obtained before depositing for the Army
7570 In
of Cantonment
any bank? board, CDA H.Qrs. OC Station GOC in C A
castings of cash book should be
checked cent percent for ___ selected
7571 In
the case of Cantonment Board, the three two four six B
Executive Officer should exercise a
surprise check on the actual cash
balances by personal verification on at
least _____ in each month and record
a signed and dated certificate of
verification below the last entry in the Three
7572 In
case of construction of house One day Two days days Four days B
under HBA Rules, it should be
completed within ____ of date of 18 12
7573 drawing
In the case
Court Attachment order months months 6 months 3 months A
received in the office of GE in respect
of a Contractor, to whom some
payments are due and at the same Amount
time some amouont is due from him , Court due to A - 75%
which of the following will have first Attachme Goverenm A and B and B -
7574 In
the from
case uch
of daily-rated
due? for a nt ent 50% each 25% B
part of a month, calculation of DA will
be on monthly pay divided by _____ No. of
and the result multiplied by No. of days in
7575 days 30 31 26 the month C
the date
In the case of death of a Government the end of of death
while in service CEA is Admissible till such time academic proportio the
______ the same subject to conditions he/she year in nately for previous
provided spouse is not employed in would which that academic
Central/State Government/PSUs etc. have he/she academic year of
7576 or partly funded by Government received died year death A
In the case of Debit balance in respect
of Army Officer, Provident Fund
monthly contribution will be restricted
7577 to ___% of pay? 10 9 8 6 D
In the case of Defence Lands ussed for
Regimental purposes ____ of annual
profits based on the audited figures of
Regimental Fund Account is supposed
to be credited to the Government as One
7578 In
the case
Part II?units, final Full One half fourth Nil C
Field Imprest Account is submitted at
least ___ before the actual date of One
7579 disbandment? 7 days 10 days 21 days month B
In the case of doubt in interpretation Next higher
of a contract, audit officer should be Accepting Law higher audit
7580 guided by the opinion of officer Officer CFA authority B
In the case of employee who joins in
the middle of the year, ___ days of
Half Pay Leave is admissible for one Two and Five by Five by
7581 completed month of service? Half three four None B
of next Concurren
In the case of enhancement of higher ce of CDA
contract rates, which of the following authority is
7582 In
the case of
from NPS upon required necessary Both None C
attaining the age of Normal
superannuation, At least __% of
accumulated wealth of subscriber
needs to be mandatorily utilized for
7583 In
the caseofofanexpansion
annuity of existing 20 40 60 80 B
house, HBA is admissible for Rs. ____
lakhs only in respect of Government
7584 employees? 5 10 15 25 B
balance of
In the case of final closing of Field nt
Cashier Account, which of the provided
following balances will be remitted Cash by PCDA
7585 into Treasury? balance (O) Both None A
In the case of foreign procurements, Global Limited Tender
which of the following methods of Tender Tender Enquiry All the
7586 inviting tenders can be adopted? Enquiry Enquiry (PAC) three D

Any of the
three at
the choice
In the case of HBA, interest is Compoun of
7587 calculated at ____ interest rate? d Simple Flexible employee B
In the case of hill roads when it is not Special of funds Proposal
possible to repair the road from within repairs for under for
the maintenance grant, proposal for approval special original
7588 In
is submitted
case of hospitalization
by GE? of Army of CFA repairs Both a & b work C
Officer, ______ pay and allowances
are admissible to him/her for such
7589 period? Full Half 1/3rd 2/3rd A
(Amount + Actual Restricted
GST) amount to
restricted paid entitleme
Actual to within nt +
In the case of Hotel charges, GST is payment entitleme entitleme Actual
7590 admssible at ____ ? done nt nt + GST GST C
In the case of implementing court
orders on attachment of payments Governme
due to Contractor, any difficulty nt Hon’bl
7591 experienced will be referred to? Solicitor e Court DGADS CFA A
In the case of Inter-factory issues,
_____ copies of Issue Voucher are to
7592 be prepared? 4 5 6 8 C
1% each
In the case of inter-State supply TDS @ under 1% each
____ is to be deducted if the deductor CGST and under
is registered in State or Union territory SGST/UTG 2% under SGST and 2% under
7593 without legislature - B ST IGST UTGST CGST B
In the case of issuing depot, absence
7594 of ____ copy will be objected by LAO? A copy B copy C copy D copy B
Allowance Mileage No TA/DA
In the case of Local Journey on TD, The Mileage + 50% of Allowance is
7595 entitlement of officer will be ___? Allowance DA + DA admissible B
In the case of Local journey, Daily
7596 allowance is admissible at ___%? 100 80 70 50 D
In the case of loss of a purchased Twice the
animal, which has not been calved book Purchase Market Highest of
7597 since purchase, Pricing is done at value Price Rate the three B
In the case of loss of A.S.C. stores due
to deterioration or degradation, CFA
will be determined with reference to Gross,
7598 ____ loss to wite off ____ loss? Gross Gross, Net
Net, Gross Net, Net B
Sub ndent of
In the case of Loss of arms in a unit, Area/Equi Police of
Report need not be given immediately valent PCDA/CD the
7599 to which of the following authorities? H.Qrs. A District None B
In the case of loss of arms,
ammunition court of inquiry
proceedings should be sent to Army one two three six
7600 Head Quarters with in ___ (Period)? month months months months C
CFA will
write off
In the case of loss of money on No need loss in
account of withdrawal from treasury, to write consultati Further
responsibility fixed entirely on off the on with investigati
7601 treasury authorities ___ is done? loss CDA on is done None B
In the case of loss of stores in transit CFA as
(By Rail), part of claim on account of determine
loss is admitted by Railways, d by CFA as
Competent authority to write off ____ PCDA/CD determine
7602 loss will write off net loss? Net Gross A d by MOD A
In the case of LTE, how many vendors
must be asked to forward their More than
7603 quotations/proposals? 1 2 33 D
In the case of Medical Depots, items
declared obsolete by DGAFMS are
accounted for in NIV ledger on a ____
7604 voucher? Issue Receipt Transfer Nominal A
In the case of Member of HUF, HBA is
7605 admissible at ___% of normal 50 60 80 100 B
In the case of Mines, which type of
Depreciation method would you Straight Diminishin Either b or
7606 suggest to adopt? line g balance Depletion c C
In the case of monthly returns by
prepared units, which of the following Total of Total Closing All the
7607 will be verified in local audit? Receipts issues balance three D
In the case of movement of complete
unit from one station to another, Train LAO of the Officer LAO of the
_____ is responsible to prepare Train Quarter entraining Command detraining
7608 Ration Returns? Master station ing of unit station C

forward to
the first
Deposited month&#
Sold out to MCO in 39;s
Deposited to the the Ration
to Railway best Railway Return of
In the case of movement of complete Pantry advantage Station of the unit in
units, balances in the Train Ration Authoritie of the new the new
7609 Return are _______? s state station station D
In the case of moving of troops by
Train, ASC makes no arrangement and
no reserved rations are loaded for
7610 parties of ____ or less? 50 20 10 100 B
In the case of Nationals of West
Bhutan Leave will commence/end On
the date of leaving and arriving Either a or
7611 respectively at the ____ stations Banarhat Hashimara b Rangiya C
In the case of Navy Ships visiting Embarkati
foreign ports, the necessary supply of PCDA on
foreign currency is arranged by ____ Navy, PCDA New Naval Command
7612 through
In the case
NIV items, Rates Mumbai Delhi H.Qrs. ant C
published by ___ will be adopted
while converting loan issues into
payment issues by Ordnance Depots
7613 to other Departments? GOC in C A.HQrs. MOD MOD (Fin) D
In the case of officers of MES, Class 9
voucher will be operated and
punching medium will be prepared in Quintuplic Quadrupli
7614 ___the
In bycase
Pay of
of Commercial ate Triplicate Duplicate cate A
Offer After Trial Evaluation/Testing,
The commercial offer should normally
have a validity period of _____
months from the date of submission No such
7615 of the offer 12 18
24 provision A
In the case of payment through Letter Embassy of
of Credit, who among the following PCDA New in foreign External Any of the
7616 does the Accounting adjustment? Delhi country Affairs DAD Cells A
In the case of PBORs in debit balance,
7617 ____ of pay is recovered as monthly 2/3rd 0.5 1/3rd 1/4th C

A or B A or B
whichever whichever
In the case of promotion, if the is is less
individual does not exercise option Date of beneficial beneficial
within the prescribed period, then pay Promotio to the to the
7618 will be fixed from ____? DNI n individual individual B
In the case of promotion, option has
to be exercised by the individual to get
pay fixed either from date of
7619 promotion or DNI within ____ Period? 3 months 2 months 1 month 15 days C
In the case of Purchase of house under
HBA Rules, Acquisition and mortgage
to Government should be completed 18 12
7620 within
In the Case
____?of Purchase of land for months months 6 months 3 months D
which HBA has been sanctioned and
released, purchase should be
completed and the sale deed
produced within ____ months, failing
which advance to be refunded in lump
7621 sum? 18 12 6 2 D
indent has
In the case of purchase of stores, a placed on
sanction shall be deemed to have Tenders Central
been acted up on if _______ within have been Purchase
7622 the period of one year? accepted Org. a or b None C
In the case of Purchase/Construction
of new flat HBA Should be utilized
within ____, unless extension of time 18 12
7623 limit is granted? months months 6 months 1 month D

In the case of Recall from leave in depending
respect of Army Officer, travel time upon the
from leave station to duty station will merits of Furlough
7624 be treated as ___? Duty Leave the case leave A
In the case of recovery of LF & Allied Depends
charges bills recovered from Pay Bill, Pay Bill to LF Bill to upon the
7625 audit is conducted from ___ to ____? LF Bill Pay Bill Both case B

In the case of re-employed No HRA is

pensioners, non ignorable portion of No such payable to
pension _____ to actual pay for the to be to be provision Reemploy
7626 purpose of calculating HRA deducted added exists ed B

In the case of refusal of government allotment to apply
accommodation by an employee, HRA to any for the
is not admissible for the period of other stay in the accommo
7627 ____? employee station dation 3 months C
In the case of reimbursement of food
charges, if the absence from H.Qrs. Is
between 6 and 12 hours, ___% of
lumpsum can be paid to government
7628 servant on duty? 30 50 70 100 C
In the case of Remount Depots,
7629 checking
In the case
stock is
out Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly C
equipment of non service
organizations in EME Workshops,
___% of cost of labour will be added
7630 as overhead charges? 1 0.5 0.25 0.1 B
In the case of rural areas HBA is
Restricted to _____ % of true cost of No such
the land and construction or cost of restriction
7631 expansion of living accommodation? 50 60 80 limit C
In the case of services other than the Approxim Schedule
original works and special repairs, ate Rough Indication of
7632 ____ is the only estimate of cost? Estimate cost of cost Demands D

bring on
charge the bring on Officers of
full charge both the
quantity only the factories
delivered. portion assemble
Issue the pertaining together
stores to to their at a pre
other own determine
In the case of stores delivered in bulk factory factory d location
to one factory under order of Central and adjust and to accept
Purchase authority with instruction to the same balance their Any of the
transmit a portion to another factory, as Inter transmitte respective three as
the factory originally receiving the Factory d to other portion of agreed
7633 stores will ____? Transfer factory stores upon A
In the case of Stores disposed of under
orders of Director General of Decided
Disposals, whether loss statement is Decided by
necessary for diffeence in book value by PCDA/CD
7634 and
In thesale
of stores
very technical Yes No Executive A B
nature and which cannot be
accounted for in any stock group, ____
cards are opened by Ordnance Temporar
7635 depots? Technical Special Doubtful y C
ted by Maximum
In the case of stores which are drawn under quantities
according to fixes scales, which of the drawal drawn as
following actions of unit will be placed subseque a matter
7636 under
In the case
of technical
by LAO?resignation of ntly of course Both None B
NPS subscriber __ % of wealth is
payable to the subscriber under NPS
7637 system?
In the case of Temporary 80 40 20 Nil D
Duty/attachment to a unit in non
qualifying area, HAUCA is admissible if one
7638 the duration exceeds ___? 6 weeks month 21 days 14 days D
In the case of transfer of Army Officer
from one unit to another,
handing/taking over period of __ days
7639 is allowed for non-stock holding units? 2 3 4 5 C
In the case of Two Bid system, which Commerci
7640 of the following bid is opened first? al Technical Both None B
Transferre to
In the case of units disbanded, balance d to local dependen Auctioned
7641 of Medical Stores should be units destroyed t Hospital to public C

In the case of upward revision of Pay Technical

after issue of LPC to PCDA (P), Pension Ledger Section EDP
amendments of intimation memo are cell of Wing of Group II of Centre of
7642 scrutinized
In the case of
by __? to cost PCDA (O) PCDA (O) PCDA (O) PCDA (O) C
less than Rs. _____, preparation of
schedule of works may be dispensed
7643 with by MES? 100000 50000 20000 10000 D
In the case two bid system, a bid shall
be valid for ___ days unless otherwise
7644 specified? 60 90 120 180 C
In the Combined strength of posts in
the grades of AOs and SAOs, a
maximum of _____ % may be
7645 operated
In the consuming
in the grade
SAO. 50 60 80 90 C
periodical stock taking is done, the
total value of loss discovered on each
particular occasion of stock check,
irrespective of the time taken in Grouped
checking the stores and irrespective of Separate Single to the As
categories of stores dealt with, will be transactio transactio possible decided
7646 treated as _____? ns n extent by the CO B
In the Defence Services, the pay and
allowances of Service Officers, PBORs,
Civilians are accounted for under Major Minor sub major
7647 separate ______? heads heads heads Sub heads D
In the event of deficiency of cash in a
chest in which public funds, non public
funds and regimental funds are kept Non All the
combined, ___ will have first claim public Regiment Public three
7648 over the balance available? fund al fund fund equally C
In the Government Accounting Rules,
special provisions have been made to All the
7649 which of the following Ministry? Railways Defence Postal three D
In the hierarchy of MES, Chief (Comman
7650 Engineer (Zone) reports to ______? d) E in C MOD GOI B
price -
In the Marginal Costing, Contribution Fixed Cost Variable
7651 is calculated as equal to _____? + Profit Cost Both None C
In the medium term fiscal policy, Capital Revenue All the
7652 rolling targets are specified as a % of Receipts Receipts GDP three C
day when
In the system of SBI CMP amount is receives
credited to the beneficiary accounts file from Day when
within T+1 day. What do you mean by Turnaroun Accounts file is Transactio
7653 ‘T’? d Time Office uploaded n day B

25000 to
Add closing
25000 to Add stock in
the 20000 to the
closing the balance
stock in Capital in sheet and
In the trial balance Closing stock is the the post Rs.
given at Rs. 100000/-. In the balance balance 5000 on
adjustment it is given that the sheet and sheet and credit side
proprietor evaluates the stock at 20% post Rs. post Rs. of Trading
below cost. Now he wants to show the 25000 on 25000 on Account.
stock at the correct rate? What will be credit side Debit side Add
the adjustment in the final accounts? of Trading of Trading 20000/- to Both a
7654 Opening
In the Trial
is 80000/-
Furniture is given Account. Account. Capital and b C
in Debit for Rs. 5000/-. It is given in
the adjustment that Wages include Rs.
500/- on account of erection charges
of Plant & Machinery erroneously Rs. 5500/-
debited to wages. After doing the Rs. 5500/- on Rs. 4500/- Rs. 5000/-
adjustment, Furniture A/c in the on Assets liabilities on Assets on Assets
7655 balance
In the trial
shouldit isappear
given Rs.
as ___? Side side Side Side D
10000 as investment with Krishna. In
the adjustment, it is given that Rs.
3000/- has been earned by Krishna out
of which we are supposed to get one
third share. After adjustment, which of 10000 on 11000 on 11000 on 13000 on
the following amount is reflected in assets liabilities assets Assets
7656 thethe
In balance
trial balance
sheet? it is given Rs. side side side side C
10000 as investment with Krishna. In
the adjustment, it is given that Rs.
3000/- has been earned by Krishna out
of which we are supposed to get one Rs. Rs.
third share. After adjustment, which of 11000/- Rs. 1000/- 13000/- Rs. 1000/-
the following amount is reflected in on debit on debit on credit on credit
7657 the P&L A/c? side side side side D
In the trial balance Rent for office 20000 in 20000 in 5000 in 25000 in
building is shown on debit side for Rs. P&L A/c P&L A/c P&L A/c P&L A/c
25000/-. In the adjustment, it is given debit side Debit side credit side credit side
that one fifth of the building is used by and 5000 and 5000 and 25000 and 5000
Proprietor for residence. What will be debit credit in P&L A/c in P&L A/c
7658 thethe
In adjustment
Trial Balance
in final
received is drawings drawings debit side debit side A
given as Rs. 26000/-. In the
adjustments it is given that Rent for
January of next year (Year ending on
31st December) is received in
advance. After doing the adjustment,
Amounts of ____, ____ will appear in
the P&L Account and Balance Sheet 28000, 24000,
7659 respectively?
In the Trial Balance Salaries is given as 2000 26000, 0 24000, 0 2000 D
Rs. 11000/-. In the adjustments it is
given that Salaries for the month of
December (Year ending on 31st
December) are outstanding. After
doing the adjustment, Amounts of
____, ____ will appear in the P&L 12000, 11000,
7660 Account and Balance Sheet 1000 1000 12000, 0 11000, 0 A
In transit between two posts – Avaerage
7661 TA/DA Entitlement will be as per ___? Lower Higher of both None A
In vehicle depots, whose orders will be Army
looked for in audit to issue chassis to EME PCDA/CD Head
7662 body builders? GOC in C workshop A Quarters D
In war or at any other period, when
for special reasons supply units are
administered direct by Army
Headquarters, _____exercises the Military Chief of
7663 powers of a G.O.C.-in-Chief Command MGO QMG Secretary Army Staff B

by As No
Internatio prescribed specific
In which format cash flow statement is nal by Indian format is
7664 supposed to be prepared? Standards Standards A or B prescribed D
In which of the following cases GPF
7665 balance need not be paid to Dismissal Removal Both None D
When an
When a When a officer is
PBOR is JCO is attached
transferre promoted to the
d to one as a High
establish Commissi Commissi
In which of the following cases LPC ment to oned on for All the
7666 need not be issued another officer India, U.K. three A

Barrack Fees from
damages Retired
In which of the following cases, cash other than Cash sale employee All the
7667 payments may be received by GE? from units of stores s three D

In which of the following cases, GE can from third Cash sale
7668 accept cash payments? parties of stores Both None C
Immediat Acquiring
e lien on
absorptio Deputatio another
In which of the following cases, lien on n in n beyond post
a post cannot be retained by an another normal outside All the
7669 employee? post limit cadre three D

In which of the following cases, lien on While on officiating While on
a post will be retained by an foreign in another suspensio All the
7670 employee? service post n three D
n of
Transfer another
In which of the following cases, LPC is Seconded to Pension audit
7671 issued in respect of Army Officer? to Navy Estt. officer All D

Promotio Transferre
n to Transfer d from
In which of the following cases, LPC is Commissi to Pension one Estt.
7672 not issued in respect of a PBOR? oned Rank Estt. to another None C
transferre PBOR
d from promoted
One PAO to Army
jurisdictio Commissi Officer
n to oned when
In which of the following cases, LPC is another Officer seconded All the
7673 supposed to be issued? PAO rank to Navy three D

calling for
including making a
In which of the following cases, MES single long term
7674 should consult PCDA/CDA? tender contract Both None C
Promotio n to a post
n to a post not
involving involving
assumptio assumptio
n of n of
In which of the following cases, higher higher
7675 Minimum Entry Pay is not assured? duties duties Both None D

Leave spent
In which of the following cases, Ration pending away from
Allowance (Cash in lieu of free rations) Annual Retiremen Duty Temporar
7676 is not admissible to Service Officers Leave t Station y Duty D
due to
In which of the following cases, provision To meet
Sanction of Government of India is not An error for exp. on
required for re appropriation (Reasons in specific new
7677 given below)? estimates measure activity None D

Being Conduct
In which of the following cases, involved involving
Suspension of a Government servant in a public moral derelictio
7678 is not desirable? scandal turpitude n of duties None D
during the leave is
notice admissible
period, , but the
when Governme
going on nt servant
In which of the following voluntary applies in
circumstances, EOL cannot be retiremen writing for
7679 sanctioned? t EOL Both None A

In which of the following documents, Unit

the specific nature or purpose of duty Vehicle Transport Mileage
7680 is supposed to be mentioned clearly? Log Book Car Diary Register Card B
In which of the following e-payment
modules, drawing of cheque is not
7681 necessary? CMP RTGS NEFT ECS A

from one
In which of the following occurrences, Punishme Promotio CDA office
7682 pay fixation is not required? nt n to another None C
In which of the following offices you CDA
will not find a section with specific PCDA (P) CDA (PD) (Funds) All the
7683 name ‘Disbursement’ section Allahabad Meerut Meerut three B

In which of the following offices, you PCDA

will find a section by name CDA (PD) PCDA New (R&D) All the
7684 “Vigilance― ? Meerut Delhi New Delhi three A
In which of the following offices, you
will find a section with name ''Post PCDA New PCDA (O) PCDA (SC) PCDA (P)
7685 Audit''? Delhi Pune Pune Allahabad D

In which of the following PCDA/CDA PCDA PCDA New

7686 will you find “Army List Cell―
? (Navy) PCDA (SC) PCDA (O) Delhi C

In which of the following PCDA/CDA PCDA PCDA New

7687 will you find “Wages―section? (Navy) PCDA (SC) PCDA (O) Delhi A
In which of the following stations DAD
7688 Cell is not functioning Delhi Mumbai Patna Chennai C
In which of the following stations, LAO
7689 (CSD) is not located? Jammu Chennai Mumbai Bengaluru D
In which of the following stations, Visakhapa
7690 Regional H.Qrs of Indian Coast Guard Mumbai Chennai Portblair tnam D
In which of the following stations,
Regional Head Quarters of Coast Trivendru
7691 Guards is not located? m Mumbai Chennai Portblair A
In which year, Departmentalization of
7692 Income
purpose of 1947 1956 1975 1976 D
dependency of family members under
CGHS is Rs._____ p.m + Dearness
7693 Relief? 1275 3500 9000 18000 C

Income Tax if given in trial balance, Debited to Credited Debited in Credited

7694 what will be done in final accounts? capital to capital P&L A/c in P&L A/c A
Income tax is required to be deducted
at source at the rate of ___% in all
cases of payment to contractors and
sub-contractors exceeding the
7695 Increment
prescribed falling
amount due,
IT Act
not? 0.5 1 2 5 C
drawn during EL not exceeding
_____days will be taken as
emoluments for the purpose of
7696 Pension calculation? 180 120 90 60 B

Payee and
Payee, Payee, witnessed
Indemnity bond for issue of fresh Payee and Executive Executive by
7697 cheque is signed by the Executive & DAD & Bank Executive D
Indemnity bond in respect of a cheque nt
lost is not required in respect of which departme Scheduled
7698 of the following?
Indent for forms of CDA series are nts banks Both a & b None C
supposed to be submitted to
Manager, GOI Store, Kolkata
7699 _________? Monthly Quarterly Half yearly Annually D
Indent for payment issues of Medical
Stores for Sainik Schools should be
routed through ____ to AFMSD for PCDA/CD
7700 issuing the stores? GOC in C QMG DGAFMS A C
Indents for cheque books are 1st
7701 submitted by PCDA/CDA office by 1st April 1st May 1st June January C
Indents for payment issues are
classified in to ____ classes in Armed
7702 Forces Medical Store Depot? 6 5 4 3 D
India’s first unified tri service Udhampu
7703 command is located at: r Pune Portblair Goa C
Indian Contract Act, 1872 came into 01.01.187 01.04.187 01.07.187 01.09.187
7704 force w.e.f. _____? 2 2 2 2 D
Indirect material, indirect labour and Fixed Additional Overhead All the
7705 indirect expenses are called as ___? Costs costs s three C
Individual Running Ledger Account of
Officers are closed to a ____ balance
at the end of every month by PCDA All the
7706 Individuals
(O) Pune? over ____ years of age who Debit Nil Credit three B
wish to continue at their present
stations, will normally be exempted
7707 from transfer? 50 55 56 58 C
Industrial personnel of Ordnance Check Acquitanc
7708 Depots are paid by Administrative Pay Bills Audit Rolls Rolls e Rolls C
Information required by PcsDA/CsDA Official
from Service Headquarters for Correspon
purposes of higher Audit should be dence Any of the
7709 obtained through only CGDA DGADS three B
Information under RTI act is supposed
to be given within _____ when it
7710 pertains to life and liberty of a person? 72 Hours 48 Hours24 Hours 7 days B
Initial claim for reimbursement of Regional
house rent in respect of an army PCDA/CD All the
7711 officer is pre scrutinized by ______? AAOBSO LAO/RAO A three A

Minor Major
7712 Inquiry is not mandatory in ___ cases? Penalties Penalties Both None A
Inquiry shall be completed with in
7713 ____ under SH Act? 30 days 60 days 90 Days 180 days C
Administr Administr
Inspection of various sections of the ation ation Technical Technical
office of PCDA (O) is conducted by Section, section, Section, Section,
7714 ____ once in ___? half year year half year year D
Inspection Report prepared by O&M Only one
7715 cell consists of ____ parts? 4 3 2 part C

Satisfactio No such
7716 Instrument is negotiable till ____? Payment n a or b restriction C
Insurance company once admits claim
for damaged goods, it becomes ____
7717 Insurance
for the business?
premium in respect of Lender Creditor Debtor None C
buildings in unit premises, where
feature films are also exhibited should Public Regiment 50% each Not to be
7718 be paid out of ___ fund al Fund by a, b paid at all B
Integrated Defence Staff (IDS) is Defence & Ex-
working under Department of ______ Productio Developm Serviceme
7719 of MOD? Defence n ent n Welfare A
Interest on Advance payment of
Income tax, if given in trial balance, Credited Credited Debited to Debited in
7720 what will be done in final accounts? in P&L A/c to capital capital P&L A/c B
7721 Interest on capital is ____ type of Real Personal Nominal None C
Interest on Capital when given in trial Trading Balance
7722 balance appears in _____ of final A/c P&L A/c Sheet Both b & c B
Interest on Capital when given in trial
balance appears on which side of tiral
7723 balance? Debit Credit Both None A
Internal Audit of store accounts of
7724 units and formations is conducted by DAD DGADS Both None A
Internal Audit Report by CGDA is Defence etary
7725 submitted to ____? Secretary MOD DGADS (Def/Fin) D
Internal Audit Report by PCDA/CDA is All the
7726 submitted to _____? GOC in C CGDA DGADS three B
Internal Audit report is rendered by
7727 PCDA/CDA on _____ basis? Yearly
Half yearly Quarterly Monthly B
March &
Internal Audit report is rendered twice 30th June 30th 28th Feb
in a year covering the items pertaining & 30th Septembe & 31st
7728 to the period up to _____ & _____? December r August None B
Internal Committee or Local
7729 Committee under SH Act has the Civil Criminal Both None A
Internal Committees are supposed to decided
be constituted on ___ basis by by
PCsDA/CsDA as per Sexual Harassment Organizati PCDA/CD
7730 of women at work place Act? Station Office on A B
Investment of how much of the
wealth of the subscriber is mandatory
under NPS, on atttaining 60 years of
7731 age i.e. superannuation? 60 50 40 20 C
Investment of how much of the
wealth of the subscriber is mandatory
under NPS,in case leaving the scheme
7732 before 60 years of age? 80 60 40 20 A
Invoice in respect of imported stores is PCDA/CD
received in ____ for pairing with copy LAO of the A Main All the
7733 of the packing accounts? unit Office Unit three B
Invoice in respect of Imported Stores Landing
7734 is sent by ISM, London to _______? CDA LAO Consignee Officer A
IO has to submit Inquiry Report within one
7735 _____ from the date of his 20 days month 3 months 6 months D
7736 IRLA of a PBOR has ____ parts? 2 3 4 5 C

IRLA of Army Officer is not maintained Course of

by PCDA (O) in which of the following instructio
cases of Officers proceeding on ns to Study Temporar
7737 _______? abroad Leave y Duty None D

Individual Individual Integrated Integrated

Running Running Record of Record of
Leave Ledger Leave Ledger
7738 IRLA stands for Account Account Account Account B
Terminal Outstandi Loss of
Irrecoverable barrack damages are Compensa ng Suspense public
7739 treated as ______? tion demands amounts money D

n of
Is it incumbent on Audit officer to Depends Higher
scrutinize the disciplinary action taken on the Audit
7740 in the case of a Financial Irregularity? No Yes case Authority B

Island Special (Duty) Allowance is compensa
admissible concurrently with which of Hard Area tory
7741 the following allowances? HAFA Allowance Allowance CFAA B

Voucher Voucher Ledger to Ledger to

to ledger to ledger voucher voucher
Issue audit is conducted from ___ to or vice and not or vice and not
7742 _____? versa vice versa versa vice versa D

Officer i/c,
Issue of ASC articles from Retail Retail Local
Shops/Ration stands are priced at shop/Rati Audit Station Army
7743 applicable rates by on stand Officer H.Qrs H.Qrs. A
Issue of chassis to local body builders Issue Convoy Any of the
7744 will be made on ____? Voucher Notes two None B
Issue of samples stores of AOC to
Contractors/Private firms to help
guide manufacture of articles are Unauthori
7745 treated as ___ issues? Loan Payment Free zed A
Issue of samples to Disposal
Authorities are treated as _____ Any of the
7746 Issues? Payment Free Loan three B
Issue regarding counting of pre-
Commissioned Service is decided by
the Administrative Authority, in PCDA (O) CDA (PD) PCDA (P) All the
7747 consultation with _____? Pune Meerut Allahabad three C
It is _____ function of audit to
prescribe what such rules and orders
shall be or to interfere with their the the
7748 administrative
It is the definiteapplication.
commitment of the primary the main not the spiritual C
_____ to reimburse to the negotiating
advising bank whether applicant
provides the value of negotiation or
not in the case of payment through Advising Issuing
7749 Letter of Credit? Buyer Seller Bank Bank D
authoritie Authority
s to whom who
It is the primary responsibility of the allotment allotted
______ to watch the progress of PCDA/CD s are the All the
7750 expenditure? A made budget three B
It is the responsibility of ___ Section to
ensure that all DIDS floated by them
have complete details and are duly
7751 supported by vouchers Audit Accounts Both None A
It shall be the duty of ______ to
communicate to the President all
decisions of the Council of Ministers
relating to administration of the Union Speaker of
and proposals for legislation, to Prime the House Vice All the
7752 furnish related information? Minister of People President three A

It shall be the duty of ______ to give All the

advice to the GOI upon such legal Supreme
matters and perform duties of a legal Chief Court and
character? Justice of High Court Attorney All the
7753 India Judges General three C

taken is in
Action Action order. But
taken is taken is in he should
not in order. But have
It was noticed by GE that there is an order. He he should intimated
imminent danger to some buildings should have to Local
under his jurisdiction. He took have intimated Military
immediate action to protect the taken to Local Command
property. He reported the matter to prior Action Military er and
CWE. Comment on the action taken by permissio taken is in Command PCDA/CD
7754 It
GE?be seen that in order to reduce n of CWE order er also A also D
losses of medical stores due to time
expiry, deterioration to the barest Items with
minimum, the perishable items are a safe life
classified into 3 groups for better Items Items with ranging Items with
control in the Medical Depots. Which requiring a life of from two a life of
of the following is not the one among cold two years to five more than
7755 them? storage or less years five years D
Items and maximum quantities to be
held by GE in his Divisional Stock and
7756 laid down by GE CWE CE E in C B
Items for which neither industrial nor
defence specifications are available,
_________ specifications are decided Temporar
7757 by the buyer of Defence? y Adhoc Variable Fixed B
Items in doubtful cards have to be
conditioned within ___ in Ordnance One Two Three Six
7758 depots? month months months months C
Items of ____ will not be included by Irregulariti Higher Financial
7759 LAO inofthe
Items receipts
and Statements?
payments owing es Audit Advice None C
to lack of information as to their
nature are compiled under _____
7760 heads Deposits Services Advances Suspense D
Items of stores purchased/supplied
per man/station/unit etc. are called as Non
7761 ____ items?
Items of Stores retrieved from work, NIV Special scaled Scaled D
which become the property of
Contractor are mentioned in ____ of Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule
7762 Contract Agreement? B A C of credit D

High value Low value

Journal entries are supposed to be to low to high Chronoligi
7763 Journeys
entered inperformed
____ order?
on amenity value value cal None C
(payment or free) and other payment
duties are recorded in the Car diary
_____ by the Army Units and
Formations for easy identification and with With Blue With Black With Red
7764 linking? Pencil Ink Ink Ink D
Jt. CDA (BR) Chandigarh is under the Chandigar PCDA (CC) PCDA New
7765 Jurisdiction
of CWE
is generally
of _____?known h Lucknow Delhi None D
as ____ with reference to the
Regulations for the Military Engineer
7766 Services? Area District Division Zone B
KM reading of vehicles should be
checked by the authority responsible
7767 on _______ basis Daily Weekly Monthly Random A

Total Cost Cost As As

L-1 is determined with reference to including excluding decided decided
7768 ____ quoted by tenderers? Taxes Taxes by IFA by CFA B

Lady Welfare workers will be allowed Other

to use government transport at Family Ranks
amenity rates for welfare works to welfare clubs and
7769 visit centre canteens Both a, b None C
LAO (CSD) Chennai falls under whose CDA Factories CDA (CSD) PCDA
7770 jurisdiction? Chennai Avadi Mumbai Bengaluru C
LAO auditing the stores accounts of Consignor Consignee
7771 the Depot receiving the stores is LAO LAO NLAO None B
LAO desires to carry out stock
7772 verification. Whose permission is CDA Executive Both a, b GOI A

test check
of the Making
verificatio addition
n of or
credits in deletion in Selection
store the list of of
accounts auditable vouchers
LAO does not have discretionary verified by document for special
7773 LAO
which of theand
authority to LAO staff s linking None B
examine treasure chest balances,
cheques books etc. and to call for any
information, accounts, vouchers and Limited to
documents he may require in the extent
connection with Public Fund of period Only to
Accounts? of the extent
7774 Full inspection delegated No A
LAO is responsible for cash inspection Public Regiment
7775 in respect of ____? fund al fund Both None A
If he is put
If he is put upon
upon enquiry
enquiry without He cannot
with prior prior carry out
If he concurren concurren actual
considers ce of ce of stock
LAO may carry out an actual stock the PCDA/CD PCDA/CD verificatio
7776 verification necessity A A n B
LAO responsible to conduct audit of
store Accounts of unit issuing the Consignor Consignee
7777 LAO
is known
see that
as _____?
limits for LAO LAO LAO (D) LAO (E) A
conservancy stores required by units Station
during a year as fixed by ____ are not Command Army PCDA/CD
7778 exceeded? er GOC in C H.Qrs A A

LAO will bring to the notice of Local Reported

Administrative authorities in cases of through Decided
failure on their part to carry out Completel Completel PCDA/CD on case to
7779 periodical stock verification? y true y false A case C
not in
LAO will bring to the notice of PCDA in conformit
immediately by a special report in Non- unsatisfac y with All the
7780 which accounts in a unit are existent tory state rules three D
Statement forwarded
LAO will verify credits in Public Fund s by Pay
Account cash book with reference to Cheque forwarded Accounts All the
7781 ____? Slips by CDA Offices three D

Required Required
to send to obtain Competen
competen their approval t to settle
t to settle recomme of main observatio
the ndations office for ns in
objections to raising consultati
at their PCDA/CD observatio on with
7782 LAOs/RAOs are level A ns Executive A

Late Attendance (up to one hour) can Any of the

7783 be condoned by ____? AAO SAO/AO GO three C
Late Attendance (up to one hour) can
be condoned on ______________
7784 occasions
Late Entrant
in aismonth?
defined as an officer 2 3 4 Nil A
retired on reaching the prescribed age
limit for compulsory retirement with
at least ____ years Commissioned
service qualifying for pension but
whose total service is less than _____
years as defined in Pension
7785 Regulations
LD may be recovered
for the Army
from the 10, 15 15, 20 20, 25 25, 30 B
contractor a sum equivalent to ____ %
of the prices of any stores which the
contractor has failed to deliver within
the period agreed for delivery in the
contract, for each week or part
thereof during which the delivery of
such stores may be in arrears, where As As
delivery thereof is accepted after decided Decided
7786 expiry of the aforesaid period. 0.5 0.05 by CFA by IFA A
Leave Not Due may be granted to a No such
permanent Government servant with Leave of Restrictio
7787 no ____ at credit HPL EL any kind n A
Leave Not Due may be granted to an
7788 employee who has no ___ at credit? CL HPL Both None B
Leave of AO GE will be sanctioned by PCDA/CD
7789 the concerned _____? GE CWE RAO/LAO A D
a or b as
Crossing decided No such
border of by provision.
Leave of Gorkha Officers whose Crossing station sanctionin Normal
homes are in Nepal will begin and end Nepal where g rule is
7790 on the date of ____? Border working authority applicable A

a or b as
decided No such
Leave of Officers having homes in border of by provision.
Sikkim and domiciled in Bhutan will station Sikkim/Bh sanctionin Normal
begin and end on the date of crossing where utan g rule is
7791 _______?
Leave on invalidment on account of working Border authority applicable B
disability is admissible for
Commissioned Officers for _____
months and may be extended up to
7792 _____ months
Ledger Group checks the pay book of 6, 12 6, 18 8, 16 8, 24 D
soldier to ensure the correctness of Transfers
_____ with reference to entries in in his ACR Personal All the
7793 IRLA? Wing to eliminate the
Ledger career Payments Details three B
possibility of opening a duplicate IRLA
requests R section through a
forwarding memo marked as for Personal Duplicate Account Special
7794 “____― ? tracing tracing tracing tracing D
CAO, E in C
Ledgers for furniture in the office of E Ministry branch
in C are maintained by which of the of themselve PCDA,
7795 following?
letter of credit is one in respect of CE Defence s New Delhi B
which another Bank in the
beneficiary’s country adds its
confirmation at the request of the
issuing Bank is known as ____ letter of Irrevocabl
7796 credit?of credit which may be
Letter Revocable e Confirmed Revolving C
amended or cancelled by the issuing
bank at any moment without prior
notice to the beneficiary is known as Reversabl
7797 ___? from contractors forwarding Revocable Revolving e
Letters None A
deeds of assignment should indicate
whether bank in whose favor such a
document is executed will function as Collecting Financial Either a or Both a
7798 a ___? Agency bank b and b C
Draft Date on
Letters should bear the date of Approval Preparatio which
7799 ______? of Draft n Despatch copied C
either a or
7800 Liabilities are closed with ___ Balance? Debit Credit b None B

Licence fee bills in respect of Army Officers Regional

7801 Officers are sent to ____? concerned PCDA (O) CDA AO GE B
Licence Fee bills in respect of Civilians
are received from _____ in PCDA/CDA AO/AAO
7802 office pay sections? BSO GE GE/BSO LAO/RAO C
Life Insurance Premium if given in trial
balance, what will be done in final Credited Credited Debited to Debited in
7803 accounts? in P&L A/c to capital capital P&L A/c C

Lighting in
Lighting and Heating expenses when Profit and Heating in
given in trial balance, it will be posted Trading loss Balance Trading
7804 in ___ of final accounts? Account account Sheet Account B
Limited Tender Enquiry is done for
purchase of stores of the value up to
7805 Rs. ___ 2.5 lakhs 3 lakhs 15 lakhs 25 lakhs D
Issue side receipt receipt Issue side
of side of side of of
"tran "tran "tran "tran
sfers- sfers- sfers- sfers-
inward&# inward&# inward&# inward&#
34; and 34; and 34; and 34; and
issue side receipt issue side reeipt side
of side of of of
"tran "tran "tran "tran
sfers- sfers- sfers- sfers-
Linking is done in which of the outward.â outward.â outward.â outward.â
7806 following manner? ۥ ۥ ۥ ۥ C

Linking of purchases is done on ___ by LAO
side of Ledger in Local Audit of Store from case
7807 Accounts in Army Units? Issues Receipts to case Both sides B
List of DMROs for which OMROs are
not found adjusted will be extracted
by Accounts to Audit Sections at the
7808 end of each ____? Month Quarter Half year Year B
Loans and Advances are represented
7809 by Sector ____? A B K F D
Loans to State Governments budgeted
under the Civil Estimates of Ministry
of Defence (Major Head 7610-Loan
and Advances to State Government)
are advised by _____ for credit to the PCDA New CGDA AO (DAD)
7810 State Government by CAS, RBI, Nagpur Delhi Office MOD None C
Loans to State Governments budgeted
under the Civil Estimates of MOD are
also advised through CAS, RBI, Nagpur AO (DAD) PCDA R&D
7811 by _____ ? CGDA MOD New Delhi CGA B
Local Audit of units and formations by
DAD is organized under ____ Only One
7812 categories? 4 3 2 category C
Local Audit Programme is approved PCDA/CD
7813 by? GOC in C A Both None B
Local Audit Programme is submitted
by LAO for approval by PCDA/CDA
7814 Main Office for _____ (period)? Half year Year Quarter 9 months A

Local Committee is constituted by and District
____ as per Sexual Harassment of District Disbursing Magistrat Head of
7815 women at work place Act? Officer Officer e Office A

Local Purchase Articles of ASC stores Latest

issued on payment will be priced by O Stock Payment Highest of Lowest of
7816 Local
i/c of Purchase
ASC retailof
at _____
are Book Rate issue rates the two the two B
covered under Central purchase
cannot be done for which of the Payment For
7817 following transactions? Issues Stocking None Both D
Long Term Integrated Perspective Plan
(LTIPP) covers a period of ___
7818 requirements? 5 10 15 20 C
through CGDA
Loss of Account Card in Ordnance PCDA/CD PCDA/CD through
7819 Depot should be reported to ___? A.HQrs. A A A.HQrs. C
Loss of audited documents in a unit Major
should be classified as ____________ Observati trivial irregularit
7820 in audit? on error y Objection D
Loss of blank forms of Railway Army PC of A
7821 Warrants require regularization of GOI MOD H.Qrs Kolkata A
Loss of blank forms of railway PC of A
warrants shall be regularized under (Fys.), Army H. Regional
7822 the orders of Kolkata Qrs GOI CDA C
Loss of concession forms should be Authoritie PC of A,
7823 reported to s Kolkata Both None C

Final Audit
Preliminar Report is
Loss y audit rendered
Loss of stores will be struck off from statement report is by Sanction
ledgers at which stage of processing of is rendered PCDA/CD of CFA is
7824 loss statements? prepared by LAO A received D

Loss statement for loss of Ordnance General of
items in a Military Hospital will be Military Ordnance Ordnance
7825 priced by Hospital Depot LAO/PCDA Branch C
the book Transit
value and losses
sale recoverabl
proceeds e from the
of stores carrying
disposed company
of by or which
under have been
orders of made
DG of good by
Disposals the
Loss statement is not necessary in or other company
7826 which of the following cases? orders concerned Both None C

Loss due
the book
value and
Loss due sale
to fair proceeds
Loss statement is not required in wear and of
7827 respect of which of the following? tear disposal Both None C
Loss statement is prepared in Quadrupli Qunituplic Sextuplica
7828 _______? Triplicate cate ate te D
Loss statements are prepared in _____
by the units proposing regularization Sextuplica Quintuplic Quadrupli
7829 of losses? te ate cate Triplicate A
Loss statements are sent in ____ for Quadrupli Qunituplic
7830 pricing by Stores Section of CDA? Duplicate Triplicate cate ate B

Loss Statements for losses in respect Executive

of which penal recoveries from Authoritie Supply LAO/CDA/ None of
7831 individuals are involved are priced by s Depots PCDA these C
Losses arising in connection with
purchases through purchasing
organizations, where fault is entirely Completel Completel Decided Decided
7832 with them are not shown in App.A/cs y true y false by PCDA by CFA B

Current Highest
cost of Cost of Highest
Losses of dairy produce are valued at productio Productio Sale rate Market
7833 ________ n n in force in force Rate C
Losses on account of stores short- As
landed/damaged which are decided As
irrecoverable from the carriers, will be by decided
7834 dealt with at consignees' end as? Store loss Cash loss Executive by CDA B
Losses pertaining to which of the Stores
following are not exhibited in Military Departme Cantonme All the
7835 Appropriation Accounts? Farms nt nt Boards three C
Losses to which no precise monetary by Decided
value can be assigned should be PCDA/CD by GOC in
7836 shown written
Losses in Appropriation
off in respect
of stores Correct Incorrect A C C
short landed at ports should be
classified as ____ and exhibited in the
statement under the appropriate Either a or None.
heading in the Appropriation b at the Need not
7837 Accounts?
LPC cum Data Sheet in respect of Cash Loss Store Loss discretion be shown A
Army Officers at the time of their
retirement is prepared in ____ by Quadrupli Quintuplic
7838 PCDA (O)? Duplicate Triplicate cate ate C
LTC can not be availed during which of Casual Half pay Clossed All the
7839 the following periods? Leave leave Holidays three C
Local Limited LegimateT
Tender Tender ender All the
7840 LTE Stands for _____? Enquiry Enquiry Enquiry three B

M Section
of Regional
Lump sum advances drawn by Field Regional PAO of CDA of
Imprest Holders from Field Cashiers CDA of the PAO of
will be intimated by PCDA (O) to Imp. Imprest Imprest All the
7841 ____? Holder Holder Holder three B
Lump sum advances paid to Field
Imprest Holders by Field Cashiers are 00/018/6 00/018/6 00/018/6 00/018/6
7842 compiled to _____ suspense head 4 5 0 1 B
Machine Hour rate method comes Absorptio Apportion All the
7843 under ______? n ment Allocation three A

Debit Credit Debit Credit

Machinery purchased for Rs. 10000/- purchases purchases Purchases Purchases
included in purchases. What will be and credit and Debit and Debit and Credit
7844 the adjustment in final accounts? Mahinery Machinery Machinery Machinery B

10, 20, 30 12, 24, 36

MACP scheme envisages grant of of of
three financial up gradations to Group continuou continuou
A, B & C employees at intervals of _, _, s regular s regular 10,20,30 12, 24, 36
7845 _ years? service service of service of service A
MACP scheme is applicable to PBORs 07.08.200 01.09.200 01.01.200
7846 of Indian Army w.e.f. _____? 3 01.01.96 8 6 C
MACP scheme is effective from 01.01.200 31.08.200 01.09.200 01.10.200
7847 _______ 6 8 8 8 C
MACP Scheme is not applicable to Group A Group B
7848 ________? service services Both None A
MACP Scheme is not applicable to All the
7849 which of the following categories of Casual Adhoc Contract three D
MACP upgradation is allowed if the
PBOR is stagnated in a particular pay
7850 level for a period of ___ years? 12 10 9 8 D

balance of
the fiscal economy
balance of as
the Union reflected
Governme in the
nt as current
the reflected account
growth in in the balance of
Macro-economic Framework the gross gross the
Statement shall contain an assessment domestic fiscal balance of All the
7851 relating to ______? product balance payments three D
Admin Accounts
Maintenance of Debt Head Registers section of Admin Accounts Section of
in respect of DAD employees is the CGDA Section of Section of CGDA
7852 responsibility of ____ ? office CDA office CDA office office C
Head of
Group the
Maintenance of the APARs is the duty Officer PCDA/CD SAO/AO Departme
7853 of the ______ (AN) A (AN) nt D
Major capital works are original works
7854 costing ____ and above? 5 lakhs 10 lakhs 15 lakhs 50 lakhs C
Major Head is represented by ___
7855 digit number? 4 3 2 7 A
Major penalties are awarded under
7856 Rule ____ of CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965? 10 14 16 None B
Major penalty proceedings are held
7857 under which rule of CCS CCA Rules 10 11 14 16 C
Majority of Government Accounts are e and
7858 kept under ____ basis? Accrual Cash Cash None B
Majority of the Government Accounts
7859 are kept on ____ basis? Cash Accrual Both None A
Manufacturing or production
overheads come under which of the Functions Behaviour Element
7860 following classification of overheads? wise Cost wise wise wise A

Units and
Map accounts maintained by ______ Map Formation
7861 are not subject to audit by LAO? Depots s Both None B
Can be
approval No such
Are Are not of account is
Map accounts maintained by units and subject to subject to PCDA/CD maintaine
7862 formations audit audit A d B
March Supplementary Correction PCDA/CD
7863 Manually requires the sanction of CGDA CGA A None B
Marginal costing is a costing method
in which ____ are accumulated and
cost per unit is ascertained only on the Overhead
7864 basis of such costs? Fixed Variable Direct s B
All the
7865 Material leave is granted on _____ pay Full Half No three A

Contracto Measure Any one

Materials received at site will be Work r Orders ment of the
7866 counted and recorded in _________? Diary book book three C
Maternity leave is admissible to
female government employees for
7867 ___ days on one occasion? 90 180 240 730 B
Maternity leave is granted on _____ All the
7868 pay Full Half No three A

Maternity leave is not admissible for Threatene

7869 ____?
Maximum amount of HBA shall be Abortion d Abortion Both None B
____ month’s basic pay subject to
maximum amount prescribed or the
cost of the house/flat or amount
according to repaying capacity which
7870 Maximum
ever is the amount
least? of HBA shall be 34 134 139 150 A
prescribed month’s basic pay
subject to a maximum of ___ (lakhs)
only or the cost of the house/flat or
amount according to repaying capacity
7871 which ever is the least? 25 50 75 100 A
Maximum number of injections at No such
7872 AMA consulting room within 10 days 5 10 15 limit C
Maximum period of absence
permitted as sick list concession in
7873 respect of Army Officers is ____? 20 days 30 days 60 days 90days B
Maximum study leave that can be
granted to Government servants other
than Central Health Services officers is 60 48 36 24
7874 ____? months months months months D
Maximum tolerance limit allowed to
7875 exceed in ASC contracts is ____% 1 2 5 10 C
MB is not required for (1) works All the
executed by IEs (2) Periodical Services 1 & 2 are 1 & 3 are 2 &3 are three are
7876 (3) Supplies through Supply Orders correct correct correct correct D
Medical advance is not admissible to
the employees of Pay levels up to and No such
7877 their dependends 2 4 5 provision D
Head of
Medical treatment abroad under Local Standing the
CSMA rules requires a certificate from Committe Committe Departme
7878 ____ constituted for this purpose e e nt None B
ent of
major the
policy explicit
changes contingen
involving t
new liabilities,
service, which are
new in the
instrumen form of
ts of stipulated
service, annuity
new payments
schemes over a
Medium-term Expenditure Framework and multi-year
Statement shall, inter alia, contain programm time-
7879 _______? es frame Both None C
Members included in DPCs for Groups
'A' and 'B' three
promotion by selection, should be Sufficientl One level Two levels levels
7880 officers who are at least _____? y Senior above above above B
MES civilians are paid out of ____ Defence in each
7881 Estimates? Services MOD civil both case A
7882 MES district is under the control of AGE (I) CWE GE CE B

Military civilian Industrial All the

7883 MES establishment comprises of personnel personnel personnel three D
MES work in the Principal
Controller’s/Controller’s Office
is mainly dealt with in ____ sections
7884 (Other than Pay & Allowances)? 2 3 4 1 A
GOC – GOC in C
7885 MFAI report is addressed to _____? in C by Name CGDA DGADS B
MFAI report is prepared and
7886 submitted by LAO to PCDA/CDA on Yearly Half yearly Quarterly Monthly C
MFAI Report is rendered by ____ of
7887 the month following the quarter? 10th 15th 20th 25th C

MFAI Report is rendered on ____ Half yearly

7888 basis? Yearly basis Quarterly Monthly C

and Fresh
remaining Irregulariti
7889 MFAI Report Part I consists of ____? pending es a or b Both B
Mileage card should be signed by the
unit commander or an officer
7890 nominated by him on ______ basis Daily Weekly Monthly Random C
Military Accounts Department has
been renamed as Defence Accounts 15.08.194 26.01.195 01.10.195
7891 Department w.e.f. ___? 7 0 1.10. 1983 1 D
Deposit works/ser
Agency Agency works/ser vices
Services, Services, vices with without
with levy without levy of levy of
Military Engineer Services are to Plan of levy of departme departme
and execute the works of Defence departme departme ntal ntal
7892 Accounts Department, as _______? nt charges nt charges charges charges B
Military Farms accounts are Commerci Commerci All the
7893 maintained on ____lines? Cash al al three C
Commerci commerci
7894 Military Farms work on ____ basis? al al Both None B
Military Identification Number (MIN)
7895 for MRO contains ____ digits? 15 8 17 7 C
Military Service Pay MSP is admissible
to the Army Officers at the rate of ___
7896 per month? 10800 15500 5200 None B
Military Service Pay MSP is admissible
to the Hony. Commisioned Officers at
7897 the rate of ___ per month? 10800 15500 5200 None B
Military Service Pay MSP is admissible
to the MNS Officers at the rate of ___
7898 per month? 10800 15500 5200 None A
Military Service Pay MSP is admissible
7899 to the PBORs at the rate of ___ per 10800 15500 5200 None C

Milk is accounted for in ______ in Litres, Litres, Kilograms, Kilograms,

7900 cattle yard and in ______ in Dairy? Litres Kilograms Litres Kilograms C
Minimum balance of EL that should be
at credit to avail 10 days EL
Encashment on LTC , after deducting No such
7901 the same from Leave A/c is __ days? 300 30 60 limit B
Minimum cooling off period of _ years
is ensured between 2 assignments
involving substantial third party
7902 payments for a DAD employee? 2 3 5 10 B
Minimum educational qualification for
direct recruits Clerks will be ____ Graduatio
7903 Pass/equivalent? 10th 11th 12th n C
Minimum rates of pay should not fixed than
7904 for which of the following? Hour Day month None D
Minimum subscription under CPF is
7905 ____% of emoluments? 6 10 15 20 B
Minimum wages are fixed for which of
7906 the following works? Time Piece Both None C
Minimum Wages to be reviewd at
7907 such intervals not exceeding ____? 10 years 5 years 3 years 2 years B
Minister, within _____ is not a
member of either of House ceases to Two and
7908 be Minister half years Two years One year six mnths D
7909 Minor Head corresponds to ____? Function e Scheme Activity B
Minor Head is represented by ___
7910 digits Number? 2 3 4 None B
Minor penalty proceedings are held
7911 under which rule of CCS CCA Rules 10 11 14 16 D
Missing Part II Orders will be called for Statement
by EDP Centre, giving suitable of PCDA (O)
7912 messages on Advance
Mobilization ________________?
under special Account Website Both None C
circumstances can be paid up a
Maximum of ____% of the value of
7913 the contract ? 5 10 15 20 B

Modifications in the existing CFA in CFA under

conditions of contract not involving consultati intimation
rates enhancement and no extra on with to
7914 expenses can be sanctioned by CFA CDA/IFA CDA/IFA None B
Monthly Expenditure Return of Army PCDA/CD themselve All the
7915 Units is prepared by ____? LAO/RAO A s three B
Monthly Expenditure Return of GE is
7916 not signed by which of the following GE AO GE RAO/LAO Both b & c C

E section Accounts
Sub of Section of
Monthly Expenditure Return of GE is division of PCDA/CD PCDA/CD
7917 prepared by ________? GE AO GE A A A
Directorat PLI
Monthly PLI Schedules are forwarded e, New Directorat
7918 by PCDA (O) to ________? Delhi e, Kolkata Both None B
Monthly report of Central Index,
maintained by EDP centre of PCDA (O) Permanen
is handed over to ____ Ledger Accounts t Records Records
7919 section/wing/cell? wings section section Section D
Monthly statement of account in
respect of Navy personnel is issued by Naval pay PCDA Navy
7920 _____? office (Navy) NLAO HQrs. A
Monthly Test check of IRLAs is done by
7921 AO/SAO to the extent of ______? 0.02 0.03 0.08 0.1 D
Month-wise LPC-Cum-Data Sheets,
maintained by Pension Cell will be
retained for __ from the month of
7922 Retirement of Army officer? 75 years 50 years 40 years 35 years D
Moribund accounts of the defunct CDA
funds to which subscriptions have now CDA (PD) (Funds) CDA All the
7923 ceased, are maintained by ______? Meerut Meerut Meerut three B
Movable property includes ___ as per Refrigerat
7924 Conduct Rules Radio or Both None C
All the
7925 Movable Property includes ______? Jewellery Horse Motor Car three D
Move of an officer to outstation for
attachment on __ will not be classified Course of Bonafide
as “Permanent―even if the instructio Disciplinar Governme All the
7926 duration of stay exceeds180 days? n y Grounds nt Duty three B

security is
Deposit in the
works payments
amount due to
MRO is not necessary to deposit which received Contracto
7927 of the following transactions? from user r Both None B
Quadrupli Quintuplic
7928 MRO is prepared in cate Triplicate Duplicate ate B
Sextuplica Quadrupli
7929 MRO is prepared in _____? te cate Triplicate Duplicate C
7930 MS
MRO branch
is validoffor
a period of 20 days 21 days 14 days 30 days B
Directorate is supposed to issue
retirement order ____ before in 24 18 12 10
7931 respect of Army Officres? months months months months D
Name the agency responsible to Army
conclude Rate Contracts for the Purchase
General requirements of all the Organizati
7932 central Governmemt Departments? on DGS&D Both None B
Ministry of
Name the agency responsible to issue of Defence/F Ministry C&AG of
7933 Name
the authority
to theresponsible
provisions of
toGFR Defence in of Finance India C
carry out Acquisition of land and
buildings required for Defence
7934 purposes. MES DGDE E in C GOI B
Name the authority, who issues
specific directions in the case of PCDA/CD
7935 isolated cases of provisional payments MOD GOC in C CGDA A A
Wing Air
Name the equivalent officer in Air Group Air Vice Command Commodo
7936 Force for Brigadier in Army? Captain Marshal er re D
Name the equivalent rank in Indian Air Lieutenan Flying Pilot Squadron
7937 Force for Lieutenant in Indian Army? t Officer Officer Leader B
Name the item of expenditure which
does not appear in punching medium
prepared by AAO GE, but will be
accounted for in Construction account Baby ISA CP
7938 and reflected in MER? USR Indent voucher voucher D

Name the officer (In a CWE office) Chief

responsible to advice CWE on contract Technical Surveyor
7939 matters and fixing of star rates? Examiner BSO of works DCWE D

Name the system followed for Efficient

collection or delivery of supplies and Carter and Barter All the
7940 stores in economic manner by units Patterson Economic system three A
National Pension System came into 01.01.200 01.01.200 01.04.200 01.01.200
7941 force w.e.f. 3 4 4 6 B
7942 National Pension System has ____ 4 3 2 only one C
National Pension System has been 01.01.200 01.04.200 01.07.200 01.01.200
7943 introduced w.e.f ____? 4 4 4 6 A
7944 Navy has ___ Minor heads of 8 9 10 12 B
Non Junior Service
Commissi Commissi Commissi Commissi
Nb Sub, Sub and Subedar Major in oned oned oned oned
7945 Indian Army are _____? Officers Officers Officers Officers C
Negotiable Instruments Act came into 01.01.188 01.03.188 01.04.188 01.07.188
7946 forceamount
Net w.e.f. _____?
outstanding under head 2 2 2 2 B
“Cheques & Bills / Pay and
Accounts Office Electronic Advices―
will be reviewed and reconciled once
in every _____ by Accounts Section of
7947 PCDA/CDA? Day week fortnight Month D
Shown Shown
separately separately
in the in the
Balance Balance
sheet on sheet on Deduccte
Net Loss is ____________ in the Liabilities Assets Added to d from
7948 balance sheet? side side Capital Capital D
Shown Shown
separately separately
in the in the
Balance Balance
sheet on sheet on Deduccte
Net Profit is ____________ in the Liabilities Assets d from Added to
7949 balance sheet? side side Capital Capital D
New Account will not be opened by
PCDA (O) in the absence of which of
the following details of newly Home All the
7950 commissioned officers? PAN Town e-mail id three A
Commissi any
New Pension Scheme is applicable to oned former
which of the following officers joining officers of NCC Govt.
7951 Newly
on or after 01.01.2004?
officer shall not Army officers service None C
be entitled to pay on first
appointment for a period in excess of
___ days before the date on which he
7952 reports for duty? 30 days 15 days 45 days 60 days A
One for
Next Below Rule is applied on ______ One time One
7953 basis
NIV articles should not be issued on Vacancy measure principle None C
payment by Supply and Store Depots
prior to obtaining the rates from Army
7954 ____? H.Qrs. MOD CGDA MOD (Fin) D
No action to relinquish any hiring will
be taken by MES without the sanction PCDA/CD
7955 of _____? CFA GOI E in C A A
No advance of DA for Temporary Duty
in respect of Army Officers beyond
7956 ______is paid by PCDA (O)? 30 days 60 days 120 days 180 days D

Any order any order

made by of an
the interlocut
7957 No appeal lies against ___? President ory nature Both None C
Pay &
Expenditu Allowance All the
7958 No appropriation is necessary for ____ Receipts re s three A

No appropriation is needed in respect Both

of recoveries of expenditure which are Initially
7959 treated as receipts_________? Initially Finally and finally None C
No cheque should be handed over by
D section to the representative of Addl.
supplier except under the order of Group CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD
7960 ______
No claiminfor
shall be Officer SAO/AO CDA A D
entertained by a Commissioner unless
notice of the accident has been given
in the manner hereinafter provided as
soon as practicable after the
happening thereof and unless the
claim is preferred before him within
______of the occurrence of the
7961 accident? 1 month 6 months one year two years D
No draft para should be concurred Addl.
without the personal knowledge of CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD
7962 ____ in PCDA/CDA office? GO (IA) GO (AN) CDA A D
No existing road in a Cantonment may
be closed and no new roads opened CEO, Station
without the approval of the Cantonme PCDA/CD Command
7963 ________? nt Board A er GOC in C D
No formal re-appropriation is
necessary for transferring funds under Command All the
7964 the same control head between ____? s Areas Sub Areas three D
No Government servant shall accept
or permit any member of his family on
his behalf to accept any gift except on
occasions laid down in Rule ____ of
7965 C.C.S.
No item
of financial
1964?rendered 2 3 5 13 D
by CDA office will be pressed upon
without the knowledge of the
_______ with whom the proposition Army Command
7966 should be fully discussed H.Qrs or Area CGDA DGADS B
No leave of any kind can be granted
for a continuous period of _____
7967 except
No leavewith
of any
the kind
can be
of President
granted to 180 days 360 days 2 years 5 years D
a Government employee for a
continuous period exceeding _____
7968 years 2 3 4 5 D
No lump sum allotment will be made
below commands/Areas/Divisions Chief PCDA/CD
7969 except
No materials
with the
be supplied
of ______?
or issued GOC in C Engineer A E in C A
on loan from a Factory to other
Military or Non-Military Government
DepartÂ-ments except on the General Controller PC of A
7970 authority of the ____? Manager DGOF of Fys. Kolkata B
No member of the establishment
below the rank of __ is to receive any
strangers in the rooms in which the Head of Gazetted
7971 business
No moveof ofthe
an officer
office isshall
be on? IDAS Office Officer None D
classified as ‘Permanent’ if it is
undertaken in pursuance of Tour of discharge
7972 ________? Inspection of duties Both None A
No objection should ever be issued by
____ Section nor should they enter
into any correspondence with Officers
7973 Commanding and others Stores Misc. IA None C
No official documents/papers or
publications may be taken out of Addl.
PCDA/CDA office without the written PCDA/CD CDA/Jt.
7974 permission of the ____? A CDA GO (AN) SAO/AO D
No OP work should extend beyond___
7975 working
No operational
seasons?work should be 5 4 3 2 D
ordered on Civil Agencies in areas
where MES exist, without prior Command Formation PCDA/CD
7976 concurrence from ______? H.Qrs. H.Qrs. Div. H.Qrs. A A
Army Corps
No Operational work will be ordered Army Command Command PCDA/CD
7977 unless it has been approved by____? H.Qrs. er er A A
Approval Concurren
No order involving abandonment of of next ce of
revenue shall be issued by CFA higher Financial
7978 No
the is_________?
admissible to a authority Adviser Both None B
permanent employee who retires
before completion of ___ years
7979 qualifying service? 5 10 20 33 B
No sale of any stores will be made to
private bodies by MES without the PCDA/CD
7980 prior sanction of ____? E in C A DGADS GOI D
No sanction is necessary for lodging
cash deposit in a bank or deposits in a
saving bank account from out of salary Depends
or accumulated savings of a on case to No
7981 Government servant. Correct Incorrect case Comment A
No sum shall ordinarily be credited to
Government by debit to a _____;
Credit must follow and not precede Service Suspense
7982 actual
No withdrawal
of money may be Head Head Both None B
made from the Government Account
except by presentation of _____ in
support of relevant claim for the
7983 purpose? Bill Voucher Document Form A
No. of children for whom CEA/HS is No such
7984 drawn at a time should not exceed __? One Two Three limit B
Nodal officer designated under Sexual
Harassment of women at work place
act is supposed to forward the
complaint received to the Local
7985 Committee within ___ days? 2 5 7 10 C

Which are
to be Issued for
Received struck off, test
Nominal Vouchers are prepared in erroneous brought purposes
7986 respect of stores? ly on charge to HQrs All D
Non receipt of DMRO for which OMRO
has been adjusted by Audit Section Audit RBI, CAS
7987 should be taken up by Accounts with? Section Unit Bank Nagpur C
Non-Effective Account Files received
in the Section initially will be treated Frequentl
as ___by permanent records section Temporar y asked Moving New
7988 of PCDA (O) for one year? y record record Record Record C
Normal isues of stock are usually
stopped at ____ level and made only Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
7989 under specific instructions? level level level level C
Normally after how many pages, a file
should be closed and a new volume
7990 should be opened? 500 250 100 150 D
Normally leave will commence On the
_____an individual is struck off duty if On the On the A/N of the Any of the
7991 relieved in the forenoon? date next date date three A

the day On the

Normally Leave will terminate on preceding on the A/N of the
____if an individual rejoins in the that of date of date of Any of the
7992 afternoon? rejoining rejoining rejoining three B
Normally, the number of supplier
firms in Limited Tender Enquiry should
7993 be more than _____? Two Three Five One B
Not less than ____ Members from
amongst employees preferably
committed to the cause of women or
who have had experience in social
work or have legal knowledge should
be nominated as members of Internal
7994 committee
Not less thanconstituted
_____ members
under SH
be 2 3 4 Half A
women in the Internal Committee
consituted under the provisions of SH One
7995 Act? fourth One third Half Two third C
Not more than ______ compensatory
leave is allowed to be availed of at a
7996 time by a Government Employee? 4 days 3 days 2 days One day C
NPS is applicable to central 01.01.200 01.04.200 02.01.200 02.04.200
7997 government employees appointed on 4 4 4 4 A

the month January of the date
following the next individual
NPS subscription recovery will the month the month year of applies for
7998 commence from ____? of joining of joining joining PRAN B

He is on
y Duty
He is on Daily
7999 NRA is not admissible to a PBOR when leave allowance None Both a, b D
Number of injections is limited to
normally ____ within 10 days in the No such
8000 consulting room of AMA? 5 10 15 limit B
Numerical Account of all stores drawn Stock Stores in
in bulk for use on maintenance Stock Materials Purchase Hand
8001 services is maintained in Register Register Register Ledger D
O&M Inspection is conducted on Percentag
8002 ______ basis? e sampling Both None B
O&M inspection of sections of Main
8003 office of PCDA/CDA is done once in a quarter a Half year a year two years C
O&M Inspection Report is supposed to
be forwarded to the concerned
section/sub office within ___ One three two
8004 completion of Inspection? month weeks weeks One week B
unit of
Programm appropriat
8005 Object Head corresponds to ____? Function e Scheme ion D
Object Head is represented by ___
8006 digits Number? 2 3 4 5 A
Object Heads are primarily meant for
8007 ______ control over expenditure? Itemized Over all
audit None A
Occupation and vacation returns are authoritie All the
8008 prepared by _____? BSO AAO BSO s three A
Occupation/Vacation returns for all Station MES
officers quarters on the station pool Command authoritie
8009 are prepared by ____? er s AO GE None B
Office Automation module
implemented in PAOs (ORs) across the
8010 country is known as project _____? Tulip Sugam Suvigya Dolphin D
Office Automation module used in
8011 PCDA (O) is named as “Project Suvigya Sulekha Sugam Skylark B

Precedent an opinion
s in cases and the
where grounds
there are on which
The facts no the
of the authoritati opinion is
8012 Office Note should not contain _____? case ve rulings based None D
Office of the DEOs and their
outstation representatives fall under
which Category of the unit for the
8013 purposeofofpay
Officer Cash
7 is entitled
by LAO?
to I II A B D
travel by ____ Class while on tour
journey by sea between A&N islands First/A
8014 and main land? Delue cabin Second/B Bunk B
Officer of which pay level and above
8015 can travel by AC Bus while on tour? 5 6 8 9 B
Officer of which pay level and above
8016 can travel by AC-I class in Train while 9 12 14 15 B
Officer of which pay level and above
8017 can travel by AC-II class in Train while 5 6 8 9 B
Officer of which pay level and above
can travel by Air in Business class
8018 while on tour? 9 11 14 15 C
Officer of which pay level and above
can travel by Deluxe class for travel by
River between A&N islands and main
8019 land while on tour? 6 8 9 10 C
Officer of which pay level and above
can travel by Highest class for travel
8020 by River while on tour? 9 10 11 12 A

Officer responsible to arrange AGE of the

procurement of stores required for Sub
the recoupment of divisional stock in a Division Store
8021 GE office is BSO concerned Keeper all A
Officer under whose internal audit
control, a public servant is serving is Accounts Controllin Audit Audit
8022 known as _____? officer g officer Controller Officer D
Officers assisting the Chief of Army at Private Principal Public Personal
the Army Head Quarters are known as Staff Staff Staff Staff
8023 ____? Officers Officers Officers Officers B
Officers in the pay level ___ have an
8024 option toofoffice
Officers a unitcar
facility on
or draw 10 11 12 14 D
disciplinary grounds to another unit or
suspended from duty and attached are
continued to be shown in the Strength Decided Decided
Return (Nominal Roll) against the by CO of by PCDA
8025 appropriate appointment. Correct Wrong the unit (O) A
Officers of the rank of ____ and above
have the option of drawing TPTL or to Major Lt.
8026 use Government transport? Brigadier General General Colonel B
Officers on Course of Instructions of on
10 weeks or more duration are shown Supernum on on Extra
separately as officers _______ in on erary Skeleton Establish
8027 Strength Returns by units? training Strength Strength ment B
Officers on TD/Permanent Posting/LTC
can draw advance for self or family
members, before ____ of proposed
8028 date of onward
Officers posted to
stations where 30 days 60 days 65 days 95 days D
married accommodation cannot be
provided to them can ante date their
seniority by ____ period spent in
previous station subject to fulfilment
8029 of conditions? Full Half the 3 months 6 months B
Officers sick in hospital or on sick
leave are continued to be shown in Depends Decided
the Strength Return in the proper on case to by CO of
8030 place with
Officers who
a suitable
marry before
remark.the age of Correct Wrong case the unit A
___ years will not be entitled to
married accommodation until they
attain that age and will be required to No such
8031 live in a mess? 28 25 21 restriction B
Official Language Rules 1976 extend to Tamil
8032 whole of India except ______ J&K Nadu Both None B
Officiating Promotion may be granted
in case when an officer officiates in an
appointment in the higher rank for a
8033 minimum period of ___? 180 days 90days 60 days 30 days D
Offset clause is applicable where the
estimated cost of the acquisition
8034 proposal
On Commission
is Rs. ____
into crore
more? 300 500 1000 2000 D
'A' is prepared, based on
which Account is opened for the Officer,
respective officer. Who will sign the Appointin Officer, CO of the
form and who will coutersign the g CO of the Unit, Officer,
8035 same?
On completion of the work, Work Authority Unit PCDA (O) PCDA (O) B
Diary and Contractor’s order book
are kept under safe custody by Contracto PCDA/CD
8036 ______?
On financial up-gradation to a Central r A AO GE GE D
Government servant under MACP
Scheme, which of the following Classificati
8037 remain
On grantunchanged?
of financial up gradation Pay level Pay on of post None C
under MACP scheme, which of the
following does not change in respect Designatio Classificati All the
8038 of the employee? n on Status three D
On his selection to IDAS, Mr.
'X' is asked to report to TA/DA as
NADFM, Pune initially i.e. for the first Only admissbile
time. What will be his TA/DA TA/DA as TicketFare on
entitlement for journey for the first No TA/DA admissible is Permanen
8039 time from his native place to Pune? admissible on Tour admissible t Transfer A
On opening of a bid, it is noticed that
there is a variation in the rate quoted
by the Vendor in figures as that of
amount expressed in words. As per
rule, Committee intimated him that Submit
the rates as the amount shown in the case
words will prevail. But the vendor did Reject for Committe
not accept for the change. What Retenderi his/her decision e will
8040 course of action will you suggest? ng bid of CFA/IFA decide B
On submission of Inquiry Report
_____ of Honorarium is paid to retired
8041 Government servant appointed as IO? 100% 75% 50% 25% C
On the domestic occasstions Group A
Government servant can accept gifts No such
8042 upto value of ____? 7500 15000 25000 limit C
On the domestic occasstions Group B
Government servant can accept gifts No such
8043 upto value of ____? 7500 15000 25000 limit B
On the domestic occasstions Group C
Government servant can accept gifts No such
8044 upto value of ____? 7500 15000 25000 limit A
On the expenditure side there are
8045 ____ Major Heads? 4 5 6 7 C
On the GeM portal, Direct Purchase
can be done up to the value of goods
8046 On
Rs. ______
the GeMwithout
Portal, comparison?
L1 purchase 25000 30000 40000 50000 A
enables purchase for order values 50,000/-
between Rs. ____ and Rs. ____ by 25,000 and 25,000
way of comparison between at least 25000 and and Rs. 30,00,000 and Rs.
8047 three different OEMs 2.5 lakhs 5,00,000 /- 30,00,000 B
On the grounds of urgency, one PCDA Requires
authorised a payment without pre Action is Requires permissio
audit which normally requires pre not in Action is permissio n of
8048 audit? order in order n of CGDA DGADS B
On the grounds of urgent military Engineerin
necessity or urgent medical reasons, Any CFA in Any CEA Appropria g
who can issue a written order to Table A of in Table B te CFA Authority
8049 commence Engineer service? RMES of RMES only only A
On the grounds of urgent military
necessity,_____ can issue an order in Any CFA in Any CEA
order in writing for commencement of Table A of in Table B PCDA/CD All the
8050 Engineering service? RMES of RMES A three A

decided No pay is
One AAO promoted as AO and by the admissible
transferred to another station. During Competen during
the Joining Time pay is admissible for t Joining
8051 ____ grade? AAO AO Authority Time A

Only One,
but can be
One agent can represent _____ 2, if No such
suppliers or quote on their behalf in a Maximum CFA/IFA provision
8052 particular tender enquiry as per DPM? 2 Only One Agree in DPM B

Deduct Add the

the amount to
Deduct amount Creditors
the from and
amount Creditors Add the deduct
from and Add amount to the
One Bill Receivable endorsed to a Debtors the Debtors amount
creditor has been dishonoured. What and amount to and from
8053 will tbe adjustment in final accounts? Creditors Debtors Creditors Debtors C
n of
One day joining time admissible for Competen Depends
transfer within same station can be t on case to
8054 credited
One Defence
to ELbuilding damaged by Yes No Authority case B
fire. The building was insured.
Insurance company admitted a claim
partly. What is the quntum of loss to
be written off and Who will be the CFA
i.e. under whose powers the Gross,
8055 Gross/Net loss falls? Gross Gross, Net Net, Net Net, Gross A
One Defence personnel drawn the
entire amount of leave pay while Option to Amount
proceeding on leave pending be given shall be
retirement and died before expiry of to the treated as
leave. What action would you To be NOK to written
8056 suggest? recovered pay back off None C
One Farm Bred animal, calved once Twice the
has been lost. Recovery rate from the book Market book Purchase
8057 responsible person will be ____ value value value price A
One journal entry will have ____
8058 entries to be posted in to ledger? 1 2 2 or more None C
One kind of leave may be converted
into another kind if applied by the Any time
employee within ____ completion of during the
8059 spell?who has ceased to pay his debts
One service 30 days 3 months 6 months B
in the ordinary course of business, or
cannot pay his debts as they become
due is defined as ___ under sale of Person in Bad
8060 goods
One work
act?has been completed by MES Insolvent Debt Debtor Solvent A
and there is delay anticipated in
closing the accounts of the work,
further charges will not be incurred on
the said work without the permission PCDA/CD
8061 of _____? GE A Both None A
Online bidding/Reverse Auction is
necessary in GeM portal for No such
8062 transactions exceeding Rs. _____? 2.5 lakhs 25 lakhs 30 lakhs rule C
Opening of new DAD sub office under
a Gazetted Officer requires the prior
8063 approval of MOD FADS CGDA GOI C
To bring
to account
To the
distribute amounts
expenditu credited
Operation of Transfer Entry is To correct re among to
necessary by AO GE in which of the an error in different Remittanc All the
8064 following cases? allocation parties e Heads three D

Operational works should not be

ordered on which of the following Formation Civil
8065 Executing Agencies? Engineers MES Agencies None D
Option quantity during extended DP is
to be limited to_____% of balance
8066 quantity after original Delivery Period 100 75 50 25 C
Order passed by CAT should be
implemented by Government No such
Departments within ____ if the period period
8067 is not mentioned in the order? 3 months 6 months One year prescribe B

Orders of Government of India take First April First

effect from the _____ unless of the January of Day of
8068 otherwise
Orders of the
______ in Main office They bear year the year Receipt A
will be taken before an item is Addl.
classified to the Suspense Head by Group CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD
8069 sections of Main Office? SAO/AO Officer CDA A C
Ordinarily all amounts due to
Government which are found to be
irrecoverable shall be written off from
the Debt Head of Accounts concerned Expenditu Any of the
8070 to an expenditure head as ___? Loss Bad debts re three A
Ordinarily the minimum time to be
allowed for submission of bids should No such
be _____ from the date of publication One Three Two limit is
8071 of the tender notice? month weeks weeks prescribed B
Ordinary/packing material issued with
articles supplied on payment, if Unauthori
subsequently returned by the zed and
purchasers, to its source is treated as not be
______ and taken on charge free of taken on Any of the
8072 cost by ASC Supply Depots? Surplus Scrap charge three A
Ordnance Depots and Store Depots
are supposed to send the Skeleton
8073 lists to their Dependent LAOs every Week Month Day 10 days B
Ordnance Factories have ____ Minor
8074 heads of accounting? 8 10 12 14 D
Ordnance Factory Board has a
8075 chairman and ____ Members? 7 12 39 44 A
Original CAs accepted by CE/CWE are PCDA/CD
8076 receibed by ____ directly? AO GE A RAO/LAO None B
Original Contract Agreement
concluded by GE is held with ____ PCDA/CD
8077 office for future reference? AO GE A GE RAO/LAO B
Original Copies of MROs are received Internal
8078 in ____ section? Audit Accounts Audit O&M A

Original Copy of the MRO is adjusted Section/S Accounts
8079 by ub Office Section Both None A
Original LPC cum Data Sheet is sent to
PCDA (P) by PCDA (O) ___ in advance
8080 of retirement of Army Officers? 8 months 6 months 4 months 3 months C
Regular d works General Ordinary
works and and works and works and
Original Works are further sub-divided Special Special Special Special
8081 in to ______? works works works works B
Original works costing more than 2 Major Budgeted
lakhs but less than 15 lakhs are capital Minor Capital Revenue
8082 classified as ______ by MES? works works Works works C
Original works costing more than one Budgeted
lakh and not exceeding 2 lakhs are Capital Revenue Minor
8083 classified as ____ by MES? Works works Works Repairs B
Original works costing not more than Major Budgeted
Rs. 1 lakh are classified as ___ by Capital Capital Revenue Minor
8084 MES? works of petty nature costing
Original works works works works D
up to Rs. _____ may be treated as
Repairs at the discretion of CWE/GE
8085 (I)?
Original works of petty nature costing 5000 10000 20000 50000 B
up to Rs. _____/- may at the
discretion of CWE be treated as
8086 Repairs? 1 lakh 50000 20000 10000 D
Originating (-) Charge should be (+)
8087 responded with ____ in a DIDS Receipt (-) Receipt (+) Charge (-) Charge B
Originating (-) Receipt should be (+)
8088 responded with ____ in a DIDS Receipt (-) Receipt (+) Charge (-) Charge D
Originating (+) Charge should be (+)
8089 responded with ____ in a DIDS Receipt (-) Receipt (+) Charge (-) Charge A
Originating (+) Receipt should be (+)
8090 responded with ____ in a DIDS Receipt (-) Receipt (+) Charge (-) Charge C
OSL up to ___days from the date of
falling sick will regularized by
8091 adjustment against future AL ? 60 45 30 15 A
Otherthan the domestic occasstions
Group A Government servant can No such
8092 accept gifts upto value of ____? 500 1000 1500 limit C
Otherthan the domestic occasstions
Group B Government servant can No such
8093 accept gifts upto value of ____? 500 1000 1500 limit C
Otherthan the domestic occasstions
Group C Government servant can No such
8094 accept gifts upto value of ____? 500 1000 1500 limit A
Outcome Budget Office Memorandum 26.01.201 27.01.201 28.01.201 29.01.201
8095 was issued on ______? 6 6 6 6 C
Outfit Allowance is admissible to
PBORs posted abroad where service is No such
8096 for a minimum period of ____? 6 months 1 year 2 years condition C
from Deduct Add to
salaries from Salaries Add to
and post salaries and post salaries
the and post the and post
Outstanding salaries when given in amount the amount the
adjustment, what action would you on amount on amount
suggest while preparing final liabilities on assets liabilities on assets
8097 accounts? side side side side C
Outstandng expenses will appear on
8098 ___ side of Trial Balnce? Debit Credit Both None B
Over payments can be recovered at
the discretion of the authorities, not None. No
exceeding ___ of the subsistence recovery
8099 allowance? 1/3rd 0.5 2/3rd made A
Over Time Allowance in a month
should not exceed _____ of monthly
8100 working hours? 1 0.5 1/3rd 1/4th C
Overall qualities of officer including
his/her strength and weakness are Self Pen
8101 reflected in _____ of APAR Appraisal Picture Last Page First Page B
Overall responsibility for Army's of Director Director
Training is vested in the ____ at Army Technical of Army of Military All the
8102 Head Quarters? Training Training Training three C

Overstay of Casual Leave if exceeds Set off Converted

the entire CL entitlement, it is ___ against CL in to Leave
while regularisation by the Competent of next Annual without Any of the
8103 Authority for PBORs? year Leave Pay three B
Packing Accounts for imported stores
are forwarded by Officer responsible Consignee Consignee Consignor PCDA/CD
8104 for landing stores are forwarded to unit LAO LAO A A
Compilati Debit Schedule Punching
8105 Paid cheque is linked with on scroll III Medium C
Paid Rs. 2000/- to Prabhakar. Which
8106 side of the cash book will be posted? Debit Credit Both None B
Different Identicalby two
Pairing means bringing together two to each to each different
8107 documents which are supposed to be other other units None B
Pamphlet of “Documentation Military
Procedure for Publication of Part II Secretaryâ
Orders (Officers)―is issued by _____ E in C €™s AG’s QMG’s
8108 Integrated H.Qrs. of MOD (Army)? Branch Branch Branch Branch C

PAO (GREF) Pune is under the PCDA (R &

administrative control of PCDA (SC) D) New PCDA (BR)
8109 ____________ Pune Delhi New Delhi None C
PAO (ORs) AAD, Gopalpur is
functioning under the administrative CDA,
control of which of the following PCDA (SC) Secundera CDA, CDA,
8110 Principal Controllers/Controllers? Pune bad Chennai Patna D
PAO (ORs) Bareily is functioning under PCDA
the administrative control of which of (WC) CDA
the following Principal PCDA (CC) CDA Chandigar (Army)
8111 Controllers/Controllers? Lucknow Jabalpur h Meerut D

PAO (ORs) is not responsible to personnel
maintain the pay accounts of which of Reservist seconded
8112 the following personnel? JCOs/ORs PBORs to NCC None D
PAO (ORs) Para is functioning under
the administrative control of which of
the following Principal CDA PCDA (CC) CDA PCDA
8113 Controllers/Controllers? Jabalpur Lucknow Chennai Bengaluru D
PAO (ORs) President Body Guards is PCDA
functioning under the administrative CDA (WC)
control of which of the following (Army) PCDA (NC) PCDA New Chandigar
8114 PCsDA/CsDA Meerut Jammu Delhi h D
PAO (ORs) Wellington is under the CDA CDA
administrative control of which of the CDA Secundera (Army) CDA
8115 following controllers? Chennai bad Meerut Jabalpur A
PAO (ORs)14 GTC Subathu is (WC) CDA
functioning under the administrative PCDA (CC) Chandigar (Army)
8116 control of ___? Lucknow h Meerut CDA Patna B
PAO (ORs)AEC, Pachmarhi is CDA
functioning under the administrative CDA (Army) PCDA (SC)
8117 control of _____? Jabalpur CDA Patna Meerut Pune A
Nearest Regional
PAOs (ORs) are under the jurisdiction PCDA/CD PCDA/CD Army All the
8118 of ______? A A H.Qrs. three B
PAOs have been brought under the
administrative control of Regional
8119 CsDA in __ year 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 C

As soon as As soon as
the work the
is On due accounts As soon as
physically date of of the the work
Part B of the completion report of a complete completio work are is
8120 work will be prepared d n of work closed measured C

Consolidat Contingen Public Charged

Part I of Central Government Accounts ed Fund of cy Fund of Account Expenditu
8121 represents _____? India India of India re A
Part I of the syllabus of the work order
is maintained by ______ in the Accounts PC of A
8122 Ordnance Factory set up? GM Office office Kolkata DGOF B

Consolidat Contingen Public Charged

Part II of Central Government ed Fund of cy Fund of Account Expenditu
8123 Accounts represents _____? India India of India re B
Fund Public Consolidat
Part II of Government Accounts Account Account ed Fund of
8124 represents _______? of India of India India None D
Part II orders of Army Officers are
8125 received in ___ section/wing /cell of EDP DO II Ledger Records D
Part X orders, Part XI orders and Part
XII orders are published in respect of
8126 which of
Partial withdrawal
the following
not exceeding
by Army units? Personnel Animals Vehicles Trees C
____% accumulated wealth of
Employee’s contribution is
admissible subject to the terms and
conditions under NPS for the
8127 prescribed purposes? 90 75 50 25 D
Paternity leave has to be availed One
8128 within ____ from the date of delivery? 6 months 3 months 2 months month A
Paternity leave if not availed, will Six
8129 lapse after ____ of delivery? 15 days 3 months months Two years C
Paternity leave is admissible for valid
adoption of a child below the age of
8130 _______ year (s)? 3 1 2 4 B

Patients under observation in Military Subsisted Hospital Special

8131 Hospital are given ____? on extras Diet No diet diet A
Pay accounts of Army Officers PAO, Min.
proceeding abroad on courses of Embassy of
instructions are maintained by the of India External PCDA (O) PCDA New
8132 _____? concerned Affairs Pune Delhi C
e Director
dependen Nearest of Audit PAO (ORs)
Pay Accounts of Army postal service t PAOs of PAO to (P&T) Guards,
8133 personnel are maintained by ______? units them Nagpur Kamptee C

Pay accounts of Officers serving in IRLAs are

Indian Embassies abroad other than as usual transferre
UK are maintained by PCDA (O) for all d to
8134 ______? Nominally officers Embassies None A

PCDA Naval Pay AAO

Pay accounts of Sailors of Navy are NLAO (Navy) Office (Navy)
8135 maintained by _____? Vizag Mumbai Mumbai Vizag C
Regional Nearest IT & SDC,
Pay Accounts Offices (ORs) in DAD are PCsDA/Cs PCDA/CD Secundera All the
8136 functioning under ____? DA A bad three A

First As
Last working decided
Pay and allowances are payable working day of the by
ordinarily on the ____ unless 30th of day of the following Controllin
8137 prescribed differently under orders? the month month month g Officer B
Pay and allowances bills of contract
employees employed in Defence units Miscellan
are audited and paid by which section Stores eous Pay All the
8138 of PCDA/CDA office? section section section three B
Pay and Allowances in respect of Last First Decided
Central Government Employees for working working Decided by
the month of March are payable on day of day of by GOI PCDA/CD
8139 ______? March April every year A B
Pay and Allowances of C&AG are Voted out Charged not paid
8140 _______ consolidated fund of India of on to the out of None B
Pay and allowances of Government Object of
servants shall be classified in accounts Programm classificati Scheme/A
8141 as part of the ____? Function e on ctivity D
Pay and Allowances of IEs are paid out
of GE Cash Assignment after pre audit PCDA/CD AO and
8142 by ___? AO A Both RAO/LAO A
Pay and Allowances of Junior
Commissioned Officers of Indian Army PAOs PCDA (O) Army PCDA New
8143 paid by ____? (ORs) Pune H.Qrs Delhi A
Assignme Public
Pay and allowances of MES civilians Imprest nt Fund All the
8144 are paid through ___? Account Account Account three C
Pay and allowances of Navy personnel Naval Pay PCDA Offices
8145 are paid by ____? Office (Navy) (Navy) NLAOs A
Pay fixation of Industrial Employees is Main Any of the
8146 Pay
of aout
by ____? servant Office AO GE RAO/LAO three B
appointed as Probationer/apprentice
in another service or cadre is
8147 governed by ____ Rule of FR? 22 I (a) 22 I (b) 22 (B) 23 C

to create
a post in
the same
cadre on a
to initiate rate of
Pay of a Government servant shall not disciplinar to appoint pay equal
be so increased as to exceed the pay y the to his pay
sanctioned for his post without the proceedin person in when
8148 sanction of an authority competent gs the post increased None C
Pay stages in the pay levels have been
8149 prescribed up to ___stages in 7th 25 30 40 50 C
Pay structure under 7th CPC is defined Pay Pay
8150 as ___?
Pay, which subject to any condition Pay Bands Pay Scales Matrix Grades C
prescribed, rises by periodical
increment from a minimum to a Presumpti Personal Special Time Scale
8151 maximum ve Pay Pay Pay of pay D

Payment by MES to a Contractor of a Next

bonus outside the terms of his higher Next
Contract requires the sanction of Engineer higher PCDA/CD
8152 _____? Authority CFA A GOI D

Court Legal Charged fructuous
Payment made in satisfaction of court Expenditu Expenditu Expenditu expenditu
8153 decree is known as? re re re re C
Payment made in satisfaction of the
award of CAT should be treated as
8154 ______ Expenditure? Voted Charged Revenue Capital B

Permanen Temporar Depot

Payment made on account of Hired t Labour y Labour Contingen Civil Hire
8155 Labour is reflected in Bill Bill t Return Transport C
Payment made to a Government
servant from the revenue of the
Government for special work is known Honorariu Extra Duty Special
8156 as Fee m Allowance Pay B
Payment of all bills relating to salaries, AO (DAD)
TA/DA and Miscellaneous claims of MOD PCDA
personnel of Ministry of Defence is (Civil) PCDA (BR) CGDA (R&D)
8157 done by _______ New Delhi New Delhi office New Delhi A
Payment of bills for freight charges in PCDA on
respect of Imported Stores is made by PCDA New Navy PCDA (AF) Command
8158 the _____? Delhi Mumbai Dehrudun ant D
Payment of cash rewards in excess of
Rs. 5000/- have to be submitted to
8159 ____ for orders? MOD MOD (Fin) GOI DGADS C
Payments made in exceptional
circumstances in the absence of Emergenc Provisiona
Sanction of Competent Financial Advance y Special l
8160 Authority are known as Payments Payments payments payments D

Officer by
Payments of refunds of cash receipts whom it is Next
and recoveries cannot be made received/r higher PCDA/CD
8161 Payments
without the
of ____? by ecovered officer GOC in C A D
Government subject to recovery, with
or without interest, are treated as Misc.
8162 ____? Loans Advances Deposits Payments A
Payments to S&S Imprest holders is Stores Stores
8163 done by ____ section of Regional Contract Audit M ORs A

CP ISA LP All the

8164 PBD vouchers
PBG payable toare
known as
is ___? vouchers Vouchers Vouchers three B
furnished by the Supplier in the
prescribed format within ___ days
8165 from the date of contract? 30 60 90 180 A
PBG should remain valid for a period
of _____ days beyond the date of
completion of contractual obligations,
8166 including
PBOR, declared
as Deserter will be 60 90 120 180 A
dismissed from service if he does not
surrender or is not apprehended
within ___ years from the date of his
8167 absence? 2 years 3 years 5 years 7 years B
PCDA (N) Mumbai provides _____ to Cash
the commanding officers of ships Assignme Warrants All the
8168 requiring money? nt for money Imprest three B
PCDA/CDA need to exercise audit in
8169 respect of which of the following Capital Revenue Both None C
PCDA/CDA will render to the Defence
Officers allotted funds, Monthly
statements showing the serial number
of claims admitted in audit through a
monthly report except in the case of Ordnance Medical All the
8170 __? units Depots MES three C
PCsDA/CDA should submit to CGDA by
__each year, a leave programme of
himself/herself for the next calendar 15th 30th 15th 31st
8171 year for approval? November November December December B
PCsDA/CsDA bring to the notice of the
allottees cases in which the trend of Abnormall unusually
8172 expenditure is ______? y high low a or b None C
PCsDA/CsDA have to return the draft
para within ___ of receipt as far as One Three
8173 possible to DGADS/C&AG? 6 weeks 8 weeks month months A
8174 Pension budget is prepared in ____ 5 4 3 2 D
Pension cell is a sub section of ______ ation Technical Ledger Accounts
8175 in PCDA (O) Pune Section Section wing Section C

50% of
the a or b a or b
average 50% of whichever whichever
Pension is payable @ _____ to retiring emolume the last is less is more
8176 government employee? nts pay drawn beneficial beneficial D
Pension/Leave salary sub section of DAD staff
PCDA (O) is responsible for recovery of on
pension/leave salary contribution in Army Deputatio
8177 case of ______? Officers n Both None C

any of the
Dispensari es
es located Dispensari Dispensari whether
in their es located es located they were
Pensioners can get their names last in their in their residing in
registered with ____ CGHS station of Home Place of that city
8178 dispensaries? service Town Residence or not D
Pensions due to pensioners of Authorize
Defence Services Civilians paid from d Public
DSE and the staff of DAD is disbursed Treasury Sector All the
8179 by? officer DPDOs Banks three D
Pensions to pensioners of Defence Authorise
Services Civilians paid from DSE and d Public
the staff of Defence Accounts Treasury Sector All the
8180 Department are disbursed by ___? Officer DPDOs Banks three D
Period in excess of the maximum Special
admissible limit of special casual leave Casual Regular Casual Any of the
8181 will be treated as ____? Leave Leave Leave three B
Period of ______ allowed as of
qualifying for pension in the AMC and commissio Secondme
8182 ADC shall not qualify for Gratuity? n nt Both None C
Period of short term agreement six
8183 should not exceed _____? 3 months months 9 months one year B
Periodical Services Measurement e user PCDA/CD
8184 Books are maintained by _______? units A AO GE GE D
Periodicity of Condemnation boards in Half
8185 Permanent
consuming units
done card is Monthly Quarterly Yearly Yearly A
issued if the government servant pays
the lumpsum equal to ____ years
subscription at the time of
8186 Permission
retirement?to appear in the 2 5 10 15 C
Subordinate Accounts Service
Examination will be granted by the Defence PCDA/CD
8187 ____? CGDA FADS Secretary A A

Civil tal Rules
Personal of DAD in matters of Pay and Service in all Both A &
8188 Allowances are governed by Rules matters B None B
Personal Pay equal to one increment a period
for ______ granted for passing the till next
Hindi/Hindi Typewriting/Hindi 24 18 12 promotio
8189 Stenography
Persons above
___ age, if not
of HTS?
serving months months months n C
at their choice stations, will be
repatriated to those stations (if so
desired by them) to the extent
8190 administratively feasible. 58 56 54 55 A
Petition can not be filed by the Pay &
employees in CAT in respect of which Allowance
8191 of the following? s Leave Posting None D
Phase I of the e-ticketing system has 30.12.200 01.04.200 01.10.200 01.12.200
8192 been launched on _____? 9 9 9 9 A
Physical stock verification of securities
is done once in every _____ by officer
8193 of stores section? Quarter Half year Year Two years C
Physical stock verification of securities
of contractors is done by Store section
8194 in the month of ____ every year? April March December January A
Physical verification of actual area of
land held by a unit is done by Board of Six three
8195 Officers once in _________ a year a month months months A
Physical verification of trees is carried
8196 out
once indisabled
____ byservice
Army units?
personnel year Half year Two years five years A
are entitled to double the rate of TPTA
subject to a minimum of Rs. _____ +
8197 DA per month 1800 2250 2500 3600 B
of pay can
Advance be drawn
of Pay is at the
not new
admissible station
in Mutual when
Pick out the correct statement out of Transfer transferre
8198 Pick
the following
out the correct statements from cases d Both None C
the following: - 1. Calling for tenders is
not necessary while purchasing the
articles produced by Jail or Forest
departments at same rate as Market
price.2. Contract can be entered into
with a Minor.3. Sanction of next
higher CFA is required to enhance All the
contract rates. 4. Comparative four 1, 2 are 3, 4 are 1,3 are
8199 Statement of Tenders is prepared by correct correct correct correct D
Pick out the odd item from the Schedule Divisional Special T Schedule
8200 following of Rates Stock &P B stores A
good by
Pick out the wrong answer. Over issue written underdra All the
8201 of diets in MH should be paid for off by CFA wal three C

of a
month is
to be
d by the Even if,
Imprest there is no
holder on transactio
the first n, Imprest
working Holder
day of the has to
Pick out the wrong statement from next send his
8202 the following month account Both None D
Pick the odd item out from the Class I Class II Class V Class IX
8203 following with reference to PAOs’ voucher voucher voucher voucher D
Pick the odd man out from the CDA (PD) (Army) (Funds)
8204 following? Meerut Meerut Meerut None B

Pick the odd officer among the AO

following with reference to duties & Embarkati
8205 functions AO GE on H.Qrs AO DGNP LAO D
Pick the odd one out among the
following as far as Pension Budget of
8206 Defence is concerned? DAD BRO MES None C
Pick the Odd one out among the HDFC
8207 following? Axis bank Yes Bank Bank ICICI Bank B

Pick the odd one out from the Presenting Defence Inquiry
8208 following Censure Officer Assistant Officer A

Pick the odd one out from the PCDA (AF) CDA (AF) (AF) AFCAO
8209 following? Dehrudun Delhi Nagpur New Delhi D
Pick the odd one out in respect of Secundera GREF AMC
8210 PAOs in DAD? bad Pune BEG Pune Lucknow B
Pick the odd one out of the following PCDA/CD Area
with reference to Audit carried out by A Main Accounts
8211 DAD? Office Office LAO/RAO None C
Earned Half Pay Maternity Casual
8212 Pick the odd one out of the following? Leave Leave leave Leave D
Punching Schedule on
8213 Pick the odd one out of the following? Medium III Accounts Cash Book C
Pick the odd one out with reference to
elementwise classification of Indirect Indirect Indirect
8214 overheads? Material Expenses Labour None D
Pick the odd one out with reference to
8215 GST Rates? 2% 12% 18% 28% A
Premium Group Differenti
Pick the odd one out with reference to Bonus Bonus al piece Payment
8216 incentive schemes for labour? cheme Plans rate by Result D

Major Local Sanction

Audit – audit- audit –
Minor Central Expenditu Pre audit -
8217 Pick the odd one out? Audit Audit re Audit Post audit A

Pen Numerical self-

8218 Pick the odd one out? Picture Grading appraisal None C
Major Local Sanction
Audit – audit- audit –
Minor Central Expenditu Pre audit -
8219 Pick the odd one out? Audit Audit re Audit Post audit A

Major Local Sanction

Audit – audit- audit –
Minor Central Expenditu Pre audit -
8220 Pick the odd one out? Audit Audit re Audit Post audit A
Receivabl Bills
8221 Pick the odd one out? e Payable Debtors Assets B
8222 Pick the odd one out? Rent Fees Wages Cash D

8223 Pick the odd one out? Machinery Furniture Buildings Goodwill D
8224 Pick the odd one out? Ram A/c Salim A/c A/c None C
Personal Nominal
8225 Pick the odd one out? A/c Real A/c A/c None A

Closing Bills Sundry Bills

8226 Pick the odd one out? stock receivable Debtors Payable D
8227 Pick the odd one out? Material Labour Expenses s D
Pick up the odd item out of the Baby Schedule
8228 following USR Indent of credit None C
Placed an indent with XYZ co. ltd for
8229 goods. Which account will be debited? XYZ Purchases Sales None D

POSIN DOII is published by which of Unit Unit from

the following agencies in respect of where which
PBOR when transferred from one unit Record Depot individual posted
8230 to another? Office Battalion reported out C
ECHS cell
Post audit of ECHS polyclinics of Main
8231 Accounts is done by _____? LAO Office Both None A
Post Audit section is found in which of
the following Controllers/Principal PCDA (P) PCDA (SC) CDA All the
8232 Controllers office? Allahabad Pune Chennai three A
Post-audit of muster rolls and pre-
audit of miscellaneous claims of AAO PCDA Naval Pay
Industrial personnel of naval (Navy) (Navy) Office, NLAO
8233 establishment at Vizag is done by? Vizag Mumbai Mumbai vizag D
Power (expenses) when given in trial Profit and
balance, it will be posted in ___ of loss Trading Balance Any of the
8234 final accounts?
Power to grant leave to the IDAS account Account Sheet three B
Officers of the rank of Addl CDA/Jt.
CDA including Probationary officers, is PCDA/CD Jt. CGDA Addl.
8235 vested in ____? A (AN) CGDA CGDA A
Powers of AGE (I) to place supply
8236 order for local purchase of stores is up 1.5 lakhs 75000/- 50000/- 80000/- D
Powers of Area Commander (with &
without IFA concurrence) to accord
admin approval in respect of special
8237 Powers
works areof up
to __&
to sign
Transfer Entry 75 & 20 30 & 7 15 & 3.75 8 & 0.75 D
Punching Medium on account of
rectification of errors is up to Rs.
8238 Powers
________?of making provisional 25 lakhs 50 lakhs 1 crore 5 crore C
payments cannot be delegated by Addl. Group
PCDA/CDA to which of the following CDA/Jt. officers All the
8239 officers? CDA (IDAS) SAO/AO three C
Controllin Independ
g Command ent Area
Powers of re-appropriation are Authoritie
Headquart Headquart All the
8240 exercised by which of the following? s ers ers three D
Powers of re-appropriation between Armed Ministry
different minor heads under a major Command Forces of Governme
8241 head are exercised by the ____? H.Qrs H.Qrs. Defence nt of India D
Pr. Controllers/Controllers should not
address ____ direct except on routine
8242 matters? CGA C&AG None Both D
Preferably, performance security is
payable by the supplier at the rate of
8243 ____ % of the contract value 2 5 10 20 C
Prefix 77 is used for _____ Previous Expenditu Pre
8244 transactions? years re DIDS partition A
years Contingen Charged
Prefix 99 is used for which of the transactio cy fund of expenditu
8245 following payments? DIDS ns India re D

JCOs, ORs whose
for whom leave
additional starts/end
leave is s on
Prefixing and suffixing of holidays to granted crossing
leave for Army personnel is allowed for this specified
8246 except in case of ______? purpose borders None Both D
Prepaid expenses will appear on ___
8247 side of Trial Balnce? Debit Credit Both None A
Prepaid expenses, outstanding Personal Nominal Personal
8248 expenses etc. are known as ____? A/cs A/cs Real A/cs A/cs D
from Deduct Add to Add to
Insurance from Insurance Insurance
and post Insurance and post and post
the and post the the
Prepaid insurance when given in amount the amount amount
adjustment, what action would you on amount on on
suggest while preparing final liabilities on assets liabilities asssetss
8249 accounts? side side side side B
Preparation of Approximate Estimate
8250 Preparation
is not required
of costed
for works
costingofup to 10000 20000 25000 50000 D
works may be dispensed with in the
case of works estimated to cost less
8251 than Rs. ____? 10000 20000 50000 100000 A
Loss not
due to
theft, Losses
Preparation of Loss statements and fraud or caused by
sanction by CFA are not necessary in gross Enemy
8252 which of the following cases? neglect action Both None B
Preparation of pension papers is
8253 initiated _____ in advance by the 3 months 6 months 1 year 2 years C
Preparation of schedule of works may
be dispensed with in the case of works
8254 estimated to cost less than Rs. ______ 10000 20000 25000 50000 A
Prescription issued by AMA/Specialist
for tests is valid for ___ unless other One three
8255 wise specified? 2 weeks 4 weeks month months A

Shall not a
of either
be eligible House of Shall not
for re- Parliamen hold any
election t, other
to that Legislatur office of All the
8256 Presdent
of India
of original
shall _____?
records of office e profit three D
originating DIDS till the finality of the
case is the primary responsibility of Audit Accounts CDA
8257 the _____? Section Section Both a, b Meerut A

members of the
of both State
President of India is elected by Houses of Legislative
members of electoral college Parliamen Assemblie
8258 consisting of ____? t s Both None C
President of India takes oath in the Justie of Vice Prime Lok Sabha
8259 presence of ______? India President Minister Speaker A
Price Variation Clause can be provided
only in long-term contracts, where the 18 12
8260 delivery period extends beyond ____? 2 years months months 6 months B
Price Variation Clause can not be Medium- Short- Both B
8261 provided in _______ contracts? long-term term term and C D
Pricing of loss statements in respect of PCDA/CD Records
8262 ASC stores lost in a unit is done by LAO A Executive Office C
Pricing of loss statements in respect of Veterinary
Medical and veterinary stores lost in a stores
8263 unit is done by Executive LAO/CDA Both a, b depot B
Primary distribution of overheads
involves _____ of different items of Apportion
8264 overheads to the the Departments? Allocation ment Both None C
Prime Cost + Factory Overheads + Cost of
Administrative Overheads is known as Prime Productio Works Cost of
8265 ____ in Cost Sheet? Cost n Cost Sales B
Cost of
Prime Cost + Factory Ovrheads is Prime Productio Works Cost of
8266 known as ____ in Cost Sheet? Cost n Cost Sales C

Prime Minister shall be appointed by Vice Lok Sabha All the

8267 ____? President President Speaker three A

a case
where full
Principal Controllers/Controllers will particulars
not give any audit decision on a Hypotheti are not
8268 _____? cal case given Both None C
Prior approval of ____ is necessary for
disposing off unserviceable containers Army
of POL locally where large surplus Governme Head PCDA/CD
8269 stock exists in POL Depot? GOC in C nt of India Quarters A C
before an authoritie
authority s sub
Prior sanction of the Government is appointed ordinate
not required to given evidence by a by the to the
Government employee in which of the Governme Judicial Governme All the
8270 following Enquiry cases? nt Enquiry nt three D
In case Works
Prior scrutiny of CA by CDA office is standard involving
compulsory in which of the following forms are Special
8271 cases? not used works Both none A
Pro rata rates or proportional rates Stock
are treated as ______ by MES and will Book Market Schedule
8272 be rounded
Process where,
off to
the nearest
special care
is Star Rates Rates Rates Rates D
taken, raw materials used therein or
the intermediate or finished products,
bye products, wastes or effluents
thereof would Cause material
impairment to the health of the
persons engaged in or connected
therewith is defined as ______ Dangerou Abandone
8273 Process as per Factories Act? Hazardous s d Risky A
Processing for closing of accounts for
the month will be started by DDP
centre of PAO _ days before the date
8274 of uploading the entitlement? three two four five A
Procurement of medical equipment Only
8275 under ____ heads is governed by Revenue Capital Both a & b specified C
Produce from soldiers’ gardens Current audited
when obtained by ASC, which of the local actual
following rates will be paid for such contract productio Highest of Lowest of
8276 produce? rate n rate two two D
Production Account of ASC Bakery is
prepared and submitted to PCDA/CDA Half
8277 on ___ basis?
Production of Medical Certificate can Yearly Yearly Quarterly Monthly A
be waived for absence on sickness
while granting EL for not exceeding
8278 ___ days 1 day 2 days 3 days 10 days C

Profit divided by P/V Ratio is called Break Ordering Margin of BEP
8279 ____? Even Quantity Safety (Sales) C
Profit is calculated as a % of ______
8280 Price if otherwise not mentioned? Cost Price Sales Price a or b None B

Proforma dropping is done by the Defence

CGDA office EDP for certain Dummy Journal Proforma
8281 transactions by operating ___? DIDS Entry Account None A
Project Expenditure Card is one of the Quarters
auditable documents prescribed for formation DRDO Cantonme
8282 ___? NCC units s units nt Boards C
Project Vishwak deals with work done All the
8283 by
____? which form the AAO BSO AO GE RAO/LAO three B
consideration or part of the
consideration for each other are called
_____ promises as per Indian Cntract
8284 Act? Mutual Reciprocal Agreed Exclusive B
Promises which form the
consideration or part of the Reciprocal Reciprocal
consideration for each other are called Arrangem Reciprocal Adjustme Reciprocal
8285 _____? ents Promises nts Offers B
Promotion In-situ shall be resorted to
for a maximum period of __, within
which the officer promoted will be 24 12
8286 posted to a suitable appointment? months months 6 months 3 months C
Promotions/up-gradations granted to differently
those grades, which carry the same by
grade pay in VI CPC will be _____ dealt case different
8287 under MACPS? Counted Ignored by case depts B

Approxim Costed
Proposals for minor works in MES will Rough Indication ate Schedule
8288 Proprietary
be supported Article
by _____?
Certificate once cost cost Estimates of works A
issued will be valid for ____ from the Valid for
date of issue unless cancelled earlier only one
8289 Provident
by the CFA?Fund accumulations 2 years One Year 6 months time A
remaining unclaimed for ____ will be
transferred to unclaimed provident six 12
8290 funds head? months months 2 years 3 years A
noticed in
Provisional CML of the Field Imprest the audit
sanctioned for first time, is reviewed surprise report of
8291 based on the _____? checks PAO Both None B
Provisional payments should not be of
released by PCDA/CDA when there is appropriat document
8292 lack of Funds e CFA ation authority D

Provisions of Defence Audit Code Contracts Contracts

related to Contracts are not applicable concluded concluded
8293 to which of the following Contracts? by Army by MES Both None B

Provisions of RMES are not applicable Authorize Special Operation Deposit

8294 to which of the following works? d works Works al Works works C
Prurchase Committee has to be
constituted for Market survey when 25001 to 25000 to 25001 to 25000 to
8295 the value of stores is 2.5 lakhs 2.5 lakhs 3 lakhs 3 lakhs A
Public Account of India covers the
following sectors of Government Sectors A, Sectors A, Sectors A Sectors I
8296 Accounts? B B and C to F to M D
Public Accounts Committee of
8297 Parliament consists of ___ MPs 22 25 27 15 A
Public Fund Account can be opened by Any
Army officer i/c in which of the Nationaliz SBI or its
8298 following banks? ed subsidary a or b None C

No. of
dependen No. of
Public Fund Accounts of Air Force are t on units in
8299 generally maintained on ____ basis? Unit Station Account station B
PCDA Quarterly
Public fund cash book maintained by Main audit All the
8300 army unit is inspected by ________? Office LAO/RAO boards three B
Punching Media data is sent to H.Qrs. Fortnightl
8301 Office by the EDP centres on ___ basis Monthly y Weekly Daily D
Till 3rd of
Punching media or amendment to PM Up to Till last the
is accepted for inclusion in that 25th of day of the following
8302 month’s
Punching Medium
accountis used
____?for the month month month None B
compilation in DAD. In the Civil
Accounts Manual one will find such Compilati Compilati
document with a different Journal on on Compilati
8303 nommenlature i.e. ____? Entry Medium voucher on sheet D
Punching Medium prepared by AO GE Constructi
falls under which of the following on Financial
8304 Accounts? Accounts Accounts Both None B
Purchase and installation of static
plant, machinery & equipment is Ordinary Special Maintena
8305 treated as ______ work by MES? Original Repairs Repairs nce A
Purchase Committee is constituted for
procurement when the financial value 25001-2.5 1-2.5
8306 of goods purchased
Purchase of Books isisnot
done in Lakhs Lakhs Both None A
general from Annual Training Grant
when the unit has ____ grant also at
8307 their disposal? I&M ACG Library SAG C
Purchase of goods and services up to
the value of Rs. ___ only on each
occasion may be made without
inviting quotations or bids on the basis
8308 of a certificate to be recorded by CFA? 10000 15000 25000 50000 C
Purchase of goods up to ___ value on
each occasion may be made without
inviting quotations or bids on the basis
of a certificate to be recorded by the
8309 CFA in terms of GFR? Rs. 15000 Rs. 20000 Rs. 25000 Rs. 30000 C
Purchase of Motor car should be
made within ___ of the date on which One Two
8310 the advance is drawn by Army Officer? month months 45 days One year A
Purchase up to Rs. _____ can be
8311 resorted to with out quotation? 5000 25000 15000 10000 B

Qualification Grant is not admissible and above
8312 to ______officers? AMC/ADC level Both None A
Qualification pay claims and Technical Non Unit Miscellan
Allowances claims fall the under the Recurring recurring allowance eous
8313 category of ______ claims? nature nature s claims claims A
5 years
Qualifying service of a DAD employee before
is verified and certified on which of 25 years retiremen whichever
8314 the following occasions? of service t Both is less D

Quality of Goods means _____ as per State of Condition

8315 sale of goods act? Goods of Goods None Both D
Quarterly E-TDS returns are filed by
_______ section of PCDA (O) for Administr
compilation of Tax Deducted at Source LW Co-ord Records Accounts ation
8316 in respect of Army Officers? (AT) Section Section Section A
Quarters will be reserved for who Command All the
8317 among the following officers? GOC in C GOC Area er three D

Questions on interpretation of GOI Their next Nearest

orders involving financial matter in the higher Test Audit
first instance shall be referred by local authoritie PCDA/CD authoritie
8318 authorities to ____? s A s MOD B
Questions raised by unit commanders
with regard to the correctness of the
debit balances should be finally settled
8319 within __ by PAOs? 6 weeks 4 weeks 2 weeks one week A
Railway Warrants and Concessions
vouchers are also directly booked by Book
the PCDA (Travel) on e-ticketing portal adjustmen
8320 on _____ basis? t Cash Both None B
Rounds of
inter all
formation tourname
competiti nts/comp
ons etitions
inter-unit organised organised
competiti by Service by Service
ons to select Sports
organised teams for Control
Railway warrants can be used by by participati Board
members and Officer-in-Charge of formation on in inter- for teams
teams participating in Inter Service s to select service selected
Sports tournaments for which of the formation competiti at A and B All the
8321 following rounds only? teams ons three D
RAO gets inputs in the form of PCDA/CD
8322 documents/vouchers from ____ for A AO GE Both None C
Audit of
RAO is personally responsible for Store Cash
8323 _____? Accounts Inspection Both None B
RAO need not verify which of the on
8324 following documents in general? IE Pay Bills Accounts MER None D

Cash Public
RAO/LAO is responsible to carry out Assignme Fund
audit of which of the following Cash nt Cash Imprest Account Both (b) &
8325 Books during his visit to GE office? book Cash Book Cash Book (c) C

Is DA is not is
different Is same as paid to determine
Rate of Dearness Allowance for Army from for Army d by MOD
8326 Officers civilians civilians officers separately B
Rates in respect of Articles purchased
locally and those supplied by bakeries MOD PCDA/CD
8327 are published
Rates in Tender
____?in the opinion (Fin.) CGDA A LAO C
of accepting officer are either
abnormally high or abnormally low are Fabricated False Freak
8328 known as ___? Rates Rates Foul Rates Rates D
Rates of Free issues of ASC supply Station
purchased locally are published by PCDA/CD Command
8329 _____? A er GOC in C CGDA A
Rates which are not available in SSR
and cannot be determinate
proportionately from the contract Freak Special Schedule
8330 rates are known as ____? Rates Rates Rates Star Rates D
Rates which cannot be assessed from
SSR, but deduced from other rates in Pro-Rata Market All the
8331 SSR are known as Rates Star Rates Rates three A
Rates which cannot be assessed from
SSR, deduced from Contract rates on Pro-Rata Market All the
8332 pro rata basis are known as Rates Star Rates Rates three B
Ration Allowance (cash in lieu of free Casual
rations) is not payable to Army officers Special leave in
under which of the following Furlough casual same Sick leave
8333 circumstances? leave leave station on full pay C
Ration Allowance in cash is admissible Study Special
during which of the following periods Leave in Casual All the
8334 in respect of Army Officers? India Leave Furlough three D

Regional LAO Executive

Ration Money claims of Army Officers Controller Supply Authoritie
8335 are passed by PCDA (O) s Depot s B
Ration Returns are prepared and
8336 closed on ___ basis ? Half yearly Monthly Weekly Daily B

8337 Ration Returns are prepared by units Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly C

RCPO cell will be found in which PCDA (BR) CDA (IDS) PCDA (AF) PCDA New
8338 office? New Delhi New Delhi Dehradun Delhi D

Debtors from Debtors
from whom from
whom part whom full
payment payment payment
not is is Net
8339 RDD is created for _____ Debtors? expected expected expected Debtors D
unit of
Central Any State appropriat
Govt. to Govt. to ion to
Re appropriation means the transfer any State Central another
8340 of funds from? Govt. Govt such unit All C
Re appropriation of building involving
increase in scale or introducing a new Command PCDA/CD Governme
8341 practice require the sanction of ___ GE CE A nt of India D
Re appropriation of buildings involving
increase in scales requires sanction of Chief Governme
8342 _____? E in C Engineer GOC in C nt of India D
Re appropriation of funds is Expenditu All the
8343 permissible between ____ heads? re Receipts RDR three A
Re-appropriation between different PCDA/CD All the
8344 Minor heads can be made by ___? MOD GOI A three B
Re-appropriation of funds in cases in
which more than one Principal -Staff Chief of
Officer is concerned will be made by service
8345 _______? MOD MOD (Fin) GOI concerned C
Transfer of funds
of funds from one
from one budget Cut in
office to head to allotment
8346 Reappropriation of funds means ___? another another of funds None B
Rearrange the following in
chronological order. 1. Supply order 2.
8347 Quotation 3. Receipt Voucher 4. Bill 2314 1234 2134 2143 C
CDA in
Receipts and expenditure pertaining area the
to Air Force executed by Public Works work is Jt. CDA
Department, will be passed on by the PCDA (AF) carried CDA (AF) (AF)
8348 concerned Civil AG to __? Dehradun out New Delhi Nagpur B
Receipts and Expenditure pertaining
to DAD have been transferred from
Defence Service Estimates to Civil 01.04.197 01.04.197 01.10.197 01.10.199
8349 Estimates w.e.f. _______? 1 6 6 3 A
Receipts and Payments which cannot,
in the absence of full particulars, be
allocated to any head of account will Any of the
8350 be compiled to the Head _____? Deposits Suspense Advances three B
Receipts and payments which cannot,
in the absence of further information
or orders, be allocated to any head of
account, and where the heads to
which the transactions are likely to be
adjusted are not known, will be taken Any of the
8351 to the Head _______? Advances Deposits Suspense three C

Receipts are audited from ________ Ledger to Voucher

8352 to ____________ Voucher to Ledger Both ways None B

Received Rs. 2000 in cash and Rs. Cash debit Cash Cash Cash debit
3000 by cheque from Shyam. What side and credit side credit side side and
will be entry in cash book with cash, bank and Bank and bank bank debit
8353 Discount and Bank column? credit side debit side credit side side D
Recoveries effected after the close of deduction
the accounts of the year in which the of
expenditure was incurred, should be expenditu Any one
8354 compiled as ____? Revenue re of a/b Capital A

Reduction decided decided

Recoveries made from Cantonment of by by Station
Boards in respect of bulk supplies by expenditu PCDA/CD Command
8355 MES shall be classified as _______? Receipts re A er A
Recoveries of expenditure for services Reduction
rendered to non-Government parties of Refund of
shall in all cases be classified as ____ Expenditu bonafide
8356 of the Government? Receipts re receipt None A
Recoveries of over-payments shall be Reduction
credited as ______ irrespective of the in
year in which such recoveries are Revenue Expenditu Capital
8357 effected? Receipts re Receipts None B

Recovery of advances paid by audit Register

sections is watched through the of Demand Debt Head All the
8358 medium of _____? Advances Register Register three B

of best
Recovery of barrack damages in r/o e
imported article where procurement indigenou Fixed by
cost cannot be ascertained is done at s Fixed by
Fixed by PCDA/RA
8359 a rate substitute GE AO GE O A
Recovery of contribution towards PCDA
ECHS will be done by ____ from PCDA (P) Bank/DPD (O)/PAO Any of the
8360 Gratuity? of GPF will be stopped ____
Recovery Allahabad O etc. Ors three A
before of retirement on
superannuation of a Government 12 Two
8361 Employee? months 6 months 3 months months C
Recovery of Rent & allied charges in
respect of MES civilians and Ind.
Employees is reflected in AAC report AOGE/
8362 under whose responsibility? AAO BSO MES DAD LAO/RAO C

Partly DR,
Direct Partly
Recruitment to IDAS is carried through Recruitme Promotio Departme Promotio
8363 Recurring
________?payments for Railway nt (DR) n ntal Exam n D
sidings will be adjusted by _____ after
the vouchers have been reviewed by All the
8364 Recurring
CWE? payments for railway sidings GE DAD DGADS three B
will be adjusted by DAD after the Railway
vouchers have been reviewed by ___ Accounts All the
8365 concerned? CWE Officer AO GE three A
reduction any one of n
Refunds of Revenue shall as a General Expenditu of the two Expenditu
8366 rule, be taken as _____? re Receipts a,b re B

invested with
Regimental funds of units and in Nationalis
8367 formation HQ may be _____? securities ed Banks None Both D
Regional Training Centre (Southern
Region) is located in which of the Secundera
8368 following stations? Bengaluru Chennai Pune bad A
Register of Measurement book is Sub
maintained in which of the following Division of
8369 offices? AAO BSO GE GE AO GE D

the Rates of Rates
Reimbursement of Children Education Normal normal actual approved
Allowance for disabled children of rates rates expenditu by GOC in
8370 Army officers shall be payable at prescribed prescribed re C B
Rejections under electronic payments
are compiled to which of the following 00/020/8 00/020/9 93/020/9 00/020/9
8371 suspense heads?
Remuneration paid to an employee 1 6 1 1 B
for performing a special work of
occasional in character is known as Honorariu Special Special
8372 _____? m Fee Pay Increment A
Renewals, replacements, alterations
and improvements beyond the Maintena Beyond
prescribed monetary limits of ordinary Special Special nce Economic
8373 repairs are treated as __ by MES Repairs works services Repairs A

Credit Liabilities Assets of

Rent Received in advance if given trial Debit side Side of of Balance Balance
8374 balance, will be posted on ___? of P&L A/c P&L A/c Sheet Sheet C

Rental ceilings for hiring of by
accommodation for separated families two PCDA/CD
of service officers will be of ____ their one class classes A and not
8375 Repairs,
class of entitlement?
renewals and replacements of As per below below as per B
E/M installations and other external
utilities costing up to Rs. ____ in each
case are treated as ordinary repairs by
8376 MES? 5 lakhs 2 lakhs 1.5 lakhs 1 lakh B
Repeat Order and/or Option Clause
may be exercised more than once,
provided altogether these orders do
not exceed ____ % of the original
8377 order quantity 25 50 75 100 B
Repeat Order Clause may be
exercised, provided it does not exceed
8378 ____ of the original
Replacement of the order
or a major 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 B
part or definite portion of a building or
other structure is defined as ___ in Special Petty Ordinary
8379 MES works? Repairs Repairs Repairs Renewal D
Replacements and renewals costing
up to Rs. _____ for each item are
8380 treated as ordinary
Replacements of furniture
repairs of
MES?up 150000 100000 200000 50000 A
to 50% of annual allotment for
maintenance of furniture on station
basis subject to ceiling of Rs. __ per
annum to be allowed only in respect
of furniture declared as
condemned/BER by the appropriate
authority are treated as ordinary
8381 repairs by MES 5 lakhs 4 lakhs 2 lakhs 1 lakh B

Replies to the objections raised by LW

Inspection Team of CGDA’s Office, Coordinati
will be monitored by which of the Admin on Group Accounts Technical
8382 following sections of PCDA (O)? Section (Admin) Section Section D
8383 Report of C&AG serves ____ Double Triple One None A
Report of Complaints committee is harassme
treated as Inquiry report in which of Fraud or nt of
the following cases of Disciplinary embezzle In sub working All the
8384 proceedings? ment ordination woman three C
Report of the Complaints Committee
shall be deemed to be __ under CCS
Rules regarding sexual harassment of final Inquiry Interim Preliminar
8385 working women report Report Report y Report B
Report on items of financial advice
tendered and accepted by the
administrative authorities should be
submitted to the C.G.D.A. by
8386 PCDA/CDA on ____ basis? Monthly Quarterly Half yearly Yearly B
Report on the court cases, where DAD
(CGDA/PCDA/CDA) is respondent is
submitted by AN section of PCDA/CDA
8387 to CGDA on __ basis? Yearly Half yearly Quarterly Monthly D
Request for alteration in Date of Birth
will be considered by Head of the
Department when a specific request is
made within/before___ from entry becoming
into Government service by a permanen
8388 Government servant? 6 months 1 year 5 years t C
Request for alteration in DOB of non-
gazetted staff as originally recorded in
the Service Books can be made within
8389 __of entry in service? 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years D

Requisition placed by the provisioning Store Monthly

authority on the procurement agency Requisitio Maintena
8390 to procure an item is known as ____? Demand Indent n nce Figure B
Reserve Bank may _____ the Central
Government securities in the Buy and A but Not
8391 secondary market? Buy Sell Sell B C
Reserve Bank of Act is called as RBI Act, RBI Act, RBI Act, RBI Act,
8392 _____? 1932 1933 1934 1935 C

Debtors from Debtors
from whom from
whom part whom full
payment payment payment
Reserve for Bad Debts is created for not is is All the
8393 ____ Debtors? expected expected expected three B

Resignation given by President of India Speaker of Chairman Chief
will be Communicated to _____ by the Prime the House of Council Justice of
8394 Vice President of India? Minister of People of States India B

Accounts RAO/LAO
Responding action in respect of DIDS E Section Sectin of of the
originated by another CDA, pertaining of Main Main Concerne MES unit
8395 to MES unit is taken by _____? Office Office d AO GE concerned C
Responding action on a DIDS is done Part A or Both A &
8396 _____ of the Punching Medium Class 8 Part A Part B B B B

Responsibility for audit of pensions PCDA (P) (PD)/CDA
8397 devolves on ____? Allahabad Chennai DPDOs LAO A
Audit Test Audit Executive
Responsibility for carrying out stock authoritie Authoritie Authoritie
8398 verification rests primarily with the s s s DGQA C
Responsibility for carrying out stock PCDA/CD
8399 verification rests solely with _______? LAO Executive A DGADS B
Responsibility for clearance of
outstanding Rent & Allied charges Dues from Dues from Dues from
rests with DAD in the case of which of Army DAD MES All the
8400 the following occupants?
Responsibility for handling claims for Officers personnel civilians three D
damages , short landed items of
Imported Stores including Embarkati
losses/damages sustained to stores on
shipped commercially insured, will be Command PCDA,
8401 that of _ concerned? Consignor Consignee ant New Delhi C
Responsibility for monitoring of the
expenditure against budget allocation
for the Defence Pension is also DPDOs CDA (PD) PCDA (P)
8402 entrusted to ______? AFHQ and Banks meerut Allahabad D
Responsibility for National Defence Prime Defence Parliamen
8403 Rests with ________? Minister Minister Cabinet t C
Responsibility for placing and
fulfillment of Contracts for supplies to
be made or services to be rendered Audit All the
8404 rests entirely with ___? IFA Authority Executive three C

Responsibility for sanitary Authority Executive

conservation and drainage of land in managem
inside cantonments rests with occupatio ent of the Either a or
8405 _______? n land b MES C
Responsibility of overcharge primarily gning Audit All the
8406 rests with officer Officer Claimant three C
Responsibility to watch recovery of
cost of stores supplied to foreign
governments against their demands
sponsored by the Ministry of External PCDA/CD
8407 Affairs devolves on ____? MOD CGDA A LAO B
Restoration of commuted pension is
8408 done after ___ years? 15 18 20 25 A
Retaining fee is admissible to a All the
8409 Reservist_______ Sepoy NCO JCO above A
Retention period of Analysis of all
India compilation of Defence Services
Receipts & Exp. in EDP Centre of
8410 Regional PCDA/CDA office is __? 10 years 5 years 2 years 3 years D
Retired Group ‘A’ officer should
not accept any commercial
employment before ___ from date of
8411 retirement without prior sanction? 5 years 3 years 2 years one year D
A/N of F/N of the A/N of the F/N of the
Retirement is effective from the ____ the last last first first
of the month in which age of working working working working
8412 superannuation is attained day day day day A
Will be
decided at
Forenoon Afternoon of the
Retirement is effective from the of the last of the last Competen
____________ in which age of day of the day of the t
8413 Returnable
the packing
in general. month month Authority None B
account in the case of stores
dispatched by sea or civil air will be
dispatched to the ultimate consignee
by the Landing Officer within __ days
from the date of dispatch of the
8414 consignment? 7 10 15 21 C
Returned Store Sub Depot (RSSD) is
not responsible to receive, sort out Ammuniti
and condition which of the following General Technical on and
8415 types of stores? Clothing Stores Stores Explosives D

Revenue accruing from the disposal of decided
fruits of trees on lands under Governme by Station
occupation of units and maintained by nt Regiment Command
8416 Revenues
them is credited
to by bodies DEO Account al Fund er C
which by law or rule having the force
of law come under control of Govt are Charged Public Public
8417 known as Local Fund revenues money fund A

Review conduct by Review Section of Simultane Concurren Percentag

8418 PAO is known as ____ review? Pot audit ous audit t Review e Review C
Review conducted by Review Group is Percentag nsive Sample Concurren
8419 known as ___? e Review Review Review t Review D

Review Group in PAO is responsible Opening Closing of g of ACR Audit of
8420 for which of the following duties? of IRLAs IRLAs payments IRLAs D
Review of Local Audit work done by Concurren
8421 IDAS officers is called ______ Review? t Surprise Super Higher C
Risk & Expense Purchase clause is
generally not applicable in case of ___ Maintena All the
8422 Contracts? nce Works Foreign three C
Risks accepted by the accepting officer
viz. riots (other than employees of
contractor), war, invasion, act of
foreign enemies, hostilities, civil war,
rebellion, revolution, insurrection,
military or usurped power, damage
from air crafts and natural calamities
etc. are known as ____ in the case of Accepted Standard Anticipate Agreed
8423 Contracts conclused by MES? Risks Risks d Risks Risks A
15.06.200 21.06.200 12.10.200 01.01.200
8424 RTI Act came into force w.e.f. ______? 5 5 5 6 C
Rules enumerated in FR I do not apply
to contracts concluded by which of All the
8425 the following authorities? MES DAD MOD three A
Rules for the use of MES Inspection
Houses are laid down by ________ PCDA/CD All the
8426 from time to time? CE E in C A three B
Work Amount
Work Work done claimed
order order statement by
Running Account Receipt (RAR) is paid issued by issued by signed by Contracto
8427 by AO GE based on ________? GE GE GE r C
S&S Imprest Account is compiled
8428 through Class ____ voucher Punching 2 4 5 9 C
S&S Imprest Account should reach the
office of PCDA/CDA by ___ of the
8429 following
S&S Imprest
to which
is supposed
it pertains?
to 1st 2nd 10th 15th C
submit his monthly account to
PCDA/CDA by _____ of the following
8430 month? 7th 10th 15th 20th B
Safe custody of documents like title AG
deed, Mortgage deed and surety bond Branch, Ledger Accounts Military
etc. of Army officers who are granted IHQ of Wing of Section of Secretary
8431 HBA is the duty of __? MOD PCDA (O) PCDA (O) Branch A
Salary of C&AG will equal to that of High court Court Cabinet Finance
8432 _____? Judge Judge Secretary Secretary B
Sale of Engineering stores to
individuals in Government
8433 Employment requires prior sanction of E in C CE PCDA GOI D
Sale of Goods Act came into force 01.01.193 15.03.193 01.04.193 01.07.193
8434 w.e.f. _____? 0 0 0 0 D
Samples issued from Supply Depots to
the Composite Food Lab are charged
8435 off on ________ voucher Expense Issue Receipt Nominal A
Sanction accorded by the Ministry of
Defence in their capacity as local
Government will not be subjected to
8436 audit by ______? Test Audit DAD Both None D
Sanction for any fresh expenditure
which has not been acted on for ____
lapses unless it is specifically six
8437 renewed? a month months a year two years C
Sanction for hiring of private
accommodation by Army Officer is
initially accorded by the Station 12
8438 Commander only for a period of ___? months 9 months 6 months 3 months D
Sanction is valid for ________ from
8439 the date of issue? One year 2 years 3 years 5 years A
Sanctions accorded by competent
authority to grants of land and
alienation of land revenue, other than
those in which assignments of land Adjustme No. Free
8440 revenue are treated as ____ payment? nt Nominal Cash of cost C
Sanctions having financial bearing and Force
not covered by existing rules are Governme Instructio
8441 issued in the form of nt Letters ns Both None C
Sanctions to re-appropriation of
buildings will be communicated by PCDA/CD
8442 CFAs to which of the following? GE A Both None C

SCCIA is concurrently admissible along Strategic

with which of the following Forces
8443 allowances? HAFA CMFAA CFAA Allowance D
Schedule ‘B’ stores are issued to ment Unstampe Supply all the
8444 the Contractors on the authority of Book d Receipt Order three B
Schedule III will be recorded ____ wise All the
8445 in a PCDA/CDA office Office Section Date three D
Schedule of demands is the only
estimate cost in cases other than Original special
8446 ________ (prepared by MES)? works repairs Both None C

Paid Unlinked Cheques Cheques

8447 Schedule VII is prepared for ____? Cheques Cheques issued cancelled D
Scrolls from Banks are received in Monthly Fortnightl
8448 Accounts Section of PCDA/CDA office Weekly Basis y Daily D
E section
of Main
Scrutiny of CAs concluded by CE/CWE office of Any of the
8449 is conducted by _______? AO GE PCDA RAO/LAO three B
Second component of CDA (O) Single Three
Account Number is represented by Digit Two digits digits
8450 _____? Number Number number Alphabets C
Secondary distribution of overheads
involves _____ of different items of Apportion
8451 overheads to the the Departments? Allocation ment Both None B
Secret/ Confidential letters should be to the No.
acknowledged citing which of the & date of
8452 following particulars? Subject letter Both None B
Section 3 of Official Language act
8453 came in to force w.e.f. ____? 26.01.64 15.08.64 26.01.65 15.08.65 C
Sector F represents which of the & Deposits
following in Defence Service Miscellan and Loans and
8454 Accounts? eous Advances Advances None C

Sector in Defence Accounting System One Two Four Seven

8455 is represented by _____? Alphabet Numerical Numerical Numerical A
Security Deposit appropriated towards
liquidated damages, if required to be
refunded based on award in favour of Fresh Charged Decided in
Contractor will be classified as __ Expenditu Expenditu Refund of each case
8456 Expenditure? re re Receipts by PCDA B

Security Deposit submitted in the form 5% below the face

of Promissory Note should be Market value of Lowest of Highest of
8457 accepted at _____ Price the Note a, b a, b C
Security Deposits Register is
maintained in ____ parts by the Store
8458 Contract Section
Selection of vouchers
of Regional
for personal
CDA? 5 4 3 2 D
linking by consignee LAO should be Their Easy
with reference to ___ of the Cost of attractive marketabi All the
8459 following? the stores ness lity three D
Self Accounting Units of Air Force are
8460 approved and notified by ____? AFHQ PCDA (AF) CGDA GOI D
Selling and Distribution overheads
come under which of the following Functions Behaviour Element
8461 classification of overheads? wise Cost wise wise wise A
Loss not
due to
Separate loss statement is not fraud or
required to be prepared in respect of Transit gross Barrack All the
8462 which of the following? Losses neglect damages three C
Separation allowance is not payable
though the Army officer is married but
8463 not attained the age of ___? 18 21 23 25 D
Service Books of IDAS Officers of the
grade of ___ and above are
8464 maintained by CGDA office? JTS STS JAG SAG D
Sick Leave
on full pay
Service officers are entitled to get cash and
allowance in lieu of Rations under Annual allowance
8465 which of the following contingencies? Leave s Both None C
Service records of all group Record
'A' and 'B' Command Office
civilian officers of MES shall be Garrison er Works Chief (Officers)
8466 maintained by the ____? Engineer Engineer Engineer Delhi D

to take up
Service rendered by an Army Officer ent with
prior to his resignation is not counted proper withdraw
as Qualifyiing service for Pension. permissio n in public
8467 Which of the following is exception? n interest Both None C
Services Capital Acquisition Plan
8468 (SCAP) covers a period of ___ 5 10 15 20 A

a or b as
decided in a or b as
Services' rendered by Army to the Air each case decided in
Force and the Navy and vice versa are by each case
8469 Settlement
treated as ______?
of transactions between Free Paid Executive by PCDA A
the State Government of Jammu and cash or
Kashmir and Centre is done through ID Demand Proforma All the
8470 ______? schedules Drafts Account three B

In cash
Settlement of transactions between (cheque) through
the State Government of Jammu and or by Settlemen
Kashmir and other States/ Centre is demand t Accounts
8471 effected ___? drafts under RBI Both None A
Seven digits in the CHB and Pamphlet Major & Minor & Sub & Detailed &
8472 of RDR heads represent _____ heads? Minor Sub Detailed Object D

FOC in C FOC in C
Southern Western FOC in C
Naval Naval Eastern
Ships and Naval Establishments in Goa Area, Command Naval
8473 are under the control of ____? Kochi , Mumbai Command None A
Ships which are not self accounting Base Nearest
draw their funds requirements from Supply PCDA Regional
8474 the Officers (Navy) CDA FOC in C A
Short term vacancies in SAS (A) may
be filled by the Senior Auditors only
when their duration exceeds
8475 _______?of Stores found in ground
Shortage 6 months 3 months 60 days 30 days D
balance during stock verification are Certified
struck off from ledgers through Loss Expense Nominal Issue
8476 ______? Statement Voucher Voucher Voucher A
Siachen Allowance is admissible to
officer serving in Siachen Glacier
8477 under operation ____? Vijay Meghdoot Blue Star None B
Siachen allowance is not admissible to
Army Officer concurrently with which Flying
8478 of the following allowances? HAUCA Allowance BothNone C
8479 Sick Attendants in MH are given _____ O diet No diet Extras Diet A
Significant expenditure incurred with Deferred
the object of acquiring tangible assets Revenue Asset Capital Revenue
of a permanent nature or enhancing Expenditu expenditu expenditu Expenditu
8480 utility of existing assets is re re re re C
Single Tender Enquiry should generally Registered
8481 be sent to ______? OEM Firm A or B None C

Twice the
5 times 3 times Number Twice the
Size of the Zone of consideration for the the of Number
promotion by DPC will be ____ for number of number of vacancies of
8482 vacancies 5 to 10? vacancies vacancies + 4 Vacancies C
Consignor Consignor
Skeleton list is the list with which Issuing unit to Consignee LAO to
vouchers are forwarded by _____ to depot to Consignee unit to Consignee
8483 Skeleton
_______?lists with "D" their LAO unit their LAO LAO A
copies of vouchers, office copies of
outward top lists and reconciliation
statements will all be recorded in the
file maintained for the purpose for
each of the _____ by the Consignor IssuingReceiving Receiving All the
8484 LAO? Depots Units Depots three A
Skelton list means the list with which Inspecting office of Formation
vouchers are forwarded by the issuing Authoritie PCDA/CD Command
8485 depots to s LAOs A ers B
Book to
of the
year in
decision is
Book to taken
the though at
Book to accounts the same
the of the all
Book to accounts year to possible
the of the which it efforts
accounts year in relates should be
of the which and made to
Some item of expenditure is under year to final expedite expedite
dispute. State the most appropriate which it decision is the the
8486 action to book this expenditure. relates taken decision decision D
Spare Parts of Motor vehicles are Stores in Stock
accounted for in ________ by MES Hand Salvage POL Stock purchase
8487 authorities? Ledger ledger accounts Register A

SPARROW is designed for on line Bills under Income Aadhar

8488 processing of _____? GeM APARs Tax filing Card B
To cast
vote in
Union/Ass To attend Home
Special casual can be granted on ociation Public Town All the
8489 which of the following occasions? Activities Meetings Elections three D
Special Casual leave for the absence of
individuals on account of disturbed
conditions and suspensions of public
transport system due to natural Ministry
calamities etc., should be reported to Ministry of Home Ministry
8490 _____ for decision. MOD of HRD Affairs of Finance C
Special Casual leave is admissible for
8491 sports persons up to ___ days in a 4 8 20 30 D
Special Compensatory (Hill Areas)
Allowance is admissible to employees
posted in Hill stations situated at a
height of ____ metres or more above
8492 the sea level? 1000 2000 4000 8000 A
link to
Special Compensatory allowance to a leave in
PBOR is not admissible during Casual case of
Leave, if the period of absence One Casual
8493 exceeds ___? 21 days 28 days month leave A
Special leave is admissible to
aggrieved female employee during
inquiry proceedings on account of
8494 sexual harassment for ___ days? 30 60 90 180 C
the last
day of
Part II of
Special pay will be granted to SAS the SAS Date of Date
candidates declared successful. From examinati declaring decided
8495 which date it is granted? on result by CGDA None A
Special pool of accommodation is not
available for which of the following Secretarie Legal
8496 categories of employees? Ladies s Officers None D
Special repairs are budgeted under Maintena Capital on cost of Decided
8497 ______ heads by MES? nce works works by GE A
Decided in Decided in
each case each case
by by
Special Repairs are budgeted under Original Maintena GE/CWE/C PCDA/CD
8498 _________ head concerned? works nce E A B
Special Repairs will be treated as
original works for the purpose of
___(1. Admin Approval; 2. Technical only 2,3 only 1,3 only 1,2
8499 Sanction; 3. Budget)? All 1, 2, 3 but not 1 but not 2 but not 3 D
Special Train Warrants are audited Special DO movemen
8500 Special
with reference
train warrants
to ____are
audited with II t Special Milrail D
reference to ‘____' orders
authorizing the move of the special Emergenc
8501 train Special y Express Milrail D

Special Trains for Movement of Troops Master Quarter

to borders are be arranged by which General of Adjutant Master Engineer
8502 Branch of Army HQrs.? Ordnance General General in Chief C
exception To
Special works should not be approved al local Introducin introduce
in which of the following conditions g new change of
8503 circumstances? justify practice scales Both b, c D
Splitting of HT LTC is allowed in case of NE, A&N Lakshadw All the
8504 employees
Staff officersposted
in _____?senior island Ladakh eep three D
officers may sign car diary when the
officer using car is not below the rank Lt. Major
8505 of ____? General General Brigadier Colonel C
Staff with a continuous tenure of
more than __ years under one
Command can request for change
8506 through the
Standard forms
yearly exercise
by ___ for 5 4 3 2 A
processing disciplinary proceedings Ministry Ministry
have been laid down in CCS (CCA) of of Home Ministry
8507 Rules, 1965? Defence Affairs of Finance None B
Standard Schedule of Rates (SSR) is
maintained by MES under the orders CE
8508 of ____?
State the correct Procurement Policy E in C CE Zone Command CWE A
by rearranging the following
preferential order when quality is
same.1. Articles Manufactured abroad
which need to be imported 2. Articles
wholly (or) partially manufactured in
India from Imported material 3.
Articles of Foreign Manufacture held
in stock in India 4. Articles produced in
India in the form of Raw Material Or
Manufactured in India from Raw
8509 Material produced in India 1,2,3, 4 4,2;3;1 4,2,1, 3 4,2,3,1 B
Statement of account is prepared and
issued to Army Officers by PCDA (O)
8510 once in a _______? Year Half year Quarter Month D
Statement of Budget Estimate is
designed to establish a ________
correspondence between Financial Many to One to One to Many to
8511 Budget andofOutcome
Statement In fructuous
Expenditure One Many One Many C
for MES are submitted by Controllers
to _____ for inclusion in Appropriation DFA Chief
8512 accounts? E in C (works) Engineer GOC in C B
Station Auditor is a member of which
8513 of the following offices? LAO Unit Depot None A
Statutory Audit of Accounts and
Financial Transactions of Defence All the
8514 Services is conducted by? CGDA CGA DGADS three C
Statutory audit of Defence Services
Receipts and Expenditure is conducted All the
8515 by ___? DGADS CGDA CGA three A
ative of
Statutory audit of the Represent PCDA/CD Represent
accounts/records of units and ative of A Main ative of None of
8516 formations is conducted by CGDA Office DGADS these C
Stock of all the articles held in DAD
offices including furniture are verified
8517 once in a _____? Month Quarter Half Year Year D
Stock of Service Books should be
verified once in a ____ by the Head of
Office/Nominated officers by Head of
8518 Office? Month quarter Half Year Year D
Stock verification of Security Deposits
in respect of MES works issupposed to
8519 be done once in ___? Quarter Half year Year Two years C
Annual Half yearly Quarterly basis -
basis - basis - basis - One
Stock verification of Stores, T&P etc. is 100% 50% of 25% of Twelth of
8520 carried out by MES on ___ basis? stock stock stock stock C
Stocks under the control of CE are Stores Engineer Divisional District
8521 held in Depots Parks Stocks Stocks B
Stocks under the control of CWE are Stores Engineer Divisional District
8522 held in Depots Parks Stocks Stocks D
Stocks under the control of GE are Stores Engineer Divisional District
8523 held in Depots Parks Stocks Stocks C
Stocks under the direct control of E in Stores Engineer Divisional District
8524 C are held in Depots Parks Stocks Stocks A
Store for which Its required role has
disappeared and it is of no use for any Obsolesce
8525 other holders
Store role is known
will not
____?any Obsolete nt Surplus Scrap A
materials for use in the factory
without a _______ signed by the Material Material
person authorized to requisition such Inward Material Material Demand
8526 stores? Slip Indent Slip Warrant Note D
Store which has been completely
superseded by an improved Obsolesce
8527 equipment or store is known as ____? nt Obsolete Surplus Scrap B
Stores and Plant of Engineer Supply Engineer
earmarked as Operational Reserves Engineer stores Divisional All the
8528 are held in ____? Parks Depot Stock three B
Stores and plant of Engineer supply
earmarked as operational reserves or Engineer
required for units and works are held Engineer Divisional Stores All the
8529 in _____? Parks Stocks Depots three C
Stores for which Approval given for
withdrawal due to technical
inefficiency to carry out its required
and intended role and non justification
for its retention in the service are Obsolesce
8530 classified as ____? Surplus Obsoletent Scrap B
Stores held in excess of maximum Ordnance
authorized limit will not be objected Ordnance ASC items items in ASC items
by LAO in the case of which of the items in in Army Store in Supply
8531 following
Stores Issued
for instructional purpose Army unit unit Depot Depot D
and classed as Fit for Training should
be priced at ___ % of the Vocabulary
8532 Rates by Army? 100 75 50 25 C
Stores issued from Army to Navy/Air Payment Pricing Permanen
Force or vice versa are known as Book Book t Book All the
8533 ___________ issues Debit Debit Debit three A
Stores issued from Army to Navy/Air Payment
Force/MES are adjusted through Book Central Certified
8534 _____ vouchers? Nominal Debit Purchase Issue B
Stores issued in excess of the Serious
prescribed scales are classified as ___ Observati Trivial Irregularit
8535 by LAO? Objection on Error y A

A or B as
Stores issued to an emloyee, in case A or B as advised by
cannot be recovered, loss would be decided PCDA/CD
8536 treated as ____ loss? Cash Store by CFA A A
Stores kept in stock in Engineer Parks
8537 are under the control of ___? CWE CE E in C GE B
Stores of Engineer supply earmarked Engineer
as operational reserves are held in Engineer Divisional Operation Stores
8538 _____? Parks Stocks al Stocks Depots D
Stores returned by Contractors to MES
stores yard are accounted for through Baby Receipt
8539 ____? USR Credit USR Indent Voucher B
Stores to be issued to Contractors to
enable them to complete the work
incorporating the items would be
found in which schedule of Contract
8540 Agreement concluded by MES? A B C D B
Stores which cannot be economically
made suitable for use for which they Surplus All the
8541 are originally designed are known as Stores Salvage Scrap three B
Stores which have been utilized and
served their purpose are classified as Surplus Serviceabl
8542 _____? stores Salvage Scrap e C
Strength of a service or part of a
service sanctioned as a separate unit is Authorise Departme Organizati
8543 called as ____? d strength nt Cadre on C
Strengthening of Run ways is treated Special Ordinary Periodical
8544 as ______ work by MES? Repairs Repairs Original Service C
Study Allowance is payable for a 12 24 36 60
8545 period not exceeding _____? months months months months A
Sub Area Commander is authorized to
issue Admin. Approval for special work
(without IFA concurrence) costing up
8546 to Rs. ____ (lakhs)? 0.5 0.75 2 3.75 A
Programm Sub
8547 Sub Head corresponds to ____? Function e Scheme Function C
Sub Head is represented by ___ digits
8548 Number? 2 3 4 None A
Sub Programm Sub Sub
8549 Sub Major Head corresponds to ____? Function e Scheme Activity A
Sub Major Head is represented by ___
8550 digits Number? 2 3 4 None A
Sub ordinate officers are required to
exercise control over expenditure All the
8551 under __? heads CCH LCH None C
Subject files maintained in DAD offices Interim
8552 Subject
are knownto the
as ‘__
‘ series
of anyfiles
law secret A Report O D
for the time being in force, A contract
of sale may be made _____ as per By word
8553 sale of goods act? In writing of Mouth Both None C
Submission of APAR to reviewing
officer should be completed by
8554 ___________ of the year? 15th April 30th April 31st May 30th June D
Subscription recovered on account of
CGEGIS is credited to which of the
8555 following funds? Insurance Savings Both None C
Subscription to ____ is compulsory for
8556 all Central Government Employees? CGEGIS CGHS Both None A

Salary decided
before the by
Subsistence Allowance is payable to date of Salary on Competen
the employee under suspension leave suspensio half pay t
8557 equivalent to @ ___ p.m.? salary n leave Authority C
Subsistence Allowance is reviewed
8558 after _______? 3 months 6 months 9 months One year A
Sum of Diret Materials, Direct Labour Cost of
and Direct Expenses is known as Prime Productio Works Cost of
8559 _____ in Cost Sheet? Cost n Cost Sales A
Sums which are clearly not due to
Government but are held in trust are All the
8560 kept under ___ head? Suspense Deposit Advances three B
Supplies to MES by Air Force are All the
8561 adjusted through ____ vouchers? ISA CP TBOs three A
Supply and store depots where
continuous stock taking is carried out,
losses of individual items of dissimilar Grouped
type discovered at a stock taking, shall Separate to the As
be treated as ____ for the purpose of transactio possible decided
8562 determining the CFA to write off loss? ns Single unit extent by the CO A
Supply Depots are supposed to send
the Skeleton lists to their Dependent
8563 LAOs every Week Month Day 10 days D
Supply of funds to Field Imprest 00/018/6 00/018/6 00/018/6 00/020/4
8564 Holders is compiled to ____ suspense 5 4 0 5 A
Supply of funds to which of the Field S&S
following officers is not a duty of Imprest Imprest Field
8565 Regional CDA? Holders Holders Cashiers None C
Supply of which of the following items NIV stores Vegetable
of stores is not a responsibility of Clothing M.T. of AOC s and
8566 Ordnance Depots to military units? items Stores supply fruits D
Credited issued for through
Surplus items found during stock back in immediat Regularize expense
8567 taking should be ledger e use d as loss voucher A
Surplus stores found during stock
taking will be accounted for through Loss Nominal
8568 ___? CIV Statement CRV Voucher C
Surplus stores found in stock taking Nominal Receipt Receipt Expense
8569 are taken on charge by means of Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher B
Surprise check of cash balances in three six
8570 Field Imprest is done once in _____? a month months months year B

Formation Station
Surprise check of cash balances of Command Command
8571 Field Cashier is arranged by ____? PCDA (O) GOC in C er er C
Surprise check of Postage account is
8572 done on ____ basis? Monthly fortnight Weekly Daily A
Suspense account if appears on credit
side of trial balance, it will be posted
on which side of balance sheet, if not
8573 detailed in adjustments? Assets Liabilities Both 50% None B
Suspense account if appears on debit
side of trial balance, it will be posted
on which side of balance sheet, if not
8574 detailed in adjustments? Assets Liabilities Both 50% None A
CHB of
Pamphlet services
Suspense Accounts are listed out in of RDR Receipts
8575 _____? heads & Charges Both None A
Suspension cannot be extended No such
8576 beyond a period of ____ days at a 180 120 90 limit A
Punishme Executive All the
8577 Suspension is a ____? Penalty nt action three C
Either a or
8578 Suspension is a _______ Penalty Major Minor b None D
Suspension made under rule 10, CCS
(CC&A) Rules, 1965 shall not be valid
after ____ days unless it is extended
8579 after review? One year 180 days 120 days 90 days D

involved criminal
Suspension may be desirable in which in a public miscondu
8580 of the following circumstances scandal ct Both None C
Suspension of a Government servant Minor Major Either a or
8581 is ___? penalty penalty b None D

d beyond
Overtime Overtime 14 Overtime
performe performe consecutiv performe
d as a d when e calendar d without
8582 Systematic overtime refers to routine required day authority C

Yes. If
TA is admissible for any member of No such t
family added after the date of provision Authority
8583 transfer. Correct Incorrect exists Aproves B
TA/DA claim has to be submitted
8584 within ___ days of completion of tour? 15 30 45 60 D
TA/DA entitlement of a government
servant is determined with reference Group of All the
8585 to the ______? Post the post Pay level three C
Taxes both on Residential/Non-
Residential, buildings owned/occupied Defence Civil
by the Defence Department shall be Services Services
8586 debited to __? Estimates Estimates Both None A
% as
charged in
TDS is supposed to be recovered at the
8587 TDS
recovered on invoice 10 5 2 D
account of GST when the value of
Taxable supply/service exceeds Rs.
8588 ____ ? 10000 150000 250000 500000 C

In the In the
case of case of
Goods, it Goods, it
is is
excluding including
TDS is supposed to be recovered on and in the and in the
account of GST when the value of case of case of
Taxable supply/service exceeds the services services
8589 prescribed amount _____ GST? Excluding Including including excluding A
Technical check of works bills finalized His own PCDA/CD
8590 by GE is done by ___? office AO GE A CWE D
Approval After issue
and of Tender
After AON before document
and issue of s but
before Tender before At any
Technical Sanction issued at which Admin Document concludin stage of
8591 stage of works done by MES? Approval s g CA work B
Technical Section of PCDA (O) No fixed
conducts Percentage audit of ____ percentag
8592 IRLAs in a Quarter? 0.1 0.125 0.25 e A
Telephones required for MES offices
8593 will be sanctioned
Temporary increase
clerical ? GOC in C E in C MOD GOI A
establishment by CFA for his own Next Regional
office requires the sanction of higher PCDA/CD
8594 ______? CFA A DGADS GOI A
Temporary specifications will be laid PCDA/CD
8595 down by _____ on individual basis? GE CWE CE A C
Tender once accepted becomes All the
8596 _________ L-1 Tender Contract Offer three B
Term Contract may be entered into
with _____ prior concurrence for a PCDA/CD
8597 period up to two years by GE? A CWE AO GE CE D
Term Contract may with the prior
concurrence of ______, cover a period PCDA/CD
8598 of up to Two years? CE A Both None A
The % of authorized married
establishment for the purpose of grant
8599 of CILQ in respect of Hav. is 1 0.95 0.9 0.5 B
Establish Establish Constructi Store
ment ment on Accounts
The Accounts maintained by R&D Accounts, Accounts, Accounts, and
Establishments are of which of the Store Financial Financial Financial
8600 following two types? Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts D

The Accounts of Government kept in Decided

India are maintained in ______ Internatio from time
8601 Currency? nal Indian to time Foreign B
The Accounts Officer is the ______ of
the Factory and also renders financial Cost
advice to the Factory Superintendent Accountan
8602 on all general questions IFA t Both None B
The amount of advance for the
purpose of LTC will be limited to
8603 _____ % of the estimated amount? 100 90 80 75 B
The amount of e-ticketing will be
advanced to the IRCTC’s account 00/016/0 00/016/0 00/018/6 00/018/6
8604 and initially booked to _______ ? 2 3 0 5 C

The amount retained by CE/CWE/GE attributabl
in the case of reduction in scope of Administr e to audit
work will be used to cover variations ative Technical authoritie Any of the
8605 in cost due to ____? Reasons Reasons s 3 B
The Annual Finance Accounts of the
Central Govt. (including Defence
8606 Services) are prepared by ____? CGDA CGA C&AG DGADS B

The audit of Air Force list is conducted PCDA (AF) AO DAD CDA (AF)
8607 The
in the
office of the
in the
Services/ Dehradun MOD (Fin) HQrs. New Delhi D
spitals etc. who have been duly
authorized to place purchase orders
directly on the rate contract holding
firms/suppliers with whom Rate
Contracts have been concluded by the Competen Drawing
central purchase organizations for the Direct t Financialand
particular items/goods are known as Demandin Authoritie Disbursing All the
8608 ____? g Officers s Officers three A
The authority within whose financial Competen Controllin Expenditu
powers the amount at issue falls is Competen t Financial g re
8609 The
as _________?
of the Defence Services t authority Authority authority authority B
have been created Proforma in the
books of the Reserve Bank of India 01.10.197 01.04.193 26.01.195 01.04.196
8610 w.e.f. ____? 6 4 6 2 D
The balances under CHB heads are Governme
8611 closed to ______? nt Balances Both None A
The balances under RDR heads are Governme
8612 closed to ______? nt Balances Both None B
To bring
the cost
closer to To
To Bench establish
The basic objective of the CNC is decrease Mark reasonabl All the
8613 _____? cost price e of price three C

The benchmark is _____ for financial No such

up gradation to the grade pay of Rs. benchmar
7,600 and above under MACP Outstandi k is
8614 Scheme? Good Very Good ng prescribed B
The benefit lost by rejecting the best
competing alternative to the one Differenti Opportuni
8615 chosen is defined as ____? al cost Sunk cost ty cost None C

Date of
first Date of
Date of treatment recovery
The benefits under CGHS scheme Date of applying in CGHS of
accrue to Government employee appointm for CGHS wellness subscripti
8616 The
security is normally to remain ent card centre on B
valid for a period of _____ days
beyond the final bid validity period as
8617 prescribed in GFR? 15 30 45 60 C

The bills for pre-payment check should Acknowle All the

8618 only be in the form of____ dgement Voucher Claim three C
The books of RBI are closed on 15th Suppleme
April for the financial year to March ntary
accommodate which of the following Suppleme Correction March All the
8619 The
books of the Reserve Bank for the ntary s Residual three C
month of March will be closed by the
____ or on a date as notified by 31st
8620 them? March 15th April 30th April 30th June B
The boundary of MES District normally
8621 corresponds to _____ of Army? Sub Area Area Brigade Command B
The boundary of MES Division
8622 The
of Senior Auditors
to _____
is fixed
of at Sub Area Area Brigade Command A
maximum of _____ % of the strength
of the Auditors authorized for the
8623 department? 50 60 75 80 D
The casualty of forfeiture of service is
recorded in the IRLA in ____ink in the Any of the
8624 office of PCDA (O) Pune? Red Green Black three A
The Central Government shall lay in Medium-
each financial year before both term
Houses of Parliament the following Medium- Macro- Expenditu
statements of fiscal policy along with term Fiscal economic re
the annual financial statement and Fiscal Policy Framewor Framewor
demands for grants except the ______ Policy Strategy k k
8625 namely initially? Statement Statement Statement Statement D

n wing of
Dept. of
Defence Defence Productio Defence
The chain of Ordnance Factories in the Procurem Productio n and R&D
8626 country are controlled by ent Board n Board Supplies Board C
The Chair person of Internal Presiding Inquiry Grievance
8627 committee constituted under SH Act is Chairman Officer Officer Officer B
The Chair person of Local committee Welfare Presiding Chair Grievance
8628 constituted under SH Act is called as Officer Officer Person Officer C
The charged officer is allowed ____ working 7 working
8629 dayscharges
The to submit
his written
for special
statement. days 10 days days 20 days B
nursing during in patient treatment
shall be reimbursed to the extent in
excess of ___% of the pay of the
employee for the period for which Not
8630 special nursing was necessary? admissible 10 25 50 C
The charges incurred for special
nursing shall be reimbursed to the
extent in excess of ___% of the pay of
the employee for the period during Not
8631 which treatment at residence? admissible 10 25 50 A
The claims for under or over charges
between Railways and DAD are Six Three
8632 required to be preferred within ___? months months One year Two years A
by PCDA None. Do
whether not
The claims of condiment allowance in to require
respect of patients in hospital will be Pre Post pre/post audit by
8633 ___ by DAD? audited audited audit DAD A
The classification code in the punching
8634 medium consists of ___ digits? 4 5 7 8 C
DG of
The command and control of the Naval PCDA Coast
8635 Coast Guard lies with ______? H.Qrs. (Navy) Guard MOD C
The Commanding Officers of Ships
render to the PCDA (Navy) Mumbai,
Cash account ______ in which the
amounts drawn and disbursed are Fortnightl
8636 brought
The commercial
to account?
offer should have a Daily Weekly y Monthly D
validity of up to ______ from the date
of submission of the offer, depending
on the period required for completing
the technical evaluation, so as to
ensure that the offer remains valid till
the time the order is placed/contract 12 18
8637 signed.
The communication is deemed to have 3 months 6 months months months D
been received on the day it is so
_____ under the Arbitration and Despatche Acknowle Any of the
8638 Conciliation Act? Delivered d dged three A
The communication is deemed to have
been received on the day it is so Despatche Acknowle Any of the
8639 _____?
The compilations done through Delivered d dged three A
Punching Media are finally converted
into ____ digit information by
8640 CGDA/CGA 15 17 18 7 A
The concept of Association of Finance n of Integrated
with Management in decision making Financial Financial Financial Associate
8641 The
is known
as ___?of service of Chairman powers Advice Advice d Finance C
and Members of CAT shall be the
same as applicable to Judges of the Supreme District
8642 _____? Court High Court Court None B

Secretary, Secretary,
Ministry Ministry
of Finance Secretary, of Finance
The Contingency Fund of India is held (Dept. of Ministry (Dept. of
on behalf of the President of India by Defence Economic of Home Expenditu
8643 _________? Secretary Affairs) Affairs re) B
The corps of Engineers is headed by Chief
8644 _____? DGBR E in C Engineer GE B
The cost incurred for producing an
additional unit of output is defined as
8645 ____cost
The cost?
of stationery and forms Additional Marginal Total Uniform B
supplied to Military Farms is cost
accounted for as ________ accountin
8646 transactions? cost plus primary g secondary C

The cost per unit fixed at a valuation Minimum Reserve

in r/o an article borne on the stocks of Reserve Guiding Stock
8647 MES is known as Price Price Book Rate Star Rate C
The cost per unit fixed at a valuation Standard
in respect of an article born on the Schedule Stock Pro Rata
8648 stocks of the MES is known as ____? Rate Star Rate Book Rate Rate C
The cost which is incurred for a period,
and which, within certain output and
turnover limits, tends to be unaffected Semi
by fluctuations in the levels of activity fixed/Sem
(output or turnover) is defined as Variable i variable All the
8649 ____? Fixed Cost Cost cost three A
The costs incurred up to the point of
separation of products are called as
8650 ____council
The costs? of states shall consist Joint Common Imputed Uniform A
of_____ members nominated by the
President from the persons having
special knowledge or practical
experience in respect of matters
namely Literature, science and social
8651 service?
The date of birth shown in the 2 10 11 12 D
superannuation list should be
compared with the date of birth
shown in the __ pay bill by
8652 PCDA/CDA? March April July January A
The day of retirement is treated as Working working
8653 ______ Day day Leave None A
The day to day progress of work is Measure r’s
recorded in which of the following Work ment Order
8654 records? Diary book Book None A
The decision as to which buildings are ative
surplus to Defence Services Authoritie PCDA/CD All the
8655 requirements is taken by _____? MES s A three B
The decision as to which buildings are Administr Engineerin Defence
surplus to Defence Services ative g Audit Estate
requirements rests with which of the Authoritie Authoritie Authoritie Authoritie
8656 following authorities? s s s s A

The Defence Accounts Department is Min of Min of

under the administrative control of Min of Defence Finance Min of
8657 ____________ Finance (Fin.) (Defence) Defence B
The Defence Minister’s Committee
8658 has _____ Sub Committees? 2 3 4 No A
The Defence of India and every part of Home All the
8659 thereof is the responsibility of ____? MOD MOD (Fin) Affairs three A
The Defence Services Budget
8660 Estimates are presented in _____ 7 6 5 4 D
The Demand for Grants shall be
presented to Parliament at _____
8661 levels as prescribed in GFR? 5 4 3 2 D
The ed The
unexpend balance of unexpend
ed cash ed
balance of assignmen The balance of
cash t is unexpend imprest
assignmen deposited ed account is
t lapses into balance of transferre
and governme cash d to next
unexpend nt assignmen year and
ed money treasury t is carried unexpend
in imprest and forward to ed money
is unexpend next year in cash
deposited ed money and assignmen
to in imprest unexpend t is
governme account ed money deposited
nt account lapses to in imprest to
The difference between a Cash through governme account governme
8662 Assignment and Imprest is M.R.O. nt lapses nt account A
The difference between Assets and
8663 Liabilities is _____? Capital Profit Loss None A
The difference between Credit side
and Debit side of the P&L account
works out to Rs. 22000/-. Manager is
entitled to commission at 10% on net
profit after charging such commission.
8664 Calculate
The difference
Net Profit?
between Credit side 19600 19800 19980 20000 D
and Debit side of the P&L account
works out to Rs. 23000/-. Works
Manager is entitled to commission at
10% on net profit after charging his
commission and General Manager.
General Manager is entitled to a
commission of 5% on net profit after
charging the commission of Works
Manager and his own commission.
The commission of Works Manager 1500, 1200, 1800, 2000,
8665 and General Manager would be ___, 1500 1800 1200 1000 D
The difference between debit side and
credit side of Income and Expenditure Surplus or Profit or Closing All the
8666 Account represents ____? deficit loss Balance three A
The difference between debit side and
credit side of Receipts and Payments Surplus or Profit or Closing All the
8667 Account represents ____? deficit loss Balance three C
The difference between revenue Effective
expenditure and revenue receipts is Primary Revenue Real Fiscal Fiscal
8668 known
The difference
as _____?
between the actual Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit B
fixed charges and the amount charged
off to production by Ordnance Factory Unabsorb Variable Sesmi Semi
at the stabilized rate represents ed Fixed Fixed Fixed Variable
8669 ______? Charges Charges ChargesCharges A
The difference between the assessed No
value of unserviceable stores of MES Reduction Regulariza
and the amount realized by disposal is of Depreciati tion is
8670 regularized as ____? Loss Receipts on required D
The difference between the debit and Actual Estimated
credit sides of the production Account Cost of Estimated Cost of
of Ordnance Factory represents Profit or Productio Profit or Productio
8671 __________? loss n Loss n B
The difference between the purchase
price of an asset and its salvage value Differenti Opportuni Depreciati
8672 is known as ____? al cost Sunk cost ty cost on B
The difference in total cost between
alternatives, calculated to assist Differenti Opportuni Depreciati
8673 Decision Making is known as ____? al cost Sunk cost ty cost on A
The digits 12 and 13 of DIDS Voucher
8674 represent? Year CDA Month Number C
The digits 14 and 15 of DIDS Voucher
8675 represent? Year CDA Month Number A
The digits 3 to 6 of DIDS Number Voucher Month
8676 represent? CDA Section Number and year B
The digits 8 to 11 of DIDS Number Section Month Voucher
8677 represent? Code CDA and year Number D
The draft Annual Acquisition Plans
8678 would be prepared in ____ parts? 2 3 4 5 A
The duty of preparing all statistical receiving
returns of Defence expenditure rests allotment
8679 with DAD MOD s DGADS A
The entries in the Defence Ledger will
8680 be posted _____? Daily weekly monthly Annually D
The establishment pay bill will be
prepared in __________ by AN Pay Quadrupli Qunituplic Sextuplica
8681 section of CDA office? Triplicate cate ate te B
The estimates for which vote of Lok Appropria
Sabha is required is presented in the tion Demands Expenditu Plan
8682 formexcess
The of of total disbursements, Accounts for Grants re Budget outlay B
from the Consolidated fund of India,
excluding repayment of debt, over
total receipts into the Fund (excluding
the debt receipts), during a financial Gross
year is defined as ___ under FRBM Fiscal Domestic Revenue Outstandi
8683 Act? Deficit Product Deficit ng Liability A
The executive power of Government Prime Home Defence
8684 of India is vested in ______ of India? Minister Minister President Minister C
The executive powers of President of Army Ministry
India are exercised through _____ in Head of
8685 the case of Defence Services? CGDA Quarters Defence DGADS C
The facts that are incorporated in Transactio Occurrenc
8686 accounting records are described as Accounts ns Events es B

The final cost of any service may exceed
exceed by not more than ___ % of the approved
8687 amount approved by the CFA? 5 10 15 amount B
The final decision of Disciplinary Show
Authority is issued in the form of Charge Speaking Cause All the
8688 ____? Sheet Order Notice three B

Schedule Modified
The final estimate for the year, based Preliminar Revised of Appropria
8689 on latest
The financial
of the
is known as y Report Estimates Demands tion D
Government which have not been
delegated to a subordinate authority Finance Head of Controllin
8690 shall vest in ___? Ministry HOD Office g Officer A
The first edition of Defence Account
8691 Code was released in ____? 1947 1952 1956 1967 B
The fiscal deficit minus the interest Primary Revenue Real Fiscal Fiscal
8692 payments is known as _____? Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit A
The fist two digist of DIDS Number
8693 represent? CDA Section Month Year A
The following will tantamount to in Abandon Change of terminatio
fructuous expenditure requiring ment of plan or n of
8694 formal
as for
a loss
a particular
by the CFA? project design contract All D
month has to be filed online within
___ of the month succeeding to the
month in which deductions have been
8695 made? 5th 7th 10th 15th C

The formula i.e. (Cost of Opening Cost of Cost of Inventory

Stock + Cost of Closing Stock)/2 is used average Productio turnover
8696 to determine _____ ? stock n Ratio EOQ A
The formula i.e. (Maximum rate of
consumption - Average rate of
consumption) Lead time is used to Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
8697 calculate _____? level level level level C
The formula i.e. Cost of material
consumed/Cost of average stock held Inventory
during the period is used to determine Reorder turnover Reorder
8698 _____ ? EOQ quantity Ratio level C
The formula i.e. Maximum
consumption X Maximum reorder Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
8699 period is used to calculate _____? level level level level D
The formula i.e. Minimum level +
consumption during the time lag Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
8700 period
The formula
is used
- level level level level D
(Average rate of consumption X
Reorder period) is used to calculate Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
8701 _____?
The formula i.e. Reorder level - level level level level C
(Normal consumprion X Normal
Reorder period) is used to calculate Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
8702 ______? level level level level B
The formula i.e. Reorder levl +
Reordering quantity - (Minimum
onsumption X Minimum Reorder Maximum Minimum Danger Ordering
8703 period) is used to calculate _____? level level level level A
8704 The functions of AOsGE are ___ fold? 5 4 3 2 C
The funds for C.S.D. are provided in
the ______ Estimates of the Ministry Defence
8705 of Defence
The Head of an Office may authorize Civil Service Both None A
any______ serving under him to sign a
bill or order for him, communicating Sufficientl
the name and specimen signature of Responsib y higher
the officer to the disbursing officer le level Gazetted
8706 concerned Person employee officer Officer D

Vice Chief Deputy

The head of the organization in Army Chief of of Army Chief of Adjutant
8707 The
is ____?
of Central Government Army Staff Staff Army Staff General A
offices will close their offices on
account of death of the ________ in Prime either/bot
8708 harness President Minister h None C

on Hand
Book of Pamphlet
Defence of
Services- Revenue,
The heads of classification operated Receipts Debt and
upon in the Defence Services accounts and Remittanc
8709 are shown in which of the following? Charges e Heads Both None C
The heads represented by three digits
such as 101, 104, 110, 111 and 800 Major Minor Detailed
8710 etc. are generally known as ____? heads heads Sub heads Heads B
The holder of a post, the pay of which
is changed, shall be treated as if he
were transferred to a ______ post on
8711 the _____pay as per FR 23? New, New New, Old Old, New Old, Old A
The Indian Coast Guard came into 01.01.197 01.02.197 01.03.197 01.04.197
8712 being on ______? 7 7 7 7 B
The information regarding fresh
induction of pensioners is taken with
reference to the pension cases
notified during _____ in the current
year whle preparing Defence Pension 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
8713 Budget? months months months months B
The internal audit of IRLAs maintained Super
in the Pay Accounts Offices is Review Review by
conducted in the form of review by Groups in IDAS All the
8714 the _____? PAOs LAOs officers three A
The key objective of the _____ is to Priority Capital Annual Defence
leverage capital acquisitions to Procurem Acquisitio Acquisitio Offset
8715 develop Indian Defence industry? ent Plan n Plan n Plan Policy D
The Labour i.e., workmen employed in
8716 a factory may be divided into _____ 2 3 4 5 C
The language used in Speaking Order First/Seco
8717 is generally in _____ person language? Third nd Both None A
The language used in U.O. Note is First/Seco
8718 generally in _____ person language? Third nd Both None A
The last Inter Government advise for
the financial year by PCDA/CDA should 31st
8719 be sent to RBI on or before _____ ? March 15th April 25th April 30th April C
The likely normal wastage due to
death, etc. at the estimated rate
of____% (approx.) is reduced from the
8720 pension / family pension estimate 2.5 5 8 10 A
The list of units and formations under
the jurisdiction of a Regional CDA is Skeleton Special
8721 known as ____? List Secret List Top List List B

List of
The list with which vouchers are auditable
forwarded by Consignor LAO to document Skeleton
8722 Consignee LAO is known as Top List Sub List s list A
The list with which vouchers are
forwarded by Consignor LAO to Skeleton Special
8723 Consignee LAO is known as ______? List Secret List Top List List C

List of
The list with which vouchers are auditable
forwarded by issuing depot to their document Skeleton
8724 LAO is known as Top List Sub List s list D
The loss of time for which the Labour
employer pays the labour but obtains Turn
no direct benefit in production is Around All the
8725 known as ______? Time Idle Time Overtime three B
The main unit of classification in Object/de
8726 accounts is ______ Head? tailed sub Minor Major D
The maker of a bill of exchange or
8727 cheque is called the _____? Drawer Drawee Payer Payee A
The maximum amount up to which it
is permissible to retain cash (including Cash Credit Ceiling Ceiling
at bank) by Field Imprest Holder is monetary monetary money Monetary
8728 known
The maximum
as ____?and minimum limits of limit limit limit limit D
stock of A.S.C. Supply which units are
authorised to hold on charge at any
one time to meet their requirements,
are not supposed to be exceeded by G.O.C.-in-
Army Units except under the orders QMG Chief, the PCDA/CD
8729 of the Branch Command A LAO/RAO B
The maximum entitlement of casual
8730 leave for army officers in a calendar 8 days 12 days 15 days 20 days D
The maximum number of hours for Not paid
8731 which the OTA can be paid to a driver 50 100 unlimited at all B
The maximum period of extension of Next
delivery that can be granted by the higher
CFA under delegated powers is such CFA with
that the total period - the original DP concurren
plus the extension – does not ce of
exceed twice the original DP. Next Paying Ministry
Extensions beyond this period would higher PCDA/CD of Governme
8732 require sanction of the ______? CFA A Defence nt of India C
No such
The maximum period of extension of Restrictio
delivery that can be granted by the n. It can
CFA under delegated powers should be
be such that the total period i.e. the extended
original delivery period plus the as per
extension does not exceed____ the One and requireme
8733 original
The measures
as numerical half of Twice Thrice nt B
ceilings and proportions to gross
domestic product, as may be
prescribed, for evaluation of the fiscal
position of the Central Government
are defined as ____ indicators in the Performa All the
8734 FRBM
The Medium-term
Act/Rules? Fiscal Policy Risk nce Fiscal three C
Statement shall set forth a ____ year
rolling target for prescribed fiscal
indicators with specification of
8735 assumptions? 2 3 5 6 B
The minimum up-gradations assured
8736 under
The Minister-in-charge
MACP Scheme are_____?
of the Ministry 2 3 4 5 B
of Finance shall review, on______
basis, the trends in receipts and
expenditure in relation to the budget
and place before both Houses of
Parliament the outcome of such
8737 reviews Yearly Half yearly Quarterly Monthly B
Date of Date
Date of performa decided
The monetary allowance in respect of grant of nce of the by Date
Gallantry decoration is admissible to a decoratio qualifying Military decided
8738 PBOR from? n act Secretary by A.HQrs B
The money consideration for a sale of Agreed Proper
goods is defined as _____ as per Sale considerat considerat
8739 of goods act? ion Price Cost ion B
The money invested by proprietor is
8740 _____ for the firm? Asset Liability Income Profit B
The month-wise LPC-Cum-Data
Sheets, centrally maintained by the
Pension Cell of PCDA (O) will be
retained for __, commencing from the
8741 month of Retirement of the officer? 35 years 75 years 10 years 5 years A
The mutually accepted document for
Focal Point Branches of Banks and Defence
Government for reconciliation of A/cs Debit/Cre Proforma MROs/Ch
8742 is dit Scrolls Account VDMS eques C
The no. of officers with User ID to
authorize CMP payment files will not
8743 exceed ___ in a PCDA/CDA Office? 2 3 4 5 D
The no. of times the dak is to be
distributed daily in sections will be Addl.
dependent on the frequency of postal Group CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD
8744 deliveries
The number andofwill
be fixed by?
cases SAO/AO Officer CDA A D
handled by a working officer should
not exceed ___ cases in a year, not No such
8745 more than ___ at a time 5, 3 10, 2 20, 4 limit B
The number of supplier firms in
Limited Tender Enquiry should be More than More than No such
8746 _______ as prescribed in GFR? 3 2 or More 2 provision A
The offices of the Defence Accounts
including Controller General of
Defence Accounts, who are
nominated by the RBI to accounts for
and reconcile
transactions in the Defence Proforma Accountin
8747 Account are called as Defence ____? DDOs PAOs g Circles Pr. PAOs C
The only Head for Contingency Fund in
Part II i.e. Contingency Fund is given
8748 the code number _________? 4000 2000 8000 1900 C
The organization of DAD corresponds All the
8749 broadly to the organization of the Army Air Force Navy three D
The parties are free to determine the
number of arbitrators, provided that
8750 such number shall not be ____? Even Odd One Three A
The party for which it becomes
impossible to meet obligations under
this contract due to Force Majeure
conditions, is to notify in written form
the other party of the beginning and
cessation of the circumstances
immediately, but in any case not later
than ____ days from the moment of
8751 their beginning 7 10 15 30 B
The pay accounts of non-gazetted t Respectiv
personnel serving in field service areas PCDA/CD e PAO Any of the
8752 are maintained by the ____? PCDA (O) A of unit (ORs) three C

absence From the
On the from duty next day
The Pay and allowances of the officers day of without of transfer All the
8753 will be ceased death leave to Reserve above B

on which
the orders
n reach
The pay of higher rank to which an the H.Qrs. of grant of of receipt
officer present on duty is erroneously of erroneous of order
promoted, will be discontinued from unit/form of issue of promotio by PCDA
8754 the date ation order n (O) A
The payment and accounting functions
in respect of the Ministry of Defence Defence All the
8755 are entrusted to ______? Secretary FADS CGDA three C
The period of limitation for recovery
by contractors of security deposit
from Government is ____ from the
8756 date of deposit? 3 years 5 years 10 years 30 years D
The period of limitation for recovery
by contractors of security deposit
from Government is____ years from
8757 the date of deposit? 30 10 5 3 A
The period of Short Term Agreement 12
8758 should not exceed ____? 3 months 6 months 9 months months B
Date of Date of
Date of signature receipt of
Deposit of of officer original
The period of validity of MRO (21 money Date of authorize MRO in
days) is calculated from which of the through clearance d to issue audit
8759 following dates? MRO by bank MRO office C
The person named in the instrument,
to whom or to whose order the
money is by the instrument directed
8760 to be paid, is called _____? Drawee Drawer Payee Payer C
The person who has ultimate control
over the affairs of the factory subject
to provisions of Factories Act, is Principal
8761 defined as ____? Employer Employer Occupier Owner C

The personal seal of the relieved over to
Principal Controller/Controller will be the Kept Sent to
____ by the relieving Principal transferre under lock CGDA
8762 Controller/Controller? d officer and key Destroyed office C
The personnel of the Defence
Accounts Department are governed by
8763 Fundamental Rules from ______? 01.01.86 01.07.76 01.07.86 01.01.96 B

The point at which total revenue Economic

equals the total costs i.e. no profit no Ordering Break Contributi All the
8764 loss positive
The is called assertion,
at ____? in a manner Quantity Even on three B
not warranted by the information of
the person making it, of that which is
not true, though he believes it to be
true is defined as _____ in Indian Misrepres
8765 Contract
The post-audit
Act? of muster rolls and pre- Innocence Mistake entation Fraud C
audit of miscellaneous claims of
Industrial Personnel of naval PCDA AAO AAO
establishment at Vizag is done by (Navy) (Navy) NLAO (Army)
8766 __________
The power of Addl. CDA to sign Class II Mumbai Vizag Vizag Vizag C
Punching medium for rectification of
incorrect adjustment is up to Rs.
8767 _____?
The power of re appropriation 25 lakhs 1 crore 5 crores 10 crores C
between sub heads within the minor
head under each demand can be PCDA/CD
8768 ordered by? CGDA CGA MOD A C

The power of Review of penalty is Appellate All the

8769 vested with ____? President HOD Authority three A
The power of Revision of penalty is Appellate All the
8770 vested with ____? President HOD Authority three D

Head of Any leave

the sanctionin
The power to grant special casual Departme Ministry g
8771 leave is vested in the _______? GOI nt concerned authority B
The power to re appropriate between
different sub heads within the Minor
8772 Heads under each demand is vested in PCDA MOD GOI GOC in C B
The powers exercised by CFAs after
obtaining concurrence of IFA are
8773 called
The powers
as ____
of Finncial
AAO to write
off Delegated Inherent Integrated None A
irrecoverable amounts due to any No
cause are up to Rs. ______ in each powers to
8774 case?
The practice of charging all costs both 500 100 1000 AAO
variable and fixed to operation,
process or products is termed as ____ Activity Absorptio
8775 costing? Uniform Direct Based n D
The presentation of accounting
information in such a way as to assist
management in the creation of policy
and in day to day operation of an
understanding is defined as ____ Managem All the
8776 Accounting? Financial Cost ent three C

Till he
the age of
75 years
or fixed
The President shall hold office for a tenure
term of ____ years from the date on whichever
8777 which he enters upon his office 4 5 6 is earlier B
The primary check over contingent PCDA/CD All the
8778 expenditure is exercised by the ____? Executive LAO A three A
The procedure of sending scrolls Defence
through the focal point branches is not Defence Defence Pay &
applicable to payments of _____ made Defence Supplies works Allowance
8779 by Public Sector Banks. Pension payments payments s A
by Units
The procedure prescribed in DPM is Central Local formation
8780 applicable to ____? Purchase Purchase Both a & b s only C
The process of ascertaining the All the
8781 ______ is known as Costing? Price Cost Value three B
The procurement planning process Defence H.Qrs. Defence
would be under the overall guidance Procurem Concerne Acquisitio
8782 of the _____? ent Board HQ IDS d n Council D

All Central bodies
All Central Governme otherwise
Governme nt governed
The provisions of GFR are applicable nt Departme by other All the
8783 to which of the following Offices? Ministries nts Rules three D
Short Emergenc
Service y
The provisions of PR Part I & II are not Commissi Commissi
8784 applicable to ____ Officers? oned oned Both None D
The rate of subscription for a Group A
officer under CGEGIS is Rs. ___p.m.
8785 before enrolment? 20 40 60 120 B
The rate of subscription for a Group A
8786 officer under CGEGIS is Rs. ___p.m.? 20 40 60 120 D
The rate of subscription for a Group B
official under CGEGIS is Rs. ___p.m.
8787 before enrolment? 20 40 60 120 A
The rate of subscription for a Group B
8788 official under CGEGIS is Rs. ___p.m.? 10 20 30 60 D
The rate of subscription for a Group C
official under CGEGIS is Rs. ___p.m.
8789 before enrolment? 10 20 30 60 A
The rate of subscription for a Group C
8790 official under CGEGIS is Rs. ___p.m.? 10 20 30 60 C
The ratio of appropriation of CGEGIS
subscription towards Savings and
8791 Insurance funds is ___? 75, 25 50, 50 25, 75 60, 40 A

The receipts and expenditure relating of Road Ministry
to Border Roads Organization are Ministry Transport of
finally accounted to the heads of of Home and MOD External
8792 _____ by PCDA (Border Roads)? Affairs Highways (civil) Affairs B
The recovery of an advance will
commence from ____ month pay Next year
8793 drawn after its receipt? First Second Third January A
The Register in which permanent list ‘A’ ‘B’ out’
of IRLAs transferred out by a Ledger List List List
8794 wing is maintained is known as ____? Register Register Register None B
The repeat order is to be placed within
_____from the date of completion of six
8795 the supply against the previous order 3 months 4 months months one year C
The responsibility for the audit of
pensions also devolves on PCDA DPDOs
8796 (Pensions) Allahabad and Banks PCDA (P) Both None B
The responsibility for verifying the
competence of Station Commander Regional
for according sanction to hire private PCDA/CD All the
8797 accommodation rests with? PCDA (O) A AAO BSO three C
The responsibility of floating license
fee bills in respect of government
accommodation occupied by Army Station Concerne
8798 officers is with LAO AAOBSO H.Qrs. d officer B

The responsibility of handling all Embarkati Naval

claims on account of Naval Armament on Armamen
stores, short landed or damaged rests Command t Supply PCDA
8799 with ____? NLAO ant Officer (Navy) C

The responsibility of issuing Form 16 Record Respectiv

in respect of JCOs/ORs rests with office of e Depot CO of the PAO (ORs)
8800 which of the following offices? the corps Battalion unit concerned D
Both are
The responsibility of watching equally
recovery of advances (under DHRs) is Accounts Audit responsibl
8801 the responsibility of _____? Section Section e None C
The role of DAD in the case of
Arbitatration Awards in respect of Declarator
8802 MESrole
The Contracts
of this iscorps
remove any Executory y Advisory None C
obstruction in the way of defence of
the army and to facilitate it by
constructing or improving roads,
railway bridges and other means of Armoured Corps of Corps of
8803 communication
The sanctioned establishment of corps Engineers EME MES B
Principal Controllers'/
Controllers' Offices includes a
leave substitute of ___ of the
8804 establishment 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 D
The schedule of monthly drawings is Assignme Schedule Payment Debit
8805 known as? nt III Schedule Scroll B
The scheme for payment of pension to
Defence pensioners including Defence
civilian pensioners by Public Sector
Banks was introduced with effect from 15.08.194 26.01.195 01.01.197 01.10.199
8806 _____ in all the states? 7 0 8 3 C
The selection process for percentage
audit will be so devised as to subject
each IRLA to percentage audit once in 4 years 4 3 years 3 2 years 6 2 years 2
8807 a cycle of __ by PCDA(O)? months months months months C
The service books of all individuals
who are due to retire within _______
following the date of audit will be
included in the selection for test check
8808 by LAO during Local Audit of units? 4 years 3 years Two years One year B


The source code for ‘Dolphin’ is Secundera centre of centre of PCDA
8809 centrally maintained by ________? bad CGDA each PAO Bangalore A
The state of Punjab falls into which
8810 region as per Official Languages Rules, C B A None B
The States and their territories are
specified in the ____ schedule of the
8811 Constitution of India? Fourth Third Second First D
Sub Jr. Sub Sr. Sub
The status of AO in a GE office is like a Divisional Divisional Divisional
8812 _____?
The sum of the gross value added by Officer Officer Officer GE C
all resident production units plus that
part of taxes, less subsidies, on
products, which is not included in the
valuation of output, during a financial
year, reckoned at current market
prices, as published by the Central Gross
Statistics Office from time to time is Fiscal Domestic Revenue Outstandi
8813 known
The sumastotal
____?of the debt of the Deficit Product Deficit ng Liability B
Central Government and the State
Governments, excluding inter- General Total Real Combined
Governmental liabilities is known as Governme Governme Governme Governme
8814 ____? nt Debt nt Debt nt Debt nt Debt A
minimum Minimum
limit. is one
The supplier(s) will be registered for a Maximum year. No
fixed period of ____ in GeM Portal in 1 to 3 1 to 5 limit is 3 Maximum
8815 general? years years years Limit A

System Double
using Entry
Double System
Entry using
Single Double Principles Single
The system of Government Entry Entry wherever Entry
8816 Accounting is System System required principles C
8817 The Technical advisor to GOC in C is? CWE CE GE A B
The tenure of C&AG of India is ____ No such
8818 years 4 5 6 limit C

Vertical Horizontal Vertical or

totaling totaling Horizontal None of
8819 The term Casting means only only totaling these C
The term of MP of Rajya Sabha is ____
8820 unless retires early? 2 years 4 years 5 years 6 years D

People Personnel Person pension

below below below Bearing
officer officer officer order and
8821 The title
a Government
stands for servant to rank rank rank Report B
hold on regular basis, either
immediately or on the termination of
a period or periods of absence, a post, Permanen
including a tenure post, to which he t Confirmati
has been appointed on regular basis employme on in a All the
8822 and on which he is not on probation nt Lien post three B
The total amount of penalty under RTI
8823 act shall not exceed Rs. _____? 25000 50000 75000 100000 A
The total LD shall not exceed value of
____ % of undelivered goods and
8824 amount stipulated in the contract 1 2 5 10 D
The total number of holidays to be
observed in all Defence Accounts
Offices, wherever they are situated
8825 The
will be
in a year
of the CGDA i.e. 16 17 15 + 2 RH 16 + 2 RH B
CENTRAD (Centre for Training and
Development) is functioning from
8826 The
transit pay and allowances of an 35339 34243 37530 37895 A
officer whose services are lent by Parent
Defence to Civil and vice versa are departme
8827 borne by? Defence Civil Borrower nt C
Dept. to
The transit Pay and Allowances of which he
Officers of the Defence Services lent is Lending Borrowing Defence
to Civil Department or, vice versa, are proceedin
Departme Departme Service
8828 debitable to ____? g nt nt Estimates C
nt to
The Travelling Allowance of a which he
Government servant transferred from Parent is
one department to another is debited Departme decided in transferre
8829 to the nt each case d None C
The treatment at AMA consulting
8830 room is limited to ____ days? 30 15 10 5 C
The treatment at the consulting room
of Authorized Medical Attendant is
8831 limited to ___ days in general? 3 5 10 15 C
The ultimate responsibility for Staff
ensuring that expenditure does not Officers PCDA/CD
exceed the corresponding budget (Service A
8832 allotment rests on H.Qrs) FADS concerned CGDA A
The unique field with which digit of
information is retrieved easily in PAO the army Name of Army
8833 (ORs) for PBORs is ____? number the PBOR Unit code Number D
The validity of coupons issued by First day, Last day, First day, Last day,
8834 Military Farm is ___________ of the next current sixth sixth D
form in
The word 'Form' used in which Appropria
Defence Code does not include the Accounts te head of
8835 prescription of __? are kept account Both None D

Ordnance Engineer PCDA
The work of Defence Laboratories is Factory DRDO, (R&D) (R&D)
8836 administered by _____? Board New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi B
The work related to vetting of Draft
Gazette Notification (DGN) in respect
of Army Officers was transferred to 01.01.197 01.01.198
8837 PCDA (O) w.e.f.
The_____ function
of audit is to verify 6 4 01.01.96 01.10.97 B
the accuracy and completeness of
accounts to secure that all receipts are
brought to account under the proper
head, that all expenditure and
disbursements are authorized,
vouched and correctly classified and
that the final account represents a
complete and true statement of the
financial transactions it purports to One and
8838 exhibit. Primary Main only Spiritual A
The_____ shall appoint a person who
is qualified to be appointed a judge of Chief
the Supreme Court to be Attorney Justice of Prime All the
8839 General for India President India Minister three A
There are _____ Major heads under
8840 Revenue Receipts ? 4 5 6 7 B
There are two models of incurring Central
expenditure out of fund placed at the Capital Purchase
disposal of authorities to whom and and Local Capital CAPEX/OP
8841 budget is allocated. What are they? Revenue Purchase and State EX D
There are___ Sub-Major heads under
8842 Capital Outlay? 8 9 10 12 A
Six digits
Third component of CDA (O) Account Two digits Six digits with
8843 Number is represented by _____? number number alphabet Unit code C
Third component of CDA (O) Account Ledger of Army Task Check
8844 Number represents ____? wing Officer Number Alpha B

Respectiv Nearest
Third party payments in respect of Regional e ECHS Station Military
8845 ECHS personnel are done by ___? CDA Poly Clinic H.Qrs. Hospital C
Through which document, AO GE
satisfies himself in audit that Schedule Measure Completio
B stores are issued to Contractor by USR/Baby ment n Any of the
8846 MES? indent Book Certificate three A
Till ____, Defence Finance was part of
MOF and became MOD (Fin) as
8847 Independent Division under MOD? 1975 1976 1983 1984 C
Time limit for drawing Advance of LTC
is ___ days before journey in case of No such
8848 travel by Air/Sea/Road? 65 95 125 limit A
Time limit for drawing Advance of LTC
is ___ days before journey in case of No such
8849 travel by Train? 65 95 125 limit C
To accept necessity by a CFA _______ Rough Indication ate Technical
8850 is prepared and submitted Cost of cost Estimate Sanction B
To accept special tenders such as cost
plus type, prior sanction of
8851 __________ is necessary GOI PCDA E in C DGADS C
To arrive at the figures to be included
in the Forecast Estimates for Defence
Pension heads, actuals of the ____ will last 3 last 2 Preceedin Last 6
8852 be taken as basis? years years g year months C
To avoid delay in sanction of pension
of DAD employee, period of Qualifying
Service is verified _______ before date 18
8853 of his/her retirement? 6 months 1 years months 2 years D

To avoid double payments recurring charges in Previous
charges will be linked with ___ and the last Previous years All the
8854 audited? quarter charges charges three B
To become eligible for double rate of
Transport Allowance the disability
percentage of employee should be
8855 minimum __ ? 0.1 0.25 0.4 0.5 C
To become eligible for HRA, A
government servant should not
possess own house in the town/UA in Minor Any of the
8856 the name of ____? Self child Spouse three D
To become eligible for pension,
8857 normally a PBOR is supposed to serve 5 10 15 20 C
To calculate Hospital stoppage rolls,
____ (time) is taken as basis (i.e.
admission/discharge before and after)
8858 in Military Hospital? 12 Noon 0.541667 0.5625 0.583333 D
shown on Date of Date of
To claim for an overcharge by the dispatch receipt of
Railways, six months period is original by original All the
8859 computed for DAD from the date bill Railways bill three C
To classify a road as ‘Military PCDA/CD
8860 Road’, whose prior approval is GOI GOC in C CWE A A

To close an existing road in a CEO,

Cantonment whose prior approval is Cantonme PCDA/CD
8861 necessary? GOC in C nt Board A GOI A

Book Total
value of Book
each value of Constructi
building to all on cost Constructi
To determine the Competent be buildings incurred on cost
Authority to sanction a demolition demolishe to be for each incurred
statement, which of the following d, demolishe building for total
8862 points
To employ
be considered?
in excess of the separately d separately buildings A
approved establishment in EME EME Army
workshops, whose sanction if EME Depot Head
8863 necessary? Records Battalion GOC in C Quarters D
To enable the audit authorities to
focus on the retiring employees’
dues/demands, their pay bills are
prepared and sent separately in the
8864 lastenable
To ___ months
the Government
of service? to carry on 6 4 3 2 C
its normal activities from 1st April till
such time as the Appropriation Bill is Suppleme
enacted, ____ is obtained from ntary Grant in Additional Vote on
8865 Parliament? Grant Aid Grant Account D
To ensure that all the items purchased
through Supply Order have been
accounted for, you will carry out Ledger to a and vice voucher c and vice
8866 verification
To ensure that
item of DOII is voucher versa to ledger versa C
published in respect of a specific
PBOR, Every Army No. is cross verified Check
8867 with his ______? Sheet Roll Digit Both None B
To fix the pay of Government servant
as on 01.01.2016, Basic Pay + Grade
Pay of the government servant is
multiplied with a factor of ___ as per
8868 7thguard
To CPC? against double payments in 1.86 2.57 2.75 3.2 B
respect of Contractors bills,
verification by the auditor should be
test checked by ____ to the extent of Group Another
8869 cent
To guard
against double payments, full Officer SAO/AO AAO Auditor D
particulars of all payments made to Income
contractors should be noted in Tax Demand NRC
8870 the_____? Register Register Register None A
To make payments outside the terms Next
of contract, whose consent is PCDA/CD higher All the
8871 necessary? A CFA CFA three B
To notify the individual casualties, Either a or
8872 ____ Order is issued? Part I Part II b Both B
To obtain the decision of PCDA/CDA,
which kind of Office Communication is Office
8873 used in a PCDA/CDA Office Circular Letter U.O. Note Note D
To obtain treatment at Private ward in
a Recognised hospital, minimum basic
8874 payobtain
To shouldtreatment
be Rs.___p.m.
at Semi Private 47601 63101 80901 None B
ward in a Recognised hospital,
minimum basic pay should be
8875 Rs.___p.m. 47601 63101 80901 None A
To prevent possibility of alterations in
ledgers, LAO staff will first check
___leading up to balances before Arithmetic All the
8876 taking
To purchase
up anythrough
other audit
portal, Receipts Issues totals three C
Comparision of 3 different Above Above Above Above
manufactureres of particular 25000 up 25000 up 250000 up 50000 up
article/goods is compulsory when the to 2.5 to 30 to 30 to 2.5
8877 value is? lakhs lakhs lakhs lakhs D
To rectify the errors which of the Trail Journal
8878 following is used? Balance Proper Both None B
To remove C&AG of India procedure of Supreme
similar to the removal of which of the Parliamen Vice Court All the
8879 following should be followed? t President Judge three C
To transfer superseded items, which
are stocked by other stores depots,
___ are prepared by the depots Nominal Expense Issue Any of the
8880 transferring those items? Vouchers Vouchers vouchers three A
To what extent, Cash accounts of
8881 Military Farm are supposed to be 0.333333 0.166667 0.5 1 B
To what extent, linking of issues
(Transfer outward) is supposed to be
8882 verified in local audit. 0.333333 0.166667 0.5 1 B
IA cell of
To whom the AAO GE reports for all Main
8883 matters in DAD? Office RAO/LAO Both None B
Consignor Consignor
LAO to unit to Consignee Issuing
Top List is the list with which vouchers Consignee Consignee unit to depot to
8884 are forwarded
Total of all DP sheets
by _____
as per
to _______?
Control LAO unit their LAO their LAO A
Register would be agreed with total of
the relevant ______ by D section of Schedule CMP
8885 PCDA (O)? Cheques III figure Vouchers B
Trading A/c, Profit & LossA/c form
8886 parts of records under ______ Cost Financial Both None B
Training Allowance is payable to an
eligible employee for a maximum
period of _____ only during the entire No such
8887 career as per VII CPC? 5 years 10 years 3 years limit D
Transactions arising in the books of
CsDA which are adjustable in the
books of AG State Govt./PAO
Ministries and Departments of Central Settlemen Revolving Civil ID
8888 Government, are settled through___ ? t Accounts Accounts cash Schedules C
All India
Transactions arising in the books of Consolidat
one controller which are adjustable in ed Defence
the books of another CDA are adjusted Compilati Exchange
8889 through? cash basis on CAS of RBI Account D

Defence Defence
Transactions between Defence, Postal Proforma Exchange Civil ID
8890 & Railways are settled through __? Account Account Schedules Cash A
Transactions in respect of Foreign CDA
Service in the Australian Government (Army) PCDA New PCDA (CC)
8891 are settled centrally by the ___? Meerut Delhi CDA Patna Lucknow C
Transactions of Defence Services
arising in UK, adjustable in India PCDA
passed through the Inward London PCDA New (R&D) PCDA (BR) All the
8892 Account and dealt with by ____? Delhi New Delhi New Delhi three A
Transactions of the Defence Services
taking place in the branches and Defence Inward Outward
offices of RBI, SBI and its Associates Proforma settlemen settlemen Revolving
8893 will be taken directly against? Account t Account t Account Account A
Transactions relating to Debt, Small
Saving Provident Funds, Reserve Consolidat Contingen Public
Funds, Deposits, Miscellaneous and ed fund of cy Fund of Account All the
8894 Remittances fall under ___? India India of India three C
Transactions relating to issues of ____
categories will be supported by issue Issues on Issues on
8895 vouchers? Payment loan Both None C
Transactions relating to Pension
Payments made by Embassy of India,
Kathmandu are settled through RBI CGDA PCDA New PCDA (BR) PCDA (P)
8896 CAS, Nagpur against ____? office Delhi New Delhi Allahabad D

Temporar Completel
Transactions uploaded by PCDA (O) y rejected y rejected
under SBI CMP system, but rejected transactio transactio Either a or
8897 Transactions
are classified which
as ______?
are of the nature ns ns b None C
of debts due to Government but
which do not come under any of the Miscellan Unclassifie
Heads of Advances specified will be Other eous d Suspense
8898 compiled to the head? Advances Advances Advances Heads B
Transactions with Railways, Posts are
settled through ______ by Settlemen ID
8899 PCsDA/CsDA? Cheques t Account Schedules None B
To revise
To correct provisiona
error of l
Transfer entries are operated for classificati classificati
8900 which of the following adjustments? on on Both None C
Transfer Entry (Class II P.M. voucher) Rectificati Clearance ntal
is not operated in which of the on of of debt Payment Adjustme
8901 following cases? error heads of bill nt C
Transfer of buildings under one Army Army
Command between Departments Headquart
8902 under MOD requires approval of MOD GOC in C GOI ers C
Transfer of funds from one primary Cash
unit of appropriation to another such Assignme Assignme Fund Reappropr
8903 unit is defined as _____? nt nt Transfer iation D
Transfer of funds from one primary Re Modified
unit of appropriation to another such appropriat appropriat misapprop appropriat
8904 unit within a grant is called ____? ion ion riation ion A
Transfer of Installations between
Services of the Ministry of Defence
8905 requires the sanction of ____? CGDA MOD DGADS GOI D
Transfer to a post carrying less pay Written
8906 cannot be made except due to ___? Infficiency request Both None C

Transit loss of goods is to be born by Equally by No such

______, unless agreed upon the Buyer understan
8907 differently? and Seller Buyer Seller ding B
Transit pay & allowances both forward
and return journey of Govt. servants
transferred to or from Missions and Differs
Offices abroad will be borne by the Parent That plans from case
8908 Ministry ________? Ministry transfer Both to case B
Transportation of Men and Material is
the responsibility of which of the Corps of
8909 following corps of Indian Army? ASC AOC EME Engineers A
Transportation of stores from abroad Stores Freight special
to India by air under special sanction collect collect collect
8910 of India are received on _____ basis basis basis basis None B
Transportation wing of PCDA (O) does Short Reserve
not deal with Travelling Allowance Service Officers
claims of which of the following Commissi Reemploy when
8911 officers? oned ed recalled None D

Travelling Allowance of Military Defence Civil Both a, b Both a, b

students under training with survey Services Departme 50-50 75-25
8912 parties is debitable to the ______? Estimates nt ratio ratio B
Chief Finance
Treasuries in the State Government District Minister Minister
set up are generally under the State Treasury of the of the
8913 Treatment
consulting room Assembly Officers state State B
can be extended to ____ days if the
system of treatment is
8914 Indian/Homeopathy? 20 25 30 40 D
Treatment at AMA consulting room is
limited to maximum of ___ No such
8915 consultations within 10 days 2 3 4 limit C

TTEIG is made available to Master

_____________ in Defence Service Adjutant Engineer General of
8916 Estimates? QMG General in Chief Ordnance D

Two HRAs are payable for the & Nicobar North East
8917 employees posted in ____? Islands Region Both None C
Two or more persons are said to ____
when they agree upon the same thing
8918 in the same sense as oer Contract Act? Consent Accept Contract Consider A
Two or more persons are said to in the
consent when they agree upon as per the same same
8919 Contract Act? thing sense A or B A And B D
Two separate skeleton lists one for
No. 3 & one for No. 5 copies are
required to be prepared and Engineer
8920 forwarded to LAO by ___ Depots? Remount Medical Store Ordnance D
to use
kinds of
Two spells of EOL, intervened by during
another kind of leave should be one Depends Intervene
treated as ______ for the purpose of continuou Different on case to ning
8921 Two
tier processing
the maximum (Auditor
limit + s spell spells case periods A
AO/SAO) - for all bills valuing above
the financial powers of AAOs and up
8922 to Rs. _____ 1 lakh 2 lakhs 5 lakhs 10 lakhs B
Ultimately, the ____ recovers the
amount from the applicant in the case Issuing Advising All the
8923 of payment through Letter of Credit? Seller Bank Bank three B

15 days in Any
Unavaialed portion of Joining Time can Only One entire Number
be credited to EL account of an occasion service Two of
employee (Subject to maximum of 15 in the irrespectiv occassions occassions
days) can be done on ____ entire e of No. of in entire . No such
8924 Occassions? service occassions service restirction D
Under Buy (Global), procurement will
8925 be done from ____ vendors? Indian Foreign Both None C

Under CGHS employee drawing basic General Ward and Private Delux
8926 pay of 47601 to 63100 is eligible for Ward below Ward Ward B

Semi Private
Under CGHS employee drawing basic General Private Ward and Delux
8927 pay of 63101-80900 Ward Ward below Ward C
Semi Delux
Under CGHS employee drawing basic General Private Private ward and
8928 pay of 80900 and above Ward Ward ward below D
Under CGHS employee drawing basic No such
8929 Under
pay upCPF
to isscheme,
eligible for
only General
by 47600 63100 80900 limit A
Government is credited to the
subscriber's account once in a
8930 ____? year half year Quarter month A
Under FR 56 J Review is done for
8931 Group C post after attained the age of 50 52 55 58 C
Under FR 56 J Review is done for
Group C post in case not governed by
any pension rules – Completion of
8932 ____ years
Under FR 56ofJ service
Review is done If Group 25 30 33 35 B
A or B service or post – Had entered
service before attaining the age of 35
years, after he has attained ___ years
of age
8933 Under special financial powers of 50 55 56 58 A
Army Commanders, power to
purchase of stores of ordnance origin GOCs in C
up to Rs. 10 crores per transaction in of all GOC in C
consultation with Finance is vested command of NC & Chief of GOC in C
8934 with ___? s EC Army ARTRAC B
Under the Administrative Tribunals
8935 Act, a bench consists of ___ members 2 3 4 5 A

Achieving Pre
targets in determine
Minimum a d plans
Under the concept of 3 Es of Audit, Operating systematic and Low All the
8936 Under
definedofas ___? cost manner cost three A
Departmentalization of Accounts,
_____ of the Ministry concerned has
been made responsible for the
submission of the audited Annual
Appropriation Accounts duly signed by Controller Financial
8937 Under
the Chief
scheme of Authority Geneal Pr. CCA Secretary Advisor D
Departmentalization of Accounts, Pay Local
each Ministry/Department has a Accounts Audit
8938 _____ under them? Office Office Both None A
Defence Focal
Under the scheme of Focal Point Accountin Point
8939 Branch, each CDA is a _______? g Circle Branch Both None A
At the first At the first technical CFA
instance instance and decides
only only financial which bid
technical financial bids are is to be
bid is bid is opened opened
8940 Under the two bid system: opened opened together first A
Under which article of constitution
Consolidated Fund of India has been
8941 prescribed or referred? 112 343 266 148 C
Under which article of constitution
Contingency fund of India has been
8942 prescribed or referred? 112 148 266 267 D
Under which article of constitution
Public Account of India has been
8943 prescribed or referred? 112 148 266 267 C
When the
presenting When
Under which circumstances, a Charged officer is Disciplinar
Official can defend his case with the legal y
assistance of Legal Practitioner in practition Authority
8944 Disciplinary proceedings? er so permits None Both D
eligible where the
persons seniority
were of a
omitted person is over-
to be revised reporting
Under which condition Review DPC considere retrospect of All the
8945 should be convened? d ively vacancies three D
Under which of the following During During
circumstances, Government servants suspensio Study
8946 are eligible for LTC (self)? n Leave Both None B
Under which of the following
circumstances, pay fixation is not Transfer
involved in respect of Government to a lower Permanen Deputatio
8947 servant under 7th CPC? post t Transfer n None B
Under which of the following methods
of valuation of material, closing stock All the
8948 is valuated at latest market price? FIFO LIFO HIFO three A
Under which of the following methods
of valuation of material, current cost All the
8949 of materials is charged to production? FIFO LIFO HIFO three B

Revision Original TS
Under which of the following reasons, of is found
Technical Sanction (TS) accorded to Administr based on
costed schedule of work cannot be Technical ative inaccurate
8950 revised? reasons Approval Estimates None D
Under which of the methods of on fund
depreciation, asset value will not be Original investmen
8951 reduced ? cost t Both None B
Under which of the methods of
depreciation, asset will become Nil Straight Diminishin
8952 after some time period? line g balance Both None A
Under which rule of CCS CCA Rules an
8953 employee can be suspended 9 10 14 16 B
Pay &
Undisbursed pay& allowances are Allowance Deposits Suspense Any of the
8954 credited to ______? s head Head Head three A
to Lapses to is carried Depends
Unexpended balances of Cash Governme Governme forward to on case to
8955 Assignment ____? nt nt next year case B
Carried Deposited ally lapsed
forwarded to CDA to
Unexpended balances under cash to next through governme
8956 assignments
Unit concerned areshall
____?forward year MRO nt None C
Discharge Roll of the PBOR together
with Medical Examination Report or
Release Board proceedings to Record
Office at least ____ in advance of the 12 24
8957 date of discharge 6 months 9 months months months A
Unit Entitlements are written in ____
8958 in the Registers for each type of Red Ink Black Ink Blue Ink Pencil D
Unit of product or service in rlation to Cost
which costs are ascertained is defined Allocation Cost All the
8959 as ____? unit Centre Cost Unit three C
Units in which inspection may be
limited to one occasion per anum,
normally ____ month cash account is
8960 audited in full by LAO? four three two one D
Units of Air Force responsible to Station Self Special Store
maintain public fund accounts on Accountin Accountin Accountin Accountin
8961 station otherwise
Unless basis are known
the g Units g Units g Units g units B
parties, an order or ruling of the
arbitral tribunal made prior to the
replacement of an arbitrator shall not
be ____solely because there has been
a change in the composition of the Postpone Implemen
8962 arbitralthe
Unless tribunal
President, in view of the Valid Invalid d ted B
exceptional circumstances of the case
otherwise determines, no
Government servant shall be granted
leave of any kind for a continuous
8963 period exceeding _____? 180 days 360 days 2 years 5 years D
Stores in
Unserviceable MT spare parts are Divisional Hand Salvage All the
8964 accounted for in ____ by MES? Stock Ledger Ledger three C

Unserviceable surplus stores should Field by
be returned by Formation Engineers Engineer Ordnance Formation
8965 to _____for disposal Park Depot a or b Engineers C
Surrender through
Unspent balance under Annual ed to MRO to
Training Grant as on 31st March of a Governme PCDA/CD
8966 year should be ________? nt A Both None C

be utilized
to the
Unspent balance under Training Grant Lapse to be carried best
at the close of financial year will Governme forward to interest of Any of the
8967 ___________ ? nt next year state three A
Unspent balances under Receipt Governme
8968 Heads and Expenditure heads are Balances nt Both None B
Up to Rs. ____ purchase can be done
8969 on GeM portal without any 25000 50000 2.5 Lakhs 30 Lakhs B
Up-gradation under MACP scheme is
admissible on completion of ___ years
8970 of service in a post? 4 6 8 10 D
Up-gradation under MACP scheme is The next next
granted to the Government Employee higher higher pay
8971 to ___? grade level Both None B
Used Measurement Books are kept
8972 under the personal
Vacancies in Hindi Officer's
of ___are
filled by promotion from Senior Hindi
Translators with __years regular
8973 service in the grade? 8 6 5 3 D
Vacuum tubes was used in
8974 ___________________generation. First third Fourth Fifth a
Validation reports generated by EDP in
respect of Part II orders will be
checked __% by the respective AAOs
8975 with the Part II Orders? 100 66.66 50 33.33 A
Value of anticipated drawal over a
period of _______ should be taken
into account while determining the
level of CFA for conclusion of Rate
8976 Contract/Price Agreement? 3 months 6 months 9 months 1 year D

Value of stores issued to Contractor Completio

free for fixing will form the part of Contract n Report Completio Constructi
____ for the purpose of total Agreemen Part n on
8977 expenditure incurred for the work? t ‘A’ Certificate Account D
Vehicles condemned as BER under All the
8978 proper authority will be treated as Salvage Scrap Obsolete three A
Vehicles condemned as BER under the All the
8979 proper authority will be treated as Surplus Salvage Scrap three B
Vehicles found to be beyond
8980 economical repair by workshops are Class III Class IV Class V Class VI D
Verification of specimen signature of
the Officers preferring third party
claims in respect of
stores/services/works etc should be
done 100% by AAO when the value of
8981 the transaction exceeds Rs. ____? 1000 5000 10000 25000 D
Vertical and horizontal totals in
8982 ledgers are known as___________ in Costing Balances Totals Castings D

Members Members Decided
Vice President of India will be elected of Lok of Rajya by
8983 by ____? Sabha Sabha Both President C

Some None.
Person Deputy
appointed Chairpers
Vice President of India will take oath by on Rajya
8984 in the presence of _____? President President a or b Sabha C
Voluntary transfer of possession from
one person to another is defined as
8985 ____ under sale of goods act? Sale Purchase Delivery Transfer C

Previous Previous included
year’s year’s in
Vote on Account Budget covers 1/6 th allotment expenditu Demands
8986 of __________? s re for Grants None C
made by
service Passed by
headquart Authorize Parliamen Authorize
8987 Vote on Account
Vouchers for stores
is transferred by ers d by CGDA t d by FADS C
bakeries to units or formations will be
sent by the ______ with a top list to
the consignee's LAO for LAO of the
verification of credits in the concerned Concerne PCDA/CD All the
8988 consignee's ledgers Bakery d Bakery A three C
Vouchers of stores which are not Simple
required to be struck off or brought on Receipt/Is
charge by issuing/receiving formations sue Expense Nominal Skeleton
8989 are known as ___? vouchers Vouchers Vouchers vouchers C
Vouchers on which expendable stores Certified
are issued to various branches of Army Nominal Expense Issue Issue
8990 Head Quarters are known as _____? Vouchers vouchers Vouchers Vouchers A

Credit Debit
Wages include expenditure on Credit Debit wages and wages and
erection of building. What will be the wages and wages and Debit Credit
8991 adjustment in Final Accounts? Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings C

tion Bonus as
payable per terms
under any of
award a Employme
8992 Wages include which of the following? Court nt Both None C
GOC in C
in E in C in
Waiving of authorized charges on a/c consultati consultati
of electric energy and water from the on with on with
Occupants of Govt. Buildings can be PCDA/CD PCDA/CD
8993 done by A A Both None D
Waiving of authorized charges on
account of electric energy and water
8994 requires the sanction of ________ PCDA E in C CE GOI D
Want of receipted copies of issue Depends
vouchers from consignee unit is Observati on case to Trivial
8995 classified as _______ in audit on Objection case Error B
Major Minor
8996 Warning is ______? penalty penalty Both None D

Fixed rate
All India based on
Water issued to Contractors for works Flat Rate value of
will be charged at a rate stated in the for work for
contract, which will be in general metered unmetere Any of
8997 Ways
_____? and Means Advances are supplies d supplies two None C
repayable in each case not later than
_______ from the date of making that
8998 advance? 6 months 4 months 3 months 2 months C
Their area equal to
of all
Welfare Grant in Aid is released to Budget Jurisdictio controller
8999 PCsDA/CsDA on _______ basis? handled Per capita n s B
To Procure
purchase systems
To in bulk to where
What are the points to be kept in mind purchase seek upgradati
while procuring the Computer the latest volume on is All the
9000 What
are the powers of AO/SAO to system discount possible three D
pass third party claims i.e. up to Rs.
___ except in the office of PCDA New Full
9001 Delhi? 5 lakhs 50 lakhs 1 crore powers C
What code head is required to be
operated in case of an unbalanced 00/020/8 00/020/8 00/020/6 00/020/8
9002 punching medium to balance it? 0 3 1 2 C

What do you mean by ‘MR’ with Major Minor Major Manual

9003 reference to DO II in a PAO (ORs)? Record Rejection Rejection Rejection D
What do you mean by ‘P’ with Processed Partially for want
reference to DO II in a PAO (ORs) successfull Purified acted of earlier
9004 Accepted/Rejected by system? y Record record DOII D
What does �L� Mark in Not
9005 Attendance Register denote? Leave Late Present None C
What does ‘L’ Mark in Not
9006 Attendance Register denote? Leave Late Present None D
Revenue Capital
Expenditu Expenditu MES R&D
What does Major Head 4076 pertain re of re of Expenditu Expenditu
9007 to? Defence Defence re re B

Supply of
What does Schedule ‘D’ refer to services Supply of Hiring of Hiring of
9008 in a Contract Agreement by MES? by MES Stores T&P Transport D
Cash Cash Stores Stores
irregulariti irregulariti irregulariti irregulariti
es es es es
What does section (A) of part II of reported reported reported reported
9009 MFAI Report represent? fresh already fresh already B
Stores Cash Stores Cash
irregulariti irregulariti irregulariti irregulariti
es es es es
What does section (B) of part I of reported reported reported reported
9010 MFAI Report represent? fresh already already fresh A
What ir the rate per month admissible
on account of Aeronautical Allowance
9011 payable to PBORs? 338 450 675 144 B
What ir the rate per month admissible
on account of Airworthiness
Certificate Allowance payable to
9012 PBORs with 2-10 years service? 338 450 675 144 A
What ir the rate per month admissible
on account of Airworthiness
Certificate Allowance payable to
PBORs with more than 10 years
9013 service? 338 450 675 144 C
What is rate of Dip Money payable per
9014 Minute for Dip-Fathom 20 to 30 2.7 4.05 5.4 8.1 B
What is rate of Dip Money payable per
9015 Minute for Dip-Fathom 30 to 40 2.7 4.05 5.4 8.1 C
What is rate of Dip Money payable per
9016 Minute for Dip-Fathom 40 to 50 2.7 4.05 5.4 8.1 D
What is rate of Dip Money payable per
9017 Minute for Dip-Fathom 50 to 60 8.1 10.8 15.3 17.1 B
What is rate of Dip Money payable per
9018 Minute for Dip-Fathom 60 to 75 8.1 10.8 15.3 17.1 C
What is rate of Dip Money payable per
9019 Minute for Dip-Fathom 75 to 100 8.1 10.8 15.3 17.1 D
What is rate of Dip Money payable per
9020 Minute for Dip-Fathom up to 20 2.7 4.05 5.4 8.1 A
What is the % of advance admissible
for indoor treatment where CGHS
package rate is available for specific
9021 treatment of illness? 25 50 75 90 D
What is the % of Basic Pay admissible
9022 as Extra
What is the
work % allowance
of Basic Pay
PBORs? 1 2 5 10 B
as Hard Area Allowance to
Officers/PBORs posted to
9023 Lakshadweep
What is the % Islands
of Basic Pay admissible 10 12 15 20 B
as Hard Area Allowance to
Officers/PBORs posted to Nicobar
9024 Islands 10 12 15 20 D
What is the % of Basic Pay admissible
as Island Allowance to Officers/PBORs
9025 posted to Areas around capital towns? 10 16 20 25 A
What is the % of Basic Pay admissible
as Island Allowance to Officers/PBORs
9026 posted to Difficult Areas? 10 16 20 25 B
What is the % of Basic Pay admissible
as Island Allowance to Officers/PBORs
9027 posted to More Difficult Areas? 10 16 20 25 C
What is the % of Basic pay admissible
on account of Non Practicing
9028 Allowance
What is theto%Officers
of reservation
per month? 5 10 15 20 D
earmarked for all posts in DAD in
respect of Ex-Service Men in Group
9029 ‘C’
What is the
% ofofreservation
DR? 27 15 7.5 10 D
earmarked for all posts in DAD in
respect of Other Backward Casts out
9030 of DR? 27 15 7.5 10 A
What is the % of reservation
earmarked for all posts in DAD in
9031 respect of Scheduled Casts out of DR? 27 15 7.5 10 B
What is the % of reservation
earmarked for all posts in DAD in
9032 respect of Scheduled Tribes out of DR? 27 15 7.5 10 C
What is the age of retirement for C &
9033 AG of India? 58 60 62 65 D
What is the age prescribed for
retirement superannuation for Central
9034 Government Employees? 58 60 62 65 B
What is the amount admissible on
9035 account PC Advance to employees? 75000 50000 40000 30000 B
What is the amount admissible per
anum on account of Dress Allowance
9036 to Army Officers? 20000 15000 10000 5000 A
What is the amount admissible per
anum on account of Dress Allowance
9037 to MNS Officers? 20000 15000 10000 5000 B
What is the amount admissible per
9038 anum is
What onthe
amountof of
Allowance 20000 15000 10000 5000 C
per month for CGHS subscriber
receiving pay in the pay level of 1 to
9039 5? is the amount of contribution
What 250 450 650 1000 A
per month for CGHS subscriber
receiving pay in the pay level of 12
9040 and above? 250 450 650 1000 D
What is the amount of contribution
per month for CGHS subscriber
9041 receiving
What is the
in the pay
of contribution
level of 6? 250 450 650 1000 B
per month for CGHS subscriber
receiving pay in the pay level of 7 to
9042 11? 250 450 650 1000 C
What is the amount of Grant in Aid
released for welfare of the employees
in Central Government Department on
9043 per man basis 50 100 25 75 A

a or b or c
What is the amount of HBA payable to Cost of Repaying whichever
9044 Government servants? 25 lakhs the house Capacity is least D
What is the amount payable to officer
9045 on account of PG Allowance (Degree) 2250 1500 3400 2700 A
What is the amount payable to officer
9046 on account of PG Allowance (Diploma) 1350 1500 2250 2700 A
What is the amount payable to PBORs
on account of Classification Allowance
when upgraded from one class to
9047 higher class for X category 225 270 300 500 B
What is the amount payable to PBORs
on account of Good Service Allowance
9048 First Badge? 144 288 432 576 A
What is the amount payable to PBORs
on account of Good Service Allowance
9049 Second Badge? 144 288 432 576 B
What is the amount payable to PBORs
on account of Good Service Allowance
9050 Third Badge? 144 288 432 576 C
What is the average No. of working
hours in a week that government
9051 office observes? 44 42 40 45 C
What is the basic document laying
Project Parameters and acts as the Market
reference document for the vendor as Analysis All the
9052 well as the user Tender Estimates report three A
What is the basic document that Printed
serves the purpose of Journal in the Punching Compilati All the
9053 Accounting System used in DAD Ledger Medium on three B
What is the basic unit of Infantry in
9054 Indian Army? Regiment Battalion Company None B

Return of Licence Occupatio All the

9055 What is the basis for recovery of LF recoveries fee bills n Returns three C

Costed Approxim
What is the basis on which a CFA Rough Schedule ate All the
9056 accords administrative approval? Cost of works Estimates three C
What is the CGHS contribution
prescribed per month for employees
9057 of pay levels 1 to 5 250 450 650 1000 A
What is the CGHS contribution
prescribed per month for employees
9058 of pay levels 12 and above 250 450 650 1000 D
What is the CGHS contribution
9059 prescribed per month for employees 250 450 650 1000 B
What is the CGHS contribution
prescribed per month for employees
9060 of pay levels 7 to 11 250 450 650 1000 C
What is the colour of APAR form used
9061 for writing APAR of CDA? Cream Blue Pink None B
30 MPs 30 MPs 30 MPs
(15-Lok (20-Lok 30 MPs (0- (30-Lok
Sabha, 15- Sabha, 10- Lok Sabha, Sabha, 0-
What is the composition of Estimates Rajya Rajya 30- Rajya Rajya
9062 Committee? Sabha) Sabha) Sabha) Sabha) D
22 MPs 30 MPs 30 MPs
(15-Lok 22 MPs (7- (15-Lok (20-Lok
Sabha, 7- Lok Sabha, Sabha, 15- Sabha, 10-
What is the composition of Public Rajya 15- Rajya Rajya Rajya
9063 Accounts Committee? Sabha) Sabha) Sabha) Sabha) A
What is the correct sequence of flow
of work? 1. Demand for and Planning
of New Works 2. Appropriation of
Funds 3. Administrative Approval 4.
9064 What
is the date
of Approximate
prescribed for
Estimates 1234 1423 1432 1342 C
sending APAR for Review and sending 30th
to APAR section or accepting 31st Septembe
9065 authority? 30th June 31st July August r B
Left to
No discretion
What is the entitlement for LTC of an restriction Admissibl Admissibl of
employee and his/her family during to avail e to only e to only PCDA/CD
9066 the period of his/her suspension? LTC self family A C
What is the entitlement of an proportio Proportio
employee who joins in the middle of nately or nate to
9067 calendar year to avail Casual Leave? 4 days 8 days full period C
What is the entry pay of AAO in DAD
9068 after VII CPC? 53100 47600 44900 56100 B
9069 What is the entry pay of DCDA in 56100 67700 78800 118500 B
What is the entry pay of level 10 in
9070 Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC? 53100 56100 67700 47600 B
What is the equivalent rank of Major Air Air Vice Commodo Group
9071 General in Air Force? Marshal Marshal re Captain B
What is the extent of audit prescribed
9072 for post audit of pay bills of DAD 0.083333 0.166667 0.25 0.333333 A
What is the financial limit up to which
CFA can resort to purchase with out
9073 any Quotation? 25000 30000 2.5 lakhs None A
(Capital (Gross (Capital
Employed Sales / (Net Sales Employed
What is the formula used to calculate / Gross Capital / Capital /Net
Capital Turnover Ratio in the Ratio Sales) X Employed Employed Sales) X
9074 Analysis? 100 ) X 100 ) X 100 100 C
Assets/Cu Current
What is the formula used to calculate rrent Assets/Lia Assets/Ca Assets/Ca
9075 Current Ratio in the Ratio Analysis? Liabilities bilities pital pital A
(Net Sales/Aver
What is the formula used to calculate Sales/Net age (Sales/Net (Sales/De
Debtors Turnover Ratio in the Ratio Debtors ) Debtors ) Debtors ) btors ) X
9076 Analysis? X 100 X 100 X 100 100 B
What is the formula used to calculate Squre root root of
9077 Economic Ordering Quantity (EOQ)? of 2UP/S) 2UP/S UP/S UP/S A
(Gross (Gross (Operatin (Operatin
Profit Profit g Profit g Profit
What is the formula used to calculate /Total /Net /Total /Net
Gross Profit Ratio in the Ratio Sales) X Sales) X Sales) X Sales) X
9078 Analysis? 100 100 100 100 B
Cost / (Labour
Cost of (Labour Cost / (Labour
Goods Cost / Gross Cost / Net
What is the formula used to calculate Sold) X Sales) X Profit) X Profit) X
9079 Labur Cost Ratio in the Ratio Analysis? 100 100 100 100 B
Consumed (Material (Material
(Material /Cost of Consumed Consumed
What is the formula used to calculate Consumed Goods / Gross /Net
Material Cost Ratio in the Ratio / Sales) X Sold) X Profit) X Profit) X
9080 Analysis? 100 100 100 100 A
(Gross (Gross (Operatin
Profit Profit g Profit (Operatin
/Total /Net /Total g Profit /
What is the formula used to calculate Sales) X Sales) X Sales) X Sales) X
9081 Net Profit Ratio in the Ratio Analysis? 100 100 100 100 C

1- Change in
(Variable Contributi
What is the formula used to calculate Contributi Cost/Sales on/Chang All the
9082 P/V Ratio on/Sales value) e in Sales three D

(Operatin (Total (Cash value of
g Profit sales Available/ Assets
/Operatin /Operatin Operating /Operatin
g Capital g Capital Capital g Capital
What is the formula used to calculate Employed Employed Employed Employed
9083 Profitability Ratio? ) X 100 ) X 100 ) X 100 ) X 100 A
(Net Profit (Gross Profit
(Net Profit after Tax Profit after
/Total /Total /Total Tax/Total
What is the formula used to calculate Assets) X Assets) X Assets) X Assets) X
9084 Return on Assets in the Ratio Analysis? 100 100 100 100 B

(Total (Total (Sales / (Net Sales

What is the formula used to calculate Assets/ Assets/ Total / Total
Total Assets Turnover Ratio in the Net Sales) Sales) X Assets) X Assets) X
9085 Ratio Analysis? X 100 100 100 100 D
Sales/Wor (Sales/Wo (Working (Working
What is the formula used to calculate king rking Capital / Capital /
Working Capital Turnover Ratio in the Capital ) X Capital ) X Net Sales) Sales) X
9086 Ratio Analysis? 100 100 X 100 100 A

What is the formula used to Liquid Liquid Assets/Cu
calculateLiquidity Ratio in the Ratio Assets/ Assets/ rrent Cash/Capi
9087 Analysis? Liabilities Capital Liabilities tal C

What is the frequency of audit of Once in

9088 cantonment
What is the frequency
Boards of submission Quarterly Half yearly Yearly two years B
of Superannuation Lists of civilians by
units to Pay Sections of PCDA/CDA Half once in Once in a
9089 office? Yearly Yearly Two years quarter A
Subscriber Subscriber Subscriber
’s ’s State ’s
What is the full form of ‘SCF’ in contributi contributo
Contributi Contributi
9090 the context of NPS? on fund ry fundon fund on File D
Governme Governme nt e- Governme
nt e- nt e- Market nt e-
Market Market Procurem Market
9091 What is the full form of GeM? Place Platform ent Procedure A

Proprietor Private Authentifi Profession
y Article Article cation al Agency
9092 What is the full form of PAC? Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate A

What is the grace period allowed to No such

9093 honour the bill? 1 week 5 days 3 days provision C
applicable applicable
What is the HRA entitlement for a at at
JCO/OR when posted in Field and has selected selected Full HRA Reduced
family/dependents for whom place of place of applicable HRA at
Government accomodation is not residence residence at Class Z the place
9094 provided
What is the last date prescribed for (SPR) (SPR) city of posting A
Communication of decision of 15th
competent authority on the 15th Septembe 15th 15th
9095 representation on APAR? August r October November D
What is the last date prescribed for
9096 submission
What is the of
APAR to %Reviewing
of GPF 30th April 30th June 31st May 31st July B
balance that can be sanctioned as
withdrawal for purchase/construction
9097 of House? 100 90 75 50 B
What is the maximum % of pension
that can be commuted by a
9098 Government Servant? 25 30 35 40 D
What is the maximum age limit
prescribed for Retired Government No such
9099 servant to get nominated as IO? 62 65 70 limit C
What is the maximum amount
admissible as CEA for employee in
9100 respect
What is of
child peramount
anum? 27000 30000 45000 81000 A
admissible as Hostel subsidy for
employee in respect of one child per
9101 anum? 27000 30000 45000 81000 D
What is the maximum amount of
Retirement Gratuity admissible to a
9102 Government Servant? 10 lakhs 20 lakhs 25 lakhs 30 lakhs B
What is the maximum amount of
Retirement Gratuity payable to
9103 government servants? 10 lakhs 20 lakhs 30 lakhs 50 lakhs B
What is the maximum amount of work
9104 that can be executed under a TC? 50000 150000 200000 100000 B
What is the maximum cost ceiling
(multiples of Basic pay per month)
under HBA rules to a Government
employee subject to maximum of cost
9105 of the ishouse
What the maximum
or Mximum Cost
of 34 134 139 150 C
House for a Government employee
subject to maximum of cost of the
house or No. of times of Basic Pay
9106 under HBA Rules? 40 lakhs 50 lakhs 75 lakhs 1 crore D
What is the maximum escalation cost
9107 that can be incurred in a maintenance 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 B
What is the maximum number of
cases in which a Retired Government
Servant can act as a Defence Assistant
9108 at a particular time? 2 3 7 10 C
9109 What is the meaning of Reprimand? Warning Scolding Both None C
What is the mimumum entry pay of
9110 Brigadier in Army? 69400 121200 130600 139600 D
What is the mimumum entry pay of
9111 Colonel in Army? 69400 121200 130600 139600 C
What is the mimumum entry pay of Lt.
9112 Col. in Army? 69400 121200 130600 139600 B
What is the mimumum entry pay of
9113 Major General in Army? 144200 139600 130600 121200 A
What is the mimumum pay of Chief of
9114 Army Staff? 200000 215000 225000 250000 D
What is the minimum entry pay Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
assured in Central Government 18000/- 20000/- 21000/- 25000/-
9115 Employment p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. A
What is the minimum entry pay for
9116 Havildar in Army? 21700 25500 29200 35400 C
What is the minimum entry pay for
9117 Naik in Army? 21700 25500 29200 35400 B
What is the minimum entry pay for Nb
9118 Subedar in Army? 21700 25500 29200 35400 D
What is the minimum entry pay for
9119 Sepoy in Army? 18000 21000 21700 25500 C
What is the minimum entry pay for
9120 Subedar in Army? 35400 44900 47600 53100 B
What is the minimum entry pay for
9121 Subedar Major in Army? 35400 44900 47600 53100 C
What is the minimum entry pay of
9122 Captain in Army? 56100 61300 69400 47600 B
What is the minimum entry pay of
9123 Lieutenant in Army? 56100 61300 69400 47600 A
What is the minimum entry pay of Lt.
9124 General HAG + in Army? 144200 182200 205400 225000 C
What is the minimum entry pay of
9125 Major in Army? 56100 61300 69400 47600 C
What is the minimum subscription No such
under GPF that is cumpulsory i.e. minimum
9126 ___% of pay in the pay level? 6 10 20 % A

What is the mode of settlement of t through Cash
transactions between DGS&D and RBI, CAS Settlemen Issue of None of
9127 Defence? Nagpur t cheque these A
What is the name of the OA project
currently implemented in Regional
9128 CDA office? Sugam Tulip Bhawan Suvigya B
What is the order of preference for
procurement of stores (1) Produced in
India (2) Manufactured in India from
imported stores (3) Manufactured
abroad which need to be imported (4)
Foreign Manufacture held in stock in
9129 India 1234 1243 1342 1324 B
9130 What is the pay lebel of Subedar in 5 6 7 8 C
What is the pay lebel of Subedar
9131 Major in Army? 5 6 7 8 D
9132 What is the pay lebel of Havildar in 3 4 5 6 C
9133 What is the pay lebel of Naik in Army? 1 2 3 4 D
What is the pay lebel of Nb Subedar in
9134 Army? 3 4 5 6 D
What is the Pay level in Pay matrix,
admissible to Junior Administrative
9135 Grade officer of DAD per VII CPC? 11 12 13 13A B
9136 What is the Pay Level of AAO in DAD? 7 8 6 9 B
What is the pay level of Accounts
9137 Officer in DAD 10 9 8 6 B
9138 What is the pay level of ACDA in DAD? 8 9 10 11 C
9139 What is the pay level of Apex scale 15 16 17 18 C
9140 What is the pay level of Auditor in 2 3 4 5 D
What is the pay level of Brigadier in
9141 Indian Army? 13A 14 15 16 A
What is the pay level of Captain in
9142 Indian Army? 9 10 10B 11 C
9143 What is the pay level of CDA in DAD? 13 13A 14 15 C
What is the pay level of Chief of Army
9144 Staff in Indian Army? 15 16 17 18 D
9145 What is the pay level of Clerk in DAD? 1 2 3 4 B
What is the pay level of Colonel in
9146 Indian Army? 14 13A 13 12A C
9147 What is the pay level of Hony. 8 9 10 10B D
9148 What is the pay level of Hony. Lt.? 8 9 10 10B C
What is the pay level of Lieutenant in
9149 Indian Army? 9 10 10B 11 B
What is the pay level of Lt. Col. in
9150 Indian Army? 10 10B 11 12A D
What is the pay level of Lt. General
9151 (HAG +) in Indian Army? 13A 14 15 16 D
What is the pay level of Lt. General
9152 (HAG) in Indian Army? 13A 14 15 16 C
What is the pay level of Major General
9153 in Indian Army? 13A 14 15 16 B
What is the pay level of Major in
9154 Indian Army? 10 10B 11 12A C
9155 What is the pay level of MTS in DAD? 1 2 3 4 A
9156 What is the pay level of Sepoy in 1 2 3 4 C
What is the pay level of Vice Chief of
Army Staff and Army Commanders
9157 (Apex) in Indian Army? 15 16 17 18 C
What is the penalty for mutilation of
9158 What
is the
by a DAD
for a Rs. 50/- Rs. 100/- Rs. 25/- 10/- A
Contractor to appeal to Area
Commander against retrenchments Six Three One
9159 from his bills? months months month
3 years C
21 30
working working
9160 What is the period of validity of MRO 21 days days 30 days days A
What is the periodicity of Internal and Once in Once in
External Lime washing (white or three Once in Once in a six
9161 tinted) for cook houses of Army units? years Two years year months D
What is the periodicity of O&M As
Inspection of sub offices under a Once in a Once in decided Once in
9162 PCDA? year half year by PCDA two years C
What is the periodicity of RAR Onec in 14 Once in 30 Once in 45 Once in 60
9163 payments in the case of MES contracts days days days days B
What is the periodicity of stock taking
9164 for Controlled
What is the periodicity
items of of
stock taking Monthly Quartely Half yearly yearly B
for items of stores other than
Controlled, Short Life, Valuable and
9165 Attractive? Monthly Quartely Half yearly yearly D
What is the periodicity of stock taking Monthly/ Quarterly/ yerly/year
9166 for short life items of stores? Quarterly Half yearly ly yearly B
What is the periodicity of stock taking
9167 for Valuable and Attractive items of Monthly Quartely Half yearly yearly C
What is the prefix used for operation
9168 of RDR heads oo o1 o9 o5 A
What is the prescribed % for detailed
audit check in respect of Railway
9169 Warrants in Local Audit? 1 2 5 10 C

What is the prescribed percentage for One one two

conducting scale audit of Strength month in month in months in
9170 returns of Army Officers in PCDA (O)? a quarter a half year a half year None B
What is the prescribed time limit for Within
submission of the medical claims after Within Within six three There is
9171 completion of treatment? one year months months no limit B
What is the prescribed time period for
sections of CDA Office to settle a
9172 complaint given? 30 days 21 days 14 days 7 days D
What is the prescribed time period for
9173 sections to settle a complaint given? 30 days 21 days 14 days 7 days D
What is the quantum of Higher
Qualification Incentive admissible to
9174 Army Personnel for Grade 1 courses? 30000 25000 20000 15000 A
Full LD for
the period
for which
e for the
Full LD , delay, Full LD ,
What is the quantum of LD that can be subject to subject to subject to
charged when Delay in supplies the LD not the LD not the LD not
resulted in actual/ demonstrable exceeding exceeding exceeding
monetary loss but the Supplier was 10% of 10% of 5% of the
responsible only for a part of the delay the value the value value of LD may be
and the remaining part was of the of the the waived in
9175 beyond Supplier’s control? contract contract contract full B
What is the quantum of leave
admissible to a female Government
9176 employee during abortion? No limit 90 days 45 days 30 days C

to him if
he was
What is the quantum of pay to higher 10% of
admissible as Additional Post post on the a or b a or b
Allowance for holding appointments regular present whichever whichever
9177 of higher posts? basis basic pay is higher is loweer C
What is the rate of CEA per month
9178 admissible to Army Personnel? 1500 1800 2250 2500 C
One third fourth of One Fifth
What is the rate of Diving Attendant Half of Dip of Dip Dip of Dip
9179 Allowance? Money Money Money Money D
What is the rate of Family pension
9180 What
is thei.e.
of %
of Pay? 50 40 30 25 C
payable to retired officers per case 80% of 60% of 50% of 40% of
appointed as IO when the No. of monthly monthly monthly monthly
witnesses cited in the Charge Sheet is basic basic basic basic
9181 6-10? pension pension pension pension B
What is the rate of Hostel Subsidy per
9182 month admissible to Army Personnel? 4500 5000 6000 6750 D
What is the rate of Language
Allowance admissible to Officers and
PBORs of Army per month for
9183 Category
What is the
I rate of Language 1350 1689 2025 None C
Allowance admissible to Officers and
PBORs of Army per month for
9184 Category
What is the
II rate of Language 1350 1689 2025 None B
Allowance admissible to Officers and
PBORs of Army per month for
9185 Category
What is the
III rate of Qualification 1350 1689 2025 None A
Allowance admissible to Army
personnel per month for Aviators
9186 holding
What is Green
the rate Card
of Qualification
? 3600 2700 900 630 D
Allowance admissible to Army
personnel per month for Aviators
9187 holding
What is Master
the rateGreen
of Qualification
Card ? 3600 2700 900 630 C
Allowance admissible to Army
personnel per month for Cat
9188 'A'? 3600 2700 900 630 A
What is the rate of Qualification
Allowance admissible to Army
9189 personnel
What is theperrate
of Qualification
for Cat 'A'? 3600 2700 900 630 A
Allowance admissible to Army
personnel per month for Master
9190 Aviation
What is the
rate of Qualification 3600 2700 900 1125 D
Allowance admissible to Army
personnel per month for Senior
9191 Aviation
What is the
rate of Class
1? 3600 2700 900 1125 C
Assistance payable to retired officers
per case appointed as IO when the No.
of witnesses cited in the Charge Sheet
9192 is 6-10? Rs. 10000 Rs. 20000 Rs. 30000 Rs. 40000 C
What is the rate of Siachen Allowance
9193 admissible to Army Officers per 30000 36000 40000 42500 D
What is the rate of Siachen Allowance
9194 admissible to PBORs per month? 15000 20000 250000 30000 D
What is the rate of TPTA admissible to
Armed Forces personnel in the pay
level 9 and above per month in the
9195 case of other than higher TPTA cities? 7200 + DA 3600 + DA 1800 + DA None B
What is the rate of Transportation
allowance payable to retired officers
9196 per case appointed as IO ? Rs. 10000 Rs. 20000 Rs. 30000 Rs. 40000 D
What is the rate per month admissible
9197 on account of Flight Test Engineer to 5300 4100 3600 2700 B
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Para Allowance payable
9198 to Army Officer? 10500 6000 3400 2700 A
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Para Allowance payable
9199 to PBOR? 10500 6000 3400 2700 B
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Para Reserve Allowance
9200 payable to Army Officer? 2625 1500 675 338 A
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Project Allowance
9201 payable to Army Officer? 2625 1500 3400 2700 C
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Project Allowance
9202 payable to PBOR? 2625 1500 3400 2700 D
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Specialist Allowance for
9203 Classified Specialist? 3600 4500 5000 5400 B
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Specialist Allowance for
9204 Consultant/Advisor/Professor 3600 4500 5000 5400 D
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Specialist Allowance for
9205 Graded Specialist? 3600 4500 5000 5400 A
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Technical Allowance
9206 Tier 1 payable to Army Officer? 1000 2000 3000 4000 C
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Test Pilot Allowance to
9207 Officers?
What is the rate per month admissible 5300 4100 3600 2700 A
on account of Tough Location
Allowance to Army Officers under TLA-
9208 1 5300 3400 1200 1000 A
What is the rate per month admissible
on account of Tough Location
9209 Allowance to PBORs under TLA-1 4100 2700 1200 1000 A
What is the rate per month of CI Ops
9210 allowance (Field) payable to Army 16900 13013 10500 9700 A
What is the rate per month of CI Ops
9211 allowance (Field) payable to PBOR? 16900 13013 10500 9700 D
What is the rate per month of CI Ops
allowance (Mod. Field) payable to
9212 Army Officer? 16900 13013 10500 9700 B
What is the rate per month of CI Ops
9213 allowance (Mod. Field) payable to 16900 13013 9700 7469 D
What is the rate per month of CI Ops
allowance (Peace) payable to Army
9214 Officer? 16900 13013 10500 9700 C
What is the rate per month of CI Ops
9215 allowance (Peace) payable to PBOR? 9700 6000 7469 13013 B
What is the rate per month of Diving
Allowance payable to Cearance/Deep
9216 Diving Officer? 900 1170 1350 1800 D
What is the rate per month of Diving
Allowance payable to Clearance Diver
9217 Class 1? 900 1170 1350 1800 C
What is the rate per month of Diving
Allowance payable to Clearance Diver
9218 Class II? 900 1170 1350 1800 B
What is the rate per month of Diving
Allowance payable to Clearance Diver
9219 Class III? 990 1170 1350 1800 A
What is the rate per month of Diving
9220 Allowance payable to Ships Diver? 900 1170 990 1350 A
What is the rate per month of Diving
9221 Allowance payable to Ships Diving 900 1170 1350 1800 A
What is the rate per month of Field
9222 Area Allowance (Field) payable to 16900 10500 9700 6000 B
What is the rate per month of Field
9223 Area Allowance (Field) payable to 16900 10500 9700 6000 D
What is the rate per month of Field
Area Allowance (Mod. Field) payable
9224 to Army Officer? 6300 6000 9700 3600 A
What is the rate per month of Field
9225 Area Allowance (Mod. Field) payable 6300 6000 9700 3600 D
What is the rate per month of Field
9226 Area Allowance HAFA payable to Army 16900 10500 9700 6000 A
What is the rate per month of Field
9227 Area Allowance HAFA payable to 16900 10500 9700 6000 C
What is the rate per month of Flying
9228 Allowance payable to Army Officer? 25000 17300 13013 9700 A
What is the rate per month of Flying
9229 Allowance payable to PBOR? 25000 17300 13013 9700 B
What is the rate per month of High
Altitude Allowance under Category I
9230 payable to Army Officer? 5300 4100 3400 2700 C
What is the rate per month of High
Altitude Allowance under Category I
9231 payable to PBOR? 5300 4100 3400 2700 D
What is the rate per month of High
Altitude Allowance under Category II
9232 payable to Army Officer? 25000 17300 5300 4100 C
What is the rate per month of High
Altitude Allowance under Category II
9233 payable to PBOR? 25000 17300 5300 4100 D
What is the rate per month of High
Altitude Allowance under Category III
9234 payable to Army Officer? 25000 17300 5300 4100 A
What is the rate per month of High
Altitude Allowance under Category III
9235 payable to PBOR? 25000 17300 5300 4100 B
What is the rate per month of SF
9236 Allowance payable to Army Officer? 25000 17300 13013 9700 A
What is the rate per month of SF
9237 Allowance payable to PBOR? 25000 17300 13013 9700 B
What is the retention period
9238 Debit/Credit scrolls in a PCDA/CDA 3 years 5 years 10 years 30 years B
What is the retention period of
Authorization slips in PCDA (O) office
9239 from the month of issue ______? 10 years 5 years 3 years 1 year B
What is the retention period of Cash
9240 Book in a Regional PCDA/CDA office? 3 years 5 years 6 years 10 years D
What is the retention period of
Classification of Hand book of receipts
and charges (at least one copy) in a
9241 PCDA/CDA office 10 years 50 years 100 years 110 years D
What is the retention period of
9242 Contract Agreements (MES) in a 3 years 5 years 10 years 30 years C
What is the retention period of DP
9243 What
a Controller’s
retention period
of 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years C
Financial Concurrences/U.O. Notes
Register of IFA cases in PCDA/CDA
9244 office? 35 years 30 years 10 years 5 years D
What is the retention period of GP
9245 Fund Demand Register in a PCDA/CDA 3 years 5 years 10 years 30 years B
What is the retention period of IRLAs
9246 of Discharged PBORs 6 Years 3 Years 5 years 10 years C
What is the retention period of Master
9247 Note Book in a Regional CDA office? 3 years 5 years 10 years 75 years C
What is the retention period of
ordinary correspondence files in a
9248 PCDA/CDA office? 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years C
What is the Retention Period of P.P.O
9249 What
in a CDA
is the
retention period of Pay 5 years 25 years 45 years 75 years D
bills of DAD personnel, except June
and December a Regional PCDA/CDA
9250 office? 3 years 5 years 6 years 35 years C
What is the retention period of
9251 Pension Payment Orders in a 3 years 10 years 30 years 75 years D
What is the retention period of
Punching Media in EDP centre of a
9252 Regional PCDA/CDA office? 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years A
What is the retention period of
Register of Disciplinary cases in a
9253 Controller’s office? 10 years 25 years 35 years 45 years D
What is the retention period of
9254 Schedule III (D section copy) in a 3 years 5 years 10 years 35 years B
What is the retention period of
9255 Shadow files register in a IFA office? 3 years 5 years 10 years 75 years C
What is the retention period of
9256 subject files in PCDA/CDA office? 75 years 65 years 45 years 35 years D
What is the retention period of TA Bills
(including LTC bills) in a Regional
9257 PCDA/CDA office? 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years C
What is the retention period
prescribed for Bills, Contingent Bills
and Medical Reimursement Claims in a
9258 CDA office? 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years C
What is the revised rate of Fixed
9259 Medical Allowance per month after VII 500 750 1000 1500 C

What is the sequence of deduction to RDD, RBD, RBD, RDD, Debts, Any of the
9260 be followed to arrive at net Debtors? Bad Debts Bad Debts RBD, RDD three C

Entry with
What is the system of accounting Single as Double
9261 followed in DAD? Entry required Entry None B
What will be date of next increment 01.04.201 01.07.201 01.01.201 01.07.201
9262 for an employee joints on 01.04.2017? 8 7 8 8 C
What will be the score of a
government if he is given a grading of
9263 “4―
What would
in the
the marking
for the year?
in 4 5 6 0 B
Attendance Register for those granted
half a day's casual leave for the
9264 forenoon session? HPL LA HL CL C
Whch of the following is not a Receivabl Purchases Journal
9265 subsidary book of Journal? e book Day Book Proper None D

Reference Reference Reference

Whch of the following references by to to to Addl.
CAT would be construed as a Attorney Solicitor Solicitor All the
9266 When
a billtoofAdvocate
has been General General General three D
noted or protested for non-
acceptance acceptance or for better
security and any person accepts it
supra protest for honour of the
drawer or of any one of the endorsers, Acceptor
9267 such person is called ____? for Honor Acceptor Endorsee Payee A

Debit the Debit the Credit the Credit the

Creditors Creditors Creditors Creditors
and Debit and Credit and Debit and credit
When a bill payable is accepted what the Bills the Bills Bills the bills
9268 will be accounting adjustment? payable Payable payable payable B
When a bill payable is accepted, it will
9269 become a ____ for the payer? Liability Asset Income Loss A
Debit the Credit the
Credit the Debit the Creditors Creditors
Creditors creditors and Credit and Debit
When a bill payable is dishonored, and Bills and Bills the Bills the Bills
9270 what will the accounting adjustment? payable payable payable payable D
Debit the
Credit Bills Bills
Receivabl Receivabl Debit the Credit the
When a bill receivable discounted with e and e and Debtors Debtors
bank gets dishonored, what will be the Credit the Debit the and Credit and Credit
9271 accounting adjustment? Bank Bank the Bank Bank C

Debit Bills Debit Bills Credit Bills Credit Bills

Receivabl Receivabl Receivabl Receivabl
When a bill receivable is accepted by a e and e and e and e and
debtor, what will be accounting Credit the Debit the Debit the Credit the
9272 adjustment? Debtors Debtors Debtors Debtors A

Debit Credit Credit Debit

Bank, Bank, Bank, Bank,
Discount Discount Discount Discount
and Credit and Credit and Debit and Debit
When a bill Receivable is discounted Bills Bills Bills Bills
from the bank, what will be Receivabl Receivabl Receivabl Receivabl
9273 adjustment? e e e e A

Debit the Debit the Credt the Credt the

Bills Bills Bills Bills
receivable receivable receivable receivable
When a bill receivable is dishonored, and Debit and Credit and Debit and Credit
what adjustment is required in final the the the the
9274 accounts? Debtors Debtors Debtors Debtors C

Debit the Credit the

Debit the Creditors Creditors Debit the
Creditors and Credit and Credit Creditors
When a bill Receivable is endorsed to and Credit the Bills the Bills and Debit
a creditor, what will be the accounting the Receivabl Receivabl the
9275 adjustment? Debtors e e Debtors B

Debit Credit Debit Credit

Cash and Cash and Cash and Cash and
When a bill receivable is honored by Debit Bills Credit Bills Credit Bills Debit Bills
the payer, what will be the accounting Receivabl Receivabl Receivabl Receivabl
9276 adjustment? e e e e C
Pay 5
When a Book of Regulation is lost by times of
the individual who took it on loan, Replace cost of the
9277 When
___? hired by Defence the book book a or b None C
Services is vacated, damages claimed Terminal
by the owner of the building are Barrack Demurrag Compensa All the
9278 known as ____? damages e Charges tion three C

will be will be
adjusted adjusted
by debit by debit
to security to DEA of
deposit concerned
head & CDA &
credit to credit to
When a cash security deposit is DEA of Security need not
transferred from one audit officer to concerned Deposit be
9279 another, the transaction CDA head compiled None A
When a CGHS benificiary falls sick in
outstation Medical Certificate issued
by RMP can be accepted if AMA is not
available within a distance of ___ KMs
9280 from place of stay? 5 8 10 12 B

Debit the Debit the Credit the theBank
When a cheque deposited into bank is Bank and Bank and Bank and and Credit
dishonored, what adjustment is Debit the Credit the Debit the the
9281 required in final accounts? Debtors Debtors Debtors Debtors C

Debit the
When a cheque given by a debtor is Debit the credit the Debit the debtor
endorsed to a creditor gets debtor debtor creditor and credit
dishonored then entry will be done as and and and credit the
9282 ____? creditor creditor the debtor creditor D
When a cheque is cancelled and a
fresh cheque is issued, which class of All the
9283 P.M. is operated in PCDA/CDA office? 1 2 5 three A
When a cheque is lost by a third party
and fresh cheque is issued, which of
9284 the following bond is taken? Fidelity Surety Security Indemnity D
When a Contract is proposed to be
concluded for longer than 1 year but Next
not exceeding three years, sanction of PCDA/CD higher
9285 __ must be obtained? A CFA MOD GOI B

Accept Not Execute a

When a Contractor desires to transfer such accept the fresh
9286 a contract to another party, we will transfer proposal contract None C
When a contractor desires to transfer Next with party
a contract, whose approval is higher PCDA/CD willing to
9287 required? CFA CFA A take up D
When a court attachment order is
received in respect of a Contractor, Court As
which of the following will have first Governme attachme Both decided
9288 claim over his payments? nt dues nt order equally by CDA A

When a defective rule comes to the See point as
notice of a PCDA/CDA, he will whether it per rule as refer to All the
9289 _______? stands it stands CGDA three D
When a Defence Building is leased for rs in
a period of three months or more to The proportio
more than One Contractor, for a Contracto n as per
purpose otherthan Cinema rs in equal lease Insurace
Exhibitions, it will be insured by proportio agreemen Not
9290 _____?a demand for aid of civil power MES
When n t Required A
is received by the Defence Authorities,
HQrs of Commands will allot a ___ to Nick Project
9291 the aid?
When a Go - A - Head sanction is given Code head Name Name Civil code B
for a work_ required on urgent
Military reasons, ____ is responsible
for delay/lapses in completion of the
prescribed procedure for necessary
9292 approvals? CEA CFA Both None B
No fresh No fresh
offer of offer of
appointm appointm
ent on ent on
promotio promotio
n shall be n shall be
No fresh made in made in
offer of such cases such cases
appointm for a for a
ent on period of period of
promotio 1 year 3 years
n shall be from the from the
made in No fresh date of date of
such cases offer of refusal of refusal of
for a appointm first first
period of ent on promotio promotio
1 year promotio n or till n or till
from the n shall be the next the next
date of made till vacancy vacancy
When a Government Servant does not first next arises arises
want to accept the promotion which is promotio vacancy whichever whichever
9293 offered to him? n arises is later is earlier C

In lieu
avail LTC
for self
once a
year from
HQ to HT
or place
and for
Avail LTC spouse
to HT in and
two year dependen
block t children
and/or to travel
When a Government servant serving LTC to once a
in above region leaves his family anywhere year to
behind at old H.Qrs. or another place in India in HQrs. Of
and has not availed transfer TA for four year Governme
9294 family, he can ____? block nt Servant Both None C
When a Government servant settles
down within the same station of
retirement involving change of
residence or at a place nox exceeding One third One third Half of
20 KMs distance, ____ % of Composite of Basic of 80% of 50% of 80% of
9295 Transfer Grant is admissible? pay Basic Pay Basic pay Basic pay B

When a patient consults the same Single a or b at a or b at

AMA in regard to super imposition of combined Fresh the the
another discease during the course of consultati consultati discretion discretion
9296 treatment, it is regarded as ___? on on of HOD of AMA B
When a PBOR has not rendered
minimum qualifying service for
earning service pension, he will be
paid Service Gratuity if he serves for a
9297 minimum period of ___ years? 2 5 7 10 B
When a PBOR is absent from duty
without due authority for a period of
___ he is declared as a
‘deserter’ after investigation of Six Three
9298 the case by a Court of Inquiry? months months 30 days 15 days C
When a PBOR is transferred from one IRLA is
corps to another, ________ is LPC is transferre
9299 issued/transferred? issued d Both None B
When a police guard renders services
as a Government treasure in the His pay Departme
absence of a military guard, which of His and ntal
the following will be charged to Travelling allowance charges by All the
9300 Defence
When a promissory
Service Estimates?
note, bill of Expenses s his Dept. three A
exchange or cheque is transferred to
any person, so as to constitute that
person the holder thereof, the Transferre Negotiate Exchange All the
9301 instrument is said to be ____? d d d three B

transferre Returned
When a unit is disbanded, unspent d to other to Supply
9302 balances of rations are local units auctioned Depot None A
When a vendor is not able to supply
the stores or render service which of Risk &
the following clause can be invoked by Option Expenses
9303 the purchaser? clause Fall clause clause None C

Any of the
When a work contains both three with
Authorized and Special items, CFA will proper
be determined with reference to the Special Authorise justificatio
9304 powers of _____? work d work Total work n A
When a wrong interpretation of a
financial rule has been followed in an Date of
audit office, the new interpretation Date of Date on incidence
should, in the absence of special issue of which of
instructions to the contrary be given clarificatio observatio expenditu
9305 effect to from the ______? n by CGDA n is raised re None A
When AAO is heading the sub office
(Say ALAO, AAO BSO etc.) he/she can
sanction ___ days of Casual leave to
9306 subordinate at a time? 2 4 6 5 C
When ACDA gets recruited in DAD his
pay will be fixed with reference to the
9307 pay level of ____? 9 10 11 12 B
SSR rates
When additional stores are issued to Stock by
contractor by GE, which of the Book Market Contracto Highest of
9308 following rates will be charged? Rates Rates rs % the three D
When advance is drawn for TA/DA
much before journey date, officer
should produce the Railway Ticket(s)
within __ of the drawal of advance to
9309 Controlling Officer? 5 days 10 days 30 days 90 days B

ed to the
When an allottee of ATG moves out Deposited authority carried
from under One HQ. Command to to who forward to
another, Unspent balance under ATG PCDA/CD initially new
9310 should be _____? A allotted Command None B
When an employee dies within 5 years
after retirement and the total amount
actually received by him on account of
pension (or service gratuity), Dearness
Relief, retirement gratuity,
commutation amount is less than 12
times the emoluments drawn at the
time of retirement, the deficiency is
granted to the nominees/family. This Residuary Death Retiremen Service
9311 amount is known as ___? Gratuity Gratuity t Gratuity Gratuity A

When an employee gets transferred drawn for
from the payment jurisdiction of one medical
CDA to another, which of the treatment
following need not be adjusted Advance of family
9312 through DIDS? of TA member Both None C
When an employee is given rent free the
accommodation, an amount equal to House amount of
___ will be added to Income for the Rent Licence Licence
9313 purpose of Income Tax Calculation? Allowance Fee Fee None B

Balance is
When an individual against whom Balance is d through
Debt Head Advance is outstanding is intimated Defence
transferred to audit control of another through Exchange
9314 Controller _ action is taken? LPC Account Both None C
Ask the
Ask CDA authority
When an objection raised by a CDA to to obtain
could not be settled by him, CGDA withdraw requisite
9315 may the same sanction both none C
When an officer fall sick while on duty
and is retained on the sick list for a Non Absence Sick List
When of officer
30 daysinora less,
post such
is forabsence
any Qualifying without Concessio
9316 reason
from dutyprevented
is treated
as?officiating in Service leave Sick Leave n D
his turn in a post on higher scale or
grade borne on the cadre of the
service to which he belongs, he may
be authorized by special order of the
appropriate authority Proforma
officiating promotion into such scale
or grade . Whch rule we are discussing
about? Stepping Next
9317 up of pay Below Lien None B
When an officer opts to draw TPTA
and not availing officer car, he/she is 10000 + 12500 + 15750 +
9318 allowed TPTA of Rs. ____ per month 7200 + DA DA DA DA D

When an order sanctioning higher
expenditure contains no indication of authority
the amount or limit of sanction, CDA Issuing of Issuing All the
9319 will take up the matter with __? Authority Authority CGDA three A
stage in a or b
When Annual increment is granted the Next stage next whichever a or b
pay of a government gets fixed in in same higher is whichever
9320 ____? pay level level beneficial is less A
PCDA (O) against
against the CDA Field
PAO of of the PA Imprest
When Army Officer is paid by the the of the Holder PAO
Imprest Holder, DIDS is originated by Imprest Imprest against against
9321 ____? Holder Holder PCDA (O) PCDA (O) D
When audit is not able to investigate a
time barred claim due to non
availability of records, Sanctioning All the
9322 powers are vested in full with GOI MOD CGDA three B

Debit Debit Credit Credit

Cash and Cash and Cash and Cash and
When bills payable is honored, what Debit Bills Credit Bills Credit Bills Debit Bills
9323 will be the accounting adjustment? Payable Payable Payable Payable D
When both Defence land and buildings
are surplus, Disposal is carried out by PCDA/CD
9324 _________? DGDE MSTC MOD A A
When cash sales are made to X, then X on case to
9325 A/c is _____? Credited Debited None case C
When Date of Birth is not known in Date as
respect of an employee, but month Last day declared
and year known, which date will be 1st day of of the 16th of by
9326 considered as DOB? the month month the month him/her C
When Defence buildings are declared
surplus, but not land , disposal action PCDA/CD
9327 is carried out by ______? DGDE A MES None C
When Depreciation of Machinery to be
9328 entry is posted, Machine A/c is ___? Debited Credited updated None B
When Depreciation on office building Profit and
is given in Trial Balance, it will appear Trading loss Balance Both b
9329 in ____ of final accounts? Account account sheet and c B
Authority Highest
will authority
Separate initiate with
proceedin common consent of
gs will be proceedin others
When Disciplinary authorities are initiated gs and may order
different for different individuals in a by each send the for
Disciplinary case, which of the Disciplinar result to common
following course of action would be y higher proceedin Any of the
9330 appropriate? Authority authority? g three C

When Engineer services are carried Contingen Depends Defence

out by CPWD on behalf of Defence Civil cy Fund of on the Service
9331 Services, Funds are provided from Estimates India case Estimates D

When entitled class ticket is not Below the

available, journey by ___ class is Next Any entitled Any of the
9332 admissible in case of Temporary Duty? Higher Higher class three C
When erroneous payments have been
left unchallenged in PCDA office, re
audit of bills paid more than 12 Next
months previously, can be undertaken higher
9333 with the permission of _____? CGDA MOD CFA CFA C
When Funds on ECR are drawn, the Move
units ordered to move at less than 48 Sanctionin
hours notice will submit certificate of g PCDA/CD
9334 expending to ___? authority A Both None A

When Furlough leave is combined Competen
with Annual Leave, which is taken first Furlough Annual As applied t
9335 _____? leave Leave by Officer Authority B
Both Both
Debit furniture furniture
When furniture destroyed due to fire furniture Debit loss and loss and loss
accident, What will be adjustment in and credit and Credit will be will be
9336 When
Final Accounts?
furniture which is temporarily loss Furniture debited Credited B
surplus to authorized station
requirements and cannot
advantageously be moved elsewhere,
is issued to officers on hire in excess of
authorized scales, Rent at the rate of Cannot be
____ % per anum of the Capital cost of issued at
9337 furniture will be recovered by MES? 15 12.5 10 all B
When Go-A head Sanction is issued,
AEs-AA processes must be completed
at the earliest opportunity not
exceeding _____ after
9338 Commencement of works? 6 months 4 months 3 months 2 months A
When goods are destroyed by Fire,
9339 Goods account will be ____? Debited Credited Both None B
When goods are destroyed by Fire,
9340 Loss account will be ____? Debited Credited Both None A
When goods are in such state that the
buyer would under the contract be in
bound to take delivery of them, they Deliverabl Transferre
9341 are said to be ____? Sold e state Delivered d B
When in the Bill or in any indorsement
thereon the name of any person is
given in addition to the drawee to be Drawee in Drawee in
resorted to in case of need, such Second due case of Alternate
9342 personitiscomes
When called to
calculation of Drawee course Need Drawee C
Qualifying service, ___ months is
allowed maximum for Antedating of
9343 Commission?
When it comes to calculation of 12 15 18 24 C
Qualifying service, ___ months is
allowed maximum for Period of
secondment and Antedating of
9344 commission
When it comes
calculation of 12 15 18 24 D
Qualifying service, ___ months is
allowed maximum for Period of
9345 secondment?
When it has been decided that no 12 15 18 24 A
further provision of item of store will
be made because the prototype of a
successor equipment has been
formally accepted and is required to
be retained to meet tactical/technical
training or other special requirements
within the service, it is classified as Obsolesce
9346 ____? nt Obsolete Surplus Scrap A

When it is anticipated that due to Suppleme

technical reasons, expenditure is likely Suppleme ntary
to exceed authorized limits, __ is ntary Technical Revised All the
9347 prepared Estimate Sanction Estimate three C
When it is anticipated that due to
technical reasons, the expenditure is Suppleme
likely to exceed authorized limits, Revised ntary Technical Additional
9348 When
____ will
it isbe
to replace
by MES?an Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate A
existing old item(s) witha new item(s),
_____ clause should be incorporated Risk & Buy Back
9349 in the RFP? Option Fall Expenses offer D
When it is difficult to estimate the Contract
quantities correctly until the work has Percentag for
been commenced, which type of Term e Rate specific
9350 contract is concluded? Contract Contract job None B

Deduct Deduct Deduct Deduct

Cost Price Sales Price Sales Price Cost Price
from from from from
Sales, Sales, Sales, Sales,
Debtors Debtors Debtors Debtors
and post and post and post and post
cost price cost price sales price cost price
of the of the of the of the
goods in goods in goods in goods in
trading trading trading trading
account account account account
on credit on credit on credit on credit
side and side and side and side and
assets assets assets assets
side of the side of the side of the side of the
When it is given in the adjustment balance balance balance balance
that goods sent on sale or approval sheet sheet sheet sheet
basis have been included in sales, under under under under
what will be adjustment in final closing closing closing closing
9351 accounts? stock stock stock stock B
When it is necessary to collect
materials for a work, for which Admin
Approval is not yet accorded, prior CFA of the PCDA/CD
9352 approval of ___ is required? GE CWE work A C
When land cultivated in excess of
prescribed scales, ___ of net profit is
credited to Government from One Three
9353 Regimental fund of a unit? Half One third fourth fourth C

will be Discretion
offered to There of the
the next shall be CDA will accepting
When Lowest Tender is found invalid lowest retenderin be officer
9354 or withdrawn for any reason Tenderer g consulted prevails B
When machinery is purchased from
9355 vendor, which account will be Cash Vendor A or B None C
When MES carries out work for a State Reduction
Government, Departmental Charges Revenue of
are adjusted as ____ in the books of Expenditu Expenditu Capital Revenue
9356 Defence? re re Receipt Receipt D
MES will
only issue
When MES entrusts works services to TS
the agency of a Municipality, Technical irrespectiv
Sanction will be accorded by MES if e of
9357 When
the cost
Rs. __?
is utilized (when amount one lakh 10 lakhs 5 lakhs D
duties of the unit permit) for a work,
____ of the engineer unit employed
on construction work may be
authorized by CE to exercise the Nearest Any
9358 powers of GE? GE OC specified None B

Officer Officer
When officer possessing financial actually No nominate
powers is posted out and no officer performin financial d by the
has been appointed in his place, g the powers officer As advised
9359 When
person signifies
will rest
to another
on? duties exercised relieved by CDA A
his willingness to do or to abstain from
doing anything, with a view to
obtaining the assent of that other to
such act or abstinence, he is said to
9360 make a _____? Proposal Request Contract Tender A

Give oral
If direction
unavoidab and then Give the
No the le give the take oral
officer is direction approval direction
not and of the and
When oral direction is given to a supposed confirm next Record
subordinate as it is felt necessary for to give immediat superior such oral
immediate action, what course of oral ely officer to directions
9361 action would you suggest the officer? direction thereafter ratify separately B
When payment is made on account of
9362 Rent, Rent A/c will be _____? Credited Debited A or B None B

Stop his subscripti
monthly on to
pay and compulsor
When PBOR goes into Debit Balance, allowance y
9363 PAO will ___? s minimum Both None B
When PBOR is granted Commission, Depot
action should be taken to call for the Record Battalion
LPC from the _____ concerned by Office of CO of the of the
9364 PCDA (O)? the corps unit corps PAO (ORs) D
When PCDA/CDA considers that any d
rule or order has infringed any one of Administr
the canons of financial propriety; he Army ative All the
9365 should convey his opinion to? CGDA H.Qrs. Authority three C
When proprietor takes business Either A or Both A
9366 money for personal use __ account is Capital Drawings B and B B

When proprietor withdraws goods

from business, which of the following Capital, Capital, Drawings, Drawings,
9367 accounts will be effected? Drawings Purchases Purchases Sales C
When Ram gives money to Shyam,
Ram will ____ Shyam A/c and Shyam Credit, Debit, Debit, Credit,
9368 will _____ Ram A/c? Debit Credit Debit Credit B

When RBI clears the advice given by

Defence to debit/credit Advice
Railways/Postal Department, it sends Settlemen Memo of clearance
9369 ____ as intimation? t Memo clearance certificate None B
When repairs are carred out to
9370 Machinery,
When Reserve
for account
is debited
on Repairs Machinery Cash None A
office building is given in Trial Balance, Profit and
it will appear in ____ of final Trading loss Balance Both b
9371 accounts?
When return air passages are Account account sheet and c C
sanctioned by Government, exchange
orders are issued by ___ branch of
Army H.Qrs.on the authority of which
payment is made to the air line
9372 concerned? AG GS E in C QMG D
When sanction has been accorded by
the competent authority, the grant of
pensions is notified in the form of Part II All the
9373 ______ by the PCDA (Pensions) PPO O.O. LPC three A

amount amount A or B as
realized realized decided
When sending to civil court money under the under the by
deducted from the salary of the attachme attachme Competen
Government servant under an nt orders nt orders t A or B as
attachment order, the disbursing less the plus the Administr decided
officer should remit to the court only remittanc remittanc ative by Audit
9374 the ___? e charge e charge Authority Authority A
When Shyam pays money to business,
9375 Shyam account will be ____? Closed Credited Debited None B
When some person gives money to
business, cash account is operated on
9376 ___ side? Debit Credit A or B None A
When special train is used for
movement of military stores, one
loaded brake-van is allowed free when
the number of vehicles of the special 12 Four 14 Four 15 Four 16 Four
9377 train exceeds? Wheelers Wheelers Wheelers wheelers D
When Stores are issued by a Depot to Both Both
consuming unit, the distribution of D D copy to E copy to copies to copies to
and E copies of issue voucher is done Consignor Consignee consignee consignor
9378 as under LAO LAO LAO LAO D

When Stores are issued by Army to

MES, the priced copy of the voucher is PCDA/CD AO/AAO Consignee
9379 sent by consignor’s LAO to GE A GE LAO/RAO C
When stores are transferred from
consuming unit to Depot, which copy
of the issue voucher is left out while
9380 preparing
When stores
transferred from one E D C B B
consuming unit to another,
____________ copies of issue voucher
9381 are prepared
When stores are transferred from one 5 4 3 6 B
depot to another depot, the issue
voucher is generally prepared in ___
9382 copies Two Three Four Five D
When stores transferred from one
MES unit to another _____ voucher of
9383 P.M is operated? Class 2 Class 9 Class 8 Class I A
When temporary accommodation is to Initial
be build on hired land ____________ compensa first
will be included in the approximate tion year’s
9384 estimates? payable rent Both None C
When the charged official is for
retirement during the period of Subsistenc Compassi
Disciplinary Proceedings, ______ Provisiona e onate
9385 Pension is sanctioned? Full l Allowance allowance B
When the day on which a promissory
note or bill of exchange is at maturity Not valid
is a public holiday, the instrument and hence
shall be deemed to be due on the Next not
9386 ____ business
When the makerdayor holder of a Preceding Next Same payable A
negotiable instrument signs the same,
otherwise than as such maker, for the
purpose of negotiation, on the back or
face thereof or on a slip of paper
annexed thereto, or so signs for the
same purpose a stamped paper
intended to be completed as a
negotiable instrument, he is said to
9387 ____ the
When thesame?
person to whom the Transfer Exchange Endorse Mortgage C
proposal is made signifies his assent
thereto, the proposal accepted, Agreemen
9388 becomes ______? Contract Tender Promise t C
When the subject of a case concerns
more than one Department, no order
shall be issued until all such
Departments have concurred, or,
failing such concurrence, a decision
has been taken by or under the Ministry Any of the
9389 authority of the ____? Cabinet of Finance DOP&T three A
When there is a difference of opinion CGDA
between admin authorities and CDA Services through
over the propriety of a recovery, H.Qrs. Admin
matter shall be reported to ___ for through authoritie
9390 orders? CDA s Both None A
When there is a difference of opinion Next
between administrative authorities higher
and CDA over the propriety/rate of a Service administra
recovery, it will be referred to ____ Head tive
9391 for orders?
When there is a difference of opinion Quarters authority DGADS CGDA A
between, the administrative
authorities and the Controller of
Defence Accounts over the propriety
of a recovery or the rate of recovery, Service
the matter shall, without delay, be Head
9392 reported to ______? MOD CGDA C&AG Quarters D

Ask All L1
to quote
on the
When there is a tie between two or spot a
more Contractors in respect of a work, rate lower Sharing of
What action would you suggest as a Lottery than the work
person working in PCDA/CDA to the Retenderi between earlier between
9393 MES authorities? ng All L1 amount all L1 C
Public nt
When transactions are carried out by Account Account
RBI, daily scrolls are sent to PCDA/CDA CAS, Departme Departme
9394 by _____ of RBI Branch? Nagpur nt nt None B
When troops ordered to move at less
than 48 Hours notice, funds can be
drawn on the authority of ECR by units Civil
9395 from which of the following? Treasury Bank Both None C
When vehicles are procured through
DGS&D, spares to the extent of ___
requirements are stocked by MES with
9396 approval of CE? 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years B
When we are preparing Bank
Reconciliation Statement, we find
some difference in the information
recorded in the Cash Book and Pass
Book. If Bank charges shown in the
Bank statement are not found in the
Cash Book, we will _____ the amount
of difference to/from/in the cash
book balance, when we start with
Balance as per Cash Book (favourable
balance) and reach the balance as per update
9397 When
pass book?
we are preparing Bank Deduct Add cash book Ignore A
Reconciliation Statement, we find
some difference in the information
recorded in the Cash Book and Pass
Book. If Bank charges shown in the
Bank statement are not found in the
Cash Book, we will _____ the amount
of difference to/from/in the pass
book balance, when we start with
Balance as per Pass Book (favourable
balance) and reach the balance as per update
9398 When
cash book?
works executed on behalf of Deduct Add cash book Ignore B
other Ministries of Central
Government, ___ % of Departmental
9399 charges are charged by MES? 13.5 14.5 15.5 16.5 D
requires Acceptabl
When writing APAR, officer in permissio e only if it
immediate charge of the Section Not n of is a
wants to refer to the APAR of the Acceptabl acceptabl PCDA/CD serious
9400 previous years? e e A case B
When you find a flag “D―against
details of one Army Officer in Central
Index, what do you understand about Deputatio Deserter Death Dismissal
9401 the status of his account? n case case case case A
When you find a flag “S―against
details of one Army Officer in Central
Index, what do you understand about Serving Special Separate Secondme
9402 the status of his account? case case case nt case D
When you find that certain stores
have been issued by a depot to
another, such ____ in ledgers will be
9403 verifiedatinto
When, thethe
the promisor, Credits Debits Both None B
the promisee or any other person has
done or abstained from doing, or does
or abstains from doing, or promises to
do or to abstain from doing,
something, such act or abstinence is Considera
9404 called a ______? Contract Tender Promise tion D
may be
may be booked to
booked to the head
may be may be only one of account
Whenever the cost of an divided in divided in head of under
establishment is divided between two equal the same account as which
heads, how the charge for service proportio proportio decided more fund
9405 postageastamps
Where contractis of
is not n n of cost by CFA is allotted B
severable and the buyer has accepted treating
the goods or part thereof, the breach the
of any condition to be fulfilled by the a ground contract
seller can be treated as a ______ for as
unless there is a term of the to that breach of rejecting repudiate All the
9406 effectcontract?
Where a Department feels that the warranty the goods d three A
goods of the required quality,
specifications etc., may not be
available in the country and it is
necessary to also look for competitive
offers from abroad, the Department Indian foreign
may send copies of the tender notice Embassies Embassies Both A
9407 to which of the following? abroad in India A or B and B D
Where a employee has given notice of
an accident, he shall, if the employer,
before the expiry of____ days from
the time at which service of the notice
has been effected offers to have him
examined free of charge by a qualified
medical practitioner, submit himself
9408 for such examination? 1 day 2 days 3 days 7 days C

PCDA Controller
Where a matter pertains to more than (Central s having
one controller, views/comments of Controller Command DAD cells
other controllers will be obtained by who raises ) Lucknow under
9409 ______? CGDA the issue centrally them B
Where a payment made to the Court
is in the nature of a security for final
staying the execution of the decree, Expenditu
9410 Where
the same anywould
be treated
is in default
as in Advance Deposit re None B
paying the compensation due under
this Act within ____ from the date it
fell due, the Commissioner shall
9411 charge interest? 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months A
Where both the parties to an To be
agreement are under a mistake as to a decided in
matter of fact essential to the each case
9412 agreement, the agreement is ____? Voidable Void Valid on merits B

Where by a contract of sale the seller an

purports to effect a present sale of Price agreemen
future goods, the contract operates as Agreemen t to sell
9413 ? Contract Sale t the goods D
Where is the Eastern Air Command Trivandru
9414 situated? Shillong Allahabad m Kolkata A
Where it is anticipated that site
cannot be made available to Engineers
within ___, the project should not be 24 12
9415 released for execution? months months 9 months 6 months D
Where journey is performed by rail
without using Form D due to non
availability of Form D in Unit /
Establishment, reimbursement should Imprest Either a or
9416 be claimed from __ by Army Officer? Holder PCDA (O) b None A
Where pay book of a PBOR due for
discharge is lost or missed at the time
of Finalization of his Discharge case, one two three six
9417 IRLA will be kept open for _? month months months months C
Where permanent disability is not less
than 60%, disability pension (Service +
Disability element) shall not be less
than ____% of emoluments subject to
9418 minimum
Where permanent
amount presccribed.
disability is not less 50 60 75 100 B
than 60%, disability pension (Service +
Disability element) shall not be less
than Rs. ____ i.e.minimum amount
9419 presccribed. 12000 15000 18000 21000 C
Where Pet animals are conveyed as
part of baggage by Army officers, the
charges are restricted by PCDA (O) to Entitled Not
within the maximum entitlement for Goods class of Road admissible
9420 conveyance of baggage by __? train officer Transport at all A
Nearest Departme
Where RBI branch acts a focal point SBI Focal nt of the
branch, Scrolls are sent to RBI New RBI, CAS, Point RBI
9421 PCDAs/CDAs concerned by ____? Delhi Nagpur Branch Branch D
Where recovery is on basis of calendar Reduction
year instead of FY, the entire amount of
of recovery may be treated as __ Revenue Capital Expenditu
9422 between 2 Govts. In India? Receipt Receipt re None C
Where the decree/award is directly
against the Union of India, payment to Contingen Consolidat Public
be made in satisfaction thereof is cy fund of ed fund of Account All the
9423 treated as Charged on ? India India of India three B
Where the disablement is of a
temporary nature, such disablement
as reduces the earning capacity of a
employee in any employment in which
he was engaged at the time of the
accident resulting in the disablement
is defined as _____ disablement under Permanen Temporar
9424 Workmen's Compensation Act? Partial t y Total A
Where the location of the supplier and 1% each
the place of supply are in the same 1% each under
State/UT,TDS @ ___ is deducted if the under 2% under CGST and
deductor is registered in that State or SGST and 2% under SGST/UTG SGST/UTG
9425 Union territory without legislature UTGST CGST ST ST D
Where the location of the supplier and 1% each
the place of supply are in the same 1% each under
State/UT,TDS @ ___ is deducted if the under 2% under CGST and
deductor is registered in that State or SGST and 2% under SGST/UTG SGST/UTG
9426 Union territory
Where the location
of the
supplier is UTGST CGST ST ST D
in State A and the place of supply is in 1% each
State or Union territory without under 1% each
legislature B, TDS @ 2___ is to be CGST and under
deducted if the deductor is registered SGST/UTG 2% under 2% under SGST and
9427 in State A? ST CGST IGST UTGST C
Where the payment is to be made
through Letter of Credit, it should be
opened within ____ days of receipt of
notification of readiness of goods for
9428 deliverythere
Where fromisthe
to sell 45 60 90 180 A
goods on the terms that the price is to
be fixed by the valuation of a third
party and such third party cannot or Depend
does not make such valuation, the on case to
9429 agreement is thereby ____? Valid Void Avoided case C
Where there is an agreement to sell
specific goods, and subsequently the
goods without any fault on the part of
the seller or buyer perish or become
so damaged as no longer to answer to
their description in the agreement Depend
before the risk passes to the buyer, on case to
9430 the agreement is thereby ____? Valid Void Avoided case C
Where there is inconsistency in a new Authority
rule with some of the existing rules, a Other who
reference will be made to _____ by Controller issued the All the
9431 PCsDA/CsDA s rule CGDA three C
Where there is injunction by Court
against filling up the vacancy on Out of
regular basis and the post cannot be turn Adhoc Regular Proforma
kept vacant till the final judgement promotio promotio promotio Promotio
9432 ___ can be made? n n n n B
Where two or more scales have been
merged, the existing DPC for the Review
_____ grade will be the DPC for the Fresh DPC DPC
9433 mergedvehicles
Where grade? of indigenous Higher Lower conducted conducted A
manufacture are procured by MES,
spares to the extent of ___ Six Immediat
9434 requirement
Where work ofarethe
in stock?
kind is One year Two years months e A
carried out by two or more sets of
workers working during different
periods of the day, each of such
periods is called a ___ as per Factories
9435 Act?
Whereon ____ or more workers are Shift Turn Tenure Slot A
working, or were working on any day
of the preceding twelve months, and
in any part of which a manufacturing
process is being carried on without the
aid of power, or is ordinarily so carried
on is defined as Factory as per
9436 Factories Act? 10 20 50 100 B
Wherever a Departmental Officer is
appointed as Inquiry Officer (Full
time), he should complete Inquiry and
9437 submit his report within _? 6 months 3 months 30 Days 20 days D

When no.
two due
to second
child birth
Whether under the scheme of CEA, Under During resulting In all the
reimbursement can be availed by suspensio Extraordin in multiple three
9438 Government Employee? n ary leave births cases D
Which among the following omissions
can be treated as trivial errors in Initial any Signing
Tenders that may be allowed to be Rates in alteration tender & All the
9439 corrected? words in rates schedule three D
Which Article of Constitution of India
defines the powers and duties of
9440 C&AG of India 149 150 151 152 A
Which article of Constitution of India
prescribes that Speaker/Chairman
9441 shall not vote in the first instance ? 97 98 99 100 D
Which Article of Constitution of India
prescribes that there shall be a
9442 Parliament for Union? 79 80 81 82 A
Which article of Constitution of India
prescribes the procedure related to
9443 MoneyArticle
Which Bill ? of Constitution of India 106 107 108 109 D
stipulates that for violation of the
Constitution, President of India be
removed form office by
9444 Impeachment?
Which Article of Constitution of India 56 57 59 61 D
stipulates that Reports of C&AG
relating to accounts of the union shall
be submitted to President who shall
cause them to be laid before each All the
9445 house of Parliament 149 150 151 three C
Which Article of the Constitution of All the
9446 India defines
Which ArticleIndia
of theasConstitution
a union of of 1 2 3 three A
India enables the Parliament to
possess the power to admit new All the
9447 states?Article of the Constitution of
Which 1 2 3 three B
India enables the Parliament to
possess the power to form new All the
9448 states? 1 2 3 three C
Which article of the constitution of
9449 India prescribes
Which article of tenure
the constitution
of President
of of 53 54 55 56 D
India prescribes that When a Bill has
been passed by the Houses of
Parliament, it shall be presented to
the President and the President shall
declare either that he assents to the
Bill, or that he withholds the assent
9450 therefrom? 108 109 110 111 D
Which Article of the Constitution of
India prescribes the tenure of Vice
9451 President of India? 65 66 67 69 C
Which article of the constitution of
India stipuates that the Executive
powers of the Union shall be vested All the
9452 with the
Which article
of theofconstitution
India? of 53 (1) 53 (2) 54 three A
India stipuates that the Supreme
Command of the Defence Forces and
exercise thereof shall be regulated by All the
9453 Law? 53 (1) 53 (2) 54 three B
Which Article of the Constitution of
India stipulates that there shall be a
9454 Vice President of India? 60 62 63 64 C

Which authority is primarily Local

responsible to carry out physical Audit Executive
9455 verification of stores? Officer Test Audit Authority None C
Air officer Air officer
Which branch of Air Force H.Qrs. deals Deputy in charge in charge
with Offensive operations and Vice Chief Chief of Administr Maintena
9456 planning of joint operations? of Air Staff Air Staff ation nce B

Air Officer Air Officer

i/c i/c
Which branch of Air H.Qrs. Deals with Administr Maintena Deputy
9457 Flight Safety? ation nce Chief Vice Chief C

Which branch of Army H.Qrs deals

with construction and maintenance of Quarter Master
accommodation and works for Master General of Military
9458 Defence Servives? E in C General Ordnance Secretary A

Which Branch of Army H.Qrs. deals Quarter Master

with Bomb Disposal and mine Master General of General
9459 clearing? General Ordnance Staff E in C D
Which branch of Army H.Qrs. deals QMG Secretary
9460 with Discipline and ceremonials? Branch AG Branch GS Branch Branch B
Which Branch of Army H.Qrs. deals Quarter
with leave and pension of Military Master Adjutant General Military
9461 Personnel? General General Staff Secretary B

Quarter Master
Which Branch of Army H.Qrs. deals Master General of General Military
9462 with Military training and education? General Ordnance Staff Secretary C

Which Branch of Army H.Qrs. deals Quarter Master

with Procurement policy of general Master General of General Military
9463 stores? General Ordnance Staff Secretary B

Which Branch of Army H.Qrs. deals Quarter Master

with Remount and veterinary Master General of General Military
9464 Services? General Ordnance Staff Secretary A

Master Quarter Military

Which Branch of Army H.Qrs. deals Engineer General of Master Secretary
9465 with Works Policy? in Chief Ordnance General Branch C
Which branch of Army Head Qrs. deals Adjutant General of E in C Military
9466 with Military Law? General Ordnance branch Secretary A
Which branch of Army Head Quarters QMG MGO Secretary
9467 deals with MT vehicles in Army? Branch AG Branch Branch Branch C
Which branch of Army Head Quarters Secretary QMG MGO
9468 deals with MT Vehicles in Army? AG Branch Branch Branch branch D
Which branch of Army HQrs. Deals
9469 with Combat Development? GS AG QMG MGO A
Which branch of Indian Army MS QMG
9470 recommend for grant of honors and GS branch AG Branch branch branch C

Which branch of Naval H.Qrs. deals Asst. Chief

with the Discipline of the Civilian Chief of of Naval Chief of
9471 Personnel in the Navy? Vice Chief Logistics Staff personnel B

Which branch of Navy H.Qrs. Deals Chief of Chief of Chief of

9472 with Hydrography? Logistics Material personnel Vice Chief D
Which branch of SBI acts as e-focal
9473 point branch for CMP transactions? Delhi Mumbai Bengaluru Pune B
Which branch of the Army H.Qrs. deals Engineer
with Bomb disposal and Mine in Chief QMG MGO
9474 clearing? GS Branch Branch Branch Branch B
Which branch of the Army H.Qrs. deals Military
with Issue of Commissions in the Secretary QMG MGO
9475 Army? Branch AG Branch Branch Branch A
Which branch of the Army H.Qrs. deals
with Organization and development of QMG MGO
9476 the Army? GS Branch AG Branch Branch Branch A
Which branch of the Army H.Qrs. deals
with Pay & Allowances and Pension of QMG MGO
9477 Army personnel? GS Branch AG Branch Branch Branch B
Which branch of the Army H.Qrs. deals QMG MGO
9478 with Signal Equipment? GS Branch AG Branch Branch Branch D
Which class of P.M. voucher will be
9479 operated for Railway Bills? 2 4 5 6 D
Which class of PM voucher is operated
9480 to adjust MRO? 1 2 8 9 B
Which class of Punching Medium is
not operated by Admin Pay section of
9481 Regional PCDA/CDA office? 1 2 4 None C
Which class of punching medium is
9482 prepared by AO GE? 9 5 6 4 D
Which class of Punching Medium
9483 voucher has two parts i.e. part A & 1 2 5 8 D
Which class of Punching Medium
9484 Voucher is used for adjustment of 1 2 5 8 B
Which class of voucher is operated for
9485 Cash Vouchers 1 2 3 4 A
Which class of voucher is operated for
9486 Civil ID schedules 3 8 6 9 A
Which class of voucher is operated for
9487 MES Bills 1 4 6 9 D
Which class of voucher is operated to
9488 carry out rectification of erroneous 1 2 4 5 B
Which class of voucher is operated to
9489 compile Abstract of Receipts & 1 2 4 5 C
Which class of voucher is operated to
9490 compile Railway Vouchers 3 4 5 6 D
Which class of voucher is operated to
compile the cash accounts of Imprest
9491 Holders 1 2 4 5 D
Which class of voucher is operated to
9492 respond the DIDS 2 8 4 5 B
Which colour of APAR form is used to
write the APAR of SAG level officer in
9493 Defence Accounts Department? Blue Cream Pink Yellow A
Which colour of the form is used for
9494 APAR of HAG officer? Yellow Blue Pink Cream D
Which Commission suggests the Planning
Government on matters related to Commissi Election Finance
distribution of Taxes between Central on/Neeti Commissi Commissi All the
9495 Which
and State
examines the Ayog on on three C
accounts showing the appropriations Public Committe
of sums granted by the House for Accounts e on Finance Estimates
expenditure and final expenditure and Committe undertaki Commissi committe
9496 results e ngs on e A
Which copy of the issue voucher is
9497 known as Consignee Copy? B copy C copy A copy E copy B

the scope
of audit
and report
Which copy of the issue voucher is to
sent to Consignor LAO by the Supply PCDA/CD
9498 Depot? D A Both None C
Which copy of the issue voucher is the
office copy of the consignee when
9499 stores are issued from depot to unit? A B C D C
Which copy of the issue vouchers is
called as Receipted copy of the
Consignee when stores are transferred
9500 from one depot to another? C D E B D
Which Corps of Indian Army provides a
pool of unskilled Military labour for Defence
supply and maintenance of Forces in Pioneer Security Armoured
9501 the Field? MES Corps Corps Corps B
Dept. of
Which Department of Ministry of Dept. of Research Dept. of
Defence deals with advising Defence & Ex
Government on scientific aspects of Dept. of Productio Developm Serviceme
9502 Military Equipment? Defence n ent n welfare C
Dept. of
Dept. of Research Dept. of
Which Department of Ministry of Defence & Ex
Defence deals with appeals on Dept. of Productio Developm Serviceme
9503 account of Family Pension? Defence n ent n welfare D
Dept. of
Dept. of Research Dept. of
Which Department of Ministry of Defence & Ex
Defence deals with indigenization of Dept. of Productio Developm Serviceme
9504 imported stores? Defence n ent n welfare B
Dept. of Departme
Which Department of MOD is Defene Dept. of nt of Ex-
responsible to deal with matters Dept. of Productio Defence Serviceme
9505 relating to Parliament? Defence n R&D n A
Which E, the function of audit looks
into the aspect of achieving the Effectiven All the
9506 targets systematically? Economy Efficiency ess three B
Which E, the function of audit looks Effectiven All the
9507 into the aspect of minimum operating Economy Efficiency ess three A
Which E, the function of audit looks Effectiven All the
9508 into the aspect of pre determined Economy Efficiency ess three C
Which f the following items of
expenditure is not compiled in the CP ISA
9509 Punching Medium in GE office? voucher voucher Both None A
Which files are treated as important al and
files in DAD offices while handing & other
taking over process is done between important All the
9510 officers? Top Secret Secret files three D
Which form is used for Class 8 voucher IAF CDA IAF CDA IAF CDA IAF CDA
9511 (for responding DIDS) in DAD? 336 338 - A 336 -A 338 B
Which is not a public sector Mishra Goa and Vehicle
undertaking under administrative Dhatu shipyard Engineers Factory
9512 control of MOD? Limited limited limited Jabalpur D
Western Eastern Southern
Air Central Air Air Air
9513 Which is not an Air Force Command? Command Command Command Command D

n of travel
by Air
India only
is not
for travel LTC can be
Travel LTC – 80 by air and availed
should be tickets of claiming during
only as Air India fare of Saturday/
per only entitled Sunday/Ot
Which is not one of the conditions for entitleme should be class by her closed
9514 Which
is not oneofofLTC?
the demands for nt purchased rail Holidays D
grants submitted by Ministry of
Defence under Defence Service Defence
9515 Estimates? Army Navy Pensions None C

of Surface
Ministry Ministry Transport Ministry
Which Ministry is responsible for the of of Home & of
9516 administration of Coast Guard? Shipping Affairs Highway Defence D

has been
concluded Power of
Contract by CFA Attorney
has not with is verified
been Registered Security with
Which of following is incorrect with made by a Contracto Deposit is duplicate
9517 reference to Audit of Contracts? minor r enforced of GPA D

Cantonme Audit fee

nt Boards is paid by
being part Cantonme
of MOD nt Board
do not Cantonme is
have to nt Boards PCDA/CD None of
pay audit are to pay A asks for these is
9518 Which of one these is correct fee audit fee the same correct B
Which of the folloing techniques of
inventory control is done to ascertain Order Fixation of
usage and investment on various Two Bin cycling ABC stock
9519 items of store in Costing? system system Analysis levels C
Which of the following absence is not Sick List
a type of leave but treated as duty in Annual Concessio
9520 the case of Commissioned Officer? Leave Furlough n Sick Leave C
Receipts and
and Expenditu
Which of the following Account adopts Payments re
9521 cash basis of Accounting? Account Account Both None A
Receipts and
Which of the following Account and Expenditu
includes both capital and revenue Payments re
9522 items? Account Account Both None A
Which of the following Account Receipts and
includes items pertaining to the and Expenditu
preceding, current and succeding Payments re
9523 year? Account Account Both None A
Which of the following Account takes Receipts and
into account of the outstanding and Expenditu
expenses and Income Due for the Payments re
9524 accounting period? Account Account Both None B
Grants of
Which of the following Accounts are Defence
9525 classified under six tier arrangement? MOD Civil Services Both None A

Which of the following accounts are Bank All the

9526 closed with Credit balance? Overdraft Creditors Capital three D
Which of the following accounts are All the
9527 closed with Debit balance? Cash Furniture Machinery three D

Which of the following accounts are Ration Store Subsidiary Map

9528 not audited by LAO? Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts D

Taking a document
casual s out of
meal with office with
Which of the following actions by a a permissio Speculatin
Senior Auditor working in DAD violates Contracto n of his g in stock All the
9529 the Discipline Rules? r AO market three C
officers/so Postal
ldiers in Collection
settlemen s from
Which of the following actions by Field t of public Field Post
9530 Cashier is objectionable? claims Offices Both None D

To pay
of pay to
officers on Supply of
presentati funds to
on of Field Cashing of
Which of the following actions by Field personal Imprest private
9531 Cashier you would object in audit? cheques Holders cheques a & c C

Payment re to a
of RARs in code head
Which of the following actions by GE excess of Mistakes other than
cannot be objected to directly in audit work in Cash specific
9532 by DAD against him? done Book head None D

Making s to obtain
independe evidence
nt inquiry in support
in a unit of
Which of the following actions by LAO with observatio
9533 is not in order? PBORs n Both None A

Such Demand
Which of the following actions by amount is Intimated
PCDA (O) is not correct in the case of noted in a to Acknowle
Funds paid by Field Cashier to Field demand respective dgement DIDS is
9534 Imprest Holders? register PAO watched raised D
Correspon Audit Over
dence decision ruling the
with GOI on decision
Which of the following actions by on routineHypotheti of earlier
9535 PCDA is in order? matters cal Case CDA All A
Transfer leave to
Which of the following actions is not the the
prescribed under SH Act, while inquiry aggrieved aggrieved
9536 is in progress? woman woman Both None D

t credit Not
verificatio signing in
n in Constructi Not
Which of the following actions of AO respect of on signing on
9537 GE will you not object in audit? LP Stores Accounts MER None A

of Tender
Extension Date After
Which of the following actions should Amendme of Tender Due Date
not be done at all by the Buyers of nt to the Opening of
9538 Defence? RFP Date Opening None D

Which of the following actions will be (O)
taken simultaneously at the time of New Case Account
opening of new IRLA in respect of file is Number is
9539 Army Officer? opened allotted Both None C

Which of the following activities Banking of Expenditu
Accounts section of a PCDA/CDA does Regiment re Returns DID
9540 not deal with? al funds to units schedules None D
of Rent &
charges of
Def. Maintena
Care Buildings nce
Which of the following activities do taking of leased to Services
not fall under the ambit of Engineer Defence third to Def.
9541 Services provided by MES? Buildings parties Buildings None D
Which of the following activities is not
covered under the definition of
Manufacturing as per the Factories
9542 Act? Washing Repairing Storing None D

Trying to
solve the Interpret
Which of the following acts are not problem the
supposed to be done by Public of the RTI informatio
9543 Information Officer under RTI Act? Applicant n None Both D

Establishin authoritie
ga s to the
personal fullest
contact extent
with all possible in
the Army matters
officers relating to
with Settlemen
whom he t of
is outstandi
Which of the following acts by LAO, concerned ng audit
9544 you would say violation of Discipline? in duty? objections Both None D

Which of the following acts can be Reporting,

done by the same officer in the case of Reviewing Reviewing
APAR in three tier system otherthan in Reporting, Reporting, , and
9545 the case of Stenographers? Reviewing Accepting Accepting Accepting C

Undertaki ng
ng occasional
honorary work of a
Which of the following acts done by work of a literary,
Government servant without prior social or artistic or
sanction is violation of CCS Conduct charitable scientific
9546 Rules? nature character Both None D
ation Seeking
individuall Direct
y by a access to
Which of the following Acts would be Group of PCDA/CD
treated as violation of Discipline by a Employee A to meet
9547 DAD employee? s personally Both None D

Transfer Giving a
of Sub
Which of the following acts, a Contract Contract
Contractor can do without the to another to another
knowledge of Accepting Officer of Contracto specialist
9548 MES? r firm Both None D

Which of the following acts, you temporary
would say violation of conduct rules Speculatio loan from
9549 by a government employee? n a friend Both None A

d for Local
Which of the following advances are Advance of petty
9550 not compiled to Advances Head? of Pay stores Both None A
of TA/DA Advance
Which of the following advances for for
cannot be paid from cash assignment Advance Temporar Medical
9551 by GE, though urgent in nature? of Pay y Duty Treatment None C
Which of the following advances does House
not require to be posted in DHRs Building PC Advance
9552 maintained in Accounts Section Advance Advance of Pay None C

Which of the Following Allowance in

respect of Prisoners of war will be Para Specialist All the
9553 discontinued by PCDA (O) Pune? Allowance Allowance HAUCA three C
Which of the following allowance is
admissible along with Siachen Flying
9554 Allowance? HAFA HAUCA Allowance None A
All the All the
peace allowance
Which of the following allowances are All Field station s that are
admissible to PBORs irrespective of Allowance allowance rationalize
9555 period of their availing leave? s s d None C
Which of the following allowances is
admissible concurrently with SCCIA in
9556 respect of Army Officers? HAFA CFAA CMFAA HAUCA D

Bad Island Sumptuar

Which of the following allowances is Climate Duty Travelling y
9557 not a compensatory allowance? Allowance Allowance Allowance allowance D

Which of the following allowances is Para Command
not admissible concurrently with Para Reserve o
9558 Allowance? Allowance Allowance Both None C
Entire Pay
Which of the following allowances is and
not admissible in respect of officer Allowance Para Specialist
9559 declared Prisoner of War? s Allowance Allowance HAUCA D

GPF Final
Which of the following amounts need al amount
not be deposited through MRO at the Balance of in respect
end of March remaining Training of
9560 unexpended/paid? Grant employee Both None B
Which of the following appointments
are known as Tenure appointments in Chief of Lt. Gen of All the
9561 respect of Army Officers? Army Staff DGAFMS AFMS three D
Which of the following are claimed
through proper format (Not adjusted Outfit language camp kit All the
9562 through Part II O.O.) by Army Officers? allowance awards allowance three D
Appropria Matters of
Which of the following are excluded Abnormal tion of Pure All the
9563 from Cost
Which of the
following are not Costs Profit Finance three D
concerned with verification of PCDA
Construction Accounts of GE office in Main
9564 general? Office AO GE RAO/LAO None A
Which of the following are not D.O.
9565 diarizedofinthe
Which Records
are not
of parts of Bills Valuables letters None C
Two Bid System? (1) Technical Bid (2)
Commercial Bid (3) Initial bid (4) Final
9566 Bid 1,2 2,3 1,3 3,4 D
Which of the following are not Date up to
supposed to be intimated through LPC Retrench which Details of
9567 by noting therein? ments paid pay None A
Six tier
Which of the following are classificati DID
9568 represented by 15 digit number? on schedules Both None C
Govt. Damages
Which of the following are required to building caused to
be paid from DSE used by Use civil Railways
(Rent/compensation) when services of Defence Aerodrom in
9569 other departments are utilized? office e accident None D

Receipt Issue
voucher voucher
of the of the Receipt Issue
consignor consignor voucher voucher
& issue & receipt of the of the
voucher voucher consignor consignor
of the of the & &
9570 Which of the following are same? consignee consignee consignee consignee B
charges of
plant Sub
Royalties when Contract
charged used for expenses
Which of the following are treated as as a rate specific for special All the
9571 Direct Expenses? per unit job processing three D
Vetting of
Which of the following aspects is not Draft Allotment
covered at the Expenditure Angle Vetting of Supply of U.O.
9572 Stage of IFA proposal? CST Order Number None A

Workmen' awards
s involving
Which of the following awards do not Compensa refund of
fall under the category of Charged tion Act of Security
9573 Expenditure payments? 1923 Deposits Both None C
Which of the following banks is Canara HDFC All the
9574 authorized by RBI to deal with Foreign SBI Bank Bank three D
Which of the following banks is HDFC
9575 nominated by MOD to function as Axis Bank ICICI Bank Bank None D

n of Leave
of one
Which of the following can be claimed kind of
as a right under FRSR Part III Leave leave into
9576 Rules? Leave another Both None D
Which of the following can be Extension Special d by
classified as original works for budget of Repairs to Technical All the
9577 purposes? Runways Buildings reasons three A
Which of the following can be found in
the details supplied by EDP Centre to Details of
Pension Cell to complete the LPC-cum- Dependen Gallantry Home
9578 Data Sheet in FS cases? ts Awards Town None B
Which of the following can be GPF Refund of
recovered from Subsistence Allowance Income subscripti GPF All the
9579 at the option of suspended employee? Tax on Advance three C

ent of the
Disagreem Accepting
Disagreem ent of officer
ent of Reviewing with
Reporting Officer Remaks of
Officer with Reporting
Which of the following can be treated with Self Reporting /Reviewin
9580 as Adverse Remarks in APAR? Appraisal Officer g officers None D
Which of the following can be used for Service Franking
9581 despatch of dak by post? Labels Machine Both None C

Pay and Pay and Office

Which of the following can not be Allowance Allowance Contingen
reflected/accounted for in Depot s of s of cies
Contingent Return by ASC supply Pernabent Temporar Expenditu
9582 Depots? laboour y laboour re None C

conduct of
servant is
so grossly
that all
reasonabl He/she
e men will does not
Which of the following can Occasiona say that possess
tantamount to misconduct that makes l Late he/she good
a Government servant liable for Attendanc cannot be communic
9583 disciplinary action? e trusted ation skills None B
If the An officer
move is attached
undertake to unit at
n in another
Which of the following cannot be pursuance station on
classified as a permanent move for an of tour of disciplinar
9584 army officer inspection y grounds Both a, b None C
Which of the following cannot be GPF Refund of
recovered from Subsistence Income subscripti GPF All the
9585 Allowance? Tax on Advance three B
Which of the following cannot be misapprop
recovered from the GPF final Governme riated by
9586 accumulation of employee? nt Dues him Both None C

Officers Officers
Which of the following cases is posted to on
included in ‘IRLA not generated’ Embassies Deputatio
9587 Report in PCDA (O)? abroad n Both None C

Excess IT
in a
month Advance
No cash can be of salary is
refund of adjusted deemed
IT can be by under to be
made recovery salary due
without in next on the
the month if it date when
Which of the following cases is true authority is in same the
with reference to recovery of Income of IT financial advance is All the
9588 Tax from Pay and allowances? Officer year received three D
Which of the following casualties in Grant of
respect of Army officers is not Admission Discharge Military
published through Part II Office to from Service All the
9589 Orders?of the following casualty in
Which Hospital Hospital Pay three C
respect of DAD Employee is not
required to be published through Part Retiremen
9590 II Office Order? Leave t Both None D
Which of the following Category is not
prescribed in respect of Training
9591 Establishments in Army? C B A None A
Which of the following category of Generatio
work does not get covered under Regulator Loss of n of
9592 Internal Audit Report? y audit Revenue Revenue None D
Which of the following cells does not Nominal Pension
9593 function under Ledger Wing of PCDA Rent Cell Roll Cell cell PLI Cell D
Which of the following cells/sub Salary
sections work under Accounts Section Field Contributi All the
9594 of PCDA (O)? PLI Cashier on three D

Cert. that
placed on
Which of the following certificates you normal
would look into while carrying out NAC from Cert. that source has
audit of Bills on account of Local Normal items not been All the
9595 Purchase of AOC supplies? Source for stock cancelled three D
Which of the following charges are not Premium Dynamic
9596 reimursable for train journey on tour? Tatkal Tatkal fare None D

Which of the following claims are of ement of
non recurring nature and are not Officiating Medical
passed through Audit cage of IRLAs of Command charges Terminal All the
9597 Army Officers? Allowance (OPD) Gratuity three D
Which of the following class of
voucher PM is operated by Accounts
Section of PCDDA (O) for Monthly Pay
9598 and Allowances of Army Officers? 1 2 4 5 C
Which of the following clauses is a
price safety mechanism in a Rate Liquidated Repeat Security
9599 Contract? Damages Fall clause Order clause B
Prefix/Suff Prefix/Suff Prefix/Suff
Which of the following combinations ix to ix to ix to
is not admissible in respect of Regular Casual Regular
9600 Compensatory Leave? Leave Leave Holidays None D
Which of the following components of
9601 CDA (O) Account Number remains First Second Third None C

It is It does
debited to not count
Which of the following conditions is Leave is Earned as service
true with reference to Maternity leave granted leave for All the
9602 of a female government employee? on full pay account pension three A
Which of the following contracts is Term Item Rate Lump Sum decided
9603 concluded for artificers work by MES? Contract Contract contract by GE A
Which of the following controllers are
involved in the process of preparation PCDA (P) CDA (PD) CDA, All the
9604 of Estimates for Defence Pension? Allahabad Meerut Chennai three A
Which of the following Controls is not Administr
prescribed in Parliamentary set up Legislative ative Accountin Audit
9605 India? Control Control g Control Control C
Which of the following corps is Army Army
responsible for purchase of food stuffs Medical Service Military All the
9606 for Indian Army? Corps Corps Farms three B

Cheques in the
received cash book,
recorded but not
in the presented
cash book to bank by
Which of the following create a but not the
difference in the bank balance as per deposited beneficiari
9607 cash book and Pass Book? into bank es Both None C
Which of the following DAD offices
deals with payment of bills relating to Jt. CDA
third party payments of Air Force PCDA (AF) CDA (AF) (AF) All the
9608 PSUs? Dehrudun New Delhi Nagpur three B

Which of the following DAD offices MOD
does not come under the ambit of PCDA (O) PCDA (SC) (Civil), IFA HQ
9609 Defence Accounting Circles? Pune Pune New Delhi (SC) Pune D
Covers addressed
received to
Which of the following Dak is diarized from PCDA/CD
in Administration section (specifically) Confidenti CGDA A/Addl. All the
9610 in a Regional PCDA/CDA office? al covers office CDA three D

day on
Which of the following days is treated which
as a working day in respect of a retiring on
Government employee for the Day of superannu
9611 purpose of pay and allowances? death ation Both None C
€™s Defence
(Productio Ministerâ Defence
n and €™s Ministerâ
Which of the following deals with Supply) Appellate €™s
matters relating to indigenous Committe Committe Committe All the
9612 production of Defence Stores? e e e three A
Which of the following demands
against an employee transferred from House
audit jurisdiction of one CDA to Advance Advance Building All the
9613 another is transferred through DEA? of Pay of TA/DA Advance three C
nt of
Which of the following Departments is Defence Military Armed
not covered under MOD (Civil Productio Engineer Forces
9614 Estimates)? DAD n Service Tribunal C

Which of the following details is not Demands

recorded in Last Pay Certificate issued Date of outstandi Home
9615 in respect of transferred official? Birth ng Town None C
Which of the following details need seeking
not be required to be mentioned by Contact informatio
9616 Which
the applicant
of the following
under RTIDisciplinary
act? details n Both None B
proceedings are supposed to be
completed before retirement of the
9617 charged official? Major Minor Both None B
claims of Pay & All.
Which of the following do not pass Office Contracto Ind. Of Civilian
through Cash Assignment Cash book Contingen rs Employee Employee
9618 of GE cies payments s s D
Which of the following document is
not diarized in the Records Section of
9619 CDA office? Bill Valuable Letter None D
Which of the following document is
not required to be verified while
9620 auditing local purchase bills? Sanction CRV Invoice None D
Which of the following documents are Construtio
not fowarded to CDA through AO GE n
9621 every month? MER Cash Book Accounts None C
Which of the following documents are Measure r’s
sent to AO GE for audit along with ment Works order All the
9622 final bills of MES contracts? Book Diary book three A
Which of the following documents is
diarized as Valuable in a Regional CDA All the
9623 Office? LTC claim G.P. Note CEA Claim three B
Which of the following documents is y Cash
not received along with Debit Scrolls Paid Requisitio
9624 Which
from Focal
of the
of Banks?is Cheque n Both None D
not relevant for opening of IRLA of Governme
newly commissioned Army Officer by Part II nt Form
9625 PCDA (O)? order sanction ‘A’ LPC D

Which of the following documents is Deed in ment in
not required to be submitted by the prominent Gazette
Government servant, who requests prescribed local news Notificatio
9626 for change of his Name? form paper n None D

Part II
Which of the following documents is order
not required to open a IRLA in PCDA regarding
(O) in respect of Officer granted Commissi reporting
9627 commission in Army? on order to duty LPC None C
Which of the following documents
need not be submitted to DPC for
their recommendations regarding Seniority Recruitme
9628 promotion of employees? list APARs nt Rules None D
Which of the following documents
need not be submitted to Paying Ink signed
Authority for payment along with the Supply copy of
9629 Bill? CRV Order invoice None D
Which of the following documents Part II Service
9630 need not be verified in audit of Ration order LPC Book None C

Change of
Which of the following does not apply Seniority Reservatio Designatio All the
9631 to the upgradation under MACPS? Roster n n three D

ent by the
third party
Which of the following does not that they
become a factor for consideration by Legal will refund Fulfillmen
PCDA/CDA to release provisional complicati in case t of
9632 payments? Urgency ons required liability C

Which of the following does not come Fixed Variable Semi

under Behaviour wise classification of Overhead Overhead Variable
9633 overheads? s s overheads None D
Which of the following does not come Term e Rate Item Rate
9634 under Measurement Contracts? Contract Contract Contract None D
Which of the following does not come Functions Behaviour Element
9635 under
Which Overhead
of the following
does not come wise Cost wise wise wise B
under the ambit of valuable
documents while diarising in a CDA Indemnity
9636 office? Complaint Cheque Bond None A
Which of the following does not come order for Price
under the purview of the definition of items of Agreemen
9637 Contract as per DPM? stores t None Both C
Which of the following does not fall Security Field Money
9638 under “Deposits― Deposits Deposits Deposits None C
Which of the following does not fall TransactioSanction Expenditu All the
9639 under the ambit of appropriation n audit audit re audit three A
Payment Recovery
of rent, of LF &
Which of the following does not fall Quarterin rates & Allied
9640 under the ambit of Barrack services? g taxes charges None D

Unissued Estates of
pay and Office deceased
Which of the following does not fall allowance allowance men and
9641 under the ambit of public fund? s fund deserters None D
Which of the following does not fall Rate Agreemen Service
9642 under the ambit of types of contracts? Contract t Contract None D
Which of the following does not fall ent/Econo
under the broad categories of Internal Generatio my
Audit Report submitted by PCDA/CDA Regulator n/Loss of Suggestio
9643 to CGDA? y audit Revenue n None D
Grants Sanctions
Which of the following does not fall Rules and and to
under the categories of sanctions and general appropriat Expenditu
9644 orders affecting financial transactions? orders ions re None D

Which of the following does not fall Medical

under the category of History Service
‘valuables’ for the purpose of sheet of a Record of
diarizing in a Regional PCDA/CDA Sheet Roll DAD a DAD
9645 office? of a PBOR employee employee None D

Sector L - Sector K -
Which of the following does not fall Suspense Deposits Sector F-
under the category of Advances in & and Loans and
9646 Defence Service Accounts? Advance Advances Advances None D
by Air to a
Which of the following does not fall place Bad
under the category of Compensatory Travelling outside Climate Hard Area
9647 Which
of the following does not fall Allowance India Allowance Allowance B
under the category of Movable
Property as far as CCS Conduct Rules Motor
9648 are concerned? Radio Cycle Shares None D

To secure To verify
all whether
To verify receipts Expenditu
Which of the following does not fall complete are re is To
under the purview of primary function ness of brought to authorize prescribe
9649 of audit? accounts account d rules D
Which of the following does not form Generatio
a broad category covered in the Regulator Loss of n of
9650 Internal Audit Report y Audit Revenue Revenue None D

of the
Central total
Governme outstandi
nt on the ng external
security of liabilities debt
the in the valued at
Consolidat public current
Which of the following does not form ed Fund of account of exchange
9651 part of Central Government Debt? India India rates None D

Which of the following does not form Pre-

part of Classification of cost on the Historical determine Standard
9652 basis of time? Costs d costs Costs None D

Which of the following does not form Semi

part of Classification of cost on the Direct Indirect Direct/Ind
9653 basis of traceability? costs costs irect costs None C
Which of the following does not form
part of Pre-determined costs while Pre-
doing Classification of cost on the Historical determine Standard
9654 basis of time? Costs d costs Costs None A
Coste r's
Which of the following does not form Schedule Percentag
9655 part of Technical Sanction? of works e None Both C
Which of the following does not have Home
9656 a Proforma Account in RBI, CAS Defence Ministry Railways None B
Which of the following does not have PCDA (O) (Funds)
9657 a sub office under them Pune Meerut Both None C
Which of the following does not Unservice Economic Serviceabl
9658 indicate the condition of stores? Surplus able Repairs e A
Which of the following dues is not
posted in the Demand Register by Pay Licence Advance Advance
9659 sections of PCDA/CDA office? Fee bills of GPF of Pay None A
Which of the following entries in a Name of
cheque should be free from any the Name of All the
9660 alteration? Treasury the payee Amount three B

due to
inability of
an officer for
to join or pursuing
rejoin higher
Which of the following EOL granted duty on Technical
automatically count as qualifying a/c of Civil and
service for pension and increments commotio Scientific
9661 without any further sanctions? n Studies Both None C
Errors of
Ommissio Errors of
Which of the following errors cannot n in commissio Compensa All the
9662 Which
be traced
of the
if trial
is tallied? is Journal n ting Errors three D
not conducted by UPSC for University
recruitment of Commissioned Officers Entry
9663 of Indian Army? NDA CDSE Scheme None C

Expenditu Expenditu
re out of re out of
Consolidat Contingen Charged
Which of the following expenditure ed Fund of cy Fund of Expenditu
9664 does not require vote by Parliament India India re None C

Consolidat Contingen Charged

Which of the following expenditure ed Fund of cy Fund of Vote On Expenditu
9665 does not require vote by Parliament? India India Account re D
Stores issued
Stores issued by from
transferre Supply Army to
Which of the following fall under d between Depots to Navy/Air All the
9666 “Payment Book debit issues “? units units force three C
Which of the following fall under the Authorize Special
9667 ambit of Original works? d works Works Both None C

Un issued
Pay and Office
Which of the following fall under the allowance Allowance Estates of All the
9668 ambit of public funds? s fund Deserters three D
Which of the following form part of
final accounts prepared by business at Balane All the
9669 the end of the year? Trading P&L Sheet three D

Which of the following form part of Committe Discretion All the

9670 fixed costs? d costs ary costs Step costs three D
Which of the following forms of
Deposits do not pass through the Other
9671 Government accounts? Cash than Cash Both None B

Which of the following forms of payments
security deposits are accounted for due to the
through cash book by Defence contractor All the
9672 Departments? Cash s FDRs three A

Railway Station
Which of the following function under Mountain Armoured Operating Transport
9673 ASC corps of Army? Regiments Regiments Coys Offices D
Which of the following grade in DAD is Senior
9674 not filled through Direct Recruitment? MTS Clerk Auditor Auditor D
Which of the following grants is Signal
specifically made to improve and works
maintain the efficiency of Army Static services All the
9675 Signal Installations? TTEIG Grant ACG three B
Which of the following Grievance
Redressal System is established for the All the
9676 benefit of General Public in India? RTI CPGRAMS CVC three B

Pay and
Which of the following heads is a allowance Civil Hired
9677 suspense head? s MROs Transport HBA B
Which of the following houses is not House of Council of
9678 subject to dissolution? People states Both None B
Which of the following includes an
anticipated contractor’s Approxim Costed
percentage based on the appreciation Rough Indication ate Schedule
9679 of market trends? Cost of Cost Estimates of works D
Which of the following Indian
Accounting Standards prescribes
9680 about Accounting
Which of the following
for fixed
assets? AS-6 AS-8 AS-9 AS-10 D
Accounting Standards prescribes
about Accounting for taxes on
9681 income? AS-6 AS-10 AS-22 AS-25 C
Which of the following Indian
Accounting Standards prescribes
9682 about Cash Flow Statement? AS-1 AS-2 AS-3 AS-4 C
Which of the following Indian
Accounting Standards prescribes
about Contingencies and Events
9683 occuring after Balance Sheet Date? AS-1 AS-2 AS-3 AS-4 D
Which of the following Indian
9684 Accounting Standards prescribes AS-3 AS-4 AS-5 AS-6 D
Which of the following Indian
Accounting Standards prescribes
9685 about Valuatin of Inventories? AS-1 AS-2 AS-3 AS-4 B

for the
Which of the following information is Family of PF,
9686 not reflected in the LPC? particulars DCRG etc. Both None C

ion of
Irregular stores due Non
Which of the following irregularities maintena to maintena
cannot be placed in MFAI Report by nce of inadequat nce of
9687 PCDA/CDA office? accounts e storage accounts None D

n of rent
rolls for
person Attendanc
occupying e of
Which of the following is a duty of the factory Auction
9688 Accounts Office in Factory? quarters Sales Both None C
Which of the following is a method
used to convert net profit into net
9689 cash flows from Operating Activities? Dirct Indirect Both None C
Which of the following is a variable 's
9690 cost? Rent Material salary Insurance B
Which of the following is a compulsory Repaymen
deduction from Subsistence Income t of LF & Allied All the
9691 Allowance? Tax Advance Charges three D
Which of the following is a content of Normal Surrender
9692 outcome budget? Savingss None Both D
To applicatio To apply
prescribe n of the rules
Which of the following is a function of rules & orders and All the
9693 audit? orders and rules orders three C

Scrutiny Prescribin
of g Rules
Which of the following is a function of Disciplinar and
9694 audit? y action orders Both None A
sumptuar Passage
Which of the following is a kind of y by Sea or Travelling All the
9695 compensatory allowance? allowance air Allowance three C

Bills Bills
9696 Which of the following is a liability receivable payable Both None B

Bank All the

9697 Which of the following is a liability Capital Overdraft Creditors three D

Acrued ng
9698 Which of the following is a liability Income expenses Both None B
received Deposit
Which of the following is a liability in from with
9699 the books of Ram? Shyam Shyam Both None A
outstandi received
ng in
9700 Which of the following is a liability? expensses advance Both None C
Pre paid Salaries
Acrued Advertise not yet All the
9701 Which of the following is a liability? Rent ment paid three C

9702 Which of the following is a liability? Overdraft Bank Loan Both None C
Withholdi Withholdi
ng of ng of
Which of the following is a major promotio Increment
9703 penalty? n s Both None D
Charge Inquiry Attendanc
9704 Which of the following is a misfit? Sheet Witness Officer e D
Which of the following is a nominal Insurance All the
9705 account? Rent Interest c three D
Which of the following is a not section Local
9706 of PCDA (Navy) Imprest Audit Wages None D
Which of the following is a real All the
9707 account? Furniture Goodwill Patents three D
Which of the following is a semi- Rent of Depreciati All the
9708 variable overhead? building Material on three C
Which of the following is ‘odd’ Rough Indication ate Stock
9709 when compared to the other three? cost of cost Estimate Book Rate D
Which of the following is admissible Annual
9710 for Army Officers but not for PBORs? Leave Sick Leave Furlough None C
Which of the following is admissible Annual Casual
9711 for PBORs but not for Recruits? Leave Sick Leave Leave None D

cation to
Which of the following is advantage of Accountab Transpera priorities All the
9712 Performance Budget? ility ncy and goals three D

Bills Bills
9713 Which of the following is an asset? receivable payable Both None A
Which of the following is an Inter Organizati
9714 Service Organization? MES on Both None C

College of
Which of the following is an Inter Managem
9715 Services organization? ent DG MAP Both None C

Which of the following is an optional Cooperati

deduction from Subsistence PLI ve Society
9716 Allowance? Premium Dues Both None C
received Deposit
Which of the following is asset in the from with
9717 books of Ram? Shyam Shyam Both None B
Pre paid due from
Acrued Advertise Insurance All the
9718 Which of the following is asset? Rent ment Co. three D

Conveyan Children
Which of the following is chargeable Advance ce Education
9719 to contingencies budget allotment? DA arrears of Pay Charges Allowance C
Which of the following is classified al Piece
9720 under incentive scheme for labour? Rate Piece Rate Time Rate None A

Which of the following is considered Non

as a part of Basic pay for the purpose Practicing Special Personal
9721 of calculation of Dearness Allowance? Allowance Pay Pay None A

Which of the following is considered

as a part of Basic pay for the purpose Non Military
of calculation of House Rent Practicing Special Service
9722 Allowance? Allowance Pay Pay None D
Which of the following is considered
as Deferred Monetory benefit, while Basic Dearness Profit Subsidised
9723 calculating Labour cost? Wages Allowance Bonus food C
Which of the following is considered Second Fourth
as half day for the purpose of Saturday Saturday
calculation of Audit Fee in respect of of the of the
9724 Cantonment Boards? Saturday month month None D
It does
require It is
submissio charged
It is voted n for vote on the
by the by Contingen
Which of the following is correct with parliamen parliamen cy fund of
9725 reference to Charged Expenditure? t t India Both b & c B

report is
in two
parts with
MFAI each
MFAI Report MFAI having
report is contains 4 report is two
Which of the following is correct with rendered sections addressed sections
9726 reference to MFAI Report? half yearly A,B,C & D to CGDA A,B D
It is a It is a
Which of the following is correct with minor major It is not a
9727 reference to Recorded warning? penalty penalty penalty None C

Which of the following is covered ation
under the definition of work place as provided
per Sexual Harassment of women at by the Cooperati
9728 work place Act? employer ve Society Both None C

Which of the following is diarized as communic
special dak in a Regional PCDA/CDA ation from Indemnity Confidenti
9729 office? A.H.Qrs. bond Complaint al Dak A
Which of the following is diarized as Armed Important
valuable by Record Section of Indemnity Forces GOI
9730 PCDA/CDA Main Office? Bond Signal letters None A
Which of the following is diarized as Indemnity All the
9731 valuable in a CDA Office? Bond Reminder Complaint three A
Which of the following is different
9732 from the others? NPS GPF DSOPF AFPPF A
Which of the following is different T PIN/ I
9733 from the others? S-1 form PIN SCF CCO- 9 D
different Absence
across of Greater
various degree of
Which of the following is disadvantage departme Accountab
9734 of Performance Budget? nts ility Both None A

Income of
Drawings received
Which of the following is finally Net Profit by by All the
9735 adjusted to Capital in Balance Sheet? or Loss Proprietor business Three D
Which of the following is Interest Free of TA on Medical Advance All the
9736 Advance? Transfer Advance of LTC three D
Which of the following is irrelevant as
far as Defence Proforma Account is Bank Paid
9737 concerned? OMROs DMROs Scrolls Cheques A
Which of the following is known as
9738 Consignor LAOs copy? A B copy C D D
Which of the following is known as
initial book of records in the double Trial All the
9739 entry system? Journal Ledger Balance three A
CDM Artillery
Which of the following is not a Cat Secundera Centre,
9740 'A' Training Establishment? bad CME Pune Nashik None C

Compassi Complem
Which of the following is not a class of onate entary Retiring Invalid
9741 pension? Allowance Pension Pension Pension B
due to
Which of the following is not a content Normal implemen
9742 of outcome budget? savings tation None Both C
Which of the following is not a cost
9743 centre? Workshop Personnel Process None D
Which of the following is not a costing Standard Process Job Terminal
9744 method? costing costing costing Costing A
Which of the following is not a costing Historical Standard Marginal Job
9745 technique? costing costing costing costing D
Local Regional Garrison
Which of the following is not a DAD Audit Audit Engineer
9746 Office Office Office Office None C

Hindustan Bharat
Aeronauti Bharat Electronic Engineer
Which of the following is not a cs Ltd. Dynamicss Ltd. India Ltd.
9747 Defence PSU? (HAL) Ltd. (BDL)
nt of
Departme Defence
Departme nt of Research
Which of the following is not a Departme nt of Defence and
Department under Ministry of nt of Defence Productio Developm
9748 Defence? Defence Finance n ent B
Which of the following is not a
9749 Designation of MES officers? GE CWE CE EE D

Long term
Which of the following is not a Budget
9750 disadvantage of Performance Budget? Rigidness period Both None D
Lack of
Which of the following is not a Focus only Transpera
9751 disadvantage of Performance Budget? on targets ncy Both None B
Which of the following is not a division
functioning under the Department of Resettlem
Ex-Servicemen Welfare of Ministry of ent Finance Pension
9752 Defence? Division Division Division None B
Payment Prescribe
& Financial
Which of the following is not a duty of Accountin Internal Rules and
9753 DAD? g Audit orders None C

Participati scrutiny of
Which of the following is not a duty of Vetting of on in Supply
9754 IFA? RFP TPC/PNC Orders None D
Which of the following is not a duty of
MES with reference to buildings and Maintena
installations for the purpose of Original nce Security of
9755 Defence Services? works services buildings None C
nt of Rent Maintena
of nce and
buildings operation
lent to of Constructi
Which of the following is not a duty of third pumping on of air
9756 MES? parties stations fields None D
Holding of nce of
Operation stores for trees
of mobilizati within
Which of the following is not a duty of pumping on unit
9757 MES? stations reserves premises All C

of TA/DA
drawn by Issue of
Army No
Officers Demand
from Adjustme Certificate
Which of the following is not a duty of Imprest nt of s in NE
9758 T wing of PCDA (O) Pune? holders MROs cases None D

Record of Valuation
Which of the following is not a duty of Time and of
9759 the Accounts Office in Factory? wages Materials Both None D
to point
out any
short To
claim recover
made by the
an officer Governme
and help ntdues
him to get from the
Which of the following is not a duty of his dues employee
9760 the Department? correctly promptly Both None D

Which of the following is not a Original Originatin Respondin

financial advice rendered by Financial g Financial g Financial
9761 PCDA/CDA as a part of Internal Audit? Advice Advice Advice None B
Which of the following is not a of
Financial Statement prepared by Balance Retained Cash Flow
9762 Companies? Sheet Earnings Statement None D
Which of the following is not a fixed 's
9763 cost? Rent Insurance salary D
To see
To that rules
To verify prescribe are
Which of the following is not a the rules and applied
9764 function of audit? accounts orders properly None B
Which of the following is not a PCDA (O) PCDA (N) (Army)
9765 functional CDA Pune Mumbai Meerut None C

College of Army
Defence National Purchase
Which of the following is not a Inter Managem Defence Organizati
9766 Service Organization? ent College on None D
Which of the following is not a kind of Irrevocabl Authorize
9767 Letter of Credit? Revocable e d None C
Which of the following is not a kind of Defence Banking Banking
9768 treasury? Treasury treasury Treasury None A
Compulso Withholdi
Which of the following is not a Major ry Removal ng of
penalty that can be imposed on a Retiremen from promotio
9769 Government Servant? t service ns None C
ry Removal Dismissal
Which of the following is not a major Retiremen from from
9770 penalty? t service service None D
Which of the following is not a Young Military
manufacturing Establishment as far as Stock Dairy Station
9771 audit by LAO is concerned? Farm Farm Bakery H.Qrs D
Which of the following is not a
Manufacturing Establishment as far as Supply Military ASC All the
9772 audit by LAO is concerned? Depot Farm Bakery three A
Which of the following is not a Instalmen Diminishin
9773 method of Depreciation? t g balance Depletion None D
Reserve Depreciati
for on fund
Which of the following is not a Sinking Depreciati investmen
9774 method of Depreciation? fund on t None D
Which of the following is not a Sum of
9775 method of Depreciation? Annuity digits Both None D

to a lower
time scale
withholdi of pay
Which of the following is not a minor ng of with
penalty that can be imposed on a promotio cumulativ
9776 Government servant? Censure ns e effect Both b, c C
ng of
Which of the following is not a minor Recordabl promotio
9777 penalty? Censure e warning n None B
Which of the following is not a mobile
9778 formation in Indian Army? Corps Brigade Division Sub Area D
Which of the following is not a mobile Brigade Station Corps
9779 formation? HQrs HQrs HQrs DIV H.Qrs. B
Which of the following is not a
movable property in the context of
9780 CCS Conduct Rules? Radio Horse Boh None D
Which of the following is not a part of
6 tier classification of Government Sub Major Sub Minor
9781 Accounts? head Sub head head None C
Which of the following is not a part of
accounts/reports/returns submitted
by Military Farm submitted to Store Revenue Cash Capital
9782 Section of CDA for scrutiny? Account Account Account None A

Cash flow Cash flow Cash flow

from from from
Which of the following is not a part of Operating Investing Financing
9783 classification of cash flows? Activities Activities Activities None D
HBA paid recovered payments
to from DA paid to to
Which of the following is not a part of employee employee employee employee
9784 Consolidated Fund of India? s s s s D
Which of the following is not a part of
Defence Budget Demand for Grant Ordnance
9785 under Revenue? Army Factories R&D None D
Which of the following is not a part of Major Minor
9786 six tier of
Which classification
the following
of accounts?
is not a phase Sector head head Sub head A
of planning right from the initiation of Administr
demand to acceptance of contract by ative Technical Financial
9787 MES? Planning Planning Planning None C
Which of the following is not a
prescribed method to maintain Petty Analyitical Imprest
9788 Cash Book? System System Both None D
Which of the following is not a
prescribed schedule in the Contract ScheduleSchedule Schedule
9789 Agreements concluded by MES? B D of Credit None D
To ensure ascertain
that an ledger To
officer is wing ascertain
paid only dealing the
Which of the following is not a one with Effective
purpose for which Central Index is section at particular status of
9790 maintained in PCDA (O)? a time IRLA Account None D
Which of the following is not a ratio
classified as per Functional Profitabilit Market
9791 Classification of Ratios? y Turn over Test None D
Contributi Cost of
Which of the following is not a ratio on of Goods
classified as per importance i.e. Profit to Sales to sold to
9792 Primary or Secondary Ratios? Capital Profit sales None D
Which of the following is not a (CSD), Secundera (Army) CDA,
9793 Regional CDA? Mumbai bad Meerut Chennai A
Which of the following is not a (Army) CDA (SWC)
9794 Regional CDA? Meerut Chennai Jaipur None D
To pay
conduct accounts
post audit of civilian
of Railway gazetted
To supply Warrants officers
funds to in respect posted to
Which of the following is not a Field of army operation
9795 responsibility of PCDA (O)? Cashier officers al areas None D

Pay Audit of To supply
Accounts Field funds to
Which of the following is not a of Imprest Record
9796 responsibility of Regional PCDA/CDA? JCOs/ORs Accounts Offices None D
Which of the following is not a section Records Imprest Control ORs
9797 of PAO (ORs)? section section Section section D
Which of the following is not a section Internal Productio
9798 of PC of A Kolkata? Audit Railway n Costing D
Which of the following is not a section All the
9799 of Regional CDA? Imprest Wages Costing three D

Which of the following is not a Permanen Old

section/wing/cell/sub section of PCDA Record t Record Records
9800 (O) Pune? Section Section section None C
Which of the following is not a Defence Civil n of
9801 separate part in the Pension Budget? Pension Pension Pension None C
Purchase depots,
Which of the following is not a source from units &
to obtain Stores stocks in Depots and foreign formation
9802 Manufacturing Establishments? countries s Both None D

Which of the following is not a stage Sanction Expenditu Receipts

9803 of Appropriation Audit? Audit re Audit Audit None C

Initial Expenditu
distributio re against Re
Which of the following is not a stage n of Allotment appropriat
9804 out of 3 stages of Budgetary Control? Grants s ion None D
Advertise Limited single
Which of the following is not a d Tender Tender Tender
9805 standard method of obtaining bids? Enquiry Enquiry Enquiry None D
Withholdi Withholdi
Which of the following is not a ng of ng of
statutory punishment under CCS (CCA) increment promotio
9806 Rules? Warning Censure s n A

Which of the following is not a sub AO GE AO GE AO GE

9807 office of Regional CDA (R&D) (AF) (Factories) None D
Which of the following is not a sub Accounts
9808 office under Regional CDA? LAO AO GE Office None D

Which of the following is not a sub Promoting

target for coverage prescribed under Weaker Sports
9809 outcome Budget? Women sections Activities None C
Which of the following is not a OTI Hyderaba DPTI All the
9810 Training Institute of DAD? Gurgaon d Allahabad three B
Which of the following is not a Banking Banking Defence
9811 Treasury? Treasury Treasury Treasury None C
Which of the following is not a type of Declarator
9812 Arbitration Award? y Executory Interim None D

as a
Which of the following is not a type of Lightening substitute
9813 Operational
Which of theWork?
following is not protection to tentage Both None D
admissible for a patient under CSMA DA for
rules to obtain treatment at journey All the
9814 outstation?
Which of the following is not TA period Halt DA three C
admissible to a Defence Civilian when
transferred from one station to Transfer Advance Advance
9815 another permanently? Grant of TA/DA of Pay None C
Which of the following is not an Unit
auditable document prescribed for vehicle Part II
9816 POL Accounts of a unit? Register order Car diary None B
Which of the following is not an Unit
auditable document prescribed for Vehicle Part II Vehicle
9817 POL Accounts? Register Order Log Book Car Diary B
Which of the following is not an
9818 intangible asset? Goodwill Copy right tradmark None D
Which of the following is not classified
under the category "Buy" as
per DPP 2013, based on source of Buy Buy Buy
9819 procurement? (Local) (Global) (Indian) None A
Which of the following is not compiled Pay and GPF Final Constructi
through Class 9 P.M. though Allowance Travelling withdrawa on of
9820 pertaining to MES? s expenses ls Building D
Cash Deposits
security for works
Deposits to be
by done for Earnest
Which of the following is not compiled Contracto local Momney
9821 under the Deposits Heads? rs bodies Deposits None C

or benefit
which is
capable of
Which of the following is not estimated Travelling
9822 considered as part of wages? in money Allowance Both None B
It can be
paid by
nt to
It is paid employee
for work s of
of another
Which of the following is not correct occasional It is governme
9823 w.r.t Honorarium? character taxable nt None D

Test Audit
Audit fee is not
Which of the following is not correct Audit is is done for
with reference to audit of Cantonment done by recovered Cantonme
9824 Boards Accounts? DAD by DAD nt Board None D

Tenure of
CIC is 5
years or CIC can be
65 years reappoint
of age ed for
CIC tenure whichever another
9825 Which of the following is not correct? is 5 years is earlier tenure None C
Some part
of fee is to
Fee does be It can be fee is paid
not credited recurring out of
include to or non Consolidat
unearned Governme recurring ed Fund of
9826 Which of the following is not correct?
counted income nt payment India D
as regular service for the purpose of
grant of up-gradation under MACP Deputatio Foreign Study
9827 Scheme? n period service Leave None D

Which of the following is not counted the age of Period of
9828 as service for the purpose of pension? 18 years dies-non Both None C

in form
and Miscellan Review of
classificati eous Works
Which of the following is not covered on in the observatio Expenditu
9829 under Appropriation
Which of the following
is not covered
Report? accounts ns re None D
under the ambit of Goods which are
procured by Government Technolog
9830 Departments? Articles Material y None D
Which of the following is not covered
under the category of awards given by Declarator Explanato
9831 Arbitrator? Executory y ry None C
Which of the following is not covered
under the definition of information as
9832 per RTI Act? Samples Models Opinions None D
Which of the following is not covered
under the definition of Record as per
9833 RTI Act? Document Image Opinions None C
Which of the following is not covered
under the definition of Right to Taking Taking Inspection
9834 Information as per RTI Act? Notes samples of Records None D
Which of the following is not covered Private
under the definition of work place Sector
under the Sexual Harassment of Organisati Sports
9835 women at work place Act? Hospital on Stadium None D
Which of the following is not defined Allowance Estate of
9836 under Public Funds? s Deserters Both None D
Which of the following is not diarized
9837 as Valuable in the PCDA/CDA Office? G.P. Notes complaint Cheque Draft B
nt of leave Leave
Which of the following is not exempt Commute on Travel
from Income Tax for Central d value of retiremen Concessio
9838 Government Employees? Pension t n None D

Which of the following is not in order Should be Should be

as far as objection statements issued Language in brief,
by Audit and their construction are should be personal legible & All the
9839 concerned? courteous terms intelligible three B

separate they can Prepared
Loss be at
Which of the following is not in order statement included Replacem
9840 with reference to Barrack Damages? is required in LF bills ent cost None B

Pay and Expenditu

Which of the following is not met out Allowance re on New Obligatory
9841 of Vote on Account? s Services Expenses None B

Which of the following is not received Acquittan Record

along with Field Imprest Account as a ce Rolls Office
9842 supporting document? summary Advances MRO FTCR B

es noticed Irregulariti
Which of the following is not reflected in internal es noticed
in Report of C&AG of India submitted Sanctions audit by in Test
9843 to Parliament of India? of GOI DAD audit None D
Which of the following is not regular Defence
part of Regular Army, but controlled Pioneers Regiment Security
9844 by Army H.Qrs.? Corps of Artillery Corps None C
Which of the following is not relevant Baby Schedule
9845 to Schedule B stores? USR Indent of Credit Credit USR C

Which of the following is not required Consignm Receipt
9846 in audit of CHT Bills? AT Note ent Note Certificate CRV D

Degree of
Which of the following is not taken as Traceabilit
9847 base for cost classficiation? Time Volume y None D
Which of the following is not taken
into account while calculating
9848 Emoluments of an employee? Basic Pay DA HRA None C
To ensure re is To
that incurred establish
expenditu for the mechanis
re does purpose m to
not for which detect
Which of the following is not the duty exceed fund is Irregulariti
9849 of Controlling Officer? allocation allocated es None D

Maintena of pension
nce of to widows Payment
DSOP of Supply of of TA/DA,
accounts deceased
funds to LTC claims
Which of the following is not the of Army armyField of army
9850 function of PCDA (Officers) Pune? Officers officers
Cashiers officers B
Which of the following is not three Es Effectiven
9851 of Audit? Economy Efficiency ess Estimates D
Which of the following is not treated
as Gift for disciplinary purpose when Free Free Casual All the
9852 dealing with Private persons? Lodging Boarding Meal three C

Which of the following is not treated

as gift under CCS Conduct Rules 1964 Free Lift while Free
9853 when accepted from third parties? Lodging travelling Boarding None B

CDA will
allow 30 Draft para
CDA days of can be
should time to concurred
return the Command by any
draft para H.Qrs. to IDAS
Which of the following is not true with within six furnish officer in
9854 reference to Draft Para? weeks reply CDA office None C
in issue Family
Which of the following is not true with will be Pension
reference to officer reported as Pay will be discontinu will be
9855 Prisoner of war? continued ed released None C
It does
cases of
irregulariti It is
es submitted It is
It serves detected to submitted
Which of the following is not true with double in Internal Parliamen once in a
9856 reference to Report of C&AG of India? purpose Audit t year B

It is It is Data is
prepared prepared taken
Which of the following is not true with sectionwis in from DP
9857 reference to Schedule III? e duplicate Sheets None D

If it results
in total EL Admissibl
at credit e for
Which of the following is not true with exceeding transfer
reference to the un-availed Joining 300 days within
Time of Government Servants credited Maximum it is same
9858 to EL? is 15 days ignored station None C
There After 200 section
should be pages, will be
one fresh given a
subject volume of separate
Which of the following is not true with only for the file is series of
9859 referene to system of filing? one file opened? numbers None B
Which of the following is not used as
9860 basis of accounting? Cash Accrual Hybrid None D
Departme Accounts
Which of the following is paid from nt of Departme
9861 Civil Estimates of MOD? Defence nt Both None C
Which of the following is part of ent Sub
9862 mobile formation of Indian Army? Sub Area Corps Area Area B
Which of the following is purely Financial Cost ent
optional for companies to maintain Accountin Accountin Accountin
9863 records?
Which of the following is reflected in g g g None C
construction accounts and MER but
not reflected in Punching Medium by CP ISA
9864 AO GE? voucher voucher Both None A

Which of the following is reimbursable Daily re on local
9865 furing LTC for employees? Allowance journeys Both None D
Ministers Defence
(Productio Research
Which of the following is responsible n & and Chiefs of
for coordinating and indicating general Supply) Developm staff
direction of policy for scientific Committe ent committe
9866 research relating to Defence? e Council e All B

Which of the following is supposed to APARs of GOI

be retained forever in a PCDA/CDA DAD Master sanctions/ DAD –
9867 office? personnel Note Book orders Pay Bills C
Which of the following is the Central
Government Portal used for
9868 Grievances Redressal? GeM CPGRAMS Both None B
To certify accounts
To certify that of
that expenditu To certify expenditu
expenditu re is expenditu re from
Which of the following is the object of re is covered re is appropriat
Appropriation Accounts of Defence authorize by within ions of the
9869 Services? d Sanction allotment year D
Which of the following is treated as
class of indirect expenditure by Fixed Variable
9870 Ordnance Factories? Charges Charges None Both D
Site Building two
Which of the following is treated as purchased purchased monthsâ€
movable property under CCS (CCA) Readily at Home on spouse ™ basic
9871 Rules? Built Flat Town name pay) D

They must Interest

Which of the following is true with be made should not
reference to Bank Fixed Deposit out in the pass
Receipts submitted by a third party as name of through
9872 a Security? CDA Govt. A/c Both None C
Which of the following is true with Postage on a
reference to bearing covers received They will must be contingen
9873 in Defence units? be refused paid t bill Both b & c D
It is
It should HPL that
It can be be governme
granted granted nt servant
even only with earns
Which of the following is true with when HPL Medical subseque All the
9874 reference to Leave Not Due? is at credit Certificate ntly three C
Can be s need not
concluded be
with submitted
unregister to
Which of the following is true with ed PCDA/CD
reference to the Short Term contractor A for pre
9875 Agreements? s scrutiny Both None C

spent on
journey to
the place
of study
and return
to the
place of
posting on Study
completio allowance
n study will be
leave, will admissible
Which of the following is true, when reckon as during the
an army officer avails study leave and study period of Both a, b
9876 draws study allowance? leave journey correct None A
Which of the following is used to get
an idea about correctness of postings Trial All the
9877 in the ledgers? Journal Ledger Balance three C
Which of the following IT project is
9878 used for AAO BSO work Vishwak Bhawan Nidhi Aashraya B
Which of the following IT project is
9879 used for GPF work Vishwak Bhawan Nidhi Aashraya C
Which of the following IT project is
9880 used for PAOs work Vishwak Tulip Dolphin Sulekha C
Which of the following IT project is
9881 used for Regional CDA work Vishwak Tulip Dolphin Sulekha B
Which of the following items are not Purchase Postal and
admissible out of the Contingent and of Railway Telegraph
9882 Misc. charges? Guide Guide Both None D

Review of
Balances Review of
Which of the following items is not under MES Changes Misc.
covered in Appropriation Accounts of heads of Expenditu in forms Observati
9883 Defence Services? a/cs re (Works) of a/cs ons A
Which of the following items is not
9884 exempt from GST? Meat Dry Fruits Vegetable None D
Which of the following items of cost is Cash for bad Income All the
9885 excluded from Cost Sheet? Discount debts Tax paid three D
Which of the following items of Little or
expenditure can be excluded from the no
levy of Departmental Charges by MES supervisio Little use
9886 in Deposit works? n of T&P None Both C

for grant
in aid
works Engineer
financed services
from Engineer for
Which of the following items of work, Cantonme services Ordnance
9887 Which
MES is of
following kind of nt Boards for Army Factories None D
payments acceptable as receipts in
respect of payment issues done in ASC
9888 Retail shops? Cheques Cash both None B

Payments Payments
to Miscellan to civilians
Which of the following kind of JCOs/Ors eous serving in
payments can be made out of Field on Acq. expenditu operation All the
9889 Imprest? Rolls re al area three D

Which of the following kinds of s for field TA/DA for
expenditure is not covered under firing Artillery local
9890 Annual Training Grant? stores targets courses None D
Which of the following kinds of Physical Extra
expenditure is not supposed to be met Camp Training Establish
9891 out of ATG? Requisites Stores ment None D

Which of the following kinds of leave Maternity Child Care

9892 are not debited against EL? leave leave None Both D

Rendering ent
Financial enquiry
Which of the following LAO is not Advice to from unit
9893 supposed to peform? units personnel Both None B
Which of the following letter of credit Irrevocabl
9894 can be cumulative or non cumulative? Revocable e Confirmed Revolving D
Which of the following level of
employees are not eligible for air
9895 travel during TD after VII CPC 5 6 7 9 A

Which of the following losses need not disclosing
be reported to PCDA/CDA by the Loss of Loss of defects in
9896 units? Aircraft Helicopter procedure None D
Which of the following Major Heads is
a common head which caters to all
Defence Services including Army,
Navy, Air Force, Ordnance Factories, R
9897 & D and Inspection Organisation? 2076 4076 Both None B
Which of the following marking in Classificati
9898 Attendance Register is not correct? EL on LA P D

Which of the following may be Different Over Rates

considered as fraudulent alteration hand writings expressed
while scrutiny of Contract Agreements writings in not only in All the
9899 by Stores section of CDA? same CA attested figures three D
Which of the following methods employed
cannot be used by MES for execution Military civilian
9900 of works? labour labour Contract None D
Which of the following methods is a
Cost Price Method used for pricing of Inflated Simple
9901 materials used for production? Price Average Base Stock None C
Which of the following methods is not
a Cost Price Method used for pricing
9902 of materials used for production? FIFO LIFO HIFO None D
Which of the following methods is not
one and the same form of Fixed Original Equal Straight
9903 instalment method of depreciation? cost instalment line None D
Which of the following methods is one Written
and the same form of Reducing Diminishin down
9904 balance method of depreciation? g balance value Both None C
Which of the following methods of
valuation of material avoids price
fluctuations and gives an acceptable Simple Weighted
9905 figure for stock? Average Base Stok Average HIFO C
Which of the following methods of
valuation of material is also known as All the
9906 replacement cost method? FIFO LIFO HIFO three B
Which of the following Minor heads of All the
9907 accounting is common to all services? 101 105 111 three D
Which of the following months pay bill
is supposed to be retained for 35
9908 years in a CDA office? June December Both None C
Irregular due to
Which of the following need not be or over accidents
exhibited in the Appropriation issues – MT Unavoida
9909 Accounts of Defence Services? stores vehicles ble losses None C
from Reasons
which Whether for
head work is approval
Which of the following need not be funds will authorize of special
mentioned in Admin Approval be d or work (if All the
9910 accorded, when GOI is the CFA? provided special any) three C
Which of the following need not be Cash Trade for Both B &
9911 shown in the books? discount Disount Discount C B

Which of the following need not be t Account
shown in the LPC of a DAD employee Outstandi Month up Number
when transferred to the jurisdiction of ng to which of
9912 other PCDA/CDA? demands paid employee None D
g the
Which of the following needs to be prescribed accounts is not in
brought to the notice of PCDA/CDA by accounts in conformit
the LAO in respect of Army Units and are non- unsatisfac y with All the
9913 formations? existent tory state rules three D
Which of the following needs to be GPF Refund of
recovered from Subsistence Income subscripti GPF All the
9914 Allowance? Tax on Advance three A

Which of the following office is a PCDA (P) CDA (PD) PCDA (O) All the
9915 Functional CDA? Allahabad Meerut Pune three D
Which of the following officers do All the
9916 concurrent audit? AOGE LAO RAO three A
Sub Area Area
Which of the following officers is Command Command All the
9917 granted Entertainment Grant? er er GOC in C three C
Which of the following offices does
not conduct audit of Expenditure of PCDA/CD AO/AAO
9918 MES units/formations? A GE RAO/LAO None D
Which of the following offices does (Navy) PCDA New PC of A
9919 not have the work of DAD Cells? Mumbai Delhi CDA Patna Kolkata D

Which of the following offices has CDA (CSD) Guards) CDA (IDS) CDA
9920 been established latest by upgrading? Mumbai New Delhi New Delhi Meerut B
Which of the following offices is not
given section code for the purpose of
compilation of Defence services LAOs/RAO
9921 receipts and expenditure? PAOs AOs GE s None C
Which of the following Offices is CDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to PCDA (SC) (Army) Chandigar PCDA New
9922 Army Local Audit Manual Pune Meerut h Delhi A
Which of the following Offices is CDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to PCDA (SC) (Army) Chandigar PCDA New
9923 Defence Account Code Pune Meerut h Delhi A
Which of the following Offices is CDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to PCDA (SC) (Army) Chandigar PCDA New
9924 Defence Audit Code Pune Meerut h Delhi A
Which of the following Offices is CDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to PCDA (SC) (Army) Chandigar PCDA New
9925 MES Local Audit Manual Pune Meerut h Delhi B
Which of the following Offices is CDA
responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (SC) (Army) PCDA New
9926 I Pune CGDA Meerut Delhi B
Which of the following Offices is CDA
responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (SC) (Army) PCDA New
9927 II Pune CGDA Meerut Delhi C
Which of the following Offices is CDA CDA
responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (AF) (Army) (Funds) CDA (PD)
9928 III Dehradun Meerut Meerut Meerut A
Which of the following Offices is CDA CDA
responsible to issue corrections to OM (Funds) (Army) CDA (PD) PCDA (P)
9929 IV Meerut Meerut Meerut Allahabad D
Which of the following Offices is CDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (SC) (Army) Chandigar PCDA (O)
9930 IX Pune Meerut h Pune D
Which of the following Offices is CDA CDA
responsible to issue corrections to OM (Funds) (Army) CDA (PD) PCDA (P)
9931 V Meerut Meerut Meerut Allahabad A

Which of the following Offices is PCDA

responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (AF) PC of A (Navy) PCDA New
9932 VI Dehradun Kolkata Mumbai Delhi B
Which of the following Offices is CDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (SC) (Army) Chandigar PCDA (BR)
9933 VIII Pune Meerut h New Delhi B
Which of the following Offices is CDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (SC) (Army) Chandigar PCDA
9934 X Pune Meerut h Bengaluru D
Which of the following Offices is PCDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (SC) (R&D) Chandigar PCDA
9935 XI Pune New Delhi h Bengaluru B
Which of the following Offices is PCDA (WC)
responsible to issue corrections to OM PCDA (SC) (R&D) Chandigar PCDA New
9936 XII
Which of the following offices of DADPune New Delhi h Delhi D
is not responsible to carry out local Area
audit of store accounts of Army/MES LAOs/RAO Accounts
9937 Units? of the following offices post
Which s AOs GE Offices Both b, c C
audits the pay, TA/DA bills etc of DAD CDA
employees working in the office of (Army) PCDA (P) PCDA (CC) CDA,
9938 CDA (PD) Meerut? Meerut Allahabad Lucknow Patna B
Which of the following ommission of
9939 posting effects the trial balance? Journal Ledger Both None B

Which of the following options is not Conservati Moderate Prefering High Life
available to the NPS subscribers while ve Life Life Cycle fixed Cycle
9940 giving choice of investment? Cycle fund fund return Fund D
Which of the following organizations Centres of Cantonme All the
9941 are not audited by DGADS? DAD DPDOs nt Funds three C
Directorat Defence
Which of the following organizations Mazagon e of Exhibition
function directly under the Dock Standardiz Organizati All the
9942 Department of Defence Production? Limited ation on three D
Which of the following organizations is
not subject to Audit by DGADS but Cantonme All the
9943 subject to audit by DAD? MES nt Boards DG MAP three B

nature of for
the correction
Which of the following particulars adjustmen if it is a
9944 should be recorded in Transfer Entry? t correction Both None C
Which of the following payments are Central Local
9945 done through DAD Cells? Purchase Purchase Both None A
Which of the following payments are Pay and
not supposed to be paid out of S&S Suppliers Allowance All the
9946 Imprest by the Imprest Holder? CHT Bills Bills s three C
Purchase ASC
of Excise contractor
Which of the following payments is stores/sup duty on s bills
9947 not authorized out of S&S Imprest? plies rum (90%) None D
Which of the following PCDA/CDA is PCDA
entrusted with responsibility of (WC) CDA
reorientation and stream lining of Chandigar (Army) PCDA (SC)
9948 Local Audit work in DAD? h Meerut CDA Patna Pune D
Which of the following PCsDA is
responsible for payment of PCDA
loan/equity shares to the Defence PCDA New PC of A PCDA (BR) (R&D)
9949 Public Sector Undertakings? Delhi Kolkata New Delhi New Delhi A

EOL for
Which of the following periods does g higher
not count for Annual Increment to be Joining technical Child Care
9950 granted to Government Servants? Time studies Leave None D
Period of
Attending training
Attending Course of before
Which of the following periods is Departme Instructio appointm All the
9951 treated as duty? ntal Exam n ent three D

nt of
Which of the following points is not EMD is quantity is RC is
correct with reference to Rate not mentione guided by
9952 Contract? applicable d Fall Clause None B
r is
It is It is allowed to
Which of the following points is not in maintaine examined examine
order with reference to Contractors d by AO periodicall his ledger
9953 Ledger? GE y by GE account None D
the CAs Blank
are spces are
prepared either
Which of the following points is not in same filled in or
required to be specially seen by hand a line is Rates
PCDA/CDA office while carrying out wiring and drawn expressed
scrutiny of MES Contracts as a ink through both in
safeguard against fradulent throughou such words and
9954 alterations? t spaces figures None D

Emergenc When ring

y- Regular formed by Require
Which of the following points is not contract Contracto pre
true with reference to Short Term not rs quoting scrutiny
9955 Agreements and their conclusion? feasible high rates by CDA None C

Which of the following points noticed Accounts Accounts
during local audit should be brought are not found in
to the notice of PCDA by LAO in produced unsatisfac
9956 respect of Army Units? to audit tory state None Both D

Sales have
made Items
against once
cash purchased
payment are not
only and returned Local
Which of the following points will be cheques or purchases
objected in audit of AOC Officers not exchange done for All the
9957 shops? accepted d selling three C
Which of the following private banks is
not authorized to do Government HDFC
9958 Transactions? Bank Axis Bank None Both C
made a
l payment
based on
CDA, the CDA,
Bangalore undertaki Secundera
made a ng by an bad made
provisiona individual a
l payment transferre provisiona
when PCDA, SC d to his l payment
necessity admitted office when
for a stating document
expenditu provisiona that he s in
re is there l payment will refund support of
but in the expenditu
Which of the following Provisional sanction is anticipatio amount if re are not
9959 payments is not in order awaited n of funds required available C
Which of the following provisions
should not be made in Budget
Estimates, except under definite Lumpsum Provision
9960 orders/special sanction? provisions for losses Both None C

Standard Stock Minimum

Which of the following rates/prices Schedule Book Reserve All the
9961 are fixed by GE? of Rates Rates Price three B
due to
re of to meet
provision expenditu
Which of the following reapproriations for a An error re one any
does not require sanction of specific in new
9962 Government of India? measure estimates activity None D
Which of the following receipts are
treated as Non Tax Revenue by the User All the
9963 Government Departments? Charges Dividents Profits three D
Which of the following records are
maintained by GE staff under the Stock All the
9964 supervision of AO? Cash Book Budget purchase three D
Which of the following records are not Measure Constructi
sent to PCDA/CDA along with final bills ment on
9965 for pre audit? Book Accounts Both None C
Which of the following records is
maintained by PCDA (O) reflecting task
wise, corps wise and unit wise list of
Army Officers to ensure only IRLA is Central Visual Nominal
9966 maintained for each officer? Index Chart Roll None A
Rent &
Which of the following recoveries charges
cannot be made from Subsistence Dues to CGHS for
Allowance of an employee without his Employee subscripti accommo All the
9967 consent? s societies on dation three A
Which of the following Registers is not Register
maintained by Accounts Section in a of Suspense Demand Debt Head
9968 Regional CDA office? Deposits Register Register Register C

Meter Rent
Which of the following Registers is not Reader†Revenue Assessme
9969 maintained by AO GE? ™s Book Ledger nt Ledger None A

Which of the following registers is not Furniture Revenue Assessme
9970 maintained by AOGE/AAO BSO? Rate list Ledger nt Ledger None A

Which of the following registers is not Contracto Suspense of
9971 maintained by AOGE? rs ledger Register Sanctions None D
Which of the following Registers, AAO Revenue Rentable
9972 Which
BSO is required
of the following
to maintain?
Rejections Ledger Buildings None Both D
should be cancelled and republished
by the Army Units in respect of Master All the
9973 PBORs? Manual System Missing three A

Which of the following remittance in Cantonme

the form of MRO is not adjusted by Cost of Payment nt Audit
9974 Stores Section? Stores lost of Rations Fees None C
Which of the following reports are
received from Military Farms in a Cash Capital Coupon All the
9975 Regional CDA office? Account Account Account three D
Which of the following reports is not IAF CDA -
9976 dealt by IA Cell MFAI AAC MPR 13 D
Which of the following Reports is not Audit Appropria
prescribed for LAO for submission to Financial Completio tion
9977 PCDA/CDA Main Office? Advice n Accounts None D

Annual Review of Appropria

Which of the following reports is not Audit Compilati tion
9978 rendered by LAO? Certificate on Accounts None B
Which of the following reports is not Audit Monthly
supposed to be rendered by LAO in MFAI Certificate progress
9979 general? Report Report Report None D
Which of the following represents a
9980 specific account? Journal Ledger Both None B
Which of the following represents Major Minor Detailed
9981 function of Government? Sector head head head B
Normal Normal
cost + cost - Normal
Which of the following represents Extra Extra cost +
9982 Overtime cost? payment Payment Premium Premium C
Which of the following section will not O&M All the
9983 be found in PCDA (O)? M section IA section Section three D
Which of the following sections in and
PCDA (O) is not functioning under Informatio
9984 Which
of the following
Section?sections in Legal Cell RTI Cell n Cell None D
PCDA/CDA office is not an audit
section with reference to bills and Internal
9985 vouchers? Admin Pay Stores Audit None C
Which of the following sections is Administr Ledger Pay
found in PAO (ORs) but not found in ation wing/grou System
9986 PCDA (O)? section D section p cell D
Which of the following sections is not
9987 a section/wing of PCDA (O)? Technical Records Accounts None D
Which of the following sections is not Internal
9988 found (by name) CGDA office? Accounts Audit O&M None C
Which of the following sections of Administr
Main Office of CDA maintains Debt Accounts ation All Audit
9989 Head Register? Section D section section Sections A
Which of the following sections of
PCDA (O) is entrusted with the duty of Ledger
scrutiny and vetting of Draft Gazette Technical wing Accounts All the
9990 Notifications? Section concerned Section three B
Which of the following sections of
PCDA/CDA does not operate Punching Administr Engineerin
9991 Which
Medium ofat
following sections of ation Accounts g section O&M Cell D
PCDA/CDA is not at all involved in
matter related to Cantonment Boards All the
9992 Accounts? M section IA cell O&M cell three C
Which of the following sections you
will find “________―(Name of Stores Internal Technical
9993 the section) in CGDA office? O&M Cell Section Audit Section C
Which of the following serves the Journal
9994 purpose of Journal as well as ledger Cash Book Proper Both None A
Which of the following services counts
towards duty when followed by Probation Apprentic
9995 confirmation and joining time? er e None Both D
Which of the following services Public
rendered by an employee in the past State Sector
is not counted for the purpose of Governme organizati Autonom All the
9996 MACP scheme? nt on ous body three D

Service of Joining
rendered Time not
before regularize
Which of the following services attaining d as leave
rendered is counted as Qualifying the age of with
9997 service under CCS Pension Rules? 18 years salary Both None D
Which of the following sets carry the Order RFP/Tend
9998 same meaning? Clause er EMD/PBG None B
Which of the following should not be GPF Court
recovered from Subsistence subscripti Attachme
9999 Allowance? on nt Both None C

product of
only one
The Ring manufact
number of prices urer has
acceptabl have been been
e offers is quoted by offered by
Which of the following situations less than all all the All the
10000 would imply lack of competition? two tenderers tenderers three D
Which of the following spells of
service do not count for increment in Deputatio Foreign
10001 respect of Officers of DAD? Leave n Service None D

He can
record his
dissent if
He will he is
not sit as unable to
Which of the following statements are a member agree with
true when a DAD Officer is asked to of such conclusion
10002 assist in a Military Court of Inquiry? Court of court Both None C
cannot be
by any
other than
(or Compulso
Recorded subordina Withholdi ry
warning is te to) the ng of Retiremen
not a appointin increment t is a
Which of the following statements is major g is a major major
10003 false? penalty authority penalty penalty C

by a
can be
based on
Paid duplicate Duplicate
vouchers in the copy of
are absence receipt of
retained of original money by
Which of the following statements is by Audit supply officer can
10004 in order? Offices order be issued None A
Debit will Credit will
Debit will have have
have equal equal
Which of the following statements is equal multiple multiple
10005 incorrect? credit credits debits None D

Orders of
Orders of GOI take
GOI effect
Orders of always from the
GOI take take date they
effect effect bear
from the from the unless
Which of the following statements is date they specified otherwise
10006 more correct bear date specified None C
on Cash Book
Account is MER is is
maintaine prepared prepared
d by GE by AAO by GE
office and GE and office and
Which of the following statements is signed by signed by signed by All the
10007 not correct AAOGE GE AAO GE three B

Will be Replacem
recovered ent value
No loss It can be in cash includes
statement included from removal/r
Which of the following statements is is in the LF outside efixing
10008 not correct Barrack Damages necessary bills persons charges B

granted in
It is two total
months in should not
Which of the following statements is every 3 exceed 60 It can be
not correct Furlough leave of calendar days in a accumulat
10009 Army Officers? years cycle ed None C
can be
issued to Max. Limit
any for It can be
contractor individual concluded Artificers
Which of the following statements is in service is for a work is
not correct with reference to Term approved Rs. period of covered in
10010 Contract? list 150000/- 3 years TC C
Underdra al of
wal of ration in a
ration in a month
unit can cannot be
be made made
good by good by
overdraw underdra
al in the wal in the
Which of the following statements is next next Both a Both are
10011 not in order? month month and b correct C
t he would
not be
He is a eligible to
high hold any
Which of the following statements is independe appointm
not true with reference to powers, nt ent in
duties and responsibilities of C&AG of Statutory Governme
10012 India? Authority nt Both None D

t to
gs for
can No bar for
impose on authority
the who
Punishing conclusion conducted
authority of the Preliminar
can obtain proceedin y enquiry
guidance gs, minor to act as
Which of the following statements is from penalty at Disciplinar
not true with reference to the superior its own y
10013 provisions of CCS CCA Rules? authority discretion Authority None A
If the first If the first Where a
up up person is
gradation gradation appointed
gets gets to an ex-
postpone postpone cadre post
d on a/c d on a/c in higher
of of scale
employee employee initially on
not found not found deputatio
fit or due fit or due n followed
to to Stepping by
departme departme up of pay absorptio
ntal ntal in the pay n, the
proceedin proceedin band or services
gs etc., gs etc., grade pay rendered
this would this would would be in the
have no have admissible earlier
conseque conseque with post (in
ntial ntial regard to lower
effect on effect on junior scale)
the second getting shall be
second and third more pay counted
and third up than the but the
up gradations senior on period
gradations which a/c of pay spent
which would fixation initially on
Which of the following statements is would also get under this deputatio
10014 true about MACPS? also get deferred scheme n in the ex B

n counts
Which of the following statements is from
true in the case of a government leave leave
servant resigns while availing Leave LND is commenc salary is All the
10015 Note due? cancelled ed recovered three D

Which of the following statements is ment held Posting
true with reference to excess strength by unit is out of the
of officers posted in units is noticed objected excess is
10016 during scale audit? in audit watched Both None C

station Station
where with good
there is facilities
lack of but staff is
normal reluctant
Which of the following stations can be amenities to serve
10017 treated as hard/tenure station? of life there Both None A
Field Pension/L
Which of the following sub PLI Cell Cashier eave
sections/cells does not function under sub Sub Salary Sub LIC
10018 Which
of the
(O)? section Section Section section D
account will accompany the annual
administration report of each military Trading capital cash All the
10019 farm? account account account three D
Which of the following suspense head
is operated for the purpose of supply 00/018/6 00/018/6 00/020/7 All the
10020 of funds to Field Imprest Holders? 4 5 2 three B
Cash basis
Which of the following system of Single of Double
accounting is also known as Entry Accountin Entry All the
10021 mercantile basis of accounting? system g system three C
Which of the following system of
accounting is known as incomplete Single Mercantil
10022 Which
records?of the following tendering can Entry e Both None A
be followed when goods are Global Limited Single
purchased from Vendors of foreign Tender Tender Tender All the
10023 countries? Enquiry Enquiry PAC three D

Which of the following time expired

records are destroyed by burning in Secret and
the presence of nominated gazetted confidenti Paid
10024 officer? al Record cheques Both None C

Which of the following transactions re of Receipt to
does not require “appropriation― occasional Governme
10025 under the head of account? character nt Both None B
Which of the following transactions is cheques/E Military Adjustme
adjusted through Defence Proforma lectronic Receivabl nts with All the
10026 Account? mode e Orders Railways three D

TA/DA of
Pay and Medical MES
Which of the following transactions is Allowance claims of Industrial
not compiled through Class 9 Punching s of MES MES Employee
10027 Medium voucher? officers civilians s None C
Which of the following transactions is
not covered under the Focal Point Pension
10028 Branch scheme? Cheques MROs payments None C
Outstandi Imprest
ng payment
Advances to Navy Service
Which of the following transactions is of personnel rendered
not passed on through Defence employee from by Army
10029 Exchange Account? s Army to AF None C
Outstandi Imprest
ng payment
Advances to Navy Service
Which of the following transactions is of personnel rendered
not passed on through Defence employee from by Army
10030 Exchange Account? s Army to AF None C
Which of the following types of Promotio Examinati
training is not covered under the n on
Training and Development policy of Induction orientatio Training
10031 DAD? Training n courses courses None D
Which of the following types of Cash
transactions are entered in the Journal Transfer Purchase Cash sale All the
10032 Proper? Entries of goods of Goods three A
Which of the following was not a part
of erstwhile five tier classification of Major Minor
10033 accounts? Sector head head Sub Major D
Which of the following welfare
activities is not intended primarily to Provision
be met out of Grant in Aid received by of Recreatio Welfare Death
10034 PCDA/CDA Office? Amenities n facilities facilities Benefits D
used by
Which of the following will be priced Goods personal All the
10035 at cost price? Purchases destroyed use three D
Which of the following will be priced Sales
10036 at Sales price? Sales Returns Both None C
Court taken
Which of the following will have first Attachme from Whicheve Whicheve
10037 claim on individual’s pay nt Govt. r is earlier r is later A

Municipal National Shares

Which of the following will not be Cash/Che Debentur Savings certificate
10038 accepted as Security in audit? que e Certificate s D
Which of the following al for
withdrawals/advances is not Final financing
permitted from DSOP fund in respect Temporar Withdraw LIC
10039 of Army Officers? y Advance al policies None D
Which of the following word is used in
DPM in place of 'Purchaser' All the
10040 wherever required? Payer Consignee Buyer three C
Which of the following word is used in
DPM in place of 'Supplier'
10041 wherever required? Seller Vendor Both None C

Which of the following works done in Work Works

Army Base Workshops, requires All done for done for
previous approval of the estimate for manufact other private All the
10042 work orders? ure works depots individuals three D

The The
extent of stretches
The cultivation of land
register is land is unutilized
Which of the following, LAO will object not signed shown is shown All the
10043 while Audit of Unit Land Register by the OC separately separately three A
of ASC
contractor Payment
s, bills of hire
Which one of the following Local subjected chargers
expenditure is met out of S & S purchase to post for All the
10044 Imprest of stores audit porters three D

Maintena Internal
nce of PF Settlemen Audit of
Accounts t of Maintena various
in respect transactio nce of PF initial
of Group ns with accounts accounts
Which one of the following is not a A, B & C other of GREF maintaine
10045 function of PCDA, New Delhi? officers Ministries personnel d by MOD C

Which Parliamentary Committee is Official Public Committe

responsible to suggest alternative Language Estimates Accounts e Public
policies to bring about efficiency and Committe Committe Committe Undertaki
10046 economy in administration? e e e ngs B

Which PCDA/CDA deals with work bills PCDA New PCDA (BR) CDA (IDS) CGDA
10047 of MAP organization of Delhi area? Delhi New Delhi New Delhi H.Qrs. C
Which PCDA/CDA is assigned with a
responsibility of studying the existing PCDA
procedure and submit proposals for (WC) CDA
reorientation of work of MES and PCDA (SC) Chandigar (Army)
10048 Accounts? Pune h Meerut CDA Patna C
Which PCDA/CDA is responsible for PCDA
preparation of Job Description Sheets (WC) CDA
of Admin, R, D and Stores sections of PCDA (SC) Chandigar CDA, (Army)
10049 PCsDA/CsDA Main Office? Pune h Patna Meerut A

Which PCDA/CDA is responsible for Regional PCDA (O) PCDA New All the
10050 supply of funds to Field Cashier? CDA Pune Delhi three B

Which PCDA/CDA is responsible for CDA PCDA

verification of adjustment of cost of Regional PCDA, (Army) (R&D)
10051 vehicles issued by Army to MES? CDA New Delhi Meerut New Delhi C
Which PCDA/CDA is responsible for
verification of adjustment of cost of
vehicles issued to and returned by CDA
MES and rendering half yearly PCDA (CC) (Army) PCDA (SC)
10052 statement to Army H.Qrs.? Lucknow Meerut CDA Patna Pune B
Which PCDA/CDA is responsible to CDA CDA
prepare Job Description Sheets for M (Army) Secundera PCDA SC
10053 and TA/DA sections work? Meerut bad CDA Patna Pune C
Which PCDA/CDA is responsible to (WC) CDA
prepare Job Description Sheets for Pay Chandigar (Army) PCDA SC
10054 and IA sections work? h Meerut CDA Patna Pune B
Which PCDA/CDA is responsible to PCDA
prepare the Job Description Sheets of (WC) CDA
E and Accounts Sections of Regional Chandigar CDA, (Army) PCDA (SC),
10055 CDA office? h Patna Meerut Pune A
Which rule of CCS CCA Rules 1965
prescribes the rule regarding
10056 suspension of a Government Servant 10 11 14 16 A
Which rule of CCS CCA Rules 1965
prescribes various types of penalties,
which can be imposed on Government
10057 Servants
Which rule of CCS conduct rules 10 11 14 16 B
prescribe about employment of family
members with parties having official
10058 dealings? 4 3 2 1 A
Which rule of CCS conduct rules
10059 prescribe about Government 2 3 4 5 D
Which rule of CCS conduct rules
prescribe about Government
10060 employees
Which rule of
- Acceptance
CCS conduct
gifts? 10 11 12 13 D
prescribe about Government
employees - communication of official
10061 information? 10 11 12 13 B
Which rule of CCS conduct rules
prescribe about Government
10062 employees - critisim of Government? 6 7 8 9 D
Which rule of CCS conduct rules
prescribe about Government
employees - evidence before
10063 committees?
Which rule of CCS conduct rules 10 9 8 7 A
prescribe about Government
employees - raising of funds and
10064 contributions? 10 11 12 13 C
Which rule of CCS conduct rules
prescribe about Government
10065 employees connection with press ? 6 7 8 9 C
Which rule of CCS conduct rules
prescribe about Government
10066 employees joining of associations ? 6 5 4 3 A
Which rule of CCS conduct rules
prescribe about Government
10067 employees participation in strike ? 4 5 6 7 D
Which schedule of the Contract
Agreement reflects the stores
supposed to be made available by Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule
10068 MES to contractor free for fixing? A B C of credit B
Which section is responsible to
prepare and submit the monthly Central
compilation of the abstract of receipts Imprest Ledger Control
10069 and charges in PAO (ORs)? D section Section Wing Section D
Which section of PAO (ORs) allots unit
code in respect of Army units and
formations whose pay accounts are Administr Disbursem Central
10070 maintained by them? ation ent Imprest Control D
Which section of PAO (ORs) is Ledger Imprest
10071 responsible to upload e-TDS ? Group EDP CC section Section C
Which section of PAO coordinates the Administr Control Review All the
10072 activities of Ledger Groups? ation Section Group three B
Which section of PAO deals with
adjustment of dues in respect of Imprest Ledger
10073 PBORs after discharge from Service? CC section Section Group NE section D
Which section of PAO is responsible Central
for compilation of yearly Interest on Control Imprest Ledger
10074 AFPP fund through class II voucher? Fund Cell Section Section Group A
Which section of PAO is responsible to Pay Central
add new employee bank details on System Control Ledger Imprest
10075 receiptsection
Which of freshofMandate
PAO is responsible
forms? to cell Section wing Section A
ensure drop of IRLAs in all type of FS Central
cases including Regular and other Imprest Admin Control
10076 Misc. Cases.?
Which section of PAO is responsible to section section Review Section D
furnish any information/statistics Monthly
pertaining to IRLAs which may be Pay Central
required, especially at times by higher Imprest Ledger System Control
10077 authorities? section Group Cell Section D
Which section of PAO is responsible to
prepare Budget Estimates of Non
Effective heads of accounts to Main Ledger
10078 Office of CDA? NE section CC section Imprest Groups B
Which section of PAO is responsible to
prepare the abstract of receipts and Imprest Admn. Review
10079 charges? Section CC section Section Group B
Which section of PAO is responsible to
receive all MROs/Treasury Receipts Central Administr
(Except Field Imprest) and ensure their Control ation Review Records
10080 adjustment? Section section Section section A
Which section of PAO is responsible to Central
render quarterly report on Major Imprest Admin Control
10081 financial and accounting irregularities? section section Review Section D
Which section of PAO is responsible to Central
take prompt action on communication Ledger Review Control Imprest
10082 of stop/release pay cases of PBORs? wing Section Section Section C
Which section of PCDA (O) has to give
confirmation of a vacancy of Officer to
PAO for admitting Acting Allowance to Ledger Technical Records Accounts
10083 JCO in his
Which section
of PCDA (O) is wing Section Section Section A
responsible to furnish its comments
on ‘Notes for Orders’ on Administr SS
doubtful cases, put up by Wings for Transport ation coordinati Technical
10084 ruling? ation wing section on (Audit) Section D
Which section of PCDA (O) is Administr
responsible to render quarterly report ation Ledger Accounts Technical
10085 on financial irregularities? section wing Section Section D

Cashier Disbursem
Which section of PCDA (O) issues Group Sub ent Ledger Technical
10086 cheque books to Field Cashiers? Section Section wing Section A
Which section of PCDA/CDA deals with
Inspection of various sections and sub
10087 offices? IA OA Accounts O&M D
Which section of PCDA/CDA deals with
Payment and adjustment of the cost Store Store
of manufacture of medals and Audit Pay Contract
10088 decorations of Army units? M section section section Section A
Which section of PCDA/CDA deals with
recovery of leave salary and pension Administr
contributions in respect of persons Accounts ation Pay
10089 lent to and from DAD? Section Section IA cell Section B
Which section of PCDA/CDA is Accounts Audit EDP
10090 responsible for clearance of Suspense Section Section D section Centre C
Which section of PCDA/CDA is
responsible for Post audit of bills in Store Store
respect of 100% payments made on Audit Contract
10091 account of ASC articles and CHT? Section Section M section IA cell B
Which section of PCDA/CDA is
responsible to adjust MRO received on
account of Hire of Government Stores Miscellan Transport Stores
10092 transport
Which section
for amenities
is Contract eous ation Audit D
responsible to adjust the cheques Administr
received from /issuing cheques to All Audit Internal Accounts ation
10093 Other Ministries? Sections Audit Cell Section section C
Which section of PCDA/CDA is
responsible to conduct scrutiny of Stores Miscellan
conservancy service agreements Contract Engineerin eous
10094 entered into by Defence Executives? Section g Section section IA cell C
Which section of PCDA/CDA is
responsible to deal with training camp Miscellan Transport Stores
allowance claims of Territorial Army eous ation Accounts Audit
10095 and NCC Officers? section Section Section Section B
Which section of PCDA/CDA is
responsible to rendition of monthly Office Audit
statements of expenditure to the local Automatio Accounts Sections All the
10096 controlling authorities? n Cell Section concerned three B
Which section of PCDA/CDA office Administr
deals with Action on tour notes of ation ORs
10097 Officers? section O&M cell section IA section D
Which section of PCDA/CDA office Administr
deals with procedure concerning ation
10098 direct and indirect taxes? IA cell E section section O&M Cell C
Which section of PCDA/CDA office is
responsible for custody and Disbursem Administr
10099 disbursement of cash? Records ent Accounts ation D
Which section of PCDA/CDA office is Administr
10100 responsible for diary/despatch of Dak? Records ation O&M None A
Which section of Regional CDA adjusts
the MRO on account of Audit fee in Internal Stores
10101 respect of Cantonment Board? Admin Pay Audit M Audit C
Which section of Regional CDA deals
with annual production accounts of Stores Stores Internal
10102 ASC Bakeries? Accounts Contract Audit Audit C
Which section of Regional CDA deals Stores Stores Miscellan Internal
10103 with Mess Maintenance Allowance Audit Contract eous Audit C
Which section of Regional CDA deals
with Payment of Sea freight and Transport Stores Stores Miscellan
10104 landingsection
Which stages of
Regional CDA is ation Contract Audit eous C
responsible to carry out financial
review of manufacturing Stores Stores Internal
10105 establishments of Defence? Audit Contract Audit O&M A
Which section of Regional CDA office Internal Administr
10106 deals with
Which section
of RegionalMFAI
office O&M Audit ation Accounts B
deals with Diary and distribution of
confidential letters received in the Administr
10107 office? Records ation RTI Cell O&M Cell B
Which section of Regional CDA office Stores Stores
deals with payment to Survey of India Audit Contract
10108 for supply of Maps to army units? section Section M section R section C
Which section of Regional CDA office
deals with Post audit of bills in respect Stores Transport Stores
of payments made on account of Civil Audit ation Contract
10109 Hired Transport? section section Section M section C
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA
is responsible for adjustment of
payments in India on behalf of U.K. Administr Store
10110 Govt. by the DAD Officers? Accounts ation IA cell Audit A
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA IA cell
is responsible for watching verification Stores Stores through Miscellan
of Credits of high value imported and contract Audit LAOs/RAO eous
10111 indigenous stores? section section s section B
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA
is responsible to distribute correction
10112 slips of Manuals and codes? Records Admin IA O&M A
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA
office deals with Recovery of extra
expenditure incurred by the Defence Store Store
Services in connection with aid to civil contract Audit Accounts
10113 powers? section Section Section E section B
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA
office is responsible to arrange for Administr Disbursem
10114 printing of forms? ation ent Records Accounts C
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA
office is responsible to do pre scrutiny
10115 of Supply orders/Contracts? IFA cell IA cell O&M cell ORs cell A
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA
office is responsible to prepare Administr Disbursem All Audit
10116 schedule III? ation ent sections Accounts B
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA
office is responsible to render Administr
10117 consolidated AAC report to CGDA? ation IA O&M Accounts B
Which section of Regional PCDA/CDA
office is responsible to Standardize Administr
10118 office Notes of repetitive type? ation IA O&M Records C
Which section of the Regional CDA
deals with Re-organization of office Administr All the
10119 layout for quicker flow of work? ation O&M IA three B
Which section of the Regional CDA
deals with work related to Super Administr Internal
10120 Reviewsection
Which by IDASofOfficers?
the Regional CDA ation Audit O&M ORs B
office deals with scalar process to
assess the requirement of staff on AN O&M IA/FA All the
10121 scientific basis? Section Section Section three B
Which section/wing/sub section/cell is LW SS Co- ordination
responsible to take action on “IRLA ordination Technical Records (Org &
10122 Not Generated Report― ? (Admin) Section Section Audit) A
Which section/wing/sub section/cell
of PCDA (O) deals with allotment of SS
new CDA Account Number to Army Record EDP Ledger coordinati
10123 Officer? Section centre wing on group D
Which sesction of Regional CDA office
deals with approval of Local Audit AN O&M IA/FA All the
10124 Programme of LAOs? Section Section Section three C

Which system is designed with a view Economic

to achieve economy in Transport Carter
collection/delivery of stores from/to ation Patterson Barter Vehicle
10125 units between each other? system system system pooling B
Which type of Contract is concluded Lump sum Item Rate Term for Piece
10126 for construction of Swimming Pool? Contract Contract Contract Work A
Which type of contract is concluded
for large scale renewal of flooring
work to be carried out, but exact Lump sum Term % Rate Item Rate
10127 quantities are not known? Contract Contract Contract Contract D

for supply
Which type of Contract is concluded Materials
for Manufacture of furniture for a % Rate Item Rate Term or
10128 Civiliantype
Which Office?
of Contract is concluded Contract Contract Contract Furniture D
for Repairs to Roads in unit lines when Percentag Contract
exact volume of work cannot be e Rate Item Rate Term for Piece
10129 assessed? Contract Contract Contract Work A
Which type of Office communication is
used for correspondence between Office D.O.
10130 senior IDAS officers? Note Circular U.O. Note Letter D
Whih of the following is a personal
10131 account? Capital Drawings Both None C
While accounting POL stocks,
temperature of ___ ? ‘F’ is
10132 treated as Standard Temperature? 100 85 98 27 B
While Adjusting MRO, PAO functions
10133 as ___ section? Audit Accounts Both None A
While arriving at loss, Part worn
articles of clothing and necessary lost
are valued at ____ value? One
10134 One Tenth fourth Half Full C
While arriving at loss, Stores held on
charge as serviceable and lost are
valued at ____ value? One
10135 Full Half fourth One Tenth A
While arriving at loss, Stores held on
charge as serviceable and lost are
valued at ____ value?
10136 100% 50% 25% 10% A
While arriving at loss, Stores held on
charge as unserviceable and lost are
valued at ____ value? One
10137 Full Half fourth One Tenth D
While arriving at loss, Stores held on
charges as repairable and lost are
valued at ____ value? One
10138 Full Half fourth One Tenth B

at Coupons
outstation are not
have been Redeeme issued to
exchange d coupons delivery
While audit of coupons in a Dairy d at have been men for
Farm, which of the following actions another retained sale to
10139 will be objected to by LAO station for audit customers None A

Part II Returns to
While audit of ration returns, details orders to Part II
of personnel on leave, admission to returns orders but As
Hospitals, transfer/attachment to but not not vice decided
10140 other units etc. will be verified from? vice versa versa by LAO None A

s for
changes in
While auditing pay bill, audit office entitleme
verifies which of the following Last Pay nts/recov
10141 documents? bill eries Both
None C
While auditing the cash book in a ils of
Cantonment Board, LAO should verify cheques counterfoi
_____ with the payments made by the and ls of
10142 Cantonment Board? vouchers Receipts Both None A
While auditing/passing pay bills of
civilian employees, AAO should check
classification under Service Head for
10143 every item exceeding Rs. ___? 50000 10000 5000 500 D
While calculating audit fee in respect
of Cantonment Board, ALAO will be
treated as ___ for the purpose of Senior Junior
10144 calculation? LAO AAO Auditor Auditor C
While calculating repaying capacity for
the purpose of HBA, In cases of
employee retiring after 20 years, ____
10145 of Basic Pay is considered? 30% One-third 40% 50% C
While carrying our audit of CHT bills, it
should be ensured that that the extent
of services rendered in Part ______
conforms to that
indented for in Part ______ and
allotted by the Station Transport
10146 Officer in Part ______? I, II, III III, I, II I, III, II II, III, I B
While carrying out audit of cash book
in Cantonment Board, LAO verifies the
payment side of cash book with
10147 counterfoils of ____? Receipts Cheques Both None B
While carrying out audit of cash book, Cash
RAO will verrify entries related to ___ Public Assignme All the
10148 transactions? Fund nt Imprest three D
il of Part II
While carrying out audit of railway warrant to order to
warrants, audit is done from ____ to Part II a but not Counterfo c but not
10149 _______? order vice versa il vice versa B

While carrying out Audt of Air Frieght

claim, it will be ensured that the air Air
passage warrant has been properly QMG&#3 Transport
10150 prepared by the _____? Consignor Consignee 9;s Branch Company C
While carrying out scrutiny of the
credentials of the firms at the time of
Registration, which of the following Financial market business
10151 aspects need noit be considered? Status standing ethics None D

From From IRLA

Document to
While carrying out Test Check of s to IRLAs Document
IRLAs, credit entries should be verified not vice s not vice
10152 ______? versa versa Both None B
While computation of broken periods decided
for payment with reference to number by
of days in the year, _____ is taken as Calendar Financial Academic PCDA/CD
10153 the basis? year year year A A
While crediting EL at the beginning of
half year, EL will be reduced by ___ of
EOL availed during previous half year
10154 by the employee? 1/15th 1/12th 1/10th 1/18th C
While doing classification of costs
based on assicuation with the product,
costs are divided into how many
10155 types?doing classification of costs
While 2 3 4 5 A
based on Changes in Activity or
volume, costs are divided into how
10156 many types? 2 3 4 5 B
While doing classification of costs
based on traceability, costs are divided
10157 into how many types? 2 3 4 5 A
While doing elementwise classification
of costs, how many broad elements
10158 are taken into account? 2 3 4 5 B

from the Mandate Budget
While fixing No. Man days required for office of and Man handled
Local Audit of a particular unit, which LAO to the power of by the
of the following points need not be unit the unit unit
10159 considered by PCDA/CDA? concerned conerned concerned None A
While fixing the pay on promotion,
once increment is given in the same Next
pay level into the next stage and fixing Same pay higher
the pay in the promotion post pay stage in stage in
level, if it happens that the same stage the the Depends
is avaiable in the promotion pay level promotio promotio on case to
10160 then pay
While fixing
be pay
in ____?
7th CPC n pay level n pay level case None A
structure, if the amount rounded off
to next rupee after multiplying with
the multiplification factor for pay stage Level in
fixation, happens to be appearing the below + which the
stage available in the pay level, the difference same
pay will be fixed at the ____ in the pay Same next as special stage
10161 level? stage higher cell pay available A
While framing a charge sheet it should
10162 be ensured that the charges are not Petty Flimsy Both None C
While on tour, if two or more officers Admissibl
use same taxi, reimbursement is given Equal e to only
10163 at ___ Rates? As shared share A or B one C
While on Tour, in case employee
travels by foot for the purpose of duty Not
10164 Rs. _____ is admissible per KM? admissible 5 8 12 D
While preparing AEs, ___% will be
10165 provided in Estimates for 10 5 4 3 D
While preparing Budget Estimates in
respect of progressive salaries, the
rate of pay which will be due on the 1st
______ of the year to which the 1st Septembe
10166 budget relates should be adopted January 1st April 1st July r D
Category Category
wise and Category wise and Deprartm
While preparing Pay Bill by AN Pay then wise and then as ental
section of CDA office, names in the alphabetic then as per Account
10167 pay bills are arranged ____? ally per DOB Seniority No. wise A

While preparing Pension Budget, DR is Gross Net d portion
10168 calculated on _____? Pension Pension of pension None A
While recording in Cash Book, if a
transaction affects both cash and
10169 bank, it it called as ______ entry? Mutual Contra Mixed Proper B
While Reviewing the subsistence
allowance, which of the following Non
certificate from the employee under Employme Dependen All the
10170 suspension is taken? nt Life ts three A
Audit Audit Accunts
Officer Officer Officer Purely
While Scrutinising the Loss Statements and and and Audit
PCDA/CDA will examine the cases in Financial Accounts Financial Officer
10171 the capacity of ______? Advisor Officer Advisor only A
While taking a decision on whether to Fixed Cost
Make a product or Buy, decision to and
Make can be taken when _____ is Variable variable Overhead
10172 found to be recovered? Fixed Cost Cost Cost s A
Who acts as Financial Advisor to of IFA PC of A
10173 DGOF? Factories FADS concerned Kolkata D
Who allots Defence Accounting Circle
10174 Numbers to PCsDA/CsDA offices? CGA RBI, CAS CGDA C&AG B

CDA of
the PAO
Nearest Holder is CDA of
Who allots Imprest Account Number Regional most nearest All the
10175 to Field Imprest Holder? CDA concerned PAO three B

Who among the following (Receiving Liberalize

the specific Pension) are not War Injury d family Invalid
10176 Who
among from
are Pension Pension Pension None C
exempted under the purview of
definition of Public Servant as per Chairman Members
10177 Indian Penal Code? of CAT of CAT Both None D
Who among the following are not Civilians working in
authorized to be paid out of Field working in Peace Army
10178 Imprest? Field Stations PBORs Officers B
Who among the following are the
users of Analysis of All India Defence DFA Service All the
10179 Services Receipts & Charges Budget CGDA H.Qrs. three D

Who among the following arranges PCDA New PCDA (NC) CDA IDS PCDA (O)
10180 money to Field Cashiers? Delhi Jammu New Delhi Pune D
Who among the following can approve
disposal of asset (under powers of GE)
when offer in auction is less than 20% PCDA/CD
10181 of Minimum Reserve Price? CWE CE A None B

A person A person
who is who is
usually of usually of
unsound sound
mind, but mind, but
occasional occasional
ly of ly of
sound unsound
mind, mind,
when he when he
is of is of
sound unsound
Who among the following can make a mind mind
10182 Contract? Both None A
Who among the following can All the
10183 negotiate an instrument? Maker Drawer Payee three D

Who among the following can place a Appointin Disciplinar

Government servant under g y
10184 suspension? Authority Authority a or b None C
Who among the following can reside
in the Government Accommodation
allotted to an employee in addition to
his family members? 1. Friends 2. Only 2
10185 Relatives 3. Immediate Relations All 1,2,3 and 3 Only 3 None C

Who among the following cannot be a Offices of Cash
paying authority for third party bills in PCDA/CD Imprest Assignme
10186 respect of procurement of stores? A Holders nt Holders None D
Central State Medical
Who among the following cannot be Governme Governme Practioner
10187 appointed as AMA? nt Doctors nt Doctors s None D
Who among the following cannot be initiated
appointed as Inquiry Officer in IDAS Retired Charge
10188 disciplinary proceedings? Officer SAO/AO Officer Sheet D
Who among the following cannot Contracto
10189 examine Contractor Ledger GE r None Both C
Who among the following cannot Controllin Independ
exercise the powers of g Command ent Area IFAs
reappropriation in respect of Army Authoritie Headquart Headquart (Comman
10190 Budget? s ers ers d) D
Who among the following conducts
audit of sanctions and orders issued PCDA/CD
10191 by Government of India CGDA A LAO/RAO None D
Who among the following conducts
post payment technical check of final PCDA/CD All the
10192 bills of works done by MES? CWE STE A three B
Who among the following Controllers
do not have LAO as a sub office or All the
10193 section working under him? PCDA (O) CDA (IDS) CDA (CSD) three A

n wing of
nt of
Who among the following controls the Productio Ordnance
chain of Ordnance Factories in the n and Factory PC of A All the
10194 country? Supplies Board Kolkata three A
Who among the following deals with
payments relating to procurements CGDA PCDA New PCDA (BR) All the
10195 done by Army Purchase Organization? Office Delhi Delhi three B
Who among the following does not
have powers to sign Transfer Entries
Punching Medium for rectificatiion of
10196 incorrect adjustments? ACDA AO AAO None C
Who among the following employees Those Children
cannot be considered for exemption Having are
from transfer as per the DAD Transfer medical studying Subject
10197 policy? reasons in Class X Experts None D
Serving Pensioner
employee s who
s who are Serving opted for
not in a Employee CGHS at
position s - CS the time
Who among the following get to make (MA) All of
treatment on cash less basis and their payment Beneficiari Pensioner retiremen
10198 Who
bills are
paid the
Authorities? to hospital es s t D
Government servants of pay level is
eligible to travel by Air in Economy All the
10199 class on Temporary Duty? 4 5 6 three C
Who among the following has a
separate Proforma account in the CDA (Trg.) IFA (SC)
PCDA (O) All the
10200 books of RBI, CAS Nagpur? Pune Pune Pune three C
Who among the following has no Scheduled Scheduled Backward
10201 reservation in promotions? Castes Tribes Castes None C
Who among the following has the
power to dispense with detailed audit Central
of accounts and limit the checks when Governme
10202 circumstances so warrant? nt C&AG Both None B

Who among the following have the

powers to exercise the powers of Civil Appellate All the
10203 Court under RTI Act? CPIO Authority CIC three C
Who among the following is a JAG All the
10204 officer? ACDA DCDA Jt. CDA three C
Remount ative of
and DEO in
Who among the following is purchasin Cantonme
10205 authorized to sign MRO? g agent nt Both None C
Who among the following is called as
10206 Secondary User in GeM portal? Consignee PAO Both None C
Who among the following is called JCO Lance All the
10207 in Indian Army? Havaldar Subdedar Naik three B

A person Member
below of of
Who among the following is exempted poverty Parliamen
Legislative All the
10208 from payment of fee under RTI Act? line t Assembly three A
Who among the following is ex-officio Vice Prime Justice of
10209 chairman of council of states? President President Minister India B
Ministry of
Who among the following is hosting Ministry of Commerc Ministry
10210 GeM Portal? of Finance Defence e of HRD C

of Chiefs
Ministry of Staff
Who among the following is in Chief of of Committe
10211 complete command of the Army? Army Staff Defence e None A

Who among the following is known as PCDA New (R&D) PCDA (BR) All the
10212 PCDA Travel? Delhi New Delhi New Delhi three B

Who among the following is not a Ordnance

10213 AHSP? DGQA Factories Both None D
Who among the following is not a Hindi Personal
10214 Gazetted Officer? AAO Officer Asst. None D
Who among the following is not a ative Judicial Civilian
10215 member in Administrive Tribunal? Member Member Member None C

of President
Institute of
of Institute
Chartered of Cost
Who among the following is not a Accountan Accountan
10216 member of GASAB? CGDA ts of India ts of India None D
Who among the following is not a part Local Regional
of Internal Audit mechanism/set up Station Audit Audit
10217 under DAD? Auditor Officer Officer None D
Who among the following is not a user in
of All India Defence Services Receipts Departme Armed Budget
and Charges generated in compilation nts of Forces Section of Regional
10218 Who
among the following is not a user MOD H.Qrs. CGDA PCsDA D
of compilation report Analysis of All
India Defence Services Receipts and DFA Services
10219 Charges? (Budget) CGDA H.Qrs None D
Who among the following is not
10220 authorized to sign punching medium G.O SAO/AO AAO None D
ator as
defined in
Who among the following is not 239 of the
defined as Competent Authority under Constituti
10221 RTI Act
Who among
the following is not President Governor on None D
eligible for addition of 5 years
weightage for calculation of Death Army
10222 Gratuity? Officer PBOR None Both A
Head of
Who among the following is not Departme Departme CGHS
10223 empowered to appoint AMA? nt nt Doctor None C
Who among the following is not Serving having Unit not
supposed to deposit Government dues personnel Public having
in cash while depositing through of Fund Public
10224 MRO? Defence Account Account None B
Who among the following is
responsible for all matters connected
with the implementation and PCDA New CDA (PD) CDA (CSD) All the
10225 monitoring of New Banking Scheme Delhi Meerut Mumbai three B
Who among the following is CDA
responsible for maintaining Indian (Funds) PCDA (P) CDA (PD) Both (b)
10226 Military Services Family Pension Fund? Meerut Allahabad Meerut and (c) A
Who among the following is
responsible for maintenance of Designate Command
10227 Accounts in a unit? Cashier d Officer ing Officer LAO C
Who among the following is
responsible for monitoring the
expenditure against budget allocation PCDA (P) CDA (PD)
10228 for the Defence Pension? Allahabad Meerut Both None A
Who among the following is
responsible for payment of bills in PCDA
respect of procurement of stores from PCDA New (Navy) CDA (AF) All the
10229 UK and West Europe? Delhi Mumbai New Delhi three A
Who among the following is
responsible for safe custody of original PCDA/CD
10230 CAs concluded
Who among thebyfollowing
responsible for securing that
expenditure shall not proceed at a
rate unwarranted by sanctioned
10231 Estimates?
Who among the following is MOD MOD (Fin) Both None C
responsible for the custody of MES
Inspection House and accounting of its Surveyor
10232 receipts? AGE BSO AO GE Assistant B
Who among the following is None. It is
responsible for the monthly the
reconciliation of the figures given in responsibi
the accounts maintained by the Head Head of ilty of
of the Department with those the Audit
appearing in the Accounts Officer’s Departme Accounts authoritie
10233 Who
among the following is nt Officer Both s C
responsible for the sufficiency and
moderation of the Defence Service
10234 Estimates? MOD MOD (Fin) Both None C

Who among the following is

responsible for Work relating to PCDA New PCDA (AF) PCDA (BR)
10235 London Accounts Current? CGDA Delhi Dehrudun New Delhi B
Who among the following is & Ministerâ Chiefs of
responsible to coordinate general Developm€™s Staff
direction of policy for Scientific ent Committe Committe All the
10236 Research relating to Defence? Council e e three A
Who among the following is CDA CDA
responsible to maintain Indian Military CDA (PD) (Army) (Funds) DPDO
10237 Widows and Orphans Fund? Meerut Meerut Meerut concerned C
Who among the following is supposed
to endorse on the Draft Paras file
prepared by DGADS, concurred by Defence PCDA/CD
10238 DAD and referred to him? Secretary FADS CGDA A C
Leader of
Who among the following is the chair Oppositio
person of committee constituted for Prime Minister n in Lok
10239 the purpose of selecting CIC? President Minister of I&B Sabha B

Quarter Command
Who among the following is the head Master Chief er Works
10240 of Military Engineer Services? General Engineer Engineer E in C D
Who among the following is the Head Defence Defence etary All the
10241 of Ministry of Defence? Secretary Minister (Def/Fin) three B
Who among the following is the General C of A
10242 incharge of Ordnance Factory? Manager (Fy.) Both None A
Who among the following is the
10243 Officer i/c for MES division CE CWE GE AGE C
Who among the following is to ensure
that suitable accounts are maintained
10244 by Defence Services? CGA MOD (Fin) C&AG None B
Authority administe
Who among the following is ultimately who ring the
responsible for keeping expenditure allotted appropriat All the
10245 within the appropriation? DAD the funds ion three C
Who among the following makes Regional
Payment and adjustment of the cost Regional CDA Regional
of manufacture of medals and PCDA (O) CDA M Stores CDA Pay
10246 decorations to Army Officers Pune section section Section B
Who among the following officers is a
Junior Administrative Grade Officer in
10247 DAD? Addl. CDA Jt. CDA DCDA ACDA B
Who among the following officers is
authorized by regulations to waive
Departmental charges in the case of
10248 Deposit
Who among
works the
MES? officers may GE CWE CE None D
draw cheques on civil treasury or
banks to meet the requirements of Defence Station
Defence Services without cash DAD GEs of Estate H.Qrs.
10249 assignment? officers MES Officers ECHS A
Who among the following shall be Chairman
ineligible for further employment Chairman of State Chairman All the
10250 under the Government of India ? of CAT AT of Joint AT three A

Units person
having paying
Who among the following should not public money to
pay cash along with MRO into Fund Governme
10251 Who
among the
following will be Account nt Both None A
exofficio member in the Local
Committee constituted under Sexual Social
Harassment of women at work place District Welfare Judge of a All the
10252 act? Officer Officer Civil Court three B
Senior been the
Eldest most longest in
Who among the following will be the Officer officer the As
chairman of Chiefs of Staff among among committe decided
10253 Committee? the chiefs the chiefs e by MOD C
who is
to do the
Who among the following woman household
does not get covered under the work on
definition of Domestic worker as per part time Family
10254 Sexual Harassment at work place Act? basis member Both None B
Prime Justice of Cabinet
10255 Who can
of India without Minister President India Secretary B
pre audit of a claim which requires pre
audit, to avoid delay in an urgent PCDA/CD
10256 case? A GOC in C CGDA GOI A
senior to
Who can be appointed as Inquiry the
Officer when the Charged Official is IDAS Charged Either a or
10257 AAO? Officer SAO/AO official b D

Who can conclude a contract beyond PCDA/CD Any of the

10258 3 years duration? A GOI MOD three B
E in C with
concurren CE with
ce of concurren
Who can reduce or remit Financial ce of
departmental charges on a deposit Authoritie PCDA/CD
10259 work costing Rs. 2000/- E in C s CE A B
Who carries out the audit of PCDA/CD
10260 Construction Accounts among the A RAO/LAO Both None B
Who certifies the vegetables produced
from unit gardens conform to ASC ASC
specification before issuing for OC of the Supply
10261 consumption? unit GOC in C Depot PCDA A
Who conducts audit of Field Imprest Regional
Accounts rendered by Field Imprest CsDA/PCs
10262 Holders? PCDA (O) DA Both None B
Who conducts audit of sanctions All the
10263 issued by Government of India? CGDA DGADS CGA three B
Who conducts of Audit of Cantonment
10264 Boards Accounts? DGADS DAD Both None B

Who deals with all matters relating to

audit, payment, accounting and Jt. CDA DCDA
Financial Advice to Southern Air PCDA (AF) CDA (AF) (AF) (DAD) HAL
10265 Command Trivendrum? Dehrudun New Delhi Nagpur Bengaluru C
Who deals with payment of bills for CDA
procurement of stores of United (Army) PCDA (CC) PCDA New CGDA
10266 Kingdom? Meerut Lucknow Delhi office C
Who deals with the payment and
audit of pay bills of officers and
establishment of Assistant Directorate PCDA
of Technical Development (Inspection (R&D) PC of A
10267 Who
and quality
as principal
at Kolkata? CDA Patna New Delhi Kolkata None C
representative of the Ministry of
Defence in the field of Defence Defence
10268 expenditure? FADS CGDA Secretary None A

Who functions as the Principal CDA (CSD) PCDA (SC) PCDA,

10269 Accounting Officer for CSD? CGDA Mumbai Pune New Delhi A

Adjutant Chief of Chief of All the

10270 Who is a PSO in Army H.Qrs.? General Logistics Materials three A
and Rep. of
AAO in purchasin DEO in All the
10271 Who is competent
authorized to sign
MRO? DAD g agent Cantt three D
alteration in DOB of Non gazetted
employees of DAD when it is in order PCDA/CD Jt. CGDA Addl.
10272 otherwise? A CGDA (AN) CGDA B
Who is highest authority in the Chief Standing All the
10273 Administrative Tribunal? Justice Chairman Counsel three B

Chief of
Integrated Master Quarter
Defence General of Master Adjutant
10274 Who is not a PSO in Army? Staff Ordnance General General A

Chief of Flag
Vice Chief Materials Asst. Chief Officer
of Naval – Naval of Naval commandi
10275 Who is not a PSO in Indian Navy? Staff Dockyard Staff ng in chief D
Who is responsible for all matters
connected with investigation,
settlement and follow up action on CDA (PD) PCDA (P) Both (a)
10276 Who
is responsible
from pensioners?
for checking of Meerut Allahabad and (b) CGDA A
cost data of final bills of orders on cost
plus basis placed on M/s Garden PCDA
Reach Ship-builders and Engineers PC of A (Navy)
10277 Ltd.,Kolkata? Kolkata CDA Patna Mumbai None A
Who is responsible for custody of all Office,
original cash vouchers, receipts and Delhi All the
10278 contract documents of MES? GEs DAD Cantt three B
General of
Who is responsible for Inspection of cal Quality PCDA (AF) All the
10279 the Defence Aircrafts? Assurance Dehradun Air H.Qrs three A
Who is responsible for maintenance
and upkeep of furniture supplied as Red Cross
free gifts by Red Cross to Military authoritie All the
10280 Hospital? MH itself MES s three B
Who is responsible for preparation of
the portion of the Combined Finance
and Revenue Accounts pertaining to All the
10281 Defence Services? DGADS CGDA C&AG three B
Who is responsible for safe custody of officer Wing Wing
LPC seal and Payment Authority Seal Wing (Ledger officer officer
10282 in PCDA (O) office? officer (D) wings) (EDP) (AN) D

Who is responsible for signing the

Appropriation Accounts of Defence Secretary
Services and its submission to C&AG Defence Defence
10283 of India? Secretary (Finance) CGDA CGA A
Who is responsible for the preparation
of the Appropriation Accounts of
10284 Defence Services? FADS C&AG CGA None A
Who is responsible to carry out repairs EME
to refrigeration equipment issued to Workshop
10285 entitled
Who is responsible
units against
checkP.E.T? MES s Both None B
correctness of expenditure entries in
Construction Accounts against original BSO of GE All the
10286 vouchers? LAO/RAO office AO GE three C
LAO of the
Field Nearest
Who is responsible to conduct local Nearest Supply DAD
10287 audit of units in Field Area LAO Depot LAO (AF) Officer B
Who is responsible to for the custody MES Accounts E in C
of all original cash vouchers, receipts officers Departme branch All the
10288 and Contract Documents of MES? concerned nt IHQ MOD three B

Who is responsible to initiate claim on Embarkati Iron &

account of shortlandings in r/o Steel on Steel
Imports control indents through port Consignee Command Controller PC of A
10289 of Kolkata? unit ant , Kolkata Kolkata C
Who is responsible to maintain Indian Controller
Ordnance Factories Workmen's s of CDA
Provident Fund Accounts other than Accounts (Funds)
10290 those maintained by PC of A (Fys.) Meerut Both None B
Who is responsible to prepare Sub All the
10291 Construction Accounts in a GE office? AO Division Cashier three B
Who is responsible to record the
classification code head of account on Drawing Paying
10292 the bill supposed to be paid? Officer Authority Both None A
Who is the accepting officer for APAR Jt. CGDA
of AAO (with grade pay of Rs. 5400/- Addl. (AN)
on MACP) working in a PCDA/CDA Group CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD H.Qrs.
10293 office? Officer CDA A office B
Who is the appointing authority for PCDA/CD
10294 Senior Auditors in DAD? GOI CGDA A FADS C
Who is the authority playing a
10295 fiduciary role in a Federal Financial CGDA CGA FADS C&AG D

All All
Nationaliz scheduled
10296 Who is the banker to Government? ed banks RBI SBI banks B

Union Appointed
Who is the chair person of GST Prime Finance Cabinet by
10297 Council? Minister Minister Secretary President B
Who is the chairman of GASAB i.e. Deputy
Government Accounting Standards C& AG of CGA of C&AG of
10298 Advisory Board? India India India CGDA C

Who is the Chairman of Ordnace PC of A Defence Defence

10299 Factory Board? Kolkata Secretary DGOF Minister C
Who is the chairman of the committee
to consider the promotion to the Non Chairman/ Secretary Additional
Functional Selection Grade of the Member (Def/Fin) Secretary,
10300 Junior Administrative Grade? of UPSC /FADS CGDA MOD B
Who is the Chairman of the
Government Accounting Standards Deputy
10301 Advisory Board (GASAB) CGA CGDA C&AG C&AG D
Who is the chairperson for
Government Accounting Standards C&AG of Dy. C&AG Finance
10302 Advisory Board (GASAB)? India of India CGA Secretary B

Who is the Chief Accounting Authority Defence Defence etary
10303 in Ministry of Defence Minister Secretary (Def/Fin.) CGDA B

Who is the Chief Accounting Authority Defence

10304 in MOD? PCDA CGDA FADS Secretary D
Who is the Chief Accounting Officer Defence
10305 for the Defence Services? PCDA CGDA FADS Secretary C
Who is the Chief Accounting Officer in Defence Defence etary
10306 MOD Minister Secretary (Def/Fin) CGDA C
Who is the Competent Authority of
defined under RTI Act in the case of Parliamen Dy. Prime
10307 Lok Sabha? t Affairs Speaker Speaker Minister B
Who is the Competent Authority Dy. of
defined under RTI Act in the case of Vice Chairpers Parliamen All the
10308 Rajya Sabha? President on t Affairs three A
Who is the Competent Authority Chief
defined under RTI Act in the case of Attorney Law Judge Justice of
10309 Supreme Court? General Minister concerned India D
Who is the competent authority to NCC
accord time bar sanction for service Group QMG
10310 personnel working under NCC? H.Qrs DGNCC AG Branch branch B
Who is the competent authority to Secretary
approve officiating promotion to the Branch, AG Branch
10311 rank of Colonel and above? IHQ MOD IHQ MOD GOC in C GOI A
Who is the competent authority to Military
approve officiating promotion to the Secretary
rank of Lt. Col. (More than six Branch, AG Branch All the
10312 months)? IHQ MOD IHQ MOD GOC in C three A
Who is the competent authority to Sub Area Area
approve officiating promotion up to Command Command All the
10313 the rank of Major? er er GOC in C three C
Who is the competent authority to Secretary
approve officiating promotions in Branch, AG Branch
10314 Supersession cases? IHQ MOD IHQ MOD GOC in C GOI A

Authority to make
to make appointm
Who is the Competent Authority to appointm ent in
make an excess appointment in a ent in lower
lower rank, against a vacancy unfilled lower &higher
10315 in a higher rank? GOC in C rank rank GOI C
Who is the Competent Authority to
regularize the loss of blank forms of Co of the PC of A,
10316 Credit Notes in a unit? unit GOC in C Kolkata GOI D
Who is the disciplinary authority to Group Addl.
give major penalty to AAO working in Officer CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD
10317 a PCDA/CDA office? (AN) CDA A None C
Who is the equivalent officer in Air Squadron Flying Lieutenan Group
10318 Force for Major in Army? Leader Officer t Captain A
Who is the equivalent officer in Air Squadron Flying Lieutenan Group
10319 Force for Sub Lieutenant in Navy? Leader Officer t Captain B
Who is the equivalent officer in Army Lieutenan Lieutenan
10320 for Warrant Officer in Navy? t t Captain None D
Who is the equivalent officer in Navy Command Command Commodo
10321 for Brigadier in Army? er er re None C
Who is the equivalent officer in Navy Command Command Lieutenan
10322 for Captain in Army? er er t None C

Who is the equivalent officer in Navy Admiral of Vice Rear

10323 for General in Army? Admiral the fleet Admiral Admiral A
Who is the equivalent officer in Navy Command Command Commodo Vice
10324 for Lt. General in Army? er er re Admiral D
Who is the equivalent officer in Navy Vice Rear Lieutenan
10325 for Major General in Army? Admiral Admiral t Captain B

Who is the Head of the Department Defence All the

10326 for DAD? Secretary FADS CGDA three C
Who is the Head of the Department Defence Defence etary
10327 for Defence Accounts Department Minister Secretary (Def/Fin) CGDA D

Who is the head of the department of Defence

10328 DAD? CGDA FADS Secretary MOD A
Who is the leave sanctioning authority Manager
for CDA rank officer working in the PC of A of the Any of the
10329 office of C of A (Fys.)? CGDA Kolkata Factory three C

Who is the Principal Accounting Defence

10330 Officer for the Defence Services? PCDA CGDA FADS Secretary B
Who is the Principal Accounting Defence Defence etary
10331 Officer in MOD Minister Secretary (Def/Fin) CGDA D
Who is the Reporting officer to write Group Group Group d by
APAR of Local Audit Officer (as LAO Officer Officer Officer PCDA/CD
10332 deals with various types of duties)? (AN) (Pay) (IA) A C
Who is the responsible to handle
imported/exported stores of Defence Embarkati Consignor Consignee
10333 Services on H.Qrs unit unit A. HQrs. A
Who is the Supreme Commander of
the three services - Army, Navy and Prime Defence Defence
10334 Air Force? President Minister Minister Secretary A
CDA CDA Regional
Who maintains Provident Fund (Funds) (Army) PCsDA/Cs
10335 Accounts of PBORs? Meerut Meerut DA All C
Who prepares an Annual Consolidated
Balanced Accounts of Defence Defence
10336 Services Receipts and Charges? Secretary FADS CGDA CGA C

Who prepares Daily Order sheet Defence Charged Inquiry Presenting

10337 during Inquiry proceedings? Assistant Official Officer Officer C
E section
Who prepares schedule III in respect Regional
10338 of payments made by GE? AO GE GE CDA LAO/RAO B
Who publishes the pamphlet of RDR
heads and CHB of Defence Services
10339 Receipts and Charges? CGDA DGADS CGA C&AG A
Who renders advice to Defence Chiefs of
Minister on all Scientific and Staff Dept. of Ordnance
technological aspects of Military Committe Defence R Factory
10340 Operations?
Who renders half yearly statement to e &D Board FADS B
Army Head Quarters on adjustment of CDA
cost of vehicles issued to MES by (Army) PC of A PCDA New
10341 Army? Meerut Kolkata CGDA Delhi A
Who sanctions S&S Imprest to Army Regional Area
units/formations and supply depots Head PCDA/CD Command
10342 under peace conditions? GOC in C Quarters A er A

Who will accord Time Bar Sanction of Adjutant Military

10343 TA/DA claims of Army personnel? General QMG Secretary MGO B
Who will be chairman of DPC for Member Addl.
10344 promotion from SAO to ACDA? UPSC CGDA FADS CGDA A
Who will be the accepting officer in
respect of APARs of AOs working in a Addl./Jt. Jt. CGDA
10345 Regional PCDA office? PCDA CDA (AN) CGDA A
Who will chair the DPC proceedings Addl. Either a or
10346 for promotion of IDAS officers from CGDA CGDA b None C
Audit Engineer
Who will conduct of technical check of Authoritie Authoritie
10347 bills of MES works? s s Both None B
Who will decide the head of booking PCDA/CD All the
10348 in the case of Bills in GE set up? GE AO A three A
Who will give permission to a DAD
employee seeking part time services No
elsewhere like broadcasting of the permissio
nature other than those of literary, n is
10349 artistic or scientific character? CDA CGDA MOD required B

Who will maintain Construction GE under

Accounts of Operational works Formation PCDA/CD concerned Any of the
10350 undertaken Formation Engineers? Engineers A CE Corps three B
Who will select the Month for detailed PCDA/CD al Audit Any of the
10351 checking in audit of Store Accounts? A LAO Staff three B

Who will write the APAR of AO GE G.O. (E) of

attached to a GE office in the capacity PCDA/CD
10352 of Reporting Officer? GE CWE RAO/LAO A D
Whose concurrence is required to
exempt (those not exempted already)
a set of employees from application
10353 FRSR in respect of them? DOP&T MOD MOF C&AG C

Station Officer
Whose counter signature will you look Transport CO of the using the OC,
10354 for in audit, in the case of CHT bills? Officer user unit Transport Station A
Whose orders are required for Station Ministry
transfer of a vehicle from one Army Command PCDA/CD Army of
10355 unit to another? er A H.Qrs. Defence C
Whose permission is required to PCDA/CD
10356 increase the quantum of audit by DAD CGDA DGADS MOD A D
Whose permission is required to CDA/Jt. PCDA/CD
10357 publish a book by employee of DAD? GO (AN) CDA A CGDA D
Whose prior approval is necessary to Authority of
issue modifications in the conditions sanctionin sanctionin
of contract which do not involve g the g
10358 enhancement of rates? contract authority MOD GOI A
Whose prior sanction is necessary for
despatch of stores to Ordnance Director
Factories for repairs when the of
estimated cost of repairs is 5000/- in OC of the Ordnance
10359 respect of AOC depots depot services DGOF GOI B
Whose prior sanction is necessary to Regional
admit private individuals into Military OC of the PCDA/CD
10360 Hospital? CO of MH Station GOC in C A B
Whose sanction is necessary to carry Next
out re appropriation due to error in PCDA/CD higher
10361 budget estimate? GOI FADS A CFA A
Whose sanction is necessary to
10362 conclude a contract of unsual GOI MOD C&AG AHQ A
Head of
Whose sanction is necessary to the
institute disciplinary proceedings Departme
10363 against a retired employee? nt Ministry C&AG President D
Whose sanction is necessary to issue
stores held in AFMSD to private PCDA/CD Governme
10364 parties? DGAFMS A nt of India MOD C
Whose sanction is necessary to re-
appropriate savings due to non
expenditure of provision for a specific
10365 measure? GOI MOD CGDA DGADS A
Whose sanction is necessary to refund
a security deposit already lapsed and PCDA/CD Group
10366 credited to Government? A SAO/AO Officer AAO A
Whose sanction is necessary to
transfer coupons from one category to Asst.
another in a Military Farm noted in MF PCDA/CD Director QMG Governme
10367 Manager stock book? A (MF) Branch nt of India B

Whose sanction is required to initiate Disciplinar Secretary

Disciplinary proceedings in respect of y of the
10368 a retired government servant? HOD President Authority Ministry B
Whose sanction is required to release
credit balance of a deserter PBOR Brigade
when the amount exceeds Rs. 1000/- CO of the Command Officer i/c PCDA/CD
10369 but below
Whose sanction
Rs. 2 lakhs?
will be looked for in unit er PAO A B
audit where service transport is Station
provided in connection with visits of command
10370 VIPS. sanction will you look for in
Whose GOI CDA A HQrs er C
audit where service transport is Station
provided in connection with visits of Command PCDA/CD Army
10371 VIPs? GOC in C er A H.Qrs. D
Widening of existing road will treated Original Ordinary Special Special
10372 as in _____ information under RTI
With work Repairs Repairs work A
Act is supposed to be furnished when
it pertains to Life and Liberty of a
10373 person?
With in how many days information 24 Hours 48 Hours 72 Hours 5 days B
under RTI Act is supposed to be
furnished when third party
10374 information is sought? 10 15 30 45 D
With in how many days information
10375 under RTI Act is supposed to be 10 15 30 45 C
With out approval of ____ to AWP, no
new Major Capital works should be Service Command
10376 commenced in the FY? GOI MOD H.Qrs. H.Qrs. A
Withdrawn Rs. 5000/- from bank for
personal use. What will be posted in Cash Cash Bank Bank
10377 the cash book? credit side Debit side Credit side Debit side C

Debit side Credit side

Withdrawn Rs. 5000/- from bank. Debit side Credit side Cash and cash and
What will be entry in cash book with cash and Cash and Credit side Debit side
10378 cash, Discount and Bank column? bank bank Bank bank C
Within _ hours of drawal of money,
Officer signing ECR has to render
certificate to Move sanctioning
10379 authority that money been expended 24 48 72 96 B
Within ____ days Charged Official is
supposed to submit appeal against the
10380 order passed against him? 10 30 45 90 C
Within ____ days Charged Official is
supposed to submit statement of
10381 Defence against the charge sheet? 5 7 15 30 C
Within _____ returnable copy of the
packing accounts has to be returned
by consignee to landing officer in two
10382 respect of imported stores? 15 days a month months 3 months D
Without the sanction of ____ ,
PCDA/CDA will not take up the audit
of any accounts which do not fall All the
10383 within the sphere of his duties? MOD CGDA C&AG three B
Work Book is supposed to be Fortnightl
10384 submitted to AAO by the staff on ____ Weekly Daily y Monthly B
Work Book should be inspected by
10385 Group Officer at least once in a Day Week Fortnight Month B
Work diaries should be maintained at
site for all major works costing more Ten fifty
10386 than diary need not be maintained in
Work One lakh thousand thousand two lakhs D
respect of special repairs if the cost of
special repairs does not exceed
10387 Rs.______ 1 lakh 2 lakhs 5 lakhs 10 lakhs D
Work related to which of the following Administr Engineerin
10388 sections
Work to be
is not
by Contractor
in OM II? is Records ation g None C
mentioned in which schedule of
contract agreement concluded by
10389 MES? A B C D A
Workmen's Compensation Act 05.03.192 01.01.192 01.04.192 01.07.192
10390 came into force w.e.f _____? 3 4 4 4 D
Works carried out by MES on behalf of Maintena
Cantonment Boards fall under which Authorize Deposit Special nce
10391 of the following categories of works? d works works works services B
Works carried out by MES on behalf of Original Agency Deposit Capital
10392 Civil Departments are categorized as works Services works works B
Works Cell is a section of which of the PC of A PCDA (BR) (Navy) All the
10393 Works
more than Rs. 1 lakh Kolkata New Delhi Mumbai three B
and not exceeding Rs. 2 lakhs are
classified as ___ works by MES Revenue Minor Any of the
10394 normally? works works Repairs three A
Works costing more than Rs. 2 lakhs Major Budgeted
but less than Rs. 15 lakhs are treated Capital Capital Revenue Minor
10395 as _____ by MES? Works works works works B

Vice Chief
Works projects in Navy are dealt by of Naval Chief of Chief of Chief of
10396 which branch of Naval Head Quarters? Staff Personnel Logistics Material C
Works required to make good
damages caused to existing buildings
due to extra ordinary causes, but still Original Special Decided
10397 usable required
Works are classified
to make
as __?
good Repairs works works by GE A
damages caused to existing buildings
due to extraordinary causes, which are Minor
still usable are classified as ___ by capital Minor Revenue
10398 MES? Repairs works works works A
Works sanctioned as an important
experimental measure are classified as Deposit Minor Special Special
10399 _____ works by MES? works works Repairs works D
Works Services carried out by MES for Inter
other Ministries of the Central Departme
Government or the State Agency Deposit ntal All the
10400 Governments
Yearly allotmentareofknown
funds as
for_____? Services Works Works three A
maintenance of Operational works will
be made to ____, who will sub allot
funds to the formation engineers on
the basis of Board proceedings Command Formation Chief
10401 received from the Divisions H.Qrs. H.Qrs. Div. H.Qrs. Engineer D

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