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The land use plan is usually prepared by the legislative body of a municipality or a city.

Pedology is the study of the structure, evolution and dynamics of the Earth and its natural
mineral energy resources.
“Commercial” is one example pf land use.
Before land clearing the project, proponent is required to assess its impact on the historical
occurrences of pests, forest and/or fires
Terrestrial flora and fauna inventory is the documentation of all relevant species near the
project site. These includes the trees, shrubs, and animals.
Pedology is the study of the structure, evolution and dynamics of the Earth and its natural
mineral and energy resources.
Any person or organization can easily erect any large project, especially for projects located in
private land. There is no need to inform anybody on the matter.
Solid wastes usually arise from human and animal activity. These are unwanted solid materials
which are discarded.
Recycling of glass consumes less energy and resources, generates less wastewater, and emits
less emissions than virgin production.
Dumpsites and landfills are the most common disposal method worldwide.
Dumpsites and landfills can cause numerous environment problems. Examples are hydrological
impacts (e.g. toxic chemicals in leachate and groundwater), or atmospheric impacts (e.g.,
methane production)
In pyrolysis, fixed carbon (FC) provides an approximation of the theoretically possible char
yields, therefore, higher FC can increase the char yield.
In burning solid wastes, the main resource recovered is heat.
Which of the following does not belong to the group? Slope, underground conditions, debris
flow, overburden.
- D (overburden)
Which of the following is not part of the group? Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recovery, Disposal
- NA
Continued monitoring of the project impact is important to address the real-time scenario and
enables more effective mitigating measures.
It provides information on land cover and the types of human activity involved/permitted in the
land use.
- Land use and classification
It is important to establish baseline date for a project because it will be used to monitor the
impacts of the project.
Genetic diversity is important to the survival of a species that is why it is important to keep the
population at healthy numbers.
Geological factors do not play a significant role when constructing a landfill, because landfills
are only constructed above ground
Which of the following does not belong to the group? Land use and classification,
Geology/Geomorphology, Pedology, Terrestrial Ecology
- NA
Wates are considered hazardous is the have the following characteristics, EXCEPT: poisonous,
toxic, ignitable, reactive, radioactive, corrosive.
- E & A (radioactive & poisonous)

Any material that can be oxidized in the receiving body of water.

- Oxygen demanding material
Water quality management is the science of knowing how much waste much for a particular
body of water is too.
Nonpoint sources of water pollutants could be domestic of municipal.
Nutrients usually affect groundwater and cause eutrophication.
Combined sewers often collect agricultural runoff.
Gases that can potentially be expected to induce global warming.
- Greenhouse gases
Matter found in Earth’s atmosphere that is detrimental to health or the environment.
- Air pollutant
It is a colorless and odorless gas. At sufficient ground level concentrations deprive the body of
- CO
Natural sources of air pollution are the following, except?
- Burning of fossil fuels in power plants
NOx refers to 5 compounds NO, N202, NO3, N20, N203.
- 5 ; NO, NO2, NO3, N20, N203
Aerosol is defined as system of particles suspended in a gaseous medium usually nitrogen.
Air pollution will cause the following effects EXCEPT?
- Decrease UV Radiation
Based on physical and chemical properties, how many regions are the in the atmosphere?
- 2
Powerplant emissions include CO2, H2, CO, N2, Sox, Pb, Hg, particulates, and Ash.
- CO2, H20, CO, NOx, SOx, Pb, Hg, particulates and Ash
Arrange in order in terms of particulate matter diameter.
- TSP, suspended particle, inhalable particle, fine particulate, ultrafine particle
The Chinese researchers (Zhang et. al.) found out that lowering NOx and particulate emissions
does not necessarily decrease the production of O3.
The creation of Ozone particles in the ozonosphere is driven by?
- Solar energy
Carbon monoxide is produced mainly due to?
- Incomplete combustion

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