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DATE 15 /12/2022






To study the adsorption isotherm of acetic acid by activated carbon.

1. 1.5 g of activated carbon was weighed into each of the six dry glass-
stoppered flasks.
2. A series of acetic acid of various concentrations was prepared according
to the Table 8.1. 100 cm3 measuring cylinder was used to measure the
required amount of 0.4M acetic acid. Then it was diluted with distilled
water to exactly the 100 cm3 mark.

Table 8.1: Suggested volumes of 0.4M acetic acid to be diluted to 100 cm3
3. The prepared acetic acid solution was poured into each of the glass-

Sample Volume 0.4M acetic acid (cm3)

1 100
2 75
3 50
4 25
5 10
6 5
stoppered conical flask that contained charcoal. The flask then was
swirled vigorously and was let them stand for a week.
4. The solutions then were filtered.
5. Pipette was used to measured accurately the required liquid and it was
titrated with a suitable volume (refer Table 8.2) of standard 0.1M NaOH.
Phenolphthalein was added as indicator.

Sample Volume 0.4M acetic acid (cm3)

1 10
2 10 required for analysis of sample
Table 8.2 : Volume of filtrate
3 10
4 25
5 25
6 40

6. The titration was repeated three times for each sample.


Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6
Mass of 1.5039 1.5062 1.5041 1.5052 1.5040 1.5056
carbon (g)
Titration: volume
of NaOH (cm³)

Trial 1 37.90 26.40 18.90 21.10 7.70 5.40

Trial 2 37.50 28.10 18.10 21.20 7.50 5.40
Trial 3 38.00 27.90 18.40 21.10 7.90 -
Average 37.80 27.50 18.50 21.10 7.70 5.40
volume of NaOH

Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6
Initial 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.04 0.02
concentration of
diluted acetic acid
Final 0.378 0.275 0.185 0.084 0.031 0.014
concentration of
acetic acid (mol
Concentration of 0.022 0.025 0.015 0.016 0.009 0.006
acetic acid
(adsorbed) in
equilibrium with
adsorbent (mol
Amount in mole 1.46 x 10−3 1.66 x 10−3 9.97 x 10−4 1.06 x 10−3 5.98 x 10−4 3.99 x 10−4
of adsorbed acetic
acid per g
Log c - 0.3979 - 0.5229 - 0.6990 - 1.0000 - 1.3979 - 1.6990
Log y - 2.8356 - 2.7799 - 3.0013 - 2.9747 - 3.2233 - 3.3990
c/y 273.97 180.72 200.60 94.34 66.90 50.13

1. Initial concentration of diluted acetic acid (mol dmˉt) (c)
a) Sample 1
M₁V₁ = M₂V₂
(0.4M)(100ml) = M₂ (100ml)
M₂ = 0.40 M

b) Sample 2
M₁V₁ = M₂V₂
(0.4M)(75ml) ¿M₂ (100ml)
M₂ = 0.30 M

c) Sample 3
M₁V₁ = M₂V₂
(0.4M)(50ml) ¿ M₂ (100ml)
M₂ = 0.20 M

d) Sample 4
M₁V₁ = M₂V₂
(0.4M)(25ml) = M₂ (100ml)
M₂ = 0.10 M

e) Sample 5
M₁V₁ = M₂V₂
(0.4 M)(10ml) = M₂ (100ml)
M₂ = 0.04 M

f) Sample 6
M₁V₁ = M₂V₂
(0.4M)(5ml) = M₂ (100ml)
M₂ = 0.02 M

2. Final concentration of diluted acetic acid (mol dm−3 )

a. Sample 1
M₁V₁ = M₂V₂
(0.1M)(37.80ml) = M₂ (10ml)
M₂ = 0.387 M

b. Sample 2
M₁V₁ = M₂V₂
(0.1M)(27.50ml) ¿M₂ (10ml)
M₂ = 0.275 M

c. Sample 3
M₁V₁ = M₂V₂
(0.1M)(18.50ml) ¿ M₂ (10ml)
M₂ = 0.185
d. Sample 4
M₁V₁ = M₂V₂
(0.1M)(21.10ml) = M₂ (25ml)
M₂ = 0.084 M
e. Sample 5
M₁V₁ = M₂V₂
(0.1 M)(7.70ml) = M₂ (25ml)
M₂ = 0.031 M

f. Sample 6
M₁V₁ = M₂V₂
(0.1M)(5.40ml) = M₂ (40ml)
M₂ = 0.014 M

3. Concentration of acetic acid (adsorbed) in equilibrium with the adsorbent/NaOH

(mol dmˉt)
1. Sample 1 : Initial concentration – final concentration
= 0.40 M – 0.378 M
= 0.022 M

2. Sample 2 : initial concentration – final concentration

= 0.30 M – 0.275 M
= 0.025 M

3. Sample 3 : initial concentration – final concentration

= 0.20 M – 0.185 M
= 0.015 M

4. Sample 4 : initial concentration – final concentration

= 0.10 M – 0.084 M
= 0.016 M

5. Sample 5 : initial concentration – final concentration

= 0.04 M – 0.031 M
= 0.009 M

6. Sample 6 : initial concentration – final concentration

= 0.02 M – 0.014 M
= 0.006 M

4. Amount in mole of adsorbed acetic acid per g charcoal (y)

a. Sample 1
1000 ml = 0.022 M
100 ml = 100 x 0.022 M / 1000
= 2.20 x 10−3 mol
1.5039 g = 2.20 x 10−3 mol of acetic acid

1 g of charcoal = [1 x (2.20 x 10−3 )] / 1.5039

= 1.46 x 10−3 mol of acetic acid
b. Sample 2
1000 ml = 0.025 M
100 ml = 100 x 0.025 M / 1000
= 2.50 x 10−3 mol
1.5062 g = 2.50 x 10−3 mol of acetic acid

1 g of charcoal = [1 x (2.50 x 10−3 )] / 1.5062

= 1.66 x 10−3 mol of acetic acid

c. Sample 3
1000 ml = 0.015 M
100 ml = 100 x 0.015 M / 1000
= 1.50 x 10−3 mol
1.5041 g = 1.50 x 10−3 mol of acetic acid

1 g of charcoal = [1 x (1.50 x 10−3 )] / 1.5041

= 9.97 x 10−4 mol of acetic acid

d. Sample 4
1000 ml = 0.016 M
100 ml = 100 x 0.016 M / 1000
= 1.60 x 10−3 mol
1.5052 g = 1.60 x 10−3 mol of acetic acid

1 g of charcoal = [1 x (1.60 x 10−3 )] / 1.5052

= 1.06 x 10−3 mol of acetic acid

e. Sample 5
1000 ml = 0.009 M
100 ml = 100 x 0.009 M / 1000
= 9.00 x 10−4 mol
1.5040 g = 9.00 x 10−4mol of acetic acid

1 g of charcoal = [1 x (9.00 x 10−4)] / 1.5040

= 5.98 x 10−4 mol of acetic acid

f. Sample 6
1000 ml = 0.006 M
100 ml = 100 x 0.006 M / 1000
= 6.00 x 10−4 mol
1.5046 g = 6.00 x 10−4mol of acetic acid

1 g of charcoal = [1 x (6.00 x 10−4)] / 1.5046

= 3.99 x 10−4 mol of acetic acid

5. The Freundlich isotherm, based on the graph log y against log c

1 (−2.78 )−(−3.40)
The slope, =¿
n (−0.52 )−(−1.70)
= 0.5254
, =¿ 0.5254
= 1.9032 mol dm−3
Log k = −¿ 2.50 mol
k = 3.1623 x 10−3 mol

y = 0.5254 x – 2.50
6. The Langmuir isotherm, based on the graph of c/y against c

1 (273.97−50.13)
The slope, =¿
Y max (0.40−0.02)
= 589.05
Y max ¿
= 1.70 ×10−3 mol dm−3
k Y max

k (1.70 ×10 )
k ¿ 12.2549 dm−3

y = 589.05 x +¿ 48.0

The data below relate to the adsorption of N 2 on rutile (TiO2) at 75 K. Confirm that they fit a
BET isotherm in the range of pressure reported and determine Vmon and c.

p / Torr 1.20 14.0 45.8 87.5 127.7 164.4 204.7

V / mm3 I 2.35 559 649 719 790 860 950

At 75 K = p* = 570 Torr. The volumes have been corrected to 1.00 atm and 273 K and refer
to 1.00g substances.

P / V ( p° −p )
8.98 0.45 1.35 2.79 3.65 4.71 5.90
x 10−4
P / p° x 10−3 2.10 25.0 80.0 154.0 224.0 288.0 359.0

P 1 1 P
= + [ °]
V (P −P) VmK P Vm P
° °

y = 659016 x

1 ( 5.90−2.79 ) ×10−4
Vm ( 359.0−154.0 ) ×10−3
¿ 1.52 ×10−3
Vm=¿ −3
¿ 659.16
=¿ 0.30
VmK P °

(659.16)(76 ×10−3) k

k ¿ 6.65 ×10−5

In order to carry out this experiment, six 1.5 g samples of activated

charcoal must first be weighed into dry, glass-stoppered flasks, and then a
certain volume of 0.4 M acetic acid must be poured into each flask in
accordance with the samples. For a week, these were left. After a week, the
sample was filtered using filter paper and a filter funnel to create a filtrate. The
filtrates were subsequently titrated with NaOH solution using a burette. Sample
6 completed two titration trials whereas the other samples were all titrated three
times. For each of the six samples, an average amount of NaOH solution (53.83
ml, 40.07 ml, 28.10 ml, 32.90 ml, 8.27 ml, and 5.50 ml) was used.

Each sample has a distinct beginning concentration, which is determined

to be 0.4 M, 0.3 M, 0.2 M, 0.1 M, 0.04 M, and 0.02 M. Adsorbed acetic acid
concentrations per gram of charcoal (y) are as follows 0.0160 mol/g, 0.0114
mol/g, 7.99 x 10-3 mol/g, 3.97 x 10-3 mol/g, 1.60 x 10-3 mol/g, and 7.99 x 10-3
mol/g. Plotting c/Y against c is necessary to establish if the system follows the
Langmuir isotherm.


The main objective of this experiment which the adsorption isotherm of acetic
acid by activated carbon have been successfully achieved.


1. J., S. R. (1990). Physical Chemistry - Methods, techniques and

Experiments. Saunders Golden Sunburnst Series, Saunders College


2. A., D. (1999). Adsorption Isotherm.



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