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GRADE: VIII Max. Marks: 20
Date: 12/5/2023 Duration: 45 Mins.
Name of the Student…………… Answer Key……………………………………………
This question paper contains (5) pages
General Instructions:
(i) The question paper has 7 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iii) Write only answers in the answer sheet. Draw a line after each answer.
(iv) Internal choices have been provided for questions of two marks and three
marks. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions.
(v) Section A – Question 1 is a Multiple-Choice Question of 5 marks.
(vi) Section B - Questions 2 to 4 are Short Answer Questions of 6 marks.
Answers to these questions should not exceed 40 to 50 words each.
(vii) Section C - Questions 5 to 7 are Long Answer Questions of 9 marks.
Answers to these questions should not exceed 60 to 70 words each.
Q1 Choose the correct answer from the options given below. Write only [1x5=5]
the answer in your answer sheet.

1. The British treated India as a

a. locality
b. colony
c. union territory
d. principality

2. Resources are free gifts of nature. State whether the statement is True or
a. True
b. False

3. Consider the following pairs:

i. Natural resource - Soil
ii. Renewable resource - Solar energy
iii. Non-renewable resource - Petroleum
iv. Human-made resource - Natural gas

Which of the pairs given above are correctly matched?

a. i, ii and iii only
b. ii, iii and iv only
c. i and iv only
d. ii and iv only
4. Present-day historians think that History is beyond the rulers and
dynasties. What do they look upon then?

a. Historians only study past events.

b. Historians deal with a host of other issues like how people earned
their livelihood, what they produced, how cultures and society
changed etc.
c. Historians study the past and present of great men.
d. Historians only deal with how man is a social animal.

On the given political map of India, identify the state (numbering 1) and the
5. natural resources it is rich in.

a. Maharashtra – Crude Oil

b. Andhra Pradesh – Fresh Waters
c. Madhya Pradesh - Forests
d. Chhattisgarh – Minerals


a) The pictures of colonial rule are an important source of information. [2 Marks]

Describe what you see in the given picture. What information does it give you
about the British rule in India?

Ans. The British came to India to conquer the country and they
established control over the economy and society, they collected
revenue to meet all their expenses, bought the goods they wanted at
low prices, and produced crops they needed for export. The picture
above shows us how the British treated Indians with little dignity and
the lower castes typically suffered the brunt of the British dominance
and were treated as slaves. During the colonial era, Indians were taken
into different parts of the world as slaves by various European
merchant companies as part of the Indian Ocean slave trade.
(Students may use their discretion to answer this question)

b) The Periodisation of Indian History made by James Mill in 1817 was
unjustified. Why?
Ans. James Mill divided Indian history into three periods—Hindu,
Muslim, and British. It has been argued by many historians that it is
not correct to periodise Indian history on the basis of the religion of
the rulers. For example, when the Hindu kings ruled in ancient India,
many religions existed peacefully. The same is also true for medieval
India. It was not correct to periodise medieval India as Muslim
History because people belonging to different faiths existed during
this time. Such periodisation which was based on the religion of the
rulers suggests that the lives, practices, and culture of other people
do not matter.
(Students may use their discretion to answer this question)

Q3. a) History is certainly about changes that occur over time. Justify in two [2 Marks]
- History is certainly about changes that occur over time. It is about
finding out how things were in the past and how things have
changed. It helps to identify the process that shaped society and
human life the way they are today.
- - It is the memory of past experiences around the world. History helps
us to understand the changes and also tells us how the society in
which we live came to be.
b) Why did the British conduct so many surveys in India?
Ans. The British conducted surveys in India for the following reasons:
• To know the country better and for better administration.
• To consolidate their control and establish their power and authority.
• To know the country’s topography and local history.
• To understand social demographics – people’s caste, religion, and

Q4. Distinguish between any ONE of the following, giving two differences for [2 Marks]
a) Renewable and Non- Renewable Resources.
Renewable Resources Non-renewable Resources
1. Renewable resources can be
renewed by reproduction and by 1. Non-renewable resources are
physical, mechanical or chemical available in fixed quantity and cannot
processes. be renewed.
2. They are also called as 2. They are also called as exhaustible
inexhaustible resources. resources.
3.Examples: air, wind, water, soil,
solar energy 3. Examples: minerals, fossil fuels
4. They are environment friendly 4. They cause pollution
5. These resources are abundant 5. These resources are scarce
6. Their quantity is not affected by 6. Their quantity is affected by human
human activities. activities.
7. Solar and wind energy are examples 7. Minerals and fossil fuels are
of renewable resources. examples of non-renewable resources.
b) Ubiquitous and Localized Resources.

Ubiquitous Resources Localized Resources

a. Ubiquitous resources are those a. Localized resources are those
resources that are found resources that are found in
everywhere. certain places.
b. Air and sunlight are examples b. Gold and silver are examples of
of ubiquitous resources. localized resources

Q5. Observe the picture given below and find out the reasons for the degradation of [2+1=3]
resources with the passage of time. (Answer in complete sentences) Marks

i) Two reasons for the degradation of resources.

ii) Why is the conservation of resources essential?
i) The resources are degrading with the passage of time due to the
• Pollution.
• Misuse of the available resources.
• Overuse (both of renewable and non-renewable resources).

ii) Our future as well as the future of our planet is dependent upon our
ability to maintain and preserve the life support system that nature has
provided. Therefore, it is essential to conserve resources so that the
resources are either not exhausted or their quality deteriorated in the
near future due to their irrational and overutilization by different human
activities. The conservation of resources also aims to maintain a balance
between population growth and the utilization of resources.

Q6. The resources given below are classified on the basis of stock and [3 Marks]
distribution. Explain their category.

Ans. Resources are not uniformly distributed over the earth. According to
their distribution, natural resources are classified into ubiquitous and
localized resources. Ubiquitous resources are those resources
that are found everywhere such as air, water, and sunlight.
Localized resources are found in certain places and include gold, coal
And silver.

Q7. a) i) Why are human beings considered a special resource? [2+1=3]

Human beings are special resources because they are capable of Marks
making the best use of natural resources through their knowledge,
skills, and technology. They use their knowledge and skills to develop
technology in order to discover, exploit, develop, and convert
available or potential resources into useful products or wealth.

ii) How do you think Human Resources can be developed?

People are human resources:
• Education and health help in making them valuable resources.
• Improvement in people’s skills to create more resources is
termed human resource development.
b) Observe the logos of the Sustainable Development Goals and answer the [3 Marks]
the question that follows:

Choose any one of the above goals and write any three measures to
overcome challenges in that goal. You may present your answer in the
form of a mind map or flow chart.
(Students may use their discretion to answer this question)


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