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AAAUTODESK SIMULATION BLOG AUTODESK MOLOFLOW Dynamics that Affect the Shrinkage of Injection Molded Parts Kilroy Kasten June 10, 2020 Fo toe 2rd every ypeaf paste svnks nasil leer way. And while ehrinating swiexage smpossbl, mamizing ts sen forrrotong pots act, ‘often. conoling shrinkage happens after te fact, when the tools compete and pas ae running. Usng a combination of reduce the eve bora, and wih asstance fom smuaton software, ral engnges can adres shrinkage eer inthe aes orees, ave Five factors that influence shrinkage Shortage stars atthe mole levelwhen pases mck and cel Fr the most part these dames epend on the typeof 1. Amorphous materials rastateof equlaur, ABS, pobstyrene paljebonate and other amvahous pone have aandom and earae ‘molcubr ennai. A requent analy ste “bow of spagheti” As these materals mel, the forces Between molecules (weaken ad move away fo each athe in adon the set force experienced ring the ction phate aut nl Imokeules to uneaiand align to tre drecion of fo. nen ow stop, he mlecles rebar return oa tat of random place, These free onfoy srnkage, tte rebaton ef causes igneanthy mere contraction the drecbon of 2, Semrystaline materials Unie amorphous matris,senerstalinemotrshave ions of high orcered, ght burs molec stucures. Instead of bowl of spaghet thee mater als eserble springs connected by bungee cores. When they a he saline "trcturs horn an the males sk fo the recon of low, muh ke amorphous poles. But when ese materi oo, they don't relax isa, theymantan tei entation sth dct olf and the alecues agin to recta, esting inslonfeart higher stoke ates, nts cae, the fess mach gestern the recon perpendubrto ft, More {saline rata, sich a pobteatuoroetyiee (PTFE, watactc parole, and ihe aye, Sink ve ‘more than sennestaline mater. As these pales cool te macs fom esa repens. Ths Sructuealows re Search SIGN uP one KEEP UP WITH AUTODESK SI 0000 TRY AUTODESK CFD NOW TRY AUTODESK MOLDFLOW HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT PR + Autogeas ceo 1 Rules Mati 1 etabe AA AUTODESK 5 rene SAN Peiyeropylene Nylon 3 -Posyarvonate + vc esx rer 23. Fiberreinforced and filed materials ferpand or convact as tenperatire changes £0 he tend to reduce hrnkage nthe recton ofthe onertaion ad neste than tha lnghusnsldrecon, mang them unstable for projects wt cle tolerance, Resins tae led general sine change 3 bar's proper, 4, Wall thickness wal hicks a factor sheng because affects the srount of cysadinty mateals hich nt ates the Soa cali is ster ana cryin andstnkage ar lower. where wall af ticker celng se, and cystalinty na Unform wal thknes taps avoisvarators in shikage tat can kad Yo warpage Deflection Volumetric Shrinkage effcent) safe ue tots ate dstance Fom the gate Te ess anatons in shnkage tat cause warn, 5. Processing conditions pressures, an packing and cooling tas, its posible to mitgate shrinkage. 8yapphing pressure to a Iqud alas, you can {rom tick resto thin ates of he pat can nlp inher. providing mre eens pocing for heker secon the are ‘appr08ch to mitgating shrinkage fs speeding up the cook rae, alowang ls ime fr cystals to develop and increase shinkage. peronrance. in tes cass, the mater loves th crystal roperter hat made Ran appropate choice fr heparin is AA AUTODESK $6900 Jay + | |-+Pesormpay 1078 --P=1004NPa] 4.050 + P=160(MPa] —~ P=200(MPal F 1.025 5 $ 1.000 3 oor i Bos50 0.925 0.900 oo wo ooo ooo ‘Temperature (C) igure 3: esse, volume, temperature PT) gaps descibe Naw pass contac a condor, In genera ssing tng ars paca, psi contacts dus to ceased prestre, Dung col. pti Types of shrinkage Voluneicsinag's ase hana cntacion which tec al plas ander aysaaton ar sensing «an shrink up to 25% during the injection melding process. Volume strnkage contracts the patina dimewsons Volumet vragen wllknown tes ef warpage The “Bowl” ecrs when te pene has more volne a ote ane stinks more, causing the center sea 19 popup The sBeee”ocu's wien the permet eezs but he carte, on pastes ate srl they ae subjected to anew et of conan hat alec how they sink Spee Shea! and extensonal forces act an the galjrar ung the fling as pacng ase. Pasic molecules en to algn temseles inte dren the pohmer tng, Ts shnentor entation, Saarsnes Feat vikage,Oretation con vy > ‘recon ude, nearing tht any Bolte sink rote paral ow an ese perpen ow, High Parallel Shrinkage High Perpendicular Shrinkage igure Overton fects on a canter gated pat show the ierence beeen high paral shrinkage tha es ose et and high perpen strnkage tat causes ab ht Extensiona flow ‘center of he pro alg leules perpendicr oow xensonal fw an expanding low rat or"futn” the ‘kin laminates have no stint vemnton pate Outer inaes sce theorem ayer exit high shear aes an are have lover sear ates and te oriented perpendicular or tansvers to flow. Te thicker he par, the more AA AUTODESK + + Shear Induced Orientation ‘Shear & Extensional Flow Induced Orientation gure 5: Compare pucy stearic oietaton lect wth hose caused by shear ar extersional o ‘ie the partes bath external ovientation effects nthe mie annates and ada vntason affects inthe outer Iorinates, whichever peo shrneage ge wl determine the direction of warpage Th ao cones fo whather the ‘mater ld oe Pogue 9). Orientation Mid Laminates Orientation Outer Laminates (Extensional Orientation) (Radial Orientation) Higher of the two shrinkages wil determine the warp dvection Dominant Dvection af onentation EXTENSIONAL | RADIAL 2 Non-Filled Bowl Saddle g Filled Saddle Bow! ding or reroving filers trom the polymer can help reverse the effets of extensional flow. ‘Teansient flow ‘Antveereaton effec tobe aware ofis vase wor under Ths refers toa ow front shat changes drection during fin, yc due ta faing erence. The cangein aeclon cscs ain in snkage al cst eal neal ses in te par. Te geater be derenc inflow betacen te pal and perpendicular arectons, the higher te intemal tess vill be ond te more warpage te prt wil ext Arote” way to deere tis tustion“ansatopesukage, which Aescrbessokage Wat vares by drecon, as oppsedt "sctopl shrage” thats the samen at det AAAUTODESK Pospendicular shrinkage +— original size (Square) Direrential Shrinkage (0S) isa square change in shape calles Dentavonkifects (05) (Rectangle same area as the savare) Paralietshrikage L ofthe pa How simulation can help ‘Smubtion sofware cen make ths work easier by allowing engineers to address he problem earl inthe product design cycle sg simula tool uch 3s Autodesk Melo allows you to setup and un anaes to vsusla how mach shikage to ferme, oven the caren par materal desgn nd expecesprocesingcondtors, Recon be cle or ener teeta ‘Than engineers can Gunde the processing coniions oat design and un the smo again ose how mh siage resuce,Smuton tol also ake eter nit ease o consist 9 ier range of pote soktons, such e charg he Ie sao important remeber ta sinkage unoisbe However ndestanding how ad wy pic sinks ges fegmens an adge wh tng to con eect on apart nd develop an spprontat soliton tht conor wih your busget re sche, fest inecvon etna | Meldow | glarie | snulson ——~ RELATED CONTENT Update Update ‘vallabl! KILROY KRISTEN 1 Released: Moleflow 2023 Moleflow 2021 Hote & SCM ‘Autodesk Moldflow 2021 Now! Autodesk Presents the Manufacturing Summ AA AUTODESK = injection molder Kisen joined Autodesk in 2073 as a technical support sped, focusing on working with Molaffow cu ‘She uses her industy and product expertise to cteate content and manage digital marketing efforts fr Autodesk's simul portal ocommenrs @ (xn Aight sere

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