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Unit 7 Assignment SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
What do you do well? What could you improve?
What unique resources can you draw on? Where do you have fewer resources than others?
What do others see as your strengths? What are others likely to see as weaknesses?

1. I am a hard-worker, and easy to multi-task. 1. I tend to take more than what I can manage in
2. I am a critical thinker my work. Such that I miss deadlines.
3. I am a leader of the shift at work, I have 2. I am too trusting, such that people tend to
authority to influence manipulate my trust.
4. I am a professional trainer Emergency officer 3. I need to get aviation related qualifications in
5. I lead individuals who support me and my ideas administration and human factors, since I am now
6. I am a very passionate individual and focus on in-charge of people.
what I wish to achieve.
4. I need to strengthen my positive character;
7. I have good organizing skills, thus I was once
sometimes I am more pessimistic than optimistic.
elected Secretary General for a national workers
union. 5. I am more generous and accommodating, which
8. My shift officers have great confidence in me, sometimes lead to being manipulated.
they even share their personal problems with me 6. I need to make time for resting and takes
for advises. holidays, I feel I suffer from work burnout and I
9. I do not fear trying new things and ideas, I like become easily emotional at work.

Opportunities Threats
What opportunities are open to you? What threats could harm you?
What trends could you take advantage of? What is your competition doing?
How can you turn your strengths into What threats do your weaknesses expose you to?

1. Company is growing and I can grow within the 1. Competition for senior positions in my company.
company ranks. 2. Economic difficulties faced by the aviation
2. Scholarships and trainings in aviation are being industry due to COVID -19 pandemic.
availed. 3. Leadership changes on top directorship of the
3. I have good connections with senior managers company; the strategy keeps on changing and
in other airports outside the country, thus I can might find ourselves redundant and eventually
learn much on the industry. sacked.
4. I have been requested to man the Training wing 3. Great staff turnover, due to low wages against
for the next three months, so I will have an other departments in the company.
opportunity to enhance my training skills. 4. Volatile political climate in my country which
5. I have been admitted to study Fire Science make being an emergency worker risky.
Engineering, so to be a licensed officer.
5. Trust from company leadership is huge and I can
introduce my ideas easily.
6. I have vast knowledge in adult skills training,
from my Scouting volunteer background, which I
can use to be an effective trainer of new entrants
in the industry.

SWOT Analysis – Unit 7

What I’ve learned from analyzing my Strengths:

After a great introspection and looking at what I have managed to do in the past, I have realized that I
have capabilities that I have under-utilize towards my personal growth professionally and academically

What I’ve learned from analyzing my Weaknesses:

The over committed and available mentality to my friends, workmates has not brought any positive
contribution to me personally. It has drained me and I need to take a step back and allow people to find
their way out in situations sometimes. I need to make sure I have enough rest to’ re-charge my

What I’ve learned from analyzing my Opportunities:

A lot is at my disposal to go out and exploit and grow. The connections and acquaintance I have need to
be utilized so to be successful.

What I’ve learned from analyzing my Threats:

Situation out there is not always easy, you may not have control of other things happening around you
in life, but I have to be ready to face the challenges head on and try to make a living

What I’ve learned from doing this analysis? (Include self-reflection that shows you have learned
something from the assignment.)

As a human being, I have a full circle of things that need to be carefully sorted accordingly (SWOT), so to
then have a proper plan in life. There is no way you can be successfully without proper planning. Your
goals, objectives need to be SMART and for them to be smart, you need to know your strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

How I might use this information going forward? (Include self-reflection that shows you have learned
something from the assignment.)

This has opened my mind on how basic things need to be done in the first place. Before embarking on
any project or initiative, I will make your I SWOT the situation first. This will enable me to then size up
the balance of scale and check the odds if they are on me or against.

I have the idea of doing our own fire suppression system at the two airports, so to save cost. I will utililze
the good relationship I have with middle management and sell my ideas. I have to mention that since I
have also a good understanding with my skilled staff they will back me up when they need to do the
servicing, without saying its extra work.


SWOT Analysis – Unit 7

Mind Tools Content Team. (n.d.). Personal SWOT analysis. MindTools.

Worksheet: SWOT Analysis. (2006-2019). MindTools.

SWOT Analysis – Unit 7

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