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D. Novaković', I. Karlović', M. Gojo2 '

". Faculty of Technical Science, Department for Graphic Engineering and Design,
University ofNovi Sad, Dositeja Obradoviéa 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia
" Faculty of Graphic Arts, University of Zagreb, Getaldiceva 2,10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Izvorni znanstveni rad / Original scientific paper

The śurface characteristics of the offset printing forms, beside the physical and chemical
properties, is a defining factor concerning the functioning of the conventional and CtP
printing forms. The quantity of the adsorbed fountain solution as the most important
factor in the printing process is directly influenced by the surface characteristics of the
non printing areas on the printing form. The micro grained and porous surface adsorbs a
much higher quantity of fountain solution then the flat and smooth surfaces.
The research in this papers includes the measuring the factors of roughness, 3D
projection and area analysis on four samples of offset plates made by different
manufacturer. The results obtained show the differences, and enables to compare and
define the influence of different roughness parameters on the printing forms in the
printing process, and thus the final print quality on different substrates.

In modern printing, offset is the most espoused technique in all parts of the world.
Advantages of an offset are quick and simple preparation of the printing plate, large
number of impressions per hour, possibility of printing on different substrates, both roll
and sheet-fed and high quality of a print.
Differing from other printing techniques, printing plate used in offset has a flat surface
elaborated with different mechanical and physical-chemical processes in a way that
printing and non-printing areas, as elemental parts of a printing form, has an opponent
physical-chemical properties. Printing areas of a form are oleophilic and hydrophobic,
thus being able to accept oily printing ink, while non-printing areas are oleophobic and
hydrophilic thus ink repellent and water attracted. However, oil attracting of a non-
printing areas is not so accentuated, so ink Residues on these areas are possible. In order
to prevent that, water based solution that contains numerous additives is used (dampening
The main and the most important physical phenomenon, which occurs on the surface of a
printing plate, in both areas, is adsorption.
Adsorption is a phenomenon of substances accumulation on the barrier of two phases’
surface (surface of a solid surrounded by liquid or gas) in concentration that is higher than
the concentrations of both phases. Adsorption mechanism is based on free surface energy
of particles on solid’s surface. Particles of contiguous phase are moving chaotically and
when they approach surface to sufficient distance (10 7 cm) under the influence of
adsorption powers that attract and hold them, they are being adsorbed to the surface. Higher
the free surface energy, higher the adsorption powers will be, consequently if the surface of
adsorbent is larger, more substances will be adsorbed. Therefore, coarse surfaces adsorb
more particles then the smooth ones. On the salient surface points, such are broaches and
peaks of the wrinkles, adsorption is more emphasized due to higher non-compensated
energy of surface particles in particular areas.

Fig. 1. Schema of the adsorption on rough surface

Increasing the concentration and reaction time allows particles to adsorb surface until it is
completely covered, thus forming protected adsorbent film, which can be mono or
By the efficacy of electrostatic forces, polar molecules adsorb to the surface in such a
way that molecules side which has different charge then the surface is oriented towards it,
so it is about oriented adsorption [1,2]. Exactly the oriented adsorption is used in
technology of offset printing.
As the most represented material in printing plates’ production, aluminium with AlzO3
layer is generally used. Because of its polar characteristics, A J2O3 layer represents
non- printing areas on a printing form, since it adsorbs polar molecules of water to a
great extent. Plate making technique itself requires mechanical and chemical pre-
processing of aluminium in order to obtain surface with desired mechanical, physical and
chemical properties. Hence, aluminium surface is grained both mechanically and
electrochemically, and anode coated with porous Al2O3 layer.
In printing process, surface roughness of a printing plate has a critical role for obtaining
quality print. Important parameters in a process are also specifics of the ink, printing
press and the surface characteristics of substrate used. Plates graining is special process
operation of a plates manufacturer and it is to be taken into special consideration, since
physical-chemical characteristics of a surface and surface phenomena on a printing plate
affects printing process itself.
Depending on attributes of a measured surface profile, roughness parameters can be
divided into 3 elemental groups:

1. Amplitude or vertical roughness parameters (characteristics of vertical surface

deviations apart from horizontal surface inconstancy spacing Rp, Rv, Ra, Rz)
2. Longitudinal or horizontal parameters (parameters completely determined by the
horizontal spacing of the surfaces rough inconstancy, apart from amplitudes of
peaks and recessions)
3‘. Hybrid roughness parameters (parameters that depend on peaks and recessions
amplitudes and on horizontal spacing i.e. depend on profile form. Cited
parameters are determined only for specific control of measured surface
consumption Rpk, Rk, Rvk, Mrl, Mr2 [3,4,5.]).

During the plate production, certain degree of surface micro-roughness is obtained by the
mechanical, chemical and electrochemical processes. Depending on grained plate
characteristics, prints are also impacted by the quality of printing and non-printing areas
generation. Different manufacturers use various methods of plate graining and by
measuring roughness parameters condition of a surface can be described.
Roughness of a printing plate’s surface determines its alteration, friction in contact with
some other surface, it defines sensitivity of a surface, appearance, consumption etc.
Implementation of roughness parameters in researches, according to the function of
printing plate surface and processes of its production, can significantly affect increasing
of surface’s consistency during printing. In order to describe condition of a measured
surface adequately it is necessary to chose corresponding roughness parameters. The
most often used parameters for describing surface roughness of a printing plate, in
addition to parameter Ra (arithmetic average of profile deviations), are parameters Rms

(root mean squared error), Rt (maximal distance between the highest peak and lowest
recession), Rz (average roughness height), Rp (average grain depth), Rk (depth of
recessions in a profile), Rpk (reduced height of profile peaks) and others [6].

As samples for measuring roughness three types of offset printing plates from different
manufacturers were used:

Sample 1 aluminium-based silver halide plate

Sample 2. positive chemistry-free thermal plate
Sample 3. negative photopolymer violet plate

Analyses were performed under the same conditions for all printing plates. Offset plates
weré exposed and developed, so printing and non-printing areas were both on the surface
of a plate. Measuring for research was performed only on non-printing areas.
Offset printing plates included into the experiment have rough aluminium base obtained
by different graining treatments. Surface roughness, among the rest, affects forming of
copying layers on a plate. By using the measuring methods, very clear data can be
obtained; these are represented by values of roughness parameters that define basic
characteristics of a printing plate.
For measuring of a printing plate’s surface roughness digital measuring device Veeco CP-
II, which allows measuring of the material surface characteristics, graphical
presentation and data analysis, was used. Device used allows analysis of a surface due to
very angular and precise measuring head, which moves across the sample’s surface and
gives representation of a sample (3D picture of a surface) with possibility of enlargement
to atomic resolutions [6].


Roughness of a printing plate’s surface determines its alteration, friction in contact with
some other surface; it defines sensitivity of a surface, appearance, consumption and
weight toleration. Implementation of roughness parameters in researches, according to
the function of printing plate surface and processes of its production, can significantly
affect increasing of surface’s consistency during printing. In order to describe condition
of a measured surface adequately it is necessary to chose right roughness parameters.

Measured surface of sample 1 was 30 x 30’ Jim, and the results obtained by measuring
roughness parameters on non-printing areas shows relatively high values of parameter
Ra. Light and dark parts of a sample, which represent recessions and peaks of a printing
plate’s non-printing areas, can be easily determined at the surface (Fig. 2.). It is obvious
that the maximal roughness (Rt) is 3.2 km.

Roughness parameters of a
non-printing areas of sample 1:

Ra = 0.4622 pm
Rms =0.5740 pm
a b
Rt = 3.2570 km
Rz = 1.4766 km

Sample 1

Fig. 2. Sample 1.: a) measurement position,

b) surface appearance,’
Measured surface of a sample 2 was
also 30 x 30 qm, and roughness parameters, surface appearance and 3D projection are
shown in Figure 3.
Data obtained by measurement show that sample 2 has significantly smaller Ra values
then sample 1, which means that his micro-roughness is smaller. That kind of surface
absorbs less molecules of water, so in selective wetting conditions in printing process
undesired scumming can occur (Fig. 3).

Roughness parameters of a
non-printing areas of sample 2:

Ra = 0.1674pm
Rms = 0.2045 Jim a b
Rt = 0.9707;tm
Rz = 0.5102;tm

Fig. 3. Sample 2..’

a) measurement position,’
h) surface appearance,
ci 3D nroiection c
Sample 2
Sample 3 also shows significantly lesser values Ra comparing to sample 1., thus its
micro-roughness is smaller than the roughness of sample 1 (fig. 4.).

Roughness parameters of a non-printing area of sample 3:

Ra = 0.1549 Jtm
Rms = 0.2218 Atm
Rt = 3,3168 Atm
Rz -— 2.1584 Jim

Fig. 4 Sample 3.’ a)

measurement position,’ b)
surface appearance,’
c) 3D projection

Sample 3

During printing process, by consumption of both printing and non-printing areas, some
modification at the surface of a printing form occur.
Combination of a data and conditions that characterize process of consumption is
expressed by the term tribologycal-system, and there are few classifications, among
which are also a part related to abrasion that includes an offset printing.
When it’s about offset printing, functional parts of a system are distinguished, such as
printing form, blanket and interlayer (ink, water and particles of a paper dust).
Consumption phenomenon can be compared with system of functional parts attributes
and inter media.
Friction and consumption coefficient are not the real features of a material, but
consequences of the strong irreversible and dispersal interactions between parts of a
system. Tribologycal-system includes: tribo-element 1 (aluminium plate), tribo-element 2
(blanket) and interlayer (ink, fountain solution and particles of a paper dust).
Observing the originated modifications it is determined that in printing process there are
loss of hydrophilic and oleophilic properties of aluminium plate’s surface layer. During
process of printing mechanically grained and anodized AltOs layer is being consumed,
and on exhausted surface crinkles oriented toward cylinder’s axis appear.
The substrate itself, as a carrier of impression, can affect changing of printing plate’s
roughness. It is shown that the coarser substrates, with stiff inorganic fillers, influence the
larger consumption of a printing plate’s surface. Although printing plate’s surface is not
in a direct contact with surface of a paper, paper’s particles transferring to offset cylinder,
and from blanket to printing plate’s surface. Fillers in paper contain stiff particles, and
particles detached from surface’s anodized aluminium layer and detached copying layer’s
particles that together have an abrasive iiiipact on the printing plate’s surface, thus

decreasing its roughness. Decreasing the surface roughness during printing will affect
reducing ink transfer from printing plate to the substrate.


CtP technology is determined by characteristics of continuous development and very

emphasized and quick changes. In order to improve productivity, increase quality and
simplify operating, manufacturers focus their activity on modifications existing
Since there is large number of different CtP technologies in the market, it is important to
make a good choice, which, in most cases, rèpresents compromise between quality, price
and working speed.
Systeniatization of CtP technologies, studying basic principles and analyzing
characteristics of every technology and its components, ensure quality of a final product —
print. Since every component is one of the factors that affect results of a printing process,
printing plates have a very important role [7]. Data obtained by measuring samples
characteristics allow extremely precise representation of different plate surfaces with
roughness parameters, thus enabling analysis of CtP plates surface’s characteristics. From
three analysed samples, highest specific surface area has sample 1. In oriented adsorption
conditions, such high value of specific surface area enables binding of higher quantity of
fountain solution, and consequently better printing plate handling during printing process.

[1]. I Filipović, S. Lipanović, "Opća i anorganska kemija", Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1991.
[2]. P. W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry, 6 Ed., Oxford University Press, 1998.
[3] S. Mahović, M. Lovreček, "Ispitivanje površinske strukture konvencionalnih i CtP
tiskovnih formi", Zbornik radova GRID, Novi Sad, 2004.
[4] B. Križan, Strojarstvo, 26,(2), (1984), 109.
[6] S. Mahović Poljaček, M. Gojo, S. Mahović "New Approach to the Printing Forms
Microsurface Characterisation", In: "DAAAM International Scientific Book 2006",
Chapter 32, (ed. B. Katalinić), Vienna, Austria, (2006), 409-416. Published by
DAAAM International
[6] ìiit : » .››e Ill 1 \ amir-stiï úł’(25.03.2009)
[7] K. Hoshino, Y. Oota, N. Hattori, "Developments and Future Trends in Aluminum
Products with - Improved Surface Functions", Kobelco Technology Review No.
26, 2005.

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