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Steps of Experimental Report Writing


The purpose of the introduction is to define and explain the key concepts of an experiment.

• Aim/Purpose:

Write a statement explaining what you plan to investigate.

Do understand that the aims are not the same as hypothesis.

• Hypothesis:

Hypothesis is a testable statement of a potential relationship between two or more variables.

Following are the types of Hypotheses:

➢ Directional Hypothesis:
Specify the expected direction of the relationship between variables.
➢ Non-Directional Hypothesis:
Do not predict the direction of relationship.
• Variables:

The term variable means any thing which can be changed or varied. If the stimulus is
changed then response also changes. Variable is any condition in a scientific investigation
that may change in quantity or quality. Followings are the types of variables:

➢ Independent Variable
Any variable manipulated by an experimenter either directly or through selection in
order to determine its effects on a dependent variable.
➢ Dependent Variable
A dependent variable is a variable which is being measured in an experimental study.


• Participants:

Experimenter: A.B.C
Subject: X.Y.Z.
• Apparatus:

Describe the materials used such as stop watch, pencil, paper and etc.

• Instructions:

Write down the instructions in bulleted form which you have given your participant about
an experiment.

• Procedure:

Describe the precise procedure followed when carrying out the experiment i.e., exactly
what the experimenter did. Be concise in description and omit extraneous details.


Write clearly the findings of the experiment in a tabular format. You may also write
percentages and frequencies (if required) in this section.


Relate your results to your hypothesis e.g., is it supported or rejected?


Concluding paragraph- Finish with a statement of your findings

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