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Practice Quiz 1




1. What is the conservative stance on social
issues such as same-sex marriage and

A. They should be decided by the individual

B. They should be legalized and widely
C.They should be restricted or banned
D. The government should not be involved in
these issues
2. Which of the following is a
characteristic of the liberal view of

A.Support for theocracy

B. Hostility towards religious minorities
C.Recognition of religious diversity
D.Preference for a single state religion
3. Liberalism values the protection of
individual rights and freedoms above
all else.

C.It depends
D.Person-to-Person basis
4. Which two leaders are most commonly
associated with the implementation of
fascist ideology in the 20th century?

A.Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky

B. Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler
C.Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal
D.Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il
5. Which of the following best describes the role of
government in a socialist society?

A. The government plays a minimal role in economic affairs.

B. The government regulates all aspects of economic
C. The government owns and controls the means of
D. The government leaves economic decisions to private
individuals and businesses.
6. In an absolute monarchy, the monarch has
complete control over the government and can
make decisions without the consent of the people or
any other governing body.

A. Yes
B. Yes, but only if the King is the head of state
C. No
D. No, it is only with Constitutional Monarchy
7. A small group of wealthy families in the
Philippines hold a disproportionate amount of
political and economic power. They make decisions
that benefit their own interests, without considering
the needs of the broader population. This type of
political system can be described as:

A. Democracy
B. Monarchy
D. Aristocracy
8. In a country practicing direct democracy, which of the
following is the most likely way for citizens to participate in

A. Voting for representatives to make decisions on their

B. Signing petitions to have their views considered by
C. Attending town hall meetings to discuss issues and vote
on decisions
D. Appointing experts to make decisions based on their
9. Which of the following is a key feature of
indirect democracy?

A. The people make all decisions

B. There is a single leader who makes all
C.Elected representatives make decisions on
behalf of the people
D. Decisions are made by the judiciary
10. In a federal system of government,
which level of government has the power
to create and enforce laws within its own

A.The national government

B. Local governments
C.Both the national government and local
D.The judiciary
Practice Quiz 2


1. A police officer searched your car without a
warrant and found illegal drugs. Which of the
following rights has been violated?

A. Right against unreasonable searches and seizures

B. Right to freedom of speech and press
C.Right to just compensation
D. Right to form associations
2. A warrant of arrest has been issued for a
person named Juan who is accused of theft.
Juan is currently in the Philippines and has
been informed of the warrant. What should
Juan do next?

A.Surrender to the authorities immediately

B. Leave the country to avoid arrest
C.Hide and wait for the warrant to expire
D.Pay the bail immediately
3. A police officer witnesses a person, John,
breaking into a car. The police officer immediately
arrests John. This type of arrest is known as an in
flagrante delicto arrest.

B. No, because he is a police so this is a lawful
C.Yes, but a warrant of arrest should have been
secured first
D. No, because the police officer’s action was
4. Which of the following is considered a violation of
the right to privacy of communication?

A. Sarah sharing John's private messages with their

mutual friend without John's consent
B. John voluntarily giving his password to his friend,
who then reads his private messages
C.The government intercepting the phone
conversations of suspected terrorists
D. John sending an encrypted email to his lawyer to
discuss a legal matter
5. Which of the following is considered a violation of
the right to freedom of speech and of the press?

A. Maria publishing an article critical of the

government's policies
B. Ahmed shouting inflammatory remarks in a
crowded public space
C. The government censoring a news outlet's
reporting on a politically sensitive issue
D. A private company firing an employee for
making controversial statements on their personal
social media account
6. Which of the following is considered a violation of
the right to due process of law?

A. David voluntarily choosing to stay at home during

a government-imposed quarantine
B. Emily being held in jail for a debt she owed
C.The government detaining a suspected terrorist
with warrant of arrest
D. Sarah being arrested and held in jail without
being charged or given a fair trial
7. Which of the following is considered a violation of the
right to freedom of information?

A. John asking the government for data on pollution levels

in his neighborhood
B. Sarah requesting a copy of her own medical records
from her doctor
C. The government denying a journalist access to public
information on the grounds of national security
D. A private company refusing to disclose information
about their business practices to shareholders
8. Your neighbor has been arrested by the police
while selling illegal drugs. Which type of arrest did
the police make?

A. In flagrante delicto arrest

B. Re-arrest or escape arrest
C.Hot pursuit arrest
D. Probable cause arrest
9. Which of the following scenarios constitutes double jeopardy
in the Philippines?
A.Juan is charged and acquitted of robbery. The government
later re-files the same charges against him for the same crime.
B. Pedro is charged with both murder and theft for the same
incident. He is found guilty of theft and acquitted of murder.
C.Maria is charged with embezzlement. She is found guilty and
serves her sentence. Later, she is charged with tax evasion for
failing to report the embezzled funds as income on her tax
D.Ana is charged with illegal possession of firearms. The case is
dismissed due to lack of evidence. Later, she is charged with
possession of stolen firearms for the same incident, as it is
revealed that the firearms were reported stolen.
10. Which of the following scenarios show Bill of

A. A law that says all members of a political party

are guilty of treason without trial
B. A law that sets up procedures for detaining and
trying suspected terrorists
C. A court ruling that says a religious group is not
protected by the constitution
D. An investigation into allegations of corruption
against a public official

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