LET Review Day 1 - May 24, 2023

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LET Review Day 1 | May 24, 2023

Law Related Studies (Soc Sci)

1. Item: What is the conservative stance on social issues such as same-sex marriage and
Choices: A. They should be decided by the individual states, B. They should be legalized and widely
available, C. They should be restricted or banned, D. The government should not be involved in these
Answer: C. They should be restricted or banned
Evaluation: The correct answer is C. They should be restricted or banned. Conservatives generally
hold a traditional or conservative view on social issues like same-sex marriage and abortion, favoring
restrictions or even bans on these practices.
- A. They should be decided by the individual states: This answer choice reflects a more
decentralized approach, where conservatives may argue that these issues should be left to the
discretion of individual states rather than being determined at the federal level. However, it doesn’t
capture the conservative stance of restricting or banning them.
- B. They should be legalized and widely available: This answer choice contradicts the conservative
stance on these issues. Conservatives typically advocate for more restrictions on same-sex marriage
and abortion, rather than their legalization and wide availability.
- D. The government should not be involved in these issues: While conservatives generally favor
limited government intervention, this answer choice does not accurately reflect the conservative
stance on social issues like same-sex marriage and abortion. Conservatives often seek government
intervention to impose restrictions or regulations on these matters.

2. Item: Which of the following is a characteristic of the liberal view of religion?

Choices: A. Support for theocracy, B. Hostility towards religious minorities, C. Recognition of
religious diversity, D. Preference for a single state religion
Answer: C. Recognition of religious diversity
Evaluation: The correct answer is C. Recognition of religious diversity. Liberals generally value and
support the idea of religious diversity, acknowledging the existence and legitimacy of various
religious beliefs and practices within society.
- A. Support for theocracy: This answer choice is incorrect because liberals typically do not support
theocracy, which is a system of government where religious leaders hold authority and religious laws
govern society. Liberals tend to advocate for the separation of church and state and the protection of
individual freedoms and rights.
- B. Hostility towards religious minorities: This answer choice is incorrect. Liberal views on religion
typically emphasize tolerance, inclusivity, and the protection of minority rights. Hostility towards
religious minorities contradicts these principles.
- D. Preference for a single state religion: This answer choice is also incorrect. Liberals generally
advocate for the separation of religion and state, promoting secularism and religious neutrality in
governance. They do not support the establishment of a single state religion, as it would undermine
religious freedom and discriminate against those with different beliefs.

3. Item: Liberalism values the protection of individual rights and freedoms above all else.
Choices: A. True, B. False, C. It depends, D. Person-to-Person basis
Answer: A. True
Evaluation: The correct answer is A. True. Liberalism is a political ideology that emphasizes the
protection of individual rights and freedoms as fundamental values.
- B. False: This answer choice is incorrect. Liberalism is indeed centered around the protection of
individual rights and freedoms. It is a core principle of liberal philosophy.
- C. It depends: This answer choice is incorrect. While there can be variations within liberalism and
different interpretations of individual rights and freedoms, the overarching ideology of liberalism
prioritizes the protection of these rights.
- D. Person-to-Person basis: This answer choice is incorrect. Liberalism operates based on broad
principles rather than individualized approaches. It focuses on establishing systems and policies that
safeguard individual rights and freedoms for all members of society, rather than making decisions on
a case-by-case basis.

4. Item: Which two leaders are most commonly associated with the implementation of fascist
ideology in the 20th century?
Choices: A. Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky, B. Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, C. Mahatma
Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, D. Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il
Answer: B. Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler
Evaluation: The correct answer is B. Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. Mussolini, as the leader of
Italy, and Hitler, as the leader of Nazi Germany, are widely recognized as the key figures associated
with the implementation of fascist ideology during the 20 th century.
- A. Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky: This answer choice is incorrect. Lenin and Trotsky were
prominent figures in the Russian Revolution and the establishment of the Soviet Union, associated
with communism and the Bolshevik movement, rather than fascism.
- C. Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru: This answer choice is incorrect. Gandhi and Nehru
were influential leaders in the Indian independence movement, advocating for nonviolence,
democracy, and social justice, which align more with principles of liberalism and nationalism rather
than fascism.
- D. Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il: This answer choice is incorrect. Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il were
leaders of North Korea and associated with a form of authoritarianism known as Juche ideology,
which is distinct from fascism.

5. Item: Which of the following best describes the role of government in a socialist society?
Choices: A. The government plays a minimal role in economic affairs, B. The government regulates
all aspects of economic activity, C. The government owns and controls the means of production, D.
The government leaves economic decisions to private individuals and businesses
Answer: C. The government owns and controls the means of production.
Evaluation: The correct answer is C. The government owns and controls the means of production in
a socialist society. Socialism is characterized by the collective ownership and management of
resources, industries, and production processes by the state or the community.
- A. The government plays a minimal role in economic affairs: This answer choice is incorrect. In a
socialist society, the government’s role in economic affairs is significant and involved in the
ownership and control of key industries and resources.
- B. The government regulates all aspects of economic activity: This answer choice is incorrect.
While government regulation can be present in various economic systems, it does not capture the
essence of socialism, which emphasizes collective ownership and control of the means of production
rather than solely regulating economic activity.
- D. The government leaves economic decisions to private individuals and businesses: This answer
choice is incorrect. It describes a characteristic of a capitalist or market-oriented system, where
economic decisions are primarily made by private individuals and businesses rather than the
government. In socialism, the government plays a central role in making economic decisions and
controlling the means of production.

6. Item: In an absolute monarchy, the monarch has complete control over the government and
can make decisions without the consent of the people or any other governing body.
Choices: A. Yes, B. Yes, but only if the King is the head of state, C. No, D. No, it is only with
Constitutional Monarchy
Answer: A. Yes
Evaluation: The correct answer is A. Yes. In an absolute monarchy, the monarch has supreme
authority and exercises complete control over the government, including decision-making powers,
without the need for consent from the people or any other governing body.
- B. Yes, but only if the King is the head of state: This answer choice is incorrect. It introduces an
unnecessary condition by specifying that the king must be the head of state for absolute control. In
an absolute monarchy, regardless of whether the king is the head of state or not, the monarch still
possesses unrestricted power.
- C. No: This answer choice is incorrect. In an absolute monarchy, the monarch holds absolute
power and can make decisions independently, without any significant checks or balances from other
governing bodies.
- D. No, it is only with Constitutional Monarchy: This answer choice is incorrect. A constitutional
monarchy is a different form of monarchy where the monarch’s powers are limited by a constitution
or other governing framework. In contrast, an absolute monarchy has no such limitations, and the
monarch wields unrestricted authority.

7. Item: A small group of wealthy families in the Philippines hold a disproportionate amount of
political and economic power. They make decisions that benefit their own interests, without
considering the needs of the broader population. This type of political system can be
described as:
Choices: A. Democracy, B. Monarchy, C. Oligarchy, D. Aristocracy
Answer: C. Oligarchy
Evaluation: The correct answer is C. Oligarchy. An oligarchy is a political system where power is
concentrated in the hands of a small group or elite, often based on wealth, social status, or family
- A. Democracy: This answer choice is incorrect. In a democracy, political power is ideally
distributed among the broader population through representative systems and the principle of
majority rule. The scenario described does not align with the principles of democracy.
- B. Monarchy: This answer choice is incorrect. Monarchy refers to a political system where power
is vested in a single individual, typically a monarch or a royal family. While some monarchies can have
significant power, the scenario described in the question involves a small group of wealthy families
rather than a single ruling individual or family.
- D. Aristocracy: This answer choice is incorrect. Aristocracy refers to a political system where power
is held by a small group of individuals based on their social status or noble lineage. While there may
be similarities between aristocracy and the scenario described, the focus in the question is more on
the concentration of economic power and the decision-making that benefits the wealthy families
rather than noble lineage. Oligarchy is a more accurate description in this context.

8. Item: In a country practicing direct democracy, which of the following is the most likely way
for citizens to participate in decision-making?
Choices: A. Voting for representatives to make decisions on their behalf, B. Signing petitions to have
their views considered by decision-makers, C. Attending town hall meetings to discuss issues and
vote on decisions, D. Appointing experts to make decisions based on their expertise
Answer: C. Attending town hall meetings to discuss issues and vote on decisions
Evaluation: The correct answer is C. Attending town hall meetings to discuss issues and vote on
decisions. Direct democracy involves citizens directly participating in decision-making processes and
having a direct say in policy matters.
- A. Voting for representatives to make decisions on their behalf: This answer choice is incorrect.
Voting for representatives is associated with representative democracy, where citizens elect
representatives who make decisions on their behalf. In direct democracy, citizens directly participate
in decision-making rather than relying on elected representatives.
- B. Signing petitions to have their views considered by decision-makers: This answer choice is
incorrect. While signing petitions can be a form of citizen engagement, it is more commonly
associated with expressing support or opposition to specific issues or policy changes. It does not
capture the essence of direct democracy, where citizens actively participate in decision-making.
- D. Appointing experts to make decisions based on their expertise: This answer choice is incorrect.
Appointing experts to make decisions is not characteristic of direct democracy. It resembles a
technocratic approach where decisions are entrusted to individuals with specialized knowledge. In
direct democracy, citizens themselves directly participate in decision-making processes.

In direct democracy, town hall meetings provide a platform for citizens to gather, discuss issues,
express their opinions, and collectively vote on decisions, making it the most likely way for citizens to
participate in decision-making.

9. Item: Which of the following is a key feature of indirect democracy?

Choices: A. The people make all decisions, B. There is a single leader who makes all decisions, C.
Elected representatives make decisions on behalf of the people, D. Decisions are made by the
Answer: C. Elected representatives make decisions on behalf of the people
Evaluation: The correct answer is C. Elected representatives make decisions on behalf of the
people. Indirect democracy, also known as representative democracy, involves citizens electing
representatives who make decisions on their behalf.
- A. The people make all decisions: This answer choice is incorrect. It describes a form of direct
democracy, where citizens directly participate in decision-making processes without intermediaries.
In indirect democracy, the role of the people is to elect representatives who make decisions on their
- B. There is a single leader who makes all decisions: This answer choice is incorrect. It describes an
autocratic or authoritarian form of government, where a single leader holds all decision-making
power. Indirect democracy, on the other hand, involves elected representatives sharing decision-
making responsibilities.
- D. Decisions are made by the judiciary: This answer choice is incorrect. While the judiciary plays a
crucial role in interpreting laws and resolving disputes, it is not the defining feature of indirect
democracy. In indirect democracy, elected representatives are primarily responsible for making
decisions on behalf of the people.

In an indirect democracy, citizens exercise their political rights by electing representatives who then
make decisions on their behalf, taking into account the interests and preferences of the people they

10. Item: In a federal system of government, which level of government has the power to create
and enforce laws within its own borders?
Choices: A. The national government, B. Local governments, C. Both the national government and
local governments, D. The judiciary
Answer: C. Both the national government and local governments
Evaluation: The correct answer is C. Both the national government and local governments have the
power to create and enforce laws within their respective jurisdictions in a federal system of
- A. The national government: This answer choice is incorrect. In a federal system, the national
government does have the authority to create and enforce laws, but its jurisdiction is not limited to
its own borders. The national government has the power to make laws that apply to the entire
- B. Local governments: This answer choice is incorrect. While local governments do have the
power to create and enforce laws within their own borders, they do not have exclusive authority in a
federal system. The national government also has legislative and enforcement powers that can apply
to local jurisdictions.
- D. The judiciary: This answer choice is incorrect. The judiciary, consisting of courts and judges, is
responsible for interpreting and applying laws rather than creating and enforcing them. While the
judiciary plays a crucial role in upholding and interpreting the law, it does not have the primary
power to create and enforce laws within specific jurisdictions.

In a federal system of government, the power to create and enforce laws is shared between the
national government and local governments. The national government has authority over matters
that affect the entire country, while local governments have the ability to govern within their own
geographic boundaries, subject to the overall framework and limitations set by the national

1. Item: A police officer searched your car without a warrant and found illegal drugs. Which of
the following rights has been violated?
Choices: A. Right against unreasonable searches and seizures, B. Right to freedom of speech and
press, C. Right to just compensation, D. Right to form associations
Answer: A. Right against unreasonable searches and seizures
Evaluation: The correct answer is A. Right against unreasonable searches and seizures. The scenario
described violates the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution, which protects
individuals from unreasonable searches and seizures by law enforcement.
- B. Right to freedom of speech and press: This answer choice is incorrect. The right to freedom of
speech and press, protected by the First Amendment, relates to the freedom of expression, sharing
information, and engaging in public discourse. It is not directly relevant to the scenario of an
unlawful search.
- C. Right to just compensation: This answer choice is incorrect. The right to just compensation is
associated with the Fifth Amendment, which ensures that individuals are fairly compensated when
the government takes their private property for public use through the process of eminent domain. It
is not applicable to the situation of an unauthorized search of a car.
- D. Right to form associations: This answer choice is incorrect. The right to form associations,
protected by the First Amendment, pertains to the freedom to join or create groups, organizations,
or associations for various purposes. It does not directly relate to the violation of rights in the given

The correct right that has been violated in this situation is the right against unreasonable searches
and seizures. Law enforcement conducting a search without a warrant or probable cause infringes
upon an individual’s Fourth Amendment rights, which are designed to protect citizens from arbitrary
or unwarranted intrusion by the government.

2. Item: A warrant of arrest has been issued for a person named Juan who is accused of theft.
Juan is currently in the Philippines and has been informed of the warrant. What should Juan
do next?
Choices: A. Surrender to the authorities immediately, B. Leave the country to avoid arrest, C. Hide
and wait for the warrant to expire, D. Pay the bail immediately
Answer: A. Surrender to the authorities immediately
Evaluation: The correct answer is A. Surrender to the authorities immediately. When a warrant of
arrest has been issued, it is generally advised for the accused person to cooperate with the
authorities and turn themselves in.
- B. Leave the country to avoid arrest: This answer choice is incorrect. Evading arrest by leaving the
country is not a lawful or appropriate response to a warrant. It can lead to further legal
complications and may be considered as an attempt to evade justice.
- C. Hide and wait for the warrant to expire: This answer choice is incorrect. Hiding and waiting for
the warrant to expire is not a responsible or legal course of action. It can result in additional legal
consequences and may prolong the resolution of the case.
- D. Pay the bail immediately: This answer choice is incorrect. Paying bail is generally done after the
arrest has been made, and it allows the accused person to be released from custody pending trial. It
is not the immediate action to be taken upon being informed of a warrant.

In this scenario, the recommended course of action for Juan would be to surrender to the authorities
immediately. This shows cooperation with the legal process and allows for a proper legal defense to
be established. By voluntarily surrendering, Juan can demonstrate respect for the law and ensure a
fair and just resolution to the accusations made against him.

3. Item: A police officer witnesses a person, John, breaking into a car. The police officer
immediately arrests John. This type of arrest is known as an in flagrante delicto arrest.
Choices: A. Yes, B. No, because he is a police so this is a lawful arrest, C. Yes, but a warrant of arrest
should have been secured first, D. No, because the police officer’s action was unconstitutional
Answer: A. Yes
Evaluation: The correct answer is A. Yes. The immediate arrest made by the police officer upon
witnessing a person breaking into a car is considered an in flagrante delicto arrest, also known as a
“hot pursuit” arrest.
- B. No, because he is a police so this is a lawful arrest: This answer choice is incorrect. While it is
true that police officers have the authority to make lawful arrests, the key aspect in this scenario is
the immediate response to witnessing a crime in progress, which falls under in flagrante delicto
- C. Yes, but a warrant of arrest should have been secured first: This answer choice is incorrect. In
flagrante delicto arrests do not require the police officer to secure a warrant beforehand. These
types of arrests are based on the principle of apprehending a suspect caught in the act of committing
a crime.
- D. No, because the police officer’s action was unconstitutional: This answer choice is incorrect. In
this situation, the police officer’s immediate arrest of John upon witnessing the car break-in is
considered constitutional and falls within the scope of in flagrante delicto arrest. The officer is
authorized to take action to prevent the ongoing crime and ensure public safety.

An in flagrante delicto arrest allows law enforcement officers to apprehend a suspect without a
warrant if they personally witness the person committing a crime. It is based on the urgency and
need to prevent further harm or escape of the suspect. In this scenario, the police officer’s
immediate arrest of John upon witnessing the car break-in aligns with the principles of in flagrante
delicto arrest.

Apologies for the incorrect response earlier. Let’s provide the revised answer for question 4:

4. Item: Which of the following is considered a violation of the right to privacy of

Choices: A. Sarah sharing John’s private messages with their mutual friend without John’s consent,
B. John voluntarily giving his password to his friend, who then reads his private messages, C. The
government intercepting the phone conversations of suspected terrorists, D. John sending an
encrypted email to his lawyer to discuss a legal matter
Answer: A. Sarah sharing John’s private messages with their mutual friend without John’s consent
Evaluation: The correct answer is A. Sarah sharing John’s private messages with their mutual friend
without John’s consent is considered a violation of the right to privacy of communication.
- B. John voluntarily giving his password to his friend, who then reads his private messages: This
answer choice is incorrect. Although it involves a breach of trust, it is John’s voluntary action that
allows his friend to access his private messages. It does not involve an external violation of privacy.
- C. The government intercepting the phone conversations of suspected terrorists: This answer
choice is incorrect. While government interception of phone conversations can be controversial and
may raise privacy concerns, it is typically carried out under specific legal frameworks and is targeted
towards individuals suspected of engaging in criminal or terrorist activities.
- D. John sending an encrypted email to his lawyer to discuss a legal matter: This answer choice is
incorrect. The act of using encryption to protect the privacy of communication between John and his
lawyer is not a violation of privacy. It is a recognized practice to ensure the confidentiality of sensitive
In the context of the right to privacy of communication, the sharing of someone’s private messages
without their consent is generally considered a violation. Sarah’s action of sharing John’s private
messages with their mutual friend infringes upon John’s expectation of privacy in his communication.

5. Item: Which of the following is considered a violation of the right to freedom of speech and
of the press?
Choices: A. Maria publishing an article critical of the government’s policies, B. Ahmed shouting
inflammatory remarks in a crowded public space, C. The government censoring a news outlet’s
reporting on a politically sensitive issue, D. A private company firing an employee for making
controversial statements on their personal social media account
Answer: C. The government censoring a news outlet’s reporting on a politically sensitive issue
Evaluation: The correct answer is C. The government censoring a news outlet’s reporting on a
politically sensitive issue is considered a violation of the right to freedom of speech and of the press.
- A. Maria publishing an article critical of the government’s policies: This answer choice is incorrect.
Maria’s act of publishing an article critical of the government’s policies falls within the exercise of
freedom of speech and of the press. It is protected by the right to express opinions and engage in
public discourse.
- B. Ahmed shouting inflammatory remarks in a crowded public space: This answer choice is
incorrect. While Ahmed’s remarks may be considered offensive or provocative, they are generally
protected by the right to freedom of speech unless they incite violence or pose a direct threat to
public safety.
- D. A private company firing an employee for making controversial statements on their personal
social media account: This answer choice is incorrect. The right to freedom of speech protects
individuals from government censorship or punishment for expressing their opinions. However, it
does not necessarily protect individuals from consequences imposed by private entities, such as
employers, for speech made outside of work that may negatively impact the company’s reputation or
violate company policies.

In the context of the right to freedom of speech and of the press, government censorship of news
reporting on politically sensitive issues is considered a violation. Freedom of speech and of the press
includes the protection of individuals and media outlets to express and disseminate information,
opinions, and ideas without unwarranted censorship or interference from the government.

9. Item: Which of the following scenarios constitutes double jeopardy in the Philippines?
Choices: A. Juan is charged and acquitted of robbery. The government later re-files the same
charges against him for the same crime.
B. Pedro is charged with both murder and theft for the same incident. He is found guilty of
theft and acquitted of murder.
C. Maria is charged with embezzlement. She is found guilty and serves her sentence. Later, she
is charged with tax evasion for failing to report the embezzled funds as income on her tax returns.
D. Ana is charged with illegal possession of firearms. The case is dismissed due to lack of
evidence. Later, she is charged with possession of stolen firearms for the same incident, as it is
revealed that the firearms were reported stolen.
Answer: A. Juan is charged and acquitted of robbery. The government later re-files the same
charges against him for the same crime.
Evaluation: The correct answer is A. Juan is charged and acquitted of robbery. The government later
re-files the same charges against him for the same crime.
- B. Pedro is charged with both murder and theft for the same incident. He is found guilty of theft
and acquitted of murder: This answer choice is incorrect. Pedro being charged with multiple offenses
for the same incident does not constitute double jeopardy. Double jeopardy specifically refers to
being tried for the same offense after an acquittal or conviction.
- C. Maria is charged with embezzlement. She is found guilty and serves her sentence. Later, she is
charged with tax evasion for failing to report the embezzled funds as income on her tax returns: This
answer choice is incorrect. Maria being charged with a different offense (tax evasion) after serving
her sentence for embezzlement does not constitute double jeopardy. Double jeopardy applies to the
same offense, not different offenses arising from the same set of facts.
- D. Ana is charged with illegal possession of firearms. The case is dismissed due to lack of evidence.
Later, she is charged with possession of stolen firearms for the same incident, as it is revealed that
the firearms were reported stolen: This answer choice is incorrect. Ana being charged with a
different offense (possession of stolen firearms) after the dismissal of the illegal possession of
firearms case does not constitute double jeopardy. Double jeopardy applies to the same offense, not
different offenses arising from the same incident.

The correct answer is A. Juan is charged and acquitted of robbery. The government later re-files the
same charges against him for the same crime. This scenario constitutes double jeopardy, which refers
to being tried for the same offense after an acquittal or conviction. In this case, Juan has already
been acquitted of the robbery charges, and the government’s decision to re-file the same charges
violates the principle of double jeopardy. Double jeopardy is prohibited by the Constitution of the
Philippines to protect individuals from being subjected to multiple prosecutions for the same
offense, ensuring that they cannot be repeatedly tried for the same crime once they have been
acquitted or convicted.

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