Lesson Plan in He 9

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Detailed Lesson Plan in HE9- Clothing Selection and Purchase Care

The learners demonstrate an understanding on the core concepts of Choosing the Fabrics.


The learners independently demonstrate core competencies in choosing the fabrics.

At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to:
a. Determine the factors to consider when choosing a fabrics
b. Discuss the factors to consider when choosing a fabrics
c. Appreciate the importance of choosing the fabrics.
a. Topic: Kinds of Clothes
Sub-topic: Choosing the Fabrics
b. Date: March 08, 2023
d. Reference: https://textiledetails.com/factors-to-consider-when-choosing-a-fabric/
Factors to Consider when Choosing a Fabrics
e. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation and Laptop

Values Statement:
Learners are actively engaged during the discussion and valuing the importance of choosing the

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Classroom Routine

Opening Prayer
(The teacher will call one student to lead the (The students will Pray)

Good morning class! -Good morning sir! Good morning
By the way class, how are you today?
Well, we're doing great sir
Checking of Classroom Setting
Before you take your respective seats, I
would ike to request everyone to kindly -Okay sir.
arrange the chairs properly and please occupy
the vacant seats in front.

Checking of attendance
I have here a one whole sheet of paper.
Write your full name as well as your -Yes sir.
signature and pass it to your seatmate after.
Because that will serve as your attendance for
today. Understand?
B. Review
Let’s have first a recap about our topic last

What was our topic last meeting? Kindly

share it to the class. -Sir, last meeting we tackled about How
Fabrics Are Made Of.
Very good! How fabrics are made of?
-Sir, based on the discussion last meeting
fabrics can be classified based on their fiber
content namely the Natural and Synthetic
Very good! Who can give the difference
between natural and synthetic fibres. -Sir, Natural fabrics—such as cotton, silk and
wool—are made of animal or plant-based
fibres, while synthetics are man-made and
produced entirely from chemicals to create
fabrics like polyester, rayon, acrylic, and
many others.
Precisely! What else ?
-Sir, we also discussed the process in making
Since he/she mentioned process in making
fabrics. Anybody from the class who can give -Sir, the process in making fabrics to be
me the process in making fabrics. mention accordingly are:
1. Source Fiber
2. Spinning Yarn Manufacturing
3. Fabric Manufacturing Process
4. Wet Processing
5. Garment Manufacturing Process
Very well said! Thank you! I’m literally glad
that you’ve still remember our previous
By the way class, do you have any questions
and clarifications with regards to our -None sir
previous topic?
So if none, let’s now proceed.

C. Motivation
Are you still with me class?
-Yes sir.
At this moment, I will show you some
pictures and class I want you to observe and -Yes sir.
internalize what the pictures we're all about.
Am I clear?

(The teacher will show the first set of

(Students are observing the pictures)

Based on your
observations, what is the pictures we're all
about?Anybody? -Sir, based on my observation the pictures
somehow shows choosing an item, I guess.
Very good, that was a great observation. It
literally shows choosing an item.

Let us give him/her Aling Dionisia Clap!

I will show you another sets of pictures. I 1,2,3(2x)…very good(3x)
want you to do the same thing you did a
while ago and that is to observe the pictures.

(The teacher will post the second set of


(Students are observing the pictures)

Okay class, anyone who can his/her

observations on the second sets of pictures?
-Sir, as I observed on that pictures, it shows
Very good! That was an awesome somekinds of fabrics, I guess.
observation! You guys did a great job! I'm
impressed by how observant your minds are
while viewing images.
Let us give your classmates a Fireworks
Clap. (Students will do the Fireworks Clap)


Before we proceed to our new topic, let us

have first an activity. I request everyone to
get a 1/4 sheet of yellow pad paper.
Direction: In your own idea, list down the
factors to consider n choosing the fabrics.

I will give you 3 minutes to do your task. Am -Yes sir

I clear class?

You may start now.

How did you find the activity? Is it that easy -It's just moderate sir, not easy and not
or difficult? difficult either.

Based on what you have listed, what do you

think re the factors to consider when (Student's answer may vary.)
choosing fabrics?

Thank you, class for sharing your ideas you

have the insights so far.

Okay, what do you think would be our -Sir I guess, based on the 2 sets of pictures
discussion for today? wherein the first set shows choosing an item
and the second sets show fabrics and upon
observation I've come up that for today’s
session we will be tackling Choosing the
Correct! You nailed it.
It's clearly observed by the class that this day
we will be discussing Choosing the Fabrics
especially on the factors to consider when
choosing the fabrics.

At this moment let us now proceed with our
formal discussion. But before that let us first Objectives
internalize our objectives so that we are At the end of the lesson, the students will be
guided on what we will be achieving for able to:
today. a. Determine the factors to consider when
choosing a fabrics
(The teacher will show the objectives) b. Discuss the factors to consider when
choosing a fabrics
Please read the objectives. c. Appreciate the importance of choosing a
(The teacher will call student) fabrics.

Thank you for reading! -Sir, choosing the fabrics is an important

Class let me asked you a question, what do matter because it determines the look, feel,
you think is the reason that there's still a need and overall quality of your garments. It is
for us to choose the fabrics? essential to choose the right fabric for your
clothing in order to ensure that your garments
Anybody from the class? are comfortable, durable, and sustainable.
(The teacher will call a student)
Thank You for that wonderful idea of yours. (Student's answer may vary)
How about the others?

There are several factors to consider when

choosing the fabrics. Allow me to show you
the common factors to consider when
choosing the fabrics.

(The teacher will show the content index)

Content Index:
1. Durability of Fabric
2. How Easy It Is to Clean a Fabric
3. Texture
4. Its Fading Scale
5. Color
6. Type Of Fabric
7. Fabric Quality
-The student will read the statements.
Yes you at the back, Please read the

These are a few things to think about when

selecting the fabrics. Each one of them will
be discussed in conjunction with the
conversation. 1. Durability of the Fabrics
Fabric that requires serving daily and one that
Please read the first factors to consider when will belong to kids should be highly durable
choosing a fabric. And you can share your instead of used less often.
(Student's answer may vary)

2. How Easy It Is to Clean a Fabric

Spills and stains can happen anytime, and
How about the next one? Yes, you! different fabrics have different cleanability
rates. Before deciding on a fabric, it is best to
ask how easy it is to keep it clean. Stains can
result from various materials, including food
and drinks. Knowing how fabric can be
cleaned best suits the preference of different
people depending on their resentment levels
of stains.

3. Texture
Most fabrics make clothing that comes into
How about the third one? contact with our bodies. Silk, including silk
(Teacher will call a student) kimono, have a soft texture, and cotton is soft
too. Different materials have different
textures; therefore, it is crucial to consider
various materials to find a texture that suits

4. Its Fading Scale

Kindly read the fourth one. Most people don’t like buying something that
(Teacher will call a student) will lose its color after a short period of use.
Fabrics have different fading capacities, while
others do not fade at all.

5. Color
Please read the fifth one? When choosing a color for a fabric, you
(Teacher will call a student) should have the occasion you want that fabric
for in mind. Bright colors are usually for
celebrations, while dark colors signify a
somber mood. You should also choose a color
that fits your skin tone.

6. Type Of Fabric
Who will read the second to the last item? Different types of fabrics are made from
Please elaborate the statement natural and synthetic fibers. Other fabrics are
made by mixing both artificial and natural
fibers. The end product of all these fibers is a
nice piece of cloth. When it comes to this,
your budget will also determine the type of
fabric you will settle for.

(Student's answer may vary)

7. Fabric Quality
Touching and feeling a fabric is what will be
Please read the last one. able to tell you what quality the material is.
(The teacher will call a student) You will know an original fabric just by how
Brilliant Idea, it feels in your fingers. You should ensure that
you choose a fabric with no defects and of
high quality.

I hope that the discussion provides you a

clear understanding with those factors to
consider when choosing the fabrics.
-None sir.
Do you have any questions/clarifications
regarding with our topic this afternoon?

-Yes sir.
Class, did you learned something from our
discussion today?
Let see if you really learned today.
-Sir, the factors that we need to consider when
Again class, what are the factors to consider choosing the fabrics are:
when choosing the fabrics? 1. Durability of Fabric
2. How Easy It Is to Clean a Fabric
3. Texture
4. Its Fading Scale
5. Color
6. Type Of Fabric
7. Fabric Quality

Very good!
-Fabric is the most important thing that you
For you as an individual, why do you think should give importance. It determines the
choosing the fabrics is important? overall style and beauty of your dress.

-Sir, another also because it’s only the fabric
Yes, you have something to say? that can make the outfit look standout from
the crowd. A quality fabric can only make the
wearing of any outfit a pleasant experience.
-There are many options available to choose
Very well said! What else? from when buying cloth. Individuals should
take their time when choosing a cloth because
it will have a variety of effects on their

Very good! -Fortunately, there are some important factors

Yes, you can share some additional ideas. that people need to take into account to as
mentioned in the discussion so that at the end
of choosing we make the best decision.

Excellent! You totally nailed it. You really

learned something from the discussion.
And with that I'd like to say that your active
participation in the discussions is greatly


Class, now that we're done with the

discussion, we will have now an activity.
I would like to request everyone to please
get a 1/2 sheet of yellow pad paper. The
activity is called “THE FIVE-MINUTES
PAPER. This activity let you reflect on your
learning about the topic and build writing
skills plus how much could you explain in
five minutes.
-Yes sir.
I will give you 5 minutes in answering your
activity. Do I make myself clear class?
(The students will eagerly answer the
At exactly 3:50 finish or not finish I will activity.)
collect your papers.
You may start now!

Do you have any questions or clarifications? -No more sir.

I'm overwhelmed class that you really did a

great job today. Thank You!

Directions: Reada.eachDurability of Fabric
statement and analyze carefully. Choose your answer from the box.
b. How Easy It Is to Clean a Fabric
Write the letter of your answer in a 1/2 crosswise of yellow pad paper.
c. Texture
d. Its Fading Scale
e. Color
f. Type Of Fabric
g. Fabric Quality

_______1. Most people don’t like buying something that will lose its color after a short period of
_______2. Touching and feeling a fabric is what will be able to tell you what quality the material is.
_______3. Most fabrics make clothing that comes into contact with our bodies.
_______4. When choosing a color for a fabric, you should have the occasion you want that fabric for
in mind.
_______5. Different types of fabrics are made from natural and synthetic fibers.

Guide to Check the answers:

1. D
2. G
3. C
4. E
5. F
Directions: In your assignment notebook. Search out on the internet about the sewing machine
troubles and remedies.
1. Identify the different sewing machine troubles and remedies.
Reference https://www.onlineclothingstudy.com/2019/07/common-sewing-machine-problems-
Prepared by: Checked and Noted:
BTLED-Home Economics Student HE-9 Instructor

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