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The Journey to the East by Hermann Hesse

The Tao Of Hesse

In simple, mesmerizing prose, Hermann Hesse tells of a journey both geographic and spiritual. H.H., a German choirmaster, is invited on an expedition with the League, a secret society whose members include Paul Klee, Mozart, and Albertus Magnus. The participants traverse both space and time, encountering Noahs Ark in Zurich and Don Quixote at Bremgarten. The pilgrims ultimate destination is the East, the Home of the Light, where they expect to find spiritual renewal. Yet the harmony that ruled at the outset of the trip soon degenerates into open conflict. Each traveler finds the rest of the group intolerable and heads off in his own direction, with H.H. bitterly blaming the others for the failure of the journey. It is only long after the trip, while poring over records in the League archives, that H.H. discovers his own role in the dissolution of the group, and the ominous significance of the journey itself.

Features: * ISBN13: 9780312421687 * Condition: NEW * Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark. * Click here to view our Condition Guide and Shipping Prices

Personal Review: The Journey to the East by Hermann Hesse

Hermann Hesse wrote some of the most important novels and essays of the twentieth century. His primary literary work (part materialist protest, part spiritual quest) spanned almost half a century (1899-1943) and culminated in the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1946. He lived through the pain of World Wars I & II and looked outside Europe for alternative philosophies. He became a Swiss citizen in 1923 and lived in exile from his native Germany, in part because of his anti-war views. The problems that troubled Hesse then are still with us, and he is more popular today than he was in his own lifetime. Journey to the East, published in 1932 is the short version of his spiritual philosophy (The Glass Bead Game is the long version). Both books draw deeply from Hesses fascination with Indian philosophy. Both are immersed in the search for alternatives. Journey to the East is the geographical and spiritual journey taken by one man (League Brother H) with a group of likeminded, journeyers sometime after World War I. H says: It was my destiny to join in a great experience. Having had the good fortune to belong to the League, I was permitted to be a participant in a unique journey. What wonder it had at the time! The nature of the journey, its purpose, and even its outcome is a mystery - Hesses parable of spareness, about how we make choices and how we might live. The servant, Leo, says to H. early in the novel: The law of service. He who wishes to live long must serve, but he who wishes to rule does not live long. The Journey to the East - like all of Hesses work - offers another way to think about our lives and li ve(!) in a world ever-maddened by wars, greed, and inattention. The journey is the Tao of Hesse, one might say, a novel part parable.
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