HR Dilemmas

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HR Dilemmas

In this presentation, we’ll explore HR dilemmas faced by organizations

and employees alike. We’ll delve into the causes and impacts of such
dilemmas, look at case studies, and discuss strategies and best practices
for resolving these complex issues.

by Nitesh Kumar
Definition and Types
1 What are HR 2 Types of HR 3 The importance of
dilemmas? dilemmas understanding HR
HR dilemmas are They can include issues
complex issues that arise of diversity, Identifying and
in the workplace, often discrimination, addressing HR dilemmas
involving conflicting harassment, benefits, is crucial for maintaining
interests or ethical layoffs, and more. employee satisfaction,

concerns. ethical standards, and

overall organizational
Causes of HR Dilemmas

Power imbalances
When there is an unequal distribution of power within the organization, conflicts can arise.

Unconscious biases
Our biases can shape our perceptions of others and can lead to discriminatory behaviors.

Lack of policies and procedures

Without clear guidelines, employees and management can be unsure of how to handle certain

Problems can arise when different parties fail to communicate effectively or misunderstand each
Impact of HR Dilemmas
1 Employee morale
HR dilemmas can lead to low morale or

Legal and financial 2 job dissatisfaction for employees.

Organizations can face legal and
financial consequences for failing to 3 Impact on productivity
address HR dilemmas.
When HR dilemmas are not effectively
resolved, they can negatively impact
productivity and business outcomes.
Case Studies
Diversity and inclusion Harassment and discrimination
A company struggles with creating a more An employee files a formal complaint after
diverse and inclusive workplace due to experiencing harassment and discrimination
unconscious bias and a lack of clear policies. from a coworker, causing tension and
conflict in the workplace.

Benefits and compensation Layoffs and restructuring

A company faces backlash from employees During a period of restructuring, a company
and the public after announcing changes to must navigate tough decisions around
employee benefits and compensation. layoffs and keeping morale high for the
remaining employees.
Strategies for Handling HR Dilemmas

Effective communication
Open lines of communication can help to facilitate dialogue, build trust, and resolve conflicts.

Ethical decision-making
Organizations must uphold ethical standards and make decisions that align with their values.

Investing in diversity, equity, and inclusion

Creating a more diverse and inclusive workplace can help to prevent HR dilemmas and create a more
positive work environment for all employees.
Best Practices for Preventing HR
1 Create clear policies 2 Invest in training 3 Encourage open
and procedures and education communication
Having clearly Providing training on Building a culture of open
established guidelines diversity and inclusion, communication can help
can help to prevent HR communication, and to prevent conflicts and
dilemmas and ensure that other relevant topics can ensure that everyone
everyone understands help to prevent HR feels heard and valued in
expected behaviors. dilemmas and promote a the workplace.
positive work
Q&A and Discussion
Let’s discuss further about the strategies for addressing HR dilemmas
and preventing them from occurring. Together, we can create a more
positive and productive work environment.

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