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Handling exit job

Exit interviews can improve retention, provide valuable feedback, and help with
succession planning. Learn how to conduct them effectively.

by Nitesh Kumar
Reasons for conducting exit
1 Feedback 🎤 2 Succession planning
Gain insights into employee
experience and satisfaction to Identify critical roles and skill
improve retention and address gaps, and develop strategies

issues before they become a for filling them to ensure

bigger problem. business continuity.

3 Brand reputation 🌟
Learn how the company is viewed by former employees and address any
negative feedback to maintain a positive brand reputation.
Preparing for the interview

Documentation Location Scheduling

Prepare a list of questions to Choose a private location where Set up the interview at a time that
ensure consistency and keep track the employee can feel comfortable is convenient for the employee and
of feedback. Use a mix of open- and will not be interrupted. allows for enough time for a
ended and closed-ended questions. thorough conversation.
Questions to ask during the interview
Reason for leaving Overall experience
Ask why the employee is leaving and if Ask for feedback on the employee's
there is anything that could have been overall experience with the company
done to prevent them from leaving. and any suggestions for improvement.

1 2 3 4
Job satisfaction Feedback for management
Ask open-ended questions about the Ask for feedback on management
employee's satisfaction with their practices, communication, and
role, workload, and work professional development
environment. opportunities.
Effective communication during the
Active listening 🎧 Stay neutral 🤐
Listen actively and attentively to the employee, Avoid expressing personal opinions or defending
demonstrate empathy, and avoid getting company actions during the interview.

Clarifying questions 🤔 Taking notes ✍️

Ask follow-up questions to clarify any points Take detailed notes, summarize key points, and
made by the employee. avoid making assumptions.
Addressing employee feedback

Praise 🎉 Problem-solving 🤝 Following up 📞

Recognize positive feedback and Identify patterns and root causes Follow up with the employee after
highlight employee strengths. of problems and develop strategies the interview to let them know
Show appreciation for their to address them. what actions were taken based on
feedback and let them know that their feedback.
their input is valued.
Strategies for improving retention based
on feedback
Training and development Competitive compensation
👩‍💻 💰
Provide professional development Ensure that employees are fairly
opportunities and career growth compensated according to industry
paths to improve job satisfaction and standards to promote job
skill building. satisfaction.

1 2 3 4
Flexible work arrangements Clear communication 🗣
🏡 Ensure that communication with
Offer options such as remote work, management is clear and transparent
flexible hours, or job sharing to to avoid misunderstandings and
improve work-life balance and promote trust.
promote job satisfaction.
The importance of following up after the
Closing the loop 🔗 Improvements made Encourage referrals
Following up after the
💡 🤝
interview demonstrates that Letting the employee know Former employees can be a
the employee's feedback is what changes were made valuable source of referrals

valued and shows that the based on their feedback can for new hires. Following up
company is committed to increase confidence in the after an exit interview can

addressing any issues. company's ability to listen and promote positive word-of-
respond to employee mouth about the company.

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