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Geology of Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu

UNESCO Global Geopark

Katon Sena Ajie Nugraha

Geologist of Geopark
Geopark Region
Total area 126,100 ha
= 30,3% of Sukabumi
Regency Total Area
Elevation : 0-1000 masl,
With Cikakak District as the
highest place
Total population 502.019
population density 412
Primary livelihood of the
people is Farmer and
Pentahelix Concept
• Paguyuban Alam Pakidulan Sukabumi
• Komunitas Penggerak Pariwisata
• Central Government (Kompepar)
• Provincial Government of Jawa Barat • HPI
• District government of Sukabumi
• BBKSDA Jabar & Banten
• Kostrad

• PT Bio Farma
• Telkom
• Hospitality Company

• Social Media
• UPI • Radio
• Print media
Diversity in the Geopark
With the Theme :
“Subduction zone upflited rocks , Jampang Plateu, and Ancient magmatic zone shifting”
Activity in Geopark
Based on the developing concept of pentahelix
there are three main activities which are education, conservation and sustainable
development through community empowerment

Development of Community geotourizm Development of homestay

Sustainable Development

Education Conservation
Geosite at Ciletuh Palabuhanratu Geopark
The Geopark region is
determined based on the
Decree of West Java Governor
No. 556/kep.67rek/2020 of 2020
concerning the UNESCO Global
Geopark Area of Ciletuh-
Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi
Subduction zone upflited rocks
Subduction “fossils” are rocks formed by subduction that occurred about 65
million years ago. This rock consists of metamorphic rocks and oceanic crust rocks
(ophiolite) that were uplifted to the surface due to geological processes.
Subduction zone upflited rocks

Geosite Gunung Badak Geosite Gunung Badak

Geosite Gunung Beas
(Gunung Aseupan) (Goa Kunti)
(Peridotit Gunung Beas)

Geosite Pasir Luhur

Geosite Sodong Parat
Geosite Pantai Citirem (Skis Hijau)
(Goa Sodong Parat)
(Lava Citirem)
Jampang Plateau
Plato Jampang is a plateau
composed of volcanic
material deposited in the
marine environment. then
lifted to the surface due to
tectonic activity. The
morphology formed is hills
and highlands. there is
also a horseshoe-like
formation that opens to
the southwest, known as
the Ciletuh Amphitheater
Jampang Plateau
Geosite Amfiteater Ciletuh

Geosite Plato Jampang

Geosite Leuwi Kenit (Jalur Loji-Puncak Darma)

(Batu Tulis)

Geosite Muara
Geosite Curug Luhur Cigangsa Cikarang
(Fosil Jejak)
Jampang Plateau
Geosite Taman Batu Waluran
Geosite Bunker dan Kekar Kolom Waluran

(Lava Cikarang) (Goa Maung)

Geosite Curug Puncak Jeruk

(Goa Monyet)

Geosite Curug Gentong

(Batu Bubut)
Volcanic Arc Zone Shifting
Subduction events are always
Old volcanic produc
followed by magmatic
activity. Volcanic deposits
such as the rocks that make
up the Jampang Plato,
Walura lava and the
Sukawayana column joints
are examples of ancient
magmatic activity. magmatic
activity that is still active at Present volcanic product
this time is evidenced by the
presence of the Cisolok
Geyser. This shows evidence
that there is a shift in the
magmatic pathway.
Volcanic Arc Zone Shifting
Geosite Puncak Habibie Geosite Geyser Cisolok

Geosite Kawasan Cisolok-Cikakak

(Karang Naya) (Kekar kolom SBH)

Erosion process

The oldest sedimentary rock

outcrop in West Java that has
eroded so that it has a unique
Erosion process

Geosite Kawasan Cisolok-Cikakak

(Karang Hawu) Geosite Legon Pandan
(Batu Kodok)

Geosite Teluk Ciletuh

(Karang Daeu)
Geosite Batu Naga
(Batu Punggung Naga)
The formation of the new plains of southern Java
The southern part
of Java was
previously a
shallow marine.
Due to the uplifting
process, this area
became a new
land. This is
evidenced by the
abundance of
Bathymetry model of submerged South Coast of West Java
during Miocene period.(ariwibowo et. al. 2021) marine fossils such
as megalodon
The formation of the new plains of southern Java

The excavated megalodon teeth fossils

(left) and soil rock layers (right)
containing fossils in Surade in South
Coast of West Java. (Ariwibowo et al
The formation of the new plains of southern Java

Geosite Goa Gunung Sungging

Geosite Ujunggenteng

Geosite Karang Bolong

Geosite Pantai Pangumbahan
(Pantai Pangumbahan)
Relationship of
Biodiversity and
Cultur Diversity
Relationship between Geodiversity and Biodiversity

weathering of old
rock that is
ultramafic produces
infertile soil, making
it difficult for trees
to grow
Relationship between Geodiversity and Culture diversity
Fertile soil conditions due to volcanic deposits and high morphological
relief gave rise to a culture of farming, especially upland rice

Photo by Ron Agusta

The design of the traditional stilt house is adapted to the geological conditions
that earthquakes often occur
Relationship between Geodiversity and Culture
Selection of strong volcanic rock as material to create megalith sites

Foto: Ron Agusta

Foto: Katon Sena
Thank You
"Seeing nature with understanding is far more
meaningful and pleasing than just witnessing
its beauty.“
(Albert Heim, 1878, Swiss Geologist)

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