Si Tanggang's Homecoming 2.1 2

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By: Nadine Azira
Edited by : Ameer Rayyan

Narrator Assalammualaikumwarrahmatullahiwabarakatuh! Good evening to all. Since childhood,

we have been told by our grandparents and parents about famous Malay folk tales; Si
Luncai Terjun Dengan Labunya, Lebai Malang, Pak Pandir and Sang Kelembai who
curse people into stones. From these stories, we learnt so many moral values and life
lessons that we can practise in our life. Well, today we are going to learn more from
another tale, mmm, but be alert is it is a bit different from the original version. Tonight,
we present to you, Si Tanggang’s Homecoming!!


In a balairong seri (draw hall). NAZAM BERKASIH

The King, his princess, along with the palace officers are about to watch the performance by the palace
dancers. They are celebrating the coming of Putra Nadim to Sri Lanang. As the performance ends, The
King announces some news.

Sultan Sri Today, I want to announce some very important news to both Inderapura and Sri
Lanang Lanang. My princess, the beautiful Putri Si Bujur Sireh is officially engaged to Putra
Nadim from Inderapura and the wedding will take place in a month’s time. I hope this
union will encourage more cooperation and bring more prosperity to both nations.
Anakanda Putra Nadim, please take good care of our beloved princess.

Putra Nadim Don’t worry, my king. I will protect her with all my heart and make sure she will always
be happy.

Sultan Boleh panggil Abah dah ni…

The prince just nods shyly.

Sultan In 2 weeks, Panglima Tanggang will send Princess Si Bujur Sireh to Inderapura for the
wedding preparation. Moh la Nadim, lapor dah ni. Let’s eat before you sail home
Ha, anakanda ku, Princess Si Bujur Sireh, you will have to start learning more on how
to be a good wife. Jangan asik berjaga malam main PUBG. She doesn’t even know
how to cook kari, Nadim. The other day, she made sambal belacan…rasa budu…

They walk together and their conversation fades as they walk out. Tanggang notices that the princess does
not look happy.

Tanggang My princess, I know what is in your heart. But, what choice do we have?

Putri SBS Tuanku Abah sent me abroad to study and be educated. He told me to be a strong lady
who always believe in my own intuition. But then he did this? He didn’t even ask me
before he bestowed me to Nadim. And YOU didn’t say anything!
Tanggang signals the princess to lower her voice.

Pak Inang 1 Ha…tau takutttt…

Tanggang Ala, dinda ni. Kang Tuanku dengar tumpor le kanda. I have to go home to see my
mother first and tell her about us. But every time I ask for annual leave from Tuanku, he
never approves it. It has been 10 years since I last saw my mother. I miss her so
terribly...If I send you to Inderapura, we can stop by my island, Pulau Limau Bali. We
can meet my mother and ask for her blessing.

Putri SBS Hmm…You better walk the talk. If you are unable to do it, I will act on my own.

Di tengah perang memukul beduk,

Selendang srikandi bermandi darah;
Biar nyawaku dihujung tanduk,
Demi kasih tetap ku redah.

Tanggang Burung tempua bersarang rendah,

Terbang melayang ke atas riba;
Usah dilayan hati nan gundah,
kelak bahagia menjelang tiba

Sabarlah, in the meantime, kita layan je lah plan cliché tuanku tu

Putra Nadim Ehem, whose plan is cliché, Tanggang?

Tanggang Oh, Tuanku Putra Nadim.

It’s just a tuition.

Pak Inang 1 and Pak Inang 2 pretend that they are reciting pantun.

Putra Nadim Dinda ku Si Bujur Sireh

Jika sirih bercalit kapur,

Taburkan sama dengan gambirnya;
Jika kasih dan rindu bercampur,
Bawa ke mana jiwa laranya ...?

Putera Nadim tries to touch the princes’s shoulder but she pushes his hands gently with her fan.
She walks away from the Prince.

Putri SBS Kuntum kembang diwaktu malam,

Kembang setaman dihujung lurah;
Ingatlah Allah penjaga alam,
Kepada Dia hati berserah.

Prince Nadim turns to Tanggang

Putra Nadim Pandai ya Si Tanggang bagi tuition pantun?

Teluk dan tanjong lagi ku sepak

Ini kan pula selasih dulang
Kapal dan jong lagi ku rompak
Ini kan pula kekasih orang

Then he turns to the princess, smiles sweetly and announces:

Putera Nadim Dinda, I’m going home. It’s very hard for me to leave you, please take care of

Layar lebar berbelok-belok,

sauh dibungkar di tempat tenang;
Yang tinggal hati tak elok,
yang pergi hati tak senang.

Kanda pergi dulu, dinda.

Putra Nadim leaves and the princess waves him goodbye. She then leaves after giving Panglima Tanggang
a glare of dissatisfaction. The two pak inang are giggling.

Pak Inang 1 Haih….

Tengah malam bawa pelita

Jatuh terlanggar kijang buruan
Patah hati membawa derita
Merajuk sampai tak tentu haluan

Pak Inang 2 Anak punai anak merbah

Anak tekukur buat sarang
Anak sungai lagi berubah
Ini pulak hati orang

You better be careful Panglima…

Panglima Tanggang is amused by the act of the two pak inang. He gives out a marching command and the
two young pak inang are forced to march out. Panglima Tanggang smiles to himself and recites a pantun.

Tanggang Kapal karam dipukul ribut

Tenggelam bersama pisang setandan
Ditekak naga hendak direbut?
Tak risaukah nyawa bercerai badan?

Putri SBS KANDA TANGGANG!! (from the backstage)

Tanggang (surprised) hai la nyawa… (He hurriedly goes out.)




Panglima Tanggang is on his way to send Putri Si Bujur Sireh to Inderaloka. The Princess is obviously not
happy. Her helpers are trying to cheer her up but to no avail. Panglima Tanggang decided to persuade her
that everything is going to be alright. At last, she is convinced and they are again at good term.

After the song, someone shouted ‘We are approaching Pulau Limau Bali!!!!’


A group of young man is getting ready for silat practice. Near the silat practice ground, there are villagers
getting ready for the Pekan Rabu of Pulau Limau Bali. There are stalls where they sell local food and
Silat tune is on. Silat practice starts. Some people are watching the activity including Si Luncai and Sang
Kelembai. After a while, the practice ends.

Belalang signals to his father that he is hungry, but Pak Belalang tells him he has no money. He asks
Belalang to ask for food from Sang Kelembai.

Sang Kelembai Luncai, what do you think of their performance? Do you think they are ready for our

Si Luncai Kelembai, ready or not, when we have the chance to strike, we must do it.

Kelembai Going against those corrupted leaders in power is the first step towards independence.
Only if I still have my power to turn people into stones!

Luncai No, you are a different person now, a good person. Mak Minah has helped you to undo
the curse.

Kelembai What about our friend, Si Tanggang? I heard rumors that he is coming home?

Luncai We have been waiting for him for so long, Kelembai. With or without him, we must
save this island.

Belalang suddenly stops playing and rubs his stomach.

Belalang Abg Luncai, I’m hungry!!

Kelembai Mu ni lapor sokmo!

Si Luncai and Sang Kelembai chat with the silat boys. They invite the silat boys to eat with them.

Cik Saadong Belalang, come and take this banana

Belalang Yeay!!!!

Cik Siti Wan Do you want milk, Belalang?


Pak Kaduk CIK SITI WAN KEMBANG, every day, you are feeding this boy. We have 12 children
to feed at home, remember?

Cik Siti Alah, pak nye pon! Bukannya luak! I pity Belalang. Since his mother passed away, he is

Si Luncai and his friends sit at the table.

Kelembai Nasi lemak 4, Mak Kuntum!!

Mak Kuntum Siap!

Luncai Mari duduk sini, Belalang.

Lebai Malang His father, Pak Belalang is over there, doing nothing with his friends. Pandir just follow
everyone around, acting tough. Mat Jenin is daydreaming of becoming rich everyday by
giving Dato Tompang useless advice.

Pak Kaduk They are ‘very busy’ helping Dato Tompang keeping our island safe for us.

Cik Saadong Dato Tompang is saving this island for himself. That greedy old man.

Lebai Indeed! He took my land without my consent!

Cik Saadong That is because you are careless. You did not read the agreement carefully!

Lebai Cik Saadong, it is true that I’m careless and stupid, but he must not take advantage of
people like us.

Mak Kuntum Dah le tu, nasi dah jadi bubur. Don’t fight over spilled milk. Learn from your mistakes
and move on. Belalang, do you want nasi lemak?

Belalang No, thank you…I already got banana milk shake!

Mak Kuntum Huih, western!

While they are eating nasi lemak, Panglima Tanggang arrives at the Pekan Rabu. He looks around. He sees
an old lady who is selling nasi lemak. He recognizes the lady as his mother who he had not seen in 10
years. He is thinking of the best, most appropriate thing to say to her. After a while he heads towards the
old lady, Mak Kuntum.

Cik Saadong He is so handsome. Who is that Siti?

Lebai Ai, Saadong?!

Tanggang approaches Mak Kuntum. The lady notices Tanggang, but she is unsure of who the young man

Tanggang Ibu…Assalamualaikum.

When she looks carefully at the man, she notices that he is actually her son who has been away for so long.
She is angry with Tanggang, so she wants to ignore him.

Mak Kuntum Waalaikummusalam, yes sir. Do you want to buy nasik lemak?

Tanggang It’s me, Ibu. Tanggang, your son. Don’t you recognize me?

Mak Kuntum tries to hide her sadness from Tanggang.

Mak Kuntum You don’t look like Tanggang. You are not my son. He left 10 years ago. My son is a
poor man, not like you.

Tanggang I am Tanggang, ibu. I’m back.

The man tries to hug the old lady but she backs away from him.

Tanggang Ibu? I’m sorry I took so long to come back. I’m back for good. Ibu, I’m rich now. I
come back to make you happy.

Ibu Happy? Do you know the meaning of that word, sir? Happy is when I have my son with
me. Happy is when my son is in my arms. He left me all alone to suffer. No, not from
poverty, out from the pain of missing him. For 10 years my heart ache for his voice, my
eyes for his smiles. Please, sir. If you see him, please tell him, I’m alright. I’m used to
him not being in my arms. Go tell him that, Sir.

Tanggang Ibu…

Mak Kuntum turns her back from him, wiping off the tears from her eyes. Si Luncai and Sang Kelembai
are concerned about Mak Kuntum, so they approach her.

Luncai Mak Kuntum, are you okay?

Kelembai Mister, what do you want? You are the rich man from the big ship, aren’t you? What
business do you have here? Why did you make Mak Kuntum cry?

Luncai Be calm, Kelembai. Never let anger get the best of you.

Tanggang You never change my friend, Luncai. Calm and poised.

Luncai approaches the man and inspects him closely. He sniffs Tanggang’s armpit and realizes that the
man is his old friend, Si Tanggang.

Luncai I know that smell. Tanggang!!!!! It’s you!! You are really back, Tanggang!

Tanggang Alhamdullillah, Luncai. I’m home! Kelembai, do you still curse and turn people into

Kelembai No…No…I’m a changed man, Mak Kuntum helped me undo the spell.

Luncai Look at you now! You look smashing!

Tanggang I’m still the same Tanggang. I never change, my brother.

Mak Kuntum Now you are rich.

Tanggang As I promised. I will come back when I’m rich. Now, you can have everything you
want, Ibu.

Ibu I want my son. My old Tanggang.

Tanggang Awan berarak dihujung malam,

Jalan selisih ke hujung lembah;
Rindu dendam lama tersulam,
Kunjung anak mohon menyembah.

Ibu Sulam benang di kain tipis,

Kain sulam warnanya merah;
Makin dikenang makin menghiris,
Tinggalkan ibu dalam sejarah.

Tanggang Ibu…


Ibu walks away. Tanggang tries to follow her but Luncai stops him.

Luncai Let her cool down first, my friend. Ha..there, nasik lemak!

Tanggang Ha….nasik lemak mak aku…

Tanggang sits and opens the nasi lemak. He is ready to eat it but there is no spoon. Pak Kaduk passes one
to him.

Kelembai She misses you so much, Tanggang. She always said you would come back.

Tanggang I want to comeback earlier but cuti tak lepas!

Tanggang tries to eat the nasi lemak, but Luncai pats on his back.

Luncai The heart sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend. Give her some time, my
brother. She will understand eventually.

He is again trying to eat but Kelembai asks him a question.

Kelembai I heard you brought a princess here? Where is she?

Tanggang Yes, she is here somewhere. She will come, don’t worry.

Tanggang is about to put the nasi lemak into his mouth when suddenly his phone rings. He takes out his
handphone and answers the call. Both Luncai and Kelembai are fascinated by the device.

Tanggang Ha…sayang, leraih le. Komer kat mana tu?

Luncai Eh, Sayang??

Kelembai Mata air dia ke?

3 beautiful ladies enter, along with the two pak inang. Luncai and Kelembai are even more excited.
Tanggang ends up standing and introducing the princess and her helpers to both his friends.

Tanggang I present to you, Putri Sibujur Sireh. This is Serai Wangi and Halia Bara. They are her

Kelembai What cort?

Luncai Pengiring…pengiring…English education!!

Kelembai Ha….ha…..sumpah kang!

Luncai Astaghfirullah….astaghfirullah……(calming Kelembai down)

Tanggang My darling, these two men here are my best friends, Si Luncai and Sang Kelembai.

Putri SBS Assalamualaikum.

Both Walaikumsalam.

Kelembai Welcome to our humble island, Princess Putri Sibujur Sireh, Halia Bara, Serai Wangi.

Luncai Masya Allah…..wanginyaaaa….

Kelembai Astaghfirullah….astaghfirullah……(calming Luncai down)

Tanggang This is Upin and this Ipin.


Pak Inang 1 Hai hampaaaaa…

Tanggang Heh!

Pak Inang 2 Yo! Bro!!

Putri SBS This place is exactly like what you told me before. This island is so beautiful. I’m glad
we decided to stop by. Maybe we can even stop here forever one day. (cute smile
towards Tanggang)

Tanggang Insha Allah.

Luncai Haih…lain macam…

Halia Bara We can do a lot here.

Serai Wangi We can build schools for the children.

Halia Bara We can also build a Centre for Women. They can have access to education, jobs and
other opportunities.

Luncai Wow, women empowerment. That is obviously one of the things needed here.

Serai Wangi Yes, abang Luncai. We can help create a brighter future for everyone.

Halia Bara We can also help unemployed, stay-at-home mothers

Kelembai I can teach them how to turn things to stones.

Serai Wangi Wow, I am sure we can do a lot of things with stones…

Kelembai Wangi, you are the first person who sees that positively.
Dah la wangi, pandai pulak tu…

Putri SBS I think we already have a good team here.

Eh, Kanda Tanggang. Where is your mother. When are we going to meet her?

Si Tanggang’s expression changes.

Putri SBS Hinggap di dahan burung kenari

Jatuh seekor luka sayapnya
Murung wajah tiada berseri
Tersentuh hati apa sebabnya?
Tanggang Ke Sulawesi mencari leja
Lejanya bertenun cantik bersulam
Hilanglah sudah tempat bermanja
Hatinya terguris luka nan dalam

Pak Inang 1 Alahh panglima…

Jauh benar ke Sulawesi

Songket juga cantik bergaya
Keras keras si kerak nasi
Curah air lembut lah dia

Pak Inang Cabai burung pedas membara

Sulam bersama nasi nan hangit
Pelan-pelan menyusun cara
Hujan tak akan naik ke langit

Sabaq na…

Luncai & Betul3!


Mat Jenin and his friends arrive.

Orang Depa mai dahhhh!

Pandir So, you ARE back Tanggang? We saw the people from your ship at the penambang.

Tanggang Pandir, glad to see you again my brother. (Mat Jenis pushes Tanggang’s hand away)

Mat Jenin Ah, we know you are back because you want to show off your wealth to us…your
beautiful princess and your big ship. Unless, you want to give each of us land and
chicken and cows and I can…

Tanggang Mat Jenin, this is my home. I have promised my mother I would come back after I
finished my study at MCKK and UK. It’s not that I don’t want to come back earlier
but…cuti tak lepas!!!

Pandir Alasan!! Then, what do you want now? Your mother is crying now, saying that you
have changed a lot. Anak derhaka!

Tanggang I went away for education. I did it because I needed to change my thoughts to change
our world! I left for 10 years, and our place is still like this.

Mat Jenin And what is wrong with it? This has been our way of life since the old days.
I reckon that now you want to change it? Change us here like you changed yourself?
Putri SBS Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there.

Tanggang You need to see the outside world Pandir. That way you will see things that you are
missing out.

Pandir So, that is how you see us? Poor and stupid and ignorant?

Serai Wangi Tuan Tanggang loves his people. He only wants the best for everyone.

Dato Tompang A finely crafted insult.

Pak Belalang An insult nevertheless.

Dato Tompang Why are you back Tanggang? Tell me the truth.

Tanggang It’s time to give back to my people.

Dato Tompang laughs cynically.

Dato Tompang After 10 years?

All Cuti tak lepas!

Tanggang Can you explain why after 10 years since I left, there is no school on our island? How
do the children here get education?

Dato Tompang Education is like a double-edged sword. It may turn dangerous if it is not properly
handled. Human history becomes a catastrophe because of modern education!

Tanggang Education builds the nation, Dato!

Putri SBS We cannot always build the future for our children, but we can build our children for the
future. We can only do that through education!

Mat Jenin Like educating a lady who have the audacity to meddle in the men’s affair?

Serai Wangi Are you afraid of strongminded ladies?

Halia Bara We must not let our doubts and misconceptions become traitors of our intelligence.

Putri SBS They make us lose our will to strive, by embedding the fear of attempts!

Tanggang I just want to donate all that I have for the betterment of our home.

Mak Kuntum A good home must be made, not bought.

Putri SBS Education will free us from poverty.

Mak Kuntum Like how it lets Tanggang fly free? Free our children from traditional values? Forgetting our
roots? Ignoring the elderly?

Tanggang Ibu, I never forget! (a slightly higher tone)


Pandir/ Derhaka!!! Tanggang anak derhaka!

Mat Jenin Dato, there are always 2 reasons for doing anything, a good reason and the real reason.

Pak Belalang Indeed, Mat Jenin. Dato, this man is dangerous to us and the whole island Dato! If we
let him roam around, he will poison everyone with his ideals.

Pandir He must be stopped!

Mat Jenin Pak Belalang is right, Dato Tompang.

Dato Tompang Very well. As the leader here, I will listen to what my people say. Guards, seize Si
Tanggang! He is not only derhaka to his mother, but also to his bangsa!

Everyone: Derhaka! Derhaka! Derhaka! Derhaka!

The guards quickly grab Si Tanggang. They try to do the same with the princess but Upin and Ipin protect
Tanggang tries to defend himself but one of the guards points a spear towards Mak Kuntum. He gives in
and get arrested.

Putri SBS Kanda!

Tanggang Don’t worry, Dinda. I will be alright!

Seeing this Si Luncai and Sang Kelembai shield the ladies and they manage to run away together. The silat
boys stop the guards from chasing after them.

Pak Belalang They are running away Dato!

Dato Tompang Who? The young ladies and the two cowards? They can’t do anything Pak Belalang.
They will run back to their posh ship and sail away. See, your lovely educated princess
has left you here by yourself. Is that the education and modernization you want to instill
in our society?

Tanggang Kelopak kubis diselak-selak,

Buat kerabu terlajak pedas;
Tidak menepis, tidak mengelak,
Silalah buku bertemu ruas.

Pandir Jawab tok jawabbbb!

Dato Tompang Hmmm….mmmm

Mat Jenin Adoi jawab Tok

Dato Tompang Ahhhh….!!


Petang-petang menangkap kera

Masuklah engkau dalam penjara!

Ha…balik…balik semua!!

Mak Kuntum finally realizes her mistake and feels guilty for letting Dato Tompang does such an unfair act
towards Tanggang. Tanggang looks at his mother.

Tanggang Biar luruh pinang setandan,

Sayang rotan melilit dedalu;
Biar runtuh tanah banjaran,
Sungai tak akan mengalir ke hulu.

Ibu Tanggang, my son.

Everyone leaves the place. Ibu meanders towards the end of the stage. Her mind is overwhelmed by the
reminiscence of the day Tanggang left her 10 years ago.


At the centre of the stage a lady is folding some clothes. A young, lively boy enters with a pigeon in one
hand and a letter in another.

Young Ibu! Ibu! Look at this ibu! I got the offer letter from my dream school. Look! Look!!
Tanggang The pigeon sent it.

Mak Kuntum Eh, ni burung balam ni.

Mak Kuntum takes the letter and reads it.

Mak Kuntum The date of this letter is 2 weeks ago. Ya Allah, it says here they will come and pick you
up on 25th December. It’s today!

Tanggang Yes…we must get ready. Ibu where is my baju…my shoes…owh why la the pigeon is
so…late…ko sesat eh?

Mak Kuntum Mmm, ibu cook your favourite sambal bilis tempoyak today. I also put petai. Come eat.

Tanggang It almost noon, ibu. They will arrive anytime. Pack it for me. I will eat on the way. Ibu
where is my SpongeBob spender??

Tanggang holds up a torn baju melayu. He then tosses it away. Mother takes it and holds it tight.

Mak Kuntum Tanggang, can you please not go? You are my only son. If you go what about me?

Tanggang realizes that his mother is reluctant to let him go. He sits in front of his mother.

Tanggang Ibu, I will go to study. I will get education…I want to be somebody…We talked about
this before. Remember what late Ayah said? We cannot always build the future for our
children, but we can build our children for the future. Through education!

Mak Kuntum But you will be so far away for at least 5 years. I will die missing you.

Tanggang Ibu, only five years. Then I will be back, with success and then I will be a rich man and
at that time I can give you everything you ever wanted, ibu.

Mak Kuntum I want my son.

The sound of helicopter is heard. So Tanggang is again excited and putting his clothes into a sack.

Tanggang They are here ibu!

A man arrives and greets them.

PK HEM Assalamualaikum, puan. We are here to invite Si Tanggang and go to our school.

Mak Kuntum But, tuan. He is so young. And I have no one else. His clothes…his food…I have no
money…we have nothing.

PK HEM Don’t worry, puan. I will take care of everything for him, even the scholarship. The
most important thing is we must think of his future. Tanggang, do you want to study in

Tanggang nods his head.

PK HEM Say goodbye to your mother. I will wait. Eh, give me the pigeon, sekolah punya tu.

Mak Kuntum Burung Balam tu cikgu.

Tanggang turns to his mother.

Tanggang I love you, Ibu. This is hard for me too, but I want to see the world and learn new
things. I will take good care of myself and I will come back to you.
I promise. Please, Ibu…please give your blessing…

Mak Kuntum slowly nods.

Tanggang Thank you ibu! You must take care of yourself. Don’t cry. Don’t remarry! Good bye

Mak Kuntum Ha, tak boleh ke?

Ibu cries but suddenly remembers something. She quickly opens the food cover and fold the sambal. But

she is too late as Tanggang has already left.

Ibu Tanggang! Your bilis tempoyak! Tanggang!! Anak ibu….Ya Allah please take care of
my son. Please help him fulfill all his dreams. Aku redho Ya Allah!

- End of flashback –

Mak Minah takes out an old baju melayu from her basket, holding it tight and quickly wipes of her tears.
She gets up and leaves.


Mak Kuntum meet Princess Si Bujur Sireh and her helpers on the way to the prison.

Puteri SBS Ibu…

Mak Kuntum Ampun tuan puteri, patik…

Puteri SBS Ibu, I beg you to forgive Si Tanggang ibu. He is not entirely at fault for postponing his
homecoming, but never in his heart did he ever forgets you.

Mak Kuntum Ha ye lah. Cuti tak lepas kan??

Serai Wangi You should be proud of your son, Mak Kuntum. He is polite, intelligent and handsome

Mak Kuntum Ishh, tak payah puji sangat aih.

Halia Bara You know, Mak Kuntum. He has helped our country in so many ways. Now I know
how to read and count because of him.

Pak Inang ..and he taught us about pantun.

Mak Kuntum Is that true?

Puteri SBS Of course, Ibu. I fell in love with him because he holds on to all the positive values you
taught him.

Mak Kuntum I am sorry for getting so overwhelmed with emotions. I miss him so much, that’s why
I’m angry. I misunderstood you too, Princess. I thought you were snobbish because you
are rich. I was wrong.

Puteri SBS Never mind, ibu.

Halia Bara Now, we can think of a way to help Tuan Tanggang. I think we need to investigate why
Dato Tompang is so afraid of development.

Mak Kuntum We need to hurry. They will put Tanggang on trial in two days’ time.

Pak Inang 2 Don’t worry, Mak Kuntum. We will do our best.

Halia Bara Abang Kelambai said he will talk to Belalang because Belalang might know a lot of
things. Then, Abang Luncai and Abang Kelembai will wait for us near the river.

Puteri SBS I have also sent message to Putra Nadim to help us. Please pray for us, Ibu.

Ibu Always, my daughter. Be careful.

Pak Inang Kami kan adaaaa!!

They go separate ways.


Dato Tompang and his people are discussing about Tanggang. Belalang follows his father to the meeting
but is busy playing with his toys.

Mat Jenin We better be extra careful this time. I’m worried about Luncai and Kelembai. Sooner or
later, they will know about what really is happening down south Pulau Limau Bali.

Dato Tompang That is why I have alerted someone very important. Only this person could help us.

Pandir Who is it?

A smart looking man emerges with a beautiful lady. (Asmaradana tune is on). Everybody bows. Pandir
and Mat Jenin arrange the seats for the couple.

Dato Tompang Orang Kaya Jalak Lenteng, how are you?

Orang Kaya Jalak Lenteng ignores the question.

Orang Kaya Is it true, Dato Tompang? I heard someone is trying to get in our way? What is your
Jalak Lenteng plan about this man? I learnt that he is a Panglima?

Dato Tompang Orang Kaya, fear is a disease that eats away at logic. Don’t worry, Dato. Everything is
under control.

Orang Kaya Is that a wise thing to do? They said he is on his way to send a princess from Sri Lanang
to Inderapura. Where is the princess?

Putri G. Ledang Ha…ha….(warning)

Orang Kaya I’m only checking the situation…nothing else. Promise.


Dato Tompang She’s gone! We checked the big ship they arrived in. Also gone. In my opinion, these
beautiful women are really empty in the head, Orang Kaya.

Putri G. Ledang Say that again? You know Dato Tompang, the tongue is an organ that all parts of the
body should seek refuge from. Especially in your case.

Dato Tompang I mean, these silly young girls…not a posh, charismatic Queen like you.

Putri G. Ledang What if the King of Sri Lanang comes and attacks you?

Mat Jenin We will fight back, of course.

Putri G. Ledang You? Fight a nation? Have you ever seen cannons and mortars?

Pandir They are like Meriam buluh, right? Order…order. (Pandir signals Saudagar to write
what to buy)

Saudagar Order Meriyamm…(writing something in the note book)

Orang Kaya 2 things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the
Putri G. Ledang Baby…

Orang Kaya Shayang…

Putri G. Ledang You said you bought me a beautiful island. But this is not beautiful at all. You said
Pulau Bali, but actually Pulau Limau Bali. Mencik tau!

Orang Kaya Aha, wait until you know the amazing secret it has down south.

Putri G. Ledang What is it? Can we go there?

Saudagar Ali Not yet, tuan Putri. Orang Kaya must first sign the agreement. Then, the place will be
Baba yours.

Saudagar Ali Baba tries to get Orang Kaya Jalak Lenteng to sign the agreement, but the Princess still has

Putri G. Ledang Wait, but some people said there’s a big tiger there? It must be very dangerous!

Pandir No! No such thing as Harimau Gergasi. That is just a cover up. Actually, there is a…

Mat Jenin and Pak Belalang cover Pandir’s mouth and drag him away to the back.

Saudagar Otak…

Saudagar still tries to get the signature but Orang Kaya pushes the pen away.

Orang Kaya Well, about this Tanggang. What are you going to do with him?

Dato Tompang Tomorrow we will put him on trial and we will easily find him guilty. Even his mother
refused to accept him. It is easy to get rid of Tanggang.

Orang Kaya Let’s be ready for tomorrow. Maybe we should not underestimate this young man called
Tanggang. Everything should be done smoothly. Are you sure it will work?

Belalang If you want guarantee, buy a toaster!

Saudagar Toaster…

Dato Tompang Belalang…...! Sure, sure Orang Kaya. See you tomorrow. (They both leave)

Saudagar is frustrated because he fails to get Orang Kaya’s signature. One of Orang Kaya’s bodyguard
give Saudagar a warning glare when he still tries to stop Orang Kaya from leaving.

Dato Tompang Huh! Berlagak betul! One day you will know who I am. I am Dato Tompang!!!

Belalang Menumpang je pun….

Dato Tompang Apa dia Belalang? Go home! Go!

Dato Tompang turns to Saudagar Ali Baba

Dato Tompang lagi sorang! Lembab bebeno…

Saudagar Hair dryer…

Dato Tompang leaves in anger. Saudagar and the rest follows him. Belalang skips around happily before
someone stops him. It is Sang Kelembai. He is shocked at first but then they exchange hellos.

Kelembai So? Any news?

Belalang Tengok orang la!! Ni Belalang tauuuuu….

Kelembai That’s my boy! Let’s go! (They go out together)

Intermission: A poem recitation.



the physical journey that i traverse
is a journey of the soul,
transport of the self from a fatherland

to a country collected by sight and mind,

the knowledge that sweats from it
is a stranger's knowledge,
from one who has learnt to see, think
and choose between
the changing realities.

it's true i have growled at my mother and grandmother
but only after having told of my predicament
that they have never brought to reason.
in the country that alienated me
the took to their predecisions.
i have not entirely returned, i know,
having been changed by time and place,
coarsened by problems
estranged by absence.

but look,
i have brought myself home,
seasoned by confidence,
broadened by land and languages,
i am no longer afraid of the oceans
or the differences between people,
not easily fooled
by words or ideas.
the journey was a loyal teacher
who was never tardy
in explaining cultures or variousness.
look, i am just like you,
still malay,
sensitive to what
i believe is good,
and more ready to understand
than my brothers.
the contents of these boats are yours too
because i have returned.
travels made me
a seeker who does not take
what is given without sincerity
or that which demands payments from beliefs.
the years at sea and coastal states
have taught me to choose,
to accept only those tested by comparison,
or that which matches the words of my ancestors,

which returns me to my village

and its perfection.
i've learnt
the ways of the rude
to hold reality in a new logic,
debate with hard and loud facts.
but i too am humble, respecting
man and life.

i am not a new man,
nor very different
from you;
the people and cities
of coastal ports
taught me not to brood
over a foreign world,
suffer difficulties
or fear possibilities.

i am you,
freed from the village,
its soil and ways
independent, because
i have found myself.


Si Tanggang is put in the prison. Si Badang is guarding the cell. Si Tanggang is feeling a bit down thinking
about his mother and Putri Si Bujur Sireh.

Badang Try to get some rest Tanggang. Tak baik mengeluh..

Si Tanggang Sirih kasih di pucuk pauh

Kuntum melati sukar di gubah
Biar jiwa bercerai jauh
Di dalam hati jangan berubah

Badang Hendak gugur, gugurlah bunga


Jangan menimpa si ranting rapuh

Hendak tidur, tidurlah mata
Jangan mengenang orang nan jauh

Eh, ini bukan lagu ke Tanggang??

A tune to ‘Kesuma Jiwa’ is heard.

Badang Siapa ituuuuu……

Mak Kuntum Coba tekaaaaaa……

Mak Kuntum Assalamualaikum, Badang.

Badang W’alaikumussalam Mak Kuntum. I thought the one singing was my sweetheart, Dang
Harum Malam

Mak Kuntum Harum Malam? Ada tadi dia tgh terbang dari pokok besor depan tu.

Badang She’s so athletic kan?! Very fit!

Eh, what are you doing here? It is already midnight. Do you want to visit your son?

Mak Kuntum Yes, Badang. May I see him for a while? You know he is innocent, right? I won’t ask
you to let him go, just let me talk to him for a bit.

Badang I don’t know la Mak Kuntum. I might get in trouble.

Mak Kuntum Ko ni nama je Badang,penakut bebeno. Ha…mak kau nak beranak lagi kan?

Badang Yes, yes, Mak Kuntum. I will have my 16th sister very soon!

Mak Kuntum Ha….tak nak tolong kang?

Badang Ala, Mak Kuntum…please help my mother, Mak Kuntum.

(Ibu signals that she wants to go in)

Badang Ye lah…ye lah…kejap je…Promise?? (Mak Kuntum nods her head)

Tanggang actually realizes his mother is coming to see him, so he is trying to get her sympathy. As she
approaches the cell, Mak Kuntum hears Tanggang reciting a pantun

Tanggang Bila menangis terhiris sembilu,

Pedih terasa hingga ke malam;
Bila berlapis sebak dan pilu,
Disitu hiba duduk terpendam.

Mak Kuntum Sayang songket bertenun kemas,


Sudah kemas berbunga indah;

Jangan dikenang perkara nan lepas,
Bagai emas ditempa tak sudah.

Tanggang Ibu! Oh, ibuuuuu…kau disiram bayu pagi…

Mak Kuntum Udoh le…don’t sing. Dari dulu sampai sekarang tetap tak sedap.

Tanggang I knew it Ibu… You believe me. I know you will always love me!

Mak Kuntum I will always love you? I’m not Whitney Houston! Lepas ni, aku kejor kamu keliling
pulau dengan parang! Apa dibuat lama bebeno tak balik-balik.

Badang Cuti tak lep…

Mak Kuntum Hah! Nak kena jugak?

Tanggang Ibu…. I really miss your Sambal Bilis Petai Tempoyak. Can you cook it for me?

Mak Kuntum takes out something from her basket.

Mak Kuntum Taraaaaa!!!

Tanggang Cayalah Ibu…bawak sini. Lapar ni.

Tanggang tries to take the small basket but the cell is too narrow.

Badang Ala..apa susah sangat tu...jap aku tolong.

Badang changes the position of the prison cell. Then, he stands near the cell, observing the food brought by
Mak Kuntum.

Badang Ehem…ehem…

Mak Kuntum Marilah…ada lagi ni.

Badang Wihuuuuu!!! Thank you, Mak Kuntum.

Tanggang Sebok je la ko ni. Suh la mak ko masak.

Badang My mother is busy beranak…beranakkkk je... Anyway, everybody knows your mother’s
sambal bilis tempoyak with petai is the best in the world.
Mak Kuntum, how do we help Tanggang tomorrow? Do we have any plan?

Mak Kuntum Ukir bersungguh halwa berbiku,

Pisang sipengat santan diperah;
Patah paruh bertongkat siku,

Habis keringat berganti darah.

Insha Allah, God will send help to us.

Tanggang Si Bujur Sireh will know what to do.

Badang The princess? I heard she has left this island.

Tanggang Don’t judge a book by its cover. Even though she is only sekeping, but she is very, very
intelligent! She is from TKC …

Badang Owh, yang jual ayam tu?


Badang Ohhhh…TKC…(‘love’ sign)

Tanggang I met her during a debate tournament…

Badang Don’t tell me you lost to her!

Tanggang MCKK boys are gentlemen, ladies first.

Badang Cakap je lah ko gatal. Eh, can you help my brothers enroll in MCKK? F1, F2, F3, F4 …
FORM 5…Ha… If they are all accepted, lapang… sikit rumah aku.

Tanggang Penuh ngan adik kau aje sekolah tu. Pening leee HM!


Morning comes and everyone has gathered at the court. The guards are arranging the seat for the VIPs.
Badang takes Tanggang out of the prison. He does not tie Tanggang, but he still guards him.

Mat Jenin Announcing, the arrival of Orang Kaya Jalak Lenteng Of Pulau Limau Purut and his
beloved fiancé, Putri Gunung Ledang! (ASMARADANA)

They take their seat and Dato Tompang starts his speech.

Dato Tompang Orang kampung sekalian!! We gather here today to decide on the punishment we need
to give to Tanggang for being a bad influence to our island. If found guilty, he will be
thrown into the Batu Belah Batu Bertangkup!

Ibu Tanggang deserves a fair trial. At least half of us here believe that Tanggang does not
mean any harm.

Badang Yes!!!! He has done nothing wrong!

Mat Jenin He is trying to poison us with his idea of modernization. Build big buildings, schools of
modern thinking. But the truth is he wants to take over this island for himself.

Cik Saadong Mat Jenin, development will lead to economic growth. More people get stable
income and eventually get out of poverty. That is what he is trying to bring here.
Think of all the kambing, ayam and itik you can have!

Mat Jenin starts to daydream, but is startled out of his monotonous reverie when Pak Belalang

Pak Belalang Ah, so far no one ever dies of starvation on this island!

Cik Siti That’s an argument of a lazy person like you. Engkau kalau boleh menoreh getah pun
kau nak buat sambil baring! Lebai, can you tell us what happen to you last year? How
did you lose almost all your land?

Lebai Malang I lost 10 acres of my land. They said they want to rent my land and prepare the…em…

Tanggang Lease Affidavit for Rented Land?

Lebai Malang Yes, but the agreement is too difficult to understand. So, I just sign without reading it

Badang Then what happen?

Lebai Malang The agreement papers were actually property transfer affidavit. I only realized it when I
want to get the rent money. They said I have actually lost my land!
All Malang…malang!

Dato Tompang But Lebai, that is because you are careless. It has nothing to do with developing our

Lebai But if I was educated like Tanggang I would be able to comprehend the legal terms.
And if I was not too lazy or too greedy, I wouldn’t lose my precious land!

Badang That is the importance of education! Kan, Tanggang.

Tanggang Don’t worry Lebai. I will buy your land back for you. We will make sure no one can
take our land henceforth.

Dato Tompang (laughing) I think that would be a bit late. Right, Orang Kaya? Tuan Saudagar Ali

Saudagar shows the signed agreement proudly to everyone.


Saudagar (To Dato Tompang) twenty five percent!

Orang Kaya Yes, I have bought this island. Dato Tompang will be my official representative here
and all of you must obey us.

There are murmurs among the villagers

Lebai In my case, it was ignorance. I admit it was my fault. Orang Kaya, you could not
possibly buy the whole island!

Cik Saadong We didn’t sign anything legal. You are trying to fool us all.

Villagers (Everyone is protesting while Saudagar Ali Baba is pompously showing everyone the
signed agreement)

Saudagar Sain dahhh…sain dahhhhh…(to the beautiful girls ) sain dah ni (give flying kiss)

Tanggang Calm down everyone.

Pak Kaduk There must be something very important about this island or else you wouldn’t buy it.
Cer citer?!

Cik Saadong Pak Kaduk is right. What are you hiding from everyone?

Belalang I know! I know!

Pak Belalang Belalang! What are you doing?

Belalang Ayah, I’m sorry. But I need to speak the truth. There is NO Harimau Gergasi down
south. Dato Tompang planned everything. He sold us all to that pakcik. I always listen
to them talking about their activities down south.

Mat Jenin Are we going to listen to this little child? We sell this land so that Orang Kaya will take
care of us.

Cik Siti You mean take care of you, and your friends. The villagers will remain poor and
uneducated. It will be easier for you to control us if we know nothing.

Cik Saadong Come on, Belalang. Tell your father what you want.

Belalang Ayah, this is not the life I want. I want to go to school and be educated like Abang
Tanggang. I want to travel and see the world.

Cik Siti Belalang, do you know what is the secret of down south? Cer kabor. Nanti Acik Siti
upah susu ya…

Belalang nods profusely.

Belalang GOLD.


(Gasps and enthusiast chatting among the villagers.)

Dato Tompang Nonsense!

Belalang Tuan Puteri…

Putri Sibujur Sireh and her friends emerge from behind the crowd. Putra Nadim is also with them.

Pandir Eh? You bukan lari balik kampung ka?

Dato Tompang Guards, seize the intruders!

Putra Nadim Soldiers!!

A group of soldiers surround the court place.

Putri SBS We must listen to Belalang. He knows a lot of things about a secret plan orchestrated by
Dato Tompang and his comrades. We know something is going on at the south of Pulau
Limau Bali.

Luncai Tell them Belalang.

Belalang Ayah and his friends planned to get rid of Abangg Tanggang. They do not want us to
listen to Abang Tanggang because they realize education will improve everything on
this island. After I heard the conversation between that pakcik and Dato Tompang, I
immediately told Abang Kelembai about their plan.

Putri SBS This island is full of natural resources. No wonder you are so worried when Panglima
Tanggang came back and plan to develop it. So, while retreating, we decided to have
our own tour around this stupendously amazing paradise.

Halia Bara Then we discover something…

Serai Wangi We know you dirty secret!

Dato Tompang ...and what is that?!

Luncai Tanggang, your father was not eaten by the giant tiger because there is NO giant tiger.

Tanggang Then, how did he die?


Putri G.Ledang Your father discovered gold down south and told Dato Tompang about it. Dato
Tompang being a greedy man wanted to keep the gold all to himself so Dato Tompang
killed your father.

Mak Kuntum So, it is true that you killed my husband!

Dato Tompang Sabor! Sabor! Wait! Putri Gunung Ledang, you are now on their side?

Putri G.Ledang Actually, I’m not Putri G.Ledang.

Mat Jenin Owh, patut le tak lawa sangat…

Putri G.Ledang My real name is Inspector Bawang Merah.

Pandir Bawang merah? Bawang Putih mana??

Everybody just sigh. Putri Gunung Ledang a.k.a Inspector Bawang Merah just ignores Pandir.

Putri G.Ledang I was sent by the Prince of Inderapura, Putra Nadim to investigate on the illegal
underground trading of gold. We tracked the dealer to this island, which is Saudagar Ali

Pandir Orang Kaya! Are you going to let her ruin our plan?

Putri G.Ledang Kadiaq!

Orang Kaya Yes, Madam!!

Putri G.Ledang Report on the position of our team

Orang Kaya The island is currently surrounded by soldiers, madam!

Putra Nadim Dato Tompang you are under arrest. Officers!

Dato Tompang Ahhhh!!!! It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees! Surrender?? Never!

Dato Tompang tries to run away, but he slips. The Bodyguards arrest him.

Mak Kuntum Ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku…manusia ini telah menganiayai suami ku Ya ALLAH!!!

Dato Tompang Ehh….ehhh….aku bukan anak kau la Mak Kuntum..nak sumpah-sumpah aku pulak.
Dulu aku ajak kawin, ko tanak!

Ibu Ya Allah tuhan yang maha berkuasa, kembalikan lah kekuatan sang Kelembai!

Thunder rumbles in the sky and suddenly Sang Kelembai roars loudly. He looks sternly at Dato Tompang.
Dato Tompang is so afraid of Kalembai.

Dato Tompang Jangan Kelembai! Jangan!!!!

Sang Kelembai Boo!

Dato Tompang is so shook, he goes stone cold numb.

Putra Nadim Ha…apa tunggu sheikh? Angkut!

Mat Jenin Adoi…mcm mana nak jadi orang kaya macam ni?
Kambing, ayam semua tak sempat beli

Kelembai Huiiii…pandai Mak Kuntum buat lawak eh…Lucky, I understood the assignment.

Mak Kuntum Alhamdullillah.

Some undercover officers lift Dato Tompang away and everyone involves is taken under arrest.

Belalang Ayaaah!!

Belalang runs to his father and hugs him tightly

Pandir Huh! Anak kau yang derhaka sebenarnya!

Pak Belalang Tidak! Tidak!

Putera Nadim Take him away!

The officers take Pandir away.

Officers Jalan! Jalan!

Belalang Ikan termbakul di celah batu

Serai menimbun di tepi titi
Sarat memikul tak nampak dibahu
Berat terhimpun di dalam hati

Pak Belalang Anak ku tak bersalah. Aku yang derhaka..Lepaskan aku sebentar.

Putra Nadim signals the officer to let Pak Belalang hugs his son.

Pak Belalang I’m sorry Belalang. I’m supposed to show you a good example. Ayah has realized one
thing now.

Ramai orang mencari rusa

Sekali tembak kaki terpilin
Ramai juga menjadi penguasa
Tapi tak layak jadi pemimpin

I’m proud of you my son. You know the difference between good and bad.

Pak Kaduk We hope you will come back as a better person, Pak Belalang.

Pak Belalang nods his head.

Pak Belalang Kuntum, can you please take care of Belalang?

Mak Kuntum Of course. Everyone here loves Belalang.

Pak Belalang Good Bye Belalang. Take care of yourself.

Pak Kaduk pulls Belalang away from his father and the officer takes Pak Belalang away.

Mak Kuntum Don’t be sad, okay? You will stay with Mak Kuntum from now on.

Tanggang Thank You Tuanku Putra Nadim, Inspector Bawang Merah for helping us here.

Pemimpin adil pemimpin disembah

Pemimpin zalim pemimpin disanggah

Putra Nadim Alhamdulillah. We have been spying and collecting evidence for more than 5 years.
Dato Tompang has been living a luxurious life from the illegal trading of gold. The
mission is a success. Ha, Sayang…Good Job!

Putri G.Ledang Tengkiu beibiboo!

Pak Kaduk Eimok…scandal ke?

Putri SBS Actually, Putra Nadim and Inspector Bawang Merah are engaged.

Tanggang So, you are not going to marry Putri Si Bujur Sireh?

Putra Nadim Tuanku Abah and I had a secret plan to prank the two of you. Ko la Tanggang. Lambat
sangat nak masuk meminang.

Tanggang Well, I need approval from my mother first. Tuanku la, tak nak bagi aku cuti. Ha, Ibu
approve tak ni??

Mak Kuntum Lulus…After this, we are going to have a kenduri to celebrate you and Si Bujur Sireh

Tanggang Thank you ibu…for forgiving me and accepting us.

Pak Kaduk You must be so proud of your son, Kuntum.

Putra Nadim After Tanggang marries Putri Si Bujur Sireh, he will be the next King of Sri Lanang
nation. I’m looking forward for a better cooperation between Inderapura and Sri

Lanang, Tanggang. Tapi kasi kita kawin dulu la ya, Anje.

Tanggang Congratulations and Thank You, Putera Nadim.

They shake hands.

Luncai Haih Kelembai, kita bila la pulak ye…

Kelembai Hey, aku dah ada…. (signals to Halia Bara)

Luncai Hoi lajuuuu!

Everyone is so happy that the problem ended in the positive way.

Narrator What did we learn today? A war against corruption and oppression does not always
involve bloodshed and a battle of the heart will always dissolve in clear conscience.
Love and justice shall prevail. The most important thing is, education is always the soul
to a nation.

Luncai Biar Kelapa di tepi padang,

Tumbuh naik tidak ditanda,
Biar rupa tidak dipandang,
Asal ilmu penuh didada.

Pak Kaduk Esok-esok memetik salak,

Salak dijual berganti padi,
Elok ilmu dihias akhlak,
Akhlak cantik menumbuh budi

Putri G. Ledang Ruas buluh panjang subur,

Belah-belah dibuat peti,
Ringan tulang budi ditabur,
Jadi amalan bawa ke mati

Belalang Aur meliuk di tepi laman,

Menjulang tinggi condong ke barat,
Amal baik cerminan iman,
Jaga diri sampai akhirat!


Announcing the actors and their roles.

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