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the fine art of small talk


1. Describe a typical day on the job.

2. How did you come up with this idea?
3. What got you started in this industry/area of
4. What got you interested in
5. What do you enjoy most about your profession?
6. What separates you and your firm from your
7. Why does your company______?
8. Describe some of the challenges of your profession.
9. What do you see as the coming trends in your
10. What ways have you found to be most effective for
promoting your business?
11. Describe your most important work experience.
12. What advice would you give someone just starting
in your business?
13. What one thing would you do if you knew you
could not fail?
get over your mom’s good intentions . 23

14. What significant changes have you seen take place

in your business since your start?
15. Describe the strangest incident you’ve experienced
in your business.
16. What was the best job you ever had? What was the
17. What’s the most difficult part of your job?
18. How has the Internet impacted your
19. Do you know someone who can help me ______?
20. Describe how the economy/election/summer
impacts your work.


1. What do you think of the movie/restaurant/party?

2. Tell me about the best vacation you’ve ever taken.
3. What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
4. If you could replay any moment in your life, what
would it be?
5. What one thing would you really like to own? Why?

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