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1 To print hello world.
2 To transfer 10 bytes of data from one mem loc to another.
3 To transfer 10 words of data from one mem loc to another.
4 To exchange 10 bytes of data in loc X with 10 bytes of data in loc Y.
5 To exchange 10 words of data in loc X with 10 words of data in loc Y.
6 To add two 8-bit numbers stored in location X and Y respectively, store sum at loc Z.
7 To add two 16-bit numbers stored in location X and Y respectively, store sum at loc Z.
8 To check if the given number is even or odd. Display message accordingly.
9 To check if the given number is positive or negative. Display message accordingly.
10 To separate the odd numbers and even numbers and store them at location 2000h and 3000h
respectively. The source array is at location 1000h. (Use AND operator).
11 To separate the positive numbers and negative numbers and store them at location 2000h and 3000h
respectively. The source array is at location 1000h. (Use AND operator).
12 To separate the odd numbers and even numbers and store them at location 2000h and 3000h
respectively. The source array is at location 1000h. (Use rotate instruction).
13 To separate the positive numbers and negative numbers and store them at location 2000h and 3000h
respectively. The source array is at location 1000h. (Use rotate instruction).
14 To print any character using interrupt.
15 To print a byte number stored at location X using interrupt.
16 To print an array of 10 bytes stored at location starting from 1000h.
17 To print a word number stored at location X using interrupt.
18 To print an array of 10 words stored at location starting from 1000h.
19 To bitwise reverse a given byte number.
20 To read a byte number from the keyboard using interrupt and save it at memory loc X.
21 To print a byte number in its binary format.
22 To read a byte number from the keyboard, print it in binary format and also print the bitwise reverse
23 To read 10 two digit hexadecimal numbers from the keyboard and store them at consecutive memory
location starting from 1000h.
24 To find larger element in an array of 10 bytes.
25 To find smallest element in an array of 10 bytes.
26 To sort an array of 10 bytes in ascending order.
27 To sort an array of 10 bytes in descending order.
28 To input two 2-digit numbers and print their sum in the format (sum=12+34).
29 To position cursor in the middle and print char at cursor position using interrupt.
30 To scroll the page up and display message using interrupt.
31 To input a number and check if its 2 out of 5 code or not.
32 To search for a number in an array.
33 To count the number of occurrences of a given key element in an array of to bytes.
34 To check if two arrays are equal/identical.
35 To print a msg using MACRO.
36 To read numbers, add them and display sum and print msg using MACROs.
37 To read 2 numbers, add them and display their sum using PROCEDURE.
38 To read an array of 10 bytes and display all the elements using PROCEDURE.
39 To find the sum of corresponding elements of two given arrays and store the sum in a third array.
40 To count the number of 1's in each of the numbers in an array X and store the count in array Y.
41 To check if the given number is bitwise palindrome or not.

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