L'arcobaleno Magico - Juan Tamariz - Parte6

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What Is Magic?
In the beginning, it was magic.

/2PROXIMATELY 52,000 years ago, a man and a woman emerged from

' a group that was sitting there, on the floor of the cave, next to the fire.
Dressed and made up, the man and the woman moved their bodies rhyth-
mically, let out shouts that increased in speed and shrillness and, with
their sooty hands, made drawings on the cave walls; they picked up mud,
still moist, wrapped it in a large tree leaf and, molding it with t};leir fingers,
fashioned a head; then they picked up stones and placed some on top of
othe:a;s to build a primitive altar in front of which they imitated the growl
of the lion and the bear, and ran after one another; they related something
about a legendary man who, with only his hands, caught the bear and
killed the lion; they simulated the rain with their fingers and imitated the
zigzag flash of a lightning bolt. The man in the cave threw his pine-branch
wand into the air and deftly caught it behind his back, showed his dry hand
and suddenly it was moist; the imaginary lightning bolt burnt his hand
and, upon his passing the pine wand near it, the red bum disappeared.
N 5

The expressions on the faces in the group changed from astonishment to thread from which their life hung was cut and subsequently restored); the
fear; they huddled together. The man and the woman pointed toward the joyful feeling of levitation, the flow, the rising to the heavens; and finally
sky outside the cave and fell to the ground, exhausted by the frenzy of their three brains-saurian, mammalian, hominid-softened and melded
the dance. Those in the group shouted and beat their open hands against into one. They felt like children and were able to play.
their bodies for a long while, after which they too were exhausted and fell To play the artistic game, useless and extremely beautiful, with life
asleep on the ground. and death, the power of the gods; and miracles: card divinations, invisible
And some dreamed ... travelers, single and multiple changes, here and there, to be or not to be
They dreamed that approximately 52,000 years later, what they had in a single moment.
started there, that night in that cave, would be called dance, music, ballet, And the irradiated playful and positive energy became love: They met
singing, theater, sculpture, painting, religion, medicine and magic. Frakson.
The man's magic of that night was now art (and science and religion) Some among those who awoke approximately 52,000 years later exer-
as well as magic-the magic that spoke of and imitated the power of the cise their voices in singing, their bodies in dance, their speech in theater
gods, of rites and myths, of desire and dreams, in an ancient, universal and and storytelling, their words in poetry, novels and tales, their fingers on the
profound symbolic language. piano keyboard, their steady hands with the brush and the palette knife,
A young man woke up about 52,000 years after this and met Vernon their gestures in pantomime. And some among some, not many among so
and Slydini, saw Lavand and Frakson, visited Fu Manchu and Ascanio, many, exercised at one and the same time their fingers, their gestures, their
communicated with Robert-Houdin and Hofzinser through the written words, their chatting, their bodies (forward and back, tum, relaxation and
word, saw in a little magic box how Copperfield flew and how Doug tension ... ), their gazes crossing with their hands, their hands coordinat-
Henning went back to childhood. He played with the ghosts of Leipzig and . ing with their words, their voices and even their psychology; all to create
Malini, read the Tarbell Course and Stars of Magic, got together with Juan and perform their extremely beautiful and difficult tricks with four Aces,
Anton, Alfredo Florensa, Jose Puchol and Ramon Varela at the Sociedad with ten thimbles, with an Okito Floating Ball, with doves created from
Espanola de Ilusionismo (Spain's main magic society), admired Chung nothing, inexhaustible coins and their triumphs, and the Triumphs of their
Ling Soo's posters, enjoyed the effects of Fred Kaps, felt the emotion of astonishing card magic.
the impossible when a pocket knife changed color, a sponge ball disap- An extremely complex art that demands control of fingers, hands,
peared (dis-a-ppeared!) and cards separated into blacks and reds. body, voice, eyes, words and psychology; an extremely beautiful art that
And he was not the only one who woke up. Others attending that initia- speaks of myths and symbols (with the depth of play!), that enchants and
tory evening in the cave awakened thousands of years later and were able haunts and fascinates and excites every layer of the brain, that brings
to see the magicians of the time, and revive the emotions that combined us headfirst into mystery, that speaks to us of desired dreams-that imi-
to tickle the inner layer of their saurian brains, to arouse the profound tates, not the human being as does theater, not the interior rhythm as
sensations of their mammalian brains and the astonishing intellectual does music, not the trill of birds as does singing, not nature (landscapes,
admiration of their external hominid brains, of thinking beings. In a sec- people, sensations) as do painting and sculpture, not dreams as do mov-
ond, they felt the arcane power of myth again; the ancestral horror vacui ies. Instead it imitates the power of the gods (no less): the fascinating
of disappearance; the horror of death and the victory of resurrection (the total art of magic.

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