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Good morning class today I will be reading an extract from the mystery, thriller novel The

Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins.

The reason I chose this book, is because I love suspense, murder mysteries. This book kept
me on the edge, unable to predict what would happen next. The manner in which the
characters were portrayed, kept me engaged as if I was experiencing their emotions.
This book is told through the point of view of three different women, namely Rachel. Rachel
is a struggling alcoholic and divorcee who cannot get over her ex husband Tom, who
remarries Anna. She takes the same train route to work everyday and every time she passes
she sees the same couple, Meghan and Scott who are living in one of the houses near the
tracks. She begins to obsess about the life they live, and goes as far as fabricating a story
about their perfect relationship, like the one she wished she had. When Meghan goes
missing and is later found dead, it presents the perfect opportunity for Rachel to get
involved. She feels as if she is the only one who can put the pieces together as she knows
something the others don’t, something that shatters the perfect image she created in her
mind…. Meghan’s secret love affair.

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