English Sample Exam Baf 202104

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Sample Exam

Edition 202104
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Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 2


Introduction 4
Sample Exam 5
Answer Key 13
Evaluation 30

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 3


This is the EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) sample exam. The Rules and
Regulations for EXIN’s examinations apply to this exam.

This exam consists of 40 multiple-choice questions. Each multiple-choice question has a number
of possible answers, of which only one is correct.

The maximum number of points that can be obtained for this exam is 40. Each correct answer is
worth 1 point. You need 26 points or more to pass the exam.

The time allowed for this exam is 60 minutes.

Good luck!

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 4

Sample Exam

1 / 40
Which stage of the business change lifecycle identifies if the benefits have been achieved?

A) Alignment
B) Definition
C) Implementation
D) Realization

2 / 40
Which of the following is a principle of business analysis?

A) IT system change first

B) Meeting all requests
C) Root causes not symptoms
D) Solutions not options

3 / 40
What combination of skills does a T-shaped professional have?

A) Deep skills in their specialist discipline and broad, generic skills across other disciplines
B) Generic skills in their specialist discipline and deep skills across other disciplines
C) Deep skills in both their specialist discipline and across other generic disciplines
D) Broad, generic skills in both their specialist discipline and across other generic disciplines

4 / 40
Which of the following are PESTLE factors?

A) Economic and enterprise

B) People and socio-cultural
C) Economic and technological
D) Ecological and legal

5 / 40
What are the elements of the VMOST technique used to analyze an internal environment?

A) Vision, mission, outcomes, strategy, tactics

B) Values, mission, objectives, strategy, tactics
C) Vision, mission, objectives, strategy, targets
D) Vision, mission, objectives, strategy, tactics

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 5

6 / 40
What does a business model canvas describe?

A) The functional decomposition of an organization

B) The rationale of how an organization creates, manages and delivers value
C) The capabilities within an organization
D) The goals and objectives the organization uses to measure strategic performance

7 / 40
Which of the following is not a service in the business analysis service framework?

A) Situation investigation and problem analysis

B) Business acceptance testing
C) Stakeholder management
D) Business change deployment

8 / 40
Which of the following is a technique to help participants visualize the information being captured
during a workshop?

A) Brainwriting
B) Stepwise refinement
C) Round robin
D) Rich picture

9 / 40
Which investigation technique involves watching a specific task being performed?

A) Formal observation
B) Ethnographic studies
C) Shadowing
D) Focus groups

10 / 40
Which investigation technique has the benefit of providing an opportunity to build relationships with
individual stakeholders?

A) Interviews
B) Formal observation
C) Focus groups
D) Surveys

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 6

11 / 40
Which investigation technique involves telling the story of a task or transaction?

A) Round robin discussions

B) Prototyping
C) Scenario analysis
D) User role analysis

12 / 40
Which modelling technique can be used to organize the business analyst's thinking by recording
ideas and topics and the connections between them?

A) Business process model.

B) Mind map
C) Rich picture
D) Use case model

13 / 40
Which of the following are categories of stakeholders in the stakeholder wheel?

A) Suppliers, buyers, and competitors

B) Partners, owners, and sellers
C) Regulators, lawyers, and managers
D) Managers, customers, and employees

14 / 40
What is the power/interest grid used to show?

A) The seniority of stakeholders in the organization

B) The current position of the stakeholder in relation to the project
C) The position the stakeholder should take in relation to the project
D) The future position of stakeholders after go-live

15 / 40
Which of the following is a technique used to analyze stakeholders and develop strategies for
managing them?

A) Stakeholder wheel
B) Personas
D) Power/interest grid.

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 7

16 / 40
In a RACI chart which category would you allocate to a person whose role is to provide information
relevant to the task?

A) Responsible
B) Accountable
C) Consulted
D) Informed

17 / 40
What does the enterprise level of the business process hierarchy represent?

A) The value stream required to deliver products or services

B) The business processes that define the organization’s response to a business event
C) The task that is carried out in response to an initiating event
D) The hierarchy that shows how the organization is structured to deliver products or services

18 / 40
Which of the following can be used to model the enterprise level of the business process hierarchy?

A) UML activity diagram

B) Business activity model
C) Swimlane diagram
D) Value chain diagram

19 / 40
Which of the following are not key components of a business process?

A) The decision points

B) The tasks that make up the business process
C) The circumstances leading to the initiating business event
D) The actors carrying out the tasks

20 / 40
When analyzing as-is processes, which problem refers to tasks which may have been required at
one time but are now unnecessary?

A) Duplication
B) Lack of standardization
C) Inappropriate measures
D) Redundancy

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 8

21 / 40
Which technique examines processes from a customer perspective?

A) Swimlane diagrams
B) Value propositions
C) Five forces model
D) Customer journey maps

22 / 40
Which is the first step in the gap analysis process?

A) Assemble representations of target or desired situation

B) Assemble representations of existing situation
C) Compare representations of existing and target situations
D) Identify gaps to be addressed

23 / 40
Which element of the POPIT model would consider digital services, when conducting a gap

A) Process
B) Organization
C) People
D) Information and technology

24 / 40
Which is the first step in the process for developing options for a solution?

A) Shortlist options
B) Evaluate shortlist
C) Identify possible options
D) Produce business case

25 / 40
In the linear lifecycle for a business case, when is the final decision gate?

A) Prior to requirements analysis and specification

B) Prior to solution design
C) Prior to solution development and implementation
D) Prior to deployment of the change

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 9

26 / 40
Which type of investment appraisal technique takes into account the time value of money?

A) Discounted cash flow

B) Payback (break-even)
C) Internal rate of return
D) Accounting rate of return

27 / 40
Which stage of the Requirements Engineering Framework is concerned with recording narrative
and diagrammatic definitions of the requirements?

A) Requirements elicitation
B) Requirements analysis
C) Requirements documentation
D) Requirements validation

28 / 40
Which group of actors in requirements engineering includes the project sponsor and product

A) The project team

B) The executive committee
C) The business representatives
D) The scrum team

29 / 40
Business requirements comprise of which types of requirement?

A) General and functional

B) Technical and non-functional
C) General and technical
D) Functional and non-functional

30 / 40
Which of the following is not a requirements filter?

A) Unravelling multiple requirements

B) Evaluating feasibility
C) Checking for solutions
D) Slicing requirements

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 10

31 / 40
Which of the following is a text-based documentation style for recording requirements?

A) Requirements catalog
B) Data model
C) Use case model
D) Business process model

32 / 40
Which of the following is not an element of a requirements catalog?

A) Requirement identifier
B) Priority
C) Assumptions
D) Stakeholders

33 / 40
What does the “I want” element of a user story capture?

A) The user role or actor

B) The feature or capability needed
C) The priority of the user story
D) The solution that should be delivered

34 / 40
Which of the following is not an element of a use case diagram?

A) Actor
B) System boundary
C) Attribute
D) Association

35 / 40
In formal requirements validation, what is the responsibility of the business sponsor in a
requirements document review group?

A) To ensure the business needs are expressed clearly and correctly

B) To ensure the requirements reflect correct business practice
C) To ensure the requirements comply with business standards and policies
D) To ensure the requirements align with the business objectives

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 11

36 / 40
Which aspect of requirements management maps requirements from their origin to their

A) Elicitation
B) Identification
C) Traceability
D) Prioritization

37 / 40
In the “V” model lifecycle, from which stage is the system test criteria derived?

A) Define requirements
B) Design solution
C) Develop modules
D) Develop code

38 / 40
Which of the following is an advantage of the waterfall lifecycle?

A) The series of stages incorporate a high level of control.

B) Changes are expected and accepted during the development process.
C) It allows whole deliverables to change sequence through the lifecycle.
D) It allows detailed requirements to evolve through a number of iterations.

39 / 40
In which stage of the business change lifecycle is the business analysis service of business change
deployment conducted?

A) Design and development

B) Implementation
C) Realization
D) Alignment

40 / 40
Which of the following is the initial emotional response to change?

A) Shock
B) Anger
C) Rejection
D) Acceptance

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 12

Answer Key

1 / 40
Which stage of the business change lifecycle identifies if the benefits have been achieved?

A) Alignment
B) Definition
C) Implementation
D) Realization

A) Incorrect. Alignment is concerned with ensuring that the proposed change considers how the
organization’s objectives, policies and architectures and the external business environment are
B) Incorrect. Definition is concerned with conducting analysis, recommending options, and defining the
business and solution requirements.
C) Incorrect. Implementation is concerned with the planning, preparation. and deployment of the
business changes.
D) Correct. Realization is concerned with reviewing the predicted business benefits, identifying those that
have been achieved and identifying where further action is required to achieve those benefits not yet
realized. (Syllabus Section: 1.2)

2 / 40
Which of the following is a principle of business analysis?

A) IT system change first

B) Meeting all requests
C) Root causes not symptoms
D) Solutions not options

A) Incorrect. The principles of business analysis include business improvement not IT system change, to
recognize that IT systems should enable the resolution of the business problem or opportunity.
B) Incorrect. The principles of business analysis include feasible, contributing requirements, not meeting
all requests, to identify requirements that are not feasible and do not contribute to business
C) Correct. The principles of business analysis distinguish between the symptoms of problems and root
causes and investigate and address the root causes of business problems. (Syllabus Section: 1.2)
D) Incorrect. The principles of business analysis include options not solutions, to challenge pre-
determined solutions and identify and evaluate options for meeting business needs.

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 13

3 / 40
What combination of skills does a T-shaped professional have?

A) Deep skills in their specialist discipline and broad, generic skills across other disciplines
B) Generic skills in their specialist discipline and deep skills across other disciplines
C) Deep skills in both their specialist discipline and across other generic disciplines
D) Broad, generic skills in both their specialist discipline and across other generic disciplines

A) Correct. The horizontal bar of the T represents multi-disciplinary breadth of knowledge and skill whilst
the vertical bar represents deep knowledge and skill of a specific domain. (Syllabus Section: 2.1)
B) Incorrect. The T-shaped professional has deep skills in their specialist discipline.
C) Incorrect. The T-shaped professional has deep skills only in their specialist discipline and generic
skills across other disciplines.
D) Incorrect. The T-shaped professional has deep skills in their specialist discipline and broad, generic
skills across other disciplines.

4 / 40
Which of the following are PESTLE factors?

A) Economic and enterprise

B) People and socio-cultural
C) Economic and technological
D) Ecological and legal

A) Incorrect. PESTLE includes economic and environmental factors. PESTLE is used to analyze the
external environment rather than factors within the organization.
B) Incorrect. PESTLE includes political and socio-cultural factors. People within the external environment
are included in the socio-cultural factor, which looks at trends such as changes to demographics and
popularly held viewpoints and opinions.
C) Correct. Economic factors include forces within the international, national, and local economic
environment, whilst technological factors look at trends within technology. (Syllabus Section: 3.2)
D) Incorrect. Ecological factors would be included in the environmental factor of PESTLE, which looks at
trends and influences that are concerned with the natural environment. The legal factor looks at
trends and expectations that have a legal or regulatory impact.

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 14

5 / 40
What are the elements of the VMOST technique used to analyze an internal environment?

A) Vision, mission, outcomes, strategy, tactics

B) Values, mission, objectives, strategy, tactics
C) Vision, mission, objectives, strategy, targets
D) Vision, mission, objectives, strategy, tactics

A) Incorrect. The O in VMOST stands for objectives, although this element does look at the specific
objectives or outcomes that the organization wants to achieve.
B) Incorrect. The V in VMOST stands for vision and defines the target state for the organization.
C) Incorrect. The T in VMOST stands for tactics, which are the specific and detailed means by which the
strategy should be executed.
D) Correct. This technique provides an approach for the development and assessment of an
organization’s strategy. (Syllabus Section: 3.3)

6 / 40
What does a business model canvas describe?

A) The functional decomposition of an organization

B) The rationale of how an organization creates, manages and delivers value
C) The capabilities within an organization
D) The goals and objectives the organization uses to measure strategic performance

A) Incorrect. The business model canvas does not show functions of an organization.
B) Correct. Business models help to align the work of the organization with the desired outcomes and
can be used to assess the current and target state to identify and plan changes. (Syllabus Section:
C) Incorrect. This is a business capability model, which is a pictorial view of what it is an organization
can do.
D) Incorrect. This description is for the balanced scorecard, which is a technique for measuring the
performance of an organization.

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 15

7 / 40
Which of the following is not a service in the business analysis service framework?

A) Situation investigation and problem analysis

B) Business acceptance testing
C) Stakeholder management
D) Business change deployment

A) Incorrect. This includes investigating root causes of problems, identifying where a business need
exists and shaping the project to address this need.
B) Incorrect. This supports business staff in testing new business and IT changes to ensure
C) Correct. This service is not included in the Business Analysis Service Framework (BASF) because it is
an auxiliary service. The value proposition, activities and techniques involved in stakeholder
engagement are relevant whenever a business analyst is conducting any of the other services.
(Syllabus Section: 4.1)
D) Incorrect. This supports the deployment of business and IT changes to ensure a smooth transition.

8 / 40
Which of the following is a technique to help participants visualize the information being captured
during a workshop?

A) Brainwriting
B) Stepwise refinement
C) Round robin
D) Rich picture

A) Incorrect. This technique is similar to brainstorming and is used to generate ideas.

B) Incorrect. This technique is used to get to the heart of the problem by asking “why” continually.
C) Incorrect. This discussion technique is used to encourage participation from workshop attendees.
D) Correct. This technique provides an overview of an entire business situation and can be used to
reflect intangible areas such as the culture of the organization. (Syllabus Section: 5.1)

9 / 40
Which investigation technique involves watching a specific task being performed?

A) Formal observation
B) Ethnographic studies
C) Shadowing
D) Focus groups

A) Correct. This technique is used to increase understanding of the business situation. (Syllabus Section:
B) Incorrect. Ethnographic studies involve spending an extended period of time within a target
C) Incorrect. Shadowing involves following a member of staff for a specific period to find out what a
particular job entails.
D) Incorrect. Focus groups are discussion forums that provide a way of gathering qualitative data.

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 16

10 / 40
Which investigation technique has the benefit of providing an opportunity to build relationships with
individual stakeholders?

A) Interviews
B) Formal observation
C) Focus groups
D) Surveys

A) Correct. One of the major benefits of conducting an interview is that it provides an opportunity to build
a relationship with the individual stakeholders. (Syllabus Section: 5.3)
B) Incorrect. When conducting formal observation, the analyst must position themselves in such a way
that they can see clearly all that is happening but do not interfere with the completion of the task. A
major benefit of interviews is that they provide an opportunity to build a relationship with the individual
C) Incorrect. Focus groups are discussion forums and participants represent a sample of the target
D) Incorrect. Surveys are used to get a limited amount of information from a lot of people.

11 / 40
Which investigation technique involves telling the story of a task or transaction?

A) Round robin discussions

B) Prototyping
C) Scenario analysis
D) User role analysis

A) Incorrect. Round robin discussions are a workshop technique used to encourage participation.
Scenario analysis involves telling the story of a task or transaction.
B) Incorrect. Prototyping is a technique used to help business staff to envisage requirements by building
simulations of a process or system.
C) Correct. Scenario analysis is used to think through the steps followed to carry out a piece of work and
to identify where the standard approach may need to deviate. (Syllabus Section: 5.4)
D) Incorrect. User role analysis is concerned with identifying specific groups of individuals where all of
the members of the group need to access a particular set of services from a business system.

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 17

12 / 40
Which modelling technique can be used to organize the business analyst's thinking by recording
ideas and topics and the connections between them?

A) Business process model.

B) Mind map
C) Rich picture
D) Use case model

A) Incorrect. A business process model is a diagram showing the tasks that need to be carried out in
response to a business event and to achieve a specific goal.
B) Correct. A mind map provides a means of representing all of the issues that have been uncovered
about the situation. (Syllabus Section: 5.8)
C) Incorrect. A rich picture is a pictorial technique offering a free format approach to document aspects
of a business situation.
D) Incorrect. A use case model shows the actors and their interactions with the system.

13 / 40
Which of the following are categories of stakeholders in the stakeholder wheel?

A) Suppliers, buyers, and competitors

B) Partners, owners, and sellers
C) Regulators, lawyers, and managers
D) Managers, customers, and employees

A) Incorrect. Buyers are not included in the stakeholder wheel, they are represented by the customer
B) Incorrect. Sellers are not included in the stakeholder wheel, they are represented by the employees
C) Incorrect. Lawyers are not included in the stakeholder wheel, they are represented by the suppliers
D) Correct. These are all categories of stakeholder in the stakeholder wheel. (Syllabus Section: 6.1)

14 / 40
What is the power/interest grid used to show?

A) The seniority of stakeholders in the organization

B) The current position of the stakeholder in relation to the project
C) The position the stakeholder should take in relation to the project
D) The future position of stakeholders after go-live

A) Incorrect. The seniority of the stakeholders in the organization would be shown by the organization
chart. The power/interest grid reflects other sources of power, not just role-based authority.
B) Correct. The stakeholder's current position is shown on the power/interest grid. (Syllabus Section: 6.2)
C) Incorrect. Stakeholders should be plotted on the power/interest grid where they actually are, not
where they should be.
D) Incorrect. A power/interest grid is used before go-live and shows the current position, not the future

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 18

15 / 40
Which of the following is a technique used to analyze stakeholders and develop strategies for
managing them?

A) Stakeholder wheel
B) Personas
D) Power/interest grid.

A) Incorrect. The stakeholder wheel is used to identify stakeholders, not to analyze them.
B) Incorrect. Personas are used in user role analysis to give more realism to a user role.
C) Incorrect. POPIT is used to provide a holistic view of a business situation.
D) Correct. The power/interest grid includes assessing the weight that should be given to stakeholder
issues in order that strategies for managing them can be explored. (Syllabus Section: 6.2)

16 / 40
In a RACI chart which category would you allocate to a person whose role is to provide information
relevant to the task?

A) Responsible
B) Accountable
C) Consulted
D) Informed

A) Incorrect. This is the person or role responsible for creating or developing the deliverable or
performing the task. The person who provides information relevant to the deliverable or task is
B) Incorrect. This is the person or role who is answerable for the quality of the deliverable or task.
C) Correct. This person is consulted. (Syllabus Section: 6.3)
D) Incorrect. These stakeholders are informed about a deliverable or task but may not have contributed
directly to them.

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 19

17 / 40
What does the enterprise level of the business process hierarchy represent?

A) The value stream required to deliver products or services

B) The business processes that define the organization’s response to a business event
C) The task that is carried out in response to an initiating event
D) The hierarchy that shows how the organization is structured to deliver products or services

A) Correct. The enterprise level of the business process hierarchy represents the high-level activities that
together deliver a product or service to customers, which may be modelled using value-stream or
value-chain diagrams. (Syllabus Section: 7.1)
B) Incorrect. The business processes that define the organization's response to a business event are
represented in the event-response level of the hierarchy. The enterprise level of the business process
hierarchy represents the high-level activities that together deliver a product or service to customers,
which may be modelled using value stream or value-chain diagrams.
C) Incorrect. The task carried out in response to an initiating event is represented in the actor-task level
of the hierarchy.
D) Incorrect. The hierarchy does not show the organization structure, this is shown in an organization

18 / 40
Which of the following can be used to model the enterprise level of the business process hierarchy?

A) UML activity diagram

B) Business activity model
C) Swimlane diagram
D) Value chain diagram

A) Incorrect. The enterprise level of the business process hierarchy is modelled using value-stream or
value-chain diagrams. The enterprise level of the business process hierarchy represents the high-level
activities that together deliver a product or service to customers and may be modelled using value-
stream or value-chain diagrams.
B) Incorrect. The enterprise level of the business process hierarchy is modelled using value-stream or
value-chain diagrams. The enterprise level of the business process hierarchy represents the high-level
activities that together deliver a product or service to customers and may be modelled using value-
stream or value-chain diagrams.
C) Incorrect. The enterprise level of the business process hierarchy is modelled using value-stream or
value-chain diagrams. The enterprise level of the business process hierarchy represents the high-level
activities that together deliver a product or service to customers and may be modelled using value-
stream or value-chain diagrams.
D) Correct. The enterprise level of the business process hierarchy represents the high-level activities that
together deliver a product or service to customers and may be modelled using value-stream or value-
chain diagrams. (Syllabus Section: 7.2)

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 20

19 / 40
Which of the following are not key components of a business process?

A) The decision points

B) The tasks that make up the business process
C) The circumstances leading to the initiating business event
D) The actors carrying out the tasks

A) Incorrect. This is one of the key components of a business process.

B) Incorrect. This is one of the key components of a business process.
C) Correct. The business process is not concerned with how the business event arose, it is merely
reacting to the receipt of the event. (Syllabus Section: 7.3)
D) Incorrect. This is one of the key components of a business process.

20 / 40
When analyzing as-is processes, which problem refers to tasks which may have been required at
one time but are now unnecessary?

A) Duplication
B) Lack of standardization
C) Inappropriate measures
D) Redundancy

A) Incorrect. Duplication is where changes to tasks may have caused them to duplicate part or all of the
work carried out elsewhere. Redundancy refers to tasks which may have been required at one time but
are now unnecessary.
B) Incorrect. A lack of standardization refers to the use of different templates and standards used when
carrying out the work of the tasks.
C) Incorrect. Inappropriate measures occur when the measures used to control the work of the tasks
have become less relevant over time.
D) Correct. Redundancy refers to tasks which may have been required at one time but are now
unnecessary. (Syllabus Section: 7.5)

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 21

21 / 40
Which technique examines processes from a customer perspective?

A) Swimlane diagrams
B) Value propositions
C) Five forces model
D) Customer journey maps

A) Incorrect. A customer swimlane may be included in a swimlane diagram, but other actors are also
included. Customer journey maps examine processes from the customer's perspective.
B) Incorrect. A value proposition clarifies the outcomes offered by an organization from the delivery of its
products or services that the organization believes will be perceived by customers to be beneficial.
C) Incorrect. The five forces model is used to help analyze the organization in its competitive
D) Correct. Customer journey maps examine processes from the customer's perspective. (Syllabus
Section: 7.6)

22 / 40
Which is the first step in the gap analysis process?

A) Assemble representations of target or desired situation

B) Assemble representations of existing situation
C) Compare representations of existing and target situations
D) Identify gaps to be addressed

A) Incorrect. This is the second step in the process. The first step is to assemble representations of the
existing situation.
B) Correct. The first step in the process is to assemble representations of the existing situation.
(Syllabus Section: 8.1)
C) Incorrect. This is the third step in the process. The first step is to assemble representations of the
existing situation.
D) Incorrect. This is the fourth step in the process. The first step is to assemble representations of the
existing situation.

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 22

23 / 40
Which element of the POPIT model would consider digital services, when conducting a gap

A) Process
B) Organization
C) People
D) Information and technology

A) Incorrect. The process element considers process and task definitions, business events and business
rules. Digital services would be considered by the technology element of the model.
B) Incorrect. The organization element considers job roles, management structures, culture, values,
standards, and policies.
C) Incorrect. The people element considers skills, motivation, performance objectives, recruitment,
salaries, and benefits.
D) Correct. Digital services and other forms of technology would be considered by the technology
element of the model. (Syllabus Section: 8.2)

24 / 40
Which is the first step in the process for developing options for a solution?

A) Shortlist options
B) Evaluate shortlist
C) Identify possible options
D) Produce business case

A) Incorrect. This is the second step in the process.

B) Incorrect. This is the third step in the process.
C) Correct. The first step is to identify possible options. (Syllabus Section: 8.3)
D) Incorrect. This is the last step in the process.

25 / 40
In the linear lifecycle for a business case, when is the final decision gate?

A) Prior to requirements analysis and specification

B) Prior to solution design
C) Prior to solution development and implementation
D) Prior to deployment of the change

A) Incorrect. This is when the initial business case is produced. The final decision gate for the business
case takes place before deployment of the change.
B) Incorrect. The business case is confirmed after detailed requirements, but the final decision gate
takes place before deployment of the change.
C) Incorrect. The business case is confirmed once development costs have been implemented but the
final decision gate takes place before deployment of the change.
D) Correct. The final decision gate takes place before the change is deployed. (Syllabus Section: 9.1)

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 23

26 / 40
Which type of investment appraisal technique takes into account the time value of money?

A) Discounted cash flow

B) Payback (break-even)
C) Internal rate of return
D) Accounting rate of return

A) Correct. Discounted cash flow is a method that takes account of the time value of money and this
leads to a net present value for the project. (Syllabus Section: 9.6)
B) Incorrect. Payback is a cash-flow forecast for the project. Discounted cash flow is the technique that
takes into account the time value of money.
C) Incorrect. The internal rate of return is a calculation that assesses the return on investment from
projects in terms of a single percentage figure. Discounted cash flow is the technique that takes into
account the time value of money.
D) Incorrect. Accounting rate of return, also known as the average rate of return, is a financial ratio used
in capital budgeting. Discounted cash flow is the technique that takes into account the time value of

27 / 40
Which stage of the Requirements Engineering Framework is concerned with recording narrative
and diagrammatic definitions of the requirements?

A) Requirements elicitation
B) Requirements analysis
C) Requirements documentation
D) Requirements validation

A) Incorrect. The elicitation stage is concerned with drawing out requirements from the stakeholders.
B) Incorrect. The analysis stage is concerned with reviewing and analyzing the elicited requirements in
order to remove duplication or error, negotiate conflicts and contradictions and evaluate feasibility
and allocate priorities.
C) Correct. This stage produces narrative and diagrammatic definitions of the requirements at varying
levels of accuracy and completeness. (Syllabus Section: 10.1)
D) Incorrect. The requirements validation stage is concerned with reviewing requirements in order to
assure that they are defined at the required level of quality.

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 24

28 / 40
Which group of actors in requirements engineering includes the project sponsor and product

A) The project team

B) The executive committee
C) The business representatives
D) The scrum team

A) Incorrect. The sponsor and product owner are part of the business representatives group of actors.
The project team is the other broad stakeholder group and includes the project manager, business
analyst, developer and tester.
B) Incorrect. The executive committee is the senior leadership board for the organization. The sponsor
and product owner are part of the business representatives group of actors. In some cases the project
sponsor may be part of the steering committee, but the product owner is not.
C) Correct. The sponsor and product owner are part of the business representatives group of actors. The
project sponsor represents the business in ensuring the business objectives are met. The product
owner role is used in Agile software development and is the custodian of the product or solution
backlog. (Syllabus Section: 10.2)
D) Incorrect. The scrum team comprises the development team, scrum master and product owner. The
product owner is part of the business representatives group of actors as well, along with the sponsor.

29 / 40
Business requirements comprise of which types of requirement?

A) General and functional

B) Technical and non-functional
C) General and technical
D) Functional and non-functional

A) Incorrect. Functional requirements are solution requirements.

B) Incorrect. Non-functional requirements are solution requirements.
C) Correct. Business requirements comprise general and technical requirements. (Syllabus Section: 10.3)
D) Incorrect. Functional and non-functional requirements are solution requirements.

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 25

30 / 40
Which of the following is not a requirements filter?

A) Unravelling multiple requirements

B) Evaluating feasibility
C) Checking for solutions
D) Slicing requirements

A) Incorrect. This is a requirements filter as multiple requirements must be split into individual, atomic
B) Incorrect. This is a requirements filter as all requirements should be evaluated to see if they are
C) Incorrect. This is a requirements filter as some requirements do not state a business need to be
addressed but instead are a pre-defined solution.
D) Correct. Slicing requirements refers to the iterative process of completing requirements work in
sections or 'slices'. (Syllabus Section: 10.6)

31 / 40
Which of the following is a text-based documentation style for recording requirements?

A) Requirements catalog
B) Data model
C) Use case model
D) Business process model

A) Correct. A requirements catalog is a text-based documentation style. (Syllabus Section: 11.1)

B) Incorrect. This is a diagrammatic documentation style. Text-based documentation styles include
requirements catalogs and user stories.
C) Incorrect. This is a diagrammatic documentation style.
D) Incorrect. This is a diagrammatic documentation style.

32 / 40
Which of the following is not an element of a requirements catalog?

A) Requirement identifier
B) Priority
C) Assumptions
D) Stakeholders

A) Incorrect. The requirement identifier is the unique identifier for the requirement and is an element of a
requirements catalog.
B) Incorrect. The priority shows the level of priority of the requirement and is an element of a
requirements catalog.
C) Correct. Assumptions are recorded in a RAID or CARDI log but are not included in a requirements
catalog. (Syllabus Section: 11.2)
D) Incorrect. The job roles or names of any stakeholders with a particular interest in the resolution of the
requirement are an element of the requirements catalog.

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 26

33 / 40
What does the “I want” element of a user story capture?

A) The user role or actor

B) The feature or capability needed
C) The priority of the user story
D) The solution that should be delivered

A) Incorrect. The user role or actor is recorded by the "as a" element of a user story.
B) Correct. The "I want" element of a user story captures the feature or capability needed. (Syllabus
Section: 11.3)
C) Incorrect. The priority is not part of the user story format. The order of the product backlog typically
reflects the priority of the user story.
D) Incorrect. The solution that should be delivered is not part of the user story format.

34 / 40
Which of the following is not an element of a use case diagram?

A) Actor
B) System boundary
C) Attribute
D) Association

A) Incorrect. This is an element of a use case diagram and refers to whoever or whatever expects a
service from the system.
B) Incorrect. This is an element of a use case diagram and shows the boundary of the system and where
the interactions cross the boundary.
C) Correct. Attributes are part of class diagrams but are not shown in use case diagrams. (Syllabus
Section: 11.4)
D) Incorrect. This is an element of a use case diagram and indicates which actors need to interact with
each use case.

35 / 40
In formal requirements validation, what is the responsibility of the business sponsor in a
requirements document review group?

A) To ensure the business needs are expressed clearly and correctly

B) To ensure the requirements reflect correct business practice
C) To ensure the requirements comply with business standards and policies
D) To ensure the requirements align with the business objectives

A) Incorrect. This is the responsibility of the business owners.

B) Incorrect. This is the responsibility of the subject matter expert.
C) Incorrect. This is the responsibility of the project office representatives.
D) Correct. The business sponsor reviews the requirements to ensure they align with the business
objectives and do not concern areas that are outside the scope of the project. (Syllabus Section: 12.1)

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 27

36 / 40
Which aspect of requirements management maps requirements from their origin to their

A) Elicitation
B) Identification
C) Traceability
D) Prioritization

A) Incorrect. Elicitation refers to 'drawing out' the requirements from the business staff and other
B) Incorrect. Requirements identification is concerned with ensuring that each requirement can be
uniquely identified.
C) Correct. Traceability is concerned with the origins and ownership of a requirement, and the eventual
outcome achieved. (Syllabus Section: 12.2)
D) Incorrect. Prioritization is concerned with the ordering of requirements in terms of their importance
and the urgency with which they must be satisfied.

37 / 40
In the “V” model lifecycle, from which stage is the system test criteria derived?

A) Define requirements
B) Design solution
C) Develop modules
D) Develop code

A) Incorrect. The acceptance criteria is derived from the define requirements stage.
B) Correct. The system test criteria is derived from the design solution stage. (Syllabus Section: 13.1)
C) Incorrect. The unit test criteria is derived from the develop modules stage.
D) Incorrect. The code is developed in the develop solution stage at the bottom of the "V" and is not a
source for test criteria in the "V" model lifecycle.

38 / 40
Which of the following is an advantage of the waterfall lifecycle?

A) The series of stages incorporate a high level of control.

B) Changes are expected and accepted during the development process.
C) It allows whole deliverables to change sequence through the lifecycle.
D) It allows detailed requirements to evolve through a number of iterations.

A) Correct. The principal benefit of the waterfall lifecycle is that it provides a strong basis for firm and
clear management of the project. (Syllabus Section: 13.2)
B) Incorrect. This is an advantage of an iterative model, but not a feature of the waterfall lifecycle.
C) Incorrect. This is a disadvantage of the waterfall lifecycle.
D) Incorrect. This is an advantage of the iterative lifecycle.

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 28

39 / 40
In which stage of the business change lifecycle is the business analysis service of business change
deployment conducted?

A) Design and development

B) Implementation
C) Realization
D) Alignment

A) Incorrect. The design and development stage is concerned with the detailed specification,
development and testing of the solution, including business processes and related tasks and the
software that is needed to support them.
B) Correct. Implementation is concerned with planning, preparation, and deployment of the business
changes. (Syllabus Section: 14.1)
C) Incorrect. Realization is concerned with review of the predicted business benefits with a view to
identifying those that have been achieved and identifying where further action is needed to achieve
those benefits still to be realized.
D) Incorrect. Alignment is concerned with ensuring that the organization’s objectives and strategy are
aligned with the external business world, and that any proposed business changes are aligned with
internal policies and architectures.

40 / 40
Which of the following is the initial emotional response to change?

A) Shock
B) Anger
C) Rejection
D) Acceptance

A) Correct. Shock is the initial emotional response to a change initiative. (Syllabus Section: 14.3)
B) Incorrect. Anger is the second response when people begin to understand what the change means for
C) Incorrect. The rejection response occurs when someone feels angry about the change and rejects the
ideas and direction.
D) Incorrect. Acceptance develops after rejection and reflects a sense that the change is definitely
happening, so it is best to accept it.

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 29


The table below shows the correct answers to the questions in this sample exam.

Question Answer Question Answer

1 D 21 D
2 C 22 B
3 A 23 D
4 C 24 C
5 D 25 D
6 B 26 A
7 C 27 C
8 D 28 C
9 A 29 C
10 A 30 D
11 C 31 A
12 B 32 C
13 D 33 B
14 B 34 C
15 D 35 D
16 C 36 C
17 A 37 B
18 D 38 A
19 C 39 B
20 D 40 A

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 30

Sample Exam EXIN BCS Business Analysis Foundation (BAF.EN) 31
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